Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar Kuwait City Mar Thoma Parish (Since 1963)
Parish Bulletin, May 2012, Issue – 1 49th year of LIGHTED to LIGHTEN service in Kuwait Historic moment of Joy ……you will be called as
" Kuwait City Mar Thoma Parish"
We the members of Kuwait City Mar Thoma Parish extend our heartfelt gratitude to our metropolitan for his love and affection shown towards us. Website: Email: Parish Office facilities are available on Fridays after service at Marina Hall. Please do visit our website for updates and information’s of our parish. A monthly publication of Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish (For Private Circulation Only)
Vicar Very Rev. K. O. Philipose Mobile: 50596564
Sunday School KUWAIT CITY MAR THOMA VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - 2012 Date: 8 to 22 June 2012 Venue: Indian Central School Theme: "GET SET GO" (Luke 10:3) REGISTRATION FEE – 1KD Required qualified teachers and volunteers with commitment for this ministry For more information please contact Sunday School Office bearers or the Office Bearers of KCMVBS General Convener: Mr. George Alexander Mobile: 66298059, Resi.: 24312982
BOOKS FROM CSS-THIRUVALLA We seek the help of students, parents and wellwishers who are planning to go on vacation to Kerala during the holidays to collect small packets of books which are ready at CSS-Thiruvalla for prize distribution to our children. Kindly contact the convener of Exam & Prize Committee or Sunday School Office bearers for more details.
SUMMER VACATION Sunday School will remain closed for Summer vacation from 8th June till 31st August 2012 (both dates inclusive) and will resume after summer vacation on 7th September 2012.
MEMORY VERSE (TALENT TEST) Memory Verse (Talent Test) will be held on 21st September 2012. All the children are requested to make use of the revised version of the precious book “Golden Verses” and come prepared for the talent test. Greetings Greetings to all Parish members who are celebrating their birthday and wedding anniversary.Thanksgiving prayer will be held during the services
Condolences Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish expresses heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members on the sad demise of their beloved ones. May God’s care strengthen and comfort them.
Regular Programmes Sunday School: Friday 3:15 pm to 5:15 PM at Marina Hall Yuvajana Sakhyam: All Saturdays, except 2nd Saturday at 7:30 pm. Choir: All Saturdays-Junior Choir & Senior Choir - 7pm Sevika Sanghom: All Saturdays - Abbassiya at 5 pm, City at 4:30 pm, All Tuesdays - Salmiya at 5pm, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays – Riggai at 5 pm.
Edavaka Mission: Fellowship meetings on all Thursdays 7:00pm at Rythum Hall, Abbassiya. Cottage fellowship on 1st & 3rd Thursdays at Salmiya.
Schedule - May 2012 3rd Thur.
7.00 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
4th Friday
6.00 am 3.15 pm
Holy Communion Sunday School
Marina Hall
10th Thur.
7.00 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
11th Friday
6.00 am 3.15 pm
Fasting Prayer Sunday School
Marina Hall
17th - Thur.
7.15 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
18th - Friday
6.00 am
Holy Communion No Sunday School
Marina Hall
24th - Thur.
7.15 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
25th - Friday
6.00 am 3.15 pm
Holy Communion Sunday School
Marina Hall
31st - Thur.
7.15 pm
Edav. Mission Prayer
Rhythm Hall
Verses for the month of May 2012 Date th
Expression of God’s Love-Metropolitan’s Fund (Song 243)
Lev.19:9-16 Acts.4:32-37
The Hope of Resurrection (Song 49)
2Kings.4:8-37 2Cor.5:1-10
The Church that has to wait upon to receive power (Song196)
Isa.40:25-31 Acts.12:1-16
The Feast of Pentecost (50th Day after Easter)(Song 192)
Eze.37:1-14 Acts.2:1-21