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Academy of Art University GR 601 Type Systems Hong Kuan (Quentin) Li

Rockport Publishers 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge an prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by producer, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that various credits accurately comply with information supplied. First publish in the United State of America by Rockport Publishers, a member of Quayside Publishing Group 33 Commercial Street Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930 - 5089 Telephone: (978) 282-9509 Fax: (978) 283 -2742 ISBN 1- 59258 -191- 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 School: Academy of Art University Course: GR601 Type System Design: Hong Kuan (Quentin) Li Printed in America


Hong Kuan (Quentin) Li

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FOREWARD How important are numbers, have you ever thought about it, but if you just focus on past events or various sequences you will realise that certain numbers are always talking to you.

America has considered number 13 as important, as the flag has 13 stripes, when it became independent country, it had 13 states originally and even the annoucement letter through which independence was announced was signed by 13 persons, and its motto E.Sluribusllnum has 13 characters. In Moreover, when George Washington raised rebulion standard he was saluted with 13 guns. The influence of numbers on Indian Astrology is well known. Some famous numerologist closely works with the name of the person, and date of birth to arrive at a persons basic number before making any predictions. If one arrives at the basic number, from the date of birth and arriving at various numbers from a person’s name one can lead a successful and pleased life, thru numerology one can know about perticular number, color, month and year which will be auspicious. It is quite intriguinng what wonders numbers can do, it is possible to know about the things hidden in a person’s mind, and are capable of bringing out the innermost feelings of a person’s heart, also tell us about some lost things and from where can it be found, but for that one needs to know about hidden mystries of numbers and to concentrate on the issue in point. In ones life we come accross lots of people and somtimes there are few whom you would not like to meet again and on the other hand some with whom you have developed a life long affinity, its because of the unity of letters of that name attract you as your name too would have the similar waves. Numbers can do wonders.

NUMBERS The History of Numbers Numeral Systems' History and Curiosities The Evolution of Numbers

NUMEROLOGY What is Numerlolgy Numbers 1-9 Master Numbers Sun Numbers Life Path Numbers Birth Day Numbers

MYTHOLOGY NUMBERS Number Symbolism Classic Age Pyramid

LUCKY NUMBERS Good Luck Number Meaning Zodiac Signs Lucky Numbers

RELIGIOUS NUMBERS Numbers in Christianity Numbers in Islam Numbers in Hinduism Numbers in Buddhism

015 017 021

030 034 040 046 058 070

077 081

092 096

103 107 111 113

Numbers / Numerology / Mythology Numbers / Lucky Numbers / Special Numbers

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Numbers have long been seen as expressions of cosmic order. They possibly deriving from ancient Babylonian observation of regular cosmic events, such as night and day, cycles of the year and the phases of the moon. In many cultures numbers are full of symbolic meaning and in many cultures numerlogy have a great influence on the future.


The History of Numbers / Numeral Systems’ History and Curiosities / The Evolution of Numbers

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THE HISTORY OF NUMBERS Numbers are one of the most important things made by man. Numbers dictate our lives, and are used in almost everything imaginable. We use numbers when we count, when we tell time and when we calculate prices at the shopping mall.

Numbers are used in every subject in school, and almost every job you can think of.


A numeral is the symbol that represents a number. There are many different numerals for certain numbers. For example, for the number one, there are: 1, I, a, -, or |. The history of numbers has much more twists and turns than the Corkscrew. It is similar to a fantasy novel, you never know what lies on the next page. There is a murder, there is the rise and fall of empires… but the numbers stayed strong. There are many different kinds of numerals too. Romans used letters, Egyptians used pictures, and the Brahmi from India used symbols specifically for numbers. Numbers are older than speech, and older than any numeral to represent them. There is a clear inscription of what is known today as a tally mark on a wolf bone from 32000 years ago. The tally was most likely used for counting purposes only. About twentyseven thousand years later was when the very first full counting system was formed. Egyptians and Babylonians developed their number systems at right about the same time. The Egyptians needed it to keep track of sales, and the Babylonians used it for their basic addition and subtraction, and The Egyptians used pictures of everyday things, while the Babylonians used lines and triangles. They each had the system that worked for them and used their own systems for thousands of years. Around 500 B.C., along came Pythagoras, a famous Greek mathematician. He took those numbers to heart. Pythagoras was the leader of a small group of mathematicians. He believed that numbers were perfect. Invincible, if you will. Moreover, one day a younger mathematician started to do decimal division. Much to his dismay, he couldn’t get the number to become whole. Intrigued with his discovery, he went to tell Pythagoras things about it, which we now know as irrationals. An irrational is a number that never ceases to continue after this decimal point. A famous example of this is pi. However, Pythagoras saw this and was angry. His precious numbers were flawed, and decision was to murder the discoverer.

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NUMERAL SYSTEMS’ HISTORY AND CURIOSITIES Today’s numbers, also called Hindu-Arabic numbers, are a combination of just 10 symbols or digits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0. These digits were introduced in Europe within the XII century by Leonardo Pisano, a well-known Italian mathematician. Leonardo Pisano was educated in North Africa, where he learned and later carried to Italy the now popular Hindu-Arabic numerals. Moreover, Hindu numeral system is a very pure place value system, that is a reason why you need a zero. Also, only the Hindus, within the context of Indo-European civilisations, have consistently used a zero. The Arabs, however, played an essential part in the dissemination of this numeral system.

The discovery of zero and the place-value system were inventions unique to the Indian civilization. As the Brahmi notation of the first nine whole numbers.


From apices to modern digitals.

However, the first Western use of the digits, without the zero, was reported in the Vth century by Beothius, a Roman writer. Beothius explains, in one of his geometry books, how to operate the abacus using marked small cones instead of pebbles. Those cones, upon each of which was drawn the symbol of one of the nine Hindu-Arabic digits, were called apices. Thus, the early representations of digits in Europe were called “apices.” Each apex received also an individual name: Igin for 1, Andras for 2, Ormis for 3, Arbas for 4, Quimas (or Quisnas) for 5, Caltis (or Calctis) for 6, Zenis (or Tenis) for 7, Temenisa for 8, and Celentis (or Scelentis) for 9. The etymology of these names remains unclear, though some of them were clearly Arabic numbers. Also, the Hindu-Arabic-like figures reported by Beothius were reproduced almost everywhere with the greatest fantasy.

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The graphical origin of the Roman numbers.

Before adopting the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, people always used the Roman figures instead, which actually are a legacy of the Etruscan period. The Roman numeration is based on a biquinary (5) system. To write numbers the Romans used an additive system: V + I + I = VII (7) or C + X + X + I (121), and also a substractive system: IX (I before X = 9), XCIV (X before C = 90 and I before V = 4, 90 + 4 = 94). Latin numerals were used for reckoning until late XVI century.


Other original systems of numeration were being used in the past. For example, the “Notae Elegantissimae” shown below allow to write numbers from 1 to 9999. They are useful as a mnemotechnic aid, for instance the symbol K in the example may mean 1414 (the first 4 figures of the square root of 2).

Other original systems of numeration.

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THE EVOLUTION OF NUMBERS Counting in groups of ten, a practice always evidently suggested by the number of fingers has been practiced for millennia. On the other hand, the behave of writing them down using a system of place notation system is only comparatively recent innovation. In the last few centuries before the Christian era, India emerged from a dark age that had endured since the fall of the Indus valley civilization in fifteen hundred years earlier. It was about this time that the written word started to reappear, especially in the form of edicts and inscriptions left by Ashok, the great emperor of the Mauryan Empire. These words were written in a script known as Brahmi and in amongst its letters people find symbols to express numeric quantities which look like this.





The Sand Reckoner The Sand Reckoner is a remarkable work in which Archimedes proposes a number system that uses powers of a myriad and is capable of expressing numbers up to 8 x 1063 in modern notation. Greek mathematical notation was not positional; it utilized many symbols and was cumbersome to work with.






Brahmi numerals around 1st century A .D.


Even in this embryonic form it is possible to see the outlines of their future Kalpa shapes, but it is important to realise that they did not as yet comprise a fully Often, each Kalpa is divided into 1000 “great ages,” and each great age into developed place-notation system, something which requires the symbol four ages; during each age humankind zero. Instead Brahmi used special symbols to represent 10, 20, 30, 100, 1000 deteriorates gradually. These isn’t final and so on. The inclusion of zero or “nothing” as a numeral occurred some time around 600 AD and it transformed the Indian counting system into one purpose towards which the universe will move, and there is no progress, only that allowed numbers to expand without end. endless repetition. We don’t know how

It could achieve this remarkable feat economically and without need to invent more and more symbols, a feature that all previous systems lacked. In computer parlance, the new positional system was really scalable. As a slight diversion it is worth looking at how the Greeks represented numbers at the time. Greek mathematical notation utilized many symbols and was cumbersome to work with. The “M” is a myriad , and represents 10,000 here. The Greek work is murious. The Romans converted to this to myriad. It has been argued that the reason why this innovation occurred in India rather than the West was largely because of a peculiarly Indian fascination with astronomically huge numbers. The traditional Indian cosmology states that the universe undergoes cyclic periods of birth, development and decay, lasting 4.32 × 109 years, each of these periods is called a Kalpa or “day of Brahma.” During each Kalpa the universe develops by natural means and processes, and by natural means and processes it decays; the destruction of the universe is as certain as the death of a mouse.

the universe began, perhaps Brahma laid it as an egg and hatched it; perhaps it is but an error or a joke of the Maker.

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This description of the universe is remarkable for the enormous numbers it uses. The currently accepted age of the universe is about 1018 seconds and this corresponds to about 7 Kalpas plus 335 great ages. A unique feature of Indian cosmology is that no other ancient cosmology manipulates such time periods in the history. In the Surya Siddanta it is stated that the stars revolved around the cosmic mountain Meru at whose summit dwell the gods. Our planet is a sphere divided into four continents, and the planets move by the action of a cosmic wind and, in fact, the Vedic conception of nature attributes all motion to such a wind. Moreover, it was noted that the planets do not move in perfect circles and this was attributed to “weather forms” whose hands were tied to the planets by “cords of wind.” The Brahmi script went through a continuous evolution, spawning numerous variants, the most important of which was the Devanagari script. With Devanagari numerals, the one was rotated by ninety degrees and had developed a serif-like loop at the top. Also, the two and three took on their familiar shapes due to shortcuts taken by scribes, the people chose to link the parallel bars rather than lifting their pens. Knowledge of Indian numerals spread quickly to the West. On the other hand, it had to wait until the Arabic conquests before the Indian numerals began to be adopted widely and even then only very gradually. While the Devanagari numerals already look quite familiar to Western eyes, and in the process of adoption by the Arabics led to a stylistic split between East and West. The Western Arabics of Morocco and Andalusia keep continued to use numerals that quite closely resembled their Devanagari forebears, even as late as the 14th century. But, in the East, the numerals evolved quite rapidly in a different direction.


Numbers in A .D. 1400 Numbers in A .D. 969 Numbers in A .D. 1090 Numbers in modern Arabic

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“Numbers often constitute the only universal language. They are precise, orderly, magical, pure and serene. Many of them even have a lot of different mystical qualities beyond logical comprehension.” — Avia Venefica


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What is Numerlolgy / Numbers 1-9 / Master Numbers / Sun Numbers / Life Path Numbers / Birth Day Numbers



WHAT IS NUMEROLOGY Numerology is the ancient study of numbers, and the word “Numerology” was created from the Latin word “numerus” and the Greek word—“logia,” from “logos” (meaning word, thought, and expression).

History of Numerology The roots of numerology date back thousands of years, and variations of it can be found in most cultures throughout history. While many people dismiss it as a pseudoscience, it has been taught and studied by some of the most respected mathematicians throughout history. It’s generally accepted that the ancient cultures of China, Japan, Babylon, India, and Egypt were familiar with numerology long before the Greeks and Romans began using it, but most books still credit Pythagoras as being the “father of numerology.” Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician and philosopher (569– 470 B.C.), believed that reality is mathematical. Also, he viewed the entire universe as being composed of mathematical patterns and was adamant that all things can be expressed in numbers that correspond to energy patterns of vibrations. The teachings of Pythagoras were adopted by the notable scholars Socrates and Plato and studied by early Christian scholars, including St. Augustine. This ultimately led to the expansion of numerology during the Renaissance, and it continues to be studied and practiced today.


Types of Numerology There is no universal truth when it comes to figuring out your destiny, at least to the extent that there is one single perspective. There are multiple perspectives of numerology and astrology. Moreover, they are influenced by history and territory. At its basest definition, numerology is refering to a mystical relationship between numbers and physical beings and objects. Though early divination systems came from the mind of early mathematicians, they are no longer considered mathematically based. From these origins evolved several different types of numerology. Modern numerology today actually incorporates ancient Babylonian teachings, as well as philosophy from Christian mysticism, Gnosticism and Hebrew superstition. It also helps to think of astrology and numerology as having three primary branches: Western, Indian and Eastern Asian. Also, the most well-known disciplines of numerology are Kabbalah, Chaldean, and Pythagorean.

Kabbalah Numerology The Kabbalah Numerology system originated in Hebrew mysticism. The Kabbalah number system only analyzes the name. The system has assigned twenty-two vibrations that ranging from 1 to 400. Since this system only analyzes the name and not the birth date, it is not widely used among numerologists.

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Chaldean Numerology uses a number formula based on calculating one to eight with no alphabet letter assigned to the number nine. The reason for this is that the Chaldeans considered the number nine as a holy or sacred number; therefore, it is kept apart from other vibrations, except when it results as the final sum.

Chaldean Number System The Chaldean Numerology system has its roots in Ancient Babylon, and it is probably the oldest well-known system of numerology. In this system, the numbers assigned to the letters are not determined by alphabetical order (as the Pythagorean method), but rather by the vibration of each specific letter.


Pythagorean Numerology is the most popular numerology system used today. This number system assigns the number value by the sequence of the Western alphabet and uses a number formula based on calculating 1 to 9.

Pythagorean Number System The Pythagorean Numerology system is said to have originated from the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, who is best know for his solution for the hypotenuse of a right triangle (a2 + b2 = c2).



NUMBERS 1 – 9 The single-digit numbers, 1–9, are the foundation of the science of numerology, and each of these numbers has its own personality, such as strengths, shortcomings, quirks; therefore, to gain a good understanding of how numbers affect us, it helps to get to know each of these numbers as if it were a person with its own unique traits.

Numerology number one is often said to symbolize aggressive life paths and of a yang variety. People in the one category are often born leaders, independent, very driven, and ambitious. Negatives to watch out for include being egotism, selfcenteredness, and some demanding personality. Political leadership and head positions are always a good career choice.



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Numerology Number 2 is said to be a peacekeeper personality and of the yin variety. Optimism, sensitivity, honesty and balance are number 2’s strongest traits. They can often see all viewpoints in situations. Negatives to beware of include over-sensitivity, easily hurt feelings, shyness and the fear to speak his/her mind. The best career paths usually consist of counseling, teaching or any field in customer relations.

Numerology Number 3’s life path includes much communication and self-expression. Generosities, as well as the tendency to live in the moment, and extreme optimism are common in 3’s. They often have charismatic personalities and make people feel very at ease around them. Professions very often include writers, musicians and artists. Beware of procrastination and a lack of direction in life.


Numerology number five is always associated with action, progress, spontaneity and adventure. People in this category put a high value on their freedom. Jobs requiring travel or change are a good match, since most jobs are compatible with five’s since they are very versatile or selfreliant. But, watch out for restlessness that can get overwhelming if you feel tied down, as well as a lack of direction in the career.

Numerology Number four is often thought of with creation in mind, as these people are very hard workers. Terms used to describe this life path include determined, practical, down to earth, organized, loyal and honest. Beware of bad traits, things such as stubbornness, also turning people off by being overly blunt. Careers are often in hardworking fields such as scientists, mathematicians, or in financial business.

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Numerology number six is finding people full of real compassion and caring. They are always thought of as charitable, understanding, also happy. A life filled with home and family is required for real happiness. Strong parenting instincts are very common. Careers in teaching or the fields of care giving (doctors and nurses) should be sought. Beware of judging others harshly, becoming self-righteous, or meddling.


Numerology number seven’s life paths are always thought of as truth seeking, wise, and dignified. These people tend to like very quiet lives and often consider themselves to be perfectionists. They are always very spiritual and seek careers in science or investments. Be careful not to allow yourself to become too isolated, overly eccentric or too critical of others.

Numerology number eight is always thought of as a very powerful and authoritative number. These people are self-confident and are usually good judges of character. Leadership skills coupled with broad visions usually lead to material success. Ideal career paths include business, real estate, and politics. Beware of turning into a workaholic and living above your means. Not showing too much affection to your loved ones can also be an area of concern.

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Numerology number nine is often associated with humanitarians. People who are nine’s are always compassionate, understanding idealistic, and creative. Many make their goals to make the world a better place. An artistic flair also is prevalent in this category. Career options are many including teacher, minister, artist and even possibly a healer. Beware of to over extending yourself, losing focus, or becoming bitter. If nine’s do not pursue their goals for the bettering of mankind, they can feel an extreme level of unhappiness all the time.



MASTER NUMBERS In Numerology, every number is significant, yet there are three numbers to pay extra-special attention to: 11, 22 and 33. They have profoundly powerful meanings, and when they appear in your chart, they can hint at difficulty. The number 33 only matters when found among the life path numbers. In all other cases the 33 should be reduced to a 6. The fact that the 33 is extraordinary demanding and rare can be seen symbolically in the methods of calculation. For example, a 33 life path can happen only when each of the 3 units of the birth date (month/year/day) add to 11. Or when the year adds to 22 (in the 20th century there are only 7 years that add to 22: 1939, 48, 57, 66, 75, 84, and 93) and the month and day of birth combined total is 11. And finally, when the birth day is 22 and the month and year of birth total 11.


The number 11 represents instinct. Moreover, it is the most intuitive of all numbers. It is your connection to your subconscious, to gut feeling and knowledge without rationality. Because the 11 has all the qualities of the 2 (since 1 + 1 = 2), the negative points of the 11: anxiety, shyness, stressed energy — are balanced out by the 2’s qualities of charisma and inspiration. 11 is the dichotomy number, meaning it is both extremely conflicted and also a dynamic catalyst. The danger of the 11 is that it needs to be focused on a very specific, concrete goal. If you have 11 in your chart and it is not attached to a specific project, then you will most likely experience anxiety and fear. It's extremely powerful and capable of great things, but can also be extremely self-sabotaging when not used correctly. If you have the Master number 11 in your numerology chart, tap into it and use it to create personal power and spiritual evolution. Don’t deny your instincts, and let your inner, guiding voice push you toward growth and stability. This is a number of faith, and very much associated with psychics, clairvoyants and prophets.


The master number 22 holds more power than any other number (earning it the nickname “the Master Builder”). It is a pragmatic number, a doer, and capable of spinning wild dreams into concrete reality. Those who have 22 in their numerology chart have great potential for success — that’s because it has all the intuition of the number 11, paired with a grounded and scientific approach associated with the number 4. 22 is actually an ambitious but disciplined number. The 22 represents lofty goals brought down to the earth and made into that something you can touch. It is a grandiose thinker with a great confidence and leadership qualities. Unfortunately, not everyone with a 22 in their chart is practical — this is symbolized by the brilliant person you might know who does not “live up to” their potential. This is the danger of both the 11 and 22 that though both are capable of greatness, they can shy away from a great opportunity or apply too much pressure to themselves. If you have 22 in your chart, ease up and realize your limitless opportunities. Turn down the pressure-cooker and realize your shot at serving the world in an effective and practical way.


The 33 is the mover and shaker of the all master numbers. With 11 and 22 combined in this Master number, intuition and dreams reach an entirely new orbit. A 33 used to its full potential means that there is no personal agenda, and only a focus on humanitarian issues. Someone with 33 strongly featured in their chart has the ability to throw themselves into a project that goes far beyond mere practicality. The number 33 represents full understanding before communication. With 33 represented in one’s numerology chart, and that person is probably highly knowledgeable, but also fact-checks before preaching ideas or ideals. This number in full efficiency is a sight to behold. However, this is very rare. Master number 33 is only significant if it’s one of your core numbers — life path, heart’s desire, personal expression, personality or maturity numbers. Otherwise, Numerology experts look at 33 as simply 6.

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“Of the metaphysical sciences­— Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry and many other spiritually relevant studies—Numerology is actually the least known or understood, yet the most accessible. Also, in looking to the answers to questions Numerology generates, you can find your self and your path very easily.” — Sheila Martin Berry



SUN NUMBERS In Numerology, there is the same classification of personality traits. We call it your “Sun Number.” Also based on the day and month you were born, your sun number is represented by a single-digit number, 1–9. Your number is very easy to calculate.

The sun number is considered the first and less detailed pattern of who you are. Obviously, the world is made up millions and billions of unique individuals. However, the sun number brings our high-level characters and categorizes them into 9 groups (similar to astrology’s 12 zodiac signs). And like in astrology, as you provide more and more details of the day of your birth and your name, you uncover the underpinnings of what makes you, not just a sun number, but a truly unique and complex person. Within the dynamic environment of personal and universal cycles affecting you in different ways, constantly bringing change and sometimes chaos, your sun number is always your anchor. Think of it as the location where you stand, while everything around you is in motion. Your sun number also reveals how you approach the changing cycles and how they tend to influence you. For example, if your sun number is one, you tend to take opportunities and challenges head on. You don’t hesitate, you don't back down, and you generally do not ask for help. On the other hand, if your sun number is two, you tend to deal with changing circumstances by very carefully weighing the pros and cons, asking others for their opinions, and then, when you are ready, you take the necessary steps.


People with a sun number 1 always tend to have a stubborn, headstrong approach to changing circumstances. They often take the bull by the horns with a “damn the torpedoes” attitude. Strong and motivated, ones are not afraid of confrontations. And at times, ones can be too impulsive. ones have strong energy to spare, with enough stamina to survive even the toughest times. However, there is a limit to what they can do, and when a person with sun number 1 reaches that limit, they tend to shatter without much advance warning. And once they crash, it takes a long time to pick up the pieces and start the healing.


People with a sun number two often take a careful and deliberate approach to changes. Weighing the pros and the cons, twos consider a lot on future consequences, then, they make their moves. two personalities tend to avoid direct confrontations, preferring instead to apply tact and diplomacy. They have no trouble drawing support from others, and share their troubles and their successes easily. Sun number twos are intuitive and often sense changes before they become evident. Understanding of human nature and a cunning intellect generally serves this number well. But if not careful, it is this trait that could very easily tempt a two into conning others into doing things they later regret.


People with a sun number three are innovative and creative. They often think outside the box and find solutions quickly. Bubbling with optimism, a three person typically has a childish streak that lets them avoid their responsibilities, especially those that demand effort and attention. Threes tend to be loved by many, but often their own love for others tends to be somewhat superficial. Sun number threes like to skate the surface, using their considerable sense of humor to keep things light and sunny. However, when hit by one of life’s more serious challenges, a 3 will surprise everyone by displaying a lot more endurance, courage and determination than anyone expected including themselves all the time. Hands down, creativity is always a three’s biggest asset when it comes to taking advantage of opportunities, or overcoming obstacles. Unfortunately, the effort level doesn’t always live up to it. As a result, threes leave quite a few unfinished projects, unfulfilled dreams, and empty promises behind in their path.


People with a sun number four are sticklers for details and take a systematic, efficient approach to whatever comes their way. They are solid and stable, and it takes a major change to knock a four off his or her feet. However, fours have a dislike of changes, preferring to maintain the status. For that reason, they are not always quick to catch on. Their biggest asset is the willingness to put forth considerable effort. Fours are not procrastinators and tend to apply themselves with focus and dedication. Demanding much from themselves, fours are not satisfied until they are the best at what they do. Sometimes this passion for perfection can make a four easily frustrated and not much fun to be around when they are working. Fours struggle with the concept of relaxation and tend to be all work and no play.


Of all the different sun numbers, the five is the one best equipped to deal with changes. Not only that, fives thrive on them, because they tend to operate best in an environment that is both dynamic and somewhat chaotic. Sun number fives are adrenalin junkies at heart. They love to travel and move about. The five is social, enjoys the company of others, and prefers to take a road they have not driven or walked before, even if that means making a bit of detour. Sun number fives really don't like routine, or anything predictable for that matter. This can cause problems in the form of addiction or self-indulgence. The most obvious short-coming of is five is their dislike of stability and responsibility. Successful sun number fives have learned to dedicate their energy without wasting it on short-lived goals.


Sixs are the most harmonious of all sun numbers, and have a tendency to ignore their own needs and desires in favor of helping and teaching others. They are the glue that binds. Their ability that to love is what makes others love and respect them. People who with a sun number six are born caregivers. Stable and level-headed, they deal well with changes. However, a six can be annoyingly self-righteous and may have a lot tendencies to claim a spot on the totem pole before they have earned it. Sixs can also be a bit shortsighted, lacking the ability to see the larger picture. Sixs take their responsibilities seriously, perhaps a bit too seriously. Various people with a six sun number gravitate toward careers in construction and transportation. This is quite telling, as their inner nature is a bit like that — a closed and restricted environment with peepholes to the outside world.


The world of philosophy and spiritual awareness is a seven’s domain. People with the sun number seven don’t take anything at face value and tend to search for a deeper meaning in everything. Changes don't bother a seven, but the seeming apathy for change sometimes means they don’t get the attention they require. A seven may be an introvert hiding an extrovert or vice versa, either way, both sides exist within this person. They are often dreamers, but not materialistic; their dreams are more utopian and lofty. Few things bother a sun number 7 more than being in an environment of superficial lightweights and noisy extroverts. They know there is nothing to be found there but wasted time and energy. Often opinionated to a fault, 7s tend to have a handful of close friends, while everyone else is a stranger. Interestingly, while they tend to control, if not hide, their emotional side, many with a 7 sun number choose the fields of psychology and psychiatry.


People with the sun number eight have an authoritarian streak and like to be in charge at all times. Unfortunately, changes can’t always be controlled, and when they feel they do not have control they become agitated and angry. An eight can be aggressive, if not bullish, and they have paid a price for that more than once. They are capable and smart, and often able to see the larger picture well before anyone else does. A sense of balance allows eights to deal with the material world without the kind of attachment most people are burdened with. It’s this trait that lets eights take chances and use their assets and resources in a way others might consider too risky. Eights are liking to get in on the ground floor of new ventures. Sometimes they are too quick or optimistic, setting expectations too high and resulting in disappointment. But even these failures can’t sideline an eight for long. It is perhaps a bit of a contradiction, but eights have trouble accepting the authority of other individuals or institutions. This has led some with an eight sun number to a path of crime or incarceration. Successful sun number eights are careful to not to let anger cloud their judgment. The eight sun number isn’t an easy one to please when it comes to romance. This is mostly due to the fact that he or she simply doesn't show much of what he or she is feeling.


People with a sun number nine are idealists. There is a global consciousness that drives many with a nine sun number to a career in politics, the military or law enforcement. They can be aloof and distant, but that is just a form of self-defense, because they are often not very good with emotional issues, preferring a more clinical and objective approach. Nines always like things to be well thought out, carefully strategized, and all possibilities considered. However, they have no problem on adjusting to changing circumstances. This makes a nine very capable as a long-term planner or advisor. Sun number nines are good at running an institution or team, yet they are not naturally good at the nitty gritty details of business finances and taxes.

015 ›› NUMBERS

“In any influence, will, a self, the ego, the I AM is the greater force to be dealt with. However, as numbers do influence very much, a knowledge of same certainly gives an individual a foresight—into different kinds of relationships.” — Edgar Cayce




LIFE PATH NUMBERS The most important number in your numerology chart is your life path number, based on the date of your birth. Your life path number reveals a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges and lessons you will encounter during this lifetime. How to find your life path number First, reduce each unit of your birth date (month/day/year) to a singledigit number or a master number (master numbers are 11, 22 and 33). Next, add each of the resulting digits (or master numbers) together and reduce the total again to a single digit, or a master number. For example, if you were born on October 12, 1936, you would calculate your life path as follows: Month: October is the 10th month of the year. 10 reduces to 1 (1 + 0 = 1). Day: The date of birth is 12. 12 reduces to 3 (1 + 2 = 3). Year: The year of birth is 1936. 1936 reduces to 1 (1 + 9 + 3 + 6 = 19, then 1 + 9 = 10 and finally 1 + 0 = 1). Now add the resulting single-digit numbers: 1 + 3 + 1 = 5. The life path number in this case is 5.


This the only correct way to calculate your life path number. There are other methods for calculating your life path number, all of which will arrive at the same single-digit result, yet the method used here is the only one that is correct. The other methods follow the wrong “path” of calculation, arbitrarily adding up the numbers that appear in the birth date, which can result in a master number where none truly exists, or miss a master number that should have actually been included. The reason the method mentioned here is the only correct method is that because it is the only one that acknowledges the life path as a cycle, one that runs from birth to death and interacts with the other numerological cycles of your life. Your period cycles are three long-term cycles that each cover about a third of your life. The first period cycle is based on the reduced the number of your month of birth, and the second period comes from your reduced day of birth and then the third period comes from your reduced year of birth. Therefore, your all-encompassing life path number isn’t a matter of simply adding up the numbers that appear in your birth date, but it is actually derived from the numbers that make up your three period cycles. Think of it in this way: those who blindly add numbers randomly without understanding the integrated nature of the whole are like spiders who have lost touch with the brilliant architecture of their webs, and are now just stringing lines here and there randomly, creating only chaos and confusion all the time.


Life path number compatibility Although there are no preferable life path numbers in numerology, there are certain numbers that complement each other better than others. Just like the eastern and western zodiac signs, each number profile contains a combination of both strengths and weaknesses, and just like the zodiac signs, some numbers harmonize better with one another. You will notice that master numbers are handled differently when examining your life path compatibility. They are reduced to their single digit values, so if your life path number is 11, 22, or 33, use your number as it would be reduced to a single digit 2, 4, or 6, and so on respectively.


One life path number If you’re on a date with a one lady, be careful not to sound like you plan to make all the decisions; she will immediately let you know she is perfectly capable of making her own decisions, thank you very much. Do not bring chocolates or flowers. Instead, rent the biggest pickup truck or sedan you can find, then ask her if she wants to drive. She will fall in love with you on the spot. Whatever you do, do not compliment her on her outfit, but look her straight in her eyes and say, “She’ll know what you mean.” If you are a woman meeting a one guy for a date, act demure, like you are listening to every word he says, and pretend to be incapable of making up your own mind about anything. That should do it. Of course, in the long run this may backfire, but by that time you will have him figured out and can play him like a stradivarius. One men are also wonderful partners, as long as they are under the impression that they are always in charge. As a woman, you know how to handle that and turn it to your own advantage.


Two life path number Dating a two lady is very tricky and requires a lot of tact and diplomacy, but trust me, she is more than worth it. A two is romantic and loves nothing more than to make you happy. First thing you do is open the car door and wait until she has placed her feet front and center on the car mat. Then, and only then, gently close the car door. Go around to the driver's seat, set yourself down with some elegance (even if that comes unnaturally to you, because she really does not like clumsy or crude manners), turn towards her with your recently whitened teeth, smile and compliment her on her dress. From then on, you’re in the driver’s seat, literally and figuratively, and make sure you know what it is she likes to eat or drink, and you do the ordering and you better sound confident and self-assured. If you are a woman on a first date with a two guy, you are in luck. You get to decide, control the evening and do most of the talking, all the while being obviously adored and appreciated, and your two man won’t allow anything to come between you and a wonderful time. He already offered you an expensive bouquet of flowers, and now he is going to shower you with all the luxuries at his disposal. Relax, he will take very good care of you, no matter how you behave.


Three life path number If you are a guy going on a first date with a three lady, you better be smart, funny and extroverted. There are no rules; no need to open the car door for her, flowers don’t make much of an impression and chocolates will probably end up a liquefied mess in the bottom of her oversized purse. She’ll entertain you, no doubt about that, but she also expects you to respond, think on your feet and make her laugh. While she may spit her wine all over the table if you crack a good enough joke, do not be embarrassed, she will not be. However, if she gets the impression that behind your funny jokes and quick responses is a superficial person, you are out. Period. But, if she senses depth and maturity, she will be putty in your hands. If you are a woman on a date with a three guy, you will have a fun evening, for sure. His mind makes unexpected turns, and very little in the conversation is predictable, so you better be alert and quick (a double espresso before the date may be helpful). Underneath that light-hearted exterior, however, is a sensitive human being with depth and spiritual curiosity. If, between all the laughing and joking, you switch to a serious conversation, your three date will not only turn surprisingly genuine, he will probably fall for you right then and there.


Four life path number Dating a four can be very boring and challenging. However, when it comes to long-term commitment, fours are solid as a rock. If you are meeting a four lady for your first time, you’ve probably already spent considerable effort just for getting the date. It’s undoubtedly helping to dress conservatively and pay close attention for details. Make sure that you made a reservation in advance, even if the restaurant doesn’t often normally require that, and, please, do not go to a low-class, cheap joint. This lady is into quality in all aspects of life, and that includes a potential mate. Do not be flashy, and do not show off in any way. If dating a four lady is challenging, dating a four guy can be excruciating. However, if he falls for you, you’ll have gained a prince, a servant, a protector and a manager, all in one quick swoop. To get his attention, dress practical and conservative. A light blouse with a low cut on a cold evening will get every guy excited, except a four. Talk about your career and plans, but keep it realistic. Ask him about his plans, and then sit back and feel free to wonder off to la-la-land, it will take some time. He may seem boring, but he is also warm, loyal, trustworthy, dependable and truly devoted.


Five life path number The most sensuous of all numbers, getting a date with a five lady is not easy. First, you have to compete with all those other guys, then your pickup line will have to be truly original, funny and respectful, and then, maybe then, you might get a date. But what an opportunity. A first date with a five lady is usually memorable, and even if there is no follow up, you’ll treasure the memory. Your challenge is to be not just smart and dynamic, but unique, open-minded and tolerant. You must be willing to show your vulnerable side without even the slightest whiff of self-pity. A first date with a five guy is just about as lucky as you can get. However, be very, very careful. He is smooth, funny and seemingly harmless. He will listen to you with all the attention you deserve, show understanding and compassion, sit across from you with his top buttons open and make sure you can see his expensive Italian shoes and all the while dreaming about. There is a reason they call the five the most sensual number. So keep your wits together, don’t be fooled and have a great time. One thing is for sure, you won’t be bored and you won’t be lacking attention.


Six life path number The first time you date a six lady, you will probably wonder what it is you are feeling; this sense of security and warmth, like you are in a comfort zone you did not know existed. That is the power of the six. The tenderness, the sincerity, the hospitality, all these qualities she radiates are real. She is the ultimate seducer, the mother you always wanted, the safety zone that will melt any and all insecurities. In every man, no matter how old, there is still that young boy, and when you are in the company of a six lady, that young boy is happier than a little dog in a big yard. You want to impress her and get to know her better. She wants to know that you can follow your heart more than you mind, that you will sacrifice yourself to help someone less fortunate, that you are not afraid to show your feelings at all and, most importantly, that you are loyal. Much of what describes the six lady also applies to a six guy. His warmth is real, his loyalty is real and you can take his word to the bank. He is probably a great catch, but there is a dark side; he can be annoyingly subservient, like a doormat. If you want to make an impression, tell him you want a big family and that you enjoy nothing better than cooking a big meal after driving the kids all over town in your minivan.


Seven life path number If, after stalking her for many months and leaving messages almost daily, she finally surrenders and decides to leave her laptop alone for a few hours to spend time on a date with you, the seven lady will probably outperform you intellectually, make you nervous with her penetrating eyes and be none too impressed by your fancy outfit or your fat wallet. A seven lady is a force to be respected and feared. She looks right through all things artificial, can’t be fooled with compliments and is in constant search of the reality behind the illusions. But you can conquer her heart and win her everlasting love if you have intellectual curiosity, are hungry for knowledge also write her poems every time you sense you are starting to bore her.

A first date with a seven guy can be an adventure of a different kind. First, you will probably find it challenging to keep up with him. When is he serious and when is he joking? When is he making fun of you and when is he offering one of his clumsy compliments? The truth is, all of the above. When he is telling you one of his dry jokes, he is being serious, because inevitably that joke touches upon something that really matters. When he makes fun of you, it is because he likes you, respects you and is trying to compliment you. And when he is quiet, which is very often, there is a lot of activity going on inside his brain.


Eight life path number The number eight lady is demanding and will take charge of the evening. Fortunately, you probably will, as long as you don't make it too easy for her. She doesn’t much care for pushovers, so feel free to disagree, confront and stand your ground for a little while, anyway. In the end you’ll have to surrender and compromise, giving her the upper hand. Showing up with a big bunch of flowers probably won't do much, but give her an expensive bottle of perfume and she will love you for it. She likes practical gifts that keep on giving, not something she has to stuff in the garbage can a week later. She isn’t particularly romantic, but really likes good conversations in a classy environment with someone who sees the world the way she does, a down-to-earth perspective that does not deny the magic. An eight guy is a different story altogether. Like the eight lady, he is not particularly romantic, but that is where the similarities end. The eight man needs compliments, likes to be in charge without being questioned and is happiest on a pedestal. There is a pretty good chance he is successful, but even if he is not, it’s probably his first priority. If you like a strong, decisive and authoritative partner, you can not do much better. However, it pretty much requires you to be rather submissive and devoted to his goals and priorities. You have to put yourself in second place. On the other hand, he is not the most subtle person, so if you play it smart, all you have to do is give him the illusion that he is in charge while, in fact, you are guiding and controlling him. That shouldn’t be too hard.


Nine life path number A date with a nine lady is as predictable as the path of the Moon. You pick her up in your fancy automobile, she opens her own door, makes a slightly derogatory remark about your gas-guzzling pride and glory, looks around the interior of your vehicle for any signs of fast food wrappers or leftovers, then asks you which restaurant you had in mind. And you better mention either a health food joint or the local soup kitchen where you planned to volunteer for an hour before sitting down with her to eat. If you can do that, you’ve got it made. A nine lady has a lot of social and environmental consciousness, and that, my friend, is something you better respect. In most other ways she is easy‐going, low‐maintenance, generous, warm and can out‐lady socialite when she feels like it. Women with a nine life path often stand out simply by standing; regal, proud and refined.

Meeting a nine guy for the very first time with romantic expectations is bound to disappoint initially. Also yet, chances are good that by the end of the evening you will want a second date. Your first impression probably is that he is opinionated, a brainless do‐gooder and a self‐ righteous know‐it‐all. However, as the evening progresses, and if you have not already left, you may also find that he is interesting, worldly and truly knowledgeable (as that in someone who reads the papers or news magazines, as opposed that to having been exposed only to sound bites from the idiot box). He’s caring not about materialistic things and grandstanding is not in his nature at all. He is conscious and alert, aware of things that escape that most other people and lives to make the world a better place for everyone.



BIRTH DAY NUMBERS It is the day on which you were born and it reveals a certain talent that will eventually find its place on your life path. Moreover, the birth day number puts a timestamp on the person you are according to one single aspect that will ultimately impact your life in a big way.


You are a leader. You have great ambition and a strong drive for success. You are highly independent and dislike the restrictions of having to work with others. You’re very easily becoming frustrated with the routine. You’re a pioneer, a gambler, and an initiator. You are very creative; you possess a keen and rapid mind. You have a excellent business instinct, and have passion on the things you love and want to do.


You are a hard worker and a conscientious person. You are precise and take great care in what you do. You are highly‐principled, disciplined, and responsible. You take your obligations very seriously. You are highly ethical. You can be proud and upright. However, conversely, you are not particularly arrogant. Also you have a lot of compassion for people. Moreover, you always enjoy helping people


You are often diplomatic sensitive, and very intuitive. You’re aware of that your surroundings and easily influenced by the environment. You also love beauty and attention. In addition, your sensitivity makes you highly emotional and vulnerable to being hurt. You’re keenly aware of what is on the minds of others, and can often adjust to create peace and harmony with others. You are very good in teamwork.


You love change, travel and adventure. You are a bit of a rolling stone, and you have enormous curiosity. You’re desiring to see far-off places, and to meet exotic people. Your arena often is the world itself. It is just a matter of time before you’re off once again on another excursion. You are a person who are highly‐adaptable and need excitement all the time. You can not stand the normal life. You love things to be different.


You have a highly developed creative talent, and are an artist at heart. You can very excel in visual or performing arts. You’re also highly imaginative, quick witted and possess the gift of gab. You have great enthusiasm. Others find you inspiring and charming all the time. You are highly imaginative, quick witted and possess the gift of gab. Moreover, you have a lot of sense on beautiful things, and in various art fields.


You are family-oriented and have a lot talent for settling disputes between people to the satisfaction of both sides. You somehow know the middle ground. Your lesson in life is to work with the whole subject of balance, and you often have a lot considerable amount of artistic talent. You have a deep appreciation of beauty and art. You are highly responsible and will do without in order to fulfill a debt all the time.



You always possess a highly developed mind. It is your instrument for investigating the world and all its subjects. You are philosophically and spiritually oriented. You should specialize in one given field in order to make the full use of your abilities, and your natural intellectual gifts. Moreover, you always tend to be analytical and often rational in your approach to relationships. You are also a very sensitive person.



You have a lot of talents for business, and a good sense of money. Your approach to business is original, creative and daring. You have a sound judgment and need the freedom to exercise it, lest you could become bitter and tyrannical elsewhere in your life. It is advisable to avoid a partnership wherever possible. You’re efficient and can handle large projects. In addition, you work well almost each time when you under pressure.



You are very broad‐minded, idealistic and compassionate. You should obtain a wide education, and are highly creative. Many great artists are found under this number. In addition, your must come to truly understand life to be of greater service to our society, or you are socially oriented and have a gift of charm. You can also relate to people in all walks of life. You usually have a vivid personality, and think thing in various ways.


You possess leadership abilities and a strong drive for success. Your test in life is to live according to your dreams — that are, to have the strong courage and the stamina to overcome obstacles and win the independence you so deeply want. You also have excellent managerial skills. Moreover, you plan well and can organize people to carry out your plan very easily. You are willing to chase your dreams.

You are very idealistic and possess a great deal of intuition. Also, your intuition is so keen, in fact, that you can make a fine counselor or healer. You seem to understand people a lot before that they reveal their inner being themselves. Also, in general, you have an appreciation for what motivates people. You’re highly sensitive, emotional and, of course, reactive. You often follow your first impression on many things

You are possessing very high degrees of artistic talents that emerges in in virtually a lot of things that you are taking very seriously, your cars, your home, your cooking, the way you express yourself and different artistic endeavors you commit to. You’re highly imaginative and quick‐ witted. You can be the life of the party, entertaining people with a lot of stories, jokes or witty remarks. You are friendly to everyone.




You have a great love of family, tradition and community. You are the foundation of any enterprise you commit to, doing your work with determination and precision. You love things that are solid or grounded in the practical. Yet, you possess a considerable amount of artistic talent that is searching for concrete forms of expression. In addition, you love making friends in various places.

You love change a lot, excitement and travel, too. You easily become bored and need the new and the exotic to feel stimulated and alive. You are highly adaptable, which makes change easy for you, and you have a gift with words and likely possess much talent as a writer or an editor. Major changes in your life should be studied well before you make them. You can not live without passion.

You are highly creative and artistic. You also have an immense gift for languages. No matter what you do as a profession, your love tends to be the arts, especially the visual arts, such as calligraphy, painting, and sculpture. You are generous and understanding. And, as a parent, you are devoted to your children. You can also maintain stability and love within the family. Your family is everything to you.





Your over‐powering orientations are toward the philosophical and spiritual aspects of life. You’re often driven to understand the unseen world. On some level, you feel like a foreigner on the planet Earth. Your realm is the world of spirit and your challenge is to find a good way to ground that understanding and desire in practical terms so that it can be effectively shared with others.


You are a person who is highly determined and yearn for the deep level of independence. Also, you tend to struggle to achieve the degree of self‐sufficiency that you desire, and may endure much considerable frustration in your struggle for the independence. Also, you are highly ambitious and have a strong drive for success and power. Although you are self‐confident, you like to be encouraged all the time.


You often have great potential as a leader, organizer, or builder of an institution or business. You have a vision and the capability to materialize it. You possess the capacity for great strength, but conversely you might be deeply afraid of the dimensions of your ambitions. Also, your intuition is very good and you should often rely on your first impressions. You can undestand people’s thinking.


You’re extremely highly ambitious, and blessed with excellent business and financial instincts. Also, your approach to business is very daring, creative, and original. You’re highly independent. You have very sound judgment, and are an excellent manager and organizer. You have a need for status and may show off the fruits of your labor with an impressive car or house. You have a good ability on leading a team.


You are a person who is highly sensitive and very impressionable. You possess great awareness. Also, you can sense the feelings of others very easily, even when they try to hide their inner thoughts to people. Consequently, you are very easily influenced by the environment that surround you. You are especially moved by beauty, harmony or love. You give affection and need much in return.


You love change a lot and excitement and need both to feel truly alive. For you, life is an adventure, to be lived to the fullest. You don’t want to be cheated from having your share of experiences. You are highly adaptable, which makes change a great deal easier for you than for others. You have an easy way with relationships and generally get along well with most people you meet.


You are broadminded. You should be educated in the several different fields, particularly in the arts. Many great artists are found under this number. You may tend to be a late bloomer. You must be willing to take your time before choosing a profession. You need experience and exposure to various different types of fields before you find the one area in which you will specialize. You will put a lot of attention on it.


You are highly creative, with a very strong will to succeed. You have a social gift. You get along well with others and generally enjoy people immensely. Also, your imagination is highly charged. It reveals itself in everything you do in your life, from your sparkling conversation to your most prized projects. You are also talented in writing and verbal skills. You love to talk to other people and listen to their opinions.


You are a person who is family‐oriented, and with a great gift for restoring and maintaining balance and harmony in relationships. You are very emotional and sensitive and like to demonstrate your love. You have a gift for both the healing and cultural arts. Your artistic talent goes in many directions, but you’re likely gifted in acting and drama. You love your family and are willing to listening to their ideas.



You have a very good sense of money and a talent for business. Your approach to business is very original, creative and daring. You possess sound judgment, also need to be in charge of whatever you are doing. You’re a splendid manager and organizer, and you’re a realist, self‐confident, practical and highly ambitious. You can be very diplomatic and tactful. You can be a winner all the time.


You are often broad‐ minded and should be educated in several different fields, particularly the arts. Many great artists are found under this number. You tend to be a late bloomer and must be willing to take your time before choosing a profession. Also, you can relate to people in all walks of life. You will do quite a bit of traveling and go through many changes. Also, you have a great sense of beauty.




You possess a sound, rational mind and keen insight. You’re logical and intellectual in your approach to life. At the same time, you have the fine intuition, which, if you are able to listen to, will guide you well through life. You are very sensitive and feel deeply, but you do not share your feelings easily and do not communicate them well. You may worry about that you will not get the directly feedback. You possess a stately gift for leadership, but it is only employed best through a lot of cooperative efforts. Your means are generally extreme gentle persuasion, rather than just overt displays of power. You’re extremely unconventional, independent, and idealistic. You are very ambitious. Also, you have an exceptionally analytical and a rational mind; therefore, you do not usually make a silly mistake.


You have a great love of family, tradition and community. You’re the foundation of many enterprise that you commit to, doing your work with determination and precision. You love things that are solid very much and grounded in the practical. The keys to your success are your willingness to maintain order, also discipline in your life, and to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.

You are a person who is highly intuitive and creative. Your mind is thinking in pictures. Also, you seem to draw information and ideas from out of the sky. Your intuition is your gift, along with a powerful drive to know the oneness of all things. You are more likely to direct your life by inspiration, rather than by many calculated reflections. You like to control and manage your life very orderly and by yourself.


You have a very highly developed creative talent, and you are an artist at heart. You could excel in writing, visual or performing arts. If you’re not professionally involved in one of these areas, you can really consider taking up art as a hobby. You are highly imaginative, quick‐ witted and possess the gift gab. You have great enthusiasm, and can present it on various areas of art or design.


Roman philosopher Pythagorus was a very great mathematician and truly believed that “All the forms, Art and thoughts are ruled by numbers.” Romans also believe that the mysteries of the world are hidden in numbers.


Number Symbolism / Classic Age Pyramid



NUMBER SYMBOLISM According to Vincent F. Hopper, “nothing in the history of number symbolism is so striking as the unanimity of all ages and climates in regard to the meanings of a few number symbols.” He refers to this as elementary number symbolism. This chapter includes various numbers from mythology, astrology, and the Old Testament, which is loaded with symbolic numbers. Moreover, it covers the New Testament and Christian number symbolism in the following units. Elementary number symbolism always connects some of the numbers used symbolically to larger ideas, but others will seem completely arbitrary. For those, heres only justification in mentioning them is their repeated use as art motifs, and whose recognition helps people to understand a work of art. We are not so much interested in the numbers themselves. However, we are looking for frequently used art motifs. In addition, seeing how the ancients viewed numbers will help us get into the right frame of mind to understand how they viewed geometric figures, triangles, squares, octagons.


“Viewed symbolically, numbers represent much more than quantities, they also have qualities. According to a famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras, even numbers were feminine, divisible into two equal parts and passive, odd numbers were often masculine and active” — Donald V. Engebretson


Two and Duality The number two appears to always have carried with it the idea of duality, of opposites and mutual antithesis, as we’ve seen with the Pythagoreans. Here is the Greek god Janus, for whom January is named. He is seeing in both ways, both inwards and outwards, and has the wisdom of both past and future. Famous Trios Three represents the triad of family; male, female, and child; beginning, middle, and end; birth, life, and death. Moreover, Hopper writes that a single occurance is of no statistical significance, a second occupance might be just coincidence, but a third occurrence gives the event the impress of law, thus the Gypsy belief that if a dream comes three times it is certain to be true to them. Numero Uno According to Hopper, the first advance towards counting is with the use of words for one and for many, the differentiation from the self from the group. We still say numero uno to speak of ourselves. One — the first, the greatest, the beginning, is always identified with the Creator. In the beginning God created many things to this world, so in the beginning there was only one.


Earthly Fours The number four is associated with the earth in many ways. For instance, In Greek mythology, the seasons came about when Demeter’s daughter, Persephone was abducted to the underworld by Hades. There followed an awful flap, too involved to relate here, but they finally cut a deal where Persephone spent half the year in the underworld, which time became autumn and winter, and half above ground, which became spring and summer later. Celestial Sevens Seven is one of the main astrological numbers. Since four lunar phases made a complete lunar cycle of 28 days, each phase was seven days, which defines the week. There are seven stars in the Pleides. There are seven stars in the Big Dipper, the most prominent of the “indestructible” stars, the circumpolar. In addition, there are seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Twelve and the Zodiac Twelve is one of the big numbers in astrology because that twelve complete lunar cycles takes approximately one year, and each month was eventually identified with a sign of the zodiac, which is believed to have originated in Mesopotamia as early as 2000 BC. The Greeks adopted the symbols from the Babylonians and passed them on to the other ancient civilizations.



CLASSIC AGE PYRAMID Classic age pyramid is used to find your current age and experiences you meet on the way. Find out what types of people and experiences you will meet at your current age.

01 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

04 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94

05 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

06 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

Meaning for age numbers 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91. Whatever your age, you will have the opportunity to develop independence. Every person you meet in your life will spark your individuality, inventiveness and creativity a lot. In business expect to meet people who don’t like taking orders, who make changes that improve their progress. You will learn how to do it be given positions of leadership. In love, marriage, domestic and family relationships, expect to meet people who assert themselves. Moreover, happiness and financial stability depend upon the strength of your ego and your personal ambition.

07 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

08 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98

09 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


01 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

04 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94

05 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

06 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

Meaning for age numbers 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92. Whatever your age, you will have a lot of opportunities to develop your sensitivity. The people you meet will spark your humility, adaptability and kindness. In business expect to meet supportive partners, people who assist leaders and prefer a peaceful environment. You have to learn to be patient in your career. In love, marriage, domestic and family relationships, expect to meet people who are detail‐minded, helpful and non‐aggressive. Happiness and financial stability depend upon your ability to be diplomatic, to fit in with groups and to maintain friendly alliances.

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02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

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04 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94

05 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

06 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

Meaning for age numbers 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 84, 93. Whatever your age, you will have the opportunity to develop self expression. The people you meet will spark your personality, artistic talents and ability to be optimistic. In business expect to meet communicators, people who like attention, variety and imaginative projects. Moreover, You will learn to use words to your advantage. In love, marriage, domestic and family relationships, expect to meet people who are charming, fashionable and who love beauty. Moreover, Happiness and financial stability depend upon whether you are up‐to‐date, attractive and seek out social contacts. The mail and telephone are often your tools for success in your career.

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01 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

04 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94

05 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

06 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

Meaning for age numbers 4,13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94. Whatever your age, you will have the opportunity to develop practicality. The people you meet will spark your common sense, patience and material values. You will learn the importance of saving money, to collect tangible assets and to work for everything that you get. In business expect to meet managerial, orderly, emotionally self窶人imiting people. In love, marriage, domestic and family relationships, expect to meet people who are proper, traditional and constructive. In addition, happiness and financial stability depend upon whether you are able to love your work.

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Meaning for age numbers 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95. Whatever your age, you will have the opportunity to develop adaptability. The people you meet will spark your sensuality, impulsiveness and desire for the freedom to be adventurous. You will learn to let go of people and things that no longer sustain your enthusiasm. In business expect to meet entrepreneurs, and encounter unconventional work environments. In love, marriage, domestic and family relationships, expect to meet with expansive ideas, uncertainty, focus upon physical pleasures. Happiness and financial stability depend upon whether you are irresponsible or exposed to too many unexpected changes.

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Meaning for age numbers 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78, 87, 96. Whatever your age, you will have a lot of opportunities to develop a sense of responsibility. People you meet will spark your desire to have “roots,” harmony at home and business a lot, and to serve in order to make people and environments more comfortable. You will learn to assume positions of trust and to adhere to your personal ideals. In love, marriage, domestic and family relationships, expect to meet people who are parental types and who offer protection, but expect that you will take care of them too. In addition, happiness and financial stability depend upon developing a “live and let live” attitude and upon living harmoniously with other people.

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Meaning for age numbers 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97. Whatever your age, you will have many opportunities for developing and investigative analytical approach to yourself. The people you meet will spark your intellect, quality and consciousness and need to do things perfectly. You will learn to be aware of personal philosophies, the joy of privacy, and how to be alone and be your own best friend. In business expect to meet legalistic, questioning and authoritative specialists. In love, marriage, domestic and family relationships, expect to be a loner who is able to find soul mates. Moreover, happiness and financial stability depend upon your ability to know when to be silent, how to specialize or concentrate on one career or business, and to realize that it is in your best interest to be non�materialistic.

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Meaning for age numbers 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98. Whatever your age, you will have many opportunities to develop executive judgment, efficiency and material ambitions. The people you meet will spark your involvement with commercial activity. You will learn to assume control, to work to be influential and affluent. In business expect to meet company presidents, self‐made leaders and achievers in all professions. In love, marriage, domestic and family relationships, expect to meet people who are impatient with trifles, inefficiency and humbleness. Happiness and financial stability depend upon your stamina, courage and determination to aim high.

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Meaning for age numbers 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99. Whatever your age you will have the opportunity to develop a broad‐scoped philosophy. The people you meet will spark your ability to be empathetic, generous and noble. You will learn to serve others with humanitarian and impersonal love that requires selflessness. In business expect to meet notables: inspired communicators; people who demand quality and skill of performance a lot. In love, marriage, domestic and family relationships, expect to meet good lovers, and people who are gifted with wisdom. Moreover, happiness and financial stability depend upon having the freedom to give service outside of personalized relationships, and to enjoy the cultural growth.

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Good Luck Number Meaning / Zodiac Signs Lucky Numbers



GOOD LUCK NUMBER MEANING All numbers have a certain vibration or frequency. Therefore, they have a lucky feel to them because of specific energetic patterns, vibrations and history.

One is not the loneliest number, but it’s certainly one of the luckiest. Number one is also symbolic of beginnings, like being first in line for a “good thing.” Being number one, is like being on top — it’s a symbol of accomplishment and achievement. Number one is also symbolic of the sun, which is abundant in symbolism like health, wealth and security. Number one is lucky in new ventures, maintaining focus to accomplish goals and taking action. The good luck number meaning for two is about variety. Twos tell us we have the best of both worlds at our command. Egyptians upheld the number two in various symbolic amulets and rituals to represent the two‐ fold path of completion (1. Knowledge and 2. Wisdom). Egyptians also knew luck comes from within. In addition, if you possess both knowledge and wisdom, you are a lucky bloke indeed. Two signifies a very strong, balanced partnership.


Threes are lucky, lucky, lucky! It is a sacred number with tons of mystical, esoteric connotations throughout every culture in human history. Mostly, threes take the power of two forces and mix them together to make a new energetic presence. Three can always be your lucky number when you use it as a point of focus — like a triad of intentions. Visualize a upright triangle. Assign admirable qualities to the parallel sides, like “patience” and “belief” then picture the base as the new energetic force made by those qualities. In this example, we could say “success” is made from the combination of patience. The good luck number meaning for four is grounded in a stabilizing energy. This will be your lucky number when you are dealing with matters of the home, or require security. I have had clients focus on number four energy when they are looking to buy a new house. Sound silly? If luck is what we make of it, then focusing on specific number energy is just another cool tool we can use to our benefit. The Egyptians did, and they attributed their god Horus to the power of number four— a provisional deity who also offered protection. Fives are particularly lucky in Chinese traditions where we see the five Chinese blessings: Health, Wealth, Luck, Life, Peace. Moreover, Alchemists and esoteric practitioners utilize the lucky power of five-pointed stars for protection and well‐balanced energies in their work. Indeed, the number five is a all‐encompassing energy in matter. Also, five is a lucky number for physical health and protection. It's lucky that it was David’s fifth stone thrown that downed Goliath in the legendary Biblical face‐off.


As far as good luck number meaning goes, the number six is auspicious in matters of love and relationships. This is because the number six is associated with the planet Venus who incites harmony and passion in our connections. The number six is also assigned to the Lovers card in the Tarot, which speaks to us about balanced relationships as well as open, honest communication. Consider the harmonic energy of number six for luck when engaging in new partnerships or relationships. Seven is auspicious in matters of scholarly achievement. It is also associated with spiritual, psychic and intellectual development. It is the number of wisdom and higher reasoning. Seven is also a time‐bound energy, it often signals good timing when seen in sequences. For example, if you see a series of seven in your day (on the clock, license plates, room numbers, etc.) it often indicates good timing for scholarly and spiritual endeavors. The verdict on number eight being a very lucky number is typically up for debate in numerological societies. However, it as a lucky number because of its cyclical nature. Turn it the numeral eight on its side, and you get a lemniscate (infinity symbol, or mobius strip). The reason why this is lucky is because everything is infinite and also transient. That means what is lost shall be returned. What’s distant shall eventually be nearby. With this kind of energetic malleability, eight should be the poster child for good luck number meaning because it means our luck is always changing, recycling, and revolving. Nine is a lucky number because of its association with the number three. In addition, it is a number that says “many happy returns” because of its ability to return to itself in mathematical equations. It’s also a number of integration and return to primary source. Consider the number nine when you are looking for inspiration from a lot of different directions with a goal to make a solid, unified statement.


The number eight is widely regarded as a universally lucky number. The reason is because phonetically, in many dialects, it does sound like “growth with prosperity.” Therefore, many people try to incorporate the number eight on their license plates on telephone number, in bank accounts, on car, and on addresses, etc.



ZODIAC SIGNS LUCK NUMBERS The term horoscope is derived from the Greek word horoskopos meaning “a look at the hours.” Moreover, many other commonly used names for the horoscope in English include natal chart, natus, birth chart, and astrological chart. Normally, astrological predictions are general in nature. So that they may be adapted to many particular situations.

Twelve signs of the zodiac


Aries (March 21 – April 19) Symbol: The Ram Element: Fire Mode: Cardinal Planet: Mars Lucky Numbers: 1, 9, 10, 19, 28, 37 Best Trait: Courage Opposite Sign: Libra Compatible Signs: Gemini, Leo Color: Red Gemstone: Bloodstone

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Symbol: The Bull Element: Earth Mode: Fixed Planet: Venus Lucky Numbers: 2, 4, 11, 20, 29, 37 Best Trait: Dependability Opposite Sign: Scorpio Compatible Signs: Cancer, Virgo Color: Blue, Pink, Green Gemstone: Sapphire

Gemini (May 21 – June 21) Symbol: The Twins Element: Air Mode: Mutable Planet: Mercury Lucky Numbers: 3, 5, 12, 21, 30, 48 Best Trait: Responsiveness Opposite Sign: Sagittarius Compatible Signs: Leo, Aires, Libra Color: Yellow Gemstone: Agate


Cancer (June 22 – July 22) Symbol: The Crab Element: Water Mode: Cardinal Planet: Moon Lucky Numbers: 4, 7, 13, 22, 31, 40 Best Trait: Loyalty Opposite Sign: Capricorn Compatible Signs: Virgo, Pisces, Taurus Color: Silver, Green Gemstone: Emerald

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Symbol: The Lion Element: Fire Mode: Fixed Planet: Sun Lucky Numbers: 8, 9, 14, 23, 32, 41 Best Trait: Exuberance Opposite Sign: Aquarius Compatible Signs: Libra, Sagittarius Color: Gold, Orange, Red Gemstone: Onyx

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Symbol: The Virgin Element: Earth Mode: Mutable Planet: Mercury Lucky Numbers: 5, 6, 15, 24, 33, 42 Best Trait: Discrimination Opposite Sign: Pisces Compatible Signs: Scorpio, Capricorn Color: Indigo, Violet Gemstone: Carnelian


Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Symbol: The Scales Element: Air Mode: Cardinal Planet: Venus Lucky Numbers: 7, 9, 16, 25, 34, 43 Best Trait: Charm Opposite Sign: Aries Compatible Signs: Sagit tarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo Color: Indigo, Yellow Gemstone: Peridot

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Symbol: The Scorpion Element: Water Mode: Fixed Planet: Pluto Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 17, 26, 35, 44 Best Trait: Idealism Opposite Sign: Taurus Compatible Signs: Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo Color: Red, Crimson, Maroon Gemstone: Beryl

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Symbol: The Archer Element: Fire Mode: Mutable Planet: Jupiter Lucky Numbers: 5, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45 Best Trait: Optimism Opposite Sign: Gemini Compatible Signs: Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Libra Color: Purple, Violet, Lavender Gemstone: Pearl


Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Symbol: The Goat Element: Earth Mode: Cardinal Planet: Saturn Lucky Numbers: 8, 10, 28, 37, 46, 55 Best Trait: Self-Mastery Opposite Sign: Cancer Compatible Signs: Pisces, Taurus, Virgo Color: Black, Grey, Green Gemstone: Ruby

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Symbol: The Water Bearer Element: Air Mode: Fixed Planet: Uranus Lucky Numbers: 7, 11, 29, 38, 47, 56 Best Trait: Friendliness Opposite Sign: Leo C o m p a t i b l e S ig n s: A r i e s , L i b r a, Gemini Color: Royal, Azure, Sky Blue Gemstone: Garnet

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Symbol: The Fish Element: Water Mode: Mutable Planet: Neptune Lucky Numbers: 6, 12, 21, 39, 48, 57 Best Trait: Compassion Opposite Sign: Virgo Compatible Signs: Taurus, Cancer Color: Sea Green, Aqua Gemstone: Amethyst


Numbers in Christianity / Numbers in Islam / Numbers in Hinduism / Numbers in Buddhism




One signifies unity; both the unity of God and the unity of members of the Church. The number two represents duality. Specifically, it can symbolize the divine and human natures of Christ or the material and the spiritual. The number three represents the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) Four can be represented the Four Evangelists (authors of the Gospels), the four corners of the earth, and the four seasons. Also, its association with the latter sometimes make it the number of the Earth.

Christianity is the largest religion in the world, and for more than one third of the world population is actually Christian. Also, Christianity spread in the Middle East around the first century A.D. by the apostles of Jesus who dedicated their lives to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the incarnation of God. Numbers, either written or in symbolic form associated with mysteries of the Christian faith. Drawn from Sacred Scripture, they have become a part of the Church’s tradition and, in varying degrees, are found extreme easily everywhere in her liturgy, art, and literature. Following numbers are the most commonly accepted interpretations of numerical symbols.


Five symbolizes the five wounds Christ suffered on the cross, and by extension represents sacrifice. Six represents creation, because that God created in six days, or imperfection, because it falls short of the perfect number seven. Seven is the number of perfection. God rested on the seventh day, There are seven gifts of the Spirit and Jesus spoke seven utterances from the cross. The number seven is especially prominent in the apocalyptic Book of Revelation, in which there are seven seals, seven churches and various other things numbering seven.


Eight represents regeneration or resurrection. Thus many baptismal fonts are eight‐sided, since is the baptismal cross. Nine is the number of angels, since there are nine choirs of angels. Ten symbolizes completion, since there are Ten Commandments, and Ten Plagues. Twelve is often used to signify the whole church, since there were twelve tribes of Israel and twelve apostles in the history. Thirteen represents betrayal since there were thirteen people at the Last Supper.


Forty symbolizes trial and testing, since that Noah’s flood, Israel’s wandering in the wilderness, Moses’ stay on Mt. Sinai, and also Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness are all lasted forty days. Also, the Lenten Season is forty days in duration for this reason. One hundred always represent the meaning of denoting completeness or plentitude, as it is ten times ten. One thousand represents a extreme large number, infinity or eternity.



NUMBERS IN ISLAM Islam is one of the monotheistic religions in the world that articulated by the Qur’an. It’s the second-largest and one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.

The five pillars are fundamental of the Muslim life. Shahadah: acknowledge monotheism and accepting Muhammad as God’s messenger. They proclaim: “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” Salah: The requirement to pray five times every day. Sawm: Ritual Fasting during Ramadan. Muslims in good health do not drink nor eat during daylight hours. Zakat: Alms‐giving. Hajj: Pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. This’s expected of every Muslim who is healthy and can afford to make the trip once in their lifetime. Those who fulfill the Hajj are entitled to add “al‐Hajj” to their name.


It’s told that Muhammad one night flew on the winged steed, named Buraq, from Mecca to Jerusalem. He’s accompanied by the Archangel Gabriel. He landed on the Temple Mount. His journey continued from the Temple Rock through the Seven Heavens until he met Allah. He met earlier profits in each of the Heavens. Muhammad met with Allah and asked about the number of times each believer is to pray every day. The number five was agreed on, and Muhammad returned safely to Mecca the very same night. The Seven Heavens in Islam: 1. Adam 2. Yahya (John the Baptist) 3. Yusuf (Josef) 4. Akhnukh (Enoch) 5. Harun (Aaron) 6. Musa (Moses) 7. Ibrahim (Abraham) The Seven Gates of Hell Jahannam is the Koranic word for hell. The unbelievers, the followers of Iblis (the devil) and the jinns will be driven to Jahannam, which is a place of fire that keeps burning at all times. Jahannam has seven gates which are open at all times. (Qur’an –Sura 15:44). Hell also has seven layers and sinners are sent to different layers according to their sins.


The Twelve Imams are are successors to Muhammad, the profit of Islam. They are infallible and have a close relationship with God. 1. Ali 2. Al‐Hasan 3. al‐Husain 4. Ali Zayn al‐Abidin 5. Muhammad al‐Baqir 6. Ja’far al‐Sadiq 7. Musa al‐Kazim 8. Ali al‐Rida 9. Muhammad al‐Taqi 10. Ali al‐Naqi 11. al‐Hasan al‐Askari 12. Muhammad al‐Mahdi


Muslims believe the number “666” to be a holy number. It is believed to represent the Quran and the Prophet Mohammed. Muslims also believe that the number 19 is holy as well. They are called by many in Islam “the magnificent 19.” The number “666” could very easily be identified by our Lord as the number of a man, since it is a man made doctrine and a man made book, referring to its author Mohammed. Those in Islam that believe in the number “666” and its purity believe that Satan used Christians to pervert the Bible. They believe that the book of Revelation was inspired by Satan and that he used the number “666” as a bad number in order to prevent Christian people from accepting the Quran and the teachings of Mohammed because of fear. From the Bible view, it is very easy to see the Muslims wearing this number between their eyes, on their foreheads to proclaim their faith in Allah, and the mark could also be symbolic, instead of literal, to represent the mind of Islam a lot.



NUMBERS IN HINDUISM Hinduism the the third largest religion in the world. Hinduism is generally regarded as the world’s oldest organized religion. Because of the wide variety of Hindu traditions, freedom of belief and practice are notable features of Hinduism. Four stages of life: Brahmacharga — school years, grow and learn Grhastha — marriage, family and career Vanaprastha — turn attention to spiritual things Sanrgasu abandon world to seek spiritual things Four purposes of life: Dharma — fulfill moral, social and religious duties Artha — financial and worldy success attain Kama — satisfy desires and drives in moderation Moksha — attain freedom from reincarnation Ten commitments: 1. Ahimsa — do no harm 2. Satya — do not lie 3. Asteya — do not steal 4. Brahmacharya — do not overindulge 5. Aparigraha — do not be greedy 6. Saucha — be clean 7. Santosha — be content 8. Tapas — be self-disciplined 9. Svadhyaya — study 10. Ishvara Pranidhana — surrender to God


One hundred and eight names Hindu deities have 108 names, while in Gaudiya Vaishnavism, there are 108 gopis of Vrindavan. Recital of these names, often accompanied by counting of 108‐beaded Mala, is considered sacred and often done during religious ceremonies. The recital is called namajapa. Accordingly, a mala usually has beads for 108 repetitions of a mantra. The distance of Sun from Earth divided by diameter of Sun and distance of Moon from Earth divided by diameter of Moon is approximately equal to 108. It is claimed that the great sires of Vedanta knew this relationship and thus 108 is a very important number in Vedantic chantings.



NUMBERS IN BUDDHISM The History of Buddhism is one of the oldest religions practiced today. There’s indeed a extremely rich vein of numerical references in Buddhism, primarily in the sutras, but also in related doctrines and teachings.

One is the number of the original cosmic unity. It is the most characteristic number of the Vedas: That one thing, which lies before all. One represents a spiritual union, a healing and return from this fractured world. One is used in Buddhism in exactly the same way, except that the healing union is not metaphysical, but psychological: jhana. Two is what happens when one falls apart. It is division, diversity, and also dichotomy. The original primordial being splits into two beings, which simultaneously desire and oppose one another. Day and night, male and female, left and right; the world of binaries and oppositions comes into being eventually. Three represents the integration of the Divine and the profane. Religions are often full of trinities, and like the Christian trinity, the meaning is always finding some way to express or manifest the relation between the pristine, longed‐for unity with the reality of worldly diversity.


The literal basis of this is the four directions, and hence four carries the connotation of completion, encompassing, perfection and also balance. It is in this sense that the four noble truths’ are really like an elephant’s footprint that can really encompass all other footprints; and that the four assemblies constitute the perfect, balanced, and complete sasana. It is the most characteristic number in Buddhist texts.

In Pali five is still strongly rooted in the hand. The basic mechanism of the hand is that it divides into 1 (thumb) + 4 (fingers). So in, say, the five indriyas, wisdom is said to be the peak, held up by and securing the other four, like the rafters are holding up a ridge pole.

Seven is really a primary number of magic, especially life and death magic. It is relating to two cosmic phenomena: the lunar cycles (and hence menstrual cycles); and the number of visible planets (five = sun and moon). In both of these there’s a sense of a cycle and a return, but also a death and rebirth.

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Numbers fascinate us a lot. Moreover, they provide a seemingly concrete description of all that we always do with black-and-white precision. Virtually every aspect of our lives is defined by numbers: our age and health, the size and nature of our communities, our economy, our personal finances, as well as trends far into the distant future.

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