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The subject matter that we are dealing with now has surprising the reader with the knowledge of his surname ‌ It is the environment to the Pharaohs ‌ Do you knew Pharaohs environment comprehensive concept and had sought protection and development ‌ This is quite unlikely community ancient Egyptian primitive society and even if its indicators to use the scientific method in his life, it is far from the knowledge of the environment and the protection and development that is what will come to the mind of the reader at first glance was supported by another deepened in the study of Egyptology, but what is the evidence. We must start the definition of the environment. It is the framework in which man lives and get him on his opponents of

food, clothing, shelter and medicine and practiced the social relationships with fellow human beings of any components of the center, which interacts with human influential and influenced him to live in a comfortable physiologically and psychologically. And the environment .. entity and clearcut, dimensions and has all the characteristics of systems and standards ... they are the pillars of a system consisting of water, air, land, energy and the living creatures group. And incompatibility between man and the environment means the elimination of the human race but influenced and his response to the environment and the rational exploitation because of the components and the possibilities of their own destiny and be the extent of his

success in the arena of life. And the environments are also several systems. Desert ecosystem. Popular area ecosystem, the forest ecosystem. Cultivated land ecosystem, aquatic ecosystem areas, freshwater environments, salt water environments. Air ecosystem. And now you know the ancient Egyptians home components and systems ... There is no doubt they are clearly visible every nuance included ancient Egyptian environment - those elements. Let's start with the agricultural environment since Ancient Egypt was an agricultural society in the first place and they are known invented agriculture. And their crops, which they knew cereals, pulses and fodder. And plants and oil plants dyeing and tanning and fiber plants and horticultural crops such as fruit and

vegetables, as well as different kinds of trees, gardens and flowers, as well as medicinal and aromatic plants. As invented machinery and tools for agriculture, as well as machines and tools for irrigation and invented a calendar for agriculture and they created the Ministry of Agriculture for attention. I have known the ancient soil renewable resource of the environment resource can be invested in the production of a variety of agricultural crops ... but they realized that the cultivation of one type of crops and constantly consecutive seasons or not to follow the agricultural cycles or failure to regulate fertilizers and irrigation water ... and other such practices lead to soil exhaustion and corruption. A manifestation of the preservation of the environment.

But the reality is that when a piece of land is cultivated it actually creates an integrated system environmentally Obtaining food is the first demand of the organism. There are very many of the mammals, birds, rodents and insects and other dependent in the first place on the plants for their food. And participation rights in strength but not them dispense with it is not a life without cultivation. Earth environment that encourages life to the maximum degree and create many kinds. As the conditions of neighborhoods is very much like those found in the discharge devices. Accordingly, agricultural life were not easy accessible in the past: Flood happens then receding waters and then preparing the ground, plowing and name and seeded then maturity and harvest. And so on.

Agriculture and agricultural lands are only the scene of one of the performed food chains role To review a letter addressed to a former peasant and governors complaining of years in what happened to the cultivation of heavy losses ... and says the text: The worm ate half the crop and a hippo and the other half was in many voles ...... and I got the swarms of locusts ate. The sheep ate them the birds also stolen. Also found on papyrus by the publication royal read it: The worm that ate most of the crop because of their negligence in the resistance. They must make an effort in order to control and mitigation. And locusts and gravity in a rich definition, especially for agriculture ... was

the ancient compare Locust with a lion's head and in the Berlin Museum there are models of locust blue porcelain from the modern Kingdome, see where the head of a lion Locust. For mice strongest damage to agricultural crops and gerbils is especially cereals, pulses, lends wood, ropes, bags of grain and other diseases as it shifts, one mouse moves seventy disease. It also flies from disease-carrying insects and was spread to a large degree in ancient Egypt and many species and help to transfer all of conjunctivitis and other incurable diseases. And help to transfer blindness disease because of what is transmitted by legged flies to faces of unfamiliar with hygiene and leads to death.

And mosquitoes: he was also widespread and more spread in the vicinity of the swamps and lakes and water resources authorities. Herodotus said that the people of those areas were taking care of making their buildings are too high to be of high layers of air ... pure ... far from the volatilization of this insect. "Malaria", which are more common in the southern and central regions of the Nile Basin diseases. Carried by mosquitoes. Now what the ancients do to stave off such risks and epidemics from their home ... and is limited to those risks and epidemics on those kinds of insects. As the food is the first requirement of the organism ... there is no doubt that the agricultural environment served as a source of attraction for many of the objects and creatures that do not different

that she were not the same as those organisms that live in the current agricultural environment. In contrast, it was necessary for the ancient attention to agricultural development. Where the axis of the system they integrated environmental and him, we can say that they had extensive studies of the components of their environment to exploit them to their advantage, similar to our modern studies. Including the study of ornithology as part of nature and the environment wholesome agricultural community and can confirm that they excelled in it like other sciences birds can be divided depending on the food habit into four main groups. Carnivorous plants and eat insects, carnivorous and multilateral food.

The main divided these birds that can be said about it as a defense system against the dangers of general environment. Because it is permeates in all environments. And birds, in fact, of the most important natural factors that kill insects on a grand scale and is working to control the spread of bird ... These birds navigate many diseases. It is now known that there is any group of insects do not attract them one kind or more of the birds that feed on them. Laws have been issued in many countries to protect these birds, such as the prohibition of hunting absolutely. That in some seasons, at least until a full opportunity to do a natural role in insect resistance and to review some bird species known to the ancient Egyptians and found mummified or appeared between

inscriptions or taken mascots represent or appeared between vehemence hieroglyphics.

IBIS: The types of the ancients knew: - SACRED IBIS: It has appeared on one of the walls of the tombs of Bine Hassan as he was found mummified. - HERMIT IBIS: Has emerged between the vehemence hieroglyphics. - CLOSSY IBIS: he was found mummified.

HERON: The types of the ancients knew: - GREY HERON: And found that it represents one of the walls of the tombs of Thebes.

- HIGHT HERON: And found that it represents one of the walls of the tombs of Bine Hassan.

WAGATILL: Taken this bird mascots.

HOOPE: Also it appeared on the walls of the tombs of Beni Hassan from the Middle Kingdom ... is also used in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics language as one of the signs. Image of this bird has appeared has grabbed its wings on the walls of a temple Ramesseum Thebes from the modern Kingdome.

VULTURE The types of the ancients knew: - SOCIABLE VULTURE: it was found mummified. - GRIFFON VULTURE: it was found mummified, Also it appeared among in their signals hieroglyphics. - EGYPIAN VULTURE: it was found mummified, Also it appeared among in their signals hieroglyphics.

FALCON The types of the ancients knew: -

HONEY BUZZARD: it was found mummified.


DESERT BUZZARD: it was found mummified. LONG BUZZARD: it was found mummified. Lanarius Falcon: it was found mummified. BARBARY Falcon: it was found mummified. Red neck falcon: it was found mummified. HOBBY FALCON: it was found mummified. SAKER FALCON: it was found mummified. RED FOOTEL FALCON: it was found mummified. MARSH HARRIER: it was found mummified. HEN HARRIER: it was found mummified.


MONTAGUS'S HARRIER: it was found mummified. PALTO HARRIER: it was found mummified. LESSER KESTREL: it was found mummified. KESTREL: it was found mummified. SPARROW HAWK: it was found mummified. CHANTING GAS HAWK: it was found mummified. OSPRY: it was found mummified. Merlin: it was found mummified.

EAGLE: The types of the ancients knew: -

HORT Toed EAGLE: it was found mummified.


IMPERIAL EAGLE: it was found mummified. SPOTTED EAGLE: it was found mummified. Booted EAGLE: it was found mummified. WHITE TATLED EAGLE: it was found mummified.

OWL: The types of the ancients knew: -


BARN OWL: it was found mummified, Also it appeared among in their signals hieroglyphics. EAGLE OWL: it was found mummified. SCOPS OWL: it was found mummified.


LONG EARD OWL: it was found mummified.

KITE: The types of the ancients knew: -

EGYPTIAN KITE: it was found mummified. RED KITE: it was found mummified. BIK-sh-KITE: it was found mummified.

CROW: Historian "Eliane" said the crows Cemetery They see near Lake Qarun in Fayoum.

SHRIKE: The types of the ancients knew: - RED BACKED SHRIKE: Appeared on one of the walls of the tombs of Beni Hassan. - MOSKED SHRIKE: Appeared on one of the walls of the tombs of Beni Hassan. - COMMON COCKO: it was found mummified.

ROLLER: - It was found mummified.

LAPWING: He stated that he was known in the days of the old state. And tested to occupy his place among the their signals hieroglyphic this bird has appeared between the walls of the tombs MIDOM inscriptions of the Old Kingdom also said that the image of this bird found on all the walls of temples almost ... Within hieroglyphic signs and that was on the walls.

STONE CURLEW: - It was found mummified.







vehemence hieroglyphics. - Spoon BILL: It has found its forms his decree. Primitive way in some graves Qurna. Also found on the inscriptions on the one posed by the walls of the cemetery, "Ptah - Hotep" Beni Hassan.

- SHOE BILL: The contained image of the bird on the walls of the tomb of a "Ti" at Saqqara from the Fifth Dynasty.

- FLAKTH GO: This bird has appeared on one of the walls of the tombs of Meidum accurately decree and nicely detailed.

GRANE: This bird appeared on the walls of the tombs of "Ti" at Saqqara it is fed by hand and the ancients knew of it: - GRAY GRANE: It appeared on the walls of the tomb of a "Ti" at Saqqara.

- DEMOISSLLE GRANE: It appeared on the walls of the tomb of a "Ti" at Saqqara.







vehemence hieroglyphics. It also found a picture in the swamps views. The ancients knew of types:


LITTLE EGRET: Found in El Der al bahary.


BUFF- BACKED EGRET: found in Bani Hassen.

PELICAN: He appeared on one of the walls of the tomb, "Mraowika" at Saqqara of the Sixth Dynasty and I found a complete picture this bird in a swampy. Also found in large swarms him painted on the walls of the other tombs, especially in Thebes. - SENSGALHUS SAHD GROUSE: It was found mummified. - GALLTNULE: It has appeared on the walls of tombs Beni Hassan, and of the middle kingdom. On the walls of one of tombs Meidum.

Birds crocodile: SFUR WINGED PLOVER: He was found on the walls of the tomb of "Ti" at Saqqara


KING FISHER: It has appeared

on the walls of tomb a "Ti" at Saqqara. - PYGKY: On the walls of tomb "Ti" at Saqqara



inscriptions represent this bird also said that the image of this bird contained on the walls of the cemetery of Bani Hassan from the Middle Kingdom. - CORKORANT: This bird has appeared between their signals hieroglyphics. This bird also appeared on the walls of tomb

"Ti" at Saqqara and one of the walls of the tombs Beni Hassan. - LITTLE





appeared on the walls of tomb a "Ti" at Saqqara from the Fifth Dynasty. - AVOCHT: This bird has appeared on one of the walls of tombs Al Barsha.

DUCKS: The ancients knew of the kinds: - COMMON SHELDUCK: Appeared on the walls of a "Thoti - Hotep" tomb in Al Barsha.

- TEAL: Was found mummified also appeared on one of the walls of tombs Al Barsha. - MALLARD: Appeared on one of the walls of tombs Al Barsha. - PINTALL: Appeared between signals hieroglyphics. - WIGEON: It appeared on the walls of a tomb, "Ra - Hotep" in Meidum. - POCHARD: Appeared on one of the walls of tombs Al Barsha. - TUFTED DUCK: Appeared on one of the walls of tombs "Ti" at Saqqara. - GARGANEY: mummified.




To review the list of food that any birds carnivores that feed on meat. We find vultures and buzzards and the crow of feeders on carrion and waste and dead birds is the best bird working in this field and birds such as those that offer residents a valuable service invaluable and cause them to mitigate the precautions and health reservations and these birds if it falls on her food does not leave its place but after they have cleaned everything perfectly. Even waste. Hawks, eagles and other diet reptiles snakes - lizards - Birds - Rodents - mammals – mice

Owls. Nine-tenths of his food from mice in addition




earthworms that affect the agricultural soil. It is a bird fond agricultural communities. And a list of his food those communities. Alsagsaq Shamy and Karawan mountain food flies, insects and worms. Ibis fields - cattle egret - Abu apheresis Hoopoe and others their food is worms worms soil - insects - flies - and some types of Abu apheresis devour snails settle inside the worm parasites liver. Waterfowl plant: Duck and concern - Abu spoon - Abu is installed - Bhrohy CRCA Melchon Dgmeh - Crow sea - to concern

water - diver - Jokes their food and other insects and their larvae living organisms in the water and the larvae. Grasses and herbs, water







neighborhood - Small crocodiles - molluscs Shellfish and crustaceans - worms. As it is known about crane which was known to ancient Egypt that he was fond of eating Alhzhoyat carrying Schistosomiasis. Such a natural line of defense for human health and the environment deserve care and that the estimates for which laws to protect him which he did the ancient Egyptians. Environmental Protection complex problem areas urgently impose itself on every aspect

of human life and the environment remain until aqueous comfortable to humans must have a method of dealing taking into account their limited resources. And this approach is what we might call environmental



environmental education is the process of formation values and attitudes necessary to understand and appreciate the complex relationships linking rights and his or her own environment in which they live where are placed the inevitability of preservation of the environment resources and the need for proper exploitation for the benefit of rights and in order to preserve his precious and raise living standards and skills.

And rationalizing the behavior of Rights, which deals with the environment at any level of his life is environmental awareness and human part of the ecosystems him what her and it is by making it take into account the mutual interest between him and the environment






coexistence with the environment. And now Do you know the Pharaohs environmental awareness? We are facing precisely this point we do not find us no escape from exposure to religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptian - and specifically those legends that were the means by which makes it easier for the

general public, interact and communicate with them. It is known that the class that was practiced in ancient times is the high priest of science category, which is keen to retain its information secretly buried scientific recounted this category generation after generation without having to reveal it until the other shall continue to retain for itself by force






knowledge - scientific. So






knowledge and information to the general public to serve the community, taking advantage of the influence of religious factor and his work in the hearts of the public out of date. Commensurate with the level of

scientific, fit explanations and the level of these peoples. The myths that divided scientists





historical and symbolic and natural which is what concern us here ... According to diagnose the elements of the universe of these and fire and water or turn into living organisms or disappear behind a private creatures ... and as such found at all a natural phenomenon, starting from the sun and the Nile even small objects a certain spirit being. So the likes of Sun Ra afternoon. Dawn Khepri and his Scarab on the ground also. Sunset Atom god of the earth god of the air pocket. Tefnut humidity. Lion goddess Sekhmet. Oget Nekhbet and cobra vultures -

Horus the falcon - Hathor cow - Nile Hapi and so on. To see how the merged elements of the environment that in Egyptian mythology. From the legendary texts: It is said that Isis conceived Horus after he threw herself on the dead body of her husband, Osiris, which is in the form of incubation. In another Legend text: Isis said that during her search for her husband's body piece by six to fourteen pieces made her boat from papyrus roam the swamps by those in search of its parts.

In another text: Isis said that when her escape from the six evil god is one of seven scorpions were guided by the way. In another text: Legends said that Ra was sailing to the sun during his trip through the river daily evening sky and the river the same ground. It was guide him in the areas most darkness is the god Anubis in his image animal a son Levi. In another Legend text: It stated that the Atom is the first gods who created people and filled them, but the

ground began to create the same Shaw Air god and goddess "Tefnut" humidity and married and gave birth to the God of Earth. Tut and the god of the sky. And other mythological texts in the Legends containing the elements of nature and the universe in which the elements of the universe known and idolized the legend that is part of the ancient Egyptian religion ... and, of course, knows the extent of the influence Egyptians.






Some aspects of preservation of the environment. When fishing were using large network widening the openings of this type of fishing was allowed fishing has left room for the growth of small fish and their breeding ..... In this in order to preserve fish stocks .... They should be placed between the two boats, and while passing fish are holding over the network and when filled with fish pulls the network, including the splice of fish by lengthy. The world has quoted "Cuvier" the genius of the ancient Egyptians in Animal Medicine that when he examined some broken bones

to the sacred bird mummy "Epps" (Ibis) found a broken shoulder bone and forced in a way to indicate Wiz and skill .. Egyptians sanctified some animals. And if one of them deliberately killed a man who was dying reward either kill him if unintentionally be paid a fine determined by the priests. As for the death penalty is not inevitable for those who unintentionally kills shall be paid the fine determined by the priests. As for the death penalty is not inevitable for those who kill "the father of sickle" or "Bchaa" whether committed intentionally or unintentionally killing.

- The lives of animals protected by the Egyptian Penal like a human being in the sense that the animal murderer was punished death penalty if proven intentional killing. The animal was killed was an unintentional requires fine. With regard to the bad treatment of the animal beating was a crime punishable by a fine priest. And up to death penalty if the assault and the reality as a sacred animal in this case respect and often the people in case of attack on the animal shall act as executioner and the port of punishment without waiting for the verdict before the culprit. This is actually the Egyptian was

playing a major role in taking into account "the Egyptian" for not approaching the conduct of the holy places animals. Manifestations environment

of in




the Nfrrho

forecasts, which described the poor situation of the country as a result of the invasion of some Libyan tribes to delta villages and occupation of each other and said, inter alia, stated "sabotage glittering ponds with fish and birds." To see one of the walls of the Temple "Bahari" Thebes era of the modern state what benefits that Pike arrived in the land of Egypt in the selected regularly but each year.

And on one of the walls of this temple also shows a bird Pike Striated as he walked among the servants carrying precious loads of fruit, flowers and birds ... while walking through the graceful bird collection and beak tight bond to the bottom of his neck ... it was as the ancients did not know that flying from able to extend his head and neck forward will not be able to fly. And this bird fond of locust extermination also said Wilkinson. He is also fond of mollusks that live in the water and carrying "schistosomiasis." Perhaps this explains why she was filled with the types of poultry yards Pike portrayed as a feed by hand.

As it is seen on the walls of a tomb at Thebes user of the era of the modern state which is one of the fishermen caught on the neck of an ostrich in confidence and boldness ... knowing that kick Ostrich equivalent to kick the Persians and they are enough to kill a human being. Ostrich was trapped alive and driven to the barns and reared feather It is interesting that with the beginning of the 18th century discovered narrators they can get ostrich feathers without having to kill him and that his upbringing as did the ancients by this manifestation of the preservation of the environment itself.

The whole historians that deadly epidemics were usually becoming more widespread in the country and in the principles of the flood early rain flow. He spoke swamps and published by microbes and various diseases occur, including the scourge which they call (Oat). And found among medical advice engraved on the walls of the Temple of Dandara warning to the people of wander outside the house after sunset in the first weeks of the flood of being an enemy of the disease from the types of diets and germs ... and the atmosphere is saturated with microbes. Shall apply to healthy people when inhaling the breeze against their will.

- To see this bird that several types of it appeared on the back of what the effects were also taken mascots represented in ancient Egypt Mr. NIATJAR won and is similar in color feather part is a tree trunk, but does not work at night and works even before the magic the emergence of dawn. Open the mouth of the large and powerful wings and slim light texture large eyes help him fly here and there Igtrv of air scoop insects and vermin. Ancients as their environment and their health care and manifestations what came in the wills and religious medical advice and magical evidence doors of houses that were housing the poor people ... It is their ilk






synagogues of roads and Mnattvadtha of dirt ... In this Ash Ancients as their environment and their health care and manifestations what came in the wills and religious medical advice and magical evidence doors of houses that were housing the poor people ... It is their ilk housing mostly clean courtyards and the synagogues of dirt roads ... This indicates for the prevention of insect and vermin attracted by dirt and trash ... to take care of hygiene was required taste and our health. The Pharaohs of great compassion nationals regardless of their circumstances, in some

cases, for the use of cruelty and intensity, and which affects in this sense of King Khufu Great Pyramid Builder that he continued to build about thirty years old and had his workers 100000 and signal doctors to prevent the spread of disease and infection he was preparing them some clothes, and instruct them to wash each day in the stomach time to rest from work, and make them special places far from the place of getting employed to perform all their needs varying dimensions, in order to air purity and the integrity of their bodies from the harmful effects of pollution, dirty and the like materials. The doctors arrange them healthy and make the quarries from which

decided to isolate them from the rest of the able-bodied in a special on a rock high places. Each year, they burn their homes and find other so as not to acquire disadvantages of germs be lurking among construction. And embalming bodies was one of the strongest motives in the principles it ordered him to take care of the public health needs (the air temperature conducive to the spread microbes when corpses rot if buried in cemeteries





requirements) and they were satisfied in the principles it drained corpses buried by in sandy areas enough to absorb fluids, they have risen after generations to make embalming then practically mandatory in

certain circumstances to keep the country from polluting the air, including corruption spread after the bodies of unhealthy places of burial. Said VOLNEY ET PARISOT that the motives of the mummification (next he made under religious doctrines also said De Maillet and Diodore Sicilian) is a bench to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, plague, which often arise from rotting corpses will take you in ripples bad air and bacteria to apply harm the healthy human society in terms of does not feel.

Dead pleading for himself at the door of the courtroom. Peace upon you, O Lord, the great god of honesty, that I have come to you, Lord subject to myself the glory, I know your name and the names of the forty Monday a judge who honesty with you in this room, those eating meat disobedient mustache of their blood in this great day, at this terrible time It is examined on the ethics front Ozoeris. (1) I have come to you oh my god standing and the right erasing all sin. See I have come to you and spend your sin.

(2) How then did one of the darkest and did not follow the path of evil. Did not disagree on the right hand, and did not coveted my neighbor woman has no money besides Me never lie, I did not disagree with the Divine commands, and did not widely Abdul damage when his master, and did not starve one, did not give my crying one, did not kill, did not steal bread temples, was made haram money, and did not violated the sanctity of the bodies of the dead, Did not commit indecency Odense sacred objects, and dimensions of wheat at a high price, and did not relieve double was raped milk from the infant's mouth, grabbed the

birds did not gods, not chasing animals, Was not sacred to hunt fish from lakes, did not disagree with the irrigation system, and did not cut off the channel corridor, was not damaged farmland, and did not turn off the burning fiery furnace in temples, public roads, and did not disagree to the instructions has been downloaded





celebrations gods, not permitted between animals






underestimate the right not insulted King and not the holy priest villages, not with a top-notch voice. I am pure, I am pure, I am pure, and since I was acquitted of all sins and I know the

names of these residents of deities in the right hall I hope to be one of the winners. It is not surprising then that the ancient Egyptians sing songs in praise of the Nile And how beautiful this song, which was mentioned in one of the papers made of papyrus preserved in the British Museum. Peace to you, "Habi". He graduated from O to this land and come to pay tribute to Egypt. O owner of the hidden nature. Hey creation of "Ra" to nourish all cattle. O from distant fields irrigated by water places, O of flaking dew from heaven. Oh darling god "Jeb" in control of the god of wheat and who greets each plant of the god "Ptah". Lord fish

which makes water birds fly south. Oh barley maker and creator of wheat and Casey temples analyzed the holidays. Nile, which it brings good things to flooding and a lot of food and creates everything good. It is good for those who selected which creates grass for cattle and offerings to all the gods. It overflows on Egypt and filled with grain stores and is available needs of the poor. It makes trees grow as coveted everyone wherever there is pain and converts it into joy and then rejoices every heart. And flood sufficient to water his fields and sends all activity in men. If what you Bjnh hands it is gold or silver templates of what people eat. Because they do not eat gold or silver, but

they eat wheat from precious stones. That the Nile. If people are not bliss feed abandoned housing land and hit fade. But we come to the most influential images and reflects the extent of their interest in their environment. Through animal hunting. If normal use bows and arrows as a tool for hunting in ancient Egypt some of the arrows that were used were of a round flat wooden party to seize the animal hit him without harm ... only hampered the movement even attacked by hounds him up and fisherman and arrested. As well as the weight of the rope ever: It is the weight of a suitable connecting in a long

rope thrown a circular motion several times and then shot him to be the hems and animal horns and legs without the injured little damage. Serpent: a regular loop such as those used by cowboys in America received and encircling his neck or horns. Traps consists of an episode of palm leaves out forks date palm from the ocean to the centers where the parties shall meet and be pointed focus and a solid connection with the loop of rope braided goat hair ever live on the focus ends in wedge of palm leaf or wood is installed in the ground ... it was where the deer and fixed in the soil and

covered with sand and when tread upon their feet sliding hoof animal in focus and pressing thorns on the animal man and apply Viper him and hampered by a piece of wood and rope hampering his movement and difficult for him to move placed ... and the hunter speeds up to his arrest alive. Many kinds of dogs were used to assist in fishing - has meant the Egyptians and the kinds of hunting dogs to hunt animals and attack prey and capture it with teeth, but hit without damage. This did not prevent that they used spears and arrows in the hunting of wild animals as

they used after training as a tool also assist in hunting catch birds. Most of what they've been using the net. Including the large square, which was dedicated to hunting quail and curling sixoctagonal and which was published on the face of the waters and used for hunting geese. I use as a bird seduction. Also I used the circular and oval which traps which was closed on the bird hit college without damage. As they resort to hunting birds in a manner constipation and this used to be in the water and practiced as a kind of sports also used batons square "Al-Bomirang" ... when a spin

off and infect their target and go back to where kicked off. Cats have been used in hunting animals help to bring the birds caught Among the most famous birds that were caught or the main material for hunting geese, ducks, pigeons and quail. Eye-catching hunting hippopotamus that was widespread in the era of the old state, but did not find the views represent a catch in the Middle Kingdom nor modern but caught many in the Roman era.

Jackal in voracious animals to devour the locusts. See the view through a decree on the walls of the tombs of the Old Kingdom and represents princesses play with small birds have fallen from their dens and children playing with them in tenderness. Of ibis was the priests attending the water from places such as drinking bird and use it to cleanse when they perform their religious rituals. It was noted that this bird never goes into the water next to the corrupt. Examined samples of old skin of the Twelfth Dynasty to the twenty-third the family and turned out to be mostly of goatskin.

It has also been used skins of calves. This did not prevent them from using the rest of the animals skins, but within limits. Ancients was not in the primitive peoples that differentiation between birds of their environment but they tried to preserve as much as possible and did not resort to depletion and note that of the industrial discharge they followed. Diodore spoke about Sicilian said "raising our surprise and deserves great praise what was working with poultry breeders and geese were not content with understanding natural vacuum known in the rest of the country but were getting countless birds Industrial means

for replacing understand layering birds hatchery





manner. not chicks they receive when they get natural ways in something never vary. He was known for that hatchery and actuation






specialists in many of the villages and the country time. Maxim of Napoleon Bonaparte in saying sign of good governance in the country to see a moderate irrigation system, canals and flood




everywhere ... And that the weakness of the government relationship and the disruption of its affairs

to see the canals Off for non-cleared and bridges destroyed. The irrigation system is corrupt and unfair distribution of water laws. Greeks were impressed when they entered Egypt irrigation system. One obvious things that livestock are closely related to the establishment of pastures, as green food is cheap and useful in Animal share and growth in the amount of output from the crop, as well as of its elements. There are no natural pastures in Egypt but some areas in the north of the Delta known Balbrary where it grows many of the herbs. The shepherds they release their herds in the meadows and pastures green and fertile to

see and eat herbs that sprout where a lot while they benefit shades of trees, and it looks like this obvious consideration in a cemetery "T" at Saqqara of Dynasty five o'clock where we see calves tube and grazing in locations are documented in the pegs. As we can see a shepherd milking a cow and another holding a small calf from the front legs and looks toward his mother in tenderness to prevent him from running towards it and guard beside them leaning on his cane. It was for each type of Herdsmen, and each of those teams head administrator. And live with their animals and the homeless is the jungle huts made from tree branches

and dry by moving them from one place to another, as the case. Next to Ruth used to the direct nature of the animal dung was used also in the municipal compost industry, which is conducive to plant growth and the duration of nutritional elements. It can be said that all cattle dung beneficial for plant growth as glaucoma is the bathroom "Alzbl" the finest compost because of his riches and abundance and the ground temperature is useful vulnerable strengthens and help the growth of its fruit. The Egyptians also believe that the silt deposited his recipes from the fertile what obviates





mentions (Pliny) that the ancient Egyptians were using special fertilizer is added in the land to be fertilized will become more fertile and that its use was limited to some of the greens . This in turn leads to the question. It was the ancient pillow chemistry in that era. So why did not use chemical materials for fertilizing. Is it due to the harmful effects of their knowledge and use of chemicals, which we experience in our modern era?





environment And their use of nitrogen fertilizer and confined to certain types of vegetables. There is no doubt due to their knowledge that the compost if not used properly, the quality and quantity and the time and place, it contaminates the soil, which reduces their productivity and may turn into a barren landscape. Question should be given as to why the ancient Egyptian did not use pesticides or chemicals to combat pests and which is to insects and fungi which millions? And why it did not use pesticides and chemicals herbs

unwanted and which, if remained affect crop production?. With that pesticides useful in the fight against pests, but they kill soil pollution are a lot of neighborhoods that are endemic to the







decomposition of organic matter processes that result in humus basic component of the soil. And it leads to the killing of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and responsible for the continued role of nitrogen in the environment. If the role of nitrogen disrupted the balance breaks down a significant imbalance ... and pesticides also exterminate harmful insects

and beneficial insects alike, it is beneficial insects what the transfer of pollen from one flower to another and believes that pollinate the flowers without which the fruits and seeds are not made up and stop this continuing





species. And food contaminated with chemicals, and pesticides that are used to protect crops and stored food from epidemics and diseases are increasing day after day, unfortunately, many of these pesticides are not limited effect on pest control, but rather a man hurt as transmitted to him with food ... and fertilizers that is enriching the soil to improve agricultural production, moving to






vegetable caused him harm. - Aspects of preserving the environment in the animal world: Diodore The hippo was not loved an animal and a symbol of evil beings have been viewed by Egyptians as the animal must chase because it destroys fields and cause heavy losses for farmers. And they were to scare him and remove him from the plantings in different ways and tools. The Egyptians made mongoose costs since the Old Kingdom also sees some scientists to

protect homes from mice and snakes, which can cause great damage. Hyenas were causing severe damage to the ancient Egyptian farmer and cattle and the cultivation if she felt hungry and he would like them lethality. However he found "Mreruka" in view of the family tomb at Saqqara five o'clock such workers who are fed hyenas with their hands and they call it as user WSER found in the tomb of Thebes from the era of the modern state on the view of the fishermen carrying a hyena hanging in the stick between their shoulders. So why?

It prohibits the slaughter of female cattle to slaughter leads to the elimination of the livestock. The ancient Egyptians are interested in cattle that are free from diseases or distortion which defiles the flesh ... in this regard Herodotus says that the temples were sent priests as a livestock inspector at jam and examining





examination in the case of standing and repose and pulling his tongue to learn safety and free from diseases. If it is acceptable in the eyes of the gods announce priests purity by putting a rope around the horns made of papyrus fibers and put it and they stamped a special seal. It was not permitted to provide

any bull to be slaughtered without this mark is otherwise deserve punishment. Found on the paper from the era of animal medicine Twelfth Dynasty understood that each farmer was interested in its own livestock and diseases that date quickly and methods of treatment. We see on the walls of tombs built a good era of the Middle Kingdom represents veterinarians scene and they are treating sick animals. The impact on the occurrence of animal plague in the country were Egyptians are bringing new types of Africa and Asia as evidenced by the landscapes found in the

graves not least because of bulls brought by "Saho-raa" a pharaoh of the Fifth Dynasty when the country's invasion of Libya. They were leaving the snakes in the fields without being her or hurt her they perish mice that kill crops and cause them huge losses. Alehiad irrigation system, which allows left large tracts of agricultural land Bora for a long time of the year was higher than lead to many of them. He used the fish hunters in ancient Egypt scan their nets some pulled from the water to be certain they are free of certain fish and this is what his record "Elyan".

Also it found the text (right) was asked to sign it to fishermen swear region whereby they did not catch fish at all:

Lepidotus… barbus bynni

PHagrus … hydrocyon forskalu

Oxyrhynchus soles

These fish Egyptians keenness of the general public to refrain from them and deprived them. This is due to the fact that these fish from the Nile flood promising abound in Egypt Neil flood time and this in itself is a manifestation of the preservation of the environment. As of the Nile River as well as in maintaining the environment.

This was denied eat fish on some days of the year ... the result (Salp) As a result of dynastic reported that eating fish was forbidden in some days of the year within the types of warnings and forbidding what should and what should not be in a different day of the year. And which do not eat fish and salinization of it these days. He said that on that day the unbelievers they become thicker in the water and was advised to expel the public who ate poison of temples.

Among the warnings also: - You do not need to be set up outdoors in a ship on 19 Amshir, and if it is near a river on 24 Amshir have life .. - And the history of electrode 25 and came a warning not to eat anything that comes out of the water - What does that? Are environmental status of a river in those times ???

* Narmer (MENA) -It managed to divert the course of the Nile from the mountain to the west course of this eastern city of Memphis (Badrashin current) even installed so planning. And he founded this city, and exchange the Nile water for its place. Water was at that time in rush Youssef Sea to the north and he settled in the way of course a great dam on the Nile to prevent flooding has been shrouded by white wall and known as the (tweaked. Jun) any white wall or white castle has been named later (from - Navarre) Any beautiful effect. - And he established a measure of the Nile in the realms of Memphis to adjust the course

of the river and its neighbors and increase monitoring and decreasing For the water level was estimated government taxes and the head of a party to build a canal was working with people and ax hits the first strike to be the first workers. And remember that embedded history of the most important titles of provincial governors was the title of "hard Channel" or "hoof Channel".

* First Amenemhat: He took the throne around 2000 BC and is the founder of the family XII has been able to identify an area of land farmers and put them show the limits of stones owned by each






differences between the farmers and the distribution of water on the land according to their need has made many reforms in the country,





teachings that left to his son Senusret guardian and a constitution that says to him. "I planted the grain and I was" NPR "to the grain. Nile has greeted me with respect. Not hungry under judgmental.

And thirsty during the reign of. People were satisfied with what I did." In order to do so he revived the agricultural revival in the country and organized its affairs until its owner god grain. Acts of Pharaoh did not stop at this point was the first of the repaired province of Fayoum. Some historians attribute to him and that he first thought of in the creation of the water tank, which was at the time of "Amenemhat III " and named in the Greek era (Lake Morris).

* Amenemhat III Considered the greatest pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty interest in the affairs of irrigation. He assumed the throne around 1850


and work




agricultural wealth of Egypt. RPR and his great projects who returned to the country well, prosperity and doubled his crops. Especially the province of Fayoum, which has meant his care (Bayom), which means any immersion Ground flooded, was so named because it was a pre-dynastic rule flooded during the flood land shall be A great lake widen. Called Lake Morris also mentions "Hrdot".

It is likely that low Fayoum has arisen from the separation of the layers of the earth resulted in the long course of the Nile is still a part of it occupied by 'Lake Qarun" that are part of the great lake was covered most of Fayoum flood waters since prehistoric age. And it decreases the surface of the lake from the sea about one hundred and twenty-nine feet. He says (Hrdot) and (Strabo) that the waters of the Nile were flooded that lake great through a loophole exists in a series of Libya Mountains, about sixty-five miles from the summit of the Delta and up the Nile Valley Great Trough known Fayoum is for Egypt plant Sawsan fork furrow westward south of

the place where the leg when blooming flower Delta is lush. The Egyptians tell of their land from the lake water at a time Althariq. The witness (Strabo) places control water entering and leaving the territory of the lake mentioned. In any case, the phenomena of things indicate that this oasis singing (Fayoum) is the work of the Nile Each year, was silt deposits left behind on the basin flat and level ground and then rose gradually shrank until the lake today to the relatively small space from what it was in ancient times and is known today Lake Qarun, while the remaining part of this great low it has

become fertile ground ripe arable filled with green fields and fires singing. Some historians believe that Fayoum in the reign of Amenemhat III was repaired by the vast swathe of water where only part of the agricultural land taken out of the shoal water on the eastern side where the town is located not





protected by bridges which shrouded from water. This seems to be the pharaoh may feel Baqaht, which affects the country as a result of frequent low waters of the Nile and the consequences of hunger and the spread of epidemics. Has seen in a low Fayoum outlet

of the country from the scourge of drought if ADOPTED BY natural reservoir can extend the North of the country, all the water during low Nile annually. The flood water flows in this low in the autumn. And when you start out low Nile water penetrates these fields to the river again in order to prevent neighbors land facing them are located between the river and thus remaining area of reserved water in Fayoum are useless. This pharaoh has thought of a way to regulate the entry of the water and out and saw the use of the canal, which starts opening of the Nile north "Assiut" when Dirout known today Sea Joseph, which was carrying flood waters directly to the Fayoum

tank and there attend by barriers of her eyes act including a second water gradually to this canal. When the water is low in the Nile could stay high water level attributed to the right of irrigable land "Assiut" Even the Mediterranean saw it that way - very store enormous amounts of flood water has doubled the water that runs into the river when the flow gradually through separate Althariq Time. Dam or reservoir may be held for the implementation of this great engineering project at the natural entrance to the lake at any Agon to restrict water entry and exit to the channel. Engineers who carried out this water reservoir in the low part of Fayoum

has inventoried by establishing another dam image taken half the length of a circle about twenty-seven miles and thus recovered from the water about twenty-seven thousand acres in the very near to the Nile Valley. This space has been turned into rich fields produced. Otherwise, for the rest of the lake, but swamps on the edge and the portion upon which the current Fayoum. In this way Fayoum became separated from the lake area of the earth extracted from the water of about five miles. This project is one of the oldest major irrigation projects in the ancient world and the first dam in the industrial history and had the greatest impact in the prosperity of this

region until it became one of the most prosperous regions and Imrana. Tiller was felt in this era of stability and confidence after that land identified and enrolled irrigation and gave the ground a good harvest. This region has remained prosperous even Greco-Roman period and found a lot of effects in Kom Ashim indicate they were grown agricultural crops and fruit trees. This is another manifestation of the preservation of the environment: Valery drainage

unorganized systems

and soil

inadequate exposed







productivity. The ancient houses are sprayed with a solution of Natron to kill insects and was fitted with toilets to the astonishment "Herodotus," he said (The Egyptians differ in their habits for the rest of the other people. Understanding eat their food outside their homes while serving their needs within them) ... and no doubt that Herodotus say this shows he noticed the presence of toilets at home ... Although we did not expose our house and the one due to the Old Kingdom, but we have got our information about the graves discovered in the north of the Step Pyramid of Saqqara, especially from the

terrace No.1302- own Brwabo, who was a contemporary of Pharaoh second family and this terrace, one of the era of State ancient contain miniature models of houses, which was inhabited by the deceased in his life to his soul inhabited by then. And pieces that can be the hall in the form of letter H in the graph of these models it includes bathroom and toilet and shape of these toilets is no different from what it found throughout Egyptian civilization is made up of checkpoints, each in the form of oblique base to the highest - square and between them pot half full of sand to the toilet was always out of the house occupies the southeast.

In the intermediate Kingdom - it did not include housing the tombs of the spirit, but was replaced by small models of porcelain ... and it did not find any trace of bathrooms or toilets in the first city discovered a full (Kahon) built by "Sisostris II" in Fayoum. That there is a novel dating back to the era of the Kingdom of the intermediate point to a bathroom in the house of one of the princes of contemporary Sisostris The names of the vessels resemble the pitcher and basin also found reported Colander inside a wooden coffin in the monastery maritime due to the pre-modern Kingdom. Unified and renewed pharaoh has succeeded in a field of religion and the arts (Akhenaten)

in improving the health system houses in the city, which he named "Horizon disk of the sun", namely, (Amarna) and the credit for that is due no doubt to what characterized the sensitivity of the van delicate ... "Borchardt" discovered in the city of Tel Amarna four types of toilets.

There are other models found in the city of Habu also found seats for Mobile defecating.

All of these types of open seats with higher waste land and there are special pots receive this waste. That's about toilets, bathrooms have found several examples of it in this day and age

was not a person indulges in a bathtub filled with water as he did the Greeks and the Romans, but the water was poured over his head from the top of the first and the healthiest way of a second. The bathrooms were fitted in the bottom of the tanks contaminated water flows to it and the walls surrounding the bath covered with stone






maintenance ... and this was the height of luxury bathrooms in the reign of Ramses III, who built a temple in the city of Habu then torn down and built a temple on its ruins Last equipped with a large number of baths to be used is a "harem" Each of these bathrooms was hewn out of a single stone.

"Borchart" excavations have shown in the Temple "Saho Ra" the second pharaoh of the Fifth Dynasty (2700 BC) in Saqqara basins of stone lined metal strapped Among the series quite similar to clogs and chains used in the current basins.

The basins slots connected by a network of pipes made of wrought copper sheets folded on a cylindrical shape with the parties and taking into account the overlay put lips to top.

But there is no trace of this exchange system circulating later, the water from the steady housing was leaking in the course slotted in the middle of the street.

As was the case in Europe until recently. The sometimes they gathered in containers outside the home (for example, at Amarna)

This is a manifestation of the preservation of the environment. Sewage and waste resulting from the hominid daily activities is one of the most dangerous pollutants that threaten the environment, including foster blocks the noses of odors and lost souls may be a breeding farm for many types of pathogenic microbes and worms that accompany this waste and live.






ancient ?? Heaven of the Pharaohs were not sky as they were filmed many nations for themselves there was no luxury housing and streets of gold - not sweetened A great luxury homes, including not one of the gems. But other life to the Egyptians in their belief were not only for the continuity of life for them on the ground without pain or sorrow. Their heaven composed of fertile land interspersed with endless channels that feed water from the stream in the same heavenly here grows white wheat and barley Red abundance.

Fig trees provide him with fruit - and sycamore trees and fruit branches provide him with lush shades if I need inhabitants heaven to rest.. After it was not life the old Egyptian is an example of the idle and laziness and comfort. Has he had to sweat and sows and reaps. As he did before. But there was a great difference between this life and those. There is light work and workers






precautions, which was tempered by the purity of their lives on earth. Here is do not worry of excess flood. And that makes him anxious day and night fighting for his land

nor afraid of the day when it reduced the level of the Nile water and the possibility of the earth to the sun scorching. Such disasters were concerned him on the ground in his daily life - taken gods full reserves against this. Everything is structured very carefully by them super Care. Perhaps this explains why the ancients care about their environment?

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