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aQuati CS Summer Swim ProG ramS
How to reG iS ter
1. Select a Session, Class, and t ime
2. b eginning m ay 23 - until filled: Register at the pool (12501 Inglewood Ave .) — cash or checks only . Checks will only be accepted 7 days prior to start of class .
3. b e sure to retain your receipt. there are no refunds or exchanges.
4. Dates and times are subject to change or cancellation due to CoviD-19 restrictions.
SeSSioN DateS: m onday - friday: June 26 - July 7 (No class July 4th)
July 10 - July 21
July 24 - August 4
August 7 - August 18
Saturday Class: June 17 - August 19
Sunday Class: June 18 - August 20
reCreatioNal Swim
(Ages 17 years and up)
June 26 - august 20, 2023
Monday - Friday 1 - 3 pm
Saturday - Sunday 1 - 4 pm
Entry Fee: $1 per person 17 years and under $2 per person 18+
One free child w/1 paid adult . everyone must pay. b oth swimmers and non-swimmers.
Jr lifeG uarD ProG ram
June 26 - July 21, 2023
July 24 - august 18, 2023
Monday - Friday 11 am - 1 pm
Fee: $165 (T-shirt included)
Ages: 11-14 years . Must be able to swim 200yds or pass intermediate swim class
Swim Cla SSeS:
All classes listed below run Monday—Friday for two weeks The first day of class is used to re-test students at the appropriate instructional level No Classes on July 4 .
monday - friday Classes
SaturDay Cla SSeS:
The following classes meet for 10 week sessions every Saturday starting June 17— August 19, 2023 . The same instructions are given at a faster pace
Saturday Classes
SuNDay Cla SSeS:
aDaP tive Swim for SPeCial NeeDS
Adaptive lessons are for students with special needs Once registered, participants must contact the Aquatics Director to discuss the student’s special needs Parent involvement in the water is required The following classes meet for 10-week sessions every Sunday starting June 18 — August 20, 2023 .