PRIORITY I really enjoy a good coffee. I only started to drink coffee in my 30s, but I soon got used to barista made silky cappuccinos prepared with high quality fresh roasted beans. I might even be considered by some to be a coffee snob, as I no longer drink instant coffee, and would prefer tea if instant was the only coffee on offer! It could be said that good coffee is a priority for me. Soon after I am out of bed in the morning, my priority is to get the coffee organised. However, once I have enjoyed my coffee I can then get on with other things. That is until around 10am when coffee is again my priority, and my thoughts turn toward the coffee van that turns up at the QB centre to dispense this lovely liquid elixir!
Jesus says in Matthew 6:33; “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” When Jesus commands us to seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness, we might think that this is a matter of priority that Jesus is talking about. The context of the passage is about being counter cultural and not worrying about the physical and temporal things of life (like coffee!) that those that do not follow Jesus pursue, but that we should first make a priority of seeking God and His agenda for us. What is key to Jesus’ teaching here is how we might define or understand the meaning of the term ‘priority’.
It seems to me that a common understanding of a “priority” is something that we prefer or need to do before we move onto something else. I treat good coffee like this, I like good coffee, I prefer good coffee! It could be an over statement, but sometimes I need good coffee—but once I have had a good coffee I get on with other things. Understood in this way, seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness would be like doing something important before moving onto other important things. I don’t think that seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness is not meant to be a priority. Rather, it is meant to be a principle!