Genesis 6 1
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the 1
creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. 8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. 9These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. 10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 11The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence . 12And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. 13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. 14Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. 15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. 16A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a 2
cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. 17 And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die. 18But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. 19And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. 20Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.21 And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them. 22Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he. 3
Genesis 7 1
And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. 3Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth. 4For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth. 5And Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him . 6And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.7And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood. 8Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of everything that creepeth upon the 4
earth, 9There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah. 10And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth. 11In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. 13In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark; 14 They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort. 15And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. 16And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God 5
had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in. 17And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.18And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters. 19And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. 20Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. 21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: 22All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. 23And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in 6
the ark .24And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. Genesis 8 1
And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged; 2The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained; 3And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated .4And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. 5And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen. 6And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: 7 And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to 7
and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. 8Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground; 9But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. 10And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; 11And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. 12And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more. 13 And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry. 14And in the second month, on 8
the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried. 15And God spake unto Noah, saying, 16Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. 17Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. 18And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him: 19Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark. 20And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. 21And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any 9
more everything living, as I have done. 22While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. *** Now, before going into the details of this amazing story ... the key element, but centered ...still raises many questions, it's a flood. I discovered the story of the effects of the flood in China, Mexico and elsewhere. These effects and other stresses that devastating disaster occurred to the world. Generations have passed down an endorsement of what came in the Bible, also suggest that the flood was a general. It is the opinions of some scientists such as walking, "woully": that the flood did not cover the whole world ... but it was overwhelming torrent overwhelmed the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and flooded all the populated area between the mountains and the desert. 10
Geologist's scientists recorded that there was no evidence that the flood covered the globe since the man appeared on earth. Contribute to evidence the earth ...... all the earth and the face of the earth ... contained the previous three chapters to raise these questions. Those who regularly consumes looked superficial. Now, do you really happen in the flood? If the ... is the form of the globe? Or confined to a certain diameter? At first. What is the location and place of the events of the flood of "Noah" in the Old Testament of the Bible? Iraq and the new name for (Orr) City of (Ibrahim) west of the Euphrates River, a stream which included ancient Babylon and Assyria approx. To that country in order to Gen. "Leonard Woolley" 11
At the beginning of 1920, he headed the mission jointly by the British Museum and the University of Pennsylvania, US. The purpose of the mission was the exploration of the remnant of the past. Before that, it was in the year 1854. "k. A. Taylor," Consul of English in Basra has made drilling in a low hill located in the middle of the space between the modern Baghdad and the Persian Gulf ... and the place is located approximately ten miles west of the current course of the Euphrates River. "Taylor" was found at a depth of not far from the surface of the Earth at some inscriptions revealed that these ruins, which covers the face of the desert were not is the city of Orr famous. The city of Orr, which was thriving in the age of the Chaldeans ... (Ur ...City of Abraham)! . Although the work has not progressed too far from the stage reached by "Taylor"... has sacrificed the utmost importance and became 12
hoped to resume work as soon as possible. Resumption of work has launched many obstacles. The nature of the land of confirmed these obstacles ... It stretches around the knoll which in the past city "Orr" on three sides of the edge of the horizon ... barren desert almost ignited from the intense heat. It was not living in this vast wilderness is a small number of nomads. Every foreigner who was risking to enter this land endanger his life. For these and other reasons not only made a few attempts to narrow the scope to detect more of those ancient city discovered by the "Taylor". But what replaced in 1922 until he became possible to carry out a massive exploration and organization .. work continued for twelve years. The first steps in the work carried out by "Woully" is to dig trenches experimental perhaps lead to find the great wall that surrounded him, "Nebuchadnezzar" holy city "Orr". was found on parts of the fence ... but when he took his work to deepen the trenches. 13
Emerging groups of vases, bowls, small objects made of bronze, and some beads of gold . "Woully" Realized, he found the cemetery (Orr). However, the detection of graves without exposing the content of antiques archaeological value to the damage, was an act needs to experience and study and careful attention. Hence, "Woully", Despite an outcry from labor Arabs, stopped work in "Hotel Golden" to acquire all training fuller, and began prospecting in the hills, which is likely it may lead to positive results and which was located four miles north of "Ur" a place known as Tel slaves. It was one of the few hillocks surface height and non-striking it may scatter of flint tools in other parts of the pottery was known as belonging to the "prehistoric". "Woolly " took to explore in this knoll. What arrived drilling to a depth of a few inches of dirt and broken crockery even layer of dry mud found three feet thick. Where amounts have been buried 14
pottery and colorful tools of flint and obsidian and some pieces of pottery bearing signs of woven sticks. It was located underneath a layer of clean soil deposition water. " Woolly " has been realized, it has been overwhelmed by pleasure, which seizes archaeologist when tuned to the discovery of the values that these tools dating back to the Stone Age ... it did not find in that layer of mud no trace of metal tool. The axes found made of various flint stones. The knives and warehouses made of rock crystal or obsidian. " Woolly " has been found in these sediments explanation. In the Stone Age were people living in huts made of sticks and mud reeds on a little island rising from the surface of the swamp. Huts one has built up over the last several generations. And suddenly ... and when people are still using stone tools ... wiped the village out of existence hinted. This was a matter to confusion. 15
" Woolly " Think about it long, but then did not find his explanation. He then to explore in other low hill near (ORR). The Bedouins often stumble in those knoll on the axes made of flint. Here also discovered other villages Paleolithic still exist. The first is very similar to a large extent. He asked again what could have happened. During the next four years the mission returned to exploration in a cemetery (ORR). The workers were in during this period have become of great skill in conducting any digging. The Mission of the broadcast and hyped to the discovery of one of the most important archaeological discoveries, has found the graves of sixteen royal tombs ... and thousands of ordinary graves. It contained tools and gold jewelery and precious stones and pottery made elaborate. As it was a clear record shows fantastic civil, civic traditions that keep
track of footnote king to death in a calm ... they were wearing expensive clothes. I've civilian was revealed by exploration in those civilian high desert ... but what are the steps followed by the people of that valley until they came to this wonderful level of civil? Is this people came in the wake of the population of the villages of the Stone Age extinct? And if so how much time passed between those of the population of primitive culture and the city of ORR multiple aspects, or in other words, how long of time between these primitive people first property and strain? " Woolly " was in dire need to know the order of events, and the history of that region. The only way to see the main sights of that history is to increase exploration in "ORR" deeper knowledge of whether it was possible to fill the gaps that the register For choice, " Woolly " digging wells area of five square feet below the level of the graves ... 17
blended with large amounts of waste and mud bricks and ashes and broken crockery. And suddenly everything left of the remains of human remains and appeared layer of free everything mud.
The workers went to the Arab "and gone" to tell him that they arrived at the virgin soil ... and that there is no longer reason to continue to deepen the well. And he delivered "and gone" first look and almost agrees to refrain from exploration. But the recipe caution that characterized the archaeologist paid to measuring the depth of those "virgin soil" and found that it is not the depth that I was expecting. It was calling for a surprising he issued his instructions to his men to continue drilling. They slew their own hoes, reached their discontent than, in eight feet thick layer of pure clay, which deposition of water, which was devoid of all traces of human effects. 18
Then replaced another moment of great importance. It may appear before the eyes of the workers who took them surprising tools of flint and pottery vases marginalized to a large extent similar to those discovered in the Tel slaves went down "and gone" to the class discovered by taking those tools and examine them carefully has captured the same feelings and emotions numerous. It has taken place on his mind in case the idea was barely enough courage for delivery to their health, because it was the seemingly impossible and hardly accepted by the mind. And hastily summoned two of his classes and see them strange. What was their opinion? We look closely at taking and they do not be able to express in words, the thing about it is unreasonable and that they knew they see with their own eyes that they would like " Woolly " . At that moment I arrived wife walk "and gone" and took a look at the upper classes ... THC to pure clay layer that has a thickness of eight feet 19
... and then to the ancient remains at the foot of them did not hesitate to have shouted, saying: "There is no doubt that the flood."
While the bottom of the well area were not more than a square yard ... and such a limited guide to the world of what was enriched warned to announce the discovery of a flood light it is considered to be for many centuries one of the effective accident in human history. It should seek a fuller evidence.. In the next season I choose " Woolly " in the low-land, which was once the royal tombs of the spot and plans of the rectangle length Seventy-five feet by sixty feet. And turned it into a large well depth Sixty-four feet.
When drilling reached down to the level of the ruins of the tombs are built kind of strange red brick houses appeared was not flat roofs of 20
these houses but was curved up. Then followed by other layers of housing. Then it emerged after an amazing layer of broken pottery has a thickness of eight ten feet. And soon it became clear that a large pottery factory was located in this spot ... and that the well penetrates the warehouse was received the pots were damaged or broken during manufacture. At the bottom of this heap is a thin layer of handmade pots of the kind found in white emerged. Had the fees that were found were much less elaborate. Then appeared pure silt. That silt, which noted " Woolly " that the flood is the one who failed layer upon layer, however, the thickness of silt in that spot was eleven ahead and that with the exception of one race silt darker color configuration was organized during the whole class.
Microscopic examination has shown that the water which is deposited and it is made up of material washed away from the middle of the River Euphrates region. Under the silt which has other flood deposition amount of bricks that appeared gravely affected by wear and tear, ash and broken crockery. All of which are evidence does not invalidate the human existence. "Woolly" characterized hardly three layers consecutive inhabited by man before the flood and was spread where all the quantities and plenty of clay pots dating back to the Stone Age of the type which is run by hand and discovered in white, and flint tools and statues of pottery and parts of the slurry does not printed on it still effects of woven sticks that were pressed on them. Here, too, was the mud huts of sticks woven installed with some mud had built up high from the ground surrounded by water. The pottery pieces scattered around the place in a slightly deeper level and are all located in a horizontal 22
level one as if they were thrown in the water and settled in the mud, which calm the rock bottom. It was not under the remains of the Stone Age, but this crusty green silt not only punctuated by plant roots brown spots. At that every trace of human remains. " Woolly " aware that arrived at the base, who grew up the old Iraq. The knoll mud huts that were stabilized by much less, up from the nearby Barwa upon which the city of "orr". When the flood came, it must have been raided and destroyed the huts total destruction. And finally on "and gone" What happened to the white huts and Stone Age village which is surrounded by water. I wrote the flood urgent end. And indicated that silt reached the maximum thickness of her eleven ahead layer that high the flood was not less than twenty-five feet. Rising flood as stated Torah twenty six feet almost. He 23
calculated " Woolly " to flood in this flat valley must have been immersion space three hundred miles in length and display a hundred miles. This was enough to submerge the entire valley except in higher portions of the cities that were built on top of hills, elevated above the ground.
And the occurrence of a flood like this in the land such as Iraq is not out of the question ... of note where the two rivers (Tigris and Euphrates) are what most Be the land of Iraq
original of this label - which commentators disagree markedly .. came most interpretations tell uninformed commentators on ancient Iraq and the names of cities. In Iraq, the names of ancient cities that existed before the emergence of the Sumerians and the Sumerian writing great similarity with the name of Iraq ... either in the first or in the last sectional such as Uruk and Urukug and Larak. Due to the similarity between the verbal or - U in the language of the population of the country and led South Rivers old and (p) of Arab or Western24
Semitism ... the letters and characters was not one ... as well as the similarities between the (k) located in mentioned the names of cities and Crafts (s) in the word Iraq ... the label (Iraq) could be the names of these three cities group. Because these three cities form the boundaries of Sumeria or plain of Shinar, a majority of the Abbasid or the southern region of Iraq confined area between the Tigris and Euphrates and the extended north of Kut, south of Babylon current even when the Euphrates River Line. ) In the south-west, which was located in the Stone modern role on the Euphrates River or on the swamp can be valid on this label Alourk proportion to the country's three big cities: the RAC in the north and south of Kut, Uruk (Warka (as shown by the excavations of the Mission German: layer slaves 4200 BC.) It takes its water from the Euphrates River and the city of Uruk in the east of the area in question. This is in addition to the city of Uruk (or Warka or Eric) was the most important cities of this spot is the radiation Cultural Center before the emergence of the Sumerian writing (3200 BC.) In ancient historical roles .. Therefore, it is very possible that the word Iraq or arak taken from naming hips or Ghorak or Aourak or veins. . . There is absolutely no 25
indication that Iraq is concerned with the sun or the country the sun because the sun was one of the most important gods Mesopotamia old - was recalling named Sumerian Otto 'effective: deity Otto ... The worship center in the city of Larsa Alsnkerh and specialists know that naming Iraq were fired on a particular section of Mesopotamia, and no doubt that the south of Iraq, it is likely that it includes the middle as well as to the borders of the beginning of the island - the island of Mesopotamia - which begins from the southern border of the country Assyrian, a town (analgesic) at town (current country). Eye-catching that the word (UR) in the names of the ancient cities of Iraq}
They originate from the snow between Armenian mountains ... and pour in the Persian Gulf and that without them what I found ... has consisted of deposits. The Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq differ from the ancient Nile, as it is to flood the wait or regularity in the usual flood, when dams to flood destroy the human and drown farms. 26
Iraq is also characterized by the stifling dusty wind. Steel and heavy winds shift from the ground into a sea of mud take away the rights of freedom of movement.
In the description of one of the ancient inhabitants of this country (Iraq) ... in the whirlwind thunderstorm "terrible flame flare littered the ground like the dress."
And the impact that was succeeded by the flood in the same ... such as we see in this description. - The winner can flood and not the strength to resist one. - Which shakes the sky flicker and go down to the ground. - The mother and her baby wrapped in a terrible cover. 27
- And destroys the mellow green reeds in the fields. - And drown during harvest maturity. - Rising water hurts the eye. - Flood drown out the banks. - And reap the largest trees. - A perfect storm tearing everything. - High speeds in chaos. This is the picture which the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the flood does not rule out the normal occurrence of such a flood.
surrounding the origin of the Sumerians is similar uncertainty about the origin of the Egyptians. They are the only people known to him the other ancient Egyptian writing submitted in writing. Sumerians was linguistically, foreign intruders as far as the Egyptians were indigenous. They came in their own language, 28
which is not yet known it has any link to any other language to the marshes in southern Iraq (Mesopotamia), and was inhabited before them a Semitic language in the most likely people. Before the Sumerians solutions Mesopotamia Valley flooded the Tigris and Euphrates great flood swept through villages and citizens more vulnerable than others to the demolition of deviation, which was endemic ancients of the people of the Stone Age people talk the latter.]
They were the first to cotton this spot (Euphrates Valley) who know a lot about them from impending floods and bad for us ... So they built a series of dams to book rough waters ahead. Stone did not have easy Somreon So they built dams and piles of dried mud bricks reinforced heat of the sun. And booked this water terraces. This was followed by the Babylonians ... it was famous city of Babylon of four thousand years channels its own mega-known curiosities (Nahrawan) and was made an offer of four 29
hundred and two hundred in length. The channel Nahrawan movement of irrigation water from the Tigris River to the distant surrounding Babylon Fields. There was a huge dam across the river regulates the water supply channel ... it combines the water in front of him and brings him down until flowing into the channel and begins his long journey to Babylon. Nothing was left of the water engineering works, but her memory. Perhaps this in turn highlights what was the Babylonians used clay river in most incensed abandoned ... for being the most abundant materials. It also highlights the Torah accuracy "and happened when they went out to the east that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. He said to one another, so let us make the starchy Xia. And they had brick for stone. And they had asphalt for mortar" (Genesis 11: 2 3). 30
Flood, who make sure that his presence excavations included .. Is the ball the whole earth? ... Or confine myself to Orr - or Iraq?. Before answering this question, there is an ancient Egyptian myth deserves to be seen by namely:
Legend Save human from the yard This myth was found written in more than one place. Among the graves found where - "City I" - "Ramses II" and "Ramses III" in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor. It can be dated between the fourteenth century and XII BC. This is the Legend text: Happened in the past decade - while the "Ra" live earth. After the creation of the people and create everything that lives on the back of the earth - as the creation of the gods .. though people applying to all the biggest obeisance and worship of God is necessary for his or her place on high. But God had raided adulthood succession of years and generations and has become an old man, his bones from silver, gold and flesh, and the hair of lapis lazuli. "He took people
mocked him and throwing him weak and emaciated." Science and majesty of God what was going on between people, and they whisper it. He became angry and ordered the gods that were in the passengers, saying: - Call on me, "my eyes," Hurry ... as well as "Shu" and "Tefnut" and "pocket" and notes "... as well as all the gods of parents who were with me when I was living" N ". - As well as call upon the "N" itself ... but comes with the members of his entourage. - Invite them all in secret ... so as not to see them as human beings. - And brought them to the Grand Palace. And they were attended by all these gods .. and met secretly even humans do not know the order of their meeting. When they entered they bowed down and worshiped God in his hands
and putting their hands on the ground. Then chanted:
- Talked to us ... so we know what sermons. He said, "Ra" directed his words to the "N": - The "N" Hey We are not the largest of the gods found therein. - My oldest gods. I invite you to say what you think. - That the people who created them had conspired against me. - The people who created them from my eyes whispering against me. They say in their hearts mockingly:
"Look ... The King has become an old man, his bones turned to silver and flesh ... .. and went to his hair to azure." 34
- Can you guide me to what I am their maker. - And for that invite you to take your mind ... I know I was not the oldest to be exterminated until I hear from you what you recommend it. And he spoke "N", saying:
- You, O great god. - You, O Creator of excellence in your greatness. - You son who has the power of his father. - Send "eyes" of the plotters kill you. Then they will disappear off the ground.
He sent "Ra" "eyes" to kill human beings according to advice "N" ... but when they felt their dispersed in deserts, and disappeared among the rocks.
He said, "Ra": - Look at how humans fled to the deserts ... and disappeared among the rocks. That their hearts tremble of panic "in kind".
Then made the masses of the gods to the god "Ra" and other advice is that the "send" eyes "among the people on the ground to kill them closely."
And they said to him: - "Let your eyes sink to the ground" to arrest those who are plotting evil against you. - If your eyes are not enough strength to do this mission. " - "And to send" in form like your son "Hathor".
These gods came down to earth and human beings decimated deployed in the desert and returned to her father.
God said to her: - Hello you, Hathor ".... oh I call him, including summits of work.
She said the gods "Hathor": - Hey you live for me (these words were spoken at the start of the section when the ancient Egyptians). I have tremendous strong among humans. I do this task heart full of pleasure and contentment.
Individual by God, he is saying: - That destroy you their It will strengthen the powers of them ... but enough is enough by 37
what summits. Don't kill them after that individual. While the goddess they did not hear what he said to her father ... and continued throughout the night and kill human beings took a swim in their blood.
The feared "Ra" on the morning of the second day to come, "Hathor" what's left of them shouted around him those who: - I call upon me to hurry messengers racing against the wind ... their speed exceeds the speed of the shade? So he came apostles on the spot and ordered them to His Majesty the machine: - Just go to the Elephantine and brought all what you can carry of the (Daddy).
[Alddy this red substance use them to get in the Egyptian Red color. We cannot say for sure whether the plant material or stone. However, it is known that the Elephantine (Aswan) containing ocher mine what we call OCRE ... Perhaps it is what God wanted to bring it from there. When he brought the apostles (daddy) to milling machine is also ordered some maids to prepare large quantities of beer and mixed by (Daddy) ... became the color is similar to human blood ... then fill out "seven thousand jar.
In the morning, or "Ra" his followers to carry these jars of red, including beer and poured in place Hathor, who planned to kill those who remain from humans.
He said God murmuring: 39
- How beautiful what you did. - And protect what remains of humans from lethality. The fields looked great blessing topped with a layer of beer to the high three palms (a unit of measurement equivalent to almost 7.5 cm). We have all been done by order of His Majesty this god.
In the early morning it came the gods "Hathor" to this place that so overwhelmed by the flood ... and enjoyed seeing the beautiful face profile on its surface. Laughed uncle of pleasure itself. So then I drank her drink until Secret. So she went back reeling did not overwhelmed the completion of what my intention to come up with the rest of the humans. And I held celebrations mystery of God, and chosen for himself the outcome of this work.
But what relevance this myth .. one of the most mysterious myths and confusion flooding "Noah" in the Bible? This old myth gave her character. - "N" represents the god of the assignment of the first Sudaimh of the universe. - "Shu" like atmosphere. - "Tefnut" his wife, and they represent the moisture or water vapor. - "Pocket" god of the earth and the earth was representing. - "Knott" 'Lha heaven and they represent the sky. - And all of them (those gods) which are vital elements of which the universe ... They are the first of the gods.
It is noted that it was not among the gods Isis Almayoroh Or Nephthys or Thoth or Ptah, or .... or they are gods in the latest of the former arrangement. Signals from the occurrence of a flood, not a flood Normal pain in Egypt since ancient times.
It is noted in the context of the legend of the god raid adulthood succession of years. - It also notes the myth (Eye of God). - Eye icon of common symbols in ancient Egypt from the sun. - You did not do the job. - And to send in form like your daughter Hathor .... - Some sources indicate that "Hathor" took the form of "Sekhmet" Gods .. lioness, which was always conceived as a woman with a lioness 42
and promised the goddess of battles and wars in ancient Egypt .. and has always been a perception of angry and locked in the blood. - Other sources suggest conjugation of these gods of moisture or water vapor in ancient Egypt. What is this confusing? - "Hathor" gods that were always conceived back as a backsliding .. This was always associated with the goddess "Ra" or the sun. It is a very ancient legend of the prehistoric era, and mentioned in the Pyramid Texts. She had become unspeakable words "those that belong to the scarcity of" King of the deceased and trying to be up to the heavenly your area. Ulm name means "Mskn- Horus" Falcon, who was hovering in the most remote regions of the heavens ... and the symbol of the sun. It is also the cow heaven .. great cosmic goddess who gives birth to the sun. One that is 43
allowing the sun that rises from between the horns.
The curse of these legendary expressions astronomical smell ... and this is the reality ... Between the astronomical paintings of the ancient Egyptians groups with a star shaped cow show.
- "Sekhmet and" in turn linked to the goddess lioness represented among the twelve constellations LEO Lion Tower. - The "Tefnut" They are God humidity or water vapor.
What is the relationship of the above flood or flood?
Simply it is known that the Nile River was flooding when the sun is in Leo "Sekhmet" ... (though its importance is not equivalent to the importance of the star "Sirius Yamania" and which has been associated flood and took the flour such as timing means a lot in ancient Egypt). It is noted in ancient Egypt that the supervisors of the business they make holy water in the gutters temples in the form of heads Black - as it was black heads and open jaws to dig channels gates and passing them water for the irrigation of the Nile Valley. Black and those who extrude water in the many classic and modern fountains .... may be from ancient Egypt Black strain ... or Assad LEO tower, which was raising the flood water when the sun is in his sign.
There are also some stray signals from cow or "Hathor" ... the great flood of being exciting .... 45
Is this a signal that enough about the role of the constellation (the cow - Hathor) in flood.
It confirms that the ancient Egyptian was celebrated "Hathor" ... in the first month of the flood season.
The "Tefnut" They represented what the water vapor ... the key to feeding rivers for its water ... and that falls in the form of rain is known that the source of the Nile from the snowcapped Rwenzori Mountains and the rain that falls throughout the year.
Let's leave this now and review the "change radioactivity solar theory." Among the reasons for a change solar radiation change in radioactivity itself to the sun..
Radioactivity, which we observe in the present day directly affects life on Earth, affects the atmospheric pressure, and the magnetic field, and the air currents, and the rain and the temperatures and the plants and animals growth ... and on human activity. The link between solar radiation and the many aspects of human activity.
Activity and solar radiation leads to higher temperatures in the tropics, and this leads to increased evaporation. This evaporation, in fact, raise five meters from the ocean in tropical areas, and raise sea, and the clouds that rain falling in the vicinity equivalent to approximately two meters (and the source of the rivers and the renewed rains) occurring among the rest towards the poles and falls in the form of snow.
The more solar activity, the temperature rises at the equator, the more active evaporation, and the more heavy, clouds laden with water vapor, precipitation and increased general, and from the snow above the upper display.
This theory is embodied in the legend. Solar radiation .. change which affects negatively on the sun (weaken) commensurate with the colors that became the old god "Ra" bones of silver, and the flesh of gold, and a hair of lapis lazuli.
Legend also expressed about the power of the temperature and height in the solar radiation change .. It is already happening in spite of weakness .. in this section. He sent "Ra" sample to kill human beings according to advice "N" but when they felt
their dispersed in the deserts and differed among the rocks.
He said, "Ra": - Look at how humans fled to deserts and disappeared among the rocks - that their hearts tremble panic from my eyes. Then it made the masses of gods to god "Ra" and other advice is that sends the same among people on the ground to kill them closely. They said: - Let your eyes sink to the ground to arrest those who conspire with evil against you. The eye is not enough strength to play this mission .. and to send the form, such as your son "Hathor". And "Hathor", "Sekhmet", "Tefnut" as symbols of certain elements share and contribute to the overflow of the Nile River and that steps were 49
happening mysterious legendary details ... but it is consistent in its entirety and the theory of solar radiation change.
Activity is solar radiation raise in temperature. "Sekhmet" or Leo is known that most of the times the heat.
Activity solar evaporation.
"Tvenont" gods that represented the water vapor. Activity solar radiation will be carried by clouds and water vapor ... It is for the rain that falls fed rivers. "Hathor," "Sekhmet" two groups of stars, causing the occurrence of flooding. But not likely to be this myth refers to the normal flood, not a flood. 50
This is already what scientists think about this myth as referring to the flood which inundated the country each year. But this is inconsistent with the date of the events of this legend, which indicated to him at the beginning of the event in the past decade while the Nile flood was happening once a year. The myth has some strange signals god "Ra" is his apostles to go to Elephantine to bring him whatever they could carry from the (Daddy), a material used by the ancient Egyptian to get the red color ... and unknown whether the plant material or stone. This article is the god "Ra" Crushed and mixed with beer ... and filled the jar seven thousand (seven thousand). Another section of the legend says that the fields looked great blessing topped with a layer of beer to rise three palms ... or about 22.5 cm approx. 51
Geographers and see that the Nile has seen a big increase in the level of one hundred in the early Paleozoic stone top (perhaps the era of Noah?) ... And spread flooding to large tracts of land in the form of the old ponds and swamp Egypt ... shown by the remains of more Hippos and fish in their waste. But do parties linked to the Nile flood of Noah?
In the six hundredth year of life, "Noah" ... in the second month on the seventeenth day of the month ... on that day the sky exploded energies and the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. (Genesis 12-11: 7).
He says, "between Smith" that that date was agreed with the autumnal equinox holiday ... At this time also was rising and flooding of the Nile in ancient Egypt. 52
But is this stating that the flood was comprehensive? The presence of a legend like the myth of human s arm of the yard ... by noting the occurrence of a devastating flood ... denies the idea that the lack of private flood stories in Africa. Although the residents or citizens of some countries in South and West Africa, said a flood cited citing advances such as the solution to their land ... and rich Congo and Angola ... has been possible to learn it by some missionaries there. Among the tales which recorded the Lake Dblolo in Angola, who lived around the entire village overflowed and exterminated this village in all neighborhoods.
As mentioned deluge solution's north in East Africa. This was made possible by the knowledge that some missionaries also. However, the people's tales, which cut for such a flood similar to a large extent contained in the 53
Bible ... which is likely to be such stories are listed by the people's derived from the story of "Noah" ... the Bible through missionaries also.
In Asia mentioned the flood ... of course in Iraq - Palestine - Syria - India - Burma and so on in some large islands of Sumatra - Brunei - and the Celebes .. and between small islands also mentioned that the flood such as the root of Nias, Aanjano, Srma, roti and Florence.
And stories about the devastating flood also responded to the root of the tongue of the population of the Philippines Islands and Formosa. As well as in some isolated islands in the Bay of Bengal. And also he mentioned the devastating flood in the Federation of Malaysia and Australia Islands.
And toward the east in the Pacific Ocean where the infinitely small islands in the sporadic ... ... Polynesia and Micronesia mentioned .. great flood, as well as in Hawaii Islands. This in South Asia .. either in the north and east and central. It did not mention the devastating flood but a flood mentioned in Rhode locally as the effects of China.
In Europe. Rarely mentioned such a flood - and that was mentioned in ancient Greece ... and in eastern Russia. In South and Central America and the northern flood story was spread to a great stop ... and that of Tiradal Fuego at the southern tip of South America ... even Alaska in the north.
In both continents and from east to west. As well as between the Eskimos in Alaska to Greenland in the west to the east. 55
There are noticeable on the sites that country ... If we start with Africa, we will find that the country is contained by the flood mentioned overlooking the Atlantic Ocean .. and conducted by rivers such as the Quito River And Koanju River Koandoa River and Angola. And Obenjy River. River and Sonja Balkengu ... and Egypt as the Nile ... overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea to the east.
In Asia Iraq being the Tigris and Euphrates ... and overlooking the Persian Gulf. Syria overlooking the Mediterranean Sea .. It also has the Orontes River and the River Alsarut shear. Palestine overlooking the Mediterranean Sea ... as the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee.
India is surrounded by the Indian Ocean on three sides ... It also has many rivers, including the River Krishna, Godavari River, Kufri River. 56
Underneath all the islands ... Philippines - Field - Sumatra ... even the aforementioned Australia ... surrounded by the Pacific Ocean water from the East and from the West Indian ... also surrounded by sea is also the South China Sea, the Sea of Phelps, Java Sea, the Sea kings, the Sulu Sea ... and so on. As well as Australia as well .. location between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic and surrounded by a group of the sea ... the Tasman Sea, Arafura Sea, the Timor Sea - also has many lakes and rivers as well as - Blue River, and the River Tamwe, Marquay River, River Darling, Daly River, Victoria River. As for China - and surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the east .. It also has rivers, including the Yangtze River also ... also overlooking the East China Sea to the east, as well as the Yellow Sea. And we come to Europe - including the highlight of Greece, a country located in the 57
heart of the whole Mediterranean and that surrounds it on three sides. As well as eastern Russia is overlooking the Sea Ookedzk It also has many rivers, including Maya River, river us, Aldan River, River Oomolon, Colima river ... and so on. Americas ... east Atlantic Ocean in the west Pacific - and being out ... many rivers in North America and the Mississippi River Kloraado River and the Missouri River. South most famous Amazon River in addition to many other rivers. And its environs as well as Greenland Sea ... It is in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean - as well as Alaska overlooking the Pacific Ocean .
It is noticeable from the foregoing that all the country in which they flood her close connection to water. If the land of Egypt was affected by solar radiation change ... which led 58
to a flood by the legendary record ... - Is not it logical that the rest areas are affected and which are similar in composition geographical Egypt, change radiation of the sun ... a in turn led to a flood. This change radiation as previously mentioned leads to rising sea water, as well as ocean water, and increased evaporation and thus increasing rainfall.
- It is worth mentioning that in many of the flood stories contained between the effects of the peoples mentioned rising sea .. and especially in countries overlooking the sea also included some other flood stories anniversary happening rains
But let us return to the sixth chapter of Genesis V7 mentioned face of the earth. And the earth here in Hebrew (dermis).
In the same chapter, verse 11, 12, 13 according to the ground in the three verses here six times the word (balances) in the Hebrew word not (corium) as in the previous verse in Hebrew.
(Dermis) means scorched earth. The (balances) in Hebrew refers to the part, home to rights.
These three words Hebrew (dermis) and (balances) to rotate their presence and their meanings in the context of the story of the flood in the Bible. By linking effects or places which reported the story of the flood and based on the ancient Egyptian myth of solar radiation or change ... the flood theory was a year but specified places ... which reported that the flood occurred. And as it turns out most of them linked to water and groupings .. and varying proportions in turn influenced the flood proportion to this place or that size. 60
For example - the continent of Asia, located in the south Pacific Islands and in the heart of the small - it was a devastating flood her ... unlike China, which overlooks the Pacific Ocean to the east, as well as the East China Sea was not a devastating flood incidence.
And striking that most of the country was affected by the flood rivers - fresh water - and gather around him living organisms - and also grew up around human societies and civilizations that have evolved to. Reported occurrence of the flood story monuments.
This may also explain the reason for the receipt of the flood story among many of the ruins of the ancient country ... also explain the reason for recording geologists lack of flood included in the globe since the beginning of human appearance on earth. 61
This was some of the myths that I talked about a local flood and reflect on the nature of her country. The closest example of Egyptian myth by comparing the story of "Noah" in the Bible.
In other countries ... the story of the flood carried by travelers ... has been altered from person to person, according to the nature of the town, so it fits. The quote was common in the ancient world such as building the pyramids .. civilizations in South America (the Aztecs and Mayans) ... and (Sudan) is a tradition builders created a goal in Pharaonic Egypt.
As derived by Greek gods, of the gods of the ancient Egyptians - Apis = Serapis, Hathor = Aphrodite ... etc. What stories of mind.
It underlines the lack of universality of the flood ... the sense of tyranny on earth ... the whole bird, which sent "Noah" ... (Raven) and that wild birds is characterized by strong wings so he went and no longer - as opposed to (the bathroom) ... but it did not find the seat of her husband. So it has returned.
And go back to the seventh chapter of the Book of Genesis to see the stages of occurrence of the flood. It should be noted that the word deluge in Hebrew "Mbol" .. and this word is not only a flood of "Noah" used only in Psalm twentyninth .. but an indication of the deluge "Noah" - From verse 6 .. when the flood of water on the ground. - From verse 10 .. and happened after seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth. 63
- From verse 11-12 .. it exploded all the fountains of the great deep .. opened up the energies of the sky. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. - From verse 17 to 19 ... And the flood was forty days upon the earth and the waters increased and raised the ark went upon the face of the waters and the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth. - From verse 20 .. fifteen arm upward did the waters. - From verse 14 .. And the waters prevailed on the earth one hundred and fifty days. Signs of a gradual rise in water and corresponds to the theory of change solar radiation. Some of this is likely to Roman Sea and the Black Sea and the Sea of Beads and waters of the Gulf Persians. Rose overshadowed the
mainland and met with rain water and covered the ground.
It is the eighth sanitation sure this theory more - 1 verse ... and God authorized the wind died down on the ground and water. - From verse 2 .. and spilled fountains of the deep and the energies of the sky and he refuses rain from the sky, declined to rain here in Hebrew, "residence". - It is verse 3 ... and return water from the ground back continually. After a hundred and fifty days the waters decreased. It is said that this verse indicates the privacy of the flood? Now, to what extent was the flood waters rise? - Of chapter 4 verse 8 of Genesis. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth
day of the month on the mountains of Ararat. (Ararat) Mountain. (Ararat) in Hebrew meaning (high ground) and in the Hebrew Torah that Ararat. Which some heights that mountain. _jbl Ararat in Armenian) and not the top of that mountain. (Ararat mountains ... not the mountain ... as stated in the Bible). - Supports this verse 2 of chapter 11 of Genesis .. "that the children of Noah traveled eastward to Shinar" - translation of some of the Middle .. and this is not the Ararat Mount Ararat is known in Armenian.
- And by reference to the verse 19 of Chapter VII .. And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth. She is covered all the high mountains under heaven. And the meaning of all here (total) Any Total mountains in the land hit by the flood. 66
- It is verse 20 of the same chapter fifteen cubits upward did mention the water were covered mountains. (Fifteen cubits) the increase is large. But for countries such as Valley of Mesopotamia it is a great ... Most of these plains of land surrounded by a series of mountains.
At that Dr. "my friend," he says in his book of exotic Persian words in Arabic old .. Print Kontekn 1919 p 69 "Erak" recipe of ER collected by Eran.
He says, "Phrae" Iraq may have been the word of the Pahlavi authentic sense of low-lying land. In Pahlavi ER words, the low and down .. It is likely this to say "my friend." This label is based on the source of derivation.
And now ... Why mention this rise? For the animal that took him "Noah"
Here we must keep in mind the geographical distribution of animal ... in the sense that animals exist in Australia, such as kangaroos and kiwi birds and other animals ... is located in South America, such as llamas and Alormadloa and so on ... is found in animals North American bears, musk oxen and bison animals .. is located in Africa.
If what we have said it is known that 60% of the organisms living in the water. Among every hundred organism living on land there are seventy of them insects ... Based on the Bible and God's commandment to Noah to take from the earth ... and pronunciation ground here AIX 17 Chapter VI, which preceded the verses from 19 to 22 and the recommended God "Noah" the 68
quality of the animals it took her‌ (Male said that the land in this verse does not understand the mind of the land on which it was known "Noah" and the people of his day) ... two of the birds after their kind, and cattle, and all the earth tanks ... and here highlights the accuracy of the Bible, which not literally little monsters and reptiles‌ Here is the man who says that the monsters mentioned in verse 14 of chapter VII of the word ... (monsters) in this verse in Hebrew means "all neighborhoods," but not enough to blunt the whole earth tank in reference to the beasts of another question may arise whether. .. and capable of control in the sun, cannot control the nature of the animals created by ... whatever.
There are worthy of being taken into account point ... namely the sense of the animal, which enables him to sense danger before it happens. This point addition to high flood fifteen cubits. 69
The space that was likely "and gone" that the flood has submerged a three hundred mile length and width of a hundred miles make it more likely that a large number of animals such as the occurrence of the flood fled to safer places where.
Notes verse 22 of chapter VII, which indicated to erase all based on the face of the earth ... that the word earth here in the original Hebrew dermis. And dealing with the plowed earth. And plowed here is sandy or rocky mountain.
And highlights the accuracy of the Bible at this particular point ... in verse 21-22 of chapter VII, "all flesh died that moved on the floor of birds and beasts and monsters every creeping thing that creeps on the earth and all people." Here, we must keep in mind the growing water for a hundred and fifty days of fatality - less so very sufficient. 70
And human remains A review of the fifth chapter in the Book of Genesis (the book was born Adam) Are these births enough to fill the earth even kill the flood. 1 verse of the sixth chapter of Genesis. And it came to men began to abound on earth and daughters were born to them.
When men began to abound. In the Hebrew Adam began to frequently ... translation is to craft began Rights. This means that Adam .. any human race in Hebrew. Anthropological scientists and confirms that the effects of races humane and placed under the Human Monkey names - and the Neanderthals - Homo erectus and Orictos .. Sabins lived fill the earth and mankind such as Zaro sapiens (Adam).
Where did these races .. Do disappearance anything to do with the flood?
It should be noted that the Bible referred to these races and aware of Anthropology. Be put an end to a conflict in opinions. And an end to conflicting scientific theories. And that the area was not mentioned now. Flood Babylonian: one of the special flood myths. And joined the special attention of learners of the Gospel to its similarity with the flood of "Noah" in the Book of Genesis.
Found "George Smith" in 1872 on the fictional story of the Code of cuneiform on twelve of the plate containing the biography in the lattice image of a hero than a dozen clip.
These panels have been found in Nineveh in Ashurbanipal Library 668-626 BC and preserved in the British Museum. Eleven panels of them contain the Babylonian flood story. "Noah" is a Babylonian "Ootnabsteim". The gods decided to destroy Hurbak - city in the Euphrates valley - a flood of water was the cause of this spread of sins and evils. "Whatever," the god of wisdom cautioned "Ootnabsteim" to save him .. so as to piety and splendor. This God has been reported, "Noah" Babylonian this image.
- The form of the house my son ship. - Abandonment of ownership, looking to save your life. - Jilt your goods, for a, living soul. - Bring the ship in the seeds of life of every kind. - And which would build the ship. 73
- Make them display the same height and size. - And put it on top of the rear.
"Ootnabsteim" Cut how God obeyed orders - In the fifth day it began in the construction of the ship. - Structure - its aspects was a hundred and twenty cubits in height. - And her back (the surface) similar hundred and twenty cubits in his presentation.
- Introduction ship was built and brought it to the ship. - And then the emergence of six built (surfaces) where other. - And it was divided into seven stores in them. - And thus divided into seven stores. 74
- Each store from the inside divided into nine compartments. - Then it began to fill the cracks (between ship plates). After the construction of the "Ootnabsteim" carry his possessions.
- Everything I own. - All the seeds of life of each type I own campaign. - And placed on the surface all my family and a service. - Herds of the field - the monsters of the fields. - Skilled makers too - all of them and put them on the surface.
The arrival of the flood "Ootnabsteim" was Mrtava 75
- Eased to see above the ground. - Entered between shrubs ship and closed the door. - Six days and six nights. - Furious winds, flood waters and storms over land. - The seventh day waned, mufti storms, flooding palm. - Which claimed human beings. - Calmed the sea - hurricanes, floods subsided. - I saw the ground and screamed loudly. - Because all of the human race turned into a child (clay). - Fenced fields become swamps. - Opened the window - and the light fell on my face.
- Ship docked on Mount Naseer east of the Tigris River. - And I stayed there for six days. - When he came on the seventh day. - Come and go dove Tji. - And what not find a place to rest him returned. - Brought a bird and fired. - Take the bird Iji and go. - When they did not find him resting place returned. - Brought Crow and launched. - Raven went and saw the low water. - Eat - and waded into the water - and croak (voice Raven) - no longer.
"Ootnabsteim" - left the ship and gave sacrifices. - Then everything around all four sides launched the sky. - Sacrifices offered. - I have prepared offerings on top of the mountain. God "but" arranged "to Ootnabsteim" and his wife place in the Babylonian paradise. - "But" I turned to us - walked among us blessed us and said: - So far, "Ootnabsteim" Men still satisfied, but since now Ootnabsteim, his wife and the gods are represented. - And dwell away from the mouth of the river.
From the above noted there are similar elements between the story of the Flood Babylonian flood Hebrew. - "Noah" is the tenth of "Adam" strain "Ootnabsteim" is the tenth descendant of the first man. - The cause of flooding in the two stories comes from the sins of the human race.
- The purpose of the flooding in the two stories punish sins. - "Noah" and "Ootnabsteim" rescued because of their piety. - "Noah" and "Ootnabsteim" warned the arrival of the flood. - "Noah and" Ootnabsteim "informed the ship building. - Ship Babylonian, Hebrew contained the seeds of life of every kind. 79
- Two stories of water covered the high mountains ... and crashed all the pure things in life .. With the exception of the vessel. - "Noah" sent out to the west and two white doves ... "Ootnabsteim" sent out a dove, sparrow, crow. -: Noah "gave sacrifices when he left the ship ..." Ootnabsteim "sacrifices feet when you leave the ship. - God bless "Noah" - God "but" Park "Ootnabsteim".
Now, whichever is derived from the other - is common to the story of Noah in the Bible is derived from the Babylonian myth .. they are older. Let there be ... but what about the revelation before answering. To compare some of the points of the Babylonian myth and the story of "Noah" in the Bible. 80
Ship in the myth given suggestion in length, such as the cube display surface such as a hundred and twenty cubits. According to scientific calculations of modern ships built by 6 to 1. And verse 14 of chapter VI, "Make yourself an ark of wood Jafar. Make the ark and're painting inside and outside the with tar."
(make an ark) - astronomy at the Hebrew "Tibet and perk up" any coffin ... and intended to ship such as the coffin. (Rectangular) and not (cubic).Verse 15, chapter VI, "and so on manufactured by three hundred cubits the length of the ark, and fifty arm currently, thirty cubits its height." It is noted here that the orbit of "Noah" is identical scientific sizes 6 to 1 ratio. Jafar of wood .. In Hebrew "disobeyed Jafar" ... "gym in Hebrew such as Egyptian gym"" ... 81
meaning "sticks" wood or trees ... and near the gym of the Hebrew word of Arabic letters and CAF and adults gathered. For trees that have meaning or disbelief ... and the trees of the wilderness and the wilderness of infidelity in Arabic (asphalt and tar). Some commentators ... meaning wood Jafr - asphalt trees such as trees, known as the vegetarians at (Kiprisus December Furness) Any cypress - an evergreen tree straight leg Many stay.
It should be noted that the language of the Arabs said depending on the source derivative that Iraq is so named because Twahj veins and palm trees do. If he wanted to race and then collect on Iraq.
The proportion of coated with tar. He asphalt or asphalt The land of Assyria, where springs are available in the current asphalt nowadays. If 82
the ship torrential made where bitumen is extracted easily. Legend has stated that "Ootnabsteim" take the ship cracks in the dam ... but did not say how.
It is verse 16 of chapter VI lower and medium housing male and top three make any roles. While in the myth mentioned number seven (seven stores) in sections of the ship .. It is known that the number seven in the ancient civilizations of the most important figures and was considered a symbol of perfection ... and was used extensively in magic. It is still present in today's intellectuals who believes the characteristics of this figure ... It will regard from No. 13.
It is noted that this figure is also the period it took to flood ...
While in the Bible water overshadowed 150 days (Genesis 7:24) and returned 150 days (Genesis 8: 3). And the Earth, and the dry land, which the Bible lists them interested in chapter VIII. So which is more logical and commensurate with the devastating flood myth it said.
It is noted in the legend that after the seventh day also came "Ootnabsteim" dove and fired
This overview of the Babylonian myth and comparing the story of "Noah" in the Bible. Compared to their components. Although the history of this myth back to 2000 BC. While some parts of the Bible. If we told the story of "Noah" is precisely this - parts of which started in 600 BC and 850q.m. However, the myth suggests modernity compared to the Bible. 84
"Vootnabsteim" take his family and servants, as well as artisans ... and also the form in which it was built the ship and foremost. And it recommended its goods abandoned while ... did not want this in the Bible in which the senses freeing events ... which I wrote after writing legend. Apart from the revelation and his role in the writing of the Bible.
To get back to the Babylonian myth again. Though here the focus on the myths in our perception a myth ... It is difficult to put a precise one watershed between myth and superstition. However they should be separated with each other.
Really I think the myth is thinking Ages that science has not appeared yet ... this is what we believe it was only the function similar to those 85
carried out by the flag became then ... unlike superstitious thinking which is based on the denial of science. He declined curricula.
This selection may not be to the difference between the terms "legendary" and " fictitious" all accurate precision, but in any case benefit in distinguishing between these terms that are mixed in often in people's minds.
This myth sections or types including: 1. Myth ritual. 2. educational myth. 3. Myth Avatar. 4. historical myth.
* First it is clear that it is mainly associated with the operations of worship. Whatever the 86
form and manner ... and appointed proving side in words of the ritual before they become "story" to this ritual.
* The second did not find its way into existence only after the idea of a hidden spiritual beings emerged in return for what is in the face of it, it seems to be a range of clergy was able to just the group that they were connected with the spiritual beings ... and found magic. Raised with the spiritual desire for knowledge and interpretation. And it had to be then that the group differentiate between them and nature, and between nature and above nature, and between all this and the world of spirits on the basis that a hidden force behind the visible can be recognized by the imagination.
* The third must be human has exceeded the question and answer phase, and must be arms 87
of everything .. especially if contending with the forces of the presence of Seoul and lightning's and storms. After that he seek refuge by Maim magic and saves prayers priests who were always make him move away from the prevention and horrors of what happened on the amount of knowledge of the causes of and preparation. And on the amount of shows of the heroes who braved the challenge of Spirituality magicians alike. It is certain that most of the Legends of the World Saved to today belong to this type, and where we see Human Characteristics take off generously to the gods, as we see man able to face the challenges of the sky and win often to see what Legends of Greeks and Indians.
* The final namely, the historical legend. It may seem strange at first glance in that it encompasses the history investigator element. But in fact, we calculate calculated in that it 88
encompasses the paranormal hand. But on the other hand it makes the hero a combination of the gods and humans, or may content with and submit it to the rank of saints .. in a bid embodiment of the idea of good and defeat evil. This includes historical myth then Legends journey rife with risks, in the way he took the throne of the Holy Royal. This branch of Legends transit (and this other type of mythology).
This division in turn leads to a question .. story "Noah" and his flood under any kind of mythology included. There is no doubt that the first answer is the fourth type .. any historical.
If it does Babylonian mythology is based on the story of "Noah" and the Flood. Or is the 89
story of "Noah" and the flood is derived from the Babylonian mythology? With science and bearing in mind that the myths in their transition throughout history .. from spot to spot .. and group to group .. it was recorded historically and reservation scenes found fact. There is no doubt that the first answer is the fourth type .. any historical.
This recall in haste ship that match their own sizes and size "Noah" ship contained in the Bible and it assessed the Turkish mission at Mount Ararat in Armenia. And spare currency that is found in (Opamia) Phrygia, one of the provinces of Asia Minor - and a picture of astronomy and ... people inside and outside the airline, one in his mouth an olive branch, and next to a picture of the same people who are offering sacrifices, inscribed the name "Noah ". 90
It remains a question here ... how did "Moses," a writer first five books of the Bible to write the story of "Noah" and his flood the degree emancipation and foot senses as if a contemporary of events .. for a Babylonian myth that by the Babylonians themselves .. . knowing that he had been living in Egypt.