PC Maintenance And Optimization Course

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 Reasons for it:  Do it yourself to keep your PC running smoothly and efficiently.  To save cost.  To reduce downtime to a minimum.  To protect your PC against attacks from viruses, trojan horses, hijackers, worms and other types of malware.  Lessons to be learned:  Install and use free anti-virus and anti-malware programs.  Clean and remove from your PC system unwanted temporary files that clog up the hard disk space.  Remove cookies and history from your browser and clear its cache to ensure a good connection to the internet.  Clean Windows’ registry to keep it in healthy condition.  Defrag the hard disk space and arrange your files in sequential order for fast access.  Backup your important files automatically and save them onto USB external hard disk for safe and reliable protection.  Backup the entire your Windows OS so that you can restore in good time just in case your current Window becomes corrupted or your PC’s hard disk fails, thus reducing your downtime to a minimum.  Fail-safe protection of your entire system with free Returnil. No more attacks from malware and no more annoying system corruption and damages. Duration: 5 weekly lessons of 3 hours each. Course Fee: S$75.00

 学习理由:  自己动手使电脑稳定和有效率的操作。  节省维修费用。  保障电脑少出事或操作不灵。  保护电脑不受各种各样病毒干扰和袭击。  课程教会你:  装配免费杀病毒软件。  找出垃圾文件。  找出浏览器所隐藏和历史的文件去清洁。  整理 Windows 的注册簿(Registry)  安排好硬盘里的文件和空间让操作和寻找文件更 快速。  用免费软件自动地备份你的重要文件到安全的地 方, 例如 USB 硬盘。  备份整个 Windows 作业系统。遇到系统砸了或硬 盘坏了,装上新的硬盘,就可从备份复原。需要 时间不超过 一小时。省金钱,省时间,方便极了。  金钟罩式的保护系统,抗拒损坏和病毒袭击。 是一种完美和可靠的保护。 课程时间:五堂课 - 15 小时,每星期一堂三小时。


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