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2 September 2012

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Tell them you saw it in‌The Money Saver News

September 2012 3






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4 September 2012


ButThe a break from school doesn’t new Weber even have your personal Web page. GrillWatch But sometimes the most (NAPSA)—For more memo“green” nating school transportation ser- inphotos to get the perfect shot. to beshows the equivalent of aarebottl Survey that Americans your wallet as well a greener vices—cutting routes and as increaslearning-free time for kids. spending more than five hours aRefu environment, save money Telling them you saw it in…The Money Saver News Save your Money with Us! the distance standards by and For children who have beenareCrea week grilling. As people Without school buses, millions of withqualify basic vehicle maintewhichenergy students for transgrilling more frequently, as welltecto struggling in school, a school children could be left with no way nance. Here are five ways you can as year-round, the demandtoforPuffe portation. These measures can to safely and reliably arrive at recess can be their opportunity do so: accessories has skyrocketed. have disastrous say wor- school each day. catch up on key skills and feel Corp Wo 1. Driveresults, Green—Recognize Salve Here are a few of the accessories ried parents, more confident when they head sch that howwith you students drive hasforced a lot to do centr designed bring your grilling drive—without their cell phone. to walk on fuel winding roadsAvoid with no back to class.toFor students who tatto with economy. sudden Basic vehicle maintenance helps game to a whole new level. Talking on a cell phone can signifshoulders orand sidewalks, cross do well, it’s an opportunity to help starts stops and go busy the speed protect the environment and your Must-Have rilling Accessories: F (NAPS)—Life can be a little less icantly the reaction time of highways navigate dangerous limit.and Jerky and aggressive driving pra keep their enthusiasm high for aKieh ownslow economy. Chimney starter: Consider complicated if you consider these decreases your miles per gallon even an experienced driver. city commutes. For learning. five-quart chimney starter, likeamfA hints toschool help simplify daily 5. buses Gas Caps and Fill-up— and increases wear and life: tear on School are manufactured Cutting bus transportion Parents can those play Chimney a key role in www Weber’s Rapidfire Starter, (NAPSA)—For wondering T Check your vehicle’s vehicle. unneces1. Before you more barbecue. to meet special federal safety gas stan-cap. what tationyour service alsoMinimize means reinforcing learning thatnext holds approximately 80 to 100 ingr the boom willon be,ana ongoing new Approximately 17 percent of vehisary combining errands. dards, which include reinforced teensPreslice will miles drive school, which andbyto chop veggies for sides basis. Here are some tips, sug- cise charcoal briquettes. Chimney w cles on the road have loose, dam- book, “The Next Perfect Storm” by 2. show Get ais Tune-up—Regular sides, flashing red lights, crossstatistics notfamily the safest starters eliminate the need to use tea gested make sure that every the day before barbecue. andtovisionary entrepreneur tune-ups and amaintenance and aged or missing gas caps, causing author n lighter which ishave costly. view mirrors, a crossbar and stopmode Similarly, of transportation. According holiday isfluid, a good balance of Bet-David, may thefree gam bakeair treats having clean filters the will night help 147 million gallons of gas to Patrick G Long-handled tongs: To pre- sou arms. Bus drivers are professional to thebefore, Department of Transportadiscovery, play, leisure and learnand less sealand them in less air- vaporize every year. Topping off your carcool pollute burn vent your hands from getting too drivers who carry a commercial tion, school-age children are about graE ing for kids. gas. With a proper tune-up, tight containers. Cutting back you on your gas tank when filling up your close to the fire, a pair of tongs, w driver’s license and who, in order 50 times more likely to die travelcar Read. Everyone has his or her car can also release harmful can save 4 percent on the cost of (NAPSA)—Heating cooling prep the when day ofthey anand event means such as Stainless Steel Chef ’s to carry a into School Endorseingistothe school drive or vapors the Bus environment. gas and up to 40 percent byuser replacfavorite read them to equ single biggest energy p Tongs, book, which so measure more than more time to mingle and enjoy the “Vehiclebackground owners whochecks do their afriends faulty oxygen sensor. Simply ment, undergo ride if they each other. It’s funend for to thetip, older in with aing home and than accounts for take about b 12 inches from are a and company ofthe family and friends. own maintenance should rememchanging car’s air filter can prior to employment, receive the40bus. The more teens in the car, kidsmust to read their favorite child- tool percent of all the energy conm for the griller’s toolbox. ber to recycle or properly dispose improve efficiency by 10 percent. 2. Simplify s’mores. Portion thesumed better odds of a crash, hood books to their younger sib-the GK bythe homeowners—but high specialized education and training, Meat thermometer: Take of fluids to andfrequent other vehicle compo3. Lighten thebyLoad—Get the outrecent s’mores supplies for camping are subject driving says a thea Alllings. Act out your favorite scenes heating andsurvey cooling bills don’t S guesswork out of grilling with a kee pastas from theare bulk aisle, frozen nents, including used motor oil, junk outplacing of theAlmost and stuff record checks and monitored state Foundation. half of trip equal amounts of have to by get you hottrunk under thethe colm digital thermometer to ensure eve for the enjoyment of everyone. and batteries,” advises Rich out of your car, with the exception tires veggies, favorite proteins and t your meat is as cooked properly. The day medical exams. if youpolled follow aadmit few simple steps by periodic thelarteens to being Play games a family and, marshmallows, graham executive of emergency items such as squares a spare White, fresh salad greens indirector, theschool pantryCar or Digital Pocket Thermometer to ensure that passengers. your equipment Every day, 475,000 distracted by their imp for some quiet time, as indiand chocolate pieces into separate tire, flares and a first-aid kit. Extra Care Council. comes with a clip to attach easily thef fridge helps when Council busy days call operates as efficiently as possible. buses safely million And other teenage passengers viduals. Some mind-engaging The Carcarry Care 25 is the items weigh the camper. vehicle down baggies for each When and the W to your pocket. What You Can Dousage. for throwing together a quick meal. children—more than half of are not the only distraction. The activities include board games, day source of information for the “Be cause an increase in gas separate them into categories. time comes to leaves, roast thisgrass, favorite t Take Your Grilling Game up a •Clear away America’s schoolchildren—to National Highway Traffic Safety StockCare up on R.W. Knudsen Family® crossword puzzles, Sudoku, jigsaw tom Aware” consumer educaTire Checks—According to Car This process#2652 can often helpweeds, treat4. plants around the fire, there will be t Notch with These Accessories: and other debris school. National Academy Administration that 462 biltion campaign promoting benthe Car Carereports Council, around puzzles, coloring, finger painting, JustThe Juice® juices to use inthe a of quick Rib and roast holder: Save TV you see where you can trim no scrambling for supplies and no that block airflow through an outefits of regular vehicle care, mainlionofgallons of gas atoyear could be Sciences and the U.S. Department percent teens admit texting watercolors, salad dressing or reduction sauce a space on scrapbooking. your grill with a dual- you excess spending without radically door condensing unit—the large one willif worry about out on tenance and repair to consumers. saved the tires onmissing every Ameriof Transportation say that school while driving, which involves takKeep theand lessons. Check answers. It’sup available from T design rib roastTico holder. you with wholesome fruity flavors. metal box in your yard next to the changing your lifestyle. Many information about of envican’s car off were the chocolate! are the safest form ing their eyes theproperly road andinflated. at buses More in paperback and anRoast evefi those spelling words—if there Weber’s Original Rib as and house. Anything that collects on To celebrate the simple things Publishing (N people find that entertainment and ronmental awareness iscentral included Optimal tire pressure for your With proper maintenance, 3. Break up cleaning e-book at Learn more transportation for getting children least one hand off the steering forfl aren’t any from school, assign Holder can handle up to five rackswar thevehicle unit’s fins will block airflow inconditioning life,popular R.W. and Knudsen Family in the digital Care at isteens listed in the ownerto ’sair heat“Car pump dining out are two areas where and from school. wheel. Few travel—or projects. Spread household chores of ribs. Flip it over and use the your own. Practice math facts. everT reduce Tires its efficiency. Grass Guide” be easily manual. that are not prop-units can that provide homeowners created the can Share Your accessed Simple modest cuts can lead to significantandthroughout roast whole chickens, Read theholder next chapter in the tina theadd week. alawn time towiththrough * * * for clippings thrown by Pick theresistance the council’s website at erly inflated rolling many comfortable years. promotion. The company’s allsavings over time. Jillturkeys Weisenberger S roasts.believes Try Champi- thin social studiesorbook. clean every day and pairwork eachharder room mower particularly common that are makes the engine those Practice. with diabetes can manage onship Spareribs with Sweet to t To learn more, visit www.offenders. natural beverages have been made Practice. Practice. tioner. A well-trained technician Learn More to move the vehicle. All this with a specific day of the week; for Apple Barbecue Sauce from the a glucose levels and weight. a simple philosophy more their Workbooks and learning kits can thr safely find and fix problems •Occasionally clean thetheoutFor further facts onfor saving increasesalways fuel costs as much as 3 tocanwith instance, declutter living

Surprising Ways To Add To Your Savings

Making Life Easier...

by John A. Addison Jr. Five Suggestions To Simplify Your Daily Life (NAPS)—Learning to be more of a “saver” than a “spender” can often start with small steps that take you in a new direction and help you to acquire new habits. If you struggle with finding money to save, here are some ideas you may have overlooked: • Put aside your loose change each day. Saving just $1 a day will yield you $365 in a year. • Cut your phone bills. For less than $10, you can buy a prepaid cell phone and pay only by the minute. Unless you have medical issues that can require emergency calls, you may even want to consider canceling your land line. • Do your best to avoid unnecessary bank fees. For instance, by avoiding bounced checks, overdrafts and ATM fees, the $20–$40 you normally spend each month could save you $240 to $480 each year. • Bring lunch to work. Spend $2 a day on making lunch at home instead of eating out for $5 a day, and before you know it you’ve saved $780 in one year. • Track your spending. You Mr. Addison is Primerica’sdoor5 cents Look for technicondensing unit and by lightly thansystem. 50and years without added sugar energy money witha proper car per gallon might not realize where your room on Tuesdays. Set a increases timer forin the Co-Chief Executive Officerspraying care, visit the risk engine damage. who is certified by North it of with a water hose but cian or artificial ingredients. money is going. Keep a receipt Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 20 to minutes, washer. and tackle thatAmerican Technician Excellence use30 a pressure You can share your tips to for everything you spend in one and Chairman of Primericado not daily chore. •Make sure air vents inside (NATE). You can find a NATE-cersimplify life for a chance to win one month. At the end of the month, Distribution. 4. Tote gymobstructed bag. Pack aby gymtified technician online at your home area not of three $4,500 furniture. bag with workout clothes, a Grand Prizes or 14 biweeklyLearn prizesMore at www.facebook. Get Help and a Professional waterTo bottle and keep it at For Tips Get Ready A New Pet For further information about According to the experts at the com/rwknudsen. your desk or in Heating, your car. Having search Air-Conditioning, and heating (NAPSA)—Whether you’re Noand cooling purchaseor to necessary. these items easily accessible willfor AHRI-certified products, visit Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), thinking of adopting a pet now or Promotion open easier to seize any or to calllegal (703)residents 524also ait good to too hire awindow pro- themake future, it’s idea never early Improving A Home’s Value And Curb Appeal in it’s of the 50 United States and D.C., 8800. fessional to service your air condiof opportunity for exercise. to prepare for your future family (NAPSA)—Selling a house in kitchen. (NAPS)—Heating and coolmember.5. Stock To ensurethe a smooth tran-Avoid 18 years and older. Promotion today’s market can be a challenge. subject to complete Official Rules, the weekday “what’s for sition, it’s helpful to plan for dinner?” the ing is the single biggest energy The solution may be to think outavailable at arrival of your new pet by putting crunch by stocking a few staples in side this case, outuser the in box—or, a homein and accounts rwknudsen. Void where prohibited. together a shopping list, reorgathe pantry. Keeping dried grains or side the structure. for about 40 percent of all the nizing your schedule to make time In the past, a little paint and energy consumed by homesome minor renovations might for your pet and even participatowners—but have done the high trick, heating but withand so ing in activities that allow your many homes sale, homeowners cooling billsfordon’t have to get family to interact with animals are interesting newifways now. youfinding hot under the collar you to boost curb appeal and buyer •Try a virtual pet—“The follow a few simple steps to eninterest. Sims 3 Pets,” the newest offering sure that steps your such equipment operWhile as cleaning from one of the world’s most popuup investing in landatesand as efficiently as some possible. lar videogame franchises, will give scapesWhat can still deliver results, You Can Do family the chance to care more homeowners are attracting Besides improving the wayyour it • Clear away leaves, grass, for—and even be—a virtual pet buyer interest with a system of looks, such exterior insulation weeds, plants and other debris with exterior insulation known as m a k e s a h o m e m o r e e n e rg y personality traits and moods “Outsulation .” just like a real pet. Playing the The newest offering from one of that block airflow through an efficient. Exterior insulation unit—the has been game both entertains and sheds the world’s most popular outdoor condensing shown to lower energy bills and details like arches, window borlight on the responsibilities of car- videogame franchises lets playlarge metal box in your yard raise buyer interest. Susan Mal- ders, decorative columns and draing for a pet, including scheduled ers determine their online pets’ nextoftoWarwick, the house. Anything one Rhode Island, matic doorways. feedings, playtime, training and personalities. Besides improving the way it used Outsulation by unit’s Dryvitfins to that collects on the even dealing with your pet’s looks, exterior insulation replace the drab clapboard on her to hire such a professional to service will block airflow and reduce unruly side. You can also take on help endangered species by adopthome with a new stonelike exte- makes a home more energy effiyour air conditioner. A wellits efficiency. Grass clippings cient. It reduced air leakage the in role of a pet to gain a new per- ing or sponsoring a particular anirior complete with architectural technician can safely spective and see the world mal with your family. thrown byand thedecorative lawn mower are trained Malone’s home by 19 percent—the flourishes window •Volunteer at a local shelter through an animal’s eyes. The equivalent closing upinathe hole in accents. The common makeover offenders. raised her find and fixofproblems sysparticularly the wall that be the size of appraisal value and attracted new tem. wayalfa) to gauge your Sims 3 (NAPSA)—Novartis Pets, available now for —A rewarding Look forwould a technician who (taliglucerase for injection, is commit• Occasionally clean the outa soccer ball, or of leaving your buyers. ability to care for a pet is to volunXbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo an enzyme replacement therapy ted to understanding and improvis certified by North American door condensing unit by lightly “The transformation of my front door open for 25 minutes teer at a local animal shelter or res- dis3DS, ing PC the andlives Mac,of will virtually (ERT) to treat Type 1 Gaucher people with tuberTechnician Excellence (NATE). spraying withnothing a water hose home hasitbeen shortbut of every day. ease in adults. Learn ous sclerosis complex through cue organization. Not only willmore you at help you prepare for your new The system reamazing—both from the stand- You canOutsulation find a NATE-certified do not use a pressure washer. and (855) research, education and time with animals that need familyclinical member. duced Malone’s energy bills by 35 point of how much more beautiful technician (1-855-353-5976). collaboration the community. online at•Sponsor • Make sure air vents inside care ELELYSO and attention, but you and anwith animal—A it is and the effect the renovation percent and helped dampen noise. Learn fromfamily the TS * * * have the activitymore for the is Alliance an your family will also youronhome are not obstructed “My dogs used to wake me great up at had increasing the value of my According to adirectly recent study andafrom opportunity to bond with by adopt-an-animal package from Moreany noise just about home. I have been able to save so barking atLearn by furniture. Hear the World, 66.2 percent of Novartis at animals. It can prepare you for life local zoo. By donating and regiswouldfurther hear, including the airmuchGet money on my energy bills,” they For information Professional Help say hearing at full capacity * * * you can with people a pet or help determine if you tering for the adoption, planesheating constantly coming and said Malone. She used Outsula- about People with Gaucher disease, a makes it easier to enjoy outdoor and cooling or to According to the experts at for theThat’s responsibilities fosterrare a great relationship with tion by Dryvit, which lets you cre- going over the house,” said Malactivities. why the of team genetic disorder, now haveare a ready search forlives AHRI-certified the an Air-Conditioning, Heating, who in a fly“But ate entirely new image. It can one, becoming a pet animals helpingoption to support behind theowner. study encourages peonewwhile treatment available. ucts, visit or be or mechanically fas- since the renovation, the dogs andadhesively Refrigeration Institute Preparing for your petonline is incredithem The at the zoo. The donation is ple to take a free hearing U.S. Food and Drug Adminishear524-8800. all the sounds they tened over building call (703) bly important so that you can enjoy even tax deductible. Another great test at tration recently approved Elelyso (AHRI), it’s aalso a goodcode– idea don’t

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Enjoy More Comfort At Less Cost

Her book, “Diabetes Weight Loss —Week by Week: A Safe, Effective Method for Losing Weight and Improving Your Health,” is published by the American Diabetes Association. Learn more at

7 (NAPSA)—This year’s blockbuster movie “The Help,” DreamWorks’ hit film based on Kathryn Stockett’s No. 1 New York Times best seller, is available on Blu-ray and DVD this December.

The NASDAQ stock exchange was totally disabled one day in December 1987 when a squirrel burrowed through one of the exchange’s telephone lines.


approved water-resistive barrier to plywood or OSB substrate. The system offers the look of any traditional finish, including

used to, so we are all getting a option lot to engage your family with more sleep.” animals is to donate to a nonFor more information, call (800) profit organization such as the 556-7752; in Canada, call (800)

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Tell them you saw it in‌The Money Saver News

September 2012 5

6 September 2012

Tell them you saw it in…The Money Saver News

Save your Money with Us!

Kid-Friendly For Making Friends Being To Your Kid-Friendly Tips Tips For Making Friends And And Being TrueTrue To Your self self

Kid-Friendly Tips For Making Friends And Being True To Yourself (NAPSA)—To (NAPSA)—To have have good good (NAPSA)—To have children first friends,friends, children need toneed firstto good friends, need to first learn how to befriend, a good friend, and learn how to be a children good and learn how to be a good friend, and parents are a child’s No. 1 to parents are a child’s 1 guide toguide parents are aNo. child’s No. 1 guide to establishing healthy friendships. establishing healthy healthy friendships. establishing friendships. Perhaps most importantly, importantly, parPerhapsPerhaps most importantly, parmost parents need to show children how to how to ents need to show children value themselves value themselves and, in and, turn,in turn, the in find thefind value others. Things Things find theinvalue value in others. others. Things youtocan doinclude: you can do help you can do to to help help include: include: •Demonstrate good listen•Demonstrate good listen•Demonstrate good (c) 2011 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved ing. This may sound easylistenbut it Disney/Pixar. (c) 2011 All RightsAll Reserved 2011 Disney/Pixar. Rights Reserved ing. This may it ing. This mayeasy sound easy but it (c) can be asound challenge tobut put down the Car characters, such as Lightning McQueen and his tow truck buddy can be a phone challenge to put down the can be a to put down thecharacters, orchallenge BlackBerry, stop multiCar such Lightning McQueen and hisand towhis truck buddy Car characters, such as Lightning tow truckinbuddy Mater, can helpas youngsters learn toMcQueen deal with their own friends diffiphone ortasking BlackBerry, stop focus multireally onmultiwhat phone orand BlackBerry, stop cult situations. Mater, can help youngsters learn tolearn dealto with their friends in diffi-in diffiMater, can help youngsters deal withown their own friends your has to say. Make eyewhat con-situations. tasking tasking and child really focus onfocus whaton and really cult cult situations. tact the talks your child haswhile to say. Make eye con-to your child has tochild say. Make eyeshow con- friends in a choir or theater group. ing things or disappoint in some conflict way. or Learning to express emotions he the or she has your full attention ing things disappoint friends in a•Navigate choir theater group.within in some tact while child talks to show ingathings or disappoint in or a choir or theater group. some tact while to when show friends friendships with care. All is valuable skill andin when and ask forthe thechild sametalks respect •Navigate conflict within way. Learning to express emotions he or she has your full attention •Navigate conflict within way. Learning to express emotions he or she has your full attention friendships have ups and downs, things get heated, tips as simple others are talking. You can monitor friendships with care. All with isAlla valuable skillyour and when and ask the for the respect when friendships with conflict care. is reminding a valuable skill and when and asksame for the samemaking respectby when so learning to handle as child to pause, progress they’re lisfriendships have and downs, things things get heated, tipsonassomething simple others are talking. You can monitor a peer is aups valuable skill focus smile and nice tening to what they say happened friendships have ups and to downs, getfocus heated, tips as simple others are talking. You can monitor solislearning to handle conflict with coopas reminding your child to pause, the progress they’re making byplayground. lis- by on. Make sure that sharing, about the friend can help the at a progress playdate or on the so learning to handle conflict with as reminding your child tocool pause, the they’re making eration situation. taking getfocus lots and •Help recognize strengths. a peer is a valuable skill toturns focusto smile focus something nice nice tening totening what they saythey happened a peer isand a valuable skill smile andon focus on something to what say happened Mater’s loyalty and good intenof sure reinforcement as kids Praising children when on. they Make that sharing, coop-become about the friend friend can help the at a playdate or onyour theorplayground. on. Make sure that sharing, coopabout cancool helpcar-geek cool the at a playdate on the playground. tions the as well as his socialized. Sometimes, a good demonstrate unique talents or eration situation. and taking turns get lots •Help recognize strengths. eration situation. turns geta lots •Help recognize strengths. smarts provide plenty of examples story or and DVDtaking help open disstrengths helps to shape confiMater’s loyalty and good of reinforcement as can kidsas become PraisingPraising your children when they Mater’s andintengood of reinforcement kids become they to help kidsloyalty understand the intenvalue cussion of more distressing emodence as your theychildren begin towhen navigate tions asfriends well his socialized. Sometimes, a good demonstrate unique talents or of with special The tions. “Cars Sometimes, 2,” now out on Blusocial situations. In addition to tions as as well ascar-geek histalents. car-geek socialized. a good demonstrate unique talents or provide plenty plenty ofinexamples story DVDand can help open dis-honest strengths helps shape adventures theoffilm show ray DVD, tackles calling outto talents or confiskills, sure orstory smarts provide examples or DVD can helpa open a smarts dis- cars’ strengths helps to shapebe confito helpto kids understand the value cussioncussion of moreofdistressing emo- with dence asto they begin tobegin navigate how friends sometimes need to challenges in friendship also as focus on positive help kids understand the value more distressing emodence they to character navigate give each other space The and time loads 2,” of humor. Talking aboutofthe traits, such a good to sense of “Cars friends with special talents. tions. now2,” out on out Blusocial situations. In as addition of friends with special talents. The tions. “Cars now on Blusocial situations. In addition to apart before situations that racecar Lightning find it possible humor or or generosity. Whenever cars’ adventures in they the film and DVD, tackles honest calling out talents skills, be sure cars’ adventures in theshow film show ray and and DVD, calling outencourage talents or skills, beray sure McQueen his tackles tow with truckhonest buddy to genuinely apologize and be possible, your child to how friends sometimes need to challenges in friendship to also focus on positive character how friends sometimes need to challenges in friendship with to also focus on positive character Mater face can help your child ready to make up, but that in the celebrate friends’ strengths as well. humor. Talking about the give each other space and time traits, such as a good sense of loads ofthink about waysTalking to behave. end, when each friend true to •Notice their interests. each other space is and time humor. about the give traits, such as a good sense of loads of apart situations For thatexample, racecar in Lightning they it possible humor or generosity. Whenever the movie, the before himself and find isthey eventually Guiding your children to activities apart situations that racecar Lightning before find it accepted possible humor or generosity. Whenever McQueen and his tow truck buddy to genuinely apologize and be possible,where encourage your child to clueless tow truck, Mater, with his and celebrated for whoand he is, they can meetyour otherchild youngand his tow truck buddy to genuinely apologize be possible, encourage to McQueen face can help your child ready to make up, but that in the celebratesters friends’ strengths as well. isMater bumbling, everyone wins. irrepressible innocence, with shared interests one Mater face can help your child ready to make up, but that in the celebrate friends’ strengths as well. •Show compassion when proves to be a problem (just as of the most likely ways to introend, when each friend is true to •Notice their interests. think about ways to behave. think about ways tofrom behave. friend is trueand to •Notice interests. things geteach hard. Go ahead McQueen the very them totheir those with whom For example, infeared) the movie, the himselfend, and when is eventually accepted Guiding duce your children to activities For example, in the movie, the celebrated himself andwith is eventually accepted Guiding your children to activities empathize yourhe child’s pain first stop in Tokyo, where he misthey can form and maintain for who is, where they can meet other young- clueless tow truck, Mater, with his and but keep it in perspective. takes a dish of red-hot wasabi for strong they friendships. Younger chilclueless tow truck, Mater, witheveryone his and celebrated for whoMaking he is, where can meetis other bumbling, wins. irrepressible innocence, sters with shared interests one youngfriends is wins. a lifelong process and the ice cream, toinnocence, the final dren often best with one-on-one bumbling, everyone irrepressible sters with do shared interests isproves one pistachio •Show compassion when to be a problem (just as of the most likely ways to introbumps that kids experience race in Italy where Mater’s confuplaydates as likely they explore •Show compassion when proves to be a problem (just as shared of the ways tovarious introthings get Go part ahead McQueen from the very duce them to most those whom are a hard. valuable of and the most sionfeared) jeopardizes the race before interests, butwith as they get older, things get hard. Go ahead and McQueen feared) from the very duce them to those with whom empathize withfriendships. your child’s pain kids first in Tokyo, wherethe he day mis- using they can formgroup and activities maintain can enduring Showing finally saving larger be stop empathize with your child’s pain in Tokyo, where misthey canFor form andchilmaintain how liking yourself strengths only he can offer. and your helpful. example, kids takes who a first but keep it in perspective. Making dishstop of red-hot wasabi forheFamistrong friendships. Younger but it in perspective. Making acream, dish ofto red-hot wasabi for friends, strong friendships. Younger chil- takes liesice can use the film’s plot to help dents and all—disagreelike can usually friends is akeep lifelong process and the pistachio the final dren often do playing best withsoccer one-on-one friends is a all—is lifelong process the ice cream,their to the kids upMater’s about ownfinal disdren do best with one-on-one ments what realand friendconnect other friends on a in pistachio shared bumpsand that kids experience race Italy open where confuplaydates as often theywith explore various turbing feelings and flaringconfutemship isbumps all about, andmost will reap soccer while those like jeopardizes shared that kids experience race in Italy where Mater’s playdates they various are a valuable part of the sion the race before interests, but team, as as they getexplore older,who pers jeopardizes when friendsthe do race embarrassrewards that can part last aof lifetime. to sing orbut pretend can meet arefriendships. a valuable the most interests, as they get older, enduring Showing kids finally sion saving the day using before larger group activities can be enduring friendships. saving theFamiday using group activities be finally how liking yourself strengths only he can offer. andShowing your kids helpful.larger For example, kids who can liking yourself and your only he helpful. For can example, kids lies whocanstrengths use the film’s plotcan to offer. help Famifriends,how dents and all—disagreelike playing soccer usually liesup can use the film’s friends, dents soccer can kids open about their ownplot dis-to help ments and all—is whatand realall—disagreefriendconnect like withplaying other friends on ausually open and up about their own ship dis- isments and all—is real friendconnect with other on a kids feelings flaring temall about, and what will reap soccer team, while those whofriends like turbing turbing feelings and flaring temalllast about, and will reap team, while like when friends do embarrassrewardsship thatiscan a lifetime. to sing soccer or pretend canthose meetwhopers to sing or pretend can meet pers when friends do embarrass- rewards that can last a lifetime.

Don’t A Purebred—Adopt One Don’t PayPay ForFor A Purebred—Adopt One Don’t Pay For A Purebred—Adopt One

(NAPSA)—Are you looking (NAPSA)—Are you looking for for (NAPSA)—Are you looking for a certain of furry family a certain kind kind of furry family a certain kind of furry family member? Consider adoption member? Consider adoption as anas member? Consider adoption as an an option. Despite popular belief, not option.option. Despite popular belief,belief, not not Despite popular allneeding pets needing are mixed all pets homeshomes are mixed In fact, as 25 breeds.breeds. In fact, many as 25 as perbreeds. Inas fact, as many many as 25 perperthe dogs and cent ofcent the of 8 million dogs and cent of the 8 8 million million dogscats and cats cats the care of animal welfare agenin the in care animal welfare agen- agenin theofcare of animal welfare cies are recognizable breeds. All cies are recognizable All All cies are recognizable breeds. kinds of pets endbreeds. up homeless for kinds a ofvariety petsofend homeless for for kinds pets end up homeless of up reasons—frequently a variety of “people reasons—frequently due to issues” rather than a variety of reasons—frequently Purebred pets are available at with the pets due toproblems “people issues” rather thanthemdue to “people issues” rather than animal shelters. Purebred pets are available at at Purebred pets are available selves. As a result, local animal problems with with the pets them-themproblems the pets animal shelters. animal shelters. owners couldn’t provide what they shelters and breed-specific rescue selves.selves. As a result, local local animal As great a result, animal needed. Every breed has websites groups are options for people owners couldn’t provide what they shelters and breed-specific rescue owners couldn’t provide what they shelters andinbreed-specific rescue that can help you find the right interested adding a specific needed. Every breed has websites groupsgroups are great for people needed. Every breed hasare websites great options for people match for you. Here some breed ofare petoptions to their family. that can youtofind the right interested adding a specific that can help you find the right interested in adding a specific basichelp criteria consider: For in example, when Destini Holmatch for you. Here are some breed lis of pet to pet their 1. Space: Some pets dosome just decided to family. get afamily. dog, she had match for you. Here are breed of their basic fine criteria to apartment; consider: Forher example, when Destini Hol- Holin an others need heart set on a Bouvier des basic criteria to consider: For example, when Destini more room. Energy is just the key, Flandres, a a originally Some pets pets do lis decided to get dog,adog she had 1. Space: Some do just lis decided tolarge get dog, she had 1. Space: rather than size. others Many need large-dog bred in Belgium. Rather than fine in anin apartment; her heart set onset a Bouvier des turnfine an apartment; others need her heart on a Bouvier des breeds spend lots of time sleeping ing to a breeder, Destini sought out moremore Energy is the Flandres, a large dog originally Energy is key, the key, Flandres, a large originally and are content with daily outings rescue groups that dog specialized in rather than size. Many large-dog bred inbred Belgium. thandogs turnrather than size. Many large-dog in Belgium. Rather thanofturnand play, while some small and caring for Rather homeless her breeds spendspend lots of time sleeping ing to preferred a breeder, Destini sought outfound medium breeds need more opporbreed.Destini She soon breeds lots of time sleeping ing to a breeder, sought out and are content with daily outings rescueher groups that specialized in to run and explore. match: Baku, a 113-pound genand are content with daily outings rescue groups that specialized in tunities and play, whilewhile some smallsmall and and caringtle for homeless dogs of could herof her Time and energy: Herding, giant family not and2. play, some caring forwhose homeless dogs hunting and other types of dogs— keep him in their small apartment. medium breeds need more opporpreferred breed. She soon found breeds need more opporpreferred She soonDestini found medium andtoseveral breeds—need to “We didbreed. our research,” run andcat her match: Baku, a 113-pound gen- tunities to runexplore. andand explore. her Baku, a 113-pound gen- tunities keep their bodies busy. said,match: “and we found exactly and brains energy: Herding, tle giant whose family could not what 2. Time 2. Time and tle whose family could not Some others areenergy: nappingHerding, profeswe giant wanted. I highly recommend hunting and othertime types of dogs— keep him in their small apartment.rescue sionals. The fordogs— trainsearching a small purebred and otherneeded types of keep him inout their apartment. hunting and several cat breeds—need to “Wegroup did our research,” ing, several attention, and outings you want a Destini specific type and catplay breeds—need to “Weifdid our research,” Destini their brains and bodies busy. said, “and we found exactly what keep can depending on breed of dog.” keepvary their brains and bodiestype. busy. said, “and we found exactly what Some others are Some napping profeswe wanted. I highlydown recommend 3. Coat: dog and cat Narrowing your options Some are profeswe wanted. I highly recommend breeds must be napping professionally can be but some online sionals. Theothers time needed for trainsearching outtough, a purebred rescue sionals. The time needed forand trainoutaprospective aspecific purebred rescue groomed toplay stayand healthy to tools can help pet paring, attention, outings group searching if you want type ing, attention, play and outings group if you want a specific type keep you happy. Almost all ents with their search for the can vary depending on breed type. dogs of dog.” and cats depending shed, so ask yourself how right pet and the right adoption can vary breed type. of dog.” 3. Coat: Some dog on and cat Narrowing down your options much hair you are ready handle. agency. The PetSmart Charities 3. Coat: Some dogtoand cat Narrowing down your options breeds must be professionally can be tough, but some online Most must pets available through Adoptable Pet Locator, found on breeds be professionally canhelp be tough, but pet some online groomed to stay healthy and to tools can prospective paradoption come spayed or neutered, its People Saving Pets website groomed to Almost stay healthy and to can you happy. alland dogs ents with their vaccinated, licensed often (tools w w w. p ehelp o psearch l eprospective s a v i nfor g p ethe tpet s . o rpargkeep ), keepshed, you so happy. all dogs ents with their search for the microchipped for yourself aAlmost very affordable search for local and cats ask how right allows pet andyou the to right adoption and so can ask yourself how right and right fee. You find a listing adoptable petsthe based onadoption criteria muchadoption haircats you shed, are ready to handle. agency. Thepet PetSmart Charities of local adoption using such as size, gender and Charities breed. much hair you areagencies ready toby handle. agency. The PetSmart Most pets available through Adoptable Pet Locator, found on zip code search on Many homeless petsfound end up Most pets available through Adoptable PetPets Locator, on your adoption come spayed ortoneutered, its People Saving website thatPeople way because their original adoption come spayed or neutered, its Saving Pets website ( w w w. p e o p l e s a v i n g p e t s . o r g ) , vaccinated, licensed and often and often ( wyou w w. p p l e s a v ifor n g plocal e t s . o r gmicrochipped ) , vaccinated, for a licensed very affordable allows toe osearch microchipped for find a very affordable allows you to search for local adoption fee. You can a listing adoptable pets based on criteria adoption fee.agencies You can by find a listing adoptable petsand based on criteria of local adoption using such as size, gender breed. localcode adoption suchhomeless as size, gender to agencies search by onusing Many pets and endbreed. up your ofzip your zip code to search on homeless pets end up that wayMany because their original that way because their original

(NAPSA)—Scott Carter, CEO of Save While Shopping For School Supplies And Clothes Goldline International, a leading (NAPS)—When it comes to saving Getting The Facts: New Survey Finds Americans May source of physical precious metals, supplies clothes,Their Digestive Tract On Track says you should treat gold as a long- money on school Need Help and Getting benefit from doing a littleto a term component of a larger invest- parents may (NAPSA)—According ment portfolio. For a free investor homework. recent survey by Braun Research, kit, call (800) 244-2850 or visit (NAPSA)-The Alliance for AffordAmericans are ways not well Studying up on to informed save about important role colon Services hasCarter, introduced a Career (NAPSA)—Scott CEO of (NAPSA)—In an effort to find can even putthe some moneyhealth. in the yourMore plays in digestive Education Grant Program to provide out about the health and safety of Goldline International, a Carter, leading (NAPSA)—Scott CEO of educational piggy bank. than half all Americans don’t Finds Americans May U.S. Marines, their families and TheofFacts: New Survey a one-time $1,000 grant metals, to members source of physical precious Goldline International, a leading Getting realize that Only the colon is things the center • Shop at home. buy the others, the Agency for Toxic Subtheir eligible dependents toward Getting The Facts: New Survey Finds Americans May saysand you should treat gold as a longNeed Help Getting source of physical precious metals, andWalk largest part of house theTheir digestive stances and Disease Registry you need. around your and Digestive Tract On Track enrollment and attendance at an acterm component of a larger investsays you should treat gold as a longsystem. In fact, 51 percent of Need Help Getting Their (NAPSA)—According to a (ATSDR) is conducting a health open some drawers; you incorrectly may have allcited Digestive Tract On Track credited trade technical school. ment portfolio. Forora free those surveyed term component of ainvestor larger invest-recent survey. survey by Braun Research,to a (NAPSA)—According the pencils and rulers you need. more information tofree join, visit Americans the stomach the most imporkit, For call (800) 244-2850 visit The public health agency is ment portfolio. Fororaor investor are not as well informed recent survey bydigestive Braun Research, tant of the system. www.Affordable or call • Make apart list and stick to the it. colon asking participants about when kit, call (800) 244-2850 or visit about the important role (NAPSA)—In anthey effort to or find Americans are not well informed Uncomfortable Upsets and where lived worked at (800) 733-2242. • Shop early. That way, you won’t plays in digestive health. More out about the health andBases safety of to find about the important the colon Additionally, therole survey re(NAPSA)—In an effort Marine Corps Camp Lebe tempted to make last-minute impulse than half ofin alldigestive Americans don’tMore Probiotics can help you feel betvealed that digestive roadblocks, U.S. Marines, their andsafety plays health. jeune or Camp Pendleton, as well out about thefamilies health and of *** realize that half the colon the center constipation, affectdon’t the buys. including others, the Agency forhistory Toxic families Sub-health. as their work and ter so that you can stay healthy than of allisAmericans U.S. Marines, their and way Americans their daily and• largest part of the digestive TheDisease Marine Corps fully supand have fun. Shop around. Look atlive weekly sales stancesothers, and Registry realize that the colon is the center the Agency forisToxic SubWhen used to treat eye wrinkles, the system. lives. Two-fifths (41 percent) of porting ATSDR in efforts and In fact, 51 percent of The U.S. Marine Corps urg es (ATSDR)stances is conducting a its health circulars. a few part stores. andVisit largest of the digestive and Disease Registry inside the body, which are availthose surveyed say they encourages anyone who receives the surveyed incorrectly cited have ever yone who g ets a public at-home PaloVia laser works by gen- those survey. (ATSDR) system. In fact, 51 percent of • Buy clothes during tax-free * * * able mainly through foods and is conducting a health experienced constipation at least survey to complete and return it. shortofpulses of microfine la- the stomach health agency survey about liv- eratingFans as the most imporaward-winning singer, The public health agency is those surveyed incorrectly cited dietary supplements. Probiotic once in the last year. Of those sufholidays. survey. “Taking part in the survey is light that reach deeply into skin’s ing or working at certain bases to ser songwriter of the digestive system. and guitarist Vincetant part asking participants about when fering from constipation, most say the stomach as the Ifmost impor- supplements, such as Phillips’ completely voluntary; The public health however, agency isI fill it out and send it in. • Uncomfortable Look for free shipping. you are sublayers, triggering production Gill have a chancethe to win a guitar Upsets Colon Health, replenish the beneit makes them feel uncomfortable and where they lived orATSDR’s worked atwork fully support on tant part of the digestive system. asking participants about when to the inU.S. the “guitar sling- shopping of autographed the building by blocks of smooth or shipping supplies off Additionally, thebut survey reficial bacteria the Bureau colon. of (96online percent), many report According Marine this Corps Bases Camp Leveys that are returned, the more important project and strongUncomfortable Upsets and where they lived or worked at er” himself. To enter, visit www. to college, Labor Statistics, college graduates with When taken daily withbeta meal, feeling sluggish percent), shipping costs (69 can addsurvey up. irrithat digestive roadblocks, scientifically useful the survey skin. To learn more, visit palovia. vealed encourage you to participate. jeune orly Camp Pendleton, as well Probiotics can help you feel Additionally, the For more Marine Corps Bases Le- results will be to the Marine Corps com. probiotics may help maintain tableconstipation, (68 percent), unhappy (61 a bachelor’s degree earned an average The more surveys thatCamp are filled including affect the • Consider saving on your everyday as their work history and health. ter so that you can stay healthy news about Gill, visit www.vince vealed that digestive roadblocks, jeune or returned, Camp Pendleton, well and the Department of the Navy. digestive balance, promote percent) orlive frustrated (61 perProbiotics can youschool feelregubetout and the supmoreaslikely way Americans their daily of $20,000 more thanhelp high purchases The Marine Corps is fully and have fun. including constipation, affect the larity and you helpcan defend cent).through According to the survey, as their workwill history and health. ter so that stay against healthy Each survey participant and the results be useful,” said * * * lives. Two-fifths (41 percent) of porting ATSDR in its efforts and The U.S. graduates in 2011. constipation, diarrhea, Upromise now allows you to their earn 5daily *** occasional more than 25 percent of AmeriMarine Corps urges way Americans live registered at the Camp LeGeneral James F. Amos, The Marine Corps is Commanfully sup- those and have fun. theand body, which are surveyed say they have For information on helpingthose cans encourages anyone who receives the gas bloating. Colon even avoid intimacy due inside to members canPhillips’ useavailtheir who gets Drinking a public Water Microsoft percentlives. or more cash back on percent) eligible jeune Historic dant of the Marine Two-fifths (41 of Upromise porting ATSDR in Corps. its effortseveryone and The created Brandify, a tool to your business prepare for and * * * U.S. Marine Corps urges able mainly through foods and experienced constipation at least Health is the only leading probic o n s t i p a t i o n . W h a t ’s m o r e , a survey to complete and return it. web page will get a summary of The survey asks participants health agency survey about livearnings in one of four ways: transfer inside the body, which are availthose surveyed say they have online purchases. Use the new Upromise Fans of award-winning singer, encourages anyone who receives the withstand the impacts of disaster, everyone who gets a public simplify the process of evaluating, once in Probiotic the last year. Of those suf- dietary oticsupplements. containing three of the most reported two in five sufferers “Taking part the survey is ingofor working the finalat report. about theindates and locations certain bases to * * * Vince able mainly through foods and experienced constipation at least the funds into 529 college savings visit www.MicrosoftBusinessHub. songwriter and guitarist Mastercard® and don’t you can earn 10 survey to complete and return building and monitoring the online studied strains of bacteria. It can: sometimes get a full night’s supplements, such as Phillips’ fering from constipation, most say health agency survey about livFor more information about the when and where they lived and completely voluntary; however, I it. Fans of award-winning singer, fill is it out and send it in. com, where you’ll “Disasters dietary supplements. Probiotic once in20the last year. Of those sufGill presence have a chance tobusinesses. winfind a guitar plans, pay down an eligible Sallie Mae– “Taking part in the survey •Support nutrient absorption sleep, percent cancel plans and percent or more cash back on eligible of small SmallColon Health, replenish the beneHealth Survey, visit ATSDR’s webit makes them feel uncomfortable worked aboard Camp Lejeune and ing or working at certain bases to fully support ATSDR’s work on songwriter and guitarist Vince happen. your business ready?” such aasdeposit Phillips’ fering from constipation, most say autographed byIsthe “guitar slingand lactose digestion; 15 percent stay home from work, completely voluntary; however, serviced student make siteare Camp Pendleton, well as veys theirI that business owners can log on for free online purchases through Upromise. ficial supplements, bacteria inloan, the colon. percent), but many report fill it at out and sendthe it in. returned, more this important project andas strongGill have a e-guide chance tofor win a guitar —a handy small and(96 •Help defend against allmakes due to them constipation. Colon Health, replenish the occabenefeel uncomfortable er” himself. To enter, visit www. lejeune/health_survey.html or call work history and health. work on fully support ATSDR’s to register, receive athe status scoreslingon feeling into an FDIC-insured Sallie Mae HighWhen taken daily with a meal, sluggish (69 you percent), irriTheitMaintaining cash back earn goes medium-sized businesses. scientifically useful the survey ly encourage you to participate. autographed by “guitar sional constipation, diarrhea and Digestive Health (800) 232-4636. It’s important that each person ficial bacteria in themaintain colon. (96 percent), but many(61 report For more veysbethat areMarine returned, the more this important project and stronghow the business’ online presence probiotics may help table (68 percent), unhappy Yield Savings Account offered through results will to the Corps The more surveys that are filled directly into your Upromise account. er” himself. To enter, visit www. gas; A key to digestive health is To registeruseful with the thesurvey U.S. who receives you the to health survey When takenpromote daily with a meal, feeling sluggish (69 (61 percent), irrinews about visit www.vince scientifically encourage participate. fares, andGill, identify their strengths digestive balance, reguor frustrated and Department the Navy. out and ly returned, the returns more likely •Support overall digestive maintaining balance in the Sallie Mae Bank, or may request a check. Savingtable money forpercent), college canunhappy payperoff,colon, For and morepercent) CorpsofCamp Lejeune Hiscompletes and it using thethe Marine probiotics help maintain (68 (61 results will be to the Marine Corps The more surveys that are filled larity and help defend against cent). According to the survey, weaknesses. health and immunity. and probiotics may help. ProbiEachtoric survey participant and the results will be useful,”insaid Drinking Water web page and envelope provided the survey You can learnbalance, more or join for free news about Gill, visit www.vince as having a college degree is becoming digestive promote percent) or frustrated (61 perand the Department of the andF. returned, the likely *** Forconstipation, more information, visit live microorganisms, occasional diarrhea,regumore otics than are 25 percent of Ameriget up-to-date visit packet, regardless of hismore or her cur- registered those at theinformation, Camp Le-Navy. General out James Amos, at more and more valuable. For information on helping larity and help defend against cent). According to the survey, similar to the good bacteria found Each survey participant the results will beThe useful,” said cans even avoid intimacy due to gas and bloating. Phillips’ Colon rent healthCorps. status. morejeune sur- Historic *** Drinking Water and dant of the Marine

Health Survey To Measure Water Safety

Health Survey To Measure Water Safety Health Survey To Measure Water Safety


your business prepare * * * for and occasional constipation, diarrhea, more thanWhat’s 25 percent of Amerithose at the Camp LeGeneralasks James F. Amos, Commanis the only leading probimore, a Health web page willregistered get a summary of The survey participants on helpingconstipation. withstandFor the information impacts of disaster, gas and bloating. Phillips’ Colon cans even avoid intimacy due to jeune Historic Drinking Water dant of the Marine Corps. otic containing three of the most reported two in five sufferers about the dates and locations of the final report. your business prepare for and visit www.MicrosoftBusinessHub. is of thebacteria. only leading constipation. more,studied a Health web page will getabout a summary of survey strains It can:probisometimes don’t get aWhat’s full night’s For more information the when and The where they asks livedparticipants and withstand the impacts of disaster, com, where you’ll find “Disasters otic containing three of the most in plans five sufferers •Support nutrient absorption sleep, reported 20 percenttwo cancel and the finalvisit report. about the dates and locations of Survey, ATSDR’s webworked aboard Camp Lejeune and Health

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8 September 2012 Tell them you saw it in…The Money Saver News The Next Perfect Storm—And How To Profit From It (NAPSA)—When it comes to making money, timing is vital. For example, in 1981, the average annual return on a 90-day bank CD was 16 percent. From 1995 to 1999, the S&P 500 had a minimum annual rate of return of 21 percent. For most of the 2000s, (NAPS)—More automobile real estate an the investment batteries failas in heat thansaw in an annual return of over 9 percent. the extreme cold, and hot-weather For those who had caught the conditions can cause on a right timing, theremore wasstress growth and prosperity in the related battery than frigid temperatures. With industries banking, real estate temperaturesof at their annual highs, and stock trading. motoristsThe can protect and care for that Next Boom partFor of those the vehicle a driver depends wondering what the on most everywill, a new book next boom mayBattery have the answers.under the hood temperatures Author and visionary of an automobile can reach entrepre175 to 200 neur Patrick Bet-David (“Doing degrees in extreme conditions, affecting the Impossible: The 25 Laws for the corrosion factor within the battery. Doing the Impossible”) explains The extreme heat cancurrent make the acid how five different conditions to create the and thehave fluidcombined inside the battery expand, next for leaking, an induswhich“perfect can causestorm” it to start and try that has been ignored for that leads to battery failure in the long almost four decades. run.“The It’s important motorists purpose for of this booktoistake to show that there is an industry the necessary precaution of getting their currently experiencing vehicle battery checked ona a‘perfect regular storm’ that is full of opportunity,” basis, especially before taking off on said Bet-David. “Readers of this family will trips. be challenged with a book engineering newAsway of looking and at lifetechnical insurance, is a product and serviceswhich manager for Interstate industry they probably Batteries for more than 25 never years, thought too much about before.” Gale Kimbrough is the hot-weather The five conditions presented expert helpful guidelines in “Thewith Nextsome Perfect Storm” make a argument to compelling follow when caring for for why the the currentbattery: decade will be an era automobile of prosperity the life insurance 1. Wear for protective eyewear, industry. Pent-up demand, shifts remove all jewelry and wear long in demographics and evolving sleeves to protect from abybattery societal needs areskin explored BetDavid in a compelling, straightacid explosion. forward approach. 2. Inspect the battery case for “In the past few decades, the signs of extreme bulging, cracking or number of insured Americans has leaking.toIfall-time signs arelows, present, time fallen but it’s people to replace the case. are waking up to the fact that


Eight Hot Tips For Battery Care

3. Clean the connections by removing any corrosion, lead oxidation, paint or rust from the top of the battery with a scouring pad or brass brush. Make sure to brush the corrosion away from the body. 4. If the battery has removable

Protect Your Smartphone Smartphone From From Everyday Everyday Life Life Protect Your

(NAPSA)—Staying connected to the world through your smart- to (NAPS)—Staying connected (NAPSA)—Staying connected to phone is becoming an imperative the world through your smartphone the world through your today. That means having the smartfreeis becoming an imperative today. phone is becoming an imperative dom to take your device to the Thatuse means having the freedom to beach, it inmeans the kitchen, out today. That having the in freethedom rain, your bike or with thethe take your device to device the beach, use toontake your to kids. are in now it inNew the products kitchen, out theavailrain, beach, it in kitchen, out on in able that use make it the possible for you yourrain, bikesmartphone withbike the kids. New onoryour the to the use your inor allwith your products now are available that daily activities. kids. New are products now availThe Technology makethat it possible for you for to you use able make it possible Smartphones are rapidly to usesmartphone your smartphone all daily your your in all in your replacing single-function devices daily activities. such as activities. MP3 players, DVD play- When you’re on the go, your The Technology ers, Netbook GPS units, smartphone can be your conThePCs, Technology devices and video camSmartphones are A new book shows how the life gaming Smartphones are rapidly rapidly stant companion. Meanwhile, software develinsurance industr y can offer eras. replacing single-function devices replacing single-function devices This LifeProof iPhone 4/4S case opers have created thousands of timely opportunities. such players, DVD play- provides When you’re on the go, your such asasMP3 MP3 players, DVD complete protection applications that replace even ers, Netbook PCs, GPS units, shock, and devices. Netbook they must take care of themselves more smartphone can be dirt your condesignwater, while maintaining access to players, PCs, GPS against and has a sleek low profile The Challenge and those they love,” said Betgaming devices and video cam- snow stant companion. all device functions. units, gaming devices and video WhatMeanwhile, that means,software however,develis that barely increases the size of David. “This book shows that for eras. This phone. LifeProof iPhone 4/4S cameras. Meanwhile, software So you can use you will want to be able to use your mobile those who decipher the signs, that This LifeProof iPhone 4/4S case opers have created thousands of filler caps, open the caps and check phone as a GPS system on a these greathave functions and apps thecase there will be business and invest- all developers provides complete protection created thousands complete protection applications thatrestriction. replace even provides the water level in eachin cell. or a water, boat or an HD video day without ment opportunities this field every against shock, dirt and snow of applications that replace even bike against shock, dirt and more devices. on water, a snowmobile. Swim it is hiking, working out camera that5. will produce success Make sure amazing the plates are atWhether and has a sleek low profile that more devices. laps in the pool, bike through in the gym or playing with the stories. snow and has a sleek low profile The Challenge least half covered. This prevents barely increases the size of your The Challenge rugged terrain, drive cross-counyou want to be able to listen “A decade or more from now, we kids, What that means, however, is that barely increases the size of sulfation and reduces the possibility on a motorcycle, havbrowse the Internet and is trymobile will be looking back in amazement to music, phone. Soall you cancan useuse the thatwant means, mobile phone. Sowhile you thatWhat you will to behowever, able to use ingyour of those an internal battery explosion. full access to system every smartwith family, friends at individuals who were communicate phone as a GPS on a bike that you will want to be able to the function. phone asIt’s a GPS system on a allwork. theseHowever, great functions and apps phone the the water level istolow, addand especially easy these devices able6. to If have foresight catch or asuch boat or an HD video camera use these great functions bike or aLifeProof boat or an HD video day without restriction. in Motion be all very susceptible to damageand with this wave,” he (avoid continued. “Butuntil as canevery distilled water tap water) on a snowmobile. in apps every withoutworking restriction. bikeSwim and laps bar impacts, water,out accessories with the booms before, most peo- from camera on as a snowmobile. Swim Whether it day isabrasions, hiking, the plates are covered. mounts, athe belt clip, an through armdust, sand, work working hazards, ple will miss out on this one. I sin- snow, the pool, bike through rugged Whether it is hiking, out laps in pool, bike in the gym or playing with the 7. Avoid overfilling, especially cerely hope this book will help mishandling and general use in band/swimband and an adapter drive drive cross-country on in theyou gym or playing with the terrain, terrain, cross-counkids, in hotpeople weather, the heat caneveryday GoPro mounts. life.want to be able to listen forrugged many at because a time when there a motorcycle, all all while kids, youAn want tothe be able to listen on a Learn motorcycle, whilehaving havto music, browse Internet and try solution to expand More Answer iscause verythe real need inside for solid ecoAdventurers, fitIn music, response, a with newthe breed of friends caseand ing nomic opportunities.” access to warriors, every smartcommunicate family, full full access toroad every smartphone to browse Internet and overflow. enthusiasts orespecially anyone who recently emerged that “The Nextthe Perfect from has phone function. especially easy and work. However, theseoffers devices function. 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(NAPSA)—1-800-Registry is the only major honeymoon registry service offering free, full-service travel planning. The company will even contribute $200 to get the honeymoon fund started. Create or view a honeymoon registry or learn more at *** School buses are designed to be safer than other passenger vehicles in avoiding crashes and preventing injury. For the past 10 years, IC Bus has manufactured and designed vehicles with student safety as the primary goal. For more information, visit or www.face *** Studies have shown that contact lenses can provide benefits beyond correcting vision. Many

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eye care professionals recommend daily disposable contact lenses, like 1-Day Acuvue Moist Brand Contact Lenses, as the healthiest option for children. *** According to the experts at the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), it’s a good idea to hire a professional to service your heating and cooling system. Learn more at or call (703) 524-8800. *** Two dozen patient groups and hundreds of experts have urged Congress to stop the Medicare bidding program and find other ways to save money. More about this issue and home care in general is at the American Association for Homecare site:

(NAPS)—The warmer months are a great time to pick up new healthy habits. With longer days and a rainbow of fruits and vegetables in season, it’s easier to fit in physical activity and savor colorful, healthy meals with family and friends. To help make these habits last a lifetime, the Weight-control Information Network (WIN), a national information service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, offers these ideas: Healthy Eating • Boost the flavor and nutrition of your meals with dryhumans herbs. 100,000,000 to one. Insects outnumber • Shop for food with your family. Get their help with fixing a meal. Remind them that it is important for your refrigerator or in a helpful place everyone to eat healthy foods. as a reminder, or in a community center • Start a small garden in your yard where you work or volunteer. or in a community garden. For more information, call WIN Physical Activity at 1-877-946-4627 or visit www. • Choose water workouts and make Read WIN’s free a splash as you get fit and strong. publications “Being Healthy Is a • Plan a weekend hike through a Big Deal” at park, a family softball game, or an gov/publications/PDFs/Big_Deal_ evening walk around the neighborhood. flyer_508.pdf and “Don’t Take a These tips and more are in the Vacation From Your Healthy Habits flyers “Being Healthy Is a Big Deal” This Summer” at and “Don’t Take a humans Vacation 100,000,000 From gov/publications/PDFs/Vacation_flyer_ Insects outnumber to one. Your Healthy Habits This Summer.” 508.pdf. Like WIN on Facebook at Contact WIN for your copy to put on Henry Dunster was named president of Harvard College in 1640. He taught all the courses himself.

A Plan For Managing A Plan For Diabetes AndManaging Weight

Diabetes And Weight

(NAPSA)—There’s good news for those with diabetes. Many feel good news they (NAPSA)—There’s must choose between mainfor those with diabetes. Many feel taining a healthy weight and managing their glucose levels. A they must choose between mainnew book says that it’s possible taining a healthy weight to and do both. managing their glucose levels. Registered Dietitian and Certi- A newDiabetes book says that it’s possible fied Educator Jill to Weisenberger has created a handdo both. book Registered with a one-year planand to help Dietitian Certipeople with diabetes reach their fied Diabetes Educator Jill weight-loss goals.

Weisenberger has created a handbook with a one-year plan to help people with diabetes reach their weight-loss goals.

Author Jill Weisenberger says it’s possible for those with diabetes to control their glucose levels and lose weight. The book, “Diabetes Weight Loss—Week by Week: A Safe, Effective Method for Losing Weight and Improving Your Health,” is published by the AmerAuthor Jill Weisenberger says it’s ican Diabetes Association. It dispossible for keeping those with diabetes cusses calories, a food log, to control their glucose levels understanding carbs, introducing physical activity, and understandand lose weight. ing what limitations you may have due certain medications. Thetobook, “Diabetes Weight In addition to work sheets and Loss—Week by Week: Safe, action steps, the book alsoAconEffective Method Losing tains tips on how to haltfor negative self-talk, nibbles Weighttame andnighttime Improving Your and conqueriscravings. Health,” published by the AmerTo learn more or to order, call ican Diabetes Association. It dis(800) 232-6455 or visit www.dia cusses calories, keeping a food log,

understanding carbs, introducing physical activity, and understanding what limitations you may have due to certain medications. In addition to work sheets and action steps, the book also contains tips on how to halt negative (NAPSA)—Getting a great nibbles deal self-talk, tame nighttime should not be the deciding factor and conquer cravings. for any surgical procedure. A conTo learn more or to order, call sultation with a refractive surgeon (800)LASIK 232-6455 or visit www.dia before surgery should be balanced, detailed and personal-

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ized to you and your vision. Learn more at www.americanrefractive

(NAPSA)—Getting a great deal should not be the deciding factor for any surgical procedure. A consultation with * *a*refractive surgeon The Weight-control before LASIK surgeryInformashould be tion Network,detailed a national balanced, andinformapersonaltion service of the National Instiized to you and your vision. and Learn tute of Diabetes and Digestive more at www.americanrefractive Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, encourages you to get on the road to healthier living. For more information, call 1-877-946-4627 or visit


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Tell them you saw it in‌The Money Saver News

September 2012 9

Plan YourorNext With expiration Confidence Agave Carrot Muffins the original flavor when sweetening your passport’s date at beach lakeFamily regionReunion while Vacation Makes 30 muffins beverages or in recipes. It can be (NAPSA)—Family reunion families with a larger budget least one month before traveling in used in hot beverages such as coffee vacations can unforgetcase it’syour timeMoney for it to be renewed. searching forprovide adventure might fly Save 10 September 2012 News with Us! memories and unique oppor1 cup Domino Organic Tell them you saw it in…The Money Savertable and teas and dissolves easily in cold Streamline packing—Coordito Europe. Planning around As Easy As 1-2-3 tunities to grow closer to Reunion loved Amber Agave Nectar drinks such as lemonades and Plan Your Next Family Vacation With Confidence prominent such as food nate with family members to ones. For the events, planners of these (NAPSA)—Whether you are Sweet Givenectar Your Agave 4 largeGoods eggs smoothies.Idea: Light agave is Baked and wine festivals, is also becom- lighten the load of packing by (NAPSA)—Family reunion events, however, they can also taking care of your skin or hair, it 1 cup canola oil best used for baking desserts that (NAPSA)—Here’s food for vacations can provide assigning items like toiletries and ing an increasingly present a challenge whenunforgetit popular comes can be as easy as 1-2-3—if you folthought: agave cactus can 3 cups shredded fresh are lightThe in color such as vanilla table memories and unique needs. opporto balancing the family’s staple food items ahead of your trend. low a three-step beauty regimen. supply a delicious natural liqAs Aspopular 1-2-3aptunities grow closer to loved carrots cake, muffins andand cheesecake. When it’stotime for“must-haves” your next trip, This Easy increasingly Determine and trip. Creating a master schedule uid sweetener. The nectar ofYour the a Baked ones. For the planners of these consider these expert tips (NAPSA)—Whether yourouare Sweet Give Goods Agave 21⁄4 cups whole-wheat flour Amber Idea: agave nectar has proach can simplify beauty of meals is also very helpful for “nice-to-haves”—Work from your succulent plant is not only tasty, it events, however, they can also designed to guide the coordination taking care your skin or clutter hair, it tines and cutofdown on the 1 tsp. baking soda slightly and (NAPSA)—Here’s food for knowingtravel who isaround making awhat list ofa“must-haves” first, then addPlanning has a low thicker glycemicconsistency index, which des-and present challenge when it comes process and even make it as can be as easy as 1-2-3—if you folin your bathroom. Focusing on a 1 tsp. baking powder adds a slight caramel flavor to thought: Theenergy agave cactus can can help keep levels balwhen. prominent events is much as your budgettination’s to amenities balancing the family’s needs. stress-free asas the vacation itself: low effective a three-step beauty that regimen. few products work supply a addition, delicious and natural 2 tsp. cinnamon foods.InIt’s good onagave pancakes, oatanced. nectar liqis an increasingly When it’s time your Have fun—All planning aside, will allow. Ocean viewsnext andtrip, accessbecoming Choose a for destination— This increasingly popular aptogether can also help reduce 1 uid Thecontains nectarflavor of no the gluten-free and trend to inenjoy family ⁄2 tsp. salt mealsweetener. or cereal. The richer of consider these expert tipsbutpopular Determine the destination based proach canbalance simplifyyour beauty roudon’t forget thisreunion time with come with a bigger price tag costs and beauty succulent plant is not only tasty, it known vacations. designed to guide the coordination amberallergens. agave nectar makes it paron how far you are willing to tines and cut down on the clutter budget. your family and capture the spearen’t necessarily as critical to your has a low glycemic index, which travel around a desMany stores nowinstock agave process it as Planning Prepare for travel abroad— travel andand the even types make of activities in Ayour Focusing Preheat oven to 350° F. Preticularly delicious baked goods few bathroom. popular brands offer on thisa cial moments. Bring your camera, vacation as accessibility for family can help keep energy levels bal- Marvelous tination’s prominent events is nectar in two flavors: light agave stress-free as the vacation itself: and attractions you are inte- Remember to notify credit card few effective products that Infuwork process, including pare threemuffins 12-cup made muffinwith pans three-step with aand darker coloragave such as brownanced. In addition, agave nectar is sweet an videotapeexchange your increasingly trip, planand a fun members who may have troublebecoming nectar amber nectar Choose a destination— agave nectar can be good companies, money rested in. Families with smaller together can also help reduce sium 23, Clinique and Mally with liners. In a large bowl, ies, chocolate cake and offers cookies. gluten-free and contains no trend in family reunion (dark). Light agave nectar a and family portrait and make an climbinglooking stairs. Determine the destination based popular good for you. come prepared with an emergency budgets for relaxation costs and balance your beauty known allergens. It’s also good for BBQ sauces and combine agave, eggs and oil; Beauty. pure sweetness that doesn’t alter on how far you are to willing to vacations. contact Be sure to also can take a road trip alodging— nearby onlinelist. album to share thecheck memoSelect a type of budget. Many stores now stock agave Agave Muffins the original flavor when sweetening beat well.Carrot Stir in carrots. In salad dressings. Prepare for travel abroad— travel and the types of activities passport’s expiration date at beach orthe lake region while onyour A few popular brands offer this ries when you get home. Select lodging type based nectar in or two light agave Makes 30 muffins beverages in flavors: recipes. It can be Marvelous muffins made with to notify credit card and attractions you are inte- Remember least one before traveling in separate bowl, combine families with a makeup. larger budget dry Since Domino Organic Agave three-step process, including InfuFor month a chance to make your next your family Rentalcompanies, nectar and amber such agave used in hot beverages as nectar coffee sweet agave nectar canin bebatter. good and rested in. for Families withmight smaller for it to bemoney renewed. searching adventure fly case it’s timeexchange A three-step hair careand routine can sium 23, Clinique Mally ingredients. Blend Nectar is a liquid, it will incorpotrip an “Ultimate Family Rehomes such as those on Wyndham (dark). Light agave nectar offers a 1 cup Domino and teas and dissolves easily in cold and good for you.Organic come prepared with an emergency budgets looking for relaxation Streamline packing—Coordito Europe. Planning around (NAPSA)—While most grillers Beauty. maximize results. Pour intoAgave prepared pans. Fill rate easily favorite desserts. pure sweetness that doesn’t alter union” orBe to sure win one of 101 vacaAmber Nectar suit larger reunions drinks such into as lemonades and list. to also check can take a road tripsuch to a as nearby nate with family members to prominent events, food contact are armed with tongs and a spatonly halfway to ensure When using recipes call isfor cups Agave Carrot Muffins the original flavor whenthat sweetening 4 large eggs smoothies. Light agave nectar passport’s expiration at beach lake region while tions courtesy ofofWyndham Vacawell, especially ones chil-your lighten theare load packing by wineor festivals, is alsowith becomula, many looking todate up their Such routines may be growing and Makes 30 beverages in recipes. It can be proper baking. Bake 22–25 granulated sugar, remember: 1 cup canola oilmuffins best used foror baking desserts that least one month traveling in families with aoffer larger budget game by experimenting with accesassigning items before like toiletries and ing an as increasingly popular tion Rentals, visit www.Wyndham dren, they space for play, in popularity because they elimiused hot as coffee 3 cups shredded are light in beverages color agave suchsuch as vanilla it’s food time for itto toahead be renewed. searching for adventure might fly case until thefresh center of the • 2⁄in 3 cup light nectar = 1 minutes sories designed add more versastaple items of your The grand washer/dryer access, and kitchens nate confusion in an already hec- trend. 1carrots cup Domino Organic and muffins teas andand dissolves easily in cold cake, cheesecake. Streamline to Determine Europe. Planning around tility toincludes the grill, suchschedule as stay pizza Creating apacking—Coordimaster “must-haves” and oftrip. muffin springs back when cup granulated sugar; reduce 1 prize a one-week for to help cut down on the cost Amber Agave Nectar drinks as1 lemonades tic schedule. With easy steps and 2 ⁄4 cups whole-wheat flour Ambersuch agave nectar hasand a 1 nate with family members to prominent events, such as food stones, fish baskets and rib racks. of meals is also very helpful for “nice-to-haves”—Work from your Green Your Vehicle Routine lightly touched. other liquids by consistency ⁄4 agave to ⁄3 cup 4tsp. large eggs soda smoothies. Light nectar is 10 family members, worth food—some even come with hotel1 baking slightly thicker and instructions, there’s no room for lighten the load of packing by and wine festivals, is also becomThe who new isWeber makingGrillWatch what and an list of “must-haves” first, then add knowing 2 ⁄3 cup amber agave nectarthat = 1 11tsp. (NAPSA)—For more “green” in cupbaking canola powder oil best• aused for baking desserts adds slight caramel flavor to estimated value $28,000.andare likeanamenities. items like ing increasingly popular Survey shows thatoftoiletries Americans error. when. amenities as much as your budget assigning cups shredded fresh are insugar; color such asother vanilla Free Recipes And Advice your wallet as well as a greener cup light brown liq- 23tsp. cinnamon foods. It’s good on reduce pancakes, oatfood itemsthan ahead your a trend. spending more fiveofhours Have fun—All planning aside, allow. Ocean views and access staple Also, following three simple will 1 1 carrots cake, muffins ⁄2 tsp. salt meal cereal. Thecheesecake. richer flavor of You can discover useful bakingenvironment, save money and uidsorby ⁄4 cup.and Creating a master schedule Determine “must-haves” week grilling. As are don’t forget to enjoy thispeople time with come with a bigger price tag and but trip. 1 steps can deliver results, whether energy with basic vehicle mainte2 ⁄4 cups flourusing Amber agave a amber agave nectar makes ithas parmeals is also very helpful for “nice-to-haves”—Work from your of tips pluswhole-wheat delicious recipes One tasty way tonectar try agave necgrilling more frequently, asspewell your family and capture the aren’t necessarily as critical to Here are five ways you manageable hair, a can glowing list of “must-haves” first, then add knowing 1 tsp. baking slightly delicious thicker consistency and Preheat oven soda to 350° F. Pre-’s ticularly in baked goods who isBring making what andfor as moments. year-round, the demand your camera, vacation as accessibility for family cial agave nectar at www.domino tar can be in caramel these wholesome 1 tsp. baking powder adds a slight three 12-cup muffin pans do so:complexion or groomed brows. with a darker color such asflavor brown-to pare when. amenities as much as your budget accessories has skyrocketed. videotape your trip, plan a fun members who may have trouble muffins: 1. Drive Green—Recognize 2 tsp. cinnamon foods. It’s good on pancakes, oat- with liners. In a large bowl, ies, chocolate cake and cookies. For example, it’s easy to restore climbing Have fun—All aside, will allow. Ocean views and access family Hereportrait are a fewplanning of themake accessories and an stairs. 1 that how you drive has a lot to do ⁄ 2 tsp. salt meal or cereal. The richer flavor of It’s also good for BBQ sauces and combine agave, eggs and oil; forget to this time with with aa type biggerof price tag but don’t designed to enjoy bring your grilling and repair damaged hair by using come online album to share the memoSelect lodging— with fuel economy. Avoid sudden amber agave nectar makes it par- beat well. Stir in carrots. In BasicSelect vehicle helps salad dressings. family and the spearen’t necessarily as type critical to your game to ayou whole new level. ries when getcapture home. themaintenance lodging based on your The affordand stops23. and go simple, the speed Preheat oven combine to 350° F. dry Pre- startsInfusium ticularly deliciousOrganic in baked goods separate protect the environment and for your bowl, Since Domino Agave moments. Bring your camera, vacation as accessibility family cial Must-Have rilling Accessories: For a chance to make your next your family makeup. Rental able hair system is designed Jerky andcare aggressive driving pare three 12-cup pans limit. with ais darker coloritsuch brown- ingredients. A three-step hair care routine can own economy. Blendmuffin in batter. Nectar a liquid, will as incorpoConsider yourstarter: trip, Family plan a fun members who may have trouble videotape tripChimney an “Ultimate Re- a homes such as those on Wyndham decreases your miles per gallon to revive hair strands and protect with liners. In a large bowl, ies, chocolate cake and cookies. maximize results. rate easily into favorite desserts. Pour into prepared pans. Fill five-quart like portrait andofstarter, make an climbing stairs. union” or to chimney win one 101 suit larger reunions family 5. Gas Caps and Fill-up— and increases wear and tear on combine eggs oil; It’s also goodrecipes for BBQ sauces and cups hair from futuremay damage. only agave, halfway to and ensure When using that call for Weber’s Rapidfire Chimney Starter, album toofshare the memoSelect a typeones of lodging— tions courtesy Wyndham Vacawell, especially with chil- online This Such routines be growing Check your vehicle’s gas cap. your vehicle. Minimize unnecesbeat well. Stir in carrots. In salad dressings. proper baking. Bake 22–25 granulated sugar, remember: that holds approximately 80 to 100 rib r when you get home. Selectasthe lodging type based on ries Infusium 23 cleanses contion Rentals, visit www.Wyndham dren, they offer space for play, popularity because they and elimiApproximately 17 percent of vehiby combining errands. 2 separate bowl, dry saryinmiles Organic until the combine center of the •Since ⁄3 cup Domino light agave nectarAgave = 1 minutes charcoal briquettes. Chimney For a chance to makeThe your next your familyaccess, makeup. Rental grand washer/dryer andfall, kitchens ditions offers leave-incan treatwhol nate confusion incare anaalready heccles on the (NAPSA)—Come road have loose, dam2. Get a plus Tune-up—Regular students starters A three-step hair routine ingredients. Blend in batter. Nectar is a liquid, it will reduce incorpo- muffin springs back when cup granulated sugar; eliminate the need use “Ultimate Family Rehomes such as thoseononthe Wyndham prize an includes a one-week stayto for to help cutgas down cost of trip ticment schedule. With easy steps and to protect and treat hair aged or missing caps, causing tune-ups and maintenance and 1 favorite 1 maximize results. Pour into prepared pans. Fill rate easily into desserts. everywhere want to start the new lightly touched. other liquids by ⁄4 to ⁄3 cup new lighter which union” orfluid, tomembers, win oneisofcostly. 101 vacaRentals.comeven suit come largerwith reunions 10 family worth an food—some instructions, there’s gallons of the gas right tohotelclean airthe filters willroom helpfor 147 million throughout day. no cups only halfway to ensure having When using recipes call= for • 2⁄3 cup amber agavethat nectar 1 school year offones on foot…tions Long-handled tongs: VacaTo pre- Guid courtesy well, especially with chilestimated valueofofWyndham $28,000. like amenities. Such routines mayburn be growing error. vaporize every year. Topping off your car pollute less and less All of the regimens deliver dren, proper baking. Bake 22–25 granulated sugar,reduce remember: Free Recipes And Advice cup brown sugar; other liqvent your hands from getting too Ever Rentals, visit www.Wyndham asthat theymeans offer space fortheir play,best.tion and looking in Also, popularity because theysimple elimi-your gas three 2 tank when filling up your a following proper tune-up, you the useful centerbaking of the gas. With light agave nectar = 1 minutes You canuntil discover uids•by⁄3 1cup ⁄4 cup. beautiful, healthy-looking hair washer/dryer close to the fire, a pair tongs, www The of grand access, and kitchens nate confusion in an already hecWhile kids seek out the hottest steps can deliver results, whether save 4 percent on the cost of car can also release harmful muffin springs recipes back when cup reduce plus delicious using can tic Onegranulated tasty way to sugar; try agave nec- tips P such as Stainless Steel Chef ’s prize includes a one-week stay to help cut down on the cost of and using the foolproof three-step schedule. With easy steps and it’s hair, glowing vapors into 1 trends in clothing, shoes and Tongs, which measure more for the environment. andmanageable up to 40 percent byareplaclightlynectar touched. other ⁄4 to 1⁄3wholesome cup agave at www.domino gas instructions, tar canliquids be inby these than pizza food—some even come with hotel- 10 family members, worth an there’s no room for system maximizes results and complexion or groomed brows. 2 “Vehicle owners who do their ing a faulty oxygen sensor. Simply accessories, parents hunt for the • ⁄3 cup amber agave nectar = 1 muffins: 12 inches from to tip, are a burn estimated value of end $28,000. like amenities.should rememerror. For example, to restore saves time. changing the car’sit’s aireasy filter can own maintenance Recipes And Advice cup brown sugar; reduce other liqbest deals. The good news is that must for the griller’s toolbox. mad Rattlesnakes gather in groups to sleep Free through the winter. Sometimes improve Also, following three simple and repair damaged hair by using 1 ber to recycle or properly dispose efficiency by 10 percent. You can discover useful baking uids by ⁄4 cup. Meat thermometer: Take the Gour there is a way for both parents steps can deliver results, whether up One to 1,000 of them coil up together to keep warm. Infusium The simple, afford3. Lighten23. the Load—Get the of fluids and other vehicle compotasty way to try agave nec- tips plus delicious recipes using and kids used to getmotor what oil, they want guesswork out of grilling with a Ston it’s hair, a designed glowing able hair care system outmanageable of the trunk and is the stuff nents, including tar can be in these wholesome agave nectar at www.domino junk digital thermometer to ensure mak complexion or groomed brows. out of back-to-school shopping. to revive hair strands and protect tires and batteries,” advises Rich out of your car, with the exception muffins: your meat is cooked properly. The thing (NAPS)—If you ever feel you’re example, it’s easy restoreWhite, hairFor from future damage. executive director, Car of emergency items such as atospare At off-price retailers like Mar- Digital Pocket Thermometer F getting enough sleep, you’re not repair hair by using School-Time Infusium cleanses con- Care not Council. tire,and flares and damaged a23 first-aid kit. and Extra shalls and T.J.Maxx, kids will find comesCool with a clip to attach easily fish Infusium 23. The simple, affordCar Care Council is the items weigh theoffers ditions plus a leave-in treat- The vehicle down and alone—but you can befall, helped. (NAPSA)—Come students the most sought-after trends and to your pocket. With able careinsystem is designed ofAccording information the “Be cause an hair increase gas usage. ment to protect and treat hair source everywhere to for the Centers forlove Take Your Grilling Game up a want toparents start the new that designers, and will toTire revive hair and protect Aware” consumer educa4. Checks—According to Car Care throughout thestrands day. school year off and on the right foot… the g Notch with These Accessories: Disease Prevention, 30 that Control they’re all up 60 percent hair from future damage. promoting thetotheir benthe Car Care around deliver 2 bil- tion campaign All of Council, the regimens and that looking best. St Rib and roast holder: Save School-Time Cool percent ofmeans Americans consistently Infusium 23 acleanses andbe con-efits of regular vehicle care, mainlionbeautiful, gallons of healthy-looking gas year could off department and mall store hair While kids seek out the hottest space on your grill with a dual- are ditions plus offers a leave-in treatand to consumers. saved the tires on every three-step Ameri- tenance get six repair orinCheck fewer hours of students sleepand a andifusing the foolproof (NAPSA)—Tax preparation soluprices. outfall, the style guide (NAPSA)—Come trends clothing, shoes design rib and roast holder. The ment tomaximizes protect and treat hair information about envican’s car were properly inflated. system results and More everywhere want to start the new night, while experts note tions help navigate credits and below forhealth back-to-school cool: accessories, parents hunt forthat the Weber’s Original Rib and Roast fish throughout the day. forremodeling awareness is included Optimal tire pressure your ronmental (NAPSA)—Kitchen saves time. school year off on the right foot… best deals. The good is that Holder handle up five racks deductions. They even much of this sleep is news not restful. Girls: Lightweight sweaters Rattlesnakes gather in complete groups tothe sleep through the winter. Sometimes vehicleAll This can season’s topto trends can flip y of the regimens deliver in the popular digital “Car Care is listed in the owner ’s doesn’t have to be daunting if you and that means looking their best. there is a way for both parents Sm of ribs. Flip it over and use the forms for you. Starting in together October to keep warm. up to 1,000 of them coil up top this year ’s must-have list. For a better night’s sleep, raise the beautiful, healthy-looking hairGuide” that can be easily accessed manual. Tires that are not propkeep every student stylish. While kids out the hottest choose products made to work and kids to seek get what they want roast holder for whole chickens, at sm 2011, you can use TaxACT to estiWhether it’s a cable-knit sweater and using the foolproof three-step the council’s website at erly inflated add rolling resistance through B.A.R.–Bedding, Air and Relaxtrends in clothing, shoes and out of back-to-school shopping. turkeys or roasts. Try Champi- Size together, such as cabinets and maximizes results and thatsystem makes the engine work harder mate your federal and state taxes, find tees and sweatshirts from his tins dress or thick vests with toggle accessories, parents hunt forMarthe ation your bedroom. Attechniques–in off-price retailers like onship Spareribs with Sweet saves time. Learn More to move the vehicle. All this and get year-end tax tips. You can best deals. The goodare news is that favorite local sports team to the show and closures, sweaters arekey awill staple for Apple shalls and T.J.Maxx, kids find Barbecue Sauce from Bedding choices to a Rattlesnakes gather in groups to sleep through the winter. Sometimes increases fuel costs as much as 3 to Forthe further facts on both saving there is asought-after way for parents learn most trends and off his pride. Vintage screen print the year. Varied sleeves—long, up to more 1,000 at of them coil up together to keep warm. healthy night’s sleep. Down and and money with proper car 5 cents per gallon and increases energy and kidsand toand get what they designers, parents willwant love short dolman—keep things tops and dark denim with *** care, feather visit the risk of engine damage. comforters and pillows out of back-to-school shopping. that they’re all up to 60 percent WebEx conferencing lets you meet interesting, and details like whiskering and pocket details come from nature, so unlike synAt off-price retailers like Maroff department and mall store with anyone, anywhere, in real give him a more stylish look. For stripes, bright colors, hoods shalls and T.J.Maxx, kids willguide find (NAPSA)—Tax preparation soluprices. Check out theand style thetics, they “breathe” adjust toand time—on and a variety of mobile tle to no maintenance, and federal footwear, boys will wear athletic belts add uniquenesstrends to each look. the most sought-after and tions helpPCs navigate credits and below for back-to-school cool: Down’s “warmth without weight” your temperature as you sleep, ac(NAPSA)—Kitchen remodeling phones and tablets—wherever you tax credits, visit www.waterfurnace. designers, and parents willseason’s love can styles and discomfort skate shoes inbebright, Pair sweaters with the deductions. They even complete the Girls: Lightweight sweaters This season’s top trends can mean the of cording to year the American Down and that they’re all tobootlegs 60 percent forms forto you. October top this ’s up must-have list. happen be. Starting For more in information, com or talk to a WaterFurnace expert doesn’t have to be daunting if you solid colors. hottest denim: and keep every student stylish. ing buried under heavy layers of choose products made to work Feather Council. offskinny department mall storeand 2011, can use TaxACT to estiWhether it’s a cable-knit sweater visit you at or call (877) at (800) GEO-SAVE. Teens: Forofteenage fashionstyles inand dark washes together, such as cabinets and isand a thing the past. (NAPSA)—Tax preparation soluprices. Check out theand style guide blankets mate your federal and state taxes, findistas, tees sweatshirts frominhis dress or thick vests with toggle Air temperature circula509-3239. stylish knits rule tops with pocket detailing. Girls are *** tions navigate credits and below back-to-school and gethelp year-end tax tips. You can closures, sweaters a cool: staple for favorite local sports team to show tion areforessential toare restful sleep. (NAPSA)—Kitchen remodeling America can create the transand dresses this year, and from putting their best footsweaters forward inThis deductions. * even * * complete the Girls: Lightweight learn more atThey off his pride. Vintage screen print the year. Varied sleeves—long, season’s top trends can doesn’t have to be daunting if you Avoid stuffy rooms by the It’s for a good to haveincable tele- portation network this country needs wide dolman volumiflats, boots andletting Mary Janes.keep forms you.idea October topballet this year ’s must-have list. tops and darksleeves denimto with short and dolman—keep things every student stylish. *Starting ** choose products made to work cool night air in and circulating 2011, you can use TaxACT to estiWhether it’s handbags, a and cable-knit sweater vision, phone andletshigh-speed for more and better jobs, security nous ponchos, bigger is better. Sequined bright floral WebEx conferencing you meet whiskering and pocket details interesting, details like together, such as cabinets and mate yourservices federal and state tees sweatshirts from his dress orbackpacks thick vests toggle with anyone, anywhere, in taxes, real itstripes, with If you have aanimal doublegive him and a more stylish Forand bright colors, hoods and Internet connected before and quality of life, says Paul Yarossi, Chambray fabrics andlook. floral printfans. andwith printfind countertops. For information about hung and get PCs year-end tips.ofYou can tlepresident local sports team to showback closures, are staple for favorite time—on and a tax variety mobile to no maintenance, and federal footwear, boys will wear athletic belts add sweaters uniqueness toatop each you move. There’s a website, www. of HNTB Holdings Ltd. window, open the sooflook. hot plaid prints make their way shoulder bags top the list mustlearn more at tax credits, visit www.waterfurnace. his and pride.skate Vintage screen print the year. Varied sleeves—long, Merillat functional cabinetry soluphones and tablets—wherever shoes in bright, Pair sweaters with the season’s off, that makes the Learn more at to class dresses and rompers have accessories for any schoolstyles air escapes, and the bottom so cool and in dark denim with short and dolman—keep happen to be. For*more solid colors. hottest denim: bootlegsthings and tops * * information, com or talk to a WaterFurnace expert tions, visit process easy. While you’re there, you at (800) GEO-SAVE. that addFor aand touch of sophistication day. styles air comes in. Oninand cool nights, lower WebEx conferencing lets you(877) meet whiskering pocket details interesting, details like *** visit at or call Teens: teenage fashionskinny dark washes and Learn about DeNova countertops can discover and The late Senator John Heinz forhim thea high school set. Boys: This boys are show-give with anyone, additional anywhere,tech in real more stylish look. For stripes, bright hoods and 509-3239. the thermostat tocolors, afall, healthier sleep istas, stylish knits rule in Graphic tops with pocket detailing. Girls are *** at time—on PCs and a variety of mobile tle to no maintenance, and federal boysthis willyear, wear athletic belts uniqueness each look. design tips. understood that bipartisanship, civilAmerica can create the translightweight hoodies ingadd their sportier It’sinallfootwear, andtees, dresses and fromand putting their best foottoside. forward temperature. *** phones and idea tablets—wherever you portation tax visit www.waterfurnace. and are skate shoes to in volumibright, Pair sweaters with the season’s It’s a good have cable telethis country needs of wide dolman sleeves flats, boots and Mary Janes. itycredits, andnetwork integrity were the roots shorts must-haves for teen about activewear, and boys will bestyles *to*more * information, ballet Relax before bedtime. Avoid happen phone to be. For com or talk to a WaterFurnace expert colors. hottest denim: bootlegs and solid vision, high-speed more and better jobs, nous ponchos, bigger is better. Sequined handbags, bright floral To learn aboutand the benefits a geo- for legislative success andsecurity political boys. Whether hanging at home or rocking performance tops, shorts watching television or exercising; visit at or call (877) and at (800) GEO-SAVE. Teens: For teenage fashionskinnybackpacks styles in and darkanimal washesprint and The Internet services connected before quality of life, says Paul Yarossi, Chambray fabrics and floral and print NASDAQ stock exchange thermal system offers, including even longevity, says Jeffrey Lewis, the countertops. For information about in homeroom, these versatile andpocket pants by the coolest brands 509-3239. istas, stylish knits rule in tops with are instead, take adetailing. warm a was you move. There’s a website, www. president of HNTB plaid prints make their way back shoulder bags top thebath, listGirls ofread must* * * Holdings Ltd. totally disabled one day in distribution of heating and cooling, a Republican staff director Sen. Merillat functional cabinetry solubasics are comfortable, durable that will take them theyou classAmerica create the for transand dresses this year, from putting their best footfrom in December, more atcan to class in dresses and rompers have for any school * *that * makes the Learn book oraccessories ask your partner toforward give 1987 when a and squirrel tions, visit reduced carbon footprint, improved Heinz. He can be reached at It’s a good idea to have cable teleportation network this country needs and on-trend. room to the playground. He’ll also wide dolman sleeves to volumiballet flats, boots and Mary Janes. process easy. While you’re there, you that add athrough touch of one sophistication day. *** burrowed of the aSequined relaxing massage. Learn about DeNova countertops Tons vision, and high-speed more and better jobs, nous ponchos, bigger is better. handbags, bright floral exchange’s indoor airphone quality, quiet operation, can discover additional tech andlit- for The late Senator Johnsecurity Heinz for the high school set. Boys: This fall, boys are showtelephone lines.Graphic

What All Grillers

School-Time Cool

Raise The B.A.R. For Zs


Internet services connected before design tips. you move. There’s * * * a website, www., makes the To learn about thethat benefits a geoprocesssystem easy. While there, you thermal offers,you’re including even

and qualitythat of life, says Paul Yarossi, understood bipartisanship, civilpresident of HNTB Holdings ity and integrity were the rootsLtd. of Learn moresuccess at legislative and political longevity, says Jeffrey Lewis, the ***

at countertops. For information about Merillat functional cabinetry solutions, visit Learn about DeNova countertops

printtheir backpacks and side. animal print ing sportier It’s all shoulder bags top and the list mustabout activewear, boysofwill be have accessories for tops, any school rocking performance shorts day. pants by the coolest brands and

Chambray fabrics and floral and tees, lightweight hoodies and plaid prints make their way shorts are must-haves for back teen to class in dresses andatrompers boys. Whether hanging home or that add a touch these of sophistication in homeroom, versatile

To Advertise Call 732-581-1273

Tell them you saw it in‌The Money Saver News

September 2012 11

known allergens. on how far you are willing to budget. selves midstream between the Many stores now stock agave travel and the types of activities insurance market that existed A few popular brands offer this nectar in the twopassage flavors:oflight agave prior to health care Marvelous muffins made with and attractions you are intethree-step process, including Infu12 September 2012 News nectar and amber agavereformed nectar sweet agave nectar can be good Tell them you saw it in…The Money Saver reform and the fully rested in. Families with smaller sium 23, Clinique and Mally market the law envisions. (dark). Light agave nectar offers a and good for you. budgets looking for relaxation Beauty. following werealter compureThe sweetness thattips doesn’t can take a road trip to a nearby piled by to Agave Carrot Muffins the original when sweetening beach or lake region while help you flavor find the right plan for Makes 30 muffins beverages orthis in recipes. It can be your needs year: (NAPSA)—The experts at the families with a larger budget advantage of coffee “midused •inTake hot beverages such as Bank of the West offer tips fly on searching for adventure might stream” reforms—When keeping yourPlanning financial informa1 cup Domino Organic and teas andhealth dissolves easily in cold to Europe. around shopping for as newlemonades individually pur- travel (NAPS)—From summer tion secure at of A little planning can help you make Amber Agave Nectar drinks such and prominent events, such as food chasedtohealth insurance, season, you can many back-to-school the most of health care reform. 4 large eggs smoothies. Light agave nectar is now benefit from reforms that did and wine festivals, is also becomfraud.html. Americans it challenging 1to• cup canola oil best used forlifetime bakingfind desserts Take another look at away with limits forthat most ing an increasingly popular *** budget for special purchases. Savings fresh Accounts— benefits, for Health 3 cups shredded are light inexpanded color suchcoverage as vanilla It’s easy to dress up nails with trend. Thinking of your bigcarrots often have lower monthly preventive carecheesecake. services withnext no They the new Broadway Nail Dress. It cake, muffins and Determine “must-haves” and premiums than lower-deductible out-of-pocket cost, made it possiThe tallest species of dog is the Irish 1 purchase or nectar just wanting to better uses film, not polish, so there’s no 2 ⁄ 4 cups whole-wheat flour Amber agave has a “nice-to-haves”—Work from your plans. Funds deposited in the ble to manage keep your adult children on wolfhound, which grows to be about smudging, chipping or drying your everydayand spending? 1 tsp. baking soda slightly thicker Health Savings your plan untilconsistency age 26 and im- accompanying list of You “must-haves” add time. can learn first, morethen online at 32 inches high at the shoulders. Here are five tips to help you stick 1 tsp. baking adds a slight flavor to Account (which powder you have to open proved access caramel to coverage for, on Faceamenities as much as your budget to agood budget: get special tax treatdren It’s under age even if oatthey separately) 2 tsp. cinnamon foods. on 19, pancakes, book at BroadwayNails on will allow. Ocean views andand access 1 ment. have 1. Set priorities—Map out Twitter at @BwayNails. ⁄2 tsp.Health salt care reforms require meal orpre-existing cereal. The conditions. richer flavor of come with a bigger price tag but all new HSA-eligible health insur• Comparison shopping can there. your basic needs and it goparfrom *** amber agave nectar makes aren’t as Department critical to your save you money—Compare plan ance plans to provide coverage for Asnecessarily part of new of If you commute 10 miles to work, oven to 350° Preticularly delicious in from bakedmultiple goods a Preheat host of preventive care F. medical rates and benefits vacation accessibility for family Energy as (DOE) guidelines, manuhaving money for gasbrownis much pare threeat12-cup muffin pans with a darker color such as services, no out-of-pocket cost carriers to find the best fit. Ask more facturerswho including Whirlpool, members may have trouble important than,and say, you a premium to you. yourself which benefits value cable with liners. In a large bowl, Maytag stairs. and Amana will voluntaries, chocolate cake cookies. climbing • M i x i n g a n d m a t c h i n g most (and which you don’t need) package. Butsauces once you your ily report new washer capacity agave, eggs and oil; It’s alsoTV good for BBQ andset combine Select a type of on lodging— plans might save you money— and what you can afford. them Then every measurements based DOE test priorities, re-evaluate well. Stir in carrots. In salad dressings. Select the lodging typetobased on If your employer doesn’t pay anywork with a licensed agent who beat procedures in order provide of weeks. bowl, combine dry Sincecouple Domino Organic Agave thing toward monthly premiums represents multiple insurers to get separate your family makeup. Rental accurate measurement of all Reduce, don’t deprive— A three-step hair care routine can ingredients. Blend in batter. Nectar is complete a2. liquid, it will incorpofor dependents or if some family a more picture of what’s clothessuch washers across brands. homes as those on all Wyndham members less medical care available. It costdesserts. maximize results. Part into of doesn’t any budget isanything managingPour the into need prepared pans. Fill rate easily favorite * *larger * suit reunions than only others, considerto purchasing extrausing to work through Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & everyday luxuries—from a favorite cups halfway ensure When recipes that an callagent for well, especially ones energy-effiwith chilThe first—and far,be the only— Such routines so may growing a separate individual plan for and the savings can really add up. Heating offers more magazine to the occasional night proper baking. Bake 22–25 granulated sugar, remember: dren, as they offer space for play, your spouse or children. Just • Focus on plans that your president to be married in the White cient cooling systems than ever in popularity because they elimiout.light It’s important to set minutes untilany thecurrent centercoverage of the • 2⁄3 cup agaveaccept—Just nectar = 1a budget don’t cancel favorite doctors House was Grover Cleveland. before. Eco-comfort technology washer/dryer access, and kitchens nate confusion in an already hecfor you’re these purchases based on what until approved a new plan. because changing health muffin springsforback when cup granulated sugar; reduce During his second year in office, means these systems minimize to help cut down on the cost of tic schedule. With easy steps and of paying $4 to a cup at offers customers 1 Work home with instead a licensed agent insurance doesn’t mean you their impact on the environment. you plans can but don’t deprive he married Frances control, Folsom,flexibility who lightly touched. other liquids by 1⁄4afford, to ⁄3 cup food—some even come with hotelinstructions, there’s no room for learn more about what rules may want to change doctors, too. Ask the coffee shop. 2 and convenience—it’s low-cost, and The systems use advanced sensors was 27 years his junior. yourself. We’re nectar all human—and • ⁄3 cup amber agave =1 like amenities. detect room temsituation. your doctor or use the “Plans with apply in your error.FDIC-insured.” to automatically 5. Budget and manage your completely cutting out Recipes And Advice cup sugar; other liq- simpleFree • Learn more—For further mybrown Doctor” toolreduce when reviewing following 1 money smartly—Find a way Also,Chase Liquid,three whichsimple can be used perature differences and adjust for like these can set you information up You can discover uids by pleasures ⁄4 at cup. about useful healthbaking insurquotes greater comfort. For more informasteps can deliver results, whether to manage your money in a way anywhere Visa® is accepted, has a tion, visit comfort. ance options, visitrecipes www.eHealth toOne findtasty out which he or she tips for failure. plus delicious using way to plans try agave nec2 it’s manageable hair, a glowing that works you. While some flat monthly fee of $4.95 with no com/zoning. accepts. nectar at for www.domino tar can be3. Track in these progress—Regularly wholesome agave complexion or groomed brows. It consumers keep cash budgeted for additional charge to refill the card muffins:measure how things are going. For example, to restore restaurants, movies and other fun with cash it’s or easy checks at Chase’s helps you understand where you and repair damaged hair bySM using activities in separate envelopes 10,500 DepositFriendly ATMs need to make adjustments and can Infusium 23. Thebranches simple, affordeach month, there are also more and 5,500 nationwide. give you a sense of gratification able Customers hair care system designed cash can alsoiswithdraw when you’re staying on track. If secure options available—from to revive hair strands charge and protect savings accounts with automatic at no additional at all of it’s your first time making a budget, hair from future damage. Chase’s 17,500 ATMs and 5,500 don’t be surprised if you fall short contributions each month or Infusium cleanses andThere con- are branches23nationwide. of your goals—like with anything, reloadable prepaid cards that ensure ditions plus offersfees a leave-in treat(NAPSA)—Come fall, students you don’t spend more than you have. no overdraft and no minimum practice makes perfect. mentbalances to protect and treat hair everywhere want to start the new “More and more Americans to maintain the account— 4. Think DIY—One of the throughout day. deposit of $25. In school year off on the right foot… only anthe initial easiest ways to save money is to take are looking for new financial All of thecustomers regimens addition, candeliver check their and that means looking their best. a “do-it-yourself” approach to things products and services that help beautiful, healthy-looking hair them manage money on their balances for no additional fee at While kids seek out the hottest you enjoy. Think long term: If you and using the foolproof three-step trends in clothing, shoes and terms,” said Ryan McInerney, Chase’s ATMs, telephone, branches, are a coffee lover, upgrading your system maximizes and online, via text results or e-mail, or by accessories, parents hunt for the in-home equipment may come with CEO of Chase Consumer Banking. savesspeaking time. with a customer service best deals. The good news is that “We’ve recentlySometimes introduced Chase Rattlesnakes gather in groups sleep in through the winter. costs, but it can save youtomoney there is a way for both parents Liquid representative. SM , a reloadable card that up to 1,000 of them up together to keep the long run coil to make those lattes at warm. and kids to get what they want out of back-to-school shopping. At off-price retailers like Marshalls and T.J.Maxx, kids will find You Can Make Your Next Road Trip More Comfortable—And Stress Free the most sought-after trends and the road less traveled, and stopping designers, and parents will love (NAPS)—Whether you’re at state parks and hiking trails can that they’re all up to 60 percent driving across town or across the keep your legs—and brain—from off department and mall store country, here are some tips to keep (NAPSA)—Tax soluprices. Check out the style guide going numb. you on thepreparation road to safety and savings tions help navigate credits and below for back-to-school cool: Save the “Jams” for Later and help you get the most out of your (NAPSA)—Kitchen remodeling deductions. Girls: Lightweight sweaters Take a car filled with kids and a trip.They even complete the doesn’t have to be daunting if you forms for you. Starting in October top this year ’s must-have list. dog,products add in a traffic jamtoand a chorus Cool Ways to Save on Gas choose made work 2011, you can TaxACT esti- up and Whether it’s a cable-knit sweater of “Are we there yet?” and you have Gasuse prices may tomove together, such as cabinets and mate your federal anddesire state to taxes, a recipe for what can be a very long dress or thick vests with toggle down but the save money and get never year-end tax tips. You can closures, sweaters are a staple for afternoon. changes. That said, don’t sweat learn more at Fortunately, you can save yourself the year. Varied sleeves—long, the AC; trying to save money by * the * air conditioner doesn’t time and stress by avoiding traffic tie- short and dolman—keep things turning *off WebEx conferencing lets you meet ups altogether. Navigation devices­ interesting, and details like save gas and opening the windows with anyone, anywhere, in real can be beneficial for avoiding traffic. stripes, bright colors, hoods and actually uses more gas by decreasing time—on PCs and a variety of mobile tle to no maintenance, and federal belts add uniqueness to each look. For instance, TomTom’s GO LIVE aerodynamics. phones and tablets—wherever you tax credits, visit www.waterfurnace. Pair sweaters with the season’s devices feature real-time traffic, Similarly, don’t throw money happen to be. For more information, com or talk to a WaterFurnace expert hottest denim: bootlegs and which automatically reroutes you away on premium octane in the hopes visit at or call (877) at (800) GEO-SAVE. skinny styles in dark washes and away from congestion. that it contains special detergents 509-3239. with pocket detailing. Girls are * * * A Plan for the Worst or will improve performance. The America can create the transputting their best foot forward in * * * If you have a roadside emergency, EPA idea requires thatcable all telegas include It’s a good to have portation network this country needs ballet flats, boots and Mary Janes. the right device can help you turn detergents and, generally, only sports vision, phone and high-speed for more and better jobs, security Sequined handbags, bright floral good news is that you can use lemons into lemonade. For example, require premiumbefore gasoline.and ForqualityThe Internetcars services connected of life, says Paul Yarossi, print backpacks and animal print technology—such as a GPS device— countertops. For information a GPS device can pinpoint about your exact shoulder bags top the list of mustbest mileage, stick with your vehicle you move. There’s a website, www. president of HNTB Holdings Ltd. to plan best route in advance and Merillat functional cabinetry solulocation. You can tell emergency manufacturer’s, thatrecommended makes the fuel— Learn more at the have accessories for any school find places to stop and stretch your tions, visit services exactly where you are, even day. your wallet will thank you. process easy. While you’re there, you * * * the way. Learn about countertops if you feelDeNova like you’re in the middle Put it intech “Park” can discover additional and The legs latealong Senator John Heinz Boys: This fall, boys are showat Developed in the early 1970s, of nowhere. For some people, hitting the design tips. understood that bipartisanship, civiling their sportier side. It’s all Globalwere Positioning or To learn more or view live traffic about activewear, and boys will be open road with a full tank of gas a the ityisand integrity the rootsSystem, of *** GPS,success is a satellite uniquely feeling. To learn aboutliberating the benefits a geo-However, legislative and navigation political system information, visit www.tomtom. rocking performance tops, shorts provides and time com/traffic. comingoffers, uponincluding an unexpected road thatsays thermal system even longevity, Jeffrey location Lewis, the and pants by the coolest brands closure or gridlock cana killRepublican an information. distribution of heating and cooling, staff director for Sen. that will take them from the classGPS can helpatyou take moodimproved quickly. reduced adventurous carbon footprint, Heinz. HeUsing can a be reached room to the playground. He’ll also indoor air quality, quiet operation, lit-

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vacations. Prepare for travel abroad— Remember to notify credit card Save your Money with Us! companies, exchange money and come prepared with an emergency contact list. Be sure to also check your passport’s expiration date at least one month before traveling in case it’s time for it to be renewed. Streamline packing—Coordinate with family members to lighten the load of packing by assigning items like toiletries and staple food items ahead of your trip. Creating a master schedule of meals is also very helpful for knowing who is making what and when. Have fun—All planning aside, don’t forget to enjoy this time with your family and capture the special moments. Bring your camera, videotape your trip, plan a fun family portrait * * *and make an Thisalbum Mother’s encourage her online to Day, share the memohobby of sewing with a “Project ries when you get home. Runway” or Laura Ashley Limited For a sewing, chance to make yourquiltnext Edition embroidery, trip “Ultimate Family Reing oran serging machine. Learn more at the home and union” or to sewing win one ofembroidery 101 vacapagescourtesy of or by calltions of Wyndham Vacaing (800) 4-A-BROTHER. tion Rentals, visit www.Wyndham *** The grand Aphids, mites, leafhoppers, powprize includesblight a one-week for dery mildew, and leaf stay spot are thefamily kinds of members, pests and diseases 10 worththat an can damage or destroy your tomaestimated value of $28,000. toes. Bayer Advanced Natria Insect, Disease & Mite Control kills harmful insects on contact and controls diseases. Visit www.BayerAdvanced. com.

School-Time Cool

Tips on Trips


This season’s top trends can keep every student stylish. find tees and sweatshirts from his favorite local sports team to show off his pride. Vintage screen print tops and dark denim with whiskering and pocket details give him a more stylish look. For footwear, boys will wear athletic styles and skate shoes in bright, solid colors. Teens: For teenage fashionistas, stylish knits rule in tops and dresses this year, and from wide dolman sleeves to voluminous ponchos, bigger is better. Chambray fabrics and floral and plaid prints make their way back to class in dresses and rompers that add a touch of sophistication for the high school set. Graphic tees, lightweight hoodies and shorts are must-haves for teen boys. Whether hanging at home or in homeroom, these versatile basics are comfortable, durable and on-trend.

To Advertise Call 732-581-1273

Tell them you saw it in‌The Money Saver News

September 2012 13

14 September 2012

Tell them you saw it in…The Money Saver News

Mirror Mirror, Is It True? Yes,During It’s StillSchool You With Type 2 Learning Opportunities Recess

When It Makes Sense To Refinance Your Life

(NAPS)—Do youMath know That how Does Not Add Up Budget-Cutting

(NAPSA)—Schools are closed. much you are paying in interest (NAPSA)—School districts It’s a snow day. It’s the winter every month on your credit cards, across the country are doing the break or the summer vacation. andtomortgage? math auto in anloan effort cut costs,The butanswer You’ve watched TV, played video come asmay a surprise; therefore, it their may equations not always games, baked cookies. Now what? adequately in student learn could factor be in your best interest Schools are closed for several One way school districts have rates. more days. more about lowering your interest cut costsMany is by people reducing But a break from school doesn’t do or not elimirealize how nating school transportation serhave to be the equivalent of a much interest adds to their monthly vices—cutting routes and increaslearning-free time for kids. payments and standards how that amount can ing the distance by Without For children who have been school buses, millions of whichslow students qualify forwhich transdown the rate at they children are struggling in school, a school could be left with no way portation. measures can people recess can be their opportunity to paying These off a debt. On average, to safely and reliably arrive at have can disastrous results, wor- annual catch up on key skills and feel school each day. spend about a thirdsay of their ried parents, with students forced more confident when they head income on unnecessary highnointerest drive—without their cell phone. to walk on winding roads with back to class. For students who Ask About Our E-mail Distribution! rates orassociated with their monthly Talking on a cell phone can signifshoulders sidewalks, cross busy do well, it’s an opportunity to icantly slow the reaction time of highways navigate bills, and simply becausedangerous they are unaware keep their enthusiasm high for You canoptions receive Featurettes byan e-mail daily,driver. weekly or monthlylearning. by request. We can even experienced city commutes. that better are available. are as manufactured Cutting bussave transpore-mail by your choice of topic or allbuses stories you may prefer. Parents can play a key role in Oneschool way to money is toSchool tation service also means more to meet special federal safety stanreinforcing learning on an ongoing refinance with a company that offers To make it even more convenient for editors to use our stories, NAPS has are added antips, RSSsugteens will drive to school, which dards, which include reinforced basis. Here some you ashow lowerisinterest rate. In the case sides, flashing crosssyndication feed tosafest our Web site. Simplyred hitlights, the RSS button ongested our site for automated statistics not the to make sure that every view mirrors, a crossbar and stopmode of of transportation. credit cards, youAccording can consolidate holiday is a good balance of free updates on available content. Credit Cards: You canand consolidate applying such as Pentagon discovery, arms.for Bus driversonline, are professional to theseveral Department of Transportaplay, leisure learncards into one lower interest PleaseThe contact us receive Featurettes in the format that works whoCredit carry a commercial tion, school-age children are about and refinance creditbest cardsfor at you a lower Union (PenFed). ing for kids. payment. best way toto getarrange starteddrivers is toFederal driver’s and in order 50 times likely to die travelEveryone has hera We his canor atdomore (800) 222-5551 e-mail yourlicense request towho, us at rate.Read. One consolidated payment with Why PenFed? a little homework byorresearching to carry or a School Bus Endorse-it onlinefavorite ing totoprovide school when they drive or CD-ROM book, so read themthan to Featurettes on you can download at lower interest rate could be lower A fiscally sound, member-owned interest rates,than thenifcompare how ment, the undergo background checks ride with friends they take each other. It’s fun for the older one of your existing payments. credit union that has been lending for the bus. The more teens in the car, prior to employment, receive rates vary. kids to read their favorite childAuto Refinancing: ReadLipton the sibfine over 75 years, PenFed offers interest hood education and training, the better the of a crash, specialized books to theirGary younger Do odds Your Homework Media Relations Manager frequent driving says a recent survey the refinancing All- are subject your car loan note. How much rates thattoare substantially lower than print lings.onAct out your favorite scenes To learn more by about checks average and areperson monitored state Foundation. Almost half of recordthose for the enjoyment of everyone. are you paying? It can really can get from interest options, consider theseto helpful tips: by periodic the Phone: 1-(800)-222-5551 Web site: www. napsnet .com medical exams. the teens polled admit being Play games as a refinancing family and, add up! PenFed offers on commercial banks, especially if you • Check out and compare interest Every day, 475,000 school distracted by their passengers. for some quiet time, as indiFax: 1-(800)-990-4329 e-mail: auto loans up to $70,000 at attractive online. safely carry 25 million And other passengers rates to teenage see what companies buses are apply viduals. Some mind-engaging rates. Refinancing is available for PenFed takes pride half in serving than of over low are not the only distraction. The children—more activities include board games, offering. Much of this information America’s schoolchildren—to National Highway Traffic Safety all car models, new orSudoku, used. puzzles, jigsaw can be found online. Taking the time a million members, both civilian and crossword The National Administration reports that 46 school. finger painting, Learn More worldwide.Academy There are of over 100 puzzles, coloring, to do your homework really Sciences pay military, and the U.S. Department percent of teens admit to can texting watercolors, scrapbooking. PenFed offers a diverse selection of ways to join PenFed, and you too can off, as some lenders offer rates that are while driving, which involves tak- of Transportation say that school Keep up the lessons. Check products and services with built-in value take advantage of its exceptional rates buses are the safest form of ing their eyes off lower the road dramatically thanand the atnational those spelling words—if there that’s hard to beat; as mortgages, and member-first service! for getting children least average. one hand off the steering transportation aren’t any fromsuch school, assign wheel. • Check Few teens credit auto loans,math equityfacts. loans, Refinance Your Life your cards, own. Practice your travel—or local paper to forand from school. Read the next the loans,chapter Money in Market Here are just a few of the ways you consolidation major interest rate fluctuations. social studies book. Market Savings, Money • Ask about closing costs. If you can use PenFed’s refinancing options to Certificates, Practice. Practice. Practice. IRAs and much more—including a are ready to refinance, be sure to ask lower your debt payments: Workbooks and learning kits can

Mortgage: You could save on your variety of insurance and investmentabout closing costs, as these can add to home finance charges by getting an related products. your total debt. To Inc., learn more about PenFed and adjustable mortgage. The Syndicate, credit union • Inquire aboutNorth fees. When American Precis 415 Madison membership eligibility, visit www. delivers a finance rate that is fixed for refinancing, ask about fees—you may be surprised by how much fees can five years. The initial rate can change or call (800) 247-5626. every yearsPet by no more than two vary!Tips To Get Ready For A five New percentage points, up or down, never to • Take advantage of discounts, (NAPSA)—Whether you’re five percentage points above the promotions or a incentives. Check exceed thinking of adopting pet now or Coping With Cold Weather And Heart Disease initial rate. in theinto future, never offer ah ediscount ( N companies A P Sit’s A)— Gthat i v e too t h eearly alth

to prepare forofyour family dangers cold future weather the cold A Cleaner Toothbrush (NAPSA)—This year ’s blockmember. ansmooth s h o uTo l d ensure er—eve i f y o utranhave a buster movie “TheFewer Help,” Dreamsition, plan May Mean Colds h eit’s a r t helpful c o n d i tto ion — w for i t h the these Works’(NAPSA)—Brushing hit film based on Kathryn arrival of your by putting hints fromnew thepet American Heart up on your Stockett’s No.of1 germs New York Times Association: together a shopping list, reorgaknowledge and viruses— best seller, is available on Blu-ray •Avoid sudden nizing your schedule to exertion, make timesuch particularly when it comes to your as lifting a even heavyparticipatshovelful of andtoothbrush—may DVD this December. mean fewer colds for your pet and snow. Even walking through for you and your family. ing in activities that allow your heavy, wet snow or animals snow drifts Often, a toothbrush is put family to interact with can strain the heart. away damp after it’s been used. now. Photo courtesy of the American Heart Association •Watch out for accidental Unfortunately, that can be just •Try a virtual pet—“The (NAPSA)-SeaPak Shrimp & Seafood It’s hear t smar t to know your hypothermia—body temperature the kind of environment germs Simsbelow 3 Pets,” newest offering 95°the F. to Symptoms includeof- blood pressure. and bacteria like to inhabit. Co.’s “Coast Coast Adventure” fromlack one of of coordination, the world’s most popumental confufers people the chancewill toshivering win lar videogame franchises, givea 2012 •Wash your hands thoroughly sion, slowed reactions, yourand family the chance to care and frequently, especially after using with heart Fordsleepiness. Flex. Visit Those www.CoastToCoastthe bathroom and before eating. disease are at special risk. for—and even be—a virtual pet Adven ture.comsnow to enter codes found •Keep your hands away from High winds, and rain can with personality traits and moods inside theheat. brand’s new Family Size your face. body removes just steal like a real pet.Wind Playing the the * * one of The newest offering* from •Insist that all caregivers heated aira from around cartons displaying “Coast to Coast gamelayer bothofentertains and sheds the wash world’s most popular their hands thoroughly the body. At 30° F in a 30-mile light on the responsibilities of car- videogame franchises lets playAdventure” emblem. before approaching you. wind, the cooling effect is equal to National Peanut Board research ing for a pet, including scheduled ers determine their online pets’ *** •Always read the labels on all 15° F. Dampness, too, causes the Hair offers effective found 90 percent of American house- Neutrogena feedings, playtime, training and personalities. A care dampproducts toothbrush offer a over-the-counter (OTC) medica- hair body to lose heat*faster. thatcan cleanse * * even dealing holdsespecially contain one or have moreblood jars ofresidue home to germs and bacteria. Fortions, if you To keep with warm,your wear pet’s layers of and product buildup for helppressure endangered species by adoptunruly side. You can also tunately, there is a way to guard of 120/80 mm Hg or clothing to trap the take heat.on Also, peanut butter.a For a new twist, try athe holidays and all year round— ing sponsoring particular anithe role of a toorgain new peragainst that. higher. Look for warnings to those wear a pet hat head scarf. Heat Domino Light anda C&H Light are or without breaking the bank. You slightly gourmet and chocolate mal with with yourindulgent family. spective the your world high blood pressure to can beand lost see through head. One way to correct this may be new an all-natural blends of The pure cane•Volunteer more facts and tips about at afor local shelter through animal’s eyes. those who take blood pressure Ears are especially prone to frostpeanut butter breakfast, such ascantofind use a toothbrush sanitizer that and skin care online at on sugar andavailable stevia, withnow half thefeet caloConsult youryour doctor hair Keep your hands and —A medications. rewarding way to gauge Simsbite. 3 Pets, for can neutralize bacteria already thosetaking from Peanut Butter & Co. and (800) too, they tend to lose to care for any a petover-the-counter is to volunXboxwarm, 360, PlayStation 3,and Nintendo your brush, and protect it from ries of sugar.asTips recipes areability at before Sunland Peanut Butter. Visit www. 582-4048. or supplements. at a local animal shelter or res3DS,heat PC rapidly. and Mac, will virtually teer medications collecting more E.coli and other www.dominosugar. com/light and •Be aware •Don’t drinkfor alcohol. Alcohol pathogens. * * * pb4 cue organization. Notthat only the will use you of help you prepare your new decongestants may raise blood gives an initial feeling of warmth, ForFor 20example, years, aSwarovski’s light. sanitizer called spend time with animals that need member. pressure or interfere with the because blood vessels in the skin Steripo d is designed kill Annual Edition Ornamenttohas •Sponsor an animal—A care and attention, but you and effectiveness of * some prescribed gracefully expand, but that actually draws * * microbes adorned by wrapping the toothChristmas family will also have the greatheat activity for the* family is an your * *organs. blood pressure medications. away from vital brush in homes an invisible shield and all vapor over the opportunity to the bond directly with of trees adopt-an-animal package to from a flu •Check sodium content •Take precautions avoid of naturally antiseptic Thymol. world. To continue this beautiful animals. It can youhigh for life localand zoo.pneumonia. By donatingThey and pose regis-even Canola oil prepare has theare least saturated any OTCs. Some in so-and Simply clip it on your electric tradition, the company has opted or Byron’s BBQ, hand-pulled, hickorywithdium, amost pet which or helpcan determine if you tering for the adoption, can presgreater dangers for you people who omega-3 fatraise of allblood cooking oils.formanual toothbrush and it goes a refined and modern star to are ready for the responsibilities of foster a great relationship with sure. People with high blood preshave a heart for smoked pork, condition is found in than the freezer work. Great recipes including canola oil are design that sparkles with excepbecoming a pet owner. animals while helping to support sure should have under 1,500 mg healthy people. Pneumonia is a This nontoxic botanical ingredisection at Sam’sthat Club. For recipes of more insodium the complete “Street Eats Recipetional a day allincredisources. infection keeps isyour Preparing for yourfrom pet is themlung at the zoo. The donation ent brilliance. is derivedFor from theinforthyme mation, and information, visit www.ByronsLearn more online at www. body from using oxygen as effiso that you can enjoy even tax deductible. Another great bly important a member of the mint famCollection,” available at Cano- plant,visit and www. ciently as it should. Your heart to engage your family with a happy and healthy life with your ily. With no cords, plugs or and For follow more on information, the Amerihas to harderto to apump ies, the shield packs effortlessly. pet. For more information The animals is work to donate non-oxycan Heart Association on Facebook at genated blood through the body. visit Facebook. com/CanolaInfo and To learn more, visit www.get profit organization such as the Sims 3 Pets videogame, visit HBPescapees or Twitter @hearthub. Your doctor may suggest you get a World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and CanolaInfo. yearly influenza vaccine and a one-time pneumococcal vaccine. • As much as possible, avoid anyone with a cold or the flu.

Merck Consumer Care, maker of Coricidin HBP, is a sponsor of the American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure website.

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Food, Fitness Tips In New Website For Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

(NAPS)—Still You With Type 2 (, a new website created by Bristol-Myers Squibb and AstraZeneca, provides information, downloadable recipes, a video series featuring professional chefs, and tips and tools for lifestyle changes that may have an impact Workbooks help improve learning skills when children are not in on everyday can management of type 2 school. The site helps adults with diabetes. type 2 diabetes stay to their help fill in the gaps andtrue provide the time. But try to keep bedtimes, practice needed to excel in school. tastebuds and favorite family recipes mealtimes, study times and other For example, through simplesupplemental substitutions,educaand important personal routines (medtion companies like Sylvan Learn- African ications,Americans, for example) as close to Latinos, Native provides ideas for staying active. Still ing provide a wide variety of exer- normal as possible. When you Americans and Asian Americans, as You With Type 2 also provides tips cise books that include fun, know schools will reopen again, older population. for patients to have age-appropriate more productive well teacher-reviewed, startastothe get back into the swing of games andwith activities. These re- things right Among theaway. features on the new discussions their doctors. sources chapter with site Organize. Take is “The Dish on Typethis 2,” afound video “Our offer research foundbooks that some grade-appropriate vocabulary, flash time to organize notebooks, series featuring three professional patients with type 2 diabetes are cards, CDs and games that can planners, backpacks and study teach Make about food looking for ways to fun, help effective face the chefs. equip families with areas They at home. surechoices, everycontrol, as well as menu ideas and grade-appropriate learning one’s up-to-date on assignments challenges of dealing with this portion tools during the holidays. thatrecipe will makeovers. be due when school Visitors will complex condition and be themselves. and Keep writing. As a family, find starts again. some healthy twists on favorite With that in mind, Still You With Type Keep it informal. You don’t keep a holiday journal. Have such as low-carba macaroni and 2everyone offers recipes, as recipes have to re-create classroom writetips a and few tools linessuch each low-carb chili, aday doctor discussion guide and to help make cheese, experience at home. Youguacamole, shouldn’t, about important not-soas aeven matter of fact. Kidsbrownies. will soon important events. The weather, double chocolate healthy everyday lifestyle choices,” and it” that they can be learning the rainfall, thecompanies. consecutive sunny “get Information about community according to the days, the growth rate of the new things, remembering old ones familytheir and caregiver support, Diabetes affects more movies, than 25 events, and using knowledge as a tomato plants. Favorite treatment options for adults million people in theevents. U.S. or 11.3 two simple matter of course. Keepwith up TV shows, sporting People #2638 2 diabetes andJust tips keep for talking to the holiday fun. up the you’ve visited or who have visited type percent of the U.S. adult population learning, you. 20 Neighborhood and doctors ortoo. healthcare providers are aged or over. Type news 2 diabetes or day off from school events. New friends. School plans alsoAavailable. accounts for approximately 90 to is no recess excuse to put kids’ brains on for next year. If you have 2 diabetes, 95 Try percent of all cases of diagnosed a different kindyou of to keep up normal rou- hiatus. It’s for type sign up for a regular Still You With diabetes in the adults, and manyeverymore can learning. tines. Yes, snow throws additional resources thing off, andthey that’s It’s good 2 newsletter which will helpand you are unaware areokay. at high risk. TypeFor information, to take a break have visittowww.random your knowledge work. Register Some groups have a (or higher riskone for put thrust upon you) from time to developing type 2 diabetes than others. at www.stillyou Type 2 diabetes is more common in Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017

How To Give Yourself A Financial Checkup by John A. Addison (NAPSA)—Any time can be the right time to give yourself a thorpreparing ough (NAPSA)—Whether financial tune-up. Here are a a rack lamb special gathering few tipsofon howfor toaget started. or a stunning roast to impress loved Review your credit cards. you can make the meal more Doones, you have a stellar credit score? wonderful with American lamb. With industry competition fierce Available year-round and produced forinyour business, be able every state, it you can may be a fresh and to flavorful ask for—and lower way toreceive—a entertain this holAnnual Percentage (APR). iday season. Leg Rate of lamb is one of While average variable the most the popular cuts and this recipe APR for credit cards is 14.46holiday permakes an easy and elegant roast. cent, those with superhigh credit scores can actually cut that in of Lamb half.American If you’re Leg among that with elite Roasted Vegetables crowd and aren’t happy with your current rate or terms, try contactFor the American Lamb: ing customer service. You could 1 6-lb. bone-in American leg negotiate your way to a better of lamb rate, possibly persuade them to 2–3orgarlic cloves, sliced 1 the annual charge. waive ⁄2 lemon, cut into small What’s your get-out-of-debt wedges plan?Garlic If you’ve ever thought salt, to taste about making a dent intoyour debt Lemon pepper, taste Olive oil (or changing your credit habits), cantime chicken broth now’s1 the to create a plan to (optional) gain control of your credit for good. Try keeping a journal and For theyour Roasted Vegetables: tracking spending patterns. 6–8 red potatoes, quartered After a few weeks, you’ll have a 5 carrots, sliced to 1⁄2-inch better pieces idea of where the money goes 1and where might be able can smallyou peas, drained to make some changes. Check your emergency sav-F. Preheat your oven to 350° ings. you have to lamb six Cut Do slits into thethree leg of and insert garlic months’ salary the stashed? If clove not, slices. Squeeze lemon wedges you’re not alone—a majority of over lambsay and then insert the Americans they don’t have wedges into the slits in the enough cash on hand to cover a meat. Season the lamb with gar$1,000 emergency expense. lic lemon To salt find and extra cash pepper, for yourto taste. Drizzle a small amount of emergency fund, you may want to olive oil in a large roasting pan take more or in look for andon place legwork of lamb pan, fat ways trim somethe of the “extras” sidetoup. Place roasting pan from your monthly bills. in a preheated oven, uncovered,

Lamb For The Holidays

for about 2 to 21⁄2 hours. If more juice is needed, add the chicken broth. Add the potatoes, carrots and peas to the pan and season

Leg of lamb can make for an easy and elegant holiday meal.

John A. Addison

additional 1 to 1 1⁄2 hours, or until you reach preferred doneReview your life insurance ness. Remove leg of lamb and coverag e. If you have had a let it rest for 10 minutes. Slice change in your life—such the the lamb and serve itaswith birth of a new baby—this is juice cruroasted vegetables and cial. Financial from the pan. experts generally

recommend about six to 10 times your Lamb annualCooking salary. Time and Reshop your Suggestions auto insurTemperature ance. If you haven’t comparison Lamb leg, bone in, 5–7 lbs. shopped your rates lately, give it a 325° F—20–25 minutes per pound try. For an identical six-month policy, costs can vary as much as bone in, 7–9 $500Lamb acrossleg, carriers—yet it’slbs. esti325° F—15–20 minutes per pound mated that only 20 percent of consumers actually take therolled, time to Lamb leg, boneless, shop around. 4–7 lbs. Do F—25–30 you have a will? Two325° minutes per pound thirds of Americans do not, according to a 2010boneless, survey. You Sirloin roast, 11⁄4–13to ⁄4 lbs. can pay a lawyer create a will, minutes per pound or325° ask F—40–45 your Primerica representative about the Primerica Legal 1 Top round roast, 1–1 lbs. Protection Program (PLPP),⁄4 which 325°free F—50–60 minutes total includes will preparation. To learn more, visit www. Shoulder, boneless, rolled and tied, 31⁄2–6 lbs. Mr. 325° Addison is Primerica’s F—35–40 minutes CoChief Executive Officer and Chairman of Primerica Rib roast,Distribution. 11⁄2–21⁄2 lbs. 375° F—30–35 minutes

Crown roast, not stuffed, 2 to 3 lbs.

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September 2012 15

erase corporate data from a mobile without having to worry about com- or call (866) 7-BENorth American Precis Syndicate, Inc., 415 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 device in the event it’s lost or stolen. promising company information. GOOD.

16 September 2012

Tell them you saw it in…The Money Saver News Easy Tiling Ideas

Save your Money with Us!

Make Dude Food Heart-Healthy

(NAPSA)—Renovations don’t have to be costly, messy and time (NAPSA)—Cardiovascular disconsuming. There are ways to ease (CVD) remains the number avoid the headaches often associone killer of U.S. men, accounting ated with home upgrades. Tiles are about a third ofHealthy all deaths. Vision Men Tips for On Making Last A Lifetime a great way to add a punch of perhave a higher incidence of CVD sonality to your home and many (NAPSA)—Vision changes than women and tend to as experience tiling projects can be completed in people get older, but vision loss is their first cardiac event earlier. just one day. With a few tools and not a normal part of aging. “Sometimes men take a fatalissome elbow grease, you can breathe That’s the word from Paul A. approach to director heart health,” says new life and flair into any room. Sieving,tic M.D., Ph.D., of nutrition Get creative inspiration with the National Eyeconsultant Institute.Christopher He “They think if simple tiling projects you can use believesMohr, thatPh.D., early R.D. diagnosis, someone inand their family had heart to liven up your home: timely treatment, appropriate disease, it’shelp overprevent for them the follow-up care can samevision way, but irreversible lossreally, from they com-can preit up tosuch 80 percent of the time mon eyevent diseases as glauwith a healthy diet andand lifestyle.” coma, diabetic retinopathy age-relatedOn macular the flipdegeneration. side, he added, some Dr. Sieving says thatwhen it’s possimen, especially young, think ble to make healthy vision a have to they’re invincible andlast don’t lifetime.worry To help, he heart offershealth. the fol-But they about Having a heart-healthy diet is easier than many men think. lowing tips: should. •Know To Your Family History. your family members combat these attitudesTalk and withDeep, Dark and Stout Chili Tiling heat. Working 2 batches, accents can in add style . Some eye diseases are hereditary. about statistics, CanolaInfo created a their eye health history, brown beef, about 3–4 minutes Using a tile adhesive makes 2 Tbsp canola oil, divided Talk with your family members then talk 1with your eye care pro“Heart-Healthy Dude Food Recipe installation fast and messfrequently. free. per batch, stirring 1 ⁄ 2 lb extra lean ground beef about their eye health history, men fessional to learn what you can Collection” to encourage to sauté pan, heat remaining 1.InCall attention to one wall of 1 then talk with your eye care pro- do to protect (oryour 1 lbvision. extra lean ground make some of their favorite dishes Tbsp canola cook a room with a boldoil tileand accent. Bebell fessional to learn what you can do beef and 15-oz can kidney better for them. Each recipe is peppers and onions 4 minutes daring with patterns, or make it government’s research on the to protect your vision. beans, rinsed and drained) canola oil, whichvisual has system and eye diseases. or until onionstiles. are soft, stirmodern with subway •Eatmade Rightwith to Protect Your 2 cups diced green bell least fat in and most in cooked 2.ring Tilefrequently. the kitchenStir backsplash NEI supports basic and clinical S i g h t . the Eati ng saturated foods ri ch peppers fat of all vitamins cooking The programs beef andand addprotect remaining ingreto add color the wall that result in the omega-3omega-3 fatty acids and 1 cup diced red onion and Drug from cooking messes. dients, except salt.Bondera Bring just of sight-saving treatA and CU.S. may Food help keep your Administraeyes development 3 cans (14.5 oz each) no-saltTileMatSet, a double-sided, peelto a boil over medium-high ments. For added example, said Dr. Sievhealthy. tion authorized a qualified health stewed tomatoes and-stick adhesive a greatand claim canola oil’s at potential heat,tiling reduce heat,iscover trials sponsored •Give It aonRest. Work a ing,torecent1 clinical bottle (12 oz) dark stout beertool to use instead of mortar and reduce heart risk when simmer 45 minutes. Stir in salt. by the NEI have provided doctors computer all day long?disease Give your 3 Tbsp chili powder mastic,2.eliminating mess and of used in place of saturated data regarding prevenServe chilithe with choice eyes a 20/20/20 break: Every 20fat.with crucial 1 1 ⁄ 2 Tbsp ground cumin allowing you toplaced grout immediately “I don’t tell my giveand 1treatment of age-related minutes, look about 20 patients feet in totion toppings in three small ⁄2 Tbsp smoked paprika afterbowls. positioning the tiles. macular 1degeneration (AMD). front ofup you for favorite 20 seconds to Mohr their foods,” (optional)Eye Disease 3. Modernize old trivets reduce eyestrain and fatigue. says. “I simply encourage them The to Age-Related Yield: 8 servings. Servingbysize: 1 Tbsp sodium-free beef using tile adhesive to create a Study determined that taking •Letmake the Sun Shine. When smarter choices, like substi11⁄3the cups. granulesand custom tiled pattern that pops high of antioxidants shoppingtuting for sunglasses, looksolid for fats canola oil for or levelsbouillon Nutritional Analysis per Servagainst tableware. 1 tsp salt zinc reduces the risk of developing ones that block out 99 to 100 perother oils and choosing lean cuts ing: Calories 240, Total Fat 8 g, 4. Explore your creative side AMD by about 25 percent of UV-A and and UV-B of meat, toradiation. be mindful ofadvanced por- Toppings SaturatedaFat 1.5 g, Cholesterol by designing charming tile pat- 45 cent. The NEI comparison of AMD Earlytion stages of common eye 1 sizes.” mg, Sodium 480 mg, Carbohydrates ⁄2 cup chopped fresh cilantro tern on an old tabletop, which will treatment trials found that the diseases typically haveDude no sympCanolaInfo’s Food recipes g, Fiber 5to leaves g, Protein 20 gand add18pizzazz lunches toms and can only be detected two most 1 commonly used AMD include Hoisin-Whiskey Glazed ⁄2 cup finely chopped red eveningThe drinks. through a comprehensive dilated drugs—one that was designed for complete “Heart-Healthy Meatballs, Beef Tenderloin with onion For more on Recipe these and similar is and a much cheaper eye exam. Pupil dilation allows a use in the eye Dude Food Collection” Balsamic-Coffee Sauce, Herbed 1 medium lime, cut into six projects, visit www.bonderatile doctor to closely examine the drug that was developed to treat available at Chops on Mustard cancer—arewedges equally effective in back of Pork the eye for signs of eye Sauce, Visit treating AMD. disease. Fall-Apart Beer Brisket, Grilled and for 1. In Dutch oven, heat 1 Tbsp Tuna Steaks with Cilantro and For more information eye The National Eye Institute more information. oil overabout medium-high Basilofand one: Insti- health,canola visit (NEI), part thethis National tutes of Health, leads the federal healthyeyes.

Big News Of Small Spaces

(NAPS)—Living large in a little home may not only simplify life, minimize costs and reduce environmental impact, it can be easier to achieve than many realize. Following these easy tips can help make rooms feel bigger and brighter. 1. Open floor plans and furniture placement that leaves views open make spaces easy to navigate and the room feel bigger. 2. Lighten up. Light colors on walls and furniture help small spaces feel large. Letting in natural light extends the feel of the room beyond its boundaries. 3. Get double-duty furniture: tables and ottomans with hidden storage space. Clean spaces look bigger, so keep clutter out of sight. 4. Store smart and stay or­ga­nized. Shelving units maximize wall space for storage; add baskets on the bottom shelves for extra capacity. Fill clear containers with seasonal clothing and items and slide them under couches and beds. 5. Convert a closet into a home office by adding a desk and shelves.

(NAPSA)-Many people don’t realize that the skin pigmentation known as “sun spots” may actually be actinic keratosis, a potentially precancerous condition. The “Spot Signs of AK” campaign is an effort to raise awareness, developed by DUSA Pharmaceuticals. To learn more, visit www. Spot ***

Hang organizers on the back of the door for extra storage. Close the door and the computer and paperwork are out of sight, instantly opening up the room. For more tips on making the most of small spaces, visit the Idea Gallery.

There’s a new way to protect a toothbrush from harmful bacteria. Called the Toothbrush Shield, it’s a disposable, breathable and fast-drying shield that acts like a surgical mask for your toothbrush. It’s made by IntelliDent. To learn more, visit www. ToothbrushShield. com.

(NAPSA)-Organizations are redesigning workspaces to encourage creativity and collaboration, according to expert panelists at the recent “Future of Work” webinar presented by Apollo Research Institute. To access the webinar or read the report by the Institute for the Future for Apollo Research Institute, visit http://apollo

*** You can use 75 percent less wattage than incandescent pool lights with white Pentair IntelliBrite LEDs, and save up to $1,500 a year by switching from a singlespeed pump to an IntelliFlo variablespeed pump, part of the Eco Select family (www.pentairpool. com/calculators).

A Surprising Solution For Disruptive Migraines

(NAPSA)—Worrying about work can cause headache Fast, but Quick Anda Easy: Healthy Breakfasts frequent headaches can also dis(NAPS)—It may be a chalrupt and lengework finding 15negatively minutes to affect make careers. Fortunately, learning breakfast every day—but chilMak dren about need this vital meal for a more the causes of debilivarietymigraines of reasons. (N tating can lead to more Actively growing children need ber o effective treatment. food at regular intervals to fuel pres Here are some facts: their bodies and headache brains. Skipping the W •In themeans U.S., one in sixas women breakfast as much 10 to one o and one in 12 men experience 12 hours with no food and the The correct response to the Irish greeting, "Top of the morning to ity. A potential pain. for compromised school migraine The World Health that you," is "and the rest of the day to yourself." performance and irritability. be a Organization reports that miF o r t uare n a t eal y, p r e p acause r i n g of a to m graines leading healthy breakfast for your family T absenteeism can be quick and and decreased easy with work some Bero productivity, exacting a higher After simple substitutions: treating improper occluin he Delicious, nutritious breakfast price to societywhole-grain than other chronic • Choose foods; Seasion, many bars are quickmigraine and easy.sufferers substitute whole-wheat flour for conditions including asthma, redu report complete relief. white flour when you bake. Baked Breakfast Bars with depression, diabetes and heart • In recipes calling for milk or Fruits and they Nuts may be migraines is that disease. cream, substitute reduced-fat vercaused by regular a misalignment of your •Forty-five million Americans sions or try using other “milks” 3½ cups oats teeth, known ascherries, a bad bite, or malare thought experience such as rice to milk, almond regular milk or ¾ cup dried Improper plays headaches that use adversely affect occlusion. flax milk. Also, low-fat cream cranberries orocclusion blueberries cheese and yogurt. ½ cup sugar in head and neck pain. If you their lives. The market for pain- a role • Switch to healthier oils such ½ cup golden raisins frequent headaches, killers is huge—estimated at $2 experience as canola oil and canola oil mar¼ cup chopped pecans should consider visiting a neubillion annually. But the cost of you garine. Canola fits into a healthy 1½ teaspoons baking powder dentist. headaches in itthe U.S. in goes deep- romuscular diet because is high omega-3 ½ teaspoon salt dentists have er—people suffer badly fatty acids, who has no trans fat, isfrom low 1Neuromuscular teaspoon cinnamon i n s a t u r a thave e d f aregular t and h i g h off in 1 cup postgraduate fat-free milk training special headaches time monounsaturated fat. Its light ¼ cup oil Institute for thecanola Las Vegas work and around 157 million from Putt taste makes versatile to use in a 2 large eggs Advanced Dental Studies (LVI) working daysitare lost each year. m ay variety of recipes. 1 tablespoon flaxseeds, and computerized measuring •Three-quarters of all mimigr And when you use canola oil optional equipment that allows them to graine sufferers are women. Overinstead of butter or shortening in a D atperson’s all, migraines affect every determine recipe, you can cut theone totalinamount Prehea o v e n anatomically t o 3 5 0 ° F. nior of fat by about 25 percent. For G r e a s ebite—the o r s p r aoptimal, y a n 8 - ipainnch 10 adults in the world, with most correct depa example, if a recipe calls for 1 cup baking pan.of Combine everyfind position the jaw. They can migraine attacks experienced by free 3 butter, you can use ⁄ 4 cup of canola thing except the flaxseeds in a med people between the ages of 25 and then make an orthotic, which oil. large bowl. Pour into preBand athlete’s mouth55. •Ethnic origin is also anwithout impor- resembles Use fresh-frozen fruit pared pan an and sprinkle with the o guard, and place the jaw in this tant factor—Caucasians are most added sugar if fresh is unavailable. flaxseeds (and extra nuts if Man position. many at risk. • Sweeten waffles and quick d e s i r e dIn ). B a k e cases, f o r 3 patients 0 mintake In Natoma, Kansas, it's illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped breads with cinnamon, cardamom, utes. Cool, cut into squares, taking prescription headache There are some lucky people larly suits. or vanilla almond extracts in wrap each for individually and wom medications years report comaround whoorreport never having order to cut the sugar content. freeze. drug plete relief and stop taking drugs. hadNutritious a headache. The World Headbreakfast bars are To s e r v e , r e m o v e w r a p T “Less 5 percent of the ache Alliance that 10 ping delicious andestimates can be prepared andthan place frozen bar in exert in themilk; worldmicrowave are trained percent menand andfrozen 5 percent of dentists ahead ofoftime to grab a bowl with on th when you’re a hurry. neuromuscular dentistry,” says women have in never experienced a in 1 minute. Sprinkle with cinthe F o r headache. m o r e r e c i pFor e s asome n d a dundin a m Dr. o n Mark a n d Duncan. more milk, if with LVI’s single tional nutrition it’s s Learn more and find a neuroknown reason, information, migraines visit are desired. Makes 8 to 12 servings. scrip muscular dentist near you at apparently nonexistent in Japan. F •One surprising fact about www


Tool Tips: A Handyman’s Best Friends (NAPS)—Dogs are facing some tough competition for the status of man’s best friend. Sure, dogs are loyal, but men need more than loyalty—they need tools and toys to get things done and keep them entertained. Fortunately for guys and the gals who love them, finding the right tools and toys is easy (and won’t require a bloodhound). What To Get For example, few best friends may be more reliable than a Powerhorse 4,000-Watt Portable Generator with Electric Start, whether it’s powering the RV for a tailgate or ensuring the game is on. Another great friend for any handyman is the five-star-rated, Klutch Heavy-Duty Air Impact Wr e n c h . T h i s v e r s a t i l e t o o l removes lug nuts, loosens rusted bolts, removes crank pulley bolts and more. To finish the job, he’ll need pants as rugged and tough as he is, such as Gravel Gear Five Pocket Jeans. For men who consider themselves masters of the charcoal grill, there’s a method for making f i r e t h a t ’s m o r e e v o l v e d t h a n matches and lighter fluid—the Looftlighter Airstream Firestarter. It can start a roaring charcoal fire in 15 seconds. Just plug it into a standard outlet, touch the nose to wood or coals and the superhot (up to 1,256˚ F) airstream it provides starts a fire quickly, without singeing off your eyebrows.

(N the Chec org. and www

Do-it-yourselfers can enjoy some top tools, rugged clothes and handy toys. For guys who’d rather be on their motorcycle than just about anywhere, there’s the Pneumatic Biker Stool. It features a synthetic leather motorcycle seat, 360° swivel movement, heavy-duty chrome-plated aluminum base and footrest and five heavy-duty casters for easy maneuverability. Where To Get It You can find the Looftlighter Firestarter and Pneumatic Biker Stool at a one-stop, online store,, which features a large assortment of guy gear to make any task easier, any setting more comfortable and any situation more fun. The Powerhorse Generator, Klutch Air Impact Wrench and Gravel Gear Jeans, as well as more than 30,000 other tools and accessories, are available at more than 70 Northern Tool + Equipment stores and online at

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Advice Bringing Your Own Device Work Advice OnOn Bringing Your Own Device ToTo Work (NAPSA)—When employees (NAPSA)—When employees can can all their personal and work have have all their personal and work infor-information at their fingertips, can be mation at their fingertips, it canitbe big help—and a major headache— a big ahelp—and a major headache— to them and their employers. to them and their employers. Trend The The Trend Increasingly, workers Increasingly, workers todaytoday are are bringing personal devices bringing theirtheir personal devices to to the company IT department the company IT department to to enable access to e-mail and other enable access to e-mail and other productivity on them. productivity apps apps on them. According a recent Forrester According to a to recent Forrester report, three-quarters of U.S. report, three-quarters of U.S. work-workers the picksmartphone the smartphone ers pick they they wantwant rather accept choice. rather thanthan accept IT’s IT’s choice. What’s another recent survey What’s more,more, another recent survey discovered increasing numbers discovered increasing numbers of of enterprises across all industries enterprises across all industries are are supporting a bring-your-own-device If Santa brought you a new smartphone or tablet, here are some tips supporting a bring-your-own-device If Santa brought you a new smartphone or tablet, here are some tips (BYOD) model, andmore in more (BYOD) model, and in thanthan Technology to keep device and information fromfrom GoodGood Technology to keep your your device and information half of those instances, employees half of those instances, employees shoulder the cost of their device The The challenge is that Keeping Information Secure shoulder the cost of their device challenge is that mostmostKeeping Information Secure and service employees to enter a 1. Don’t 1. Don’t use cloud programs and service plan.plan. employees don’tdon’t wantwant to enter a use cloud programs on on Problem complex password mobile device to share corpoThe The Problem complex password everyevery time time they they your your mobile device to share corpoSo now employees can their use their to make a phone a files rate and files data. and data. So now employees can use need need to make a phone call, call, send send a rate favorite devices for work but compatext message or update 2. Beware of e-mail fraud. favorite devices for work but compatext message or update theirtheir Face-Face- 2. Beware of e-mail fraud. Don’tDon’t support platforms status. employees e-mail to anyone you don’t nies nies mustmust support moremore platforms book book status. Plus,Plus, whenwhen employees sendsend e-mail to anyone you don’t and deliver business including personal phones or respond to e-mails and deliver business apps apps including use use theirtheir personal phones for for knowknow or respond to e-mails fromfrom e-mail, and portals on iPads, a remote unknown sources without e-mail, chat chat and portals on iPads, work,work, a remote wipewipe couldcould eraseerase unknown sources without first first iPhones, Android Windows personal and data in addition verifying are legitimate. iPhones, Android and and Windows personal apps apps and data in addition verifying that that they they are legitimate. phones. means to corporate 3. Secure device’s settings and applications. 3. Secure phones. That That means that that data data and and to corporate data data your your device’s settings and applications. will be used any location it automatically A Solution apps apps will be used from from any location and and havehave it automatically lock lock A Solution network—which five minutes. Fortunately, companies over over any any network—which can can Fortunately, afterafter five minutes. companies such such as as endanger sensitive company Technology a different 4. Don’t 4. Don’t forward e-mails endanger sensitive company infor-inforGoodGood Technology take take a different forward e-mails fromfrom mation, potentially getting workers approach to these BYOD security corporate address to private mation, potentially getting workers approach to these BYOD security your your corporate address to private or their employers into trouble. challenges challenges and keep the interbest intere-mail accounts, especially e-mails or their employers into trouble. and keep the best e-mail accounts, especially e-mails To keep confidential stored ests of employees andcompany the company attachments. To keep confidential data data stored ests of employees and the with with attachments. on personal mobile devices in mind. companies 5. Don’t 5. Don’t check-in on personal mobile devices fromfrom in mind. GoodGood helpshelps companies use use check-in appsapps falling intowrong the wrong hands, separate secure corporate everywhere. falling into the hands, manymany separate and and secure corporate everywhere. IT departments to third-party leaving employees’ 6. Turn location setting off when IT departments turn turn to third-party data data whilewhile leaving employees’ pri- pri- 6. Turn location setting off when solutions to better secure, monitor, information untouched. not using that require solutions to better secure, monitor, vate vate information untouched. not using apps apps that require it. it. manage and support the variety For example, rather Be careful of beta programs/ manage and support the variety of of For example, rather thanthan re- re- 7. Be7.careful of beta programs/ mobile devices by employees. motely wiping the entire device, apps—they candangerous, be dangerous, mobile devices used used by employees. motely wiping the entire device, IT IT apps—they can be as as Using onethese of these solutions, can wipe corporate in many cases the developers Using one of solutions, IT IT can wipe only only corporate data,data, leav- leavin many cases the developers organizations can implement ing personal and applications haven’t sorted out security organizations can implement secu-secuing personal data data and applications haven’t sorted out security yet. yet. rity controls as passwords intact. lets employees Further Information use their rity controls such such as passwords and and intact. This This lets employees Further Information use their remote and lock, lets IT To learn more, www. personal mobile devices at work To learn remote wipe wipe and lock, whichwhich lets IT more, visitvisit www. personal mobile devices at work corporate a mobile or call 7-BEwithout having to worry eraseerase corporate data data from from a mobile or call (866)(866) 7-BEwithout having to worry aboutabout com- comdevice the event it’sor lost or stolen. GOOD. promising company information. GOOD. device in theinevent it’s lost stolen. promising company information.

Capturing And Keeping Tomorrow’s Memories

Make Dude Food Heart-Healthy Make Dude Food Heart-Healthy

(NAPSA)—Cardiovascular (NAPSA)—Cardiovascular dis- dis(CVD) remains the number ease ease (CVD) remains the number one killer of U.S. accounting one killer of U.S. men,men, accounting for about a third all deaths. for about a third of allofdeaths. Men Men a higher incidence of CVD havehave a higher incidence of CVD women and tend to experience than than women and tend to experience first cardiac earlier. theirtheir first cardiac eventevent earlier. “Sometimes a fatalis“Sometimes men men take take a fatalistic approach to heart health,” tic approach to heart health,” says says nutrition consultant Christopher nutrition consultant Christopher Mohr, Ph.D., “They if Mohr, Ph.D., R.D. R.D. “They thinkthink if someone in their family had heart someone in their family had heart disease, it’s over for them disease, it’s over for them the the but really, can presamesame way, way, but really, they they can pre80 percent the time vent vent it up ittoup 80to percent of theoftime a healthy diet lifestyle.” and lifestyle.” with with a healthy diet and Onflip theside, flip side, he added, On the he added, somesome especially young, men,men, especially whenwhen young, thinkthink they’re invincible and don’t they’re invincible and don’t have have to to health. But they Having a heart-healthy diet is easier than many men think. worryworry aboutabout heartheart health. But they Having a heart-healthy diet is easier than many men think. should. should. To combat attitudes Deep, Stout heat. Working 2 batches, To combat thesethese attitudes and and Deep, DarkDark and and Stout ChiliChili heat. Working in 2 in batches, statistics, CanolaInfo created a brown beef, about 3–4 minutes statistics, CanolaInfo created a brown beef, about 3–4 minutes 2 Tbsp canola oil, divided canola oil, divided “Heart-Healthy Recipe12 Tbsp per batch, stirring frequently. “Heart-Healthy DudeDude FoodFood Recipe per batch, stirring frequently. ⁄2 lb extra ground 1 ⁄2 lb11extra leanlean ground beefbeef Collection” to encourage In sauté remaining 1 Collection” to encourage men men to to In sauté pan,pan, heatheat remaining 1 (or 1 lb extra lean ground (or 1 lb extra lean ground of their favorite dishes canola oil and makemake somesome of their favorite dishes TbspTbsp canola oil and cookcook bell bell beef and 15-oz can kidney and 15-oz can kidney better for them. recipe peppers and onions 4 minutes better for them. EachEach recipe is is beefbeans, rinsed drained)peppers and onions 4 minutes rinsed and and drained) canola oil, which or until onions mademade with with canola oil, which has has beans, or until onions are are soft,soft, stir-stir2 cups diced green bell 2 cups diced green bell the least saturated fat most and most frequently. in cooked the least saturated fat and ring ring frequently. Stir Stir in cooked peppers peppers omega-3 all cooking oils. The remaining ingreomega-3 fat offat allofcooking oils. The beef beef and and add add remaining ingre1 diced cup diced red onion red onion and Drug Administra-1 cup dients, except salt. Bring just U.S. U.S. FoodFood and Drug Administradients, except salt. Bring just 3 cans oz each) no-salt(14.5(14.5 oz each) no-saltauthorized a qualified health3 cans a boil medium-high tion tion authorized a qualified health to ato boil overover medium-high added stewed tomatoes added stewed tomatoes on canola potential reduce cover claimclaim on canola oil’s oil’s potential to to heat,heat, reduce heat,heat, cover and and 1 bottle (12dark oz) dark (12 oz) stoutstout beerbeer simmer 45 minutes. Stir in salt. reduce disease reduce heartheart disease risk risk whenwhen1 bottle simmer 45 minutes. Stir in salt. 3 Tbsp chili powder 3 Tbsp chili powder in place of saturated 2. Serve choice used used in place of saturated fat. fat. 2. Serve chilichili withwith choice of of 11⁄2 Tbsp ground cumin 11⁄2 Tbsp ground cumin “I don’t tellpatients my patients to give toppings placed in three small “I don’t tell my to give toppings placed in three small 1 1 1 ⁄ 2 Tbsp smoked paprika 1 ⁄ 2 Tbsp smoked paprika up their favorite foods,” Mohr bowls. up their favorite foods,” Mohr bowls. (optional) (optional) “I simply encourage 8 servings. Serving says.says. “I simply encourage themthem to to Yield:Yield: 8 servings. Serving size: size: 1 Tbsp sodium-free sodium-free beefbeef 1 smarter choices, like substi-1 Tbsp 11⁄3 cups. makemake smarter choices, like substi1 ⁄ 3 cups. bouillon granules tuting canola oilsolid for solid Nutritional Analysis per Servtuting canola oil for fats fats or or bouillon granules Nutritional Analysis per Serv-

(NAPSA)—Consumers continue (NAPSA)—Consumers continue to watch budget and streamto watch theirtheir budget and streamline their lifestyle in ways line their lifestyle in ways that that are are and effective maintainsmartsmart and effective whilewhile maintaining services When ing services they they need.need. When it it comes to wireless cell phone comes to wireless cell phone ser- serconsumers are finding vices,vices, consumers are finding they they can have quality service without a can have quality service without a contract and without the extra contract and without the extra fea- feaassociated a smartturestures associated withwith a smartphone. paywhat for what you don’t phone. Why Why pay for you don’t need?need? Millions of consumers a Millions of consumers wantwant a When it comes to wireless When it comes to wireless ser- serreliable, attractive device reliable, attractive device that that vices, many consumers on a vices, many consumers on a allows to talk and text allows themthem to talk and text at a at a budget simply want a quality, budget simply want a quality, low cost. No-contract wireless low cost. No-contract wireless car- car- attractive phone that allows them attractive phone that allows them payLo by Virgin Mobile rier rier payLo by Virgin Mobile has has to talk and text—and save. to talk and text—and save. designed a plan to make it easier designed a plan to make it easier father job. you Say are you are for budget-conscious customers father couldcould get aget job.a Say for budget-conscious customers to to downsized at your job, your pay is talk text—and and text—and The Talk downsized at your job, your pay is talk and The Talk cut and you have to tighten & Text messaging cut and you have to tighten the the & Text plan plan offersoffers moremore messaging cinch…payLo a smartphone and data for $30 onlya$30 a month. cinch…payLo is notisanot smartphone and data for only month. but still you ability the ability Customers who choose this plan but still givesgives you the to to Customers who choose this plan in touch and network to keep receive: stay stay in touch and network to keep receive: moving forward.” •1,500 domestic minutes moving forward.” •1,500 domestic voicevoice minutes Dunn’s of Livin’” •1,500 messages picture, Dunn’s songsong “Cost“Cost of Livin’” •1,500 messages (text,(text, picture, reminds people are not e-mail and/or reminds people that that they they are not e-mail and/or IM). IM). in this difficult The plan includes a Web access alonealone in this difficult time.time. And And The plan includes a Web access payLo allows people to stay in conallotment of 30MB per month. payLo allows people to stay in conallotment of 30MB per month. staying within budget payLo phones are available tact tact whilewhile staying within budget payLo phones are available at at andwasting not wasting money on services thousands of major stores. and not money on services thousands of major retailretail stores. and apps doneed. not need. Award-winning country music and apps they they do not Award-winning country music Customers choices Ronnie Dunn’s single, Customers havehave manymany choices star star Ronnie Dunn’s latestlatest single, it comes to basic cell phone of Livin’,” speaks the diffiwhenwhen it comes to basic cell phone “Cost“Cost of Livin’,” speaks to thetodiffioptions. The101—available LG 101—available culties of getting job making and making options. The LG for for culties of getting a jobaand less than $20—is a slim-line phone during the recession less than $20—is a slim-line phone ends ends meetmeet during the recession cur- curdesigned to handle rently facing the American designed to handle talk, talk, text, text, IM IM rently facing the American work-workand e-mail services. LG 200 The song’s theme depicts a e-mail services. The The LG 200 force.force. The song’s theme depicts a and features full QWERTY keyboard, hardworking veteran, husband features a fullaQWERTY keyboard, hardworking veteran, husband and and camera, Bluetooth wireless father job application. camera, Bluetooth wireless and and father fillingfilling out aout jobaapplication. mobile access. The Samsung In today’s economy, and more mobile Web Web access. The Samsung In today’s economy, moremore and more (available at Best people are looking for ways M575M575 (available only only at Best Buy) Buy) people are looking for ways to cutto cut features a slide-out QWERTY and save money. features a slide-out QWERTY key- keyback back and save money. board, threaded text messaging, a shares: “I remember board, threaded text messaging, a DunnDunn shares: “I remember the the bright 2.4-inch screen a builtinsecurity of father my father bright 2.4-inch screen and aand builtfear fear and and insecurity of my in multimedia player. telling mehad he had lost job. his Ijob.inI multimedia player. telling me he lost his s iwt w. w w w. 9 years My parents To l eTo a r lne amr onr em, ovries,i tv iw was was 9 years old. old. My parents money my money fromfrom my grandplans/paylo-plans.jsp. mother to make a move so my plans/paylo-plans.jsp. mother to make a move so my

(NAPSA) - Microsoft’s Partners in Learning Network brings together 4 million educators in 36 languages to share best practices and classroom resources, access free tools and technology tutorials, and make connections that enrich their careers and their classrooms. For more information about the Partners in Learning Network, visit *** *** Texmati® Rice is grown in the USA Students at one prestigious high school creatand has a unique nutty, buttery fla- ed the nonprofit toy company Toys By Teens vor and popcorn-like aroma that can to raise money for teaching entrepreneurship enhance just about any recipe. For in schools. You can contribute at www.indirecipes andcorrect facts onresponse rice, visit www. to Irish the Irish greeting, "Top ofBy the morning The The correct response to the greeting, "Top of“Toys the morning to to Just type Teens” into is "and the of rest ofday the to day tosearch yourself." you,"you," is "and the rest the yourself." the box to learn more. *** *** There is a toll-free number you can The latest installment of one of call to get answers for all your ham- the most successful series in counrelated questions. Staffed by experts, try music history is now available. the Kentucky Legend Ham Hotline NOW That’s What I Call Country at (866) 343-5058 is open from 9 Vol. 5 includes 18 hits on one album a.m.Ð7 p.m. Eastern Time, Mon- for a great price! To learn more, visit dayÐFriday, from March 15ÐApril www.nowthatsmusic. com or www. 30. Learn more at www.specialty- thatscountry. *** foods There are products made to treat *** MyFoodAdvisor: Recipes for men’s specific skin care needs. Healthy Living from the American Kiehl’s Since 1851 offers men Sky Diabetes Association is an online re- Flyin’ Foaming Multi-Gel foaming source featuring recipes, meal plans cleanser and shave gel, Facial Fuel and tips for healthy eating. Learn UV Guard SPF 50+ and Facial Fuel more and register for free at www. “No-Shine” Hydrator. Learn more at www. Facial-Fuel. (NAPSA)-Recipes featuring nutrient-dense 100% juice can sweeten any gathering. Along with incredible flavor, fruit juice provides vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds called phytonutrients. For delicious, juicy recipes, go to www. fruit

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Helping Communities Prepare For Breakfasts Wildfires Quick Quick AndAnd Easy: Easy: Fast, Fast, Healthy Healthy Breakfasts (NAPSA)—For the nearly 70,000

Shopping Used Cars (NAPS)—It (NAPS)—It may threatened be may a chalbe a chalU.S. communities by lenge lenge finding finding minutes 15matter minutes to make to but make wildfires, it15 isn’t a of if, On The Go breakfast breakfast every day—but day—but chilchilwhen fire will every be a natural occur(NAPSA)—Using phone Making Making LessLess Of Migraines Ofyour Migraines Improving A Home’s Value And Curb Appeal dren need dren need this vital this meal vital Wildfires meal for a for a rence in their ecosystem. Georgia Georgia Peach Peach Commission Commission Gears Gears Up Up while driving is dangerous but variety of reasons. ofofreasons. costvariety billions dollars each year in (NAPS)—An (NAPS)—An increasing increasing numnum(NAPSA)—Selling a house in using your phone before you drive For A For Plentiful A Plentiful Peach Peach Season Season Actively Actively growing growing children need to need suppression costs and children damage bercan of ber people of people are you now areon putting now the tothe today’s market can be a challenge. help put theputting road food at food regular at regular intervals intervals toeconomy fuelto fuel (NAPS)—Summer is the on homes, infrastructure, the pressure pressure onthe migraines—listed on migraines—listed by by (NAPS)—Summer The solution may be is to on think out-the success next time you consider their bodies their bodies and In brains. and brains. Skipping Skipping and way, warm as warm temperatures and resources. addition, wildfires thegetting World the World Health Organization Organization as asway, side theasand box—or, in thistemperatures case, outa usedHealth car. breakfast means asand much as much as 10 to as 10 to make an an entrance—so too does too does putbreakfast bothmeans civilian firefighter lives one of one the of topthe 20top causes 20 causes of disabilof disabil-make side theentrance—so structure. risk. 12 at hours 12 hours with no with food no and food the and the the Georgia peach season. season. ity. A ity. promising A promising new study new study found foundthe Georgia In the past,peach a little paint and But for there is help. potential potential compromised for compromised schoolschool year, Georgia Georgia produces produces that acupressure that acupressure wristbands wristbands can can Each some Each minoryear, renovations might The nation’s leaders in wildfire performance performance and irritability. and irritability. than more 2.6 than million 2.6 million cartons, or so or be an be effective, an effective, drug-free drug-free solution solutionmore have done the trick, but cartons, with mitigation have partnered Fortunately, Fortunately, preparing preparing a to a more more than 63 than million 63sale, million pounds, pounds, of of to migraine-related to migraine-related nausea. nausea. many homes for homeowners develop Fire Adapted healthy healthy breakfast breakfast for your forCommunifamily your family peaches peaches between The study, The study, carried carried out atout theat thesweet-tasting aresweet-tasting finding interesting newbetween ways a prefire to help comcanties, becan quick be quick andstrategy easy and with easy some with some and mid-August, and mid-August, and Berolina Berolina Clinic,Clinic, whichwhich specializes specializesmid-May to mid-May boost curb appeal andand buyer munities at risk of wildfire saveDelicious, simple simple substitutions: substitutions: expectations are that arethe that 2011 thecrop 2011 crop in headache therapy, therapy, showed showed that thatexpectations interest. Delicious, nutritious nutritious breakfast breakfastin headache and reduce risk to homes, will or meet exceed or exceed that that level. •lives Choose • Choose whole-grain whole-grain foods; foods; Sea-Band Sea-Band couldcould significantly significantlywill meet While steps suchlevel. as cleaning bars are bars quick are quick and easy. and easy. infrastructure and resources. “This “This year ’syear crop’s looks crop looks to be to be substitute substitute whole-wheat whole-wheat flour for flour for up and investing in some landreducereduce nauseanausea in migraineurs. in migraineurs. The Service onescapes ofone theof best thestill in best recent in recent years. years. white white flour U.S. when flourForest you when bake. you bake. and BakedBaked Breakfast Breakfast Bars with Bars with can deliver results, Fire Protection We more look Weto look kicktothings kick things off in off a big in a For big Besides •the InNational recipes • In recipes calling calling for milk for Assoor milk or FruitsFruits and Nuts and Nuts homeowners are attracting the Forfreshest theimproving freshest peaches, peaches, ask the ask way it ciation partnered with a coalition waybuyer around way interest around Memorial Memorial Day,” said of said cream, cream, substitute substitute reduced-fat reduced-fat ver- ver-A new Web portal is available to withDay,” a system your your grocer grocer for homegrown for insulation homegrown looks, such exterior of other prominent nonprofit orgaDuke Duke Lane Lane III, president III, president sions sions or tryorusing try using other other “milks” “milks” of theofasthe 3½help cups 3½communities regular cups regular oatsdeal oatswith the exterior insulation known sweet Georgia m asweet k e s aGeorgia hpeaches. o m e peaches. more energy ® nizations and of wildfires. such as such riceasmilk, rice government almond milk, almond milk agenor milk or Georgia Georgia PeachPeach Council. Council. “For the “For the efficient. ¾threat cup¾dried cup dried cherries, cherries, “Outsulation .” From start to finish, you can save to Also, create the Fire Adapted Salad:Salad: flaxcies milk. flax milk. use Also, low-fat use low-fat cream cream cranberries best freshest and freshest peaches peaches around, around, Exterior insulation has been cranberries or blueberries or blueberries time finding a great used car with best and communities Communities (4-ounce) 2 (4-ounce) fresh, balls fresh,borlikeballs arches, window cheese cheese and yogurt. and initiative. yogurt. to lower bills we shown encourage we encourage peachenergy peach eaterseaters to askand to ask2details ½and cup½ sugar cup sugar safeguard their help from mobile apps. fromgolden wildfire threats. Said The water-packed water-packed mozzarella mozzarella decorative columns and draraise buyer interest. Susan • Switch • Switch tocampaign healthier to healthier oilswebsite, such oils such their grocers their grocers specifically specifically for homeforMalhome- ders, ½homes cup½golden cup raisins raisins “Wechopped arepecans pleased to partner, cheese cheese doorways. onegrown of Warwick, Rhode Island, matic That’s because mobile apps can grown as canola as canola oil and oilcanola and canola oilprovides maroil marsweet sweet Georgia Georgia peaches.” peaches.” ¼Tidwell, cup¼chopped cup pecans with the Ad Council and the straightforward information on 4peaches, ripe improving peaches, unpeeled, unpeeled, Besides the way it used Adding Outsulation Dryvit help you shop used cars on the garine.garine. CanolaCanola fits into fitsainto healthy a healthy Adding to thetopeach the by peach family family is to is4 ripe 1½ teaspoons 1½ teaspoons baking baking powder powder Fire Associatools and ½National each cut each into cut 8into wedges 8insulation wedges such exterior replace drabnative clapboard on her go—anytime, anywhere. You can: dietnational because diet because itprograms, is high it isin high omega-3 in omega-3 Peach County Peachthe County native Gena Knox, Gena who Knox, who looks, teaspoon ½ teaspoon saltProtection salt to educate communities— funding sources tono help communia home more energy a new stonelike exte1. Compare vehicles by hashome ½makes cup½fresh cup fresh basil leaves basil leaveseffifatty acids, fatty acids, has nohas trans fat, trans is fat, low is low1tion devoted has with devoted a section a section of her of latest her latest teaspoon 1 help teaspoon cinnamon cinnamon next to wooded risk from wildfire cient. It reduced air leakage in rior complete with architectural searching local listings with apps cookbook, in ties saturated inatsaturated fat and fat high andprepare high in in1especially cookbook, “Southern “Southern My Way: MySimple Way: Simple cup1fat-free cup those fat-free milk milk First: First: areas—on simple steps they can for fire before it starts. The proMalone’s home by 19 percent—the flourishes decorative window from and Recipes, monounsaturated monounsaturated Recipes, Freshand Fresh Flavors,” Flavors,” to recipes to recipesTo fat. Its fat.light Its light ¼ cup¼canola cup canola oil oil prepare To prepare dressing, gram takes a community-based take to help protect their property Putting Putting pressure onon the on wrist the wristfeaturing of dressing, closing up acomhole comin accents. Thesweet makeover raised her equivalent 2. Get a pressure quote insurance. featuring sweet Georgia Georgia peaches. peaches. taste makes taste makes it versatile it versatile to use to inuse a in a2 large 2 large eggs eggs bine lime bine juice, lime juice, zest, zest, vinegar, approach, encouraging homeown- and families when wildfires strike.” may may relieve relieve the nausea the nausea of of wall that would be the vinegar, size of appraisal value and attracted With apps such as those from “Nothing “Nothing is more is appealing more appealing innewwater, in thewater, varietyvariety of recipes. of recipes. 1 tablespoon 1 tablespoon flaxseeds, flaxseeds, honey honey and and Slowly salt. Slowly A History of Collaboration ers, land managers, civic leaders migraines. migraines. you can get a quote thebuyers. a soccer ball, or salt. of leaving your, summertime the summertime than athan dishafeadish feaAnd when And when you use youcanola use canola oil oil optional optional whisk whisk in door olive inopen oil olive and oilset and aside. set aside. The campaign was created pro and first responders to take proacfront for 25 minutes “The transformation of my as soon as you find the right car. turingturing sweet sweet Georgia Georgia peaches,” peaches,” said said insteadinstead of butter of butter or shortening or shortening in a in a Dr. Zoltan Dr. Zoltan Medgyessy, Medgyessy, the sethe setive steps to make their communi- bono by advertising agency Draftevery day. home hasHere’s been short ofNext: 3. Check history and get Knox. Next: recipe, recipe, you can you cutcan thecut total theamount total amountPreheat Knox. Here’s one ofnothing one heroffavorite her favorite Preheat oven oven to with 350°F. tothe 350°F. doctor nior doctor at the at clinic’s the clinic’s headache headache fcb, which has worked Ad niorimportant ties fire adapted. The Outsulation system reamazing—both from the standvehicle history informaCut Cut cheese cheese into into 1-inch 1-inch of fat of by fat about by about 25 percent. 25 percent. For For recipes recipes to try, to where try, where Georgia Georgia Grease Grease or spray or spray an 8-inch an 8-inch department, department, said, “Some said, “Some sufferers sufferers The Ad Council has partnered Council and U.S. Forest Service duced Malone’s by with 35 point of how much more beautifulpieces tion, so it youdifficult can pieces and gently and energy gently tossbills with toss example, example, if a U.S. recipe if aForest recipe calls for calls 1 cup for 1tocup peaches are theare star the ingredient: star ingredient: baking baking pan. pan. Combine Combine everyevery-find itfind difficult to know time to more nausea time about nauseapeaches for more than 68 years, to address with the Service 3 3 percent andbasil helped dampen noise. it is and the effect the renovationpeaches themedication used car before you buy it. All peaches and and leaves. basil leaves. butter, butter, you can you use can ⁄ 4 use cup of ⁄ 4 cup canola of canola thing thing except except the flaxseeds the flaxseeds in a in a medication effectively, effectively, but Seabut Seahelp deliver the Fire Adapted Com- the issue of wildfire prevention Georgia Caprese Caprese Salad Salad withofwith “My dogs used to wake me up had Georgia on increasing the value my you have to do is enter the license oil. munities oil. large bowl. bowl. Pour Pour into into prepre-Band Band can becan used be before used before or after or after with the iconic character Smokey message nationwide. Thislarge Last: at just about any noise Lime Lime Vinaigrette Vinaigrette barking home. I have been able to save soLast: plate or scan the VIN when you •national Use •fresh-frozen Use fresh-frozen fruit without fruit without pared pared pan and pan sprinkle and sprinkle with with onset the of onset nausea of nausea to bring to relief. bring relief. public service advertising Bear and his famous tagline “Only thehave Whisk mint mint into dressing into dressing Prepmoney Time: Prep on Time: 15 my minutes 15 minutes they would hear, including the airmuch energy bills,” Whisk the Carfax app. added added sugar sugar if raises freshifis fresh unavailable. is unavailable. (and (and extra extra nuts nuts if ifMany Many sufferers sufferers are reluctant are reluctant to to Youflaxseeds Can Prevent Wildfires.” campaign awareness thatflaxseeds andplanes toss and about toss about 2 tablespoons 2coming tablespoons Yields:Yields: 4 servings 4used servings constantly and said Malone. She OutsulaA Carfax Report can reveal: •those Sweeten • Sweeten waffles waffles and quick and quick desired). desired). Bake Bake for 30 for min30 mintake nausea take nausea medication—particumedication—particuSaid Peggy Conlon, president living in fire-prone communimore (or over more to taste) tohouse,” taste) with with salad. salad. the said Maltion by Dryvit, which lets you cre-(orgoing •Accidents or reported damage breads breads with cinnamon, with cinnamon, cardamom, cardamom, Dressing: Dressing: utes. utes. Cool, Cool, cut into cut squares, into squares, larly larly children children and pregnant and pregnant ties must prepare in advance to and CEO of the Ad Council, “We Season with with freshly freshly cracked cracked one, who lives in a fly zone. “But ate an Juice entirely new image. It canSeason •Maintenance and service or vanilla or vanilla or almond or almond extracts extracts in in Juice and zest and of zest 1 lime of 1 lime wrap wrap each each individually individually and and women—so would would welcome welcome aand a be adhesively or mechanically fas-pepper mitigate wildfire damage when it hope that our efforts will influence women—so pepper and serve. and serve. •Previous owners, mileage order to order cutThe to thecut sugar theproactive sugar content. content. 1 tablespoon 1 tablespoon champagne champagne or or since the renovation, the dogs freeze.owners and community drug-free drug-free alternative.” alternative.” property occurs. more actionsfreeze. don’t hear all more the sounds they tened over a building code– To so on. learn To learn more about about Georgia Georgia whitewhite wine wine vinegar vinegar Nutritious Nutritious breakfast breakfast bars are bars s eTo r in v esfire-prone ,e rrve em, orveareas emw ov re a - r a p - The latex-free The latex-free band band worksmobile works by by approved leaders topw take a community takes, the more fireareTo used to,get so we areadditional all getting arecipe lot water-resistive barrierpeaches, The Carfax and other peaches, additional get recipe 1 tablespoon 1 tablespoon water water delicious delicious and can and be can prepared be prepared ping ping and place and place frozen frozen bar in bar in exerting constant, constant, gentlefor gentle pressure pressure to plywood or OSB substrate. the necessary steps to prepare in exerting adapted it becomes. more sleep.” apps are available iPhones, ideas ideas and and sign sign the “Peach the “Peach 1 tablespoon honeyhoney aheadahead ofPartnering time of and timefrozen and frozen to grab to grab a bowl a bowl with milk; milk; microwave microwaveon theon inner the inner wrist. There’s There’s none of none of 1 tablespoon advance of with a wildfire, improving to Reduce For more information, call (800) The system offers the look ofPromise,” iPads andwrist. Android devices. Promise,” visit the visitGeorgia the Georgia Peach Peach teaspoon ½ teaspoon salt salt when you’re when you’re in a hurry. in a Risk hurry. 1 minute. minute. Sprinkle with with cincin-the side the effects sideLearn effects often often associated associated ½any the1 safety and Sprinkle resiliency of their Wildfire traditional finish, including 556-7752; in Canada, call (800) More Council Council at at ¼ cup¼olive cup olive oil oil ForAccording more For more recipes recipes and addiand addin a communities.” m onna m ao nn d a mnodr emm o ri e lkm , i fl k , i fwith anti-nausea with anti-nausea medication medication and and to U.S. Forest Service brick, limestone, stucco and 263-3308; or visit www.dryvit Further facts and tips on used and and tablespoons 2 tablespoons chopped chopped fresh fresh tional tional nutrition information, information, visit visit desired. desired. To learn more, visit Fire it’s car Chief Tomnutrition Tidwell, the campaign safe it’sbuying for safe patients forare patients taking taking pre- at pre- 2stone, plus three-dimensional available GeorgiaPeaches. GeorgiaPeaches. mint mint Makes 8 to 12 8 to servings. 12 servings. help individual homeowners Makes scription scription medications. medications. For more For more information, information, visit visit Note to Note Editors: to Editors: GeorgiaGeorgia peachespeaches are notare available not available in theseinstates: these states:

Go NUTS For Healthy Snacks

nia, Colorado, nia, Colorado, Washington, Washington, Oregon, Oregon, North North Dakota, Dakota, South South Dakota, Dakota, Montana, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Idaho, Arizona, Arizona, Vermont, Vermont, New Hampshire New Hampshire and Maine. and Maine.

“foods and nutrients to increase” for experimenting with your own seasoning disease prevention and overall good to customize your snacks. For more information about the health. Additionally, the DGA includes nuts as an example in its suggestion to health benefits of pistachios and choose a variety of protein-rich foods. to find tasty recipes, visit www. “Protein isFriends usedFriends most efficiently ToolTool Tips: Tips: A Handyman’s A Handyman’s BestBest when consumed throughout the day,” (NAPS)—Dogs (NAPS)—Dogs are facing are facing some some Pistachios with Black and White (NAPS)—To learn how learnto how reduce to reduce(NAPSA)-The best varieties of Calisays Becci Twombley, RD, CSSD, (NAPS)—To tough tough competition competition for the forstatus the status Peppercorns the risk theofrisk stroke, of stroke, visit My visitLife My Lifefornia Dried Figs for cooking and Nutrition Director for the UCLA of man’s of man’s best friend. best friend. Sure, Sure, dogs dogs snacking are dark Mission Check Check at www.mylifecheck.heart. at www.mylifecheck.heart. (NAPS)—Are (NAPS)—Are youpurple a you parent a parent with with are loyal, are loyal, but men but need men need more more Bruins, who is a board-certifiedorg. Ingredients: golden You can find Learn org. Learn the stroke the stroke symptoms symptomsand a story a story to Calimyrna. telltoabout tell about overcoming overcoming specialist in sports dietetics. “Adding than loyalty—they than loyalty—they need tools need and tools and and other and other helpfulhelpful tips bytips visiting by visitinggreat fig recipes and sign up for a free may infertility? infertility? Your Your success success may toys totoys gettothings get things done and donekeep and keep protein-rich snacks like one 4 tablespoons canola oil inspire inspire those those struggling struggling to conto connewsletter at them them entertained. entertained. Fortunately Fortunately of pistachios in between meals will 1 pound American pistachios, in *** ceive. ceive. For the For past the seven past seven years,years, green salads and stir them into fresh (NAPS)—Eat nuts as a healthy for guys for and guysthe andgals the who gals love who love help the body to build muscle more shell parents parents haveand shared have shared their their Great recipes baking tips inspirto helpinspirfruit salsas. For more facts and great offinding protein, according to research 1 them,source them, finding the right the tools right and tools and effectively.” ⁄4 ounce ground black ing journeys ing journeys through through thebaking national the tonational your whole family enjoy recipes, go to www.little bluedynapublished by won’t the School of toys is toys easy is (and easy (andHarvard won’t require require a a peppercorns Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are “My Little “My Miracle Miracle Essay Essay Contest.” Contest.” gether are atLittle the Fleischmann’s Yeast Public Health.* Researchers looked at well aware of nuts as a valuable snack, 1⁄4 ounce ground white bloodhound). bloodhound). Winners Winners receivereceive education education funds funds to to website, What What To Get To 37,000 Get men and accomplishing two goals: adding *** the diets of more than peppercorns support support their child’s their future.future. * * *child’s For83,000 example, Forwomen example, few best few friends bestcould friends Love to see if they find protein to their diets while satisfying Sea salt to taste Patients Patients who have who conceived have conceived using butter in your recipes? may be more be reliable more diet reliable than than Pow-a PowThe frozen food aisles of the gro-® Smart Balance® spreadable butter amay link between and aincreased risk hunger pangs between meals. The USA and given and given birth birth using using BRAVELLE BRAVELLE® erhorse erhorse 4,000-Watt 4,000-Watt Portable Portable GenGenInstructions: cery store offer nutritious, delicious, Do-it-yourselfers Do-it-yourselfers can enjoy can enjoy some some tastes like regular butter but has 40 of death from heart disease or cancer. (urofollitropin (urofollitropin for injection, for injection, puri- puriMen’s and Women’s Water Polo Teams eratorerator Electric Electric Start,Start, Warm the canola oil in a stovetop convenient ® ® In celebration of percent less saturated fat because it is top tools, top tools, rugged rugged clothes clothes and and Theywith foundwith that replacing one serving fied)options. and/or MENOPUR MENOPUR (menotro(menotroidentified pistachios as their pan, add the pistachios and toast fied) and/or whether whether it’s powering it’s powering the RVthe forRV a for a have handy handy toys. toys. March National Frozen Food Month, blended with pure canola oil-a great pins for pins injection, for injection, USP)—fertility USP)—fertility of red meat with one serving of nuts evenly. Add the ground black and the National Frozen & Refrigerated tailgate tailgate or ensuring or ensuring the game the game is is “Official Snack.” products products marketed marketed by Ferring by Ferring option for those looking for a better “You reallywho’d can’t go wrong For who’d guys rather rather be on bewith on white pepper, coat evenly and on. was on. linked to a 19 percent lower risk ofFor guys Foods Association created a the $10,000 Pharmaceuticals—have Pharmaceuticals—have opthe butter. oppremature death or total mortality. The their pistachios,” motorcycle their motorcycle than just thanabout just about Another Another great great friend friend for any for any says Twombley. “With six continue toasting; season with sea portunity portunity to win toa win $10,000 educa-educaSweepstakes that runsa $10,000 through Parents Parents who have have struggled with with *who * * struggled study reinforces the role of nuts asanywhere, an grams salt to taste. Remove from heat anywhere, there’s there’s the Pneumatic the Pneumatic handyman handyman is theisfive-star-rated, the five-star-rated, of protein in every 160-calorie tionend fund tion fund entering byTo entering the “My theLit“My Lit* * *in*the * * dish of your the ofby April. enter and for infertility infertility have have shared shared their intheir inKnown for its unique, mellow-nutty important part of a Air healthy diet.Impact and serve Bikerserving, Biker Stool. Stool. Itpistachios features It features a synthetic a synthetic Klutch Klutch Heavy-Duty Heavy-Duty Impact Air are a protein front- People People withwarm diabetes with diabetes should should have haverules tle Miracle tle details, Miracle Essay Contest.” Contest.” spiring spiring journeys journeys through through a a and visitEssay www.Easyflavor, shredded Jarlsberg is the main leather leather motorcycle motorcycle seat, seat, 360° 360° Wrench. Wrench. This This versatile tool In addition to the versatile Harvard study,tool the runner choice. compared to 160 calories oftheir feet their professionally feet professionally checked checked reg- reg-Ferring Ferring is alsoisawarding also awarding a $7,500 a $7,500 national national essay essay contest. contest. swivel swivel movement, movement, removes removes lug nuts, lugGuidelines nuts, loosens loosens rusted rusted heavy-duty heavy-dutyularly.ularly. ingredient in the new dip made with 2010 Dietary for Americans If you If have youor have think or you think may you mayeducation other convenience snacks.” education fund for forsecondthe second* * fund * the bolts, (DGA) bolts, removes removes crank crank pulley bolts bolts chrome-plated chrome-plated aluminum aluminum base basehave aReferences: *Panulcer A, Q, (DFU), Bernstein and onion now availencourages eatingpulley more planthave diabetic a diabetic foot footSun (DFU), ulcer see seeplace place tain hormones tainred hormones andand are and used are for used for winner winner and $5,000 and $5,000 for the for mayo the Pistachios provide a new twist for AM, Schulze MB, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, and more. and more. and footrest and footrest and five andheavy-duty five heavy-dutya wound never need to be peeled, able inwomen supermarkets. www. based foods, which has brought nuts a wound care Hu specialist care specialist immediately. immediately.Blueberries women who are whogoing areCheck going to have to in have in third-place third-place winner. winner. nut lovers. They can be enjoyed right out Willett WC, FB. Red meat consumption To into finish To finish the job, the he’ll job, need he’ll need casters casters for easy for maneuverability. easy maneuverability. pitted or sliced and have only 40 find To afind wound aresults wound care specialist care specialist To enter for more recipes, the spotlight as a great choice for of the bag or prepared in a creative way,To and vitro fertilization. fertilization. Do not Douse not use To enter the contest, the contest, write write a jarlsberg a vitro mortality: from 2 prospective pants pants as rugged as rugged and tough and tough as he as he Where Where To Get ToItGet It per essay, ?-cup serving. You can What nearby or learn or learn about preventing preventing tips andMstore MENOPUR ENOPUR or locations. BRAVELLE or BRAVELLE if you ifhave you have brief essay, brief “If I Knew “If I Knew Then What Then protein, fiber and healthy fats. In fact, like these flavored pistachios developednearby cohort studies. Arch Internabout Med. 2012 Apr 9; calories is, such is, such as Gravel as Gravel Gear Gear Five FiveYou can Youfind can the findLooftlighter the Looftlighterdiabetic them onNow,” cereal, toss them in what diabetic foot ulcers, foot ulcers, visit www. visit www.sprinkle 172(7):555-63. ovaries ovaries that are that are not able not to able make to make I Know I Know Now,” explaining explaining what * * * the DGA includes nuts on its list of by Chefand GrantPneumatic MacPherson. He suggests PocketPocket Jeans.Jeans. Firestarter Firestarter and Pneumatic Biker

My My Little Little Miracle Miracle

eggs even eggs with evenhelp; with are help; pregnant are pregnant adviceadvice you would you would give to give other to other For men For who men consider who consider them-themStool Stool at a one-stop, at a one-stop, onlineonline store, store, or think or think you may you be may pregnant; be pregnant; couples couples who are who coping are coping with inferwith infer*** *** selvesselves masters masters of theofcharcoal the charcoal,, whichwhich features features In its In earliest its earliest stage,stage, the fivethe five-tility and have problems have problems with your with thyroid your thyroid tilityhow andyou howwould you would describe describe grill, there’s grill, there’s a method a method for making for making a large a assortment large assortment of guyofgear guy to gear toyear survival year survival rate for rate colon for cancer colon canceryour your gland or adrenal or adrenal gland gland that are that are success success usingusing B R AV EBLRLAV E E Lgland LE

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Involving Kids In Cleaning: A Key To Future Success

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Easy Tiling Ideas

(NAPS)—Encouraging your kids (NAPSA)—Renovations don’t to pitch in with household chores can Eating Fish May Help have to be costly, messy and time do more than help keep your house consuming. There are ways to Protect The Brain clean. avoid the headaches often associ(NAPS)—A new and large-scale According to a study conducted by ated (NAPS)—Taking care when it with home upgrades. Tiles are study says that enjoying a diet (NAPS)—Breaking bad eating the University of Minnesota, the bestVisioncomes Tips On Making Healthy LasttoAexposure Lifetime A a great way to add a punch of perto sunlight can that includes fish and other foods habits may be easier than you predictor of a child’s success is the age help protect you from the most that are rich in omega-3 sonality to your home and many think. (NAPSA)—Vision changes as fatty (N at which he or she helping common cancer in the U.S.A. Skin acids can be abegins bright idea.iswith That’s tiling projects can be completed in Here are a few tips to help you people get older, but vision loss work household chores. The research showed cancer, scientists say, is duejust to one day. With a few tools and because research indicates these achieve and maintain a healthier notthat a normal partcan of children aging. frequ ultraviolet photodamage caused by involving regularthe fatty acids help toinprotect weight from Dr. Ro (Rovenia some elbow grease, you can breathe That’s the word the from Paul rupt by the sun’s harmful rays. So too brain effects ofA.aging. routines ofagainst cleaning and tidying up, Brock, Ph.D.), best-selling author new life and flair into any room. Sieving, director of care much sunlight can spell trouble parentsM.D., instill aPh.D., sense of responsibility, of “Dr. Ro’s Ten Secrets to Livin’ Get creative inspiration with for your skin. thecompetence, National Eye Institute. mor Healthy.” self-reliance andHeselfsimple tiling projects you can use According to the World Health believes early diagnosis, tatin 1. Write down your goals worth inthat their children, which stay with Organization, one such in every to livenUltraviolet up your home: completed. Using visuals as a three radiation can goeffec and make sure they are measurtimely themtreatment, throughout and their appropriate lives. cancers a skin able and realistic. is a diagnosed great way toiskeep kidscancer through clothing, windshields, H follow-up care your can help “Getting kids prevent involved in chore chart and, according toclean the Skin Cancer windows, even clouds, so it’s 2. Take advantage of proon task, remind them to and to irreversible com-time cleaning isvision a greatloss wayfrom to spend Foundation’s statistics, one in wise to wear SPF protection daily. • grams that help you attain your Healthy food choices can help of how often they are doing eye diseases glau- the keep track and together as a familysuch whileasteaching every five Americans will develop goals and provide a support sys- reduce chronic health problems. mon it. Giveskin your cancer. kids stickers tobest placedefense: on importance of health and hygiene in the coma, diabetic retinopathy and migr including free radical defense and The tem of people who are also trying when your they’ve completed a 365 advanced protection against UVOrg keeping skin protected home,” said Dr. Jana, M.D., F.A.A.P., a the chart macular degeneration. to stay healthy. Many of the eating reasonably on a daily basisage-related if ayou like, provide modest damage without the need forgrai days year. pediatrician award- task and, Dr. Sieving says that it’sand possination’s nonprofits have programs to maintain a healthy weight, board-certified rewards for collecting a specified higher concentrations of poten-abse The Solution author. that can help keep your goals on there’s nothing that says you can-blewinning to make healthy vision last a stickers.these Whilekeythesun realprotec- tially irritating sunscreen ingreditrack by offering tips and support not have a cookie every once in alifetime. Here a few to help get the number ofConsider Toare help, he tips offers the folents found in products with highprod tips: rewardtion is a skin cleancare home, you can also while. Stick to portion sizes andlowing groups. whole familyshow engaged household Studies thereinmay be a link tips: price •For from the face, use one teaspoon SPF. a family movie Linking yourself to a program, have fun. Its real life! cleaning: between health, cardiovas-offer anything Yourbrain Family History. cond For even more effective protecof sun protection product. Talknight with your family members In January 2011, Walmart, •Know support group or other resource Tiling accents can add style. to a reasonable allowance. cular healthare and eating foods, • Choose family-friendly eye diseases hereditary. the body, use one shot tion from risky UV damage, Der-depr can help keep you on track alongside First Lady MichelleSome such about• Tailor their•For eye health tasks to history, specific age Using a tile adhesive makes as brisling Be sardines, that cleaning products: cautious malogica has also introduced Oleo-disea glass–sized quantity of sun protecyour family members then because it keeps you motivated Obama, announced an initiativeTalk with talk with your eyechildren care proGive younger simpler, installation and mess in free. areusing rich cleaning in omega-3 fatty with acids. when products or groups: some fast Technology two of its • tion product. when times get tough. For exam- to provide customers with health-about their eye health history, fessional learn what youorcan one-steptotasks like dusting picking products, Solar Defense Boosterare •Be sure to reapply every two around young children. As children Dr. Zaldy Tan, a researcher at 1. Call attention to one wall of ple, the Walmart Foundation ier and more affordable foodthen talk with your eye care pro- do toys to protect your vision. uphours, off theespecially floor. Saveafter the amore Free Matte swimaor and should the lead author of a get UCLA older, they becan taught to recently announced $9.5 million in choices. This effort includes afessional roomSPF30 with aand boldOiltile accent. BeSPF30.head to learn what you do jobs, such as vacuuming, workout. study oncare, theuse effects of omega-3s as directed, and complex grants to organizations with a commitment to increase funding handle daringThe withtechnology, patterns, orwhich makeprovides it government’s on for theolder can to protect with your vision. scrubbing •Remember, andresearch disinfecting, greater stability than the previoustheir UV radiation functions, that mission of providing nutrition for nutrition programs that help keeponallcognitive cleaning products andsaid sprays modern with subway tiles. visual system and eye diseases. •Eat Right tocontrolling Protect Yourparticigeneration of emulsifiers, uses nat-kille even education classes across the coun- educate consumers about health- away fromafter their eyes. Whenfor cleaning kids. go through clothing, windshields,2. Tile theoccurring kitchen backsplash tiny spheres ofbilli windows, Wear SPF urally NEI• Take supports andclouds. clinical Sight. Eating rich in pants’ age,foods gender, education, timebasic toeven educate: It’s never try, and it offers online tools and ier food choices. around young kids, look for familycolor andoils protect the wall and vitamin E foundhead as top ar t o f result a d ai lthe y about d ay l i gtohtaddemollient body mass index and smoking, science programs that in fatty acids and vitamins According to Dr. Ro, “Nutritionomega-3 tips that anyone can access. too early educate your kids friendly cleaning agents. The makers in Safflower seeds. These uniqueer— defense regimen to help prevent from cooking messes. Bondera relationship was still there.” The foundation’s grant to non- education plays a vital role inA and “The development of sight-saving treatC may help keep your eyes Help them identify and then of LYSOL® have launched a new line oilgerms!skin molecules can deliver active cancer, premature aging TileMatSet, a double-sided, peel- ingre-head profits will provide classes focused helping families break bad healthhealthy. Tan and others believe fishments. For example, said Dr. Sievtackle bacteria-rich surfaces, like door hydrogen cleaners called dients such as sunscreens and photodamage. provides peroxide the greatest concentraon learning to cook and shop for habits‚ from eating comfort foods of and-stick tiling adhesive is a greatdirectly recent clinical trials sponsored •Give ItPower adietary Rest. Work at a fatty kitchen light regu& Free™, aimed toing,handles, to the skin surface, and releasewor •Keepsinks, up totoilets date and on FDA tion of omega-3 healthier foods on a budget and to resisting exercise. As we tackle LYSOL® tool tothem use instead of mortar and You regarding can also doctors teach care, themwhich by switches. the NEI have provided computer allThe day types long? Give your over time to ensure maxi-work lations skin keep homes healthy. LYSOL® of fish that proprovide live cooking demonstra- the issue of obesity in this coun- helpacids. mastic,mum eliminating the mess and about household hygiene through other with crucial data regarding preveneyes a 20/20/20 break: Every 20 skin benefits. These qualities • have recently changed. vide the highest concentration of Power & Free™ delivers more try, every family must take a step tions in communities nationwide. allowing you to grout immediately educational activities. Check out these are especially relevant with chemi-grain •Use a trusted skin care line to tion and treatment of age-related minutes, look about 20 feet in the fatty acids are mackerel, lake 3. Read labels. Walmart is back and look at what it’s putting cleaning power than bleach (on tough after positioning the tiles. cal sunscreens because they allowall, protect against the sun, sites for ideas you on how to teach kids even trout, and sardines, macular degeneration (AMD). of you for 20 seconds to such developing a simple front-of- on the table for its children. Eat-front grease andherring soap scum) but without the products old to achieve whenand youhygiene: least trivetsa high by SPF10 a the type sold under the for KingThe aboutAge-Related germs package seal to help consumers ing better today can help reducereduce Eye expect Diseaseit. To that3. Modernize eyestrain and fatigue. the as harshness—making it suitable usingtofewer sunscreen end,Zone Dermalogica, the No. 1 profesOscar brand. using rating the tilewhile adhesive create a section attaking instantly identify truly healthy the likelihood that your child will everyday Study• Kidz determined that •Let the Sun Shine. When migr use around kids and pets. chance sional skin care brand, developed a agents, Dr. Brian Appleby of the from chronic health prob-shopping food options. custom tiledlessening pattern the that popsof sen-peop high levels of antioxidants and for sunglasses, look for • Turn cleaning into a game: sitivity and providing an elegant land Clinic thinks the findingszone signature UV Smart Booster Tech4. Do all things in modera- lems later in life.” against tableware. the for riskitsofsun developing ones that blockgame-style outimportant 99 toactivities, 100 perIncorporate likezinc nology protection line, a feel and wearability. The new Solar55. E provide an link be- reduces You can learn more at www. tion. Start small and be consis• CDC’s Ounce of Prevention: 4. Explore creative side “hide and brain seek,” intoradiation. an advancedcustomized AMD by about 25 per- that safe- Defense your oftween UV-A and UV-B Booster SPF30 and Oiltant microcapsule health andotherwise cardiovastent. If you’re working out and cent by designing a charming tile patFree Matte SPF30, with Oleosomeat ri guards active vitamins and then mundane cleaning routine. Ask your cent. The NEI comparison of AMD Early stages of common eye cular health. • CDC Germ Stopper Resources: tern onTechnology, an old tabletop, whichmuch will more T can deliver bursts open upon contact learn visit www.king kids toTo spot areasmore, that are unclean andtreatment trials found that the with UV diseases typically have no UV protection without unwanted rays, releasing an active add pizzazz to lunches and you may be surprised how many they toms and can only be detected two most commonly used AMD arou htm ent complex of vitamin C and vitoiliness and chalkiness. evening drinks. find! a comprehensive dilated drugs—one Mobile broadband is paving the way for Internet users on the gothrough thatE was designed for had Learn More amin for maximum free radical Visit for more tips on For more on these and similar • Implement a rewards system: eye and a much cheaper eye exam. Pupil dilation allows a use in theprotection. (NAPS)—If you’re out and about and more on sun protection,ache keeping a healthy home as part of the projects,For Give tokids specific cleaningthegoalsdrug visit www.bonderatile or callperc that was developed to treat doctor closely examine need to connect to the Internet, you basically visit advanced technology proMobile broadband is paving the way for Internet users on the go and reward them once the goals are LYSOL® This Mission for Health. have two options: public Wi-Fi or mobile effective in benefits, back of the eye for signs of eye cancer—are wom (310) 900-4000. videsequally skin with multiple broadband. (NAPS)—If you’re out and treating AMD. disease. sing Colors Can Tell A Story About A Room—And You Public Wi-Fi hotspots, usually provided about and need to connect to the For more information about eye The National Eye Institute kno by coffee shops, restaurants and airports, Internet, you basically have two black or one ofhealth, visit (NEI),(NAPS)—Decorators part of the Nationalsay appa Instigive peoplepublic with Wi-Fi-enabled devices options: Wi-Fi or mobile Environmentally Friendly the of most beautiful things about colorhealthyeyes. • tutes Health, leads the federal the ability to connect to that business’s broadband. *** Unlike other pigments or is that it can tell a story, capture a Internet connection. business Public Wi-FiSometimes hotspots,theusually An archaeologist the best husband a woman can have. The older colorants, Benjamin is Moore’s memory or trigger an emotion. provides the by hotspot for free and sometimes provided coffee shops, restaushe gets the more interested he is in her. are zero-VOC. Volatile organic For example, black and deep hues itrants chargesand customers to log on. airports, give people —Agatha Christie (VOCs) can be can suggest mystery while citrus- compounds There are pluses and minuses to Wi-Fi. with Wi-Fi-enabled devices the *** On the plustoside, you can go like brights can evoke images of dangerous to human health and can ability connect toonline thatrelatively busicheaply from a number of places. And ness’s Internet connection. Somesummertime fun and turquoise and cause harm to the environment. increasingly, times the businesses, business especially provideshotels the In this case, the company makes watery blues often help offer a sense and restaurants, are providing free Internet hotspot for free and sometimes it *** its own colorants. So when the of calmness and tranquility. access to attract customers. In some charges customers to log on. places, The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the colorants are added to Aura, which New Colors, New Stories onceThere you logare on, you can stay online as long pluses and minuses urge to throw a snowball. is the only paint formulation being One of the latest developments as like and as much as you you want. toyou Wi-Fi. Onuse the plus data side, can fingertips. —Doug Larson Plus, mobile broadband provides A new service offers superfast The modern harp hasoffered for this special series and is interior paintorchestral is a new 240 On the relatively minus side, cheaply you can only go online fromuse a a4G private, encrypted connection, making user in 46 mobile broadband. strings. The instrument has *** Wi-Fi whileof you’re at the And café, restaurant or data much safer than it would be on a public full-spectrum color palette from the brand’s ultimate performance number places. increassix and a half octaves with no airport is providingespecially it. And because it’s Wi-Fi ting in the park on a sunny after- Benjamin Moore, one of America’s product, the paint remains lowingly, that businesses, hotels network. accidentals. an unsecured public Internet data noon or waiting for your flight,It leading paint manufacturers. and restaurants, areconnection, providing VOC—under 50 grams per liter. Mobile broadband is stillnext evolving. transmitted over the network, like creditcuscard can mobile broadband puts the Internet free Internet access to attract be expensive, sometimes up to $70 a Each color in the series is much The eye-candy array is aptly numbers personal information, can month, at your Plus, mobile called Color Stories. These are like a secret recipe. Only select tomers.and Inother some places, once you andfingertips. many plans require a long-term be vulnerable to hackers and data thieves. broadband provides a fact, private, log on, you can stay online as long contract, but that’s changing. In a new handcrafted blends that are designed authorized Benjamin Moore re­ Lastly, Wi-Fiuse connections be service encrypted making user as youpublic like and as muchcan data from connection, NetZero® offers superfast 4G to read richer than conventional tailers are equipped to mix them and, slow, especially data much safer as you want.when many users are logged mobile broadband datathan plansitforwould as littlebe as on toOn the shared network.side, you can $9.95 on a public Wi-Fi network. the minus per month with the purchase of an colors because they are formulated without knowing the correct colorant The second option is mobile broadband, Mobile is still evolvonly use Wi-Fi while you’re at the access device.broadband Customers have a choice of with more pigments in very precise, ratios, these hues are impossible to morning light will affect it one way, which to expand to additional cities duplicate. ing.devices: It canthebeNetZero expensive, some- exacting amounts. café, continues restaurant or airport that is two 4G HotSpot™, artificial or indirect light another, nationwide. mobile broadband device (NAPS)—New times to $70 a month, and providingWith it. aAnd because it’s an which Lighting Is Key FCC policies According to paint expert Ray canup connect up to eight Wi-Fi-enabled causing the color to take on different and a monthly data plan, you can access the make consumers many simultaneously, plans require a long-term unsecured public Internet connec- devices or the NetZero 4G Gomez, these are full-spectrum paint Themay colors in rural this new palette pay characteristics and appearances Internet with your laptop, netbook or tablet higher rates for telephone service contract, butconnects that’sone changing. In colors, meaning that they contain are best tion, data transmitted over the Stick™, which user at a time appreciated once the paint throughout the day. anywhere that service’s coverage via and slower broadband. You can fact, a new NetZero network, within like credit card numbers a USB port.service With the from purchase of either® anywhere between five and seven is applied and dried. The lighting For more information, visit www. area. are waiting for the kids to device, urge your congressional represenoffers you superfast 4G mobile broadandWhether other you personal information, can even try the service for up to interacts with colors to finish practice, sitting in the park on a sunny tatives to support equal and afdata plans as more littleabout as pigments, using no black or gray in a room can be vulnerable to hackers and aband year for free. You can for find out a visual access dynamic thatAmericans. can afternoon or waiting for your nextWi-Fi flight, mobile for all $9.95 broadband per month the pur- tints. Conventional colors use only yield fordable data thieves. Lastly, public from with NetZero at www. mobile broadband Internet at your unexpected treat. Natural the National Telecommunicachase of an access device. Cus- three pigments and often fill in with be anJoin connections canputs be the slow, especially

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Tell them you saw it in‌The Money Saver News

September 2012 35

36 September 2012

Tell them you saw it in…The Money Saver News

Shows Generational Divide JoshSurvey Duhamel Gives A “High-Five” For Adopted Pets Over Relaxation Habits (NAPSA)—Approximately half

of the pets that end upit in shelters (NAPS)—When comes to leaving in North areeveryone euthanized work America behind, not vacations before they find a home. That the same way. That’s a key finding of a adds up to about 11,000 pets each recent survey that revealed that boomers day—or about 4 million pets this (individuals approximately year—that will lose their48–66 livesyears age) andthe millennials (individuals evenofthough majority are approximately 18–31 years of age) have healthy and adoptable. very different approaches when it comes While these figures might seem to what ending they want a vacation. staggering, petfrom homelesscangoal. be seen in various ness These is andifferences achievable Everyareas—from how approach one can be part of thethey solution andsocial Josh Duhamel plays with Lucky, mediawith whileadopting on vacation to next how they it starts your an adopted dog. Josh is working pet. maintain a work/life balance. in par tnership with PetSmar t Many Americans believe adopt- Charities to raise awareness of Celebrating Relaxation divided on whether social media is ed pets The are2012 some of theCruises best Relaxation com- pet were Princess adoption. panion animals, yet there Report was commissioned by are Princess a must-have while on vacation. a pet whenofyou’re many misconceptions about adopFor example, 85 percent millennials Cruises with Wakefield Research. •Adopting ready to add four-legged com-them tion Princess that need to which be overcome. reported that aa vacation won’t stop Cruises, annually helps panion your family. PetSmart Charities teamed fromtomaking a social media update. In more than 1.3 millionhas passengers escape your story of with oth-said up completely with leading Josh contrast, only 48 percent boomers aboard itsactor worldwide fleet of •Sharing ers they about how your adopted pet Duhamel launchthe thesurvey High-Five would update a social channel while ships, to conducted to examine has brought joy to your life. for Pet Adoption campaign in an on vacation. Americans’ ability and approach to OneThe of the to for effort to educate the public about No. biggest 1 social barriers media outlet relaxation and vacation trends. adoption is the belief that “you these misconceptions. Americans vacationing is Facebook— “It’s evident through our survey Duhamel has been a pet adop- never know what breed you’re nearly six out of 10 Americans said that since Americans’ approach to going to get,” yet in the U.S., an tion findings advocate he adopted they would likely make an update. The relaxation and vacationing is changing Meatloaf, a companion for Zoe, his average of 20 percent of all survey also that 16 No percent with eachdachshund. generation,” said Jan Swartz, adoptable petsrevealed are purebred. 7-year-old Though would what reportedly visitofYouTube and 15 executive vice type pet you he’s Princess passed Cruises away, Meatloaf leftpresident. an matter percent likely visit Twitter while Time for Relaxation choose to would adopt, consider these indelible Making mark on Duhamel—that starters, that boomers things: adoptedFor pets are itsoappears grateful for fourvacationing. Parenting Relaxation take their vacation Someand breeds spend the love you have to time giveseriously, them— with 1. Space. percent while of parents in three finding it impossible lots of Sixty-four time sleeping, oth-have and only he’sone committed to raising vacation without their child, to go an about entire vacation without ers taken need amore room to run and awareness the joy thatdoing although that comes with a guilt price explore. adopted petswork bring to our lives. anything related. Time. need forhave training, WithInDuhamel, the High-Five Of theThe parents who vacationed contrast, nearly six out of 10 of 2.tag. attention, playkids, and can for Pet Adoption campaign celewithout their 46outings percent felt guilty younger millennials would not be able on breed type.More than brates 5 million pets that have varyfordepending not taking their kids along. to the completely escape and disconnect Kids. If you beenfrom saved PetSmart of moms felthave guiltychildren, about leaving workthrough on vacation. Millennials are 3.half know temperament Charities adoption centers theirthe kidspet’s at home but just over a bethird of also leaving relaxation timein onPetthe table. foredads youshare adopt. Smart while raising aware- time theirMost guilty shelters feelings. will Of stores, those employed with vacation offer a pet’s history, including ness available about adoption anthan effort to used Pop Culture Escape Break to them, inless half when vacation it’s available. save millions more pets. Duhamel temperament, On the celebrity buddy front, all their paid time off. Boomers, on the Coat. breeds must be like urges others to take action by: in fourSome females said they would other hand, appreciate their vacation •Donating to organizations professionally groomed to stay to hang out with Chelsea Handler on a nearly 60 percenttoused healthy and almost all dogs and that time rely and on public support runall of relaxing beach day, whereas 25 percent of their allotted time last year. shelters and programs that save cats, whether long- or shortall men would rathermuch share their To Do Not tothrough Do haired, shed. How hairsunblock are pets. Text PETS toor 80888 with Jay Leno. Of those surveyed, 57 percent August 6 or visit www.petsmart you ready to handle? Dream Escapes considered tothemselves “relaxers”— More tips, adoption stories and donate $5 and describe their perfect whoCharities enjoys sitting access When to a asked list ofto local adoption help someone PetSmart reachback its and vacationis libation, 37 percent of females nothing—as opposedtotohelp the other agencies available on goal doing of raising $250,000 think their dream escape as a mai tai— percent surveyed who described save43 10,000 homeless pets.

themselves as “doers”—someone who wants to fit as many activities as they can into each escape. Managing Social Media In addition to Americans’ varying views on relaxation, many respondents

tropical and beachy—whereas 27 percent of men think of their dream escape as a bottle of beer—party time! To learn more, visit www.

Personalized Protection For All Your Devices

(NAPSI)—With more ways to access the Internet, from laptops to tablets and smartphones, come more security risks. As a result, comprehensive The security, smallestcustomized bone in the body is the stapes or stirrup bone to ahuman consumer’s located inneeds, the middle ear. It is approximately 1⁄10 of an inch long. unique has become a must-have. Shaped like people a stirrup on a sadle, it transmits sound vibrations Some may find themselves through theoverwhelmed hearing system. feeling when trying to handle security over a multitude of devices, but fortunately, a new model for security makes it simple and offers a • Priority Support—Members enjoy a high level of service to get the most out variety of helpful features. The latest security offerings now if their memberships, including excludeliver protection across multiple de- sive access to advisers in an estimated vices—including PCs,a Macs, Android- two minutes or less and an Instant Call (NAPSA)—Deluxe, company Back option. and tablets. that based helpssmartphones small businesses find • Comprehensive Care—In the un In fact, Norton now offers a memmore customers, partnered with called Norton which likely event members think they may Johnbership Sileo plan to develop the One, white provides across multiple paper “The 7security Security Secrets of plat- have a virus, the advisers are there to forms and devices. The extended Social Networking.” For addi-port- remove any malware on customers’ defolio is tailored meet each your member’s vices at no additional charge. tional tips and totodownload security, backup and priority • Exclusive Benefits—Members will copy,needs receive exclusive special offers for service. security. This membership includes virus Norton products and services. Mem** bership grows with the changing needs protection * assurance, cloud-based ® Smartphones, tablets, iPods management, custom communications of each member’s household and proand cameras are all must-have vides the flexibility to add additional andwhen specialtraveling. offers, suchProducts as: items devices to their membership or expand Experience—Each like •the Personalized Energizer® 5W Premium their online storage at any time for a membership is tailored to the memUniversal USB Chargers make it individual security needs, allow- prorated fee. easyber’s to control cable clutter with For more information, visit https:// ing wraparound for customized communications smart, cable storage and a personalized experience. water and are easy to use. Visit and are compatible with USBpowered devices. *** Nearly 5 million 4-H youth for more information on how to keep pool water safe and healthy.

Nuclear Science Offers Lucrative Opportunities (NAPSA)—Those counting on a lucrative career after studying math or science may want to consider a career in nuclear science and technology. Nuclear engineers and technicians tackle problems in consumer and industrial power, space exploration, water supply, food supply, environment and pollution, health and transportation.

Nuclear engineers and technicians tackle problems for both consumers and industry. As a nuclear engineer, you may develop designs for the nuclear plants for electric power and ships or apply radiation in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. You may also develop ways to use radiation to produce and preserve food supplies or design power plants to power satellites and deep-space probes. According to the American Nuclear Society, nuclear engineers command the third-highest median income among the engineering professions at $100,000/year. More professionals in this field are needed domestically and internationally, both to fill new positions and openings created by those who are retiring. To learn more, visit www.ans. org/pi/edu/students/careers.

*** The optimist thinks this is the To make family mealsworlds. more nutribest of all possible The tious, the USDA pessimist fears recommends it is true. fill—J. Robert ing half your plate Oppenheimer with fruits and vegetables. For meal *** makeover tips,

recipes and information, visit Del Monte Fresh Produce at www.fruits. com and Produce*** for Better Health Foundation at www.FruitsAndVegHe that would make his own libgies secure must guard even his

enemy from oppression. *** —Thomas Paine This winter, combine hearty with *** healthy in recipes by national nutrition expert Keri Glassman. All recipes are made with*** disease-preventing Life grants nothing to potatoes, us moringredients, such as sweet tals without hard work. garlic and canola oil. For Glassman’s —Horace entire recipe collection and superfoods information, visit www.cano*** *** *** tips, food and For party-planning Music is your own experience, drink pairings and recipe demos, visyour own thoughts, your wisit www.oceanspray. com, www.facedom. If you don’t live it, it won’t spray, www.twitter. come out of your horn. They com/ocean www.youteach yousprayinc there’sand a boundary oceanspray or call Ocean line to music. But, man, there’s Spray’s Consumer Help no boundary line toLine (800) 662-3263. —Charlie Parker ***


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Restless Legs Syndrome Can ‘Start Up’ When It’s Time To Sit Down

(NAPS)—It’s no secret that women Study Highlights Factors Behind juggle and multitask all day long. In the Fit Communities Across The Country United States, an average woman spends nearly eight hours at work and then works (NAPSA)—Healthy communities another three and a half hours at home, don’t just happen—they’re made. either completing chores or caring That’s a key message of for a new her kids. However, when it’sstudy finallyreleased time Healthiest Habitats to sitrecently down, women with Restless Legs by Sperling’s BestPlaces. Syndrome (RLS) maywhich find it difficult to the The study, ranked unwind as their symptoms usually healthiest cities in the start United in theStates, evening.revealed Instead, people with RLS a number of facpopulation. Studies have also shown experience uncontrollable urges to move tors these communities had in that moderate-to-severe RLS affects theircommon—from legs, which are often associated the resources approximately 2–3 percent of adults, or withavailable creepy crawly sensations. Since to residents’ behaviors. theseThey symptoms are partially or totally more than 5 million adults. included: relieved•Easy by movement, people RLSand “While women are busy, we access to with gyms encourage them to find time to see mayhealth not be able to sit when they would clubs; a doctor if they are experiencing like. •Hiking and running trails RLS long-term neurological symptoms consistent with RLS,” said that is areareadily accessible; Dr. William Ondo, professor in the condition, an urge of •A characterized significant by percentage Department of Neurology at University to move the legs usually associated the population getting daily exerof Texas Health Science Center in withcise uncomfortable and unpleasant and following a healthy diet. Houston, TX. “If diagnosed with RLS, sensations in the legs. Surprises Some your physician can help you identify Symptoms of revealed RLS include the of The study a number lifestyle changes that may improve RLS key results diagnostic criteria listed below. that many may find sursymptoms and determine if additional It’s important to remember that only a prising. Carcentric Los Angeles, According to abe recent study, easy treatment options may appropriate.” doctor diagnose has RLS.the highest conforcan example, access to hiking running Some of the lifestyleand changes Dr.trails • centration An urge to move the legs, of hiking and running oneother factor that contributes Ondoisand medical professionals to a usually accompanied or caused by trails in and around a city. Howhealthy habitat. recommend to relieve symptoms uncomfortable unpleasant that leg had ever, it wasand Minneapolis include limiting alcohol, increasing sensations viding high-quality, affordable aththe highest score when it came to exercise and stretching and maintaining • the Symptoms that begin or worsengetletic wear, wewww.restless are certainly aware percentage of residents a balanced diet. Visit legs. during periods of rest or inactivity such of learn the importance benefits ting regular exercise. com to more aboutand Restless Legsof livas lying“Be downitorparticipating sitting ing a healthy as well in outdoor Syndrome as well lifestyle, as tips for livingas the • activities, Symptomsbelonging that are to partially widedisease. rangeOnly of activities consumers healthor clubs with this a physician can totally by movement, such as participate in to achieve their peror relieved the presence of fitness retailers diagnose RLS. walking or stretching, at least as long as sonal fitness providing resources and equipment, Dr. Ondo says, goals.” “We want people the activity continues To symptoms help, the brand recently cities across the country are helpliving with to take action so • ing Symptoms that are worse or occur developed the Dri-Power 360 line, their residents stay active and that RLS does not get in the way of their onlyin in shape,” the evening or at night its latest advancement in serious said Bert Sperling, presRLS one of severalBestPlaces. neurological downtime.” performance identis of Sperling’s Dr. Ondo is a wear. paid spokesperson conditionsAccess that disproportionately affect The styles in thiswho line, which to Fitness Gear for GlaxoSmithKline was feawomen.San While RLS occurs in both men a men’s and women’s colDiego, which ranked No. compensated 4 tures both for his time on this article. and women, the incidence is most about retail twice fit- lection, feature a special cotton blend in the study, has the Note for Editors: This information as high in women. RLS is thought to withand moisture-wicking technology ness stores per capita—a fact that developed provided by GSK. affectcomes as manyasas no 10 percent of theto U.S. surprise Gary that helps keep people cool and dry. More information about the Barfield, executive vice president of Cleaning Andapparel Organizing—Year-Round the Russell Athletic brand. line is available at www.russell

“As a brand thata is year, focused on pro- (NAPS)—Once many people scour their homes—deep cleaning and getting rid of items they haven’t used or worn in years. However, people who clean and stay Workspaces organized throughout the Of yearThe are Future Unlock Innovation (NAPSA)—As workers more likely to be happy, healthy and use technology to be more mobile, flexfinancially comfortable. ible and productive, cubicle farms “Iare seegiving clientsway everytoday who are the workplace extremely stressed due pastures. to the level equivalent of open of disorganization in their said Organizations arelife,” redesigning Lisaworkspaces Zaslow, professional organizer to encourage creativand ity owner Gotham Organizers. “If to andofcollaboration, according panelists at the with recent you expert keep your home organized, the easiest or most annoying task. “Future webinar a minimal levelofofWork” clutter, you’ll see apre- • Cull through closets and storage sented by Apollo Research Instinumber of benefits above and beyond to find items that you’re no longer using tute. floorfloor.” plans and publicbeing able Open to see your and get rid of them, like gadgets, last space workplaces—which replace What are the other areas of your life season’s is freeing human clothes or collectibles. If they traditional offices and cubes—are Technology that new benefit from being organized? say the beings tocondition, use their higher-level are still in great bring them hotbeds of innovation, creativity. Emotional—A high industry leaders and level futureofforeto anintelligence eBay Tradingand Assistant. Trading disorganization can lead to excessive casters who convened for the democratic organizations appeal Assistants are experienced eBay sellers stress. Zaslow helped one client around event. strongly to the the country whonewest will sellworkforce: your reorganize her home, and afterward “Smart technology and other Millennial Generation. “Being itemsthe on eBay for a commission. They machines taken on many to develop and use their the client “woke have up happy, instead of do allable the work for you—making you inditasks, vidual talents in tangible ways is stressed likefreeing before.”up human beings to money while you clear out clutter. use their core strengths of highercritical to motivation among MilHealth—An organized home is • Box up excessive levelkeeping intelligence, innovation lennials,” he said. paperwork cleaner, germ and bacteria and or magazines and label them “Items creativity,” said panel moderator As formal structures decline levels to a minimum. to sort” the first step. It expand, will makeworkDr. Tracey Wilen-Daugenti, vice andassocial networks Financial—“You’d be surprised you feel knowfreedom the process president and managing director ersbetter will to need to has control howofmany people have money in old“But Apollo Research Institute. where and how they work, accordbegun. purses when I come to helpintelligence them get optimizing human ing to panelist Jim • Organize one room at Keane, a time topresiorganized,” said Zaslow. requires looking at Additionally, how and where Steelcase Group, a leader makedent the oftask less overwhelming. we work, workers in workplace design and manufacbeing orga­ nizedhow means you’ll beconnect on top to Making yourself a schedule of which one another and how we card collabo- turing. The traditional one-sizeof paperwork—one missed credit room comes next helps show your rate can to solve problems.” fits-all office is outdated and orgapayment rack up late fees, increase progress. For example, entrepreneurial nizations now seek environments your interest rate and affect your credit “Think creativity, of it as a trea­ sure companies such as Facebook focus Finally, that unlock innovation score. hunt. and You’ll find something that you’ve less on a hierarchical chain of comspeed. Knowing that more there are these been missing something didn’ttechmand and on all individual Thatand means usingyou mobile additional benefits, and how self-motivation. can you get even nology responsibility know you had,”internal said Zaslow. to link workers started? According to Zaslow, it doesn’t These companies create an interwith information, global collaborators For more go to http:// and matter you start, so begininwith nalwhere “creative commons” which replacing cubicles with more

Thinking Outside The Cube:

technology allows all workers to share ideas and solutions that impact the organization’s direction. “At Facebook, we talk a lot to

able spaces that invite teamwork. Keane said the most effective workplaces are those that help attract, develop and engage work-

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Tell them you saw it in‌The Money Saver News

September 2012 37

38 September 2012

Tell them you saw it in…The Money Saver News Gifts For Greater Audio Enjoyment

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(NAPSA)—It’s hard to imagine Can You Tell The Difference Between Cold And Flu? a world without sound—sound (NAPSA)—You may have warm soothes, inspires, unites and memories of staying home sick as punctuates memorable moments. Progress Being Made In Fight Against Cancer a child: your mother making tea are some great-“sounding” Junior Wildlife Champions Positive Change Junior Wildlife Champions Promote Positive Change Below and caring for you while you (NAPSA)—Many victories have Promote gift ideas for the loved ones on stayed in bed for days. For your been achieved in the warchildren’s against (NAPSA)—Increasing your holiday list. you need keep reference at a at a (NAPSA)—Each spring, mil- mil(NAPSA)—Increasing children’s you to need to or keep or reference (NAPSA)—Each spring, health, however, it’s best to put cancer, butofthe most important awareness current events can becan be The HDTVs from later later date and get toget theto the lionshomebody: of Americans turn their awareness of current events datequickly and quickly lions of Americans turn their those cherished memories to bed. one may be discovering that canSamsung andto VIZIO equipped easy and educational, especially if email email you care most. most. attention tackling the big jobbig of jobThe if youabout care about attention tocome tackling the of flu is far more serious than a cer iseasy not and one educational, disease but especially hunwith virtualspring-cleaning surround soundattechyou empower them to make positive • Sweep! Hotmail offers offers a fea-a feaannual home, empower them to make positive • Sweep! Hotmail annual spring-cleaning at home, cold. It doesn’t matter how much dreds you of different ones. nology for delivering an impressive changes in their own ways. There ture called the Sweep button to but most peoplepeople overlook another changes in their own ways. There ture called the Sweep button to but most overlook another chicken soup you eat, soup won’t When the U.S. Congress desurround experience from the builtare also fun, new tools help help you away away mail to help important aspectaspect that could use a usetreat are also fun, newto tools toteachhelp teachclared war on cancer by passing helpsweep you sweep mail to help important that litcould a the flu. in speakers—no extra speakers ers and enhance their chilyou manage your your emailemail clutter. deep deep clean:clean: their their online lives.lives.Linda Davis-Alldritt, president ersparents and parents enhance their chilthe National Cancer Act in 1971, you manage clutter. online dren’sdren’s science education. One click theofbutton and itand willit will From From your PC to PC your inbox,inbox, of the National Association of many people hoped that “a cure” science education. One of click the button your to email your email Recent environmental events School Nurses, explains how to would beRecent found environmental quickly for whatevents not only out allout chosen mail mail Americans admitadmit cleaning out out New interactive website explores notsweep only sweep all chosen Americans cleaning havethen sparked youngyoung Americans to milestones recognize flu symptoms and prewas a single disin your inbox,inbox, it willit sweep all all their inbox ranksranks amongamong their top haveconsidered sparked Americans to in progress against in your will sweep their inbox their top vent and treat the virus. investigate the issues impacting ease. Doctors and scientists now cancer. futurefuture mails,mails, too. Sweep newsletthree three most most dreaded chores, along-alonginvestigate the issues impacting too. Sweep newsletdreaded chores, Can you tell the difference know thatFor they are more not looking foryears, wildlife. more than 30 years, ters into assigned folder,folder, sweepsweep side scrubbing the toilet and cleanwildlife. For than 30 tersan into an assigned side scrubbing the toilet and cleanbetween cold and flu? According to advances in cancer treatment, just one cure, but many. Procter & Gamble’s Dawn brand junk mail folder.folder. ing out box. With fre- freProcter & Gamble’s Dawn brand junk into mail the intodeleted the deleted ingthe outlitter the litter box. With a survey, one in four Americans prevention and diagnosis. It proMuch has been made. has been dedicated to helping And because we allwe know it’s easy quentquent emailsemails of social networking hasprogress been dedicated to helping And because all know it’s easy of social networking have trouble telling the difference vides useful tools designed for Cancer was once a terminal diagsave save oiled oiled birdsbirds and marine for unwanted updates, newsletters, shipping up- upemail email to creep back back and marine for unwanted updates, newsletters, shipping to creep Regularly cleaning out your email Regularly cleaning out your email between the two. anyone interested in progress nosis, but today, thanks to governwildlife from from both both natural and and coupons and more, manymany into your inbox after you’ve deleted wildlife natural The Junior Wildlife Champions coupons and more, can help computer runwhen betThe Junior Wildlife Champions dates,dates, “That’s a major against cancer, including: ment funding for research, there can your help yourproblem computer run bet- into your inbox after you’ve deleted man-made disasters. Dawn’s Ju- JuAmericans could could benefit from from an it it, the Sweep feature lets you fordisasters. Dawn’s educational program engages Americans benefit ancomes the you forter and your life run smoother. engages to the flu. You need to •A educational time line of program advances in are 12man-made million cancer survivors in ter and your life run smoother. When it, the fluSweep virus feature strikes, lets a cup nior Wildlife Champions educaintervention to regain con- conever say good-bye to emails from from nior Wildlife Champions educachildren, parents and teachers in intervention to regain ever saydo. good-bye to emails know it’s not just a cold or aller- of cancer research the U.S. children, parents and teachers in inbox inbox soup won’t tion and program expands order order to their unwanted senders with one click. nature, clutter can be stressful tionactivity andnow activity expands the•Tools issues affecting the safety of gies,” said Davis-Alldritt. “There is trolrestore and restore to digitheir digiunwanted senders with one click. nature, clutter can be stressful that bring cancer statisScientists knowprogram there are the issues affecting the safety of trol and this three-decade commitment by tics tal holiday lives. • Manage inbox clutter with actually decrease productivity this of three-decade commitment by tobirds birds and marine wildlife and andThis season, you can a cold, there are pre- with aand great memory tooldecrease that everyone life hundreds changes that occur at tal lives. • Manage inbox clutter and actually productivityUnlike and marine wildlife providing teachers and families According to research from from conversation view:for Create sysand happiness. give the giftAccording of sound. providing teachers and families medicines flu, Create soa it is a sysshould learn to help them remem- scription encourages them them to getto involved. •Video interviews with top the smallest human cellular level to research conversation view: and happiness. encourages get involved. with new in-class lesson plans and Windows Live IfHotmail tem organization anddoctor say peoplepeople don’t hang an see your at byeber“Most the specific symptoms oftothe experts that cause cancer. with new in-classMany lessonnew plans and Windows Live Hotmail that examoftoorganization andbyesay “Most don’t on hang on toimportant an oftem tering the room. a TV isthat not examan age—to be responsible stewards at-home experiments that teach the sign flu symptoms. flu. Think flu facts: F.A.C.T.S. to download treatments have been developed inedlook inboxes across all email byefirst tobye missing email conversaadvertising flyer that in thein the age—to be responsible stewardsoption, at-home experiments that teach•Resources ined across all email to of missing email conversaadvertising flyerarrived that arrived forinboxes a soundbar featurour kids directed the of helping to for catch theHotmail flu, what stands forthree fever, aches, chills, on priorities for and at those cellular the average American With Hotmail you can mail three months ago, let alone a tions. forenvironment.” our environment.” kidsimportance the importance of helping to•Information providers, the average American tions. With you can mail months ago, let alone a If you ingproviders, virtual surround sound technolshould you do? tiredness sudden onset.” theThe future clinical cancer changes to effectively treat cancer. program also spotlights rescuerescue and protect wildlife. Work-Workjuggles three email accounts, with with condense several email conversafew years ago,” says Dr. Zasio. The of program also spotlightsogy; and protect wildlife. theyjuggles are easy to email install and three accounts, condense several email conversafewand years ago,” says Dr. Zasio. If you do get sick with the flu, How do you fight the flu? research. Much like diabetes, in many three Junior Wildlife Ambassadors ing closely with International Bird an average of 200 unread emails. tions into one view for easy-to-fol“Surprisingly, one in five Americans ing closely with International Bird three Junior Wildlife Ambassadorsdeliver incredible sound, at a frac- emails. “Surprisingly, one in five Americans an average of 200 unread tions into one view for easy-to-folare simple to and stopfamthe Thetoflu vaccine is and theletting first there was devel-Gavin,tionNearly cases, cancer is(Bird becoming a chronforCancerProgress.Net their efforts. Gavin, Rescue (Bird Rescue) and The 60 percent of people say say low dialogue withways friends admit email hoarding of the price of an actual for exceptional their exceptional efforts. Rescue Rescue) and The Nearly 60 percent ofsurpeople low dialogue with friends and famadmit to email hoarding and letting spread of germs. and most important step in prooped under the guidance of an ediic disease that can be managed. age 7,age Ellie, 10, and 11, 11,round Marine Mammal Center (TMMC), system. thatsound the volume of spam and junk ily. You can also arrange email email by their emails pile up.” 7, Ellie, 10, Olivia, and Olivia, Marine Mammal Center (TMMC), that the volume of spam and junk ily. You can also arrange by their emails pile up.” First, know that you are contatecting against flu viruses. The torial board of 17 of the nation’s Today, more cancer patients are have used their and pasDawnDawn collaborated with Discovery desk jockey: mail they is a For problem, and andWhether date or individual. survey respondents have used interests their interests and pas- The collaborated with Discovery mailreceive they receive is athose problem, date or individual. Whether survey respondents gious, so avoid that hug or handU.S. Centers for Disease Control leading oncologists. living longer with a better quality at the office, afeel feel sions sions to help their own unique Education to help elementary 70spend percent ofday people actually • Schedule have Prevention the of hoarding or theor the uninterrupted to in help in their ownofuniquewho Education to the help elementary 70their percent of people actually • Schedule havehabit the habit of hoarding uninterrupted shake. Wash your hands often (CDC) recomAbout the American Society of life. Since 1971, average pair ofmissing headphones essen- of and ways. ways. Gavin educates children and andgood school-aged children explore urge purge, an 6 overwhelming 80 with they are emailsis because organization time and don’t Gavin educates children school-aged children explore urge to purge, an overwhelming 80 soap they are missing emails becausemends of to organization and don’t and water ortime an alcoholeveryone months of age Clinical Oncology five-year survival rate for all cantial for enjoying music. For the best adults on beach and ocean cleanup wildlife issues and get involved in percent ofget people procrastinate: want to have a based on beach and of ocean cleanup the clutter. wildlife issuesby and involved inTheadults percent of people the clutter. Procrastination want to have a procrastinate: hand rub. Procrastination and older a flu vaccine. HowAmerican Society Clinicers has increased 18get percent, sound, look for headphones that through his “Rescuing the is Ocean” theirtwo ownout ways. The three enviThe survey also found that that canThe hinder your organizamore last efficient experience. through his(ASCO) “Rescuing the Ocean” their own ways. The three virus can inbox’s travel up to organizasix ever, year aemail substantial percal Oncology the Theaudio survey also found can hinder your inbox’s more efficient email experience. and of three cancer pa- envifeature built-in enhancement activities and professional website. Ellie is ronmental lesson plans despite feeling overwhelmed, tion.every Take time a to respond, fileflu orfile or Dr. Zasio recommends activities and website. Ellie istechnologies ronmental lesson feet person with cent of did the not followget world’s leading orgatients live atscience leastscience five years after plans despite feeling overwhelmed, tion. time Take time to respond, Dr.Americans Zasio recommends the afollowdesigned to improve working toward a goalaphysicians of raising available in English and and Americans also seem to think they they deletedelete email as it so arrives. ing vaccine tips with the help sneezes or coughs, be sureThe to The flu (57 This working toward goal of raisingtheir arediagnosis. available in English nization representing aare cancer Americans also seem to think email as it arrives. ingand tipsadvice, andpercent). advice, with the help performance. $2,000 thisfor year via bake and Español atthe cover your or sneeze with a leaves might actually read all that mail longerlonger you cough wait, the more it piles of a few tools,unprotected to givetoyour care people with cancer. To mark anniversary of the who $2,000 this year via sales bake sales and The Español at might actually read all that mail you wait, the more it piles ofmost aHotmail few people Hotmail tools, give your busybody: For those who activities, bringing her total to DawnSavesWildlife www. tissue. “Of course, doc- probagainst flu With more than 30,000 members, National Cancer Act,and theat Ameri56move percent of people up and becomes avisit bigger probinboxinbox athe thorough sweep this this activities, bringing her total toaresomeday, DawnSavesWildlife and at www. someday, as 56and percent of people up and becomes ayour bigger a virus. thorough sweep always onasthe never nearly for to The Marine to many see it’s the flu,” “If you have flu symptoms is$5,000 committed improving can Society of Clinical Oncology ASCO ® admitted to holding oniPhone to on emails lem.quickly With so distractions, spring-cleaning season. nearly $5,000 for The Marineleave admitted totheir holding to lem. With soifmany distractions, spring-cleaning season. such tor home without , emails Davis-Alldritt added. a Consolidate high fever and aches, cancer care through (ASCO) has Junior launched Cancer Mammal Center. Oliviascientific is a bud“The “The Junior Wildlife Champi™ for® three weeks or longer, and ofandasof • it’s important to establish a timea time and Create Mammal Center. Olivia is a bud-iPod Wildlife Champiorfor iPad , check outlonger, the three weeks or it’s important to establish • Consolidate andit’s Create Forday more information, important to see several your doctor meetings. For ASCOand information Progress.Net ding ding ornithologist wildlife ons program is(www.cancerpro especially timelytimely that, 3D 31 percent admitadmit to a year each process mailvisit and and Folders: Juggling emailemail ornithologist and wildlifeiWOW ons program is especially audio enhancement that, 31 percent to aor yearquickly,” or Folders: each to day to process mail Jugglingexplains. several you Davis-Alldritt visit, artist who released her first f o r pfaorre npan tasr einteractive anntd t enadc hwebsite more.more. Three million Americans ensure a clean and There organized accounts and don’t know know how to from SRS Labs artist who released her book, first book,adaptor s a teerasc hteor s and t o resources, Three million Americans ensure a clean and organized accounts and don’t how to can check your track “There are prescription medicines cancer demonstrating four decades of Patient-oriented “Olivia’s Birds:Birds: Saving the inforGulf,” marrymarry current events with with eduThis suffersuffer from hoarding but 20 times inbox. Turn off symptoms, alloffdistractions, keep them all organized? Hotmail “Olivia’s Saving the Gulf,”( current events edufrom hoarding but 20 times inbox. Turn all distractions, keep them all organized? Hotmail that directly target the flu virus the flu in the area and download a is available at progress against cancer. The site mation whichwhich features her hand-drawn cation,” said Jay Direcgem between the hoardas many peoplepeople are email hoardsuch as Facebook or Twitter, and and lets you all your features her hand-drawnlittle cation,” saidHolcomb, Jay Holcomb, as attaches many are email such as Facebook or app. Twitter, letsconsolidate you consolidate all email your email free “Fight the Flu” iPhone that might be able to help you.” offers information about majorDirecdevice and any headphones to illustrations, bird facts and photos. tor Emeritus of International

Nothing Says Spring-Cleaning Like An An Inbox Intervention Nothing Says Spring-Cleaning Like Inbox Intervention

ers. Dr. Zasio,Zasio, hoarding beforebefore you know it, theit,discipline accounts to onetoemail hub so youso you tor Emeritus of International illustrations, bird facts and photos. ers.Robin Dr. Robin hoarding you know the discipline accounts one email hub amazing audiothe fidelity— information aboutaboutdeliver Bird Rescue. “We are to expert and star becomes can quickly search and organize habit.habit. For more information Bird Rescue. “Wethrilled are thrilled to For more expert and of star oftelevision the television becomes can quickly search and organize boosting bass and restoring detail Junior Wildlife Champions, visit see this movement proactively conversations. GroupGroup similar mes- mes- For more information, visit visit “Hoarders,” says says that that see this movement proactively Junior Wildlife Champions, visit seriesseries conversations. similar For more information, “Hoarders,” movies and games! life. music, promote all Americans—at every every in folders, whether physical or digital in sages file messages that that promote all Americans—at in folders, whether physical or digital in sages file messages No matter your price range,

are plenty of products to How Athlete-Moms Meet Household Challenges there choose from. So this holiday sea-

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TMJ, also called TMD, or temwith laundry, diapers and playtime. poromandibular (jaw joint) disorder, (NAPSA)—If trying to According you’re to the you’re U.S. Department of (NAPSA)—If trying to inside the brand’s new Family Size is treatable. A specially neuAchieving Andtrained Sustaining A Stress-Free Vacation Achieving And Sustaining A Stress-Free Vacation save money, the first step is ususave money, the first step is usuLabor, professional athletes work more than cartons displaying a “Coast to Coast romuscular dentist can help. ally to40 cut waste—and cooling sysallyhours to cut cooling sys(NAPSA)—According to the Get Healthy perwaste—and week on average, including The Problem Adventure” emblem. (NAPSA)—According to the Get Healthy tems tems are no exception. Most are no exception. United StatesStates TravelTravel Association, prior prior to traveling, TheUnited neuromuscular dentists’ weekends and holidays. Some areMost also Association, Two weeks Two weeks to traveling, *** homes don’t don’t need need the same homes the tips same A m e rAi cmais g sg eldoand i obni l l ibegin taking a daily dose dose of research conenrsongoing i claon g1g.e5they d b1i l. l5 o n begin taking a daily of moms. Here are some household used Domino Light and C&H Light are amount of cooling in every room,room, amount of cooling in every tinue to find new science to trips trips for leisure purposes last last probiotics such as Culturelle with with for leisure purposes probiotics such as Culturelle by athlete-moms to manage their actionnew all-natural blends of pure cane so using a system with zones can improve the bite and improve so using a system with zones can year year alone.alone. WhileWhile the goal a ofLactobacillus GG (LGG). It’s the the of goal a Lactobacillus GG (LGG). It’s the packed lives. be a simple way toway cutto costs. sugar and stevia, with half the calo- health and The condibe a simple cut costs. vacation is well-being. to relax, preparing for for most most clinically studied strainstrain of vacation is to relax, preparing clinically studied of (NAPSA)—Mitsubishi Electric The most efficient and costStrength in Numbers causes migraines andsure tension ries of&sugar. Tipsrecently and recipes are at tion The most efficient and costa big trip and making all A good bacteria, supported by more Cooling Heating added a big trip and making sure all good bacteria, supported by more beautiful smile and restored Time-Saving Items grinding of the can teeth, effective systems feature zoning One of the hardest parts of beingzoning a parent effective systems feature www.dominosugar. com/light the essentials are packed be than studies. Short height and speeches onandonheadaches, the essentials are sleep packed can confidence be 400 thanclinical 400 clinical studies. can come from endShort height and speeches breathing problems and distechnology and controls You can try to wrestle time back frombehalf technology a flexible controls is finding timeaand toflexible exercise and make healthy stressful. It canIthelp if, prior to ing “Culturelle with LGG proven light. partypartyorders of theofDemocratic the pain of temporomandibustressful. can help if, prior to “Culturelle with has LGG has proven behalf the Democratic as well as facial pain, neck, network to comfortably cool all of network comfortably cool or alltwo, of your busy day or you can actually save someearned President James Polk the leaving, you set aside enough to be effective for relieving digestive choices. Thetosolution? Find a friend leaving, you setclicking aside enough to be effective for relieving digestive earned President James Polk theshoulder and back pain, or lar disorder. a home’s zones. a home’s zones. t i m e tsi m oineythe osuo jaw cyaonu tcaalimited cnk ltea ceka time with the right household products.nickname discomfort, traveler’s diarrhea and and lceh e amouth c h discomfort, traveler’s diarrhea and make a plan to exercise together or “Napoleon of the * * * guard—is used to tempopping and jaw nickname “Napoleon of the For example, Mitsubishi Elec- ElecFor example, Mitsubishi nities.Take With the purchase of each pro-Stump.” (NAPSA)—With more than aspectaspect of theoftrip getting supporting overalloverall immune health,” it from Olympic gold-medalist, thewithout trip without getting supporting health,” porarily maintain this immune new posibrainstorm for healthy dinners. If you Byron’s BBQ, hand-pulled, hickory- movement. Stump.” tric Cooling & ideas Heating, thelifesavleader holiday bottle, and $10mom will Amanda be donated 112,000 people waiting for tric Cooling & Heating, the leader overwhelmed. Here Here are hints says Dr. Keri Peterson, internist overwhelmed. are hints says Dr. Keri Peterson, internist tion. Patients often report pain The Dentist swimmer Beard, who are to an area, sites such as smoked pork, is found in the freezer that may help: in split-ductless systems, offers to To learn more, visit ing organ transplants, the need foroffers in new split-ductless systems, and have Women’s Health magazine forHealth many years A neuromuscular that may help: dentist has they and endured Women’s magazine recently switched to the high-quality Maytag section at Sam’s Club. For recipes are greatenergy-efficient for finding like-minded new friends energy-efficient cooling sys amore compassionate, committed organ more cooling sysSmart contributor. “Maintaining this or goes away entirely in this specialized,Pack advanced postgradu- dissipates Pack Smart contributor. “Maintaining It’s a cool idea: Energy-efficient Bravos XL washer and dryer. According to It’s a cool idea: Energy-efficient donor base is urgent. A faith comtems in than ever before to help casual,than fun settings. and information, visit www.Byrons- ateThe *** tems ever before to help storage for travel ofofgood and bad bacteria in abalance matter days. training andspace can space effectively The storage for travel balance of good and bad bacteria in split-ductless cooling systems For help with their holiday shopmunity can be a great place to split-ductless cooling systems homeowners live TheirTheir Beard, “I used to constantly rewash my son’s Risebetter. and homeowners liveShine better. neuromuscular dentist can fit than treat bags TMD. on public transportation theAdigestive tract, where more than bags on public transportation the digestive tract, where more are ideal solutions for hot spots ping, consumers often turn to sites start the conversation. Learn more are ideal solutions for hot spots systems include an outdoor unit clothes because many spots just wouldn’t systems include an outdoor unit you with crowns Only 5 percent of the world’s and veneers to per70 percent of theofbody’s immune seemsseems to be to getting increasingly Having a hard time checking those *** 70 percent the body’s immune be getting increasingly in the home. Zoning ensures effi- effisuch as CNET ( at in theout. home. Zoning that connects to an indoor unit are in neuromusmanently hold thelocated, new, relaxed, come My dryer never ensures gotWith hot enough, Sandwiches on dinner rolls are a dentists that connects to an indoor unit defenses are located, is crucial for for smaller. Totrained effectively utilize errands off *your list? Looking for just 10 energy defenses are is crucial smaller. To effectively utilize cient usage. videos, comparisons, links to retailcient energy usage. * * installed in each zone. Eco-comdentistry. space, They train The pain-free jaw installed intime” eachexperts zone. Eco-comachieving andposition. preserving optimum t h e limited lookatlook into somore, I had to wait hours for everything to dry. quick and easy way to combine the cular achieving and preserving optimum t h e limited space, into minutes of “me to have a cup of coffee According to the at ers and its reviews have inforfort technology meansmeans these these sys- sysLas Vegas Institute for Advanced The Results fort Hospitals technology energy more effectively and can health.” multipurpose products. For For Not anymore. Myhelp laundry isknow perfect more effectively and every canto delicious its Hyper-Heating health.”report almost immemultipurpose products. Shriners for feed? Children, intended to you read your their Tumblr Do on it earlymation in energy flavors of(H2i) the prodholidays Dental Studies. Patients tems and minimize impact tems minimize their impact on homeowners save money on energy Plan Ahead example, multivitamins such such as uct line of residential systems. save homeowners money on energy motorthe vehicle crashes are the No. before you go. The site even has a Ahead example, multivitamins as time, plus Maytag is an American company It canThe seem systems like idea The Procedure diate pain relief Plan and end up with without aare lot of work. To make them Centrum the environment. themorning. environment. Thea painful systems bills.To Qualified systems can earn Being on vacation is always a offer the essential The units E NERGY S TAR and one cause of death for those beHow section. bills. Qualified systems can earn Being on vacation is always a Centrum offer the essential I know I can depend on. Go, Team USA!” To help people a beautiful smile that restores with TMD, a to sacrifice any precious sleep, but let’s be use advanced sensors to automateven more delectable, try putting advanced to 24. automathomeowners a *tax credit and there tax-credit qualified, providing treat, but time flies when you’re vitamins and nutrients all in one tweenuse the ages ofsensors 16 and homeowners a tax credit and there treat, but time flies when you’re vitamins and nutrients all in one * time * their confidence personally and neuromuscular dentist performs The next you see an inspiring ically detect room temperature You could probably go tothe bed a little your down post-holiday ically detect room temperature to minussandwiches 13 degrees on pill. Additional areInterim potential state and Motorhonest: vehicle crashes are also HealthCare, one of therebateheating having fun. Tofun. ensure all of the “wish products to evaluaddtotoaddprofessionally. are potential statelocal and rebate local To ensure all of the “wish pill. Additional products to having an in-depth comprehensive athlete who industry, isHomeowners also a mom, re­ mcan ember thatFahrenheit. differences and adjust forbegreater To learn more,and visit earlier. Chances are spinal you’ll too tired during differences and adjust for greater leading cause of cord leaders in the provides opportunities. are checked off, create a the checklist should include a list” breads rolls. ation, opportunities. Homeowners can King’s Hawaiian list” to-dos are checked off, create a the checklist should include a to-dos Learn More including a computer analycomfort. it’s the little things that help her succeed in injuries both companion care and medical in all age groups. For tips comfort. learn more at day-by-day itinerary. This planning body lotionjaw with SPF, will the middle or end of the day to make any learn more at For great recipes, visit www.king- sis itinerary. This body lotion with which SPF, Forday-by-day more information and planning to of your muscles to findwhich the will the systems use environservices to over 50,000 individuals on All safer driving, visit www. Allable theorsystems use environsports, as well as atElectric home. Electric offersoffers sys- sys- or call (877) jaw’s beforehand can help you get protect andcomfortable moisturize skin, and and measur­ enjoyable progress. Get up Mitsubishi find a beforehand specially trained neuromusmost position. Mitsubishi canensure help ensure you get protect and moisturize skin, mentally friendly R-410A refrigernationwide. The company offers a www. mentally friendly R-410A refrigertems that accommodate up to everything you want out your organic 2-in-1 shampoos and and Forcan more visit cular dentist nearby, visitofout www. Then a jaw-repositioning orthotems that caninformation, accommodate up to 695-4227. everything you want of your organic 2-in-1 shampoos early and tackle that to-do list when you’re self-assessment test to help famiant, and many systems feature an * * systems feature eight ant, and *many an eight zoneszones and and indoor unit vacation. is a great conditioners. This way, hair is tic—which looks likeThis an athlete’s indoor is a great conditioners. way, is vacation. and much of thebest-selling worldto is still asleep. lies identify factors that may place unit Therested maker ofcompressor the inverter-driven use

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Tell them you saw it in‌The Money Saver News

September 2012 39

What’s Your Worth—Really? Everyone’s favorite cans know they need to incorpo- pollution include poorly managed cery stores and retailers across technology you already haveHome in the classics. Samantha Brown the nation. riverine transport, rate more fiber into their diet, landfills, by your home. (NAPSA)—Many homeownersgenres are On Demand on cable. (NAPSA)—Finding a great fam- • Participate in a cleanup day more than 75 percent of those suruntreated sewage, storm water are curious about theofvalue Savory Surfing—One sum- of • Summer of Love—Get outTell them you saw it in…The Money Saver News ily vacation destination can be eas- Save your Money with Us! 40property September 2012 veyed find it challenging to do so. discharges and industrial and hosted by Keep America Beautiful their and would like tothe tissues (and a bowl of that mer’s best-loved guilty pleasures ier than many fear. The key is to For the 60 percent of Ameri- manufacturing find a reliable way to get an estifacilities with or Ocean Conservancy. These homemade ice cream) and love is is undoubtedly eating. There’s no choose a place with fun activities Kids cansathat suffering from Cellular Phones Are Handy For Vacation longreport trip, have a qualimate.Getting Here are Your some tips on To howEat Right This School Year Before inadequate controls. This is where for everyone on the trip. Here’s agroups have done a great job in in the air! From the neverfaster way to spice up your sumdigestive health issues, eating to get the facts and not settle for athe fied technician check the tightBut Users Must Be About Costs (NAPSA)—Parents aren’t advancing cleanup methods of effort control marine debris Careful at to some top family getaways: thought-it-would-happen to the merguess: menu uptoon cooking foods that contain prebiotic fiber thelook only and onesbone trying make sure their ness and condition of your car’s (NAPSA)—The Internet is litFamily Camping Trip beaches—and the litter collected should begin. help to maintain a healthy digeshappily-ever-after, you can satisfy techniques than by surfing Inter•kids Don’t always believe what eat better this school year. tered with vacation horror stories belts, and hoses. You can camping tiveclamps system. The cause ofgopollution iswithout not is litter that doesn’t enter the see at online Depending on home where valuayou live, your craving for the courtships, netyou recipe sites or checking out ofroughing cellularit. bills gone haywire. Try checking out an What Is Prebiotic Fiber? The Wisdom Of Wooden theWhile result one single Mexico, product.a ocean. you can cable expect to sites, see schools take tion sites. On some you can •Have drivability problems— onofvacation breakups and make-ups, not to your digital On Demand area in such as CosPrebiotics are often nonsteps like teaming with local enter your address and a property (NAPSA)—The latestallJohn man are downloaded a popular There just tanoa too many items hard starts, rough idling, mention wedding cakes and to put more fresh fruits Coastal Lodge • Write a letter to your city digestible that serve as a value pops up. While these sites Wooden hasfibers been America’s movie—in this case,and “WALL-E”— involved in pollution, banning member asking for catch ing—corrected for called better gas and Camp. Locatedcouncil ding crashers. For example, want to cool down A trip abroad can make for a famfood source for good bacteria and vegetables on lunchroom greatest coach and he has inspired over his wireless carrier and was can sometimes be fairly accurate, one single product will basins to be installed in your seanot make a on the Californian mileage and peace of mind. ily vacation to remember. with amenus, summer treat, butthey you and even ending Neware York • Family Fun—Curl up with (called probiotics) The generations both on in andthe off gut. the basbilled a whopping $62,000. And research has shown that coast, or it drinks. overlooksside town. Like the one at the Los significant impact. City’s time-honored bake sales to •Have a marginally operating balance of good bacteria in the gut ketball court, providing valuable that’s without popcorn the kids and enjoy some old-fashdon’t have an ice cream maker? Cilantro Pork With often off the mark. The reason is participating in safe, rugged an bluffs, fund extras like field trips. River, catch basinsfamilyare Through cleanup may help keep theand digestive tract lessons on coaching mentoring. In anotherannual example, Ameri-de-Angeles Sweet Potato air-conditioner system serviced. that online valuation sites primar-ioned bonding. Take yourRice pick of Your high-speed Internet service friendly activities. Highlighted on sertedabeaches and The sense of urgency can be Online sites that offer free home The coach of and 10and NCAA basketcan mother received $3,900has bill iseffective running smoothly support the in catching debris before events, Ocean Conservancy ily consider public records data •Change the oil oil filter as ® nature off time-tested classics, enablestraced you toto connect to warning a video from valuation may be significantly connected to four the Travel Channel’s “Passport to Country Crock Spread, the latest ball championships in 12 years with for her daughter’s international body’s natural defenses. Samantha as assessments or youths list-favorites enters oceans.the lodge includes monitored the types ofparks. trashThe that in the Bruins, owner’s manual. the mark they can’t or because the latest hot hitsfac- specified on such how to tax make delicious divided medical experts: Today’sice Latin our America,” statefar prop-itConsumer theThe UCLA Wooden cell phone charges, above what prebiotic fiber in was new Cellular sends a Brown ingsmay for be sale—not current, inde-life tor in1 upgrades. Ending ocean pollution is an wash up on beaches. Cigarette clove garlic, finely chopped thebasic first to have shorter •Replace other filters (air, fuel, a pool, Butterfly Farm and Sererty offers different your kids have been dying to see. cream using the ingredients named Coach of the Century by was expected, while the daughter Breakstone’s & Knudsen LiveAc“Usage Alert” message to notify pendent appraisal data. Plus, Web 1 large onion, thinly sliced spans than their as a result • Man and worthy goal. food containers, cans,from ropetheimportant pentarium. Visitors can also take types of accommodations ESPN. achievements off thea butts, studied abroad. PCV, etc.) asHis recommended. Cave Movies— andvaluation just a couple of parents resealable customers when they are nearing tive Cottage Cheese is inulin, sites can’t look inside a praisers must be state licensed or 1 large sweet potato or yam, of being overweight or obese. court were equally derived impressive, Instances like these are part hikeshowever, into the rainforest, gointo whitecomfortable to the rus-Efforts, should take plastic bottles have allmore beenof monthly use limits. •Check the condition of tires, natural substance from andvery Reclaim thesome remote and get in bags. houseOne to note major upgrades certified, appraisers increase peeled and cubed concrete measure that parincluding being awarded the Presithe reason the Federal Communiwaterall rafting a boat tic, and guests can enjoy “comfort forms or of take pollution andtour present in cleanups for the past account sourcesthe such as chicory root. Each 1 credentials spare. Let tires “cool such as are a new kitchen or to other touch inner Nean- an including Or ifents you’d rather heat things their by earning 3with ⁄2 cupsyour water taking, according a new dential Medal of Freedom, AmerConsumer Cellular has long Commission (FCC)saunas, has through wildlife refuge. stations,” complete with great-tasting, low-fat 4 oz. serving 25cations greater aproviding responsibility on us— years. A good rule of conferred by the down” checking pressure. 11⁄2designation cupsgritty uncooked long-grain by Wakefield Rethumb: search, is SRA With Western gunup,amenities. thesurvey secrets of the grill are derthal. ica’sbefore highest civilianair honor. supported affordable, opened query with the publicfloors on put indoor ashowers with heated A Trip Back of cottage cheese contains 3 grams Don’t take anutrition freeclicks Internet estiAppraisal to distinguish rice Institute checking labels for nothe consumer—to think about At the International Marine •Inspect all lights and bulbs; simple wireless solutions to trawhat it calls “bill shock,” or the slingers, edgy Vegas grifters and a yours with a couple of your and a fireplace. A charming genIf you’re looking for a more of prebiotic fiber. 3 Tbsp.experienced Knorr® Chicken nos. High on their radar screens: members to the bank. in the replace domestic AARP memsurprise of an unexpectedly enorthattravelers. gum wrapper will end-the Debris Conference recently held in where burned-out bulbs. eral store serves breakfast, lunch ditional trip, try visiting few hungover best men, the gang’s TV mate remote. Simply check out “how “LiveActive Cottage Cheese Flavor Bouillon, of divided trans fats—the •fats, Notespecially all appraisers are analysis and valuation residenbers discounts on mous cellular bill. one if receive we choose to drop it accesoninthe theand Sea Education and dinner a However, breakfast buffetup Mohonk Mountain House New •Replace worn wiper blades aproperty. good to” equal. programming Onreliable Demand to offers nutritional benefits to help Honolulu, 1for can (15.5time. oz.) black beans, overconsumption of which worried The most way toall here tial real They meet strinwireless company, Consumer Cel- sories as well as a 5 percent disis included in the price of the room.ground. Paltz, NY. This enchanting VictoAssociation (SEA) noted that and top off the washer fluid to promote a healthy digestive sysdrained 86 percent of those parents polled. For more information on how reveal the tricks that will have lular, has taken the matter into count on monthly service. get a value estimate of your home gent education, experience and rian castle is oneisof who oldThe Amusement Park Tim has not been a significant aAmerica’s retired 2the Tbsp. fresh Remember, though, tem, which dust is essential to a per- there summer’s and insects. Best ofWright all, for those choose its own hands by proactively notito pass hazychopped days ofthat summer, youisclaiming the neighborhood to use a professional realthere estateare ethical requirements surpass fight est family-owned resorts. There’s Beat the crowds byconcenvisitingNational cilantro two kinds of fats the body can’t son’s health and well-being,” says increase in plastic debris Oceanic and Atmoto travel domestically, including fying customers before the fact. UsingChamp. current marketgo to •If you’re not a do-it-yourselfer, many of those required for state titleappraiser. of make Grill Master boating, swimming fishing on amusement parks offoffers the beaten itself andofyetthe arearea, essential Jason brand manager Alaska and Hawaii, a and Consumer Consumer Cellular no- spheric data, knowledge a licensure. Appraisal Institute-des- look duringinstance, their 22-year Administration (NOAA) study for Hecker, repair facilities that for tration the lake, 85 miles hiking trails, path. For Cedar Point in Cellular Sprinkle pork chops evenly for a balanced diet: omega-6 phone willofwork just contract cellular plans, enabling cottage cheese at Kraft. home visit and analysis of compa- ignated appraisers can be found at who recently completed from 1986–2008. Coach Wooden’s technicians. legacy of leadASE-certified rockanywhere climbing and go. trail riding. Sandusky, billstheir itselfplans as theCaptain linoleic acid (omega-6 LA) and with 1 Tbsp. Knorr® Chicken Fla- employ about you Plus, you You customers toOhio, change Visit or rable properties, the appraiser ership and lifecare lessons can in Executive MBA from And while as litter isasunsightly omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid vor Bouillon and rub into meat. can even hit one of the theWashoutdoor amusement park and roller For more car tips, may upgrade your minutes while retroactively, often they coaster need his www.Knud forvisit mor e arrives at an opinion of market Not 2all renovations add spire new generations. Melt Tbsp. Shedd’s Spread (omega ALA) polyunsaturated barbecues overlooking the lake capital of the world. Families can ington University Olin School of and not a positive environmental on the road without penalty. The to. In addition, the company offers ASE’s website at information. value. ® misperception value. A common fatty acids. Since those fats are Country Crock Spread in deep while your children play at attractions including theBusiness. Now, a lifetime of Coach company operates its service on the avisit complimentary “Usage Alert” proattribute, the National Oceanic Appraisers are hired by banks among homeowners is that remodfound in every tub of Country

12-inch nonstick skillet over

or mortgage brokers duringelimia eling and renovating cost equals high heat and brown chops. Crock—which also recently pending transaction. Not chops every improvement Remove and set aside.will natedsale trans fats—here’sHomea recipe value. owners own comeremaining selling time.2RemodMelt Tbsp. for a can porkalso dishhire kidstheir should love pay off appraiser as athe check the bank’s a kitchen or Spread bathroom may Country Crock. in same that uses softon spread instead eling skillet medium-high heat of butter.or for assurance that bring appraiser, the over greatest return on your and cook onion and garlic with As nutrition expert Ruth investment, aren’t paying too much. butOf some custom Itthey Ain’t The Taint That Spoiled Your Bottle Wine sweet potato, Carey, RD, also CCSD, “The key installations Homeowners usenotes: appraisers canstirring actuallyoccasiondetract ally,value. 8 minutes until is making small, when simpleappealchanges from for home valuations A goodorrule is starting to stick (NAPSA)—Picture this: You to brown. Stir in water, rice that add up to a hugely positive inginvited property tax assessments, to what’s standard in your neighhave special guests for and remaining bouillon. impact wills, on diet.”undertaking drafting a borhood and consider projectsBring that dinner, and because you like to try to square a boil footage over high heat. major home renovation or dividing add to bring a Reduce heat to low and Cilantro Pork something new, youto intend to property pursuant legalWith actions. house up to—but not beyond— simmer covered 15 minutes. Sweet Potato Rice serve Although them wineall sealed anap- community norms. real with estate Stir in beans and cilantro, 4 servings

Wooden’s ideas on how to live life without sacrificing your moral principles can be read in his final book, “The Wisdom of Wooden: My Century On and Off the Court.” About the book, Coach Wooden’s longtime collaborator and friend Steve Jamison said: “He opened up his heart and shared his soul to insure that his last book would be very useful to those who share his belief that success and good values go hand in hand.” “The Wisdom of Wooden” captures a life spent teaching, guiding and serving others. It’s filled with personal memories, warm advice and beautiful color photographs from Wooden’s private collection. *** For more information, visit Whatever you do, or dream you

of the country’s largest netgram, customers are Lagoon noti- one“Kids Club.” Surf'swhereby Up Aquatic Center, provides coverage to fied by either e-mail whenGo works,• which Deer Park text and orthe Merry Ms. Brown is a travel expert percent of of thethe households in the they reach certainPlus milestones Round Museum. you can of stay 98 and host Travel Channel’s States.To Latin America.” The use each property month. This way,your cus-RV United on park or bring “Passport Consumer Cellular Latin does not tomers willinbeCamping aware when they are and stay Village. program highlights Amerior earlyapproaching the end of their usage have canlong-term getawayscontracts and provides tips to Family Adventures termination fees. Affordable rates plan, enabling them to curtail or help travelers safely discover the If you’re looking for something *** change their plan, saving cus- start at $10 a month and are ideal local ofchange. destinations. The beyond park attractions and thethey Men marry with the hope willflavor never Women for individuals who want the safety tomers fromwomen costly overage charges beach, you can try a trip abroad. show airs on Wednesday nights at and convenience of cellular service that often lead to sky-high bills. marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably, they are 8:00 pm ET through September. Families visiting Pico Bonito paying high rates for “Among the most common con- without both disappointed. Visit features. Lodge in Honduras, forwireless instance, unused Additionally, a 30- for sumer complaints about more information. can discover new cultures while day, —Albertguarantee Einstein risk-free satisfaction providers are required long-term contracts and outrageous monthly*** is available to all new customers. Learn More bills due to overage fees,” said John You can learn more online at Marick, CEO of Consumer Cellular. “Consumer Cellular has never had To contracts, and now we are offering learn more about Usage Alerts complimentary Usage Alerts to through Consumer Cellular, visit ensure our customers have a UsageAlerts. worry-free cell phone experience.”

aluminum screw then top with chops. Cover Prep cap. Time: 15 minutes As you boldly cap, and cook an additional 10 Cook unscrew Time: 40 the minutes minutes or until chops are you notice several guests grimace, done and rice is tender. 4 bone-in pork chops, 1-inch their longing for the iconic cork For more info and recipes, visit thick (about 2 lbs.) pop writ 4large across their faces. Tbsp. Shedd’s Spread Underneath Is Often Overlooked: But you reassure yourself that The although the Check presentation hasVehicle’s Chassis Listen To Your Gut... can, begin it. Boldness has Note to Editors: Regular has 70 calories; Churn Style, 60 calories, and contain 7g Choosing A Student Loan For College been cheapened the sound of and Calcium Plus Vitamin D have 50 calories, genius and power and magic in (NAPSA)—Preventive of fat and 2g by saturated fat. mainteLight it. cracking aluminum, all1.5g will be fat. All Country Crock tubs have 0g trans fat (NAPSA)—When it’s time to (NAPSA)—A recent “Digestive nance typically looking contain 5g of fat implies and saturated Fun for the kids: Kids love to —Goethe (NAPS)—No matter where you per serving. Country Crock is not a low-fat food. Butter has 100 calories, 11g of pay for a college education, a sim-News” survey conducted by Kraft thefirst vehicle’s wellunder with the pour. hood; often, fat and saturated fatunderneath per serving. *** ple 1-2-3 approach can help stu-Foods found that although Ameritravel, you cansmells easily take your view their favorite movies over and What’s Your though, it’s7g the chassis Alas, the wine like Home Worth—Really? dents and families navigate thecans know they need to incorpothe vehicle that’s overlooked. over. It’s never been easier to share favorite movies along. cooked cabbage. rate more fiber into their diet, often confusing maze of afinancial According the Automotive Thanks to to has a been new technology their favorite movies with playmates (NAPSA)—Many homeowners (NAPSA)—Recyclebank, com- more than 75 percent of those surThat’s because it conare curious about the value of aidthat information. Aftermarket Suppliers Association called UltraViolet, your tablet, at a friend’s house or with their pany rewards people for Crave takfind it challenging to do so. Today’s Travelers Cultural Experiences taminated with dimethyl sulfide would like to First, investigate money thatveyed (AASA), Aluminum screw can spoil whentheir property and*** andcaps grandparents laptopunderperformed or smartphone is vehicle now like a cousins For the 60 percent of Ameriing everyday green actions with find The a reliable way to get an esti(DMS), a compound associated does not have to be repaid, such as maintenance in the American autoessence of genius is to know (NAPSA)—When traveling to a the taste of cooked visiting family. cinema on the go. With just a wine few with discounts and deals, has easy, eco-typecans that report suffering from mate. Heretoare some tips on how scholarships andtoday’s grants. This motive aftermarket is over $50 new destination, travelers with the pungent aromas ofbilwhat overlook. cabbage. College, camp, weekend simple commands, you can turn it digestive health issues, eating to get the facts and not settle for a friendly solutions to green your *** of funding is available from a variprefer to learn about and explore lion annually. Brakes, shocks and —William James cannedinto corn, old oysters and the foods that contain prebiotic fiber a mobile theater by plucking a getaway? Because up to six family guess: exactly what makes that location ety of sources, including federal and struts, and chassis components— getaway at If we are to survive, *** we must better members against excessive formation aforementioned cabbage—hardly help to maintain a healthy digesshare an account, family movie from your home collection • Don’t always believe what so special. state governments and private depending on the lender. Because all located under the vehicle—are have ideas, vision, courage. tive system. * * * of DMS. a bouquet to complement your (NAPSA)—Mango and Bacon you see at online home valuamembers can be scattered in different electronically and viewing it Whether it’s chowing down on sources such as employers, profes- the relationship you establish with among the most neglected parts To help teach kids aboutordesign What Is Prebiotic Fiber? Barbecue Pizza is both Everything matters incrowdour tion sites. Onthat some sites, you can how about the notorious feast. crab cakes in Maryland standplaces at oncethink for their activities anytime.maintained, But sional associations, as well as educa- a lender is likely a long-term one, Most drivers about thisand and,anywhere, if not properly pleasing andand easy toa make. ManPrebiotics are often nonand building in order to bring ing where the first shots of the enter your address and property intellectual moral life still watch their movies. And movies “cork taint” (TCA) that transforms How can this be? Screw caps Consider the possibilities: tional institutions. The Internet can only if their car pulls to one side it’s important to choose a lender can contribute to wheel alignment *** theseofsites gos provide a balance imporfibers that serve as a Civil War wereallfired, today’s pops up.anWhile their ideas to life, while havingFordigestible help in conducting your search. driving, but tire value can be shared up severe to 12with devices. Camping, overseas, with a reputable brand name, as aroma of wineon sealed areproblems. supposed to eliminate wine at theawhile begins individual conEnthusiasm is theincluding genius of sintantwith nutrients 20 food source for good bacteria leisure travelers crave authentic can sometimes be fairly accurate, fun, parents can visit LEGO at instance, Sallie Mae, the nation’s wear can result from improper well as industry experience. That’s why ACDelco, a global Nights at the movies: Use relative’s home? It doesn’t matter faults. Well, yes, but they don’t. cork into the stench of moldy fronting his own mind and conessential vitamins and minerals. cerity and truth accomplishes Or buy an UltraViolet digital version (called probiotics) in the gut. The cultural experiences. has shown that they are leading provider of saving- and payalignment and yet evening the research leader in automotive Your Homework UltraViolet to this spend an where you are—roughing it in newspapers? thewheel For recipes and instructions ona Isn’t a major Studies have shown thatreplacement the airno without it. from ofDo good bacteria in theculigut To help travelers plan their balance of avictories favorite film online science in a room by himself. often off the mark. The reason is Many travelers today enjoy ing-for-college programs, pro-may help vehicle can still drive straight. parts andatservices, has teamed As part andigestive ongoing tract effort to how to selectretailer andBulwer-Lytton cutand a mango, watching a from your wild, a screw vacation home, in aup hotel, next vacation,* various new online keepofthe —Edward G. * * problem? Actually, tight seal that caps create participating follow nary experiences, visiting histhat online valuation sites primar—Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Onlinetravel sites resources that offer free home vides online support e on ly waon y to know i f the with Scot Manna, owner of MB educate students, parents visit collection your home visiting on a feet beach or inThwas have emerged. American Express nowthrough offers a itsrunning smoothly and support theand toric sites, and touring art museBaby family, robins 14 of earthworms every ily the consider public*** records instructions. Or get andata accountvaluation a major problem, buttheater actually increases theeat likelihood may be is significantly offthat Web site site, whichbody’s alignment is day! correct is to have it Automotive incountry—because Des Plaines, Ill.,yourIt graduates about managing debt *** the only through your game console or Blunatural defenses. a foreign and galleries. reloadable card no ums such as tax list-Blu-the prepaid when you assessments convert one oforyour was before winemakers and andand potency of DMS. mark can’twith fachasbecause access tothey an award database ACDelco 2006 Technician ofthatchecked. and understanding credit, Sallie brings together extensive and varThe prebiotic fiber in new ray Disc player. Or use one of your movies are there when you want Q: ingsray forDiscs sale—not current, monthly, recurring or mainteor DVDs into indea digitaltor in upgrades. containing more than 2.4 million How often invested should vehicle Millennium competitioncork manufacturers Mae recently launched its Be Debt milAthe2010 study ofIVCalifornia research cultural and heritage ied information about cultural and Breakstone’s & Knudsen LiveAcportable devices tocars watch on the back them. to With UltraViolet’s flexibility,owners pendent appraisal data. Plus, launched Web nance fees, no impact on your copy through a program scholarships worth over $15 billion. have their or trucks winner, discuss why owners Smart campaign. Consumers travel destinations, sites, eventsacan heritage travel experiences. lions of dollars in developing new Sauvignon Blancs found wines with tive Cottage Cheese is inulin, *** valuation sites can’t look inside a thepraisers must licensed or by porchfor or excessive outdoors chassis after a wear? barbecue you canoverlook easily call up vehicles’ your moviechecked tofrom seeand Bestate Debt Smart by Walmart. Also, you can click creditAccording shouldn’t their and be no risk overdraft. access numerous and activities. Visitors cantools search to a of recent study It natural substance derived quality control measures and proscrew caps had an average DMS house to note major upgrades somesecond appraisers increase Talent genius creates. certified, with friends. Get together to watch collection via streaming wherever Most technicians visually step78 inanywhere the payingforresources a specific for for Mandala percent of sources chassis and alignment. ondestination smart borrowing “Sign Upworks, Now” button at www.uvvu. the latest titles and trailers. can beThe usedResearch, virtually *** A:technologies. such as chicory root.orEach cessing Today, studies concentration more than twice as such as a new kitchen or other *** their credentials by earning an —Robert A. Schumann each other’s collections. you an Internet orinspect basedasonwell personal interests, U.S. leisure travelers part infor sites for chassis wear for-college process istake to apply college, as how to establish Q: Dohave vehicle owners tend topoints. com. A good rule of thumb: SRAthat Live in terms of yourconnection strong Magnify them. yourduring weak- amenities. accepts American low-fat oz. serving designation conferred byExpress the havegreat-tasting, *good * 4 credit commonly show that 99Let percent of a I’ve sometimes highneglect asby wines under cork. Afunction. 2007 *** thought of marwhether that* means art deco cultural and/or heritage activities easy and affordable: using the download routine oil change service, but federal loans, which typically and maintain through the shrivel warning signs ofdie chasnesses up and from lack ofSimple, nourishment. of cottage cheese contains 3 grams Highly effective airhistory. purifiers, and it’sInstitute available online atrates www. take a free Internet esti- Appraisal tointerest distinguish orfinancial colonial while traveling and they consealedcan with cork from a usingDon’t survey ofWant Australian New thorough chassis inspection should below-market andofarchitecture You getreal started today in-flight entertainment? responsible habits, on the sis wear more thanand other morewines rying, andbank. then I’ve thought —William Young Elliott prebiotic fiber. mate to the members experienced in the such as Honeywell True HEPA air at The Debt site provides in-depth tribute more than $192 billion be UltraViolet performed according more flexible repayment options. “LiveActive reputable supplierfree are TCA-free. Be Smart Web site apparent problems, likeconworn Zealand Sauvignon Blancs of chargetotothe buildagain. Watch the movies you own while *** Cottage Cheese • Not all appraisers are analysis andMartha valuation of economy. residenbackground on the historic and annually to theHoller, U.S. The purifiers, can capture up to 99.97 manufacturer’s suggested interval. Says spokesperson brakes or engine performance? * * *that onlineelimination collection ofofyour thethe air DMS or waiting for your flight.Theanvirtual TCAfavoriteequal. The most —Noel cluded in that concentration offers nutritional benefits to help Coward reliable way to tial real They meetthese strincultural significance of pollutants hundreds study alsocable found types *** percent of microscopic shops typically offer vehicle or forproperty. Sallie Mae, “Even if you thinkpromote Digital customers can “Before choosing any student A: Yes.with Chassis partsasare ofandRepair movies. There are of no DMS sign-up Even notimes Internet orout wireless a healthy digestive the likelihood was nearly three high get aThe value estimate of your home gent education, experience and of places, and rounds up all systhe of travelers take vacations more genius*** of a good leader is rent inspections either in the fall, you not eligible for federal loan, become educated on the sight and out mind to most vehi-you and particles from the aira well that theare hottest new movies with tem, which is essential to perand registering access, easyofscrew downloading allows *** subscriptionin fees * * * contamination wines sealed among wines with caps. is toto use a professional real estate necessary details for a trip frequently and enjoy culinary ethical requirements that surpass leave behind him a situation because winter road conditions money, you can’t be sure until you options available,” says Holler. cle owners. Sometimes it’s not until It can be easy to make better passes through the filters, includson’s health and well-being,” says a push of the remote button. is like signing up for an e-mail or Man does not live by bread alone. to watch movies in your library. spent, including information on experiences, visiting historic sites, appraiser. Using current market of those required for state screw caps to be explain The evidence from both which common sense, withoutmany try. make for a bad help time to stranded Complete the Free Application “Most important, know how much a noise is unusual thatsurveys, it tends towith at your nextarea, outdoor Hecker, brand manager for —Moses data,choices off-the-beaten-path cafés, must-see attending and tour- Jason ing allergens such as dust, pollen, Movies Onre-enactments Demand provides Facebook account.overwhelmknowledge of the a licensure. Appraisal Institute-desBoring road trip ahead? As why youwith U.S. winemakers which conducted by the Corkand the grace of genius, can deal a broken tie-rod or ball joint, for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)cottage money you at need up front so that get were the motorist’s attention soiree. Serve MorningStar Farms cheese Kraft. museums and kitschy boutiques. ingappraisers art museums galleries, *** home visit and analysis of compa- ignated can beand found at How do I get started? Buy a drive to your favorite destinations, pet dander, mold spores and instant access to top hits, most or in the spring, to assess curbs to begin thethings. process.” prefer natural cork. ifThe Quality Council, strongly suggests later on you areannot saddled motivate him/her to have the vehi-ingly with successfully. Original Burgers Visit orwith The site is also online gathamong other rableGrillers properties, theVeggie appraiser Blu-ray Disc DVD corrosion with a UV family members can watch betheir Learn more at available the dayforastravel, the wsmoke. andcan potholes have After freesame and federal money as a better-for-you alternative to more student loan expense than checked. Noises shouldn’t —Walter J. Lippmann same be said fororcaused most dinner thatclenatural cork closures with ering place for like-minded tra As the fusion of “go,” w w. K n u d s e n . c o m f o r m o r e- is arrives at an opinion of market Not all renovations add sticker then follow the instructions. favorite movies. meat. For grilling recipes and fun DVD and Blu-Ray. Go to www. or damage. options have been exhausted, stunecessary. overlooked because bigger trouble *** velers, and users can create free and the mosaic of heritage and information. higher oxygen permeability protect guests. value. value. A common misperception ***

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food ideas, visit www.Morning Drivers are encouraged to get dents and families may they profiles. “For Members many students, can follow. share college travel is a allfind about Appraisers are hired by banks amongculture, homeowners is thatisremodeatitmore than you regular vehicle inspections and get still fall people short in terms of college crash course in personal finance Q:Never Why is significant forcan a lift. interests, add friends, upload phoinspiring to fuel their pasor mortgage brokers during a eling and renovating cost equals Piggy their vehicles serviced—Miss at a service financing. Private, orhistory alternative, andIt’s write reviewsfor about for culture and important bothplaces students vehicle to be properly aligned? pending sale transaction. Home- value.sions Not every improvement will by tos101. *** been. to understand the full exploring places. loans canmeaningful help fill that gap. A vari- they’ve and parents A: Prop e r wh e e l a lig n m en t center that has ASE-certified tech-

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What All Grillers Should Have In Their Toolkit What All Grillers Should Have In Their Toolkit

(NAPSA)—A recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive dis(NAPSA)—While most grillers covered some interesting things are armed with most tongsgrillers and a spat(NAPSA)—While about how and to whom Ameriula, many looking up their with are tongs and atospatcans make commitments, particu- are armed game by areexperimenting looking to upwith theiracceslarly when it comes to saving and ula, many designed to add gamesories by experimenting withmore acces-versaplanning for the future. to the grill, such as pizza designed to add more versaThe study revealed that 88 per- soriestility baskets racks. to thefish grill, suchand as rib pizza cent of Americans are driven to tilitystones, ve waThebaskets new Weber GrillWatch stones, fish and rib racks. keep their financial promises by a (NAPSA)—For more “green” in garden Survey Americans are The new shows Weberthat GrillWatch desire to be regarded as trustworyour wallet as well as a greener more “green” in ce that (NAPSA)—For spending more than five are hours shows that Americans thy. It also found that though both Survey When it comes to managing the a environment, save money and your wallet as well as a greener ain or weekbudget, grilling. As hours people spending more than five a are men and women promised to save family Americans see energy with basic vehicleand mainteenvironment, save money grilling more frequently, as more and spend less, they differ in week grilling. As people are themselves as fiscal conservatives.well nance. five ways you can energy with Here basic are vehicle mainteas year-round, the demand how they do so. The report indi- grilling more frequently, as well for do so: When nance. Here are five ways you can accessories has skyrocketed. and agree that reminders cated women are more likely to aspromise year-round, the demand for 1. Drive Green—Recognize vidual do so: Here are a few the accessories are “helpful” and not of “nagging.” promise to create a budget than accessories has skyrocketed. howGreen—Recognize you drive has a lot to do ontain- 1. that Drive designed toaofbring yourneed: grilling 2. Create shared men, and men are more likely to Here are a few the accessories withyou fueldrive economy. sudden Basic as, conthat how has a Avoid lot to do vehicle maintenance game to topromise abring wholeyour new level. Develop a you’ll be able to save for retirement or ahelps child’s designed grilling Just two hours of volunteering starts and stops and go the speed ctly to with fuel economy. Avoid sudden Basicprotect the environment and women. your vehicle maintenance Must-Have rilling Accessories: keep value. It’s important to education and investhelps than game to and a whole new level. a week can supply somedriving posiJerky and aggressive me drip startslimit. and stops and go the speed own economy. protect the environment and your insight Must-Have Chimney starter: Consider a understand what keeping the The survey also provided rilling Accessories: tive benefits for you and your your milesdriving per gallon limit. decreases Jerky and aggressive own economy. five-quart chimney starter, like promise will mean for you both. into why people break their financommunity. Chimney starter: Consider a 5. Gas Caps and Fill-up— and increases wear tear on tions. decreases your miles per and gallon Weber’s Rapidfire Chimney Starter, 3. Assure success: Yourlike procial promises: Men more often five-quart chimney starter, This dual-design rib rack and poultry roaster features a large-capacity yourand vehicle’s gas cap. your vehicle. Minimize inklers Markwood, CEO of tear the unnecesNational 5. Check Gas Caps and increases wear and on that holds pass approximately 80 toIt100 rib rack on one side. Flip it over and use the poultry roaster to grill a mise should the 3-R test: attributed this Fill-up— to lack of time and Weber’s Rapidfire Chimney Starter, This dual-design rib rack and poultry roaster features a large-capacity Approximately 17 percent of vehiworksary miles by combining errands. Association of Area Agencies Check on your vehicle’s gas cap. your vehicle. Minimize unnecescharcoal briquettes. should beapproximately reasonable, realistic and rib rack forgetfulness; women blamed that holds 80 toChimney 100 whole or Flip a roast. on chicken one side. it over and use the poultry roaster to grill a ad or sary a miles cles on the17road have loose, dam2. by Get a Tune-up—Regular Aging. “Studies show that the Approximately combining errands. starters eliminate the need to use rewarding. finances. percent of vehicharcoal briquettes. Chimney whole chicken or a roast. on your 2. tune-ups aged or missing gas caps, causing and maintenance and sense of purpose it provides can road haveGurney, loose, damGet a Tune-up—Regular cles on the Kathleen new cookbook “Weber’s Smoke—A lighter fluid, which is costly. 4. Think dependability and Ph.D., found- starters eliminate the need to use million of gas to having clean air filtershealth will help contribute to increased and aged 147 or missing gasgallons caps, causing tune-ups and maintenance and Guide to“Weber’s SmokeSmoke—A Cooking for Long-handled tongs: To preintegrity: Be truly committed. er and CEO of Financial Psychol- lighter new cookbook fluid, which is costly. an irrivaporize gallons every year. Topping your car air pollute lesswill andhelp burn less happiness.” 147 million of suggests gas to a off having clean filters Everyone and Cooking Any Grill”; vent hands from getting 5. Beyour patient butTo deterogy Corporation, soluGuide to Smoke forvisit Long-handled tongs: pre- too atheryourevery gas tank when filling off up your gas.pollute a study proper tune-up, you AWith recentless the less Corporavaporize year. Topping your car andby burn close to you the slip fire,up agetting pair oftoo tongs, mined: If momentartion: “By working together and vent Everyone and Any Grill”; visit your hands from sensor car can also release harmful can save 4 percent on the cost of tion for National and Community tank when up your gas. With a proper tune-up, you your gas building Pizza stone: To make sure Stainless Steel ’s ily,such take an inventory oftongs, what’s on filling each other’s strengths, close to theas fire, a pair of oller to vapors intorelease the environment. gas and up to 40 percent bypositive replacService found car can also harmful can save 4 percent onthat the the cost of been working well and reinforce couples can find ways to help each such pizza stone: is cooked without Tongs, which measure more’s than Pizza To through make sure as Stainless Steel Chef rainfall “Vehicle owners who do their ing a faulty oxygen by sensor. Simply effect volunteering on physical vapors into the keep environment. gas and up toof40 percent replacthose actions. Then end take a tip, look at pizza other their promises and Tongs, burning thethrough crust, awithout pizza stone 12 inches from to are a is cooked which measure more than edules ownreach maintenance should rememthehealth car’s air filter and mental isSimply due to can the “Vehicle owners do their ing a changing faulty oxygen sensor. you’d like totoimprove their who goals—whether it’s a 12what made from cordierite, as the must for the griller’s toolbox. the crust, a pizzasuch stone inches from end tip, are and a burning uses changing a berpromise to recycle or properly dispose improve 10 percent. personal senseair of by accomplishment the efficiency car’s filter can own maintenance make athe plan for doubling yourthe to should save forremema child’s educa- must Barbecue System thermometer: madeGourmet from cordierite, such as thePizza forMeat griller’s toolbox.upTake r inforof fluids and other vehicle compo3. Lighten the Load—Get the gained from giving back. ber to recycle or properly dispose improve efficiency by 10 percent. to succeed. tion, stick to the family budget or efforts with Carry Rack,Pizza can help guesswork out of grilling with Gourmet a StoneBarbecue System Meat thermometer: Take the r’s spe- 3. junk nents, used motor oil, out benefits of theLoad—Get trunk the stuff And go and beyond the of fluids andincluding other vehicle compoLighten the the “Insight into what motivates provide a fruitful retirement.” make family pizza night somedigital thermometer to ensure Stone with Carry Rack, can help guesswork out of grilling with a adjust tires and advises out of the yourtrunk car, with the stuff exception improvement of wellnents, including used also motor oil, Rich junk out of andpersonal the people to keep their financial The batteries,” survey revealed that digital special. your meat is cooked makething family pizza night somethermometer to properly. ensure The g. White, executive director, Car of emergency items such as a spare being. A total of 63.4 million volunbatteries,” advisesmotivated Rich out of your car, with the exception tires andpeople promises financial advisers are highly by your Fish baskets: Grilling delicate Digital Pocket Thermometer meat isarms cooked properly. The thing special. d’s SST teersflares contributed 8.1 hours Care Council. tire, andsuch a first-aid kit. Extra White, executive director, Car of emergency items as abillion spare with thePocket information they need easily to family priorities and finances. Digital fishbaskets: can be aGrilling little intimidating. comes with a Thermometer clip to attach Fish delicate System of service 2009, equaling an estiThe Care of Council is the re- talk to customers about their finanitems weigh the vehicle down and Care Council. tire, flares and ainfirst-aid kit. Extra SixtyCar percent U.S. adults With a fish basket, you can ensure Championship Spareribs with to your pocket. fish can be a little intimidating. comes with a clip to attach easily dscape mated dollar value of about $169 source of information for the “Be cause an increase in gas usage. The Car Care Council is the to sat- cial Take items weigh the vehicle down and and help deviseGame the right ported they keep promises that fishyou won’t through Sweet Apple Barbecue Sauce are Your Grilling up With a a fishflaky basket, canfall ensure yourgoals pocket. n-site billion. With budgets tighter Care Aware” consumer educa- to to strategies 4. Tire Checks—According to Car Championship Spareribs with source ofisfy information forand the59“Be cause an increase inagency gas usage. to achieve those goals,” a loved one, percent grates. with These Accessories: easy to grill with a rib rack.are that the flaky fish won’t fall through Sweet TakeNotch Your Grilling Game up a lawns than ever, each volunteer-hour tion campaign promoting the benthe Car Care Council, around 2 bilApple Barbecue Sauce Aware” educa4. Tire Checks—According to Car Careshow said Matt Matrisian, director of theyconsumer care. Stainless Steel Fish Baskets Rib and roast holder: Save the grates. Notch with These Accessories: ount of helps keep resources available to campaign efits ofDr. regular vehicle care, lion gallons of gas a year could tion be easy to grill with a rib rack. promoting the ben-mainthe Car Care Council, around 2 bilManagement, Genworth Gurney offers these Practice are available small or large. woods like hickory, mesquite and space your holder: grill with a dual- Stainless Steel in Fish Baskets Rib andonroast Save communities. tenance and repaircare, totips consumers. saved if on could everybe AmeriWealth Management, promise-keeping to help you Financial efits of regular vehicle mainlion gallons of the gas tires a year The flexible in delicate cherry. Smokingmesquite tins allowand grillers and roast holder. , visit woods like hickory, are available in wires smallhold or large. spacedesign on yourrib grill with a dualFor more information on how More information about envican’s car were properly inflated. commissioned the survey. get repair on thetoroad to greater per- which consumers. saved if the tires on every Ameri- tenance and fish andwires provide a foolproof way to to infuse thetins richallow flavors of smoke Weber’s Original and Roast The flexible hold in delicate cherry. Smoking grillers design rib and roastRibholder. to use your skills and experience ronmental awareness is included Optimal tire pressure for your You can learn more at five www. financial—success: More sonal—and information about envican’s car were properly inflated. flip provide your fish. quickly into Holder can handle up to fish and a foolproof way to to infuse theand richeasily flavors of almost smoke any Weber’s Original Rib and Roastracks to benefit the community, call the popular “Car Care vehicle listed infor theyour owner ’s in the1. and (800) Think digital team: Ask your part- ronmental awareness is included Optimal tire ispressure boxes: Try your hand dish. of ribs. Flip it over and use the flip yourSmoker fish. quickly and easily into almost any Holder can handle up to five racks Eldercare Locator at (800) 677- Guide” that can be easily accessed manual. Tires that are not propner to digital remind“Car you Care about your 664-5345. vehicle is listed in the owner ’s in the popular at smoking with For More Information roast holder forand whole Smoker boxes: TryFirespice your handTrialdish. of ribs. Flip it over usechickens, the 1116. through the website at erly inflated add rolling resistance Guide” that can be council’s easily accessed manual. Tires that are not propSized Smoking Kits. Individual For more information about turkeys or roasts. Try Champiat smoking with Firespice TrialFor More Information roast holder for whole chickens, that makes engine work harder through the council’s website at erly inflated add the rolling resistance tins sit on top of Individual gas grill grates For grilling accessories and recipes, onship Spareribs with Sweet Sized Smoking Kits. more information about turkeys or roasts. Try ChampiLearn More to move the vehicle. All this that makes the engine work harder andonare withgrates smoking visitaccessories Apple Barbecuewith Sauce from the tins sit toppacked of gas grill grilling and recipes, onship Spareribs Sweet For further facts on saving increases fuel costs as much as 3 to Learn More to move the vehicle. All this Apple Barbecue Sauce from the and are packed with smoking visit energy and facts moneyon with proper car 5 cents and For further saving increases fuel per costsgallon as much asincreases 3 to care, theper riskgallon of engine andvisit money with proper car 5 cents anddamage. increases energy care, visit the risk of engine damage.






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Green Your Vehicle Routine Green Your Vehicle Routine

A New Effort Promotes Responsible Drinking

(NAPS)—A company that once encouraged beer drinkers to “know when to say when” has launched a new effort to promote responsible drinking. The Anheuser-Busch website— CO And You 2 (NAPSA)—The Infectious Diseases — (NAPSA)—In response the nos(NAPSA)—Here’s goodtonews, Society of America (IDSA) supports uses social media to encourage adults to talgic bent of its 55 million memfor a change, about our environefforts to combat antibiotic drug resispledge to drink responsibly. The pledge is ment: controlled bers,Results venerablefrom social networking tance and encourages creation of new threefold: studies around the world show site Class acquired vinlifesaving antibiotics. Learn more how a doubling of carbon dioxide • Respect the legal drinking age tage content to transform itself into about how you can help make this (CO2) in the atmosphere, which is The new • Enjoy responsibly and know when to expected to occur over the website next happen at features theincrease largest archive of nossay when century, will crop yields issues/alert/?alertid=7478136. on the double Internet, letby talgic 30 tocontent 40 percent, the • Be or use a designated driver. water-use efficiency most of of ting boomers reliveofdecades Each pledge is populated on an earth’s vegetation and could triple Americana. interactive map, showing those who have the productivity of forests. * **** * taken the pledge in their communities, Forlevel resources that can help your The of carbon dioxide in along with their photos or avatars. Adults get their activity, thechildren atmosphere is physical increasing— Only about 25 food crops taking the pledge can also share their from about parts per (Ways millionto check out270 We Can! save energy. For more ideas on The between NASDAQhumans stock exchange stand worldbefore 1800, to aboutActivity 365 now, to commitment through Facebook and Enhance Children’s & Nutrienergy-saving roofing, visit wide and starvation. was totally disabled one day in antion) estimated doubling to 720 or The NASDAQ stock exchange at encourage friends to do the same. The December 1987 when aCO squirrel more within the next 100 years. level makes it easier for was totally disabled day in2 to campaign also includes billboards, point- wholesalers have invested more than $930 We Can!, developed * * so *one * * * by the National go burrowed into the plants the pores— through one of the million in advertising and community-based December 1987 when a squirrel isresources. the fear of haircuts. Institutes of Health, provides food strateHonda Power Equipment Only about twenty-five called stomates—don’t havemarto of-saleTonsurphobia materials and other exchange’s telephone lines. programs that promote responsible drinking gies and resources for parents, carekets a complete line of rugged, burrowed through one of the crops stand between humans open as widely. When the pores “With close toishalf a billion on and prevent underage drinking and drunk Tonsurphobia the fear ofadults haircuts. worldwide and starvation.toIncreasaren’t open asportable, widely, more givers and communities help chileasy-to-use, gasolineexchange’s telephone’s Facebook, we see an enormous opportunity driving. ingdren the ages CO2 level from the current difficult forpumps water and to come 8 to 13. powered offersout.” soft*** level to two times what we have There’s actually less water calculoss to expand our reach to newer generations of ware to help homeowners The latest government data shows that *** If you ever think someone has been today would basically increase per unit of carbon that’s being adult drinkers—most of whom came of age which at drunk-driving fatalities fell to their lowest plant“Today’s yields. buses are more envi- t alate poisoned (by chemicals, medicine, ken u p i n t oone t h e they p l a n tneed . As a ronmentally* friendly than ever, result ** of that, water-use effi- after ‘Know When to Say When’ and our level since alcohol record-keeping began food, plants, or animals), call the earlier responsible drinking campaigns,” in 1982 (52 percent decline from 1982 to thanks to cleaner-burning en- ciency goes up. * * * “Increased levels of CO2 have Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222. another says Park *** gines, consequence,” specialized particulate filFor information on the new said Kathy Casso, vice president of The number connects you to a poi2010). S. ters Nobel, head of the DepartYou can learn more about COin 2 andthe alternative fuels,” notes Interdisciplinary Doctorate Corporate Social Responsibility for son center that serves your area. ment of Biology at the University in our atmosphere and what it “We’ve made significant progress in Gary Catapano, senior vice presiEducation (Ed.D.) Program in Poison experts answer it 24 hours of California—Los Angeles. “In may mean for our food and our Anheuser-Busch. “We’re looking to the the past three decades, but there’s more we dent forthey Safety FirstGroup Leadership Creighton University, particular can at improve the future fromat the experts at the future of alcohol responsibility, and we see a day, 365 days a year and can help can do. That’s why we encourage adults to America,efficiency the largestofprovider visit www.creighton-online. com or water-use plants.” of Greening Earth Society, a not-forin 161 languages. The call is free the potential in social media and its ability pledge and join the Nation of Responsible T hground a t i s , ttransportation h e a m o u n t oservices f w a t e rin profit, grass roots organization call (866) 717-6365 to speak withof an and confidential. If you have questhat’s used by plants to produce who believe humans are a to bring together adults and encourage Drinkers,” Casso added. North America. Learn more at people admissions representative. tions about poison safety call your same amount of growth actupart of nature, not apart from them to make smart choices.” (taliglucerase alfa) for injection, (NAPSA)—Novartis is commitTo take the pledge, visit * * * poison center or learn more online ally decreases with increased nature. It can be found online at Since ‘Know When to Say When’ Cloud productivity services, such an ted to understanding and improv* * * the therapy in English or Spanish at COenzyme . “Whenreplacement we have elevated or 2 (taliglucerase alfa)Type for injection, (NAPSA)—Novartis is commitan as can Microsoft Office 365, make it pos- debuted in 1982, Anheuser-Busch and its (ERT) to make treat 1environmental Gaucher CO dis-2 you ing the lives of people with tuberthe higher atmospheric CO2,To call 800-529-4503.

efrigFRA) an enzyme replacement therapy understanding and improvimpact and potentially reduce Juneted toous ease in adults. Learn more at a sclerosis complex through (ERT) tosignificant treat Typeamount 1 Gaucher dis-(855) lives ofresearch, people with tuber- and ofand energy use, otionsing the clinical education ease ELELYSO inuse adults. Learn more atshingle, complex through a highly reflective Vaca-ous sclerosis (1-855-353-5976). collaboration with the community. (855) Cool research, education such as GAF’sand Timberline ntestclinical Learn more from the TSand Alliance

sible for small businesses to access the best productivity technology at a predictable monthly cost while If you toss a penny in the air, it is leaving the IT management to the

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Comfort Food For Those With Diabetes

(NAPS)—There’s good news for people with diabetes who miss the simple pleasures of comfort food. A new cookbook puts a healthier spin on a number of familiar dishes. It’s estimated that nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes. For many, finding a healthy way to enjoy family favorites, such as mac and cheese or brownies, can be a real challenge. Fortunately, Robyn Webb, MS, LN, a 2012 Gourmand Award– winning cookbook author, nutritionist and the food editor of ­ Diabetes Forecast magazine, has created “The American Diabetes A new cookbook shows how to Association Diabetes Comfort prepare classic comfort food Food Cookbook.” Published by the for those with diabetes. American Diabetes Association—

the leading publisher of books on diabetes—the book is filled with recipes designed to meet the dietary needs of people who have diabetes and for those who just want to eat well without the added calories and fat. The book is also sprinkled with helpful tips and time-saving advice. For example, when it comes to fat, Webb suggests using real olive oil and butter, but only in small amounts. Mollie Katzen, author of “Moosewood Cookbook,” described Webb’s book as “beautiful” and “compelling.” To learn more or to order, ­call (800) 232-6733 or visit www.

Red, White And Blueberry Whoopie Pies—Mini Size 1 red velvet cake mix (18.25 ounces) 1⁄4 cup flour 1⁄2 cup water 1⁄3 cup vegetable oil 3 large eggs

11⁄2 cups marshmallow crème from a jar 1 cup fresh blueberries

Heat oven to 350° F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine cake mix, flour, water, oil and eggs. With an electric mixer, beat at medium speed until smooth, 2–3 minutes. Scoop the batter by rounded tablespoons onto prepared baking sheets, 2 inches apart, to make 24 small cakes. Bake until puffed, 8–10 minutes. Let cool 2 minutes on the baking sheets. Remove to wire racks to cool completely. With a small spatula or knife, spread 11⁄2 teaspoons marshmallow crème onto the flat side of each cookie. Divide blueberries onto 12 of the cookies. Top with remaining cookies to make sandwiches. Serve immediately or store chilled in an airtight container, layered between sheets of waxed paper. Yield: 12 whoopie pies Per portion: 302 calories, 47

A Nutritious Start Can Turn Kids Into Champions

(NAPS)—For many parents, getting their kids off to school with food that’s both tasty and good for them can be a challenge. Fortunately, finding foods kids love to eat for their breakfast, lunch and snacks may be easier—and more fun—than parents realize. Mom of two, softball’s Olympic Gold Medalist Jennie Finch knows how busy school days can be and what it means to work hard and keep everyone happy and healthy at home.

No stranger to healthy diets and exercise, Jennie has some helpful tips for helping kids eat right during a busy school-year schedule. Finch suggests: • Make it Look Fun—If it looks good—it tastes good! Think about presentation when it comes to packing lunches to make it just as fun to eat. Bring color into the mix with snacks like cherry tomatoes, carrots and various types of fruits and berries. A sandwich can be made more appealing by using cookie cutters to create fun shapes for kids to show off at the lunch table. To get them to look forward to lunchtime, include a few surprises to brighten your child’s day. Let him or her find a new pencil, key chain or a special note to keep things fresh. • Nutritious Options for Anytime—Like many parents, I’m always on the go. So I look for nutritious options for my sons that I can grab and serve anytime to keep them at their best. Wholesome Chobani Champions Greek yogurt is both nutritious and delicious and perfect for breakfast, lunch or snack time. Chobani Champions authentic strained Greek yogurt is made just for kids and comes in delicious flavors my

Grow Floral Cupcakes—No Green Thumb Required

Colorful floral cupcakes are easy to make and a tasteful way to bring the garden indoors.

pan with white baking cups; fill cups with batter about 2⁄3 full. Bake following package instructions. Cool completely. Tint portions of icing yellow, orange, teal, rose, violet and green; reserve some white. Using spatula, ice cupcakes smooth with colored icing. To make two-tone effect on flower petals, fit bag with petal decorating tip 127; before filling bag, use round tip 12 to pipe a stripe of white icing on the inside of the decorating bag from the narrow end of tip and up the length of the bag; pipe two Delicate Blossoms additional lines on top of the first line of icing. Fill bag with desired 1 package (15.5–18.25 oz.) color. Pipe a 6-petal flower on each favorite cake mix Eggs, water and oil to prepare cupcake beginning with wide end of tip touching center of cupcake, mix narrow end pointing out slightly 2 cans (16 oz. ea.) White g carbohydrate, 12 g total fat, 3 g above cupcake. Move tip 1⁄2 inch Decorator Icing saturated fat out toward edge of cupcake. Turn Lemon Yellow, Orange, Teal, tip slightly, forming remainder Rose, Violet and Leaf Blueberries never need to be of petal, relaxing pressure when Green Icing Color peeled, pitted or sliced. Just rinse Yellow, Blue, Pink and Purple moving tip back to center. Repeat and they’re ready to go. Blueberries for 5 more petals. Pipe round tip 5 Cake Sparkles or Colored have only 80 calories per one- cup dot or open star tip 16 swirl icing Sugars serving, so go ahead and sprinkle flower center. Sprinkle flower them on cereal, toss in green salads Preheat oven and prepare petals and centers with matching and stir into fresh fruit salsas. cake mix following package Cake Sparkles or Colored Sugars. Learn More Makes 24 cupcakes. instructions. Fill standard muffin For further facts about blueberries and loads of great recipes, go to (NAPS)—Whether you’re a recent college grad seeking a first job or a sales professional looking for a career change, the insurance industry has wellsons love such as Vanilla Chocolate paying jobs available. Risk management Chunk, Orange Vanilla, VerryBerry and insurance majors, salespeople and and Honey-Nana. It is a good source of other qualified employees are sought for protein, vitamin D and bone-building career-track positions that could lead to calcium. business ownership one day. • Making Healthy Eating a Family Activity—Get your kids to Why Insurance? participate in all the things that make • Actuarial science is a top-10 job, going back to school exciting and fun! based on income and employment Try packing lunch with your children, outlook; and benefits brokers, provides “Five guiding them in making the right food • Underwriting is a top-25 job, based Steps to Finding a Lasting Insurance choices, and they’ll look forward to on income, environment and security; Career” on its blog, eating the meal they created. Print out • 44 percent of insurance or­ assurexglobal. a chart and come up with a variety of ganizations anticipate adding staff this sandwiches, fruits, healthy snacks and year. Independents Seek Sales Pros some sweet treats to have them choose The beauty of imaging tools such as Independent insurance brokers Adobe Photoshop Elements, the leader what they want for lunch. • Don’t Forget the Team Snack— need risk management, insurance, and for image editing, is that you can focus Healthy eating can continue on the field employee benefits specialists to serve on capturing the moment and let the after school. I love to pack a cooler of clients worldwide. If you’re looking software do the rest. Greek yogurt for my son’s baseball for a rewarding career that potentially practices since it provides a balance of could lead to business ownership, protein and carbohydrates that helps consider a future with an independent the whole team recover after practice. insurance broker. Independent insurance This is perfect for soccer, football and brokers are always looking for talented salespeople, from recent college grads field hockey moms too! For more tips for kids’ healthy to mid-career professionals. Top Five Career Tips diets, information about Chobani Want to learn more? Assurex Champions and Jennie Finch, visit Global, the world’s premier network of independent insurance, risk management Courtesy of USA Softball

Red, White And Blueberry Whoopie Pies

(NAPS)—When it’s time to celebrate, what’s more fun than whoopie pies: Blueberry whoopie pies! Fresh delicious blueberries nestled in fluffy marshmallow crème, layered between mini-size cake rounds, make a supertasty snack or dessert. This controlledportion treat has a fat-free filling and the great benefits of nature’s little blue dynamos. What’s more, making these little gems yourself is easier than you might think when you start with a red velvet cake mix. Let the children help spread the crème on the cakes and top it off with plenty of fresh blueberries before sandwiching them all together.

Save your Money with Us!

(NAPS)—Bring the beauty of flowers indoors with Delicate Blossoms Cupcakes. The stunning rainbow color palette will have everything coming up roses. Begin with a basic cupcake made with any favorite mix. Then watch as they bloom into a beautiful bouquet with the addition of vibrantly colored icing, cake sparkles and sugars. These little cakes will be a sensational seasonal dessert or party treat for kids and adults alike. For more inspired decorating ideas, visit

Insurance Industry Seeks Talent

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Making Resolutions An Achievable Reality (NAPSA)—Most resolutions focus on living a healthier life—eating healthier, exercising more or being less stressed—but attempts to achieve that goal can lead to more stress and less success, found a recent survey by Braun Research. According to the survey, about one in five women (19 percent) admit they were not successful in sticking to their resolution to eat healthier and more than a third of women (36 percent) were not successful in attempting to exercise more. Two in five women (42 percent) admit they were not able to reduce their stress levels. Less than half of women (45 percent) stuck to their resolutions for three months or less while one in five (20 percent) only stuck to their resolutions for a month or less. Breaking such goals into more manageable steps may be the key, says Kathy Freston, author of “Healthy Living Conscious Eating.” Keeping it simple can make healthier eating a reality. She suggests these tips: Switch out milk for Silk in your cereal. Whenever you have cereal for breakfast, try switching delicious Silk ® Pure Almond ® Vanilla Almondmilk for your typical dairy milk. Not only will your hearty breakfast help keep you satisfied, but you’ll also enjoy an excellent source of calcium, vitamins D, B12 and antioxidant vitamin E. Eat an apple a day. Apples are rich in dietary fiber and a lower-calorie snack that can help fill you up. According to the USDA nutrient database, apples are low

One way to get the benefits of plant-based nutrition is to substitute almondmilk for typical dairy milk in your cereal. in sodium and contain a variety of essential nutrients including B vitamins, vitamin C, betacarotene, potassium and other minerals. Eat them chopped, whole or sliced but not juiced, as juice can have too much sugar and lacks fiber. Stay hydrated—drink 8 ounces of water, eight times a day. Water is crucial to your health as every system in your body depends on it. You can drink glasses of water or eat plant foods like fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water. For example, oranges are 87 percent water and cucumbers are 95 percent water. For more information, visit

(NAPSA)—Movie critics and cinephiles are already placing their bets on who will win Oscar gold, while the average movie buff (NAPS)—When it catching comes up to to may still have some travel, the open road ispredictions. still king. do before making That’s a key finding from thecan latest Oscar prognosticators view spending in the of Chase trailersdata of some the Freedom contenders Lifestyle Index.playing on Movies on currently Demand at www.rentmovieson The index, a barometer of consumer trends based on aggregated

age is another risk factor. Women are at a higher risk when they reach 55 or become postmenopausal. These are risk factors you cannot control. Risk factors you can control are diabetes, smoking, blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or hi­gh­er, and total cholesterol over 200. If you don’t exercise, there’s also a risk. Being 30 pounds or more over your recommended weight and having a waist mea­sure­ment greater than 35 inches are also risk factors. “It’s important to take action to minimize your risks,” said ­Dr. Gioia Turitto, spokesperson for Close the Gap, an educational initiative sponsored by Boston Scientific. Close the Gap encourages wo­men to be responsible for their heart health by following these tips: As many as 24 million people • If you smoke,from quit. a sore nose report suffering • Aim for a healthy weight. each year. • Get moving. Make a who’s coming with a cold, commitment to down be more physically share Every those day, home remedy active. aim for 30 necessiminutes ties! You can help stock up on cans of moderate-intensity activity such as of soup or herbal tea—you can taking a brisk walk, raking, dancing, even send Kleenexhousecleaning Share Pack lightweighta lifting, for free online at www.kleenex. or gardening. com/SoftnessWorthSharing while • Eat for supplies last.heart health. Choose a

A Season For Sharing

tissue, here are three simple tips to help you through cold and flu season: 1. First, blow your nose. Wipe

The Softness Worth Sharing promotion is designed to encourage sharing with anyone, anywhere in the U.S. and Canada. To

“B” Smart About Lowering Cholesterol

Spending Data Shows Consumers Areor “On The Road Again” (NAPSA)—If you someone

you care about is among the one in six Americans the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says is at risk for heart disease because of high blood cholesterol, you may be relieved to learn there are ways to reduce that risk. Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike Chase Freedom cardholder spending substance your body needs. If it builds up on your arteries, how- Along with a form of vitamin B5, data, revealed that while overall ever, it can lead to heart disease moderate to intensive exercise can spending on travel has remained flat and stroke. To prevent or reduce help control cholesterol levels. since 2011, road trip purchases, such high cholesterol: as gas, fast food, hotel, car rental •Eat a Healthy Diet. Avoid a normal range even for people and toll purchases, saw doublesaturated fat, trans fats and not on any other medication. digit increases between the first and dietary cholesterol. Other types of Other studies have shown that second quarters of 2012, as well as fats, such as monounsaturated each 1mg/dL reduction in LDL modest gains year over year. Airline and polyunsaturated fats, can cholesterol lowers cardiovascular purchases, which only grew by 1 actually lower blood cholesterol disease risk by 1 percent. What’s percent between 2011 and 2012, more, the supplement had no siglevels. Eating fiber also helps. and Dinner 65 had the Regularly. lowest level The Breakfast actually saw a 3 percent decline from the age of•Exercise nificant adverse events compared By gender, womenand, increased theirstatins, ($269.00). the first quarter of 2012. to placebo unlike *** Surgeon General says adults in both dining categories Tablets used for more America’s heartland saw the spendingdoesn’t lower CoQ10 levels. should engage in moderate-intenGood forcan the be Economy than the Web and reading by a slightly higherworks margin thancellular expenditures onatroad “Pantesin at the exercise for leasttrip 30 min“Our surfing cardholders, who represent a greatestsity books. With an array of Logitechspending, percent more in South Dakota men: They levelspent and 13 helps maintain balanced utes led mostby days. significant segment of the U.S. credit accessories, tablets can be used to(where the•Don’t than last levels,” quarter, explained whereas John average Smoke. cardholderSmoking spent restaurants in- cholesterol card market, have taken to the open play games, redesign your web-$476.90), Ph.D., M.D., FACC. jures blood vessels and speeds up Rumberger, among men grew 9 percent. Wisconsin ($472.50) and spending road, investing hundreds site, get helponinaverage the kitchen, listenIndianathe He’s professor of medicine and hardening of the arteries. SecIn the fast-food category, women ($468.80). of dollars each in communities across to music and type. To learn more in the of ondhand smoke also increases percent more this Department quarter, Increased travel spending was spent 17consultant theabout country,” said Phil Christian, tablet accessories, visit Cardiovascular Diseases at the risk. whereas men spent 15 percent more. most notable in Arizona, Florida general manager, Chase Freedom. Mayo Clinic, a Road founding member •Treat High Cholesterol. If Cash Back on the and Illinois. Spending on hotels A Cross-Country * * *Snapshot you have high cholesterol, your doc- of the International Society of and at the Table and car rentals has been on the rise Dermalogica’s skinprice examinaThe Index’s “road trip tag” tor may prescribe medications such Atherosclerosis Imaging and a Chase Freedom cardholders can 2012. drugs, In the category tionan and coaching session is freethroughout reveals average spending of $366.80 as statin bile acidofseques- leading authority on cardiac and percent cash back on“In up addition, to June marked more thanbetween 7,000 April locations, on at these purchases and car rentals, imaging. trants, fibrates andthe B highest vitamins.earn 5 vascular $1,500 Pantesin in purchases at gas stationshealthy with noThis obligation so far. helps maintain Asthe anyear alternative to prescripJune 2012. represents to a 3purchase percent spending of p rodfrom uc ts.theTo nd a innear from Julythat through Is on the Menu blood lipid levels are already tion Out medications, a pure and and restaurants increase samefiquarter 2011 by Dining n ther ap ist a nd Whether September 2012. Customers can a quick stop on of a Panwithin the normal range.” highlyit’sabsorbable form andl ic anensed 8 percentski increase over the first receive a complimentary Faceroad trip percent cash back online, supplement is manufacor a special dinner out of at vitamin a activate 5 The tethine (an active form quarter of 2012. Mapping skin analysis and otherfavoriteB5) by via Kyowa has been found toare be very over thetured phone, text Hakko message,Bio Co., restaurant, Americans The average man’s pr ofessional serv “road ic es, trip vi si talso dining Ltd. and can beoffound in a variety effective in lowering cholesterol. A on Facebook or at one the bank’s out in greater numbers in price tag” is nearly 45 percent higher or call of dietary supplements. For more triple-blind, placebo-controlled, 2012. Overall dining spending is up 11 5,500 branches. than the average woman’s ($437.80 (310) 900-4000. information, including facts about study information, visit Chase percentrandomized between the first and showed second thatFor more vs. $302.80). heart health and where *** Pantesin, a nutritional supplewith fast food outpacing Freedom’s website at to find Cardholders between the of quarters, Indexed universal lifeages products ment containing Pantethine, sig- supplements containing Pantesin, general restaurant establishments (15 com/freedom or Facebook page at provider 35 from and 44the hadleading the highest level of of nificantly increased HDL (good) visit, “like” it vs. 10 percent). indexed universal life,those Avivaover USA,percentcholesterol spending ($448.50), while on Facebook at Pantesin—For levels while lowering Ladies Whocholesterol Lunch, levels and Heart Health or follow it on Twitoffer cash accumulation, death LDL (bad) benefit protection and flexibility. helped to maintain both levels in ter at @PantesinHeart. You can get further information Foodies Flock To Pa.’s Hershey Region from an insurance agent or by (NAPS)—Millions visit Hershey’s calling (800) 800-9882 or online at Chocolate World to sample chocolate treats, but fun foodies also flock to Pa.’s

What Women Need To Know About Heart Disease (NAPS)—Women may need to take the latest research about heart disease to heart. What many don’t know is that heart disease kills more American women than all forms of ­ cancer combined, including breast cancer. Nearly half of all women are at risk for (NAPSA)—Cold developing heart disease, andseaas a and flu woman ages, risk increases. son is in fullher swing, which means A heart can occur without people willattack be sharing more than just holiday Every year, warning. Morecheer. than 60 percent of more than million cases offrom the women who62 died suddenly common cold reportedhad in the coronary heartaredisease no U.S., according to the National previous symptoms. Institute Allergy and InfecWomen of of color, including Black tious Diseases, and as many as American and Latino American 24 million people report suffering women, are more likely to develop from a sore nose. All that nose risk factors andwiping are at a higher risk of blowing and can make a death fromsore heartand disease, research nose feel add yet to the dishas shown they are less likely to comfort and misery of the comrecognize mon cold.their risks. Fortunately, are you life­scan tyle While there there are steps take to you alleviate thetodiscomfort changes can make lower your associated with cold—drinking risk. The first stepa is to understand plenty of liquids, taking which riskhotf­actors affect youa cold and remedy andyou getting plenty of what actions can take to lower rest—your your risk. poor sore nose may suffer.For Reaching soft, soothing example,for thearisk is higher for tissue may offer your nose a bit of women who have a family history of relief. heart or diabetes. Increasing In disease addition to reaching for a

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Hershey Harrisburg Region for ice cream, pies, salty snacks and fresh fruit. Take the “Delightful Dessert Day Trip” throughout Amish Country in nearby Lancaster for samplings of local pies from whoopie to shoofly and visiting The Turkey Hill Experience, dedicated to the dairy company’s products. A “Snack Attack Day” won’t crunch your wallet at Snyder’s of Hanover, UTZ, or America’s first commercial pretzel bakery, Julius Sturgis. A “Fit Food Day” can include picking fresh apples or strawberries at fruit farms near Gettysburg. “We’re a fun food experience,” said few extra days being salty, creamy or Mary Smith, president of the Hershey fruity.” A person uses approximately 57 sheets of toilet paper each day. ***fat, trans fat, Harrisburg diet low in saturated Visitors Bureau. “Foodies Find more Fun Food Flavorites at Every Ilesterol. get up and lookgo beyond being sweet and spend a sodium andday cho­ Include through Forbes of the whole grains, ­vthe egetables andlist fruits. richestyour people in America. If I’m • Know numbers. Ask your not I go blood to work. doctor tothere, check your pressure, —Robert cholesterol (total, HDL, LDL Orben and (NAPSA)-Hundreds of thousands of Billiton, Rio Tinto, American oil comtriglycerides) and *** blood glucose. types of computer memory upgrades for pany Hyperdynamics Corporation and Work with your doctor to improve PCs and Mac computers, new and old, their shareholders could be handed off to any ­numbers that are not normal. are available from Its Cru- middlemen thanks to a secret deal struck To learn more about ***­heart disease, cial Memory Advisor tool offers detailed by the government of Guinea. and world is divided into peoinformation about your memory upgrade The beauty of imaging tools such as, twitter. ple who do things and people options. Learn more at Adobe Photoshop Elements, the leader com/YourHeartHealth and youtube. who get the credit. for image editing, is that you can focus on com/YourHeartHealth. —Dwight Morrow Billions of dollars in mining assets be- capturing the moment and let the software longing to companies like Alcoa, BHP do the rest. *** ***

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