Shawls 2022

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SH AW LS 2022

S HAWLS 2022 I nt roduc t ion


Z i rcon


K i nemon


Fl ye Poi nt


A l ma nd i ne


Coa lesce






S H AW L S 2 0 2 2

Our 10th annual Shawls stunning wraps, that are our softest yarns—Chick and Willet—for a body o drape. This year feature Hipsky, Marianne Muni Jennifer Weissman. Del rich all-over textures, an individually or the colle

A special thanks to our talent and skills to ensu written. Test knitting is are tremendously gratef

T h e Q u i n c e an d C o. De s

collection is here and follows tradition with six e equal parts compelling and comforting. Knit in six of kadee Organic Heathers, Finch, Owlet, Piper, Sparrow, of work that’s abundant in texture, color, sheen, and s the designing talents of Julie Blagojevich, Kirsten ier, Nadya Stallings, Jill Thompson Beach, and light in delicate, lacey details, bold geometric designs, nd so much more. Choose to purchase each pattern ction in its entirety—the choice is yours!

team of test knitters who continuously provide their ure each of our patterns are clearly and accurately s a vital and final stage in pattern development. We ful for their dedicated efforts and contributions.

sign T e am


Z i rc o n D e s i g n e d by Je n n i f e r We i s s m a n



yarn: o color:


osprey slate 8

Ya r n : Color:

Willet Ta r p o n 10

Kinemon D e s i g n e d by M a r i a n n e M u n i e r



Ya r n :


C o l o r : Taw ny

F l ye Po i n t D e s i g n e d by J i l l T h o m p s o n B e a c h 18

Ya r n : C h i c ka d e e O

C o l o rs : A n g e l i c a , M

O rg a n i c H e a t h e rs

Moss, Audouin, Gilding


Almandine D e s i g n e d by Ju l i e B l a g o j ev i c h



Ya r n : S p a r row C o l o r : Pe n ny


Coalesce D e s i g n e d by K i rs t e n H i p s k y


Ya r n : Color:

: Piper Blanco


Pa d p a ra d s c h a D e s i g n e d by N a d ya S t a l l i n g s

Ya r n :


Color: Sedum

PRODUCTION Angela Dexter, Kirsten Hipsky PHOTOGRAPHY + GRAPHIC DESIGN Regan Kenny MODELING Jackie Huynh

TEST KNITTING Louise, Khadija, Rachel, Deb, Hwikyoung, Roberta, Laurel, Susan,

, Katie, Fay, Erin, Kristin, Rosa, Elizabeth, Jody, Josephine, Esther 42

Jennifer Weissman Jennifer Weissman is addicted to playing with yarn and dreaming up designs — if she isn’t knitting, she’s probably thinking about it! Jen enjoys creating patterns that are both a pleasure to knit and easy to wear. She loves to incorporate rich textures and special details that will catch the eye. Many of her designs are reversible.

Instagram @shadystroll Facebook @ShadyStrollKnits Ravelry Shadystroll

Marianne Munier Marianne is a computer scientist in her professional life, and a mother of four kids and happy partner in her personal life. She’s been designing knitting patterns for seven years and donates her benef its to cancer research, a cause dear to her heart.

Instagram @ mar.gue.nee Ravelry MarGueNee

Jill Thompson Beach Jill Thompson Beach is a new knit wear designer focusing on cozy, approachable, enjoyable, and caref ully considered designs. She lives in Salem, Massachusetts, with her husband, Aaron, and t wo dogs, Evie and Mae. Her designs remind you to take pleasure in the love and joy of making.

Instagram @beachhouseknits (#beachhouseknits) Ravelry Basilcat12 Website

Julie Blagojevich Julie enjoys designing crocheted accessories. Wraps, scarves, small handbags, and jewelry are her favorite items to create. Her Ravelry group is CrochetWorks.



Kirsten Hipsky Kirsten is a lifelong knitter, crocheter, weaver, spinner, designer, editor, and gardener who lives in western Massachusetts with her partner Kyle, her cat named μ , and an ever-growing number of freshwater aquariums. She loves to design garments that are a delight to make and to wear, where the structural and aesthetic elements work hand-in-hand. .

Ravelry Website


Nadya Stallings Nadya grew up in Southern Urals (Russia), the area known for pleasant warm seasons, but quite long and cruel winters. She also loves cooking, reading, listening to music, watercolor painting, cooking, gardening. Nadya lives in NE Ohio, and since 2009 she writes her knit pattern designs in her tiny cozy studio.

Instagram @nadyasdesigns Ravelry Nastknit Website


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