Specialized Consumer Strategies - How to Increase Your Workplace Diversity Specialized Consumer Strategies is a personal and business financial consulting firm that has helped numerous individuals regain control of their finances and understand credit. The company was formed by a team of five members, and has now grown to over thirty representatives. Achieving growth and success has been attributed to the wealth and skill the representatives have demonstrated over the years. Additionally, SCS has focused on employing a diverse group of staff that have experience in a number of fields, including project management, tax consulting, and insurance. It is to a company’s benefit to promote workplace diversity. Having individuals of different backgrounds, age, race and skills enables the company to have a resource pool it can tap into to meet various needs. But just like Specialized Consumer Strategies, approaching the hiring process has to be done carefully. After all, retaining employees takes more effort than recruiting. Human resources personnel looking to play an active role should consider the following:
Identify your needs. Does your workforce resemble the target demographic or community you work in? If not, come up with a hiring strategy that addresses this need.
Ask your current employees to provide referrals. Chances are they have peers or contacts in the industry or qualified individuals in the market for work. These relationships can also aid new employees to familiarize with the company on the fly. You can also consider providing rewards for employees who make successful referrals.
Train your current workforce on the importance of diversity. Every employee should know that new hires are made based on qualifications and skill, and not as a means to fill numbers. Ensure the recruiting process is transparent to eliminate any doubts. Additionally, ensure the management team understands the benefits of diversity so they can play an active role in supporting the practice.
Work on retaining new hires. You want to give new hires a reason to stay, and this happens when you take the time to help them familiarize themselves with the company culture. The first few weeks will be difficult for new employees, so it’s important you show them they can make it. Set up mentoring programs that enable them foster close working relationships, and ensure opportunities for advancement are open to them.
When approached well, diversity in the workplace can work to the company’s advantage. However, it requires effort from the employer. Specialized Consumer Strategies defined what it wanted diversity to look like, and they recruited and hired according to its vision.
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