Shape 4 picking songs

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Songs with Shape 4 Melodies Revised on 3/13/11 by Ted Fong

G Major All the songs in this handout have melodies that can be played in the Shape 4 hand position. Follow these practicing tips:








1st finger


2nd finger

1st fret

Memorize the starting note in terms of (Do, Re, Mi…), the sound, and the finger position.

Use your ear to pick the melody, note by note. Go slowly – there’s no need to play in tempo.

Stop on random notes, identify the solfege, and recognize the sound and your hand position.

2nd fret 3rd fret 4th fret 5th fret



3rd finger

La Re

So* 4th finger

Stop on notes that you play wrong, find the right note, identify the solfege, and recognize the sound and your hand position.

Shape 4 is movable, so shift your hand up one or two frets and play the song in a new key!

Extra credit – Write the “chord function” next to each chord and transpose the song into a new key (see handout on Chord Progression Exercises, which discusses chord functions).

1. Amazing Grace Key of G, first note is “So.” INTRO |G | Am

| Bm

| Am


G C G Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, G D7 That saved a wretch like me. G G7 C G I once was lost but now am found, G D7 G Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear The hour I first believed. When we've been here ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun.

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