Queen City Nerve - March 11, 2020

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PG. 10

66 reasons to get outside this season


PG. 4

skaters face redevelopment plans at popular eastland park by ryan pitkin


S U N DAY, A P R I L 2 6


10 SPRING GUIDE 2020 66 reasons to get outside this season




4 D.I.Y LAND BY RYAN PITKIN Skateboarders face redevelopment of popular Eastland park



14 A GRIMMZ REALITY BY PAT MORAN Friends premiere hip-hop fairy tale in Charlotte




18 JAMLA SESSIONS BY LAMONT LILLY Raleigh songbird Heather Victoria talks roots before Charlotte stop 20 SOUNDWAVE

24 THE KETTLE LIVES BY RYAN PITKIN Pineville diner goes through generational changes 25 THE NEWBIE FOODIE BY DARRELL HORWITZ

Pg. 2 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM









PG. 10

66 reasons to get outside this season


PG. 4

skaters face redevelopment plans at popular eastland park by ryan pitkin



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PUBLISHER JUSTIN LAFRANCOIS jl afra n co i s @ q cn er ve.com

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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF RYAN PITKIN rpi tk i n @ q cn e r ve. c om


jjo h n s o n @ q cn e r ve.com








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Pg. 3 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM








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NEWS & OPINION FEATURE D.I.Y. LAND Skateboarders face redevelopment plans at popular Eastland park

began in August 2015, the folks involved have kept their heads down and tried to stay inconspicuous. They started with the centerpiece, a concrete box, and waited to see if someone would stop them. “We were like, let’s just build this and see how long it lasts, wait a couple months and see if anybody says anything,” says one skater who’s

While they have tried to remain inconspicuous in the years since the park popped up, on Thursday, March 12, a group of skaters close to the project will attend a rezoning meeting hosted by the city, Tepper Sports and real-estate development company Crosland Southeast to discuss the rezoning and redevelopment of the Eastland site.

which is crazy to me considering you don’t have to pay to use the basketball courts or the swing sets, but you gotta pay to ride the skate park. So I don’t consider that a public park.” The issues at hand seem almost unavoidable when pairing local government bureaucrats with a community that is inherently self-reliant and rebellious.

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On a cold, windy Saturday morning at the old Eastland Mall site in east Charlotte, a twentysomething man stopped his skateboard just long enough to give his secret to staying warm. “If I stop moving, I feel the sweat molecules under my clothes start to freeze,” he said. “You just gotta keep moving.” The skateboarder had flown across country from Tahoe, Nevada, to surprise his mother at her Virginia home on her birthday. He figured if he was going to fly to the East Coast, however, he better land in Charlotte and check out the skate park he had been seeing so much about on the internet before making the four-hour drive to his mom’s house. “This place is all over YouTube,” he said. The place he’s talking about is a skate park without an official name, though most people call it Eastland DIY. Some people call it 5301, referencing the address on Central Avenue where a Hollywood Video once sat, but is now a haven for street skaters around the city who don’t have many other options for places to hang out and skate. Feeling ignored by city and county leaders, DEVELOPMENT LOOMS IN THE BACKGROUND AS SKATERS ENJOY EASTSIDE DIY SKATE PARK. members of the local skate scene They’d like to finally have their voices heard. been involved since the have taken it upon “I get it, it’s a very desirable piece of land, beginning. He asked that themselves to build he only be identified as they want to do something with it, I understand up Eastland DIY Steve, since what he and that completely,” Steve said on that cold Saturday over the last five others have done on the morning, as about 25 people skated around us, “but years, pouring about land could technically they’re talking about having recreational areas and 15,000 pounds of be seen as illegal. “After greenways and parks within this area, and I’m like, concrete and steel that, every month or two even if [Eastland DIY] wasn’t here to stay, what’s onto the foundation months we’d just build keeping them from building us an actual skate of the old video store. another thing and started park?” The skaters have built Grayson SkatePark is currently Charlotte’s going from there.” quarter pipes, skate Now, as Tepper Sports only government-owned skate park, located at ledges and kicker and Major League Soccer the Naomi Drenan Recreation Center in southeast ramps that often announced the first real Charlotte and run by Mecklenburg County Park & attract between 50 plans for redevelopment of Recreation. Skaters bring up multiple issues and and 100 skaters over the site since Eastland Mall complaints with Grayson: that it’s pay-to-skate, the course of a given was demolished in 2013, that it closes at sunset on weekdays and 5 p.m. on day. skaters worry that all their weekends, that pads and helmets are mandatory. Since construction “I’ve only skated that park twice,” Steve said. hard work will be erased, PHOTO BY GRANT BALDWIN on Eastland DIY forcing them to start over. “They make you wear pads, they make you pay,


The DIY skate scene is nothing new in Charlotte, as for decades now skate spots have popped up as quick as developers can take them down. With Eastland, however, things are different. It’s been built up for so long that it’s become a staple of the skating culture in the city, and a symbol for what the community can do without government help. “The general ethos [of skateboarding] is that DIY mentality, that’s what we all grew up with,” said Josh Frazier, owner of Black Sheep Skate Shop, a nationally renowned skate shop located just a few miles down Central Avenue from Eastland DIY. “‘Skate and create’ was the tagline for a while. Skateboarders are used to having to improvise and having to figure things out.” Frazier has been a key part of Eastland DIY’s success, albeit as a third party, connecting the crew there with corporate partners like Red Bull and Vans, both of which recently funded the construction of new quarter pipes at the park. Red Bull plans to host


representative for District 3 where Eastland is located, said that while he can’t speak for the feasibility of including a skate park in the redevelopment plans a skate competition at the park on April 25. there, he would like to discuss it further. Newton Frazier has been advocating for more and better said he attended law school in San Diego, where skateboarding infrastructure in Mecklenburg County skate parks are a part of the culture, and wishes

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Charlotte could cultivate a similar feel. for 15 years. In 2013, he helped complete a master “I want to see something there that’s dynamic, plan for renovations at Bryant Park in west Charlotte that incorporates the diversity of east Charlotte, that included a skate plaza. Those changes never including recreational diversity like skateboarding, came. which you don’t see [in Charlotte],” Newton said. Last year, he completed “They’re a very healthy part a needs assessment for of the culture [in San Diego]. the county, finding that We don’t really have that Mecklenburg has an here, and I think it would be estimated skateboarding really great as a recreational population of nearly 25,000 alternative for members people. He’s not heard back of the community to have from anyone regarding that something. To the extent assessment. that it can be incorporated “I think the message into the future development that the city or the county of the site, I think that would or parks and rec should be be fantastic, too.” taking from this: There’s a Newton said he would community need for more like to connect a small group safe, sanctioned places for of the most passionate people to skateboard legally, skaters involved in the but I’m not sure that the Eastland DIY spot with city PHOTO BY GRANT BALDWIN message is getting to anyone,” staffers who are working on Frazier said. “For me, I look at plans for the site, beginning it and say, ‘Well if the community has come together with the March 12 rezoning meeting. with their own time and money and blood and For Steve, who estimated that about 65% of sweat and tears and expense to build a facility that’s the funding for Eastland DIY has come out of pocket been really successful and attracted a lot of people, from him and other skaters, all he’s asking for is land then there’s clearly a community need there.” and the good graces of city officials. Matt Newton, Charlotte City Council

“Say worst comes to worst and the city says no, they have plans for this lot, something needs to be put here. If the city doesn’t want to build us a park, give us a plot of land that has parking and a dumpster, and we’ll build it ourselves,” he said. “Just sanction it and say it’s going to stay there.”


Frazier, who’s 46, feels demoralized by more than a decade of work that’s gone ignored by local leaders. It’s hard for him to get excited when officials talk about including the skate community in their plans, he said. “I think there’s a glimmer of hope but I wouldn’t say I’m optimistic,” he said “I just don’t know if it’s a priority for the city. The message I get is that they’re more interested in exploring other things ... So after 10 or 12 years of that and me being in a different place in my career and with a family now, it’s been a little discouraging. For me the DIY thing has been the path of least resistance, like how do we actually affect change and get things done in the community and not have to sit around and wait until we’re all in wheelchairs and unable to enjoy it or utilize it?” And if it all gets knocked down again, it will be a shame for the people who have poured everything they have into Eastland DIY so their fellow skaters have a place to practice their passion. But if there’s one thing the local skate community has proved, it’s that regardless of what’s thrown at them, they will always keep moving; it’s just like skating in the cold. RPITKIN@QCNERVE.COM

Tune in to WCCB News Edge every week night at 10:30 p.m. Get a glimpse at the next issue with our editor-in-chief every other Tuesday night


suburban women, but white suburban women in partnership of privilege and right?” On Feb. 29, The Washington Post published a the South, whose loyalty Trump will need to remain profile titled “Miranda’s Rebellion.” In it, Southern in power,” writes Stephanie McCrummen. “It’s the women are credited as the linchpin in the 2020 kind of loyalty that has always been expected of white Southern women, who have long played a presidential election. “[Miranda] is 39, a high school English teacher role as allies of the status quo.” But then again, anything could happen. with a PhD and part of a voting demographic whose White House. Day in, day out — rain, snow, sleet, rebellion could upend the political map of the INFO@QCNERVE.COM heat — they were there. They became known as country: not just suburban women, not just white the “Silent Sentinels.” For two and a half years they did this, holding signs that read, “Mr. President, how long must women wait for liberty?” and “Mr. President, you say liberty is the fundamental demand of the public spirit.” According to the U.S. National Park Service (NPS): “The women were harassed and beaten and were repeatedly arrested and jailed on charges of ‘obstructing traffic.’ The women were sent to the Occoquan Workhouse (a prison) in Virginia … (where) conditions were awful.” When they refused to eat their mouths were forced open. When they clenched their jaws, tubes were forced into their noses and raw eggs and other foods were poured into their bodies. When they were released, they returned to the White House and stood with their signs and endured the taunts, Located in historic neighborhood within walking distance to Downtown Asheville. abuse and arrests all over again. 828-253-4058 www.CumberlandFalls.com “Protesters faced daily violence from both passers-by and the police, including having their banners ripped from their hands and being physically attacked and arrested,” the NPS explains on its website. “The brutality with which the women were treated created enormous public support for suffrage.” Finally, according to NPS, “In 1917, the superintendent of Occoquan ordered over 40 guards to attack the Silent Sentinels. Battered, choked and beaten, some to unconsciousness, the women described it as the ‘Night of Terror.’” Once news of the extreme abuse became common knowledge, the public’s opinion of suffrage shifted. President Wilson had to relent, and in September 1918 he gave a speech urging Congress to pass the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the ratification of which we celebrate the 100th anniversary of this year — no thanks to the North Carolina General Assembly, which didn’t vote to ratify the amendment until 1971. In Wilson’s defense, he was a little busy with the 1918 influenza pandemic and World War I during the Silent Sentinel’s daily protests. However, in his speech, he finally acknowledged that women played a pivotal role in the war’s success, saying, “…we have made partners of the women in this Find upcoming events at war … Shall we admit them only to a partnership ArtsAndScience.org/CultureBlocks of suffering and sacrifice and toil and not to a


‘Night of Terror’ led to women’s suffrage

Pg. 6 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM


On March 3, 1913, the first massive organized march paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C., right in front of the White House. It was for Women’s Suffrage, and it wouldn’t be the last time women would take a stand in front of “the people’s house.” Depending on the source, between 5,000 and 10,000 people participated in the march, which took place the day before President Woodrow Wilson’s inauguration. The message was clear: It was time to allow women to vote. Meanwhile, in Charlotte during that same year, one teenage girl marched in a city parade holding an innocuous suffrage banner. It’s also around that time that women throughout North Carolina began creating their own suffrage groups, including here in the Queen City, thanks to the efforts of Anna Forbes Liddelle. There was even a special suffrage edition of The Charlotte Observer, and other newspapers in the state published serious articles on the topic. And yet, by 1917, the state had only 175 members in some 20 suffrage clubs, according to North Carolina Making History, a book by Margaret Supplee Smith and Emily Herring Wilson. Members of Charlotte suffrage groups were, according to several sources, usually the wives of wealthy business men and meetings were more like tea parties than rallies worthy of the “radical” label that others tended to thrust onto any Southern woman who dared fight for her right to vote. The march in D.C. was a break in protocol for the suffrage movement, which, since the mid-1850s, had been prim and proper. It marked a decisive split between the old guard and the new. The younger women, led by Alice Paul, were ready to get into people’s faces while the older women were still trying, after 65 years, to reason with politicians. By 1916, Paul made the break official when she created the National Women’s Party. In 1917, her group began daily silent protests in front of the

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It’s unclear what a man was doing when he attempted to build a wall around a Family Dollar in east Charlotte, but it’s clear he was not doing it to stay warm. The man was seen at around 11:30 p.m. on a Tuesday night removing bags of ice from the storage cooler outside of a Family Dollar on North Sharon Amity Drive and lining them up against the front door of the establishment. He continued building this Game of Thrones-esque wall of ice until it was up to 50 bags, at which time the suspect started destroying the wall like that damn zombie dragon did. The suspect took the bags from the front door and began throwing them into the parking lot, “busting and destroying the bags of ice, which eventually melted,” according to the report.


Police were called out to protect the bourgeoisie from the words of revolutionaries on Super Tuesday, as officers reported removing a large banner from a bridge on Central Avenue looking over the ramp between Brookshire Freeway and East Independence Boulevard that was red with yellow writing that stated, “Don’t vote, start a revolution.” You could always do both.


If there’s one thing The Scanner should teach us, it’s that no good deed goes unpunished. A 50-year-old man in the Hidden Valley area of north Charlotte found this out the hard way after he tried to give a woman a ride on a recent night. He told police he picked the woman up around 11:30 p.m., and just 10 minutes later, he made the mistake of leaving her in the running Hyundai Sonata while he ran into a nearby convenience store. When he got out of the store, the woman had driven off in his car.


A 31-year-old woman also put too much trust in a stranger recently and paid dearly for it. The woman told police that she took a rideshare service from her home in north Charlotte to her son’s daycare in west Charlotte. When she arrived there, she needed to go inside to sign her son out, so she left her purse and other belongings in the car. She picked her son up and returned home and didn’t notice anything was wrong until she looked in her purse and realized $200 was missing. The woman believes that her rideshare driver went through her purse and took the cash out while she was inside the daycare.






An 18-year-old woman in the Idlewild South neighborhood in southeast Charlotte has found herself out of thousands of dollars, and with no cuddly pet to show for it. The woman told police she ordered a Bengal kitten from a company online, and began making financial payments for it on Feb. 28. She stated that she made several payments, but when those payments totaled up to $4,000 and the company was still demanding more without delivering the kitten, she decided maybe she’d been had. Police responded to a Bi-Lo on Mount HollyHuntersville Road in northwest Charlotte after a man got violent while stealing some important things that he needed. According to the report, the man tried to leave the store with two 12-packs of Mountain Dew, a bucket of wings and a frying pan. When an employee tried to stop him, the suspect attempted to assault her then left the store.

Police responded to a disturbance call at a 7-Eleven in south Charlotte early one recent morning and found a man who was both a victim and a suspect. Police found a man who had tried to use a fake $50 bill at the convenience store and had been turned down by a cashier who knew better. The man said he had just received the $50 bill as change from a Family Dollar on the previous day, and was insulted to be called a counterfeiter. Police de-escalated the situation, taking the bill and telling the ARSENAL A woman called police to get rid of some property man he would have to go to Family Dollar to get his $50 that she found in her home in north Charlotte but didn’t back. know where it came from. Usually, one would just throw AROMA THERAPY such things away or donate them, but these were odd The great thing about renting in an apartment things to find in your home and not know it. The woman complex is that you can go to the leasing office whenever turned in a revolver, a handgun, 11 different types of you like and help yourself to the things you find there. ammunition, a laser sight, a holster, a towel and a lunch That was the attitude of one suspect in Steele Creek, cooler. who reportedly stole an air freshener machine with refills worth $250 from the clubhouse at Colonial Grand at Ayrsley at some point overnight on a recent evening.

A 47-year-old man recently filed a police report after someone stole money from him while he was shopping … or so he thought. The man originally told police that someone stole $1,800 from him while he was at an Advanced Auto Parts on Milton Road in east Charlotte for two and a half hours. The next day, the man called police again and said, “Who am I to say?” The report states that “Pending further investigation, the victim stated he is unsure what happened to the money and may have left it somewhere.” A woman living in the Sharon Lakes area of south Charlotte was alarmed to walk out to her car on a recent morning and find the interior of the vehicle coated in smoke. She called police and a responding officer came out to find that nobody had broken into her car as she originally believed, but that an electrical fire had started in her Volkswagen Jetta and melted the entire center console, radio and climate control unit.


A 39-year-old southwest Charlotte man returned to his home after renting it out to some AirBnB customers recently and found that they hadn’t been respectful of his space during their four-day stay. The man told officers that his home was “permeated with an unknown smoke smell” and that his doorbell camera had been broken while he was gone. ALL SCANNER ENTRIES ARE PULLED FROM CMPD REPORTS. SUSPECTS ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

Pg. 7 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

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Important Facts About DOVATO

Pg. 8 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

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Lactic acidosis is a serious • have kidney problems. medical emergency that can lead to death. Tell your healthcare provider right away • are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. One of the medicines in DOVATO (dolutegravir) if you get any of the following symptoms that could be signs of lactic acidosis: may harm your unborn baby. feel very weak or tired; unusual (not normal) muscle pain; trouble breathing; stomach pain with nausea and vomiting; feel cold, especially in your arms and legs; feel dizzy or ° Your healthcare provider may prescribe a different medicine than DOVATO if you are planning to become pregnant or if pregnancy is confirmed in the first 12 weeks lightheaded; and/or a fast or irregular heartbeat. • Lactic acidosis can also lead to severe liver problems, which can lead to of pregnancy. death. 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4100 Raleigh St.; facebook.com/theshedcharlotte; 704-358-7000


April 17-18: Liquid Stranger: Wakaan Takeover, times vary, $30 and up April 24-25: Digital Gardens Music and Arts Festival, times vary, $85-$185 May 30: SPENT: Dreams Festival, 7-11 p.m., $20

1000 N.C. Music Factory Blvd.; tinyurl.com/CMCUSpring2020; 704-549-1292 April 16: Big Gigantic: Free Your Mind 3D Experience, 7:30 p.m., $20 and up May 1: Louis the Child, 7 p.m., $19 and up May 7: Jamey Johnson, 6:30 p.m., $25 and up May 8: AJR: The Neotheater World Tour, 7:30 p.m., $29 and up May 24: Russ, 8 p.m., $39 and up June 6: Primus: A Tribute to Kings, 7 p.m., $30 and up June 20: Queen City Jazz Fest, 6 p.m., $49 and up THE LUMINEERS


Pg. 10 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

707 Pavilion Blvd.; tinyurl.com/PNCSpring2020; 704-549-1292


800 S. Mint St.; panthers.com/stadium; 704-358-7000

April 18: Billy Joel, 8 p.m., Sold out April 25: Jimmy Buffett, 8 p.m., $71 and up May 2: Garth Brooks, 7 p.m., Sold out May 28: Sam Hunt: Southside Summer Tour, 7 p.m., $39 and up May 29: The Lumineers - III: The World Tour, 7 p.m., $29 and up June 5: Zac Brown Band: Roar with the Lions Tour, 7 p.m., $36 and up June 13: Megadeth and Lamb of God, 6 p.m., $18 and up June 17: Knotfest Roadshow, 5:30 p.m., $18 and up June 18: Halsey: Manic World Tour, 7 p.m., $35 and up June 19: The Doobie Brothers, 7:30 p.m., $22 and up June 20: Brad Paisley, 7:30 p.m., $25 and up


5555 Concord Pkwy. S.; epicenterfestival.com; 704-455-3200

May 1-3: Epicenter Festival, Rock City Campgrounds, times vary, $100 and up


Arts & Culture A NIGHT OF THE ARTS

This event begins with a Man vs. Nature art gallery show and wraps with a performance of Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap. More: March 27, 5:30-7:30 p.m.; $5-$15; The Mint Museum - Uptown, 500 S. Tryon St.; mintmuseum.org



This annual celebration of Queen Charlotte’s support for the arts will feature performances, arts, activities and fun in The Gold District. More: April 4, Noon-4 p.m.; Free; The Unknown Brewing Co., 1327 S. Mint St.; thegolddistrict.org



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ABARI FOURTH ANNIVERSARY This inaugural event will pair North Carolina’s finest CAROLINA CLAY MATTERS hemp vendors with art vendors, live music, great BLOCK PARTY SPRING POTTERY FESTIVAL food and all-day libations. Always one of the best block parties of the year, the More: April 18, Noon-7 p.m.; $10 and up; Station @ More than 50 local potters hawk their wares, 2020 party features nine bands, 19 vendors, two including pottery for the kitchen, garden, wall and Recess, 832 Seigle Ave.; 420hempfestclt.com food trucks and, of course, plenty of gaming. everything in between. More: March 28, Noon-2 a.m.; $5; Abari Game Bar, AIGA CHARLOTTE DESIGN + More: May 9, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Free; Carolina Clay 1721 N. Davidson St.; abarigamebar.com Matters, 8300 Monroe Road; POSTER SHOW carolinaclaymatters.org poster gallery featuring designs by Charlotte BY THEIR TOUCH: A FIBER ARTS Aartists and designers, performances by local bands, LO’VONIA PARKS SOLO SHOW and plenty of food trucks. This show features works from 10 great local fiber More: April 30, 5-9 p.m.; $5-$10; Camp North End, EXHIBITION artists including Lauren Fowler, Ashley Proctor, Longtime local caricaturist and up-and-coming 1824 Statesville Ave.; tinyurl.com/AIGAPosters Krizia Maria Torres and more. muralist Lo’Vonia Parks shares her work. More: April 3, 8 p.m.; $5; Petra’s, 1919 More: May 9, 8-11 p.m.; Free; Unorthodox Studios, Commonwealth Ave.; petrasbar.com 3224 Benard Ave., Studio C; tinyurl.com/LoVoniaUnorthodox



There aren’t many details about this year’s picnic, This yearly Hindu arts celebration features painting, though we know it’s the fifth annual celebration and we bet there will be black. drawing, ceramics, sculpture, textile art, jewelry More: May 17, 1-4 p.m.; Free; Nevin Community and culinary art. Park, 6000 Statesville Road; worldgothday.com More: May 2-3, Noon-5 p.m.; Hindu Center of Charlotte, 7400 City View Drive; hcclt.org


A family-friendly event that allows participants to build a water lantern and launch it into the park’s pond after sunset. More: May 23, 5:30-10 p.m.; $35 and up; Symphony Park, 4400 Sharon Road; waterlanternfestival.com/charlotte.php


Storyteller Carolyn Evans portrays moments from Harriet Tubman’s life in this moving histo-drama about her life and work with the Underground Railroad. More: June 6, 6-9 p.m.; Historic Latta Plantation, 5225 Sample Road; lattaplantation.org



This event features 15 chefs, two breweries, two mixologists and two bands, with keynote speaker Malik Yakini, executive director of the Detroit Black Community Food Security Network. More: March 26, 6-9 p.m.; $50-$100; Mint Museum - Uptown, 500 S. Tryon St.; carolinafarmtrust.org

Camp out at Historic Rural Hill Farm for a weekend of live music, headlined by Steep Canyon Rangers, and tastings from area brewers. More: May 8, 6:45 p.m.-May 9, 10 p.m.; $15$85; Rural Hill, 4431 Neck Road, Huntersville; ncbrewsmusic.com



Not only do some of the proceeds from this patio event go to the Humane Society of Charlotte, but there will be adoptable furballs there if you don’t have your own to bring with you. More: March 29, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Free; Sycamore Brewing, 2161 Hawkins St.; sycamorebrew.com

Last year’s festival unfolded in a bad way on social media, but most of the people we spoke to who were there had a fine time. We expect them to be fully ready this time, either way. More: May 16, 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m. & 5:30-10 p.m.; $50-$200; Bank of America Stadium, 800 S. Mint St.; untappd.com/festival


A day full of seafood (not just oysters) live music, a special beer release, raffles and a silent auction, all to raise money to kick childhood cancer to the curb. More: March 28, Noon-8 p.m.; $15-$45; Divine Barrel, 3701 N. Davidson St., Ste. 203; tinyurl.com/RoastForResearch

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Charlotte’s only craft beer and burger festival will feature more than 200 craft beers and eight restaurants competing for Charlotte’s best burger — plus, Blues Traveler! More: April 4, 12:30-8 :30 p.m.; Avid Xchange Music Factory, N.C. Music Factory Boulevard; mooandbrewfest.com





The signature fundraiser for Charlotte Museum Sample more than 100 wines from over 25 wineries of History features unique food and beverage experiences and live music on the lawn of while strolling the boardwalk. Mecklenburg County’s oldest home. More: April 18 1-6 p.m.; Shoppes at More: April 23, 6-8:30 p.m.; Charlotte Museum of University Place, 8929 J.M. Keynes Drive; History, 3500 Shamrock Drive; universitycitywinefest.org charlottemuseum.org

Tons of food, festivities and family-friendly fun. All the good f-words. More: June 5-7, times vary; Free, must buy coins for food samples; Uptown Charlotte, Tryon Street from 5th Street to Stonewall Street; tasteofcharlotte.com


Billed as the “Carnival of Cocktails,” the Bartender’s Ball is an annual charity event in which more than 20 of Charlotte’s best bars, clubs, lounges and restaurants come together for your buzzed benefit. More: June 14, 7-11:30 p.m.; $48; BB&T Ballpark, 324 S. Mint St.; charlottebartendersball.com


BB&T Ballpark, 324 S. Mint St.; bbtballparkcharlotte.com; 704-274-8300 Be sure to check out the website for promotional nights ranging from Bark in the Park to playing catch on the field before the game. As usual, Friday nights at home always wrap up with a firework display. April 16-19 vs. Durham Bulls April 20-22 vs. Norfolk Tides April 27-30 vs. Indianapolis Indians May 1-3 vs. Pawtucket Red Sox May 11-14 vs. Durham Bulls May 15-17 vs. Gwinnett Braves May 26-28 vs. Durham Bulls June 2-4 vs. Rochester Red Wings June 5-7 vs. Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders June 15-17 vs. Norfolk Tides



In preparation for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, the men’s Mexican national soccer team is touring the U.S., and their Charlotte stop features a game against Czech Republic. More: March 26, 8:30 p.m.; $30 and up; Bank of America Stadium, 800 S. Mint St.; mextour.org


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This multi-day festival celebrates the outdoor lifestyle through competitions — including trail CHARLOTTE INDEPENDENCE running, kayaking, biking, climbing, stand-up Sportsplex at Matthews, 2425 Sports Pkwy., paddleboarding, obstacle and adventure racing — Matthews; charlotteindependence.com; 704-206as well as exhibitions, demos and live music. 1515 More: April 24-26, times vary; prices vary; U.S. National Whitewater Center, 5000 Whitewater Last year, it took the Independence until October to Center Pkwy.; tuckfest.usnwc.org get an away win. This year, they kicked the season off with a win in Kansas City on March 3. That has to QUEEN’S CUP STEEPLECHASE bode well for 2020 looking ahead. Break out your fancy hats and join Union County’s funnest annual tailgating event, at which jockeys March 21 vs. New York Red Bulls II race horses for $150,000 in purse money. April 11 vs. Charleston Battery More: April 25, $55 and up; Brooklandwood Race April 18 vs. Indy Eleven Course, Mineral Springs; queenscup.org May 9 vs. Hartford Athletic May 13 vs. Charleston Battery June 12 vs. North Carolina FC


The second SLAW bout of 2020 invites participants to come as their most extra self. More: May 8, 8-10 p.m.; free to attend, free to wrestle with SLAW membership, $10 to wrestle as free agent; Free Range Brewing, 2320 N. Davidson St., D; southernladiesarmwrestling.com


For the second straight year, the city will shut down the I-277 loop so joggers can run amok — albeit in one direction. More: May 31, 8:30-11 a.m.; $50; I-277; aroundthecrown10k.com


For everyone not interested in all those fitness parades, you can finish the world’s shortest race without even starting it. Race package comes with a t-shirt, a beer and a cup commemorating your non-race accomplishment. More: June 6, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; $20-$30; NoDa Company Store, 3221 Yadkin Ave.; tinyurl.com/NoDaNoKRace


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“The Grimm’s stories are all about children getting “We’re using [the original] Grimm’s fairy tales to make people aware of their own self-healing,” McGill thrown into adult situations,” Shabazz says. Parks interjects that it’s a common misnomer that offers. “And build a community of people who are not fairy tales have to have happy endings. “Grimm’s fairy tales are not tied up in a bow at willing to just look on as others suffer,” Shabazz adds. It’s a bold agenda, but Parks, plus the two the end,” he maintains. “There is a lot of ambiguity childhood friends McGill and Shabazz, are convinced in the way they end and what will happen to the Friends premiere hip-hop that the building blocks of a kinder, more empathetic protagonist.” That true-to-life approach carries over to world are hiding in plain sight within the collected the new versions crafted by the trio. fairy tale in Charlotte “If we were to package everything up into ‘Happily fairy tales first published in December 1812 by German ever after,’ people wouldn’t care about this show,” academics Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm. BY PAT MORAN McGill insists. After the three dramaturges joined forces and “Things aren’t as easy as we want them to be. The enthusiastic crowd of school children erupts in discovered kindred souls on Children’s Theatre’s waves of handclaps while several kids start bouncing in their seats, as an offstage MC spins a medley of R&B-infused raps including “Hey Diddle Diddle the Cat with the Fiddle” and “Humpty Dumpty.” Just when the young audience can bear the suspense no longer, Jay and Will, aka the Brothers Grimmz, strut out onto a stage previously deserted save for the show’s set: the back of a tenement and its fire escape. After hitting the road telling tales, the hip-hop dance pop sensations are back with a program of remixed fairy tales, and these stories with a beat are a far cry from Disney’s wonderland of palaces, princes and golden coaches. Grimmz Fairy Tales was developed at Children’s Theatre of Charlotte at ImaginOn, where it put on its world premiere at Wells Fargo Playhouse last month. (After its inaugural run, Grimmz will go on the road to Ohio, RON LEE MCGILL (LEFT) AND RAHSHEEM SHABAZZ PERFORM DURING ‘GRIMMZ FAIRY TALES.’ and subsequently tour the U.S. next year.) The show is both brainchild and labor of love production of Last Stop on Market Street in the fall of None of the heroes in our stories walks away to the for director Christopher Parks, and performers Ron Lee 2018, they determined that they would collaborate golden palace,” Parks maintains. “That’s on purpose.” McGill and Rahsheem Shabazz, who play Will and Jay again. Shabazz floated the idea of a hip-hop show for Each of the Grimmz collaborators dedicated their Grimmz. kids. “Why not a rap rendition of Grimm’s fairy tales?” lives to theatre at an early age. Parks, now 49, is The high-concept conceit, choreographed by was Parks’ rejoinder. Hansel and Gretel rhymes seemed producing artistic director of the Experiential Theater Shabazz, is that we’re witnessing a hometown show to flow freely, almost unbidden, and the seed for Company in Somerset, New Jersey. In addition to by the brothers, featuring dramatizations of their hit Grimmz germinated. directing Last Stop on Market Street, he was also songs: “Snow White and the Seven Shawties,” “Hansel In an interview after a weekday morning performance director and playwright for Journey to Oz and Sunjata and Gretel: Lost in the Hood,” “Down with Rapunzel” of the show for an audience of school children, the three Kamalenya at Children’s Theatre. With his father a and “Break, Cinderella, Break!” It’s a deft conflation of Grimmz creators share that they’ve changed many scenic designer and his mother a producer, Parks grew storytelling through the ages, coupling modern rap particulars of the revered and familiar tales, in some up in theater. With his two brothers he launched a with the bardic traditions of the ancient world. cases well beyond recognition, yet they feel the lessons series of popular New Jersey Renaissance Kingdom But if that was all the show offered, it wouldn’t contained in the classics resonate in our era. The Grimm’s events. With that early success under his belt, he never resonate so deeply with kids and parents. The tales are often grim, McGill admits, and while the endings looked back. performers impart valuable life lessons while of the Grimmz versions may be different, they retain the “I love telling stories and giving people an addressing children’s experiences that are both ambiguity of many of the originals. “We didn’t want to opportunity to celebrate life and art,” Parks explains. up-to-the-minute and timeless: cyberbullying, water it down,” McGill continues. “We wanted to give “I was born in a trunk,” McGill says. “My mother is homelessness, adjusting to mixed families and people something to chew on.” an actress as well as costume and fashion designer.” discovering your inner joy.

A self-described quiet kid with a big imagination, he started doing print work at age 3, and began performing onstage soon after. Attending Hillside High School in Durham, he chose a theatre elective. “That’s when I started to take it seriously,” the 33-year-old writer and performer remembers. A year later McGill tried out for a production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He quickly bonded with another young actor who landed the lead role in the show, Rahsheem Shabazz. “Something just drew me to the theater,” Shabazz says. “It was all the emotion I had inside — things I had built up, all those experiences of being young.” He took part in a school play, portraying a spider that terrorizes little Miss Muffet. As part of the show, kids would throw pie in his face. “As much as I liked eating pie, I realized that there was more to theatre than just the pie,” the 31-year-old writer, performer and choreographer says chuckling. “There was a table that we could sit at together.” Fast forward to high school, and Shabazz saw parallels between himself and the part he played in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Here was a troubled kid who lucked into a golden ticket to PHOTO BY JOHN MERRICK become part of the magic at a fabled factory, just as Shabazz had stepped behind the curtain to find an outlet in theatre. Rap also was a formative force for McGill and Shabazz. Prior to performing at Children’s Theatre productions including The Snowy Day and Other Stories followed by And in this Corner… Cassius Clay, McGill pursued a career in hip-hop, performing as Ronnie 2G. By 2017, burnout and disenchantment with the music industry had set in. “I was getting a little more mature, [and] I wanted to use my art for means other than self-indulgence and self-gratification,” McGill offers. Shabazz also started out making hip-hop music, and he too grew tired of trying to get into the industry when he just wanted to create. He recognized that many children were heavily into the music of Hamilton, a show definitely not geared for kids. So why not give young people something tailored for them, rap that

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Welsh-Noel’s nerdy Rapunzel wants to come down off her fire escape and make music with her friends, portrayed by Shabazz, McGill and Gonzales, but her speaks to where they are in their lives? mother, played by Hall, forbids it. “Your voice isn’t all Given their history with hip-hop, it was only that,” Mama says, referring to Punzi’s nasal bellow. It natural that McGill and Shabazz immediately jumped turns out Mama isn’t mean; she just wants to protect on board when Parks floated the idea of a rap musical her daughter from ridicule. But when Punzi finally lets for children. They wanted to show that rap could be used for kids, while at the same time maintaining the authenticity of hip-hop. “Hip-hop speaks to struggle,” McGill maintains. “By hearing a certain hiphop song, I feel like I’m not alone in my struggle.” The universal nature of rap’s message is also part of its appeal, Shabazz appends. “Groups like Public CAST MEMBERS PERFORM ‘GRIMMZ FAIRY TALES.’ Enemy make songs that one person may hear as rebel music. But then someone down her hair and joins an amateur rapper, a clumsy else hears it and [for them] it’s actually coping music.” dancer and a tuneless cellist, her mother sees that Grimmz Fairy Tales may be a colorful, humorous, everyone is enjoying themselves. Mama pulls out a energetic and engaging show, but at its core, it’s wheezing set of bagpipes to join the cacophonous yet about kids struggling and coping. After each story, Will happy ensemble, and Punzi learns that her voice is and Jay come out onstage to reinforce the life lesson perfect — for her. illustrated by each fable. “Rapunzel is never going to get on American Idol,” In “Snow White and the Seven Shawties,” Diva Parks says. “But she’s going to feel good about herself. the Queen, played by Octavia Hall, is enamored of the So many of us give up our art and passion because the magic mirror app installed on her phone. She lives for wrong person tells us we’re not good enough.” shares, clicks and likes. When Rene Welsh-Noel’s Snow He insists that we should celebrate our joy as White jumps on the app for fun, she gets too much opposed to judging ourselves. attention, invoking the queen’s ire. Diva starts dissing Cinderella, in a heart-wrenching turn by Gonzales, and trolling Snow White, posting false and malicious who only wants to be reunited with her mother. (It’s rumors about the young woman. Soon Snow White’s hinted that her mother may be in prison or rehab.) self-esteem plummets. She believes that a loser online Cinderella’s ineffectual father, played by McGill, brings is a loser in real life, until the wizened friends of her his daughter into the unwelcoming arms of a new grandma, the Seven Shawties, convince her to stick family, ruled with an iron will by Welsh-Noel’s mean with people who actually know her for who she is. The stepmother. lesson is don’t respond or resend, delete instead. Cinderella doesn’t even get her own bed. Instead Hansel and Gretel, played by McGill and Isobel she sleeps on the basement floor. A kindly stepsister, Gonzales, are up for adoption. When foster families try portrayed by Hall, invites Cinderella to participate in to split them up, the siblings hightail it for the forest. a dance contest. At the contest, Cinderella defies her Hall’s old witch offers food and shelter in her home, cruel stepmother and finds joy in movement, but a but when Hansel and Gretel try to leave, the witch reunion with her birth mother doesn’t occur. Cinderella traps them with magic gramophone music that forces contents herself with her father’s promise that from brother and sister into a dance that saps their will. now on, things will be better in her new home. Gretel hatches an escape plan, but in the end “Kids go through this every day,” Shabazz offers. the siblings come to realize that the old witch had no “They have to live in a mixed home or with people who intention of harming them. She’s merely a lonely old are not blood relations.” person craving company. Hansel and Gretel, who have In the end, Cinderella’s triumph is not that she been looking for family, learn that families come in all wins the contest or gets her wish, it’s that she learns to kinds of iterations, and that sometimes family finds deal and abide with her situation, Shabazz says. you.

an untenable situation, that’s just as big as getting the golden stagecoach and crown.” Shabazz and McGill say it’s no accident that the main protagonist in each of these four tales is a young woman. In the traditional Grimm’s tales, the princess is locked in a tower or denied entry into a ball, until a prince swoops in and saves the day, McGill maintains. He insists that Grimmz is having none of that. “Life isn’t like that,” he continues, which is why Grimmz focuses on female agency. The show is about finding power within yourself and having a different perspective of life, a viewpoint that may bring you a modern version of happily ever after, McGill explains. “The circumstances on the outside don’t change, but what’s going on in your mind does,” he says, “and that brings a new light.” Such representation and empowerment are crucial to Grimmz, and its message enfolded in PHOTO BY JOHN MERRICK music, dance, storytelling and rap, Shabazz says. “In life we pour into each other. But we have realize what their less fortunate neighbors are dealing to save ourselves,” he offers. “Someone may give you encouragement, but those words mean nothing if you with. “Sleeping in a bed is a huge thing to certain people, don’t believe them.” he maintains. “To have someone say that they’re going to advocate for you when [they] know you’re living in PMORAN@QCNERVE.COM Parks says some audience members have criticized this portion of the show. “[When] the father says, ‘You’re going to sleep in a bed and nobody is going to yell at you anymore,’ people have said, ‘Oh she’s going to sleep in a bed? Good job dad!’” Parks’ response is that people sometimes don’t

MAR 11 - MAR 17




What: A difficult but important read, Beads shares Raleigh author Rachael Brooks’ terrifying yet hopeful journey from rape victim to resilient survivor. She speaks to the challenges that sexual assault victims face and the range of emotions they experience throughout the recovery process. Her story describes the many injustices she experienced within the justice system. More: Free; 7-8:30 p.m.; Park Road Books, 4139 Park Road; parkroadbooks.com

What: Four women form this new exhibit: Chris Brandell, Jenny Prinn, Chris Shands and Beverly Y. Smith. Each of the artists has experienced hardships and triumphs that established their perspective and continue to inspire their artistic endeavors. In addition to new work to be debuted in the exhibit, each was charged with writing or identifying a short poem that epitomizes her respective work. More: Free; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Sozo Gallery, 214 N. Tryon St.; sozogallery.net


What: Do you remember the last time an artist recorded a live album in Charlotte? We can’t either. The Middle C crowd will get a ringside seat for the creation of drummer, composer and bandleader Barna’s latest release by his Sketches of Influence combo. It’s a supple crew, deftly pivoting from standards to hard bop and freestyle. More: $24; March 13 & 14, 7 p.m. & 9 p.m.; Middle C Jazz, 300 S. Tryon St., middlecjazz.com JOE BARNA









What: A conversation featuring award-winning journalist and author, Wanda Lloyd, whose newly released book, Coming Full Circle: From Jim Crow to Journalism is a riveting story of her journey as a young girl growing up in the 1950s-60s in Savannah, Georgia, to executive editor at the Montgomery Advertiser. More: Free; 1-3 p.m.; Harvey B. Gantt Center, 551 S. Tryon St.; ganttcenter.org

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What: For Buff Faye, St. Paddy’s Day means leprechauns, lucky charms and a pot of drag queens at the end of the rainbow. Performers include Kiana Layne, Valerie Rockwell, Lilli Frost and Brooklyn Dior. Charlotte’s leading drag brunch since 2009 features two seatings. Proceeds benefit local charities, so come get lucky. More: $30; 11 a.m. & 1 p.m.; Dilworth Neighborhood Grille, 911 E. Morehead St., ticketor.com/bufffaye

What: Particle Falls transforms data about airborne matter into bursts of color cascading over a curtain of falling blue light. It’s breathtaking animation in more ways than one, since the pointillist lights represent all the crap floating around in the air that we breathe. A meeting by Medical Advocates for Healthy Air precedes a viewing of the acclaimed air pollution exhibit. More: Free; 6:30 p.m.; UNC Charlotte Center City, 320 E. 9th St., cleanaircarolina.org/particlefallsnc/


What: Looking for that black and purple vinyl pressing of the Misfits’ Die Die My Darling, or Church of Satan founder Anton Lavey’s creepy Satan Takes a Holiday album? Noble Records is a good place to start, and for those who can’t make the trek down Independence to Matthews, Noble comes to you, or at least NoDa, toting over 2,000 records. More: Free; 6 p.m.; Divine Barrel, 3701 N. Davidson St.; noblerecordstore.com



MAR 18 - MAR 24


What: Eons ago a friend was pitching a movie script, FrankenElvis, wherein the remains of Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley were stitched together into a showstopping monster. That’s one way to look at adult contemporary juggernaut Buble’s mix of swing, soft rock and contemporary pop. But scratch the surface and you find a breezy crooner with emotional heft and genuine warmth. More: $68 and up; 8 p.m.; Spectrum Center, 333 E. Trade St., spectrumcentercharlotte.com MICHAEL BUBLE



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What: The Biére de Femme Festival was conceived as a way to raise scholarship funds for the Pink Boots Society, which seeks to assist, inspire and encourage women beer professionals through education as well as to showcase the amazing talent of the women in North Carolina’s brewing industry. With the recent closure of Bold Missy Brewery, Charlotte’s only exclusively woman-owned brewery, the goal behind this event is all the more important. More: $5-$65; 1-5 p.m.; The Unknown Brewing Co., 1327 S. Mint St.; bieredefemmefest.com




What: A pioneer of the internet era, Russell Peters is one of the first performers to go viral after his 2004 appearance on the Canadian TV show Comedy Now! was uploaded to YouTube in its early years and gained him a huge following. He continues to lead comedy into the streaming age, as in 2013 he became the first comedian to host a stand-up special on Netflix. More: $35-$40; runs through March 21, times vary; Comedy Zone, 900 N.C. Music Factory Blvd.; cltcomedyzone.com


What: Sponsored by Mecklenburg County’s Culture Blocks, ArtoberFest strives to inspire local residents and surrounding communities to join in celebrating the west side of Charlotte’s rich cultural heritage and area resources. The event includes activities such as live music, a selfie park, live art, kid’s activities, a fashion show, food trucks, games, artist kickbacks and more. Featured artists include Gabe of The Art Haus, CiCi the Artsy Hippie and Breonte Boyd. More: Free; Noon-6 p.m.; Historic Camp Greene neighborhood, Weyland Ave.; art-toberfest.com


What: DJs Jordan Pundik (New Found Glory) & Shawn Milke and Shane Crump (Alesana) bring back the angst, melodicism, punky crunch and copious eyeliner of the Emo era. Unleash those tears and true feelings to the surging sounds of My Chemical Romance, the Get Up Kids and more. Featuring live sets by Emo’s offspring Empty, Rothschild and Foxglove. More: $12; 7 p.m.; Underground, 820 Hamilton St.; fillmorenc.com


What: Using bluegrass and old-time tunes as a launch pad, banjo and slide guitar player Furtado has skyrocketed into his own genre, mixing Celtic, acoustic blues and string band swing into an eclectic and sophisticated style that remains grounded in roots music. He’s grown his following through constant touring and frequent comparisons to Ry Cooder, but Furtado is his own man. More: $15-20; 8 p.m.; Neighborhood Theatre, 511 E 36th St.; neighborhoodtheatre.com




What: In 2015, the UNC Charlotte 49ers baseball team played the first ever collegiate baseball game at BB&T Ballpark against the N.C. State Wolfpack. They’ve hosted eight more games since then, and will kick-off the baseball season in Charlotte with a game against Wake Forest on March 17 followed by a rematch of that inaugural game on the 24th. New head coach Robert Woodard has got the 49ers off to a good start at home, but BB&T Ballpark is a different kind of home. More: $29 and up; 7:05 p.m.; BB&T Ballpark, 324 S. Mint St.; bbtballparkcharlotte.com



MUSIC FEATURE JAMLA SESSION Raleigh songbird Heather Victoria talks roots before Charlotte stop

being a vessel for that. My particular canvas just happens to be soul music. Beyond the music, I’m also a family woman and deeply spiritual. When I’m not working, I also like to have a little fun every now and then.

of work from top to bottom. Most of it consists of live instrumentation. It’s personal and authentic. It’s basically me growing as a young Black woman and the raw experiences from my mid- to-late 20s — the ups and downs, self-discovery, self-worth, and the importance of learning to put yourself first.


Pg. 18 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

Born in Fayetteville and brought up in Wilson, R&B singer Heather Victoria was raised on soul music, but there’s plenty more than that mixed into her own art. Over her 10-year career, Victoria’s built her own sound, fusing soul and R&B with jazz and funk. “As an artist, I’m still growing, still learning new things every day,” she told Queen City Nerve. We talked with the ever-evolving singer in the lead-up to a March 12 stop in Charlotte with Jamla Records labelmate Rapsody and Charlotte native Reuben Vincent as part of Rapsody’s A Black Woman Created This tour. We discussed what Victoria has created for herself in the same vein, as well as how she pays respect to those who laid the foundation. How did you end up signing with 9th Wonder and Jamla Records? After graduating high school in 2007, I got accepted into both North Carolina State University and North Carolina Central University. Initially, I chose N.C. State. During my sophomore year, however, I recognized that I wanted to transfer to an HBCU — NCCU in particular. I wanted to pursue music. At the time, I became more knowledgeable about how prestigious NCCU was for their music department. Their Jazz Studies program was quite popular. I also got wind of a History of Hip Hop class there. The professors were 9th Wonder and Christopher “Play” Martin of Kid ‘n Play. Once I transferred to NCCU, I was able to get into the History of Hip Hop class during my first semester. That’s where I officially met 9th Wonder. At N.C. State, I was singing in the gospel and concert choirs and doing talent shows. By the time HEATHER VICTORIA PHOTO BY ARIEL NAVA I got over to NCCU, I was writing poetry and putting it into songs. Eventually, 9th Wonder allowed me to play him a demo. That’s basically how I got signed. Late last year, you dropped a new EP called In reference to the project coming together, these Boutique Hotel. How did that project come kinds of affirmations were critical. What do you aim to accomplish with your together for you? In the beginning, we did most of the recording music, beyond entertainment? The album came together fairly organically. We took over tracks. By late 2018 and early 2019, we took the At my core, I’m deeply passionate about pushing our time with it and worked on it for about a year time to have sessions with the band. They would the culture forward — Black culture and the art and a half. We wanted it to be a “feel-good” piece come to the studio, hear the tracks and then play it that Black people create. I’m very intentional about

back live. It can be time-consuming just to facilitate that, trying to strategically get everyone’s schedules together — that takes time, energy and patience. So we knew we couldn’t rush the process. I think it’s that process that made for an amazing project. Sometimes, even when things happen organically, it still takes planning. I’m just thankful everything came together the way it did. What kind of reception has the album received from fans and critics? The feedback has been wonderful. It’s a “music lover’s album” and that’s something that people have really expressed — their appreciation for the live instrumentation and the lyrics. It takes time to bring those things together. Much thanks to 9th Wonder, Khrysis, the band members, the Soul Council and so many others. Boutique Hotel was definitely a team win. Hip-hop, R&B, jazz, soul … you pull from all these genres in one voice. Boutique Hotel is a perfect illustration of this. Was this kind of fusion by design or by accident? It was actually a little bit of both. There were a lot of unexpected life experiences that brought me to the point of even starting the album. There was a transition period between me working a 9-to-5 and doing music part-time, to now doing music full-time after having worked in corporate America for four to five years. It was a very shaky experience, shaky times, but when you’re going through things, you learn a lot about who you are, not only as an artist but as a human being. I came out of those experiences more determined, more dedicated. Within that time period, I was able to create new music. I also took two years prior to that to just figure out where I was, who I was going to work on becoming, how I could get better, and where I was going. Hot New Hip Hop described your vocals on the track “One Love” as ‘’Honey-glazed … soothing and smooth.’’ Do you feel like that’s an accurate description of your specific sound and vocal style? Honey-glazed makes me think of something sweet, something that is enticing and appealing. So I would just take that as the wonderful compliment that it is and say, “Thank you.”When I think of people that I admire and have studied, I would also consider them to be honey-glazed: Tamia, Anita, Whitney … that’s honey and just damn good vocals. On a side note, you know honey is also a healing component to the human body. So yeah [smiling], I’ll take that! Much thanks to Hot New Hip Hop for the shout out.


Pg. 19 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

But when I look back, yes, I am proud. Certainly! I’m proud of the journey and who I’ve become on the journey. It definitely requires a certain amount of You’ve been working with Grammy- hard work and tenacity. We’re all still growing right nominated, N.C.-based emcee Rapsody for the now, though — myself, Jamla Records, my label last several years now. I loved the chemistry mates. I’m just glad to be a part of it all. between you two on “The Drums.” You also accompanied her on a track called “The Man,” In a way, you and many others are helping while Rapsody has accompanied you on tracks to carry on the tradition of NC Soul music: such as “Not Taking You Back,” “I’ll Always Be Nina Simone, George Clinton, John Coltrane, Down,” and “Big Momma.” So, are you and Thelonious Monk, Roberta Flack, Maceo Rapsody like real friends or just great working Parker — even folks like Nneena Freelon, partners who share the same label? Jodeci and Anthony Hamilton. This is Black Oh, wow! Rapsody, aka Ms. Marlanna, is definitely music straight from the soul. We know this one of my close friends. We have a great relationship, lineage has influenced your music, but how one of a kind! She’s like a big sister to me … has this history impacted you as a Black someone I truly appreciate. It’s no surprise that it woman and human being? shows in the chemistry of our music because we’ve Tremendously! Knowing your roots is important. You been sisters and friends for over 10 years. We’ve need your roots to push the culture forward, to know literally grown up together, not only in music but as where you’re going. It’s very empowering knowing people and as women. We do share the same label, that the foundation here is so rich in soul music but our friendship is very real, too. Definitely. within itself. In being a fan of this N.C. soul music, it makes me want to help continue it for the next You and Rapsody are actually on a tour generation. We have to keep pushing the culture together right now entitled A Black Woman forward, from within. Whether you’re in Raleigh Created This — which features a March 12th or Charlotte, as a community of artists, we have stop in Charlotte at Amos’ Southend. What’s to keep organizing our own events and helping to the goal of this tour and the overall message? create opportunities for one another. And we know How’s it gone so far? much of this is already happening … we’re doing it! I’ll allow Rapsody to speak for herself on that one at Look at what the Dreamville Festival did last the show and leave a little room for mystery. I would year. Young people from all over the state were just happily advise everyone to please get tickets there. Some of those young people had never even and come experience it for yourself. The message been to a live show before, not to mention an allis amazing and the experience is unforgettable! day hip-hop festival hosted by someone from their This tour has changed my life. I’m so grateful for my own home state. Before Dreamville, it was the Art sister having brought me on the road, and to have of Cool Festival. I realize now that if we continue to put in the opportunity to share my music and touch lives. what we expect to come out, the culture will only You’ve been an intricate part of the North continue to grow here. We want to make Mama Carolina hip-hop/R&B scene for the last Nina proud. We want to make George Clinton and decade now. You’re one of those artists like John Coltrane proud. As their descendants, we have Little Brother and J. Cole who have literally a responsibility to continue this history and to build helped to shape the aesthetic here. Have you on it. As an artist and young Black woman, I’m very intentional about that now. Yes, very! Consciousness, ever stepped back to process that? That wasn’t something I even thought of up until responsibility … that’s impact. maybe last year, and that’s only because I turned 30 and started doing a little reflecting. I was looking back over my twenties. I was asking myself what have I accomplished, and what haven’t I accomplished yet? And what is it that I look forward to doing next? I’m extremely grateful for what I’ve accomplished so far, but I like to stay down to earth. I don’t get caught up in the accomplishments because there’s still so much more to do: continuing to get better at my craft, making more music, touching more lives.

Boutique Hotel is available now on all streaming and purchasing platforms including Apple Music, Spotify, iTunes and Amazon. Find Heather on Twitter at @jamlaheatherv and on Instagram at @heather_ victoria. INFO@QCNERVE.COM




The Wizard’s Roadshow (The Fat Parrots Bar & Grill) Phiso, Devious, Jordan Castle b2b Kadena & Young Ghost (SERJ)

Off the Wall-New Jack Swing: The JETA Team (Crown Station)



ROCK/PUNK/METAL Crunk Witch, Sulfur, Earth That Was, 30 Year Sick (The Milestone) March Residency: Soft Neon, Jordyn Zaino, Dylan Gilbert, Brandon Byron, Cut From the Same Cloth (Snug Harbor) Silverstein, Four Year Strong, I the Mighty (Underground) Karaoke Night (Petra’s) RC & The Gritz, Super City (Evening Muse) No Anger Control, Voice of Addiction, The Boron Heist, Dumpster Service (Tommy’s Pub) The New Creatures (Thomas Street Tavern)

COUNTRY/FOLK/AMERICANA Open Mic/Open Jam (Comet Grill) Jeremy Shaw, Josh Daniel (Smokey Joe’s)

DJ/ELECTRONIC The Wizard’s Roadshow (Post Sports Bar & Grill)

JAZZ/CLASSICAL/ INSTRUMENTAL Pierre Bensusan (Stage Door Theater)


Pg. 20 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

ROCK/PUNK/METAL Open Mic (Tommy’s Pub) Downhaul, Short Fictions, Placeholder, Knowne Ghost, Hit Like a Girl (The Milestone) The Foxies (Neighborhood Theatre) TreeHouse, Big Break (Visulte Theatre) Overkill, Exhorder, Hydraform (Underground) Genesis, Bleu, Carlos Dwayne (Petra’s) Eddie Z & The Vault Dwellers, David “Ace” Cannon, Abby K (Evening Muse) Shana Blake (Smokey Joe’s) Barnes and the Heart (Tin Roof) Dr. Bacon, Jele (Heist Brewery)

COUNTRY/FOLK/AMERICANA Rob Leines (Tin Roof) David Childers (Comet Grill)

DJ/ELECTRONIC Le Bang (Snug Harbor) The Wizard’s Roadshow (Hartland’s Bar & Grill) Future Pixels: Angelic Root, Prophet, Zen Selekta (SERJ)

Charlotte Symphony: Star Wars-The Empire Strikes Back (Belk Theater) Carolina Voices: Karaoke Live (Duke Energy Theater) Joe Barna - Sketches of Influence Live Recording (Middle C Jazz)



Peaer, Strange Ranger, Pet Bug (Snug Harbor) Mija, Hana, Foxy Panic (Neighborhood Theatre) Buggin’ Out, The Penitentials, Make Believe Heroes (Skylark Social Club) RAP/HIP-HOP/SOUL/FUNK/R&B Brawley’s Black & Blue (Visulite Theatre) Rapsody, Saroc, Heather Victoria (Amos’ Southend) Stonefest: Machine Funk-Widespread Panic Tribute, Jason Jet (Middle C Jazz) Hipgnostic (Underground) Kix, Testarossa (Amos’ Southend) Modern Moxie, It’s Snakes, Rikki Rakki (Petra’s) ROCK/PUNK/METAL The Menders, An Archaic Agenda, PK (Tommy’s Pub) Sam Burchfield & The Scoundrels, Próxima Parada, Truth Cult with Maneka, Mutant Strain, Patho-Gen Pierce Edens(Visulite Theatre) (Lunchbox Records) Stranded Bandits, Spaced Angel, The Phantom Friends Super Overdrive (Repo Record) (Skylark Social Club) Native Sun, The Muckers (Evening Muse) Clever Girls, Couch Surfer, Izar Estelle (The Milestone) The Loose Lugnuts (Comet Grill) Badmotorfinger-Soundgarden Tribute, Joe Hero - Foo Fighters Tribute (Underground) COUNTRY/FOLK/AMERICANA Trial by Fire–Journey Tribute (Fillmore) Elonzo Wesley, Darby Wilcox, Courtney Lynn & Quinn Skewed Ensemble, Micah Gaugh Trio, Ghost Trees (Concerts at the Courtroom, Rock Hill) (Petra’s) Daniel Donato, Taylor McCall (Evening Muse) Betty White Bronco, Saul Seibert (Boo Hag), Junco The Mountain Laurels, Fiddler & the Flutist, The Jared Partner (Tommy’s Pub) Stout Band (Primal Brewery) William Hinson Band, Marielle Kraft (Evening Muse)


ROCK/PUNK/METAL Metal Church Sunday Service (The Milestone) BANGZZ, StormWatchers, Problem Addict, Richard (The Milestone) The Floozies, SunSquabi, Defunk (Neighborhood Theatre) Brian Fallon & The Howling Weather (Underground) COIN, Sure Sure, Wanderwild (Fillmore) Thy Art Is Murder, Fit for an Autopsy (Amos’ Southend) Omari & the Hellhounds (Comet Grill)


COUNTRY/FOLK/AMERICANA Lenny Federal Band (Comet Grill)

RAP/HIP-HOP/SOUL/FUNK/R&B Player Made (Snug Harbor) Stephen Marley, Mystic Marley (Neighborhood Theatre) Rhett Price (Evening Muse) Saxsquatch, Jason Leech, Phyphr (Brooklyn Lounge)

JAZZ/CLASSICAL/ INSTRUMENTAL Joe Barna - Sketches of Influence Live Recording (Middle C Jazz) Charlotte Symphony: Star Wars-The Empire Strikes Back (Belk Theater)

DJ/ELECTRONIC Digital Noir: DJ Spider, DJ Price (The Milestone) #LocalOnly Saturday: DJ Teddy, Mike Boyer (The Milestone) Esseks (SERJ) El Binomio de Oro (World)

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Bill Hannah’s Jazz Session (Petra’s) Dar Williams, Heather Maloney (Stage Door Theater)

Music Open Mic (Crown Station)



Hazy Sunday (Petra’s) Bone Snugs-N-Harmony Karaoke (Snug Harbor)

ROOTS/BLUES/INTERNATIONAL Bluegrass Open Jam: Greg Clarke & Friends (Tommy’s Pub)

COUNTRY/FOLK/AMERICANA Doug Seegers, Waylon Payne (Evening Muse)


ROCK/PUNK/METAL Ancient Ethel, Heavy Liquid, Monachopsis (Snug Harbor) The Moneys, Prison City Brigade, Next to Eternity (Tommy’s Pub) Find Your Muse Open Mic: Jim Sharkey (Evening Muse)


ROCK/PUNK/METAL March Residency: Never Better, Tough Ghost, Pantser (Snug Harbor) Michael Bublé (Spectrum) Cris Jacobs Band, Kelsey Ryan (Evening Muse)

COUNTRY/FOLK/AMERICANA Open Mic/Open Jam (Comet Grill) Jeremy Shaw, Josh Daniel (Smokey Joe’s)


ROCK/PUNK/METAL Shana Blake (Smokey Joe’s) Blue October (Fillmore) Open Mic: Barry & Kat Finnigan (Tommy’s Pub) Phillip Michael Parsons (Tin Roof) City of the Sun (Free Range Brewing)

Knocturnal (Brooklyn Lounge)

JAZZ/CLASSICAL/ INSTRUMENTAL Monday Night Jazz Jam (Crown Station)


Pg. 21 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

ROCK/PUNK/METAL Kayo Dot, Psalm Zero, Skewed Collective, Hectorina (The Milestone) Rock Con San Patricio, MoFunGo, Mattey, Dorian Gris (Snug Harbor) Outatime!, Idle Minds, Deaf Andrews, Janet Flights (Skylark Social Club) Live Irish Music: Barry’s Volunteers, PK (Tommy’s Pub) Smokin’ Js Open Mic Jam (Smokey Joe’s)

COUNTRY/FOLK/AMERICANA Red Rockin’ Chair (Comet Grill) Get Lucky, Steve Brown (Primal Brewery)



COUNTRY/FOLK/AMERICANA Chris Trapper (Evening Muse) Ryan Hurd (Coyote Joe’s) Sean Hayes (Free Range Brewing)



The Wizard’s Roadshow (Hartland’s Bar & Grill) Le Bang: Leather Daddy Disco (Snug Harbor)

The Wizard’s Roadshow (The Fat Parrots Bar & Grill) DirtySnatcha, Snakko, Emphoria, Biolink (SERJ)



Them Dirty Roses (Neighborhood Theatre) Abby the Spoon Lady, The Tater Boys (Petra’s) Cave Twins (David Mayfield & Abby Rose), William Matheny (Evening Muse) Mike Strauss Trio (Comet Grill)

Charlotte Symphony: Saint-Saens Organ Symphony (Belk Theater) The Lao Tizer Quartet featuring Karen Briggs (Middle C Jazz) Women in Jazz (Stage Door Theater)


Pg. 22 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

RAP/HIP-HOP/SOUL/FUNK/R&B JaH-Monte Ogbon, Autumn Rainwater, Cuzo Key, Austin Royale (Snug Harbor)

Omari & the Hellhounds (Comet Grill) Metal Church Sunday Service(The Milestone) Bergenline, Condado (The Milestone) RVNT, Somewhere to Call Home (Skylark Social Club) Spring Jam 2020: Ballantyne School of Music (Visulite Theatre) Circa Survive, Gouge Away (Fillmore) Against Me!, Stef Chura (Underground)


Andrew Duhon, Shannon LaBrie (Evening Muse) Chance McCoy, Greg Adams (Evening Muse) Lenny Federal Band (Comet Grill)

Bobby Duque (SERJ) Sam Feldt (World)


Women in Jazz (Stage Door Theater) Mike Phillips (Middle C Jazz)





Earthling, Final Curse, Suppressive Fire, Nemesis (The Milestone) Here Come the Mummies, Doctor Ocular (Neighborhood Theatre) Rosewave, Scars Remain, Fifty Flies, Key of Betrayal (Skylark Social Club) The Eyebrows, Sunset Cassette, Them Pants (Snug Harbor) Get Sad Y’all (Underground) The Ataris (Amos’ Southend) Spybaby, Run Engine, Johnny Wicker (Petra’s) Second Suitor, Born Again Heathens (Tommy’s Pub) Appetite for Destruction-Guns N’ Roses Tribute, Fiftywatt (Fillmore) Alex Butler (Tin Roof) Acoustic Session (RiRa) The New Deal (Heist Brewery) Universal Sigh (Free Range Brewing)

Charlotte Symphony: Saint-Saens Organ Symphony (Belk Theater) Women in Jazz (Stage Door Theater)



ROCK/PUNK/METAL The Fill Ins, Silver Tongue Devils, The Walbournes (The Milestone) Runaway Gin- Phish Tribute (Neighborhood Theatre) Winterjam 2020: Crowder, Andy Mineo, Hillsong, Red, Austin French, Newsong, Zane Black, Bellenger, Zauntee (Bojangles’ Coliseum) Knowne Ghost, Daddy Lion, Trent Thompson (Petra’s) Neon Rodeo (Fillmore) Mamma Bear, The Straitjackets (Tommy’s Pub) Negulators (Repo Record) EOTO (Underground) Human Resources, Thirsty Curses (Evening Muse) Hunters Travesty (Comet Grill)

Tow’rs (Evening Muse) Caleb Lail, AC Wilson (Tin Roof)

RAP/HIP-HOP/SOUL/FUNK/R&B Bone Snugs-N-Harmony Karaoke (Snug Harbor)

ROOTS/BLUES/INTERNATIONAL Bluegrass Open Jam: Greg Clarke & Friends(Tommy’s Pub)

JAZZ/CLASSICAL/ INSTRUMENTAL Bill Hannah’s Jazz Session (Petra’s) Robyn Springer (Middle C Jazz)


ROCK/PUNK/METAL Funeral Cost Fundraiser for Joe Payne: Kang, The Phantom Friends (Snug Harbor) Tony Furtado Trio, Jordan McConnell & Leonard Podolak (Neighborhood Theatre) Meshell Ndegeocello (McGlohon Theater) Find Your Muse Open Mic: Megan Hayes (Evening Muse) The Kerry Brooks Kollective (Comet Grill)

JAZZ/CLASSICAL/ INSTRUMENTAL Monday Night Jazz Jam (Crown Station)

RAP/HIP-HOP/SOUL/FUNK/R&B Knocturnal (Brooklyn Lounge)


ROCK/PUNK/METAL Legendary Shack Shakers, Slim Cessna’s Auto Club, David Childers (Snug Harbor) Nefex (Neighborhood Theatre) Northbound, The Happy Alright’ Come Clean, Beangod (Skylark Social Club) Halloween Costume Costume, Big Wave Small Wave, Via Intercom (Tommy’s Pub) Smokin’ Js Open Mic Jam (Smokey Joe’s) Music Open Mic (Crown Station) Uptown Unplugged: Act II (Tin Roof) Ghost Note (Heist Brewery)

COUNTRY/FOLK/AMERICANA Red Rockin’ Chair (Comet Grill)

JAZZ/CLASSICAL/ INSTRUMENTAL Jon McLaughlin (Stage Door Theater)


Pg. 23 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

Pg. 24 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM


pastimes, will sometimes whip something up in the kitchen to make a snack for herself, and twice now those snacks have landed on the menu. Her first creation, the Smash Pot, features a large serving of grilled potatoes, peppers, onions, tomatoes and bacon or sausage with two over-medium eggs placed on top — though it comes fully Pineville diner goes through customizable. “You can throw whatever you generational changes want in there,” she tells me as I peruse the menu. BY RYAN PITKIN Her second creation is for those There comes a time in every person’s life when they with a sweeter tooth: French toast have to grow up and settle down a bit. The same biscuits. As with the Smash Pot, could be said for Kopper Kettle Family Restaurant. Morris came up with the idea as a Greek immigrants George and Penny Karnesis way to satisfy her own craving on a opened Kopper Kettle on Nations Ford Road in what slow morning in the kitchen. was then southwest Charlotte in May 1971. It’s since “I just thought about it. I was gone back and forth between being designated like, ‘That sounds delicious,’” she as a Pineville or Charlotte address, but changing says, laughing. “So I did it. I dipped identities is nothing new for the restaurant. the biscuits in French toast batter Throughout the ’70s and ‘80s, the location and then I grilled it, and I said ‘Holy served as a wholesome family diner by day and a Jesus, this is good.’ Now people have bar and lounge by night. The windowless homestarted making biscuit sandwiches turned-diner was a popular after-work destination out of the French toast biscuits.” for local farmers and factory workers who would It’s not just the great food or sometimes drink and gamble into the night. even her Kopper Kettle family that “It was kind of a wild place for dinner back in keeps her around, however; there’s the day,” recalls Sara Morris, the Karnesis’ daughter, SARA MORRIS, OWNER AND OPERATOR OF KOPPER KETTLE FAMILY RESTAURANT. PHOTO BY RYAN PITKIN also her real family to think about. born just four months after the restaurant opened. Her father George still spends lots A bird’s-eye-view picture of the restaurant and morning, and throughout our conversation Morris the first step in changing the vibe inside. of time in the restaurant, chatting with customers the land around it that was taken in 1971 hangs on has to pause to ring up customers as they leave, In the ‘90s, after Morris had her first child, who have been coming to the Kettle for nearly 40 the wall near the cash register today, and it shows chatting each one up as if they’re family. One elderly George decided to close for dinner, and today it years. Multiple strokes have affected his short-term just how isolated the Kopper Kettle was — three white couple tries to keep up as she explains the remains only a breakfast and lunch eatery, with no memory, but his recollections of the restaurant’s residential trailers are all that can be seen nearby. restaurant’s annual celebration of International Jorts liquor or beer on the menu. The jukebox is gone, beginnings and Morris’ childhood are as strong as I-77 was still under construction. Day, which the Kettle staff celebrates on May 24. A and the smoke clouds have long since cleared out, ever, and she values the time she can spend listening Morris remembers taking her dad’s car for rides young black girl tells Morris she didn’t eat breakfast although that took some time. to his stories. through the gravel Morris admits that, Morris laughs as because she’s refusing lots around the land before returning to the to eat anything until she recalls that when as a young child while restaurant, she got so her mom lets her have she originally convinced he was distracted distracted by her own pizza, to which Morris her dad to create a nonwith whatever was job and kids that she responds, “Completely smoking section, he happening inside the didn’t make enough designated two booths understandable.” restaurant. As much time for her father. Now It continues like in the smoke-filled time as she spent in she can do both. this throughout the room because they the smoke-filled diner, “He comes here morning, with folks were nearest the door. however, she never and he drinks coffee One of the more of all ages and races imagined she’d one day and he eats, and that’s streaming in and out; fun parts of running be running it. part of the reason many of them seem to a business for Morris THE SMASH POT FRENCH TOAST BISCUITS But that all changed that I decided to stay, know each other, all has been playing with PHOTO BY RYAN PITKIN PHOTO BY RYAN PITKIN in 2014. because that is priceless of them know Morris. the menus. Though In April of that year, her father suffered his first After a couple hours in the restaurant, it’s clear why generational favorites like the fried pork chops or to me,” she says. stroke. With her family in crisis, Morris, a counselor Morris never could bring herself to sell it. What better reason to settle down? livermush remain top sellers, Morris has introduced by trade, resigned from her job as a health educator In her time running the Kettle, Morris has new adaptations that have in short time become hits at North Central Family Medical Center in Rock Hill brought it into the digital age, creating profiles among newcomers and longtime customers alike. RPITKIN@QCNERVE.COM and took charge of the Kettle. She expected the role on Google, Yelp, Facebook and, most recently, Morris, who says cooking is one of her favorite to last a year at most. “I came here with the idea that it was going to be temporary,” she says, “like I would try to wrap my head around the business and maybe sell it or whatever. Then about five months in I was like, ‘There’s no way I can sell it. I love this place.’” We’re sitting at a booth near the front door of the original dining room on a rainy Tuesday

Instagram. Other circumstances have changed the face of the restaurant over the years, including one that almost wiped the whole place out. Hurricane Hugo hit Charlotte hard in 1989 and did serious damage to the restaurant’s north-facing wall. Upon reconstruction, windows were added, which was


visit, my wife went with the grilled salmon, which normally runs $25. As part of the deal that night, she started with the Sea Level salad that goes for $16.50. It included fried oysters and a sweet sauce, but I don’t think it’s worth the price. The salmon came with Anson Mills Carolina Gold and white rice risotto, a confit sweet back and said she was working on something to get potato and crispy brussel sprouts with a brown us seated. Her name was Kendolyn. She said she would keep us updated, and she did, coming back every five minutes or so until we were seated. It was around 6:30 when we sat down, and considering how packed the place was, I was impressed. Kendolyn then introduced us to Brittney, who would be taking care of us. The first words out of Brittney’s mouth were that Kendolyn wanted us to have GRILLED SALMON an appetizer on them. She suggested we PHOTO BY DARRELL HORWITZ consider the Calabash Shrimp, which is a specialty of theirs. It runs $15 when not butter. The risotto was very creamy, the potato comped and would have been worth it regardless. was good, and the sprouts were charred the The shrimp had a crunchy outer coating way I like. My wife savored her dish and said and included salsa criolla, chicharron “pork” the accompaniments added to the enjoyment. While we were eating, Kendolyn salt and Peruvian aji pepper sauce. The shrimp were large, very fresh tasting, and had some stopped by a few times to check on us fire. We both thought it was a great choice. and make sure everything was good. I opted for a house favorite N.C. paella dish


Pg. 25 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

Darrell Horwitz is The Newbie Foodie. He has recently moved to Charlotte from Chicago and is on an unbiased search for what’s good and what’s not, unaffected by the hype surrounding renowned restaurants and unaware of the top local chefs whose names are repeated endlessly in outlets across the city.

If you ever heard the saying you only have one chance to make a good first impression, things weren’t looking good at Sea Level in Uptown during restaurant week. We had reservations at 6 p.m. on a Saturday night and the place was jam packed. When I gave my name, blank stares came back at me as I was told I wasn’t on the list. After my initial surprise, I asked to speak to a manager. One of the young ladies upfront mentioned she was a manager. She checked the list again and said my name wasn’t on it, and due to how crowded they were, we could wait and see if something opened up, but there were no guarantees. I then explained it was my wife’s birthday and I had made reservations more than two weeks prior, and that it was not our fault the person that took the reservation failed to put it down. She immediately took control and said she would see what she could do to get us seated as soon as possible. As we waited, I took in the surroundings. There’s a nice long bar on one side of the restaurant, with a brick wall on another, adding to the warmth of the environment. It’s an attractive layout. A few minutes after she left, the manager came

that runs $30 per person. It included the daily catch (swordfish) along with N.C. shrimp, mussels, Comeaux andouille, and Anson Mills Carolina Gold rice. I added a lobster tail for 12 bucks. The dish had a mix of complex flavors that tasted even better when I finished up leftovers the next day, but if ordering again, I would forgo the tail. Before my paella, I sampled Sea Level’s brand of local oysters. They were a great combination of sweet and briny. We had so much food we decided to take the dessert that came with my wife’s deal to go. We were pleasantly surprised with the bread pudding. As my wife said, “Who knew bread pudding could be so good?” And who knew that what started out like a nightmare could turn into such an enjoyable evening? You really see what a person (or establishment) is about when things don’t go right, and Sea Level should be proud to have Kendolyn working for them. She saved the day, and Brittney was also great. Sometimes you can change a first impression. Rating: 3.5 out of 4 bites for very good food, excellent atmosphere and outstanding service. INFO@QCNERVE.COM


While I was enjoying the shrimp, I was also appreciating the Ghost Pepper Pommarita I ordered — a deal for $12. It featured Lunazul Blanco Tequila, Pama, triple sec, ghost pepper syrup, pomegranate juice and lime. It was just the way I like it, nice and spicy. Before ordering our entrees, I started with the clam chowder. It was creamy but not too much so, filled with plenty of clams and potatoes, with a little spice. Clam chowder is always a good test for a seafood restaurant and Sea Level passed with flying colors. Taking advantage of the fact that it was Charlotte Restaurant Week at the time of our

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Pg. 26 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

CABO FISH TACO Monday: $5 El Cheapo margarita Tuesday: $3.50 Tecate and Tecate Light, $5 Altos silver tequila Wednesday: $7 Absolut Lime Moscow mule Thursday: $1 off neighborhood beers on draft Friday-Saturday: $8 margarita special Sunday: $5 mimosas, $6 Absolut Peppar bloody mary, $7 Absolut Lime Moscow mule JACKBEAGLE’S Monday: $5 Cuervo margaritas Tuesday: $3 drafts, $5 vodka Red Bull Wednesday: $1 off whiskey Thursday: $6 Deep Eddy’s vodka Red Bull Friday: $5 Fun-Dip shots, $5 Crown Black Saturday: $5 Gummy Bear shots, $5 big mimosa, $6.50 double bloody mary Sunday: $5 big mimosa, $6.50 double bloody mary SANCTUARY PUB Monday: $7 Bulleit and Bulleit Rye, $3 Yuengling and PBR APA Tuesday: $6 Tuaca, $6 Tullamore Dew Wednesday: $3 Birdsong beers, $5 Sauza, Thursday: $2 Bartender Bottles, $6 Crown Royal Sunday: $3 Birdsong, $3 Tall or Call NODA 101 Monday: $4 Ketel One Lemon Drop, $4 well liquor, $5 Camerena Tuesday: $6 seasonal cocktails, $6 Jameson, $4 Grape Gatorade Wednesday: $5 Green Tea Shot, $6 Blue Balls Thursday: $5 Jagermeister, $6 vodka Redbull, $6 Oxley Gin Cocktail Friday: $5 Fireball, $6 vodka Red Bull, $6 Jameson Saturday: $5 Fireball, $6 vodka Red Bull Sunday: $5 Deep Eddy Flavors, $1 off tequila, $5 White Gummy Bear shots BILLY JACK’S SHACK Monday: $1 off moonshine, $3 domestics Tuesday: $1 off all drafts, $7 Jameson Wednesday: $1 off bottles and cans Thursday: $4.50 wells Friday: $5 Fireball, $1 off local bottles and cans Saturday: $4 mimosas $5 Brunch Punch, Sunday: $4 mimosas, $5 Brunch Punch, $5 Fireball, $10 champagne bottles ROOM & BOARD Monday: $2 domestic botttles, $2 PBR Draft, $3 Wells, $4 Sin Shot of the week Tuesday: $2 off all tequilas, $3 Corona/Corona Lt bottles, $5 house margaritas Wednesday: 1/2 price bottles of wine, $4 drafts, $5 Jameson Thursday: $2.50 Bud/Ultra/PBR Draft, $2 off R&B cocktail list, $5 Smirnoff flavors Friday: $5 Pink Whitney, $6 Screwball, $6 Deep Eddy Flavor Saturday: $15 Miller Lt & Coors Lt buckets, $18 Corona/Corona LT buckets, $5 Fireball Sunday: $3 Mimosas/$12 carafes/$15 bottomless w/ entree purchase, $4 house bloodys, $4 White Claws, $15 Bud/Bud Lt/Ulta buckets


HATTIE’S TAP & TAVERN Monday: $6 Pabst & Paddy’s Tuesday: $5 Fireball Wednesday: $3 mystery craft beers Thursday: $6 margaritas Friday-Saturday: $5 well drinks Sunday: $10 domestic buckets INTERMEZZO Monday: $4 Makers Mark, $2 domestic bottles Tuesday: $4 margaritas, $7 Tito’s mules, $3 Blanche de Bruxelles, $3 OMB Copper Wednesday: 1/2 price wine bottles, $2 off bourbon of the week Thursday: $6.50 Ketel One Botanical Series, $4 Stoli Friday: $4 20-oz. Birdsong LazyBird Brown Ale and Birdsong Jalapeño Ale Saturday: 1/2 price martinis Sunday: $3 drafts ROASTING COMPANY Monday: $4 OMB draft, $5 Jack Daniels & Deep Eddy Lemon, $4 Rose & Prosecco draft Tuesday: $4 Wooden Robot draft, $5 Deep Eddy, $5 shots of Tullamore Dew Wednesday: $4 Birdsong draft, $4 craft cans/import bottles, $6 Reyka vodka, $6 Larceny bourbon Thursday: $4 Triple C draft, $5 Lunazul tequila, 1/2 price bottles of wine Friday: $4 select drafts, $4 Fireball shots, $6 Red Bull & vodka Saturday: $4 Legion draft, $4 mimosa, $5 Tico bloody mary, $6 Tito’s vodka Sunday: $4 select draft, $4 mimosa, $5 Tico bloody mary, $5 Jager Fireball & Rumpleminz DISH Monday: $5 margaritas Tuesday: $5 glasses of wine Wednesday: $3 well drinks Thursday: $3 drafts Friday: $6 PBR tall boys w/ a shot of Jameson Saturday: $4 mimosas, $5 bloody, $8 Bloody Mary Kate Sunday: $4 mimosas, $5 bloody, $8 Bloody Mary Kate


COMMON MARKET SOUTH END Monday: 1/2 off select pints Tuesday: Free beer tasting 5-7 p.m. Wednesday: $2 off select pints, wine tasting 5-7 p.m. BIG BEN PUB Monday: $6 beer cocktails, $2 off vodka Tuesday: $8 mules, 1/2 off gin Wednesday: $6 you-call-it, 1/2 off wine bottles Thursday: $4 wells, 1/2 off specialty cocktails Friday: $5.50 Guinness and Crispin, $6 vodka Red Bull Saturday-Sunday: $4 bloody marys and mimosas, $15 mimosa carafes MAC’S SPEED SHOP Monday: $3 pints, $5 Tito’s Tuesday: 1/2 price wine, $3 mystery draft Wednesday: $4 tall boys, $5 Lunazul Blanco Thursday: $3 mystery cans and bottles, $4 Jim Beam Saturday: $1 off North Carolina pints Sunday: $4 mimosas & bloody marys GIN MILL Monday: $5 Tito’s and New Amsterdam Tuesday: 1/2 price wine Wednesday: $4 draft beer Thursday: $2.50 PBR, $5 Jack Daniels and Tito’s

BAKERSFIELD Monday: $3 Jack Daniels Tuesday: $3 Tres Generaciones, $10 Don Julio 1942 Wednesday: $3 Bulleit Bourbon Thursday: $3 Espolon Friday: $3 George Dickel No. 8 Saturday: $3 Lunazul Sunday: $3 Larceny Bourbon 300EAST Monday: 1/2 off wines by the glass Tuesday: 1/2 off beer cans and glasses of Italian reds Thursday: $3.50 local drafts, $8.50 Matilda Wong cocktails Sunday: 1/2 off wine bottles, $5 mimosas & bloody marys, $6 Bellinis BAD DADDY’S BURGER BAR Monday: 20-oz. draft for 16-oz. price Tuesday: $5 specialty cocktails Wednesday: $3.50 local drafts Saturday-Sunday: $5 mimosas & bloody marys DILWORTH NEIGHBORHOOD GRILLE Monday: $4 Crown & Down Tuesday: $4 drafts, $12 pitchers, $5 flights of North Carolina drafts Wednesday: 1/2 off wine bottles and martinis Thursday: $12 domestic buckets, $18 import buckets Friday: $3 craft drafts, $5 flavored vodka Saturday: $5 mason jar cocktails SUMMIT ROOM Tuesday: $4 drafts Wednesday: 1/2 off glasses of wine Thursday: $7 Summit cocktails


THE LOCAL Monday: $7 Casamigos, $2 Natty Boh and Miller High Life, $5 Jager Tuesday: $3 Modelo, $5 house margaritas, $5 Don Julio Wednesday: $5 Crown & Down, $3 Southern Tier Thursday: $5 Captain Morgan, $7 craft mules, $16 Bud Light buckets Friday: $3 Jell-O shots, $4 drafts, $5 wells Saturday: $3 PBR, $5 Jager Sunday: $7 loaded mimosa, $7 Grey Goose bloody mary, $16 Bud Light buckets THE DAILY TAVERN Wednesday: $5 whiskey Thursday: $4 pint night Sunday: $4 Miller Lite, $6 bloody marys DANDELION MARKET Monday: $3 select drafts Tuesday: $15 select bottles of wines Saturday-Sunday: Bloody mary bar ROXBURY Friday: $5 flavored vodka drinks, $5 fire shots, $3 bottles Saturday: $5 fire shots, $4 ZIMA, $3 bottles WORLD OF BEER Monday: $2 off North Carolina drafts and spirits Tuesday: 25 percent off bottles and cans, $5 mules Wednesday: 1/2-priced wine, wheats and sangrias Thursday: $4 old school, $4 well, $4 signature shots Friday-Saturday: $3 shot of the week Sunday: $2 mimosas, $3 bloody marys & beermosas PROHIBITION Tuesday: 1/2 off everything Wednesday: $3 drafts Thursday: $2 PBR, $6 vodka Red Bull Friday-Saturday: $4 call-its

M-F: 5PM - 2AM SAT & SUN: 12PM - 2AM


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©2020 King Feautres Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.



Pg. 27 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM


ACROSS 1 Sol, la or ti 5 Low-pitched 9 Salt Lake City resident 14 Ahead by a single point 19 Otherworldly glow 20 Admit openly 21 Spanish appetizers 22 More sensible 23 Datum for a hard drive 26 Brand of fake fat 27 Geriatrics topic 28 Vegetable in Cajun cuisine 29 Beach birds 31 St. Patty’s land 32 Gains’ opposites 34 Australian avian 35 Defunct figure-skating show 37 Robin’s place 39 Woven together 41 Take one’s turn after all others 42 Actress married to Steven Spielberg 47 Develops an affinity for 48 Strong glue 49 MGM lion 50 Sling mud at 54 Mushy food 55 Itinerary info 56 Morgenstern of 1970s TV 57 Hoarse 62 Evoke 64 Camera-to-computer upload 66 Like some sci-fi aliens, location-wise 67 Caterer’s receptacle 69 Got the gold

70 Fruity frozen dessert 71 Jackson or Lincoln, e.g. 74 Lay to final rest 75 Actress Daly and novelist O’Connell 76 Largest frat in the U.S. 77 Pooch name 79 Lowly worker 81 - -la (utopia) 83 College e-mail ender 84 Supreme Court’s Sotomayor 85 With 33-Down, arm of the Indian Ocean 89 Voyager Golden Record, e.g. 92 Roving sorts 93 Is sickeningly sweet 96 Old fruity soda 97 Sailor’s reply 99 In shape 101 Should it happen that 106 Skinny 107 Epsom 108 Redding with a Grammy 110 Flynn of early films 111 Classic tune 113 Snapshot go-withs 116 Edmund of “Miracle on 34th Street” 117 Apple messaging software 118 Like men 119 Ovid’s 2,002 120 Swamp plant 121 Bête 122 Multitude 123 Word hidden backwards in this puzzle’s eight longest answers

DOWN 1 Vocally twangy 2 Expenditure 3 Three, in Lille 4 Deserves 5 Bit of luggage 6 Chevrolet hatchback 7 Collection for a wrench 8 Hive cluster 9 Actress Hagen 10 Maneuver 11 Each 12 Strong dislike 13 “It’s Gonna Be Me” band 14 Mil. hangout 15 Sierra Nevada brew 16 New York tribe members 17 Least distant 18 Cuba’s Guevara 24 Part of CIA 25 Cook Deen 30 Continuing dramas 33 See 85-Across 36 Kitty 38 Snowball impact sound 40 Extend - welcome 42 Beer cask 43 Galore 44 Moniker for TV’s Tim Taylor 45 Make amends for 46 Sod-busting tool 47 - II (Gillette razor) 51 Stole’s kin 52 - stick (jumping toy) 53 Utopia 55 The “D” of CD 58 Fate who cut the thread of life

A STEP BACKWARDS ©2020 King Feautres Syndicate, Inc. All rights reserved.

59 Secondary option list 60 Heat to 212 degrees in advance 61 As of now 63 Old Toyota 64 Prefix with 39-Across 65 “It will come - surprise ...” 66 East, in Bonn 67 Go - smoke 68 Bond girl player Diana 72 Hot - oven 73 “ ‘Tis -” (“So sad”) 74 Draw out 77 Like women: Abbr. 78 Same 80 No, in Selkirk 82 Lock holders 84 Kind of piano 85 Comparable things 86 Sovereign’s “I,” often 87 Revised 88 Supporting 90 “C - Cookie” 91 Food tuna 93 Tricolor cat 94 Chinese fruit 95 Car security system 98 Easy putt 100 Gossip tidbits 102 Pinch into small folds 103 Good smell 104 Kind of boom 105 - the Cow (milk mascot) 109 Markdown 112 Shanghai-to-Tokyo dir. 114 Adaptable truck, briefly 115 Church perch


HOROSCOPE MAR 11 - MAR 17 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Change is still

MAR 18 - MAR 24 LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) This is a good ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Disappointed about LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) An

dominant for Rams and Ewes, both in the workplace and their private lives. This is also a good time to look at a possible relocation if that has been one of your goals.

week to step back and assess the facts that have recently emerged to see where they can be used to your advantage. Also, don’t hesitate to make changes where necessary.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Doing things for others is what you do well. But don’t forget that Bovines thrive on the arts, so make some time for yourself to indulge your passion for music and artistic expressions.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You should TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) It’s a good time to

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) While the Romantic Twin considers where to go for his or her upcoming vacation, the Practical Twin will start making travel plans now to take advantage of some great bargains.

begin to experience some support from those who do some reassessing of plans and goals — even now agree with your point of view. This should help how you considered redoing your bathroom. The point is to be open to change if change can improve counter the remaining objections from die-hard things. skeptics.

unexpected spate of mixed signals could cause serious schedule setbacks. Best to focus on straightening everything out as soon as possible and get everyone back on track.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Be aware that someone in the workplace could try to use a disagreement with a colleague against you. If so, be prepared to offer your side of the story with the facts to back you up.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21)

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Take some time

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) An unexpected challenge to a previous decision can be unsettling. But your reservoir of self-confidence -plus your loyal supporters -- should help carry the day for you. Good luck.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Your sensitive nature CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Dealing with a

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) While

LEO (July 23 to August 22) The regal Lion might

substantive to work with.

feel that she or he is above emotional displays. But showing your feelings can be both liberating for you and reassuring for someone who has been waiting for you to do so.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Be careful not to base an upcoming decision on gossip or anything you might hear if it can’t meet provable standards. That’s true regardless of whom the source might be.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your ability to

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) An

PISCES (February 19 to March 20) You might still

Don’t let your aim be deflected by trivial matters as to learn who is the right person (or persons) to you try to resolve a confusing situation. Take time to approach and discuss your ideas with for your find and thoroughly assess the facts before making new project. Also, reserve time to prepare for an upcoming family event. any decision.

helps you deal with a difficult emotional situation. possibility of moving to another location has come Be patient and continue to show your sincere up. But before you dismiss it as unworkable, it’s support wherever (and for whomever) it is needed. worth checking out just in case it does have some merit after all. LEO (July 23 to August 22) You’re making progress as you move through some unfamiliar territory. And AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) New while there might be a misstep or two along the relationships — personal or work-related — show way, overall you’re heading in the right direction. mixed signals. Best to assume nothing. Let things Good luck. play themselves out until you have something

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Some good

Pg. 28 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

something that didn’t go your way? Cheer up. Look at the reasons it happened, and you could find a valuable lesson about what to do (or not do!) the next time.

news arrives — and just in time to remind you that you’re making progress. Perhaps things aren’t moving as quickly as you’d prefer, but they’re moving nevertheless.

make needed changes without causing too much, if any, negative ripple effect comes in handy when dealing with a sensitive matter either on the job or in the family.

demanding situation, as you recently did, could drain much of your own emotional reserves. Take time to relax and indulge yourself in some wellearned pampering.

emotionally needy person might make more demands than you can cope with. Best to ask for some breathing space NOW, before resentment sets in and makes communication difficult.

BORN THIS WEEK: Although you like things to go smoothly, you’re not shy about making waves when you believe the situation calls for it.

the idea of making some sort of major move in the near future continues to interest you, don’t overlook a new possibility that could be emerging closer to home.

need to do some solid reassessing early in the week before you can close that sensitive situation. A new job-related opportunity could present itself later in the week.

BORN THIS WEEK: You are extraordinarily sensitive to people’s feelings, and you’re always ready to offer comfort if necessary.




Charlotte creatives work to put the life back in nightlife

Pg. 29 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM


Every once in a while, when I’m least expecting it, the Charlotte nightlife scene surprises me. Just when I’m getting bored or complacent, disappointed in the newest brewery or bar that pops onto the scene, I stumble upon an experience that blows my mind. Pig Wiggle at The Blind Pig in NoDa was one of those experiences, the kind that rejuvenates your excitement for what Charlotte’s creative masterminds will do next. But how I ended up there is one for the books. A few weeks ago a couple of girlfriends and I were invited to an after-hours soiree in NoDa. As someone who’s learned to heed my mother’s warnings of, “Nothing good happens after 2 a.m.” I began to get nervous as to what the rest of the night held for us. Little did I know we were getting ready to walk into Southern Tiger Collective ... while artists were creating to prepare for their two-year anniversary the following day. Southern Tiger Collective (STC) holds a physical space in Optimist Park, but the concept can’t be contained by four walls. STC represents a unified collection of art, artists and creative inspiration that is living, breathing, everchanging and limitless. Alex DeLarge, Dustin Moates and Moises Barrientos, the masterminds behind STC has created a meeting place for like-minded artists and creatives to call home, where they can create, grow, and learn with the goal of positively impacting and challenging the larger Charlotte community. As a non-artist with a disjointed memory but a lover of everything color, I went into sensory shock as soon as I walked through the door. Works of art created by Charlotte’s most talented artists filled every corner of the room from floor to ceiling, something I’ve yet to experience in the eight years that I’ve lived here. Stoked I had the opportunity to experience art in the process but embarrassed that I did so when I was inebriated, I was happy to carefully put away the memory of my first intimate STC experience and

hopefully not see anyone who experienced us for a long while. Wishful thinking. Just three short weeks later, I bumped into my friends at Southern Tiger Collective again at Pig Wiggle for another mind-blowing experience. A friend of mine had invited me to the event last year during CIAA weekend but at the time I was avoiding Sunday Funday like the plague. This year, I had an itch and I’m so thankful I scratched it. My Uber pulled up to a familiar hangout, The Blind Pig, but the chaos that was hidden from sight upon entry from the front door was yet another experience that Charlotte hasn’t seen. Justin Zalewski (aka Z) of Blind Pig, along with STC and DJ Boss Austin, put their brains together and curated an event that was bananas. Pig Wiggle merges art and music into one space in the form of Battle Walls (a brainchild of STC) and a DJ Battle. It’s a straight luxury to witness artists creating with different mediums in front of your very eyes while getting lit. Until recently, most of us haven’t had many opportunities to witness street artists (or the “guys of night,” as Z so accurately called them) do their thing in broad daylight. We usually go to sleep, wake up and discover a new mural splashed across our Instagrams. But these artists were creating dope walls in the hours that we were spending dancing our asses off to some of the sickest DJs around. And I’m not talking about the DJs that have to follow the guidelines of your favorite bar or stick to a set featuring Top 40. We’re talking about the DJs who not only operate outside of the box but blow it the eff up when they fully let their hair down. This is the type of shit that will make you thirsty for more in the Q.C. These types of events are the new wave. They’re pulling the greater Charlotte community from their corners, bringing them together into one place and breathing life back into spaces that we’ve already known in places that are historically recognized for being creative refuges. The good news is people like these cool ass dudes are on the ground floor of what could be a mecca right in our backyard. These days we’re all hungry for more when it comes to art, music and food in the Queen City, the people behind these events are constantly pushing the boundaries to ensure you’ve always got a plate, so start eating. INFO@QCNERVE.COM

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Pg. 30 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM


no doubt dreaded having? You’re going to have to have that conversation again, NOSHIT, maybe more than once, with other doctors. I know, I know: Talking with your doctor about a sexual issue — particularly a messy one — is difficult. Clean this mess up And when we finally work up the nerve to speak with a doctor about something like this and that BY DAN SAVAGE doctor isn’t helpful, our understandable desire to avoid having that conversation ever again can lead I’m a cis bi woman, and I mainly have sex us to conclude that talking to doctors is a waste of with people with penises. I have a really gross time. But it isn’t, so long as you’re talking to the problem, sorry. It’s been an issue for as long as right doctor. I’ve been sexually active — but in the past few “The letter writer should ask her health-care years, it seems to have gotten worse. If I am being provider for a referral to an urogynecologist,” said penetrated vaginally, especially if it’s vigorous Dr. Herbenick, “especially one who likes to get to (which I prefer), and I orgasm, sometimes I poop the bottom (no pun intended) of challenging cases.” accidentally. If I try to clench up to keep this from If this happens to you at other times — if you happening, it doesn’t work and I can’t orgasm. poop yourself when you fart or sneeze — be sure This used to happen once in a blue moon, only to share that information with the specialist. with particularly intense orgasms, but now “There are lots of tests that health-care it happens more frequently. One person I’ve providers can use to examine her rectal function,” been seeing really likes anal, and that makes said Dr. Herbenick. “These tests can include a the problem even worse. To be clear: I have digital rectal exam, a sigmoidoscopy (insertion of no desire for poop in my sex life. It’s gross, it’s a tiny tube with a camera to look for issues such embarrassing, and my partners do not enjoy it. as inflammation), an X-ray, an anal ultrasound, Nor do I. I’ve tried going to the bathroom before a colonoscopy, or other tests. In other words, sex, but I can never seem to fully empty out. I there are things other than a big and completely even went to a doctor to talk about it, but all I useless shrug that can be done. And depending got was a big shrug and no useful suggestions. on what they find, they may suggest biofeedback, I’ve looked online and found discussions of this surgery, physical therapy/pelvic-floor exercises, happening to other people and them being supplements and so on.” understandably horrified, but nobody mentions But with all that said, NOSHIT, doctors aren’t it being a regular occurrence. This really sucks! Do all-powerful, and some problems can only be you have any suggestions? Other than “give up sex managed and not solved. completely,” which I would prefer not to do. NECESSARY OBJECTIVE: SOOTHE HER INTESTINAL “The fact is, our bodies don’t last forever in the TRACT ways we want them to,” said Dr. Herbenick. “And some research does point toward more frequent “I’ve absolutely heard of this before, and as anal intercourse being associated with fecal NOSHIT already knows from internet searches, incontinence.” (Aging, childbirth, and hormoneshe’s not alone and needs help,” said Dr. Debby replacement therapy are very strongly associated Herbenick. “And a ‘big shrug’ doesn’t sound like with fecal incontinence.) Only a small percentage of a helpful response from a physician who you’re women who regularly engaged in anal intercourse asking for help in figuring out a complicated and reported higher levels of fecal incontinence, extremely under-researched and therefore tricky NOSHIT, so if this isn’t a problem for you generally sexual issue.” — if this is only a problem during sex due to some Dr. Herbenick is a professor at the Indiana tragically star-crossed neural wiring — you might University School of Public Health and author of want to steal a move from the squeaky clean gay Because It Feels Good: A Woman’s Guide to Sexual bottoms out there. Instead of just “going to the Pleasure and Satisfaction and numerous other bathroom” before sex and hoping you’re empty, books. And what you’re going to need, according to treat yourself to an anal douche to make sure you’re Dr. Herbenick, is a doctor who’s actually prepared empty. (Alexander Cheves wrote a great guide for to help you. So that awkward conversation you receptive anal intercourse, “17 Tips for Happier, had with your last doctor? A conversation you

Healthier Bottoming,” for Advocate. Google it.) “But finding a health-care provider who’s willing to listen to what’s important to her in her sex life is the first step,” said Dr. Herbenick. “A sex-positive health-care provider — probably a urogynecologist or a proctologist — who’s willing to hear her out can help her figure out some good ways forward. It’s about listening to what quality of life means to her. That seems to include an active, pleasurable sex life involving vaginal and/or anal sex with orgasm, and without pooping, or at least not nearly so often.” Follow Dr. Herbenick on Twitter @DebbyHerbenick. I’m a 32-year-old woman married to a 45-yearold man. We’ve been together for 10 years. At the beginning of our relationship, I told him smoking was a deal breaker for me because he was a former smoker. Well, the asshole started smoking again this year. I’m pissed about this, and it has affected my desire for him. This is complicated further by the fact that for most of our relationship, we’ve had very mismatched libidos, with mine being much higher. He has always said that I could get my needs met elsewhere, as sex just wasn’t that important to him. Well, last year I started exploring extramarital relationships, and now I have a boyfriend that I’m eager to fuck. Can you guess who is now interested in fucking me? My husband, Mr. Sex Isn’t Important. Turns out, he’s very into fucking me after I’ve fucked another dude. But I only want so much sex, and I don’t want to fuck a smoker. I feel obligated to have sex with my husband, though. My question is, am I? He didn’t feel obligated to have sex with me more than once a month for nine years, which made me feel shitty and undesirable. (Also, we have kids. Hence the marriage and why I’m not going to leave.) SERIOUSLY HATE ASH MOUTH

You aren’t obligated to have sex with your husband — you aren’t obligated to have sex with anyone, ever. But I assume you don’t want to be left any more than you want to leave, SHAM. And if you refuse to fuck your husband because he broke the deal you made a decade ago — and because you’re pissed about nine years of sexual neglect (legit grounds) — he might decide to leave you. So while you don’t have to fuck this ash-hole, you might want to fuck this ash-hole. But until he quits smoking, you could reasonably refuse to kiss him or sleep in the same room with him. (Smokers don’t realize how bad it smells — how bad they smell — and just how thoroughly they can stink up a room, even one they never light up in.) One follow-up question: Did your husband always know this about himself — did he know he was turned on by the thought of you being with other dudes — or did he realize it only after you started fucking this other dude? If he knew it all along, and his encouragement to get your “needs met elsewhere” was a dishonest and manipulative attempt to force his kink on you, SHAM, you have even more right to be pissed. But if he realized this turned him on only after you started fucking other dudes — if he was as surprised by how you getting a boyfriend uncorked his libido as you were both surprised and annoyed by it — you might want to forgive him. On the Lovecast, let’s think about same-sex animal behavior: savagelovecast.com; mail@ savagelove.net; Follow Dan on Twitter @ fakedansavage

Pg. 31 MAR 11 - MAR 24, 2020 - QCNERVE.COM

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