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Parks offer a chance to relax, reflect or recharge
Whether you are looking for a grassy area to set up a picnic or a playground to let the kids run, you are sure to find what you are looking for in one of the many parks in the Quincy Valley.
Lauzier Park
The newest of Quincy’s parks, Lauzier is a 20-acre park located at 1600 13th Avenue S.W. in Quincy. The park features a playground, paved trails for walking and biking, basketball and tennis courts, a soccer field, a community stage and a softball/baseball field.
City of Quincy North Park
North Park is a 2-acre city park located at the corner of Central Avenue N. and C Street N.E. in Quincy. The park has a large
See Parks, page 10
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Parks, from page 9 play structure, a newer swing set, a soccer field and a basketball court.
City of Quincy, O’Connell Park
O’Connell park is a small, half-acre park located at the corner of B Street and 3rd Ave. N.E. The park offers grassy areas and a play structure for children.
East Park
East Park is located near the Quincy Aquatic Center at 724 F St. S.E. in Quincy. The park is 11 acres and features a bike track, two large play structures, covered picnic areas and a softball field.
Crescent Bar Recreation Area
The Crescent Bar Recreation Area has two parks for visitors to enjoy. Chinook Park (see photo on page 9) features plenty of grassy areas, 6 beaches, covered picnic spaces and a 1-mile walking trail. Riverbend Park is located on the Crescent Bar Island and features a beach, a 1.5-mile walking trail, restroom facilities and a playground structure.
Quincy Rotary Park
The Rotary Park is located on the corner of D Street S.W. and Central Ave. S. in the heart of downtown Quincy. The park offers a tranquil place to sit next to a large water fountain made of antique farming equipment.
South Park
South Park is located near Pioneer Elementary School and is home to the Little League Fields. The park is just under 2.5 acres and sits on the corner of L Street S.E. and 2nd Ave. S.E. in
Quincy Memorial Park
Quincy Memorial Park (see photo above) is located on the corner of F Street and 2nd Ave. S.E. in Quincy. It is home to the Veterans’ Memorial Wall, which is engraved with the names of local military veterans.
Simmons Park
Parks, from page 10
Simmons Park is a 1.5acre park that is part of the Quincy Valley Historial Society & Museum. The park offers plenty of grass and shade to relax in, as well as a climbing structure for kids. The park is located at 415 F Street S.W. in Quincy.
City of George Park
This Park, seen at right, features plenty of large shade trees and grassy areas, perfect for enjoying an afternoon picnic. The park also has picnic tables and a playground for the kids. The park hosts a 4th of July event each year.

George Park during an Easter Egg Hunt. File photo

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