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Plant & technology listing


USA: Perdue AgriBusiness announced on 10 May that it had entered an agreement in which it will raise more sustainable poultry through improved soya genetics and feed quality using Zeakal’s PhotoSeed trait technology.

Biotech firm Zeakal said its technology had been developed to increase photosynthetic capacity, converting more CO2 and sunlight into energy for the plant. In soyabeans, this had resulted in improved oil and protein content while improving the sustainability index of the crop, Zeakal said.

Perdue is a leading poultry producer and soyabean processor and has more than 75M bushels of storage, a deep-water port, trans-loading facilities, oilseed crushing operations, an edible oil refinery and protein blend mills.

EU: The European Commission (EC) approved two genetically engineered (GE) crops – one for soyabean and one for corn/maize – for food and animal feed on 19 May, the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) wrote.

Following publication in the European Union’s (EU) Official Journal on 20 May, the authorisations remain valid for 10 years and are applicable to food and feed for import and processing, with all products subject to the EU's strict labelling and traceability rules.

China approves Bioceres drought-resistant soya

China has approved the import and use of Argentine biotechnology firm Bioceres Crop Solutions’s drought-resistant soyabean strain.

Bioceres said in a 29 April statement that China’s Agriculture Ministry had approved the import and use as a raw material of soyabeans produced using its drought tolerance technology HB4.

According to a Bloomberg report, HB4 is the first drought-resistant soyabean available to farmers and the endorsement from the world’s largest consumer of soyabeans paves its way for entry into a key market.

HB4 had already been approved for growth and commercialisation in Brazil, Canada, Paraguay and the USA, while Argentina had authorised the HB4 strain only for growth and consumption in 2015.

“HB4 Soy is now approved for unrestricted growth and commercialisation in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, all together representing roughly 85% of the global soybean trade,” Bioceres said.

“Before, there was a commercial risk that maybe the product would be rejected in China,” Bioceres CEO Federico Trucco. “Now, the approval allows our sale process to escalate.”

Bioceres sees a total potential market for HB4 of 20M-25M ha in Argentina, Brazil and the USA, mostly in areas more affected by weather extremes, such as La Niña in Argentina and Brazil’s south, Bloomberg wrote.

Bunge and CoverCress launch new crop

Global agribusiness giant Bunge and US pennycress start-up CoverCress Inc (CCI) have announced the launch of a new winter oilseed crop that fits into existing corn and soyabean rotations.

A long-term commercial relationship between the two companies would support the expansion of CCI’s CoverCress technology, the firms said on 26 April. By using breeding and gene editing, CCI had converted field pennycress (pictured), a winter annual weed, into the new crop.

Adding a new crop into rotation on existing land during winter could provide farmers with additional revenue while also providing cover, reducing nitrogen loss and improving overall soil health, according to the companies.

“We believe rotational cover crops will play a key role in our strategy in connection with our recently announced partnership with Chevron,” Bunge CEO Greg Heckman said.

Bunge and US energy firm Chevron announced a joint venture on 2 May, called Bunge Chevron Ag Renewables, to develop renewable fuel feedstocks, with both firms acquiring an ownership stake in CCI before the announcment.

Calyxt says seedless hemp offered improved yields and quality

EU chemicals agency says glyphosate is not carcinogenic

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published a risk assessment on 30 May saying the herbicide ingredient glyphosate does not cause cancer in humans, Politico reports.

The agency's Committee for Risk Assessment found that “the available scientific evidence did not meet the criteria to classify glyphosate for specific target organ toxicity, or as a carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic substance”.

The ECHA’s latest announcement did not deviate from its opinion in 2017, when it did not classify glyphosate as carcinogenic, Politico wrote, but it did say that glyphosate could cause serious eye damage and was toxic to aquatic life.

The agency's opinion is set to influence the European Union’s (EU) decision to ban or reauthorise the herbicide for use, with the European Commission (EC) expected to make a recommendation by July 2023 at the earliest, following delays, Politico wrote.

In the USA, thousands of litigants have taken legal action alleging that their non-Hodgkins' lymphomas was caused by Roundup, a glyphosate-containing herbicide sold by global agrochemical company Monsanto and now owned by German chemicals giant Bayer.


Proglobal Juan Pablo II 6750, Rosario, Santa Fe Tel: +54 341 4544544 E-mail: grabois.rafael@proglobal.com



Andritz AG Stattegger Strasse 18, Graz A-8045 Tel: +43 5 08 05/5 62 31 E-mail: separation@andritz.com


* Anton Paar GmbH Anton-Paar-Strasse 20, 8054 Graz Tel: +43 316 257 1350 E-mail: info@anton-paar.com


BDI-BioEnergy International GmbH Parkring 18, Raaba-Grambach, Styria 8074 Tel: +43 316 4009100 E-mail: sales@bdi-bioenergy.com


GIG Karasek GmbH Neusiedlerstrasse 15-19 Gloggnitz, Lower Austria 2640 Tel: +43 2662 42780 E-mail: office@gigkarasek.at

OFI 2022 plant & technology guide

Oils & Fats International features a fully updated global selection of plant and equipment suppliers to the oils and fats industry, accompanied by a chart of company activities

www.gigkarasek.com Other: Hydrogenation

Kemia Handels und Projektierungs GmbH Hochheimg 20, Vienna 1130 Tel: +43 676 948 2223 E-mail: kondor@kemia.at


Other: Palm oil dynamic extraction, feedstock pre-treatment


Desmet Ballestra Group - Oils, Fats and Oleochemicals Division Belgicastraat 3, B-1930 Zaventem Tel: +32 2 7161111 E-mail: info@desmetballestra.com


Other: Biodiesel & HVO pre-treatment; biodiesel and FAME – transesterification, esterification, biofuel distillation. Glycerine purification; fatty acids; fatty alcohols (Davy Process technology)

De Smet SA Engineers & Contractors Watson & Crick Hill - Building J Rue Granbonpré 11 - Box 8 B-1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert Tel: + 32 10 43 43 00 E-mail: info@dsengineers.com


Other: EPC/EPCM contractor u

u Pattyn Belgium NV Hoge Hul 2 – 8000 Bruges Tel: +32 50 450 480 E-mail: info@pattyn.com



Elica PROcessing 32 Haralampi Dzhamdziev St, Silistra 7500 Tel: +359 86 820 820 E-mail: k.radulov@elica-pro.com


Dehulling equipment


SOLEX Thermal Science Inc 250, 4720 - 106 Avenue SE, Calgary Alberta T2C 3G5. Tel: +1 403 254 3500 E-mail: info@solexthermal.com


Other: Pre-heaters, vertical plate conditioners and meal pellet coolers, conditioning systems


COFCOET No 186 Huihe Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214035 Tel: +86 15261581901 E-mail: chenyao@cofcoetint.com


Crown Asia Room 301, 18th Building, Innovation Base HUST Science Park, No.33 Tang Xum Hu Bei Road, Donghu High-Tech Zone Wuhan City, Hubei 430074 Tel: +86 27 6784 7531 E-mail: sales@crownironasia.com


Other: Dehulling, plant protein concentrates, botanicals, nutraceuticals

* FAMSUN Oils & Fats Engineering Co Ltd No 1 Huasheng Road Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225127 Tel: +86 514 87770799 E-mail: myoil@famsungroup.com


Other: White flakes, fermenting meal, full fat soya extrusion, silos, conveyors

Guangzhou Scikoon Industry Co Ltd No 2 Xianke Yi Road, Guangzhou Huadu 510800. Tel: +86 20 39388895 E-mail: export@scikoon.com


Other: Aspirator, cracking, flaking mill, counterflow cooler, conditioner, meal crusher, fluid bed dryer

Myande Group Co Ltd 199 South Ji’An Road Yangzhou City 225127, Jiangsu Province Tel: +86 514 87849111 E-mail: info@myande.com


Czech Republic

Farmet AS Jirinková 276, Ceská Skalice 55203 Tel: +420 491 450 116 E-mail: oft@farmet.cz


Other: Hexane free oilseeds and vegetable oil processing technologies. Feed extrusion, feed milling technologies


* GEA Process Engineering A/S Gladsaxevej 305, Soeborg 2860 Tel: +45 21296867 E-mail: steen.lassen@gea.com


Other: Vacuum and dry condensing systems

Gerstenberg Services AS Vibeholmsvej 21, Brøndby 2605 Tel: +45 43432026 E-mail: mgn@gerstenbergs.com


Other: Hyrodgenation, margarine production plant

* Haarslev Industries AS Bogensevej 85 Søndersø 5471 Tel: +45 63831100 E-mail: info@haarslev.com


SPX Flow Technology Danmark AS Oestmarken 7, Soeborg DK, 2860 Tel: +45 70278222 E-mail: gs.dk.sales@spxflow.com


Other: Butter equipment; emulsifying systems for mayonnaise, dressings and sauces; margarine/shortening process lines; sugar fat/ cream filling process lines; CIP Plant.


Olexa 47 Alleé d’Irlande Z.A.C B.P 42015, 62060 Arras Tel: +33 21 55 36 00 E-mail: hello@olexapress.com


Other: Turnkey plants, cookers, screw presses, spare parts, services

* Promill RN 12, Serville 28410. Tel: +33 2 37389193 E-mail: info@promill.fr


* Serac 12 route de Mamers 72400 La Ferté-Bernard. Tel: +33 2 43 60 28 28 E-mail: facheriaux@serac.fr



Air Liquide Engineering & Construction Olof Palme Strasse 35, Frankfurt, 60439 Tel: +49 69 58080 E-mail: green-chemicals-fuels@air-liquide. com

www.engineering-airliquide.com/ green-chemicals-fuels

Other: HVO pretreatment, HVO/renewable diesel/renewable jet fuel, fatty alcohol, bio propylene glycol, green chemicals, proprietary equipment

B+B Engineering GmbH Otto-von-Guericke-Str 50 D-39104 Magdeburg Tel: +49 391 5054 995-0 E-mail: info@b-b-engineering.de www.b-b-engineering.de Other: Turnkey contractor; vegetable oil refining technologies (hydration, degumming, neutralisation, bleaching, deodorisation), turnkey plants; pilot plants, SKID-mounted refineries, lecithin drying plants, rapeseed dehulling process, utility generation and distribution systems, energy recovery systems

Bruker Biospin GmbH Rudolf-Plank Str. 23, 76275 Ettlingen, Tel: +49 721 5161 6500 E-mail: info@bruker.com


Other: Benchtop instruments for quality control: Solid fat content, total fat, crystallisation analysis, oxidation and freshness monitoring

Buss-SMS-Canzler GmbH Kaiserstrasse 13-15, Butzbach, 35510 Tel: +49 6033 850 E-mail: info@sms-vt.com


Other: Equipment to process monoglyceride, fish oil, omega-3, lecithin and Vitamin E: thin film evaporators, short path evaporators, molecular distillation, thin film dryers

Centrimax – Winkelhorst Trenntechnik GmbH Kelvinstrasse 8, Cologne 50996 Tel: +49 2236 393530 E-mail: info@centrimax.com


* GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH Werner-Habig-Strasse 1 Oelde 59302 Tel: +49 2522 770 E-mail: www.gea.com/contact


Other: Miscella clarification, aquaeous extraction, press oil clarification, soap stock splitting, alkali neutralisation and fractionation, dewaxing, centrifugal separators and decanters

* GEA Wiegand GmbH Am Hardtwald 1, 76275 Ett lingen Tel: +49 7243 7050; E-mail: chemical@gea.com


Other: Evaporati on and disti llati on plants

GekaKonus GmbH Siemensstrasse 10, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen 76344 Tel: +49 721 943740 E-mail: info@gekakonus.net


HF Press+LipidTech (member of the HF FoodTech Group) Schlachthofstrasse 22, 21079 Hamburg Tel: +49 40 77 179-0 E-mail: service-plt@hf-group.com


Other: Oilseed processing, refi ning, screw presses, plant engineering, rendering, biomass technology, storage tanks, process tanks, multi chamber tanks

HTI-GESAB Hoch-Temperatur Industrieanlagen GmbH Sauerbruchstrasse 11, Ellerau Schleswig-Holstein 25479 Tel: +49 4106 70090 E-mail: info@hti -ellerau.de

www.hti -ellerau.de

INTEC Engineering GmbH John-Deere-Strasse 43, Bruchsal D-76646 Tel: +49 7251 9324312 E-mail: christi an.daniel@intec-energy.de


Other: Biomass- and coal-fi red heat, supply and power plants, sludge drying and incinerati on systems, ORC-based power generati on modules, thermal oil heaters, steam generators

Körti ng Hannover GmbH Badenstedter Str 56, Hannover 30453 Tel: +49 511 2129-0. E-mail: sales@koerti ng.de

www. koerti ng.de/en/

Maschinenfabrik Reinartz GmbH & Co KG Industriestrasse 14, Neuss 41460 Tel: + 49 2131 9761-0. E-mail: info@reinartz.de


Other: Screw presses, screw dryers, seed conditi oning, oil storage, animal feed and bioenergy producti on

oilRoq GmbH Pfaennerhoehe 35, Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt 06110 Tel: +49 345 68578071 E-mail: sales@oilroq.eu


Other: Bleaching, esterifi cati on, edible oleochemical hydrogenati on, metallic candle fi lter

Rono Maschinenbau GmbH Ringstrasse 6, Selmsdorf 23923 Tel: + 49 38823 54480 E-mail: info@ro-no.de


Other: End user processes/equipment for various spreads, pastry and bakery products, wafer cream, mayonnaise, ketchup and gelati ne. CIP systems, skid units, conti nuous melti ng systems u

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