Pervaded the walls of many ancient tombs in Egypt many carvings represent scenes of hunting animals and birds also This is normal In a country like Egypt ancient soils rich, most of the territory covered with swamps and bush tropical, in addition the unique nature of being slimy bar black on both sides of the River Nile ... and who walks in the middle of a desert, it is natural that boasts many of the animals as well as the variety of birds, which are suited to nature the environment in which they live. It is also natural to be fishing in a natural. The first thing that the ancient Egyptians had turned professional hunting ... and since the Paleolithic and such as the nature 1
of any community in the beginning). The ancients had a staple food in the start of their lives hunting some wild animals and birds. But with their progress of civilization, and in their new lives, and with the absence of restrictions and Liabilities for their hard work in the previous spree made easy ... and practiced as a sport, but in most cases ... this is fishing. Caught tools: The Egyptians were making the first gear of Alzeran. The most important of these tools: [Hand grip]: Which is similar to the heart with a sharp edge linking or fixed in the stick (such as ax) and impair the prey if hit. 2
[Rasps and knives]: Made of Alzeran initially and then after that of copper. And they used them in the slaughter of prey and skinned and cut up. [Pikes] The handles are made of wood and heads of Alzeran at first ... then of copper, bronze later. [Bows and arrows] Of the most important Hunting Equipment since the pre-dynastic period (brackets) are made of wood, leather, linen or fiber ... or centuries from Oryx after linking them with a wood. (Arrows) were made of the jungle and the heads of Alzeran at first ... then of ivory, brass, bronze later.
Arrowhead was linked after trimmed in high-piece wood from the jungle linking the string or a piece of skin. The heads of different shapes have found some winged and others triangle or serrated or Crescentshaped. And also arrows with a wooden tip round flat to seize the animal without a hit only little damage hindered the movement even attacked by hounds him up and hunter and caught him alive.
Desert animals tracked by arrows hunter and hunting dogs
[Cord ever gravity] It is a weight appropriate links in a long rope thrown in a circular motion several times ... and then shooting it to be the hems and animal horns or legs be infected without damage.
Fishing cordoned off the legs Cemetery "Ptah Hotep" Saqqara Fifth Dynasty
Hunter hunt desert bull with rope ever gravity Bagt" cemetery built 5 a good Middle Kingdom"
[Trap] A regular noose used by cowboys in America ... received whereupon enclosed, animal horns or neck. The rhythm of the calf Temple City Abydos Pharaoh teaches his son how the rhythm of the calf .Family 19
Consists of a ring of palm leaves out forks date palm from the ocean to the center where she will meet the parties pointed. It consists focus, It relates loop silid braided rope of goat hair trap ever focus on the end of a wedge palm leaf or wood is installed in the ground. 6
It was the fishermen are putting a number of these traps in places frequented by deer and hampered by a piece of wood and rope hampering freedom It is difficult to move him ... and speeds up the hunter to capture him alive. This type of traps used now as when Arabs In Sudan remains. Assistance animals in hunting: [Dog]: The first animal desert accustom rights in Egypt and other country and perhaps this man while he was still dependent on the fishing event, was followed by a hunter and eats residue and participate with him in the wrestling of the animal. The dogs of the type "Saluki" was of great value hunter ... because it is faster than a gazelle not undergo fear. 7
Saluki dog
It was found on another type of dog on the effects ... Atrophic dog with a pointy nose and mouth and upright ears like Saluki, but its tail hanging. 8
We see in the walls of the tombs fees for many other types of dogs - Most of them were prepared to assist in hunting.
A group of Egyptian dogs From different graves
A group of hunting dogs 10 The era of the modern state
Egyptians have meant by hunting dogs and they trained the animals to hunt and attack prey and capture it with teeth hit without damage. [Lions] It was always favorite animals in hunting and notes that he used for this purpose after his training and make it a pet.
The use lions in hunting One of the tombs built Hassan - the Middle Kingdom
Hunting animals: Seen on the walls of the tombs a lot of engravings depicting many of the animals, which was the main material for hunting. Hyenas:
Hunters have been caught hyena One of the tombs of "good" - the modern kingdom.
Monkey climbs the neck of giraffe sin - negem of" good city cemetery - the modern kingdom"
Guenalfd, rabbits:
Hunt man carrying a hare and Gunned A cemetery near the Pyramids of Giza 13
A cemetery near the Pyramids of Giza
It is worth mentioning that the rabbits of the animals that were used as food after caught. Deer and Taatel:
Cemetery "user Heat" west of Luxor Family 18
These animals were used as food after caught. Bulls brutal:
Medinet Habu west of Luxor Family 20
One of the animals used as food after also caught. 15
"Cemetery "Tut - Ankh - Amon Family 18
It should be noted that of the kings of the Pharaohs was leaving the wheel your own and go for hunting lions on foot. Such as "City I" and who was accompanied by his dog. 16
Tebas Family 18
Hippopotamus: It was widespread hunting of the Old Kingdom… The received image and hunters are attacking their boats in the water. They were using spears especially for this purpose. Spears tipped spiked hook made of bronze… (And before that was made of copper) … These headers were separated as soon as the animal injury knockout and stability in his body… The related to these bayonets (or heads) long ropes used in the withdrawal of prey after 17
killing, Even if the wounded animal slipped in deep water, the angler can leave the installer of that rope (the spear head) in order to avoid the risk of the coup and drowning… And do not even get away from fishing angler and soon forced the hippo to rise to the water surface to breathe… And then the opportunity arises for a hunter brought him spears … In other places different from his body to fall ill again and instill metal arrowheads in this huge body which is separated from the Pikes mild tremors … And it exhausts the animal forces gradually several strikes even faint strength. Then cast in another matter rope on the big animal's head and drag to the beach.
Marie Rocca family cemetery of Saqqara 6
19 Marie Rocca family cemetery of Saqqara 6
He sees in this scene fisherman It aims to trap the animal wounded A cemetery near the Pyramids of Giza
It should be noted that the hunting hippopotamus was widespread in the old kingdom. But did not find the views represent a catch in the Middle Kingdom, which is due to the people turned to sanctify ‌ But caught many in the Roman era. Crocodile: Did not help us inscriptions elaborate enough for hunting ... but Herodotus mentioned a couple of ways to catch the 20
crocodile. The ancients had put the pork in the fishhook dump it into the middle of the stream of water as bait, and then standing near the water's edge and beat piglets. As the crocodile upset of pork it finds voice in the way the bait and swallow and are incarcerating him on the beach‌ The hunters covered his eyes with mud Cannot even resistance‌ He also said that they were using spearhead in the hunt ... He also stated that crocodile hunting was practiced in the limits of narrow religious factors. Hunting the animals of the most dangerous tasks meted hunter was. And other animals were hunted... like Elephants ... It was reported that Thutmose III came time to hunt elephants, So the hunt 21
hundred and twenty Elephant .. He said he threw a huge elephant without kill him, The elephant attacked him and almost kills the king's bold without endangering the lives of the brave captain "Omnm hub" at risk and his initiative to cut off proboscis. As they were also foxes and other animals hunt. This was hunter used to wearing a kilt up to his knee, and adorns his wrist bracelet of the century and to protect the skin from friction rope brackets during throwing. And see that the effects of Tut - Ankh Amon. Hunter was also avoids wear bright colors or white clothes ... the desire to not draw the attention of the animals to him. In the fishing was ordinary people looking for their catch themselves ‌ While things 22
were easier for the king and the great ‌ If declared his interest in the hunting everything is completely ready for him and his entourage ‌ And a piece of land surrounded by a fence forces acting on the body of the net rods thick jungle. Hunters gunmen who chased the animals until this barn intervention they were of their choice so that they are adjacent to watercourses or swamps or the many herbs valleys that it is harboring animals . Then lurking out when they are on the way to the green grass and water And frighten animals by sticks and ropes and hounds and pandemonium ... even animals driven to the barns, Then shut barns King who shall catch them ..
Senby noble hunt wild animals inside barns - while behind him his assistant, carrying arrows and near the water
One of the tombs of "Mir" - Assiut - family 11th
It seems that such hunting was in the old kingdom franchise kings - that the princes regions in the Middle Kingdom usurped this privilege with the privileges of King raped ... as any such hunting in some cases in the modern kingdom.
And inscriptions demonstrate that they sometimes they prefer hunting in the mating season. The butler was carrying animals after caught in the sticks on their shoulders, or in cages Or withdraw behind the animals to the farm and slaughtered some of which have been hit by severe injury others make and pet and they fed.
Ptah - Hotep" - Saqqara - the tomb of " the Fifth Dynasty