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S e N ior ProG ramS The Place Where Fun Begins!
Hawthorne Senior Center
The Hawthorne Senior Center is located directly behind the Hawthorne Memorial Center at 3901 el Segundo boulevard, Hawthorne. Parking in the rear. entrance on Prairie avenue. (310) 349-1650
Hours of operation are Mondays through Fridays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm .
Walking 101
improve your overall health by incorporating active walking into your daily routine. whether you want to burn calories, improve your cardiovascular health, or simply want something fun to do, join us for this interactive and fun class that will kick off your day in a great way. participants will walk the perimeter of the gymnasium at their own pace while grooving to music. class instructions: wear comfortable clothing, tennis shoes, and bring a bottle of water. all participants are required to complete an emergency form.
instructor: staff | fee: free
Location: Betty ainsworth sports center, gymnasium
50+ august 28 – December 13 m/w 10:00 am-11:00 am
No class monday, September 4
a rts & Crafts
Join us for a fun hour of drawing, crafting, and socializing. all materials will be provided.
instructor: ms. cici fee: free
Location: senior center
50+ august 29 – December 12 tu 11:00 am-12:00 pm
dancing is a great way for you to let loose, rid yourself of stress, and break some sweat. Join us for this energetic class that uses dancing to give aerobic exercise a whole new meaning.
instructor: staff
Location: senior center
50+ august 29 – December 12 tu 11:00 am-12:00 pm
Pickleball 101
Join us and learn to play the sport that is quickly gaining popularity across the country. pickleball is a sport created around the idea of badminton and ping-pong. participants will learn the rules and fundamentals of the sport through drills, games, and lessons in order to prepare for match play. all equipment will be provided. class instructions: wear comfortable clothing, tennis shoes, and bring a bottle of water. all participants are required to complete an emergency form.
instructor: staff fee: free
Location: Betty ainsworth sports center, gymnasium
50+ august 29 – December 14 tu/ th 10:00 am-12:00 pm