Digital Payment Types
In 2016, more and more customers adopted digital payment types through all channels, using their phones, cards and even watches to complete contactless payments – this is set to continue and expand in 2017 where, Pure Net predicts that every customer will expect to be able to complete their transaction using a digital wallet.
The Rise of Fast Delivery The majority of retailers now offer next day delivery if ordered before 10pm. Pure Net predicts same-day delivery will continue to rise in 2017, and more ecommerce integrations with dropoff point providers such as Doddle.
Ecommerce Personalization, Big Data and AI
2017 is the year that retailers will embrace personalization and Artificial Intelligence – starting by collecting behavioral data from each website visitor and moving on to developing highly targeted campaigns based on customer segments and previous online experiences.
Mobile Mobile Mobile This year, expectations are mobile commerce sales will account for over £25billion, an increase of more than 25%. This figure is predicted to continue to increase, reaching over £30billion in 2017 and £42billion by 2020.
Introducing Chat bots 2017 will see these two trends combine to deliver a new way of shopping and communicating, – chat bots. Chat bots are AI-led automated messenger services that allow your customers to engage with your brand via instant messenger. The smartest Chat bots detect exactly what the customer is looking for, suggests products, places orders, answers customer service queries and even detects the style of language used in order to converse in a similar manner.
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- 1-888-788-3247