Tambi Renee: Spay/Neuter Pets Tambi Renee is an advocate of spaying and neutering household pets. She believes that spaying and neutering helps to prevent animal suffering and promotes the longetivity of a pet’s life. Tambi Renee loves animals, and believes that pet overpopulation leads to animal neglect and needless animal suffering. Tambi Renee believes that people should be proactive about spaying and neutering their animals at an early age.
Tambi Renee: Prevent Animal Homelessness Tambi Renee believes that animal homelessness can be greatly reduced through the act of spaying and neutering household pets. Spaying or neutering household pets, says Tambi Renee, can help to reduce the pet population, as well as the likelihood of neglect. Tambi Renee is an advocate for abandoned, lost or suffering animals. She is a firm believer in pet spaying and neutering, which helps to prevent animal suffering.
Tambi Renee is an advocate for abandoned, lost or suffering animals. She is a firm believer in pet spaying and neutering, which helps to prevent animal suffering.
Declawing can be extremely harmful and painful to a cat. Tambi Renee recommends avoiding the procedure at all costs.
Avoid Declawing, Says Tambi Renee Tambi Renee is passionate about protecting the health of animals, particularly those that serve as friendly household companions. She understands that our pets rely on us for companionship, and that people must do everything they can to keep them from harm. One way a person can protect their cat from harm, Tambi Renee says, is to avoid the painful and debilitating act of declawing.
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