Ryan Webb Fort Wayne IN: Golf and Business

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Ryan Webb Fort Wayne IN: Golf and Business Ryan Webb of Fort Wayne, Indiana is a real estate investment veteran. He has more than ten years of experience in finding and acquiring profitable real estate and is building a valuable real estate portfolio he can be proud of. He is an avid golfer and knows that the golf course is a time-honored place for advancing business relationships, and even for closing deals. Historically, some business people have found the role of golf so important to their business endeavors that they have advised younger associates to learn the game just to enhance their futures. Fortunately for Ryan Webb of Fort Wayne, Indiana, no such extra effort is necessary, since he already plays. Knowing the value of golf to business relationships, and what a valuable networking tool it can be, Ryan Webb of Fort Wayne, Indiana has been the one to advise others to learn the game. He tells golf newcomers to start slowly, and with a focus on putting. He reminds them of one of golf's oldest maxims: you drive for show but putt for dough. In other words, putting can make or break your game. He believes that getting the hang of putting establishes a good foundation of control, and the important idea of focusing on a target. Developing the ability to sink a ball, even if it's just from three or four feet, is a great confidence builder for new players. Ryan Webb of Fort Wayne, Indiana says that chipping and short pitch shots, and using a specific target, are the next golf skills to develop after putting. This, he says, gives new players a good sense of solid ball contact, and how it really takes very little power to hit the ball a fair amount of distance. The final skill to start working on is the full swing. Ryan Webb of Fort Wayne, Indiana recommends swinging a driver without even hitting a ball, just to get a feel for the club's balance and for developing your own form. The form, he says, is critical: it involves grip, stance, and a fluid swing, coupled with a good follow through. It sounds easy, but he reminds new players that it isn't; it takes a lot of practice and patience to develop an ideal swing. Developing golfers should practice all of their new skills regularly. Golf is never easy and Ryan Webb of Fort Wayne, Indiana tells players that they can't expect to become good golfers in a short period of time. Golf has been the source of frustration for legions of players over the decades. Learning to play well takes a lot of practice, just like anything else. To get more information about Ryan Webb of Fort Wayne, Indiana visit at http://ryan-webb-


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