The Highlighter

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TSE #1 Women in Ministry


Quarterly Newsletter of the Department of Women—Texas Southeast First

The Women in Ministry HIGHLIGHTER Mother McClain’s goal for the Department of Women is to empower women through training and leadership development, to promote service to others who are less fortunate and to develop innovative and creative ways to spread the Gospel in a changing and challenging society. In essence, the Department of Women’s focus is ministry. The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight the good works that Auxiliaries and Units are doing, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them and give Him glory (Ephesians 2:10).

January—February—March 2015

 COGIC 2015 THEME “For the love of Christ compels us because we judge thus that if One died for all then all died and He

TSE #1 Ministers & Workers Conference 2015 The Dept. of Women Ministry Training Session during the Ministers & Workers Conference focused on Ministry Misery: Overcoming the Grumbles and Avoiding Ministry Burnout. Missionary Sharron Liner emphasized focusing on the job God has called us to do to overcome the discouragement, disappointments and frustration in ministry. District Missy Ellaner Cook’s presentation focused on avoiding ministry burnout. She emphasized the need to make sure our tasks and responsibilities are in sync with our divine calling. We must learn to say, “No” respectfully and in love to avoid feeling overwhelmed in ministry. In addition, special recognition and gifts were given to the captains that submitted registrants for the upcoming Women’s Conference, scheduled for Wednesday, April 29 through Saturday, May 2.

Pictured above: Supervisor Lena McClain and Lady Louisa Kyles; DOW Workshop Session Photo courtesy of Missy. Karen Bradberry (Beaumont, TX)

died for all that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.”

2 Corinthians 5:14-15


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