August 11th Revised

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Nelson’s Locally Owned, Published & Produced Paper

Drunk Bears

Coop Radio Fundraiser



August 11 - August 17

Chad Hansen of Quick Shot talks with Joy Barrett, Cultural Development Officer with Art Walk that is currently running in Nelson until September 2. Find more info:

Keira Zaslove

s ’ y d d E 922 Nelson Ave Nelson BC V1L 2N9

Page 4 Photo: David Gluns


Ph: 250.352.7191

“For All Your Plumbing & Heating Needs”

Valhalla Path Realty Locally owned & operated since 1996 280 Baker St. Nelson BC V1L 4H3


Created for the Kootenays!

In And Around Here... Thank Dog it’s


Miscellaneous observations, recommendations, issues and what-have- yous worth considering or not this week in Nelson.

Starving Ethiopians When I was a

Stores are unable to issue tax receipts

child if I didn’t finish my dinner my

for donations. Customers who require

mother would admonish and shame

tax receipts are encouraged to donate

me: “What about the starving Ethio-

directly to the Canadian Red Cross.

pians?” I didn’t know who Ethiopians

$2/$5 – it’s not very much out of the

were or what starvation was. As an

pocket of someone who can afford to

adolescent I would sometimes respond

have wine with her meal.

with insolence: “send them my mashed potatoes, I’m full!” ‘I’m full’ – what a

Dog Days: A warning worth repeating.

luxury – then and now. The Horn of

Don’t please, please, please DON’T

Africa is in a famine crisis. That crisis

leave your dog in your car in the heat.

is compounded by rebel factions that

Never mind that you parked in the

affect the delivery of aid. I stopped by

shade. Never mind that you cracked

a couple of banks in town to make a

the window down. Never mind that you

donation. No banks that I visited were

left a bowl of water on the floor. Tem-

collecting. Then I saw a news release

peratures inside that vehicle can reach

in the Nelson Daily News online. People

76.6 degrees Celsius. Don’t, just don’t,

can help support Red Cross drought

not even for 5 minutes.

relief efforts in the Horn of Africa (which includes Somalia, Kenya, Dji-

Yum: Fabulous food to check out

bouti, Ethiopia and Uganda) by making

in Nelson and area. RAW RAW RAW.

donations at the BC Liquor store in the

Nelson use to have a raw food eatery

West Kootenay, or any of the 197 BC

at the corner of Front and Lake streets.

Liquor Stores located in communities

Though no new business has opened to

across BC. Until Thursday, Sept.15,

replace it, raw food options can still be

customers are able to make donations

found. Kootenay Co-op and Dominion

of $2 or $5 – or multiples thereof – at

Café on Baker Street both have some

all BC Liquor Store checkouts. All pro-

raw food items and can likely help con-

vincial donations will be matched by

nect you with suppliers.

the Government of Canada. BC Liquor

~Paula Hudson-Lunn

Caprese Salad From the kitchen of Executive Chef, Jeromie Strom of Ric’s Grill.

Nelson 1.888.663.4547 Kootenay Industrial Supply Complete Line Of Industrial Equipment & Supplies

2 roma tomatoes 6 leaves fresh basil 5 oz extra virgin olive oil 3 oz 12 year balsamic vinegar ( any kind will do more age the better ) 2 balls bocconconi cheese 2 oz capers 3 thin slices pancetta ham


Heat 2 oz olive oil in pan on medium and fry capers until crispy. Place on paper towel. In same pan, fry pancetta until crispy and set aside . Slice tomato and bocconcini in equal amounts. Layer in a circle on plate alternating cheese and tomato. Drizzle remaining olive oil and balsamic over salad. Cover salad with chopped basil and capers. Garnish with pancetta crisps. Enjoy.

Shambhala Turns

Now OPEN in Nelson at 606 Front Street!!!


When Amber Donaldson of Denver,

While music was the main focus of

Colorado heard the heavy bass and

the festival – after all, the festival’s

music starting up on Thursday after-

mission statement is “it’s all about

noon, she nearly jumped out of her

the people on the dancefloor,” – many


other things added to this year’s

“I was already having so much fun

event. The Shambhala merchandise

even without music on and now that

store hosted a weekend-long costume

it has started, I don’t know if I can

exchange, gardens and artwork added

stand it!” exclaimed the first-time

colour to the downtown core, a ferris

Shambhala-er, who came from the

wheel entertained festival-goers, and

U.S. to attend the festival with four

Shambassadors provided information

other friends.

to travellers at Shambassy locations in

The Shambhala Music Festival ran

Nelson (Our Glass) and Salmo (across

from Wednesday, August 3 (the day

from the Dragonfly Café) on the days

the gates officially opened) to Sunday,

leading up to the festival. A highlight

August 7. The music stared on Thurs-

of the weekend was an aerial photo

day afternoon and didn’t let up until

that was taken on Saturday. Over 700

early Monday morning, which suited

festival-goers stood in the formation of

the electronic-music loving crowd just

a heart on the ground, while a photo-


grapher took photos from above.

There was no shortage of music for

It has been quite the year for the

festival-goers, who had six individually

Shambhala Music Festival. They were

themed stages to explore: Pagoda,

voted Best Large Festival in the world

Fractal Forest, The Village, Rock Pit,

at the annual Breakspoll Awards in

Living Room and The Labyrinth.

London, England in March 2011, and

As usual, the Shambhala line-up

are the #35 most visible music festival

included a star-studded cast of the

of any genre in Google searches world-

world’s top DJ’s and producers. This


year, crowds were treated to big acts

In addition, tickets for this year’s

like Skrillex, Stanton Warriors, Far Too

festival sold out in record time. If you

Loud, Flux Pavilion, Excision, Datsik,

didn’t have a ticket by May 26th, you

Udachi, A Skillz and Ursula 1000.

weren’t going to Shambhala.

aldson when asked what her favourite

Production Manager Corrine Zawaduk.

sets were. “The next DJ was late, so

“The atmosphere was very positive and

he played an extra 10 minutes, it was

relatively calm. The stages and artwork

great. Mimosa was incredible. I also

turned out beautifully, we had a great

hung out in the Fractal Forest a lot. It’s

crew of volunteers and staff. We couldn’t

such an amazing place.”

have asked for a better weekend.”


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Summer Bra Clearance M. A   S. A . O W O

Store-wide Bra Sale Up to 60% off !

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E   F L - B S. N ()- Open Monday-Friday 7:00am Weekends 9:00am

Lot so f fr ee p

Breakfast bagels Fresh muffins Ice cream



“It’s been a really great year,” said

ng ki

“I was so into Skrillex,” said Don-

(across from Reo’s video)

& Lunch! Crescent Beach, 12 mile.

Page 3

Brand New Website

A Short Shot Of Library Sizzling Summer Teen Programs

Teens with a penchant for writerly self-expression can get the brass

New layout, FREE classifieds, videos, full event calendar and same great content you find in the publication!





paralysis on Wednesday, August 17 with Jumpstart! with author Anne

wood? Is it hard? Cool? There’s a bowl

DeGrace. Learn tips and exercises to

of something that looks like candy on

get you out of the starting gate and

the table. When you place one in your

onto the page. Find out what makes

mouth, what does it taste like?

a good story, how to get the most out

Now, put someone else in the room

of your characters, how to be a good

who you would never expect to see

eavesdropper and more. Great writing

there in a million years. How did

exercises to take home.

that person get there? And what on

Here’s one to start:

earth will you talk about? Use some-

Think of a place you have once lived,

thing about the space—how it looks,

or a place you don’t live in but know

smells, sounds, feels, even tastes—as

very well. Write down everything you

a jumping-off point and see where it

can think of about that place: how

takes you.

you get from room to room, what’s

This exercise is geared at putting char-

on the floor, the walls. Now, think

acter firmly in a scene before the scene

about the time of day: what is the

takes off. It asks you to consider the five

light like? What time of year is it? Is

senses, something every writer must

it cool inside, or hot? Can you see

keep in mind all of the time.

snow through the windows, or leaves? What does it smell like? Is it dinnertime? Was the compost taken out? Does someone who wears perfume

Find the Nelson Library online at or drop in to: 602 Stanley Street 250-352-6333.

live there? What are the sounds you hear? Now, sit on a chair. What does the fabric feel like? Or is it made of

How many artists are involved and with so many around here, how do you go about choosing which artists are involved?

what we have done this year is have

There are 26 artists in total. There

venue - some have more than one.

is a call for applications where artists

How long would you need to do the ArtWalk?

put their portfolios in and the Arts Council has an independent jury who

one run that started July 22. There are specific artists at each venue, not necessarily with one artist with each

It depends on how much time you

decides which artists are involved.

like to linger. You could probably get

What are the range of artistic styles involved this year?

it done in an hour if you were doing it at a quick pace. You don’t have to

There is a wide variety . You get a

do it all in one day. You can pick up a

lot of the traditional landscape - with

brochure which has a map in it and do

the area we live in there is a lot of

it at your own pace. The easiest place

inspiration. There is contemporary,

to get a brochure is at Touchstones.

abstract, surrealist. There are 17 venues in total in the downtown core.

The Nelson and District Arts Coun-

Do the shows rotate or is there one specific artist to one venue?

cil has more information on their

In past years they have rotated but

Page 4

website at or on their facebook page.

Fashion Feature

confident and strong and feeling good about yourself in your clothes. Even in our little town of Nelson I have

If I had one wish it would be a wish

spoken with girls attending middle

for change. The last time I was in

school and high school who are expe-


Toronto, I was chatting with my teenage cousin. She wanted to talk about how hard it is, nowadays, being a 13 year-old girl in high school. The main

riencing the same issues. No matter where you go, what city, what town, girls are really struggling with media and societal pressure. These issues were in my high school,

issue at hand was the way young 2011.

but not this bad. We never worried

What went wrong? What happened

about what we looked like. I was weird





and I was okay with that. I surrounded

to women being strong, confident, girl power.

myself with music, friends and teach-

sexy yet, not trashy? When did all this

Hilton and wait for it....TEEN MOM on

change and when did society become

MTV. It’s sad that our young ladies

Sharing more with my cousin, she

ers who inspired me everyday. Like

okay with this?

are growing up amidst these nega-

told me that if you want to freely

I said, if I had one wish, it would be

Thanks to media, the message to

tive influences. On one hand I gotta

express your style, girls make fun of

for girls to be successful, educated,

young girls is to use your body to

give it to Lady GaGa. I am not a fan of

you. She said that in her school girls

strong-willed and determined.

find a man to take care of you. Media

her music, per say, but if you listen to

have to have long hair, push up bras,

If you see or talk to a girl who is feel-

portrays that “sexy” translates into

the messages in her songs, she sings

lots of bronzer and only namebrand

ing down, or working through some of

scant clothing, thin, no cellulite, and

about loving yourself and who you

clothes. She told me she is glad she

these issues, take the time and talk

flaunting your ideals. There

are no matter what. She expresses

doesn’t look like them. She confided

to her. Go for a tea. Go thrifting. Do

is something truly wrong with this!!!

herself through her style and I can

that it is hard when it’s all around

something together. We all know how

Who are our young girls looking up

respect that. When I was young we

you. It hurts, but she holds her head

hard it is growing up. Why not be

to? Who are their role models? If you

had Cyndi Lauper (my favourite of

up and walks away from it. I tell her

someone a young girl can look up to!

look at what’s popular in television

all time) Madonna, Tiffany, Courtney

all the time, that expressing yourself

and music there is Kesha, the cast of

Love, heck even the Spice Girls were

does not mean showing your whole

Jersey Shore, Lindsay Lohan, Paris

promoting being a strong woman and

body. You can be sexy just by being

How To:

Until next time kitty cats, ~Robin Burton Fashion Columnist

Flies to Quebec - Part I Being in a band is often crazy. About five months ago, my francophone drummer Mailik Mourah declared he was applying for a “cultural exchange” grant to send Almanak to play a show in Quebec. I’ve been in bands long enough to be suspicious of drummer-organized gigs - but the months passed and soon I forgot all about it. (In fact, I booked an opening slot for Wax Mannequin at The Royal in the interim, one of my favourite artists ever, which you should see Thursday.) It was with great surprise he announced, with three weeks before the show, that we would be flown to Nelson’s “French Sister City”, Baie St. Paul, courtesy of The Nelson Francophone Association and our Quebecois hosts. The travel and hotels would all be paid for, plus a modest show fee. Mouth agape, I quickly Googled this small Quebec city, nestled on the banks of the St. Laurence River.... To my delight, a picturesque setting awaits; Baie St. Paul is one the oldest cities in North America, and it turns out my sister has vacationed there thrice. Frantic text and phone messages ensued, booking time off work, and trying to ensure all band members were available. Alas, our lead guitar player was crew chief of a Creston cherry ranch and unavailable! What to do?! I turned to the next logical solution, phoning our old bass player, Rob Leishman, now residing on the coast. It made sense, sort of, since we still play songs he helped write...only...he had to play guitar for this outing. He took the task to heart, buying a new guitar, and practicing lead guitar lines to a show we recorded six months ago. After one rehearsal, so far, I can proudly say we will be great ambassadors of the diverse musical sound that abounds in our Queen City. We

Page 6

Th e Hap p en in g s Aug. 11 - Aug. 17 106.9FM Serving the Kootenay/Boundary for 80 years.


The Royal

422 Vernon Street, Nelson

330 Baker Street, Nelson

Thursday The Root Sellers Electronica / Funk / Hip Hop

Thursday Wax Mannequin Progressive / Rock / Showtunes

Friday Deekline Breakbeat / Electronica / Other Saturday Big Jules & Philth Kids Dance

Saturday Mighty Popo & Papa Roots Afro-beat / Folk / Roots Music Sunday Royal Blues Jam

Touchstones 502 Vernon Street, Nelson

Tuesday Oka Dance, Roots

Saturdays 1:30-2:30 p.m. Guided Tours of Permanent Museum Exhibit

Friday Wild West Old Tyme Revue @ Hume Room Country, Blue Grass,

Portraits from the C.S. Wing Studio Through to Aug 21


Kootenay Lakeview Lodge Saturday Revolver (Beatles cover band) Info: 1-877-229-4141

Nelson Through the Lens: The historical photography of J.H.Allen Through to Aug. 27 Masters of BC Art: Hans Wilking Through to Aug. 27

Send your FREE event listing to

even had a couple of Quebecois tourists come to the door to tell us how much they loved our songs! A good omen? With the warm glow of amplifiers over heating my rehearsal space, and the echo of feedback ringing in my ears, Almanak ventures west, into a 98% Frenchspeaking-only city, armed only with our original songs, and our belief we can win the crowd over. Wish us luck..... ~Nelson From Nelson

J. BOOGIE San Francisco resident DJ/producer J-Boogie has challenged the boundaries of music across genres, styles, languages and borders throughout his 20 year career. He speaks to his listeners, integrating musical genres like downtempo, hip-hop, dub, soul, reggae, funk, latin, afro-beat, bhangra, dancehall, disco, dubstep, electro and house music. J-Boogie has earned himself worldwide success and a global fan base spinning DJ sets in countries like Colombia, India, Japan, and Spain, traveling in both the club and festival scene. He’s been a featured artist at Coachella, Bonnaroo, Bumbershoot, Outside Lands, Treasure Island Festival, Earthdance, Harmony Festival, High Sierra Music Festival, Lighting in a Bottle, Sundance, Winter Music Conference, SXSW, Power to the Peaceful, the 2010 Winter Olympics plus tours with Bassnectar, Spearhead, Herbaliser and Widespread Panic. Incorporating musicians and vocalists into a live band/DJ fusion set, J-Boogie has truly re-defined the concept of what it is to be a DJ. He brings this style to life with his band “Dubtronic Science” featuring a full horn section, Latin percussionists and MC’s. Performing as a solo DJ or with the full band, J-Boogie is always guaranteed to get the party started. Hear for yourself and interact with J-Boogie online:

5. Wagons

- Rumble, Shake and Tumble

4. Various Opening set By Bryx and MC Dion Rego. $15 at the door.

- National Parks Project

3. Gillian Welch

- The Harrow and the Harvest

2. La Bete

- Nom de Plume

1. Yeshe

- Roots & WIngs

Trivia Solutions: 1. 18 2. Chevrolet, Citroen, Chrysler 3. Madonna, 27 4. Lucille Ball/ Desi Arnaz 5. Canada


Wild West

Oldtyme Revue Kootenay Co-Op Radio and Radiant

Street Records.

Audio invite everyone to

the Wild

Cattle Annie will be bringing her

West Oldtyme Revue on Friday, August

Crooked Corral to round up the night.

12 at 7:00 p.m. at the historic Hume

This 5 piece Nelson based band play

Room in Nelson’s Hume Hotel.


some hot cowboy jazz and western

dust will be flying with three different

swing straight out of the 1930s as well

acts to entertain you and get yer toes

as some boot stompin’ old tyme fiddle


So saddle up your pygmy

tunes and Bluegrass that complements

pony and get ready for some fresh

their talented lineup which of course

sounds from the past as we


includes Cattle Annie on lead vocals,

duce y’all to two stellar bands from

trumpet and accordion. Cactus Cat

southern Saskatchewan and showcase

McGrath on mandolin, accordion &

some of our finest local country/roots

vocals. Ranger Craig Korth on guitar

artists from the West Kootenay region.

and banjo and Jumpin’ Genie on fiddle

At 7:30 pm Kacy & Clayton will be

and Gut Bucket Giff on bass.

setting the tone for the evening with

This band was formed in 2009 and

some amazing sounds for a duo who

have quickly made waves here in the

are only 14 & 16 years of age. Raised

local scene as well as touring region-

in the musical tradition of

the rural

ally. A debut recording is in the works.

Wood Mountains Upland

area of

The Wild West Old Tyme Revue is

southern Saskatchewan and men-

for all ages with food and beverages

tored by a family with 5 generations

(licensed) available.

of country blues and rural folk music

at 7 pm with the first act on at 7:30.

in their

Doors are open

blood. Their stage presence

Ti are $10-15 sliding scale for Adults,

and poise will surely impress even the

$5 for Youth 11-18. Kids 10 and under

most fickle music critic.

free. Tickets only available at the door.

Breezing in from the range, The Hard Ramblers will bring their


kickin’ outlaw bluegrass sounds to the stage from their home in Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Comprised of three musicians with a common love for oldtyme and bluegrass, they will impress you with their knowledge of traditional

bluegrass as well as the

creativity and energy of their originals. Former Cracker-Cat Eliza Doyle holds down the claw hammer banjo with partner Jody Weger pickin’ up

Humidity is Gods way of telling women they spent too much time on their hair thismorning.

a storm on guitar and former Barley Wik bassist Paula McGuigan anchoring their sound on the upright Bass. They are touring their new album Way

The 100m butterfly at the Olympics is not as terrifying as it sounds.

On Down The Road released on Dahl

This Week ~Mighty Popo & Papa Roots ~Wax Mannequin For Concert Tickets & More Go To: For Great Food, Espresso & Live Music.

330 Baker St. Nelson Page 7


For Your Entertainment...

Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains all the digits 1 to 9.


1 7 6 3






4 6 2 3 1 7 4 3

9 4 6 9 2




Ryan Seath - aMAZEing For more mazes and to order prints visit or email

Page 8


Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Aquarius (Jan. 21- Feb. 19)

Listen to the advice given by those with experience. Don’t let someone take the credit for a job you did. Do what’s best for the people you love most. Try to avoid being extravagant this week. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

Be sure to spend time helping children with projects that are too difficult for them to accomplish alone. You will gain new friends if you get involved in environmental issues. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Don’t let any money slip through your fingers this week. You can clear up important legalities and sign contracts this week. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

Talking to those you trust and respect will help you sort out any problems. Changes in your home may be alarming at first. Your lucky day this week will be Friday.

Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

Aries (Mar. 21- April 20)

Be diplomatic but stem when it comes to giving of yourself. You can make professional changes and direct your energy into making all the right moves. Go after your goals. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

You will be in the mood to socialize. You can make extra money. Rewards will be yours if you put in the overtime. You may be sensitive concerning friends and their situations. Your lucky day this week will be Monday.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Taurus (Apr. 21- may 21)

Call a good friend.You will be able to get to the bottom of things this week. You may have difficulties while traveling or problems dealing with close friends or relatives. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

Avoid overspending on items for your home. Entertainment could cost you more than you expect. Don’t let someone take the credit for a job you did. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

You should be raising your self esteem and confidence in order to promote your work. You will be accident prone if you aren’t careful this week. Your persuasive nature will win the heart of someone you’ve had your eye on. Your lucky day this week will be Monday

You are best to travel or attend lectures or seminars. You may be experiencing emotional turmoil in regard to your mate. You should look into a healthier diet. Upgrading at this point is not a bad plan. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.

Capricorn (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Your lover will be extremely sensitive and now will not be a good time to make changes. You may want to take a serious look at your goals and objectives. You can learn a great deal if you listen to those who are older or more experienced. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

Uncertainties about your personal life are probable. Don’t be too quick to judge others. Anger may cause you grief; control your temper and try to sit back and calm down. Your lucky day this week will be Monday.


Puzzle solution can be found online:



1. Radiate 5. An indefinite period 9. Remnant 10. Vipers 11. Cousin of a gull 12. Close 13. Born 14. Storehouse 16. A single thing 18. Boosts 21. Depression 23. Leave in a hurry 24. Condemn 25. Ragout 26. Shut a door forcefully

1. Memorable periods 2. Net 3. Cheekiness 4. Flavor 5. Trinitrotoluene 6. Indistinguishable 7. No more than 8. Coastal raptor 15. Fertile area in a desert 16. Lyric poems 17. Immediately following in order

19. Information 20. Flower stalk 22. Haul


Jokes of the Week After losing another tooth, young Timmy became more curious about the mysterious tooth fairy.


Finally, putting two and two together, he came right out and asked his mother, “Mom, are you the tooth fairy?”


Can you name three brands



Assuming he was old enough to hear the truth, she replied, “Yes Timmy, I am.”

artist has had more Billboard top

the temperature centigrade

increases by 10 degrees, by how much does the temperature Fahrenheit increase?


But as he headed for the door, he slowly turned back toward his mother with a curious look on his face and said, “Wait a minute mom. How do you get into the other kids’ houses?”


Which female recording

ten records than another other?

Did You Know? - 85% of plant life is found in the

4. Timmy seemed to take this news quite well.


their creators, beginning with C?



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Who played the role of Lucy


and Ricky in the popular TV

- Ralph Lauren’s original name was

series, “I Love Lucy”?

Ralph Lifshitz - Rabbits like licorice


Which of these countries has

- the Hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters

the world’s longest coastline,

- ‘Topolino’ is the name for Mickey

152,100 miles: is it the United

Mouse Italy

States, Canada, Russia, or Aus-

- A lobsters blood is colorless but


when exposed to oxygen it turns blue -Armadillos have 4 babies at a time and are all the same sex

250-352-2001 5643 Taghum Frontage Road Nelson, BC V1L 6Y2

Page 9

A Wacky World... Stop Getting

The Bears Drunk Ukraine’s Environment Minister Mykola Zlochevsky vowed on Wednesday to free all bears kept in restaurants for entertainment purposes and often forced to drink alcohol, Interfax news agency reported on Wednesday. Captured and tamed bears were often used for entertainment in the Russian Empire, which included Ukraine, turning the animal into a national symbol. The practice appears to have also survived Ukraine’s emergence from Soviet rule, but Zlochevsky said it was inhumane and unacceptable today.

“On television, they keep showing bears suffering in restaurants and roadside hotels,” Interfax quoted him as saying. “How long can we tolerate animal torture in restaurants where drunken guests make bears drink vodka for laughs?” Zlochevsky said his ministry was building a large enclosure in a wildlife sanctuary where it would place about 80 bears it planned to liberate.

Man Tries To Build Reactor In Kitchen

#3 502 Baker Street. Nelson, BC. 250.354.4843

A Swedish man was arrested after he tried to build a nuclear reactor in his kitchen and documented his efforts on the Internet, authorities and the man said Thursday. Richard Handl, 31, from Angelholm in southern Sweden, gathered materials including smoke detectors, clock and watch hands via purchases on the Internet. “I was just curious to see if it was possible, it is just a hobby,” said Handl, currently unemployed but previously a worker in a ventilation systems factory. He documented his efforts on a blog and his Facebook page. He got as far as mixing some ingredients on a cooker -- americum, radium, beryllium and 96 percent sulphuric acid. “The boiling explosion was about

A Strong Voice Standing Up For You Page 10

3 or 4 months ago and the police came two weeks ago,” he said. After the incident, which he tagged “The Meltdown” on his blog, he said he “cleaned up the mess on the cooker and then I bought some more radium and continued the experiment.” The Radiation Safety Authority said in a statement, the authorities raided Handl’s flat on July 20 after hearing that he was handling nuclear materials in an unsafe way. Handl reported the raid laconically on his website, writing “Project canceled!” He was detained and shortly after freed. “I am still a suspect for crime against the radiation safety law,” he said.


the middle of the road, scratching themselves or sleeping. Sometimes you can get the attention of these canines with a loud honk – it’s like telling pigeons

Sandra Hartline was born in California, but has lived in Nelson since 1981. She has contributed to the Canadian Press, the Vancouver Sun and Vancouver Province as well as arts and literary magazines. She enjoys hiking, gardening, walking her dog and looking for the quirky and unusual in this part of the world.

on Baker Street to get a move on – but like the pigeons, the dogs of Blewett

Dogs in Blewett

where it first started tagging along. Even then, she had to knock on several of

can take their time. With some of these doggies, leaning on the horn does not work. Since letting sleeping dogs lie in this case is not a good idea, you might have to get out of the car and personally tell the pooch to get a move on. Then there’s the Blewett dog that doesn’t appear to know where its home is. A friend of mine says a Blewett tail-wagger followed her for a kilometre or two and she ended up putting the dog in her car and taking it back to the point doors to locate the doggie’s permanent home. You have to wonder why these dogs seem to enjoy such a casual, laid-back

Driving through Blewett is a bit of an adventure. For one thing, there are all

or mellow (some would say dim-witted) lifestyle. Maybe it has something to do

those curves, scenic views of the Bonnington Dam and funky farmhouses along

with the relative lack of traffic, the peacefulness and quiet beauty of the area

the way to wherever you might be going. Old bridge pilings for the old Taghum

they live in. Being dogs, they are unconcerned by several decades of minimal

bridge, with no bridge, wildflowers and the occasional family of ground squirrels

development and the passage of time. In any case, it’s a good idea to slow down and enjoy the neighborhood when

on the side of the road. Then, there are the dogs. I’m referring to those Blewett dogs that like to enjoy the sunshine by lying in

A Firefighters Worst Nightmare

you’re driving through Blewett!


It happened in Nelson, Thursday, August 4, 2011; the on duty acting

Captain received a call from his frantic wife that she and their two children were involved in a serious car crash west of Nelson near the Taghum bridge. Although she reported that they were all okay the Captain could hear his children screaming and crying in the back ground. Shortly thereaf-

computer repair centre inc.

ter the fire dispatch center received numerous calls reporting a serious car crash involving two vehicles and at least six patients. Both the acting Captain and on duty Firefighter responded to the scene in Engine 2. Fire Chief

614 Front St., Nelson BC V1L 4B7 250.505.5220

Simon Grypma also responded to the scene in Command 1. Chief Grypma arrived on scene and assumed Incident Command reporting the initial scene assessment to the responding units and fire dispatch. Police were also on scene directing the busy highway traffic.

Both vehicles involved

in the incident had left the road and one was mounted precariously on the train tracks obstructing rail traffic. Fire dispatch was requested to contact CP Rail’s emergency line to stop all rail traffic that may have been traveling through the area. Engine 2 was then directed to assess the vehicle on the shoulder of the road where the Captain’s wife and 2 children were located in the second vehicle on the highway shoulder. The Captain attended to his wife’s cuts and bruises while the Firefighter attended to the 4 occupants of the minivan. Within minutes of the fire department members arriving on the scene BC Ambulance arrived and also attended to the patients. After the initial assessments of the 7 patients, and the condition of both vehicles it was clear that a major tragedy had been averted. Initial reports indicate that the minivan had crossed the centre line and side swiped the car driven by the Captain’s wife. Her quick reaction to the oncoming vehicle averted a head on crash. The Captain’s wife and 2 children were transported to Kootenay Lake Hospital where they were treated for minor injuries. One patient from the second vehicle also attended at the hospital for treatment of minor injuries. A heartfelt thank you is extended to all the emergency responders that attended the scene and provide assistance patients involved in this incident. This is a firefighters worst nightmare and during my 35 years with the department I know all too well the gut wrenching number of times that first responders working in small communities respond to their own family emergencies. As the Chief I am very proud to see and report the actions of our firefighters during these incidents.

~ Chief Simon ~ Grypma

Page 11

Community Bulletin Board Full Listings at Send your community event announcement to: and we’ll help spread the word! KCDS Workshop Schedule

Discover Nelson Photo Contest

August 16, 9 a.m. -3 p.m.

Open to all visitors to Nelson and

Using Social Media with Job Search

residents re-discovering Nelson.

August 18, 9a.m. - 12 p.m.

Photo submissions will be accepted

Ace Your Interview

until Sunday, August 28. To submit

August 23 & 25 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

photo: Drop off a printed photo at


the Visitor Centre/Chamber, 225 Hall Street, emal:

St. Saviour’s Anglican Church or post

Ward & Silica, Nelson

on Twitter @DiscoverNelson

For more info: 250.352.3433

Columbia Basin Cultural Tour Saturday Aug. 13 11 a.m.- 5p.m.

72 hour Art Slam - ANKORS

Presentation on Memorial Stained

August 19 - August 22

Glass Windows 2 p.m.

Participants can submit a film,

Columbia Basin Cultural Tour

poetry, theatre, song, painting,

Sunday August 14 1 p.m - 5 p.m.

sculpture, dance—any type of

Presentation on Memorial Stained

artist expression. $25 entry fee

Glass Windows 2 p.m. Self Guided

with money to support individu-

Tour Daily except Sunday until

als affected by HIV/AIDS. Show-

September 2, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.

case August 26. For more information, or to register, contact


Carmen or Brahm at aids-walk@

Library 3:30 - 5 p.m. or 250.505.5506.

Writing Workshop August 17 Drop In. Snacks & Prizes. FMI

Bokashi Composting Workshop or 352.8259

Saturday, August 13 1 p.m.

Sparkle & Shine Fundraiser Sale Tuesday, August 23 7 p.m. Above REo’s Video 607 Front St. In support of Nelson Community Services Centre

Cottonwood Herbal Demonstration Garden. Cottonwood Park. Discover Scuba Free Sunday, August 14 Salmo Pool 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.


Fore more info: 250.505.6027

FMI Contact Jen: 250.509.0633

Boomtown Sports Inc (BSI) not only makes great skis we also install gas or electric engines on bikes of your choice. ily n da Ope , Sun 11-4 0 9-5:3

Huge selection to choose from or we can order the bike you want. Sports trades are welcome Bike tune-ups from $20



KIS Itza NDCC KCDS Waves A&W Library Finley's Subway Hip Drip Darwins 7-11 Gas Safeway Full Circle Ric's Grill Grounded Shell Gas Bent Fork Thai Cafe Bogustown The Royal Eddy Music Oso Negro Jagannatha Whitewater Uphill Store Waits News Hume Hotel Vienna Cafe Pharmasave Only Bakery 6 mile Store Sheer Talent Best Western Max & Irmas Dock N' Duck Youth Centre Taghum Shell Balfour Ferry Sparkling Life Panago pizza French Bakery Main St Diner Co-Op Radio 5 Stuart's News KC Restaurant At Thor's Pizzaria Jackson's Hole Nelson Toyota Dominion Cafe Save on Foods Ripping Giraffe Capitol Theatre Packrat Annies Ellison's Market The Daily Grind Nelson Carwash Kootenay Co-Op Kootenay Health Mountain Hound Laundry in Plaza Kootenay Bakery And professional The White House The White House waiting rooms! Kings Restaurant New Grand Hotel Canadian 2 For 1 Prestige Lakeside SideWinder's Cafe Nelson Box Office Tribute BoardShop Balfour Superette Husky Gas Station Kokanee Park Store Balfour Golf Course Dancing Bear Hostel John Ward Fine Coffee Chamber of Commerce Balfour–Old World Bakery




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