The Queen's Journal, Volume 143, Issue 8

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the journal

Queen’s University

Vol. 143, Issue 8

T h u r s day , O c t o b e r 8 , 2 0 1 5

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Queen’s professor awarded Nobel Prize

QPOP! Alvvays a hit

Queen’s professor emeritus Arthur McDonald reflects on winning Nobel Prize for Physics

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V ictoria G ibson Assistant News Editor It was a little after 5 a.m. on Tuesday when a phone call from Stockholm roused Dr. Arthur McDonald from sleep. The call was from the Nobel Committee for Physics to inform the Queen’s professor Alvvays, pictured above, headlined this year’s QPOP! festival. that he — along with Japanese scientist Takaaki Kajita — was the recipient of the former Leafs player Mats Sundin a year ago said — McDonald says his most memorable 2015 Nobel Prize for Physics. when McDonald visited Stockholm. moment since the announcement has been “With the shock, I’m kinda thinking, Upon hanging up the phone, McDonald with one of his granddaughters. hmm ... I’ve heard of hoaxes in situations like said his wife entered the room and the first “She said, ‘gee Grandpa, I didn’t realize this,” McDonald said in an interview with thing he said was, “I love you.” how smart you are!’” The Journal. “At that point, we began to wonder what McDonald’s research has focused on For McDonald, who came to Queen’s in all this means. And after 12 hours of steady neutrinos — a fundamental particle that 1989 and has been a professor emeritus since phone calls, I’m still wondering what it’s all scientists previously believed held no mass. 2013, he realized the call was real after a going to mean,” he said. Through his work as Director of conversation about the Toronto Maple Leafs Despite a flurry of responses from SNOLAB — a two kilometre-deep with Committee member Lars Bergström. colleagues, media outlets and friends — “my underground laboratory in Sudbury that The two had a similar conversation about home phone box was full, 23 voicemails!” he specializes in neutrino and dark matter physics — McDonald has proven that neutrinos can oscillate between identities while traveling between the sun and the earth. In layman’s terms, his discovery demonstrates that neutrinos hold mass. The breakthrough has shaken the previous Standard Model of particle physics and a decades-old physics puzzle. When asked what drew him to physics, McDonald said he had an early interest in mathematics. “I had an excellent math teacher in high school, who developed curiosity in math for a number of us,” he said. “When I went to Dalhousie, I signed up to do science. We had a wonderful firstyear physics professor, who was also the department chair and very busy with that, but he chose to teach first-year physics in PHOTO BY JACOB ROSEN Professor McDonald was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize for Physics. order to inspire people.”


According to McDonald, the connection between science and mathematics was an attractive feature of physics. “It’s quite remarkable how well you can understand the world around you, with the laws of physics and application of mathematics,” he said. He said he’s continually amazed by the continuity of the fundamental laws of physics across time and space. “Look at the light produced by stars that are at the limits of our ability to detect, and therefore the light [that] has travelled over the farthest distance that you can imagine,” he said. “The particular wavelengths that are omitted by these stars — a very, very long time ago — are essentially identical to what we have here on earth.” For McDonald, such continuity has brought great meaning to his work in the field. “It means that, when you measure something today, you are contributing to a very detailed knowledge of the universe that extends a way back in time.” Although SNOLAB began with 16 scientists in 1984, the number of authors credited in their papers is currently at 277 — many of whom are or have been Queen’s students. McDonald says interacting See Still on page 6







Anti-gay MP candidate reflects poor vetting process

Campus inaccessible to persons with disabilities

Breakdancers from Montreal to Korea compete on campus

A sweet apple treat in time for Thanksgiving

Reflections on a lifetime of stuggling with mental illness

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Thursday, October 8, 2015


Gaels share memories of Andrea Mariano Queen’s orientation leaders remember the first-year student as bubbly and energetic

Andrea’s Gaels have focused on the happy memories they shared during Frosh Week.


Students develop app to keep peers politically informed Politips wins $200 prize for 30 second business pitch competition V ictoria G ibson Assistant News Editor

Mariano (middle) with two of her Gaels during Frosh Week.

T arini pahwa Assistant News Editor


Politips, a mobile application dreamt up by Queen’s student Pamela Simpson, came out victorious at Tuesday’s Dragon’s Den competition. The event, run by the Queen’s Entrepreneurial Competition (QEC), is a 30-second business pitch competition. Winners receive a prize of $200. Politips condenses each political party’s platform points into 150 characters or less. From there, data relevant to the upcoming federal election is presented in a colour-coordinated feed and sorted by party, issue or most contested topic. Simpson says the Politips team will use the $200 prize to pay for advertising costs. The parties included in the app are what Simpson calls the “Big Five” — the Liberals, Conservatives, Bloc-Québécois, New Democratic Party (NDP) and the Green Party. According to Simpson, she came up with the idea after attending a guest lecture on citizen’s reform with political studies Professor Jonathan Rose last year.

“While he’s talking about this, everyone’s on their phones,” Simpson, ArtSci ’17, said. “I was thinking, for the federal election, why is there nothing where people can quickly go, find out all about the platforms, and just move on, instead of going through traditional news sources? That’s when people zone out.” From there, she founded Politips, which condenses information into digestible, quickly accessible parts for easy reference via a mobile device. In March, Simpson sought out a team for the project. She eventually recruited Justin Taub, ArtSci ’17, to help her create the app. The two original members have been joined by a team from various schools and backgrounds. Marketing Officer Kaily Schell, ArtSci ’15, and Chief Technology Officer Ian McKenzie, Sci ’17, are both Queen’s students. The team was rounded out by Graphic Designer Peter Li, an Ontario College of Art and Design student, and Editor Zach Buck, a University of Toronto alumnus. Taub said students often present too many excuses for being unaware of political platforms — “like, I don’t know where to

Queen’s, Craig said Mariano’s bubbly energy was hard to miss. “She came to every frosh event and was Andrea Mariano’s frosh leaders say that kind to everyone. She was such a genuinely although her stay at Queen’s was tragically nice, well rounded girl and it is absolutely cut short, they’ll always remember her. devastating to hear such horrible news,” After Mariano passed away Craig, ArtSci ’18, wrote in her email. two-and-a-half weeks ago, the group — led She says Andrea will be remembered as a by her Arts and Science Orientation leaders shy yet friendly girl who left an impact on the (Gaels) — organized a small gathering to people she met. share memories of their friend. “On the first day of frosh week I could tell “We met to write her family letters about she was nervous, just like everyone else, but any memories and funny stories we had she still had this small excited [smile] on her about Andrea. We tried to keep the letters face,” Craig wrote. focused on happy memories to keep spirits “She had so much school spirit and within high” Courtney Craig, ArtSci ’18, one of the short amount of time I got to know her, Mariano’s Gael, told The Journal via email. I definitely felt like she found a place and “It was an emotional gathering, and very almost felt at home.” See App on page 6 Mariano’s other Gael, Muskoka quiet. We ended up all sharing memories about Andrea and having a few laughs. It Dittmar-McCallum, said she recalls that was a great time to connect and remember Mariano became more comfortable with Andrea as best we could.” the Queen’s environment over the course of Eighteen-year old Mariano, who came to Orientation Week. Queen’s from Thornhill, ON., passed away “Over the course of Frosh Week, she at Kingston General Hospital (KGH) on Sept. really grew as a person,” Dittmar-McCallum, 18. Mariano’s family stated that the cause of ArtSci ’18, told The Journal. death was related to an anaphylactic allergic “Over the course of the three days, she reaction, corresponding to the information became fully immersed into the Queen’s provided in the University’s press release. culture where she would say all the cheers Mariano, who was severely allergic to and participate in the dances.” peanuts and allergic to dairy, had ordered a Mariano’s Funeral Mass was held on smoothie after class on Sept. 15, according Sept. 26. According to Fratelli Vescio Funeral to a Global News report. It was her second Homes, donations in memory of Andrea day of classes. may be made to the World Wildlife Fund. After ordering the smoothie, Andrea suffered an allergic reaction and was taken Anyone in need of support is encouraged to to KGH, the report states. She died three contact Student Wellness Services at (613)-533-6000 ext. 78264 and/or the University days later on Sept. 18. It’s still unclear where on campus Andrea Chaplain Kate Johnson at (613)-533-2186. After hours, students can contact Campus Security at ordered the smoothie from. Screenshots of Politips. Users can scroll through platforms of the five major parties and save Although she spent only two weeks at (613)-533-6733. their favourite points.

Thursday, October 8, 2015



A Presbyterian past Queen’s religious roots still have a present-day impact A llison W illiams Features Editor Despite more than a century as a secular institution, vestiges of the University’s Presbyterian heritage continue to impact student life today. The student population is more diverse than it’s been at any point in the institution’s 174-year history. Efforts to support and promote diversity have combated earlier notions of the university’s predominantly Anglo-Saxon culture. But the Judeo-Christian influence that dominated the early history of Queen’s persists. According to Queen’s historian Duncan McDowall, the “very powerful Presbyterian legacies” of the University’s past remain on campus today. “You pick this up in the daily life of Queen’s,” McDowall said. “It permeates the university in ways we don’t overtly acknowledge now.” The tradition of Presbyterianism at Queen’s Until recently, the Queen’s Board of Trustees began each of its meetings with a Christian prayer. McDowall believes this was less an act of religious observance than it was a “Presbyterian reminder [to] be moral, make good judgments, be guided by your better instincts.” Although the prayer no longer occurs at Board meetings, McDowall says the Presbyterian influence on Queen’s persists in an undercurrent of Presbyterian values across the Queen’s community. McDowall said the egalitarian culture at Queen’s was due to the “flat” hierarchy and inclusive nature of the Presbyterian religion. The desire to eliminate hierarchy drove the AMS to ban of fraternities and sororities in the 1930s, he said. For McDowall, this was a clear decision on the part of Queen’s to forgo exclusive groups in favour of

“one society for all students.” A sense of egalitarianism was also reflected in the ability of Queen’s students to participate in the governance of the university. Unique positions, such as the student Rector, provided students with greater access to senior administration, McDowall said. “One of ‘us’ [the students] will go in there to the trustees, and say we want something done,” he said. The University Council — an advisory body of alumni that provides recommendations on matters impacting the university’s well-being — allows a similar level of access for Queen’s alumni. According to McDowall, this body is “often likened to a Scottish clan meeting — once a year you get the clan together.” McDowall says a commitment to public service was yet another vestige of Presbyterian values. Throughout the 20th century, this commitment manifested itself in the legacy of the “Ottawa men” — leaders from Queen’s who assisted the government in confronting the Great Depression, going to war and developing the modern welfare state. Chief among them was Principal Emeritus Ronald Watts, McDowall said. The commitment to public service, he said, still lies at the heart of the numerous student organizations that contribute to various social causes today. Student life at a Presbyterian college Early campus life at Queen’s was intimately intertwined with the school’s religious heritage. According to McDowall, the campus community was held together by a common Presbyterianism. “Until the turn of the 20th century … to be a student at Queen’s was to be very consciously a part of this Presbyterian definition of Canada,” he said. Unsurprisingly, the university’s

first student cohorts hailed from areas of Canada that were “quintessentially Presbyterian.” Religious community was central to recruitment. “You came to Queen’s because your minister or your Presbyterian schoolteacher said ‘that’s the place for you’,” McDowall said. Once students reached the campus, they were met with an overtly religious life on campus. “The theology college was larger. It was quite clear that there were ministers being trained on campus,” the historian said. Religion was much more present in student life, including a Sunday church service that students were pressured to attend. Until the mid-20th century, Queen’s principals were exclusively Presbyterian ministers. “If you read their speeches … or their annual report, they’re quasi-sermons. There’s this sense of mission and religious purpose in them.” George Grant served as Queen’s principal from 1877 to 1902 and has been described by historians as a ‘muscular Christian’, McDowall said — as “a man who was “forceful” in his commitment to saving Queen’s for what he believed to be a ‘special Presbyterian mission.’” “There was no doubt what this place was about,” he said. 1912: a secular campus In 1912, Ontario tightened its regulations on funding for religious institutions, paving the way for an increasingly secularized campus. “The Province … made it clear they weren’t going to freely fund theological education,” McDowall said. Despite a strong provincial mandate, it took almost a decade for Queen’s to work towards secularization. McDowall said the delay was due to the strong “rearguard action” to defend the Presbyterian mission of the school.

Theological Hall was a hub for religious education during the University’s years as a Presbyterian college.



Religious elements were part of convocation ceremonies — like this one from 1959 — until the early 1980s.

Ultimately, the province won out. The threat of losing provincial funding eventually pushed Queen’s to secularize in what McDowall describes as a “financial practical arrangement.” That said, the school’s strong Presbyterian identity continued to persist. 1980s: convocation under fire Until the early 1980s, Queen’s convocation involved several religious elements, included the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer. Beginning in 1980, pressure from a small group of Jewish professors — largely from the Faculty of Law — spurred a lengthy debate about including a Christian prayer in a secular graduation ceremony. The pressure to “strip out Christian elements”, which received extensive coverage from local media, was a divisive issue across the Queen’s community, McDowall says. On March 19, 1981, the Senate endorsed a motion that “no changes be made to the religious elements contained in the Convocation ceremony,” according to the meeting’s minutes. The decision was supported by the AMS. On October 23, 1980, the AMS Outer Council met and discussed the issue of religious content in the Convocation Ceremony. The request “that all elements of religious observance be removed from the Convocation Ceremony” was defeated 23 to 10. Then-AMS President Donna Findlay relayed the decision to the Principal in a letter sent in November 1980. Despite this, continued pressure to secularize won out once again. The Senate removed the Lord’s Prayer from the Convocation ceremony at a meeting on April 26, 1982. The decision was a controversial one. Only 27 Senators were present, as the meeting was held just before the end of exams. Despite this, the motion succeeded with a four to one vote in favour, and the decision held going forward. Although the decision

prompted outraged responses from many alumni and members of the Queen’s community, MacDowall said it still didn’t eliminate all religious elements from the convocation ceremony. In the May 4, 1982 issue of The Kingston Whig-Standard, Queen’s Principal Emeritus Ronald Watts was quoted saying the ceremony would continue to contain “significant religious elements — the prayer, hymn and benediction.” The Chaplaincy: a second turning point A second turning point came in the form of changes to the chaplaincy at Queen’s. The Office of the University Chaplain was first established in 1947. McDowall says university officials at the time believed that all students should “receive some religious moral guidance”. The university’s first chaplain, who hailed from the United Church of Canada, held a weekly service students could attend. Following his retirement in the mid-1980s, the University questioned whether the position still had relevance. Eventually, the University decided to hire Brian Yealland, who went on to fundamentally alter the role of the chaplaincy at Queen’s. Yealland attempted to cater to all students regardless of their background or faith. To do so, he created an Interfaith Council and introduced sub-chaplains from various religious denominations. According to McDowall, Yealland believed his role was to support “the pluralism of Canadian society and the spiritual needs of Canadians.” Over time, McDowall said the chaplaincy — much like the rest of Queen’s — has modified its traditional practices to adapt to a more diverse campus. “The chaplaincy has changed from being a dedicated Christian ministry to being a kind of spiritual ombudsman to help students who may not be religious,” he said.

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Thursday, October 8, 2015


Candidates for Kingston and the Islands Candidates have been invited to debate on campus, hosted by AMS. The debate will take place next Thursday, Oct. 15 from 7 to 9 p.m. in Grant Hall A rticles B y : T arini P ahwa

Andy Brooke Conservative Andy Brooke says veterans’ issues motivated him to enter the federal election. Through his campaign, Brooke wants to try and change the tone of political discourse. “I have run this campaign to be of a positive tone. I have never posted a negative tweet or Facebook post and I’m quite proud to have done that,” he said. If he wins, Brooke says he’ll prove it’s possible to run a winning campaign without negativity. After 27 years of Liberal incumbency in the Kingston and Islands riding, Brooke says he’s found that people there are increasingly receptive to change. The candidate said transportation is a key issue for the riding. In his platform, he promises to enhance the rail service and expand the Kingston municipal airport. He also adds that he’ll strengthen

communications between different levels of government. He has outlined a plan to meet with Kingston’s provincial MPP, mayor of Kingston, mayor of the Frontenac Islands and other community leaders to consider all the issues in the region. The environment is also a priority for Brookes, who stressed that human beings are only stewards of this planet. “All parties have to be in agreement on some level that we are caretakers of this planet. I am very open to anything that helps keeps the environment safe,” he said. Brookes added that the handling of the 2008 recession by the Conservative government is an example of the party’s competence, one of the accomplishments making it deserving of re-election. The Conservative government has received unanimous praise from other political parties for how they managed the financial crisis, he said. Specifically, politicians from across the aisle recognized the accomplishments of Jim Flaherty, the former finance minister, following his death in 2014. Overall, Brooke says he wants voters to remember that the election could determine the state of the national economy. “This election is about keeping a fragile economy safe … Right now, we have finally achieved a surplus.” Brooke added that current Prime Minister Stephen Harper is much more personable than he appears in the media. “He’s a man who’s trying to do the best job he can. No one’s perfect. I’m not perfect. No one makes perfect decisions.”


M ikayla W ronko

Nathan Townend left his post-graduate studies at Queen’s to join the election race. Now, Townend is focusing his campaign on green ideas, such as revitalizing the Kingston Penitentiary site as a distillery district. Townend believes that the government needs to re-evaluate their approach to social issues. “I really believe we can’t continue to adjust the status quo. We need to think radically and differently about how to structure our society,” Townend said. Some ideas for change, he said, include basic guaranteed income, abolishing tuition for post-secondary intuitions, and forgiving student debt greater than $10,000. “Ideas like a basic livable income are an example of the kinds of ideas we need to be taking as practical steps we need to be taking to create a better society.” Townend said the only viable way to change the political situation in Canada is to vote, and believes the current norms are demotivating to student voters. “I think that students are often demoralized by their portrayal in our wider media and in our culture as being fundamentally apathetic and uncaring,” he said. “[Voting] is an easy, and ultimately in the long term, an effective way of achieving change, considering it’s still the system that we have.” To Townend, business and environmental interests aren’t contradictory. Instead, he says, they can be complementary in the form of sustainable jobs. “To me, the essence of sustainable

Nathan Townend Green Party is something that you can do in perpetuity ... something that does not require continuous input.” He said sustainability can be achieved through investments in renewable tech and energy and a transition to a green economy. “That involves all levels from manufacturing to servicing technicians … there would be an entire labour market created in transitioning to a green economy that would produce jobs.” Townend says there’s empirical proof on the world stage to support his argument. Countries that have made progress in renewable energy in the last 10 years, using Germany as an example, have created more jobs in the energy sector as a result, he said. Having served as an executive member


Thursday, October 8, 2015


for the full interactive article, visit on the Public Service Alliance of Canada, Townend added that the Green Party believes that unions play an important role in advancing workers’ rights through collective bargaining. For Townend, the Green Party is the proactive leadership Canada needs. “The Green Party understands best, in comparison to the [other parties], the world that you’re entering into it and the world you’re going to be continuing in.”

Mark Gerretsen Liberal Mark Gerretsen says his move from municipal to federal politics was motivated by his concerns about the impact of the Conservative government on Canadian identity. “I’m really worried when I see the things that our Prime Minister is doing internationally,” Gerretsen said. He says that the Conservative government is engaging in “un-Canadian type behaviour” in the international realm, particularly in the context of how they’ve been conducting themselves with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The former mayor of Kingston has had an uneasy relationship with the student body. In the fall of 2013, he tweeted directly to Principal Daniel Woolf concerning his disapproval of street parties taking place on Aberdeen St. during Homecoming. In his tweet, he stated: “I am standing at William and Aberdeen. I have two words for you: NOT GOOD.” Later under his watch, the AMS and the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) filed an appeal contesting the decision to redraw city electoral boundaries using a population count that didn’t take students into account. The decision, which Gerretsen supported, was successfully appealed after an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing. The OMB ruled that the City acted “unreasonably” in adopting an option that excluded students from the population count. Gerretsen told The Journal that he acknowledges that he has had problems with Queen’s students during his term as mayor, and recognizes that he should have handled issues differently. “We all make mistakes, and I’m willing to admit there was a time I made certain mistakes in the manner in which I engaged with Queen’s students,” he said. Gerretsen added that students should remember that town-gown relations also had its high points while he was mayor.

“What seems to be lost quite a bit, when it comes to my relationship with the students, is the good stuff that we did,” Gerretsen said. As an example, he brought up working with the AMS to rebrand the University District and install new street signs in the area. Gerretsen said his party’s Youth Job Strategy includes a $1.3-billion investment for 40,000 new youth jobs, along with an insurance premium for new hires between 18 and 24 years old. “If we can make it more appealing for a small business to hire a younger Canadian, then that becomes an incentive to the business and that will help us to get young Canadians into jobs.” Gerretsen also believes that Liberal leader Justin Trudeau has the “charisma” necessary for this election. “He, like myself, has a youthfulness that really resonates with people and he really feeds off that,” he said. During the course of his campaign, Gerretsen said he’s been surprised to find frustration among voters concerning democratic reform. Many of them, he says, want to change the electoral system to better reflect the population. “They feel the frustration when you know that over 60 per cent of the population wants change and doesn’t want [a] particular government, yet they have a real shot at being elected again,” he said. “You start to wonder if we’re using the right system.” Overall, Gerretsen says he believes the Liberal Party is offering the most aggressively progressive agenda of all the parties. “It’s something that I’m really proud to be a part of. I know that Justin Trudeau has such strong commitments to young Canadians and students in Canada,” he said.

Libertarian Party of Canada stands for free market economic policies, property rights and entrepreneurship.” As a full-time student in his second year at Queen’s, McAllister said he’s decided to spread the word about his campaign and platform through social media together with word of mouth around campus and the University District. Although he’s never participated in politics before, he said he’s previously spoken at the Manitoba legislature last year. “I’m comfortable speaking in front of other people and being different and I know that with Libertarian platforms, there are different views on what government should be, so I’m comfortable with that,” he said. McAllister said he believes students in the Kingston area have important issues that need to be addressed. “Once we graduate into the workforce and business world, I think it’s important for our government to have economic freedom. Let businesses make transactions that are good for them.” He also said he strongly believes in the importance of personal freedom. “We would decriminalize victimless crimes, such as illicit drugs and sex work,” McAllister said. McAllister has also met with members of the opposing parties in a debate held at the end of September. Green Party leader Nathan Townend and NDP Party leader Daniel Beals were both in attendance. At the debate, McAllister said he met the other candidates and brought a friend along with him. “I had one supporter, and most things that I said the crowd didn’t like too much and they chuckled at all my points.” McAllister said he’s still hopeful and, if he’s elected to represent Kingston and the Islands, he has considered the possibility of discontinuing his education at Queen’s. “If I was elected I would probably would not be able to continue school. I’d probably have to drop out, and hopefully Queen’s will be accommodating to that.” McAllister said he wants to remain true to what he believes, and that he’ll continue to run in this election no matter the outcome. “I don’t really care. I’m just standing for what I believe in. It doesn’t matter what other people think,” he added.

Luke McAllister Libertarian Nineteen-year-old Manitoba native Luke McAllister is running for the Libertarian party for Kingston in the federal election. McAllister, a second-year student within Queen’s Faculty of Engineering, decided to run for MP early in September and completed an application to represent the Libertarian Party on Sept. 6. “I’ve been a Libertarian pretty much my whole life, as long as I can remember,” McAllister, Sci ’18, said. “I was looking at the other parties and thinking who I’d vote for and … I could compromise and vote for one of these parties, but I really believe in the Libertarian Party,” Prior to his campaign in the 2011 federal election, Daniel Beals says he saw himself as a he said. According to the party’s website, “The self-proclaimed community activist. But since

Daniel Beals NDP

2011, Beals has found a new calling. “From that point on, I knew that what I wanted to do was represent people. And that I wanted to be a voice for [the people of Kingston and the Islands] and try to make a real change,” he said. Beals, a lifelong Kingston resident, says he believes that the NDP’s platform to address economic opportunity and social infrastructure will benefit both Kingston and the Islands. He said he finds that the majority of voters all agree on one thing — that the Conservative government has overstayed their welcome. “The most overwhelming comment I get [campaigning] is that we need to get rid of the Harper government,” he said. “You get that from no matter who you’re voting for — NDP, Green, or Liberal — you will still say we need to get rid of the Harper government.” Though it was late NDP leader Jack Layton who spurred the initial Orange Wave, Beals says he has confidence in current NDP leader Thomas Mulcair. “[Mulcair] is very intelligent, and very pragmatic — very practical. He’s the person who’s on top of everything,” he said. “And it gives you really good confidence as a candidate when you know your leader has everything together.” Having recently graduated from St. Lawrence as a mature student, Beals says he empathizes with the struggle young people face concerning employment. “When I graduated, I went straight into campaigning. A lot of my classmates, half of them found jobs, half of them didn’t. So I’m aware that some of my very close friends are looking for jobs right now.” Beals and his party have pledged to invest $200 million into creating 40,000 new jobs for graduates. “There would be room for paid internships, co-op placements and [we’ll be] matching students up with both the private sector and NGOs. I think its [an aggressive policy, and] it’s needed.” Beals said that what separates him as an MP candidate is his promise of his own accessibility as a politician. If elected as MP, Beal plans to create a bi-monthly radio show where Kingston citizens could phone in to speak to him directly. “You’re elevated quite artificially from your fellow community members [as an MP],” Beals said. “I would like to see myself break down the walls a little bit, and give them more access to me.”


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App has 500 users already Continued from page 2

start, it’s so complicated” — which are obstacles Politips intends to remove. The team took several measures to avoid bias in their collection of data, Taub said. “We sourced the material as primary as possible. For example, going straight to the Liberal website and downloading their policy PDFs,” he said. As he holds more Liberal inclinations, Taub avoided that party along with the rivaling Conservatives. Instead, he handled the Bloc-Québécois and Green Party. Over the summer months, the team ran the information through

a non-partisan U of T graduate student, who works as an editor for the app, along with political science professors such as Professor Rose. Taub says the low character count in the app’s description also helps avoid bias. It’s hard to be biased in 150 words, he said. The team has received assistance from the Queen’s Innovation Connector (QIC), including two weeks of business lectures in May, free office space at Innovation Park and a reimbursement grant of $4,000. “They’ve been the real push forward in making this a business,” Simpson said. Their lack of French-language content has been a barrier for the start-up, however. Simpson said

the lack of bilingualism in the app has prevented several federal MPs from endorsing the product. The app was released for iPhone on Sept. 1 and for Android last week. Since then, it has garnered 200 downloads on the Google PlayStore and 300 on the Apple Store. Following the election, the team members say they plan to reassess the purpose of the app and plan for the future. Taub and Simpson say they may also use the app after the election to search for any similarities between their user data and the outcome of the election.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Still work to be done, McDonald says Continued from page 1

with young people “keeps you young”. The University recently hired a prior PhD student of McDonald’s, Ryan Martin, as a member of the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy. “It’s those sorts of things that, as — With files from Jacob Rosen a teacher, you can feel very good about, because it’s the development of the next generation.” McDonald said he’s excited about his upcoming projects, including some that aim to build off his existing research to determine the absolute mass of neutrinos. “We are looking for these particles, that were produced in the Big Bang, banging into our

Pamela Simpson and Justin Taub, ArtSci ’17, teamed up to create the mobile app Politips.

liquid argon detector in the new laboratory,” he said. “That may give us a chance to observe a totally new form of matter.” A new experiment aims to provide “10 times more sensitivity than is presently the case for the detection of dark matter particles” — which McDonald says makes up 26 per cent of the mass and energy in the universe. Since the announcement, McDonald has yet to contact his co-winner, Dr. Kajita, whom he saw three weeks ago at a conference in Italy. When asked what he plans to say to Kajita, McDonald laughed. “How about, hey, isn’t this neat?”


Teach English in Japan


Thursday, October 8, 2015


Where have all the good ones gone Local candidates apparently undergo a screening process similar to that of a Walmart cashier, and that’s a problem. We all dodged a bullet today when a Conservative candidate who supports gay conversion therapy was dumped, but his five minutes of fame raises the question of why he was ever a candidate in the first place. This election has seen many candidates resign after unsavory facts were unearthed about their past — from a urinary incident caught on camera to a myriad of unwise remarks on social media — but Jagdish Grewal hit a particularly sensitive nerve. The Conservative candidate wrote an editorial earlier this year entitled “Is it wrong for a homosexual to become a normal person?”, arguing that gay youth should have access to services that “strengthen their natural heterosexuality”. Allowing candidates to express their own personal views is undoubtedly valuable for voters. Before choosing an MP, we should know if they’re likely to espouse dangerous views that are contrary to our values. Furthermore, bringing these issues to light allows us to address them openly, as the Conservative party did in their statement disavowing Grewal’s views — which stated the party’s belief that “all Canadians — regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation — deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.” But in the current political climate that hinges on wedge issues like the niqab debate, we have to be careful about what our politicians can get away with saying. In an interview, Grewal cited complaints of people in his riding about Ontario’s new and controversial sex ed curriculum, saying that it’s their biggest concern. But as a federal candidate, Grewal would have no jurisdiction over a provincially-established curriculum. His claim sounds more like an attempt to play off people’s fears — sound familiar? — and capitalize off a hot-button topic. And, in silencing Grewal’s distorted attempt to represent the views of his riding, we’re unfortunately silencing many others whose voices are rarely heard in the Canadian political arena. This close to the election, he can’t be replaced. Parties have a responsibility to put forward viable candidates. When we narrow down our choices, we limit our democratic freedom to choose.


The Journal’s Perspective


Campus inclusivity doesn’t include voyeurs Making a safe space doesn’t mean just putting a sign on the door, it means actually making that space safe. U of T is taking a step back from its campaign to introduce gender-neutral bathrooms after two women reported someone attempting to film them while showering. For the time being, Whitney Hall and its housing affiliates will have only one gender-neutral bathroom per floor per building, despite dean Melinda Scott’s statement that the problem doesn’t have much to do with bathrooms being gender-neutral. On the topic of returning to gender-specific washrooms, Scott said, “We do not expect the designation of these washrooms alone to resolve this matter; it is a complex situation that requires a multi-layered approach,” in a statement to The Varsity. The dean is right. The university has found itself in a strange place where their efforts to create a safe space have resulted in student security being compromised, and there isn’t an easy fix. Violations of privacy aren’t something to take lightly, but neither can U of T let the actions of one or two deviants derail what’s an admirable project. Gender-neutral bathrooms are a big part of making an environment physically accessible to everyone. By removing gender designation, gender-neutral bathrooms become

less hazardous for those who might face harassment or discrimination due to how they identify. In 2012, Queen’s approved a policy to ensure the existence of at least one gender-neutral bathroom in each newly-constructed or renovated building, recognizing it as a human rights issue. So, because not everyone fits into the two distinct gender binaries, separating the sexes in different bathrooms won’t make students safe. The college has a choice between retreating to the familiar ground of clearly-defined gender binaries — and accepting the shortcomings of that model — or providing all their students, whether trans, gay, straight, cis-gendered or any other

identity, with the essential ability to use the bathroom in peace. Voyeurism isn’t acceptable in washrooms. It seems absurd that it needs pointing out that both sexes using one washroom doesn’t provide any wiggle room in the eyes of the law. And if we explain women being filmed without their knowledge or consent by saying that the temptation is just too great when they’re only a stall door away, then we need to assess how we assign blame in these situations. Gender divides us on many grounds, but let’s not make which door it’s safe to use one of them.

THE QUEEN’S JOURNAL Volume 143 Issue 8 @queensjournal Publishing since 1873

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Victoria Gibson

A trigger warning for Canada

Relaxing Canadian gun control C-42, officially came into effect. The bill includes positive laws and increasing access to lethal weaponry is wading into measures for banning firearm sales to individuals with a history of unsafe waters. On October 1, a mass shooting domestic violence. But, it also loosens regulations at Umpqua Community College in on transporting restricted Oregon ended 10 lives. The national and international firearms between locations, and response of outrage regarding the gives the Minister of Public United States’ lack of gun control Safety — appointed by the party legislation is a familiar narrative. in power — the ability to ignore This year, the United States has RCMP warnings around the been rocked by 294 mass shootings, classification of weapons. Harper defended the law, saying each with four or more victims that access to guns can provide injured or killed. It’s statistically likely that in the “a certain level of security when two-day turnaround between the you’re a ways from immediate first draft and publication of this police assistance.” article, there will be another. The comment’s possible In Canada, with mass shooting interpretation as approval fatality rates of only 0.01 per for vigilante justice, despite 100,000 people, and strict Harper’s denial, made many regulations around the ownership Canadians nervous. of firearms, we often feel invincible While our laws don’t yet parallel the crisis in the United States, we’re from gun violence. However, Canada is currently slowly inching closer, and recent playing a dangerous game with our events demonstrate a worrisome possibility if this trend continues. gun regulatory laws. In September, comments On June 18, 2015, the Common — Journal Editorial Board Sense Firearms Licensing Act, Bill on a blogTO post encouraged

anti-feminists to enter U of T’s women’s studies and sociology department and “spray bullets all over the classroom”. The credibility of these threats was debated, but the similarity to the 1989 massacre of 14 women at Montreal’s École Polytechnique is chilling. Canadians can’t ignore the conversation surrounding firearm control. Two hours after the Oregon shooting, Harper chose to tweet about a Blue Jays game. Neither NDP leader Thomas Mulcair nor Liberal leader Justin Trudeau offered a comment. If our politicians are willing to relinquish control over firearms, they should be ready to address the consequences. Don’t let our current gun laws fool you. We’re not bulletproof. Victoria is one of The Journal’s Assistant News Editors. She’s a third-year English and drama medial.

Emma MacNaught Jasmit De Saffel

Want to contribute? For information visit: or email Emma MacNaught at Contributions from all members of the Queen’s and Kingston community are welcome. The Journal reserves the right to edit all submissions. The Queen’s Journal is an editorially autonomous newspaper published by the Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University, Kingston. Editorial opinions expressed in The Journal are the sole responsibility of The Queen’s Journal Editorial Board, and are not necessarily those of the University, the AMS or their officers. 190 University Ave., Kingston, ON, K7L 3P4 Editorial Office: 613-533-2800 Business Office: 613-533-6711 Fax: 613-533-6728 Email: Please address complaints and grievances to the Editors in Chief. The Queen’s Journal is printed on a Goss Community press by Performance Group of Companies in Smiths Falls, Ontario. Contents © 2015 by The Queen’s Journal; all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of The Journal. Circulation 4,000

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Thursday, October 8, 2015


Your Perspective


Assistance required Staff at Queen’s go out of their way to make up for an outdated campus


Although accommodating services are anxious to help students, the campus will require further changes to be fully accessible.

Katie Charboneau, ArtSci ’13 It’s no secret that Queen’s isn’t the most accessible campus, but what they lack in accessibility, they make up for in accommodation. My very first experience at Queen’s was my campus tour in the late fall of 2005. That June, I had been in a car accident and had broken the C5 vertebra in my neck, resulting in quadriplegia (severe impairment from the neck down). I was still an in-patient at St. Mary’s of the Lake Rehabilitation Hospital when my case manager booked the tour, so it was one of my first outings. The tour began at an office located in the basement Stauffer Library. We took the elevator down easy enough, but coming back up was problematic. My case manager, occupational therapist, tour guide and I loaded into the elevator, which decided we outweighed the maximum capacity (even though we absolutely did not) and refused to let us out for a good 10 to 15 minutes. We called for help via the emergency intercom. When we were finally released, a maintenance man insisted it would work if only he and I went up. Another 15 minutes later, he and I emerged from the elevator still on the bottom floor. He instead led me through the underbelly of the library to the freight elevator, which finally got me back to the main floor — just in time for the end of the tour. Despite that first experience, I moved into residence in September 2006. I stayed at Leggett Hall, which was one of the newest residences, only having opened in 2003. I was given the “wheelchair accessible” room that included an accessible bathroom, an adjoining room for a caregiver to spend the night, and space to store my medical equipment and supplies. Luckily we arranged to see the room beforehand so we could suggest any changes. The foremost issue was the carpeted flooring — most of my equipment

couldn’t maneuver well on it. Secondly, it only had two outlets, and I had tons of electronic equipment and adapted devices that required quite a bit of power. These problems were easily fixed, but required me to leave for an entire weekend for the renovation. Queen’s also accommodated my lesser needs without hesitation: allowing a microwave, a fridge, and providing cable, as I had to spend a considerable amount of time in bed and couldn’t use the common room as frequently as other students. Again and again in my university career, I ran into obstacles presented by the physical realities of campus. Every time, the situation was remedied. Whether it was reimbursing my unused meals when the journey to the cafeteria wasn’t possible, or revoking my parking tickets when I had to park on the sidewalk to avoid backtracking or braving the weather. Although Queen’s has an absolutely gorgeous campus, its historical qualities create barriers. Some buildings don’t have passenger elevators, while others have ones that are completely outdated and only occasionally operational. My major was Classics, and the department is housed in Watson Hall. To use the elevator, I had to back my power wheelchair halfway inside, let the doors attempt to close on my armrests, then back the rest of the way in as quickly as possible. My caregiver would reach inside and press the button for whichever floor — running the risk of hurting her arm — all the while trying to ensure my feet were tucked back as far as possible so the doors wouldn’t catch them. There was barely enough room for me, let alone my caregiver, who had to take the stairs and try to meet the elevator to make sure I wasn’t trapped in it, or halfway out of it. I promptly became educated on which buildings were most accessible. With the help of

the extremely handy Campus Accessibility Guide, I began checking the locations of my classes beforehand to see if they were indeed wheelchair accessible. Disability Services tried their best to move my classes to buildings and classrooms that could accommodate me and always made any additional changes if necessary. Queen’s was great at finding solutions to most obstacles, and I actually liked their alternative routes of action. One semester, I had a philosophy class in Stirling Hall, which was conveniently located directly across from my residence. It was one of the rare classes I could get to and from completely on my own. The lecture hall was technically “wheelchair accessible”, but only after I made my way to the back door (which locks after 5:00 p.m.), through what looked like a graveyard of unused furniture, equipment and random odds and ends, into the main elevator and to the audio visual workshop where John, one of the AV technicians, would let me in. I had to go through his workspace and have him open the door to the theatre hall, where he would help me get settled and then bring out an extension cord for my laptop. We then repeated the process in reverse after 90 minutes. While this wasn’t ideal, it worked, and John was always more than happy to help. When it comes to needing accommodations, I consider myself fortunate that I have an “obvious” disability. All of my professors were caring, empathetic and more than understanding. Unfortunately I’ve had friends with invisible disabilities (whether physical, mental, emotional, etc.) who struggled to obtain proper accommodations, or were treated and judged unfairly by classmates and even some professors. The accommodations that were so readily available to me weren’t as accessible for them. Luckily, Disability Services on campus have phenomenal staff and

volunteers devoted to advocating couldn’t be completed, or for students. Accessibility Queens, proposals were denied, even a student-run group under the if they didn’t fall under our AMS, is another outlet for disability capabilities or responsibilities. The advocacy and awareness. I joined in people working with students in my first year, then became co-chair need of accommodation were for the next five. doing the best they could, but The committee was an untapped for many reasons, the campus resource whose funding came from remained inaccessible. yearly mandatory fees and whose I witnessed major changes budget rolled over each year. This in regards to accessibility and actually came as quite a shock to us, accommodations throughout as we were told in my third year my time at Queen’s. Most as co-chair that we had a standing problems were solved efficiently balance of over $300,000. when brought to the right How this had been overlooked person’s attention. for so long still baffles me. Queen’s is steadily working Of course, we were pressured its way towards full compliance to spend this money on with the AODA (Accessibility for accessibility-related projects, but Ontarians with Disabilities Act), and finding feasible and realistic ones has amazing resources for students. that weren’t already supposed to The many individuals who worked be funded by the university was together to find solutions and help strenuous. When we put out a call students overcome barriers deserve for proposals, it became apparent the utmost respect and recognition. how many accessibility issues and It’s because of these amazing projects were being neglected people and in spite of the school’s by Queen’s. campus, that I was able to proudly We received requests to attend and graduate from Queen’s purchase accessible equipment University — a goal that seemed for the ARC, funding to renovate unachievable to most, including inaccessible bathrooms and even me, way back in 2005 during more preposterous ones, such as those painfully lagging minutes providing financial means to hire trapped in that elevator with the new staff. It was mind-blowing. maintenance man. In some cases we tried to compromise, offering to fund the Katie Charboneau is the installation of a certain number administrative manager for ALL IN, of power-operated doors if the a new Kingston-based organization University would match it. None that provides expert information, education, support and opportunity were completed. Accessibility Queen’s became for all individuals and organizations a sort of scapegoat when in regard to mobility impairments. accessibility-related projects LETTER TO THE EDITOR Queen’s deserves better The Queen’s Journal has made the editorial decision to exclude Elizabeth May and the Green Party from its coverage of the party leaders. This is irresponsible journalism and is completely unacceptable. Students deserve to have as much information as possible in order to make an informed choice at the ballot box come October 19th. It is especially

concerning since the Green Party is the only party proposing to eliminate student debt and tuition fees by 2020. Also, as a feminist, it is very disconcerting to see the only female leader and an important voice excluded from your publication. Please, be responsible and inform students of all of the choices before them this election. Keenan Aylwin, ArtSci ’16

Thursday, October 8, 2015




Students Charlotte Johnston (left) and Mike Young (right) performing at the QJUMP Backyard CoffeeHouse on Sunday.


Athletes & artists convene for a cause QJUMP’s Backyard Coffeehouse supported local youth I sabella K resin Contributor Originally published online Oct. 5. Last Sunday, the QJUMP team hosted their third annual Backyard Coffeehouse to put student musicians in the spotlight. Alex O’Reilly, The Tidman Sisters, Angie Travlos and Conor Neudorf, Natalie Dnes, Annie Brebner and Spencer Swayze, Katie Ross and Mike Young composed the show’s line-up. A typical coffeehouse atmosphere was created with acoustic guitars and vocal performances along with baked goods sold by donation. The crowd sang along to Angie Travlos and Conor Neudorf’s covers of pop songs by Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift and Vance Joy. The Tidman Sisters, Emily and Katie Tidman, serenaded the crowd with their original songs “Back Into You” and “Set Me Free”.

Throughout the afternoon, over 100 students stopped by the event to listen to the live performances and support QJUMP’s initiative. QJUMP, a non-profit organization focused on bringing free sports activities to Kingston youth, is made up of Kinesiology and Physical Education students and volunteer varsity athletes. The student volunteer team consists of 15 committee members and 30 coaches. The team offers free sports programming and lunches on Sunday afternoons. QJUMP co-directors Emma Lambert and Kathleen Hogan, both PheKin ’16, say the positive atmosphere helps support the mentoring relationship between youth and volunteers. “The most important part to us is being able to connect with them,” Hogan said. Three years ago, Queen’s alumni Jacob Bonafiglia and Amin Bozorgzad, both PheKin ’15,

co-founded QJUMP. They say they were inspired by Bozorgzad’s experience playing basketball with a local Kingston youth at Martha’s Table. “We both … realized that we have such a great opportunity to be exposed to such great sport facilities and all of these great opportunities for physical activity,” Bonafiglia said. QJUMP is conscious of the varying socioeconomic backgrounds in Kingston and those backgrounds affect access to physical activity, he added. “There are people that are five blocks, one block north of Princess and it’s a total different world for them in terms of their opportunities for physical activity and sports,” Bonafiglia said. He said the coffeehouse-style event was created to give back to the people who donated their time and money to QJUMP. “The idea is not primarily [to be] a fundraiser … [it’s for] raising

awareness for the program and getting people together,” he said. Among the concert attendees was captain of the Queen’s men’s varsity rugby team Lucas Rumball, PheKin ’17. “When I was growing up, I could play whatever I wanted. My parents supported me through it and it’s helped me develop as a person [and] as a leader,” he said. He said events that raise funds for organized sports — like those run by QJUMP — are important for kids at a financial disadvantage. “For someone to be robbed of that opportunity just because they don’t have the means themselves is unfair. So things like QJUMP help those kids come through and reach

their full potential,” he said. This year’s proceeds, which totalled $925, will go towards new jerseys for the senior boys and girls basketball teams at the Queen Elizabeth Collegiate and Vocational Institute, a high school on Kirkpatrick St. The Journal spoke with Emily Tidman, a fourth-year Health Science major and one-half of the acoustic guitar duo The Tidman Sisters, at the event. Tidman, ArtSci ’16, said she remembered the first QJUMP coffeehouse, which took place two years ago, as a much smaller event. “It was in somebody’s living room, [with] 25 people,” Tidman said. “It’s awesome to see it grow so much.”

A 1933 oil painting by Yvonne McKague Housser titled South Shore, from the Hart House Art Collection.



Hart House collection comes to Agnes Curators odiscuss Emily Carr and artist identity A runa A undhia Contributor The Agnes guided audiences through Canada’s history using the power of art at the Frances K. Smith Public Talk in Canadian Art last Sunday. The talk, which was held at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre on Oct. 4, was named after the first curator and Curator Emeritus of the Art Centre. The event highlighted the works of famous and iconic Canadian artists. It also featured two speakers, Dr. Christine Boyanoski and Sarah

Milroy. Boyanoski, an independent curator and writer, has focused recently on Canadian art from the Hart House collection. The second speaker, art critic Sarah Milroy, co-curated the exhibit From the Forest to the Sea: Emily Carr in British Columbia. Pat Sullivan, the public programs manager at the Agnes, introduced the speakers n and provided insight into the Hart House collection, which was curated by the University of Toronto. “Canada’s first native-born governor general brought Hart

House into being as a social, cultural and recreational venue for students,” she said. “The exhibition discusses not only the reputation of this collection, but also [provides] the opportunity to take a fresh look at the artist Emily Carr.” Dr. Boyanoski’s talk focused on the Hart House collection. She said her enthusiasm for curating the show stems from her experience with the collection as an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto. “These works are like old

See Emily, page 12



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Thursday, October 8, 2015


Bridging the breakdancing community Queen’s dance crew Kinetiq organizes first breakdancing event of its kind É den M okoya Contributor MacGillivray-Brown Hall isn’t a place you’d expect to find break-dancers streaming in from

Toronto, Montreal and Korea. But with hip-hop beats booming from two loud speakers, dozens of young men and women gathered in 90s urban clad apparel in the building’s gymnasium. Together,

they somersaulted and bent their bodies to the rhythm of the music as if they were made of rubber. Steal the Scene, the first breakdancing event of its kind at Queen’s, opened on Oct. 3 with 18

Mississauga-based breakdancer B-boy Frost, who was one of three judges at the competition portion of Steal the Scene last weekend.

Student dancers participating in a cypher on Saturday as part of Steal the Scene.

dance crews from across Canada and around the world. The breakdancers battled it out in a cypher — a form of freestyling where dancers gather in a circle and dance, one by one, in


the centre of the circle as part of a creative dialogue. Some dancers did the splits and twisted their legs like shoelaces, while others tried to outdo them by sliding across the stage and doing headstands. Another joined in and spun on his back across the floor, legs spread wide. The Queen’s breakdancing club Kinetiq Crew organized the show, which ran in three installments. In Saturday’s main event, the dance crews battled it out for the grand prize of $500. On Sunday, the acclaimed Korean dance instructor Dark Horse led a breakdancing workshop on building greater connections to music and audience. Although there have been annual breakdance competitions at Queen’s in the past, it’s the first time head organizer Minji Kweon has organized a competition as large as Steal the Scene. It’s also the first time the competition has had an international reach — an appraised Korean b-boy dancer and coach flew in for the competition to serve as a judge. “We’ve had big shows before, but this is the biggest in terms of outreach,” organizer and Kinetiq crewmember Tiffany Leung said. “I mean, we’re flying in b-boys from Korea!” With b-boys and b-girls — a term used to refer to male and female breakdancers — streaming in to Kingston for the three-day event, you’d think the rivalry would be intense. But Leung said while competition is fierce, the best thing about b-boying and b-girling is the sense of community. “When you go to an event and see the dancers, you get really inspired, and we wanted to provide the same opportunity to the community,” Leung, ArtSci ’18, said. Leung, who only started breakdancing in her first year, was inspired to audition for Kinetiq after watching a b-girl breakdance at a Flow event. She said watching the b-girl dance inspired her to give the male-dominated field of breakdancing a chance, and she now hopes to expand the Kingston breakdancing community and inspire other girls to get involved. “You don’t think of a breaker as a b-girl and we need to get rid of that stigma, because there’s no reason why girls can’t dance either.” While becoming a skilled break-dancer is time-consuming and physically demanding, Marcel Frost — one of the three judges with 12 years of international experience as a b-boy — said he looks for people who can share their personal stories in an original and honest way. Skilled dancers can use the beat and dance movements to convey a specific message, he said. Having visited Kingston several times before, Frost said it’s always good to be back. “I want to see people dancing, having a good time, executing their stories and breaking free,” he said.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

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QPOP! packs a punch Renowned indie bands take over campus venues for second annual QPOP!


Lead singer of Alvvays Molly Rankin onstage during their performance.

V ictoria G ibson L auren L uchenski and N ick P earce Journal Staff Originally published online Oct. 5 Last weekend, QPOP! breathed life into campus’ nightlife. The second annual QPOP! festival was held on campus this past weekend at The Underground, Clark Hall Pub and The Grad Club. This year, QPOP! brought 15 indie bands to campus. The line-up included popular Queen’s musicians, such as The Attic Kids and Devan & Khalid, as well as chart-toppers, like Toronto indie band Alvvays and Rural Alberta Advantage. The Journal attended the festival over its two nights. Here’s what we thought:

“It feels like they’re our friends playing music for us,” concertgoer Ellie Berry, ArtSci ’17, said. The energy in the room dialed up several notches as the bands transitioned and Toronto-based indie rock band The Born Ruffians took over the stage. The Born Ruffians, formed in 2004, released their fifth studio album Ruff last Friday. The crowd applauded before the band arrived on stage. Members of The Stringers looked on with admiration from the side. “Watching a band that made you want to be in a band is

incredible,” The Stringers wrote in the description of a photo they posted on Facebook during the show. The crowd suddenly got packed tight as concertgoers pressed closer to the stage. The room pulsed with energy as the band emerged, and Luke Lalonde, Mitch Derosier, Andy Lloyd and Adam Hindle dove into their dynamic set. — Victoria Gibson

Alvvays, featuring openers Devan & Khalid and Moon King A box of cassette tapes, jangly indie rock and an adoring crowd made the Grad Club show the highlight of QPOP! last Friday. Dreamy indie-rockers Alvvays, along with Devan & Khalid and Moon King, delivered a raucous showing to a crammed Grad Club. Recent Queen’s graduates Devan & Khalid kicked off the night with an impressive set of indie folk songs, leaving the crowd to chant a hopeful encore. The Kingston duo’s set was warm and

Born Ruffians, featuring openers The Stringers “I’m sure you guys hear this all the time, but this looks like a spaceship,” Marco Ferraris — lead vocalist of The Stringers — said, looking at the stage mid-set. While the Underground’s setup for the night was admittedly pure sci-fi, complete with a foggy, purple glow, white strobe lights and metallic rails, the atmosphere was anything but alien. The Stringers’ set was intimate and comfortable, and had an easygoing vibe. Band members Kyle Meyers and Jordan Lewis took front-stage alongside Ferraris. Drummer Stephen Roper, Sci ’16, kept the beat behind the band. Some concertgoers called out to him after recognizing the fourth-year mechanical engineering student. The crowd — which trickled in as the set began — was warm and familiar. They enthusiastically sang back parts of the songs, which Ferraris paused to teach them.

affectionate, a feeling reciprocated by the audience as the band played favorites like “Adult Diversion” and “Atop a Cake.” Shoegaze act Moon King took the stage afterwards to cement the palpable excitement in the room. The critically acclaimed Toronto act urgently delivered a set of indie rock songs in preparation for Alvvays. If the crowd’s roar of approval to the first chords of the Alvvays set-closer “Archie, Marry Me,” is any indication, fans of the lovelorn quintet were aching for a reunion. The Grad Club, pushed to capacity turned several attendees away at the door. The few people who found their way indoors jostled for a better view of the up-and-coming indie rock stars between bobbing heads and swaying bodies of the crowd. Alvvays departed from their self-titled debut album set to play a cover of Kristy MacCol’s “He’s on the Beach.” Frontwoman Molly Rankin, daughter of East-Coast Celtic music stalwarts The Rankin Family, said MacCol was one of her major musical influences. “She was the first female vocalist I heard that sounded like something like the Smiths,” she said. “That was the first influence that inspired me to play with a band and sound that way.” The band launched into an encore, with Rankin crooning over fuzzed-out guitars for the rabid audience. During an interview after the show, Rankin said it was a “rambunctious crowd”. “It’s [the] third time we’ve played here,” she said. “It maybe gets more fun every time we play here, because we know what to expect.” — Nick Pearce

Headliner Born Ruffians performing at the Underground on Friday night.


For the full-length article, visit


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Emily Carr’s personal life translated into art Continued from page 9

friends of mine,” she said. Boyanoski added that the Hart House collection was one of the best collections exhibiting the time period of the 1920s to 1950s. The highly written about collection was her way of portraying Canadian history, she added. “Histories can be told in different ways. This is just the story I have chosen to tell through the works of art.” The next speaker, Sarah Milroy shifted the focus towards a particular artist — Emily Carr. Milroy spoke about Carr’s personal life, which she said translated into the artist’s works. “Emily Carr was a feminist. She just wanted to live her own life. She was, in fact,

not a nurturer. She very deliberately showed that she was not a wife, not a mother,” Milroy said. She also spoke of Carr’s other artistic interests, one of which was writing. Her writing was often poetic and beautiful, but included occasional glimpses of self-doubt and uncertainty. Near the end of her talk, Milroy discussed the politics surrounding Carr’s status as a Canadian icon. “On a more superficial level, her pieces were obviously aesthetically beautiful, but I don’t think that fully does justice to the politics that surrounded her,” Milroy said. “Her popularity was, in a way, an act of exoneration. We [Canadians] felt a responsibility after the discrimination towards Natives.”

Thursday, October 8, 2015

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Thursday, October 8, 2015

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Lacrosse player drafted to pro ranks Gaels’ Ryan Wagner picked in fifth round of NLL Draft by Vancouver Stealth

Ryan Wagner splits his lacrosse playing duties between field lacrosse at Queen’s and box lacrosse with the Niagara Thunderhawks and St. Catherines Athletics.

A dam L askaris Sports Editor It isn’t often that a text message becomes a life changer, but for men’s lacrosse player Ryan Wagner, he won’t soon forget the words that popped up on his phone on Sept. 27. On the day of the 2015 National Lacrosse League draft, Wagner received a message sent by Doug Locker, the general manager of the professional box lacrosse team Vancouver Stealth, informing him of his selection as the 42nd overall pick. “Five minutes before, I got a text from him saying, ‘Welcome aboard’,’” Wagner said. Vancouver’s head scout Pat McCready first spotted Wagner’s talent in the summer, where he was playing box lacrosse with the St. Catherines Athletics Jr. A team. McCready serves an assistant for the Athletics during the summer months. However, Wagner played the majority of his junior career with the Jr. B Niagara Thunderhawks. “With only a few players drafted from the Jr. B ranks, it’s definitely rewarding,” Wagner said. The step between the junior ranks and professional will be a big one, but Wagner said he’s confident in his abilities. “The transition’s going to be tough,” he said. “But, they saw something in me they liked.” Wagner wasn’t expecting to play lacrosse at Queen’s, but when he arrived in 2012, he decided he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to join the roster after meeting a few Queen’s teammates who convinced him to join. “I love playing with the guys,” he said. “That’s what it’s all about.” Wagner’s registered five goals

and three assists through seven games this season. While Wagner has been playing field lacrosse the past four seasons at Queen’s, the box variety of the sport is his preference, as he has been playing since age five. Wagner first played field lacrosse in his final year of high school. “It’s a much quicker, more physical game,” Wagner said of

box lacrosse. Despite being professional athletes, even the best lacrosse players typically work a weekly job, as the salaries aren’t comparable to most other major sports. Currently studying in the Queen’s mining engineering program, Wagner said it might be tough to pursue work in his field while still playing lacrosse, but he’s optimistic about

Wagner (#14) has registered five goals for the Gaels this season.

his chances. “If it works together, that’d be great,” Wagner said. “Hopefully being out west I’ll make some west coast mining contacts.” Wagner played as a transition player for his junior career, while playing in the midfield with Queen’s. However, the Stealth drafted Wagner with the intention of converting him to a defender,


as he feels that his ability to defend and pick up loose balls are two of his biggest strengths. Wagner will head out to training camp in British Columbia during weekends in November, while the season starts in January. “If I can crack a spot on the roster, that’d be unbelievable,” he said.



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Thursday, October 8, 2015


Reaching for perfection Chance for undefeated regular season up for grabs J oseph C attana Assistant Sports Editor When discussing current rivalries in OUA sport, the conversation tends to lead to the Queen’s and Guelph women’s rugby match-up. Currently, both teams sit at the top of their divisions, with identical undefeated records (4-0). The two powerhouse programs will clash on Friday in a top of the table CIS match-up. In the most recent national ranking, the Gryphons were placed one spot ahead of the Gaels, finishing in second place. While most see these two caught up in a fierce rivalry, Gaels head coach Beth Barz tends to shed another light on the situation. “I think we have had a very successful friendly rivalry for a number of years between our staff and our athletes,” Barz said. “While some may use the word rivalry as not a positive, I would say that it is a mutually beneficial rivalry for athletes and staff on both sides.” “We both want to make sure that the OUA is doing as well as they possibly can at the CIS, and the only way we can do that is by helping to strengthen other programs.” The tough battles on the pitch between these two teams hit its pinnacle just two years ago in the OUA final. The Gryphons were hoping to win their sixth-straight OUA title, and were heavily favoured above the Gaels. After a strong defensive performance, the Gaels would complete the upset, winning 19-15. In the next year, the Gaels hoped to repeat as champions, but the dream was ended abruptly in the semi-finals against the Gryphons, with a 29-21 defeat.

The winner of Friday’s matchup between Queen’s and Guelph will take the OUA regular season crown.


To Barz, history doesn’t need to play a factor in this weekend’s match-up. “The returning players will certainly remember [last year], but I also think that they remember going [to Guelph] two years ago and winning OUA title there, so I’m unsure of what history has to do with this game coming up.” This year, the Gryphons have been a force to reckon with. They have both the number one ranked offense (391 points) and the province’s top defense, only allowing three points through four games. Spearheading their attack, they have three of Ontario’s scoring leaders — with Alexandra King, Daria Keane and Kendra Blackbourne combining to score 201 points. While some coaches would attempt to change the style of their practices to combat the Gryphons dominating play, coach Barz is relying on the team’s current system. “We are not looking at creating a whole bunch of new things, we are just refining the stuff we have already put into place.” When asked about what would be key in Friday’s match-up, Barz understands that no one thing will win the game for the Gaels. “We have to be ready to exchange at any point and react to what we see in front of us,” Barz said. “We have to play defense right from the get-go to make sure that we give ourselves the ball in attack as well.” “Our team this year has done an excellent job with putting defense first and foremost in their minds,” she continued. “If we don’t defend we will really struggle.” A catalyst in this season’s strong start has been the excellent

play from their first-year players. Whether they were under pressure in their first game against McMaster or playing their role versus Toronto, the newest additions to the Gaels play have been laudable. Head coach Barz expects them to shine under the bright lights of Friday’s match-up. “They have reacted well so far,” Barz said of her rookies. “Those athletes that have been on the field have played like veterans.” For captain Lauren McEwen, the Gaels-Gryphon match-up will define the season. “They are a really good team, but we always match-up well with them,” McEwen said in an interview with The Journal earlier this week. “It is such a defensive game versus them, the game is very physical.” “At the end of the day, it is going to come down to those one-on-one physical battles that are going to add up to who wins or loses.” Third-year scrum-half Lauren Murray believes that defense will be at the heart of the Gaels. “Defense is always one of our huge focuses,” Murray said. “We know that both teams can put a lot of points on the board.” “It’s not about how many points we score on them, its that they are not going to score on us.” While the team has top players like McEwen and Emma Chown — who’s third in the OUA for points — Murray knows that only a team effort will make the Gaels successful. “There are always going to be girls that perform, but in order to win the games, we need to go out as Queen’s rugby does, and play as 15,” she said. “Every game we come out of, we win or lose as a team.”


Thursday, October 8, 2015

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Title push begins Season opener Friday against Brock A dam L askaris Sports Editor Coming off a first-round playoff loss last season to Laurier, women’s hockey can’t wait to get their new season started. “Usually when this time rolls around, we’re itching to get going,” head coach Matt Holmberg said, as his team opens their schedule with a pair of home games against Brock and York this Friday and Saturday. Having been in training camp since the start of September, Holmberg is looking to shake off the offseason rust and see how his team looks once the games start to count for real. “There’s still some work to do in terms of our process and developing chemistry,” he said. “But we’re ready to go for this part of the season, and excited to see the puck drop on Friday.” A two-time OUA champion as head coach — a role he’s had since 2009 — Holmberg said his players inspire him to continue to work hard year in and year out. “As much as I want to motivate them, they motivate me,” Holmberg said. “I’m passionate about women’s hockey at Queen’s, and it’s been like that ever since I took the job.” Fifth-year forward Taryn Pilon and second-year forward Addi Halladay will be the team’s expected offensive leaders, as both finished within the top 10 in league scoring last season. The Gaels tied for the league lead with 71 , but Holmberg is looking to his defensive unit as crucial to the team’s victories. “I pride that on being an area of strength for us. With six [defence]

returning, we’re hoping to be one of the strongest back ends in the league.” Fifth-year Caitlyn Lahonen and second-year Stephanie Pascal will split goaltending duties as they did last year. Last season as the starter, Lahonen picked up an 11-6 record, to go along with a .929 save percentage, which ranked sixth in the OUA. “The last couple of years, there has been a heightened emphasis on defence and goaltending,” Holmberg said. “We’re lucky to have that experience and we need to use it.” For five of the players on the Gaels current roster, they were on the team the last time the Gaels hoisted the Judy McCaw Trophy, in 2013 as OUA champions. “This is the last chance they get to win another one,” Holmberg said, as all five players are looking to move on past this season. The head coach is looking for history to repeat itself. He recalled the importance of the fourth and fifth-year seniors on the team in his two previous titles. “Both years, we had a strong graduating class,” he said. “We’re looking to our vets to try to get another trophy.” Ahead of this weekend’s matchups, Holmberg said it’s extremely important to start the season off on the right foot if the team has championship ambitions. However, Holmberg knows all he can do now is get the process started, and be patient. “You can’t win a championship in October,” Holmberg said. “But every point is going to be crucial.”

Addi Halladay netted 12 goals in her rookie season.



Darcy Greenaway led the Gaels with 16 goals last season.


Looking to take the next step Gaels play RMC, York in pair of weekend matchups A dam L askaris Sports Editor Heading into his second year with the men’s hockey program, defenceman Spencer Abraham has high hopes for the team. “I think we’re going to make a solid push to be one of those top three teams [in the OUA East Division],” he said. Abraham had a stellar first season at Queen’s, winning OUA East defenceman of the year, while also picking up the OUA and CIS rookie of the year awards. Named an assistant captain before the start of this season, he’s established himself as both a team leader and one of the better players in the league. “It’s a role reversal; coming in here last year I looked up to the older guys,” Abraham said. “I have to be a role model to younger players, on and off the ice.” Abraham forms the leadership group with captain Patrick Downe, and assistant captains Darcy Greenaway and Patrick McGillis. Abraham led the team in scoring with 28 points last season, while Greenaway potted 16 goals to finish fourth in the OUA in that category. The team looks to build off of a 13-12-1 record last season, with Abraham setting the team’s ambitions at around the 18-20 win mark over the 28-game regular season. To do that, Abraham believes defensive play will be among the most crucial assets. “In this league, goal scoring’s at a premium,” he said. “You don’t really have those guys who can take

over a game. You have to rely on your defence and your goaltending to win games.” The Gaels have six defencemen returning, while bringing in three new defenders to the team: Cory Genovese, Jake Clements and Steve Trojanovic. Kevin Bailie returns for his third season as the Gaels’ starting goalie, while newcomer Jacob Brennan will slot into the backup role. The Gaels went 2-2 in the preseason, which included a pair of road trips to PEI and Connecticut. “I think we had a good preseason,” Gibson said. “We got see the veterans come back and see where they’ve progressed.” In particular, Gibson pointed to a trio of second-year forwards who are looking to slot into the lineup more regularly this season. “Braden Mercier has come back in way better shape,” Gibson said. “He brings a physical element to our fourth line.” In regards to Geordie Maguire, Gibson said, “He couldn’t find a spot in the lineup last season, but he’s been fantastic in preseason.” Lastly, Gibson praised Ryan Bloom, who worked his way up the lineup over the second half of last season. “If you watched him in the playoffs, I knew that was the type of player he could be,” Gibson said. “He’s going to start in the top six for us and play significant minutes this season.” Gibson’s Gaels last season finished on a four-game winning streak, but faltered in the middle stages with a six-game losing streak

that hurt their final standings. “What I want to see from our team is more consistency,” Gibson said. “When we were good last year we were real good, when we were bad last year we were real bad.” Gibson often tinkered with his roster last season, and sees his team’s depth as a strength this upcoming year. “Any coach will tell you, a lineup is like a puzzle,” he said. “That puzzle may be different on every given night based on the team you’re playing. You have consistent pieces and complementary pieces. We have the best of both worlds. We’ll have guys who are in and out of the lineup, but we’re looking to have our consistent pieces too.” Having won playoff rounds in each of the past two seasons, Gibson believes the days are long gone when teams could look at the Gaels and not see a quality opponent. “They’re not going to fly under the radar. Everyone knows they’re a pretty good team,” Gibson said. The puck drops on the Gaels season this Friday with a matchup against RMC, before they host their first game of the year against York on Saturday night. RMC went winless in 26 contests last year, but has started off their season with a 6-5 victory last weekend against the Nipissing Lakers on the road. The Gaels meet RMC three times this season. “RMC proved they’re a team that’s improved this year,” Gibson said. “We’re not going to take them lightly.”

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Thursday, October 8, 2015




How to help a loved one who’s experienced sexual assault T he E xpert S expert Originally published online Oct. 5 Q: Recently, a friend told me that they think they may have been sexually assaulted. I had no idea what to say. What is the best thing to do when this happens? A: Excellent question. When someone discloses a sexual assault, it can be very difficult to know how to respond. But there’s system that can help: The three R’s: Recognize, Respond, Refer. Recognize The first challenge when supporting a survivor of sexual assault is recognizing it in the first place. A myth of what sexual assault looks like pervades contemporary culture — often along the lines of

a stranger in a dark alley. However, 1. “I believe you”: Survivors statistics show that almost 80 per are often discredited when they cent of assaults are committed by disclose. By communicating your someone the survivor knows. trust in their experiences, you As a result, we must broaden make the survivor feel heard and our understanding of what sexual legitimize their feelings. assault looks like in order to 2. “This was not your fault”: identify it. Due to pervasive victim-blaming Keep in mind that it may attitudes, survivors often feel take a survivor some time after responsible for what happened to experiencing trauma to find the them. You can help to counter-act words to talk about what happened. this by assuring them that it was in Never push a survivor to no way their fault. label their experiences. Instead, Also avoid questions such as make it clear that you’re there to “how much had you had to drink?” support them, if and whenever or “why were you out alone?” they’re ready. Even if asked with the best intentions, these questions can make survivors feel as if they’re Respond to blame. 3. “Thank you for telling me”: If a friend or peer does disclose to you that they’ve experienced a Sexual assault can be a challenging sexual assault, there are several key thing to disclose. It takes a lot of phrases you can use. bravery for a survivor to come forward. Making them feel


Tabata who? C aela F enton Staff Writer

of moderate intensity exercise five days a week. The other group did high intensity training. This second group performed workouts that Originally published online Oct. 5 involved going at maximum effort Tabata is one of those fitness culture for 20 seconds, followed by a 10 words that some of us are throwing second rest, repeated eight times around now — but have you ever for a total workout of four minutes. stopped to wonder where it comes The first group, the steady from? state group, showed an increase Tabata workouts get their name in aerobic capacity, but not in from Dr. Izumi Tabata, a Japanese anaerobic capacity. Meanwhile, physician who specialized in fitness the second group, the Tabata research. He conducted a study to group, improved both capacities, determine the efficiency of interval while spending ,much less time training versus traditional steady- working out. state exercise, which led to the Another benefit of Tabata birth of the Tabata trend. workouts is that they can be done The original ‘Tabata experiment’ using body-weight moves, so on involved two groups, which each busy days, you don’t even have to took part in a six-week exercise drag your butt to the gym (it also program. One group did one hour means that you can’t use the excuse

runs a 24-hour crisis line at 613-544-6424 or 1-877-544-6424. SACK also offers the option of long-term counselling to Refer community members and students. Queen’s has an in-house As a friend or peer, you can only do counsellor who specializes in so much for a survivor. There are several community sexual assault and intimate partner resources that can help. If violence. Hagar Akua Prah can be immediate medical attention is reached at By providing survivors with required, or for medical evidence collection, survivors can go to these resources, you’re empowering the Sexual Assault/Domestic them to make their own decisions. Violence Unit (SA/DV) at Kingston Always let the survivor drive this process; it isn’t anyone else’s role General Hospital. The Sexual Health to choose which route is best. Finally, remember that talking Resource Centre (SHRC) on campus provides a confidential, about sexual violence can be non-judgmental accompaniment emotionally draining for both the service to support survivors survivor and the listener. Make through the SA/DV process. Call sure that you take time for 613-533-2959 or come into the self-care. Following a challenging conversation, know that you can SHRC to inquire. Additionally, Sexual Assault call or visit the SHRC at any time Centre Kingston (SACK) for support and referrals. appreciated can go a long way on the road to recovery.

of, “all the machines were taken”). They’re also super fun to do outside; just this past week I walked past two girls doing burpees in Vic Park together and thought: they know what’s up. Get outside and bring a buddy for motivation! You can time your Tabata workout on your phone, or you can download a free Tabata timer that will count you down into your intervals. Since I believe you can all fit more than just four minutes of exercise into your day, the Tabata workout below is 24 minutes long — still way more efficient that a boring hour on the elliptical, right? Round #1 20 seconds burpees 10 seconds break 20 seconds jump squats 10 seconds break *Repeat four times for a total of See High on page 19

Fenton performing a squat.



Thursday, October 8, 2015

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Road to the World Series Blue Jays success gives life to a Canadian fan base that’s been a long time coming J ake ramer Contributor October is here, and to many Toronto Blue Jays fans, this month once signified the end of baseball season for their Blue Jays. However, this season has been one in our favour. For the first time since 1993, the Toronto Blue Jays, widely seen as Canada’s team, have qualified for the Major League Baseball playoffs. The 2015 Blue Jays finished first in their division, largely due to a strong second half of the season that pushed them past the New York Yankees. This season has seen a buzz around the thrilling play of the long mediocre team. Anson Kwok, Comm ’16, who’s lived and worked in Toronto for the past two summers, says he noticed a large difference between the two seasons. “People used to go to Jays games for corporate events or to catch up with friends. [This year] people started going to watch the Jays win.” Kwok credits much of the rise in popularity to the team’s success. “Whenever a Toronto team has success, the whole city gets behind it. The Jays have made big moves and the city appreciates that,” he said. Toronto’s roster was bolstered in the offseason with the addition of fan favourites Russell Martin and Josh Donaldson, in addition to important roster pieces such as Justin Smoak and Chris Colabello. Throughout the season Toronto continued to add strong players to their roster, picking up David Price,

Troy Tulowitzki and Ben Revere, all through trades. These trades signified a push by Toronto to make the post-season for the first time since 1993. In addition to their successes on the field, the Blue Jays have seen great success with ticket sales this season. Fan supports has increased dramatically, as Torontonians and nearby towns are excited to see a quality team on the field. The Blue Jays average home attendance this regular season was 34,504, a strong improvement from the average of 29,327 the previous season. For an even sharper contrast, attendance in 2010 was a mere 20,068. Blue Jays marketing in recent years has focused on promoting them as more than just Toronto’s baseball team, but as Canada’s baseball team. The Blue Jays rebranded in 2012, switching their logo to a recreation of their past logo featuring both a blue jay and a maple leaf. The departure of the Montreal Expos after the 2004 season left Toronto as the only Major League Baseball franchise in Canada. More than ever before, the Blue Jays are embracing their role as Canada’s team. Canadian fans can also rally around local players. Russell Martin, who was born in Toronto and raised in Montreal, has quickly gathered a fan base. Up-and-coming Dalton Pompey is from Mississauga, and looks to have a bright future with the team. It’s an exciting time to be a Toronto Blue Jays fan, and their success is giving life to a fan base that’s been waiting for a long time. Blue Jays win the 1993 World Series.

The Toronto Blue Jays clinch the 2015 American League East division.




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Thanksgiving special: apple pie with a twist

Thursday, October 8, 2015 K iera L iblik Staff Writer With Thanksgiving around the corner, we’re onto the next big thing in baking. A creative idea like no other; an apple pie baked inside of an apple. That’s right, take a moment to recover from the shock of the pure genius of the idea. Not only adorable and functional, this recipe has a perfect autumn taste for you or for two. These treats have a slight crunch on the outside but they’re filled with gooey and warm fall comfort. Top them with ice cream for a balance of warm and cool flavour. If you’re looking for something more tart, cut the amount of agave in half along with the sugar in the crust. Additionally, feel free to add ½ tsp. of allspice and ginger to the filling for a little bit of an extra fall kick. This recipe is relatively easy, but to cut down on time and effort, feel free to use store-bought dough and follow the same baking instructions. Ingredients: Pie crust • 1.5 cups all purpose flour • 2 tsp. white sugar • 1 tsp. salt • ½ cup vegetable oil • 2 tbsp. milk

Filling • 1 tsp. cornstarch • 1 tbsp. warm water • 5 granny smith apples • 1 tsp. cinnamon • ½ cup sugar • 1 tsp. agave (can be substituted for vanilla) • 1 egg • 1 tsp. milk Instructions: 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees 2. Combine crust ingredients in large bowl and mix until smooth and set aside 3. Mix together water and cornstarch in a separate small bowl 4. Peel and dice 1 apple 5. In a saucepan over medium heat, cook the apples, cornstarch water, cinnamon and sugar a. Stir constantly for 5 minutes 7. Put on low heat and let simmer for 5 minutes 8. Take off of heat and add vanilla a. Let cool for 15 minutes 10. Roll out pie dough until it’s ¼ inch thick 11. Cut into ½ inch strips 12. Remove insides of 4 apples 13. Fill each apple with cooked apple filling 14. Layer strips of pie crust onto the top of the apples 15. Place on baking sheet and put in over for 25 minutes 16. Enjoy!


The perfect dessert to complete a Thanksgiving meal.




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Thursday, October 8, 2015

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High intensity interval training workout Continued from page 17

Round #2 20 seconds sprint 10 seconds break 20 seconds pushups 10 seconds break *Repeat four times for a total of four minutes Round #3 20 seconds jumping rope (yes, it can be an imaginary rope) 10 seconds break 20 seconds ab bicycle 10 seconds break *Repeat four times for a total of four minutes Then go back to round #1 and do it all over again! Once you have the basic formula down, Tabata workouts are easy to vary for diversity to keep you interested and your muscles guessing what’s next. For inspiration, here are some other good Tabata moves: Jump lunges (jumping from one leg to another in a lunge position) Mountain climbers (assume a plank position and rotate your


Fenton performing a part of the Tabat workout.

legs up towards your chest) Tricep dips (can be done off of a bench, fountain, step or statue) Russian twists (Balancing on your butt with your feet off the ground, moving your arms side to side) High knees Butt kicks

ACROSS 1 Rd. 4 “Little Women” woman 8 Colorless 12 Wrestling win 13 Met melody 14 Libertine 15 Vindicat-ing 17 Count counterpart 18 A billion years 19 Gold measure 20 Heathen 22 “Just the facts, ____” 24 Low-pH 25 Gaffer’s responsibility 29 Pale 30 Wise lawgiver 31 Born 32 Tabloid event re Elvis 34 Check bar codes 35 Highly-rated 36 Upper crust 37 Tweet 40 Elevator name 41 Parliament figure 42 At it 46 First victim 47 Between jobs 48 Compete 49 Inquisitive 50 Active sort 51 Shade provider DOWN 1 Spring mo. 2 Twilight hour, in a way 3 Attractive 4 Majorette’s prop 5 Burnett of CNN 6 Can makeup 7 Crone 8 Fantasized

9 Bellow 10 Emana-tion 11 Region 16 Boss 19 Actress Madeline 20 Handles clumsily 21 Antioxi-dant berry 22 Winnie-the-Pooh’s creator 23 Enthusiastic, plus 25 Pork cut 26 Impressively direct 27 Spruced up 28 Kelly or Hackman 30 Halt 33 Almost not at all 34 Skirt feature 36 Old anesthetic 37 Family 38 Vagrant 39 Ticks off 40 Leer 42 Newton fruit 43 Bachelor’s last words 44 Zero 45 Sparkler Last Issue’s Answers


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Thursday, October 8, 2015



The battle against mental illness The most important lessons I’ve learned living with depression and anxiety A nonymous I can’t remember a time when mental illness wasn’t a part of my life. From a young age, depression and anxiety permeated almost every aspect of it. My play dates with friends regularly turned into crying fits; my younger sister was frequently tasked with entertaining my friends while my mom did her best to calm me down. Little unexpected changes to plans would trigger a wildly emotional and disproportionate response. I was immensely anxious of social situations — even asking a server at Wendy’s for another dipping sauce was daunting. At only four years old, my mom became concerned that I was depressed. I first told my mom that I wanted to die at this age. I remember asking her if this thought was normal, if she’d considered it before, if other people felt this way too. This broke my mom’s heart, and she spoke to a social worker about her concerns. “She’s just a kid,” the worker said. “She’s trying to manipulate you. Don’t take it too seriously.” Despite the social worker’s words, my mom knew there was more to it. She could sense my distress, and knew that I wasn’t saying this lightly. I think I already understood death as an escape from the pain I was experiencing. When I was 12 years old, I began seeing a psychiatrist at my parents’ request. Following a few months of unsuccessful therapy, the topic of medication was raised. I was absolutely horrified. I pictured asylums and patients in white gowns, strapped down to tables. I wish I were kidding. At the time, I thought for certain this meant I’d never be normal again. Throughout the years to come I’d attend therapy and take medication to manage my anxiety. Recognizing my challenges, being more cognizant of my own tendencies, and accessing resources were first steps towards my recovery, but I still had a ways to go.

Despite the obvious impact that my mental health was having on my life, I struggled to conceptualize it as an illness that was separate from myself. I attributed my anxiety, low mood, suicidal thoughts and insecurities to my own shortcomings. This was simply the way I had always been — an anxious ‘Debbie Downer’. I couldn’t grasp that these negative thoughts and moods didn’t define me as a person, because I’d never known life without it. I felt that other people had real mental illnesses

“This was simply the way I had always been — an anxious ‘Debbie Downer’.” — Anonymous and real struggles, not me. Who was I to complain? What I failed to realize then was even if I hadn’t suffered from a mental illness, my challenges would have been just as valid. Regardless of whether we have a diagnosis or not, we all struggle with our mental health at times, and the ascription of a label doesn’t make us any more or less to blame for this. Needing to take care of our mental health doesn’t make us selfish, nor does it make us weak. It makes us human — humans who get overwhelmed and feel sad, stressed or happy. Humans who can all benefit from developing stress management tools and practicing self-care. Humans who can all benefit from learning what helps them feel well, and what doesn’t. In my second year of university, my mental health reached an all time low. I interpreted a difficult breakup with my then-boyfriend as a confirmation of all my negative thoughts about myself. I felt unlovable and worthless. I struggled with persistent and unshakeable thoughts of suicide.

The experience culminated in a trip to the emergency room one evening. I don’t remember much of that night, but I do remember something a resident said: He said he was rooting for me. I don’t know what it was about the way he said it that made me want to prove him right, but I left the hospital that night knowing that I had to try my hardest to be okay. Mental illness isn’t like any other illness because it impairs your desire to want to get better. It’s extremely difficult to be driven to get help when you brain keeps telling you that you don’t deserve it. Something that night — maybe it was the residents’ words, or maybe it was the harsh reality of ending up in the emergency room after struggling for so long — made me realize I deserved to get better and feel well. Before I leave you, I wanted to briefly share some of the insight I’ve developed over my short 19 years. Many others have already said it more eloquently than I ever could, so I hope you forgive me as I borrow their quotes to illustrate three of the many important lessons I’ve learned: Firstly, “You are not your thoughts. You are the observer of your thoughts.” What’s very challenging about mental illness is that since the illness is in our head, it’s extremely difficult to disentangle which thoughts and emotions define the illness and which thoughts and emotions define us. What I’ve learned is that we’re not the emotion-driven, automatic thoughts that surface without warning. Rather, we’re the souls that are experiencing those emotions. Our awareness of our thoughts passing means there’s a space that exists between those thoughts and the being that’s conscious of them. Learning to cope with mental illness, for me, is about learning to harness that space that exists between our instinctual thoughts and emotions, and our consciousness of their progression, in order to achieve some distance

from the difficult ones. Secondly, the Stephen Chbosky quote — “We accept the love we think we deserve.” A cliché, I know. But Chbosky nailed it. In my case, the love I thought I deserved was almost none. I didn’t see what I had to offer, and didn’t understand how anyone could possibly love me when I didn’t even love myself. Love grows from the inside out. Romantic relationships can be great, but you can’t outsource your sense of worth and value; it must originate from within. We’re often tempted to fill our void with another person’s love and approval, but it’s a dangerous way to cope. It makes for an unhealthy relationship and one that can be dangerously damaging should it end. Right now, I’m spending some time getting to know myself, and learning to love myself. Finally, “Telling someone they can’t be sad because others have it worse is like saying someone can’t be happy because others have it better.” Depression isn’t caused solely by external factors. While external circumstances can definitely impact our mental health and sometimes trigger the onset of mental illness, it’s important to recognize that there’s also an intrinsic component to our mental health. It’s possible to struggle with depression independently of circumstance, and sometimes even in spite of the objectively positive events that occur. When I’ve received this comment in the past, it made me feel alienated, alone and guilty for my emotions. Instead, we should try to understand that we’re all allowed to feel sad for no apparent reason, even when good things happen. Feelings don’t always make sense, and that’s okay. We can feel whatever we need to feel. Stigma is a big buzzword right now, and there’s a lot of talk about eliminating the stigma society has towards mental illness and mental health. What we sometimes neglect to address though is our own self-stigma; not only is the above quote one that we often hear from

others, but it’s also something that we often tell ourselves. Addressing self-stigma is important because if we want to change the world, we need to start with ourselves. This means acknowledging and validating our own feelings too. I realize I’ve been writing in past tense a lot throughout this article, so I want to clarify one thing: my journey isn’t over. Mental health isn’t an end goal; rather, it’s something I continue to manage and maintain with little (and big) actions every day. Our mental health journeys are unique and never-ending. If you’re struggling, please reach out to friends, family or professional services for support. We’re all worthy and deserve support, even if it’s difficult to see in the moment. I highly encourage you to check out some of the resources below — they’re for everyone to make use of. If you feel that you’re in a life-threatening situation, please contact 911. Student Wellness Services LaSalle Building, 146 Stuart Street studentwellness/ (613) 533 - 6000 ext. 78264 AMS Peer Support Centre JDUC, Room 34 (613) 533 - 6000 ext. 75111 12 p.m. to 10 p.m., 7 days a week Talk Aid Line Kingston (TALK) 7 p.m. to 3 a.m., 7 days a week Crisis: (613) 544 - 1771 Office: (613) 531 - 7529 Addiction & Mental Health Services – Kingston Frontenac Lennox & Addington (AMHS – KFLA) 24-hour crisis line and emergency response (613) 544 - 4229 The writer’s name was omitted due to the sensitivity of the content.

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