Queensland Country Health Fund - Living Health Magazine Winter / Spring 2021 Edition

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Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


Perimenopause: Is it inevitable? 8

Laura Geitz: Kids, exercise and her local community 14

Winter and eye health


30 minute workout with the JCU Townsville Fire

Living Healthy Contributors Executive Manager Glenn Seri Editor and Marketing Officer Tamika Piccinelli Care Navigation Team Tina Clark, Sandra Jang, Madeline Walsh and Barbara Turton Contributors Laura Geitz, Member and Brand Ambassador James Jensen, Australian Nutrition Centre Brent Goriss, Head of Performance, JCU Townsville Fire Dr Helena Rosengren, Skin Repair Skin Cancer Clinic Specsavers, Premier Provider, Queensland Country Bank

Thank you to all of our contributors - we appreciate being able to provide our Members with valuable information. Contact Us

Contents From the Executive Manager. Glenn Seri................................................... 3 Perimenopause: Is it inevitable? James Jensen....................................... 4


Member Satisfaction Survey 2021............................................................. 6

333 Ross River Road, Aitkenvale, QLD 4814

Kids, exercise and her local community. Laura Geitz............................... 8

PO Box

Queensland Country Dental: Dental Care that will make you smile.........11

PO Box 42, Aitkenvale, QLD 4814

30 minute workout session to get you fired up! Brent Goriss..................11


Winter and eye health. Specsavers......................................................... 14

1800 813 415

Refer a friend........................................................................................... 16


Queensland Country Accommodation Units............................................ 17


Website queenslandcountry.health


 qldcountryhealth qldcountryhealth Queensland Country Health Fund Ltd ABN 18 085 048 237 Queensland Country Dental is a business name of Queensland Country Health Fund Ltd ABN 18 085 048 237 Queensland Country Care Navigation Pty Ltd (ABN 92 610 024 916) is an independent subsidiary of Queensland Country Health Fund Ltd (ABN 18 085 048 237).

Yes, it's winter but you still need sunscreen! Dr Helena Rosengren........ 18 Staff in focus: Meet our Care Navigation Team..................................... 20 Premier Provider Network....................................................................... 22 Claiming made easy!.............................................................................. 23 Benefits in focus: Therapies................................................................... 24 Health and Wellness Online Centre........................................................ 25 Download our Mobile App........................................................................ 25 Queensland Country in the community.................................................. 26 SmartBudget - Simplify your bills............................................................27

Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is provided for general information purposes only not as a substitute to medical advice. The information provided or views expressed by third party contributors in this publication are not necessarily those held by Queensland Country Health Fund Ltd.


Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

From the Executive Manager Hi, and welcome to the 2021 Winter/ Spring edition of Living Healthy. I was hoping that this edition I would be able to write to you heralding the end of Covid-19 and its effects on the community and economy, unfortunately this is not the situation that we find ourselves in currently. Few would have predicted that deep into 2021 we would still be having lockdowns and daily health alerts, yet here we are. The Federal Government has stated that the only way we are going to be able to go back to a more normal way of life is to have as many people vaccinated as possible. So, with this in mind I encourage Members to speak with their medical professionals with a view to get vaccinated as soon as possible to help speed up this process. We are currently finalising annual performance statistics for the 2020/21 financial year. Some highlights include: • For the first time since we began collecting this information we finished the year with a retention rate above 95%.This means that more Members continued their membership with Queensland Country this year than any other year, and is a testament to the service and value for money cover we offer. • Growth of the Fund with our membership base growing by 6.8%. This growth rate will be roughly three times the average growth rate for the Private Health industry and is set to place us as one of the fastest growing funds in the country. These results are extremely exciting to see and I’d like to say thank you to our

Members for their loyalty to the Fund and welcome to all the new Members who have joined this past year. At Queensland Country we continue to expand our service offering for our Members and in our last edition we shared the opening of our new Rockhampton branch with a dedicated Health Fund Member Service Officer. This branch has proven very popular since opening in November 2020, our team have enjoyed assisting new and existing Members. In addition to the Rockhampton branch, earlier this year the Queensland Country Group opened a new branch in Maleny. If you are local to either location, I encourage you to visit our friendly team. Opening up new branches like the two locations mentioned above is not new for Queensland Country, however even with these additions we remain fiercely proud of our heritage and where we have come from. I am proud to announce that in July the Fund will surpass a significant milestone of 30,000 active health insurance policies (covering over 65,000 individuals). This exciting milestone has given me the opportunity to reflect on our humble beginnings in Mount Isa, where the Fund was established as MIM Employees Health Society in 1977. In 1999 Queensland Country Credit Union merged with MIM Employees' Health Society and formed Queensland Country Health Fund Ltd and began operating as an open health fund.

As we continue to grow, it is amazing to think that 361 Members who joined the Fund on that first day 45 years ago still have active memberships today! To those Members I say thank you for placing your trust in Queensland Country and we hope you remain with the Fund for many more years to come. Lastly, I wanted share with our new Members who may not be aware, as well as remind existing Members about our accommodation units in Brisbane and Townsville. Our selfcontained accommodation units are a great service we offer Members who live more than 100kms from Brisbane or Townsville and need to travel for medical treatment. Our units are located near the Mater Hospital in Townsville and the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane. They are offered to Members at a discounted rate, enabling Members and their families to stay together during times of need. As mentioned, all the units are self-contained and equipped with everything to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Simply visit queenslandcountry.health/ accommodation and follow the instructions to book your stay. Once again thank you to all of our Members for your ongoing support and please stay safe. Healthy regards, Glenn Seri Executive Manager

Our connection to Mount Isa stands strong today and we remain a significant presence in the Mount Isa community with a Queensland Country branch, dedicated Health Fund staff and dental practice.

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


Perimenopause: Is it inevitable?


Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

James Jensen Functional Medicine Practitioner Australian Nutrition Centre

One of the most commonly frustrated types

menopause are now charged with the

of women we see in our clinic are those who

role of making the sex hormones. This

are approaching menopause. This period of

means the busier and more stressed you

time is called perimenopause. It’s a tricky time for women, with a lot of change occurring in your body without you actually changing anything. You’re eating well, exercising, getting

are, the more likely you’ll suffer a painful perimenopause. • Thyroid hormones play a huge role in

eight hours of sleep, but the weight just jumps

regulating metabolism and perimenopause

on without your permission. Unfair, I know. So

is a common time for the thyroid to change

why does this happen?

too, which can often be the reason why

• During perimenopause, oestrogen can go

you're packing on the pounds.

from high to low in a matter of a few days. This is a main cause of mood swings, weight gain, sleep problems and heavy periods. • The natural shift in hormones slows your metabolism, which progressively decreases each year, meaning that when you reach menopause, it’s common to see weight gain around the abdomen that becomes

How to reduce the symptoms of perimenopause 1. Prioritise Sleep – 8 hours minimum will do wonders for your whole body. 2. Exercise, but be kind to your body. The Vitamin D

harder to lose due to the decline in your

and beneficial blue light from exercising outdoors


will be useful for regulating symptoms. Over

• The shift of oestrogen changes the way our body responds to insulin. If your body doesn’t have the right relationship with

exercising or not allowing for adequate rest creates another stress on the body. 3. Reduce alcohol and other inflammatory foods like

insulin, you’ll gain weight from eating the

sugar, junk food and processed foods. Stick to

same foods you consumed in your 30’s.

wholefoods, vegetables, fruits and salads.

The change in oestrogen also heightens food cravings, meaning you’ll want more sugar and carbs. • Eventually, hormones like progesterone and oestrogen start to fall away, but can leave other hormones like testosterone to remain

4. Increase protein. Your protein requirements actually increase as the hormones decrease due to a lack of growth stimulus.

You can see why, with all that going on in your

and sometimes even increase. It’s the

body, how perimenopause can wreak havoc

testosterone that drives insulin resistance

in your day to day life, but there are things

which is why you’ll find it much harder to

you can do to make the process a little less

get results.

disruptive. Whilst it’s tempting to just add

• As the ovaries begin to wind up shop but

more hormones in, it’s better to allow your

you’re still having a cycle, you may not

body to get accustomed to less hormones,

necessarily be ovulating. When you aren’t

that way when menopause finally comes, it’s

ovulating, you can’t make progesterone

much less problematic. No matter if you’re

and as a result become more prone to

starting perimenopause or have already

PMS, heavy periods and mood swings

farewelled your last period, it’s never too late

(sound familiar?). • The adrenal glands play a key role in regulating stress hormones and during

to get back on track. Speak to an integrated practitioner for more information on how they can help.

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


Member Satisfaction Survey 2021

Thank you for you feedback!

We value the views and opinions of Queensland Country Health Fund Members. In January 2021, we invited our Members to complete a satisfaction survey to find out what we do well and the areas where we can improve. Here's what you told us:


Communication with our Members 60% of Members that have interacted with us over the past 12 months said that enquires are always taken care of on-the-spot. 71% of Members who have interacted with us

Members shared their

say it is always an easy process.

thoughts with us and

64% have phoned us in the last year.

completed the survey*

Of those who called: 82% were very satisfied with the telephone service they have received (in terms of problem

95% of Members are satisfied with their health fund membership*

solving and the advice given).

* 63% were very satisfied and 32% were somewhat satisfied.

Claiming 89% of Members have NOT had a claim rejected or unpaid in the last year. 83% of Members that have claimed in the last year were very satisfied with the speed of their claim payment. 82% of Members were very satisfied with their claiming experience when they swiped their Membership Card at the provider.

Mobile App 96% of Members who have claimed via the Mobile App have been satisfied with the service. 63% respondents say the Mobile App is easy to use. 6

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

What you think of us 81% of respondents agree that we offer good value for money for our Members. 1,383 respondents agree that we are easy to deal with. 89% of respondents agree that we are Member-service focused. 1,024 respondents agree we offer better benefits then other Health Funds.


Queensland Country Dental 44% of Members that reside in our dental practice areas have visited Queensland Country Dental Mackay, Mount Isa or Townsville. Of those who visited, 64% were very satisfied.

have both Hospital and Extras cover with us.

Thank you again for your valuable feedback! What you say matters as it helps us concentrate our efforts on offering quality service in areas that are important to you.

What we’re working on… • We’ll continue to share how you can process your claims, so you can stay up to date on changes and new processes. • We’re here to help you better understand the value of your private health insurance. We want to help you to live a better life through better health. Ask us how to use your policy so you can get the most value out of your cover. • Life moves and changes quickly, so if circumstances change, contact us to make sure your policy reflects this and suits where you’re at. • Keep informed and up to date:  Read our bi-annual Living Healthy magazine – you can nominate to receive this electronically or have a copy sent to you  Read Health eBYTES your bi-monthly email  Check out our Health and Wellness Centre on the website  View stories and news on the Mobile App

 Like us on Facebook

 Follow us on Instagram

Whilst we wish you a lifetime of good health, if something does go wrong, don’t worry, let us know, we’re here to help! Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


Laura Geitz:

Kids, exercise, and her local community Is it just me or does life seem to be getting busier every month? Maybe it is just me and the reality of having three children under four has hit our little family hard and fast. Regardless of what your household looks like, I feel like we are all becoming experts at filling every spare minute we are graced with and as a result life becomes a flurry and the time seems to just be flying by.

In saying that I would be lying if I said I was someone who didn’t enjoy being busy. I feel as though when I am busy and checking off that long chore list, more boxes get ticked off then when I have all the time in the world. However, for me to be the best version of myself I have come to learn a few things the hard way you could say. The big one for me is EXERCISE! The question that begs to be answered, what busy mother doing her best to manage life at home potentially alongside working commitments has any time in her schedule to fit in exercise? Trust me I get it, there was a solid period of time for me where exercise took a real backseat in my day to day life and at times failed to be a priority at all. But when I realised that it needed to be prioritised for not only my benefit but those close to me, I knew I'd instantly become a better mother and wife.


Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

Proud Queensland Country Health Fund Member and Brand Ambassador

Fitness looks a little different for me these days. I don’t have goals or expectations to be the fittest and strongest version of myself, instead I use the 30 minute window to give my body and mind something else to think about rather than packing kids lunches or folding those 3 baskets of washing that have been in the laundry for 4 days. I choose to exercise in a place that is kid friendly where I can take my little cherubs along because let’s be honest, getting out of the house with 3 kids in tow is a workout in itself. What else I have learnt along the way is that it is more than ok to ask for help. I feel exceptionally blessed that we live in a great community, think that small town feel where your child is co-parented for want of a better word by so many amazing families living and breathing the same hectic daily routine. It really does take a village and when you let that village in, life becomes abundantly more manageable and enjoyable.

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


Dental care that will make you smile Queensland Country Dental provides high quality, patient focused dental treatment for the whole family. To enable our Members to improve their oral health (and as a result their general health) we offer preventive and diagnostic treatments at no or low gap for Members of Queensland Country Health Fund with extras cover. Some of the services our practices provide: • Comprehensive examinations for the whole family,

Mackay  24 Sydney Street, Mackay.  4965 9400

including children's dentistry • Digital x-rays and photographs • Preventive treatments such as scale and clean • Mouthguards for adults and children • Patient education, such as oral hygiene instruction and dietary counselling • Dental hygiene treatment • Full range of restorative treatments such as composite (tooth coloured) restorations (fillings) • Teeth whitening

Mount Isa  70 Camooweal Street, Mount Isa.  4743 1777

• Endodontic (root canal) treatment • Crowns and bridges • Metal and acrylic dentures • Extractions • Cosmetic dentistry • Emergency dentistry Queensland Country Dental is committed to providing excellent dental care, focused on patient safety and also continuous quality improvement within the practice environment. ur sure what yo If you're not uch r is, or how m level of cove ft to claim on you've got le benefits this your dental k by n easily chec year, you ca pp or the Mobile A logging into r Services. Online Membe


Townsville Queensland Country Centre,  333 Ross River Rd, Aitkenvale.  4412 3825

To book your appointment contact your local practice. Our experienced team look forward to welcoming you! If you're not in Townsville, Mackay or Mount Isa, visit queenslandcountry. health/premierprovider to find out more about our Premier Provider Network to see if we have a preferred provider near you.

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

30 minute workout session to get

you FIRED up!

Life is busier than ever and finding the time for daily exercise is a little harder than we would like it to be. Daily exercise provides stress relief, increases your self-confidence, and may even help prevent other serious diseases including heart disease. Brent Goriss, Head of Performance at the JCU Townsville Fire shares a quick 30-minute super set workout session with JCU Townsville Fire Guard, Steph Reid to help keep you in shape.

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021



Super-Set #2

1. Crunches


Lay on your back on a comfortable

10 x leg swings (left and right)

bent and place your hands on your

10 x knee hugs

thighs. In a controlled manner,

10 x arm circles (forward)

engage the abdominals and curl

10 x arm circles (backward)

the trunk, sliding your hands up

15 x Star Jumps

your thighs. Your goal is the get your

15 x Squats

wrist to your knees. Control the

10 x Lunges

but firm surface, have your knees

1. Split Squats Starting in a “split stance” (one


foot forward and one foot back), maintain an upright position with elevated and eyes facing forward.

This workout features Super-

the floor, whilst the rear foot is

Sets which are paired exercises.

elevated on the ball of the foot.

An example is, do 10 push-ups

From the upright position, drop

squats. Rest for 30seconds and repeat for another two sets for a total of 3 sets on each exercise.

Super-Set #1 1. Push ups Adopt a push-up position on either

movement back down and repeat again for 10 reps, trying to keep the abdominals engaged for the entire set of 10 repetitions.

the upper body and keep the chest


immediately followed by 10

The front foot remains flat on

the back knee to perform the split squat. Lower yourself down until your rear knee is just off the ground and the front knee is at

2. Side Plank

approximately 90 degrees. Focus

Start by lying down on your side.

on returning to the upright position

Place an elbow directly underneath

by pushing through the front leg.

a shoulder, with the body

Complete three sets of 10 repetitions on each leg.

completely straight through to the legs. Engaging the core, elevate the hips so your two points of

knees or toes depending on your

contact on the floor is your elbow

ability. With hands slightly wider

and feet. Keep the body facing

than shoulder width apart, slowly

forwards and shoulders square.

lower your chest to the ground

This is a challenging exercise, so

as low as possible. Keep your hips

if you need to initially, bend the

down and ensure your upper body

knees before elevating the hips,

weight is over your chest and arms.

so your two points of contact are knees and elbow.

Once you’ve reached maximum

Hold this position for as long as

depth, push the hands hard through the floor to return to the upright position.

2. Power squats Starting in an upright position, feet

2. Supermans This exercise is great for you lower back and glutes. Start in a prone position (lying face down on the floor), focus on engaging the lower

possible, trying to eventually achieve a maximum of 60 secs. Repeat for the other side and complete 2 sets on each side.

back and glute muscles when

Super-Set #4

performing this exercise.

(20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of

your back straight and forcing your

Slowly and gently, raise the arms

rest x 4 sets each)

backside backwards. Attempt to

and chest whilst simultaneously also

squat down to a maximum position

elevating the legs. Aim for as much

1. High Knees

where your thighs are flat (knees at

range of motion as possible, pause

90 degrees).

for two seconds, and return to the

as possible

starting position under control.

2. Star jumps

extend through the knees and hips

Complete three sets of 10

back to the upright position.


Jack out hands up above head and

slightly wider than shoulder width apart, squat down, placing your weight through the heels, keeping

Once maximum depth is achieved,


Super-Set #3

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

Knees up to chest as dynamically

jump back in.

Cool-Down and Recovery (5mins) Following your workout and any time you exercise, ensure you

inner thigh. Gently reach forward towards the toes of the extended leg, feeling a stretch through the back part of the upper leg. Gently hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat for the other leg. Maintain a normal breathing

complete a comprehensive

pattern while holding the stretch.

cool-down. This will reduce

Stretch #3: Shoulder Stretch

muscle soreness, allow for a faster recovery, and provide the ability to have a quicker turn-around before your next exercise session. It will also go a long way to reducing the

Take one arm across the chest,

feeling a stretch through the

whilst wrapping the other arm

deltoid (or shoulder). Hold the

under and over. Pull the extended

stretch for 30 second and repeat

arm against your chest in tight,

for the other arm.

incidence of injury. Here are three stretches for your cool down:

Some more facts about Brent and Steph… Brent Goriss Head of Performance, JCU Townsville Fire

Stretch #1: Quadricep Stretch Grasp one foot with the same hand, trying to get your heel as close as possible your backside. Keep the knees together and hips square. Place some pressure from that foot, through the hand to ensure you feel a stretch in the front part of your thigh. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat for the other leg.

Brent has 20 years’ experience in the health and Fitness industry. Brent and his wife Lyndsey own 5 Star Fitness Townsville and 5 Star Fitness Australia. In addition to the JCU Townsville Fire, Brent is also a Strength and Conditioning Coach for Australia’s national basketball team, the Opals and NBL1 Townsville Basketball Teams - Heat and Flames. He is also a consultant for the National Performance Program (NPP) athletes based in Townsville. While at university, Brent completed prac work with the Sydney Swans (AFL), North Queensland Cowboys (NRL) and Townsville Crocodiles (NBL), which fuelled his passion for becoming a Strength and Conditioning Coach.

Stretch #2: Hamstring Stretch Seated on the floor, keep one leg extended whilst bringing the sole of the other foot against the

Steph Reid JCU Townsville Fire Guard Steph Reid plays Guard for the JCU Townsville Fire. She signed with the JCU Townsville Fire in 2020 and is set to be with the club till the completion of 2023 season. Steph played college basketball for the University of Buffalo and also played for the Bulls in New York. She was the MVP of the 2016 MAC Women’s Basketball Tournament in which the Buffalo Bulls women’s basketball team won their first MAC title and reached the NCAA Tournament for the first time in the history of the women’s program. Steph is also the JCU Townsville Fire School Ambassador, delivering basketball & team building sessions at schools within a 200km radius of Townsville. Steph loves working with kids, she enjoys inspiring them and teaching them about the game she loves. Basketball has taken Steph all over the world and she likes being able to share her knowledge and experiences with kids who may one day aspire to be doing what she does daily.

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


eye health Winter and

Specsavers – Premier Provider

Winter normally means colder weather and dry air, which could mean that your eyes have different symptoms or needs with the change in season. The team at Specsavers put together some of the top things to look out for this winter, and what you can do to ensure your eyes stay healthy.

Dry eyes Sometimes, people notice that their eyes feel dry or uncomfortable in winter, which can cause irritation to the eyes. Dry eye syndrome, or as it is more commonly known, dry eyes, develops when there is a disruption in the production of tears – either that they evaporate too quickly, there’s an issue with drainage, or that not enough tears are produced. When you have dry eyes, the symptoms can be feelings of dryness, grittiness or soreness that get worse during the day, red eyes, eyelids that stick together when you wake up and temporarily blurred vision. Dry eyes can happen for many reasons, either one or a combination of: • Being in a hot or windy environment – for example in winter you may be going from the cold outside to a warmer office, or it may be windier outside • Wearing contact lenses • Certain underlying medical conditions • Side effects of certain medications • Hormonal changes, such as during menopause Thankfully, treatments are available for dry eye. Your optometrist may give you eye drops to lubricate your eyes, or you could need medication to reduce inflammation.


Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

Treatment and tips for preventing sun damage Apply sunscreen on your eyelids and around your eyes: While the

Wear a broadbrimmed hat: This will not only provide protection

Don’t forget winter UV protection!

to your head but also your eyes, nose, ears and neck.

Living in Australia means

eyelid is designed to protect the eye, the skin is very thin and contains fragile tissues that can be damaged by UV light so it’s important to make sure you apply sunscreen to your eyelids.

Wear sunglasses that have UV protection: For the best kind of protection, buy sunglasses that have polarised lenses as they provide superior vision and glare protection in bright light by eliminating 99.9% of horizontal glare, while also providing 100% UV protection.

that we can be exposed to dangerous levels of UV radiation when we’re outside, even during winter when it’s not as bright and sunny. While our

Be mindful of the amount of time you spend in the sun: The longer you spend outside, the higher your chance of

eyelids are designed to protect our eyes, the skin

experiencing sun damage.

around our eyes is very

Understand your family history: If you have a family history

tissue that can easily be

of melanoma or skin cancer, you could be at higher risk of developing those conditions.

thin and contains fragile damaged by UV light.

Get your eyes tested regularly: The best way to understand if your eyes are healthy and free from damage is to visit your local optometrist. At Specsavers, we recommend that you get your eyes tested every two years, or every year if you’re 65 and over.

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


Refer a


We’ll give you a


Gift Card! If they take out an eligible singles policy

We’ll double it for a couple or family!

Refer a friend, family member, mate or colleague to Queensland Country Health Fund and if they take out an eligible policy during the promotional period, we’ll say thank you with a gift card.* Make sure you tell your friend when joining to provide us with your name and contact details, so we can send you your gift card.

1800 813 415 • queenslandcountry.health *Offer valid until 31 December 2021 (promotional period). The referring person must be an existing Queensland Country Health Fund policy holder. Available to new Silver and Bronze Hospital policies only. Available with corporate discount offers, but not in conjunction with any other offer. Terms and conditions apply and are available at queenslandcountry.health/refer. Queensland Country Health Fund Ltd ABN 18 085 048 237.


Queensland Country Accommodation Units

Home away from

Finding accommodation close to the hospital where you're being

2 nights

$95 per night

reservation, visit queenslandcountry.

3 nights

$85 per night

be made via credit card at the

4+ nights

$75 per night

at 10am.

professional. Once documentation is

You can make a reservation online

received a booking confirmation will

for either Townsville or Brisbane

be sent to you.

oro CITY - C on D nd



ng /

Auchenflower Station



Dixon St


nati Patric k Ln


St Lu


via the online reservation system.


including eligibility, can be viewed Fulham


ce rT

Terms and conditions of use,

McIlwraith St

re w


Chasely St


Lothair St time of making your reservation.

Shopping Centre

Ridley St


Accommodation costs for both the

queenslandcountry.health at the

Grimes St


our Members who need to travel.

documentation to info@ Albury St

c Au

subsidised accommodation for

Aldridge St

Please send all appropriate

Lang Pde

treatment, which is why we provide

upon making your reservation.


travelling to receive medical

30 Cheyne Street, Pimlico

from your healthcare professional

Eagle Tc

We know the costs involved with

Roy Harris Place - Townsville

medical appointment is required

City - Milton Rd (Western Subs)

Accommodation unit costs

support of your hospitalisation or


needing medical treatment.

Fulham Rd

prior to booking. Documentation in


accommodation for our Members


Country Health Fund is required


offer comfortable, peaceful

Albury St

Lothair St

membership with Queensland

Park St

and fully furnished apartments

minimum two-month period of

Alroy St

These 2-bedroom, self-contained

booking of the apartments. A

Diprose St

available exclusively to our Members.

Eligibility requirements apply for

Aldridge St

City - Milton Rd (Western Subs)

Eligibility requirements

in both Townsville and Brisbane,

as a booking until documentation is received from your healthcare

that you really don't need during

Country provides apartments

Reservations will not be confirmed

*Prices effective 1 January 2015.

treated can be an extra hassle

With this in mind, Queensland

time of making your reservation.

Check in from 2pm. Check out time

accommodation units.

this time.

health/units. Full payment must

Kings Rd

ongoing visits back to the hospital.

To check availability and make a


may still need follow-up surgery or

$105 per night


initial treatment is completed, they

1 night

Park St

and even once your surgery or

Make a reservation

Alroy St

appointment to see a specialist


Diprose St

Treatment may involve an initial

Number of nights

Kings Rd

Often our Members need to travel to Brisbane or Townsville for medical treatment.

Townsville and Brisbane apartments

McIlwraith on the Park - Brisbane

are as follows:

12 McIlwraith Street, Auchenflower

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


Grimes St

Shoppin Centre

Ridley St

Dr Helena Rosengren Skin Doctor, Rsearcher, Lecturer and fellow of the Skin Cancer College of Australasia

Yes, it’s winter, but you still need

sunscreen! Living in the Sunshine State means we are blessed with 365 days of glorious weather. But when winter comes around, you may be tricked into thinking that our Queensland sun is hibernating during the cooler months. Whilst the temperature may be dropping, the risk of developing skin cancer certainly isn’t. Here’s why now is not the time to become complacent with sun protective measures. • Sunscreen application is recommended when the UV Index is 3 or above, which for us in Queensland is every day, and winter is no exception. The sun's rays can often be more damaging in winter due to us eagerly welcoming the cooler weather and spending longer periods of time outside. • The UV radiation is not related to the temperature, and you can still get burnt on cool or cloudy days. Even incidental sun exposure without burning can cause skin cancer. • Queensland’s close proximity to the equator makes us more susceptible, and even during winter, puts us at a 60% higher skin cancer rate than the rest of the country. • Living in the tropics means we are often not as fully covered in clothing as our southern counterparts, which increases our exposure and risk of developing skin cancer.

But what about

Vitamin D? Healthy vitamin D levels can

be maintained by most people

simply by spending a few minutes outdoors (with sunscreen on!) when the UV index is above 3 on most days of the week year round. Research has repeatedly confirmed that wearing sunscreen while outdoors does not put you at risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Even though the mercury has dropped, it’s important to protect your skin like you would in summer. Daily sunscreen is a must to protect you from skin cancer even if you are not planning on spending extended time in the sun. Additionally, your skin will thank you for wearing a broad-brimmed hat and coverage when you plan on being outdoors for extended periods of time.


Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


Staff in focus

Meet our Care Navigation Team Sandra Jang, Care Coordinator With Queensland Country for 3 years

Tina Clark, Care Navigation Manager With Queensland Country for 5 years How long have you been a Registered Nurse? 21 years Do you have a particular area of nursing you prefer? I specialised in Neuro Surgical nursing early in my career, but my passion remains in Aged Care especially Dementia Care. What do you like most about the Care Navigation program? The opportunity to reach out to our Members in their most vulnerable times post hospitalisation and offer assistance in their recovery.

Nurse? I completed my Bachelor of Nursing in 2013 and have been nursing for 7.5 years. Do you have a particular area of nursing you prefer? Nursing offers a wide range of areas to work in – I am really enjoying my current role as a Care Coordinator. It is a different model to ‘hands on’ nursing but equally rewarding. What do you like most about the Care Navigation program? I like the flexibility of creating individualised programs to assist our Members. What is the most rewarding part of your job? Returning home after a hospital stay can be a daunting prospect and at times present some challenges. I find it extremely

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

rewarding to be able to support our

Contacting Members and having the privilege of being

Members through this time.

part of their recovery journey. Receiving feedback that they are close to or fully recovered from their procedure and that we have made a difference is the most rewarding feeling. I also have an amazing team that I manage, which makes the management aspect of my job easy and enjoyable. What is the most important part of health insurance? Having that peace of mind that I have a choice in my health partners, and that I am in control of my own health journey. Do you have a hobby or activity you enjoy to do on your time off? I enjoy pottering in the garden and trying my hand at cooking delicious meals. Favourite food or recipe you enjoy? I enjoy all cuisines and don’t really have a favourite. My Almond Shortbread Cookies are one of my favourite to cook, and are always popular for morning tea with work colleagues and family.


How long have you been a Registered

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

Do you have a hobby or activity you enjoy to do on your time off? Bringing new life to an old Queenslander house keeps me busy on my time off – it is definitely a labour of love!

Madeline Walsh, Care Coordinator With Queensland Country for 9 months How long have you been a Registered Nurse? (Bachelor’s degree 2009) 12 years, nursing for 21 years Do you have a particular area of nursing you prefer? Cardiology, Cardiothoracic and Anaesthetic Nursing – Post Graduate Cert (UTAS) Anaesthetic & Recovery Nursing 2018 What do you like most about the Care Navigation program? Care Navigation facilitates a unique nursing experience for me. That is to walk the post-operative journey with patients. Particularly those patients with

Barbara Turton, Care Coordinator With Queensland Country for 3 years

cardiac (heart) and chronic disease health issues. A patient often feels quite overwhelmed after a significant health event and even after life-saving

How long have you been a Registered Nurse? I have

surgery, the journey to complete recovery can be

been nursing since 2006. I started my nursing career as


an EEN with Qld Health in Bundaberg then studied my Bachelor of Nursing at CQU part time and completed my degree in 2013.

I genuinely have the opportunity; through Care Navigation to provide support, education and most importantly help patients to understand how to move

Do you have a particular area of nursing you prefer?

on, that they potentially can reclaim a quality life

Palliative Care is an area of nursing that I find that

and be self-empowered. It’s an important part of the

gives me a sense of satisfaction. It is a privilege to

“whole picture” of recovery.

support a patient and their family through their last days. However, I also like Medical and to be able to be part of a team that is able to assist a patient to ‘recover’ and return to their family and friends. What do you like most about the Care Navigation program? I love that we work in a small team and we can all ‘bring something to the table’. Our thoughts and feelings are ‘listened to’. What is the most rewarding part of your job? The most

What is the most rewarding part of your job? Assisting patients to reclaim their health to the best of their abilities. Do you have a hobby or activity you enjoy doing in your time off? Sure do. Kayaking or anything to do with the water and gym work-outs. Bit of an art lover, live theatre, I attempt art myself for R&R– but it is not a ‘spectator sport’ so to speak. Love hanging with my kids and their families.

rewarding part is being able to assist a Member and their partner/family through a process/procedure to make their journey a lot less overwhelming and to be supportive in their needs. Talking to our Members that are really grateful of Care Navigation's support makes the job worthwhile. What is the most important part of health insurance? Health Insurance allows you the privilege of accessing medical treatment when you need it. It is one less stress in your life when your health may be compromised. Favourite food or recipe you enjoy? Love home made pizza’s, less is always best! I have been spoilt while recently travelling in Adelaide and surrounds, taste testing their amazing wines and cheeses.

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


vider o r P r ie m Pre

Premier Provider Network At Queensland Country Health Fund we pay the same benefits to all recognised extras services and therapies providers. There's no need to change your favourite dentist or optometrist. We do have agreements in place with a number of dentists and optometrists across the state under our Premier Provider Network. Our Premier Provider Network provides our Members with access to exclusive discounts and services, so you get even more value for your money. Below is a list of our current Premier Providers:

Optical Providers

Dental Providers

Bernie Lanigan Optometrist

Townsville and surrounds


Queensland Country Dental

Eyecare Plus Ayr Shannon Davies

My Family Dental

Eyecare Plus Charters Towers

Cairns and surrounds

Eyecare Plus Mount Isa

Maven Dental Cairns City

EyeQ Optometrists Mackay

Cairns Family & Cosmetic Dental Group

Innisfail Optical

Edmonton Family Dental

Laubman and Pank

Sundown Family Dental

OPSM Q Optical Network Specsavers Stacey & Stacey Optometrist The Optical Superstore

Charters Towers Goldcity Dental Centre ToothCare – WeCare

Mackay and surrounds Queensland Country Dental Mackay Sarina Dental Care

Mount Isa Queensland Country Dental

For more information or to find out more about the agreements we have in place visit queenslandcountry.health/premierprovider Our Premier Providers are not employees of Queensland Country Health Fund and are solely responsible for any warranties for work they perform. If you have any concerns regarding the dental work you receive from a Premier Provider Dentist, you should first approach that provider to discuss the matter. Please refer to our Compliments and Complaints page on our website queenslandcountry.health for more options. Premier Providers are current as of July 2021. 22

Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

Claiming made easy! At Queensland Country Health Fund we make it easy to claim your extra services through your cover. Below are some of the different ways you can claim:

On the spot claiming The easiest way to claim your benefit at participating health professionals is to swipe your Membership Card at the time of your service.

In person We have dedicated Retail Centres in Ayr, Cairns, Mackay, Mount Isa, Rockhampton and Townsville where you can present your claim form and our friendly staff will take care of it for you. We also work closely with Queensland Country Bank so you can also drop off your claim form and receipts at any branch and the staff will forward it on to us for processing.

HICAPS HealthPoint are electronic claiming and payments systems that process your claim for treatment on the spot. You can use HICAPS or HealthPoint at most of the following health service providers: • Dentists, endodontists, periodontists, dental prosthetists/advanced dental technicians, prosthodontists, and paediatric dentists

Mobile App Our Mobile App lets you claim quickly and easily for most extras services by

• Dispensing optometrists, optical dispensers

submitting just a photo of

• Physiotherapists

your receipts. Download this

• Chiropractors

app by searching “Queensland

• Osteopaths

Country Health Fund”.

• Podiatrists • Occupational therapists • Psychologists Please contact your healthcare professional to see if they offer the HICAPS or HealthPoint facility at their practice.

Online claiming If on-the-spot claiming isn’t available, we’ve made it easier than ever to claim through Online Member Services. You can claim up to $400 per day for services up to three months from the actual date of your treatment or visit. Terms and conditions apply and not all services can be claimed online. Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


Benefits in focus: Therapies

At Queensland Country Health Fund we want to help our Members live better lives through better health. For many of our Members it is important to make sure they look after their bodies and keep them in good working order. We’ve put together three popular therapies and outlined the benefits we will pay towards these services below:

Remedial Massage Remedial massage aims to treat damaged or painful muscles, tendons, ligaments or tissue. It aids the healing process and helps restore function. This therapy can be used to help Members with headaches, injury prevention, chronic pain, neck, back and shoulder pain. It also helps to alleviate stress.

What benefit we will pay:

2 month

waiting periods apply to Remedial Massage, Dietitian and Physiotherapy services

Level of Cover

Example of Benefits

Sub-limit per person per Membership

Overall limit per person per Membership Year

Premium Extras

Initial and subsequent visit $40

$700 combined#

$1,400 overall benefit limit per person per Membership Year for all therapy services

Essential Extras

Initial and subsequent visit $30

$500 combined#

$900 overall benefit limit per person per Membership Year for all therapy services

Select Extras

Initial and subsequent visit $33

$500 per person up to $1,000 per policy combined limit#

Overall limit for ALL benefits payable under Select Extras (including dental, optical, therapies, pharmaceuticals and Healthy Living benefits) up to $2,200 per person $4,400 per policy per Membership Year. Sublimits apply

Young Extras

Initial and subsequent visit $35


$300 per therapy $500 per person up to $1,000 per policy

Limit per Membership Year

* Benefits are payable for services rendered by Australian Regional Health Group Limited approved providers registered with Queensland Country Health Fund. # Combined sub-limit: the maximum benefit amount claimable per person per Membership Year for a combination of chiropractic, remedial massage, myotherapy and osteopathic services. This is providing an individual person’s overall Therapies benefit limit for the Membership Year has not already been reached. If this was the case, no further therapy benefits can be claimed by this individual on any therapy until a new Membership Year commences.

Dietitian Service Dietitians help promote health and prevent and treat disease to assist individuals and groups improve and optimize their health. They provide a range of nutrition services including dietary counselling and medical nutrition therapy.

What benefit we will pay: Level of Cover

Example of Benefits

Overall limit per person per Membership Year

Limit per Membership Year

Premium Extras

Initial Visit $75 Subsequent visit $40

$1,400 overall benefit limit per person per Membership Year for all therapy services


Essential Extras

Initial Visit $53 Subsequent visit $28

$900 overall benefit limit per person per Membership Year for all therapy services

Young Extras

Initial Visit $55 Subsequent visit $35

N/A $300 per therapy $500 per person up to $1,000 per policy

Select Extras


Physiotherapy Physiotherapy uses physical techniques to improve movement, reduce pain and stiffness and speed up the healing process. Physiotherapy may help Members improve their quality of life through improved mobility.

What benefit we will pay: Level of Cover

Example of Benefits

Sub-limit per person per Membership

Overall limit per person per Membership Year

Limit per Membership Year

Premium Extras

Initial visit $50 Subsequent visit $45 Group therapy $10

$700 combined sub-limit### ($150 combined sub-limit applies to group therapy services provided under physiotherapy and/or exercise physiology**)

$1400 overall benefit limit per person per Membership Year for all therapy service


Essential Extras

Initial visit $39 Subsequent visit $33 Group therapy $7

$500 combined sub-limit### ($105 combined sub-limit applies for group therapy services provided under physiotherapy and/or exercise physiology**)

$900 overall benefit limit per person per Membership Year for all therapy services


Select Extras

Initial visit $44 Subsequent visit $37 Group therapy $8

$500 per person up to $1,000 per policy Sub-limit of $120 applies to group therapy

Overall limit for ALL benefits payable under Select Extras (including dental, optical, therapies, pharmaceuticals and Healthy Living benefits) up to $2,200 per person $4,400 per policy per Membership Year. Sub-limits apply


Young Extras

Initial visit $42 Subsequent visit $37 Group therapy $8

$120 applies to group therapy


$400 per person up to $800 per policy

###Combined sub-limit: the maximum benefit amount claimable per person per Membership Year for a combination of physiotherapy and exercise physiology services. This is providing an individual person’s overall therapies benefit limit for the Membership Year has not already been reached. Once the overall limit is reached, no further therapy benefits can be claimed by this individual on any therapy until a new Membership Year commences. Individual visit benefits apply. ** Group therapy has a combined sub-limit for services provided under physiotherapy and exercise physiology. This is providing an individual person’s overall therapies benefit limit for the Membership Year has not already been reached. Once the overall limit has been reached, no further benefits can be claimed by this individual on any therapy until new Membership Year commences. Individual benefit limits apply Sources: dietitiansaustralia.org.au, healthdirect.gov.au


Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

Queensland Country’s

Online Health and Wellness Centre At Queensland Country Health Fund we want to inspire you to live a better life through better health. We’ve partnered with Healthily and put together a group of online resources on some key topics. These include: • Breast cancer • Sleep disorders • Type 2 diabetes • Osteoarthritis • Depression • Pregnancy • Prostate cancer • Heart failure • Families and mental health • Adjusting to parenthood Queensland Country hope these resources provide helpful information to our Members when you or a family member may be dealing with a serious medical condition.

Visit www.queenslandcountry.health/health-wellness-centre/ today!

Download our Mobile App today! Our Queensland Country Health Fund Mobile App offers all Members 24/7 access to your membership. It is an easy, convenient and secure way to manage your membership. Some of the great features include: •O nline claiming - lodge claims directly to Queensland Country by simply taking a photo of your receipt/s and pressing submit

•V iew membership communications through your own secure inbox.

• Review your claims history

• Provider search

• View policy details

•L earn more about your health insurance and how you can experience genuine value via our blogs and news

•V iew and edit your contribution accounts details and benefit account details • Check your annual benefit limits •M ake immediate payments by credit card •V iew personal details and update your contact information

• Order new Membership Cards

•F ind your nearest Queensland Country branch • Login in using biometric logins

Download today


Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


Queensland Country in the


Dragon Boat Corporate Regatta In mid-June after a few training sessions our Group CEO, Aaron Newman, Executive Manager, Glenn Seri and some of our head office team took to the water for the 2021 NQ Phoenix Dragon Boat Club Inc and Purple Warriors Corporate Regatta. The team didn’t take home the trophy however loved getting out and active in the community. The team are looking forward to the next event and getting back out on the water!

River 2 Reef Charity Ride We are excited to once again be proud sponsors of the Hand Heart Pocket Charity for Freemason Queensland River 2 Reef Ride which will be held on Sunday, 11 September 2021. The River 2 Reef Ride 2021 charity event is a mass participation ride, not a race, to raise funds for local charities and to encourage more people to become active and involved in cycling. There are four ride distances to choose from: 30km, 60km, 90km or 135km. Riders will start and finish at Canelands Park. It’s a great opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy the glorious scenery Mackay has to offer while raising money for worthwhile causes. To find out more or register a team visit www.river2reefride.com.au.

Beef Week 2021 and Minex Earlier this year our teams were extremely lucky to be able to attend one of the biggest events on Rockhampton's calendar – Beef Week 2021 and MinEx in Mount Isa! Thank you for having us, we had a great time!

Fire up! Queensland Country would like to announce that we have recently re-signed as sponsors of JCU Townsville Fire for the 2021/22 season. With a new home stadium we are looking forward to seeing them in action when the season gets under way later in the year.

Stay up to date with us After the latest news and stories from Queensland Country Health Fund. Simply


Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021

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SmartBudget – Simplify your bills Managing money can be a little tricky at times. Whether you’re trying to save for a deposit and having trouble balancing your expenses or just trying to maintain a busy lifestyle. Take the pressure off by tackling your bills with Queensland Country Bank’s bill paying and budgeting tool - SmartBudget. You’ll be able to pass over the stress involved in managing bills to SmartBudget, while you focus on living more of your life. Imagine that! Together with your SmartBudget Specialist, you can create a personal budget that handles all your nominated bills in the one place online.

Features:  No interest charged if your account is overdrawn when a number of bills are withdrawn at once*  No fees for BPAY® or direct debits  Control your bills across the year into weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments  Manage your bills in real-time with the online portal available on Internet Banking and the Mobile Banking App *If the balance in your account is going to be negative in the first eight weeks (i.e. the dollar value of the bills that are due in the first 8 weeks plus the monthly service fee is more than your regular deposits) we will ask you to top-up the difference into your account. Your SmartBudget Account cannot have a debit balance of $5,000 at any time.

Queensland Country Bank’s Brand Ambassador Glenn Mintern’s SmartBudget experience “I first joined Queensland Country Bank in the early 2000s when we were struggling to save a deposit for a family home,” recalls Glenn. “There’s no doubt that using SmartBudget helped us achieve our financial goals, and over the years since. We’ve had our mortgages through Queensland Country Bank and they’ve been fantastic at assisting us as we’ve needed to do repairs or renovations on our home.”

To learn more visit queenslandcountry.bank/smartbudget Terms and conditions apply and are available at queenslandcountry.bank/smartbudget. This information does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the information you should consider whether it is right for you and seek your own advice. Queensland Country Bank Limited ABN 77 087 651 027 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 244 533 Queensland Country Health Fund • Living Healthy Winter/Spring 2021


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