CNC Machining - X- Carve Machine Tutorial

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Introduction Safety and Hazard Operating X-Carve References


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018


3D cutting, machining and sculpurting can be used in many different types of projects. X-Carve tools are fully 3D capable, as are most CNC routers(this capability is technically described as 3-axis interpolation, which means that moves are made smoothly in 3D space using diagonals and curves). The X-Carve is a product of Inventables and it is one of the most popular desktop CNCs on the market. Like other CNC machines, Full 3D CNC involves both designing in 3D and during cutting simultaneous CNC motion in x, y, and z axes. In 3D shaping, the CNC cutter tip follows paths at 3D angles or in 3D curves in order to mill or curve complex shapes into the materials. The only limitation with the X-Carve is the lack of a dust extractor; thus, it is important to strictly follow the safety precautions especially wearing face mask and safety goggles while the machine is operating. Machine Parts and Tools:


Wide MakerSlide


SacriďŹ cial Board


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018


Screw Washers

Holding Steppers

Bits Z-Probe

Vernier Caliper


EASEL Platform: x-Carve uses EASEL platform to operate different machine carving functions. EASEL is a web-based software used to design and carve from a single program. EASEL is user friendly and a truly entry-level interface for CNC operation in making both 2D and 3D designs.

Find more: X-Carve: Machine Parts: Easel software:


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018



CNC routers use bits to determine the type of desired carving, the resolution of the design and the speed that should be used to move over a particular material to be designed. Bits come with cutting edges that pull up or push down (sometimes both), they have square or shaped ends, they are made for speed or accuracy, and they come in diameters from a pinpoint to over two inches for standard CNC routing. The following picture shows a basic collection of X-Carve bits.

Choosing the Proper Bit: Choosing the proper bit to be used with X-Carve is one of the most important steps before operating the machine as it is directly and highly affecting the quality and speed of the carving job. To select the suitable bit follow the steps below: ●

For straight cuts in a material like plywood, spiral cutting end-mill is used. Added to that the bit diameter is selected to suit the desired design properties. The following picture shows the 1/4″ and 1/2″ 2-flute upcut square end-mills.

For carving large 3D contours, the ball nose bit is used with the appropriate size to match the level of contour detail to be done. These special bits enable the users to design smooth contours and a great details. The following picture shows the 1/4″ and 1/2″ 2-flute ballnose endmills.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

For lettering or carving a detailed sign, the “V” shaped bit is used. These bits are sometimes called v-carving bits, v-groove bits, or engraving bits. This is the only way to get a sharp grooved bottom on the inside of those roman numerals for your sundial. They are available in many sizes and angles. The most common and useful angles in order are 60⁰, 90⁰, and 30⁰. The following pictures shows the 1/2″ with 60⁰, 1/4″ with 45⁰, and 1/4″ with 30⁰ V-shaped bits.


Safety and Hazard

Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

Before operating the machine, it is very important to be aware of the following safety precautions:

Learn and understand safe use of the machine. Do not allow untrained individuals to operate the machine without supervision. Be aware of the location of the Emergency Stop switches at all times.

Eye and ear protection MUST be worn by the machine operator as well as any bystanders or observers. Flying sawdust, material chips, and other debris can cause serious eye injury.

Wear closed-toe shoes at all times.

Make sure that your material is properly secured before cutting, and be aware of any small parts that may come loose after being cut. If a small part catches the edge of a spinning bit, it can be thrown forcefully in any direction, causing injury or damage.

Never place your hands on the rails of the ShopBot. Be aware that the machine may move unexpectedly in any direction, which can cause serious injury if your hands are in the path of movement.

Never leave a machine running and unattended. Understand that a spinning tool generates friction and heat, creating a risk of fire. This risk is minimized by using correct chip load, using sharp bits, and by always double-checking your files before cutting. Be prepared to pause or stop the cut if something seems incorrect or unsafe.

Keep a working fire extinguisher within reach of the machine, for the reasons listed above.


Operating X-Carve

Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

Open EASEL and sign up, then the window shown above will appear. Click on “New Project” to start designing a carving project.

Once you click on “New Project” the window shown above will appear with two windows; one for the design and the other for the simulation of the real working area of X-Carve.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

Before starting with the design, X-Carve should be conďŹ gured with EASEL by adjusting the machine settings.

Adjust material settings. Note that, the Z dimension is the thickness of the material used.

Choose from ready-made icons or import a customized design.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

To import any customized design, the file should be in the form of “SVG” file or “g-code” file.

After selecting the designed icon, its dimensions and the cutting depth could be adjusted. Here, -3mm is used as the cutting depth for the shape.

Note that, the cutting depth is directly related to the thickness of the material; however, it is measured in the negative direction since it indicates the removal of the material (i.e. reducing the material depth). The maximum depth is 0mm which means “NO CUT” , -5.8mm means “MAXIMUM CUT” or “CUT THROUGH”, while anything is between 0mm and -5.8mm indicates “PARTIAL CUT” or “ENGRAVE”.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

The design can be resized and other icons can be added to it and its sizes and cutting depth can be adjusted as desired.

“Outline” has three different styles. “On Path” cuts right on the edge of the design, “Outside” cuts the outer side of the edges of the design and “Inside” cuts the inner side of the edges.

After adjusting the design in the design area, it will be visualized from the simulation area.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

After clicking “Simulateâ€? the model will be showing the motion of the carving bit to over the traces of the design. Note that, 22min indicates the time needed by the machine to ďŹ nish the design.

After simulation, the material should be settled for the machine to start carving. First the material thickness is measured and inserted.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

The surface of the machine board is vacuum cleaned before clamping the material.

Clamp the material using the clamping tools as shown in the ďŹ gure above.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

Select the suitable bit size and type. Since the design is mainly engraving or carving, the straight upcut bit is selected.

Get the tools ready before placing the bit.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

The bit is attached to the support.

Then the Z-Probe is clipped and the cable is connected to the spindle as shown in the ďŹ gure.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

When probing starts, the metallic plate is touched by the bit and will be measured as the zero for the Z-axis. Note that, the movement along the Z-axis is controlled by specifying the steps increment constant and using the arrows.

Set the XY coordinates to zero or homing position. Similarly, the movement along the X-axis and Y-axis is controlled by specifying the steps increment constant and using the arrows.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

Turn the Spindle ON by pressing on the button.

Finally, the machine is ready to start carving simply by clicking on “Carve�.


Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

Turn the Spindle OFF after the machine ďŹ nish carving and the bit gets elevated.

Clean up with the vacuum cleaner and remove the designed material.



Tasnim Hussain| Fab Engineer 07 | 14 | 2018

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X-Carve: Machine Parts: Easel software:


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