From the Executive Manager Hi and welcome to the Summer
I am also very pleased to announce
retirement from the Board. Former
edition of Living Healthy.
an extension of our dental services
Deputy Chair, Karen Read, will step
in Mount Isa with a new dentist,
into the Chairperson position and
Elchèrü Hepburn, who started at
will be joined by our new Deputy
the practice early January. Elchèrü
Chair, Greg Nucifora. Our team look
is a local and she is looking forward
forward to working with Karen and
to giving back to the Mount Isa
Greg in 2021 and beyond.
It is safe to say that 2020 was a year unlike any other and many of us are looking forward to 2021 with the anticipation of a potential vaccine on the horizon for COVID-19.
community. She joins the team
Like you, Queensland Country has
lead by Dr Tia Riggs and we are
had to overcome some unique
sure that both Members and
challenges in 2020 which, although
non-Members will take advantage
difficult at the time, have set us
of our expanded services.
up to meet 2021 with renewed optimism and vigor.
Every month we treat nearly 1,200 Members across our three
We remain committed to providing the very best service and value for money for all our Members and we look forward to a rewarding 2021. Thank you for being a Member and placing your trust in us. Healthy Regards,
One of the things that 2020
dental practices. Each practice
highlighted was the importance
prides themselves on providing
Glenn Seri
of private health insurance and
excellent quality dental care at an
Executive Manager
the private hospital system to the
affordable price to both Members
Australian health industry. As public
and non-Members. In addition
hospital waiting lists for elective
to this, our Queensland Country
surgery continue to blow out, it
Health Fund Members with extras
is reassuring to know that as a
cover receive no or low out-of-
Member of Queensland Country
pocket expenses on preventive and
you are able to avail yourself of
diagnostic treatments with check
medical advice and procedures in
ups and scale and cleans. If you live
a timeframe that is acceptable to
in Mackay, Mount Isa or Townsville
you. There has never been a more
and have not experienced
important time to have health
our dental practice services, I
insurance and Queensland Country
encourage you to do so for your
is right here when you need us.
next dental check-up.
2021 will see Queensland Country
At our AGM last November our
continue to invest in its business
long-term Chairperson, Michael
and the communities in which we
Beard, retired from his position.
operate. We will be increasing
He will, however, remain on the
our investment in our Mobile App
Board for another year. Michael has
and hope to be able to deliver
been a wonderful representative
an even faster claims processing
for the Health Fund over his many
experience and the ability to use
years with us and we wish him all
digital cards.
the best as he heads towards
Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Summer / Autumn 2021