M Mar Thoma Syriian Church of Maalabar Ku uwait Parish (Sincce 1963)
Parish Buulletin, Deccember 20111, Issue – XII 48 Yeaars of LIGH HTED to LIG GHTEN Servvice in Kuw wait
t 48th Parish Da ay 48th Parrish Day te elecast on Jeevan TTV, Friday 02 & 03 Decemb ber 2011 @ 9.00pm 9 to 9..30pm.(KWTT)
Christma as Carol Rou unds from 3rd to 21st Dec cember 2011. Christma as Carol Serrvice on 24thh Decembe r 2011.
Website: ww ww.q8marthoma.com Em mail: sec@ku uwaitmartho oma.org A monthly pub blication of Kuwait K Mar Th homa Parish (For Private Circ culation Only))
Events s Dec 01,, 2011: Beginn ning of 25 Dayys Lent D 04, 2011: Bible Sundayy Dec Dec 11 1, 2011: Birth of John the B Baptist Dec 21 1, 2011: Mar Thoma T Church h Day Dec 25, 201 11: Birth of Ou ur Saviour (Fe east of Nativityy) (End of 25 Days D Fast) Date : Dec 31, 2011: Year End ding
CHRISTTMAS CA AROL SER RVICE “For unto us a child is boorn, to us a son is given, aand the goveernment willl be b on his sho oulders. And d he will be called c Wondderful Counselor, Mightyy God, G Everlastting Father, Prince P of Pea ace.” – Isaiahh 9: 6 Th he hallowed d season has h come again a to G Glorify the God G in the e hig ghest. Our Kuwait Ma arthoma Ch hurch Christ mas Carol Service will be e held on Sa aturday 24thh Decembe er 2011, at M Marina Hall, Abbassiya,, att 6:30 pm. To celebrrate and praise p the b birth of ourr Wonderful Co ounselor an nd Prince of o Peace; joining the chorus of Angels; A ourr Church Choirr (Senior & Junior) J will siing Carols a and the theme shall be e Gloria in Exc celsis Deo (G Glory be to God on Hig gh)”. “G Le et us join in n to make it a cherish hed event with a spirit like a ca andle, burns brightest at a Christmasstime.
Chrisstmas Ca arol Roun nds Christmas Ca arol rounds of o Kuwait Mar M Thoma P Parish is sche edule to be e eld from 3rdd to 21st December 2011. For morre information contactt he co onvenor: Mrr. William K. Daniel. Mo obile # 66367 7565.
Wa atch Night Praye er Abbassiya:-- U.I.S. Audiitorium (9.30 0 PM – 12.30 0 AM) Salmiya:- Venue will be e announce ed later (9.3 30 PM – 12.3 30 AM)
Annual Exam
Friday 16-Dec
Marina Hall
Christmas Programme
Friday 23-Dec
Marina Hall
Greetings to all Parish members who are celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary. Thanksgiving prayer will be held during the services
Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish express heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members on the sad demise of their beloved ones. May God’s care strengthen and comfort them.
Regular Programmes
Sunday School: Friday 3:15 pm to 5:15 PM at Marina Hall Yuvajana Sakhyam: All Saturdays, except 2nd Saturday at 7:30 pm. Choir: All Saturdays-Junior Choir & Senior Choir - 7pm Sevika Sanghom: All Saturdays - Abbassiya at 5 pm, City at 4:30 pm, All Tuesdays - Salmiya at 5pm, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays – Riggai at 5 pm. Edavaka Mission: Fellowship meetings on all Thursdays 7:15pm at Rythum Hall, Abbassiya. Cottage fellowship on 1st & 3rd Thursdays at Salmiya.
Voluntary Mission: Last Thursday of every month at 7 pm. Teenagers Meeting: Thursday at 5:00pm. Young Adults Meeting: Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Senior Youth Forum: Every 2nd Saturday 7.30 pm. Senior Forum: At 7.30 p.m. on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Parish Office facilities are available on Fridays after service at Marina Hall. Please do visit our website www.q8marthoma.com for updates and information’s of our parish.
Sched dule - Dec cember 20 011 1-Thursday
7.00 pm
Edav. Mission M Prayyer
Marrina Hall
2 - Friday
6.30 am 9.00 am
Fastting Prayer Sund day School
Marrina Hall
8 -Thur.
7.15 pm
Edav. Mission M Prayyer
Rhytthm Hall
9 - Friday
6.30 am 2.30 pm
Divine Worship day School Sund
Marrina Hall
15 - Thur.
7.15 pm
Edav. Mission M Prayyer
Rhytthm Hall
16 - Friday
6.30 am 3.15 pm
Fastting Prayer Sund day School
Marrina Hall
22 - Thur.
7.15 pm
Edav. Mission M Prayyer
Rhytthm Hall
23 - Friday
6.30 am 3.15 pm
Divine Worship Sund day School
Marrina Hall
29 - Thur.
7.15 pm
Edav. Mission M Prayyer
Rhytthm Hall
30 - Friday
6.30 am 3.15 pm
Witn nessing Dayy Sund day School
Marrina Hall
Lectio onary - De ecember 2 2011 Date D
Title e
1st Lessson
2ndd Lesson
Visittation of Maryy to Elizabeth ‘Be earers of Good d News’ Bible Sunda ay
Gen.33: 1-17
2 Cor. C 1:3-11
Birtth of John the e Baptist (2nd S Sunday before Christmas)
Isa.55:6 6-13
Acts s. 11:19-26
Annu unciation to Jo oseph (Sunday y before Christmas)
Isa.11:1 1-10
1Jo ohn.5:1-12
M Mar Thoma Church Day
Isa. 22:2 20-24
1 Co or. 1:18-25
Yaldo o - Birth of Ourr Saviour (Fea ast of Na ativity) (End off 25 Days Fast)
Isa. 9: 1-8
Gal. 4:1-7
Year E Ending - (Watcch Night Servic ce) Exo.33:1 12-23 “G God who is alw ways with us”
Heb b. 13:7-21