It has been a privilege to serve this year as the QB Board Chair and to work alongside our Board, our Charter Group Councils, service arms and churches. As I write my report for 2023, I have been reflecting on Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. We read of Paul’s love for Christ, his love for the church, his call to make disciples and to see the church mature in Christ. “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with everincreasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Cor 3:18). As a Board, we too serve our Lord and our Movement because of our love of Christ, our love for the people who make up our QB Movement, our call to serve and see disciples made and to see us mature in Christ. Paul was dependant on the prayers of the Corinthians, and we as a Board are dependant also on your prayers. “On Him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers” (2 Cor 1:10b to 11a). My thanks to God, for our Board, and for your prayers.
It has been a joy to serve together with Jason Elsmore (DoM) and Stewart Pieper (DoS). Both Jason and Stewart lead with Godly integrity, prayerfulness, vision, and clear direction. As I have observed and prayed with Jason and Stewart, I am reminded of Paul’s reflections of Epaphras in Colossians 4:12-13a. “Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. I vouch for him that he is working hard for you….” I have seen them wrestling in prayer, working hard, so that we may stand firm in the Lord, grow in Christlikeness as we mature, and have full confidence in the Lord who leads us. This year has been a heavy load for Jason and Stewart, and I would ask that you uphold them and their families in prayer.
It has been a joy to see God at work across our movement as we focused on Effective Mission in 2023. We prayed together to see people come to Christ, and we have heard stories of conversions and baptisms. Some took the opportunity to run Alpha in third term and God blessed this with people taking steps of faith in Jesus.
As the Board reflected at the end of 2023, we celebrated God’s faithfulness and provision. In March, after many years of leadership to Carinity, Jon Campbell concluded. God provided David Angell as interim Carinity CEO who has been a blessing. In September, God provided Mark Horsburgh as manager for the Carinity Incorporation Working Group and he and the team have made valuable progress.
At our March Assembly, we established a fulltime position of Director of Local Mission. It was a joy to celebrate the appointment of Steve Meharg to the role at our Special Assembly in August.
With the current discussion of a merger of Malyon and Morling Colleges, a time of significant change in our theological training and equipping as a movement, it was a blessing to affirm Peter Francis’ continued leadership at our Special Assembly in October.
2023 marks a year of significant discussions and consultations as we wrestle with changes for our Movement. At our 2023 Assembly, the Review of the Separate Incorporation of Carinity was presented. As a Board, we believe our continued ministry as Qld Baptists serving the vulnerable in our community through Carinity is vital. The separate incorporation model would enable us to meet the new governance standards whilst enabling our continued ministry to the vulnerable. To separately incorporate is a mammoth task, and our working group has been preparing the Board to bring a further update at our 2024 Assembly.
The steps to a possible merger of Malyon with Morling College is another significant journey for us. This road has been challenging, particularly for Peter Francis and the staff at Malyon, and I wish to express my thanks for their patience and openness in the discussion. I wish to also thank Andrew McCafferty (Interim Director of MaTTS), Jo Leutten (Chair MaTTS Council) and the MaTTS Council who have been involved in the discussions. A final presentation will be brought to the Assembly in 2024.
As we seek to continue to affirm and release people into areas of ministry across our Movement, the Board at our March Assembly proposed two areas for discussion and consideration over a year. Firstly, to address our process and pathway of ordination. This proposal moves
ordination to a local church initiative working alongside QB Services for suitable pastors who are gifted and who meet the registration requirements for ordination. This proposal also gives freedom for individual churches to affirm the ordination of women pastors who meet the requirements. Secondly, the establishment of a recognised Ministry Worker category as part of our registration. This will be presented at our Assembly meeting in 2024. I thank David Elvery, John Sweetman and the team who have brought this to our Assembly for consideration.
The Board would like to show our appreciation to the servant leadership of the leaders of our charter groups, church support services, QB operations team and our church family.
I want to thank all the members of the board for your generosity, prayerfulness, and unity. The Board Members for 2023 were:
The Board at its retreat in August discussed initiating a review later in 2024 of our QB governance structure which is currently stretched in its capacity to meet the ongoing changing demands across a complex organisation. The review will seek to propose recommendations for our governance structure, communication, and systems
I would like to thank the chairs and their councils for their leadership, wisdom, and prayerfulness; Sheryl Lanham (Chair) and the Baplink Management Committee; Richard Wray (Chair) and the Carinity Council; Craig Sherrin (Chair) & Todd Langford (Chair from Aug 2023) and the Christian Education Charter group; Jo Leutton (Chair) and the Ministry and Theological Training Services Council; and Chris Johnson (Chair) and the Queensland Conference and Camping Centres Council.
The Board is also very appreciative of the financial wisdom and insights from our Financial Services Committee chaired by Stewart Pieper. We value the work of our Ministerial Services Committee chaired by Peter Cossgrove.
The Board would like to thank Phillip McCallum, our previous secretary, for all his years of service, knowledge, and insight. This has been a blessing to us. Quintin Hickling has stepped into the acting secretary position with our sincerest thanks. A thank you to Jos Woollett, Trish Emmerson, Sharon Humphry, and Bronwyn Burgess for their support.
Rev Richard Cathie Bundaberg Baptist Church
Rev Phillip Greenbury Lifepointe Baptist Church
Rev Stephen Hendrick Stafford Heights Baptist Church (Chair May 2023)
Mr Mark Hodgson Riverlife Baptist Church
Mr Alistair Macpherson Bracken Ridge Baptist Church (Vice-chair May 2023),
Ms Linda Monteith Coral Coast Christian Church
Pastor Lorraine Pfeffer Ashgrove Baptist Church
Mr Nicholas Rees Bridgeman Baptist Community Church
Mr Paul Sterling Bridgeman Baptist Community Church
Rev Craig Yeomans Rockhampton Baptist Tabernacle
Rev Stewart Pieper Director of QB Services Gateway Baptist Church
Pastor Jason Elsmore Director of QB Movement, Gateway Baptist Church, Senior Pastor
As part of the 2019 QB Review, it was agreed by our Assembly that future major QB reviews be implemented every 10 years with a significant evaluation of progress after 5 years. In 2023, the Board asked Ian Hussey, Christine Thomas, Steve Twible and Craig Yeomans as a working group, with the support of John Sweetman, to undertake the 5-year Review, looking at the effectiveness of the structural changes and our progress towards the vison and goals adopted by our Assembly.
The Review encompassed feedback from the DOM and the DOS, members of the QB leadership team, Ministry team, QB Board, Regional Ministers and Registered Pastors through the means of interviews and surveys. Questions centred on the distinction between QB Movement and QB Services, implementation of the structural changes and senior roles, vision, mission, and priorities, change management, and communication.
The 5-year Review working group presented the QB Board with their findings and recommendations which were discussed at length at the August Retreat 2023. The review revealed much that was encouraging across the QB Movement, including that the development and implementation of vision and priorities being well received and beneficial, and the DOM and DOS working well together.
The conclusion of the Review working group is as follows: “Overall, it can be concluded, based on the wide range of participants in this review, that the 2019 Review recommended changes have been effectively implemented.”
The recommendations to the QB Board from the review working group can be placed into three broad categories:
• Consideration of the effectiveness of new roles within the structure - In particular, the DOS role was seen to be too broad, with an excessive number of direct reports, encompassing a wide range of technicality, challenges, and compliance.
• Opportunity to learn where change management, staff engagement, effective connection and communication can be improved across the Movement.
• The QB Board to consider a possible QB constitution review.
After consideration by the QB Board, the following actions have been undertaken:
• A proposal to be brought to the Assembly in 2024 for further restructuring of the DOS role in light of the significant breadth it covers. This proposal has also been influenced by the vacant DAS role and consideration of both responsibilities across the QB Movement.
• Ongoing conversation and work has been done to seek to improve change management, staff engagement, and communication through internal and external resourcing. This is an ongoing challenge with the size, complexity, and nature of our QB Movement.
Consideration of a review of the QB Constitution will be in the future.
The QB Board would like to express our appreciation to Ian Hussey and the working group and all who participated in the review.
With the number of significant decisions before us, we trust and rely on God to make a way. My prayer, like the outcome from the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15:28a, is that we might be able to say together “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us”.
God bless.
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38).
As we focussed on our QB priority of Effective Mission in 2023, we discovered that there is a plentiful harvest of people ready to receive the good news of Jesus, if someone will tell them about Him. I loved hearing the stories of people from all generations choosing to follow Jesus and get baptised. Together, we baptised more people (892) in 2023 than ever before in QB history. Thanks be to God!
We had our first ever QB conference in March 2023 at SeaWorld Convention Centre on the Gold Coast. It was wonderful to come together with people from many different churches and ministries across our Movement to worship, pray, fellowship and be further equipped for ministry. I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who served to make the conference possible. We had the privilege of hearing some inspirational biblical teaching from Dale Stephenson (Senior Pastor, Crossway Baptist Church); Melinda Dwight (National Director, Alpha Australia) and Elijah Brown (General Secretary and CEO of the Baptist World Alliance). At our annual celebration dinner, we had the privilege of inducting Morris and Ros Lee and John and Glenda Petersen into the QB Hall of Faith, in recognition of more than 40 years of faithful service to QB.
One of the strategic decisions at Business Day was to create a full time Director of Local Mission, to lead the charge in encouraging, resourcing and training Pastors and leaders to plant churches that are effective in mission. Colin Stoodley (part time MTQ Co-ordinator) concluded his ministry at QB, after serving faithfully for 8 years to raise up church planters across Queensland. It was exciting in September to welcome Steve Meharg into the new role, after serving in pastoral ministry in Los Angeles for 8 years. I am confident that God will use him to continue to help us as a Movement become more effective in mission.
Project 11 continues to assist churches and service groups to raise the next generation of Spirit-filled, servant leaders. In May 2023 we welcomed Maddy Mandall into the role as Leadership Development Manager as we farewelled Timon Bengtson, who pursued a calling to serve in another movement. Timon and Maddy have both led P11 with diligence, passion and energy. Speaking at the P11 Summit in November 2023 and seeing young people come together after a year of learning and serving in their churches, with a hunger for God and to fulfil His purposes, was inspiring. Watching pastors pray for their cohort of leaders with hope and passion in their heart was a great joy. Raising the next generation of servant leaders must continue to be a top priority for our Movement.
From 5 – 11 June we invited all churches across our movement to pray together as one, for a mighty harvest of souls, in our church and communities. The QB leadership team developed some great resources, including daily devotions, sermon videos, daily prayer guides, and prayer requests from churches across Queensland. There was a wonderful unity across our Movement and a passionate cry for a mighty harvest. We heard some wonderful stories of answered prayer as people repented and put their faith in Christ. Join with me as we continue to pray for more workers to be sent into the harvest field, so more people in more places come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Term 3, we encouraged all QB Churches to lead Alpha, to reach more people with the gospel. Ryan Vallee (Alpha Church Engagement Specialist) trained and assisted many churches to host Alpha for the first time. It was really encouraging to see almost 100 churches participate, as well as many other ministries in our Movement. I have heard so many encouraging stories of how God used Alpha to draw more people into a saving faith and growing relationship with Him.
John Sweetman (Coordinator of Regional Ministers) continues to faithfully lead and support our regional ministers. His wisdom, experience and the resources he develops are a blessing to all of our pastors and leaders. We welcomed Ian Aylward to the Regional Ministers team in 2023 in Central Queensland and Dave Paroz stepped into an interim role in the Darling Downs, after Jeff Baills finished a faithful ministry in that region to focus on Police Chaplaincy. The Regional Ministers are helping to create a culture of togetherness and support in their region as they lead regional gatherings and encourage, resource and care for the pastors and churches across their regions.
Metro West
Darling Downs
Rural & Remote
Metro South East
Sunshine Coast
Matt Anstey
Dave Paroz
Steve Ballin
Paul Curtis
Philip Greenbury
Metro Central
Metro North
Gold Coast
Central Queensland
North Queensland
Wide Bay Burnett
Far North Queensland
Ethnic & CALD
Armed Forces
Ian Hussey
Dave Paroz
Dave Quak
Ian Aylward
Garry Wynn
Keith Stevenson
John Whyte
Emil Rahimov
Karen Haynes
We began a consultation process to consider a change to Ordination and the Recognition of Ministry Workers at Business Day. David Elvery (Director of Pastoral Services), Stewart Pieper (Director of Services) and myself then met with the pastors and delegates in each region over zoom to discuss the proposed changes. Feedback was collated and distributed, highlighting any key themes and questions. One of the outcomes was to commission two papers to be written concerning the role of men and women in ministry, to highlight the different biblical positions held within our Movement. Thank you for your patience and engagement in this process in 2023
After a lengthy consultation process, we launched a modern and fresh new logo for Queensland Baptists in October. It contains a cross at the centre of a speech bubble to clearly communicate our dependence on Jesus and our desire to share Jesus with our community. It uses our QB abbreviation which we often use to describe ourselves, while maintaining Queensland Baptists to help the community understand who we are. “Serving Jesus Together” describes in a simple way our desire to serve Jesus and together make a greater Kingdom impact than we could alone.
The QB Regional Gatherings Tour in October enabled many on the QB leadership team to meet together with over 300 pastors and church leaders from 130 different churches across our state. We shared stories of God's faithfulness, explored future vision and ministry opportunities as we focus on Intentional Discipleship in 2024, and we prayed for one another as we serve Jesus
together. The regional tour is an annual reminder of the joy of serving alongside so many faithful and passionate people. One of the most encouraging aspects of the gatherings was hearing more stories of salvation, often happening in unexpected and surprising ways, in every region,
God has been very good to us in 2023. In a year marked by exciting change and some challenges, I have continued to see God’s abundant generosity to us and I am grateful for the privilege it is to serve with you as we look ahead to all that God has in store for our future.
QB Services is privileged to be able to serve the QB Movement and particularly to resource local churches as well as to mission on behalf of the local churches. As I reflect on the past year and leading the QB Services Team, through the changes, challenges and celebrations of 2023, I am reminded of Paul’s words to the Thessalonians: We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thess 1:3.
The 2023 priority for us as a Movement was Effective Mission. This has certainly been an eventful year for our Movement as we have participated in the mission of Jesus. It has been delightful to hear stories from around the state of the ways God has been moving to draw people to Jesus both though organised/structured programs, such as Alpha, and also in spontaneous and unplanned ways!
While not neglecting other aspects of our Movement priorities, the QB Services team have worked hard to resource the local church in the area of evangelism to assist QB Churches to positive missional outcomes and to conduct mission effectively on behalf of QB churches through our service arms.
I want to acknowledge the outstanding Godly visionary leadership that Jason Elsmore is providing for the QB Movement as well as the significant contribution John Sweetman has made in writing resources for our Movement and coordinating the Regional Ministers. I also want to thank Stephen Hendrick for his sacrificial service as Board Chair and each member of the QB Board, QB Services Leadership Team, QB Ministry Team and QB Staff for their work produced by faith, labour prompted by love, and their endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ over the course of 2023.
Here are some of the Challenges, Changes and Celebrations for QB Services across 2023:
• A trend of declining enrolments at Malyon College, a phenomenon experienced by all ACT colleges across the country, led to a comprehensive review by the MaTTS Charter Group of our approach to theological and ministry training. The implementation of the recommendations of this review could not be fully implemented and had to be amended due to increasing declines in student enrolments together with an unsuccessful key leadership recruitment process. A merger with Morling College is now being proposed to ensure the ongoing provision of formal ministry and theological training for Queensland Baptists. Thanks to Mark Westhuyzen (DoCHS and previous Chair of MaTTS), Jo Leutton (current chair of the MaTTS Council), Andrew McCafferty (Interim Director of MaTTs) and Peter Francis (Principal MTC) for their leadership in this challenging environment.
• Regulatory changes in the Aged Care Sector, particularly in meeting enhanced requirements for Aged Care Governance standards, have resulted in an increase in compliance responsibilities carried by both the Carinity Council and the QB Board. These changes have necessitated a proposal to incorporate Carinity. I am thankful for the work of David Angell, and more recently, Mark Horsburgh in managing the incorporation project in conjunction with a Board appointed steering group.
• Recruiting a suitable CEO to lead Carinity became a protracted process complicated by the late withdrawal of a preferred candidate. I am thankful for the efforts of the Carinity CEO selection panel which I chaired and included Stephen Hendrick, Lisa Stay and David Angell. We are thankful to God that we have identified a suitable CEO candidate to lead Carinity in this time of transition.
• Amendments to Fair Work Legislation involving alterations to the application of fixed term contracts meant that we have had to amend both Workplace Agreement and Spiritual Appointment templates that we provide for churches. Thanks to Bronwyn Burgess (DoS Executive Assistant) and David Elvery (DoPS) who worked hard to affect the necessary revisions.
• The Board proposed a variation to the way we conduct ordinations as a Movement which would provide churches with a greater participation in the process and, with the support of their church, to offer a pathway for women pastors to be ordained. The QB team have conducted an extensive consultation process over the year to provide the opportunity for input and feedback on the Board’s proposal.
• Similarly, a proposal to create a new category of recognition for Pastoral Ministry Workers was the subject of this same rigorous consultation process.
• Phillip McCallum concluded after 14 years as Director of Administrative Services and Jon Campbell concluded as Carinity CEO after 11 years of service in leading Carinity. We acknowledge and appreciate both Phillip and Jon’s noteworthy contribution to the movement over this significant period of time.
• Baptist Insurance Services (BIS) moved to a Discretionary Mutual Fund. As the scheme builds
its funding base, this ‘self-insurance’ approach will allow BIS to continue to provide more affordable, appropriate, and effective insurance to Australian Baptist Churches and affiliates.
• I am thankful for and acknowledge the significant extra work that our Director of Financial Services, Quintin Hickling, has taken on as we have responded to changes in senior staff and variations in budgetary expectations.
• We are thankful for Emily Banks and Leigh Macpherson who, in response to changes in legislative and insurance requirements, undertook extensive work over the year to develop QB Safe Spaces to ensure that our churches and ministries are resourced with appropriate, up to date and compliant policies and procedures.
• Thanks to the QB team for their hard work to organise the QB Transform Conference at Sea World Conference centre on the Gold Coast. Special thanks to Andie Eames who joined the team to coordinate our QB Conferences and also to assist with the Baptist World Congress 2025 as the Local Arrangements Committee administrator.
• Plans are advancing for our hosting of the Baptist World Congress in 2025. Thank you to the outstanding team of volunteers who have committed to serve in the Congress Local Arrangement Committee in preparation to host representatives of the worldwide Baptist family. In July I was honoured to represent QB and Australian Baptist Ministries to promote the BWC 2025 at the Baptist World Alliance annual gathering and European Baptist Mission Conference in Norway.
• We are thankful for David Angell who has served with excellence and distinction as the acting CEO for Carinity. Due to changing circumstances, David has faithfully and effectively worked in this role for a much longer period than was originally envisaged.
• After a process of development and design we were able to launch a new logo for QB that communicates our core mission in a fresh and contemporary way.
• We have developed and launched a new website that provides our Movement with a more streamlined and contemporary online interface. Thank you to my amazing EA, Bronwyn Burgess, the QB Services Field Ministry Support team, and especially Jonathan Lamprecht for their work in realizing technical projects like this.
• Peter Francis who has served faithfully as Malyon
Principal for the past 6 years was re-appointed as Malyon Principal and is focussed on leading the college in this year of transition to a proposed merger with Morling.
• We celebrate the appointment of Stephen Meharg as the Director of Local Mission and appreciate the valuable contribution he is making on the Services Leadership Team and the Church Support Leadership Group.
• The QB Services Team celebrated the progress and outcomes of our operational plan, which included:
⊲ The establishment of a new solo/senior pastors’ cohort to be part of a learning community for the ongoing development of pastoral leaders in our Movement.
⊲ The development of support networks for specialised church ministries such as worship leaders and administrators.
⊲ The implementation of Pastoral Supervision processes with the first cohort of QB Pastors commencing supervision with 65 suitable supervisors being approved.
⊲ A rewrite and update of Project 11 resources. There were 100 graduates from 2023 P11 and 100 leaders using the Mastering Leadership Resources!
⊲ A Cert IV course in church planting has been developed and will be ready for launching in 2024 along with the development and implementation of the ‘Launch’ church planting strategy.
⊲ Logistical support for and promotion of state-wide Alpha and Crossover’s ‘Plan A’ for evangelism.
⊲ As in previous years, Carinity contributed $500,000 in grants to QB Churches for Community Collaboration projects.
⊲ QCCC conducted Mission/Ministry training sessions with 150 QCCC staff and also provided much appreciated support and resourcing for numerous QB events.
• Finally, I want to highlight the remarkable missional outcomes that God has brought about in Hillcrest College this year resulting in at least 600 commitments to follow Jesus, 200+ students involved in weekly bible studies and between 30-40 baptisms!
Through the various challenges, changes and celebrations, it is obvious that God is at work in and through our Movement! I am faith filled that God’s kingdom will continue to come in greater measure in the coming years as we serve the Lord Jesus in sacrificial ministry, in confident proclamation of the message of salvation and in believing for the miraculous.
It is my privilege to bring you this year’s Administrative Services report. I have consolidated this with the Financial Services report for the Baptist Union of Queensland considering the crossover between the function in these areas in the second half of 2023.
This year has been marked by a significant change in the Administrative Services team, with the conclusion of Phillip McCallum in July 2023. I would like to thank Phillip for more than 14 years of service to the Movement in his capacity of the Director of Administrative Services. His work and commitment have left an indelible mark on the role. I express my appreciation for his contribution.
We continue to provide administrative support through our wonderful ladies, Jos, Sharon, and Trish, whom many will have spoken to during the year. They have been joined by Paul Cronk in March as the Groundsman at our Gaythorne centre. He has achieved commendable results in keeping the property tidy and maintained after bringing everything back up to standard and is now making good inroads into the site maintenance. Phil Fox has also joined the team as a part time contractor dealing with any property matters. I would like to express my deep appreciation and acknowledge the admininstrative team who have had to step up and take on additional load with Phillip’s conclusion. They have been amazing as they have helped me navigate the many administrative responsibilities.
It was a busier than normal year in terms of our membership, with our annual assembly in March, and two special assemblies in August and October.
Further to the normal business, our annual assembly dealt with a Carinity Incorporation proposal, changes to By-Laws for the Director of Local Mission role, restructuring of the MaTTS leadership, an update on reapproaching the QB Ordination Process, and a new category of registration.
At the special assembly, amendments to the By-Laws were made to adjust for legislative changes regarding fixed term agreements. During the same meeting we also appointed Stephen Meharg to the role of Director of Local Mission. The next special assembly was originally convened to appoint the new Carinity CEO and reappoint Peter Francis as the Principal of Malyon College until the end of the 2024 year. Unfortunately, the Carinity CEO candidate withdrew from the process.
The National Redress Scheme continues to require significant work and input from the administrative team. We have received an additional 22 claims, and not yet seen the anticipated slowdown in the rate of claims. In 2023, churches themselves had to fund $80,000 of payments while Carinity and the church pool have assisted with $241,000. The church pool has a current balance of $167,000. We are still awaiting final decisions on redress on 8 Carinity matters and 19 church matters. We pray that the arrangement we have put in place will suffice for the full 10-year term.
Baptist World Congress 2025 registrations were officially opened in July 2023. As we gain momentum with the planning, we would encourage anyone from our Baptist family across the state to either get involved by volunteering or registering to attend to celebrate God’s goodness and amazing grace as we meet together with our interstate and international Baptist brothers and sisters during the week starting 7 July 2025.
I have been supported in the finance team by Chiew-Sek and Joanne. I would like to thank both of them for their support during the year. Without their backing, I would not be able to assist in supporting the administrative team during the DAS vacancy and then deliver much of the information presented to all stakeholders, from monthly cost centre reports through to financial board reports. Sadly, Chiew-sek finished up her time with us at the end of 2023, and so we are currently looking to replace this accountant role. I have been blessed that Paula, from Malyon, has agreed to help until a replacement is found.
In May 2024, I will be giving my detailed financial report at Assembly, but here are a few items I would like to highlight.
The finances of the QB organisation are about the fine balance between being able to have sufficient funding and resources to be able to support our core objectives
of the movement, maintain our existing assets and infrastructures, and invest appropriately for the future.
This year has proved particularly difficult to maintain this balance. We are seeing significant fruit from the strategies, programs and resourcing delivered. We praise God for provision! However, continued pressure on our revenue sources is making this extremely difficult to maintain.
The overall QB deficit of $68k to June 2023 was marginally better than the budgeted deficit of $93k. One of our biggest challenges remains the vacancy in our Gaythorne QB Centre. We currently have more than 370m² vacant office space available for new tenants. With an area as small as 6m² to a space of 137m² we continue to seek Christian and not-for-profit organisations to fill this space. This is unfortunately proving difficult to fill in the current rental market.
Over the last year, our church contributions have grown by 2.6%. We again thank and praise God for His faithful provision and bountifulness. However, we did not achieve our contributions budget and were left $15k short. We
continue to be supported by 57% of our churches who made contributions during the 22/23 financial year to QB. Overall, the contribution rate by churches has remained consistent over the last several years, however we have seen a slight decline in the actual number of churches contributing in this last year.
As every church in our movement utilises the services of QB to a lesser or greater extent and benefit from belonging to QB, we would strongly encourage all our members to contribute in any way possible. This allows us to continue to deliver these services to support the working ministries of our local churches.
Unfortunately, the 2023/24 financial year is currently shaping up to be an even more challenging year to balance the budget.
In closing, I would like to express my deep appreciation to everyone across our movement who continue to show their support for everything we do. Our heart is to continue to serve Christ by enabling you to grow His Kingdom. We look forward to being of service in 2024.
In 2023, Baplink embarked on an ambitious program to raise $34.05 million in funding for our schools. Some numbers detailing this journey are below:
Baplink secured the funding in September 2023 and are grateful to the National Australia Bank team for what has been achieved.
The input into this report from the ministries at Nanango and Northreach sharing about their growth is made possible by those who invest funds with Baplink to support the expansion of our Baptist ministries in Queensland.
The Baplink team are amazing and before we commence work every day, we pray for our churches and pastors listed in the QB Directory. In 2023, we have prayed through the directory four times.
NANANGO COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH (NCBC) NCBC had commenced in 1929 and in 2017 NCBC took over the operation of the Nanango Community Op Shop, which has grown and now operates out of 4 locations around Nanango. In 2023 NCBC became aware that the shop at 51 Drayton Street was going on the market and the owner indicated that his preference was to sell it to an owner/occupier. If the op shop had to relocate, it would cost considerable money to fit-out new premises. On consideration of this, NCBC made an approach to
the owner and made an offer of $220,000 which was below the asking price. Baplink was then approached for financing to purchase the shop and to work out loan repayments. As the loan repayment was similar to the rental payment, and providing income remains the same, there will be no additional need for finance to cover repayments. Armed with the loan application and financial statements provided by NCBC, Baplink prepared a credit assessment and presentation paper to the Baplink Management Council for a loan of $180,000 to NCBC. This was approved and the purchase was settled in August 2023.
At a QB monthly staff gathering in 2023, a report from Ministerial Services was brought regarding the successful ministry of NCBC:
Attendance at services have increased to 80. With the financial squeeze, people are moving out into the Nanango area (particularly retirees) to take advantage of lower property prices and thus the church is growing. It was especially encouraging to the church that about a month ago, an Indian family (with a young baby) moved to town. They had enquired about what churches were in town and they were in their first service the very next day after they arrived in the country. The wife is a psychologist, and the husband has theological and IT training and so will be a real blessing to the church as they settle in and get involved. There is definitely a buoyancy in the church as people are inviting others from the community to come to church and seeing new people attending.
In the last financial year, the Nanango Community Op Shop donated $60,000 of its income to support the community via food and fuel vouchers, and built
an access ramp for the town’s Men’s Shed. Baplink is pleased to be able to partner with NCBC in serving the Nanango community via the op shop ministry.
NBC currently provides significant practical assistance programmes from its 60,000 square metre site in Kirwan (Townsville), including food relief, community housing, student lodging, playgroups, and the provision of over 520 washing machines. The housing crisis in Townsville revealed an increasing need for safe, comfortable and pleasant community housing. In response NCB via Northreach Community Care is keen to develop the remaining land (using approximately 20,000 square metres) for social housing. There are currently 41 people living onsite and this planning aims to increase this number within a sustainable model that encourages care in the community.
Baplink was approached for a loan to fund the initial expenses to be incurred for surveying, architectural drawings, and related matters. NCB believes that 60100 units will eventually be constructed. The State Government’s Housing Investment Fund is expected to provide 70% funding. Baplink will eventually be approached to provide the balance of the funding for the housing construction. Baplink prepared a credit assessment and presentation paper to the Baplink Management Council for a loan of $100,000 to NCB which was approved in November 2023. We are excited
and look forward to further supporting NCB in realising the church’s vision to meet the needs of the Kirwan community.
In 2023, the Baplink team achieved an exciting milestone by reaching Platinum status with Xero, placing us in the top 2% of practices! This achievement, previously thought unattainable, fills us with pride and gratitude. When we first started promoting Xero in 2015, we were ecstatic when we hit 50 churches. We now have over 170 churches and ministries. This milestone represents many tight deadlines, kilometres travelled, changes of treasurer or administrator, gruellling hours labouring over spreadsheets, and many relationships forged along the way. We see the accounting support we provide and Xero as our own form of ministry, and we hope that it frees up your time so you can focus on your own church and ministry. We would like to thank the QB Movement for your support and encouragement over the years, and we look forward to serving you in the future.
Carinity exists to walk alongside, support, and provide care for vulnerable people of all ages when they need it most. While we are best known for our traditional services relating to residential aged care and retirement living, our outreach services have expanded to include in-home care for the elderly; schools for students who have experienced difficulties in mainstream educational environments; provision of disability support to people of all ages; counselling for women and children impacted by domestic violence; accommodation for youths who are at risk of homelessness; and chaplaincy services in schools, hospitals, aged care communities and prisons.
Carinity had many reasons to give thanks to God during 2023 as we expanded a number of our ministries to help even more people in need.
The high demand for Carinity Education Rockhampton’s schooling model led to a new junior school campus being opened at nearby Mount Chalmers in April 2023.
Carinity’s support of people with a disability also expanded, with new respite accommodation opened in the Scenic Rim town of Kalbar during August. Named Sunflower House, the home will be a sister service to our existing disability support sites in Boonah and Toogoolawah. Our Carinity Narangba counselling service also moved to new, larger premises that will allow us to expand the range of disability support we provide in the north of Brisbane.
Late in the year we also received confirmation of our appointment as a preferred partner of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for the provision of Veterans’ Home Care Services and as an authorised provider for the National Injury Insurance Agency (NIISQ). Both of these partnerships are expected to see the number of vulnerable people we provide care to in the community grow significantly over the coming years.
We also celebrated significant anniversaries for some of our services in 2023. November marked 50 years of bringing the Gospel to people inside Queensland prisons through what is now known as Inside Out Prison Chaplaincy. This program fulfills the vision of its founder, Rev. Ray Euston, thanks to over 30 volunteer prison chaplains that provide pastoral care to men and women in 14 correctional centres around the state. Carinity chaplains also provide spiritual support to people in hospitals, schools and aged care facilities.
In Hervey Bay, Carinity Education Glendyne celebrated 25 years of providing education to young people in the area. Two of our aged care communities – Shalom in Rockhampton and Colthup Manor in Ipswich – both celebrated 20 years of operation under Carinity ownership.
While we identified ways to bring Carinity’s support to new groups of people, we also continued the growth of our existing services.
2023 saw a significant increase in demand for residential aged care accommodation across all Carinity sites, culminating in record occupancy levels in both November and December. The high uptake of vaccinations across the community and the ready availability of anti-viral medications, led to a significant reduction in the impact of COVID-19 in our residential communities during the year.
Demand for in-home care was also strong during the year, with the number of seniors Carinity provides government-funded Home Care Packages to, increasing by over 20%. We anticipate this number will pass 800 for the first time in early 2024. In addition to our Home Care Packages, Carinity currently assist over 1,200 seniors through the entry-level Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP).
In addition to our new school campus in Mount Chalmers, Carinity’s existing schools in Sunnybank, Gladstone, Hervey Bay, Rockhampton and Townsville continue to provide a unique educational experience for young people who have not experienced success in mainstream schooling. In total over 650 students are now enrolled in Carinity schools across the state, with this number growing by almost 10% during the year.
We continue to partner with Baptist churches to support and empower local community members in need through our grants program, the Collaborative Community Projects. Eight new projects were approved for funding assistance in late 2023, taking the total number of grants issued since the program was introduced in 2021 to 30.
Everyone at Carinity is committed to making a real difference in the lives of people in need while creating supportive communities of care where people are loved and accepted. As we look forward to our 75th anniversary celebration during 2024, we will continue caring for and assisting Queenslanders in need, following the example of Jesus Christ.
2023 proved to be another challenging and yet encouraging year for the staff and students of Malyon Theological College. Despite the continuing challenges being experienced across the sector, God blessed us with 29 new students who embraced the opportunities of study with zeal and commitment.
During our orientation program students were provided with a plethora of helpful information about the nature of the courses we provide, the extensive array of student support services available to them and the vision which inspires our service and shapes our graduate attributes. This vision of “forming faithful image-bearers of Christ, who truly love God, listen to his Word, serve the church, engage their culture, and are committed to the mission of God in this world”, is one which continues to resonate with both students and staff alike.
The changing trends, noted in 2022, in how students elect to engage their theological and ministry studies continued last year. Of greatest impact was the fact that in 2023, 75% of our students chose to study off-campus either via synchronous livestream or asynchronous on-
demand modes. This, along with a continued softening in total enrolments, had a significant impact upon the campus experience.
However, while the physical numbers on campus were lower than in the past, the times of fellowship between students and staff, particularly during the lunch breaks was precious and valuable. Indeed, several of the oncampus students commented on how greatly they appreciated the interactions with staff as they shared with students in the dining area each week. With the smaller number of students on campus, there were more one-on-one conversations, along with several significant times of corporate worship and sharing around God’s Word each semester.
Another changing trend in 2023 was the growing proportion of students who elected to study part-time as they sought to juggle part-time work, ministry and family responsibilities. In 2023, 90% of our students were studying part-time, with a significant number only taking one unit of study per semester.
The one-year diploma courses continued to grow in popularity, as opposed to the longer Bachelors and Masters courses. In 2023, 70% of our students were enrolled in undergraduate studies with the remaining 30% studying towards postgraduate awards. The Malyon doctoral program continued to be well subscribed with 5 students undertaking their PhD studies under the guidance of Dr Ian Hussey. One of those PhD students was an international student who will be amongst our 41 graduates acknowledged at the MTC Graduation Service on 23 March 2024.
During the first half of 2023, the QB Board continued to grapple with the most appropriate response to the Malyon Futures Review recommendations which were provided to them at the end of 2022. In keeping with the recommendations that MTC seek to work more collaboratively with other ACT colleges where this may provide some benefit for Malyon, it was agreed that some limited discussion should take place with our sister Baptist College in Sydney, Morling College, about the possibility of working more closely together. This approach was strongly endorsed by the newly establish MaTTS Council which now brought together the former Councils of Malyon Theological College and Malyon Vocational Training under the leadership of Rev Jo Leutton.
In July, Dr Andrew Dunstan announced his intention to
conclude his teaching role with Malyon, as he had secured a full-time appointment with Morling College from the start of 2024. Andrew’s contribution to the college was acknowledged and he was warmly farewelled by the staff on 28 September.
By August 2023 the QB Board had resolved that the best way forward for the future success of MTC would be to explore a potential full-scale merger or amalgamation with Morling College who had undergone a similar process in 2021, when the Baptist College of Western Australia, known as Vose Seminary, had been brought under the Morling banner. Among the reasons for this decision was the steadily declining enrolments which have been noted since 2019. With the advent of Covid in 2020 this trend was only further exacerbated as we began to receive fewer enrolments along with a dramatic shift towards part-time and online study. This all impacted the economic viability of the college. From Morling’s experience with the Vose merger they advised that the complexities of any such amalgamation would take some time, and so it was recommended that an MOU with Morling be entered into with a view to a potential merger effective from the start of 2025. The QB Board then called a Special Assembly at which it was unanimously endorsed that the term of the current Principal of MTC, Rev Dr Peter Francis, be extended through to the end of 2024. It should also be noted that Rev Dr D Morcom’s incredible contribution to the college over a period of almost 19 years was acknowledged and celebrated at a dinner on 23 November.
At this point I am extremely optimistic about the potential for Malyon to retain an enduring footprint here in Queensland under the proposed new arrangements, and that a bright future for ministry and theological training among Queensland Baptists still lies ahead. I also wish to acknowledge with sincere gratitude the sterling support of the MaTTS Council, under the leadership of
Rev Jo Leutton and the teaching and admin staff of MTC, Rev Dr Charles de Jongh, Rev Dr Ian Hussey, Rev Dr D Morcom, Andrew McCafferty, Paula Tobin, Jill Walker and Warren Kercher. These, including so many of our adjunct lecturers have relentlessly poured themselves into the lives of our students as together we have sought to make an exponential investment in the greater work of the kingdom of God and of Queensland Baptists more broadly. I wish to thank God for the privilege of service to Him, to our movement and to Malyon Theological College over the past 13 years.
2023 has been a year of change and growth and I hope to capture some of the highlights in this report to show how Malyon Vocational Training (MVT) has been working alongside Queensland Baptists to equip people to fulfill their part in God’s reconciliation plan.
MVT serves Queensland Baptists by providing vocational training for pastors, chaplains, ministry leaders, camping ministry workers and trainer assessors.
This year we graduated 294 people from our courses with 270 of those graduating with a full qualification and the remainder with micro-credentials. Our two graduation services for 11 Ethnic leaders and pastors (Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology) and five chaplains (Certificate IV in Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care) were significant occasions as we celebrated the students’ success and prayed for their ongoing ministry. Here’s what one graduate had to say about studying the Diploma, “Thanks to the trainers who love and care for me. I will serve the Lord every day using what I learned. I know I’ve got a call from the Lord and a responsibility to serve his Kingdom.”
MVT fully supports QB’s priorities and in 2023 we developed a course to train men and women in effective mission, specifically in the area of church planting. We are grateful to HopeTree church planter and pastor Geoff Eggins for collaborating with us to write the new Certificate IV in Christian Ministry and Theology – Church Planting. We are excited to begin training people to plant new churches in new communities across Queensland in the coming years.
Also in 2023, MVT Certificate IV Christian Ministry and Theology course coordinator Dean Herring took the initiative to create an elective stream for the Certificate IV internship to intentionally train young adults to work effectively in a Christian camping context. Interest has been strong and the first cohort will study in 2024.
MVT has been part of a working group formed to revise and re-accredit the suite of Christian Ministry and Theology courses used by our training organisation and by other training organisations of various denominations throughout Australia. The course’s units of competency have been rewritten to address changes in the skills and knowledge required to minister effectively in today’s context. The revised courses were approved by the VET sector’s governing body in December and the new versions of the Christian Ministry and Theology courses will be rolled out in 2024.
The decision was made this year to merge Queensland Baptist’s Higher Education arm, Malyon Theological College, with Morling College. The merger conversation also investigated the possibility of working together to deliver vocational training in Christian ministry to Baptists across Australia. As a result, under the leadership of Interim MaTTs Director, Andrew McCafferty, a working group will chart the pathway towards a merged approach beginning in 2026.
MVT has continued its working relationship with QCCC and Carinity as QB agencies. In 2023 we also formed a closer connection with QB Youth, QB Women and QB Leadership Development.
Outside of QB, MVT also continues to work with a team of trainers in Adelaide in the delivery of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, and this has been a mutually beneficial arrangement.
We are committed to serving the QB Movement by providing training which results in people becoming effective ministry practitioners, able to skilfully, courageously and wisely be God’s agents of love and grace in bringing His kingdom to those in desperate need of new life. We very much appreciate your prayer and welcome your questions and feedback.
In closing I would like to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of the Malyon Vocational Training team of staff, trainers and volunteers. I give thanks to God for each one of them. Though small in number, they work in unity and with expertise to equip Queensland Baptists and others.
Schools, students and souls have been blessed by the effective leadership and sound governance across our QB Christian Education Services (CES) member schools. The CES charter group seeks to serve and support our schools to function healthily, mission effectively and disciple intentionally.
The CES and wider Baptist community rejoices in the following growth across our schools in the thematic areas of schools, students and souls.
The CES is predominately funded by the member schools, however, financial sponsorship from Baplink in 2023 was warmly received and we thank them for their support.
In 2023, Carinity Rockhampton opened a new junior campus at Mount Chalmers (a small town situated between Yeppoon and Rockhampton). The campus is on the former site of Mount Chalmers State School. The extra capacity created by opening 45 places in Years 7 and 8 was a significant step in meeting the growing need of young people to access a safe and supportive learning environment. Carinity are also working towards
planning additional sites throughout the state.
Carinity Southside principal, Leann Faint was invited to be part of a panel of principals from around Australia to speak on the topic of Re-engaging Students in Education at Parliament House in November 2023. With the review of the National School Reform Agreement (NSRA), Independent Schools Australia (ISA) hosted this forum to address important aspects of the national reform agenda, and for attendees to hear from Principals of Special Assistance Schools and Majority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Schools as they shared creative approaches used to successfully re-engage students.
The forum brought together around thirty educators, school leaders, Members of Parliament, Senators and key stakeholders from around Australia. This invitation followed on from Leann’s involvement in ISA’s Special Assistance School Showcase Report. While Leann was the one in the spotlight, she was humbly representing the collective commitment of her fellow principals and colleagues within Carinity Education.
The heart of every school is its students and staff. Bayside Christian College in Hervey Bay has experienced enrolment growth of 27% from the beginning of 2023 to 2024. This is a testimony to the leadership and culture within the school. Families from a wide variety of backgrounds are being drawn to the college and their God-centred education.
An exciting initiative at Bayside in 2023 was the launch of their Barracuda’s rugby league development
program. Principal Brian Grimes’ vision to expand Bayside’s connection and influence in the Fraser Coast region has been embraced by the local community. The Dolphins NRL club is the Patron sponsor, recognizing the Barracudas as the region’s leading development program for both boys and girls. While the sporting development will serve the students well, the character development of the students, driven by the college’s Christian ethos, will have more eternal consequences.
Souls are being ministered to in all our schools, but the most striking evidence of this has been at Hillcrest Christian College. Throughout 2023 a powerful move of the Holy Spirit resulted in approximately 600 students making commitments in chapel services, gatherings and bible studies.
Principal Jeff Davis reported that Hillcrest had the most incredible Year 12 results ever with many students exceeding their expectations. Their top students worked exceptionally well together to assist each other but most importantly they are all students of exceptional faith.
The variety of subjects they chose and the University courses they are entering into are so varied that some of their stories have been published in the local media!
Please pray for our schools and decision makers as they navigate the complex ecosystem that is education. Pray for wisdom as they navigate the current issues in education:
• Student wellbeing
• Increases in school refusal and absenteeism
• Teacher supply shortage
• Compliance and risk environment
• Cost of living crisis impacting affordability of school fees
• Influence on school choice from external sources including ‘My School’, NAPLAN, league table and other school comparison sources.
However, our schools are well placed to tackle these broader societal problems. I commend to you the leaders and staff at Bayside, Carinity and Hillcrest who are taking the power of the Gospel across the state of Queensland. Schools, students and souls are being touched every day.
2023 commenced with the QCCC Director visiting each major QCCC venue to present the QCCC Strategic Plan, reinforced by ministry training of QCCC’s Triple Calling approach. QCCC is an attempt to operate in the sweet spot where the Creation Mandate (Genesis 1:28) overlaps with the Great Commandment Mandate (Matthew 22:3739) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). In this sweet spot, all three are held in tension, with no one of them taking primacy over the other. Our Outdoor Education activities and Triballink Centre are focused on Creation Care and Community and Team building. Our hospitality, service and accommodation are all about strengthening and enhancing relationships, both vertically and horizontally. QCCC is a ministry operating within the rich tradition of “business as mission” seen throughout church history. From Paul, Priscilla and Aquilla plying their tents in the Corinth marketplace, through many centuries of the Celtic and Monastic tradition, to the recent rise of self-sustaining Christian not-forprofits, QCCC attempts to follow in these traditions by representing the Great Commission in the marketplace with flexibility, dexterity, and cultural sensitivity.
QCCC Brookfield saw its bookings and income reach their highest level since the venue opened in 2005. Throughout the year, manager Nicole oversaw some changes to the demographics of bookings, with fewer craft groups, whose numbers have been dwindling for several years, and more strategic alliances with out-of-town schools and tour group organisers. QCCC Brookfield enjoys a vibrant and energized team of staff who do a great job of “welcoming the stranger”.
Mapleton celebrated 40 years of ministry in April, inviting back all the Centre managers from the previous 40 years for an intimate celebration of all God has achieved through the venue since 1983. Shortly after, QCCC engaged Christian architect firm CultivAR to commence work on a Master Plan for the next 40 years. When Mapleton opened it was a remarkable, forward-thinking facility, unlike anything else in Christian camping in Queensland. The next Master Plan has capacity to retain and grow that status for Mapleton, achieving the original Queensland Baptists vision for a 550-bed “North Coast” facility.
In December Tamborine had the joyful privilege of graduating its first intake of interns. As pioneers, Channah and Zac have done a tremendous job of completing their Outdoor Leadership qualifications, while also being involved in the children and youth ministries of local churches. Tamborine enjoys a growing and fruitful
partnership with nearby Crosslife, a Baptist Church. Throughout the year Tamborine continued to take new bookings as its reputation, aided by partnerships with Vertec Adventure and Mount Tamborine Convention, as one of the Gold Coast’s best Outdoor Education options continued to grow.
In its 4th year Noosa continued to see steady bookings growth focused particularly on the Survival program offered to middle high school years (Grade 7-9). These programs provide significant opportunity for ministry as they are often longer (5-12 days) and our instructors spend more time with participants, providing an aspirational figure for adolescent students. The growth in bookings and ministry at Noosa has prompted QCCC to commence negotiations with Teen Missions to secure a longer-term lease of the property.
The 2023 Outdoors Queensland Awards took place late October where many from around the outdoor recreation industry gathered at Rydges South Bank. QCCC Mapleton was honoured to be awarded the 2023 AQIA Workforce Development Award for our QCCC CAMPFIRE Internship Program. The Award is a credit to all the team at QCCC and great recognition for all the hard work put into the CAMPFIRE Internship program over the years. As each year goes by, previous graduates are becoming more involved in the delivery and discipleship of the program to the new young talent joining us. It has also been gratifying to see graduated interns involved in church ministry, with the skills they learn with us, such as group facilitation and team building, readily transferable and complementary to the church ministry context. The internship is a
vital pipeline of staff trained the Queensland Baptist way (with a big thanks to Malyon Vocational too), as programs, activities and offerings grow at all our venues.
In January 2024 Tamborine will launch the CAMPLIFE Gap Year program which is an apprenticeship in all things Christian Camping, as well as provision of aspects of the Malyon Cert IV in Ministry and Theology. We will also look to train the CAMPLIFE students in the delivery and facilitation of the REAL LIFE programs, which have been developed over the last two years. This gives QCCC opportunity to pro-actively provide Christianbased seminars on camp and as school and youth group incursions.
QCCC’s Director attended the International Camping Fellowship Conference this year where the key takeaway was the massive investment the government of the People’s Republic of China are making in Outdoor Education. They see camp programs as an important part of childhood development in a country which has pursued a one-child-policy for decades. This investment extends to international study tours and camping programs, with forecasts of significant growth for camping providers worldwide as the staggering population numbers of Chinese youth look to access international venues. This is likely to be an opportunity for ministry development through the next decade for QCCC.
Another significant milestone in Queensland is the 2032 Olympics. Camping Ministries in NSW were beneficiaries of significant government investment in the lead-up to the 2000 Sydney Olympics and QCCC’s venues have already been approached and locked-in for roles during the 2032 Brisbane Olympics and Paralympics. A recent example is QCCC Tamborine’s role in providing accommodation for logistics staff during the 2018 Commonwealth Games. QCCC is well positioned to access legacy funding to assist with the delivery of the Games.
As 2024 kicks off the focus of staff ministry training continues to reinforce the Triple Calling approach to ministry – Look Outside, Look Around and Look Up. In Acts 17 Dr Luke describes Paul’s interactions with the philosophers and influencers of his day, where Paul had to establish his credentials and display the type of nimbleness and ingeniousness it takes to reach an audience similar to today’s Western, Post-Christian world. QCCC is a sought-after ministry of Queensland Baptists to all sections and strata of society, one we’re joyful to deliver on behalf of our Movement.
What a privilege and an honour to step into this new role. Firstly, I want to thank God for leading our family and bringing us back into the Queensland Baptist Movement at this exciting time. I also want to say a big thank you to Colin Stoodley for the work he has done, they are big shoes to fill. I also want to thank Jason and Stewart and the whole QB team for welcoming me into the fold.
The reason for the ‘new’ role, Director of Local Mission, was to prioritise evangelism and church planting as central in our Movement. The multi-faceted upheaval in our society is paving a path for the Gospel. In the Local Mission sector we are developing a three pronged strategy. Youth Leadership development, Evangelism training and Church planting training and support.
Youth Leadership Development is gaining momentum through the Project 11 program. Maddy Mandall is also developing a next step internship program called QB Leadership Academy. We are also pushing to see more and more young Adults at our QB Conference as we raise up a next generation of leaders who are equipped to lead and evangelise Australia.
Evangelism training is being conducted through effective partnerships with Crossover Australia and Alpha Australia. Resources are available for churches to equip
their congregations to share the gospel and engage in effective discipleship. Alpha is using the QB story to help other denominations get involved in mission because QB churches are one of the biggest users of the Alpha program in Australia. We are also praying into a large state-wide Alpha push in term 2 2025 in the lead up to the Baptist World Congress where Alpha hopes to announce its 1,000,000th participant! Baptism week, which was led by Crossover Australia was also a powerful event that bore much fruit this year. We had a massive year of growth in evangelism with Queensland Baptist participation in Alpha. From 2022 to 2023 the number of churches participating grew from 54 to 86 and the number of Alpha programs went from 139 to 216! Praise God and well done everyone.
In the Church Planting Space, we have several training options to help move the mission forward. Launch was successfully run in 2023 and we are getting ready to go again. We also have a Malyon subject and a new Certificate IV program as well (Certificate IV Christian Ministry and Theology [Church Planting]). I just want to give a huge thank you to Christine Thomas and Geoff Eggins for all the great work in getting this subject off the ground. Thanks to these training initiatives, we currently have ten churches that operate under church plant status and I am working with three people who are in the planning phase for new works. We also have two church networks in Far North Queensland and Central Queensland becoming multi-site churches as they plant new campuses.
There is a lot of work to be done but we serve a powerful God who is able. The verse that God really laid on my heart as I prepared to return to Australia for this role was Colossians 1:18: And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. We are going to plant simple churches, neighbourhood churches and multi-site churches as we seek to expand His kingdom here in Queensland.
Since beginning in the Leadership Development Manager role in March 2023 I have been overjoyed to see the way God is at work in our QB leaders, particularly those young and emerging.
Project 11, our emerging leader development initiative, ran for its second year in 2023. We had 118 young leaders equipped through this, from 30 churches across our state. It was great to see that of the 118, we had around 110 young leaders able to attend the end of year P11 Summit at QCCC Mapleton. This was a great weekend where we heard from gifted speakers, participated in topical electives, networked with other leaders and celebrated the year our emerging leaders had. The theme for the weekend was ‘becoming’ – who are we becoming as leaders and children of God and how do we become everything God dreams for us? I was so encouraged to see how the equipping and encouragement they received through Project 11 helped them to take steps of faith and try new things for God. Many P11 participants preached their first sermons, led communion, ran bible studies or youth group nights for the first time supported by their group leaders. We had two participants facilitate an entire young adults conference. One participant realized although he’d lived his whole life in church with his family, he’d never actually accepted his faith as his own. After doing this he was baptised, and later baptised his younger brother as well!
We are continuing to adapt and refine the Project 11 material as feedback comes in through each year’s cohort. This coming year we will be focusing on broadening the range of guests we have appear on our Project 11 podcasts to include Christian leaders from a range of professions. There will also be the introduction of more specialized leadership exercises and principles into the material. We will continue to mold and shape the Project 11 material so it can most effectively raise up servant leaders.
We also facilitated the production of the latest installment of our ‘Mastering Leadership’ series. This is a series of training videos and corresponding written material that align with our QB priority each year. 2023’s installment was titled ‘Evangelism’, aligning with the QB priority of ‘Effective Mission’. This training is designed to be used in small groups (i.e. pastoral teams, regional gatherings etc.) but is also useful for individual training. So far, the 2023 Mastering Leadership: Evangelism resource has been accessed 44 times. Our hope is that this suite of
resources can continue to be accessed and utilised by our QB leaders as the need arises.
We are also on our way to developing an overarching leadership development pipeline for the QB Movement. This will consist of a suite of leadership development opportunities for people at all different stages of their leadership journey from high school students, to lay leaders, to our experienced pastors.
I enjoyed travelling around our churches and connecting with pastors and Project 11 groups across our state. I really am struck with the incredible family we have here within the QB Movement and have a deep sense of anticipation that God is on the move in our midst. We will continue to do everything we can to equip and support our churches as they do God’s work in their local communities.
Our family is diverse, and this diversity is growing. We certainly experience it in our CALD ministry. Thanks to our wider QB family, who welcome migrants, refugees, international students, we see growth in this area. But apart from the numerical growth, we are indeed blessed to see the growth in commitment to our QB family, our vision, our priorities, our training pathways, our function and events.
The highlight of each year in CALD ministries is our prayer week. It is so encouraging to see men and women from across ethnicities coming together and praying for each other. It is also encouraging to know that someone prayed for them. CALD churches are known for being fervent in prayer and this ministry among them is growing.
It is also encouraging to see the number of churches who are taking evangelism initiatives seriously to reach the next generation and into welcome people from various backgrounds. We have churches who translate Alpha resources in their native language. We also have CALD churches that have started English language services to reach their children and subsequent generations. My role is often to encourage them in this and to help and facilitate that transition, so that it will run smoothly and will honour older generations, while being effective in reaching the younger generations.
For that purpose, training is vital. In the last few years, we have more and more pastors, leaders, emerging leaders joining our Malyon Vocation Training study pathway to
be trained under QB leadership with QB values and ethos. This training pathway also helps them to be registered with QB and in the future, to be ordained. Once again, I am thankful to QB leadership past and present and to the Board who provide this pathway which significantly widening our input in forming future leaders and pastors in our movement. Praise the Lord for that.
At the same time there are issues such as venues, families being apart due to migration issues, and in many instances there are family members who suffer under tyrannical regimes or being displaced in refugee camps without being able to come to Australia due to bureaucratic issues while having Australian visas.
We are trying to be prudent and wise in all these issues to help our churches. By building their capacity and helping them to comply with all the necessary requirements, a
number of CALD churches have entered the property market and have acquired assets. Some do in partnership, while others buy existing churches or convert commercial premises. My observation is that having their own asset substantially boosts effectiveness in their ministries. I would like to thank our BapLink team who help our CALD churches and pastors.
When it comes to refugees, we pray and petition. For a while a lot of our brothers and sisters who have been recognised as genuine refugees by UNHCR and even have Australian visas were not able to come to Australia from India because they were unable to obtain Indian Exit permits.
But, we prayed, petitioned, met and spoke to Australian Government representatives and it all brought good results and Exit Permits from India are now available and already a number of families arrived in Queensland. Praise be to God for this!
It has become custom that several CALD churches celebrate a Multiethnic Christmas that honours Christ and shares the message of Jesus’ birth to the community. Vietnam Grace Church under the leadership of Pastor Hoa has been hosting these events for several years now with a great spirit of hospitality and I am thankful to QB for their assistance in this.
In conclusion, I want to thank our QB family for welcoming strangers (Leviticus 19:33-34) for their hospitality (Hebrews 13:20) and for their generosity in helping refugees and those who escape wars and international conflicts. (Matthew 25:35).
As we look back over the last year, we see God’s hand of provision, protection and grace. Again this year we have had the privilege of walking beside pastors and churches through the ups and downs of ministry yet in all of that, we have been witness to God doing some wonderful things. I want to pay a special tribute to the many pastors who continue to serve faithfully in and out of season. God bless you all.
This year has seen a lot accomplished, but I must start out by thanking many people.
Thanks again to Chen Kumar for working so hard in the area of Pastoral Services – picking up the pieces, checking the details, responding to enquiries and generally keeping the wheels moving. Chen is a real blessing to so many and has continued to faithfully and graciously support the work of QB and be a blessing to all she serves. Few will ever see the huge administrative load she bears. So thankyou Chen. Thanks to other members of our administration team and our wider QB Services team for supporting us throughout the year, we are blessed by you also. This year has probably seen more than any other a growing collaboration of effort as we have sought to work across departmental boundaries and supported each other in the work that has been before us. At the risk of singling one person out, I must acknowledge the work of Mark Westhuyzen, the Director of Church Health Services. I am blessed to work beside and with Mark on so many things and he has been a great support and encouragement to me and so many others. We have a wonderful team at QB and it is a pleasure to be a part of it.
Thanks to Bob Rogers, who has served in the role of our Professional Standards Officer this year. Bob retired at the end of the year, but it would be remiss not to acknowledge his great support to our pastors and churches as they deal with the harsh realities of our sin and fallenness. We are excited that Ray Frangakis has agreed to step into the PSO role in an interim capacity as we start 2024.
I commend to you the work of the Ministerial Services Committee who has continued to work hard to oversee the work of pastoral services. Thanks to the current committee comprising Peter Cossgrove (Chairman), Glenn Brodie, Ruth Peckman, Emil Rahimov, Dave Luthy, Tracy Valentine, Nathan Stanley, Dave Blunden, Stewart Pieper, Peter Francis and myself.
Thank you also to those who have helped with registration interviews, pastoral or church reviews, ministry supervision, our New Pastor’s Conference or supported
me on oversight teams or in various reference groups throughout the last year. Thankyou for using your gifts and abilities to bless others. We are privileged to belong to a wonderful Movement and to have so many people supporting and caring for our pastors.
2023 provided us with an opportunity to continue to develop some resources for our churches.
Interim Ministries: We have continued to work in the Interim Ministry space to seek to develop resources and processes that can help us identify and place interim pastors into churches who have a need for some support. Thanks to Ron Linning, Rhys McFadden and Angelo Giovas for their support in this space.
Renewal Retreat Groups: Dave Tidy, and Dave Paroz have been instrumental in helping us to get to a point where we are ready to relaunch our Renewal Retreat Ministry this year. We have a renewed vision for these renewal retreats and the immense benefits they provide for our pastors.
Governance Framework Resources: As flagged in last year’s report, it has become increasingly clear that a lack of good governance is hurting and holding back many of our churches. We have continued this year to work on developing a Governance Framework for our QB churches and are excited to be nearly at the stage to start to role out the resources we have developed. We pray this will be an invaluable resource for our churches and their leadership teams to equip and upskill them in the important task of leading and governing in church contexts.
Spiritual Appointment & Employment Contract
Resources: With the changes to Fairwork Legislation in 2023, an opportunity arose for us to do a major review of our resources for churches as they come to employ or appoint pastors. This has turned into a fairly significant piece of work, and we continue to wrestle with some of the challenges associated with assisting churches to manage their human resources responsibilities well.
One of the highlights of our year is running our New Pastor’s Conference. This year we had 15 participants from all around our state.
One of the wonderful new initiatives I have been privileged to work on with Mark Westhuyzen is establishing a pastors cohort for new Solo and Senior Pastors. We had about a dozen pastors involved in this group during 2023 meeting together every other month to consider some of the challenges of being a Senior Pastor. This has given us the opportunity to provide leadership input and resources to these pastors that they wouldn’t otherwise get through their previous theological and ministry study.
In 2024, we are kicking off a second cohort – for experienced Associate Pastors, to help them prepare for a potential next step into leading a church in their own right.
We hope these cohorts will assist to develop the next generation of leaders for our churches.
Pastoral Supervision finally became a reality in March 2023 with the first group of re-registering pastors being asked to transition to the new 4 & 4 support system (4 sessions of Pastoral Supervision and 4 sessions with an Additional External Support Person). In September, a second group of pastors made that transition. Currently 87 pastors (out of about 310 pastors) have made the switch and engaged a Pastoral Supervisor and we will be adding about 45-50 pastors to this number each March and September.
We have also worked hard to recruit Supervisors and currently we have 76 approved Pastoral Supervisors across Australia with all manner of experience who have completed our application and induction process.
Thanks to all those who worked so hard to develop the resources and training materials for our Pastoral Supervision processes. We regularly get people commenting on the quality of these and they are being used as models for other denominations around our nation.
We completed a series of 15 consultation sessions with QB pastors and church delegates around the proposals for
1. Changes to the Ordination processes
2. Introducing a new Accreditation categoryRecognition of Ministry Workers
In total we had 167 participants across the sessions with good engagement and input.
Overall, there was positive feedback about these proposals with a number of helpful suggestions being raised. All questions raised were documented, answered and circulated through the QB Hub together with a number of representative papers espousing the viewpoints of Egalitarianism and Complementarianism. We look forward to these two proposals being considered by the assembly in 2024.
We have continued to work on the QBITS (QB Informal Training Services) side of MaTTS (Ministry and Theological Training Services). QBITS seeks to consider how we are going to develop, manage and deliver many of the informal training resources that exist around our movement. We have begun the exciting task of trying to figure out how we can make some of these existing and future resources more available to our churches and pastors. With conversations between Malyon and Morling regarding an amalgamation, we have had a bit more opportunity to focus on the role of QBITS.
I commented last year on the cumulative impact that the lockdowns and COVID 19 was having on the general health of our pastors. We have seen this fragility continue in 2023 with quite a number of pastors leaving the ministry or alternatively stepping out of lead pastor roles to take up associate roles where there is less strain.
Finding enough pastors (or raising up enough pastors) is a real challenge for us and most other Christian denominations across Australia. As I write this at the beginning of 2024, we currently have 36 vacant pastoral positions across the state that I know of (9 Senior roles, 12 Solo Roles, 15 Associate Roles). We definitely need more pastoral leaders in our movement and so keep praying for the Lord to raise up willing workers to send into His harvest field. If you think God is calling you to fulfill this calling, I would love to chat to you.
In regards registration processes in 2023, it has again been a very busy year…
• 13 pastors completed their first 2 years of supervised ministry.
• 6 Pastors are in the process of transferring their credentials to QB
• 1 Pastor had their registration with QB reinstated after spending time in other ministry.
• 8 Pastors were approved for ordination
• 9 Pastors had their registration lapsed
• 11 Pastors applied for and were granted a Marriage Celebrants Licence
• 18 Pastors undertook refresher training in their Marriage Celebrant Obligations
• Currently we have 302 Marriage Celebrants within our Movement which is up from 299 at the beginning of 2023.
Below is a summary of some of the Pastoral Statistics as they stand at the end of 2023:
It has been a privilege to work with so many of our pastors and church leadership teams to support their ministry in various and many ways. We recognise that we are partners in the Gospel and we desire to see each of you remain healthy, vibrant and effective in your ministry calling for God’s glory and the church’s benefit. May God richly bless you all as you continue to serve Him.
As I look back over the last 12 months, I can see God's hand at work in the lives of individuals, groups of leaders, individual churches, and in regions together. The church health space involves resourcing, training, coaching, facilitating, supporting, strategizing, confronting, encouraging, but most of all, is a ministry of prayer as we listen to God, seek his miraculous intervention, and respond to the voice of the Good Shepherd who calls each by name. The power is in prayer and obedience.
I feel incredibly privileged to serve the QB Movement in this area, partnering with many gifted, faith filled, and faithful people. One of the great highlights was to attend the Alpha Leadership Conference in London in April along with Matt Anstey, Tracy Valentine, and Ryan Vallee. It was inspiring to see how God is raising up leaders in difference contexts, planting, re-planting and revitalizing churches, and of course using Alpha to see many people come to Christ.
As the Director of Church Health Services, I provide support to a team of ministry specialists supporting various ministry areas across QB. Tracy Valentine (Kids and Families) continues to be a huge blessing to QB as she stands in for Sally Contessi who is on parental leave. Aaron Fozzard (Youth and Young Adults) and Cathy Knechtli (Women’s Ministry) continue to bless our movement through gathering youth, young adults, and women together for encouragement, training, and one-another ministry.
I am also very grateful for Emily Banks and Leigh Macpherson for their work in developing the QB Safe Spaces ministry to ensure churches are well equipped to serve and safeguard the young people and vulnerable people with up to date polices, training, documentation and support.
I continue to serve on the Church Support Leadership Group and the QB Services Leadership Team under the leadership of Stewart Pieper as well as the Ministry and Theological Training Services (MaTTS) charter group. This group oversees the delivery of ministry and theological training across our movement both at an accredited level (Malyon Theological College and Malyon Vocational Training) and at a non-accredited level, which we’ve called QB Informal Training Services – QBITS.
There have been numerous casual consultations through the year as well as more structured full day events, usually focused on vision, team, and ministry effectiveness. There have also been 3 full church reviews completed. This type of review involves making use of several assessment tools, interviews, surveys, document reviews, church visits, and other input sources to assess the health, and pertinent issues, and then to present a series of
recommendations to the church leaders. I am grateful for Pastors Dan Lyons, Daniel Walker, David Elvery, and Steve Ballin for their partnership in these review processes.
I have worked with others in QB to support and resource the unique needs of our pastors and churches in this season in Queensland. Here are some of the highlights:
Pastors Facebook Group: This group has continued to be utilized by the 290 members as a place to share resources, encourage and engage each other, and promote ministry events and training opportunities, and stories.
Video Sermons: The Church Support Team has continued to supply video sermons for pastors to utilize, especially solo pastors and pastors in regional areas. Special thanks to Jonathan Lamprecht for his videoing, editing, and production skills.
Mastering Leadership: It was a privilege to work with Maddy Mandall to design and produce the Mastering Leadership Resource for 2023 on Leading Your Church into Effective Mission.
Governance Framework: It has ben a privilege to work with David Elvery and a group of pastors and leaders, to develop a governance framework for QB churches. This project will develop a overall framework, many supporting documents and resources, training videos and worksheets that can be used by leaders in regular governance meetings.
Worship and Creative Leaders Network: Maddy Mandall and I along with a group of worship and creative pastors ran our second worship and creative network gathering at Riverlife with over 130 in attendance.
QB WORSHIP & CREATIVE MINISTRY LEADERS NETWORK GATHERING 2023Pastors Forum: Ian Hussey (Malyon College) and I have continued to host the QB Pastors Forum exploring issues of leadership, theology, ministry effectiveness, and community engagement. Over 330 pastors connected together online or watched a recording across 2023.
Crossover Australia: It was a privilege to introduce Stephen Meharg, our new DoLM to the Crossover Australia Task Force and establish him as our QB representative.
Launch and P11: It was a blessing to partner with Timon Bengtson, Colin Stoodley, and Maddy Mandall to run our first Launch Church Planting and second Project 11 Cohorts.
Pastoral Cohorts: 2023 saw the establishment of the first of our planned QB pastors learning cohorts. David Elvery and I hosted a group of over 10 pastors aimed at connecting and training newer senior pastors. We provided input on key areas of pastoral leadership over the course of the year through an overnight residential and bi-monthly online gatherings. We’re planning a cohort for 2024 for experienced associates.
It has been an enormous blessing in 2023 to support church leaders, congregations and pastors right across the state. Seeing churches move out of conflicted situations into greater peace and unity, out of discouragement and confusion into faith and hope is a great encouragement. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord and his people in this great state.
It is encouraging to see God working in the vibrant Kids and Families Ministries across our Movement. We are blessed to have people passionately discipling the kids in our churches to know that God made them, He loves them, and Jesus wants a relationship with each of them.
Supporting leaders and teams is an essential element of the QB Kids and Families role. Out of this contact, the issues most churches had were in the areas of curriculum and recruitment. More curriculums are available than ever, but choosing the right one for each church context can be challenging. Considerations around budget, resources, ministry area, ministry size, volunteer base and curriculum quality may be necessary. There is significant need in most of our churches for more volunteers, and developing strategies for recruitment and training has been a significant topic in conversations this year.
In 6 of our churches, I provided sessions for parents, where we encouraged faith in the home in ways that keep faith central but don't overwhelm parents. These were well received.
Technology has been a tremendous asset as we have connected over Zoom several times with leaders to share solutions for issues and encourage one another. Our Facebook Page continues to provide a platform for our leaders to reach out to each other.
Once again, we partnered with the Queensland Children's Ministry Network, an interdenominational network of children and family ministry leaders around the state. We also engage heavily with Amplify, the Kids, Family and Youth Conference. Held in several Hubs around our state, it has been so encouraging to see our churches lean into the conference with QB leaders on Hub teams and several churches hosting a Hub. QB churches are the largest denomination represented at Amplify in Queensland. This Conference has also been a great training resource for the many Religious Instructors in our churches. We highly value our RI people and continue to cheer them on in their important work.
We have been collaborating with several Christian foster care groups to create a resource that promotes and celebrates the ministry of caring for foster children in our community. Many families have been called into this ministry, and on Fostering Sunday in September, we prayed for them in many of our churches across Queensland. We hope this opportunity to highlight this calling will build over the years. Our You Parties resources, designed to bring hope to foster children, were well received at the SU Conference earlier in the year.
It has again been a huge blessing to collaborate with others in the QB Generations Team, led by Mark Westhuyzen. Highlights of the year have been the opportunity to support Project 11, Anew Women and the State Youth Camp.
Travelling to each of the Regions in October was a valuable opportunity to connect with the Pastors and leaders of our Movement. During these visits, we gave out the Family Faith Rhythms Project resource. These proved popular and continue to be available for churches here: https://www.baptist.org.au/about-us/family-faithrhythms/.
It has been a privilege to once again step into the interim position of leading QB Kids and Families while Ps Sally Contessi has been on Parental Leave. Sally has always done an excellent job of leading this vital ministry. I look forward to supporting Sally in the future when she returns to the role in June. I will continue my roles at Sunnybank District Baptist Church and support women as the Area Pastor for QB Women Pastors.
2023 has been a great year for the QB Women. We have met together with women across Queensland, made connections through our blogs and video devotionals and seen God do amazing things amongst His women in this state.
During 2023 we continued to offer blogs and video devotionals, all of which are written and presented by women across Queensland. We love that more women are continuing to be involved in this part of our ministry which includes our Facebook page, which has 1598 followers, our Instagram, YouTube channel and our website. All this information is also shared in our regular email newsletter.
We are thankful for these women who have stepped out in this way to share what God has put on their hearts.
In 2023, our theme for the year was ‘Into the Wild’, coming out of QB’s theme for the year, ‘Effective Mission’, speaking out of Ephesians 2:10.
We were very blessed to have Melissa Lipsett, CEO of Baptist World Aid Australia, as our keynote speaker at all of our conferences in 2023.
In June we headed to Longreach for our first conference of the year, with not only the ladies from Longreach and surrounds, but also a large contingent came all the way from Mount Isa, about a 14 hour round trip!
In July we headed to Rockhampton, Bundaberg and Mapleton in August and then finished up with a conference at Reedy Creek on the Gold Coast.
All of our conferences were well attended, with times of worship, teaching and prayer, and sharing around the Communion table, led by women from around the state. Melissa shared from God’s word, opening our eyes to the need for mission across our world.
At all of our conferences, the women had the opportunity to be generous by giving, both at a local level through our Local Impact projects and at a global level through our Baptist World Aid project. Our Local Impact projects this year were well supported. We gave to the Community Meals Ministry at Longreach Baptist Church, we supplied items for Mums and Newborns in Rockhampton, and Foster and Kinship care in Bundaberg. At Mapleton we supported Lily House Women’s Shelter and at the Gold Coast we supported the Agape Outreach to the homeless. We have been running the Local Impact
projects for only a few years and each year the women are being more and more generous to those in their local community.
Supporting Baptist World Aid Australia is something we do every year at our conferences and has a huge impact not only on those who are supported by the funds but those who give as well. God is teaching us what it means to be light to the world around us, to support the downtrodden and needy and to give justice and be a voice for those that cannot speak for themselves.
Our giving to Baptist World Aid this year was to support the Hunger Crisis Appeal in the Horn of Africa, with a focus on the school feeding programs. The incredibly generous women across Queensland gave over $20,000 to Baptist World Aid which is a huge amount and will make a massive difference to those across our world who are in need.
Special mention this year to Bundaberg Baptist and Coral Coast churches for hosting us and fully supporting our first ever conference in Bundaberg. It was a fantastic conference, well attended, and we’re looking forward to doing more up there. I am also very thankful for my team, who hail from right across the state, from Mareeba in the north, to Biloela and Calliope in Central Qld and also the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. Without these women our conferences would not be able to run, and I am thankful that God has placed them in this team for this time. We are so thankful to QCCC Mapleton for sponsoring us with a reduced cost for our retreat and for hosting us so well. We always love going to Mapleton and having our retreat in such a beautiful environment.
A big thank you to all the women across Queensland who have come together and shared through blogs and video devotionals, for your prayers for us and for each other and for your giving to support those in need locally and globally.
In 2024 we’re planning to run weekend retreats in Atherton and Mapleton and conferences in Gladstone, Townsville, Hervey Bay and Mackay. Our theme is ‘Following the King’, and we’re expectant to see what God will do amongst His women in Queensland in 2024.
It has been an absolute pleasure to serve you all in the role as Youth and Young Adults Ministry Team Leader during 2023. For me (not just as a QB staff member), this year has been jam packed with events, conferences, meetings, coaching, facilitating, leading a local church, preaching, teaching, and my most favourite, seeing people’s lives changed by Jesus. My hope for this report is that the reader will see deeply the hand of God throughout this crucial ministry space. My heart is to see our youth and young adults’ ministries flourish. May the time spent reading this bring you joy.
SYC23 was something else. It was next level. The lead-up to camp was great. We had 80 leaders from across our SEQ churches trained in Child Safety and camp etiquette. We had up to 60 young people choose Jesus. Outstanding movements of the Holy Spirit occurred during the camp, and each person left ready to effectively mission to their contexts. Praise God! Pastors Tim and Lauren Lucas preached with clarity, passion, and conviction. Their messages impacted the attendees deeply. The Holy Spirit did His thing by convicting and encouraging most people in Kirkwood Hall and during the small group times. God did His thing at this event. This camp had 280 people in on-site accommodation, maxing out the sites accommodation while seeing 325 during one of the days. These 325 people were from 15 churches from SEQ. SYC started out with 7 churches and 128 people in 2018 and has had incremental growth, even during COVID times, which has sparked the conversation of how SYC grows without out-growing QCCC Mapleton.
“We had a few of our kids publicly recommit to Jesus, those who had been feeling like they had been living a ‘Sunday Christian lifestyle’. The whole camp was amazing to bring unity and community back into our youth group. Most of our young people have decided to make coming to youth a priority and have decided to take Fridays off work and other commitments! God worked in some powerful ways in our older girls, some of whom are experiencing family breakdowns - they were able to share and pray together and remind each other that they belong to the family of God!” - Liam, Outlook Christian Church
"We had 3 of our youth (all from non-Christian homes) commit their lives to the Lord! As a youth team, we are very excited to continue discipling them this year. :) I was really happy to see my boys develop some good friendships with one another. The boys who ended up coming to camp weren't friends previous to camp, but by the end, one of my boys (who has been a bit disconnected from youth) was crying in a huddle we had during a time of worship. I believe the acceptance and love he was experiencing was extremely meaningful to him at that moment. Praise the Lord” - Seb, Forest Lake Baptist Church
“I received so many messages from parents thanking us for the Camp. Their kids were so stoked after it. We had one of the girls sharing how God spoke to her at Camp giving her clarity towards a decision she needed to make. I had one young fella sharing that during one of our ministry times, God removed him from childhood trauma. He said that God told him that He was healing that hurt at that moment! Praise God!! I had one girl coming back super keen to serve. One of our girls shared that she got a word from God in a small group time in the morning but second-guessed her ability to hear Him. That same night Laura came to pray for her and said the same word God had given her with a bit of encouragement and explanation! Overall, our whole group were very happy with the Camp! It was a great time for us leaders as well!!” - Marcos, Beachside Christian Church
“I had three girls fully commit their lives to Jesus, going from believing in Jesus to wanting to make him the centre of their lives. Two boys realised they needed to stop conforming to the world in the workplace and own their faith properly.” - Dan, Toowoomba Community Baptist Church
This year was filled with loads of opportunities for youth and young adult leaders to be equipped, whether informally or formally. One formal opportunity was at QB Conference, where we held a next generations elective stream. We had Sophie from McCrindle share insights from their research on young people and the church. This session was well attended and the conversation and learning together was amazing. Tom French shared on communicating well to young people. He led the session and conversation well leaving everyone who attended more equipped and contemplating how they could sharpen their ability to listen to young people so they can address issues better. This opportunity saw 130 people equipped.
Out of nowhere I received a call from a former youth coordinator. He called and said you need to speak to this other guy. We’ll call him JD. I asked, “why?”. He proceeded to tell me this amazing story that many Gold Coast Christians had been praying for, for many years. The story was of one of our schools who had seen hundreds of school children saved by the grace of God. I gave JD a call and we made a time to meet in person. We worked together to create a youth rally for heaps of young people. People from all the east-coast had their eyes on this event. We raised thousands of dollars in support and built a great team, only to have the event cancelled. However, that didn’t stop the team. We held the gathering at Reedy Creek Baptist Church and saw sixty young people come to faith in Jesus. This event saw a partnership of five local Baptist youth groups from the Queensland/NSW border to Beenleigh and blessed many. In attendance we had 375 from across the region.
Sent Conference is an event for young adults to come, learn, gather with other young adults, worship with song, pray for one another, and know that we, those who are disciples of Jesus, are sent. The event was held at Bridgeman Baptist Community Church and Whitsundays. This event created by Dave Twigg, started at Bridgeman Baptist Community Church. Dave, Andrew Hassum, and I worked together to make the event accessible to more people within the southeast and North Queensland. Both events were top quality and executed the mission to have young adults know they are sent to make disciples. It is difficult to place an exact figure on this event, however, it is likely that 450 young adults were in attendance over the two events.
Apart from these major events, I have been working on resources for youth and young adults’ ministries, I helped pioneer a new camp with Scripture Union, was involved with Project 11, Anew Conferences, the QB regional tour, preached in local churches, coached, and empowered Pastors across Queensland. 2023 was a big year for QBY&YA and me. God did His thing through this ministry as testified above. All the praise is His alone. Could you pray for QBY&YA as we navigate how to support ministering to young adults better in 2024? Thank you for your support and prayers.
2023 allowed new opportunities to develop QB's Child Safe resources further. In mid-2023, I (Emily) joined the QB Team as the QB Safe Spaces Coordinator. Working alongside Leigh McPherson as Safe Spaces Project Support Officer has been a joy as she updated and further developed QB's Child Safe Policies. Leigh's knowledge of Child Safe standards, her heart for kids and young people and her outward display of James 1:27 – caring for the vulnerable – have played an essential part in her role when revising and designing a policy framework that aligns with the Queensland Government's Blue Cards mandatory requirement for organisations to have a Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy.
Safe environments for children, young people, and vulnerable adults don't just happen; they require ongoing planning, commitment, and review. The Blue Card system states that every organisation working with children must have a Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy to help create safe and supportive environments for children.
While QB's current Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy, ‘QB’s Safe Church Strategy’ continues to comply with the Blue Card system, our aim for reviewing and updating the current Policy was to ensure QB is up to date with legislative requirements, is meeting industry standards, and shaping the Policy with the forwardlooking lens of Queensland implementing a Reportable Conduct Scheme (RCS).
A RCS is a system of independent oversight of organisations that deliver services to children and aims to improve child safety by requiring organisations to report and respond to allegations of child abuse or misconduct. While Queensland has yet to establish a RCS, it is being explored by the Queensland Government as a possible response to the Royal Commission's recommendations.
With all this in mind, QB have created a new policy… along with a new name – QB Safe Spaces Safeguarding Policy. We believe "all spaces" associated with our ministries should be safe for all Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults - all the time. Updating our new Policy has been made considerably more manageable due to the diligence and passionate work of Bronwyn Burgess, Ps Sally Contessi, Ps Aaron Fozzard and Ps Tracy Valentine, who have all poured many hours into creating resources and advocating for Children and Young People's safety over the years. Their input into the safeguarding space has been a blessing to many churches.
QB's new Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy'QB Safe Spaces Safeguarding Policy' will be approved by the QB Board and implemented across QB's Service Groups. QB will also offer a templated version to all Queensland Baptist Churches, should they choose to adopt it as their Policy in 2024/25.
This year, I have had the privilege of being a member of the Queensland Inter-Fatih Safeguarding & Professional Standards Network, who meet and collaborate quarterly. The network is committed to establishing and strengthening relationships in the safeguarding and professional standards space across faith organisations, promoting leading practice standards, discussing emerging issues concerning safeguarding, sharing learnings, resources and good practices, and promoting reflections and mutual support.
Supporting leaders in their various churches is a priority of QB Safe Spaces. It has been a joy to connect with leaders from around the state via Zoom or phone call catchups and in-person visits, and I'm looking forward to new and continued connections with many leaders as we roll out the QB Safe Spaces Safeguarding Policy in 2024. Group Zoom training events and in-person workshops will be key in informing and educating church leaders in safeguarding practices.
As Christians, we can celebrate that Jesus loved Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults - He was their greatest advocate. "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me" (Mark 9:37). I'm excited to support churches across the state to reflect these words of Jesus.
Schools represent a truly unique and wonderful opportunity to bring the Word of God to children, and through children to their families. The Ministry of Christian Schools is not always recognised as it might be, and this is both disappointing, and a significant, lost opportunity in our world.
Our world is witnessing an increasing persecution of believers and even in Australia, we face challenges in legislation that will restrict our ability to both practice as our faith would dictate and be lawful citizens of our country. The battle to stand for Christ must take place on a number of fronts, including the promotion of Christian education to bring more children to Christ, and through them, their parents, and for us as a Movement to appreciate the unique opportunity that the various Ministries of Queensland Baptists have in working together.
It is my deepest hope and prayer that the close and truly supportive relationship formed between Bayside Christian College, Fraser Coast Baptist Church, and the Hervey Bay Baptist Church, can be held as an example of what is possible when various Ministries of the Movement come together, and that this will be embraced by all parts of the Movement. We are called to the same Mission, and only in unity can we do God’s work.
Bayside Christian College is situated in Hervey Bay - a truly beautiful regional setting. The College caters for boys and girls from Early Learning to Year 12.
The College has experienced a challenging history that needs to be explained to the Movement, as this context is important in understanding the effect yesterday has on today. Bayside Christian College was founded in 2017 after taking over the campus of the former Hervey Bay
Christian Academy and opened with 33 students. The College was burdened with significant costs associated with the take-over and the new start, and with such a limited number of students, this burden has continued to impact the school to this day.
In the first few years, the College grew rapidly and attracted an ever-increasing number of families to the school. Sadly, without capital development and new facilities, this growth could not be sustained, and families left the College for other schools with better facilities.
The College Board have shared a vision of a truly Christcentred school, one with modern but modest facilities, and a community dedicated to accepting Christ as our Lord and Saviour and growing in fellowship together. Despite the tremendous effort of the Board and a compelling vision, the College has been unable to secure financial support to develop our facilities. This has been a result of the debt and lower number of students.
In 2022, the Board released their Strategic Intent which was very well received by our community and then undertook the development of a Masterplan to provide a way forward for the development of modest, but modern facilities to support our families and provide a purposeful campus for our students.
In 2022, the Board set a path of re-vitalisation and through our prayerful obedience to God and our Mission, we have seen God’s hand at work in this place as evidenced by reduced student turnover in 2022 and 2023. This will go a long way to bring us to financial security.
The College has been blessed with the appointment of many truly outstanding staff. Despite a great many schools in Australia being unable to find quality staff, our College has been blessed, as for every vacancy and need we have experienced, God has provided. Evidence of this is truly clear and exemplified by the timing and specifics of the recent appointments of our Deputy Principal and College Chaplain.
A large number of our families profess to not being committed Christians but are open to learning about Christ. In this lies a tremendous evangelical opportunity, and through the education of the child, we have the ability to create an interest in faith in our parents - one that can only be quenched by coming to Church and hearing God’s Word. The laying of the Spirit is indeed God’s work not man’s, but hopefully through our work we can create a thirst for parents to want to know more.
It is our hope that the Movement will seek to learn more about our Schools and seek a greater unity in our connectivity and partnerships.
Hillcrest Christian College continues to thrive in all domains of our educational model;
Wellbeing: Our students continue to learn more about how they can care for themselves and others through a heart of service. To support this we use the program “Lead Like Jesus” to underpin our values and teach how we can support each other just as Christ supported others while He walked on the earth.
Emotional: Students are trained in how they can use their emotional abilities to grow in their faith and how they can build stronger relationships with their families and others. Parents are now being coached in how to effectively use emotional intelligence strategies to raise their children. These programs are always booked out and have a strong Christian focus.
Spiritual: We use values of Integrity, Respect, Courage, Service, Humility, Diligence and Discernment to form a solid grounding for students to make great decisions. Lessons from scripture are centred around biblical characters and how they exhibited these attributes as recorded in the Bible. Awards are then established to ensure that students who also adopt and display these character traits are acknowledged. Daily devotions and prayers are supplemented with engaging ‘Gathering’ services each week where Jesus is shared with all students.
Academic: The academic program continues to thrive with the College Shield centring in on the four different stages (pedagogical intents) of learning, Early Learning – Experiential, Junior Learning – Guided, Middle
Learning – Design Centred, Senior Learning – Pathways. This approach allows students to experience a strong developmental continuum aligned to their age and needs. While the College focus on NAPLAN is minimal, we are seeing consistent growth in this area. The College ATAR results continue to rise every year.
In 2023, Hillcrest Christian College initiated two new programs that have significantly changed the educational landscape with the introduction of the Virtual Learning Community (VLC) and the Year 9 RISE program at Coolangatta.
The VLC is a stand-alone school that currently has around 130 students and is growing quickly. Each student is taught online (similarly to what was trialled during Covid lockdowns) with teaching components completed quickly before working on the assigned tasks independently. This form of schooling allows students with various circumstances such as personal anxiety, professional commitments in sport or employment, or those who are travelling to access an outstanding Christian Educational experience irrespective of their situation. The only pre-requisite being students must have a Queensland residential address even if they are travelling overseas. In the future we are expecting students to have the opportunity for hybrid type learning experiences where they will come to our college campus some days and work independently in their own learning environments on others.
The RISE program sees all Year 9 students travelling from the Reedy Creek campus each day to the new campus in Coolangatta. Their learning program is focussed on integrating the elements of Coolangatta into their learning for an enriched experience. Using the
natural beachside habitat to engage students in real life learning and experiences has proven to be an outstanding way to awaken their curiosity and adventure. Students are able to be part of the main campus for one day per week where they join their peers in Gathering and Sports activities.
In 2023 a move of the Holy Spirit led to around 600 students giving their hearts to Jesus. The College Spiritual team have followed this up with the development of bible studies and other programs to support students as they continue to grow in Jesus. This has been an ongoing mission as we see new hearts turning to Jesus each week. We praise God for His continual presence in our community and how He continually provides what we need to continue in our Mission and Vision.
We thank God also for QB and their leadership of Hillcrest. We are grateful for QB’s continual encouragement and active support in enabling the College to grow and daily bring the Gospel message to people who may otherwise never hear of Jesus.
‘Let a search be made in the royal archives’ - Ezra 5:17
For the Baptist Church Archives Qld (also known as QB Archives), 2023 has been a challenging year. In March, we were very sorry to lose Dr Pam Condie, OAM, who had been in charge since July 2020. Although the QB Board is yet to appoint the replacement archivist, the existing volunteer team, Miss Anne Cameron, Mr RW (Bill) Hughes, and Rev Dr David Parker, has continued its service throughout the year. The Archives team strongly recommends that a part-time paid professional Archivist be appointed to take the Archives into the next stage of its life. This and other developments are needed due to the ever-quickening transition to a digital document environment, and with the greater importance of efficient record keeping and management in the present setting.
The usual regular activities, such as preparing and accessioning new material, research, and publication, caring for current holdings, responding to queries, and managing the denominational archiving system, have continued. Material was submitted for the new QB Website Archives page (scroll to Archives), including an updated set of guides for records management,
A valuable addition to the facilities during the year was a 10-drawer plan cabinet (second hand), another generous donation of the Baptist Historical Society of Queensland. Nearly 300 sheets representing about 100 projects, which had previously been stored in inferior conditions for many years, have now been housed in it.
During the year the Archives prepared an appeal inviting churches to submit copies of their printed histories to expand the current collection. This was made through the QB Hub, the weekly email newsletter from the QB office to church leaders. There was also an earlier appeal for churches to consider lodging their (early) paper records with the Archives for safe keeping and
management. Even though there was no result from either offer, both opportunities are still open.
Since the printed QB magazine was discontinued in early 2020, articles have been submitted to the online version of this publication. Over this period almost 20 have appeared (they can be viewed here). It is not known how much readership these have enjoyed as no usage figures have been made available to the Archives. The Archives is disappointed that the printed (and now the on-line) publication has been terminated, as it had for about 140 years been an excellent means of communication amongst the rank-and-file church members. As a source of historical information, it is used on virtually a daily basis by the Archives team. It was also an effective means for the Archives to present its work to the membership and to provide support and feedback.
Ever since the announcement was made that the Baptist World Alliance Congress would be held in Brisbane in 2025, the Archives, in association with all the other heritage groups in Australia and other personnel, has developed ideas and sought an opportunity to present the story of Baptist life and witness at this important event. We are ready to move with several different presentations should opportunity arise.
The Archives team welcomes support and interest from church members and officers. The Archives, located Building 4 Ground Floor at the QB Centre, is open usually on Wednesday mornings each week (check before visiting).
The Archives Team (Miss A Cameron, Mr RW Hughes, Rev Dr D Parker)
"Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past. Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you." - Deuteronomy 32:7
Preserve, Protect, Publish our Heritage
The Baptist Historical Society of Queensland (BHSQ) was established in 1984 to promote interest in the heritage of Baptists in Queensland. Anyone with an interest in the history and heritage of Baptists in Queensland is welcome. Officers for 2023 were Chair/President, Mr E Kopittke, Treasurer, Miss H Colegrove, Secretary, Mrs N. Kidd, Web-master, Mr I McQuay, Forum editor (acting), Mrs S. McQuay Publications Officer, Mrs R Kopittke and Mr I. T. Boyle (Honorary Auditor). Three meetings were held during the year – 25 February, 17 June and 4 November.
Queensland Baptist Forum, the Journal of the Society, is published three times per year and sent to BHSQ members, in either digital or paper form. It contains a variety of interesting articles, mainly on historical subjects, but also on other matters such as Baptist principles. The accompanying table lists the articles contained in the three issues of Forum published in 2023.
No 114 April 2023
Anzac: George Henry Scoones, Darryl Skerman
Anzac: James Johnston, Jnr and His Family, David Driver
Bunyan in Brisbane: Henry George Cray, David Parker
Bunyan and Bedford, Noelene Kidd
No 115 August 2023 Baptist Churches and the Big Mandarin, David Parker
Where are They Now?: Expo 88-related Materials and Buildings Bought by QB Churches, David Parker and Susan McQuay
‘150 Years of Church Buildings Photographs’ Project Complete, David Parker
in Baptist history at the local church level.”
Are you looking forward to the World Congress in Brisbane in 2025? Along with the other State Baptist Historical Societies we would love to be able to present some of the history of Baptists in Australia at Congress.
One of the objectives of the Society is "To foster interest in Baptist history at the local church level” and we urge the leadership of local churches to be aware of significant events and anniversaries at your church, and arrange to have a history compiled. Interview the older members of the congregation and record their memories. Read the minute books of church meetings and note the details of important decisions. Available copies of Year Books and the Queensland Baptist magazine published by the Baptist Union have been digitised and these can provide insights into your church’s history. Do not leave it until it is too late!
The Baptist Historical Society of Queensland now has its own website, bhsq.org with a new look for the information covering both the Historical Society and the Baptist Church Archives Queensland. This replaces the former arrangement in place since 1997 which was part of a personal website. It features new and revised content. Visits to the old site will be redirected automatically, as will links from the QB website. We thank Ian McQuay for his work in updating the website.
Is there a role for BHSQ in the future? After all, there are those who say we must ignore the past and look only to the future. However the Bible has so many instances where God calls on His people to remember His great goodness to them. Looking forward and recalling the past – both are important. We forget the past at our peril! BHSQ has an ongoing role as we remember God’s work in the past and look forward to the future.
No 116 December 2023
Baptist Heritage Queensland Annual Report 2023, Eric Kopittke
Baptists in Queensland and the Charismatic Movement, Part 7, David Parker
The Friends of Baptist Heritage Queensland (FBHQ) Facebook page has a rapidly growing following. The posting of historic photographs of churches or groups of people has led to the posting of stories of blessings that people experienced. We welcome the posting of such historic photographs and memories since two of the Society’s objectives are “To encourage the collating and recording of Baptist history” and “To foster interest
An invitation to join the society is extended to anyone who has an interest in the maintenance and development of our Baptist heritage here in Queensland. Members have a wide variety of backgrounds – do not be put off joining just because you are not an historian! Meetings in 2024 are scheduled for 2 March, 15 June, and 2 November (AGM) all at 2:00 p.m. at the Queensland Baptist Archives, 53 Prospect Road, Gaythorne, Queensland 4051. All welcome - please bring a plate.
Eric Kopittke President, BHSQ2023 was very much a recovery period following COVID-19 and a large review and re-organisation of Baptist Mission Australia. The review was timely and the re-organisation was necessary due to several circumstances – changing business and administrative practices and changes in mission methodologies across the world.
During 2023 the following Queensland intercultural workers served:
Ben & Petra (Northreach) – Silk Road
Calvin & Lydia (Taringa: Short Term) – Silk Road
Dan & Becky (Beacon) – South-East Asia
Dema & Caroline (Mizoram, India & North Pine) – Thailand
Fiona (Northreach: FIFO) – South Asia
Graeme (Sunnybank Hills: FIFO) – ministry support South Asia
Jean-Claude & Joyce (All Nations Revival) – Malawi, Africa
Lisa (Gateway/MacKenzie) – CEO of Global Interaction’s South Asia team
Luke & Belle (Bracken Ridge) – Thailand
Members in training, Rours & Reaksmey (Sunnybank), continue their preparations and plan to commence service in their homeland, Cambodia, in 2024.
After many years of mission service in both Papua New Guinea and Queensland, Geoff Cramb actually retired! Geoff (and Lyn) have served with the mission through three iterations (Australian Baptist Missionary Society, Global Interaction, and Baptist Mission Australia). This says volumes about their dedication to God, Queensland Baptists, and cross-cultural mission.
At the 2023 QB Annual Conference Morris and John Peterson were inducted into the Queensland Baptists “Hall of Faith”. The Hall of Faith recognises over 40 years of wonderful work as ordained pastors within Queensland, including pastoral appointments and overseas cross-cultural service.
Following their move to the capital city early in the year, Ben & Petra have seen real improvements in ministry opportunities. God has been gracious in providing Petra with several new and exciting work opportunities that suit her training and abilities. This has led to both greater
Maz & Esther (Mizoram, India & City Tabernacle) – SouthEast Asia
Michael (Gateway/Logan & Chinchilla) – South-East Asia
Morris (Gateway/MacKenzie: FIFO) – South Asia
Muana & Villy (Mizoram, India & Bracken Ridge) – Thailand
Roger (Gateway:FIFO) – South Asia
Tim & Mel (Northreach, Mulgrave & Rockhampton) –Malawi, Africa
Tristan & Megan (Gateway/Ormeau) – Cambodia
Will & Meg Crank (Northreach: Short Term) - Malawi
access to families with children with special needs and to professional medical colleagues. Ben has taken up a teaching and assistance role in a local school. All these provide many opportunities to mix with local folk, build relationships and prayerfully seek opportunities to share their lives.
Calvin & Lydia, a young professional couple, have travelled to the Silk Road for 12 months. Calvin is a professional worker and Lydia is a physiotherapist. Please remember them as they seek our Father’s mind on further service for Him.
2023 was a topsy-turvy year for Dan & Bec. Their goal was to establish a new café in what they believed to be a better location. This meant starting from scratch with new premises, equipment and staff along with a correspondingly large budget. A location was found and necessary paperwork completed. The financial needs seemed almost too high, but our gracious Father does provide through His people. A hurdle was added to their endeavours when both fell seriously ill with Dengue Fever. This necessitated their evacuation out of the country and severely curtailed their plans. But we
thank our Father for His healing hand and for more than enough to complete the fit-out and seek new staff. They expected to open the new café early in 2024.
Many across Queensland have donated finances and prayed for the ministries of Jean-Claude & Joyce. Most will know of the sewing classes Joyce has been running where local women have the opportunity to learn not only clothing manufacturing skills but small business techniques. These all give dignity to individuals, add to community and provide many opportunities to share the Good News. Jean-Claude continues to pastor new congregations. Tim & Mel were busy through the year, particularly following floods which devastated much of the area in which they serve. Their faith communities were heavily involved in rebuilding many homes and the distribution of emergency supplies, all over and above the everyday activities they undertake.
Luke & Belle were also “on the move” within Thailand as they felt led to commence new work that better suited their gifts and abilities. Despite initial difficulties, they have seen their talents better used, new friendships develop with local young adults and many opportunities to share their lives. Muana & Villy continue their work across several local communities, speaking and demonstrating their faith among many people. They encourage local communities of faith by sharing how folk can follow Jesus in their own distinctive ways.
Maz & Esther spent time on “Home Assignment” in Australia and their homeland, sharing their work with folk, teaching their children local culture and visiting many faith communities. On return to South East Asia they were busy coming alongside young people who participate in free English conversation classes. Michael has also been involved, both in conversations and in teaching formal English classes. Relationships are built and, over time conversations turn to more personal matters, matters of faith and the love of the Father.
A number of “Fly-in-fly-out” trips were made by the South Asia team through the year, assisting the local workers in up-to-date business principles, teaching from the Book, teaching medical and motherhood skills, business techniques, hairdressing, driver training and farming practices. Despite the often-oppressive heat, the cross-cultural workers seek to come alongside and encourage the local folk, many who now follow the Way.
In Cambodia Tristan & Megan continued to build relationships with local folk. Tristan expanded his practical work, particularly in designing and building a smokeless incinerator. The plan was to locally manufacture equipment that would lessen the pollution which often reaches extreme levels, while at the same time teach local young men new skills and business principles.
It is early days still, but first responses have been encouraging. While being the mum of a small family, Megan uses her nursing training and skills to teach local women home safety and truths from the Book. Both Tristan and Megan look for opportunities to share their faith. During the year they were privileged to see a number of people demonstrate their faith through the waters of baptism.
Through the year I have been in contact with churches across the state, sharing our stories and encouraging folk in their support of this vital work. I am pleased to share the provision of our great God as we saw a marked increase in the number of churches that are now supporting this work. Very encouraging. Time has moved on for me and I closed the year with the announcement of my retirement from this work. It has been a great honour and privilege to have served the churches of Queensland in this way.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights…’ James 1:17
It was inevitable that our world would emerge from the pandemic with the most vulnerable suffering the worst aftershocks. But we were all likely naïve about the possibility of emerging into a ‘polycrisis’ of severe and mutually reinforcing events and contexts. The confluence of COVID, rising conflict, environmental crises, and the escalation of inflation—in some cases occurring in previously relatively stable environments—now means that previous expectations that we would eliminate extreme poverty and end hunger by 2030 seem unlikely. If this alarming trend continues, we can expect to see more people living in extreme poverty, facing hunger, and experiencing higher levels of displacement. For the first time in recorded history, over 108 million people are displaced, 648 million are living in extreme poverty, and 828 million are facing food insecurity and hunger. Future generations are at stake with 244 million children and young people out of school, perhaps never to return. Similarly, the rights and participation of women and girls are declining and pushing progress back in a number of countries.
In such times as these, the work of our local Christian Partners is of heightened importance. We thank God for this work over this last financial year—resulting in 781,528 lives impacted through our international programming initiatives. As a result, we continue to narrow our focus to where the need is the greatest, and where we can have the greatest impact. Together, we are:
• targeting global and local barriers to equality, so the most vulnerable are empowered, and all people can experience economic dignity.
• standing with children, youth, and women as they grow into bold agents of change in their communities.
• responding to urgent needs caused by disaster and crises, and building local capacity to withstand additional shocks, so communities flourish as God intends.
We’re grateful for the generous partnership of individuals, families, churches, corporates, trusts, and foundations, many of whom have been supporters for decades. We’re also working hard to raise up the next generation of supporters, so God’s good work through us continues to grow. We pray our Better World Ambassadors will lead a growing movement that speaks, acts, prays, and challenge systems that keep people vulnerable.
What is the role of the church in ending poverty? This is a question we often ask at Baptist World Aid. Firstly, Jesus walked alongside the marginalised, the vulnerable, and the poor. Following his example is an essential part of our mission. Our faith motivates us, as everything we do flows out of knowing and trusting God. Secondly, we believe God is at work in the world and calls us to love our global neighbours. He requires us to act justly and love mercy, to end poverty so all may enjoy fullness of life as he intends. Through generosity, and by showing Jesus’ love to those in need, we can affect change, give people hope, and end poverty. An effective response to poverty requires local knowledge and expertise. That is why we partner with local Christian organisations to carry out the work God has called us to. Baptist World Aid’s programs span five global regions. The work undertaken includes Community Development, Child and Youth-focused projects, Disaster Management, and in Australia, advocacy for people living on the margins.
This year, Baptist World Aid’s support in Queensland has seen incredible growth as we formed new relationships and developed our existing partnerships with churches, schools, families, and individuals. We’re so thankful for the support we receive from our church Partners and look forward to a busy 2024 in Queensland with more opportunities to engage as churches, schools and communities enjoy a return to routines. I look forward to hearing from you to book a visit to your church.
Pilgrim Juguchon Church
Grace Korean Church
Hope Karenni Baptist Church
Queensland Matu Baptist & Brisbane Matu Baptist Church – United Matu Baptist Church
Living Water North Lakes Baptist Church
Willowburn Church
Friends Church
Andrew Boyle (Fairfield Christian Family)
Dan Lyons (Carinity)
David Twigg (Bridgeman Baptist Community Church)
Isaiah Logan (Glasshouse Country Baptist Church)
Jonathan Lee (Birkdale Baptist Church)
Lee Nicholls (Connect Baptist Church – Deagon)
Mark Quick (Moore Park Baptist Church)
Nathaniel Stafford (KawanaLife Baptist Church)
Thang Muan (Zomi Christian Church)
Ashley Hicks (Bracken Ridge Baptist Church)
Deb Peacock (Hope Community Baptist Church)
Dylan Flood (Caboolture Baptist Church)
Eden Dean (Gateway Baptist Church)
Elissa Perkins (Hope Community Baptist Church)
Mark Dean (Gateway Baptist Church)
Scott Daniels (Bundaberg Baptist Church)
Simon Niam (Sugar Reef Baptist Church)
Stephanie Goleby (Park Ridge Baptist Church)
Tanya Schneider (Wynnum Baptist Church)
Atherton Tablelands Baptist Church
Cairns Baptist Church
Cooktown Baptist Fellowship
Innisfail Baptist Family
Lakeside Community Church
Mareeba Baptist Church
Mulgrave Community Baptist Church
Tully District Baptist Fellowship
Beaches Baptist Church
Bowen Baptist Church
Burdekin Baptist Church
Fairfield Baptist Church Townsville
Sugar Reef Baptist Church
Mackay Baptist Church
Northern Beaches Connections
Northreach Baptist Church
Upper Ross Baptist Church
Whitsunday Baptist Church
Agnes Water Baptist Church
Biloela District Baptist Church
Gladstone Baptist Church
Gracemere Baptist Fellowship
Rockhampton Baptist Tabernacle Church
Boulia Outback Chapel
Charters Towers Baptist Church
Emerald Baptist Church
Longreach Baptist Church
Moranbah Christian Fellowship
Mount Isa Baptist Church
Tieri Community Church
Bundaberg Baptist Church
Bundaberg West Baptist Church
Coral Coast Christian Church
Fraser Coast Baptist Church
Gin Gin Baptist Church
Gympie Baptist Church
Hervey Bay Baptist Church
Howard Baptist Fellowship
Kingaroy Baptist Church
Maryborough Baptist Church
Mundubbera Baptist Church
Murgon District Baptist Church
Nanango Community Baptist Church
Tin Can Bay Community Church
Wondai Baptist Church
Caloundra CityLife Baptist Church
Chancellor Church
Coolum Beach Baptist Church
Cooroy Community Baptist Church
Flame Tree Baptist Church
Glasshouse Country Baptist Church
Goodlife Community Baptist Church
KawanaLife Baptist Church
Lifepointe Baptist Church
Maleny Baptist Church
Meridan Community Church
Noosa Baptist Church
RiverLife Community Church
Riverwalk Baptist Church
Yandina Baptist Church
Banyo Baptist Church
Bracken Ridge Baptist Church
Bribie Island Baptist Church
Bridgeman Baptist Community Church
Caboolture Baptist Church
Clontarf Beach Baptist Church
Connect Baptist Church
Deception Bay Baptist Church
Hope Community Church
Lifepoint Church Rothwell
Margate Baptist Church
Mt Refuge Church
Narangba Baptist Church
North Pine Baptist Church
North-East Baptist Church
Rivers Baptist Church
South Pine Community Church
Stafford Heights Baptist Church
Woodford Baptist Church
Albion Baptist Church
Annerley Baptist Church
Ashgrove Baptist Church
Bridgeman City
City North Baptist Church
City South Baptist Church
City Tabernacle Baptist Church
Clayfield Baptist Church
Enoggera Baptist Church
Fairfield Christian Family
Gateway Baptist Church – City Campus
Grange Baptist Church
Greenslopes Baptist Church
Hertford Street Baptist Church
Keperra Baptist Church
Mansfield Baptist Church
Moore Park Baptist Church
Rosalie Baptist Church
Salisbury Baptist Church
Taringa Baptist Church
The Gap Baptist Church
The Grove Baptist Church
Toowong Baptist Church
Toowong International
Windsor Road Baptist Church
Acacia Ridge District Baptist Church
Beaudesert Baptist Church
Birkdale Baptist Church
Cleveland Baptist Church
Eastside Community Church
Gateway Baptist Church
Gateway Baptist Church – Redlands Campus
Gateway Baptist Church – Logan Campus
Hosanna Logan City
Jimboomba Baptist Church
Kingsridge Baptist Church
New Beith Baptist Church
New Heart Baptist Church
New Heart Baptist Church – Balmoral Campus
Park Ridge Baptist Church
Sunnybank District Baptist Church
Victoria Point Baptist Church
Wynnum Baptist Church
Beacon Community – A Baptist Church
Bellbowrie District Baptist Church
Boonah Baptist Church
Centenary Baptist Church
Churchill Baptist Church
Chuwar Baptist Church
Forest Lake Baptist Church
Hope Tree
Hosanna Church Brisbane
Kalbar Baptist Church
Kruger Parade Baptist Church
Laidley Baptist Church
Minden District Baptist Church
Renew Baptist Church
Riverlife Baptist Church
Rosewood Baptist Church
Silkstone Baptist Church
Springfield Central Baptist Church
Beachside Christian Church
Beenleigh & District Baptist Church
Coolangatta Christian Church
CrossLife – a baptist church – Helensvale Campus
CrossLife – a baptist church – Southport Campus
CrossLife – a baptist church – Upper Coomera
Gateway Baptist Church – Ormeau Campus
Liberti Carrara
Liberti Mermaid Beach
Lifehouse Christian Church
Living Temple Christian Church
Mosaic – a Baptist Church
Mt Warren Park Community Church
Reedy Creek Baptist Church
Restore Church
Chinchilla Baptist Church
Dalby Baptist Church
Gatton Baptist Church
Highfields Baptist Church
Outlook Christian Church
South Toowoomba Baptist Church
Stanthorpe Baptist Church
Tenthill Baptist Church
Toogoolawah District Baptist Church
Toowoomba Community Baptist Church
Toowoomba Northside Baptist Church
Warwick Baptist Church
Agape Mission Church
All Nations Revival Church
Australian Burmese Christian Fellowship Inc
Bethany Karen Baptist Church
Bethel Chin Baptist Church
Bethel Romanian Baptist Church
Brisbane Chin Church
Brisbane Slavic Evangelical Church
Calvary Karen Baptist Church
Chin Baptist Church Queensland
Chinese Congregation Cairns Baptist Church
Chinese Congregation Sunnybank Baptist Church
Coorparoo Baptist Church
Evangelical Baptist Church Brisbane
Faith Christian Church of Brisbane
Global Mission Church of Gold Coast
Go Forward Queensland Karenni Baptist Church
Gold Coast Join Us Baptist Church
Gold Coast Mission Church
Grace Korean Church
Hope Karenni Baptist Church
House of Prayer
Japanese Christian Fellowship
Jehovah Jireh Baptist Church
Kachin Baptist Church Queensland
Karen Baptist Fellowship Logan
Karenni Congregation (New Heart Baptist Church)
Logan Grace Baptist Church
Myanmar Christian Fellowship Church
New Covenant Hosanna International Church
New Hope Baptist Church
New Life Community Church
Queensland Chin Christian Church
Queensland Gospel Baptist Church
Queensland Matu Baptist Church
Somang Korean Baptist Church
Southport Korean Evangelical Holiness Church
Sudanese Congregation Ashgrove Baptist Church
Sudanese Stafford Baptist Church
United Matu Baptist Church
Vietnam Grace Church Brisbane Inc.
Vietnamese Grace Baptist Rockhampton
Vietnamese Grace Baptist Woodridge
Vietnamese-English Baptist Church
Voice of the Lord Assembly
Zion Karen Baptist Church
Zomi Baptist Church of Brisbane
Zomi Christian Church
Encircle - Maudsland Baptist Church
HIM Revival Church
Liberty Tambourine Baptist Church
LIVE Church
Open Road Community Church
Redemption Baptist Church
Sandstone Community Church
Shalom Family