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The value of having Private Health Insurance
With the cost of living expenses going up for many people, we have had some of our Members ask whether it is valuable to keep private health insurance. We thought we’d put together some key ways your private health insurance can provide value with choice:
No need to worry about long waiting periods in the public system
Some of the most common hospital procedures if provided in a public hospital can have lengthy waiting lists. For someone in pain, this can have an advserse impact on their quality of life. Alternatively, having private health cover can give you the option to receive the medical treatment in a private hospital. Choice of hospital
Having private hospital cover gives you the choice of which hospital, either public or private, you wish to be treated in. Choice of doctor
With private hospital cover you can choose your own doctor and decide whether you will go to a public or private hospital that your doctor attends. Choice of extras provider
Private health cover gives you the opportunity to visit the dentist, optometrist or health care practitioner of your choice.
Pay less at tax time
High income earners are required to pay a Medicare Levy Surcharge of up to 1.5% in addition to the standard MLS if they do not have private health insurance. For individuals, couples or families earning over the income threshold, having private health insurance means they will avoid this surcharge, which may cost more than your private health insurance premiums. Peace of mind
Having private health insurance definitely has its rewards. It gives you the peace of mind and the security of health care options and benefits not available today through the public health care system.