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UCLA Student Center
Advanced Topic Studio, Fall 2021
Individual Project
Tools: Modeling: Rhino Rendering: Instructor: Neil Daneri
The site is on the a busy intersection on the west side of UCLA. The steep slope and boring landscape make it not a suitable place for student activities. It is like an island inside the school, with little connection to the existing streamline. Therefore, in order to make the site a public space, I wanted it to be more than just a place that people come to only when they need it.
In this project, wanted to enhance the fluidity and continuity of the space, to have a better connection with the site.
My operation here is to make the building an extension of the path. After observing the most likely path of human movement on the field, visualize the path as a staggered building. The fluidity created by the streamlined shape makes the building not only a destination, but also a public space that can be naturally walked into while wandering. Ramps and roof gardens on the outside of the building also take advantage of the site to provide more activity platforms and better views.