Portfolio for UCL

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JINGYA CHEN Date of Birth Nationality E-mail

21 August 1997 China chenjingya821@gmail.com

PERSONAL STATEMENT Design is supposed to be human-centered, serve people, and satisfy their demand. In terms of Landscape Architecture Design, it aims at addressing problems in daily life through a landscape architecture way to enhance people’s life quality. While dealing with problems, landscape architecture would bring in some artistic elements with better looking. Starting from 2014, I have been studying in Tianjin University of Finance and Economics with the major of Landscape Architecture Design. The professional study enables me to have a more explicit scope on Landscape Architecture Design. Hence, I am eager to pursue a Master’s degree to further polish my professional skills, as well as obtaining more cuttingedge concepts in this domain by studying in University College London.


Sandy Hook Permanent Memorial Park Design A memorial which brings warm and calm Park Design, Individual work, 2018 Fall [3-7]



Bee Protection Plan in the US

09/2009-06/2012 The High School Affiliated To China University of Mining & Technology Middle School

09/2012-06/2015 High School Affiliated To Nanjing Normal University, Jiangning Branch High School



Tianjin University of Finance & Economics, School of Arts, Tianjing, China BLA-Bachelor of Environmental Design

SKILLS Photoshop







Hand Sketching

Raise the awareness of bee protection Ecology Landscape Desig, Individual work, 2017 Spring [8-14]


Historical District Design Reconstruction of Japanese Concession in Tianjin Urban Landscape Design, Individual work, 2016 Fall [15-21]


Restoration of Mining Subsided Land

Bring vitality and vigor to Mining Subsided Land Waterfront Landscape Design, Individual work, 2017 Fall [22-25]


Sandy Hook Permanent Memorial Park Design A memorial which brings warm and calm

The project is based on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting incident in Newtown, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA on December 14, 2012. A total of twenty-six victims were claimed in the shooting, including twenty children aged five to ten. It is the second most deadly school shooting incident in American history. The local committee decided to lay off a place to construct a permanent monument to commemorate the children and educators who died in the shooting. It has been five years since the shooting, and many families have walked out of the shadows of losing their loved ones. Therefore, the original intention of this design is to construct a warm monument, consoling people and pacifying them as they enter this space. After research, I extracted the concept of "concentricity." The monument is presented in the form of two concentric circles combined with topography, and embodies the concept of “concentricity� in small design nodes. I designed a series of spatial sequences to make visitors feel they are approaching the center, and retained the two ponds on the site to generate serenity and introspection. I hope that this design can give people warmth, and at the same time let the dead be remembered and the living reflect on themselves forever.

Mass Shooting Incident in the United States

An infographic on the worst mass shootings in the US and their corresponding death tolls. There have been 74 mass shootings since 1982. A total of 639 people have been killed and 596 others injured.In particular, Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is the second most deadly school shooting in American history with twenty-six victims.

Mass Shooting Deaths by Year in the U.S. from 1994 to 2017

It can be seen from the table that there has been a clear upward trend in the number of victims killed in shooting incidents in the United States from 1994 to 2017. Shooting incidents have become a growing social problem in the United States.

School Shootings in the U.S. from 1990 to 2015

The table lists the number of school shootings in the United States each year from 1990 to 2015, which also displays a clear upward trend.


Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, that left 28 people dead and 2 injured. Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School before taking his own life. It was one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history.

Analysis of the Site

The Meaning of ' 同心 '(Concentrcity)

" 同心 " (Concentricity) was chosen as the most important concept in my design. People in the community should unite as one when they face this tragedy, encouraging each other and giving each other warmth. The word "concentricity" can reflect this concept well. Semantic


The following figure demonstrates the original traffic, greening and water resource distribution of the site.



[ 同 ] same in common


be the same as together with similar The word 'same' means two things have something in commen on a formal level and has a sence of unity on the spiritual plane.

The word 'heart' means centre of an object on a formal level. It also means spiritual demand on the spiritual plane.


Each circle means a specific group of people, including the victims, parents,families,friends,acquaintance and strangers. Strangers Acquaintance

The victims



one heart [ 同心 ] with concentricity

heart center intention mind soul

common wish cherish the same ideals and follow the same path. The word 'Concentricity' not only means a form, but also means people share a common wish when they face the tragedy.

The permutation and combination have made some changes since people will have different feelings and viewpoints when facing this tragedy. Strangers The victims Acquaintance friends


Family Parents

Topography Analysis The figure on the right analyzes the terrain of the site. It can be seen that the terrain on both sides of the site has obvious uplift, and the middle terrain is relatively flat with small undulation.


This diagram shows the activities in normal times.


This diagram shows the activities on memorial day. People may have some commemorative activities at the memorial centre.

Space Hierachy

Due to the particularity of the site as a memorial site, it is necessary to bring different experiences and feelings to the visitors and convey the concept of “concentricity” which is the core design concept. Therefore, different space hierarchies were included in the design to express the central concept and convey different spatial feelings.

Feelings and Activities

Retaining wall at the entrance—The fractured wall(Rest area)—Elevated viewing platform(facing to the center of the circle)—Pond/ Viewing platform on the pond—The Memorial Centre Repression—emotional ups and downs, thinking—rising emotions—calm, reflection—warmth, commemoration, hope—concentricity Route





Viewing platform



Plan The main body of the design consists of two concentric circles. The two concentric circles create topographic relief, thus forming different spatial nodes. The entrance to the site is a sunken space with retaining walls as barriers on both sides. As visitors move forward, the path begins to widen, and the broken wall on the right side symbolizes the trauma caused by the shooting incident. After that, they will go through a raised terrain and come to the viewing platform.Walking down, they will pass through the pond and the viewing platform on the lake which brings them calmness and introspection. In the end, people will go to the memorial site in the center. The big tree in the center symbolizes people who died in the shooting incident. When visitors come here, they will realize the design concept of “concentricity� surrounded by warm feelings.

c d


g e




a.Parking lot

b. Sinking entrance

e.Viewing Platform2

c.Rest area

f.Wooden hollow wall

d.Viewing Platform1 g.Memorial Centre




Rendering of the Memorial Centre The sketch shows the central memorial site of the monument. The tree at the circle center symbolizes the children and educators who were killed in the shooting incident. The wall is engraved with information of the victims. People can mourn and show respect to the dead here. The surrounding structures bring people a sense of security and inner warmth.

Diagram of Activities in Different Times In normal times

On memorial day

Rendering of the Pond The sketch shows the part of the viewing platform in the lake. The viewing platform can provide the function of introspection, and the lake can also bring people a sense of calmness. At the same time, the grassland in the middle can be used as a venue for outdoor study and education.

Activities in Different Times In normal times

On memorial day



Bee Protection Plan in the US Raise the awareness of bee protection.

U.S. Honey Bees Colony Loss Total annual loss by stateloss survey 2013-1014 Total annual loss by state-loss survey 2013-1014 shows that the loss of bees in the North of America is greater.

Bees are inconspicuous but significant insects in our daily life, because they are the most important pollinator for fruits and vegetables. However, since 2006, a large number of bees have died or disappeared in some parts of the world, resulting in an ecological collapse of bees, which was named colony collapse disorder (CCD). In America, more than one third of the crops depend on bee pollination to bear fruits. If bees keep disappearing, the agricultural production in the United States is likely to be seriously affected. Although the exact cause of the disappearance of bees remains unclear, it is certainly related to neonicotinoid insecticides. In view of that, the way to protect American bees from the perspective is to reducing the pesticide use. An effective way to reduce pesticide use and protect bees is to reduce pests through biological control. First of all, the common pests of different crops in the United States and their natural enemies were investigated, and then, created a suitable environment for the survival of beneficial insects and bees. At the later phase of the design work, the Mark Gilberts Apiaries in the US has been tooken as an example to carry out honeybee protection. This project will make people to understand the importance of bees and increasing the awareness of bee protection

What is Colony Collapse Disorder(CCD)?

Total annual loss by stateloss survey 2014-2015 Total annual loss by state-loss survey 2014-2015 shows that the greatest loss of bees concentrates in the states in the North, and there is a great loss in the South.

Since 2006, beekeepers have reported higher-than-normal colony losses, which are called Colony Collapse Disorder(CCD). Bee colonies affected by CCD can appear healthy, but then the adult bees disappear from the colonies.

Total annual loss by stateloss survey 2015-2016

CCD is a Worldwide Problem

What Causes CCD?

Ten years ago, beekeepers in the United States raised the alarm that thousands of their hives were mysteriously empty. What followed was global concern over a new phenomenon: Colony Collapse Disorder.

The cause of CCD has not been determined, and every realistic cause remains a possibility. The followings are possible causes of CCD.

Total annual loss by state-loss survey 2014-2015 shows that all states have different degrees of loss.

The states in the US with the greatest loss of bees The left table shows that bee reduction is concentrated in the north of America, especially in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The decreasing number in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin accounts 50% of total decreasing number across the country. The states with the largest amount of bees in the US The states in the US with significant reduction of bees from 2012 to 2016


Pesticide Use in the U.S.

Relationship Between Pesticide Use and the Loss of Bees

Neonicotinoids is a class of insecticides that affects the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death. The table shows that the increasing pesticide use causes an increasing loss of bees.

According to pesticide use and bee distribution in the United States shown in the left table, it can be seen that there are fewer bees distributed in areas where pesticides is used more, which indicating that pesticide influences the number of bees.

Neonicotinoid use in the U.S.

Wild Bee Abundance Across the U.S.

This table shows the distribution of wild bees in the United States in 2013, and displays the loss of bees in summer since 2010. How many honey bee died in the US,2007-2016

Forest Distribution in the U.S.

In the forest distribution table, the dark areas represent dense forests and the light-colored areas sparse forests. This table also shows the increasing area of forests in the United States in recent years. Forest area in the US(% of land area)

Relationship Among Agricultural Land, Forest, and the Number of Bees According to the table of forest distribution, agricultural land distribution, and distribution of wild bees, the number of bees is the smallest in agricultural land areas and relatively small in large forests. Moreover, the function of forest and agricultural land is rather monotonous, so the distribution of bees is related to the monotony of land function.

Agricultural Land Distribution in the U.S.

At the table of agricultural land distribution, the dark areas represent planting areas and the light-colored areas other land. This table also shows the decreasing agricultural land area in the United States in recent years. Agricultural land in the US(% of land area)


Harms of Neonicotinoid Insecticides on Bees

Common Corn Pests and Natural Enemies

Neonicotinoid insecticides are the most harmful to bees. Bees are affected in many ways including ingestion, direct contact, and inhalation. I listed several ways how bees get access to these insecticides as follows.

The following table lists the common corn pests (black segments) and their natural enemies (orange segments) in the North of America. Effective biological control will be carried out by different natural enemies at different growth stages. The gray parts indicate the most effective pest control period, from which we can see that it is most effective to control pests in July, June, and September.

Common Pests and Natural Enemies of Alfalfa

Common Pests and Natural Enemies of Soybean

The following table lists the common alfalfa pests (black segments) and their natural enemies (orange segments) in the North of America. Effective biological control will be carried out by different natural enemies at different growth stages.

The following table lists the common soybean pests (black segments) and their natural enemies (orange segments) in the North of America. Effective biological control will be carried out by different natural enemies at different growth stages, from which we can see that it is most effective to control pests in mid-to-late July and mid-to-late June.


Living Environment of Domestic Bees

Living Environment of Wild Bees

Living Environment of Domestic Bees and Wild Bees

Domestic bees can only pollinate for monotonous kinds of plants, which may lead to malnutrition or other problems.

The habitats of wild bees are diverse, so they can choose suitable habitats for nesting, such as on the branches of trees or in the soil. They can also pollinate for a variety of plants.

When wild bees coexist with domestic bees, their living environment is diverse, and both may pollinate for different kinds of plants.

Living Environment


Flower garden


Agricultural land




Beekeeper in Wisconsin

Plan of Mark Gilberts Apiaries, WI, U.S Taking the Mark Gilberts Apiaries as the test site, I applied my protection methods for bees. Corn, soybeans, and alfalfa are planted around the apiary, which are the most common crops in the North of America. However, there are few flowering plants, water sources, and forests needed for the survival of bees and beneficial insects, so I added water sources, flower beds, and trees around the apiary. In addition, I designed a bee education center for people to learn about bees and the importance of bees.

Educatianal Centre This is where people learn about bees and how important they are.




The brook provides the essential living conditin for bees and other benificial insects.

Annual Losses Among Managed Honeybee Populations in Wisconsin Beekeeper surveys show Wisconsin's annual die-off rate varies from year to year but remains well above the roughly 15 percent considered acceptable for a managed bee colony

Flower Field The flower fieid provides different kinds of flowers for bees and other benificail insects.


Rendering of Nodes a.

b. c

Forest Forest provides the essential living conditin for bees and other benificial insects.




Rendering of the Apiaries and Surrounding Farms


Rendering of the Educational Centre



Historical Districts Design

Geographic Location Analysis of Japanese Concession in Tianjin

Reconstruction of Japanese Concession in Tianjin

Tianjin, as a famous historical and cultural city in China, plays an important role in the country’s modern history. The Japanese concession in Tianjin is close to many historical and cultural blocks in Tianjin. It is also one of the important historical blocks which witnessed the historical changes in modern China.

This project is carried out in the original Japanese concession in Tianjin. Covering an area of 2,150 mu (approximately 1,433,333.33 m2), the Japanese concession is an important commercial and entertainment area in old Tianjin, bearing the historical changes of modern China. The original Japanese concession is different from others in its narrow and ordered block, compact layout, and serene environment. With the rapid development of urbanization, this area was left behind and became a village inside the city. There are some problems in this area like cramped streets, illegal buildings, lack of green space, and disorderly parking. With the combination of its compact layout, this area will be renovated into a pedestrian street and reduce car flow by landscape design. The streets will be broaden through removing illegal buildings, as well as increase green area and regulate surface runoff by building grassed swales. The establishment of square is to break the narrow and crowded atmosphere. Through the block reconstruction, it may inject vitality into the block and improve people's living quality. Moreover, I hope more young people will come to learn and think about the history here based on the unique historical significance and cultural connotation.

Historical Changes in Japanese Concession in Tianjin

Before 1898 The Japanese concession in Tianjin was originally a wetland in Southeastern Tianjin with crisscrossed rivers.

In 1898 Based on the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Shipping. It demarcated the Japanese concession. However, the area remained undeveloped.

In 1903 The Japanese concession was established and a huge construction project was carried out.

In 1943 Japan handed over the co n c e s s i o n to Wa n g Jingwei regime, but it was still run in the original system.

In 1945 After World War II, The government of the Republic of China formally took over the Japanese Concession in Tianjin.

Since 1945 The Chinese government have removed some old buildings, rebuilt new residential buildings, and protected some historical and cultural relics.

Current Situation


Analysis of Current Situation

Change of Block Form

The original Japanese concession is different from other concessions in its narrow and ordered block, compact layout, and serene environment. With the rapid development of urbanization, however, this area was left behind and became a village inside the city. There are some problems in this area like cramped streets, illegal buildings, lack of green space, and disorderly parking. The illegal buildings are constructed around the historical and cultural relics, affecting the appearance and outlook of the city.

This area was originally a wetland with crisscrossed rivers and few resident before 1898.

It is a historical and cultural relics built in around 1925, but there are some problems around it like disorderly parking, nonstandard shops, and unreasonable placement of garbage cans.

The Former Residence of Duan Qirui, built in 1920, is under renovation and preserved well.

Zhang Yuan Garden, built in 1915, was originally the old residence of Zhang Biao, Sun Yat-sen, and Puyi. Now it has been renovated and preserved well.

It is a historical and cultural relics built in around 1920, and currently used as residence and shops with some problems like disorderly parking.

It is a historical and cultural relics built in around 1930, and currently used as residence and small shops. There are some problems like illegal buildings, disorderly parking, and exposed power lines and pines, affecting the appearance and outlook of the city.

It is a historical and cultural relics built in around 1920, and currently used as a residence. There are some problems like disorderly parking and exposed power lines and pines, affecting the appearance and outlook of the city.

In 1930, the structure of Japanese concession was basically established and some rivers were kept. More roads were built and vehicles like the tram were put in use. Thus, it became the most prosperous commercial and entertainment center.

The regional form of this area has been established since 1949. There is a dense road network, a growing number of buildings, and no watercourses.

Jing Yuan Garden, built in 1921, was originally a Japanese residence. Later, it became the residence of Puyi, the last Emperor of China in Qing Dynasty. Now it has been renovated and preserved well.

Butokuden, built in 1942, is a typical Japanese building for Japanese soldier to do weapon practice and bodybuilding. It is currently used as a library and preserved well.

It is a historical and cultural relics built in around 1930, and currently used as residence and shops. There are some problems like illegal buildings, disorderly parking, and exposed power lines and pines, affecting the appearance and outlook of the city.



Comprehensive Analysis of Block Reconstruction

I mainly reconstructed two intersecting streets, along which are many historical and cultural relics. Some illegal buildings were removed and the streets were broadened along the Northeast and Southwest streets. I also designed the tram and grassed swales, and increased green space. Modern glass elements were applied in the elevation, bringing modern sense into the historical block. I designed more green space and an elevated corridor along the Northeast and Southwest streets, making the block richer in layers.

Design of Nodes Greenery landscape I cut the greenery landscape into an irregular polygons along the street, and planted trees at both sides of the road.

Corridor Corridors can connect the buildings and act as landscape scenery.

Links between buildings I used glass and steel structures to link two historical buildings, bringing modern elements to the old historical buildings and creating flexibility between them.

Crossroad I cut it into irregular polygons, and the space among polygons was used as the sidewalk.

Shops The outdoor parts of shops along the street, such as coffee shops and restaurants, can be used as leisure areas.

Square The center of the square is sunk and has rectangular glass installations with different heights and widths. Main streets the center of the main street is a tram rail, along which is grassed swales. There is a sidewalk on the sides of the road.


Scenic Route route1



















This is some views you will see in Route 2. You will go through some protective historical building , shops and corridors.

Route1 This is some views you will see in Route 1, which will pass through Jing Yuan Garden, Zhang Yuan Garden and former residence of Duan Qiri. Along the way will also see the grass swales and the tram.


Plan of Grass Swales

Section 1 of Grass Swales in Raining Season

There are two grass swales on both sides of the tram rail, which can regulate surface runoff and prevent rainwater accumulation on the street in the rainy season, and act as landscape in the dry season.

Section 2 of Grass Swales in Dry Season

Section of Water Landscape


Tram Station Design

Summer Landscape of the Station

The main design concept of the tram and station is to transform the tram into a mobile sightseeing coffee shop. The station is the main place connecting the coffee shop and the exterior space. When the tram arrives, people can buy a cup of coffee while queuing up to take it. The top of the station is made up of four different triangles, and the gap is filled with glass. The station supplies mobile seats, which allows people to choose a place to sit and drink coffee.

Ginkgo biloba L.

Euonymus maackii Rupr Lythrum salicaria L.

Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle

Ligustrum obtusifolium Sieb. Scirpus validus Vahl

Acorus calamus L.

Lagerstroemia indica

Fraxinus chinensis Roxb

Winter Landscape of the Station

Buxus megistophylla Levl. Juncellus serotinus

Plant Analysis


Square Design

Perspective of the Square

The square presents a rectangular overall shape, which is divided into irregular polygon-shaped green lands and roads. The biggest polygon in the center is the sunken plaza.



Restoration of Mining Subsided Land Bring vitality and vigor to Mining Subsided Land

The coal mining in Xuzhou for years causes a large number of mining subsided land. The site of this subject is located in Woniu mining subsided land of Xuzhou. The Woniu Mountain coal mine is exhausted in resources and close to closure with many ecological problems such as the pollution of the soil and water in diggings caused by long-term coal mining and the atmosphere pollution of this area led by the coking plant in the east of the diggings. Moreover, this area is in the urban area of Xuzhou City, so there are relatively more people here and the industry ruins in the diggings are well preserved. Therefore, a industrial park is designed after the remediation process. I divide the whole project into two major parts, waterfront ecological remediation and industrial site reformation. First, I want to recover the ecological environment of this area through phytoremediation, and use the fixing, volatilization and absorption effect of plants to degrade the pollutants in soil, water and air. Furthermore, I plan to reform the industrial site left by Woniu coal mine by adding functional areas, water viewing gallery, etc. I hope the area can be reformed to an urban park through my design to improve the living environment and ecological protection consciousness of people.

Restoration Process 1976 In 1976: A large area of mining subsided land had been formed. The restoration had not started yet, and the procedure of urbanization was slow.

1995 In 1995: The restoration of mining subsided land was started, and some of them had been restored. The city got further expended.



In 2018: More mining subsided land got restored. With the expansion of the city, some mining subsided land was included in the urban city.

By 2030: Most subsided land will be restored, and changed into a scenic area of the city.

Coal mining subsidence

Urban area

Ecological restoration range

The Integral Analysis Owing to the perennial mining of the coal resource, there has been a large area of mining subsided land formed in Xuzhou, which caused a large number of ecological problems to effect the life of the residents who live in the diggings. Thus, the restoration of the mining subsided land is extremely urgent.

Current Situation Xuzhou has 1,400 square kilometers of coal field area with near 25 million tons of mined coal per year, which makes a great contribution to the economic development of eastern China and even the whole nation. However, the sustainable high-intensity mining of coal resource also causes a large area of land occupied, destroyed or subsiding. Owing to the coal mining, the destroyed land in Xuzhou reaches over 400,000 acres, which has greatly influenced production and life of people, and the development of economic society in the subsided areas.

Site Location


Jiangsu Province


The main city of Xuzhou

Woniu Subsidence area

Water area


Coal mining subsidence


Mining factory

Xuzhou city boundary

Area to be governed

Site selection

Residential areas

Mining collapse area of influence


Current Situation Analysis of Woniu Mining Subsided Land

Woniu mining subsided land includes five subsidence-affected areas caused by coal mining, such as Xinhe coal mine and Woniu Mountain coal mine, which is the only mining subsided land in the urban city of Xuzhou currently with many residents and convenient traffic. Also, it is close to Xuzhou Yunlong scenic area, Abandoned Yellow River, and Yundaihe scenic spot, so I plan to reform it to a park to form a large tourist area with the other three scenic spots together. Structure analysis of functional zone

Analysis of the Planning Area

The function of the breeding areas in the waterfront design has been continued since there is a breeding area to the south-west of the site. There is a coking plant to the east of the industrial site which is the main source of the atmosphere pollution in this area.It also has a great impact on the life of local residents in this area.

Reserved development land Residential land Warehouse space

Water area analysis


Traffic analysis

Coal mining subsidence

Residential areas


Water area

Mining factory

Water area

Coal washing area

Residential areas

Area to be governed

Site selection

Coal mining area

Warehouse Land

Strategic Analysis of the Industrial Site Area

Strategic road

Strategic Analysis of the Waterfront Area

Coal Mining Museum

Original waterfront landscape

Port landscape

Park green belts

Self-purifying landscape

Plant ornamental landscape

Dining area Entrance



The planning of the area is divided into two parts, industrial site and waterfront. A steel-frame structure with industrial elements has been added in the industrial site for more industrial and modern feel here. The waterfront area is mainly divided into three parts, namely: aquaculture area, port, and plants visit & education area.

Plants Analysis

The soil, water and atmosphere in Woniu mining subsided land have been heavily polluted since the long-term coal mining and emission of polluting gas from the coking plant. One solution to this problem is using the fixing, volatilization and absorption effect of different vegetations to degrade the pollutants. The shrub, arbor, groundcover plants and aquatic plants that can respectively degrade the different kinds of pollutants are listed in the picture below. ARBOR




Industrial site area Some of the industrial sites retain many factories left over from coal mining, and the functional areas are divided into industrial ruins parks, and new industrial elements are added.

Botantic garden

Plant different kinds of plants in the planting pool and identify the role of the plant, telling visitors the importance of plants to the ecology.

Rendering of Industrial Site Area


Site Structure Analysis

Site and Time Change Analysis

After 0 year: The subsided land has been formed, and the coal mining factories are still in industrial production. The eco-environment is poor.

Rendering of the Industrial Site Park

After 2-3 years: Factories are closed, and the groundcover plants begin to grow.

Rendering of the Waterfront Landscape After 5-7 years: Shrub and arbor begin to grow, but are still sparse. The eco-environment gets improved.

After 10-15 years: The shrubs grow thicker. Meanwhile, some artificial landscapes like waterfront viewing gallery and walkways are built.


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