Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar Kuwait (Since 1963)
Parish Bulletin, April 2012, Issue – IV 49th Year of LIGHTED to LIGHTEN Service in Kuwait " For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." 1 Corinthians 11:26
Website: Email: Parish Office facilities are available on Fridays after service at Marina Hall. Please do visit our website for updates and information’s of our parish. A monthly publication of Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish (For Private Circulation Only)
Warm Welcome: Rev. P T Thomas (Mar Thoma Sabha Secretary)
Cordial Welcome to our Vicar Very Rev. K. O. Philipose
Holy Communion celebrated Friday 16th morning was a historical moment for the Kuwait Mar Thoma Members worshiping in Marina Hall. As the church bell resounded exactly at 5:50 AM in the Marina Hall Abbassiya, the 2,500 parishioners were spellbound with Praise and Worship in their lips, as they witnessed the revival of their Mar Thoma Church after a gap of 14 Months. Also, more than 8,000 viewers watched this momentous occasion from different parts of the world, through the LIVE Internet Stream.
The newly appointed Vicar Very Rev. K O Philipose (Vicar General of Mar Thoma Church) celebrated the Holy Communion assisted by Rev. K G Koshy , Rev. Binju Kuruvilla and Rev. Johny Andrews. Parish Secretary Mr. Mathew Varghese made a brief announcement and the Vicepresident of the Parish, Adv. John Thomas accorded a warm welcome to the newly appointed Vicar Very Rev. K O Philipose and other guests. He also thanked each and every one who worked prayerfully for the Church. It was a festive fervor all around as the parishioners congratulated and hugged each other to express their joy and thereafter took part in the love feast – Agape, arranged by the Church to express their happiness.
Students Dedication Prayer A dedication prayer for children those who are going to school for the first time is scheduled to be held on Palm Sunday, April 1st 2012, at Marina Hall, 6.30pm.
Sunday School VBS - 2012 Date: 8 to 18 June 2012 Venue: Will be announced later Theme: "GET SET GO" Dedication of all Officials As a called community we have the responsibility to be a part of the Lord’s ministry. Let this new fiscal Year help us to renew our mission with new vision. May the Lord help us in this effort. Dedication of all officials of the parish will be held on Friday 13th April 2012 during the fasting prayer service
Greetings Greetings to all Parish members who are celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary.Thanksgiving prayer will be held during the services
Obituary Mr. Moni Mathew 42 years, Melethil, Cherukole, Kozhenchery, Hebron Prayer Group. Mother Parish: Kozhencherry St. Thomas Mrs. Sosamma Varghese (Susan) 62 years, Valiyamannil Valiplackal, Keezhvaiypoor, wife of Mr.P Mammen Varghese (Rajan), Kerith Prayer Group. Mother Parish: Keezhvaipoor St. Thomas We offer our heart-felt condolence on the sad demise and pray to the Almighty that the bereaved family find the solace in God.
Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish expresses heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members on the sad demise of their beloved ones. May God’s care strengthen and comfort them.
Regular Programmes Sunday School: Friday 3:15 pm to 5:15 PM at Marina Hall Yuvajana Sakhyam: All Saturdays, except 2nd Saturday at 7:30 pm. Choir: All Saturdays-Junior Choir & Senior Choir - 7pm Sevika Sanghom: All Saturdays - Abbassiya at 5 pm, City at 4:30 pm, All Tuesdays - Salmiya at 5pm, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays – Riggai at 5 pm.
Edavaka Mission: Fellowship meetings on all Thursdays 7:15pm at Rythum Hall, Abbassiya. Cottage fellowship on 1st & 3rd Thursdays at Salmiya.
Schedule - April 2012 1st Palm Sunday.
6.30 pm
Holy Communion
Marina Hall
5th Maundy Thur.
6.00 pm
Holy Communion
Marina Hall
6th Good Friday.
2.00 am
Good Friday Service
Marina Hall
8th Easter Sunday
4.00 am 6.30 am
Holy Communion
12 - Thur.
7.15 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
13 - Friday
6.00 am
Fasting Prayer
Marina Hall
19 - Thur.
7.15 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
20 - Friday
6.00 am 3.15 pm
Holy Communion Sunday School
Marina Hall
26 - Thur.
7.15 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
27 - Friday
6.00 am 3.15 pm
Holy Communion Sunday School
Marina Hall
Marina Hall
Verses for the month of April 2012 Date
Hosana – Messiah the Prince of Peace (Song 134) (Theol. Seminary day)
Passion Week (Hasa) (Song 144) Monday
Tuesday (Song 164)
Zech.9:9-12 Eph. 1:3-10 Heb. 5:1-10 Lev.2:1-16 Acts.13:26-43 St.Mat.21:23-46 Isa.52:1-15 Acts.13:44-52 St.Mat.22:3423:12
St.Mat. 22:1-14 St.Mat. 23:13-22
Wednesday (Song 166)
Isa.28:14-29 Col.1:9-22 St.Mat.24:29-51
St.Mat. 25:1-13
Passover Thursday Holy Qurbana : Remembrance of Salvation (Song 313)
Exo.12:1-17 Heb.9:1-151 Cor.11:23-34 St.Mat.26:1-16
St.Mat. 26:17-30
Good Friday- First Service- Salvation through Christ(Song 137)
Isa.53:1-12 1Pet.1:1-25 St.Mat.26:47-75
Good Friday- Second Service- Salvation through Christ(Song 146)
Zech.13:1-9 Gal.3:1-22 St.Mat.27:1-44
Good Friday- Third Service- Salvation through Christ(Song 147)
Num.21:1-9 Heb.3:1-19 St.Mat.27:45-56
Easter Sunday Resurrection: Festival of Hope(Song 156)
2Kings.4:27-37 1Cor.15:1-20
New Sunday-The Faith that we have to Confess (Song 214)
Job.42:1-5 Acts.9.1-18
Lord who reveals through the Word and Breaking ofthe Bread (Song 315)
Exo.16:29-36 2John.1-8
1Cor. 10:14-21
Restoring and Commissioning (Song 213)
1Kings.19:1-16 Rev.2:1-7