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爱. 旅. 摄.

About Love. Travel. Photography | 关于 爱.旅.摄.

The Team | 我们的团队 We are formed by an invitation-only group of passionate young exceptional talents in photography, travel, fashion and beauty based across Europe – with our head office based in London, England. 我们的团队是一个拥有无限热情与天赋的年轻联盟。成员来自欧洲本地不同的 角落,均为摄影,旅行,时尚及艺术领域的资深从业人 。 而总部是位于世界时 尚之都及金融中心的英国首都—伦敦。

We specialise in curating travel experience in Europe for couples and capture their journey of romance and discovery through our lens. Our key services are (but not limited to): Wedding, honeymoon and destination photography, or capturing a vow renewal with a symbolic ceremony at handpicked European locations; and Private, bespoke and luxury European travel experience.

在您美妙的旅途中捕捉美好的瞬 间。爱. 旅. 摄. 就是如此纯粹。 我们拥有十多年丰富的专业旅程计 划安排经验,擅长透过镜头捕捉并 展现旅途中的一切浪漫及惊喜。我 们提供的服务周全,高質量,新 颖,独特,包括: 婚纱,蜜月及度假旅行摄影;在我 们精心挑选的特別场地 (如:教 堂,城堡,皇室场地) 举行纪念 典礼,亲身体验欧式浪漫,重温甜 蜜时刻。现场自然抓拍,留下毕生 记忆。 高端、私人、个性化的欧洲旅行体 验。

Why Choose Us | 我们的优势

对欧洲各地了若指掌 我们会带您到最优美的景点旅行拍摄,分享我们行内的专业经验与知识,让您如主人般尽情融入享受当地 的风情; 专业丰富的旅行经验 我们会为您设计定制您最向往期待、适合您预算的旅游行程安排; 团队遍布整个欧洲 我們的团队都是居住在欧洲,所以你不必為我們负担昂贵的旅行费用; 强大的行业网络关系 我们不仅能让您体验主人般的经历,您还可享受在欧洲作为上宾的待遇:参加出席独家高端活动; 优质口碑的国内合作伙伴 我们在中国大陆有客户代表,以协助您查询及预訂我們的服务让您轻松放心; 中西文化背景的结合 相似的文化背景让我们能够充分了解客户所需,有利于更好地提供优质的服务。另,流利的中文沟通也为 旅途前的准备、拍摄进行以及售后服务提供更好的保证。

Local knowledge in Europe We will take you to the best spots for your photo shoots, share our insider knowledge so you experience Europe like a local; Expertise in travel We will design a travel itinerary most suited to your budget and desire; Locally-based team Our clients will not need to bear expensive travel costs for us; Industry contacts More than just a local, you can also experience Europe as a VIP: gaining insider access to special and exclusive events; Reputable partners to represent us We have representatives in China to assists clients with their queries or bookings. You can be reassured in who you are dealing with! Chinese and European background Understanding the culture of our clients is the first step to delivering services they value. Speaking the language of our clients will ensure smooth communication prior to the trip, at the photo shoot, during the trip (where required), or after service.

Locations We Cover 服务覆盖的国家 Our services are available throughout Europe – from the classics (e.g. England, France, Italy) to the road less travelled hidden treasures (e.g. Slovenia, Iceland, Hungary). We also cover many more locations not covered in this booklet, so please check our website or contact us for more information! 我们的旅行及摄影服务遍布欧洲各地。從经 典的(如:法国,英国,意大利)至足迹尚 稀的(如:斯洛法尼亚,匈牙利,冰岛), 也有我们的足迹。一般我们会以过往的旅游 经验向客户特别推荐前往的地区。我们还有 更多的地区未能在这本小册子详细描述。请 查询我们的官网或联系我们了解更多! Optional: Symbolic ceremony at special locations Upgrades: No. of photos (incl. edited), No. of shooting locations, hotel, transportation class Exclusive events (Limited availability, priority for our members and Handpicked package clients) 可选项目: 特定场地举办纪念典礼 简修、精修相片数量,酒店及交通升级 参加高端活动(名额有限,会员及心拍套餐客户优先)

Full day photo shoot 精选景点全日拍摄

Photography package 纯摄影套餐

Photography package with hotel 摄影&酒店高级套餐

Photography and travel package 摄影&旅行豪华套餐

3 locations 3个景点拍摄

Hotel + 4 locations 酒店 + 4个景点拍摄

Hotel + unlimited locations 酒店+及无限景点拍摄

200+ (20 edited) 200张相片或以上(20张精修)

400+ (40 edited) 400张相片或以上(40张精修)

600+ (60 edited) 600张相片或以上(60张精修)

(40 photos)

(60 photos)

Professional makeup/hair artist 专业化妆及发型师 Refreshments 西式茶点 Transport to/from shooting locations 拍摄景点往返交通费用 No. of photos (No. of edited photos) 相片数量 (精修数量) Private online gallery (6 months) 6个月的线上私人廊 Activities booking* 特色活动预定* Luxury album (no. of photos) plus delivery 奢华定制相册 (相片数量) 及快递上门 Boutique hotel with breakfast 精品酒店住宿及早餐 Flower bouquet 花束 Airport pick-up/drop-off 机场/酒店 接送 Transportation during the trip (Domestic flights/train/ferry etc) 旅途交通预订(飞机/車/船票等) Restaurant recommendations & booking 特色餐厅推荐及预定

Prices from 套餐价格

RMB 8,990 |EUR 1,099 人民币8,990元 | 1,090欧元 起

RMB 15,990 | EUR 1,930 (based on double occupancy and 3 nights accommodation) 人民币15,990元 | 1,930欧元 起 (包括3晚双人住宿)

Varies by travel itinerary 价格因具体服务项目及内容而异

Love. Travel. Photography The availability of activities differs by location and some activities can be conducted in conjunction with the photo shoot (e.g. hot air balloon ride). Some of our highly recommended activities include: Bath (England) – enjoying the outdoor thermal spa with a magnificent view of the old town of Bath Jukkasjarvi (Sweden) – experience the truly unique and quintessential ice hotel in Sweden, or get married at the ice chapel – all handcrafted each winter (and disappear by spring!). Venice (Italy) – riding the gondola in this stunning city, where you will find romance in every corner. London (England) – enjoy a high tea session at the beautiful Orangery at Kensington Palace. Capadoccia (Turkey) – taking a hot air balloon ride while enjoying the beautiful sunset

关于 爱.旅.摄. 每個地區/城市的活动选择也不一樣。一些活 动可以同時在拍照時进行 (如:热气球旅行) 。我们强烈推荐的一些活动包括: 巴斯(英格兰) -享受户外的温泉水疗和古城 区的迷人景色 尤卡斯耶尔维(瑞典) - 体验真正独特的瑞典 冰旅馆,或在冰教堂结婚 - 每年冬季前全手工 制作(在春天消失!)。 威尼斯(意大利) - 在这个美丽,每一个角落 也散播著浪漫的城市乘坐冈多拉船 。 伦敦(英国) - 在華丽的肯辛顿宫橘园享受英 式下午茶。 卡帕多奇亚(土耳其) - 乘坐热气球,一边俯 瞰地球上最像月球的地区,一边欣赏美丽的夕 阳。

For more information | 欢迎联系我们了解更多详情  (China) + 86 4008616168

(Free call in China. Available during office hours: 9:30 to 18:30)

 (UK)

+ 44 7789556648

(Available during all hours)

 We are available 24/7

官网 中国内地电话:+ 86 4008616168 (全国免费热线。办公时间:上午9:30-下午18:30 。) 英国电话:+ 44 7789556648 (24小时服务) 邮件预约 周一至周日无休 全年24小时服务。

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