2 minute read
For your nuts, butts and body

Ballsy Founder Adam Hendle and Co-Founder Brock Cady
Ballsy is an active lifestyle brand producing high-quality men’s personal care products that inspire and motivate thrill seekers, athletes, and everyday guys to live balls out. When we created Ballsy, we wanted to create something that was bold and, most importantly, engaging, and humor was a great way to do that! That said, while the brand is fun, we take our product formulations seriously, and produce everything in the USA using only the best ingredients, such as plant extracts and essential oils.
Do you need to have balls to buy your product?
Hah, not at all! In fact, over 60% of our buyers are female. What we’ve found is that female buyers love purchasing our products for their guys -- for conversation-starting humor, the fact that our products are high quality, and that they feel great giving them to their guys. Our favorite customer reviews are from women who’ve purchased Ballsy products for their significant others and admitted to using the products, too! We also believe if our products are good enough for “down there,” they’re good enough for everywhere! Ballwash, for example, is a natural wash that features activated charcoal known to trap toxins and chemicals and draw out bacteria, dirt, and other microparticles from the skin not just below the belt but everywhere on a guy’s body.
How ballsy do you have to be to live in New York?
New York is relentless at times. It can beat you up pretty badly but it’ll keep you coming back as it tempts you with endless opportunity and potential. To knowingly put yourself in a painful situation, where you sacrifice comfort for greater opportunity and growth, is a very Ballsy thing. New York City lives balls out for sure.
Instagram @ballwash

At first glance, these products and playful slogans look a little gimmicky. What is your response to that?
Great question! When we first started out we knew that humor would be a double-edged sword. On one side, it’s a great conversation starter and helps cuts through the noise; however, it could also make the brand seem gimmicky. With that in mind, it was extremely important to us that we followed the humor with high-quality products that would be taken seriously. What we love is that we see many customers who were using cheap-value brand washes now upgrading to a better-quality product because the humor got them in the door.
As a newbie wanting to try your product for the first time, what should I get?
Hands down you need to go for “The Sack Pack”! The Sack Pack is the ultimate trifecta of products including Ballwash, Nut Rub solid cologne, and our deodorizing Sack Spray. Some would say it’s Incrediball.
Why do you guys love New York?
We’re always up for a challenge, and New York is the kind of place that likes to play hard to get. There’s a certain level of effort and time you have to put in before you feel you deserve to call yourself a New Yorker.