Uday Joshi of Massachusetts Contributes to Sustainably Developing the Water Summary: Through the deepening drought in the western states, Uday Joshi must find a silver lining Location: Santa Fe, NM Uday Joshi a Hearing Examiner in the state of New Mexico, where he has resided for 14 years and he loves it. He works mainly on issues concerning water resources and its development and uses. With a master’s degree in Water Resources, and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of New Mexico, Uday Joshi of Massachusetts has developed a passion in the regulations and securities that are essential for water health. But Uday Joshi’s main concern is the fact that New Mexico, just like all the other western states, often faces years upon years of drought conditions, with very little rain during the rainy season to compensate for the lost moisture. As it is everywhere, water is an essential element to life in New Mexico, and without the proper amount, things can become pretty drastic. So that means that the little water that we do receive needs to be properly managed and stored so that it can be utilized to its maximum effectiveness for everyone that is in either a rural area or an urban area. Throughout the country, cities and people are reliant on the snow run-offs in the mountains that, when melted, are stored in reservoirs and watersheds. It is Uday Joshi’s job to find the balance that is necessary for supply and demand. His aim is to use his hard-earned skill set and foster the development and modernization of water storage, including aquifer storage and recovery. Joshi also wants to support the rebuilding of the city’s water infrastructure and thus reduce water loss which could lead to an economic gain. Uday Joshi of New Mexico is an ALJ and Hearing Examiner in the state of New Mexico, where he oversees and regulates hearings based on various dilemmas facing water resources in his state. He has been a Lead Counsel to the Water Trust Board in New Mexico, as well as serving as Special Assistant Attorney General in New Mexico. Through these roles, he has tried to solve problems that arise from conflicts over water resources. For more information visit at: https://www.smore.com/u/udayjoshimassachusetts