Quintessentially Canadian Summer 2015

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Canada’s Exclusive Magazine For Products Made In Canada Business, Food, Style, Home




Chantal Kreviazuk


Clothing Fashion with Quebec Flare

On Music Family and Life’s Journey

Chic Choc Rum Cocktails for


The Rick Mercer Report Returns

for its 13th season

Trish Magwood Recipes from Home

Sleepy Owl Pure Baby Care

Lake On A Mountain Resort Mysterious and Beautiful

Please enjoy responsibly.


Winning her over since 1987.

Winning you over with awards since 1975. P erfect for pairing. inniskillin.com


uppercanadacheese.com Our modern creamery was built in 2005. That very same year our hand crafted cheeses, Niagara Gold and Comfort Cream went to market amid rave reviews. Located in the heart of Niagara Wine Country in Jordan Station, this pretty creamery sits directly adjacent to the railway, that in the past would have been used to transport fresh milk everyday.

Open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Buses and groups are welcome!

Ask about our award winning Ontario goat milk cheeses!

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Picturesque Lake on the Mountain, a subject of myths and legends, is located 200 feet above the Bay of Quinte. Enjoy the exquisite views, fresh waters, excellent swimming and fishing, comfortable cottage life and delightful meals at our family run restaurants.


Editor Judith Kipka Art Director Autumn Clare Associate Art Director Faith Kerry Advertising and Public Relations Rob Windover Publisher Quintessentially Canadian 4 Group Toronto ON

Enjoy us at issuu.com

The resort consists of self-catering cottages, rooms, suites, our restaurants — ‘The Inn’ and ‘The Miller House Cafe-Brasserie’ as well as our Muskoka style pavilion, which is available for weddings, meetings, receptions and other special functions. We are open 7 days a week from the end of April to the end of October. To view the menus from our restaurants please visit www.lakeonthemountain.com

264 County Road #7 Prince Edward County RR#9, Picton, Ontario, Canada K0K 2T0 (613)476-1321

www.lakeonthemountain.com 13!


The Life and Legacy of Samuel Cunard Special Exhibit opening July 10th, 2015


Quintessentially Canadian Magazine


Rethinking the summer barbecue

! For!many!Canadians,!summer!means!barbecuing!and!relaxing!in!the!sunshine!with!friends!and!a!few!drinks.! For!the!summer!months,!the!Canadian!Cancer!Society!offers!specific!information!to!inform!and!encourage! Canadians!to!take!a!healthier!approach!to!their!barbecuing!to!reduce!their!exposure!to!cancer=causing! substances.! A!diet!high!in!red!meat!or!any!processed!meat!increases!the!risk!of!colorectal!cancer.!Research!also!shows! that!cooking!meat,!poultry!and!fish!at!high!temperatures!(by!frying,!broiling!or!barbecuing)!creates!chemicals! that!may!increase!your!cancer!risk.!! To!reduce!your!exposure!to!these!chemicals!(which!include!heterocyclic!amines!and!polycyclic!aromatic! hydrocarbons),!here!are!a!few!simple!tips!you!can!follow!for!a!twist!on!your!regular!summer!barbecue:! ! •

Marinate!meat,!poultry!and!fish!in!vinegar!or! lemon!juice!and!your!favourite!herbs!before! cooking.!Studies!have!shown!that!marinating! these!foods!can!reduce!the!formation!of!cancer= causing!chemicals.!!

When!barbecuing,!opt!for!lean!cuts!of!meat,! poultry!and!seafood.!Trim!off!visible!fat!to!avoid! flare=ups!on!the!grill.!!

Give!your!barbeque!a!boost!by!making!a!selection!of!salads!with! a!mixture!of!vegetables!and!whole!grains.! A!cold!drink!will!likely!be!near!the!top!of!your!list!for!a!perfect! day!in!the!sun,!but!it’s!worth!remembering!that!drinking!any! type!of!alcohol!–!beer,!wine!or!spirits!–!raises!your!risk!of! cancer.!Here!are!a!few!tips!you!can!follow!if!you!want!to!quench! your!thirst!and!reduce!your!alcohol!intake:! •

Barbecue!slowly!and!keep!the!food!away!from! the!hot!coals!so!that!flames!are!less!likely!to! engulf!the!food!to!prevent!charring.! Try!grilling!vegetables,!veggie!burgers!and!fruit! slices.!Most!experts!agree!that!plant=based!foods! do!not!form!the!cancer=causing!substances!when! cooked!at!high!heat.!Try!to!limit!the!amount!of! red!meat!you!eat!per!week!to!3!servings.!One! serving!is!85!grams!and,!when!cooked,!is!smaller! than!a!deck!of!cards.!!


• •

! Avoid!salty!snacks!such!as!potato!chips!or!salted!nuts!when! drinking!alcohol.!Salt!makes!you!thirsty!and!more!likely!to!finish! your!drink!faster.! Always!have!a!glass!of!water!handy!when!you’re!drinking!alcohol! so!you!can!stay!hydrated!without!increasing!your!alcohol!intake.!! A!shandy!(beer!with!lemon=lime!soda!or!ginger!ale)!or!a!wine! spritzer!(wine!with!club!soda)!can!be!a!refreshing!change!from! typical!alcoholic!drinks.! If!hitting!the!patio!after!work,!or!relaxing!with!friends!in!a!garden! in!the!summer!is!your!thing,!try!to!schedule!at!least!two!alcohol= free!days!a!week.!You!can!still!enjoy!the!nice!weather,!but!you!can! forego!the!alcoholic!drink!in!your!hand!!

Did!you!know?! A!drink!is:!





If!you!choose!to!drink!alcohol,!keep!it!to!less!than!1!drink!a!day!for!women!and!less! than!2!drinks!a!day!for!men.!The!less!you!drink,!the!more!you!reduce!your!risk.! Always!remember!to!practice!sun!safety!while!you’re!barbecuing!and!enjoying!the! nice!summer!weather!! !

Quintessentially Canadian Magazine

Man in the ! Shadows! Fast-paced, gripping and rich with historical detail, Man in the Shadows (HarperCollins Canada) builds on the historical record to illuminate one of the most dramatic times in Canadian history. In this historical novel, Gordon Henderson imagines a cross-border plot to assassinate key Canadian political figures in the early days of Confederation. We follow the fictional Conor O'Dea, a young Irish Catholic with political aspirations, who is the assistant to D'Arcy McGee, a fiery former Irish nationalist and friend of Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald. As the fledgling country was forming, its security was threatened by the Fenian Brotherhood, a group of Irish republicans that advocated a forcible takeover of Canada by the United States. O'Dea becomes romantically involved with a young Protestant woman, which provokes upset and violence. When McGee is assassinated by a Fenian sympathizer— or so everyone believes— O'Dea takes it upon himself to discover the real assassin, and to prevent the prime minister of Canada, Sir John himself, from being the next victim. !


Gordon Henderson Man in the Shadows is Gordon Henderson’s first novel. His career has been spent in television, not print. He has been a parliamentary correspondent, a senior current affairs field producer and, since 1987, the owner of a documentary production company. Documentaries produced by his company, 90th Parallel Productions, have aired around the world and won many national and international awards. History is Gordon Henderson’s first love. He won a Gemini Award for his work as a senior series producer of the celebrated CBC series Canada: A People’s History. 90th Parallel Productions produced a four part series on the building of the CPR, The Norse: An Arctic Mystery about first contact and the Vikings and Underground Railroad: The William Still Story, which ran on PBS. 90th recently co-produced Franklin’s Lost Ships about the discovery of Sir John Franklin’s ship, The Erebus. The documentary was commissioned by CBC, Radio-Canada, NOVA/ PBS and Channel 4 in the UK. In 2006 Henderson spent a month with Canadian troops in Afghanistan writing and directing The Crazy Eights, which The Globe and Mail called “must see TV.” It was one of four films his company produced about the war. Other recent productions include State of Incarceration about Canada’s crime policy, Two of a Kind about identical twins, Journey to the Disaster Zone: Japan 3/11, a five part co-production with the CBC, and two films about neuroplasticity based on the best selling book The Brain That Changes Itself by Dr Norman Doidge, which have aired around the world. Mom and Me, which premiered at the Hot Docs Festival in April, will be on TVO in the fall. For more than a decade Gordon Henderson taught in the Journalism department at Toronto’s Ryerson University. He was recently profiled in the Ryerson Review of Journalism. www.rrj.ca/keeping-it-reel/!


He lives in Toronto with his wife, Pam. They have three grown children. !



Genuinely natural & pure with ingredients from nature developed by a homeopath

Also in LEMON & L AVENDER scent!

Quintessentially Canadian Magazine




Chantal Kreviazuk ! Taking time from her busy touring schedule this spring, Chantal Kreviazuk, makes time for a few quintessentially Canadian questions. QC: What is the best street or neighbourhood to walk in Toronto?

CK: In the fall I love to be caught in the urban leaf/wind storms...Best ones are in this little walkway between Front and King / Church and Front, next to the Rainbow Theatre. QC: As someone who grew up in Manitoba, I notice a sincerity and realness in others who grew up there too. Do you find your ability to connect to others through writing, both in song and written word, on such an honest level has anything to do with your prairie roots?

CK: I think Manitobans are the salt of the earth. People are kind and have a sincerity about them, less pretension. Having said that, music, for me has always been a way of transcending the unspeakable.


QC: As a working mom of two girls, 1 and 6, whose husband handles all the daytime child duties I loved your Mother's Day piece. Is it hard sometimes to see the clarity of situations others don't?

Quintessentially Canadian Magazine






Chantal'Kreviazuk'is'a'Canadian'born'singer'and' songwriter'from'Winnipeg,'Manitoba'who'began'playing' piano'from'ear'at'the'age'of'three. ' In'1996,'Chantal'signed'with'Sony'Canada'and'her' debut!album,!"Under!These!Rocks!and!Stones"!was! released.!"Surrounded”,!“Wayne”!and!“Believer”,!all! singles!off!the!album,!climbed!the!music!charts!and!put! Chantal!on!the!map!for!all!to!see.! In!1998,!Chantal!recorded!a!cover!of!John!Denver's,! "Leaving!on!a!Jetplane"!for!the!Armageddon!movie! soundtrack,!which!went!double!platinum.! With!her!climbing!success,!Chantal!released!her! sophomore!album!"Colour!Moving!and!Still"!in!1999!and! the!lead!single,!"Before!You”,!a!song!about!her!thenO fiance!and!nowOhusband,!Our!Lady!Peace!frontman! Raine!Maida,!peaked!within!the!top!ten!on!the!Much! Music!charts.!Her!other!single!that!year,!“Feels!Like! Home"!was!recorded!for!the!Dawson's!Creek! soundtrack,!as!well!as!the!film,!How!to!Lose!a!Guy!in!10! Days,!and!has!become!one!of!her!most!iconic!love! tunes.! After!tying!the!knot!with!Raine,!Chantal!concentrated!on! building!and!being!there!fullOtime!for!her!family!of!three! children,!all!boys.!She!returned!to!the!music!scene!in! 2002!with!her!third!album,!"What!If!It!All!Means! Something”!with!the!lead!single!“In!This!Life”!receiving! incredible!airplay!globally!with!an!appearance!on!The! Tonight!Show!with!Jay!Leno,!and!placing!on!the!Adult! Top!40,!Album!Heatseekers!and!Billboard!music!charts.!! Since!2002,!Chantal,!now!a!twoOtime!Juno!Award!winner! for!‘Best!Pop!Album’!and!‘Best!Female!Artist’,!released! four!other!albums!“Ghost!Stories”,!“Since!We!Met:!The! Best!of!1996O2006”,!“Plain!Jane”!and!the!2012!live! album,!“In!This!Life”.!

Besides!being!in!the!spotlight,!Chantal!has!written!numerous!hits!for!artists! such!as!Kelly!Clarkson!(Walk!Away),!Drake!(Over!my!Dead!Body),!Gwen! Stefani!(Rich!Girl),!Pit!Bull!&!Christina!Aguilera!(Feel!this!Moment),!along! with!other!artists!such!as!Avril!Lavigne,!Shakira,!Josh!Groban!and!Carrie! Underwood.!In!2014,!Chantal’s!collaboration!song!with!Kendrick!Lamar! and!Jay!Rock,!“Pay!For!It”!was!performed!on!Saturday!Night!Live,!and!her! written!song!“Wasted!Love”!for!NBC!The!Voice’s!Matt!McAndrew!hit!#1!on! iTunes.! For!her!charity!work!with!'War!Child!Canada'!amongst!other!notable! organizations,!at!the!2014!Juno!Awards,!Chantal,!alongside!her!husband! Raine!Maida,!won!the!prestigious!"Allan!Waters!Humanitarian!Award".! MTV!has!coined!Chantal!and!Raine!"one!of!Canada’s!most!influential! cultural!couples"!and!"Canadian!royalty".! With!2015!here,!Chantal!has!once!again!charted!the!music!airwaves!with! her!latest!single,!I!Will!Be,!a!song!in!partnership!with!Kids!Help!Phone!that! speaks!to!her!desire!to!want!to!help!those!who!feel!alone!and!isolated.!


Quintessentially Canadian Magazine

Manitobah Mukluks !

Growing up, Sean McCormick maintained strong ties to his Métis roots. On the most frigid and unrelenting winter days in a northern community, he wore his mukluks with pride. At an early age, he gained a deep respect for his ancestors’ ability to survive the most extreme conditions for thousands of years. It was in this respect that Sean laid the seeds for a company. He hand tanned leather and traded it for handcrafted footwear from local producers, which he then sold to souvenir shops. That initial venture eventually evolved into what we now know as Manitobah Mukluks. Since then, the company has experienced unprecedented growth - earning it the distinction of being designated as one of the fastest-growing Canadian companies on the PROFIT 500 list. Manitobah Mukluks has respectfully borrowed the talents, tools and techniques from countless generations of grandmothers, mothers and daughters and applied that knowledge towards building a viable social enterprise.


Borrowing this traditional knowledge comes at a cost and like all borrowing; a debt has been incurred. Although it is impossible to repay this debt to our ancestors who have contributed to Manitobah Mukluks’ success - we can work to ensure that their traditional knowledge and skills are not lost. Manitobah Mukluks is honouring at least part of its debt to past generations as well as its obligation to future generations through the creation and expansion of the Storyboot Project. Manitobah now offers 3 categories of products; they continue to grow their made in Canada offering, they introduced an affordable offshore line and they have Storyboots (handmade, one-of-a-kind works of art made by Aboriginal artisans).

WHERE THE STORY LEADS T HROUGH the Storyboot Project, Manitobah has started to teach the art of mukluk-making and called it the Storyboot School. Workshops are designed to teach Aboriginal youth how to make their own unique creations. Participants in the program attend hands-on training, lead by a talented Aboriginal artist, and produce their own handmade footwear. Students learn about their culture and grow relationships with Elders, artisans and other youth while developing new skills, learning through stories and experiencing firsthand expression of traditional values. These activities and their personal achievement during the workshops help combat a far too common loss of cultural identity and assist participants in gaining a new sense of self-worth. !

With the support of Manitobah Mukluks and our other partners, the Storyboot School has been able to build upon the initial workshop concept and now offers more sessions and provides more youth the opportunity to learn each year. As Manitobah builds its curriculum, they intend to introduce new types of traditional Indigenous arts-based training workshops such as soapstone carving, dream-catcher classes, visual arts, story-telling and more. In addition to hands-on training workshops, they are beginning to create a digital archive of free, instructional online videos that will be accessible to everyone, for many years to come. These videos will feature our Storyboot artists and instructors providing step-by-step instructions; allowing the viewer to complete their own pair of mukluks or moccasins on their own time and in their preferred style. Our hope is to not only reach far and wide to share this knowledge, but to preserve it forever and ensure the survival of traditional Indigenous arts. The continued growth of the initial workshops into the Storyboot School is consistent with Manitobah Mukluk’s commitment to the survival of traditional arts, indigenous cultural skills and knowledge for future generations. It will increase opportunities to unite indigenous and non-indigenous communities to engage, share and learn from each other. Every step of the way, every time Manitobah Mukluks gets a little bigger, it strives to make an even bigger impact in the community. Their efforts are focused on helping to reignite and keep Aboriginal culture and art alive. Through the Storyboot School, Manitobah Mukluks honours the past while building the future rooted in its tradition. It is an important part of its existence as a viable business with a social commitment. 25! !

Quintessentially Canadian Magazine



Essential!Oil! Benefits! Why'do'we'use'essential'oils' instead'of'synthetic'fragrance?' Fragrance'is'known'to'cause' irritation'and'it'is'a'cause'for' allergen'concern.'Essential'oils' not'only'provide'an'all'natural' straight'from'nature'aroma'–' our'unique'blend'of'essential' oils'contain'therapeutic' properties'to'help'relieve' different'ailments.'On'each' product'slide'we'will'list'the' benefits'of'the'essential'oil' included'in'the'product.'' '

Modern'Apothecary! specializes!in!clean,!earth/friendly! products!that!are!packaged!to! provide!a!luxurious!eco!feel.! Owner!and!formulator!Natacha! Rey!has!used!her!diverse!education! and!work!experience!to!develop!a! line!of!genuinely!natural!and! therapeutic!skincare!products!to! fill!a!gap!she!noticed!and!to!happily! fulfill!the!shifting!trend!towards! therapeutic!bath!products!

! Are!our!products!organic?! We!use!organic!ingredients!as! much!as!possible.!All!of!our! ingredients!are!plant!derived!and! we!use!organic!where!we!think!it! would!benefit!the!most!while! keeping!the!cost!down!for! consumers.!We!tend!to!focus!on! pure!essential!oils!rather!then! organic.!!



! ! Lemon!Aide!is!our!newest!line!–!it!was! inspired!by!Natacha’s!need!for!her!own! personal!all!natural!cleaner!for!home!use.! Perfect!for!families!due!to!its!non/toxic! nature! ! ! ! Sleepy!Owl!Pure!Baby!Care!is!our!original! line!–!Natacha!relied!on!these!products!to! get!through!her!own!mommy!issues!–! such!as!diaper!rashes!and!colicky! stomachs.!Our!secret!ingredient!is!our! blue!chamomile!–!which!is!anti/ inflammatory! ! ! Our!Modern!Apothecary!line!is!a! combination!of!sophistication!and!early! century!botanicals.!Our!glass!amber! bottles!provide!an!old!apothecary!feel!and! our!high!quality!ingredients!provide!all! natural!luxury.!Designed!for!high/end! consumers.! ! !

Natacha!spent!months!exploring!the!world!of!rare,!rich! and!luxurious!oils!to!discover!the!medicinal!uses!of! Marula!oil!throughout!west!Africa.!Marula!oil!is!known! to!significantly!improve!hydration,!softness!and! smoothness.!

! Summer!cocktails!with! Canadian4made!spirits! ! Canadian&weather&usually&keeps&us&stuck&inside&for&most&of& ! the&year,&but&when&summer&hits&there’s&nothing&better&than&

Quintessentially Canadian Magazine



being&outside&and&enjoying&the&sun&with&a&delicious&cocktail& in&your&hand.& ! Domaine!Pinnacle!from!Southern! !The!key!to!a!great!cocktail!is!to!keep!your!spirits!local.!Canada!has! some!of!the!best!microclimates!in!the!world!for!producing!fruit,!berries! and!botanicals.!The!cooler!climates!allow!producers!to!showcase!our! great!nation’s!bounty!in!its!best!form!<!alcohol.! ! Now!we!as!Canadians!are!well!known!for!making!cool!climate!wines! that!stand!up!to!the!world's!best.!What!most!people!don't!recognize!is! that!our!climate!is!perfect!for!producing!herbs,!berries!and!botanicals! that!lend!themselves!very!well!to!distillation.! ! Canada's!northern!climates!produce!terrior!based!botanicals!that!are! heartier!and!therefore!stand!up!to!the!process!of!distillation!better!than! the!produce!of!southern!climates.!There!is!no!company!that!does!this! better!than!Domaine!Pinnacle.! !

By!Joshua!Groom! !


Québec!sources!local!ingredients!to! produce!unique!and!delicious! Canadian!Spirits.!Ungava!Gin!and!Chic! Choc!Spiced!Rum!are!just!the! beginning!of!what!this!distillery!has!to! offer.! ! Ungava!Canadian!Premium!Gin!was! launched!in!2010!in!Quebec!quickly! taking!the!market!by!storm!becoming! the!province's!number!one!gin!brand! sold!in!the!SAQ.!This!product!has!now! grown!in!popularity!across!Canada!and! the!rest!of!the!world!and!is!available!in! 55!countries!and!70!markets! showcasing!Canadian!northern! botanicals!and!its!indigenous!culture!<! the!Inuit!people.! ! Chic!Choc!Spiced!Rum!launched!in! 2014!and!has!made!its!way!across!the! nation!featuring!rums!blended!and! aged!in!Canada!with!boreal!spices! from!the!Chic!Choc!mountain!range!in! our!northeast.! ! Both!of!these!great!Canadian!products! use!botanicals!to!create!more!balance! in!flavour!for!both!respected! categories.!Botanicals,!herbs!and! spices!are!used!through!distillation!to! showcase!our!country’s!amazing! terrior.!The!final!product!in!the!bottle! speaks!quality!on!their!own!which! means!the!alcoholic!concoctions!only! render!a!higher!quality!cocktail.! ! As!a!Canadian!company!the!price! points!of!the!brands!should!also!help! us!all!keep!a!smile!on!our!faces,!even! in!the!dead!of!winter.! !

Summer Cocktails with

Quintessentially Canadian Magazine

Canadian-Made ! Spirits ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Tom Collins !

"Ungava!Gin!!!!!!!!!!!!60!ml! "Lemon!Wedges!!!!!4!!!ea! "Simple!Syrup!!!!!!!!!30!ml! "Soda!Water!!!!!!!!!!!30!ml! "Lemon!Zest!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!ea!



! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Ungava Gin, Squeeze 4 lemon wedges into high ball. Add a scoop of ice. Turn with bar spoon. Top up with ice. Add a splash of soda. Garnish with lemon zest and long straw.

! ! !

Dark & Stormy !

"Chic!Choc!Spiced!Rum!!!!!45!ml! "Ginger!Beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!60!ml! "Lime!Juice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15!ml! "Spruce!Sprig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!ea! "Lemon!Zest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.5!ea! !

Load Chic Choc Spiced Rum, juice, then ginger beer. Garnish with sprig and zest. Finish with long straw. 31!

Quintessentially Canadian Magazine

It’s a little taste of monthly glamour for about as much as your Netflix! Each subscription (Basics, Signature and Premium) is tailored to style (surprise me or thong only), size (XS to 4X) and duration (3, 6 and 12 month), and beautifully packaged to perfection. And we love the collections for bridal and men as gifts - come on, we know your BF's underwear drawer could use a little making over! Introducing our newly opened Panties & More shop, where you can buy jewelry, socks, lingerie sets and more.

What are the Company Origins? The founder, Natalie Grunberg, has had a lifetime appreciation of all things French. Natalie spends the best part of her summers in France, and lived in Quebec for two years. She has watched and admired French women of all shapes and sizes, how confident and well put together they are, and the care they take in selecting and wearing their pretty lingerie. The Panty by Post concept took shape to provide women worldwide with French panties of superior quality and comfort, an excellent price point and a fast and easy online order process. Panty by Post adds the element of a wonderful surprise every time a panty is delivered by the local postman in a beautiful package; a delightful experience that people want to have over and over again, whether they order for themselves, or as a gift.

Exclusive&Suppliers! ! Panty!by!Post!carries!lines!such!as:!Blush,!Agua!Bendita,!Estivo,! Santolina,!Maaji,!Purpuratta,!Hanky!Panky,!Change,!Happy!Socks,! Richer!Poorer,!JM!and!more.!!Panty!by!Post!offers!direct!access!to! these!hardJtoJfind,!appealing!brands!at!prices!that!match!those!of! massJproduced!lowerJend!retail!products.!!

Pricing—Service—Quality! ! Our!panties!rival!retail!stores!in!price,!plus!every!panty!includes!pretty! packaging,!a!note!and!delivery!by!post.!This!unrivaled!service,!and!the! quality!and!durability!of!our!brands!is!what!drives!repeat!customers!and! referrals.!We!have!tested!our!panties!for!durability!over!many!laundry! washes,!sporting!activities!and!the!dryer.!!

! Who&Buys&a&Panty&by&Post?! ! Our!largest!subscriber!market!is!Canada,!USA!and!France.!We!have!new! offices!in!Russia!and!Australia.!We!are!growing!fast!! Women!20J24:!young!women!tired!of!inferiorJquality,!massJproduced! offerings! Women!25J59:!professional,!timeJstrapped!women!of!all!sizes!who!are! Intimate!Apparel!Enthusiasts!and!have!an!appreciation!for!European! style!! Men!25J59:!men!looking!to!please!the!woman!in!his!life!with!the! perfect!gift!that!is!convenient,!thoughtful,!sexy!and!romantic! &

! The&CEO&Founder&of&Panty&by&Post! ! With!a!life!that!revolves!around!her!passion!for!her!company,!Natalie! brings!her!tremendous!energy!to!her!position!as!President!of!Panty!by! Post.!Her!passion!for!business!has!made!her!a!fast!expert!in!her!field.! She!draws!on!her!past!careers!for!her!big!ideas!and!project! management!skills.!She!is!known!for!her!vigorous!work!ethic!and! works!tirelessly!to!manage,!run!and!develop!her!growing!business.! Beyond!working,!walking!her!dog!Henri!and!practising!her!boxing! moves,!she!enjoys!indulging!in!French!food!and!wine!at!her!brother's! world!class!restaurant!(shout!out!to!L'Abattoir!).!


Quintessentially Canadian Magazine

Lake on the Mountain Resort is located on the shore ! ! of the beautiful and mysterious Lake on the Mountain 200 feet above the Bay of Quinte.

The resort has been run by the Chretien family for 23 years It consists of self catering lakefront cottages that are just steps from picturesque and tranquil Lake on the Mountain which is 200 feet above the Bay of Quinte. Guests come to relax and enjoy the scenic views of this mysterious lake, swim in the fresh waters, enjoy a peaceful canoe ride or the excitement of a day of fishing (no gas motors are permitted on the lake). Also onsite is 'The House Across the Road’ otherwise known as the Wilson-Frizell House which was built in 1892 on the crest of the bluff overlooking Adolphus Reach. It boasts one of a kind views of Adolphus Reach 200 feet below, where you can see the Glenora Ferry crossing to the mainland. The House Across the Road has beautifully appointed rooms and suites with spectacular views in all directions.


the freshest ingredients! Also onsite are two restaurants. The restaurant ‘The Inn’ has been open for 23 years. It is located in a historic general store circa 1796, on the shore of beautiful Lake on the Mountain overlooking the Bay of Quinte 200 feet below. The Inn is proud to serve only the freshest ingredients including many fresh organic products from the resort gardens and from local farmers, fishermen and producers. Guests here enjoy excellent food and drink, either seated by the wood-burning fireplace in the historic old stone dining room, or on the patio with magnificent views of both Lake on the Mountain and the Bay of Quinte.

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Quintessentially Canadian Magazine

! The restaurant The Miller House Cafe-Brasserie is located in the oldest building on Lake on the Mountain. It was built circa 1794 as a residence for the man who ran the Mill on the escarpment of Lake on the Mountain. Since the 1800’s the building has had several uses, one of the most memorable for County residents is when it was a restaurant and dance hall in the 1950’s. The historic building was split from the resort in the 90’s and for years it was left vacant. In the summer of 2013 the old building was restored and again became part of Lake on the Mountain Resort. In July of 2013 the Miller House Cafe-Brasserie opened. Once again this beautiful buildings’ doors opened to the public to enjoy fine food and the spectacular views it offers.

In 2003 an onsite brewery was added to the resort. There are more than 15 different varieties of beer available to the customers of both the Inn and The Miller House Cafe Brasserie. All of the beers made at the resort are crafted using water from Lake on the Mountain and often from hops grown right onsite. The beers are exclusively available to the resort clientele. !

About the lake... It defies all known

geographical and geological theory.

It has no visible water source. It has a constant flow of clean, fresh water. The mystery of the lake has played a prominent role in the cultural history of the land. The Mohawks called it Onokenoga, or 'Lake of the Gods' and believed spirits dwelled within the deep waters; each spring they offered gifts to the spirits to ensure a successful crop in the coming year. There are no motor boats permitted on the lake. 37!

Quintessentially Canadian Magazine




Salus&–&Celebrating&15& Years&and&Growing!& 38!


Fifteen!years!ago,!Salus!began!with!a!new!concept! in!personal!flotation!device!design!and!a!single! sewing!machine.!Every!year!since,!has!seen!the! company!grow!while!staying!true!to!its!core!beliefs.! The!commitment!to!responsibly!manufacture!in! North!America,!make!the!highest!quality!PFD’s!we! can,!provide!great!customer!service!and!source!as! many!materials!as!possible!from!as!close!to!home!as! possible.!We!asked!Leanne!Reeve,!who!works!at! Salus!in!the!Customer!Service!department,!a!few! questions!about!what!is!coming!up!for!Salus!this! year!and!beyond.!







Is&Salus&taking&on&any&new&initiatives?& The!PFD!industry!has!not!been!known!for!being!the!most!environmentally! friendly.!We!feel!a!strong!responsibility!to!do!all!we!can!to!minimize!our! impact!on!the!environment.!Right!from!the!start!of!the!process!to!the!end,! we!look!at!all!possible!ways!to!reduce!waste!and!use!every!bit!of!resources! as!responsibly!as!possible.!This!year!we!have!some!exciting!new!projects! we!are!working!on:!First,!we’ve!recently!began!a!20,!000!sq.!ft.!solar!panel! project!that!will!create!a!renewable!source!of!energy!for!years!to!come.!To! further!our!commitment!to!more!sustainable!practices!we!are!always! open!to!creative!ideas!that!combine!our!manufacturing!efforts!with! solutions!to!minimize!our!environmental!impact.!Second,!this!year!we!are! partnering!with!a!local!college!and!students!from!the!Green!Management! post!grad!program!to!help!us!continue!our!plan!for!sustainability.!



One!of!the!first!things!you!will!notice!about!a!Salus!PFD!is!its!round!edges.! This!is!a!patented!manufacturing!process!that!uses!soft!foam!to!create!a! contoured!edge!on!every!vest.!This!translates!to!a!softer,!more!molded,! comfortable!fit.!Once!you!start!to!wear!a!Salus!you!can!see!and!feel!the! craftsmanship,!quality!and!durability!of!every!single!vest!we!make.!We! have!a!vest!that!can!fit!the!needs!of!anyone!from!the!recreational!paddler! who!goes!out!two!or!three!times!a!year!to!the!professional!that!is!on!the! water!over!300!days!a!year.!

past!15!years.!What!has!changed!and! what!has!stayed!the!same?! All!of!our!beliefs!and!values!have! stayed!the!same.!We!maintain!our! commitment!to!manufacturing!at!our! facility!in!Canada!using!as!many!North! American!sourced!materials!as! possible.!!We!are!very!proud!of!being! able!to!keep!North!American!jobs! here.!This!goes!hand!in!hand!with! providing!the!best!products!and! services!we!can.!One!thing!we!are! constantly!changing!is!our!vision.!The! past!fifteen!years!have!shown!us!that! anything!is!possible!!We!make! changes,!try!new!things,!and!are! always!looking!and!listening!to!what! our!customers!are!asking!for.!We!have! a!very!strong!loyal!customer!base!that! keeps!pushing!us!in!the!best!of!ways.!! 39!








The Mercer Report returns on Tuesday, Oct 6 for a 13th season on CBC!

Season 12 took Rick all over the country as usual. His itinerary included swimming with sharks in Nova Scotia, cod-jigging in Newfoundland, and a lesson in the art of making ice cream in Ontario. In Ottawa he learned how to ring the Carillon bells in the Peace Tower and in BC he piloted a sea plane. Rick joined pal Jann Arden at a concert in Edmonton and he learned the art of making potato chips in New Brunswick. He joined Parapan Am athletes in training and spent a day with the Mayor of Calgary. In the season finale he visited the winning schools in the Mercer Report's annual Spread the Net Student Challenge. And that's just a sampling of the season's activities! !

Rick Mercer, Canada's number

Rick will be back on the road for more cross-country exploits and challenges in the 2015-2016 season.

one political satirist, will return in the


fall for a lucky season of RICK MERCER REPORT. Rick's weekly helping of topical satire, funny takes on the week's top stories and Canada wide adventures have made a long-running audience favourite. The 12th season of RMR was capped with the show garnering three Canadian Screen Awards including best programme and performance awards.


Returning again, is one of the most popular features in every show--- Rick's rant where he takes to graffiti backdrop alleys to expound on anything that might be on his mind. Those rants have been collected in two best-selling books. Also back are regular segments that have made RMR a perennial hit, including the creative Photo Challenge, cheeky RMR parodies of TV commercials and political messages, and RMR's weekly target practice on newsmakers, The Front Page. The new season of RICK MERCER REPORT is guaranteed once more to keep audiences delighted and laughing.! !

Quintessentially Canadian Magazine

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Welcome. Come in and enjoy our Canadian made products.






Music under the stars...We’ve got a wine for that.















To order tickets visit our website

greatestatesniagara.com Contact us at 1.866.589.4637 Dates and artists are subject to change without notice. Please contact us for specific performance details. Please enjoy responsibly.

Quintessentially Canadian Magazine

Moose Ponderings‌ Zen Advice from the Wild

! !


are the key to dreams. They hold many paths from the physical. Explore the imagination you hold secret within your adult state of material consciousness. Let the child free to embrace your spiritual self and open to possibilities again. Hope will guide you into this realm you seek but dare only to dream about. It shall come into being when you are ready to feel your Soul and release your chains. !


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