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TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ................................................................................. 2 List of Student Downloads ....................................................................................................... 2 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................... 2 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments........................................................... 3 What's New in This Chapter...................................................................................................... 3 Chapter Outline ......................................................................................................................... 3 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................... 4 Energy In Developing Countries ............................................................................................... 4 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................... 5

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to examine the fundamental concepts of energy. As discussed in the chapter energy is a basic concept in all science and engineering disciplines. The concept of energy conservation has also been explained in the chapter. Efforts of energy conservation usually concentrate on either change to technology or lifestyle. Increased emphasis on energy conservation is explained with the help of some convincing arguments. Students should learn that the use of our energy resources is one of the major factors affecting the environment. Using energy resources may impact the environment, but so can extracting those resources, such as through deforestation, oil spillage, forest fires, and destruction of the natural landscape and vegetation. Later in the chapter, the worldwide consumption of energy is explained with the help of graphs. Recall from the beginning of this chapter that energy is not an end in itself but is valued for what we can do with it. The end uses of energy are traditionally broken down into four sectors: transportation, industrial, residential, and commercial. Students should learn about energy resources, their limitations, and their uses. Students must know how large each energy resource is and how long it will last. Both of these questions are difficult to answer because we must make assumptions about future technologies for the extraction of resources, future fuel prices, and consumption growth rates. Understanding energy use means also understanding the consequences of its use. This chapter will introduce you to the science of energy use and energy technology. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Explain the basic concept of energy.


Describe the conservation of energy and technical, lifestyle changes.


Explain the uses of energy and major factors affecting the environment.


Use diagrams to illustrate energy consumption in the world.


List the different types of energy resources.


Discuss the scope of energy in the future.

[return to top]

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COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective, so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO5 CO6 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7-8 12-13 19-20 33-34 38-39

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Knowledge Check 2 Discussion Activity 2 Discussion Activity 3

3-5 minutes 5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes 10-15 minutes 10-20 minutes 1-2 minutes 2-3 minutes 1-2 minutes 2-3 minutes 2-3 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:   

Energy and energy resources are introduced more generally, without the heavy emphasis on oil and the concept of peak oil. Climate change is emphasized as a significant impact of energy production and use both in the past and into the future. The formation of and work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is introduced as well as the 2050 Net Zero goals and the 2016 Paris Agreement.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 1.1

Energy: An Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4-8) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #7-8, 1-2 minutes


Energy Conservation (CO2, PPT Slides #9-13)

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a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #12-13, 2-3 minutes 1.3

Energy Use and the Environment (CO3, PPT Slides #14-20) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #19-20, 1-2 minutes


Energy Use Patterns (CO4, PPT Slides #21-28)


Energy Resources (CO5, PPT Slides #29-34) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #33-34, 2-3 minutes


Energy in the Future (CO6, PPT Slides #35-39) a. Discussion Activity 3, PPT Slides #38-39, 2-3 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES ENERGY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Purpose: To identify and explore the use of energy in another country and its effect on the economic and political situation. Country: Capital: Population: Date: Growth rate: % Urban: % literacy: Per capita income: Per capita energy use: Inflation: Unemployment: Principle exports:

Principle imports

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Primary energy fuels used (breakdown into residential/industrial):

Natural energy resources:

Potential fuels for meeting future energy needs: On this and the next page describe this country‘s economic and food situations. Discuss how energy resources play a role in these issues. Mention environmental problems that are particularly troublesome. What changes in the use of energy and economic situation have there been in the last 10-20 years? [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Non-Renewable: oil, coal, natural gas; Renewable: solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, biofuel. Note that over the last 50 years, the most significant growth has been in renewable energies, primarily wind and solar. However, these renewable energy sources still provide only a fraction of the energy supplied by coal and oil. 2. Currently, energy prices are primarily determined by the cost of resource extraction and fuel or energy production, it does not take into account the costs that result from the impacts of that energy resource extraction or use such as the cost of human health impacts of air and water pollution, cost of destruction of biodiversity, cost of cultural destruction resulting from energy-forced migration (towns submerged under water due to dams, communities that have moved due to land loss, etc). 3. Energy use depends upon the energy required for the particular activity and its frequency. 4. Energy itself does not meet our needs, rather it is the conversion of energy into useful work that meets our needs. 5. Answers will vary. Share with students resources such as ―Our World in Data‖ (see appendix E) to see how energy prices have changed over time. 6. Answers will vary. One example: Without adequate energy storage, energy conservation could result in energy waste. 7. Answers will vary. This is a great question to use for discussion in your classroom. 8. Answers will vary. This is a great question to use for discussion in your classroom.

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9. Without support, growing economies are likely to repeat the mistakes of highly developed economies, resulting in increased Air and water pollution, growing greenhouse gas emissions, and expansive environmental destruction. 10. Much of the economic growth is in developing economies, which have low energy use per capita. Also increased efficiency in the use of energy, especially in the industrialized world. 11. Answers will vary. [return to top]

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Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 2: Energy Mechanics

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ................................................................................. 8 List of Student Downloads ....................................................................................................... 8 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................... 8 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments........................................................... 8 What's New in This Chapter...................................................................................................... 9 Chapter Outline ......................................................................................................................... 9 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 10 Energy Conversion Lab.......................................................................................................... 10 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 12 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 12

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to define and illustrate the fundamental concepts of work and energy. Work is defined as the product of an applied force times the distance through which that force acts. Doing work gives object energy. Students should learn that energy can be found in many forms (mechanical, thermal, electrical, radiant, chemical, and nuclear) and is the capacity to do work. Mechanical energy is the sum of an object‘s kinetic and potential energy. The study of energy includes a study of its transformations from one form to another, for example, from mechanical to electrical to thermal energy. Later in the chapter, Newton‘s laws of motion have been explained with examples. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Explain the basic concept of energy mechanics.


Describe the different types of energy.


Discuss the different energy conversion processes.


Explain what is motion: speed, velocity, and acceleration.


Discuss Newton‘s laws of motion.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective, so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

PPT slide




Knowledge Check

3-5 minutes

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CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 [return to top]

N/A N/A N/A N/A 7-8 13-14 18-19 26-27 35-36

Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Knowledge Check 2 Self-Assessment 1 Knowledge Check 3

5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes 10-15 minutes 10-20 minutes 1-2 minutes 2-3 minutes 1-2 minutes 5-7 minutes 1-2 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:   

This chapter underwent significant restructuring to eliminate the large Special Topics section that followed the chapter, integrating classical physics concepts, including Newton‘s Laws of Motion, into the main body of the chapter. The chapter explores energy mechanics, which includes a discussion on the different forms of energy and common energy conversion processes. Energy loss in automobiles is used to introduce the idea energy efficiency.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 1.7

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4-8) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #7-8, 1-2 minutes


Forms of Energy and Energy Conversions (CO2, CO3, PPT Slides #9-19) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #13-14, 2-3 minutes b. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #18-19, 1-2 minutes


Motion (CO4, PPT Slides #20-27) a. Self-Assessment 1, PPT Slides #26-27, 5-7 minutes


Newton‘s Laws of Motion (CO4, PPT Slides #28-31) a. Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration (CO4, PPT Slides #29-31)

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Force and Newton‘s Laws of Motion (CO5, PPT Slides #32-38) a. Knowledge Check 3, PPT Slides #36-37, 1-2 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES ENERGY CONVERSION LAB Objective: This lab should help you to see how energy can be converted from one form to another. You will observe the loss in useful energy as a result of such a conversion and measure the efficiency for such conversions. Materials: D.C. Motor; Set of weights; timer; Photovoltaic array; D.C. voltmeter; D.C. millimeter; meter stick; 1.5V battery; cork and washer set; string; track sneakers. Introduction: Energy is required to lift an object into the air. The potential energy gained by that object (and subsequently the minimum energy required to lift it to that height) is measured in joules and is found by multiplying mass (kg), acceleration due to gravity (l0 m/s/s), and the height (m) the object has been raised This potential energy can be released if the object is dropped. If the object is lifted to that height using an electric motor then the energy put into the motor while it is lifting the mass can also be determined. The amount of electrical energy is measured in joules and is found by multiplying the electrical voltage (V), current (amps), and the time (sec) the electricity was being used. In this way, the electrical energy used and the mechanical energy used are compared. The ratio of energy gained by the lifted object to electrical energy put into the operation equals the efficiency of the system Procedure: A. Chemical to Mechanical Conversion 1. Determine your weight in units of Newtons. a. Your weight in pounds: b. Divide your weight by 2.2 to convert to mass. c. multiply your mass (kg) by the acceleration due to gravity (10 m/s/s) to find weight in Newtons: 2. Find an elevation that you will lift your body to. Measure the height above starting level. 3. Multiply the weight (N) by the height (m) to determine the work done. 4. Power is the rate at which works is done. To determine the power required to lift your body to the height in question you must time yourself from start to finish. Units of power will be watts. a. Total work done (from #3) b. Time required

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(lb) (kg) (N) (m) (J)

(J) (s)


c. Power is work divided by time In this problem what is the disadvantage of not having much weight? Procedure: B. Electrical to Mechanical Conversions


1. Attach string to cork 2. Attach the cork to the shaft of the motor. 3. Secure the motor to a ring stand so that the string can fall off the end of the work table. 4. Wire one end of the motor to a milliammeter and the other end of the motor to the battery. Wire the other end of the milliammeter to the other end of the battery. Wire a voltmeter across the two ends of the battery. See schematic.

5. When you connect the motor and battery the motor will turn. As the mass is lifted into the air, record the voltage and the current indicated on the meters, and the time required. Repeat for the different masses indicated. A1 data table Mass 10 g 20 g 30 g 50 g




6. Replace the battery with the solar array placed flat on the table. Repeat step #5. Keep in mind that not all the masses will be lifted. A2 data table Mass 10 g 20 g 30 g 50 g




7. To determine the efficiency of the solar cell itself you must know how much solar energy is striking the ground. This is done with an insolation meter provided by the instructor. Record that data here. Insolation (watts/meter2)

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Analysis of Data: 1. The efficiency of a system (η) is found by dividing the useful energy or work gotten out of a system by the energy put into the system. 2. Electrical energy can be found by multiplying volts × current × time. 3. Mechanical energy can be found by multiplying mass × acceleration of gravity × height. 4. Both units of electrical and mechanical energy are ‗joules.‘ I. The efficiency of electrical (battery) to mechanical. Use data for the 20 g mass. Calculate electrical energy input from data table A1. J Calculate mechanical energy out. .02 kg×10 m/s/s× height J Calculate the efficiency of the battery system (this is a ratio and has no units) η= output/input II. The efficiency of solar cells is electrical to mechanical. Use data for the 20 g mass. Calculate electrical energy input from data Table A2. J Calculate mechanical energy out. .02 kg×10 m/s/s× height. J Calculate the efficiency of solar cell system [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. See Tables 2.1 and 2.2 for examples. 2. a) match: chemical to thermal + light b) kinetic (wind) to kinetic (shaft rotation) c) PE to (KE + TE) to PE to (KE + TE) etc. d) sound to electrical e) chemical to electrical to light 3. (a) bicycle: chemical to mechanical energy, (b) windmill: solar (or wind) to mechanical energy. 4. Hydropower: PE to KE to electrical energy 5. KE of car transformed into PE + TE 6. Decrease mass, increase aerodynamics and engine performance, drive slower 7. Acceleration is a constant; velocity increases (or decreases) 8. Yes; if a ball is thrown vertically upward, acceleration is always –9.8 m/s/s, but the velocity at top of the path = 0 9. Fnet = Fengine – Fair resis – Frolling resis = ma If v = constant, Fnet = 0. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. 0.24 m/s/s 2. 12.5 m/s/s

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3. a = 4.48m/s/s, F = 7170 N for m = 1600 kg (number left out of first printing). 4. PE = mgh = 1372 J 5. KE = 0.5 (3000/32)(60 mph = 88 ft/s)2 = 363,000 ft-lbs 6. 0.46 m 7. KE = 200 J; v = 4.47 m/s 8. PE = mgh = 280  106 ft2 × 40 ft  62 lb/ft3  380 ft = 265  1012 ft-lbs = 342  109 Btu (assuming average water height of 380 ft) 9. 1395/3.25 h = 492 mph. 492 mph  0.447 m/s/mph = 220 m/s 10. 1.5 min 11. 330 m 12. 1.25  10−8 sec 13. 2880 km 14. 29 m 15. 24 m/s 16. 30 m/s 17. 390,000 J, 24.5 m/s 18. 392 W 19. 62.5 mph 20. 26.8 m/s; time = 2.74 s 21. 5.1 m 22. Depends on the initial weight 23. 5.58 m/s/s 24. 1.75 s 25. 3.1 m 26. 19.1 m [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 3: Energy and Power

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 15 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 15 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 15 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 15 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 16 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 16 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 17 Energy, Work, and Power ...................................................................................................... 17 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 17 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 17

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to examine the fundamental concepts of energy and power. Energy is the capacity to do work, while power is the rate at which it is done. Energy can have units such as kWh, BTUs, calories, and ft-lbs. Power has units of watts, horsepower, and ftlb/sec. Students should learn that we can calculate an item‘s total energy use by multiplying the item‘s power by the time it is used. Calculating the amount of energy lights use is an easy energy audit you can perform in your home or school. Every country uses a different amount of energy per capita. Countries with a higher GDP tend to use more energy per capita; however, there are some outliers, including the U.S. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Explain the energy, work, and first law of thermodynamics.


Outline the examples of work and energy.


Describe the units of work and energy.


Describe power, per capita energy, and uses of power.


Outline the categories of simple machines.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective, so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

PPT slide


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CO1 CO2 CO4 CO4 CO5 [return to top]

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10-11 16-17 24-25 31-32 38-39

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Knowledge Check 2 Discussion Activity 2 Discussion Activity 3

3-5 minutes 5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes 10-15 minutes 10-20 minutes 1-2 minutes 2-3 minutes 1-2 minutes 2-3 minutes 2-3 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:   

This is a new chapter, created to focus on energy and power. The chapter explores the differences between Energy, Work, and Power. Per Capita Energy and Power Use, and Simple Machines are also covered here.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 1.12

Energy and Work (CO1, PPT Slides #4-11) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #10-11, 1-2 minutes


Examples of Work and Energy (CO2, PPT Slides #12-16) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #15-16, 2-3 minutes


Work and Energy and Units (CO3, PPT Slides #17-18)


Power (CO4, PPT Slides #19-24) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #23-24, 1-2 minutes


Per Capita Energy and Power Use (CO4, PPT Slides #25-31) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #30-31, 2-3 minutes


Special Topic: Simple Machines (CO5, PPT Slides #32-38) a. Discussion Activity 3, PPT Slides #37-38, 2-3 minutes

[return to top]

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LABS AND ACTIVITIES ENERGY, WORK, AND POWER Experiment 1 Suppose you slowly lifted a 1 kg mass to a 1 m high tabletop in a time of 6 seconds. How much work was done? If you did the same job in a time of 3 seconds, how much work was done? Explain the differences. What was the power generated? With the same two times, how might you be able to generate the same power output? Experiment 2 You can determine your power rating by measuring the time it takes you to climb a flight of stairs. The work done is equal to your weight times the vertical height through which you moved (assuming no acceleration), and power is the work done divided by the time taken. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. If there is a net force on the object, then work goes to KE + TE. If the net force is zero, then work goes to TE only. 2. Work done = force × distance; power expended = work done/time 3. Work: Btu, J, kWh, ft-lbs, cal; Power: watts, ft-lb/min 4. Head height, flow rate (gal/min), turbine efficiency 5. Most European countries have similar GDP to the US, but use much less energy per capita. Outliers include Iceland, which is significantly colder than the US. For the most part, energy use and GDP is a linear relationship, as GDP increases, so does energy use. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. 32 ft-lbs = 43 J 2. W = F × d = 540 ft/lbs 3. 400 W = 0.54 hp 4. 2.88 ×109 J 5. 15 ft-lbs = 20 J 6. 3.12×1011 J/pp/year ; 8.66 ×104 kWh/pp/year; 2141 gallons of oil (See conversion inside cover) 7. 7×109 J/yrU.S. annual per capita residential use = 3.12 × 1011 × 0.16 = 50 × 109 J/yr. therefore Bangladesh's per capita use is 7% of the U.S. 8. 118 Watts

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9. 0.1 kW × 2 d × 24 h/d × $0.12/kWh = 58 cents 10. Total length = 10+1.5 = 11.5 ft 11. 1000 homes 12. Blocks W = 300×24 = 7200 ft-lbs. The table inside the back cover gives 1 ft-lb = 3.77×10−7 kWh. So money earned = 7200×3.77×10−7×14 c/kWh = 3.8 × 10−4 cents! 13. W = 300  24 = 7200 ft-lbs. The table inside the back cover gives 1 ft-lb = 3.77  107 kWh. So money earned = 7200  3.77  107  14 c/kWh = 3.8  104 cents! [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 4: Conservation of Energy

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 19 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 19 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 19 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 19 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 20 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 20 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 21 Conservation of Energy Activities ........................................................................................... 21 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 22 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 23

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to examine the fundamental concepts of the law of conservation of energy. In this chapter, we learned that doing work on an object (and/or adding heat) causes a change in the object‘s total energy; for example, lifting this book to the top of your dresser gives the book more potential energy. Students should learn that energy is expressed as the first law of thermodynamics: W+Q=∆(KE +PE+TE). The total energy of an isolated system (in which no work or heat is added or subtracted) is conserved. The conservation of energy also states that the energy put into a system = the energy output + the energy stored in the system. Students should learn that the study of energy includes a study of its transformations from one form to another, for example, from mechanical to electrical to thermal energy. We are especially interested in the efficiencies of such transformations. Efficiency is the ratio of useful energy or work output to the total energy input. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the fundamentals of the conservation of energy.


Explain the law of conservation of energy.


Examine the law of energy conservation with the help of examples.


Discuss different types of energy-conversion efficiencies.

CO5 Study the uses of energy in developing countries. CO6 List unit conversion and equivalencies of energy. [return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective, so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to

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emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11-12 18-19 24-25 32-33 37-38

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Discussion Activity 2 Knowledge Check 2 Knowledge Check 3

3-5 minutes 5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes 10-15 minutes 10-20 minutes 1-2 minutes 2-3 minutes 2-3 minutes 1-2 minutes 1-2 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:  

The focus of this chapter remains on the Law of conservation of energy, conversion efficiencies, and global energy use. This chapter explores how energy production correlates with industrialization. And has been updated with newer data and images to improve currency.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 1.18

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4-6)


Law of Conservation of Energy (CO2, PPT Slides #7-12) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #11-12, 1-2 minutes


Applying the Law of Energy Conservation: Conversion Examples (CO3, PPT Slides #1319) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #18-19, 2-3 minutes


Energy-Conversion Efficiencies (CO4, PPT Slides #20-25) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #24-25, 2-3 minutes

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Energy Use in Developing Countries (CO5, PPT Slides #26-33) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #32-33, 1-2 minutes


Energy Equivalencies: Barrels, Calories, and Btus (CO6, PPT Slides #34-38) a. Knowledge Check 3, PPT Slides #37-38, 1-2 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES CONSERVATION OF ENERGY ACTIVITIES We know that energy is found in many different forms, such as chemical, thermal, electrical, solar, mechanical, etc. It is convenient to reduce these to only two forms: the energy of motion (kinetic energy, KE) and the energy of position (potential energy, PE). Chemical energy is thus due to the position of molecules in a material, while thermal energy can be thought of as dependent upon the motion of the molecules in that material (their kinetic energy). Mechanical energy consists of both KE and PE. One of the most basic laws of physics states that energy is conserved in an isolated system. (An isolated system is one in which no work and no heat is added to the system.) Within this isolated system, we can certainly have transformations or conversions of energy from one form to another, as from potential energy into kinetic energy, or from chemical energy into thermal energy. But energy does not appear from anywhere or disappear, so the total energy remains the same.

A. ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS Experiment A.1 In this experiment, we will study the conservation of mechanical energy in an isolated system consisting of a ruler, a glass marble, a steel marble, and a book (to give the ruler an incline on a table). (The earth is part of our system, in that we are talking about the marble-earth system.) Place the glass marble on the end of the ruler as shown. What type of energy does it have? How did it get this energy? If you let the marble go, it will roll to the bottom of the ruler and onto the table. Design an experiment to determine if the mass of the ball affects the velocity of the ball at the bottom of the ruler. Describe it. Try it. Experiment A.2 Release the glass marble from three different positions on the ruler (10 cm, 20 cm, and 30 cm) and measure the velocities of the marble on the table. Do the same for a steel marble of greater mass. What conclusions can you draw? Graph the velocity vs. the 3 positions on the ruler for both marbles. Exercise A.3

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Let us discuss the energy of the marble. What type of energy did it possess at the top of the ruler? What type of energy did it possess at the bottom? What type of energies did it possess halfway down the inclined ruler? The kinetic energy of an object is proportional to its mass and the square of its velocity. Make a graph of the velocity squared vs. the distance up the ruler for each marble. What conclusions can you draw from this data? Exercise A.4 What advantage is there to the heavier marble? If you found that the velocity of the heavier marble at the bottom of the ruler was about the same as that of the lighter one, then this question might be even more puzzling. What do you think? What does the heavier marble have more of at the bottom of the incline than the lighter one, assuming both start from the same position? [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. The car slows as KE goes into TE due to the road and air friction. 2. The electrical energy of the element goes into thermal energy stored in water and a kettle plus heat is transferred out to air and steam. 3. KE = PE when bob is halfway up, with the PE defined as 0 at the low point of the pendulum‘s trajectory. 4. The conservation of energy is a law of physics that explains that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed in form. Energy conservation is a policy of minimizing energy waste – the conversion of energy resources without the benefit (i.e. leaving the television on when no one is watching) or reducing the inefficiencies of energy production and use (i.e. increasing the miles per gallon of automobiles). 5. Answers will vary. Example: Engine efficiency = mechanical energy transmitted to the drive shaft divided by the chemical energy of the fuel. 6. 97% 7. Overall efficiency: ICE: 10%; EV: 18%. 8. It means that only 35% of the input energy or available energy is converted into usable energy or electrical energy. 9. About 6,200 Btu (38% efficiency) 10. Bulb efficiency = light out divided by electrical energy in 11. From Table 4.4, we find that 50 MT/yr of coal = 25 × 106 Btu/ton × 50 × 106 tons/yr = 1.25 × 1015 Btu/yr Now, 0.6 MBPD = (2.12 × 1012 Btu/yr/l000 Bbl/day) × 0.6 × 1000 Bbl = 1.27 × 1015 Btu/yr. So, the energy of both quantities is about the same. 12. Sustainable development is growing industries and economies with renewable energy resources or highly efficient energy use. Examples will vary. 13. Energy input (solar) = Thermal energy stored (in massive walls) + Energy output through heat losses (more to follow in Chapter 5).

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[return to top]

ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. mv2 = mgh, so h = 1.28 m 2. 9.9 m/s 3. gasoline energy = 20 gal × 1.24 × 105 Btu/gal; coal has 1.25 × 104 Btu/lb; dividing these yields 198 lbs. 4. 29.3 kW 5. Coal plant: efficiency = 6000 kWh/2 tons coal =3.61× 106 J/kWh × 6000 kWh/(2 tons coal × 25 × 106 Btu/ton × 1055 J/Btu) = 0.41 6. $2,880,000 7. 0.6 × 0.01 = 0.006 of total Oil consumed per year is for buses = 0.006 × 35 × 1015 Btu/yr . With 1 MBPD = 2.12 x 1015 Btu/y, this is = 0.11 MBPD 8. Electricity used = 72 kWh/mo. Chemical energy = (72/0.3) × 3.61 × 106 J/kWh = 8.66 × 108 J wasted, or about 144 meals. 9. 342E9 Btu/5.8E6 Btu/bbl = 59E3 bbl = 2.5E6 gallons 10. Assuming frictional losses are negligible, all of the potential energy lost by the marble is converted into kinetic energy. 11. SUV uses 14.3 gal; minivan uses 6.25 gal. SUV uses about 2.2 times as much chemical energy. 12. 36.7 gal; 4.5E6 BTU; 1300 kWh [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 5: Heat and Work

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 25 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 25 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 25 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 25 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 26 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 26 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 27 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 27 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 28

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to examine the first two laws of thermodynamics that are fundamental to understanding energy-conversion processes. The first law states that energy is conserved; the net heat added to a system is equal to the work that the system does plus the change in its total energy. Students should learn that the second law limits the amount of work obtained from a heat engine. The heat energy that flows from the hot source cannot be converted entirely into work; some heat has to be discharged into the environment. Students should learn that the total entropy of a system increases in a physical process. The direction of entropy change is like an arrow of time. As a heat source cools off to lower temperatures, the work available from that source declines. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the fundamentals of heat and work.


Explain the first law of thermodynamics.


Examine the concepts of temperature and heat.


List the different heat transfer principles.


Expand the discussion of energy conversion with the help of heat engines.


Explain the second law of thermodynamics.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective, so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide.

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Chapter Objective

CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11-12 18-19 26-27 31-32 38-39

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Self-Assessment 1 Discussion Activity 2 Knowledge Check 2

3-5 minutes 5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes 10-15 minutes 10-20 minutes 1-2 minutes 2-3 minutes 5 minutes 2-3 minutes 1-2 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:  

The focus of this chapter remains on Temperature and heat, to include the processes of radiation, conduction, and convection, and updated with newer data and images to improve currency, A new Focus-On topic: Global Heat transport add to make a more direct connection between heat and the global environment.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 1.24

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4-5)


Heat and Work and the First Law of Thermodynamics (CO2, PPT Slides #6-12) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #11-12, 1-2 minutes


Temperature and Heat (CO3, PPT Slides #13-19) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #18-19, 2-3 minutes


Heat Transfer Principles (CO4, PPT Slides #20-27) a. Self-Assessment 1, PPT Slides #26-27, 5 minutes


Heat Engines (CO5, PPT Slides #28-32) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #31-32, 2-3 minutes

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics (CO6, PPT Slides #33-39) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #38-39, 1-2 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES 1. Assume an average person uses about 10 gallons of hot water each day. How many gallons of water do you use for a shower? A bath? Measure the amount by using a bucket. Assuming that the water temperature must be raised from 50°F to 120°F, how many Btus of energy are used? What is the cost for fuel (at $10 per MBtu) for your shower or bath? (Note that 1 gal of water = 8.3 lb.) 2. A colorful activity to illustrate natural convection uses water at different temperatures in two setups. a. Fill a mixing bowl or measuring beaker with cold water (preferably ice water). Fill a small vial (such as a shot glass) with hot water, and add several drops of food coloring. Carefully place the vial in the bowl and observe what happens to the colored water. b. Repeat this step, but place ice water in the small vial (with food coloring added) and hot water in the bowl. Place the vial in the bowl and observe what happens. Explain the results in terms of heat-transfer principles. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Heat is energy transferred to/from a system due to a temperature difference. 2. a) Heat added to the gas contained in a rigid container is equal to the increase in the total energy of the gas. b) The work done to compress gas in an insulated cylinder is equal to the increase in the TE of the gas. 3. Total energy = sum of the object‘s KE, PE, TE, chemical energy, and electrical. 4. Condensation of steam 5. Yes – do work via compression of gas 6. Insulation reduces conduction, a lid reduces convection. 7. Metal has a large thermal conductivity than wood. As a result, touching the metal causes a higher rate of heat transfer from your body to the bench and therefore feels colder. 8. See Fig. 5.19 9. Efficiency = mechanical energy out of the turbine divided by heat energy into the kettle. 10. Condenser will increase the efficiency of the steam engine by providing a lowtemperature sink for the condensation of steam, as well as being a low-pressure region. 11. A condenser provides the steam plant with a low-temperature sink. The low-temperature sink is necessary to maintain the heat difference used to cause the flow of heat necessary to do work. Releasing it into the environment can have negative impacts on plants and animals in the area. Directing that waste heat to minimize environmental impacts is best.

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12. Use concentrating solar collector to heat a fluid. The fluid can be passed through a heat exchanger to produce steam for running the engine. 13. The quality of fluid is low since it has a low temperature 14. The second law says that some heat energy must be expelled to a low-temperature sink. We need a ΔT for there to be a flow of heat. 15. The engine will be more efficient as ΔT is larger 16. Condenser increases the efficiency of the steam turbine and provides water for reinjection back into the ground. 17. A measure of the unavailability of a system‘s thermal energy for conversion to mechanical work. 18. The entropy (disorder) of a system can decrease (i.e., order increase) by the addition of work. This system is not isolated. 19. Answer will vary. 20. Entropy decreases as heat leave a container. The Entropy of the surroundings will increase, by more than it decreased in the container. 21. No. The kitchen will warm up as energy is added to the room by the work of the compressor. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. 80°F. 2. 12 gal × 8.3 lb/gal × 80° = 7997 Btu required; 7997 Btu/3413 Btu/kWh = 2.34 kWh; cost = 18.7¢. 3. Q = 40 gal × 8.3 lbs/gal × 0.454 kg/lb × 4186 J/kg/C × 30 C = 18.9E6 J × 1 kWh/3.61E6 J = 5.24 kWh 4. 4.88 kWh required; 0.24 h 5. Need 80(4184) = 334.7 kJ/kg to boil in 5 min.; 2260 kJ/kg required for vaporization. Time = 2260/335 × 5 min = 34 min 6. Need 335 kJ/kg for the heat of fusion or 5025 kJ total; raise to a height of 34 km. 7. 3.3 m 8. 500 m 9. 20% lower 10. (1 − 283/303) = 0.066 = 6.6% 11. Carnot efficiency = (1 − 293/823) = 0.64, so this is 59% of Carnot efficiency 12. 27% 13. No. Carnot efficiency = (1 − 300/600) = 0.5, so can only do 12,500 J of work ideally. 14. Total residential energy use is 10.6 Quads. Per home per square foot per year is 44,000 Btu/y/sf. This is 16 W/m2. 15. Converting to the primary source for the 4 sectors yields (with Quads in parentheses): 48% appliances(8.7 Q), 10% cooling (1.8 Q), 30% heating (5.5 Q), 12% DHW (2.1 Q).

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[return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 6: Home Energy Conservation and Heat-Transfer Control

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 30 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 30 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 30 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 30 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 31 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 31 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 32 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 32 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 33

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to examine the concepts of energy conversion and efficiencies to analyze home heating and cooling, which account for more than 20% of the United States' energy use. Household energy conservation can proceed in many directions and has a substantial impact on your utility bill. This chapter has focused primarily on reducing heat gains or losses in a house by increased insulation and infiltration control. Students should learn the types of passive cooling techniques and principles of air conditioners and heat pumps. This chapter gives a treatment of heat transfer control in a way that can be very practical to students and homeowners. One might discuss the payback on installing plastic storm windows since many students must pay their utility bills. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the fundamentals of home energy conservation.


List the different types of building materials.


Examine the concepts of house insulation and heating calculations.

CO4 Explain the important factors involved in the site selection. CO5 Discuss the importance of energy-conservation measures. CO6 Describe the objectives of cooling. CO7

List the different components of the air conditioner and heat pump.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective, so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter

PPT slide


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CO2 CO3 CO5 CO6 CO7 [return to top]

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9-10 17-18 25-26 31-32 38-39

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Self-Assessment 1 Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Discussion Activity 2 Knowledge Check 2

3-5 minutes 5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes 10-15 minutes 10-20 minutes 5-7 minutes 1-2 minutes 2-3 minutes 2-3 minutes 1-2 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition: 

The content of this chapter is largely unchanged, still focused on concepts of energy conversion and efficiencies to analyze home heating and cooling, but with updated data and images to improve currency.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 1.30

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4-5)


Building Materials (CO2, PPT Slides #6-10) a. Self-Assessment 1, PPT Slides #9-10, 5-7 minutes


House Insulation and Heating Calculations (CO3, PPT Slides #11-18) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #17-18, 1-2 minutes


Site Selection (CO4, PPT Slides #19-21)


Impact of Energy Conservation Measures (CO5, PPT Slides #22-26) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #25-26, 2-3 minutes


Cooling (CO6, PPT Slides #27-32) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #31-32, 2-3 minutes


Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps (CO7, PPT Slides #33-39)

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a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #38-39, 1-2 minutes [return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES 1. Study the effect of color on absorption by following these steps: a. 1. Paint four identical cans with the colors black (flat), green, light gray, and white, respectively. Fill the cans with equal quantities of cold water, and cover the tops with cardboard through which a thermometer has been inserted. Expose the cans to sunlight for one hour, and measure the final temperatures. b. Do a similar experiment using three identical glass jars (e.g., baby food jars). Paint the outside of one jar black and the inside of another black (or use blackened water). Also use a plain clear jar. Which jar‘s water reaching the highest temperature? Why? [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. See Fig. 5.12 2. Conduction – heat moving from the briquette to metal through contact. Convection – air near the briquette warming and rising creating a small current. Radiation – EM waves emitted from the briquette in all directions. 3. Weatherstripping and caulking doors and windows, exterior wall electrical plates 4. Weatherstrip, draw insulating drape, use window shade, install clear plastic sheet over windows. 5. Undershirt contains air trapped in small holes in the shirt 6. Rubber-soled shoes are good insulators. 7. silver cup 8. white shingles best 9. Sealing the building envelope with caulk, foam, tape, and an air barrier and installing tightly built doors and windows 10. Answers will vary. 11. Refrigerators work through the process of evaporation. By compressing and depressurizing refrigerant, refrigerators create cool air which is then circulated to keep food fresh. 12. In a refrigerator, we extract heat from something we want to cool and reject that heat to the environment. In a heat pump, we extract heat from the environment and add that heat to something we want to heat. 13. Answer will vary. 14. Limit electronic usage, turn of everything when no one is at room, etc. [return to top]

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ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. Adding R-values from Table 6.2 – R = 12.78. Qc = 1 × 50/12.78 = 3.9 Btu/hr/ft2 2. Rwindow = 1.72; Rcovered window with plywood = 9.72 Savings of 82%. 3. Rwalls = 3.08; Rroof = 12.8; Rfloor = 1.66; Rwindow = 0.88 Qwalls = (28 × 10 × 2 + 40 × 10 × 2) × 0.75 × 40/3.08 = 13,247 Btu/hr Qroof = (28 × 40) × 40/12.8 = 3500 Btu/hr Qfloor = (28 × 40) × 40/l.66 = 26,988 Btu/hr Qwindows = (28 × 10 × 2 + 40 × 10 × 2) × 0.25 × 40/0.88 = 15,455 Btu/hr Qtotal = 59,187 Btu/hr. (a) Now Qroof = 2144; New Qtotal = 57,833; Savings of 2.3% (b) Now Qwalls = 2918; New Qtotal = 48,861; Savings of 17% (c) Now Rwindow = 1.72; New Qtotal = 51,642; Savings of 13% (d) Around 20% 4. (a) Rtotal = 2.3 (b) Rtotal = 21.3; Savings of 89% (c) Q = (1 ft2)(24)(6500)/2.3 = 67,826 Btu/ft2/season for uninsulated floor (d) Qnew total = (1 ft2)(24)(6500)/21.3 = 7324; Savings of 60,502 Btu/ft2/season. Will save 60¢ per season per ft2. Therefore payback is less than one season, since fiberglass costs 40¢/sq.ft. 5. (a) Qinfil = 0.018(28 × 40 × 10)(40)(2) = 16,128 Btu/hr. (b) 21%. 6. Answer will vary. 7. No. Qc = (4 × 60 ft2 + 100 ft2) × 25°/1.25 = 6800 Btu/hr (and no infiltration included in this calculation). [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 7: Solar Energy: Characteristics and Heating

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter 35 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 35 Chapter Objectives 35 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments What's New in This Chapter Chapter Outline




Labs and Activities 37 Solar Home Contest............................................................................................................... 37 Solar Home Contest............................................................................................................... 38 Answers to Questions


Answers to Problems


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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to learn that most heating systems using solar energy have a collector, thermal-energy storage, and a distribution system. Active systems usually use a flat plate or evacuated tube collector through which water or air moves to transfer the collected energy. A passive solar system uses the south-facing windows of a house as the collector and natural means of heat transfer. Thermal mass (water or rock) within the house is used to store energy and reduce temperature fluctuations during the day and night. Students should learn that while using active solar processes for space heating has significantly declined due to cost, domestic hot water (DHW) systems are still very important, especially as electricity and natural gas prices continue to rise. The chapters ahead cover environmental pollution resulting from the use of non-renewable fuels. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the fundamentals of renewable energy resources


Explain the characteristics of incident solar radiation.


Discuss the history of solar heating.


Examine the overview of solar heating today.


Illustrate the solar domestic hot water.


Describe the passive and active solar space-heating systems.


Explain thermal energy storage.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so you can see how all this content relates to objectives and decide on which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide.

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Chapter Objective

CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO7 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13–14 17–18 22–23 27–28 38–39

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Self-Assessment 1 Discussion Activity 1 Self-Assessment 2 Discussion Activity 2

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 2–3 minutes 5–7 minutes 2–3 minutes 5–7 minutes 2–3 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:  

The harnessing of solar energy for home heating and electrical generation has become much more common around the world. This chapter sees significant updated in solar energy generation data. This chapter has also been updated with newer images to improve currency, maintaining the focus on solar heating from domestic hot water to incorporating passive solar heating design in residential construction.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and, therefore, by topic) so you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 1.37

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4–7)


Characteristics of Incident Solar Radiation (CO2, PPT Slides #8–14) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #13–14, 2–3 minutes


History of Solar Heating (CO3, PPT Slides #15–18) a. Self-Assessment 1, PPT Slides #17–18, 5–7 minutes


Overview of Solar Heating Today (CO4, PPT Slides #19–23) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #22–23, 2–3 minutes

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Solar Domestic Hot Water (CO5, PPT Slides #24–28) a. Self-Assessment 2, PPT Slides #27–28, 5–7 minutes


Passive Solar Space-Heating Systems (CO6, PPT Slides #29–32)


Active Solar Space-Heating Systems (CO6, PPT Slides #33–35)


Thermal Energy Storage (CO7, PPT Slides #36–39) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #38–39, 2–3 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES SOLAR HOME CONTEST Contest Objective: To attain the highest possible temperature inside the structure during the heating time allotted and to retain the highest possible temperature after removal from the sunlight until the contest ends. Materials: Thermometer; whatever... You are encouraged to recycle materials. Enabling Objectives: 1. An understanding of basic concepts in energy-efficient home construction. 2. A practical application of home construction. Introduction: This activity will allow participants to experiment with and see the results of different methods of solar home technology. You can put a lot of work into this activity and have a working model you can use for years. Procedure: 1. Design and construct a solar home with a minimum of 2,000 cm3 of living space (about a shoe box size). 2. Use any materials you are willing to commit to this project. 3. You must limit yourself to direct solar gain. Requirements: You will be expected to complete a temperature vs. time graph of the heating and cooling of your solar house. You can collect the data in the data table provided. Collecting heating data may not be done as often as cooling data. The Contest: 1. On the day of the contest, you will be asked to place your home outside. It will be left outside during lunch and for a time afterward. 2. On command, the internal temperatures will be recorded and the houses moved inside. 3. Every 10 minutes, the internal temperature will be checked and recorded. During that time, the participants will be reporting on the theory behind their constructions. 4. The highest temperature, most heat held, and most realistic will all win prizes.

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Data Table Temperature


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

WATER HEATING CONTEST Contest Objective: To heat a given quantity of water to the highest possible temperature in the shortest amount of time during the contest period allotted using only direct, radiant solar energy as the energy source. Materials: 300 ml of cold water Other materials required to design and construct a solar water heating device are to be provided by the participants or purchased or borrowed (not stolen) from laboratory stock. Enabling Objectives: 1. Research and translate solar energy concepts.

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2. Apply these concepts successfully to a laboratory problem-solving activity. 3. Construct a heating device using direct, radiant solar energy as the sole energy source. 4. Observe and compare the ability of other participants to apply their knowledge in a learning environment. 5. Collect, record, and compare quantitative data. 6. Relate this activity to full-scale practical applications in society. 7. Experience both formal and informal methods of evaluation. Introduction: People‘s ability to understand and apply the principles of solar energy can have a substantial effect on the financial well-being of these people, their families, the environment, and the nation. Near-future generations will be facing a serious energy crisis as fuels, which have taken millions of years to form, are depleted. Using renewable energy sources will conserve these valuable fossil fuel reserves, which are essential feedstocks for the medical, agricultural, polymer, and other sectors of society. This activity is intended to provide participants with an enjoyable, valuable learning experience while capitalizing on the competitive nature of individuals and groups. Procedure: 1. Establish a group of participants to include no more than 4 people. 2. Review resource materials. 3. Design and construct a solar water heating device. Sketches are encouraged. 4. No indirect solar energy resources to help in heating are permitted. 5. Bring your device to the contest site on time. The Contest: On the day of the contest, you will place your device at the contest site. Each group will be given 300 ml of fresh cold water. At a given signal, all groups will place the water in their devices. When you have attained maximum temperature, or the contest time has expired, return the water to the judge to be measured for temperature and volume (the length of the contest will be determined in part by weather conditions). Conclusion: The total score is calculated by the following formula: Score = Δtemp × amount of water returned/total time Prizes will be awarded to the contestants with the highest score. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Use reflectors, and lens > 1 ft in diameter, and adjust the tilt angle. 2. Horizontal 3. Winter

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4. It should be proposed that sunshine should be accessible to everyone and hence nobody should be desired of their rights.. 5. Fundamentals: insulation, south-facing windows, thermal storage. Types: direct gain, thermal storage wall, attached greenhouse. 6. Answer will vary.. 7. Answer will vary.. 8. The simplest type of solar water heater is best described as a tank in the sun. The collector is both a thermal storage tank and solar collector in one, in which the water is heated and stored a batch at a time, hence the name. 9. Answer will vary.. 10. See figure 7.18. 11. Advantages: In the northern hemisphere, the sun is always south of the zenith. The disadvantages are that the sun will always strike the panel at an angle of fewer than 90 degrees. 12. All methods of heat transfer from FPC increase as ΔT. You‘ll want the water flow rate to be fast enough so the temperature of the absorber plate doesn‘t rise too much. If too it‘s fast, the pump will be too big. 13. Answer will vary. 14. 30°; 40° 15. Thermal mass acts as a thermal battery to moderate internal temperatures by averaging out day−night (diurnal) extremes. When used correctly, a thermal mass can significantly increase comfort and reduce energy use in your home. 16. Heat transfer in pebbles is by conduction—a slower process than convection. 17. Latent heat is required to melt ice cubes. If the heat absorbed by a drink goes into melting the ice, it does not affect the temperature of the water (until all the ice is melted). 18. See figure 7.31. 19. City, state, and federal regulations can be a barrier to solar energy expansion (for example: permitting requirements and timelines). Cost is a barrier—many property owners do not have the cash to pay for panel installation and/or on-site battery storage. 20. Answer will vary. 21. Answer will vary. 22. Answer will vary. [return to top]

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Fo r Washington D.C. 2. 5 kW × 1 hr × 30 d/mo × $0.09 = $13.50/month saved 3. 850(0.2)A = 240 W. A = 1.41 m2 4. Will need 80 gal × 8.3 lb/gal × 1 Btu/lb/°F × 70° = 46,480 Btu/day. Will collect 2060 Btu/day/ft2 × 0.40 × Area. Find Area = 56 ft2 5. 800(A)(0.40) = 30,000 Btu/h × 24 hrs. A = 2250 ft2 6. 620 Btu/°F = (0.2 Btu/°F/lb × 170 lbs/ft3) × V, V = 18 ft3 7. Will collect 700 ft2 × 0.5 × 1410 Btu/ft2/day = 493,500 Btu/day. Need 40,000 Btu/hr × 24 hrs = 960,000 Btu/day. So 51% of space heating needs are met by FPC. 8. Answer will vary. [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 8: Energy from Fossil Fuels

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 43 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 43 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 43 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 43 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 44 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 44 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 45 Answers to Discussion Questions ......................................................................................... 46 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 46

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to learn some important background on resource terminology and updated information on fossil fuel supply and demand. Fossil fuels are projected to constitute most of our energy supplies well into the twenty-first century. Estimates of the amount of a resource thought to exist are always tenuous, especially for petroleum and natural gas. Forecasts of future resource production are often made by using history; the Hubbert bellshaped curves are such examples. Students should learn that oil and natural gas accumulate beneath the earth‘s surface in reservoir rocks such as sandstone and are capped with impermeable rock that prevents their upward movement. Coal can be converted into oil and natural gas by liquefaction and gasification processes. Expansion to commercial production is unlikely unless the prices of these ―synthetic fuels‖ are reduced. The ―Special Topic‖ on Oil and Gas Exploration allows more physics to be introduced into this area. But it could be skipped. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the different types of energy resources used in the world.


Explain the terminology used to describe the status of fossil fuel resources.


Discuss the world‘s appetite for petroleum.


List the different types of natural gases.


Discuss the demand, supply, and types of coal.


Review the future sources of oil.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and decide on which content you would like to emphasize in

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your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11–12 18–19 25–26 33–34 38–39

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Discussion Activity 1 Self-Assessment 1 Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 2 Knowledge Check 2

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 2–3 minutes 5–7 minutes 3–5 minutes 2–3 minutes 1–2 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:    

Dedicating a chapter to energy from fossil fuels is still needed with the continued growth in fossil fuel consumption. While energy production from coal in the United States has decreased by more than half in the last 30 years, the world has doubled its coal-fired power capacity in the last 20 years. Energy production using Natural gas is expected to nearly double in the next 10 years! This chapter explains how energy is produced from coal, natural gas, and petroleum, as well as historical trends on production.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and, therefore, by topic) so you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 1.45

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4–5)


Resource Terminology (CO2, PPT Slides #6–12) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #11–12, 2–3 minutes


Petroleum (CO3, PPT Slides #13–19)

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a. Self-Assessment 1, PPT Slides #18–19, 5–7 minutes 1.48

Natural Gas (CO4, PPT Slides #20–26) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #25–26, 3–5 minutes


Coal: An Abundant Resource (CO5, PPT Slides #27–34) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #33–34, 2–3 minutes


Future Sources of Oil (CO6, PPT Slides #35–39) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #38–39, 1–2 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES ENERGY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Purpose: To identify and explore the use of energy in another country and its effect on the economic and political situation. Country: Capital: Population: Date: Growth rate: % Urban: % literacy: Per capita income: Per capita energy use: Inflation: Unemployment: Principle exports:

Principle imports

Primary energy fuels used (breakdown into residential/industrial):

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Natural energy resources:

Potential fuels for meeting future energy needs: On this and the next page describe this country‘s economic and food situations. Discuss how energy resources play a role in these issues. Mention environmental problems that are particularly troublesome. What changes in the use of energy and economic situation have there been in the last 10-20 years? [return to top]

ANSWERS TO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Natural gas prices dropping, concerns about the potential for a carbon tax, and fewer pollutants from natural gas 2. Yes. Reserves are well-known and easily-recoverable resources. 3. Growth in oil consumption is greater in Southeast Asia. 4. ANWR is estimated to have between 4 and 11 billion barrels of oil. This total is equivalent to 10–28% of U.S. reserves. See Table 8.1. 5. Answer will vary. 6. Strip mining has a smaller cost per ton of coal; it also extracts coal of low sulfur content. Restoration will need adequate water for revegetation. 7. For all five decades, annual additions to reserves are less than production (except for the Alaskan oil discoveries.) This statistic is especially true in the last decade. 8. See fig 8.3. depletion rates of individual fields and the temporal distribution of field production profiles become the principal factors that determine the regional depletion rate.. 9. Constraints on coal demand will come from stricter air pollution standards, less demand for electricity, lower cost of other fuels, and increased concern over global warming. 10. Soda is forced up a straw by pressure exerted by the atmosphere. 11. Secondary recovery injects water into the ground to increase pressure on oil while tertiary recovery injects steam, gas, or organic solvents into the ground to enhance recovery. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. 10%, so about 40¢/gal. 2. Reserves in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge = 5 billion bbl. Total U.S. use = 19 MBPD or 19  365 d/yr = 6.9 billion bbl per year required. Therefore, Refuge

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would provide for only 0.72 years. 3. Energy used = 2  1000 MW  103 kW/MW  365 d/y  24 h/d = 17.5  109 kWh  3413 Btu/kWh = 60  1012 Btu. Gas used for one plant = Energy used  1 scf/1000 Btu = 60  109 SCF/yr = 0.060 tcf/y. 4. In 2021, 4.1 trillion kWh/y electrical energy was used in the U.S. Electricity is provided by plants with total power output (capacity) of about 1000,000 MWe. If consumption continues to grow at 2% per year, then in 10 years, we will need (1.02)10 = 1.219, or about 22% more plant capacity. This is equivalent to 0.22(1000) = 220 1000 MWe plants; multiplying this number by 0.060 tcf per 1000 MWe plant—problem 4—yields about 13 tcf more natural gas needed per year; this amount is about 38% of our current gas consumption. Natural gas consumption was 34.5 TcF in 2021. 5. Coal energy input: 26,000 tons  2000 lb/ton  8700 Btu/lb = 4.52  1011 Btu. Gas energy output = 250,000,000 ft3  950 Btu/ft3 = 2.37  1011 Btu. Therefore, Eff = 0.52 6. Canadian producers have benefited from changes in pipeline infrastructure that make it easier to ship to the Gulf Coast . 7. Cancelled. 8. Tar sands are a mixture of sand, clay, other minerals, water, and bitumen. The bitumen must be separated before it can be processed as crude oil. Tar sand extraction emits up to three times more greenhouse gases than crude oil. [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 9: The Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 48 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 48 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 48 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 48 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 49 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 49 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 50 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 50 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 51

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to explain the greenhouse effect and give an overview of global climate change. This chapter provides an overview of climate change data and examines the impacts of climate change. It also helps to understand that the composition of our atmosphere is changing through the emission of greenhouse gases. These gases, primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, trap heat radiated from the earth. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere primarily through the combustion of fossil fuels, accounting for about 80% (by weight) of greenhouse gas emissions. Students should learn that in the past 200 years, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased by more than 40% to 415 ppm. Exactly what impact the rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases will have on our climate is uncertain due to the complexity of the atmospheric system. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Explore the components of nature and atmospheric changes due to gases.


Explain the greenhouse effect.


Review the global climate change.


Discuss the effects of climate change on the global environment.


Discuss the mitigation and adaptation of climate change.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and decide on which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

PPT slide


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CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 [return to top]

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6–7 11,15 20–21 29–30 38–39

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Discussion Activity 1 Discussion Activity 2 Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 3 Knowledge Check 2

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 2–3 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:    

The content in this chapter now focuses exclusively on the greenhouse effect and climate change. Climate data is integrated throughout the chapter and the hedging language of the previous edition removed. A new Focus-On Climate Warming and Glacier Retreat was added. The Focus-On China is presented as an example of changing energy demand in rapidly growing economies and the challenges economies face when trying to grow energy production.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and, therefore, by topic) so you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 1.51

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4–7) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #6–7, 2–3 minutes


The Greenhouse Effect: Observations (CO2, PPT Slides #8–12) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #11–12, 2–3 minutes


Climate Change: Data (CO3, PPT Slides #13–21) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #20–21, 3–5 minutes


Climate Change: Impacts (CO4, PPT Slides #22–30)

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a. Discussion Activity 3, PPT Slides #29–30, 2–3 minutes 1.55

Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation (CO5, PPT Slides #31–39) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #38–39, 3–5 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES 1. To understand how the greenhouse effect operates, try the following activity. Gather three large glass jars and three thermometers. Place a thermometer inside each jar. Cover one jar with a glass plate, leave the second jar uncovered, and put a potted plant inside the third and cover it with a glass plate. Expose the jars to the sun, or a light bulb, and record the temperatures every 10 minutes for an hour. Graph the results and compare them. 2. Calculate the amount of carbon dioxide emitted annually by your household. You will have to estimate the amount of electricity, natural gas, and gasoline used. Use the approximate conversions of Table 9.4 (from the textbook). [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Deforestation removes CO2 sinks and adds CO2 to the burning process. 2. There is an apparent positive correlation between the earth‘s temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, but this correlation is still debatable. 3. There will be a warming trend due to decreased reflectivity and the release of carbon from permafrost. 4. Strategy: Significant cuts to CO2 and methane emissions. Consequences: Significant reduction in energy availability. Strategy: Carbon capture and sequestration. Consequences: CO2 could leak out of these underground reservoirs into the surrounding air and contribute to climate chang or taint nearby water supplies. Another is the risk of human-made tremors caused by the buildup of pressure underground, known as induced seismicity. Strategy: Invest in renewable technology. Consequences: Environmental impact of construction and resource extractions for panels or batteries. 5. Answers will vary based on different thinking of students. 6. Positive Feedback: Melting sea ice reveals relatively dark water below. Dark water absorbs more energy than highly reflective ice, resulting in increased warming. Negative Feedback: The increased global temperature will result in more evaporation and therefore increased cloud cover. Clouds reflect more sunlight than the land and water below, resulting in a cooling effect. [return to top]

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ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. Driving 100 miles (with 20 mpg) adds 100 lbs of CO2. Running an electric clothes dryer @5000 W for 30 minutes consumes 2.5 kWh and adds about 5 lbs of CO2 per load. 5 hours of a 100 W television add 1 lb of CO2. 2. Answer will vary. 3. 250 × 106 kg/y = 0.25 × 106 tons/y (compared to 5700 × 106 tons/y) 4. 6.7 lb × 0.8 × 44/12 = 20 lb CO2/gal 5. (3413/0.4) Btu/kWh × (2200 lb/25 × 106 Btu) × 44/12 = 2.7 lb CO2/1 kWh 6. Answer will vary. [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 10: Environmental Impacts of Energy Production

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 52 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 52 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 52 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 53 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 53 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 53 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 54 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 54 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 56

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to expand the discussion of environmental impacts through air pollution and thermal pollution. It also explores how regulation and policy have helped reduce pollution. The major air pollutants from stationary and mobile sources are SO2, particulates, nitrogen oxides, VOCs (hydrocarbons), ozone, and carbon monoxide. Students should also learn that half of currently operating coal-fired power plants were built before 1975 and have no pollution-control devices except those for particulate removal. The units previously described for controlling power plant emissions do not come cheap. Pollution controls represent about a third of the total capital cost of recently built coal-fired power plants! Waste heat can accelerate the process of eutrophication in which the addition of extra nutrients to the lake stimulates algae growth. Cooling towers can be used to dispose of waste heat without directly dumping it into a lake. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Explain the basics of the environmental impacts of energy production.


List the different properties and motions of the atmosphere.


Discuss the air pollutants and their sources.


Review the air-quality standards.


Explain the emission-control devices.


Discuss the concept of thermal pollution.


Examine the ecological effects of thermal pollution.


Describe how the cooling towers and ponds work.


Discuss the present developments in using waste heat.

[return to top]

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COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO8 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12–13 22–23 26–27 30–31 36–37

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Self-Assessment 1 Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Self-Assessment 2 Discussion Activity 2

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 5–7 minutes 1–2 minutes 2–3 minutes 5–7 minutes 2–3 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:  

Air pollution and Thermal pollution were combined into this one chapter on Environmental Impacts. Examples of Environmental effects have been updated looking at more recent data and events, such as replacing the topic of acid rain in the Adirondacks with the challenges of air pollution from brick kilns in Dhaka.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 10.1

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slide #5)


Properties and Motion of the Atmosphere (CO2, PPT Slides #6–14) a. Self-Assessment 1, PPT Slides #13–14, 5–7 minutes


Air Pollutants and Their Sources (CO3, PPT Slides #14–23)

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a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #22–23, 1–2 minutes 10.4

Air-Quality Standards (CO4, PPT Slides #24–27) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #26–27, 2–3 minutes


Automobile Emission-Control Devices (CO5, PPT Slides #28–31) a. Self-Assessment 2, PPT Slides #30–31, 5–7 minutes


Thermal pollution (CO6, PPT Slide #32)


Ecological Effects of Thermal Pollution (CO7, PPT Slides #33–34)


Cooling Towers and Ponds (CO8, PPT Slides #35–37) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #36–37, 2–3 minutes


Using Waste Heat (CO9, PPT Slide #38)

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES 1. You can study atmospheric particulates (concentration, size, etc.) as follows. Coat a piece of glass (such as a microscope slide) with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. Securely attach the glass to the radio antenna of your car with wire and drive around town. Examine the slide with a microscope or magnifying glass. How can you be quantitative about the particulates collected? [return to top]


Reduce the area by placing the book on its side. Equal heights in all containers since pressure = ρgh. Densities the same (masses different) Need to increase pressure on the oil at bottom of the well by injecting a fluid. BF = weight of displaced liquid, so 2 tons for both water and alcohol. The ball floats if it's ρ < ρ liquid. BF decreased when water rushes in. 6. Blimp will rise until its density = density of surrounding air. Larger blimps will rise higher. 7. Moist air is less dense. Low-pressure regions usually indicate that the air in that region has greater moisture content. 8. Pressure increases as water depth increases. 9. Pressure decreases due to a decrease in air density. 10. The decrease in temperature of ambient air as height goes up (assuming no temperature inversion) will allow less-dense pollutants to rise and disperse. 11. Challenges include understanding the interactions and health effects of the chemical and physical properties of complex air pollutant mixtures. Exposure length is difficult to study and define, and the effects are varied and often appear long after exposure.

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12. Emissions are expressed in terms of lbs/MBtu of thermal output. Local pollutant concentrations are expressed in μ g/m3, or ppm in air. 13. Among other impacts, prevents about 90% of the mercury in coal burned in power plants from being emitted to the air; reduces 88% of acid gas emissions from power plants; and reduces 41% of sulfur dioxide emissions from power plants beyond the reductions expected from the Cross-State Air pollution Rule. 14. Particulate removal: electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters; gas control: scrubbers, incinerators, oxidizers. 15. A physical, chemical, biological, or radioactive substance or matter that is emitted into or otherwise enters the ambient air. 16. The largest contributor is automobile exhaust, while coal-fired power plants and some other power plants also produce pollutants that contribute to smog production. Since smog is produced when ultraviolet light from the sun reacts with nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere, it is most common in warmer locations and in the summer months. Finally, smog is due primarily to NOx and VOC, and sunlight. Pittsburgh has more industrial emissions of particulates and SO2. 17. More massive particles, with more inertia, will collide with the cyclone‘s walls as they undergo circular motion. 18. Precipitators are only used for solids and are not very effective in removing very smallsized particles. 19. Reduce SO2 emissions—for example, using scrubbers on emissions stacks. 20. Advantages: tall stacks emit up above the air most people breathe. There also tends to be more wind, and therefore air-mixing, at higher heights. Disadvantage: Winds can carry pollutants great distances, to neighboring cities or countries. 21. Exhaust gases have been cooled by the addition of water and must be reheated to increase buoyancy. Power plant efficiency is thereby lowered. 22. When fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the air. Greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere, causing global warming.. 23. More infiltration in older houses. 24. Increased use of electric vehicles means more energy taken from the grid, which has better efficiencies than small engines. This increase would mean fewer emissions per mile. 25. The low-temperature water doesn‘t have many uses. Raising the temperature of the cooling water would decrease plant efficiency. 26. The degradation of water quality by any process that changes ambient water temperature. 27. About 26°C or 79°F 28. The effects of thermal pollution include a decrease in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which aquatic life requires, damage to larvae and eggs of fish in rivers, killing off some species of fish that have limited tolerance for temperature change, and migration of fish from their environment. 29. Evaporation and dilution. [return to top]

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ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. P = F/A = 15 lbs/(.25 in. × .25 in.) = 240 psi 2. P = 62 lbs/ft3 × 1 ft (depth) = 62 lbs/ft2 = 0.43 psi 3. P = 13,600 lbs/ft3 × 9.8 m/s/s × 0.15m = 20,000 N/m2 = 20,000 Pa (1 Atm = 101,000 kPa.) 4. 140 m3 × 1000 kg/m3 × 9.8 m/s/s = 1,372,000 N = 390,000 lbs. 5. The density was calculated to be 2430 kg/m3 (close to Al). 6. With atm pressure = 101 kPa, find h = 10.3 m. 7. 1000 MWe plant: uses 9000 tons of coal/day × 0.03 × 64/32 (for O2) = 540 tons SO2/day emitted. 8. 1000 MWe plant: 9000 tons of coal/day × 0.02 (ash) × 0.05 × l day/24 hrs × 2000 lb/ton × l kg/2.2 lb = 340 kg/hr of ash (assuming all ash volatilized) 9. Hg emitted = 340 kg/hr × 10−6 × 24 hrs/d × 365 d/yr × 1 tonne/1000 kg = 2986 × 10−6 tonnes/yr = 3.0 × l0-3 tonnes/yr = 3 kg/yr 10. Standards for CO = 3.0 g/mile. Traveling 20,000 miles/year = 60,000 grams/year × lkg/1000 grams 60 kg/y 11. Carnot eff. = 1 – (293/773) = 0.62 for first case. For second case, Carnot eff. = 1 – (303/773) = 0.61, so a decrease of 1%. 12. Waste heat discharged per same unit output for geothermal compared to fossil-fueled plants is 2.67 times more when a fossil fuel efficiency of 40% is assumed. [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 11: Electricity: Circuits and Superconductors

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 57 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 57 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 57 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 58 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 58 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 58 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 59 Electric Circuits–Conductors ................................................................................................... 59 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 61 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 61

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to examine the electricity in circuits and superconductors. Fundamental circuits are examined, as well as Ohm‘s law. This chapter is basic to an understanding of electrical energy. Electrostatics in the Special Topics section at the end of the chapter can be covered in a more conceptual physics course. Students need to understand the pricing of electricity. You should know whether the time of day metering is used in your area, the cost per kWh of electricity (for both generation and distribution), and the percent contributions of resources your local utility uses. Students should also learn that two types of electrical charges are found in nature: negative and positive. The flow of charge constitutes an electrical current. A potential difference is needed for a current between two points. The current I (measured in amps) is equal to the potential difference across a device (in volts) divided by the resistance (in ohms) of that device.

[return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Explain the basics of electrification.


Review the history of restructuring of the electric utility industry.


Discuss the electrical charges and currents.


Explain the principle of Ohm‘s law.


Discuss the concept of superconductivity and superconducting materials.


List the types of elementary circuits.


Describe how the electrical energy in a circuit is converted into work or heat.


Review the computation of electrical energy costs


Discuss the concept of electrostatics.

[return to top]

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COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

CO2 CO4 CO5 CO7 CO8 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10–11 18–19 23–24 29–30 34–35

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Discussion Activity 2 Knowledge Check 2 Discussion Activity 3

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 2–3 minutes 2–3 minutes 2–3 minutes 1–2 minutes 2–3 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition: 

Batteries and fuel cells have been moved to a new chapter (14) to help focus this chapter on the fundamentals of electricity production.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 10.10

Introduction to ―Electrification‖ (CO1, PPT Slides #5–7)


Restructuring of the Electric Utility Industry (CO2, PPT Slides #8–11) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #10-11, 2–3 minutes


Electrical Charges and Currents (CO3, PPT Slides #12–15)


Ohm‘s Law (CO4, PPT Slides #16–19) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #18–19, 2–3 minutes


Superconductivity (CO5, PPT Slides #20–24)

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a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #23–24, 2–3 minutes 10.15

Elementary Circuits (CO6, PPT Slides #25–26)


Electrical Power (CO7, PPT Slides #27–30) a. Knowledge Check, PPT Slides #29–30, 1-2 minutes


Pricing Electrical Energy Use (CO8, PPT Slides #31–35) a. Discussion Activity 3, PPT Slides #34–35, 2–3 minutes


Special Topic: Electrostatics (CO9, PPT Slides #36–38)

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES ELECTRIC CIRCUITS–CONDUCTORS Some materials conduct electricity and others do not. The first types of materials are called conductors, while the latter are called insulators. Experiment 1 Using the bulb with the socket, three wires, and the battery pack, construct a circuit in which a piece of material can be placed between two wire clips. See if the bulb lights, indicating that the material is conducting electricity. Test materials on your desk or in the room. Classify your materials according to their effect on the bulb—are they conductors or insulators? Does the light glow as brightly in each case? Conductors


Let us now examine circuits in which more than one bulb is connected. Experiment 2 Using the bulbs in their sockets, make a circuit with two (identical) bulbs connected one after the other as shown. We say that these bulbs are connected in series. Compare the brightness of each bulb with that of the bulb in the single-bulb circuit. What can you say about the amount of current through each bulb? What about the amount of current that leaves the battery? Is the current used up in the first bulb? What happens when you disconnect the second bulb? What have you done to the circuit?

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Experiment 3 Now connect the bulbs in what we call a parallel arrangement—the current from the battery divides and goes through both bulbs. Compare the brightness of each bulb with that of the bulbs in the previous circuit. What can you say about the amount of current through each bulb? What about the amount of current that leaves the battery? What happens when you disconnect bulb B? Explain.

Note that the brightness of the bulbs varies according to how they are connected or arranged. The current from the battery is not constant. We can think of the bulbs as presenting an obstacle to the current as it flows from the battery. This obstacle is called resistance. How do you think the resistance of the total circuit would change if a third bulb were added in series? What would happen to the current? In a parallel combination, as in Experiment 3, what could you say about the current through each bulb compared to the current through each bulb in the series circuit? If 40 milliamps of current went through each bulb in a parallel circuit, then how much current came from the battery? Do you think that the amount of current from the battery for two bulbs in a series will be more, less, or the same as 40 mA? One might understand this situation by saying that the total resistance of the two bulbs in parallel is less than for one bulb—there are additional pathways for the current to flow when we have a parallel circuit. [return to top]

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ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. To ground charges that were picked up by moving car. 2. Discharge from the body over a large area reduces shock. 3. Will fly off comb due to transfer of additional charges to items. 4. Shoes will provide a higher resistance between the hand and the ground, so there will be less current. 5. Depends upon the current through the body (function of body resistance) and pathway taken (through the heart, torso, etc.) 6. Large-diameter wire has less resistance, so less heating occurs. 7. 220 V allows a larger current to be used for heating purposes 8. They protect the circuit from overheating when the current is large. 9. In parallel. Limit placed by a circuit breaker or fuse. 10. The larger resistance of a small diameter wire leads to a greater voltage drop in an extension cord, so less voltage is available for the appliance. Also, the larger resistance will lead to a greater heat loss in the wire and so the possibility of fire! 11. Highest R – 10 W; most current, energy use – 60 W 12. Need a potential difference and closed circuit for current. 13. ON [return to top]

ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. 60 ohms, 240 W 2. 1.5 kW  0.5 h  $.12/kwh = $0.09 3. 0.5 A, 6 W. 4. 8.33 A. 5. 1.2 kW  1/60 h = 0.02 kWh. Cost = 0.16¢. 6. Use an electrical energy meter – corresponds to 6 h/day of television! 7. Answer will vary. 8. (a) $25.20 (b) $2.10 (c)$0.10 9. 720 W. 2 10. P = V2/R = (120) /50 = 288 W. 11. In series, 3 A. In parallel, 4 A. 12. 13.3 W-hr/lb. If used once, the price of $40/0.06 kWh = $67/kWh. However, is always recharged. 13. Wet I = 0.8 A; dry I = 2.4 mA. 14. 720 W-hrs  3413 Btu/kWh = 2457 Btu = 0.02  125,000 Btu 15. 38 W  40  106  365  24 = 13315  106 kWh/yr. (= 0.013 trillion kWh/y – see Fig. 11.1) 16. 10¢ per kWh in 1925. [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 12: Electromagnetism and the Generation of Electricity

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 63 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 63 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 63 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 63 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 64 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 64 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 65 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 65 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 66

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to examine electromagnetism. It provides some up-to-date coverage of transmission lines and the generation of electricity, including co-generation. Students should learn that the production of electricity accounts for about 40% of the total energy consumed in the United States. Most of the alternative energy sources discussed in this book are directed at the production of electricity. By the end of this chapter, students should learn that co-generation is the production of both electricity and useful heat from the same fuel source. This process either can generate electricity first and use some of the exiting steam from the turbine for industrial purposes or use steam that was used for an industrial process to generate electricity in a turbine generator. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the phenomenon of magnetic forces and fields.


Explain the concept of the generation of electricity.


Review the transmission of electrical energy.


Discuss standard steam-electric generating plant cycle.


Explain the concepts of co-generation.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective, so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

PPT slide




Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes

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CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 [return to top]

N/A N/A N/A 12–13 18–19 26–27 31–32 38–39

Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Self-Assessment 1 Discussion Activity 1 Discussion Activity 2 Knowledge Check 2

5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 2–3 minutes 5–7 minutes 2–3 minutes 2–3 minutes 2–3 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:  

The main content of this chapter is largely unchanged, however the role of coal in U.S. energy production has significant updates. The discussion on centralized vs localized energy production is reframed with a new “How would you choose?”

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 10.19

Magnetic Forces and Fields (CO1, PPT Slides #4–13) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #12–13, 2–3 minutes


The Generation of Electricity (CO2, PPT Slides #14–19) a. Self-Assessment 1, PPT Slides #18–19, 5–7 minutes


Transmission of Electrical Energy (CO3, PPT Slides #20–27) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #26–27, 2–3 minutes


Standard Steam-Electric Generating Plant Cycle (CO4, PPT Slides #28–32) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #31–32, 2–3 minutes


Co-Generation (CO5, PPT Slides #33–39) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #38–39, 2–3 minutes

[return to top]

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LABS AND ACTIVITIES MAGNETS Small magnets are available from many sources, such as electronics stores or hardware stores (where they are used for kitchen cabinet door holders).

A. Obtain two small magnets and explore how they interact with each other. B. From a collection of objects in your room, find and list which ones are attracted by a magnet. C. Investigate through which materials a magnet will attract a paper clip. D. Examine the strength of a magnet by seeing how many paper clips, or small weights can be suspended by a large paper clip (see accompanying figure). E. Put two magnets together, and investigate which will hold more paper clips or weights: two separate magnets or one two-unit magnet? [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. None. Particles will be deflected to the right or left depending on their charge. 2. Turn the shaft. The motor must have permanent magnets inside. 3. Yes, briefly. A magnetic field is associated with the electric current. 4. The motors operate using principles of electromagnetism, which shows that a force is applied when an electric current is present in a magnetic field. This force creates a torque on a loop of wire present in the magnetic field, which causes the motor to spin and perform useful work.. 5. To reduce heating losses in transmission lines. 6. Ideally, no. Power in = Power out. 7. Body's natural EMF, sleep cycles, and stress levels to your immune response and DNA!. 8. Less expensive to install. Fuel availability, convenient to use. 9. Local (distributed) transmission of electricity requires fewer line losses since the generation is produced locally. Solar electricity is a renewable energy source, so less pollution results.

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10. Answer will vary. 11. No, unless the question is between using or not using the process steam, depending upon its temperature. 12. Aurora borealis originates from the occasional interaction of the particles in these belts with air molecules in the atmosphere over the North Pole. 13. Answer will vary. 14. Answer will vary. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. 106 kW  24 hrs/day  $0.08/kWh = $1,920,000/day 2. 5 A 3. (a) 130/10 = 13:1 (b) 10 MW = 130,000  I, I = 77 A. (c) I2R = (77)2(4) = 23692 W; 0.24% 4. 56%. Pumped storage helps to smooth out hourly electricity production curves. 5. E = Pt = 1000  103 kW  365  24 = 8760  106 kWh; Capacity factor = 5400  106 kWh/E = 0.62 [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 13: Electricity from Solar, Wind, and Hydro

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 67 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 67 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 67 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 67 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 68 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 68 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 69 Photovoltaic Array Construction ............................................................................................. 69 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 70 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 71

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to explore electricity production from solar, wind, and hydropower. This chapter examines the science behind energy production and the history and recent growth and economics of each energy source. Students should learn that several popular technologies power the direct production of electricity from solar energy. Photovoltaics use solar cells, which are usually made of pure silicon. Using the photoelectric effect, incident solar radiation frees electrons in the silicon crystal. Wind turbines used for the generation of electricity have found large-scale use worldwide, both inland and offshore. Thermal electric plants use the sun‘s energy to produce a very hot fluid by concentrating the sunlight on a central receiving area. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the renewable contributions to the U.S. energy supply.


Explain the principle behind the direct use of the sun‘s energy for the production of electricity.


Discuss the cell manufacturing processes.


Review the photovoltaic systems and economics.


Discuss the various aspects of wind energy and hydropower.


Explain the concept of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter

PPT slide


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CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO6 [return to top]

N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7–8 13–14 18–19 24–25 38–39

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Self-Assessment 1 Discussion Activity 1 Knowledge Check 2 Discussion Activity 2

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 2–3 minutes 5–7 minutes 2–3 minutes 1–2 minutes 1–2 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition: 

Significant growth in renewable energy production is reflected in significant updates to data in this section.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 10.24

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4–8) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #7–8, 2–3 minutes


Solar Cell Principles (CO2, PPT Slides #9–14) a. Self-Assessment 1, PPT Slides #13–14, 5–7 minutes


Cell Manufacture (CO3, PPT Slides #15–19) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #18–19, 2–3 minutes


Photovoltaic Systems and Economics (CO4, PPT Slides #20–25) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #24–25, 1–2 minutes


Wind Energy (CO5, PPT Slides #26–31)


Hydropower (CO5, PPT Slides #32–34)


Solar-Thermal Electric Facilities—Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) (CO6, PPT Slides #35–39)

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a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #38–39, 1–2 minutes [return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY CONSTRUCTION Objective: This activity will allow participants to practice soldering techniques and wiring theory. They will also learn practical solar cell applications. Materials: 2 photovoltaic cells; light gauge wire, mounting board; sheet of Plexiglas; mounting ‗glue‘; soldering pen; solder. Photovoltaic cells are very fragile. The pieces are still useful even if they do break. Procedure: Solder a wire from the top of one cell to the bottom of the next cell. This creates a series circuit and causes the voltages of the cells to add together. Connect a lead to the bottom of the first cell, and another leads to the top of the second cell.

Secure the cells flat to the mounting board with glue.

Secure the leads so that they extend beyond the edge of the mounting board. It is to your advantage to ensure that they extend over the same side. Place the Plexiglas carefully over the solar cells and glue it, making sure not to press too hard.

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Conclusion: This PV array can be connected with others in series to function as a battery charger (which is simply a germanium diode (voltage drop 0.2 V) and a battery holder). [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. The ratio of electricity out to insolation upon the cell is 15%. 2. No. For silicon, only those wavelengths below 1000 nm provide enough energy for electron emission. A filter would only block out, not intensify, certain wavelengths. 3. Need to energize a normally closed relay to an open position when light is incident upon cells. One might have to use several cells in parallel to obtain enough current to energize the relay or use a transistor as a switch. See diagram 4. Wire 3 or 4 cells (0.5 V output) in series. (One might need more current, so more cells might need to be wired in parallel.) 4. To increase voltage, wire the cells in parallel. 5. Steps: a. Step 1: collect parts and tools b. Step 2: Test solar cells c. Step 3: Battery charging circuits d. Step 4: Dark detecting with PNP transistor e. Step 5: Dark-detecting NPN transistor f. Step 6: Try the LED driver g. Step 7: Photo resistor circuit h. Step 8: 1-volt driver i. Step 9: 1 volt solar light j. Step 10: Solar light ICs k. Step 11: Control the volt motor 6. The high cost reduces installation rates, impacting the ability to increase manufacturing to rates that reduce costs. Government investment is one way to work through this problem. 7. Examples of possible challenges to investors include: solar panel longevity— maintenance and replacement costs, environmental impacts of large arrays, how long will take to recoup the investment vs when the panels need to be replaced. 8. Answer will vary. 9. Higher temperature fluids are needed to achieve higher efficiencies in a heat engine. See sketch of Luz facility (Fig. 12-27) 10. Need direct rays for concentrating collectors. Also, insolation is highest there.

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11. About 8 MW/km2. Assuming 1.5 MW turbines, 70 m diameter rotors, and taking 5 rotor diameters separation (to prevent turbulence). So 16 turbines at 1.5 MW, and a capacity factor of 30%, yield 8 MW/km2. 12. Answer will vary. 13. Due to short construction times and small units relative to other types of utility-sized electrical generators and will double by 2030. 14. Answer will vary. 15. Large hydroelectric dams can't be built just anywhere. Hydro plants need a consistent supply of water and a large amount of land. Some countries have plenty of these resources; others do not. Poorly planned hydropower can also cause more problems for the climate than it prevents. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. $30,000/kW output. 2. 500 W/m2 (0.10) × Area = 109 W; Area = 2 × 107 m2 = 2000 hectares = 4940 acres for 1000 MWe plant. 3. Each unit produces 0.3 W. Therefore, we need 40/0.3 = 133 units. Each unit is 40 cm2, so we need a total of 5330 cm2 = 0.533 m2 = 1 m × 0.53 m. (Comparable to commercial panels available today.) 4. P = 2.36 × l0−6(20)2(15)3 = 3.2 kW 5. P = PE/t = 12 kg/s × 9.8 m/s/s × 4 = 470 W 6. P = 1000 W/m2 × 0.1 × A; A = 10 m2 per person at 10% efficiency. Total Area = 6 × 109 × 10 m2/person = 6 × 1010 m2 = 60,000 km2 (size of MA and NH combined). Volume of silicon = 6 × 1010 m2 × 200 × 10-6 m = 1200 × 104 m3. Silicon mass = density × vol = 2330 kg/m3 × 1.2 × 107 m3 = 2.8 × 1010 kg. 7. Presently, wind provides 1.8% of U.S. electricity. 1.8(1.20)n = 5, so n = 5.6 years. 8. Max output E = P × t = (10,500 kW)(365 days/yr)(24 h/d) = 92 × 106 kWh Capacity factor = 28 × 106 kWh/yr/(92 × 106 kWh/yr) = 30%. 9. 360 homes. Assume 600 kWh/month per home and 30% wind turbine capacity factor. [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 14: Energy Storage: Batteries, Electric Vehicles, and Fuel Cells

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 73 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 73 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 73 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 73

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What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 74 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 74 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 75 Electric Circuits–Batteries ....................................................................................................... 75 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 75 Answers to Further Activities ................................................................................................. 76

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to examine advances in energy storage, fuel cells, and electric vehicles. We investigated the most common energy-storage sources, which are needed because many renewable energy sources are intermittent. The most widely used energystorage source is pumped hydro, where water is pumped into a retaining reservoir to be released into a turbine when energy is needed. Other energy-storage types include compressed air, thermal storage flywheels, and batteries. Students should learn that while batteries are used for only a small fraction of our utility-scale energy storage in the U.S., we use them in many devices in our daily life. Also, battery technology advances have led to significant growth in electric car development in the 2010s and beyond. Electric vehicles come in the form of hybrid vehicles, plug-in hybrids, or fully electric vehicles. Finally, in this chapter, we also discussed fuel cells. A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that will convert a fuel source (often hydrogen or methane) into electricity. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the fundamentals of energy storage.


Explain different types of energy storage.


Review the different types of batteries.


Explain the electric vehicles.


Describe the concepts of fuel cells.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide.

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Chapter Objective

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6–7 13–14 20–21 29–30 38–39

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Discussion Activity 1 Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 2 Knowledge Check 2 Discussion Activity 3

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 1–2 minutes 1–2 minutes 2–3 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:  

A brand new chapter focused on energy storage! This chapter brings together batteries, fuel cells, and electric vehicles.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 10.31

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4-7) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #6–7, 1–2 minutes


Energy Storage (CO2, PPT Slides #8–14) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #13–14, 1–2 minutes


Batteries (CO3, PPT Slides #15–21) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #20–21, 2–3 minutes


Electric Vehicles (CO4, PPT Slides #22–30) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #29–30, 2–3 minutes


Fuel Cells (CO5, PPT Slides #31–39) a. Discussion Activity 3, PPT Slides #38–39, 3–5 minutes

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[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES ELECTRIC CIRCUITS–BATTERIES Almost all of us have some familiarity with simple electric circuits. However, wiring one might pose a problem for many. We will begin with a simple circuit. Experiment 1: Light a single bulb using a battery and two wires with clip leads. Sketch this complete circuit, including a detailed picture of the bulb. (You might have to use a magnifying glass to examine the bulb with its filament.) Did it matter at what end of the battery the wire from the bottom part of the bulb is connected? What happens when the wire connected to the bottom part of the battery is removed? [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Electric vehicles are more efficient, and that combined with the electricity cost means that charging an electric vehicle is cheaper than filling petrol or diesel for your travel requirements. Using renewable energy sources can make the use of electric vehicles more eco-friendly. 2. Time to charge, lack of charging infrastructure 3. By showing the current high-profit scenarios. 4. Imposing carbon taxes or similar fuel pricing signals. 5. Transit, when it is well utilized, then, produces important benefits for the community: airquality improvements, less land consumption than an auto-dependent transportation system, lower energy requirements, and lower accident costs. 6. Lithium-ion. 7. The main benefit of batteries is that they increase convenience for users since they enable the portability of devices. Their biggest disadvantage is that they can only be used for a limited time. Even rechargeable batteries eventually die. 8. Mobile phones, EVs, etc. 9. Fuel cells can operate at higher efficiencies than combustion engines and can convert the chemical energy in the fuel directly to electrical energy with efficiencies capable of exceeding 60%. Methanol, ethanol, and hydrocarbon fuels. 10. Answer will vary. 11. Well-to-wheel efficiency compares vehicles not just on their performance (tank to wheels), but also includes processing fuel source. It is a better comparison for different types of vehicles because it includes the original fuel source, such as petroleum processing for ICE engines or electricity production for EVs. 12. Steam Reforming; electrolysis 13. Hybrid vehicles get better mileage at low speeds and city driving, because the electric motor powers at low speeds, and is recharged by regenerative braking.

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14. The well-to-wheel efficiency of a fuel cell vehicle will depend widely on the source of hydrogen. Steam reforming has a higher efficiency. If using hydrogen made from the electrolysis of water, need to compare the source of the electricity. 15. Answers will vary. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO FURTHER ACTIVITIES 1. 239 miles/64.8 kWh = 3.7 miles/kWh, 3.8 cents/mile 2. 12.3 cents/ mile 3. Answer will vary. [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 15: The Building Blocks of Matter: The Atom and Its Nucleus

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 77 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 77 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 77 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 77 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 78 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 78 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 79 Half-Life Calculation Activity ................................................................................................... 79 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 80

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to examine the atom and nuclear structure, setting the foundation for the following chapter's exploration of energy from the atom. In this chapter, we discovered that the atom, instead of being indivisible and unchangeable, is constructed from combinations of neutrons, protons, and electrons and is absolutely changeable. Students should learn that the nucleus of the atom accounts for more than 99.9% of the atom‘s mass. An element is characterized by the number of protons present in the nucleus (its atomic number). The combined mass of protons plus neutrons in a nucleus is approximately equal to the atomic mass when measured in atomic mass units (amu). Radioactive isotopes will undergo nuclear disintegration, or decay—the spontaneous change of one element into another element. Energy is released in naturally occurring nuclear disintegrations and many artificial nuclear reactions. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the fundamentals of atomic theory.


Explain the building blocks of the atom.


Review the different energy levels.


Describe the nuclear structure.


Explain the concept of radioactivity and nuclear Glue or binding Energy.


Study the concept of nuclear reactions.


Explain the concept of nuclear fission.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to

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emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

CO2 CO3 CO4 CO6 CO5 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10–11 16–17 21–22 33–34 38–39

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Discussion Activity 1 Discussion Activity 2 Discussion Activity 3 Knowledge Check 1 Knowledge Check 2

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 2–3 minutes 2–3 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes 1–2 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition: 

  

The global discussion about nuclear energy is ever evolving, with many now thinking that nuclear may be the best way to bridge the gap between growing our renewable energy infrastructure and meeting the global Net Zero Emissions goals. As such, we continue to dedicate a significant portion of the text to nuclear energy. While the fundamental science is unchanged, the applications have seen updates. These chapters have been updated to reflect changes in nuclear waste storage, fusion reactor design, and the uses and impacts of radiation exposure. New data and images have been integrated into the chapters to improve currency.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 10.36

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4–5)


Building Blocks of the Atom (CO2, PPT Slides #6–11) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #10–11, 2–3 minutes


Energy Levels (CO3, PPT Slides #12–17) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #16–17, 2–3 minutes

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Nuclear Structure (CO4, PPT Slides #18–22) a. Discussion Activity 3, PPT Slides #21–22, 2–3 minutes


Radioactivity (CO5, PPT Slides #23–26)


Nuclear Glue, or Binding Energy (CO5, PPT Slides #27–29)


The Joy of Atom-Smashing, or Nuclear Reactions (CO6, PPT Slides #30-34) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #33-34, 3-5 minutes


Fission (CO7, PPT Slides #35-38) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #37-38, 1-2 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES HALF-LIFE CALCULATION ACTIVITY Introduction: This activity simulates radioactive decay (exponential decay). Procedure: Prepare 80 to 120 small cubic blocks with one side painted red. Roll them and take out the ones with the red side up. Enter the data in the following table, and plot the number of blocks remaining vs. the number of throws. The half-life for this experiment is determined by the number of rolls it takes until the number of blocks remaining is one-half of the original number. (You should find that the number left decreases with a half-life of 3.8 rolls.) An alternate version of this activity can also be performed using pennies. In this variant, each participant has a penny. A leader is determined and all flip their coins The results of the leader‘s flip determine who has ―decayed.‖ Everyone whose penny matches the leader‘s flip has ―decayed,‖ while those whose penny is different are still ―radioactive.‖ Those who have ―decayed‖ are removed from the activity, and another flip is performed. Plot the number of radioactive pennies vs. the flip number and determine the half-life. Is the number of people out each turn always one-half the number of pennies flipped? Results: Initial number of blocks: Throw 1 2 3 4 5 6


Remaining blocks


Remaining blocks

8 9 10 11 12 13

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[return to top]


The number of protons. Zn mass = 65; S mass = 32; Zn fraction = 0.67 Oxygen isotopes with masses 15, 16, 17, 18. The last 3 are stable. Electrical (light), light (fluorescence), uv, x-rays, energetic nuclear particles, chemical reactions, etc. 5. A neon lamp has a straightforward design. There is a low-pressure gas, such as neon, argon, or krypton, inside the glass tube. There are metal electrodes at the tube's two ends. Neon gas ionizes and emits electrons when electrodes are subjected to a high voltage. These electrons allow the neon atoms to become excited and release light that can be seen. When electrified in this way, neon produces red light. Neon light is typically caused by the excitation and return of noble gases to their fundamental state, however, it is not always. 6. Answer will vary. 7. Due to the presence of isotopes. 8. 7/8 will have decayed. 9. 38Ar (Z = 18) 10. 60Ni 11. 92 235U! 90 231Th ! 91 231Pa! 89 227Ac 12. Z = 82, N = 124. 13. 50, 130 (Sn)

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14. KE of protons = 1 × 10−6 J (1 eV = 1.6 × 10−19 J). KE of 2.5 g mosquito (at 2 cm/s) = 5 × 10−7 J. 15. 160 g [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 16: Nuclear Power: Fission

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 82 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 82 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 82 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 82 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 83 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 83 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 84 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 84

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to give an overview of nuclear power from fission, covering everything from reactor design to radioactive waste to nuclear proliferation. In a boiling water reactor (BWR), the water turns into steam, which is used to drive a turbine generator. In a pressurized water reactor (PWR), the water in contact with the fuel remains in the liquid phase and transfers energy through a heat exchanger to boil water used in the turbine generator. Students should learn that high activity and long half-lives make the need for isolated burial for thousands of years very important. Burial in stable geologic formations seems to be the choice of most nations. In addition to this issue, and that of the economics of nuclear power, the perceived risks of nuclear power are ever-present. Human errors, actions in nature, and technical factors are involved in this question. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the basic concept of nuclear fission.


Explain the concept of chain reaction.


Illustrate the nuclear reactor design.


Review the nuclear fuel cycle, radioactive waste, and decommissioning.


Discuss the concept of radioactive releases, risk assessment and nuclear safety, alternate reactor designs, and nuclear proliferation.


Explain the environmental and economic summary of nuclear power.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide.

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Chapter Objective

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO5 CO6 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6–7 10–11 15–16 32–33 37–38

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Discussion Activity 2 Discussion Activity 3 Knowledge Check 2

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 2–3 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes 2–3 minutes 2–3 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition: 

  

The global discussion about nuclear energy is ever evolving, with many now thinking that nuclear may be the best way to bridge the gap between growing our renewable energy infrastructure and meeting the global Net Zero Emissions goals. As such, we continue to dedicate a significant portion of the text to nuclear energy. While the fundamental science is unchanged, the applications have seen updates. These chapters have been updated to reflect changes in nuclear waste storage, fusion reactor design, and the uses and impacts of radiation exposure. New data and images have been integrated into the chapters to improve currency.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 10.44

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4–7) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #6–7, 2–3 minutes


Chain Reactions (CO2, PPT Slides #8–11) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #10–11, 2–3 minutes


Nuclear Reactor Design (CO3, PPT Slides #12–16) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #15–16, 3–5 minutes


The Nuclear Fuel Cycle (CO4, PPT Slides #17–19)

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Radioactive Wastes (CO4, PPT Slides #20–22)


Decommissioning (CO4, PPT Slides #23)


Radioactive Releases (CO5, PPT Slides #24–27)


Risk Assessment and Nuclear Safety (CO5, PPT Slides #28)


Alternate Reactor Designs (CO5, PPT Slides #29–30)


Nuclear Proliferation (CO5, PPT Slides #31–33) a. Discussion Activity 3, PPT Slides #32–33, 2–3 minutes


Environmental and Economic Summary of Nuclear Power (CO6, PPT Slides #34–38) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #37–38, 2–3 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES 1. A nuclear chain reaction can be simulated by using closely spaced mousetraps and ping-pong balls. With the mousetraps set and ping-pong balls carefully placed on the latches, drop one ball onto a center trap and observe the action. This experiment works best in a cardboard box. Describe the analogy with a nuclear reactor, including the need for the box in this demonstration. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. 235U percentage is too small. 2. Neutron moderator and heat transfer fluid. 3. Due to direct radiation from the reactor core and turbine, and emissions of fission fragment gases. 4. Nuclear plants use steam at lower temperatures. Lower efficiency means greater heat loss. 5. Assuming the environmental temperature is 20°C = 293 K, maximum efficiency = 1 − TC/TH = 1 − 293/588 = 0.50. 6. The output will decrease since the density of water in the core decreases. Less moderation of neutrons occurs and so the probability of fission decreases. 7. Enrichment of 235U is only 3%−5%, not 90% as in a bomb. 8. ―Decay heat‖ is present as long as waste material continues to be radioactive, which is the case for much of the material due to the long half-lives. 9. The passive reactor safety system has a gravity feed for the coolant water. If a LOCA occurs, heat dissipation is by natural means.

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10. This gives other nations the capability to extract 235U and 239Pu from spent fuel rods. 11. HLRW is associated with the nuclear fuel cycle and has high levels of radioactivity and long half-lives. 12. Radioactive waste is hazardous because it emits radioactive particles, which if not properly managed can be a risk to human health and the environment. 13. For: It makes you feel good while shirking your responsibility to deal with the radioactive waste now. Against: It pushes the problem off to our children, Burying the waste is the only solution. Once it is buried there is no burden. Maybe some electronic surveillance. 14. For a. The wastage can be maintained here without further maintenance for a long period. b. The circumstances of radioactive changes can be avoided greatly. c. The method is the appropriate one for waste that cannot be easily recycled. d. The method provides longstanding confinement. Against a. The method has a high -cost initially, as it requires indestructible barriers to shield the hazardous waste. b. A large portion of the land should be secluded; it also involves the relocation of humans and animals. 15. Emergency Core Cooling System, plus backup pumps. 16. Answer will vary. This is a great question to be discussed in the classroom.

 initial fraction of heat   thermalenergy  finalfraction of heat  energyoutput energyinput    

17. R  

18. Answer will vary. 19. Answer will vary. 20. Answer will vary. 21. Global climate change refers to the significant long-term changes in the Earth's average climatic conditions. These changes include a rise in average surface temperature, precipitation changes, rising sea levels, etc. 22. CO2, methane, Nitrous oxide, water vapor, etc. 23. Fly ash, boiler slag, and bottom ash. [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 17: Effects and Uses of Radiation

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 87 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 87 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 87

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Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 87 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 88 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 88 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 89 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 90

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter to expands the discussion of radiation, examining the biological effects of radiation, its uses in medicine and industry, and radiation found in nature. Radiation is the emission of energy from high-energy particles, including electrons, protons, and photons, to name a few. Students should learn that the biological effects of radiation are of somatic (physical) and genetic types. Somatic effects, such as cancer, are often not observed for many years in the exposed individual. Radiation effects are a function of the dose received and the part of the body irradiated. For ingested radioactivity, the effects are a function of the type of radiation, the biological and physical half-lives of the element, and the organ affected. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the fundamentals of radiation.


Explain the concepts of radiation dose.


Discuss the biological effects of radiation.


Review the background radiation, including radon, and radiation standards.


Discuss the medical and industrial uses of radiation.


Explain radiation protection.


Describe radiation detection instruments.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives and make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide.

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Chapter Objective

CO2 CO3 CO5 CO6 CO7 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10–11 17–18 29–30 33–34 37–38

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Self-Assessment 1 Discussion Activity 3 Self-Assessment 2

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 1–2 minutes 2–3 minutes 5–7 minutes 1–2 minutes 5–7 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition: 

  

The global discussion about nuclear energy is ever evolving, with many now thinking that nuclear may be the best way to bridge the gap between growing our renewable energy infrastructure and meeting the global Net Zero Emissions goals. As such, we continue to dedicate a significant portion of the text to nuclear energy. While the fundamental science is unchanged, the applications have seen updates. These chapters have been updated to reflect changes in nuclear waste storage, fusion reactor design, and the uses and impacts of radiation exposure. New data and images have been integrated into the chapters to improve currency.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 10.55

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4–6)


Radiation Dose (CO2, PPT Slides #7–11) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #10–11, 1–2 minutes


Biological Effects of Radiation (CO3, PPT Slides #12-19) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #18–19, 2–3 minutes


Background Radiation, Including Radon (CO4, PPT Slides #20–24)

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Radiation Standards (CO4, PPT Slides #25–26)


Medical and Industrial Uses of Radiation (CO5, PPT Slides #27–31) a. Self-Assessment 1, PPT Slides #30–31, 5–7 minutes


Radiation Protection (CO6, PPT Slides #32–35) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #34–35, 1–2 minutes


Radiation Detection Instruments (CO7, PPT Slides #36–39) a. Self-Assessment 2, PPT Slides #38–39, 5–7 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES HALF-LIFE CALCULATION ACTIVITY Introduction: This activity simulates radioactive decay (exponential decay). Procedure: Prepare 80 to 120 small cubic blocks with one side painted red. Roll them and take out the ones with the red side up. Enter the data in the following table and plot the number of blocks remaining vs. the number of throws. The ―half-life‖ for this experiment is by determining the number of rolls it takes until the number of blocks remaining is one-half of the original number. (You should find that the number left decreases with a ―half-life‖ of 3.8 rolls.) An alternate version of this activity can also be performed using pennies. In this variant, each participant has a penny. A leader is determined and all flip their coins The results of the leader‘s flip determine who has ―decayed.‖ Everyone whose penny matches the leader‘s flip has ―decayed,‖ while those whose penny is different are still ―radioactive.‖ Those who have ―decayed‖ are removed from the activity and another flip is performed. Plot the number of radioactive pennies vs. the flip number and determine the half-life. Is the number of people out each turn always one-half the number of pennies flipped? Results: Initial number of blocks: Throw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Remaining blocks


Remaining blocks

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

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[return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Gamma rays 2. Activity = disintegration per second of a source dose = total energy deposited in a person dose rate = rate that energy is deposited in tissue 3. If the energy of radiation is too low, then no ionization will occur. 4. Greater energy will be deposited near the end of the range, so damage can be localized. 5. Alphas. They have a quality factor of 10–20, compared to 1 for x-rays. 6. Type of radiation emitted, the biological half-life of material swallowed, amount swallowed 7. The average dose of radiation for x-rays is unlikely to cause immediate problems for professionals. Still, it is an occupational hazard one must acknowledge as part of the job. 8. Water and paraffin are good shields for neutrons. 9. X-rays will scatter from bones in the mouth 10. 200 × 10-6 deaths/rem/year × 5 × 10-3 rem × 300 × 106 people = 300 extra deaths per year 11. Reduce radiation by 9 times, so go to 3 m 12. Max. time = 3000 mrem/150 mrem/h = 20 hours 13. 5 rem/0.33 hour = 15 rem/h. Probably gammas, as they can penetrate the soil. Leave promptly! 14. Inject different radioisotopes into each liquid that goes into the water system. Identification of each effluent can be made by analyzing the energy of the gamma rays. 15. Answer will vary. [return to top]

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Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 18: Future Energy Alternatives: Fusion

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 92 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 92 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 92 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 92 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 93 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 93 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 94 Answers to Question............................................................................................................... 94

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to explore the potential for fusion power, discuss the types of fusion reactors currently in development, and examine the successes and challenges of fusion power. Fusion is combining two small nuclei to form a larger nucleus, with the release of energy. Students should learn the many advantages of fusion power: an essentially infinite fuel supply, higher thermal efficiencies, few radioactive waste problems, no runaway reactions, and no global warming. However, the prospect of controlled fusion still has many uncertainties. Many of the requirements for achieving breakeven have been met individually in several labs but not all at once. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the potential for fusion power.


Explain the concepts of energy from the stars.


Review the conditions for fusion.


Describe the magnetic confinement fusion reactors.

CO5 Describe the laser-induced fusion. CO6 Explain the concept of cold fusion. [return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives. You can also make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide.

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Chapter Objective

CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO6 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8–9 13–14 19–20 25–26 36–37

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 1 Knowledge Check 2 Self-Assessment 1 Discussion Activity 2

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes 2–3 minutes 5–7 minutes 3–5 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition: 

  

The global discussion about nuclear energy is ever evolving, with many now thinking that nuclear may be the best way to bridge the gap between growing our renewable energy infrastructure and meeting the global Net Zero Emissions goals. As such, we continue to dedicate a significant portion of the text to nuclear energy. While the fundamental science is unchanged, the applications have seen updates. These chapters have been updated to reflect changes in nuclear waste storage, fusion reactor design, and the uses and impacts of radiation exposure. New data and images have been integrated into the chapters to improve currency.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 10.63

Potential for Fusion Power (CO1, PPT Slides #4–9) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #8–9, 2–3 minutes


Energy from the Stars: The Fusion Process (CO2, PPT Slides #10–14) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #13–14, 3–5 minutes


Conditions for Fusion (CO3, PPT Slides #15–20) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #19–20, 2–3 minutes


Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactors (CO4, PPT Slides #21–26)

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a. Self–Assessment 1, PPT Slides #25–26, 5–7 minutes 10.67

Laser-Induced Fusion (CO5, PPT Slides #27–31)


Cold Fusion (CO6, PPT Slides #32–37) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #36–37, 3–5 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES Prepare 80 to 120 small cubic blocks with one side painted red. Roll them and take out the ones with the red side up. Enter the data in the following table, and plot the number of blocks remaining vs. the number of throws. The half-life for this experiment is determined by the number of rolls it takes until the number of blocks remaining is one-half of the original number. (You should find that the number left decreases with a half-life of 3.8 rolls.) An alternate version of this activity can also be performed using pennies. In this variant, each participant has a penny. A leader is determined, and all flip their coins The results of the leader‘s flip determine who has ―decayed.‖ Everyone whose penny matches the leader‘s flip has ―decayed,‖ while those whose penny is different are still ―radioactive.‖ Those who have ―decayed‖ are removed from the activity and another flip is performed. Plot the number of radioactive pennies vs. the flip number and determine the half-life. Is the number of people out each turn always one-half the number of pennies flipped? [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTION 1. Energy comes from the loss of mass of products. 2. Fusion‘s requirements of both high temperatures and large densities for extended periods are difficult to achieve. Sun has extreme gravitational force and high temperatures. 3. Swimming pool 50 m × 2 m × 10 m = 1000 m3. D2O is 0.015%, so amount of D2O in pool is 1000 m3 × 1000 kg/m3 × 0.00015 = 150 kg, or 4/20 × 150 = 30 kg D. Fusion of 1 g D = 2400 gal gasoline 1 gal = 11 kWh generated; 30,000 g × 2400 gal/g × 11 kWh/gal = 80 × 107 kWh. Appendix B gives 5.3 × 109 kWh used for 1 million people. So about 150,000 people could be served with this pool water. 4. Magnetic bottle confines plasma to a specified volume without using walls 5. One could use resistive heating through plasma and/or injection of energetic ions into plasma or could use lasers. 6. Interaction of powerful lasers with fuel heats plasma and implosion brings about increased density. 7. Scientific breakeven means as much energy is released in fusion as is put into the means to achieve it (magnetic fields, lasers, etc.). 8. 1013 W

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9. Answers will vary. Some issues include: The researchers were often outside their areas of expertise. Scientists could not replicate the experiment without excess heat. 10. Fusing atoms in a controlled way releases nearly four million times more energy than a chemical reaction such as the burning of coal, oil, or gas, and four times as much as nuclear fission reactions. [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 19: Biomass: From Plants to Garbage

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................... 96 List of Student Downloads ..................................................................................................... 96 Chapter Objectives .................................................................................................................. 96 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments......................................................... 96 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................... 97 Chapter Outline ....................................................................................................................... 97 Labs and Activities.................................................................................................................. 98 Answers to Questions............................................................................................................. 98 Answers to Problems .............................................................................................................. 99

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to explore biomass energy production from plants to garbage. The chapter examines biofuels, including ethanol, wood, and municipal solid wastes. Biomass resources include field crops, wood, agricultural wastes, and solid waste. They can be converted into gaseous and liquid fuels or burned directly. Students should learn that the use of food crops as fuel raises issues that touch on our dietary habits. Agricultural products such as livestock are energy-intensive, with more energy used to produce the product than is obtained from it. Controlling the amount of air intake and employing secondary combustion are important energy-conserving principles for such stoves. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the fundamentals of biomass energy.


List the different types of liquid fuels that can be made from biomass.


Describe the biogas.


Explain the three F‘s (food, fuel, and famine).


Review the municipal solid waste generation.


Explain the concept of wood combustion.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives. You can also make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

PPT slide




Knowledge Check

3–5 minutes

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CO1 CO2 CO3 CO5 CO6 [return to top]

N/A N/A N/A N/A 9–10 16–17 22–23 31–32 38–39

Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Discussion Activity 1 Knowledge Check 1 Self-Assessment 1 Discussion Activity 2 Knowledge Check 2

5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes 5–7 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:   

Bioenergy remains a key energy resource globally and is the largest renewable energy resource, accounting for 55% of renewable energy and over 6% of global energy supply. The Net Zero Emissions by 2050 goals require a rapid increase in bioenergy use to displace fossil fuels by 2030. This focus on biomass energy is integrated into the chapter through more current data and images.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 19.1

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4–10) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #9–10, 2–3 minutes


Liquid Fuels from Biomass (CO2, PPT Slides #11–17) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #16–17, 3–5 minutes


Biogas (CO3, PPT Slides #18–23) a. Self-Assessment 1, PPT Slides #22–23, 5–7 minutes


Food, Fuel, Famine (CO4, PPT Slides #24–27)


Municipal Solid Waste (CO5, PPT Slides #28–32) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #31–32, 2–3 minutes


Wood Combustion (CO6, PPT Slides #33–39)

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a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #38–39, 3–5 minutes [return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES 1. Keep track of the amount (total) and type of garbage your family generates in a week. Separate the garbage into the glass, paper, metal, waste food, plastics, and miscellaneous, and weigh each component. How does this weight compare with the national waste profile (refer to Fig. 19.8)? [return to top]

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Biomass fuel uses a. Wood: to generate electricity b. Agriculture crops: to burn as fuels c. Human sewage and animal manure: to convert biogas 2. Ethanol production needs sugar, and biodiesel needs fat or oil. The same feedstock cannot be used for both. 3. The use of land for fuel increased prices of corn-based foodstuff, including animal feed, and higher prices of meat. 4. In the U.S., most of the ethanol is made from corn. Since ethanol can be made from biomass, it is a renewable source of energy. Scientists are researching to make ethanol from other parts of a plant as well. Researchers plan to make ethanol from woody trees like the willow. 5. Incineration can lead to emissions of particulate and organic contaminants. It also has ash high in metal concentrations that must be disposed of. Incineration might also discourage recycling. 6. Modern sanitary landfills are constructed to prevent leachate contamination of groundwater or surface waters. The bottom of the landfill is lined with impermeable layers, and the leachate is collected and treated before being released into the environment. 7. Secondary combustion completes the burning of combustion gases and so increases stove efficiency. Too much air (as with a fireplace) reduces overall stove efficiency. 8. A fireplace has low efficiency due to excess air being drawn up the hot chimney, and radiant heat being emitted to more than the room. 9. Developing countries rely on burning polluting biomass fuels such as wood, dry dung, coal, or kerosene for cooking, which causes harmful household air pollution and also contributes significantly to outdoor air pollution. 10. Direct and indirect fuels can contribute. For the former, ethanol (from corn), rapeseed, used vegetable oil, and compressed natural gas are possibilities, although the middle two are in limited supply. Indirectly, hydrogen via natural gas or from electrolysis awaits fuel cell improvements. 11. Because most foods contain a high percentage of water, the time for cooking is

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independent of the heat input rate after the boiling point is reached becaue the temperature of the water remains at 100°C. 12. Ethanol has lower miles per gallon but has lower emissions. Higher ethanol use could lead to farming more marginal land and lower yields. Also, greenhouse gas emissions due to fertilizer and tractor fuel need to be considered. [return to top]

ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS 1. Answers will vary. 2. Recycling Al cans saves 95% of the energy used to make the can or about 3 hours of TV. At 100 W for each TV, this is 0.3 kWh or 1025 Btu. 3. Two cows yield 0.75 m3/day. 50 ft3 = 1.42 m3. So we need manure from 4 cows. 4. Hardwood at $120/cord is equivalent to electricity at 3.5¢/kWh. 5. $2.89/gallon 6. $627 7. 19% [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 20: Tapping the Earth‘s Heat: Geothermal Energy

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................. 100 List of Student Downloads ................................................................................................... 100 Chapter Objectives ................................................................................................................ 100 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments....................................................... 100 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................. 101 Chapter Outline ..................................................................................................................... 101 Labs and Activities................................................................................................................ 102 Answers to Questions........................................................................................................... 103

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to examine geothermal energy, its long history, and recent advancements that make the expansion of geothermal energy economically attractive in many locations. Students should learn that the advancements made in these areas over the last 20–30 years have invigorated private industry to commit capital to develop the economics certainly appear to be good. The costs of geothermal energy are one-half to three-quarters of those for fossil-fuel plants in similar locations. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Discuss the fundamentals of geothermal energy.


Discuss the origin and the nature of geothermal energy.


Review the geothermal energy production systems.


Describe geothermal exploration and resources.


Explain the geothermal reservoirs of low to moderate temperatures.


Explain the environmental impacts of geothermal energy.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives. You can also make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide. Chapter Objective

PPT slide




Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes

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CO1 CO2 CO4 CO5 CO6 [return to top]

N/A N/A N/A 7–8 13–14 26–27 31–32 36–37

Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Discussion Activity 1 Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 2 Knowledge Check 2 Discussion Activity 3

5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 3–5 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:  

Though still less common than other renewable energy sources, geothermal energy use continues to grow. Geothermal will need to more than triple to meet net zero goals. This chapter was updated to incorporate the latest data on production globally and in the United States.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 19.7

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4–8) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #7–8, 3–5 minutes


Origin and Nature of Geothermal Energy (CO2, PPT Slides #9–14) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #13–14, 2–3 minutes


Geothermal Energy Production Systems (CO3, PPT Slides #15–20)


Geothermal Exploration and Resources (CO4, PPT Slides #21–27) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #26–27, 3–5 minutes


Low–Temperature Geothermal Resources (CO5, PPT Slides #28–32) a. Knowledge Check 2, PPT Slides #31–32, 2–3 minutes


Environmental Impacts (CO6, PPT Slides #33–37) a. Discussion Activity 3, PPT Slides #36–37, 3–5 minutes

[return to top]

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LABS AND ACTIVITIES Purpose: To identify and explore the use of energy in another country and its effect on the economic and political situation. Country: Capital: Population: Date: Growth rate: % Urban: % literacy: Per capita income: Per capita energy use: Inflation: Unemployment: Principle exports:

Principle imports

Primary energy fuels used (break down into residential/industrial):

Natural energy resources:

Potential fuels for meeting future energy needs: On this and the next page, describe this country‘s economic and food situations. Discuss how energy resources play a role in these issues. Mention environmental particularly troublesome problems. What changes in the use of energy and economic situation have there been in the last 10–20 years? [return to top]

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ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Hydrothermal, geopressured, and hot dry rock systems 2. The thermal energy of the earth‘s crust is at too low a temperature. 3. Water heated at bottom of the coffeepot is under greater pressure. It rises the stem, begins to boil as the pressure decreases and ―percolates.‖ 4. At junctions of tectonic plates, magma can push to the surface. 5. Emissions of toxic gases from wells, and minerals from steam and hot water, subsidence. 6. Eff. of geothermal = 1/3(1 − 300/423) = 0.10 Eff. of fossil fuel plant = 2/3(1 − 300/823) = 0.42 So therefore 0.90/0.58 = 1.6 times more heat added to environment from geothermal plant. 7. Answer will vary. 8. The capacity factor for wind is only about 25% (wind not always blowing). The source for geothermal is constant—heat/fuel is always there. [return to top]

Instructor Manual Roger A. Hinrichs, Energy: Its Use and the Environment, 6e ©2024, 9780357719428; Chapter 21: A National and Personal Commitment

TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Perspective of the Chapter ............................................................................. 104 List of Student Downloads ................................................................................................... 104 Chapter Objectives ................................................................................................................ 104 Complete List of Chapter Activities and Assessments....................................................... 104 What's New in This Chapter.................................................................................................. 105 Chapter Outline ..................................................................................................................... 105 Labs and Activities................................................................................................................ 106 Energy In Developing Countries ........................................................................................... 106

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PURPOSE AND PERSPECTIVE OF THE CHAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to bring the book to a close, reminding the reader of the effects of our energy consumption and the need to commit to low-impact energy production. The chapter emphasizes the current and future impacts of global climate change. Students should learn that reducing the effects and mitigating the impacts of global climate change require significant changes to energy policy on the national, state, and local scales. One of the basic problems in developing a strategy for using energy resources is that long periods are necessary for significant changes in energy technology and infrastructure. Effective climate action plans require that citizens, government officials, and businesses work together to develop a framework for change and take action to achieve results. [return to top]

LIST OF STUDENT DOWNLOADS Students should download the following items from the Student Companion Center to complete the activities and assignments related to this chapter:  

PowerPoint (PPTs) Instructor Manual

CHAPTER OBJECTIVES The following objectives are addressed in this chapter: CO1

Explain the effect of greenhouse gases on the earth.


Review the energy development over the years.


Discuss the impacts of climate change.


Discuss the basic problems in developing a strategy for using energy resources.


Explain the concept of energy diversification.


Discuss the climate action plans.

[return to top]

COMPLETE LIST OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENTS The following table organizes activities and assessments by objective so that you can see how all this content relates to objectives. You can also make decisions about which content you would like to emphasize in your class based on your objectives. For additional guidance, refer to the Teaching Online Guide.

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Chapter Objective

CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6 [return to top]

PPT slide



N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8–9 14–15 19–20 23–24 27–28

Knowledge Check Check Your Understanding Concept Visualizations Quantitative Problems Everyday Scenarios Discussion Activity 1 Knowledge Check 1 Discussion Activity 2 Discussion Activity 3 Discussion Activity 4

3–5 minutes 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes 10–15 minutes 10–20 minutes 3–5 minutes 2–3 minutes 3–5 minutes 3–5 minutes 2–3 minutes

WHAT'S NEW IN THIS CHAPTER The following elements are improvements in this chapter from the previous edition:  

This final chapter returns to the challenge of global climate change and the impacts of a changing climate that are already happening—longer droughts, more common floods, and rising sea levels. To achieve CO2 mitigation targets requires societal transformation—climate action by citizens, government, and industry working together to take action to achieve results.

CHAPTER OUTLINE The following outline organizes activities (including any existing discussion questions in PowerPoints or other supplements) and assessments by chapter (and therefore by topic) so that you can see how all the content relates to the topics covered in the text. The first number refers to the chapter learning objective; ―PPT Slide #‖ refers to the slide number in the PowerPoint deck for this chapter (provided in the PowerPoints section of the Instructor Resource Center). 19.13

Introduction (CO1, PPT Slides #4–5)


Energy Development (CO2, PPT Slides #6–9) a. Discussion Activity 1, PPT Slides #8–9, 3–5 minutes


Impacts of Climate Change (CO3, PPT Slides #10–15) a. Knowledge Check 1, PPT Slides #14–15, 2–3 minutes

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Strategy Development for Energy Resources (CO4, PPT Slides #16–20) a. Discussion Activity 2, PPT Slides #19–20, 3–5 minutes


Energy Diversification (CO5, PPT Slides #21–24) a. Discussion Activity 3, PPT Slides #23–24, 3–5 minutes


Climate Action Plans (CO6, PPT Slides #25–28) a. Discussion Activity 4, PPT Slides #27–28, 2–3 minutes

[return to top]

LABS AND ACTIVITIES ENERGY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Purpose: To identify and explore the use of energy in another country and its effect on the economic and political situation. Country: Capital: Population: Date: Growth rate: % Urban: % literacy: Per capita income: Per capita energy use: Inflation: Unemployment: Principle exports:

Principle imports

Primary energy fuels used (break down into residential/industrial):

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Natural energy resources:

Potential fuels for meeting future energy needs: On this and the next page, describe this country‘s economic and food situations. Discuss how energy resources play a role in these issues. Mention particularly troublesome environmental problems. What changes in the use of energy and economic situation have taken place in the last 10–20 years? [return to top]

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