The Queen's Journal, Volume 143, Issue 8

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the journal

Queen’s University

Vol. 143, Issue 8

T h u r s day , O c t o b e r 8 , 2 0 1 5

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Queen’s professor awarded Nobel Prize

QPOP! Alvvays a hit

Queen’s professor emeritus Arthur McDonald reflects on winning Nobel Prize for Physics

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V ictoria G ibson Assistant News Editor It was a little after 5 a.m. on Tuesday when a phone call from Stockholm roused Dr. Arthur McDonald from sleep. The call was from the Nobel Committee for Physics to inform the Queen’s professor Alvvays, pictured above, headlined this year’s QPOP! festival. that he — along with Japanese scientist Takaaki Kajita — was the recipient of the former Leafs player Mats Sundin a year ago said — McDonald says his most memorable 2015 Nobel Prize for Physics. when McDonald visited Stockholm. moment since the announcement has been “With the shock, I’m kinda thinking, Upon hanging up the phone, McDonald with one of his granddaughters. hmm ... I’ve heard of hoaxes in situations like said his wife entered the room and the first “She said, ‘gee Grandpa, I didn’t realize this,” McDonald said in an interview with thing he said was, “I love you.” how smart you are!’” The Journal. “At that point, we began to wonder what McDonald’s research has focused on For McDonald, who came to Queen’s in all this means. And after 12 hours of steady neutrinos — a fundamental particle that 1989 and has been a professor emeritus since phone calls, I’m still wondering what it’s all scientists previously believed held no mass. 2013, he realized the call was real after a going to mean,” he said. Through his work as Director of conversation about the Toronto Maple Leafs Despite a flurry of responses from SNOLAB — a two kilometre-deep with Committee member Lars Bergström. colleagues, media outlets and friends — “my underground laboratory in Sudbury that The two had a similar conversation about home phone box was full, 23 voicemails!” he specializes in neutrino and dark matter physics — McDonald has proven that neutrinos can oscillate between identities while traveling between the sun and the earth. In layman’s terms, his discovery demonstrates that neutrinos hold mass. The breakthrough has shaken the previous Standard Model of particle physics and a decades-old physics puzzle. When asked what drew him to physics, McDonald said he had an early interest in mathematics. “I had an excellent math teacher in high school, who developed curiosity in math for a number of us,” he said. “When I went to Dalhousie, I signed up to do science. We had a wonderful firstyear physics professor, who was also the department chair and very busy with that, but he chose to teach first-year physics in PHOTO BY JACOB ROSEN Professor McDonald was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physics. order to inspire people.”


According to McDonald, the connection between science and mathematics was an attractive feature of physics. “It’s quite remarkable how well you can understand the world around you, with the laws of physics and application of mathematics,” he said. He said he’s continually amazed by the continuity of the fundamental laws of physics across time and space. “Look at the light produced by stars that are at the limits of our ability to detect, and therefore the light [that] has travelled over the farthest distance that you can imagine,” he said. “The particular wavelengths that are omitted by these stars — a very, very long time ago — are essentially identical to what we have here on earth.” For McDonald, such continuity has brought great meaning to his work in the field. “It means that, when you measure something today, you are contributing to a very detailed knowledge of the universe that extends a way back in time.” Although SNOLAB began with 16 scientists in 1984, the number of authors credited in their papers is currently at 277 — many of whom are or have been Queen’s students. McDonald says interacting See Still on page 6







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Campus inaccessible to persons with disabilities

Breakdancers from Montreal to Korea compete on campus

A sweet apple treat in time for Thanksgiving

Reflections on a lifetime of stuggling with mental illness

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