Grand Finalé Concert
Sunday 13 October

Grand Finalé Concert
Sunday 13 October
To all Open Conservatorium Participants, Friends and Colleagues,
A core element which drew me to the role as Director here at QCGU was knowing how distinctive and central Open Conservatorium is to our identity and how important it is for music in Queensland. It has been a joy over the past couple of years to come to know, more from the inside, how firmly Open Conservatorium is established as an integral aspect of music education in Queensland.
Open Conservatorium's State Honours Ensemble Programs grew from modest beginnings in 2001 to hosting over 5,000 students each year through 16 individual programs in 10 centres; with many more being nominated than we are able to accommodate. The Australian Honours Ensemble Program, which celebrated seven years in 2024, has also grown to encompass students from New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, and the Northern Territory.
Watching those who have joined us for the current project, after the past few years of upheaval, has highlighted the importance of music in education being available, regardless of region or resources; and how valued music is in schools, by all involved - students, teachers, families and the wider public. We are always pleased that so many students are willing, and able, to make music with their peers, with the support of their families and schools.
From my childhood in Cairns, I remember vividly the lifechanging dimensions of such interactions and will be doing all I can as Director to be supporting our reach across this extraordinary state. Thank you for your support of SHEP and your support of your children and students and their music education.
I also acknowledge the Open Conservatorium team under Jason Budge for their care and commitment to make everything possible. I hope to see many of you return as students of Queensland Conservatorium, performers and audience members of the future.
Professor Bernard Lanskey Director Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University
Anglican Church Grammar School
Bargara State School
Buderim Mountain State School
Bundaberg East State School
Bundaberg State High School
Chancellor State College
Chinchilla State School
Cooloola Christian College
Coolum State High School
Fraser Coast Anglican College
Glasshouse Christian College
Good Samaritan Catholic College
Granville State School
Hervey Bay State High School
Immanuel Lutheran College
Isis District State High School
Jinibara State School
Maroochydore State High School
Maryborough State High School
Nambour Christian College
Norville State School
Pacific Lutheran College
Palmwoods State School
Pialba State School
Riverside Christian College
Siena Catholic College
Siena Catholic Primary School
St Helens State School
St James Lutheran College
St John's School (Roma)
St Joseph's School (Chinchilla)
St Luke's Anglican School (Bundaberg)
St Teresa's Catholic College
Sunshine Beach State School
Tinana State School
Unity College
Wallumbilla State School
Xavier Catholic College
Yarrilee State School
Coronation Fanfare
Brace for Impact
Colliding Visions
Of Lochs and Thistles
Crazy for Cartoons
Whirling Novas
Abandoned Treasure Hunt
Lucy Arnold
Charlotte Brown
Catalina Dennison
Kate Eaglesham
Abigayle Garz
Kimberley Jordan
Seinna Lihou
Georgia McKee
Laura Middlebrook
Jade Moore
Amelia Novak
Indica Obst
Jacob Saunders
Freya Bailey
Ella Best
Charli Bonfield
Sian Bruce
Isaac Choi
Charleston Elliott
Emmersen Higgins
Cooper Kelly
Willow Kemshead
Louella Lorback
Abigail Louttit
Shruthi Meka
Lilly-Jaye Mooney
Amelia Nesterowich
Xavier Norman
Alicja Oracz
Ruby Rapley
Ellie Ridgley
Karlea Sabic
Heston Smith
Robert W. Smith
Christina Huss
Brian Balmages
Bill Calhoun
Christina Huss
Robert Sheldon
Jack Wilds
Richard Saucedo
Rob Grice
Zara Spies
Camryn Stevenson
Ella Wilson
Caitlyn Woolnough
Phoebe Fielke
Anthea Bray
Mason Gothmann
Sheldon Hay
Duke Ivers
Byron Lange
Julia Rejman
Austin Sainudeen
Matilda Whiting
Yvie Carter
James Rosina
Eloise Crosby
Marnie Phillips
Talei Brownette
Henry Bruback
Levi Butterworth
Harriet Davis
Theo Della Sabina
Cooper Ints
Rafferty Jenkins
Faith Larder
Matthew McConville
Christian Moore-Loweke
Michael Nwufoh
Aylah Steger
Connor Thies
Fynn Wells
Millie Byrne
Erin Beresford
Scott Cousins
Adelle Downman
Jacob Lusk
Shaun Tracey
Harry Wood
Ploy Young
Oliver Ashe
Piotr Oracz
Jett Charters
Elsie Anderson
Jade Black
James Cumerford
Ella Dolan
Chase Madden
Audrey Meloncelli
Phrare Young
March of the Intrepid
The Russian Music Box
Gaelic Castle
Planets in Motion
Celtic Lullaby
Fantasy on a Japanese Folk Song
Ice Mountain
M. A. Fenske
Susan H. Day
Soon Hee Newbold
Soon Hee Newbold
Victor Lopez
Keith Sharp
Brian Balmages
Stephen Chin
Phileine Bertels
Inara Black
Michelle Bosustow
Lillian Brand-Kerr
Angela Byju
Connor Dowling
Emily Eddy
Lacey Eden
Arianna Garth
Rebekah Greenalgh
Eve Groznik
Noah Henkel
Arianne Hoyle
Lacey Imbs
Kevin Moreno-Soto
Michaela Newberry
Isabel Nwufoh
Hannah Priest
Layla Sheppard
Varsha Sivakumar
Archie Swarbrick
Laura Tromp
Chelsea Verrall
Xyleena Weller
Summer Broadbent
Beau Buckley
Liam Cronin
Aiden Gibbs
Ferran Kairan
John Knights
Pax McAllister
Eloise Withers
Larah Baker
Gulliver Fraser
Harper Groznik
Ryan Hunter
Ebony Muller
Ally Powell
Raphael Short
Dawn Thompson
Sasha Wegner
Lillian Wilson
Harrison Gamlin
Jiya Lata
Joie Parihar
IfyouenjoybeingpartofSHEPandwantto continuedevelopingyourmusicskillsand makingnewfriends,looknofurther.
Withawiderangeofensembles,one-to-one lessons,andworld-classteachingstaff,Young Conservatoriumistheplacetobe. Percussion.Brass.Strings.Woodwind.Voice. MusicTechnology.Jazz.Choir. EarlyChildhoodMusic. Wedoitall!
Why We Sing
As Far as the Eye Can See
Bonse Aba
Child of the Goldfield
It's Bonfire Season
Ensemble members
Lola Arnold
Zoe Barnes
Sidney Barton
Maddison Black
Faith Buonaccorsi
Indie Byrne
Charlie Creighton-Jay
William Donaldson
Lily Gailer
Nidhi Gandhi
Ayvah Garousse
Aurora Gray
Lexie Greenshields
Emma Hampe
Grace Hampton
Ava Mahaffey
Lulu McAuliffe
Mia McMillan
Chloe Meineke
Emily Niccoli
Phoebe Reimann
Arabella Rowan
Millie Rowland
Summer Springate
Sophie Thurecht
Katelyn Tomkins
Elsa Turrell
Sally Van Eerden
Ruby Vollmerhause
Elizabeth Warren
Greg Gilpin
Matthew Frank
Victor C. Johnson
Paul Jarman
Alice Chance
Oluwatosin Adewumi
Mia Barnes
Eliana McLaren
Ainsley Prout
Sofia Ridgley
Varlee Moore
Director, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University
Professor Bernard Lanskey
Head of Ensembles, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University
Professor Peter Morris
Manager - Open Conservatorium
Jason Budge
Clinician & Conductor - Wind Ensemble
Robyn Rosewarne
Clinician & Conductor - String Ensemble
Jonathan Zorzetto
Clinician & Conductor - Vocal Ensemble
Kate Albury
Accompanist - Vocal Ensemble
Crystal Smith
SHEP Project Support
Nathan Cahill
Sharelle Guest
Russell Sullivan
Executive Officer - Engagement
Dr Natalie Lewandowski-Cox
Executive Support Officer - Conservatorium Academy
Kevin Edwards
Administration Officer - Open Conservatorium
Lisa Dart
Administration Officer - Honours Programs
Michelle Stewart
Administration Officer – Marketing
Hannah Morrison
Administration Support Officer - Conservatorium Academy
Bianca Murphy
Administration Support Officer - Honours Programs
Stephanie Williams
Administration Support - Conservatorium Academy
Jack Gawith
Baxter Melrose
Open Conservatorium (07) 3735 6337 SHEP (07) 3735 6375
Conservatorium (07) 3735 6247 Connect with us /OpenConQCGU @QldCon_Griffith @openconservatorium /qldcon
Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work, and pays respect to the Elders, past, present and emerging.