Career Navigator

Whether you’re a returning student or completely new to Queen’s – Welcome! Our team are committed to supporting you progress into your dream careers. We can help provide guidance, skills development, networking, global opportunities and much more. We look forward in supporting you to
We’reheretogive youthebeststartin yourcareerjourney. Realise Your Potential.
Focus on Australia, Canada and the US International Opportunities for International Students
ort-Term Mobility: ationalise Your Studies
Fund Your Global Experience: Explore The Financial Help That’s At Hand
Over 700 studentsfound their adventure at the Go Global Fair!
Study USA Information Session
Study And Work In Europe A Simple Guide
What I Learnt From My International Experience
The Future-Ready Award is an employability award that allows you to gain formal recognition and a certificate for the extracurricular experience you gain during your time at Queen’s. The award enables you to articulate your learning and signals to employers that you have developed essential skills required to succeed in the workplace and is open to all Queen’s undergraduate and postgraduate students. We have over 100 accredited activities available to search on our activity search tool. These include extracurricular work experiences, community and voluntary work, global opportunities to work or study abroad, as well as early professional development activities.
There are three different ways to achieve the award:
1. You can complete a single route activity from the pre-approved list and be automatically recommended for the award on completion of the activity.
2. Compete 2 or more activities from the combined route activity list, totalling 30+ hours, then follow the steps in MyFuture to apply.
3. Under the Work Experience Route, you can apply by evidencing 50+ hours of self-organised, career relevant work. Upon completion of either Single Route, Combined Route or Work Experience Route, your Future-Ready Award certificate will be presented at your graduation Postgraduate Students can also visit the Future-Ready Award Postgraduate webpage.
The application windows for the Future-Ready Award Combined Route and Work Experience Routes are:
From 10 July to midnight on 01 November
From 20 December to midnight on 01 March
These deadline dates remain the same for each academic year. You can apply in either window at anytime prior to your graduation Applications are through a step-by-step pathway in our Careers management tool MyFuture - use your Queen's login details to log on to apply.
Visit the website for further information and a list of Future-Ready Award activities
If your school has agreed to participate, you will see a module on Canvas that is named “Future Ready Skills Course”. Here are some things you should know about it:
It’s 100% online, learn at your own pace, non-CATS Canvas course designed to develop employability skills for undergraduate students in specific schools
The course will not appear on your university transcript Students who complete the course will receive a Future Ready Skills Course Certificate in addition to their degree at graduation. Students have their entire time as an undergraduate to complete the course. There are no deadlines for assignments and students are free to choose how much of the course they complete. Students can access the course all year round.
I heard something about Prizes, what’s this about?
Completing specific module or combinations of modules unlocks enter Prize Draws. Prizes include; Free Utrecht Summer School places, Free QUB Language Courses, Funded ICDL Courses, Virtual Internships, Work Shadowing Opportunities, 12 month Interaction Design Foundation subscriptions
Check out the Course Information page on your school’s version of the course for full details
Are there assignments?
·The course contains a variety of assignments including; skills self-assessments, reflective skills assignments, job interview question responses, short answer quizzes & CV submissions. Assignment lengths vary from 50 – 150 words.
·There are no grades, assignments are marked as either complete / incomplete with accompanying feedback
How long will it take to complete the course?
Completing the course takes 25 – 30 hours, which equates to only 5 hours per semester over a 3 year degree.
Check out the Prizes page in your school’s version of the course for full details.
“Asaninternationalstudent,I didn't know how to enhance myskillsatfirst,especiallyin relation to my future career. This module is good for givingmeaclearguide.”
“I really enjoyed the personal reflection aspects of the module as this forced me to assess my progressandskillsdevelopment. This course also encouraged me to reflect on scenarios that I coulduseinfutureinterviews.”
Utrecht Summer School Place Winner
The Future Ready Skills Course is designed around the Future Ready Skills which are aligned to Pearson’s Future of Skills, the OECD Learning Compass 2030 and Kingston University’s Future Skills research. They are:
Effective Learning
Digital Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Career Management Skills
Enterprise Skills: Initiative, Innovation & Creativity.
Commercial / Sectoral Awareness
Social & Cultural Awareness
Growth Mindset
In the course you’ll find lots of useful information including a full section on Career Management Skills which will help you to think about your future plans and the gaps that you might have. And it’s tailored specifically to your school.
In careers we pride ourselves in supporting as many students as possible and pride ourselves in the help we can give to guide students in starting their career journey and realising their potential. Thank you for your feedback! We love to hear your comments so please contact should you wish to feature in our next issue.
Using the Queen’s Careers services was easy and helpful. In my final year, I had several one-on-one chats with Carmel, a great career consultant She gave me advice on various topics, like how to format my CV and write cover letters. The most helpful advice was about how to break into the NGO and community development field. We talked about which organizations to approach to get started.
These career sessions really helped me grow personally and professionally I became more confident about my career goals and my ability to pursue them. Since meeting with Careers Services, I’ve worked with two youth-focused community reconciliation organisations in Belfast, completed an internship with the Washington Ireland Program, and landed a full-time role as a Youth Development Lead with the Prince’s Trust.
Mary recommends our career consultant Carmel