Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar Kuwait Parish (Since 1963)
Parish Bulletin - July 2011 - Issue – VII 48 Years of LIGHTED to LIGHTEN Service in Kuwait
Website: Email: A monthly publication of Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish (For Private Circulation Only)
Sunday School A Word of Gratitude
KMVBS-2011 was a blessed experience for all the participants. While thanking our Lord Almighty, we extend our sincere gratitude to our KMVBS Director Mr. Anil K. Sam (Assistant director, CSSM & Scripture Union) also we take this opportunity to specially thank our KMVBS Family for their support and leadership for making the KMVBS 2011 a big success.
Summer Vacation
Sunday School is closed for Summer vacation till 2nd September 2011 and will resume after summer vacation on 9th September 2011.
Memory Verse (Talent Test)
Memory Verse (Talent Test) will be held on 23rd September 2011. All the children are requested to make use of the revised version of the precious book “Golden Verses� and come prepared for the talent test.
Kuwait Mar Thoma Homeland Fellowship 2011
'Kuwait Marthoma Homeland Fellowship 2011' is scheduled to be conducted on 19th July 2011 (Tuesday) at Thiruvalla. His Grace The Most Rev. Dr. Philipose Mar Chrysostom Mar Thoma Valiya Metropolitan will be the chief guest of this event. The active members of our Parish those who are back in India during this summer vacation period are requested to attend this fellowship. For more details contact Mr. P E Thomas Kalamannil (Convenor) Res. # 0469 2664066, Mob. # 9447563256
One Day Fasting Prayer
Kuwait Mar Thoma Edavaka Mission is conducting a fasting prayer on 14th Thursday morning to 15th Friday morning. We request all our church members to participate in fasting and attend the Special Edavaka Mission Thursday evening prayer at Rythum hall and fasting prayer morning service at marina hall. For more details contact Edavaka Mission office bearers.
Family Get together
One day family get together will be held during EID holidays, Details of the program will be announced later.
Inter Prayer Group Bible Quiz
The Inter Prayer Group Bible Quiz of 2011 will be held on Saturday, 15th October 2011. Venue will be announced later. The Portions for this year will be the Book of Esther, 1st Corinthians, Church History, Christian topics and current events. Advance notification is provided in order that we have ample time for preparation. Kindly make sure that all our Prayer Groups will participate in this Bible Quiz and make it a grand success. Convener: Adv. Jacob Varghese – Mob - 66245490
Greetings to all Parish members who are celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary.
Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish expresses heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members on the sad demise of their beloved ones. May God’s care strengthen and comfort them.
Regular Programmes Sunday School: Friday 3:15 pm to 5:15 PM at Marina Hall Yuvajana Sakhyam: All Saturdays, except 2nd Saturday at 7:30 pm. Choir: All Saturdays-Junior Choir & Senior Choir - 7pm Sevika Sanghom: All Saturdays - Abbassiya at 5 pm, City at 4:30 pm, All Tuesdays - Salmiya at 5pm, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays – Riggai at 5 pm. Edavaka Mission: Fellowship meetings on all Thursdays 7:15pm at Rythum Hall, Abbassiya. Cottage fellowship on 1st & 3rd Thursdays at Salmiya.
Voluntary Mission: Last Thursday of every month at 7 pm. Teenagers Meeting: Thursday at 5:00pm at Abbassiya. Young Adults Meeting: Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Senior Youth Forum: Every 2nd Saturday at Abbasiya at 7.30 pm. Senior Forum: At 7.30 p.m. on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.
Schedule - July 2011 1-Friday
6.30 am
Fasting Prayer
Marina Hall
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
6.30 am
Divine Worship
Marina Hall
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
6.30 am
Fasting Prayer
Marina Hall
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
6.30 am
Divine Worship
Marina Hall
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
6.30 am
Fasting Prayer & Witnessing Day
Marina Hall
Lectionary - July 2011 Date
1st Lesson
2nd Lesson
St. Thomas the Apostle’s Day: “My Lord and My God” (Tithe Offering)
Isa. 52:7-15
2 Tim. 3:10-17
‘Priest: Minister of the Word’
2 Tim.4:1-18
People of God : Royal Priesthood
1 Sam.3:l-14
1 Pet.2:1-10
‘Grace that receive through the Sacraments
Deut. 6:4-25
‘Anointing the Sick Healing of the Body Mind and Spirit
2 Kings.20:1-11
Parish Office facilities are available on Fridays after service at Marina Hall. Please do visit our website for updates and information’s of our parish.