Cleaning & Maintenance March 2017

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The Official Partner of the Cleaning Show 2017

MARCH 2017

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The Cleaning Show 2017 05 Industry News 08 BICSc Comment 08 Making a Margin: a Contractor’s Blog 09 Clear Impressions By Grundon.

10 Contracts 11 People 12 BCC Comment 14 Face to Face with Mark Bresnihan, ICE.

18 Cleaning Show 2017 Preview 32 Feature Washroom Hygiene.

42 Special Report Getting up to speed on polishing.

45 New Products

Health and safety high on the agenda 14-16 March 2017 • ExCel Exhibition Centre London With 27.3 million days lost due to work-related ill health or injury in the UK last year, health and safety will be top of the agenda at the Cleaning Show - 14-16 March 2017 at London’s ExCel Exhibition Centre. The Health and Safety Executive will be running a session of free workshops at the Cleaning Show this year to help employers protect their workforce and reduce costs attributed to managing staff absence. Over 550,000 musculoskeletal disorders were caused or made worse at work in 2016 according to the HSE with lifting and moving people or equipment, chemical and biological substance use, repetitive movement, and slips, trips and falls the main physical strains facing workers. A keynote presentation by Tracy Hamilton, operational policy advisor, entertainments, leisure, commercial and consumer services sector, HSE, will look at working together to deliver the objectives of the new ‘Helping Great Britain Work Well’ strategy. Tracy Hamilton’s presentation will touch on some of the main health priorities for

HSE over the next couple of years, many of which are known issues for the cleaning industry. Also covered will be details of the HSE’s continued engagement with representatives from the cleaning industry as well as useful sources of information for anyone employed in this industry sector. Other presentations by HSE include: • No higher than the hierarchy - working at height in the

cleaning industry by Colin Chatten, policy adviser currently working in HSE’s operational strategy team on work at height and product safety. • Preventing slips and trips the importance of good cleaning by Rob Shaw, technical team lead, falls prevention, HSL. • Improving health and safety for new and expectant mothers by Rosie Wallbank, Equality and Human Rights

Commission, and Rachel Grant, head of vulnerable workers team, agriculture, waste and recycling unit, HSE. • Occupational respiratory health in cleaning by Dr Amy Gyte, senior health exposures scientist, Health and Safety Executive. • Musculoskeletal risk assessment and debate by Christopher Quarrie, BSc CIEHF, specialist inspector in human factors and ergonomics at the Health and Safety Executive. Thousands have already registered for their passes to attend the UK’s largest cleaning and hygiene event including contract cleaners, facility managers and others with cleaning and hygiene responsibility from care homes, hospitals, restaurants, leisure facilities, academic institutions, transport, and major retailers. Attendees will also be able to try out a wide range of new products, attend a wide range of other seminars including the Future of FM, and obtain free business development advice Registration to attend is free-of-charge - sign up now:

Full details and show update are available on pages 18-30 of this issue. l MARCH 2017 l 5


RPC bpi recycled products joins new initiative RPC bpi recycled products has joined the New Plastics Economy, a three-year initiative involving organisations across the plastics supply chain, aimed at developing a global and co-ordinated system for plastics packaging in line with circular economy principles. The initiative is led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in collaboration with a broad group of leading companies, cities, philanthropists, policymakers, academics, students, and NGOs. The formal group comprises approximately 40 participants which

are working together to rethink and redesign the global plastics packaging system. The objective is to ensure a more coordinated approach, linking together today’s incremental improvements and fragmented initiatives. This will help to create a shared sense of direction among all organisations in the plastics sector,

encourage further innovation and help the plastics value chain achieve stronger economics and better environmental outcomes. Ellen MacArthur, founder of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, said: “The ultimate goal of the New Plastics Economy is to design a system where plastic packaging never

becomes waste, and can re-enter the economy as either a valuable biological or technical material.” Gerry McGarry, RPC bpi recycled products’ managing director, said the New Plastics Economy initiative will become an important part of the group’s sustainability programme: “Everyone recognises the essential and valuable contribution that plastics have made to many different areas of our daily lives. It is vital that we complement the material’s acknowledged benefits with maximising the industry’s

contribution to a more circular economy. The joint purpose and commitment of the many different organisations in the New Plastics Economy initiative will be a key factor in achieving this.” The New Plastics Economy has now produced a second report, presenting the latest research findings and action plans, which was launched to business and government leaders at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. www.

Greyland awarded new environmental and quality standards Greyland has received the ISO 9001:2015 Quality and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental standards. Last year, Richard Dyson, Greyland’s managing director, made the strategic decision to upgrade its ISO 9001 quality management system to the latest ISO 9001:2015 standards and obtain the ISO 14001 Environmental Standard.

“The Greyland quality team spent the last year providing organisational guidance in relation to the certification requirements and working with our management team we upgraded our procedures to the new standards,” said Richard Dyson. “After reviewing our quality and environmental management systems, our third-party auditors from The British As-

sessment Bureau concluded that Greyland’s management systems met all of the updated requirements and certified our organisation to the new ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards.” Greyland’s technical manager, Stephen Mckay, contin-

Floorbrite receives Green Apple award Floorbrite, based in Sale, has won a Green Apple Environment Award in the international campaign to find the greenest companies, councils and communities. Floorbrite was awarded the accolade for helping Manchester polythene manufacturer and supplier, Duo UK, achieve zero to landfill status by implementing recommendations made by the cleaning and facility company’s waste

and environmental consultant, Trudie Williams. The firm competed against more than 500 other nominations in the Green Apple Awards for Environmental Best Practice, and was presented with its trophy and certificate at a ceremony in the Houses of Parliament. Nik Wyers, joint managing director at Floorbrite, said: “We’re honoured to have received a Green Apple award Nick Wyers, joint managing director at Floorbrite, and Trudie Williams, waste and environmental consultant, collect their awards at a ceremony at the Houses of Parliament.

6 l MARCH 2017 l

two years running, and all credit has to go to Trudie’s team for their hard work and dedication to getting results. Trudie has done an incredible job of creating bespoke, effective solutions for businesses looking to improve their waste management streams and providing invaluable insight into small changes that can have a big impact on the earth’s resources and business performance.” Zoe Brimelow, brand director at Duo UK, added: “Trudie and the team at Floorbrite are experts in implementing green measures which save waste going to landfill - everything they recommended has had a positive impact on our own eco-credentials and sustainability targets. With their help, we’ve diverted 182.28 tonnes of waste from landfill, saved 3098 trees from destruction and the equivalent to 150.66 kg of Co2 to date.”

ued: “Becoming one of the few companies in the UK to hold both internationally recognised Richard standards has Dyson. been a great achievement. It has been a real team effort by all departments with significant contributions from our factory manager,

Rob Moores, sales coordinator Jamie Meakins, Mark Wilson who runs our QC laboratory, and office manager Alex Dyson. Everyone at Greyland deserves a big thank you for helping to make Greyland the simple choice for customers seeking a cleaning chemical supplier with proven quality and environmental credentials.”

£6 million funding boost to Emprise Following an MBO backed by Cable Capital Partners, Bibby Financial Services (BFS) has provided a £6 million funding line to Emprise Services plc. Founded 30 years ago, Emprise employs 4500 people across the UK and services over 1000 locations each day, generating a turnover of around £60 million. Its clients include Pure Gym, Hilton Hotels, Delfont Mackintosh, Dentons, Viacom, and The National Theatre. The current management team, led by Mark Beadle as CEO, will remain in place and Stephen Barrett, who founded the business, will continue as non-executive director. The funding package, provided by BFS’s corporate team in Manchester, will provide working capital to enable the business to grow both organically and by acquisition. Mark Beadle, CEO at Emprise Services Plc, said: “I am delighted to be able to announce our MBO and refinancing in our 30th anniversary year. Emprise has a proven track record of delivering a quality service. It’s a reputation that we’re proud of and one that we want to enhance with every single client we work with. We look forward to continuing to offer our clients a range of bespoke, highly effective solutions. With the investment of Cable Capital and the financing we recently secured from Bibby Financial Services, we will drive the next phase of our growth. Keeping the same management team, our clients will continue to see high standards as always, but the additional funding lines now in place mean we can realise our potential for the long-term development of our business, growing both organically and by acquisition. What attracted us to BFS was its experience in structuring finance packages and its collaborative approach to the funding. The BFS team understands our business and the sectors in which we operate, which is a huge advantage to us as we start 2017.”

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British Institute of Cleaning Science

From Prison to employment: How accredited training is helping ex-offenders into work Stan Atkins, CEO of BICSc, looks at the benefits of training in reducing reoffending rates. The first state prison in England was established in 1816 with a capacity of less than 1000 inmates. It’s hard to believe that in just over 200 years our UK prisons have gone from a population of under 1000 to over 85,000...and rising. With the pressure increasing on our state prisons it has never been more important to look at ways to reduce the burden, and one such way our prisons are doing this is by tackling the reoffending rates through education. A major challenge prisons face today is equipping offenders for life outside of prison. Approximately 25% of ex-prisoners go on to reoffend with many of them returning to prison again within 12 months of their release. Providing prisoners with education and helping them gain employment after their release has been shown to play a vital role in reducing these reoffending rates, and with the current cost of reoffending estimated to be between £9.5 and £13 billion per year this is certainly something all prisons should be looking into. In 2015 42% of adult prisoners reported they had been permanently excluded from school, so it’s not surprising that many of these individuals struggle to find employment having had little or no formal education. A growing number of prisons, however, are tackling this head on and are now embracing education as a core part of their rehabilitation strategy. At the British Institute of Cleaning Science we are seeing more prisons providing BICSc accredited training - not only for their staff but for the prisoners themselves. The skills and training they receive have not only transformed engagement levels amongst students while in prison, but it is also helping offenders gain the confidence and skills they need to find employment once they have served their time. One such ex-prisoner recently shared his experience with us: “Making a change to your life comes down to opportunity, and that’s what I enjoyed about completing BICSc accredited training while I was in prison. I was given the opportunity to learn new skills in an entirely new sector. Since my release, I have transformed my life and have been working on setting up my own cleaning business, something I would never have had the confidence to do without my training.” The British Institute of Cleaning Science recognises the crucial role our prisons play in rehabilitating offenders back into society through education, which is why we have two dedicated award categories in our annual awards just for prisons. It is always a pleasure to read through the applications and celebrate their fantastic achievements at the BICSc awards event each year. Applications are now open for the BICSc Annual Awards 2017. Find out more at: 8 l MARCH 2017 l

Making a margin: a contractor’s blog

Too easy to get hold of Simon Gasson, joint managing director of So Clean Cleaning and Support Services, reports. At a recent meeting with a client who is facilities manager for an American organisation in London, I was on the receiving end of what you might call ‘constructive criticism’. “You’re too easy to get hold of,” she said. Now it’s a real art to deliver criticism in a way that makes the recipient feel good and, to be honest, I wish I got more feedback like that. However, once the pleasure of thinking I was giving good customer service subsided, the reality hit me: was I being a control freak? As the MD of a company, you don’t often get staff giving you advice on your management style - they don’t see it as a career enhancing move - so I was really grateful to this client for giving me some subtle coaching. Anyway, to the point. Letting go can sometimes be difficult, even when your staff are competent and you trust them, which I do. As an operations man at heart, there’s nothing I like better than being out on site talking to cleaning operatives and clients. But I realise that dealing with every client query myself and then handing down the solution to our area management isn’t the best way to develop their skills. Nor will it build their confidence if they mistakenly sense I don’t trust them to do their job properly. At the end of the day I want them to be out there forging strong client relationships. They can only do that if the client has faith in them to resolve issues without me getting involved at every stage. Now there’s a difference between throwing managers in at the deep end and gradually increasing the amount of responsibility they take on. At So Clean we understand that area managers have the difficult job of managing staff on the one hand and satisfying clients on the other. For that reason we rely on two methods of management training. The first is a hands-on combination of on-the-job coaching and task review and I don’t mind admitting that I do use that as an opportunity to get out and about myself. The second is classroom training, which we deliver partly in house - areas like contract management, quality control, and health and safety - and partly through external providers. With the latter we often used specialists like Cleanwise, who know the industry inside out and can deliver a focused approach that relates solely to cleaning. That way we get maximum value and our managers can go straight out and put the theory into practice. The upside of practising what we preach? It’s obvious. We can actually focus on strategically growing the business.

Astley Hire launches community foundation Astley Hire has launched a £3500 community foundation to help local good causes with a cash boost, after celebrating 50 years in business. The company is urging community groups, projects, associations, locally based charities, and even individuals who need support in Leigh, Atherton and Tyldesley to apply for a slice of the money. Astley Hire’s managing director, Stephen Dorricott, said that he and his brother, operations director Michael Dorricott, have both been in the business over 40 years and want to give something back to the area where the firm has been based for half a century. The Astley Hire Community Foundation is being backed by Leigh Councillor, Pam Stewart MBE, who will help

Astley Hire’s managing director, Stephen Dorricott, launching the Community Foundation with Leigh Councillor, Pam Stewart MBE. Astley Hire staff with the judging to decide who should receive a donation. Anyone championing a local cause with their main base in the WN7, M46 or M29 post code areas can

apply for a cash boost of up to £500. There will be two rounds of judging in 2017 following application deadlines on 31 March and 30 September 30.


Don’t waste waste What is waste? While generally speaking, it’s something that someone no longer wants, it doesn’t mean the item can’t be used elsewhere or in another format. The trick is to be able to recognise different types of waste, understand the issues around compliance, and how segregating waste can make a big difference to both your environmental credentials and your collection bill. Steve Hill, area sales manager at Grundon Waste Management, says it makes sense to work with one provider who can take care of everything under one roof. We talk to many companies whose waste management services are split between different suppliers - paper and cardboard may be collected by one company, hazardous waste by a ‘specialist’ organisation, and general commercial waste by yet another. This might be admirable from the point of view they are at least segregating different waste streams, but overall it’s not the most efficient or effective way of managing waste or keeping costs down. Streamlining collections can reduce paperwork, cut down on the number of vehicle movements, and allows a single point of contact for all waste management needs. It also gives customers much more flexibility over the regularity and timing of collections, ensuring their waste is collected when it suits them, not the supplier. And, when it comes to budget time, dealing with one company makes it much easier to gather audit trails and statistics to demonstrate both financial and environmental savings, for example by diverting waste away from landfill and into Energy from Waste facilities. It also enables customers to compare month-on-month figures so they can see the results of their investment and set future targets. Start with staff We recognise that employee engagement is very important - staff will always be keener to participate in waste and recycling measures if they understand the reasons for doing so. We regularly hold Waste Awareness Days for customers, organising events and programmes which ensure employees understand the dos and don’ts of recycling, and we also do simple things, such as ensuring waste containers are clearly labelled to avoid any confusion. We also suggest different ways to engage staff, such as incentives and ‘green teams’ of recycling champions to help lead the way. Identifying waste streams We regularly undertake waste audits for customers - we helped one manufacturer identify 30 different

waste streams which could all be segregated and sent for recycling or reprocessing. These included more traditional items such as paper, cardboard and plastic, but we also segregated other materials, including polystyrene, packing paper and silicon labels - and we were able to provide a collection service which could handle all of them. It is a combination of our years of experience and technical expertise which enables us to recognise such opportunities. Among the many different waste streams, hazardous waste is one that it is especially important to get right. Within the commercial environment, many everyday items such as cleaning chemicals, batteries and adhesives fall into the hazardous waste category, and it’s important to be aware of the steps that need to be taken for disposal. With a highly-qualified team of chemists, that’s an area where we excel. Seemingly simple items, such as oily rags or aerosols, are governed by separate legislation and companies which fail to get it right can be fined for non-compliance by the Environment Agency (EA). Clinical and offensive waste are other key areas of compliance and our experts can advise on the correct disposal of such items. Although you might associate these with hospitals or GP surgeries, clinical and offensive waste also appears in a host of environments, including washrooms, care homes, dental surgeries, and veterinary practices.

this help keep costs down, but it also provides a greener alternative as the food is sent to anaerobic digestion facilities where it creates green energy and bio-fertilisers. Integrated approach We can also handle the disposal of many other waste streams, including confidential waste, residual waste (items that cannot be recycled or reprocessed) and industrial waste, and work closely with companies to help them meet their environmental targets, such as zero waste to landfill. By taking a more integrated approach, we can demonstrate that waste management will be more effective and efficient, potentially saving money and streamlining processes. So the message is clear, don’t waste waste - you never know what might achieve. To find out more about Grundon’s wide range of services, please visit us on Stand E20 at the Cleaning Show 2017, or alternatively visit

Innovation We are constantly looking for ways to innovate and recently unveiled our £3 million new AeroPak aerosol recycling plant, which is capable of processing more than 40 cubic metres of aerosols every day - equivalent to the contents of two articulated vehicles. By ensuring that as many aerosol components as possible are recycled, it drives materials up the waste hierarchy and meets the demands of the circular economy. Elsewhere, we’ve made huge strides in persuading customers to segregate food waste by using specially-designed food waste bins. Not only does l MARCH 2017 l 9


Cleaning contract at London landmark

Battersea Power Station Estate Management Company (BPSEM) has chosen Julius Rutherfoord as its specialist cleaning and soft facilities management services contractor for Phase 1 of the iconic Battersea Power Station regeneration project. Battersea-based Julius Rutherfoord was awarded the Circus West Village cleaning contract through

Broadgate Estates, after presenting a bespoke solution aimed at delivering the service levels demanded by residents, commercial tenants and visitors. The 24/7 contract incorporates a broad range of cleaning and facilities management services, including core cleaning, cleaning of the public realm, management of onsite waste, portering, winter

maintenance, and window cleaning. Services provided by Julius Rutherfoord will also include additional cleaning based around special events. Marcus Heap, Julius Rutherfoord’s sales and marketing director, said: “Julius Rutherfoord was identified as the best partner to provide the market leading expertise and high standard of care re-

Cleaning contract secured with Whole Foods Market TC Facilities Management (TCFM) is now playing a part in helping Whole Foods Market satisfy its customers. The contract being delivered by a team from TCFM started at the end of January 2017 and is providing cleaning services to the eight Whole

Foods Market stores within England. The team from TCFM, led by Cosmin Tecuta, TCFM divisional director, will ensure that the standards that TCFM has become known for in other retail settings will be replicated. This, in turn, will

enable Whole Foods Market to meet or exceed customer expectations on every shopping trip, which is one of its core values. Cosmin Tecuta, divisional director, TCFM: “We are delighted to have been awarded this contract and to be given the opportunity to be considered part of the team at Whole Foods Market. We are looking forward to bringing our proven expertise in cleaning to life to enable the best possible in-store experience to be achieved and, with it, enable Whole Foods Market to satisfy, delight and nourish their customers.”

Sheffield based commercial cleaning company, Crystal Clean Service, will start 2017 with five new contracts to deliver its cleaning and washroom services for Capital Compactors, ROCO Creative, Bradgate Recycling, Zedcore Systems, and UKCG. Hayley Koseoglu, managing director of Crystal Clean Service, said: “Winning these five contracts at the end of 2016 rounded off a very successful year for the business, and they have set us on the path toward achieving our growth plans for 2017. We have continued to grow and have passed the 70 employee milestone with further recruitment plans for early this year.” 10 l MARCH 2017 l

quired for the Circus West Village phase of this iconic development. BPSEM is committed to delivering a world class experience whilst ensuring a strong legacy impact to the local community. As a best in class London specialist, Julius Rutherfoord is committed to strongly supporting the aim to employ local people and to ensure this amazing development

benefits the whole community. We are extremely proud of our Battersea roots and we are honoured to be playing a part in this fantastic development that is literally on our doorstep. We are looking forward to working as part of the team that will create London’s newest, most exciting and innovative neighbourhood.”

SCTS and COPFS FM contract extended Following a retendering exercise carried out under EU tendering procedures, Arthur McKay Ltd has been awarded a four year contract with a two year option to extend by both the SCTS and COPFS. The company is the incumbent FM provider and during the current contract, Arthur McKay has delivered significant cost and energy savings, together with improvements in service delivery. The contract includes electrical, mechanical, refrigeration and fabric planned and reactive maintenance, 24/7 helpdesk and emergency service, projects and small works, cleaning, security, landscaping and grounds maintenance, and energy management. The new contract will commence on the 1 April 2017. As well as delivering further cash releasing savings to both the SCTS and COPFS the company will commit payment to the Scottish Living Wage for all individuals working on the contract. David Currie, director of property and services at SCTS, said: “Throughout the current contract the Arthur McKay team have provided consistent levels of service delivery, and this integrity and reliability, coupled with their customer focus and continuous improvement, forms the cornerstone of our well-developed and continuing partnership.” Michael Floyd, managing director of facilities management at Arthur McKay, said: “I am delighted that Arthur McKay has been awarded the new contract by the SCTS and COPFS. We have an excellent relationship with the SCTS and COPFS teams and have worked together to deliver significant cost and efficiency savings, together with improvements in service and customer satisfaction. Also, with Arthur McKay recently becoming a Servest group company, I can only see this relationship and savings grow further in the future.”


People Senior industry figure, Martin Gammon, has been appointed as non-executive director at Bonasystems, the UK-based supplier of specialist floorcare products, anti-slip solutions and consulting. Gammon will play a pivotal role in the growth strategy for the company with plans in place to secure larger contracts over the next three to five years.

Martin Gammon. Gammon’s appointment comes at a crucial time for Bonasystems, which added several accounts to its client portfolio last year. In 2017 Bonasystems is aiming to increase its market share in sectors such as hospitality and retail, but also gain a significant foothold in healthcare and education markets. Martin Gammon said: “I’m delighted to have been appointed as a non-executive director to Bonasystems’ board. It’s an important and exciting time for the business in terms of growth and strategic positioning. I’m looking forward to working with a company with strong core values, high calibre clients, and a desire to grow.” John Norris has been appointed the divisional director for TC Specialist Services, part of TC Facilities Management (TCFM). The appointment will see him take the lead in consolidating and growing the division at TC Specialist Services . As well as being NEBOSH qualified, Norris comes to TCFM with a wealth of experience in managing and growing customer relationships. In his most recent role he developed the sector he was responsible for into a multi-million pound division. He believes this was achieved through his commitment and passion for understanding the customer’s unmet needs and delivering through cost-effective, yet innovative solutions. Richard Chappell, CEO at TCFM, said: “John has joined

the senior team at TCFM to strengthen the leadership of TC Specialist Services, as the division grows as part of our ongoing success at TCFM. His passion and creativity in maintaining and growing customer relationships along with winning new business leaves me in no doubt that there are exciting times ahead for our TC Specialist Services division.” NIC Services Group has announced some major changes to its existing sales structure, with the appointment of four new members to its team including two senior management positions. The new appointments are: Alex Gavrilovic as sales director; Paul Castle as solutions director; Alexander Lawrence Gavrilovic as solutions manager; and Rhys Williams as commercial manager.

Alex Gavrilovic. Alex Gavrilovic has been involved in the cleaning industry for over 30 years and has hit targets in excess of £1 billion during his career. He leads by example, rolls his sleeves up and gets involved with all bids and prides himself on his technical and consultative approach to client solutions. He said: “I am absolutely delighted to be joining a privately owned, stable, innovative and forward thinking people-based business like NIC who put the customer at the centre of everything it does.” Paul Castle has over 27 years of industry experience. He said: “I can’t tell you how excited I am to join a business that values its people and customers in equal terms. A business that delivers on its promises time after time and is constantly striving to improve, innovate and add value." John Spencer, group chairman, said: “We are delighted to welcome Alex, Paul, Alex Lawrence and Rhys to the NIC team. I believe they will make a significant contribution to our business and to our customers. They each bring with them extensive skills and experience and will join a rapidly expanding team which will help us realise our am-

bition to grow, build new and successful partnerships and deliver first class service to all our clients.” Harrison Wipes, a family owned company with over 125 years’ of wiping experience, has appointed Ben Naidu as sales director. Naidu joined Harrison Wipes from Kimberly Clark with aims of further developing sales growth.

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Quality across the spectrum

Ben Naidu. He said: “Harrison Wipes is in the process of driving forward some really significant developments including growth and expansion and the company is at the forefront of its field. I’m really looking forward to embracing the challenges of this new role as sales director using my previous experience to continue Harrison Wipes’ ongoing success.” Axis Cleaning and Support Services has appointed two new sales managers to spearhead its new business strategy. Richard Barlow, a seasoned executive within the facilities management world, will lead sales in the north, with the south being the responsibility of Steven Willoughby who has particular expertise in the education, retail and office sectors. Both will be supported by an established bid manager, David Downs. Simon Giles, Axis Group finance director and Axis Cleaning and Support Services COO, says the business has been investing time and effort into formulating its sales strategy for the coming years: “A key part of this has been to build a strong sales team who will be responsible for delivering this. Both Richard and Steven have considerable experience with a number of cleaning and FM companies and I am very excited about working with both of them in the next stage of Axis’s development. They have already hit the ground running in terms of helping drive the business forward.”

Professional cleaning solutions From the general-purpose to the highly specialised, the Prochem range of cleaning products includes everything you need to deliver great results for your customers, every time. The choice of professionals for over 40 years.


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Welcome to the Cleaning Show 2017

By Simon Hollingbery, chairman, British Cleaning Council. This month sees the return of the Cleaning Show to London’s Excel, and I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the UK’s premier cleaning exhibition, and the meeting of the industry. The Cleaning Show is now a truly international exhibition and we’re welcoming more visitors from overseas than ever before. But whether you’re from the UK or abroad, I think everyone who attends will have a very memorable time.

12 l MARCH 2017 l

We’ve put a lot into this year’s show and it builds nicely on what we achieved at the first Excel show in 2015. It will be bigger, with more visitors and many more features, such as the enhanced seminar programme. As joint owners of the show, the British Cleaning Council is especially proud as this year is our 35th anniversary and we’ve commissioned an extra-large stand to share with nine of our members. The associations sharing the BCC stand are: The Association of Healthcare Cleaning Professionals, The British Institute of Cleaning Science, The British Toilet Association, The Cleaning and Hygiene Suppliers Association, The Cleaning and Support Services Association, The Do-

The Cleaning Show takes place on 14-16 March 2017 at ExCel in London. Contact details

mestic Cleaning Alliance, The National Association of Wheelie Bin Washers, The National Carpet Cleaners Association, and Keep Britain Tidy. We’re located on stand B30 and anyone with a question is welcome to drop by for a chat. Representatives from the associations above will be on hand to help with any questions or issues you may have. If we can’t help you during the show we will put you in touch with someone who can. I’d also like to bring your attention to our newsletter, The Voice, which comes free with this edition of Cleaning & Maintenance magazine. It’s a very special 35th anniversary edition that looks back at how the British Cleaning Council started, and I think it’s a fitting souvenir issue to accompany the show. The Cleaning Show and the BCC have been intertwined

since the Council’s formation in the 80s, as one of its original aims was to be a body that could raise finance to help member projects. Over the years the Council has been able to plough thousands of pounds back into the industry to help grass roots projects get off the ground, and so a successful Cleaning Show really does help the industry. That’s why the Cleaning Show really is a different kind of trade event it is more like a meeting of the industry. In addition to the business and networking opportunities it offers, the Cleaning Show gives a chance for people to become better educated and informed. This year’s seminar programme, for instance, has key speakers from across the industry spectrum, tackling issues that really do matter. I hope everyone who attends the show takes in at least one seminar - there’s a

full list on the website: and also on the back page of the BCC’s Voice newsletter, and on page 20 of this issue. Also taking place during the show, for the first time, is the CSSA Awards ceremony. These awards shine a light on all that’s best about UK businesses and there has been a great deal of interest from applicants, showcasing the very best practice in our industry. Finally, if you can’t get to Excel, The Manchester Cleaning Show is to be held in Manchester in early April 2018.

For further information on the British Cleaning Council and details of its members contact: The General Secretary, BCC Ltd, PO Box 10362, Syston, Leicester, LE7 2WJ, UK E: W:

Your washrooms send messages Be the first to know Visit Tork at

Stand E06 Real-time washroom connectivity helps you to work smarter. Now your washrooms can do more than look smart. With Tork EasyCube™ connected dispensers you’ll know every washroom’s complete status. Check refill levels and visitor numbers remotely. Stay a step ahead. Visit us at The Cleaning Show, 14-16 March at ExCeL London.


Face to Face with Mark Bresnihan, CEO, ICE

Can you bring us up to speed with the development of ICE? Where did it come from, and how did it get to where it is today? In 2003, ICE took a long look at the market place and its challenges, and it was clear that the procurement of good quality cleaning equipment was widely available. However, the industry challenges around how maintenance, service and compliance were managed was far from robust, transparent or successful. The boardroom battles of how invoices were paid for damage, parts and consumables were breaking down relationships, and it was about time that an organisation approached it with a different proposition. ICE went onto launch ServiceSmart, a generic service model that centralises the maintenance and compliance of equipment, and means that FMs and contractors do not have to waste time managing cleaning equipment. It also led to the launching of a transparent web based platform, giving customers access to records and audits without having to ask - an honest and open approach. This set the foundation for us to develop and grow a contractual income stream that we could reinvest back into ICE and grow the business. Enter Simplify Rental in 2013, some 10 years later - the industry’s first dedicated flexible asset rental proposition, bought to market by cleaning people. Through many years of refining our business model, ICE now leads the market as the largest independent service and supply organisation within the market. It now boasts the largest service infrastructure spanning across the UK and Ireland and is managing 52,285 assets across over 14,400 sites. During this period, how has your product and service offering evolved? As part of our commitment to existing and new customers, our pledge to continuously improve and innovate our offer is an integral part of our strategy and a very important one. If I look back over the last 10 years and revisit the key aspects of how things have changed, it’s something we are extremely proud of and something that takes constant drive and invention to continue to modernise and differentiate. From generic and transparent service, to 14 l MARCH 2017 l

Robo 2: “The technology and ROI is now proven, and sales are excellent. We are approaching this in the right way with the appropriate dedicated technical support and, with regular software upgrades given to the customers at no extra cost, they continue to receive all of the evolution and development benefits free of charge.”

the Simplify rental offer, technology advances stay at the forefront of our approach. We also continuously look at our product range, and the benefits and opportunities they offer our customers, in order to be able to fulfil a complete solution. Last year we added a number of new significant initiatives to the range. This includes an Urban ‘outdoor’ sweeper line, which complements our offer to the wider retail, shopping centre and stadia markets for large external cleaning equipment perfectly. We also launched a Heavy Duty range of larger industrial sweeper/ scrubber products on much larger platforms and power sources. What sets ICE apart from the competition in this fiercely competitive market? We are very humble in our approach to the market, and we work extremely closely with our customers to support them both in terms of development and operationally. We are not arrogant about how we go to market, and just want to give a good service, offering industry leading innovation at the best price. Innovation is extremely important to us,

and we strive to stay ahead of the game in both equipment and technological advances, and this year will be no different. We are launching two of the most intelligent technology advances at the Cleaning Show 2017, along with two new machine innovations. We work tirelessly as a team to research new ground-breaking propositions, and really push boundaries to set ourselves apart with leading differentiators. It’s also important to note our credibility in this area - web based service systems, ground-breaking equipment telemetry and, most recently in 2016, robotics. Customers have a wide variety of choice in the market and ‘me too’ products aren’t the future as these can be sourced very cheaply anywhere. It’s the investment in the key technology advances, both in equipment hardware and virtual know how, that will help us grow and succeed against our competition. Can you tell us something about ICE Direct, and the rationale behind it? ICE Direct (formally known as Trade Cleaning Machines) was rebranded in 2016 to bring it more in line with the ICE brand and image. ICE Direct ‘Approved Solutions’ brings fully refurbished equipment direct to the customer at highly competitive rates. It’s great for companies winning short to medium term contracts that don’t have the budget for new machines, and compliments our approach and commitment to our ISO and green initiatives in terms of recycling. The buying back of customer assets has become a key part of ICE’s business model for some time now, and whilst we refurbish and resell most manufacturers machines we have also set up a trade counter. This service trade sells machines across Europe, North America, and even as far as Australia. With six full time dedicated ICE in house engineers based in Eastleigh, Hampshire, the ICE Direct model is delivering a very high standard of output driven through robust and rigid quality controls. Every machine is put through a rigorous refurbishment workshop procedure that ensures a consistent and high quality Continued on Page 16.


Continued from Page 14. approach to machines leaving the business to go into contracts. Based on the ICE Direct business being part of the ICE Group, it also means we can offer very flexible aftercare packages in terms of warranty, service and maintenance, as well very flexible funding arrangements. You recently acquired Cleaning Equipment Supplies Ltd. How does this enhance the ICE offering? CES has been an excellent acquisition for our business and we are very pleased to have been able to conclude the transaction. It is a very niche business, and its customers, culture, people and strategy fits perfectly with the ethos of ICE, and it has already seen an increase in revenues of circa 25% in less than six months. Why is this? CES needed certain tools and systems to help take the business forward. National service was key, a rental fleet and solution was another important factor. They have a very long established and stable customer base, but as our market evolves and moves forward the choice, competitiveness and technology available to customers becomes more challenging for smaller organisations to harness. By bringing the two organisations together it has meant that CES has the entire ICE business model and infrastructure at its finger tips in order to be able to push on and grow within its market sectors. We have also worked hard to create a blueprint so that other business owners and entrepreneurs can look to recognise excellent enterprise value for their business, as well continuing within the industry as part of a wider team and organisation if they wish to. From the birth of ‘green cleaning’ ICE has been committed to helping its customers achieve their environmental goals. Is this still an important element of the ICE ethos? This is still very important to us, but we feel it is now fully embedded as part of our business model. Our recycling of parts, batteries and machines has been well documented over recent years and we continue to drive carbon footprint goals in resource scheduling technology for engineers, drivers and sales people. Our commitment to ISO 9001 and 14001 is long standing, and we are in process of 16 l MARCH 2017 l

“You can expect to see the business continue to evolve and change in line with market conditions and customer requirements. You can expect ICE to remain completely humble in its approach and focussed on customer care and service. You can expect the commitment to continuously improve and innovate.”

achieving 18001 to compliment and advance our approach to the environment, quality and health and safety. You have always taken customer training seriously. Is this still the case, and what benefits does this bring to both you and the end user? Very much so. We believe we have led the way in which clients and on site teams receive equipment, and the process of how it is installed at site locations. Training and education of the operators forms a key part in reducing nonsense calls to site, and to ensuring the customer and ultimate client maximises the usage and value from their investment in the kit. The ICE App also helps continue to endorse this in the ongoing education of staff on sites - it contains up to date videos and training material on all products within the range, with quick and easy access. You are leading the way in robotic cleaning in the UK. Can you tell us about your endeavours in this field? It’s been a phenomenal journey so far and our machine collected two industry innovation awards within its first six

months in the market. We have been investing at a significant level for a long period of time in talking about the change and evolution of robotic and autonomous cleaning. We have placed machines into some very high profile contracts since the launch of the Robo 2 last May, and were delighted to be given the Innovation Award 2016 at the ISSA convention, and the award for ‘most ground breaking technological innovation of the year’ at the European Cleaning and Hygiene Awards in Barcelona. The technology and ROI is now proven, and sales are excellent. We are approaching this in the right way with the appropriate dedicated technical support and, with regular software upgrades given to the customers at no extra cost, they continue to receive all of the evolution and development benefits free of charge. Technology has been at the heart of many of your recent announcements. Looking at things like asset tracking and the ICE App, what are you currently offering and developing in this area? Well without giving anything away you need to visit us on the stand at the upcoming Cleaning Show! We are launching and showcasing a number of new innovations which I think will further cement our credentials in trying to ‘stay one step ahead’. Both the technological pieces are not currently in the market - one very service related, the other asset management related. We launched ICEtrak in 2014 and have over 4000 machines in the market using this technology now. The challenge has been in being able to track non-battery related assets like vacuum cleaners and other mains powered ancillary machines. We have found that solution in ICE Locator…for anything else you’ll have to come and see us on stands D25 and E25. Looking forward, what can we expect from ICE in the next 3-5 years? You can expect to see the business continue to evolve and change in line with market conditions and customer requirements. You can expect ICE to remain completely humble in its approach and focussed on customer care and service. You can expect the commitment to continuously improve and innovate.

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The Cleaning Show 2017 14-16 March 2017 • ExCel Exhibition Centre London

The Window Cleaning Challenge always draws a crowd. Could this be the year that someone takes the crown from Terry ‘Turbo’ Burrows?

The Cleaning Show 2017, which takes place from 14-16 March 2017 at London’s ExCel Exhibition Centre, will feature all the latest innovative products impacting the cleaning sector, as well as some brand new interactive features for visitors. Cleaning and hygiene professionals and facilities managers will be able to try out products, learn from a wide range of free seminar sessions, get free advice, and network. With the 2015 move to London, the Cleaning Show organisers created a series of compelling new features for the event, ensuring that visitors and exhibitors get full value from time spent out of the office. These have been added to for the 2017 event, and include: • A free seminar programme (see page 20 for further details): The seminar programme will consider solutions to challenges currently facing the industry. Keynote topics already confirmed include creating a cleaner UK, developing a career in cleaning, the future of FM, health and safety in the cleaning industry, developing and growing your cleaning business, and your tool kit of the future. • The Management Systems Zone: A new technology zone will be unveiled at the Cleaning Show 2017 and will be 18 l MARCH 2017 l

focused on promoting an effective workforce and financial control systems. • The Green Zone: Visitors to the Cleaning Show are increasingly looking for environmentally friendly products. This area will showcase a range of different companies, all focused on promoting environmentally sensitive cleaning practices. • The Cleaning Show Innovation Awards: The Cleaning Show Innovation Awards are presented across the following categories - Cleaning Products; Floor Cleaning; Outdoor Cleaning; Carpet Cleaning; Window Cleaning; Washroom Hygiene; Sustainable Cleaning; and Management Systems. A panel of professional judges will ensure an awards programme that is better than ever. The Award winners will be announced in the Seminar Theatre at 4.30pm on Tuesday 14 March. • The Window Cleaning Challenge: Window cleaners from all around the world will compete to beat the Guinness World Record time of Terry 'Turbo' Burrows. • The Careers Clinic: An opportunity for you to get one on one appointments with experts in the cleaning profession.

• Over 100 industry-leading companies: The UK cleaning industry’s main producers and suppliers of machines, products and services will demonstrate their latest, cutting edge solutions. A full list of exhibitors is available at For the industry, by the industry

shine a spotlight on the UK industry to help businesses grow and compete in the post Brexit world. “To that end we’ve organised a very comprehensive array of guest speakers and seminars which will examine important aspects of the industry. Topics up for discussion include marketing, immigration enforcement, apprenticeships, health and safety, the Living Wage, the environment, and Europe.”

The Cleaning Show is organised by BCCE Ltd, a company jointly owned by Quartz Business Media (publisher of C&M) and the British cleaning Council. BCC chairman, Simon HollingIntroduction bery, said: “The BCC is very to the CSSA proud to be co-owner of the Cleaning Show, and we’ve Women for Women Group seen it grow over the years to become the preemi2.30pm Tuesday 14 March nent cleaning event in the industry calendar. As An introduction to the CSSA Women for Women many of you know, any Group is being staged in the Seminar Theatre at the profits we make from Cleaning Show - which is open to everyone. It is the show are ploughed being hosted by CSSA Women for Women Group straight back into grass chair, Vanessa Van Santen-Smith, and will feature roots projects that will presentations by Susan Hodson, Group Manager help the cleaning indusfor Corporate Facilities Service at Warwickshire try. The British Toilet AsCounty Council, and Nina Wyres, Marketing sociation’s Interactive Toilet Director at Floorbrite. Map app is just one recent See page 24 for more details, and example. So a successful show come along to the presentation really can benefit the UK cleaning at the show. industry and this year our focus is to

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Seminar Programme TUESDAY 14 MARCH 2017 SESSION: A COUNTRY OF WHICH TO BE PROUD 10.30 Welcome and Opening Keynote. By Jim Fitzpatrick MP. 11.00 Morning Keynote: A country of which to be proud. By Alison Ogden-Newton, Chief Executive, Keep Britain Tidy. Synopsis: Keep Britain Tidy’s latest National Perceptions Survey reveals that a clean, litter-free environment is ranked as important by a massive 89% of people but only 59% are satisfied with the cleanliness of their neighbourhood. Allison OgdenNewton, Chief Executive of Keep Britain Tidy, will introduce the charity’s latest award, which aims to raise the standards of public spaces across England. She will talk through its new innovations focused on changing attitudes and behaviour when it comes to litter and littering, and explain how KBT is engaging an army of ‘litter heroes’ by encouraging everyone to play their part in creating great, litter-free places to live, work and play. 11.30 Cleaning up: ensuring that the right waste ends up in the right place. By Chris James, CEO, WAMITAB. Synopsis: Do you know your responsibilities relating to handling waste? This session will provide you with information about the current Waste Duty of Care Code of Practice and how to keep the right side of the law. We all have a part to play in preventing the flow of waste to illegal waste operators, especially as socalled ‘envirocrime’ is under the spotlight and regulators are keen to prosecute and make examples of those flouting the legislation. If you handle waste you need to be fully aware of your responsibilities to avoid inadvertently dealing with the waste cowboys. Ignorance is no defence. 12.00 Cleaning and pests - your success is their downfall. By Simon Forrester, Chief Executive, British Pest Control Association. Synopsis: 20 l MARCH 2017 l

The overlap between contract cleaning and professional pest control is growing. Managing pests in a commercial or domestic environment is impossible without professional cleaning, and with new and more deadly pests reaching our shores, pest management is becoming ever more important. Find out how the work you do might impact on the success of the pest management regime, the effect on the lives of your customers if things go wrong, and the benefits to your business of working closely with each site’s pest control contractor. SESSION: A WORKFORCE OF WHICH TO BE PROUD 12.30 Afternoon Keynote: Illegal workers in the cleaning industry solutions for employers. By Chris Edwards, Assistant Director, Home Office Immigration Enforcement. Synopsis: This presentation will give an overview of the work of Immigration Enforcement and the steps that are being taken across Government to tackle illegal working. It will also provide employers with advice on how to conduct the correct right to work checks, how to spot commonly forged documents and where to go for further help and advice. 13.00 What will the training levy mean to you - and how will it benefit the cleaning industry? By Lorraine Larman, chairman of Trailblazer’s Apprenticeship. Synopsis: In 2012 the government commissioned the Richards Review which recommended that: new apprenticeships should be employer-led; there should be one industry standard; training should be more effective; the whole system of apprenticeships should be simplified; functional maths and English must be a key component of the standard; and there must be a standard for each occupation which describes the level of skill, knowledge and behaviours required. As of April 2017, employers with a pay bill of more than £3 million will be required to pay a levy (0.5%) into the Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS). The DAS can only be spent on training and assessment of apprenticeships. Non levy-paying employers are eligible to deliver apprenticeships and receive appropriate funding.

14.00 The Living Wage movement in the UK. By Katherine Chapman, Director, the Living Wage Foundation. Synopsis: The Living Wage movement in the UK has changed the face of low pay. There are nearly 3000 employers across the UK who are voluntarily signing up with the Living Wage Foundation to pay the real Living Wage, an hourly rate calculated based on what it costs to live. There is increasing evidence that paying the Living Wage is good for business as well as good for society and the Living Wage Foundation has been successful thanks to the constructive involvement of partners in the contracted service providers industry. Katherine will talk about the history and impact of the Living Wage movement, what the Living Wage is (and is not), the business benefits of paying the real Living Wage, and how your business could join the Living Wage Foundation to support best practice on low pay. 14.30 CSSA Womans Group Meeting and Reception (See Page 24). 15.30 Federation of Window Cleaners Awards Presentation. Synopsis: The 2017 Window Cleaning Company of the Year competition will once again contain two categories: Window Cleaning Company of the Year 2017; and Window Cleaner - Employee of the Year 2017. The competition is open to all window cleaners who are registered members of the Federation of Window Cleaners, and to all employees of registered members. The competition will be judged by the FWC Executive Management Committee and the winners will be presented at this event by Scott Smith of the FWC executive. 16.00 Closing Keynote: The European Cleaning Industry – post-Brexit By Andreas Lill, Director General of the European Federation of Cleaning Industries (EFCI). 16.30 Cleaning Show Innovation Awards Presentation. Synopsis: With all short-listed finalists having been judged throughout the first day of the show, the winners in each of eight categories will be announced.

WEDNESDAY 15 MARCH 2017 SESSION: HEALTH AND SAFETY in association with the Health & Safety Executive. 10.30 Morning Keynote: Health and safety in the cleaning industry – Helping Great Britain Work Well (HGBWW) strategy in practice. By Tracy Hamilton, Operational Policy Advisor, Entertainments, Leisure, Commercial and Consumer Services Sector, HSE. Synopsis: By working together to deliver the objectives of the new ‘Helping Great Britain Work Well Strategy’ HSE’s collective efforts to improve health and safety outcomes within this industry can deliver so much more than the sum of our individual parts! This presentation will touch on some of the main health priorities for HSE over the next couple of years, many of which are known issues for the cleaning industry. Also covered will be details of HSE’s continued engagement with representatives from the cleaning industry as well as useful sources of information for anyone employed in this industry sector. 10.45 H&S in Focus: No higher than the hierarchy - working at height in the cleaning industry. By Colin Chatten, Policy Adviser currently working in HSE’s Operational Strategy Team on Work at Height and Product Safety. Synopsis: Employers and those in control of any work at height activity must make sure work is properly planned, supervised and carried out by competent people. At the heart of this is the need assess the risks and follow the hierarchy of control which includes: avoiding the need to work at height, for example by using extending equipment from the ground; preventing falls using appropriate access equipment such as work platforms or rope access; and reducing the distance and consequences of a fall should one occur. The session will cover how the hierarchy is applied and give examples of approaches to work at height from the cleaning sector.

Continued on Page 22.

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11.15 H&S in Focus: Preventing slips and trips - the importance of good cleaning. By Rob Shaw, Technical Team Lead, Falls Prevention, HSL. Synopsis: This session will cover: why it is important to tackle slips and trips; what makes floors slippery; why good cleaning is important; and what can be done to improve cleaning practices. 11.45 H&S in Focus: Improving health and safety for new and expectant mothers. By Rosie Wallbank, Equality and Human Rights Commission, and Rachel Grant, Head of Vulnerable Workers Team, Agriculture, Waste and Recycling Unit, HSE. Synopsis: This presentation will cover the research findings relating to health and safety in the workplace for pregnant women and those returning from maternity leave. It will look at how the cleaning sector compares to other sectors from this research, and will discuss the requirements and the importance of ongoing conversations in the workplace. Overall, it will consider the importance of raising awareness of existing guidance and best practice. 12.15 H&S in Focus: Occupational respiratory health in cleaning. By Dr Amy Gyte, Senior Health Exposures Scientist, Health and Safety Executive. Synopsis: Research has shown an association between exposure to cleaning products and respiratory symptoms, including asthma. HSE research has aimed to better understand evidence for occupational asthma and respiratory symptoms in relation to professional cleaning and the use of cleaning products, drawing from published studies and industry sources. In its research the HSE has been focusing on the use of environmental disinfectants in healthcare settings by cleaners and nurses. It has also been looking at the transfer of safety and hazard information down the supply chain to the end users. It has established a steering group of stakeholders from across the healthcare sector, with the aim to better understand how environmental disinfectants are used and the potential for respiratory exposure. It aims to identify best practice to minimise exposure and raise the profile of respiratory occupational health across healthcare cleaning. 22 l MARCH 2017 l

12.45 H&S in Focus: Musculoskeletal risk assessment and debate. By Christopher Quarrie, BSc CIEHF, Specialist Inspector in Human Factors and Ergonomics at the Health and Safety Executive. Synopsis: This presentation will inform the audience of the latest developments at the Health and Safety Executive and Laboratory on the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). The presentation will detail amendments to the Manual Handling Operations Regulations and the various risk assessment tools that have been developed to assist in assessing MSD risk in your workplace. At the end of the presentation, however, the speaker would like you to consider the manual handling tasks that you or your employees undertake that pose greatest risk of MSD and what you have done to minimise the risk. The speaker will then open a debate to share best practice - thinking caps on! SESSION: GROWING YOUR BUSINESS 13.30 How to hack the online market: Insider tips on finding growth. By Luke Elliott, Manager, Vendor Management, Amazon Business, Industrial & Scientific Supplies, and Roberta Donzelli, Senior Vendor Manager, Amazon BISS EU, Janitorial and Sanitation. Synopsis: The online market is growing double digit in the janitorial space. We can ignore it, fight it, or jump on board and learn how to use it and how to adapt it to our customers’ needs. Given the unique requirements of professional customers, there is no one-size-fitsall when it comes to e-commerce how can you offer the service and selection your offline customers love in the new e-commerce world? During this session, we will introduce the fundamentals of B2B commerce, common pitfalls to avoid, and give specific recommendations on how to grow your business and fulfil untapped demand. 14.00 Afternoon Keynote: Five trends changing the contract cleaning market. By Dan Weltin, Editor in Chief, Sanitary Maintenance, USA. Synopsis: What will the contract cleaning market look like in the next five years? Although it’s impossible to predict the future, there are five trends that will reshape the industry and affect building service

contractors around the globe. The increasing awareness of infection prevention in the workplace is already changing cleaning priorities for customers. Emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things and robotics, and shifting office layouts will have dramatic effects on contractors’ staffing levels and scheduling. And as one generation leaves the workforce and Millennials arrive, contractors need to appeal to a new type of employee. 14.30 Developing your business: Harnessing the power of email marketing. By Darren Hepburn, Sales Director, NewZapp. Synopsis: Whether you’re a seasoned email marketer or looking to send your first campaign, there will be something for you in this presentation. Darren Hepburn will be looking at the key elements of any email marketing, including getting past the dreaded spam filter, making sure your emails are opened and how to target your campaigns for maximum response. No rocket science or jargon, these will be easy to action quick tips that Darren guarantees will instantly help you get more from your emailing. 15.00 Developing your business: The power of social media. By Suzanne Howe, Managing Director, SHC. Synopsis: Social media used strategically and managed well will reap rewards for any business or brand. Increasing web traffic, developing a brand and building reputation are just a few of the benefits. Suzanne Howe will discuss how to incorporate social media into a marketing campaign and maximise the potential of the most popular social media sites used within the cleaning industry. She will also explain how to produce good content, create a content calendar and develop a protocol for any business. 15.30 Developing your business: The power of PR and why your reputation matters. By Chris Klopper, Managing Director, Mulberry Marketing Communications. Synopsis: In a rapidly changing era of print and social media, digital and video marketing – irrespective of how large or small a company is - its reputation is key to its success in business. A company that isn’t in control of its own reputation can only respond to how others perceive it. Far better is to shape your reputation by positively influencing all the messages that contribute to your success. After all, as an intangible asset, reputation is widely estimated

to be worth a third of an organisation’s market value. This session will look at some of the ways that companies can use PR and communications to build great, long-lasting reputations. Attendees will leave with some tips and techniques that they can action straightaway in their own business. 16.00 Developing your business: Increasing revenues through proven strategies and technology. By Anthony Wilkey and Michelle Cachucho, Best Minds. Synopsis: With customer expectations already at an all-time high, it can be difficult to find the time to focus on running and growing your business in such a dynamic and competitive environment. As well as working hard to secure new clients, over delivering to existing customers is vital for any cleaning business looking to achieve sustainable growth. This presentation will help you ensure your business is ready by looking at: how the industry is changing; what you need to be prepared for; the ‘leaky bucket’ - how to run a more profitable business; and how you can use technology to get more organised, grow sales and take control of your time.

THURSDAY 16 MARCH 2017 SESSION: A LOOK TO THE FUTURE 11.00 Panel debate: The future of FM. Chaired by Dennis Flower, Editor of Premises & Facilities Management Magazine. Synopsis: This panel comprising key executives from major service suppliers and Martin Pickard, the FM Guru, will discuss the future of FM. 12.00 Robotics: The shape of things to come? By Darren Marston, Chairman, ICE. Synopsis: This will be an informative session about robotics and how they are impacting the cleaning industry today. It will be an opportunity to learn more about how autonomous technology is changing the approach to cleaning methodology and work habits. It will also provide an insight into the perceived challenges of robotic cleaning, and how to overcome these. Darren Marston will also delve into the change of culture and perception, and how training and education will help the market fully adopt autonomous cleaning methods.


What’s on show? A brief round-up of what just some of the exhibitors will be showing on their stands. A full list of exhibitors can be found at

Bonasystems Europe Stand: D20 Experts from Bonasystems, a marketleader in slip risk management, will be on hand to lend advice on preventing slips and trips in the workplace. Bonasystems’ solutions have proven to help clients reduce accidents by over 50%, saving hundreds of thousands of pounds a year. Bonasystems is one of the few floorcare experts to own Pendulum Test equipment, which is the only method used by the Health and Safety Executive to assess slip risk on floors. The Pendulum Test replicates a pedestrian heel strike (the most likely point of slip) on floors. This year it will also be profiling a specially adapted pendulum which is designed to fit into hotel bathtubs.

Brightwell Dispensers Stand: C15 Brightwell Dispensers Ltd is a global designer and manufacturer of innovative soap, paper and chemical dispensing systems. Since its formation in 1947, it has developed a product portfolio to cover all hygiene environments such as away-from-

home washrooms, healthcare and leisure facilities, on-premise and industrial laundries, and professional kitchens. Supported by a network of exclusive distributors, it currently exports to over 85 countries worldwide. In-house design, manufacturing and thorough quality control during the entire process of product development and production enable Brightwell to offer a reliable and flexible service while ensuring product excellence. British Cleaning Council Stand: B30 The British Cleaning Council is the voice of the UK cleaning industry. It is made up of 21 associations which rep-

Introduction to the CSSA Women for Women Group 2.30pm Tuesday 14 March An introduction to the CSSA Women for Women Group is being staged in the Seminar Theatre at the Cleaning Show - and is open to everyone. It is being hosted by CSSA Women for Women Group chair, Vanessa Van Santen-Smith, and will feature presentations by Susan Hodson, Group Manager for Corporate Facilities Service at Warwickshire County Council, and Nina Wyres, Marketing Director at Floorbrite. Vanessa Van Santen-Smith said: “Our aim is to promote the role of women in the UK cleaning industry, raising their profile and championing their contribution to this £8 billion per year sector of the UK economy. We will use the three ‘I’s - Investigate, Imagine, Ignite - to encourage women to aspire to and achieve senior roles within this important sector.” The two presentations currently planned for the 2.30pm slot on 14 March in the Cleaning Show 2017 Seminar Theatre aim to inspire women through personal experience. Nina Wyres will tell her story of personal growth within the sector, and Susan Hodson will discuss her career path, her experience working in local authorities, what has changed in 40 years for women in the industry, and a look to the future. Come along to find out more

24 l MARCH 2017 l


Selden Research acquires Premiere Products Within hours of this issue of C&M going to press the directors of Selden Research Ltd announced the acquisition of the brand, assets and goodwill of Premiere Products from James Briggs (Hygiene) Ltd. In a statement, the company said: “We recognise this as a tremendous opportunity to develop what is one of the longest established and most respected brands in our sector. The Premiere Products portfolio is a perfect fit into the Selden offering: distribution channels are similar, manufacturing requirements are similar, methods and ethos are similar also. Production will move to our modern super efficient Selden factory in Buxton. Investment into the production facilities continues this year, and we have already added additional manufacturing capacity, added a new anti-bacterial focused lab with brand new analytical equipment, and plan to start extending the main warehouse and new administration centre this summer.” Selden Research is exhibiting at the Cleaning Show (Stand E1) where Premiere Products will feature alongside Jeyes Professional, and the new Selden brand image will be unveiled. resent all aspects of the cleaning industry. The Council is very proud to be co-owner of the Cleaning Show, which enables it to plough any profits it makes back into the industry in the form of grants to help grass roots projects get off the ground. This year the Council will be marking its 35th anniversary with a larger exhibition stand than normal, and will be joined by nine member associations. British Institute of Cleaning Science Stand: B24 The British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) is the largest independent professional and educational body within the cleaning industry, with over 10,000 individual and corporate members around the world. Its mission is to raise the standards of education and to build awareness of the cleaning industry, through professional standards and accredited training, thereby: protecting the operative; providing a clean and safe environment; preserving assets; promoting sustainability; and producing best practice. Charles Bentley & Sons Stand: A5 Established in 1860, Charles Bentley & Son has over 150 years of manufacturing experience in the brushware and cleaning products industry. Its diverse range of colour co-ordinated products are competitively priced, high quality and perfect for the professional market. Its product sourcing abilities enable it to provide a vast array of essential products to a variety of customers and its increased UK manufacturing means it can provide

short lead times on many of its product lines. New products at the Cleaning Show 2017 include colour coded floor pads, colour coded hygienic squeegees, pop up garden bags, and an array of cleaning products suitable for the medical market. Chicopee Stand: F6 Chicopee will showcase its short term use microfibre product range at this year’s show. Visitors to the stand will be able to see first-hand the wipes, cloths and mops that use the very latest microfibre technology. Chicopee’s new range of microfibre mops has been entered into one of the show’s Innovation Awards. Chicopee spent two years developing the mops, which are designed for short-term use and are ideal for cleaning companies and facility managers looking to reduce cleaning time and eliminate the need to launder mops, while improving performance and hygiene.

Contined on Page 26.

Aona ReDose Stand: B25 If you are interested in making savings and reducing the overall amount of chemical used every day, month and year Aona ReDose can help. The company helps customers challenge traditional ways of thinking, increase bottom line return, reduce cost and maximise cleaning effectiveness. The company believes that it has the solutions to increase your profits on all cleaning contracts into the foreseeable future. The company states that there are five key reasons for considering Aona ReDose - visit stand B25 to find out what they are.

T. +44 (0)1626 830 830 E. Visit.


Cleaning & Maintenance Magazine Stand: C30 Cleaning & Maintenance remains the essential read for everyone involved in the cleaning and support services market. Published by Quartz Business Media – the company that brings you the Cleaning Show – it is published 12 times per year and is supported by an electronic version and a fortnightly e.newsletter. Decitex Stand: GR1 Decitex ‘smart textiles’ is a European manufacturer that specialises in microfibre mops and cloths and has the ability to create made-to-measure textiles. Decitex is an approved supplier to the NHS Supply Chain, pharmaceutical and aerospace industries. Ecoblast Supplies Stand: C22 ESL is a multi-specialist supplier of high-performance industrial cleaning machinery and equipment, providing products backed by a premium service. With a unique range of cleaning solutions sourced from leading manufacturers, complemented by a UKmanufactured own-brand line-up, ESL offers a one-stop-shop for industrial cleaning needs. ESL is launching two new product ranges at the show: a wheelie-bin wash machine; and Wieland industrial vacuum systems.

Eco Silver Paper/Interchem Italia Stand: H17 Luca Bastianetto’s agency represents many Italian manufacturers of professional cleaning products. Eco Silver Paper claims to be the first paper for professional use with antibacterial properties. It has been developed with the collaboration of the Italian University and Cartindustria Veneta. Interchem MD is an innovative modular dosing system offering a range of ultra-concentrated products for everyday cleaning. EuroVast spa Stand: H11 This company manufactures a full range of toilet paper, place mats, kitchen towels, big rolls, napkins etc. Evershine Stainless Steel Stand: A45 Evershine Stainless Steel is an established manufacturer and importer of stainless steel products, offering standard items and customised orders. Its standard products are marketed to dealers, shopping malls, hotels, the construction sector, developers, and architecys, both for domestic and export markets. The business also includes the supply and installation of stainless steel railings, stainless steel decorative sculptures, architrave work for lifts, cladding etc.

Goizper Spraying/IK Sprayers Stand: D11 IK sprayers are specially designed and manufactured with highly resistant seals and materials for professional treatments in industrial Cleaning, upsholstery, car washing, janitorial, food, industrial cleaning, and disinfection. Depending on the application and type of chemical, the company will be highlighting six product ranges. Greyland Stand: C27 Greyland - established for 20 years as one of the country’s leading cleaning chemical manufacturers - offers a comprehensive range of products for the janitorial distributor. Greyland has gained a good reputation for value for money, clear and descriptive labelling, and fast supply to the distributor. Grundon Waste Management Stand: E20 Grundon is one of the UK's leading suppliers of integrated waste management and environmental solutions, working in partnership with customers to help minimise the financial and environmental impact of their waste. It provides a total waste management service for the reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery, and disposal of waste. It owns and operates an extensive fleet of varied and purpose-built collection vehicles, in addi-

tion to a range of treatment facilities. It covers the following waste streams: recycling, residual waste, food waste, hazardous waste, confidential waste, WEEE, clinical waste, event waste, and industrial waste. Haug Bursten Stand: H10 Haug BĂźrsten is a leading manufacturer of high-quality hygienic brushes, brooms and utensils for food-processing companies. Hozelock Stand: A28 Hozelock-Exel is part of Exel Industries, a group of companies that has become a leader in precision spraying techniques for plant protection and material protection. Hozelock Exel produces a number of hand held sprayer brands, including Laser, a range of professional sprayers developed specifically for industrial applications such as cleaning, hygiene, food production, automotive, and construction. Hydro Systems Europe Stand: D5 Hydro Systems, an independent manufacturer of chemical proportioning and dispensing systems, will be featuring at the Cleaning Show its new venturi based commercial laundry unit, EvoClean. With the EvoClean


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equipment purchase or rental to asset management and maintenance. Its service delivery and advanced web based systems mean that not only can it manage machines and assets, but also provide customers with direct access to un-editable call logs, delivering valuable key management information. ICE’s philosophy is about building long term, strategic relationships and partnerships with likeminded organisations.

Hygiene Vision Stand: D10a Hygiene Vision will demonstrate two new ways to grow your washroom business. Find out how the NRO soap dispenser delivers soap that is always available with no soap ever wasted. Secondly, Biogiene-Air is a new automated probiotic hygiene system that restores the eco-balance in the washroom by creating a 24/7 sustainable ‘green space’ and reducing healthharming and odour-causing bacteria on floors and surfaces.

InnuScience UK Stand: GR4 With over 23 years of research and unique biotech formulations, InnuScience has engineered products that offers products that are approved by Eco-Schools, Keep Britain Tidy, Cruelty-free (Leaping Bunny), conform to the DEFRA Government Buying Standards, and are certified by Ecologo or Ecolabel. InnuScience is passionate about providing high performance eco-friendly products that leave lasting impressions, so that you can go green without compromising the quality of your cleaning.

ICE Stand: D25/E25 With almost 50 years of experience, ICE is an independent provider of industrial cleaning machines. It prides itself on the unique service it offers customers, providing everything from

Ionic Systems Stand: A1 Ionic Systems Ltd manufactures the Reach & Wash System, pure water cleaning technology for all external windows and facades. It also offers portable and static solutions incorpo-

Facilities Management


Through innovation we can help you transform your business From award winning products to vanguards of the circular economy we innovate at every step

rating telescopic water fed poles up to 24 metres in length. Take a look at the teaser advert: iVo Group Stand: H5 On the iVo stand you will find an array of new products for the cleaning industry, particularly focussing on innovation that is affordable for everyone. The team at iVo Group is young, enthusiastic, talented, and - above all committed to delivering results. It is always working hard to bring the latest innovations to the market. JetWashDirect/Mosmatic Stand: H16 Jetwash Direct Ltd is a leading supplier of specialist cleaning technology products. It supplies products from the major manufacturers and has access to over 20 engineers maintaining equipment throughout the UK. Products include: pressure washers and accessories; rotary surface cleaners; scrubber driers; vacuum cleaners; sweepers; and chemicals. Working in partnership with Mosmatic AG of Switzerland, the company is also a supplier of Mosmatic carwash and rotary cleaning equipment. Kennedy Hygiene Products Stand: D22 Kennedy Hygiene Products is a leader in the manufacture of service friendly

Local Authority

integrated washroom hygiene systems. Its dispensers are designed with the service specialist in mind and are prized for reliability, quality, cost control, ease of service, and hygiene. Leviy Stand: TK2 Winner of the European Cleaning Journal’s 2016 Best Use of Technology Award, the Leviy Mobile App and Cloud Dashboard has been designed for cleaning and FM companies of all shapes and sizes, giving them a real-time view over their operations and greater control over task planning, cost control, service delivery, and performance, through an effective, software solution. Using Leviy to centrally manage client quality audits, online form completion, service desk issue logging, document storage and team communication presents a clear and immediate return on investment. Combined with Leviy’s online timesheets and invoice creator, cleaning and FM companies have everything they need to reduce administration costs. Lila Tissue Stand: E15 With its 150,000 tonne tissue manufacturing capacity per year, Lila Tissue exports to a total of 57 countries around the world. Tissue production is done in compliance with FSC and PEFC certifications,


We are always thinking of new ideas, new methods and new products that will benefit our customers across their sectors. We innovate to help our customers run their businesses more efficiently, save money and reduce their carbon footprint. We are one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of refuse sacks, making over 30 million refuse sacks per week. Our latest innovation is the The Green Sack™ Fusion, made using the latest triple layer extrusion technology that produces significantly more strength than the original The Green Sack™. We are RPC bpi refuse, now part of the RPC group.

Visit us at Stand B06

For more information on how we can help to transform your business call us on 0333 202 6767 or visit l MARCH 2017 l 27

Continued on Page 28.

venturi laundry system, Hydro Systems has developed a four, six or eight product commercial laundry solution which eliminates the routine maintenance requirements of competing peristaltic systems. The unit is lightweight, with a small footprint, integrated flush manifold, low-level alarm, on-board control system, and remote formula select. With no chemical drop-off or deteriorating performance from worn tubes, EvoClean ensures consistent results and satisfied customers.


Mayflower Washroom Solutions Stand: H20 Mayflower Washroom Solutions is a leader in the field of washroom hygiene and consumable provision, having over 15 years’ experience of service delivery on a national basis. Its four divisions offer the complete solution to managed services, from a single source. Consumables division washroom consumables including paper, polythene, soap, chemical, and janitorial; Washroom division - rented washroom services, feminine hygiene, nappy disposal, vending, air care, and entrance matting; Laundry division delivery and collection service for laundered items; and Machinery division - a complete range of cleaning machinery to suit any environment. Megall Industries (Qingdao) Stand: A44a A professional manufacturer of tissue paper products in China, Megall Industries uses recycled, blended and virgin grade paper to produce toilet tissue, facial wipes, napkins, and hand towels. Finished products such as conventional toilet tissue rolls, coreless toilet rolls, corematic toilet rolls, jumbo toilet rolls, bulk-pack toilet tissue, flat box facial tissue, cube box facial tissue, a series of printed and plain paper napkins, kitchen towels, couch rolls, centrefeed roll towels, Zfold hand towels, C-fold hand towels, V-fold hand towels, industrial wiping rolls, and 2-ply laminated hand towels all form part of the company’s offering. Nilfisk Group Stand: G1 The Nilfisk Group will be exhibiting a number of machines from its ‘one stop shop’ product range. Central will be demonstrations of the Nilfisk Liberty A50, the first autonomous cleaning machine to be launched as a result of the Horizon Programme. The Liberty will free users from the need to sit on or walk behind machines.

Numatic International Stand: D30/D40 Numatic’s stand will feature new products packed full of innovation and made right here in the UK. Cordless Henry will be attracting much attention, bringing cordless cleaning to all.The Henry HGB scrubber drier and Henry rotary floor machine bring Numatic floor care innovation to the new extended Henry range. No matter the cleaning task you’ll always have a Henry to hand.

Osprey Deepclean Stand: G30 OspreyDeepclean manufactures and supplies a wide range of innovative dry steam machines for cleaning and sanitation in any environment. No chemicals are required which means no restrictions as to where dry steam technology can be used. OspreyDeepclean dry steam uses significantly less water than more traditional cleaning methods and turns an everyday clean into a deep clean. 2016 saw the company introduce the world’s first battery powered dry steam technology for gum removal to the mainstream market - the GB1 - which won the Innovation Award for outdoor cleaning at the last show. With machines supplied to all service sectors, FM, education, re-

Prochem Europe gets Extraclean Stand: F10 A carpet, rug and upholstery extraction solution that cleans, neutralises and reduces re-soiling is being launched this year by Prochem Europe. In a crowded solutions market, B106 Extraclean stands out for the diversity of its performance characteristics coupled to its effectiveness in the field. A Woolsafe-approved maintenance product for wool carpets and rugs, this advanced formulation extraction detergent utilises a micro-encapsulation anti-resoil formula for effective extraction cleaning of delicate fibres, rugs and fabrics, leaving a pleasant residual Lemon Breeze fragrance with an odour neutraliser. One five litre container makes up to 500 litres of ready-to-use cleaning solution. One of the latest additions to the company’s ranges, it can also be viewed in Prochem Europe’s 2017 Catalogue. 28 l MARCH 2017 l

tail, commercial, healthcare, and food manufacturing, this range of dry steam technology ensures you can tackle even the toughest of cleaning tasks with confidence. Pacvac Stand: G32 Pacvac started operations in 1978 with a vision to manufacture high quality backpack vacuum cleaners for the global cleaning market. Today, its backpack vacuums are renowned worldwide for their comfort, durability, reliability, and for providing up to three times more efficiency than other types of vacuum cleaner. Pacvac has distributed over half a million vacuum cleaners and lists many of the world’s largest cleaning companies as valued customers. Prochem Europe Stand: F10 Prochem Europe will showcase its latest specialist solutions and technology at this year's show. A new chemical product will be revealed is B106 Extraclean. Suitable for carpet, rug and upholstery extraction cleaning, its formula includes an odour neutraliser and it benefits from a new Lemon Breeze fragrance. In addition to related solutions from the company’s chemical ranges, Prochem is also bringing along a wide range of its cleaning technology, from portables to powerful truck mounted units including the new Endeavor 500, the Bravo, Fivestar, Polaris 500 and 800, Steempro Powerplus, and Powermax. For larger jobs, a Sapphire 370SS truck mount is being shown as is a vanhoused Blazer GT. Complementing the above is a full range of Birchmeier sprayers and a selection of hand tools and related accessories. P-Wave – exhibiting with Denis Rawlins Stand: F15 P-Wave is a market leader for a highly fragranced, easy to use, patented washroom and general areas product range which includes the No 1 Urinal Screen, the Unique Easy Fresh system, the ‘anywhere’ air freshener, the new Trough Screen, and Door Fresh. Reintec Stand: F1 Part of the HSS Hire Group, Reintec is a fully outsourced cleaning equipment solution that will save you time, money and guarantee compliance. Flexible hire plans are tailored to customer needs, and innovative product solutions can be flexed up or down to suit. Reintec also offers a range of comprehensive servicing and maintenance plans, and its support team is available across the UK, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Rhino Floorpads Stand: A35 Founded in 1993, Rhino’s philosophy is to ‘produce floor pads that outshine the rest’. Its floor pads are designed to

ensure good absorption of dirt, and its fibre technology is designed to increase strength and reduce wear out. RPC bpi refuse (formerly BPI Recycled Products) Stand: B6 RPC bpi refuse (formerly known as BPI Recycled Products prior to its acquisition by RPC in August 2016), is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of refuse sacks and recyclers of waste polythene. Launched at the show will be the latest version of the Green Sack - Green Sack Fusion. Made in the UK using the latest triple layer extrusion technology, Green Sack Fusion is a 100% recycled product made using the original Green Sack blend for outer layers, with the addition of a new formulation for the core layer made from super strength waste polythene. This innovative product delivers significantly more strength than the original version. RPC bpi refuse produces over 30 million refuse sacks per week, and has a polythene recycling infrastructure spread across four Environment Agency accredited UK sites, with the ability to reprocess in excess of 70,000 tonnes each year of post-use material from commercial, retail, industrial, and agricultural markets. SCA Hygiene Products Stand: E6 SCA is a leading supplier of paper hygiene products and a global leader in sustainability with several independent accreditations for its achievements. Under its global brand, Tork, it offers hygiene systems dispensers and refills - that can deliver genuine cost savings whilst improving efficiency and hygiene standards. Its patented systems, Tork SmartOne toilet roll and Tork Reflex single sheet centrefeed, reduce paper consumption by up to 40%. At the show the company is showcasing its latest innovation, Tork EasyCube - the future of smart washroom maintenance.

Schaller Jupo & Export Stand: A41 A producer of Ostrich feather products, most notably feather dusters. Selden Research Stand: E1 Selden is a leading independent manufacturer of professional cleaning and hygiene products. Its extensive product range covers all cleaning requirements from washrooms to kitchens,

Continued on Page 30.

The unit features advanced robotics technology and is designed for customers who use floor care equipment every day. Nilfisk will also be exhibiting its range of micro scrubber driers - the SC100, SC250 and SC351. The new range of battery powered vacuums will also be on show, again benefiting from the new lithium battery technology. Models include battery variants of the VP600 tub vacuum.

and production is certified by the Chain of Custody (COC). While meeting the expectations of consumers with its Sofia, Maylo and Berrak branded products of toilet paper, paper towel, tissue, and paper napkin Lila Tissue also offers products for professional consumption with its Nua Professional brand.


ellipse The integrated and modular range from Kennedy Hygiene

Meet Kennedy at the Cleaning Show on Stand D22


ready to use products to wall mounted and portable super concentrates. Shanghai Kingmax Commodity Co Stand: A42 This company not only makes the products, but also provides comprehensive solutions that offer excellent service, quality, concentration, environmental benefits, and are price competitive. Spinaclean Stand: D15 SkyVac is a specifically modified gutter-cleaning machine, and is claimed to be 30% more powerful than its nearest rival. Its features include an engineered robust all terrain chassis, a blockage free side entry port, tapered carbon fibre poles, and an effective clip free end tool. As well as all other Spinaclean products, the Slipstream pressure washer packages are another example of Spinaclean’s continuing efforts to provide a practical, powerful and effective choice of equipment. Supplies House Stand: C20 The Supplies House offers an extensive range of competitive cleaning solutions and premium consumable products delivered right to your door. It has thousands of catalogue items,

including housekeeping products, vacuum cleaners, cleaning machines, green chemicals, and environmentally-friendly products. It can help reduce your environmental footprint and your spend. Its support services include advice, training, and dispenser fitting. In addition, with distribution centres in London and Chorley, Lancaster, it is well placed to deliver quality green cleaning products where and when you need them.

solutions and opportunities to the specialist cleaning industry. Stone cleaning, graffiti removal and coatings have been the core of the product range, together with Aquila pressure washers and Torik superheated water cleaning equipment. For the show, it will focus on some new products Onecoat and Onemop are products that will save time, money, water and chemical usage. Onecoat is a single application non-slip floor coating that is easy to clean and long lasting. The product range includes various grades of coating designed and formulated for non-porous surfaces such as interior and exterior surfaces on trains and buses. It will protect and rejuvenate worn and dull surfaces, bringing back the original colour and also protect against graffiti and make surfaces easy to clean. Onemop is a patented woven microfibre mop system - the mops are washable but to reduce the carbon footprint they are designed and priced to be disposable. Truvox International Stand: G25 Truvox International is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of commercial and industrial floorcare machines. From producing its first machines in the early 1960s, Truvox has expanded to five quality ranges: Orbis rotary burnishers, Hydromist carpet extractors, Valet vacuum cleaners, Multiwash scrubbers, and Cimex three brush technology. At this year’s show, you can see Truvox’s recently launched innovative machines for 2017, including the new Orbis Eco. TVH Stand: G21 TVH offers over 45,000 references in stock and more than 900,000 known references for most makes and models, and provides an extensive range of parts for scrubbers and sweepers: brushes, filters, squeegees, floor pads, drives, and vacuum motors. TVH is an ISSA member and a dealer for Lamb Ametek vacuum motors in Europe.

TC Cleaning Machines Stand: C32 T C Cleaning Machines is the UK importer for the TomCat brand of commercial floor cleaning and preparation equipment, which is manufactured to the highest standards in the US. TomCat produces a range of heavy duty floor cleaning machinery including battery powered scrubber driers, scrubber sweepers and sweepers in walk-behind and ride-on versions. The specialist EDGE range of oscillating floor preparation machines will be on the stand, available in 110v, 240v and battery powered versions.

uComply Stand: TK3 uComply is a specialist UK immigration compliance company ensuring workforces have the legal right to work in the UK. It uses state of the art technology combining border standard passport scanners with its proprietary software. With Operation Magnify focusing on illegal workers in the cleaning industry it vitally important to ensure you do not employ workers with fake documentation. There are fines of £20,000 per illegal worker found, as well as the risk of imprisonment and the ensuing potential of reputational damage. With as many as 1 in 20 workers potentially illegal, can you afford to take the risk?

Tensid UK Stand: GR5 Tensid has been working closely with its customers for 28 years providing

Unger Stand: A2/B1 Unger has been delivering innovative solutions for expert cleaning and

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maintenance since 1964. Today the Unger range includes a wide choice of best-selling traditional window cleaning tools and pure water cleaning systems, designed for safe and efficient cleaning of external glass, building facades, solar panels, and signage at heights of up to 20m. On show will be the latest Unger innovations, including the award-winning Stingray system for cleaning indoor windows, mirrors and other surfaces 25% faster and using 39% less chemicals than the traditional sprayer and cloth method. Powered by 3M Scotchgard, the Stingray allows you to reach heights of up to 4m safely from the ground, creating lasting protection against dust, fingerprints and fogging with every clean. Vaclensa Stand: E10 With almost 50 years’ experience, Vaclensa is a supplier of professional cleaning machines, and a service company delivering high quality products with outstanding cleaning performance, innovative new products that embrace the latest technologies, and first class service delivered onsite nationwide. Vaclensa offers products in every cleaning machine category from tub and upright vacuum cleaners to scrubber driers and sweepers. Varitech Systems Stand: C10 Varitech Systems/Streamline Systems is a family owned and run business that has been trading since 2002. With over 13 years of experience it is an accomplished supplier of professional window cleaning systems to customers in the UK. It stocks an extensive range of high quality and reliable products, with a range of over 4000 line items. Products include a range of water fed pole systems for internal and external glass cleaning, high pressure and gutter cleaning solutions, and much more. Vermop UK Stand: B21 Vermop is an innovative company with a long tradition, internationally oriented yet still firmly committed to Germany as a business location. The comprehensive range of cleaning appliances, systems and accessories is

developed in Gilching near Munich, produced in plants in Wertheim near Frankfurt, and delivered from there to locations throughout Europe. Products are characterised by cleverly designed functions and innovative designs. Vileda Stand: G20 Vileda Professional provides quality cleaning solutions ranging from single use microfibre products to durable flat mopping systems and a whole lot in-between. Vileda Professional provides cleaning systems across the healthcare, general building, controlled environment, and hotel, restaurant and catering sectors. Its team of experts has developed the latest technology used in all its products to raise the standard of cleaning performance which can save time, money, reduce chemical usage, and ultimately reduce total costs. Vileda Professional customers receive a cost effective, high performance bespoke solution specifically designed to meet their needs, and the range of products and systems available gives customers total peace of mind when it comes to achieving the necessary levels of hygiene required. www. Wecovi Stand: E19 Wecoline specialises in: full cycle floor pads - made from 100% recycled PET plastic, water-based latex resins and now feature accelerated degradable properties; high quality microfibre systems; and a range of superior single use products developed for the professional cleaning industry. Zybax Stand: B17 Zybax has been proven over 15 years as a leading odour eliminator. Now the company is seeking distributors and partners across the world who can help it to bring its advanced, unique and guaranteed product to new users. It is only sold through partners - never direct, it is shipped in bulk or bottled anywhere in the world, and has branded and own-label options.







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Washroom wellness Effective washroom cleaning and maintenance takes skill and planning, with bespoke solutions for every facility. Jangro’s operations director, Joanne Gilliard, explores best practice in cleaning and stocking washrooms in two distinctly different settings - schools and offices - to see how proper planning can help make cleaning as effective as possible, and encourage better hygiene compliance in washroom users. In many respects, the health and hygiene of a washroom is an accurate reflection of the overall health and hygiene of a facility. Unclean or even unsanitary washroom facilities not only damage the image and perception of a building, but can also have far-reaching implications for the health and wellbeing of its occupants and visitors. The washroom should be considered a germ hot spot in any building, requiring extra attention and planning to keep to a high standard of cleanliness. After all, germs that make their way on to the hands here can easily be transferred to other surfaces throughout a building. And the vast majority of infections can be carried and transmitted by the hands - at any one time a thriving community of well over 300,000 species of bacteria dwell on each palm. But while it is widely known that you should clean your hands thoroughly after using the washroom, many people still do not comply. Sick leave in workers The UK Office for National Statistics estimates that more than 400 million working days were lost due to sickness absence between 2013 and 2015. But evidence suggests that keeping offices clean, and particularly focussing on the washroom, can have a significant impact on the health of employees, reduce absenteeism, and improve the perception of a company. In any facility, a regular and thorough

The UK Office for National Statistics estimates that more than 400 million working days were lost due to sickness absence between 2013 and 2015. But evidence suggests that keeping offices clean, and particularly focussing on the washroom, can have a significant impact on the health of employees, reduce absenteeism, and improve the perception of a company.

washroom cleaning schedule is vital, with daily cleaning tasks including using bactericidal or germicidal washroom cleaners on sinks, taps, splashbacks, shower areas, walls, doors, and handles. Toilet cleaner should also be applied daily if possible, while mirrors and floors should also be cleaning daily or as near to as possible with bactericidal or germicidal agents. On a weekly basis, toilets, toilet pipes and overflows of washbasins or sinks should be descaled, together with showerheads if present. Monthly and quarterly tasks should include disinfecting showerheads, drains and overflow pipes, and deep cleaning of floors, walls and other surfaces. This schedule should tie-in with a general office cleaning and hygiene routine, targeting other germ hotspots including door handles, desk phones, kettles, and kitchen/canteen areas. At the same time as following a wellplanned cleaning and maintenance schedule, encouraging every user to thoroughly wash their hands is also crucial. Office washrooms should offer a range of soap and sanitiser dispensing equipment, so that there is something to suit the personal preferences of every worker and visitor. Some people prefer to use touch-free dispensers, for instance, while others will always use paper towels over hand dryers apparently His Royal Highness Prince Charles among them - or prefer to use gel rather than foam soap. Washroom users are more likely to clean their hands properly and regularly if their preferred washing, sanitising and drying options are available. Office facilities managers could also consider installing appropriate signage to prompt hand washing, such as an awareness posters demonstrating the best hand-washing technique, and explaining the infection control advantages of effective hand hygiene. School washrooms You may think that cleaning, maintaining and stocking washrooms in schools is not dissimilar to performing these tasks in any other location. And while the same rigorous cleaning schedules should of course be observed in schools, there are other practices and innovations to bear in mind as well. The cleaning industry deals with chemicals that could be dangerous if handled in-

32 l MARCH 2017 l

Right, Jangro’s operations director, Joanne Gilliard appropriately, and it is important that care and attention is paid to cleaning up any spillages that may occur so that children do not unwittingly come into contact with cleaning chemicals. Care should be taken not to overuse cleaning chemicals on surfaces, and to properly mop and scour surfaces that have been treated with chemicals to minimise the risk of little hands encountering residue. All cleaning products should be kept out of sight and reach of children. Some contract cleaners will elect to store cleaning products on-site when delivering a cleaning service. This poses an obvious health and safety risk, and it is vital that a comprehensive risk assessment is performed for every cleaning agent or tool that is going to be stored on site. If possible find a secure, locked place, safely out of the reach of workers or members of the public. As far as schools are concerned, ideally cleaning products would either not be stored on site, or they would be in an area that is never accessed or within easy view of pupils, for instance a locked janitorial room that is separate from the washroom. Particular attention should also be paid to other health and safety risks when it comes to cleaning product storage both in schools and in any facility open to the public - cleaning products should never be placed in unmarked containers, for instance. The consequences of putting cleaning solutions in a water or drink bottle and leaving this within reach of a building’s users do not bear thinking about. Continued on Page 35.

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Where outmoded cleaning just won’t wash They’re the facilities that many people dread, and the bane of building managers too. Denis Rawlins Ltd’s managing director, James White, calls time on ineffective and inefficient cleaning of toilets and washrooms. Many people avoid using public toilets, and others have developed intricate ways of minimising physical contact with seats, taps and door handles. While some rituals may be attributed to acute germaphobia, much of this behaviour is perfectly rational given the common state of facilities. Washrooms are one of the most challenging areas for any cleaning team, and common cleaning practice just doesn’t wash. Toilet facilities are in frequent use, have many common touch points for transmitting germs and infection, and expose users to bio-hazardous waste. That risk rises if a toilet overflows, mixing bacteria from the human gut with other pathogens on the floor, deposited there by shoes or splashes. These contaminated liquids can soak into porous floors and grout lines, creating a real health hazard, not to mention a foulsmelling environment. As people who are unwell tend to use washrooms more, the critical importance of getting washroom cleaning right looms larger still. Not all users may be conscious of these risks, but they tend to be judgmental. Where there’s visible soiling or an offensive odour, the organisation and its care is judged, sometimes harshly. So washrooms are a critical space in the cleaning regime

“The nature and frequency of the cleaning required in toilets and bathrooms means that it can account for up to 70% of the cleaning spend.”

of any building in terms of public or employee relations. By contrast, whether or not they are hypercritical or expecting the worst, people can take away a highly favourable impression when this space is professionally cleaned to a high standard. Even apparently sparkling washrooms can, however, harbour thriving colonies of harmful bacteria. So the priority should be to achieve and sustain high standards of hygiene as any failures can compromise their users’ health. As with any building service there is a financial dimension too. The nature and fre-

quency of the cleaning required in toilets and bathrooms means that it can account for up to 70% of the cleaning spend in many buildings. But it would be wrong to assume that corner-cutting is to blame when standards of cleanliness fall short. In many cases expenditure on this form of cleaning is excessive as it’s being wasted. As for the cleaning operatives, it’s understandable that some may balk at kneeling down to wipe behind toilet bowls, skip areas that are not visibly dirty, or lack the will to dislodge ingrained soils, especially in confined spaces and hard-to-reach areas. Usually the real shortcoming is in the tools for the job and the method, rather than the cleaning operative or even the cleaning budget. Hand mopping is far more prevalent than might be expected in buildings of all types. Even in establishments that have embraced more productive, automated cleaning methods for other areas, the old mop still holds sway in the washroom. This may be because it’s a ‘wet’ environment, a restricted space or simply that it’s always been done this way. That mindset inspired Denis Rawlins to launch its campaign to ‘Chop the mop’. Mops are far better at spreading soil and contaminants than removing them. Microfibre flat-mops trap more soil than a conventional string mop. But plunging this microbe-absorbing material into dirty bucket water still ends up dumping more of Continued on Page 35.


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Amica Gaia

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34 l MARCH 2017 l


Continued from Page 34. this potentially toxic mixture back on the floor. Even with frequent water changing and careful rinsing, it’s not the most hygienic method, and is inevitably a laborious, haphazard and slow process. But we don’t want to be defined as just being anti-mop. We’re pro-science. Testing the actual level of cleanliness before and after cleaning is now easy and affordable using meters that measure ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the universal energy molecule found in all bacterial, mould and other living cells. You don’t need scientists to tell you that mopping doesn’t decontaminate floors. But their independent testing and our own has helped us identify techniques that clean hygienically. We considered a wide range of cleaning systems and equipment from many countries. The ability to apply a properly calibrated cleaning solution, dislodge all forms of dirt, and capture the used cleaning solution was a prerequisite. The Kaivac No Touch Cleaning system developed in the US more than meets those criteria and our requirement for scientifically proven performance. It empowers the operator to clean hygienically without touching contaminated surfaces. Using a low-pressure fan spray, the operator sprays a dilute cleaning solution over the floor and fixtures, then rinses with always-clean water under high pressure, before vacuuming away the soil and solution. This leaves the floor soil-free and virtually dry. This system is not only effective and hygienic, it can sanitise all washroom surfaces - including common touch points -

from urinals, basins and taps to handles and pushplates. No-Touch Cleaning is also equipped for extreme soil removal. The built-in power of the indoor pressure washer flushes soils and embedded toxins out of grout lines and tight places that mops can't reach. Even the smallest unit, the Kaivac 1250, has a powerful 500psi pump and threestage wet/dry vacuum. It carries up to 45 litres of solution and has a recovery tank with the same capacity. With the Kaivac 1750 and 2150, that capacity rises to 64 litres and 79 litres, respectively. Scientific studies in the US tested the Kaivac No Touch Cleaning system alongside flat mops, measuring their ability to remove bacteria from grout lines. The Kaivac system was shown to be 60 times more effective than mopping. What’s more, it only takes about a third of the time. Automatic dosage also avoids wastage of expensive chemicals. So the switch from manual cleaning to the No Touch Cleaning system is cost-effective, given that wages and consumables account for the lion’s share of cleaning budgets. The benefits for cleaning staff should not be under-estimated either. No Touch Cleaning turns a menial and distasteful task into a more professional and efficient operation. The boost to the cleaning team’s productivity extends to staff morale too. As for the facilities manager and cleaning contractor, they can have confidence that the building’s washrooms not only look and smell clean to users - they’re healthy and hygienic as well. And with ATP testing we can prove it’s safe to touch too.

Washroom wellness Continued from Page 32. Working with schools Awareness campaigns highlighting good hygiene practice in washrooms should also be tailored for schools. Encouraging good hand washing behaviour in pupils can set them up for healthy habits later in their lives. Jangro, for instance, worked together with educational experts to carefully develop a co-ordinated hand hygiene campaign for children, combining vibrant and fun learning resources with the physical hand washing appliances in their setting. This way, there is a clear link between classroom learning and practical application. The company created the Jangronauts - four hand-washing hero characters - with the aim of teaching children about the vital importance of hand hygiene in a fun, interactive and educational way. The colourful characters feature on a range of washroom dispenser units, and are also the stars of a variety of education resources such as story books and stickers. Central to the concept is that after learning about the hand washing message in the classroom, children can then find the familiar characters again on washroom appliances. This not only serves as a reminder to wash their hands, but can also provide a confidence boost for children who may be cautious about using the appliances. Using colourful, fun characters on the dispensers is a way of communicating to children that they are OK for them to use. It is clear that a bespoke approach is required to achieve the best results in each building. Well-planned cleaning schedules should be combined with best practice in the usage and storage of cleaning chemicals, well thought-out dispensing options, and hand hygiene awareness campaigns tailored to each building. But it’s worth the effort - maintaining washroom hygiene is crucial in schools and offices, and indeed every facility, and can lead to a healthier building and its users.

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% l MARCH 2017 l 35


Toilet paper: it’s more important than you think! Toilet paper usually comes fairly low down on the list of priorities when equipping an office, hotel, school, restaurant, or other facility. But if this basic commodity is allowed to run out, chaos ensues. Ian Catchpole of Tork manufacturer SCA looks at the importance of the humble loo roll. Have a look at your weekly shopping list. How high up do toilet rolls feature? They will probably be somewhere near the foot of the list - way below the more pleasurable food and drink-based purchases. But if you run out of milk or tomato ketchup it is simply a mild inconvenience. If you run out of toilet paper on the other hand, it is much more of an issue. When a 16-year-old youth found there was no loo roll on a UK train in 2015 he immediately tweeted his predicament from the washroom. It was a situation with which everyone could identify and it quickly became an international news story. Virgin Trains reacted immediately and supplied the youth with the required paper within minutes. The importance of toilet paper was central to this story: the London to Glasgow express would never have made the news if it had merely run out of sugar, salt or sausage rolls. Similarly, fears of a toilet paper shortage became a big deal in the US back in 1973 when unsubstantiated rumours filtered through to the American public. People began bulk-buying toilet paper for fear that it might run out and merchandisers struggled to restock. As a result, loo rolls became a rare commodity for four long months. They were bartered and traded and a black market emerged. Eventually the American public realised there had never been a shortage in the first place and things went back to normal. But again it became clear how crucial toilet paper was to our daily lives. More recently there have been toilet paper shortages in Venezuela, a country that is currently deep in recession. People have become accustomed to finding it hard to track down basic items such as medicines, milk and sugar. But in 2013 the scarcity of toilet rolls caused such alarm that consumers panic-bought until supplies ran out and the government had to import 50 million extra rolls. Shortages continue and Venezuela now has a black market for toilet paper. 36 l MARCH 2017 l

While the importance of toilet paper is undisputed, human error means that shortages can still occur. However, today’s toilet paper systems help to address these issues and make it less likely that the public will experience a break in their supply.

Toilet rolls disappeared completely from the supermarket shelves in Japan following the 2011 earthquake. Since then sales have increased dramatically following a government directive urging the Japanese people to stock up on the commodity. More than 40% of the nation's toilet paper supply comes from a high-risk earthquake zone, which was the reason for the government’s directive. Sales of loo rolls in Japan are continuing to rise despite the fact that 70% of households have a toilet with a built-in bidet. Shortages were also reported by the police at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. Police had to rely on members of the public to bring toilet paper in to them after Brazil’s economy shrank and money for essentials ran out. The police eventually staged a protest ahead of the games about their poor working conditions with toilet paper shortages, non-functioning loos and the absence of cleaners at the top of their list. It is therefore clear that most people in the western world regard toilet paper to be one of life’s essentials and as a result they react badly when it runs out. So it is hard to believe that it has only been around for just over 150 years. Before that, a common alternative would be the daily newspaper cut into sheets and threaded on to a piece of string. But paper itself is a relatively new invention and in the more distant past, people tended to use whatever came to hand. Vikings in Britain used sheep’s wool for example, while Americans resorted to corn cobs. Coconut shells were the implement of choice for the Hawaiians, while the Inuits used tundra moss and snow. Purpose-made toilet paper was first produced commercially in 1857 by American Joseph Cayetty who began producing it in packs of 500 sheets with his name printed on each sheet. Toilet ‘rolls’ were first produced around 30 years later but the first mass-produced paper was so coarse to the touch that it was not uncommon to find wood splinters in early versions. In fact hard, shiny toilet paper rolls were com-

monly found in Britain’s washrooms until as recently as the 1960s. But by this time, 2-ply toilet tissue had been invented and soft toilet paper was also widely in use. While the importance of toilet paper is undisputed, human error means that shortages can still occur - as the Virgin Trains incident demonstrates. However, today’s toilet paper systems help to address these issues and make it less likely that the public will experience a break in their supply. Dispensers such as the Tork SmartOne unit, designed for everyday use in high capacity washrooms, features a robust centre-pull design that delivers one sheet at a time. This naturally reduces consumption and ensures a longer-lasting supply. Other systems such as the Tork Twin Mid-Size Toilet Paper Dispenser for ‘Washroom Plus’ facilities allow a second roll to be dropped in at the cleaner’s convenience. This helps prevent the problem of toilet paper running out between maintenance checks. And Tork Folded Toilet Paper help to prevent supplies running out since the unit can be topped up at any time. All Tork toilet paper dispensers are lockable to prevent contamination or pilferage, both issues that can lead to paper running out. And in order to prevent paper run-outs in environments that receive high or fluctuating levels of traffic, we at SCA have come up with Tork EasyCube. This links a smartphone app with ‘connected’ dispensers and enables cleaners to check via their phones when supplies are running low in any one cubicle. This makes refilling a much more streamlined process and ensures that empty toilet paper dispensers become a thing of the past. The humble loo roll may not be among the top inventions of all time. But since its relatively recent arrival it has become one of the most essential products in our western culture - and one we would definitely rather not be without. Smart washroom dispensers and connected systems make it much less likely that we will find ourselves at some point in the future tweeting our paperless predicament from a train.

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LooBlade spearheads washroom range

A ‘hollow-point’ head feature also helps act as a plunger to clear blockages, and the unique holder design allows for free air flow to ensure no residual water collects. The anti-microbial properties of the blades mean that germs are killed outright, so there is no need to use bleach to disinfect it. In addition, the clog-free nature of LooBlade means that the multiple flushes often used to attempt to clean a brush are no longer necessary. Alastair Scott continued: “The traditional toilet brush is a fundamentally flawed design. They don’t clean efficiently, they clog-up easily, they drip everywhere and their use results in excessive use of cleaning chemicals and water, and ultimately people hate the sight of them! LooBlade offers a modern, stylish and highly effective alternative to traditional brush cleaners and will appeal to a variety of users from offices and commercial premises through to hotels, clubs and hi-end catering establishments.” Meeting demand... and legislation

The Robert Scott range of specialist washroom cleaning equipment is tailored to meet the needs of washroom facilities of all sizes and includes hand driers, air fresheners, soap dispensers, baby changing stations, and a number of new and innovative products including a contemporary, unique replacement for the conventional toilet brush the LooBlade. The Robert Scott range offers one of the most comprehensive selections of washroom products designed to provide spotless, well equipped washroom facilities across the commercial, healthcare and public sectors. Sales and marketing director, Alastair Scott, said: “The importance now placed on the cleanliness and quality of equipment in washrooms across both the public and commercial sectors is highlighted - not only by the need for huge improvements in helping to stop the spread of harmful bacteria - but also to satisfy the demand from both staff and visitors...who, more often than not, judge the overall cleanliness of a business or organisation’s premises on the state of the washrooms. Our approach to providing new and innovative products to our washroom range is perfectly demonstrated by the introduction of LooBlade, a revolutionary product designed to replace the traditional toilet brush. LooBlade is a germ-killing, quick-drying reinvention for cleaning toilets which uses an 8-blade silicone head to enhance cleaning power. In the UK, Robert Scott is the sole supplier of LooBlade to the professional janitorial sector.”

“Our approach to providing new products to our washroom range is perfectly demonstrated by the introduction of LooBlade, a revolutionary product designed to replace the traditional toilet brush.”

The design of LooBlade is centred on the invention of a new technology called SwipeClean, which replaces the classic brush bristles with an 8-blade silicone cleaning head that maintains a continuous contact with the surface to swipe it clean. LooBlade does not get clogged up like the bristles of a brush, and has hydrophobic properties that sheds water and dries quickly. It reaches under the rim with ease, and contains an anti-microbial additive that helps kill 99.9% of germs, both during and after cleaning.

The new British code of practice for public toilets now recommends that there should be baby changing facilities in all main public toilets - male and female. This includes everywhere from hospitals and commercial premises through to shopping centres, transport terminals and leisure facilities. Robert Scott’s new baby changer range offers an ergonomic, stylish horizontal baby changing station which incorporates Microban antimicrobial protection and features a gas spring mechanism allowing for easy opening - even with a baby in arm. Made from high density polyethylene these changing stations have a child safety strap to ensure easy and safe use as well as a built in linear cavity with two bag hooks and easy to follow pictorial usage instructions. If space is an issue, Robert Scott’s vertical changing station is the ideal solution to this problem as it can be positioned in the cubicle above the toilet, thus saving space and giving the adult privacy. Alastair Scott said: “Our baby changers offer both mums and dads an innovate alternative to out-dated baby changing tables where parents face a struggle with tiny arms and legs flying all over the place and the danger of baby rolling off the table altogether. Either vertically or horizontally mounted, our tables are easy to use, simple to fold down and, most important of all, accessible even in the smallest of washrooms.”

There’s a Whisper going round the Cleaning Show... Whisper, a new premium tissue range from Northwood Hygiene, will be showcased on stand D1 at the Cleaning Show. Whether it’s for washrooms, hotel rooms, leisure facilities, the care sector, or indeed anywhere where the expectation of quality is high, the Whisper range is one to consider. Whisper Gold is a 3ply toilet tissue of exceptional softness due to a combination of a high quality pure pulp base sheet which has been micro embossed and laminated. Sophisticated and 38 l MARCH 2017 l

discerning clients of quality hotels, leisure facilities and restaurants expect that quality to be in evidence in every aspect of the operation. Whisper Gold, discreet, soft and strong, will not disappoint. But there is more to the new range than Whisper Gold and the slightly smaller Whisper Ultra. 2ply variants such as Whisper Silver and Whisper Soft mean that the range is capable of delivering cost effective quality toilet tissue to a whole range of washrooms. Need flat pack tissue? No problem. A

self-presenting contemporary styled box of tissues is part of the range, as is a ‘pillar wrap’ option with 320 sheets that requires reduced maintenance supervision. Superior soft feel facial tissues from standard size to cubed and larger sheets are all designed for use in the healthcare, hotel and beauty sectors. Finally - for now at least - there is the Whisper Kitchen Towel. Come and see the complete range on stand D1.

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Time to smell the coffee? Apparently a survey of 7000 young people around the world showed that about half of those between the age of 16 and 30 would rather lose their sense of smell than give up access to their laptops or mobile phones. When you consider the odours coming from many washrooms, you may not blame them, but Dave Carson from P-Wave says it doesn’t have to be that way.

The idea of giving up the sense of smell may seem like no great sacrifice when faced with unpleasant odours, but imagine never smelling freshly baked bread, brewed coffee or - with apologies to the vegetarians out there - frying bacon again. It doesn’t bear thinking about! Smell plays such an important part in our life, whether evoking memories or warning of danger, so not to appreciate its benefits is a real shame. When it comes to washrooms, the solutions for eradicating bad smells are increasingly effective, long lasting and eco-friendly. As many involved in the cleaning industry

Screens trap bits of tissue, chewing gum or any other debris that might otherwise block pipes - another source of unpleasant odours. The best screens will contain pleasant, lasting aromas, and make a major difference to the washroom environment.

will know, the main cause of bad smells in washrooms is urine from splashback, bacteria in a blocked drain or just plain carelessness. The situation is improved through regular cleaning, but if a washroom doesn’t smell right people will judge it to be unclean anyway. Air fresheners can improve the atmosphere, but the best way to beat bad odours is to tackle them at source. The main area to take on is generally the gents toilets and things have moved a long way from just dropping a scented blue block into urinals and hoping for the best. 95% of splash back can now be prevented thanks to the protrusions on urinal and trough

screens. This means urine is kept off the floor and grouting where it would soak in and cause a bad smell. The screens also trap bits of tissue, chewing gum or any other debris that might otherwise block pipes - another source of unpleasant odours. The best screens will contain pleasant, lasting aromas, and make a major difference to the washroom environment. Taking on the bad odours doesn’t have to mean resorting to harsh chemicals. Odour controlling ‘good’ bacteria in products can eliminate the smelly ‘bad’ bacteria which feeds on urine far more effectively and in a more environmentally friendly fashion. The screens can also be 100% recyclable and low in toxins such as VOCs. It’s easy to think any old product will do the job, but getting it right in the washroom impacts on the overall impression of your premises. Make sure you pick the right solution for the task in hand - whether urinal, trough or toilet bowl. It’s also worth bearing in mind that paying that bit extra for quality can soon bring its rewards. Superior screens will give a powerful air freshener, as well a controlling splash back and bad bacteria in the drain all at once - with no need to buy separate products. It can last a month and reduce the overall cost and the time spent cleaning in the washroom. A pleasantly scented washroom may not be enough to persuade young people that their sense of smell is more important than their technology, but surely it means they’re more likely to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’.

Some ‘handy’ hygiene advice healthcare and food service, for example, it Hand hygiene is one of the principal funcThe link is central to the organisation’s ability to tions of a washroom. While the cleanlibetween hand hygiene protect those under its care whether ness of the facility itself is rightly and the spread of infections patients, visitors, guests or staff. important to washroom users the is established and widely To maintain high levels of compliability to wash their hands is vital. understood by the public. The majority, ance, hand hygiene needs to be People expect simple and effecbut sadly not all, practise good hygiene simple and accessible. Diversey tive products to be available at as a matter of routine, such as after Care offers products, training all times. Diversey Care meets visiting the toilet. Alongside this, research and expertise to support hand these demands with its Soft commissioned by Diversey Care has hygiene in facilities around the Care range. previously shown that the state of the world. The company’s Soft Care The link between hand hywashroom is taken into account by the range, for example, includes giene and the spread of infecmajority of visitors to restaurants. soaps and hand-washes for regutions is established and widely Hand washing facilities are part of lar washroom applications that are understood by the public. The mathis and it is not difficult to formulated to be effective and ecojority, but sadly not all, practise imagine similar nomical while being gentle and pleasgood hygiene as a matter of routine, outcomes in other ant to use. such as after visiting the toilet. Alongsectors. The range includes formulations for apside this, research commissioned by Diplications where hand disinfection is reversey Care has previously shown that the quired. Soft Care Des E H5, for example, is state of the washroom is taken into aca hand-rub disinfectant with a unique blend count by the majority of visitors to restauof ethanol and moisturisers. It is ideal for rants. Hand washing facilities are part of healthcare but also provides excellent prothis and it is not difficult to imagine similar tection in any kind of setting against outcomes in other sectors. It follows that norovirus, E.coli, influenza, rotavirus, hepaensuring availability of hand hygiene prodtitis B, HIV, MRSA and many other common ucts encourages the usage that is vital to infections. preventing infections. It also enhances Soft Care Sensisept H34 is a skin disinperceptions of the organisations. fectant and cleaner that delivers infection While hand hygiene should be a matter prevention performance including a skin of routine in daily life there are some setconditioner with a patented combination of tings where it is even more important. In 40 l MARCH 2017 l

anti-microbial agents and surfactants which ensures it meets the four principal European CEN norms (EN1040, EN12054, EN1276, EN1499) on disinfection. The frequency of hand washing involved in many settings can lead to the natural oils and fats in the skin being removed which can lead to an increased risk of dermatitis. To avoid this, Diversey Care recommends regular use of a reconditioning moisturiser cream to replace these oils and fats. Some of its hand hygiene products, including Soft Care Sensisept, Soft Care Plus Pure, and Soft Care Dermasoft, are specifically formulated to be gentle during frequent use and incorporate moisturisers for additional protection. Formulations without perfumes are ideal for food service because they avoid the risk of food becoming tainted. Soft Care products are available in a variety of soaps, liquids and foams to meet varied application needs. Diversey Care offers a variety of wall-mounted and portable dispensers designed for ease-ofuse to promote hand hygiene compliance. Many Soft Care products are available in pouches and cartridges that are quickly exchanged in the dispenser to ensure ongoing availability to washroom users.


Getting up to speed on polishing Rotary polishers and burnishers have valuable and varied capabilities. Choosing the right machine comes down mainly to speed, says Gordon McVean, international sales and marketing director at Truvox International. But buyers need to take time over their decision to get the right match for their needs. As another day dawns it’s satisfying to see a gleaming floor ready to greet the first wave of office workers or customers. But like the shine, the facilitiy manager’s glow of satisfaction will soon fade unless the cleaning team is set up to produce a polished performance day in, day out, consistently and efficiently. It’s mainly down to speed - not just of the actual floor cleaning and polishing operation, but also of the rotary machine chosen for the job. Choosing the right machine for hard floors involves making some important distinctions between buffing and burnishing, between maintenance tasks and finishing, and between multi-use and specialisation. Depending on the size of the floor areas to be maintained, some cleaning teams may employ a mix of machines. In smaller facilities, a compromise may need to be struck. But in either case, it’s important to weigh the specific requirements of the building and the different capabilities of burnishing and polishing machines. Highspeed rotaries are designed to produce a sparkling, high sheen, rapidly and efficiently. What their lower-speed counterparts lack in finishing finesse, they can make up for in versatility - with capabilities ranging from stripping floors and sanding wood, to scrubbing, while also buffing up floors to a passable shine. So what are the features to look for in a rotary, and what are their advantages? These are best explained with some examples. Top of the list, for a high-speed rotary, is a powerful motor for high productivity as well as burnishing performance. But if an operator is to sustain that performance, particularly on a When long shift, the machine matching machines must also be well balanced and easy to to cleaning needs, other handle. The Orbis features such as range of rotaries made by Truvox International manoeuvrability need to be is also designed with taken into account. For a centre wheel to aid manoeuvrability and example, the layout or size up-to-the-edge of rooms may dictate burnishing. Other important features the choice of a compact, include a floating pad lightweight drive that adjusts for uneven floors, a tough vacuum machine. skirt to contain and suck up all 42 l MARCH 2017 l

dust, and build quality to ensure robustness and long-term performance. A high-speed rotary may be a specialist machine but it can polish a wide variety of floor types, when fitted with the appropriate brushes or pads. The high-speed Orbis UHS 1500 Folding Handle (which has an operating speed of 1500rpm) polishes stone, granite, marble, terrazzo, vinyl, and PVC, as well as concrete, terracotta, quarry tiles, safety floors, and raised rubber. Where noise or trip risk is a concern, for example in daytime cleaning, the Orbis UHS cordless burnisher allows quiet oper-

ation, at just 56.6 decibels. A single charge of its maintenance-free gel batteries will power up to two hours’ non-stop burnishing. When hard floors are prone to heavy soiling and impacted dirt, burnishing with a high-speed rotary tends not to be the most efficient and effective option. This is where the utility of low-speed rotary machines becomes a key selling point. A lower-speed rotary can spray and scrub, clean aggressively, and maintain or even renovate hard floors. It can also polish or buff (but not to the same high standard of finish as the speedier machines). And where carpet maintenance is also required, the same machine can be used to shampoo and bonnet mop. When matching machines to cleaning needs, other features such as manoeuvrability need to be taken into account. For example, the layout or size of rooms may dictate the choice of a compact, lightweight machine. The Orbis Compact has a low profile and is easy to handle. Operating at 240rpm, it scrubs floors with minimal noise disturbance. It is also a highly effective carpet cleaner when used with the appropriate brush and lowmoisture encapsulation chemicals. Before plumping for a particular model, specifiers would be well advised to consult their supplier on the various permutations available. For example, some rotaries can be adapted for additional cleaning tasks. The Orbis 200, which has a slightly lower operating speed, is ideal for carpet shampooing and bonnet mopping as well as cleaning and scrubbing hard floors. Adding an 8kg weight kit and heavy-duty brushes rapidly converts this machine (as the Orbis 200HD) for aggressive cleaning and wet scrubbing of vinyl, ceramic tiles, and concrete. Other features to check for are low vibration and noise. The option to fit a spray kit is also useful as it speeds up the cleaning of hard floors. This kit is easily added to any Orbis rotary via a simple bracket and Velcro attachment. The operator manually controls the solution sprayed from the unit’s pressurised bottle. In certain situations the same machine may be required to tackle more intensive maintenance as well as daily light cleaning duties. The buyer’s dilemma is easily resolved with a dual-speed machine. The Orbis Duo Low Profile is designed to operate at 190rpm for heavy-duty and mediumduty stripping and scrubbing. Doubling its speed to 380rpm, the rotary is ideal for spray cleaning and polishing. So make sure your supplier is up to speed on the options available and take your time to choose the right rotary for your needs.


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NEW FEATURES ANNOUNCED FOR 2017 The Management Systems Zone - A new technology zone will be unveiled at the Cleaning Show 2017 and will comprise of a number of different products. The types

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• Your Tool Kit of the Future

of technology included will be focused on promoting an effective workforce and financial control systems. The Green Zone - Visitors to the Cleaning Show are increasingly looking for environmentally friendly products. This area will showcase a range of different companies, all focused on promoting an environmentally sensitive cleaning practices.




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Agua Smart wet cleaning system launched Girbau UK has launched Agua Smart, its complete professional wet cleaning system for dry cleaners, laundry businesses and hoteliers. Agua Smart comprises all the equipment needed to start a wet cleaning service including expertly formulated spotters, high tech washers and driers, biodegradable detergents, and specialist finishing equipment. “There is a growing desire to offer customers more environmentally-sensitive cleaning options and wet cleaning is the green alternative to the traditional dry cleaning process,” said Peter Marsh, managing director of Girbau

UK. “Agua Smart wet cleaning offers better quality cleaning of watersoluble stains and odours and is ideal for 90% of articles that are normally dry cleaned. It is particularly good for wedding dresses, sequined and other delicate fabrics, leather coats, suede items, and footwear such as trainers and UGG boots.” The new Agua Smart system comprises a full range of

wet cleaning finishing and pre-treatment detergents from Ideal Manufacturing and equipment including washers and driers, spotting tables, steam generators, finishing tables, presses, garment formers, trouser toppers, and shirt machinery. The finishing equipment ensures garments have the correct amount of tension to provide customers with excellent finished results.

Philip Kalli, managing director of Ideal Manufacturing, said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with our friends at Girbau to produce a simple, eco-friendly, transparent and fairly priced wet cleaning solution. Like us, Girbau is a proud, familyowned manufacturer with a strong history of innovation, expertise and experience in the professional laundry industry. Together, through extensive development and a lengthy period of field testing in the UK, we have perfected complementary products for the Agua Smart wet cleaning machine.”

CHSA introduces new Accreditation Scheme for Distributors The Cleaning and Hygiene Suppliers Association (CHSA) is adding to its three Manufacturing Standards Accreditation Schemes with the launch of a new Accreditation Scheme for Distributors. The scheme went live on 1 January 2017, with all distributor members of the CHSA being invited to apply to join. “Our focus is always on driving up standards in the industry - our existing Manufacturing Standards Accreditation Schemes are

widely recognised as already having done so,” said Mike Stubbs, chairman of the Accreditation Scheme panels and vice president of the CHSA. “The increasing number of buyers of cleaning and hygiene products specifying our schemes in their tenders provides evidence for this. Establishing an Accreditation Scheme for distributors is a natural next step. We’re delighted to be able to give our distributor members the opportunity to apply for a marque that will signal their

commitment to supplying product that can be relied upon to meet the scheme standards and the CHSA Code of Practice.” As with the Manufacturing Standards Accreditation Scheme, applicants will be admitted to the scheme on the successful completion of an auditing process conducted by the CHSA’s independent inspector, Martin Yates. Once they have successfully passed the audit and secured Accreditation Scheme status they will con-

tinue to be monitored periodically with a minimum of two audits each year, giving buyers of their products the certainty that standards are sustained. To join, distributors must also sign a declaration that they will only stock and offer for sale CHSA accredited products or products that conform to the same standards as required by the relevant CHSA Manufacturing Standards Accreditation Scheme.

Ultra-thin chemical resistant disposable gloves Ansell, a leader in protection solutions, has introduced Microflex 93-260, claimed to be the thinnest chemical resistant, single use gloves available on the market today. This solution offers tough protection against a broad range of chemicals, while still providing the dexterity and tactility of a thin, disposable glove. Traditional disposable gloves are designed to pro-

vide protection against chemicals for only short periods of time, while chemical gloves typically have a thicker, sturdier design for longer lasting protection. The new Microflex 93-260 is a thin, disposable glove designed to offer higher levels of protection against chemicals for longer periods of time than ordinary single use gloves. The glove achieves this through an innovative

three-layer design that resists a wide range of aggressive chemicals. Its exterior nitrile layer delivers maximum protection against several organic solvents, while the soft neoprene middle layer provides acid and base resistance. A final interior layer provides a continual dry feel, while also easing the putting on and removing process. The glove is just 0.19mm thick, so it offers this

protection while also providing tactility and dexterity. Joe Kubicek, president of the Ansell Single Use Global Business Unit, said: “As the thinnest chemical resistant, single use glove available, the new Microflex 93-260 offers the resistance against harsh chemicals that workers need, with the comfort, fit and feel they need to be more productive.”

Published by Quartz Business Media Quartz House 20 Clarendon Road Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1QX Tel: 01737 855086

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ESTABLISHED SINCE 1953 AND ALWAYS REACHING YOUR RIGHT AUDIENCE Cleaning and Maintenance - the official publication to The Cleaning Show and the only magazine handed out at the entrance to The Cleaning Show - delivered to in excess of 10,000 hard copy readers and reaching in excess of 26,000 digital readers - the biggest read within the cleaning & support services sector

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ESTABLISHED SINCE 1953 AND ALWAYS REACHING YOUR RIGHT AUDIENCE Cleaning and Maintenance - the official publication to The Cleaning Show and the only magazine handed out at the entrance to The Cleaning Show - delivered to in excess of 10,000 hard copy readers and reaching in excess of 26,000 digital readers - the biggest read within the cleaning & support services sector


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