The world needs solutions to stop climate change. And innovations that can contribute to this are shown by exhibitors at ISH in Frankfurt am Main. ISH is the heart of the sanitation, heating and ventilation industry, and offers a mirror image of the market situation.
Against this background, exhibitors, Messe Frankfurt and its partners have jointly analysed the form this international meeting place must take to support the aims of market participants to the greatest possible extent. The result is a new, modern and future-oriented approach, which puts the focus of the fair more sharply than ever before on visitors and their needs.
From bathroom designers, via specialists for heating and air-conditioning technology, to experts for renewable energies and building-services control systems, the spectrum of visitors to ISH in Frankfurt is no less diverse than the spectrum covered by the industry. Under the motto, “Solutions for a sustainable future”, ISH 2025 will offer all participants a new, transparent and modern event structure. The centrepiece of the new concept comprises eight solution fields:
• Bathrooms.
• Water-bearing systems.
• Installation.
• Heat generation.
ISH Special 2025
Supplement to the n° 90 of AiCARR Journal
Official magazine of AiCARR – Italian Association of Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Heating and Ventilation
Via Melchiorre Gioia 168 – 20125 Milano Tel. +39 02 67479270 – Fax. +39 02 67479262 www.aicarr.org
Editor in Chief Giorgio Albonetti
Publishing Team
Silvia Martellosio s.martellosio@lswr.it
• Indoor air.
• Intelligent building management.
• Software.
• Sanitary & HVAC products.
At the cutting edge, the subjects of sustainability and digitalisation play an important role in all fields of ISH. “In principle, the event is undergoing a kind of metamorphosis from a straightforward product exhibition to a solution-oriented application show. To this end, the new solution fields will ensure improved orientation and exact matching between the demand and supply sides. This is the basis, the foundation for a modern and powerful international meeting place”, explains Stefan Seitz, Director ISH Brand Management.
The inclusion of the new Hall 5, which was opened in 2023, is the key to the new ISH structure in 2025. Accordingly, the new concept will also be reflected by the layout of the fair in the individual exhibition halls. In this connection, Seitz adds: “In the future, content and knowledge transfer will take place in close thematic proximity to the relevant exhibitors, thus creating a stronger link between the presentations of innovative solutions with best-practice examples and information about developments in the market. After all, both are directly connected, and an advantage in terms of specialist knowledge is of indispensable added value for all visitors”. Accordingly, the themes will be determined at an even earlier stage, and also take account of the interests of international visitors.
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Growing expectations and greater individuality in all fields of energy efficient and resource friendly building-services technology lead to 8 new solution fields for ISH 2025
By 2030, CO2 emissions should be reduced by 65% compared to 1990 with climate neutrality being achieved by 2045. In this respect, the building sector has a key role to play with a target of a 44% reduction in emissions by 2030 compared to 2020 (equivalent to around 53 million tonnes of CO2). This puts the heating market, the largest energy consumption sector, at the heart of the heating revolution. The heating industry offers a wide range of technical solutions designed to help achieve climate targets. A variety of options are available for existing and new buildings. For example, heat pumps that harness environmental energy, such as air, water or geothermal sources, are particularly climate friendly. Another option is hybrid heating systems that combine different technologies, such as a gas-condensing boiler and a heat pump, thus reducing the amount of fossil fuels consumed. Biomass heating systems using renewable fuels, such as pellets, wood chips or logs, are also a potential solution. So-called H2-ready gas heating systems, which can later be converted to 100% hydrogen, are also future-oriented. Gas or oil condensing boilers may also be installed, provided they use a climate-friendly source of energy, such as bio-methane, biogenic liquid gas or Green Fuels. This wide range of options gives homeowners the opportunity to choose the heating system that best suits their needs while taking sustainability and efficiency into account.
Venite a trovarci!
Frankfurt, Germania 17 – 21 marzo 2025
Sala 8.0, Stand A41
Per saperne di più il nostro ZApilotXL
Particolarmente adatto a sistemi in funzionamento continuo.
ZApilotXL combina la ventola biomimetica ZAbluefin con il motore ECblue, ed è studiata per offrire una portata d‘aria ottimizzata e massima pressione statica.
Germany and Europe face major challenges if they are to achieve their ambitious climate-protection targets. By 2030, CO2 emissions should be reduced by 65% compared to 1990 with climate neutrality being achieved by 2045. In this respect, the building sector has a key role to play with a target of a 44% reduction in emissions by 2030 compared to 2020 – equivalent to around 53 million tonnes of CO2 This puts the heating market, the largest energy consumption sector, at the heart of the heating revolution. Modern heating systems and lucrative state subsidies mean homeowners have a wide range of opportunities to make an active contribution to the heating revolution – and enjoy long-term benefits, too.
The heating industry offers a wide range of technical solutions designed to help achieve climate targets, whereby the systems that may be installed are regulated in Germany by the Buildings Energy Act (GEG). A variety of options are available for existing and new buildings. For example, heat pumps that harness environmental energy, such as air, water or geothermal sources, are particularly climate friendly. Another option is hybrid heating systems that combine different technologies, such as a gas-condensing boiler and a heat pump, thus reducing the amount of fossil fuels consumed. Biomass heating systems using renewable fuels, such as pellets, wood chips or logs, are also a potential solution. So-called ‘H2-ready’ gas heating systems, which can later be converted to 100% hydrogen, are also future-oriented. Gas or oil condensing boilers may also be installed, provided they use a climate-friendly source of energy, such as bio-methane, biogenic liquid gas or Green Fuels. This wide range of options gives homeowners the opportunity to choose the heating system that best suits their needs while taking sustainability and efficiency into account.
The systems currently installed in German basements have a key role to play in the success of the energy revolution. Of the approximately 21 million heating systems, around 10 million are an average of 17 years of age and technically obsolete. This is where the state comes in with an interesting subsidy aimed at speeding-up the modernisation process. From 2024, anyone who installs a climate-friendly heating system can claim back 30% of the costs and, until the end of 2028, there is an additional 20% climate speed bonus for replacing an old heating system. Households with an annual taxable income of up to €40,000 receive another 30%, resulting in
a maximum subsidy of 70% of the investment costs. Thanks to these parameters, climate-friendly heating is not only ecologically sound but also financially advantageous. Homeowners benefit from future-proof technologies, lower energy costs and the knowledge that they are making an active contribution to climate protection.
Manufacturers will be presenting the complete range of heating systems and the most important heating-technology trends and innovations in the “Heat Generation” solution. In addition to heat-generation technologies, the ISH exhibitors in Frankfurt will also present the status quo with regard to efficient heat distribution, transfer and storage. Digital solutions such as energy management systems will also be on show at the trade fair.
The programme of ISH 2025 features a wide range of events. A particular highlight is the “Building Future Conference”, which is to be held in the Portalhaus building and will bring together experts from politics, local authorities, the property and housing industry, energy supply, planning and architecture. The aim of the conference is to discuss solutions and strategies for the successful realisation of the heating revolution. The event is organised in cooperation with the partner associations of ISH, the Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH), the Association of Air-Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings (FGK), the German Association for Energy Efficiency in Building Services (VdZ) and the German Sanitation, Heating and Air-Conditioning Association (ZVSHK).
A key indicator of indoor-air quality is the CO2 level. Outdoor air usually contains around 400 ppm (parts per million). In poorly ventilated indoor areas, however, it quickly rises to levels where people’s well-being and ability to concentrate are impaired due to an insufficient supply of fresh air. Germany’s Federal Environment Agency (UBA) recommends intensifying ventilation measures from a CO2 level of 1,000 ppm; from 2,000 ppm, UBA considers indoor air quality to be “hygienically unacceptable”. Headaches, tiredness and concentration problems are frequent consequences. Therefore, air exchange is essential to reduce CO2 levels and ensure a pleasant working environment.
Nevertheless, many people in poorly ventilated rooms do not even realise that there is a need for the air to be exchanged. In such cases, the windows are usually only opened when someone points out that “the room is very stuffy”. By contrast, air-conditioning and ventilation systems ensure the necessary exchange of air continuously and independently of the user. Thanks to modern air-conditioning and ventilation systems and CO2 sensors, ventilation can be controlled specifically to promote the well-being of employees through high-quality indoor air and thus simultaneously increase productivity.
Besides CO2, indoor air can contain a variety of other contaminants that affect our well-being. For example, it can contain particulate matter, pollen, smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and even viruses. They can be removed using a variety of filter systems that function according to the type of pollutant in the air. Mechanical filters, such as those used in offices and residential buildings, remove dust and dirt particles. Absorption filters containing activated carbon are particularly effective at neutralising odours and gases and are often used in industrial settings or where the outside air is highly polluted. For industrial applications in particular, there are electrostatic filters that filter particles such as dust and smoke from the air by generating an electrical charge.
Photocatalytic filters, which use UV light to neutralise viruses and bacteria, are particularly important for sensitive areas such as hospitals or the food-processing industry. In some cases, especially larger industrial facilities, a combination of several different filter types is used to remove as many pollutants as possible from the air and, if necessary, to inactivate germs.
Air-conditioning and ventilation systems play a major role in filtering pollutants out of the air at the same time as ensuring a healthy and pleasant indoor climate. From today’s point of view, such systems are indispensable because they ensure high indoor-air quality by keeping pollutant levels low, filtering pollen and dust from the incoming air and, in winter, preventing dry indoor air by raising humidity levels. These systems not only have health benefits for employees, they can also help improve productivity and concentration levels at the same time as saving energy by means of heat recovery.
In addition to the health benefits, indoor air also has a direct impact on materials and the fabric of buildings. If the humidity is too high, paper, for example, can begin to curl. Excess moisture can also lead to the formation of mould and thus damage the structure of the building. On the other hand, too little humidity causes building materials to dry out, leading to cracks in wood, for example. Moreover, VOCs and other pollutants can cause corrosion and metal discolouration, something that can be particularly problematic in industries using large quantities of materials. For this reason, investing in air-conditioning and ventilation systems makes sense from the point of view of employee health, economics and energy efficiency. These systems not only protect employees but also help to keep materials and building structures in good condition over the long term. “Ventilation and air-conditioning systems should be a matter of course in all indoor workplaces, as they automatically and reliably ensure the necessary exchange of air,” says Frank Ernst , Managing Director of the Association of Air Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings (FGK). “With a demand-controlled supply of filtered, pre-heated outside air, ventilation and air-conditioning systems ensure that indoor air is healthy and pleasant. They also allow heat and sound proofed windows in modern buildings to perform effectively, because they don’t need to be opened. It is best to plan air-conditioning and ventilation systems as part of new builds and major refurbishments from the outset. For retrofitting in existing buildings, single-room systems are ideal, which, as floor, wall or ceiling-mounted units, only require two ducts through the outer wall and a power connection, as well as a little space in the room.”
During the planning and installation phases, it is essential that account is taken of all relevant building and usage-specific information. Specialist planners help to find the best solution for each specific case. Going without air-conditioning and ventilation systems is certainly the worst choice, not only in terms of employee health and performance but also regarding energy efficiency.
The new generation of heat recovery ventilation units, easy to install and simple to control
In recent years, Valsir has introduced numerous innovations concerning controlled heat recovery ventilation systems (HRV), recognized under the Ariosa product range. Among these, the AriaSilent distribution, an innovative interlocking system which reduces the number of components required compared to traditional systems guarantying a higher air quality thanks to sanitized components, including unique plastic pipes which are rigorously treated with antibacterial polymers.
Ariosa HV, the centralized ventilation units, offering installation versatility, designed for both horizontal surface and vertical wall installations. With air flow rates up to 330 m3/h, ideal for residential surface areas in excess of 185 m2 The units are equipped with constant air flow fans offering two air exchange versions, sensitive or enthalpic, proving excellent energy recovery and optimal humidity management in all climatic conditions. With a reduced height of only 21 cm, Ariosa HV is ideal for buildings with limited installation space, such as historic buildings or renovation projects. With four revolutionary
swivel air exhaust and air intake connectors, the Ariosa HV offers versatility and installation efficiency. The Ariosa HV is the smart system for regulating temperature and humidity, manageable via control panel, or via dedicated app for smart home systems management. Thanks to five onboard probes, indoor environmental comfort is optimized throughout the entire home. With particular attention to the selection of materials during the design phase the Ariosa HV units are designed and built to reduce acoustic emissions for even greater home living comfort. By way of the system’s automatic mode, maximum efficiency is obtained even during the night hours.
Ariosa DOT completes the range with a solution for single rooms, ideal in situations where it is not possible to install centralized systems. Extremely easy to install, it accommodates spaces of up to 70 m2, with the possibility of expanding the coverage using multiple units. The ISO ePM1 and ISO Coarse filters guarantee premium air quality, blocking dust, smog, and allergens, while
the crossflow heat exchanger recovers over 90% of the energy efficiency. The Ariosa DOT HP version also offers an internal refrigeration circuit for dehumidification during the hottest and most humid seasons. The machine can also be controlled via WiFi dedicated app, notifying the homeowner when the filters need cleaning.
But it doesn’t end here: the Ariosa range is further enhanced thanks to new features to be unveiled at the ISH 2025 Expo! Exciting news is on the horizon with regard to the format of the new units, especially about the vertical installation; furthermore, the various units will offer the integration of additional flow rates, aimed not only at the residential market but expanding into the commercial sector and office setting. We will also be offering insight on future projects currently underway, with the aim of expanding the Ariosa range to an ever wider market application while at the same time offering solutions for all installation needs and requirements making Valsir’s the most complete “Made in Italy” HRV product range.
HALL 4.0, E79 E F96
Valsir S.p.A. Località Merlaro, 2 - 25078 Vestone (BS) Tel. 0365.877397 - www.valsir.it | valsir@valsir.it
The CLIMA 2025 congress will touch on the most important themes: new systems for heating and air conditioning plants, for ventilation; the impact that new systems will have on comfort and on health and the environment. As well as the social and economic impact of these new technologies that are aimed at minimizing the carbon footprint. Everything will be investigated not only on the current climate, but with the projections we have of the climate evolution of the next 30 years. Finally, it will address the theme dedicated to the influence of artificial intelligence applied to these systems. Of course, all these themes are linked by the common thread of decarbonization that Europe perceives in one way, but the United States, China, Japan, South Korea perceive it differently, in relation to the different political and social perspective.
Buildings, as has long been established, have a significant environmental impact, so much so that the European Commission has dedicated considerable attention to the topic of decarbonization in the air conditioning and heating sector. Never before has this sector been under such scrutiny by most international institutions as it is particularly energy-intensive. Considering buildings in Europe alone, 70% of final energy consumption relates to heating. Moreover, in a climate like ours where temperatures are increasingly rising, the summer air conditioning sector is also gaining more ground, leading to a sharp increase in related energy consumption. This European scenario is amplified depending on the latitudes in different countries around the world, reaching impressive numbers. Air conditioning at an international level covers about 12% of the entire world’s electricity consumption.
In this scenario, AiCARR has been tasked with organizing the World Air Conditioning Congress - CLIMA 2025, organized by REHVA (Federation of all European associations dealing with air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration) which will take place in Milan from June 4 to 6, 2025. What does AiCARR do?
Founded in 1960, AiCARR is the largest Italian association in Europe for air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration, with more than 2,200 professional members. AiCARR is a non-profit cultural association that creates and promotes culture and technology for sustainable well-being. It has always dealt with issues related to the conscious use of energy and natural resources as well as innovation in energy infrastructures, both in the plant engineering and building sectors. The fundamental aims of AiCARR are the production and dissemination of sustainable well-being culture and the training and professional development of sector operators, in order to increase their qualification, contribution to the discussion and elaboration of sector regulations, collaboration, as an authoritative interlocutor, with other associations and governmental bodies, both Italian and European.
What does CLIMA 2025 represent?
CLIMA is the main international scientific congress in the field of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). CLIMA 2025 is the sum of all activities that REHVA and AiCARR carry out within the environment, from their area of competence, which is air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration applied to buildings and their impact on the environment, in an international macro-scenario that has decarbonization as its final goal. This event will allow us to give an international breath to all AiCARR activities, but also to the entire Italian industrial sector of air conditioning, heating, refrigeration, and design, bringing further international visibility. CLIMA 2025 therefore has the potential to be a showcase of Made in Italy in the HVAC sector and more generally of the “Italian style” applied to the search for new design approaches for buildings, systems, and plants.
What will you talk about at the congress?
The theme of the CLIMA 2025 congress is “Decarbonized, healthy, and efficient buildings for the climate of the future”. CLIMA 2025 will offer professionals, academics, and companies in the HVAC sector a unique opportunity for international discussion on these “hot” topics. The climate, which according to a now certain trend, will be increasingly difficult, will lead to huge demands in terms of air conditioning and heating of buildings. New challenges will arise that we must face by decarbonizing the sector, ensuring low emissions also through low energy consumption, involving the entire chain from the designer to the end user to make them more aware of their actions, to impact less on energy consumption. Another topic we will address will be related to the importance of ensuring the healthiness of buildings.
Though considering that the peer review process of the received manuscripts is still ongoing, can you anticipate any figure about the submissions?
We have received more than 600 abstracts from experts from about 40 countries around the world, who will converge in Milan presenting the latest developments from both a scientific and technological point of view. It is a journey that will bring much visibility to our association and to the entire Italian and European system. We have in fact presented the event to the best experts all over the world, America, Japan, China, South Korea, thanks to the chain of international collaborations and networking that REHVA and AiCARR have. The congress is open, through registration, to anyone interested in participating. The major Italian, European, and international experts will be invited.
The REHVA HVAC World Congress CLIMA is the leading international scientific congress in the field of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). After the great success of the 2022 edition, organized by the Dutch association TVVL, the baton now passes to AiCARR for the organization of CLIMA 2025: the 15th REHVA HVAC World Congress, which will be held in Milan, Italy, from June 4th to 6 th, 2025.
The theme of this Italian edition is “Decarbonized, healthy, and energy-conscious buildings in future climates”, a topic that highlights the fundamental importance of the HVAC sector in all its aspects. In this perspective, CLIMA 2025 will offer professionals, academics, and companies in the HVAC sector a unique opportunity for international discussion about these “hot” topics.
MORE INFO: www.climaworldcongress.org info@climaworldcongress.org | info@aicarr.org
The REHVA HVAC World Congress CLIMA is the leading international scientific congress in the field of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). After the great success of the 2022 edition, organized by the Dutch association TVVL, the baton now passes to AiCARR for the organization of CLIMA 2025: the 15th REHVA HVAC World Congress, which will be held in Milan, Italy, from June 4th to 6th, 2025. The theme of this Italian edition is “Decarbonized, healthy, and energy-conscious buildings in future climates”, a topic that highlights the fundamental importance of the HVAC sector in all its aspects. In this perspective, CLIMA 2025 will offer professionals, academics, and companies in the HVAC sector a unique opportunity for international discussion about these “hot” topics.
Decarbonization: achieving the decarbonization of the European building stock by 2050 requires deep energy renovation of buildings and neighbourhoods without compromising indoor health.
Health: as we spend more time indoors, we expose ourselves to multiple pollutant sources and microbes. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed our lack of knowledge about the transmission of respiratory diseases in buildings.
Conscious buildings: increasing digitization opens new opportunities to optimize the design, operation, and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) of new or refurbished nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEBs). However, technically advanced sensor-based measurement and control pose numerous challenges.
Future climate data: the climate is changing, and we need to consider its impact on building design and operation. For instance, will more cooling or heating capacity be needed? What energy conservation technologies will be most effective in the future? At present, there are no standardized methods for estimating future climate impacts on building systems.
CLIMA 2025 will offer professionals, academics, and companies in the HVAC sector a unique opportunity for international discussion about these “hot” subjects.
• New HVAC components and systems. New heat pumps and air conditioning systems; New low GWP refrigerants; Solar systems; Renewables in HVAC; Energy recovery systems; Enhanced surfaces. Digital Twins; Fault Detection; Diagnosis and Evaluation; New monitoring and control systems: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning.
• HVAC impact on comfort and health of occupants and operators. IEQ; IAQ; Ventilation; Healthcare Environments; Thermal comfort; Air filtration; Contaminants control.
• Environmental impact of the new technologies, economic and social consequences. Urban Heat Islands; Energy poverty; Energy audits; Energy certification; Carbon footprint; Climate change mitigation; LCA.
• Breakthrough design approaches for minimization of HVAC carbon footprint. Multisource heat pumps; LCC; Commissioning; BIM; Thermal energy storage.
• Renewable energy communities plus energy districts.
• Short and long-term energy storages for the decarbonization of heating and cooling in buildings and districts.
• Zero Emission Buildings. ZEB; NZEB; ZCB.
• Adaptive and integrated technologies for the building envelope.
• Options for mitigating the impact of building energy consumption on future climate changes. Energy demand management; Energy Modeling to Design Energy-Efficient Strategies.
• Smart Buildings. Smart Readiness Indic ators; Cognitive buildings; Internet of Things; BIM; Digital Twins; BMS; Interoperability; Security. New monitoring and control systems; BACS; Remote Metering; Data Analytics; Cloud Computing; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning.
PRM modular reversible heat pump by Aermec is built to meet air conditioning needs in residential/ commercial complexes or chilling in industrial complexes. It uses R290 natural refrigerant (propane) with ultra-low direct greenhouse effect (GWP = 3) in total safety. Available in one size with nominal heating capacity 100 kW, it can be easily linked in parallel with other identical units to form a hot-cold system serving systems of all sizes. global.aermec.com
LEGIOMIX® evo 6003 series, the latest evolution of Caleffi electronic mixing valves, enhances water system safety to protect both water and people’s health. Designed for maximum safety and efficiency, it introduces advanced features:
- automatic thermal disinfection: regularly raises water temperatures to eliminate legionella safely and efficiently;
- continuous monitoring: built-in sensors ensure that hot water and return flow temperatures remain within safe parameters;
- remote control and data logging: modbus/BACnet connectivity enables remote system management and data recording for analysis and compliance;
- recirculation pump management: ensures hot water is available on demand by optimizing pump operations. Equipped with a digital touchscreen LCD display, the device enables user-friendly operation, real-time monitoring, personalized disinfection programs, and seamless integration with modern Building Management Systems (BMS). Connectivity is the true strength of this model, revolutionizing the way operators can monitor and manage systems. Thanks to this innovation, it offers cloud dashboard access (real-time data monitoring and control via an ethernet connection) and remote management via app (program and monitor operations through a dedicated app, available soon). www.caleffi.com
k.Air is the ready-to-use solution for managing compact and modular air handling units. k.Air is a fully-configurable controller, designed to reduce times and costs, from design right through to commissioning. It offers considerable flexibility, so as manage as many applications as possible, from the simplest to the most complex unit. The distinctive feature of k.Air is the result of Carel’s extensive experience in air handling unit and humidification management applications. Its intelligent control logic in fact
ensures comfort, indoor air quality and a healthy environment, always with the lowest energy consumption, through hygienic and efficient operation of all of the components of the air handling unit. k.Air offers an advanced user experience: simplified access to information for users and service via an integrated web interface. A set of graphic pages with unit dashboards are available from first start-up, ready to be used with the new pGDx family of touchscreen displays. www.carel.com
Behind your warmest moments.
CIMM Solar Expansion Tank’s line is designed and manufactured to contain the fluid’s expansion utilized in solar thermal heating systems.
The whole Solar range is 100% made in Italy, and produced according to the standards established by PED 2014/68/UE and EN 13831 regulations, with effective volume and correct sizing. To guarantee a high level of protection against oxidation and a fine aesthetic final quality, the tank’s body is painted with
epoxy powder, available in different colours and personalization. The diaphragm membrane is realized with a particular blend, in order to resist high temperature and it is specially produced for water and glycol solutions.
The membrane’s performance is granted by the smaller area of the diaphragm membrane, which prolongs the vessel pre-charged pressure over time. Furthermore, during the work cycles, the diaphragm
membrane only performs a translational movement, which means that it is not subject to stretching or to decrease in thickness, and this greatly increases its average lifespan.
In addition, CIMM suggests the use of an intermediate vessel, available with different capabilities in our product range, together with the Solar tank, in order to protect the plant’s most sensitive components. www.cimmspa.com
Daikin presents the new Altherma 4 air-to-water heat pump with R-290 refrigerant, designed for single-family homes, featuring high performance, advanced safety, and smart control. Daikin’s new heat pump features innovative technical solutions ensuring the highest level of safety in refrigerant management, granting serenity to both the user and the installer. The unit is equipped with unique solutions, including a refrigerant storage tank for risk-free transport, sealed electrical panel, gas separator, gas leakage sensor, and sealed antifreeze valves. Thanks to the new refrigerant, the unit provides hot water up to 75 °C and operates in outdoor temperatures as low as -28 °C, ensuring efficiency and comfort even in extreme weather conditions. Made in Europe, Daikin Altherma 4 guarantees quality in every detail. The design underwent a revision process and, thanks to the new fan and grid technical design, it is also able to guarantee unparalleled silence. Reliable and compatible with existing. www.daikin.com
The offer of Effebi fittings in 316L stainless steel and carbon steel includes multiple variations both in terms of dimensions and shapes. Available in both profiles, V and M, Effebi press fittings are able to meet all needs. Both the “V” and “M” profiles are a valid response to the request for quality and speed of construction of modern hydraulic systems. In terms of performance, the two profiles are absolutely equivalent. The offer is completed with the relative pipes. Effebi Press is the optimal solution for the construction of numerous systems, both for drinking water, gas and heating, and for other applications in the residential and industrial fields. The pressing technique offers numerous advantages. The execution of joints does not require welding with
the consequent absence of fire danger and unsightly traces deriving from brazing. The speed of execution allows an immediate saving of time and an increase in work productivity.
• LBP O-RING. The special shape of the O-Ring allows you to immediately detect leaks from the fittings not pressed, both during the water and air tightness test, and to press the fitting.
• SLEEVE, VISUAL INDICATOR OF FAILURE TO PRESS. When the fitting is pressed the film tears away from the metal. When checking the system, the installer will quickly notice, even from meters away, if any film has remained intact on the fittings, clear evidence that the fitting has not been pressed.
The new MINI electric actuator with Quick Mounting connection is suitable for Enolgas’ ball valves in sizes 1⁄2” and 3⁄4”. The quick connection has been projected to fix the actuator to the valve in a very easy way, without screws and nuts, so difficult to install in narrow places. The actuator is only 46.5 mm, therefore it can be used in the most compact metal boxes.
- very fast open/close: only 12 seconds;
- available in 24V AC/DC, 230V AC and 12V DC; - certified by the severe American Institute UL;
Quick Mounting Mini is an on/off bidirectional actuator with 90° rotation-angle; It is eco-friendly, thanks to its minimum current absorption, which ensures very low power consumption. Main features:
- manual release on the actuator, for unlocking the valve already mounted on the system;
- position indicator to determine if the mounted valve is in position open or closed;
- available in IP65, completely tight to water and dust; - always available at Enolgas’ warehouse. www.enolgas.com
Designed by angelettiruzza design, the new series celebrates the fusion of aesthetics and functionality, offering a sensory experience inspired by nature
Harmonious and polished, BOTTE is the faucet that transforms the essential into pure poetry. Designed by angelettiruzza design, the new series by CRISTINA Rubinetterie celebrates the perfect fusion of aesthetics and functionality, offering a sensory experience rooted in nature.
An elegance that speaks to the heart
BOTTE tells a language of sinuosity and balance. Every detail has been crafted with care, with a particular focus on the spout, the result of an in-depth study aimed at creating a perfect connection. This element returns to the faucet a harmony inspired by natural forms: a water droplet, a wind-sculpted dune, soft lines that evoke delicacy and serenity. Sinuous curves that vibrate and permeate space, transforming it into a place of welcome and sweetness.
“Forms speak. We love listening to them”, say the designers. Inspired by nature and everything that emanates softness and serenity, BOTTE embodies the essence of objects with a light presence, yet with a defined and recognizable personality.
The bathroom: a space of intimacy and identity
The bathroom is not just a functional place; it is an intimate space where we connect with our deepest essence. BOTTE is born to embrace this dimension, proposing itself as an object capable of expressing identity and creating a unique atmosphere. Its harmonious and soft lines foster a profound dialogue with those who use it, transforming the everyday into a sensory and spiritual experience.
The alchemy of design
Designing a mixer like BOTTE is an alchemical process: it is the fusion of disciplinary languages, an encounter between form, technique, and production that translates into a unique product. It represents a perfect balance between tradition and contemporaneity, with an identity that dialogues with the present while looking to the future. With BOTTE, CRISTINA Rubinetterie reaffirms its commitment to creating products that go beyond aesthetics, offering solutions that speak to the heart and improve quality of life, transforming the bathroom into a sanctuary of wellness.
HALL 4.1, F21
CRISTINA SRL Via G. Fava, 56 - 28024 Gozzano (NO) Italy T. +39 0322 9545 - cristinarubinetterie.com | info@cristinagroup.com
Frankfurt Am Main
17-21 March 2025
Pad. 4.1 Stand F21
Fantini Cosmi presents its new multizone and multi-system thermoregulation system, offering intelligent temperature and humidity control to create warm or cool environments only where and when needed.
The multi-zone system components are modular, flexible, and adaptable to any plant requirement (radiators, fan coils, radiant floor systems), whether
in a centralized or independent heating system. Depending on the specific needs, users can choose the devices to integrate into the system configuration network. The heart of the system is the CH180WIFIRL WiFi wireless multi-zone programmable thermostat, which communicates with all other components via LoRa® technology: wireless radiator thermostat (O70RL),
wireless zone thermostat-humidistat (C830RL), one relay wireless receiver (CH177RL), wireless multi-system climate regulator (1EV200RL – W) and wireless outdoor temperature sensor (EC18RL – W).
The long-range LoRa® communication technology ensures high reliability in wireless data transmission over long distances with low energy consump -
tion. It enables broader coverage, overcoming obstacles such as thick walls and reinforced concrete, and reaching underground spaces.
The modularity of components and quick configuration make the Fantini Cosmi multi-zone system suitable for various applications, meeting every installation need.
On 2-3 April 2025, Milan will be the host of a new event, Heat Pump Technologies, the first international exhibition and conference dedicated to heat pumps and related technologies enabling the energy transition. Organised by RX Italy at Allianz MiCo Milan, it stems from the expertise and market insight of MCE - Mostra Convegno Expocomfort, the leading biennial exhibition for civil and industrial plant engineering, renewable energy and the water industry, able to attract 1.800 exhibitors and 120.000 visitors from over 140 different countries to Fiera Milano.
The main theme of Heat Pump Technologies will be the challenge of decarbonisation and the role of heat pumps. Two days of professional enrichment, dedicated to the entire value chain, will provide a unique opportunity for the audience to delve into new scenarios, generate strategic ideas and identify emerging trends, with the participation of internationally renowned keynote speakers. Two main sessions are planned, curated by EHPA – European Heat Pump Association and Energy&Strategy Group of Politecnico di Milano, in addition to numerous vertical workshops proposed by the Partner Associations and exhibiting companies that have welcomed this new opportunity to display the latest technologies and solutions for energy conservation and environmental respect, ensuring maximum comfort. www.heatpumptechnologies.it
• Quick Mounting (QM)
• Compact: 46,5X86X121mm
• Power supply: 230V AC, 24V AC/DC, 12V DC
• Manual release
• Position indicator
• UL Certified
• IP54/65
• Bidirectional ON/OFF
• Eco-friendly: low power consumption
FASTEC ® by TECO is the ideal solution, allowing pipes, manifold modules, and valves to be connected without the need for tools
Professionals in the plumbing and heating industry operate in an increasingly demanding environment, where reduced installation times, limited space, and highly advanced systems pose significant challenges. The growing difficulty in finding qualified personnel further complicates the situation. FASTEC ® , the quick and intuitive hydraulic connection system developed by TECO, is designed to address these challenges by simplifying the work of installers and optimizing on-site operations.
At the service of installers
Sanitary water distribution systems, whether exposed or concealed, require reliable connections that are leak-free and easy to install even in confined spaces. FASTEC ® is the ideal solution, allowing pipes, manifold modules, and valves to be connected without the need for tools, ensuring maximum safety and efficiency. The system is DVGW certified and has already demonstrated its effectiveness with millions of fittings installed worldwide. Available in F13 (DN15 – 1/2”) and F14 (DN20 – 3/4”) sizes, FASTEC ® guarantees:
• compact installations, ideal for even the tightest spaces;
• significant time savings, eliminating the need for operations such as hemp sealing or the use of specialized tools;
• reduction of errors, thanks to a secure connection system that prevents incorrect installations;
• maximum versatility, with the possibility of connecting pipes made of different materials (copper, steel, multilayer, PPR, and PEX) and creating branches in all directions;
• a complete range of fittings and valves, meeting all installation needs.
A further great advantage of FASTEC ® is the possibility of prefabricating pre-assembled hydraulic modules in a workshop, such as manifolds or bypass systems, which can then be quickly installed on site. This approach reduces the number of on-site operations, optimising time and ensuring a precise and reliable installation. Furthermore, in combination with TECO interception products, FASTEC ® allows for the customisation of systems according to requirements and the centralisation of all interceptions in a single point of the building (for example, a shaft), even in confined spaces.
Practical applications
Thanks to a complete range of elbow fittings, “T” fittings, and Dual joint Twin, FASTEC ® seamlessly adapts to a wide variety of system configurations. The FASTEC ® fittings and valves can also be directly integrated into the sandwich boxes of TECO built-in products, offering additional space savings without compromising functionality. For example, the inclusion of a DN15 “T” valve in the K4.3 manifold kit allows for the addition of a higher flow rate outlet, while “T” fittings and elbows allow further customisation of the build-in products.
HALL 6.0, C85 TECO Srl Via Sandro Pertini, 39/41 - 25050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) - Tel. 030 6850510 - www.tecosrl.it | info@tecosrl.it
With its ease of use, certified safety, and flexible configuration options, FASTEC ® represents an ideal solution for the hydrothermal sanitary sector. FASTEC ® simplifies the work of installers, drastically reduces the possibility of error, and allows for reduced completion times without compromising quality. In an industry where speed, reliability, and precision make all the difference, FASTEC ® is the hydraulic connection that simplifies every installation.
The 6M00 SERIES manifolds called Loki by General Fittings with ¾” Eurocone outlets are the ideal solution for the distribution of water in radiant heating and cooling systems. The extreme flexibility offered by the ability to assemble them at will offers multiple combinations and helps reduce warehouse stock. The self-seal thread and O-Ring seal allow quick assembly and alignment of the connectors without the aid of any equipment and a guaranteed seal without the use of plumber’s hemp or Teflon. A wide range of accessories makes it possible to assemble the manifold with all the necessary components for the proper functioning of the system: brackets, shut-off ball valves, venting valves and input-output taps. www.generalfittings.it
Designed by Nobili Rubinetterie’s R&D department in collaboration with Arpa Industriale (Bra, Cuneo), the Match kitchen mixer (24.5 cm high) has a spout covered with Fenix laminate, an innovative multilayered film made of nanoparticles and acrylic resins set and fixed using the Electron Curing cold polarisation process. This style detail permits greater freedom in the design of the work area: the colours of the Fenix laminate can match the countertop or cupboard
doors, for example, and not just the sink. The mixer adapts perfectly to the kitchen, as the name of the collection suggests. The Match mixer is available in 18 different combinations of 3 finishes (Chrome, Inoxand Velvet Black) and 6 Fenix colours: Kos White, Doha Zinc, London Grey, Bromine Grey, Jaipur Red and Ingo Black. www.nobili.it
The latest evolution of the Olimpia Splendid air-to-air heat pumps without outdoor unit is called Unico Vertical and is a simple but complete solution for the electrification of climate comfort in new buildings, but above all for the transformation of old centralised systems into new, highly efficient autonomous systems. Available in 4 different models (with or without a 2 kW electrical resistance, for freestanding or built-in installation), it is positioned as a unique generator of indoor climate comfort and air exchange in a room. Thanks to a special kit, it is even possible to integrate the heat pump (in the recessed version) with a highly energy-efficient HRV unit with counter-cur-
rent cross-flow exchanger. There are many advantages that Unico Vertical can bring to a building that is undergoing a system upgrade. Firstly, efficiency and energy transition: the new solution allows the complete electrification of environmental comfort, offering heat pump heating, cooling and air exchange with heat recovery.
Secondly, the simplicity of the system (compared to centralised solutions): Unico Vertical is easy to maintain thanks to quick access to the individual units and, like all the models in the range, it does not take up any outdoor space, making it possible to recover terraces and outdoor areas.
Rubinetterie Bresciane manufactures, under the trademark Frabo, a full range of threaded fittings, available in dimensions from ¼” mm to 3” mm. The series are produced in high quality brass or bronze and are threaded according the EN 10226-1 (ISO 7-1) standard (some items are available with threads according EN 228-1. These series provide items suitable for many plumbing and Industrial applications: FRABO 3000 is a perfect solution for the most common plumbing installation.
“Matt in the bathroom”; the current trend in bathroom design. With the new addition to the TECEdrainline range in matt black and matt white, the shower channel, which has proven itself millions of times over, is also consistently trendy.
A double coating ensures durable, velvety matt surfaces that perfectly match the TECEsquare, TECEsolid and TECEvelvet toilet and urinal flush plates for an elegant total look.
Within the modular system, there are “steel” design covers for the channels, which are equipped with black and white coloured channel feet to prevent friction on metal. The two-component powder coating, consisting of primer and powder coating, is particularly scratch and impact resistant. This tried and tested coating not only gives the shower channels a flawless surface, but also ensures effortless cleaning. This addition to the range will not only please the customer base, but also experienced plumbing professionals. spotlight.tece.com
SERIE 3000 fittings are made of bronze with low lead content in the dimensional range between 1/4” and 3”. Bronze threads of SERIE 3000 are made in compliance with EN 10226 standard. The choice of bronze, a notoriously noble material with marked corrosion resistance qualities, is mainly due to its hygienic safety and reliability offered in extremely adverse installation conditions and the complete lack of dezincification, hence guaranteeing excellent durability. www.rubinetteriebresciane.it
Viessmann Climate Solutions is presenting the entire multi-brand portfolio for the first time, which has been created by the alliance with Carrier Corporation, a leading global provider of intelligent air-conditioning and energy solutions. The motto of this year’s ISH, “Power Play as One Team”, underlines this newly created alliance. The Carrier umbrella now unites the brands Carrier, Viessmann Climate Solutions, Riello,
and Beretta for the Europe, Middle East and Africa regions. The Viessmann Climate Solutions innovations for 2025 show how the company, as a strong unit within the multi-brand portfolio, combines technological excellence with a clear vision for the future. As one of the leading providers of climate solutions for all living spaces, the Viessmann integrated solution offering enables products and systems for heating (heat,
cooling & air quality) and cooling solutions to be seamlessly connected via digital platforms and services. Viessmann Climate Solutions products and systems provide the basis for sustainable climate solutions. Almost all areas, from single- and multi-family homes to commercial and industrial buildings and municipal facilities, can be covered by the portfolio. www.viessmann-climatesolutions.com
Ariosa DOT is the dual-flow HRV for rooms up to 70 m². It solves problems with mold and allergies by continuous air exchange, filtering away smog, dust and bacteria. And it does in silence!
Installation made easy: by using the template and brackets provided, simply make two Ø125mm holes on any perimeter wall to complete the job in just a few hours
Available in either sensible or enthalpic heat recovery exchange, as well as the HP version, ensuring a perfectly balanced air humidity level during hot and humid months. Ariosa DOT comes with standard LCD panel and Wi-Fi module, allowing you to control it via smartphone with dedicated app.
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