Groups Process And Practice 10th Edition

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Groups Process And Practice 10th Edition

By Marianne Schneider Corey, Gerald Corey, Cindy Corey




Chapter 01: An Introduction to Group Work: A Multicultural Perspective Multiple Choice 1. Training for individuals in Task Group leadership involves all of the following broad subject areas EXCEPT

for: a. Organizational assessment b. Conflict resolution c. Consultation d. Program development ANSWER: b 2. A protocol of standards that sets forth core competencies for practitioners has been devised by: a. The American Psychological Association’s Group Counseling Committee b. The Association of Group Specialist Trainers c. The Association for Specialists in Group Work d. The Organization for Practitioners in Group Work ANSWER: c 3. Jennifer is a 19-year-old emotionally stable college student, but her grades have started to suffer. Her parents

suspect alcohol abuse, though they have no proof. They would like her referred to a group that addresses the risks of alcoholism in teenagers. The appropriate group setting would be: a. Task b. Brief (time-limited) c. Counseling d. Psychoeducational ANSWER: d 4. Dylan has participated in a court-appointed psychoeducational group designed to address anger management

issues. It can be assumed that he filled out an assessment questionnaire: a. During intake only b. At program completion only; during intake, assessment questionnaires can prejudice counselors and group leaders and result in preconceived notions c. At the beginning and upon program completion d. Assessment questionnaires are not typically utilized in psycho-educational settings ANSWER: c 5. __________ encompasses the values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by a group of people. a. Value b. Belief c. Culture d. Behavior ANSWER: c 6. A view of a counseling group will typically show a population composed of: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 01: An Introduction to Group Work: A Multicultural Perspective a. Diverse individuals with a similar problem/issue b. A homogeneous group with a similar problem/issue c. Diverse individuals with a dissimilar problem/issue d. A group of individuals selected only for similarities in coping skills, attitudes, etc. ANSWER: a 7. Dan, a 34-year-old homosexual construction worker; April, a 21-year-old heterosexual single parent; and

Sylvester, a 57-year-old Air Force retiree who underwent a blood-transfusion two years ago have all been recently diagnosed as HIV-positive. All need to address the issues of coping and “getting on with life.” The appropriate setting for achieving this goal would be: a. A psychotherapy group b. A task group c. A counseling group d. A psychoeducational group ANSWER: c 8.

In a psychoeducational group, the leader’s main tasks are to provide ___________ and create a positive and safe climate that fosters _____________. a. instruction/behavioral change b. cues/expression c. cues/self-exploration d. instruction/learning ANSWER: d 9. Chelsea, a 15-year-old has been diagnosed with bulimia. She reports that she is depressed, sees herself as

overweight — though she is categorized by her doctors as being underweight — and is experiencing feelings of worthlessness. She would most likely be found in which type of therapy? a. Counseling b. Psychoeducational group c. Inpatient d. Psychotherapy ANSWER: d 10. Financial concerns, the advent and increased frequency of managed-care structuring and cutbacks in

resources have all led to the increased necessity of: a. Psychoeducational groups b. Single-session groups c. Counseling groups d. Brief groups ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 01: An Introduction to Group Work: A Multicultural Perspective 11. A group of servicemen and women witnessed a training accident in which comrades were killed and others

were left horribly maimed. Many are reporting the effects of being emotionally traumatized. The treatment of choice for these individuals would most likely be a group that: a. Involves psychotherapy b. Is time limited c. Involves the “warm-up/action/closure” model d. Is open ended in duration; when the issues are sufficiently dealt with, the group is ended ANSWER: b 12. To be effective, BGT (Brief Group Treatment) hinges primarily on: a. Training of leaders in both group process and brief therapy. b. Balancing financial consideration with time constraints. c. Advocating for longer treatments. d. Tools to assess outcomes better. ANSWER: a 13. A leader is facilitating a group of diverse individuals — diverse in terms of nationality, race, ethnicity and

age. The leader should: a. Keep his or her views on these matters to himself or herself; it is crucial to remain neutral b. Refrain from taking a stand on matters involving multiculturalism c. Avoid giving the impression that he or she favors one view above another d. Openly discuss his or her worldview and its impact on the group process, even at the risk of alienating some ANSWER: d 14. A goal of the culturally skilled group counselor may be to have members offer challenging __________ to

one another. a. communication b. feedback c. revelation d. argument ANSWER: b 15. People from specific cultures may be more inclined to turn to all of the following EXCEPT _______ in

order to address areas of concern: a. clergy b. family c. a psychologist d. indigenous healers ANSWER: c 16. A useful way to think about the differences between our clients and ourselves is to consider the __________ Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 01: An Introduction to Group Work: A Multicultural Perspective

each of us possess. a. hierarchies b. single identity c. dual identities d. multiple identities ANSWER: d 17. Jabir is a Muslim counselee. His counselor is unaware of many aspects of Muslim life, beliefs, etc. Teaching

his counselor about these aspects of his life is, according to experts, likely to make him feel: a. Empowered b. Proud c. Frustrated d. Like a competent spokesperson for his group ANSWER: c 18. Finding reading sources where one can increase his or her base of knowledge regarding a diverse group: a. Can increase professional competence b. Can lead to overgeneralizations c. Is not recommended; the material can be biased, incorrect, outdated, etc. d. Can lead to misinformation; the counselor should rely on diverse members to provide this

information ANSWER: a 19. A competent therapist remains ___________ in the counseling process while maintaining openness about

___________. a. aware/behavior b. respectful/lifestyles and behavior c. neutral/attitudinal change d. invested/outcomes ANSWER: d 20. In order to learn more about cultural aspects of diverse clients, therapists should do all of the following

EXCEPT: a. Create a safe environment b. Listen carefully c. Ask many questions that necessitate clarification d. Provide clients with opportunity to speak freely ANSWER: c 21. __________ is/are an excellent treatment choice for numerous intrapersonal and interpersonal issues and for

helping people change. a. Individual counseling Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 01: An Introduction to Group Work: A Multicultural Perspective b. Groups c. Couples counseling d. Family counseling ANSWER: b 22. The broad purposes of a therapeutic group include all of the following EXCEPT: a. to support remaining the same. b. to increase members’ knowledge of themselves and others. c. to help members clarify the changes they most want to make in their lives. d. to provide members with the tools they need to make these changes. ANSWER: a 23. The focus of these groups is on the application of group dynamics principles and processes to improve

practice and to foster accomplishment of identified work goals. a. Psychoeducational groups b. Task groups c. Counseling groups d. Psychotherapy groups ANSWER: b 24. __________ focus on developing members’ cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills through a structured

set of procedures within and across group meetings. a. Psychoeducational groups b. Task groups c. Task groups d. Psychotherapy groups ANSWER: a 25. __________ differs from a psychotherapy group in that it deals with conscious problems, is not aimed at

major personality changes, is generally oriented toward the resolution of specific short-term issues, and is not concerned with treatment of the more severe psychological and behavioral disorders. a. Psychoeducational groups b. Task groups c. Counseling groups d. Psychotherapy groups ANSWER: c 26. Group members of these groups often have acute or chronic mental or emotional problems that evidence

marked distress, impairment in functioning, or both. a. Psychoeducational groups b. Task groups c. Counseling groups Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 01: An Introduction to Group Work: A Multicultural Perspective d. Psychotherapy groups ANSWER: d 27. __________ generally refers to groups that are time limited, have a preset time for termination, have a

process orientation, and are professionally led. a. Psychoeducational group therapy b. Long-term group therapy c. Brief group therapy d. Psychotherapy ANSWER: c 28. Becoming a culturally skilled group practitioner involves understanding both the differences between people

and the common ground we share. To that end, group counselors should strive to do all of the following EXCEPT: a. Understand some ways that issues pertaining to gender but not sexual orientation. b. Become aware of how power, privilege, social group status, and oppression influence the process of a group. c. Become aware, knowledgeable, skilled, and action-oriented in understanding the worldview of group members. d. Acknowledge the strengths and limitations in working with individuals from privileged and marginalized groups. ANSWER: a 29. Counseling students and group members are at very different stages of: a. their counseling program education. b. their cultural awareness and identity development. c. limitations. d. professional competence. ANSWER: b 30. It is __________ to expect professionals to have an in-depth knowledge of all cultural backgrounds. a. feasible b. realistic c. possible d. unrealistic ANSWER: d 31. When discussions about race are __________ handled, the result is often misunderstanding, increased

antagonism among participants, and barriers to learning. a. poorly b. appropriately c. accurately Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 01: An Introduction to Group Work: A Multicultural Perspective d. precisely ANSWER: a 32. There have been five successful strategies to facilitate difficult conversations about culture and race

identified. Which of the following is NOT one? a. Understand your own racial and cultural identity. b. Recognize and be open about your racial biases. c. Discourage a discussion about feelings. d. Pay more attention to the process than to the content of race talk. ANSWER: c 33. The authors present a conceptual framework that organizes diversity, multicultural, and social justice

competency into four areas. Which of the following is NOT one of these areas? a. Beliefs and attitudes b. Behaviors c. Knowledge d. Skills ANSWER: b 34. Groups provide a natural laboratory and a sense of __________ that demonstrates to people that they are not

alone and that there is hope for creating a different life. a. community b. individuality c. relief d. urgency ANSWER: a 35. Different types of groups require different levels of leader competence and training, but all group leaders

must have: a. minimal training. b. experience only with adolescent groups. c. mastered more than one language. d. some common basic competencies. ANSWER: d

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Chapter 02: The Group Counselor Multiple Choice 1. Those who are just beginning to lead groups are typically overwhelmed by: a. the problems they face. b. providing a safe, nurturing and open environment. c. getting members to establish relationships with each other. d. maintaining adequate control, authority and leadership. ANSWER: a 2. The self-assessment of group leadership skills will help a beginning leader identify: a. recent educational aspects of training that are less likely to be forgotten. b. which will make them less likely to experience burnout. c. their areas of strengths and weaknesses as a group leader. d. less preconceived notions and biases. ANSWER: c 3. Jasmine is leading her first group. Things are not going according to plan. As prolonged periods of silence

follow, one after another, she must learn: a. Ways in which to eliminate these uncomfortable moments b. Measures to take to keep conversation going c. That silence, though uncomfortable, is to be expected d. That she must speak when silence prevails ANSWER: c 4. Those new to group work often ask themselves questions. Which of the following would NOT be one of

them? a. What should I do if my parents attend? b. What if I don’t like one of the group members? c. What should I do if a group member is not participating at all? d. Will I be able to address cultural issues and be sensitive to diversity in my group? ANSWER: a 5. In training group workers using a co-leadership model, the authors find it is useful to __________ so they can

discuss what the trainees are actually doing as they facilitate a group. a. record the trainees to point out their flaws and b. observe the trainees as they co-lead c. continually interrupt d. ignore any issues ANSWER: b 6. A behavior in which a group counselor addresses issues by setting an example of himself or herself is known

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Chapter 02: The Group Counselor a. Exemplary leadership b. Patterning c. Leading by example d. Modeling ANSWER: d 7. The chance of __________ can be reduced by working with a coleader. a. summarizing b. confrontation c. transference d. burnout ANSWER: d 8. Self-revelation on the part of the counselor should be used with group members: a. Sparingly b. Often, as it is a particularly effective tool for getting clients to open up c. Spontaneously and only as the situation calls for it d. Never; it detracts from the clients’ issues that should remain the paramount focus of therapeutic

sessions ANSWER: c 9. “You always take Jenny’s side. You’re a racist! I can’t believe somebody as dumb as you could become a

therapist!” As the group leader, it’s time for you to respond; all eyes are on you. Which describes the best way to respond? a. The situation calls for you to respond forcefully b. Only with a firm response can you maintain authority c. The situation demands a non-defensive response d. A warning should be issued, whereby a repeated outburst will result in removal from the group ANSWER: c 10. By means of cultural influences, asking an African-American to “tone things down” can often be construed

by the party as all of the following EXCEPT: a. Racist b. Offensive c. Insulting d. Appropriate only if the counselor is of the same race ANSWER: d 11. Ideally, __________ informs your practice, and practice refines your approach to group work. a. theory b. countertransference c. transference Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 02: The Group Counselor d. burnout ANSWER: a 12. When utilizing __________ in groups, it is particularly important to gauge the members’ non-verbal

reactions. a. Humor b. Role-play c. Modeling d. Suggestiveness ANSWER: a 13. The verbal reiteration of what a second individual has stated — for purposes of clarification and so the other

person can see that both of you understand the point — is known as: a. Therapeutic repetition b. Rehashing c. Reflecting d. Interpreting ANSWER: c 14. Anthony states: “Since the accident left me paralyzed, I’m unable to walk. Imagine what it’s like being a

productive worker one day and being at home confined to a wheelchair now!” Which of the following is an appropriate reaction of the counselor utilizing the principle of clarifying? a. “Anthony, you really sound as if you are at wit’s end.” b. “You seem to sound angry and frustrated at not being able to work anymore. This is a normal reaction to someone in your situation.” c. “A lot has changed Anthony. You’ve been injured and can no longer work. We’ll help you get better.” d. “Anthony, not only have you been severely injured. You are now left paralyzed. Your life has been altered in many ways, and I sense the frustration which you are feeling.” ANSWER: d 15. Alan and Arturo, members of a counseling group, have expressed similar feelings of inadequacy following

divorce. Sensing this, the leader attempts to foster a line of communication regarding the commonality of the issue between these members. This attempt to build cohesiveness and interaction is known as: a. Bridging b. Linking c. Mutuality d. Mutual support ANSWER: b 16. Isabella continually refers to “Kyle” in what often proves to be lengthy tangents regarding her college years.

The name itself evokes a high degree of passion. The group leader can/should: a. Cut off the conversation as being irrelevant Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 02: The Group Counselor b. Ask the counselee politely to return to the “here and now” c. Ask the counselee how this person relates to present issues d. Ask the counselee to break confidentiality in order to discuss personal aspects of Kyle ANSWER: c 17. A factor to be aware of when terminating a group is the leaders’ own history with __________. a. Relapse b. Decompensation c. Loss d. Repression ANSWER: c 18. A stated disadvantage of the co-leadership model is: a. Differences in power and privilege among leaders b. Increased burnout c. Counter-transference d. Competition ANSWER: d 19. Studies have determined that group therapy is: a. Equally or, in some cases more, effective than individual therapy b. Less effective than individual therapy, though more financially feasible c. Less effective than individual therapy though more popular d. Equal in effectiveness when compared to group therapy ANSWER: a 20. __________ of a co-leader and time devoted to meeting together are essential. a. Continuing education b. Careful selection c. Different theoretical perspectives d. Clinical training ANSWER: b 21. After each group session, it’s a good idea to reflect on the experience by: a. writing down the things you were thinking but chose not to say or some of the feelings you had

throughout the group. b. thinking about how the group went without writing anything down. c. relying on the group members to remember what happened. d. video recording every session to be able to watch them again. ANSWER: a 22. __________ is appropriate when people are facing a crisis, when they are facing frightening Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 02: The Group Counselor

experiences, when they attempt constructive changes and yet feel uncertain about these changes, and when they are struggling to overcome old patterns that are limiting. a. Humor b. Forcing a group member to share c. Journaling d. Support ANSWER: d 23. Because the practice of group counseling is growing rapidly, it is essential that group leaders

be: a. older adults. b. new in the profession. c. both competent and ethical. d. Extremely experienced. ANSWER: c 24. During research, the theoretical model for group therapy most often investigated by international researchers

was: a. cognitive behavior therapy. b. reality therapy. c. psychoanalytic therapy. d. Adlerian therapy. ANSWER: a 25. Abundant research indicates the centrality of __________ as a primary factor in successful

therapy, and this is inextricably intertwined with the outcome of psychotherapy. a. the person of the member b. the supervision c. the members’ family history d. the person of the therapist ANSWER: d 26. Which of the following countries emphasizes inpatient group therapy? a. Norway b. Sweden c. Germany d. Canada ANSWER: c 27. Some students have shared that when leaders are __________ it can help to make them more

approachable and less intimidating. a. strict Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 02: The Group Counselor b. playful c. direct d. critical ANSWER: b 28. The importance of the __________ is a well-established critical component of effective therapy. a. therapeutic alliance b. therapist education c. leader manipulation d. member storytelling ANSWER: a 29. It is important to maintain a sense of respect for group members when using __________;

avoid language that diminishes their suffering or devalues them as people. a. listening skills b. journaling c. supervision d. humor ANSWER: d 30.

__________ in the emerging field of interpersonal neurobiology confirms that healing changes can occur in the brain when clients experience a warm, nonjudgmental, empathic relationship with a caring counselor. a. Computer technology b. Medical technology c. Brain-imaging technology d. Cancer technology ANSWER: c 31. It is useful to systematically gather and use formal client feedback to do all of the following

EXCEPT: a. inform treatment b. guide treatment c. evaluate treatment d. prove treatment ANSWER: d 32.

A sincere interest in the welfare of others is essential in a group leader. Your main job in the group is to help members get what they are coming for, not to get in their way. This describes: a. Presence Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 02: The Group Counselor b. Willingness to model c. Goodwill, genuineness, and caring d. Openness ANSWER: c 33.

__________ means that you reveal enough of yourself to give the participants a sense of who you are as a person a. Active listening b. Openness c. Goodwill genuineness, and caring d. Willingness to interrupt ANSWER: b 34. The feedback between coleaders can be both __________; exchanging perceptions can

enhance their ability to function effectively as coleaders. a. supportive and challenging b. appreciated and non-challenging c. non-supportive and non-challenging d. unappreciated and unneeded ANSWER: a 35. __________ does not entail domination of members or manipulation of them toward the

leader’s end. a. Openness b. Willingness to model c. Presence d. Personal power ANSWER: d 36. Some mistakes students often make as they begin their co-leadership duties include all of the

following EXCEPT: a. Having a plan or goal for the group but not communicating that to their co-leader. b. Sitting across from one another and making continuous eye contact with their co-leader. c. Taking turns leading rather than co-facilitating. d. Remaining quiet and letting the coleader do most of the work. ANSWER: b 37. Courage is demonstrated through your willingness to do all of the following EXCEPT: a. to be vulnerable at times, admitting mistakes and imperfections and taking the same risks you expect

group members to take. b. to confront others but to stay present with them as you work out conflicts. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 02: The Group Counselor c. to not act on your beliefs and hunches. d. to be emotionally affected by others and to draw on your experiences to identify with them. ANSWER: c 38. __________ involves being affected by others’ pain, struggles, and joys. a. Willingness to model b. Courage c. Listening d. Presence ANSWER: d 39. Creating a group climate that fosters interpersonal norms that will lead to therapeutic

interactions among members, such as all of the following EXCEPT: a. Openness b. Directness c. Unconcern d. Respect ANSWER: c 40. Collecting data directly from members about their group experience is a significant part of

developing: a. empirically-based research. b. practice-based evidence. c. empirically-based evidence. d. practice-based research. ANSWER: b

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Chapter 03: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling Multiple Choice 1. __________ is a process of presenting basic information about a group to potential group participants to

assist them in deciding whether to enter the group and how to participate in it. a. Moral ethics b. Ethical decision making c. Informed consent d. Professional ethics ANSWER: c 2. Leaders have a responsibility to discuss any breaches with the group and to take action if a member: a. upholds confidentiality. b. questions confidentiality. c. breaks confidentiality. d. understands confidentiality. ANSWER: c 3. Limitations to confidentiality should be outlined: a. only to the group members the leader believes might breach confidentiality. b. only when terminating a group. c. during a cathartic event. d. in the informed consent process. ANSWER: d 4. Some group members are likely to adhere to a different set of universal values including all of the following

EXCEPT: a. dependence b. cooperation c. loyalty to family d. duty and obligation to parents ANSWER: a 5. Sarah is a group member who doesn’t speak up or ask for time to speak in the group. Understanding her

culture believes this is rude, insensitive, and self-oriented, as a therapist which is the best way to help her become more comfortable and willing to share? a. Rather than encouraging self-disclosure, create an event where all other members try to force her to share with the group. b. Rely on her to initiate self-disclosure on her own without the assistance or encouragement of anyone else. c. Tell her to speak up and encourage her to self-disclose anything. d. Rather than expecting her to initiate any self-disclosure, it might be helpful to ask her to consider sharing at least one reaction she experienced while listening to another member speak. ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 03: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling 6. For proficient group leaders to emerge, a __________ must make group work a priority. a. court-ordered counseling program b. training program c. group technique d. sex-offender counseling program ANSWER: b 7. One controversial ethical issue in the preparation of group leaders involves: a. studies showing that mandated counselees are typically less motivated. b. combining experiential and didactic methods in training. c. studies showing that mandated counselees are typically as motivated as voluntary clients as treatment

progresses. d. counselee distrust that should immediately be challenged. ANSWER: b 8. Most __________ affirm that practitioners should be aware of the prevailing community standards and of the

possible impact on their practice of deviation from these standards. a. counselor/counselee relationships b. therapeutic organizations c. co-leader relationships d. professional organizations ANSWER: d 9. Donna, a rehabilitation counseling participant, suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) four months ago.

Feeling “much better,” she is intent on going on a river rafting trip this weekend. The group leader is obligated to: a. Stop her from doing so at all costs; an additional head injury would be devastating b. Inform her family of the dangers since Donna will not listen to reason c. Caution Donna regarding dangers and consequences d. Allow Donna to make her own decisions; she is, after all, in the group voluntarily ANSWER: c 10. Experts warn of the potentially “______________” effect of the power and prestige which group leaders

hold. a. exhausting b. discomfiting c. intoxicating d. frustrating ANSWER: c 11. Group work often provides the potential to further a _________ agenda: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 03: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling a. presidential b. social justice c. intercontinental d. international ANSWER: b 12. Wheeler and Bertram (2015) see which of the following presenting a danger to group counseling

confidentiality: a. Facebook b. Emails c. Phone calls d. Skype ANSWER: a 13. Your new counselee is a recent immigrant from a new country. You are not familiar with many aspects of

her culture. Which of the following is not a legitimate concern pertaining to confidentiality? a. Some cultures stress sharing of all personal matters; the client may share confidential details of counseling. b. Due to language barriers, the client may not understand the confidentiality information in its entirety. c. Some cultures view therapy as shameful. Do not leave any information regarding therapy or you as a therapist on phone messages. d. Some cultures do not take confidentiality as seriously as others. ANSWER: d 14. Which of the following is recommended in order to dissuade group members from divulging confidential

information? a. A verbal contract b. A verbal promise c. A written contract d. A stern warning ANSWER: c 15. ACA guidelines state that “counselors are aware of—and avoid imposing—their own values, attitudes,

beliefs, and behaviors that are _____________ the client’s goals.” a. damaging to b. inconsistent with c. misleading of d. antagonistic to ANSWER: b 16. Attending to __________ is basic to competent group practice. a. diversity Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 03: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling b. white members only c. heterosexual individuals d. middle-class members only ANSWER: a 17. A counselor meets with a client who is wearing the traditional garb associated with a particular religious

group. The counselor holds a negative view of this group’s beliefs in certain matters. The counselor must, as a first step: a. Make the counselee aware of the biases that exist b. Dismiss himself or herself as a potential counselor for the client c. Become aware of and explore the potential reasons for the bias d. Set his or her biases aside ANSWER: c 18. Due to oppression and discrimination that many diverse members of counseling groups have faced, it is

recommended that the group be a place where the subject of ___________________ can be openly explored. a. civil rights b. hatred c. revenge d. imbalance of power ANSWER: d 19. Chung and Bemak (2012) present their view that “one cornerstone of doing multicultural social justice

work” is: a. Morality b. Forgiveness c. Courage d. Role-play ANSWER: c 20. A comprehensive and widely cited listing of characteristics, behaviors and attributes of effective group

counselors pertaining to sexually diverse clients has been published by: a. The Gay and Lesbian Counseling Alliance of North America (GLCANA) b. The Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC) c. Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) d. The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Action Group for Equality and Fairness in Therapy (GLBTAGEFT) ANSWER: b 21. Group leaders should strive to help __________ understand their choices and the consequences of lack of compliance with the treatment program. a. voluntary members b. group members Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 03: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling c. adolescent members d. involuntary members ANSWER: d 22. Group leaders are responsible for __________ about the importance and advantages of keeping information pertaining to the group private. a. educating group members’ friends b. educating group members c. educating family members d. educating children of group members ANSWER: b 23. Our clients, not us, live with __________ of the changes they make in a group. a. the consequences b. the significances c. the values d. the moments ANSWER: a 24. Showing involuntary members how they could personally benefit from a group can increase: a. voluntary participation. b. involuntary participation. c. group membership. d. successful group completion. ANSWER: a 25. While group members are sharing extremely personal information, leaders can remind members about __________ as a way of reassuring the member who is disclosing. a. storytelling b. breaches in confidentiality c. self-disclosing d. confidentiality ANSWER: d 26. __________ are often conveyed in a subtle way, even without conscious awareness. a. Techniques b. Values c. Cathartic events d. Angry outbursts ANSWER: b 27. When you find yourself struggling with an ethical dilemma over a values conflict, the best course to follow is to: a. seek consultation in working through the situation so the appropriate standard of care is provided. b. seek friendship in order to discuss every detail not worrying about confidentiality. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 03: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling c. contact an attorney to be sure you will not be sued. d. not do anything at all. ANSWER: a 28. Exploration of cultural differences does not always end in resolution of those differences. However, if these subtle and more obvious cultural factors go unnoticed or are ignored by leaders, it can __________ the participation of those members. a. increase b. positively influence c. have no influence on d. negatively influence ANSWER: d 29. Group leaders must intervene if other members use __________ to force any member to remain in the

group. a. appropriate communication b. healthy self-disclosure c. undue pressure d. production discussion ANSWER: c 30. As counselors we are held to a set of professional standards not only within our professional role but also outside of our role as helpers. Whether fair or not: a. Counselors are never looked upon as role models and what they do in their private time does not have any impact on their professional life. b. Counselors are often looked upon as role models and how we behave in private can have a direct impact on how we are perceived by others. c. Counselors do not have to worry about what they do in private because they have a right to live exactly how they want. d. Counselors are often looked upon as role models; however, they are allowed to have a private life that they do not have to answer for within their professional life. ANSWER: b 31. Techniques can be abused or used in unethical ways. Which of the following is NOT a way leaders might employ techniques unethically? a. Using techniques to decrease their power. b. Using techniques with which they are unfamiliar. c. Using techniques to alter a group member’s personal values or beliefs. d. Using techniques whose sole purpose is to create intensity between members or within the group. ANSWER: a 32. __________ is one of the major ethical issues in group work. a. Mental health insurance b. Competence c. Health education Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 03: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling d. Catharsis ANSWER: b 33. __________ affects the issues that members bring to a group and the ways in which they might be either ready or reluctant to explore these issues. a. Unfinished business b. Attentive listening c. Cultural similarities d. Cultural diversity ANSWER: d 34. Professional competence, just like professional growth, is __________ for the duration of your career. a. a once and for all learning process b. an ongoing developmental process c. a short-term developmental process d. a quick learning process ANSWER: b 35. With a commitment to discuss the factors related to leaving a group, there is an opportunity for everyone concerned to express and explore: a. unfinished business. b. finished business. c. resolved feelings. d. resolved problems. ANSWER: a 36. Included under sexual minority status are people who are all of the following EXCEPT: a. lesbian b. questioning c. heterosexual d. transgender ANSWER: c 37. The guidelines for __________ in group practice have been drawn from a variety of professional associations, including the ACA, the ASGW, and the AMCD. a. competence in diversity issues b. catharsis c. attentive listening d. unfinished business ANSWER: a 38. __________ time needs to be allotted to closing each group session. a. Minimal Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 03: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling b. Adequate c. Very little d. An enormous amount of ANSWER: b 39. __________ is “the fair and equitable distribution of power, resources, and obligations in society to all people, regardless of race, gender, ability status, sexual orientation, and religious or spiritual background”. a. Therapy b. Group counseling c. Mental health d. Social justice ANSWER: d 40. If you are having difficulty maintaining objectivity regarding a certain value, consider this: a. your client’s problem rather than yours. b. your problem rather than the client’s problem. c. your attorney’s problem rather than yours. d. the client’s family’s problem. ANSWER: b 41. Culture may affect a member’s views on confidentiality in all of the following ways EXCEPT: a. Some cultures consider therapy to be shameful and only for mentally ill people. b. Some group members may not have legal status or residency and may be guarded about providing personal information. c. Some cultures promote sharing of all personal information with their families, but members do not have to worry about feeling pressured to share details. d. Members who are seeking asylum or have refugee status may have significant trust issues and may give false personal information to protect themselves and their families. ANSWER: c 42. The reputation of group work has suffered from all of the following EXCEPT: a. those who use techniques appropriately. b. the actions of irresponsible practitioners. c. those who use techniques randomly without a clear rationale. d. those who use techniques without any sense of the potential outcome. ANSWER: a 43. Most __________ affirm that practitioners should be aware of the prevailing community standards and of the possible impact on their practice of deviation from these standards. a. disclosures b. informed consent c. professional organizations d. confidentiality Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 03: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling ANSWER: c 44. Group leaders need to be aware of both the overt and subtle ways in which they utilize their: a. attentive listening skills. b. ethics. c. leadership roles. d. power. ANSWER: d 45. The process of intentionally setting aside our personal values to provide ethical and appropriate counseling describes: a. ethical bracketing b. ethical values c. value disposition d. confidentiality ANSWER: a 46. Group practitioners who work with LGBTQ clients have a responsibility to understand the unique concerns these clients may bring to the group and are expected to develop: a. a hard skin in order to not have problems with the clients. b. the knowledge and skills to competently deliver services to them. c. a full proof plan for a group with these members. d. the understanding on how to refer these clients to other practitioners. ANSWER: b 47. One way for members to share their experience with others outside the group without breaking confidentiality or informed consent is: a. to give a detailed description of each group member including their names. b. for them to talk about their own experience, reactions, and insights without describing other members or mentioning others in the group by name. c. for them to share everything they can remember about each meeting. d. to share information and answer questions with the utmost detail about all members and leaders. ANSWER: b 48. Leaders who work with groups of children, adolescents, and certain involuntary populations are especially advised to learn the laws restricting group work. Which of the following area is NOT one they should know? a. Confidentiality b. Parental consent c. Protection of member welfare d. Heterosexual civil rights ANSWER: d 49. A recent California statute allows minors who are _________ to receive counseling if the practitioner determines that the minor is mature enough to participate intelligently in Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 03: Ethical and Legal Issues in Group Counseling outpatient treatment or mental health counseling. a. 18 years or older b. 16 years or older c. 12 years or older d. 10 years or older ANSWER: c 50. Group norms include all of the following EXCEPT: a. staying in the there-and-then b. expressing feelings c. asking for what one wants d. being direct and honest ANSWER: a

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Chapter 04: Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling Multiple Choice 1. __________ are most useful when they evolve from the work of the group participants and are tailored to the

situations that evolve in a particular group meeting a. A rigid set of structures b. Psychodynamic approaches c. Techniques d. Ethical laws ANSWER: c 2. The quality of the __________________ is crucial in determining successful therapeutic outcomes. a. theory b. theorist c. treatment plan d. therapeutic relationship ANSWER: d 3. Tamara is beginning the process of integrating theories into an approach that she hopes to find effective and

useful. It is recommended that she consider each of the following EXCEPT: a. Her worldview b. Her interpersonal strengths c. Her weaknesses and limitations d. Her life experiences ANSWER: c 4. The interaction between what individuals think and how those thoughts influence and affect feelings and

behavior can best be described as one of: a. Reciprocity b. Correlation c. Synergism d. Harmony ANSWER: a 5. Focusing on the feelings and emotions of group members is to pay particular attention to the: a. Effective domain b. Cognitive domain c. Affective domain d. Expressive domain ANSWER: c 6. The therapeutic domain considered most important for bringing about change is: a. Cognitive Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 04: Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling b. Affective c. Reciprocal d. Behavioral ANSWER: d 7. A positive ______________ is one of the strongest predictors of a positive therapeutic outcome. a. atmosphere b. alliance c. therapist d. theoretical approach ANSWER: b 8. The stated goal of psychoanalytic therapy is the _______________ of the personality through a process of

insight. a. understanding b. reconstruction c. influencing d. transformation ANSWER: b 9. Psychoanalytic theory stresses the examination of the subject’s first _________ years of life: a. six b. three c. five d. eight ANSWER: a 10. Wolfgang has just consulted with his supervisor. He is concerned that his own objectivity is being

compromised because of his own personal feelings and emotions toward his client and their relationship. He sees the client much as he saw his own abusive father. Wolfgang is experiencing: a. Obstruction b. Transference c. Counter-transference d. Projection ANSWER: c 11. Adlerian theory sees the main factor that influences people as ____________. a. emotional b. personal c. communicative d. societal ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 04: Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling 12. Which of the following is NOT a hallmark of the Adlerian therapeutic approach as it pertains to the

therapist-client relationship? a. Collaboration b. Mutual trust c. Interdependence d. Cooperation ANSWER: c 13. Therapy modes represented under the umbrella of Relationship-Oriented Approaches include all of the

following EXCEPT: a. Rational-emotive b. Gestalt c. Psychodrama d. Existential ANSWER: a 14. Emotions associated with death, dying, mortality and loneliness are concepts strongly interwoven into which

therapeutic approach? a. Gestalt b. Existential c. Humanistic d. Social-learning theory ANSWER: b 15. Tyrone is interested in exploring additional types of therapeutic approaches in order to expand his repertoire.

He expresses interest in a more client-centered approach. His supervisor suggests looking into writings of ____________. a. Albert Bandura b. Albert Ellis c. Carl Rogers d. Abraham Maslow ANSWER: c 16. The re-creation of situations that individuals experienced — situations that were difficult or not properly

dealt with — in order to experience them in the here-and-now, is a hallmark of: a. Psychodrama b. Drama Therapy c. Dramatization d. Reality Therapy ANSWER: a 17. The fundamental goals of Behavioral Therapy are to increase ____________ and create new conditions for Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 04: Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling

_____________. a. coping mechanisms/thriving b. skills/coping c. choices/learning d. expression/change ANSWER: c 18. Which of the following activities do NOT represent a treatment approach of Behavior Therapy? a. Expressive arts b. Systematic desensitization c. Flooding d. Role-play ANSWER: a 19. The elimination of negative self-talk, faulty and negative emotional responses and self-defeating thoughts

and behaviors is fundamental to: a. Transactional Analysis b. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy c. Gestalt Therapy d. Rational-Emotive Therapy ANSWER: d 20. The “W” and “P” of the WDEP model of Reality Therapy refer to: a. Wavelength/Predictor b. Why/Produce c. Wants/Planning d. Wonder/Project ANSWER: c 21. __________ stress insight in therapy. a. Psychodynamic approaches b. Experiential and relationship-oriented approaches c. Cognitive behavioral approaches d. Postmodern approaches ANSWER: a 22. Through this process of __________, the group leader functions as a catalyst and guide who helps the

members understand the connection between their thinking and the ways they feel and act. a. Socratic dialogue b. future projection c. guided discovery d. cognitive restructuring Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 04: Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling ANSWER: c 23. __________ is best conceived of in a broad way and includes clinician expertise, the best available research,

and evaluating the client’s characteristics, culture, and preferences. a. Role confusion b. Empathy c. Transference d. Evidence-based practice ANSWER: d 24. __________ stress feelings and subjective experiencing. a. Psychodynamic approaches b. Experiential and relationship-oriented approaches c. Cognitive behavioral approaches d. Postmodern approaches ANSWER: b 25. The group constellation lends itself to __________ that provide for reenacting past unfinished events. a. single transferences b. multiple transferences c. unknown transferences d. known transferences ANSWER: b 26. __________ stress the role of thinking and doing and tend to be action-oriented. a. Psychodynamic approaches b. Experiential and relationship-oriented approaches c. Cognitive behavioral approaches d. Postmodern approaches ANSWER: c 27. The__________ holds that we define ourselves by our choices. a. existential perspective b. Adlerian approach c. psychoanalytic approach d. person-centered approach ANSWER: a 28. __________ stress understanding the subjective world of the client and tap existing resources

for change within the individual. a. Psychodynamic approaches b. Experiential and relationship-oriented approaches c. Cognitive behavioral approaches Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 04: Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling d. Postmodern approaches ANSWER: d 29. The technique of__________ involves helping individuals identify signals associated with

their problematic behavior or emotions. a. transference b. act as if c. catching oneself d. empathy ANSWER: c 30. The __________ rests on the assumption that we have the capacity to understand our

problems and that we have the resources within us to resolve them. a. existential perspective b. Adlerian approach c. psychoanalytic approach d. person-centered approach ANSWER: d 31. _________ is based largely on insight, unconscious motivation, and reconstruction of the personality. a. Psychoanalytic therapy b. Adlerian therapy c. The Existential approach d. Gestalt therapy ANSWER: a 32. To challenge self-limiting assumptions, members are encouraged to __________ they were already the

person they would like to be. a. transference b. act as if c. catching oneself d. empathy ANSWER: b 33. __________ can be viewed as the group therapist experiencing feelings from the past that are reactivated by

the group member in the present. a. Act as if b. Empathy c. Transference d. Countertransference ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 04: Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling 34. The __________ is an existential and phenomenological approach based on the assumption that individuals

and their behavior must be understood in the context of their ongoing relationship with the present environment. a. existential perspective b. Gestalt approach c. psychoanalytic approach d. person-centered approach ANSWER: b 35. According to __________, psychological problems stem from commonplace processes such as faulty

thinking, making incorrect inferences on the basis of inadequate or incorrect information, and failing to distinguish between fantasy and reality. a. cognitive therapy b. Gestalt therapy c. psychoanalytic therapy d. person-centered therapy ANSWER: a 36. __________ are personalized notions that are triggered by particular stimuli that lead to emotional

responses. a. Role confusion b. Empathy c. Automatic thoughts d. Evidence-based practice ANSWER: c 37. The group leader assists members in forming hypotheses and testing their assumptions, which is known as

__________. a. role confusion b. collaborative empiricism c. automatic thoughts d. evidence-based practice ANSWER: b 38. When members engage in catastrophic thinking by dwelling on the most extreme negative aspects of a

situation the leader can assist the member when they are stuck imagining the worst possible outcome. This process is called __________. a. role reversal b. future projection c. role confusion d. cognitive restructuring ANSWER: d 39. Cognitive therapy in groups emphasizes a __________ and helping group members discover their Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 04: Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling

misconceptions for themselves. a. Socratic dialogue b. future projection c. role confusion d. cognitive restructuring ANSWER: a 40. differs from psychoanalytic theory in many respects, but it can broadly be considered from a psychodynamic

perspective. a. Psychoanalytic therapy b. Adlerian therapy c. The Existential approach d. Gestalt therapy ANSWER: b 41. In a group situation emotions tend to be released, which is the __________ that often accompanies the

experiential aspect of therapy. a. transference b. act as if c. catharsis d. empathy ANSWER: c 42. A technique that has many applications for various kinds of groups is the technique of __________, which is

designed to help group members express and clarify concerns they have about the future. a. role reversal b. future projection c. role confusion d. cognitive restructuring ANSWER: b 43. The cornerstone of __________ is the identification of specific goals at the outset of the therapeutic process,

which serves as a way to monitor and measure the progress of group members. a. behavior therapy b. Gestalt approach c. Psychoanalytic approach d. Person-centered approach ANSWER: a 44. __________ is primarily an action approach to group counseling in which clients explore their problems

through role playing, enacting situations using various dramatic devices to gain insight, discover their own creativity, and develop behavioral skills. a. Psychodrama Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 04: Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling b. Gestalt approach c. Psychoanalytic approach d. Person-centered approach ANSWER: b 45. Virtually anything a group leader does could be viewed as a __________. a. role reversal b. future projection c. technique d. cognitive restructuring ANSWER: c 46. All people are comprised of __________, and layers of cultural influences are evident in their behaviors. a. role reversal b. future projection c. technique d. multiple identities ANSWER: d 47. __________ is a humanistic, client-centered, psychosocial, and modestly directive counseling approach that

was initially designed as a brief intervention for problem drinking, but it has been effectively applied to a wide range of problems. a. Psychodrama b. Motivational interviewing c. Psychoanalytic approach d. Person-centered approach ANSWER: b 48. A central concept of a __________ group includes a movement from talking about problems to talking about

and creating solutions. a. solution-focused brief therapy b. Motivational interviewing c. Psychoanalytic approach d. Person-centered approach ANSWER: a 49. One reason for the current trend toward an __________ to the helping process is the recognition that no

single theory is comprehensive enough to account for the complexities of human behavior when the full range of client types and their specific problems are taken into consideration. a. solution-focused brief therapy b. Motivational interviewing c. integrative approach Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 04: Theories and Techniques of Group Counseling d. Person-centered approach ANSWER: c 50. Each __________ represents a different vantage point from which to look at human behavior, but no one has

the total truth. a. concept b. interviewing c. psychoanalytic approach d. theory ANSWER: d

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Chapter 05: Forming a Group Multiple Choice 1. Although it is ideal that both leaders interview the applicants, __________ often make this impractical. a. federal rules and regulations b. federal laws c. time constraints d. how often clients are absent ANSWER: c 2. The “R” which describes the stated purpose for forming a therapeutic group is: a. Reason b. Reflection c. Realization d. Rationale ANSWER: d 3. Which of the following is NOT considered a practical consideration when forming a therapeutic group? a. The actual location (building, neighborhood, town, etc.) b. The cultural makeup of the group c. How to deal with members who might be under-the-influence during meetings d. How absenteeism will be dealt with ANSWER: d 4. Marcy has proposed a group aimed at adolescents who are struggling in the post-divorce life of their parents.

Marcy is a highly experienced social worker who has been practicing for more than a decade at the same community center. Which of the following is NOT true? a. Marcy must organize a proposal, and that proposal will need formal acceptance b. As a social worker with seniority, Marcy will probably not need authorization to start the group. Her track record and experience should speak for themselves c. Marcy may run into resistance and find acceptance of her proposal difficult d. Marcy’s efforts may be sabotaged by her peers; jealousy and control issues often rear their heads ANSWER: b 5. To get the group started, Marcy may find herself up against the wall. In terms of her professional peers and

administrators, she may find herself assuming the role of all the following EXCEPT: a. Negotiator b. Educator c. Voter d. Advocate ANSWER: c 6. A clearly spelled-out statement on group participation presented to members before the group commences

would be particularly important when: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 05: Forming a Group a. The group is dealing with substance abuse b. The group is dealing with issues of anger c. The group is psycho-educational d. The group is court-mandated ANSWER: d 7. __________ is a standard practice for members of short-term therapy groups. a. Pre-group orientation b. Pre-group insight c. Initial practice of new skills d. Ending of leader skills ANSWER: a 8. Juan has informed his interagency colleagues that his proposal for a PTSD group has been authorized, and he

is seeking clients. His colleagues may: a. Recruit clients but not screen them b. Publicize the group but not recruit members c. Publicize and recruit but not screen potential members d. Publicize, recruit and screen potential members ANSWER: d 9. Potential additional weight, when screening group prospects, must be given to those who are deemed

“difficult” as they: a. Almost never succeed b. Could be disruptive and cause the group to falter c. Might be the ones who need the group the most d. Typically have problems with attendance ANSWER: c 10. When a group prospect is coming from individual therapy, is a release form necessary for consultation with

the individual therapist? a. No; a therapist-to-therapist relationship already exists by default b. Yes, but only if the therapy is court-mandated c. No, without exception d. Yes, without exception ANSWER: d 11. Preliminary screening for a group-therapy candidate should allow for which most comprehensive scenario: a. For the candidate to be interviewed by the leader b. For the candidate to be interviewed by co-leaders if there is more than one leader c. For the candidate to be interviewed by all leaders and the organizational administrator d. For the candidate to be interviewed by all leaders and be given the opportunity himself or herself to Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 05: Forming a Group

interview the leaders ANSWER: d 12. Which of the following is of paramount concern when screening and selecting potential group members? a. The ability to be integrated into the group successfully b. The ability to benefit from the group c. To prevent harm to clients by participating in the group d. The risk of lack of follow-through after selection ANSWER: c 13. Group therapy is NOT recommended (contra-indicated) for all the following EXCEPT: a. Those who are highly paranoid b. Those with a history of violent tendencies c. Those who are suicidal d. Those who are facing an extreme level of crisis ANSWER: b 14. Liz has been screened for potential group membership. She fits all criteria; however, she seems to lack the

desire to participate. In the eyes of the leader Jacque, she just doesn’t seem to “want” it enough. Which of the following should be considered? a. This should not be a factor for consideration; many who initially show little motivation to participate have successful outcomes b. This should be a factor; non-motivated clients are, according to research, less likely to succeed c. This should be a factor; the desire to make positive change is deemed highly important d. This should not be a factor; assessing “want” is far too subjective ANSWER: c 15. Candice has decided NOT to accept Roger into her group. After breaking the news, which of the following

is considered the most ethically appropriate and most inclusive response? a. “Roger, I’ll keep you in mind for other groups which might be more appropriate. Let me show you out.” b. “Roger, you might be feeling frustrated at not being selected. I’m sorry. We’ll keep you in mind for other more appropriate groups.” c. “Roger, you just weren’t a good fit. These things happen. If I hear of a more appropriate group, I’ll let you know. Don’t let it get you down.” d. “Roger, other groups will come along, and we’ll keep you in mind. However, I see the frustration you are feeling. Would you like to talk about those feelings?” ANSWER: d 16. A group of parents meets weekly at the local community center to discuss divorce. The optimal size for this

group would probably be: a. Three to four b. Eight to ten Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 05: Forming a Group c. Up to 20 d. Unlimited ANSWER: b 17. A group has been set up for in-patient psychiatric patients, patients who are relatively low-functioning. The

group, ideally, should meet: a. Daily, for short sessions b. Daily, for long sessions c. Biweekly for long sessions d. As schedules permit, for long sessions ANSWER: a 18. A thorough __________ sets the stage for later development of leader–member and member–member

therapeutic relationships. a. implication b. expectation c. orientation d. exclusion ANSWER: c 19. A fundamental concern when choosing a meeting place for a group is: a. Parking b. Access to public transportation c. Comfort d. Sound conduction within the building ANSWER: d 20. The logistics of a group includes fees, cancellation policies, and: a. methods of communication with the leaders outside of group. b. one leader taking on most of the responsibility. c. both leaders plan to participate equally. d. making sure tasks are divided proportionately among the leaders. ANSWER: a 21. Which of the following is NOT one of the five general guideline areas for forming a proposal of a group? a. Rationale b. Summarization c. Objectives d. Procedures ANSWER: b 22. Elementary and middle school groups typically run for __________, depending on administrator and teacher Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 05: Forming a Group

support for allowing students to miss class for the group sessions. a. 2 to 4 weeks b. 2 to 4 weeks c. 6 to 8 weeks d. 8 to 10 weeks ANSWER: c 23. There is no need to be intimidated by the idea of incorporating a __________ spirit in your practice. a. challenging b. research c. comfort d. implication ANSWER: b 24. When forming a proposal for a group, which of the five general guideline areas would you ask yourself the

question: can you clearly state what you most want to attain and how you will go about doing so? a. Rationale b. Objectives c. Procedures d. Evaluation ANSWER: b 25. __________ are characterized by changing membership. As certain members leave, new members are

admitted, and the group continues. a. Adolescent middle school groups b. Closed groups c. Open groups d. Short-term, closed groups ANSWER: c 26. When forming a proposal for a group, which of the five general guideline areas would you ask yourself the

question: does your proposal contain strategies for evaluating how well the stated objectives were met? a. Rationale b. Objectives c. Procedures d. Evaluation ANSWER: d 27. __________ typically have some time limitation, with the group meeting for a predetermined number of

sessions. a. Adolescent middle school groups b. Closed groups c. Open groups d. Short-term, closed groups Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 05: Forming a Group ANSWER: b 28. When forming a proposal for a group, which of the five general guideline areas would you ask yourself the

question: Have you selected specific procedures to meet the stated objectives? a. Practical considerations b. Objectives c. Procedures d. Evaluation ANSWER: c 29. __________ the therapeutic process is central in preparing members for a group. a. Demystifying b. Objectifying c. Evaluating d. Rationalizing ANSWER: a 30. Which of the following is NOT a question co-leaders should discuss before the initial session? a. Will your cultural and ethnic background influence your way of being in the group and with each other? b. What are your strengths and weaknesses, and how might they affect your leading together? c. In what ways will your theory and leadership styles influence the direction the group takes? d. What kind of coffee has each of you enjoyed? ANSWER: d 31. When forming a proposal for a group, which of the five general guideline areas would you ask yourself the

question: Is the physical location of the group easily accessible to all members? a. Practical considerations b. Objectives c. Procedures d. Evaluation ANSWER: a 32. Preparing members for a group experience is a key aspect of __________. a. evaluation b. informed consent c. termination d. summarization ANSWER: b 33. When forming a proposal for a group, which of the five general guideline areas would you ask yourself the

question: Do you have a clear and convincing rationale for your group, and can you present data to support your rationale? a. Rationale b. Objectives Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 05: Forming a Group c. Procedures d. Evaluation ANSWER: a 34. At the initial session, or at the pre-group meeting, the leader explores all of the following EXCEPT: a. the members’ expectations. b. clarifies the goals and objectives of the group. c. does not answer the members’ questions. d. imparts some information about group process. ANSWER: c 35. The __________ between co-leaders can either enhance or complicate the group process. a. evaluation b. informed consent c. philosophy d. relationship ANSWER: d

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Chapter 06: Initial Stage of a Group Multiple Choice 1. Two crucial tasks inherent in the initial stage of group therapy are orientation and ______________. a. expression b. exploration c. introduction d. assessment ANSWER: b 2. Bernie, in a very early session of a counseling group, expresses emotions ranging from fear to anxiety,

uncertainty to hope. Looking to his therapist, Bernie’s progress will hinge on the perceived level of ____________ which he feels. a. trust b. confidentiality c. self-awareness d. shame ANSWER: a 3. Ambiguity and lack of a structured approach in groups often lead to: a. More freedom of expression b. A leader among the counselees who emerges and challenges authority c. Anxiety d. Positive advice ANSWER: c 4. In certain circumstances, there is hesitancy among members of certain racial and ethnic groups to discuss

personal matters with members of groups perceived to be more dominant. A term that may be used to describe this defensive phenomenon is: a. Cultural disconnection b. Psychological submissiveness c. Healthy paranoia d. Cultural maladjustment ANSWER: c 5. Group practitioners need to be aware that hesitation to participate in a group may be more the result of

__________ than of an uncooperative attitude. a. lack of trust b. anxiety c. cultural background d. uncooperation ANSWER: c 6. Asking group members to pair up with those of their choosing for self-disclosure exercises is: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 06: Initial Stage of a Group a. A bad idea: It leads to over-dependency b. A bad idea: It can lead to projection and transference c. A good idea: It lowers the level of perceived threat d. A good idea: Cohesive groups can then become smaller, tighter groups that will then meet

exclusively on their own in future sessions ANSWER: c 7. If ________________ (s) is/are brought to the forefront and dealt with constructively, a negative can be

turned into something therapeutic. a. hidden agendas b. physical threats — one counselee to the other — c. breaches in confidentiality d. laughter ANSWER: a 8. Yolanda is cursing at other members in the group and occasionally at the leader himself. Other than the

curses, she is silent. It is interfering with the group, which, as a whole, can’t bypass these outbursts. Something must give. The leader should pay particular attention to: a. The severity of the curses b. Yolanda’s past history c. The lowering of her (the leader’s) status as an effective controller d. What Yolanda is not saying ANSWER: d 9. Conflict is most likely to occur during which stage of a therapeutic group? a. Final b. Transition c. Orientation d. Equally during all stages ANSWER: b 10. Steering or redirecting a group member to the here-and-now: a. Is always the method of choice b. Always results in a positive outcome c. Helps the group progress always d. Can be limiting and negative when the subject is grief ANSWER: d 11. Before trust is fully established, “self-disclosure” on the part of members has a strong tendency to be all of

the following EXCEPT: a. Spontaneous b. Superficial Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 06: Initial Stage of a Group c. Low risk d. Rehearsed ANSWER: a 12. Sherman and Belinda are co-leading a group. One is nurturing and sensitive while the other is more direct,

some even say “a bit too pushy.” Which of the following statements is true? a. These styles balance themselves out nicely b. The difference in style can be detrimental c. According to experts (Yalom) (Burlingame), it is essential for members to be exposed to all types of people in life, and group therapy is no different d. One of the co-leaders should be replaced if the group becomes “stuck” for this reason ANSWER: b 13. Which of the following is an example of improperly “attending” to (a) member(s) of the group? a. Prompting members to express how they are feeling “bodily” b. Paying attention to nonverbal behavior c. Asking questions to probe for additional details d. Selective listening ANSWER: d 14. Tuning into the ____________ feelings and experiences of another person is ____________. a. objective/sympathy b. perceived/genuineness c. subjective/empathy d. subjective/respect ANSWER: c 15. “Peter, I greatly value the authority, advice and experience that you bring to the group; however, please

remember, the group has a leader, and that leader is me.” This is an example of: a. Therapeutic resolution b. Positive dispute resolution c. Caring confrontation d. Therapeutic risk-taking ANSWER: c 16. The responsibility of group leaders in assisting members in the development of their personal goals should

be done in a “_____________” manner. a. collaborative b. challenging c. respectful d. structured ANSWER: a Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 06: Initial Stage of a Group 17. Asking members how they _______________ with conflict within a group is a recommended means to

assist in dealing with it when, and if, it arises. a. promise to deal b. predict how they would deal c. neglect to deal d. as a child used to deal ANSWER: b 18. Leaders should avoid __________ until they have earned that right by building a trusting relationship with

the members. a. confrontational interventions b. self-disclosing c. empathic responses d. active listening ANSWER: a 19. The setting and reinforcement of clearly spelled-out group norms is a recommended way of ensuring group

__________. a. success b. communication c. confrontation d. cohesion ANSWER: d 20. Which of the following is not a recommended manner of closing a regular group session (a regular session,

not the final session)? a. Leaving unanswered questions b. Giving homework c. Asking members what they don’t like about the group d. Limiting members to giving feedback to the leader but not to their peers ANSWER: d 21. __________ is the ability to tune in to what others are subjectively experiencing and to see the world

through their eyes. a. Nonverbal behavior b. Genuineness c. Empathy d. Self-Disclosure ANSWER: c 22. Personal __________, by the leader, can be useful when it is intentional and keeps the focus of attention on

the group members rather than on the leader. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 06: Initial Stage of a Group a. self-disclosure b. empathy c. respect d. goals ANSWER: a 23. The process of __________ is important both at the beginning of a new group and at intervals as the group

evolves as they are met. a. understanding genuineness b. self-discloser by the leader c. setting goals d. decreasing trust ANSWER: d 24. Three key constructs capture the essence of the therapeutic relationship in group treatment. Which of the

following is NOT one of these constructs? a. Group climate b. Discrimination c. Cohesion d. Alliances ANSWER: b 25. __________ is essential if members are to feel a sense of safety in a group. a. Conflict b. Negative behavior c. A limited goal d. Confidentiality ANSWER: d 26. Sometimes members keep their feelings of disinterest, anger, or disappointment a secret from the rest of the

group. It is most important that __________ related to the group process be aired. a. self-disclosure b. healthy paranoia c. persistent feelings d. selective listening ANSWER: c 27. __________ is not a process of making oneself psychologically naked. Members need to understand that

they are responsible for deciding what, how much, and when they will share personal conflicts pertaining to their everyday life. a. Self-disclosure b. Empathy Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 06: Initial Stage of a Group c. Trust d. Clarifying goals ANSWER: a 28. __________ provide a valuable opportunity to reinforce and extend the benefits of the work done during

therapy sessions. a. Hidden agendas b. Selective listening c. Homework assignments d. Caring confrontation ANSWER: c 29. When differences between leaders result in conflict between them, it can be a source of __________ for both

members and leaders. a. empathy b. anxiety c. trust d. collaboration ANSWER: b 30. Many short-term psychoeducational groups are structured around: a. a series of topics. b. emotional issues from childhood. c. dream work. d. psychological submissiveness. ANSWER: a 31. Starting a session with a brief __________ can set the group up to involve as many members as possible in

productive work for that session. a. cathartic event b. conflict c. physical exercise workout d. check-in ANSWER: d 32. __________ can be thought of as “awareness of present experience with acceptance.” a. Self-disclosure b. Mindfulness c. Automatic thoughts d. Guardedness ANSWER: b Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 06: Initial Stage of a Group 33. The __________ done prior to beginning a group helps us learn the history of group

members, which enables us to better understand some of their reactions during the group a. therapeutic homework b. screening processes c. cognitive restructuring d. cultural conditioning


ANSWER: b 34. A characteristic of many members in beginning groups is the tendency to: a. talk about their deep feelings. b. experience a healthy cathartic event. c. express persistent feelings and talk through the issues. d. talk about others and to focus on people and situations outside of the group. ANSWER: d 35. Some participants may engage in __________, believing they are really working, when in fact they are avoiding addressing and dealing with their own feelings. a. empathy b. self-disclosure c. storytelling d. feedback ANSWER: c

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Chapter 07: Transition Stage of a Group Multiple Choice 1. Before groups progress to a level of deeper work, which we refer to as the working stage, they typically

experience a: a. Orientation b. Working Stage c. Final Stage d. Transitional Phase ANSWER: d 2. A term used to describe the group’s barrier toward advancement in the Transition stage is: a. Restive b. Resistance c. Hyper-productive d. Counterproductive ANSWER: b 3. During the transition phase, groups are often characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: a. anxiety b. resistance c. various problems of problematic behaviors d. connections with each other and the leaders ANSWER: d 4. Which of the following is NOT considered a critical-to-address characteristic of the Transition Stage? a. One’s childhood experiences b. Conflict c. Fears d. Control issues ANSWER: a 5. Which of the following is a clear sign that trust is being built within the group? a. Storytelling is commonplace b. Members have split into cliques and smaller groups c. Members depend on the leader to take charge d. Members speak openly of their agendas ANSWER: d 6. Each member must actively work to open him- or herself to ____________ others and to addressing the

issues that get in the way of doing so. a. confronting b. challenging Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 07: Transition Stage of a Group c. trusting d. supporting ANSWER: c 7. According to the psychoanalytic perspective, resistance is defined as the individual’s reluctance to bring into

conscious __________ that has been previously repressed or denied. a. awareness b. agreement c. conscious material d. threatening material ANSWER: a 8. When a group member responds to a question with “I don’t know,” which is the best response from the

leader? a. What makes it difficult for you to be here? b. What or whom do you want to get away from? c. What are you saying to each other? d. Pretend you know. And if you did know, what might you say? What do you know? ANSWER: d 9. __________ originating from the client’s conflicts is considered a healthy and normal part of therapy, and the

therapist’s job is to remain neutral. a. Resistance b. Countertransference c. Transference d. Confrontation ANSWER: c 10. De Shazer (1984) attributes most instances of a client’s failure to overcome resistance to: a. The practitioner b. The client c. An incorrect theoretical approach d. An ineffective member-to-group fit ANSWER: a 11. It should be stressed to group members that while engaging in self-disclosure, they can still retain a sense

of: a. Dignity b. Privacy c. Control d. Respect ANSWER: b Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 07: Transition Stage of a Group 12. Which of the following is NOT a legitimate fear associated with members of a therapeutic group? a. “What if somebody tries to hug me? I hate being touched.” b. “If pushed too hard, I might hurt somebody.” c. “I might bore others if I speak up.” d. “I’m getting married soon. At the wedding, what if somebody recognizes my therapist?” ANSWER: d 13. Satish has been holding back his feelings in the face of a fellow group member who has been making

disparaging remarks about a third member under his breath. He feels, finally, ready to confront the offender. Which of the following is a legitimate form of confronting? a. Revealing what he has overheard, then becoming silent b. Challenging the offender’s integrity c. Telling the offender what is wrong with him d. Doing so with the goal of growing closer ANSWER: d 14. Penelope is the most difficult client whom group leader Ari has had to deal with in his 30 years of practice.

She is disruptive, rude, overbearing and confrontational. Just now, an intense argument was initiated by Penelope. Two other members have threatened to quit the group. Which of the following is correct? a. Ethically, Ari must dismiss Penelope to preserve the group b. Ari should quash the conflict temporarily in favor of a “cooling-off” period c. Ari should state his observations and hunches in a tentative manner d. Ari should respond in-kind to Penelope to see how she feels when presented with “her” behavior ANSWER: c 15. A group member is silent. It seems by his nonverbal behavior that he has something to say. The leader asks

herself in contemplation, “Is he waiting for me to call on him?” Is this a legitimate concern? a. No; members were told they could speak freely b. Probably; the member exhibits many childish behaviors c. No, the member is 42 years old and quite well-adjusted d. Maybe; it could be politeness ANSWER: d 16. It is important to educate non-participatory or minimally participatory members that others in the group are

likely to react to them with: a. Transference b. Counter-transference c. Projection d. Regression ANSWER: c 17. Mort works in a position of authority. He is a college guidance counselor. He is now a member of a courtCopyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 07: Transition Stage of a Group

mandated group. When others speak of their problems, he is always the first to react, even at the risk of cutting off other would-be responders. He seems to speak more than any other member. His behaviors could legitimately be construed as: a. Well-meaning, altruistic and in many ways productive b. Participatory, therefore acceptable c. Monopolizing d. Being worthy of dismissal; they are highly-disruptive ANSWER: c 18. When storytelling takes place in a/an ____________ manner, it is considered to be _____________. a. reactionary/repressive b. detached/defensive c. hostile/dissociative d. any/productive ANSWER: b 19. Being “parental” toward group members is: a. Counterproductive and can represent a dependency issue on the part of the practitioner b. Always a legitimate method of fostering progress c. Insulting d. Acceptable when the members are low functioning and/or have lacked parents as proper role models ANSWER: a 20. A group member openly challenges co-leaders simultaneously. The co-leaders should: a. Always meet privately to discuss a reaction b. React with a united front at all costs; the most important aspect of the reaction is consistency and

solidarity between leaders c. Always address the issue before the entire group; it is the group’s business d. Address the issue objectively — at all costs — either privately or in front of the group ANSWER: d 21. Rather than attempting to eliminate leader __________, the leaders should use their reactions

in productive and therapeutic ways. a. transference b. countertransference c. communication d. projection ANSWER: b 22.

A central role of members at this time is to recognize and deal with the many forms of __________. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 07: Transition Stage of a Group a. transference b. countertransference c. resistance d. change ANSWER: c 23. During a group session, the only Persian member and another member ended up in a heated debate about

cultural differences. The leader, also Persian, was caught off guard and unsure of how to address the situation in the moment, struggling with an internal conflict. What was the leader’s fear? a. Connecting with the Persian member. b. Overidentifying with the non-Persian member. c. Connecting with the non-Persian member. d. Overidentifying with the Persian member. ANSWER: d 24. __________ underlies much of members’ behavior in the transitional phase. a. Acceptance b. Anxiety and defensiveness c. A willingness to share personal information d. Relief and joy ANSWER: b 25. Be aware of your power as the group leader, and recognize the impact of the power

__________ between members and leaders. a. differential b. parallel c. compatibility d. equivalence ANSWER: a 26. Even the thought of __________ is sometimes overwhelming and can stop a person before he

or she has begun. a. peace b. rest c. change d. relationship ANSWER: c 27. Some members may lack understanding or experience in participating in groups, and their

struggle to learn new behavior patterns should not be labeled as __________. a. aggressive b. peaceful Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 07: Transition Stage of a Group c. forceful d. defensive ANSWER: d 28. Which of the following is NOT a prompt a leader will use when asking members to complete

sentences? a. One thing I am afraid to say in this group is . . . b. The member in the group that makes you most angry is… c. It is difficult for me to trust people because . . . d. If you really knew me, you would . . . ANSWER: b 29. Which of the following is NOT a problem that can develop between leaders during this time? a. Countertransference as healing. b. Challenges to both leaders. c. Dealing with problem behaviors. d. Negative reactions toward one leader. ANSWER: a 30. Members of an involuntary group may exhibit a lack of cooperation through __________. a. openness b. sharing appropriately c. sarcasm and silence d. connecting ANSWER: c 31. The __________ is a critical period in the history of the group. a. initial phase b. transition stage c. final stage d. working stage ANSWER: b 32. It is important not to respond with __________ when dealing with a client who does not want

to participate. a. openness b. sharing c. acceptance d. defensiveness ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 07: Transition Stage of a Group 33. Which of the following is NOT an intervention statement that may increase the odds that an

involuntary member will become a voluntary participant? a. You have to be here so you might as well enjoy it and make the most of it. b. What do you know about counseling? Have you ever participated in a group? c. How do you cope with having to do something you don’t want to do? d. Many group members have felt the same way you do now. Maybe they could tell you what it was like for them. ANSWER: a 34. _________ might be things such as a lack of support from others, limited resources,

oppressive circumstances, or threat of negative reactions from others. a. Internal barriers b. External barriers c. Different barriers d. Hyperactive barriers ANSWER: b 35. __________ to change are the beliefs we have about ourselves and the things we say that

sabotage our successes along the way. a. Hyperactive barriers b. Different barriers c. External barriers d. Internal barriers ANSWER: d 36. It is important for leaders to process their reactions after the group at a later time. Which of

the following is NOT a way to process? a. Self-reflection b. Supervision c. Defensiveness d. Consultation ANSWER: c 37. A __________ therapist who is interested primarily in clients’ welfare will not encourage

members to remain in an inferior position. a. self-aware b. self-confident c. self- absorbed d. self-critical ANSWER: a 38. Individuals from __________ groups may find it difficult to understand the experience of Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 07: Transition Stage of a Group

those who are not. a. hardship b. lower class c. poverty d. privileged ANSWER: d 39. __________ is indicated by a leader’s exaggerated and persistent feelings that tend to recur

with various clients in various groups. a. Resistance b. Transference c. Countertransference d. Change ANSWER: c 40. The __________ leader who depends on clients’ subordinate position for a sense of adequacy

and power will tend to keep the group members powerless. a. insecure b. secure c. confident d. non-defensive ANSWER: a 41. The major task is to provide the __________ and the challenge necessary for members to

face and resolve conflicts and negative reactions that exist within the group and certain behaviors that stem from their defenses against anxiety. a. confrontation b. encouragement c. trial d. experiment ANSWER: b 42. If a member states, “I don’t know what to say to my father” during a role play, the best

response from the leader will be: a. What made you come if you didn’t want to be here today? b. What or whom do you want to get away from? c. If this is the last chance you have to speak to him, what do you want to tell him? d. What do you imagine will happen if you don’t talk about it? ANSWER: c 43. Which of the following is NOT a tip listed in the book for listening and giving feedback? a. Refrain from making too many comments or asking questions of the person who is sharing. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 07: Transition Stage of a Group b. If you do relate to what the person is sharing, be cautious in your comments so you do not take the

spotlight away from the person who is sharing. c. As an observer, your role is to listen without making interpretations about what you see. d. If you do not relate to what the person is sharing, it is important to let them know in detailed explanation. ANSWER: d 44. Members can gain __________ into the ways their unresolved conflicts create certain

patterns of dysfunctional behavior. a. insight b. challenges c. anger d. disgust ANSWER: a 45. Depending on how conflict and resistance are handled, the group can take a turn for: a. the better only. b. the worse only. c. the better or for the worse. d. experimental training. ANSWER: c 46. One of the benefits of a therapeutic group is that members can explore how their __________

are playing out in present interactions. a. employer’s experiences b. past experiences c. future experience d. current interactions ANSWER: b 47. If a member states, “I’m very uncomfortable with the anger in the group” during a role play,

the best response from the leader will be: a. Say the first thing that comes to your mind. b. Tell your father what stops you from talking to him. c. What makes it difficult for you to be here? d. What happens when people express their anger in your life? ANSWER: d 48. The __________ reactions members develop toward the group leader and other members can

bring out intense feelings in those who are the target of their reactions. a. transference b. insight Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 07: Transition Stage of a Group c. challenging d. experimental ANSWER: a 49. It is a __________ to dwell almost exclusively on strategies for “curing” problem members

while ignoring your own personal reactions to such problematic behaviors. a. good idea b. difficult decision c. perfect idea d. mistake ANSWER: d 50. If a member states, “I don’t want to be here” during a role play, the best response from the

leader will be: a. Say the first thing that comes to your mind. b. Tell your father what stops you from talking to him. c. What makes it difficult for you to be here? d. What happens when people express their anger in your life? ANSWER: c

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Chapter 08: Working Stage of a Group Multiple Choice 1. In a working group, while one member, Nicole, shared another, Beth, made a rude comment under her breath.

Nicole overheard Beth and told her it really upset her. Beth responded by telling Nicole she was being too sensitive. In a slightly raised voice, Nicole continued explaining why she was upset. Beth told Nicole to stop shouting and to calm down, which resulted in Nicole becoming even more frustrated. How should the group leader respond? a. Allow Nicole to continuing explaining her frustration, while blocking Beth to work. b. Facilitate their interaction so neither of them shut down and to assess the impact of the conflict on the other group members. c. Block Nicole from continuing in order to allow Beth to work on her issues. d. Block both Nicole and Beth from continuing and ignore the issue by bringing up something different. ANSWER: b 2. More member __________ is desirable; clinical findings do not support the idea that more is always better. a. self-disclosure b. conflict c. silence d. denial ANSWER: a 3. For a group to reach the deepest and most effective levels of the Working Stage, it is essential that members

_____________ to work through areas of interference that hinder achievement. a. promise b. contract c. commit d. make a sincere effort ANSWER: c 4. Pamela is having issues dealing with authority, first with teachers, now with the group co-leaders. Group

members are consulted regarding their feelings toward Pamela. The entire group now looks to address the issue of Pamela’s rebelliousness. This scenario is indicative of ______________stage. a. any b. the Transition c. the Initial d. the Working ANSWER: d 5. As members successfully interact with one another in the Working Stage, the leader can expect less

_____________ to be directed toward himself or herself. a. body language b. insults c. eye contact Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 08: Working Stage of a Group d. hostility ANSWER: c 6. Nonworking groups are categorized by all of the following EXCEPT: a. Conflicts are typically avoided and/or ignored b. Disclosure remains minimal c. Individuals focus on others and not on themselves d. Individuals do not wait for permission from the leader ANSWER: d 7. Catharsis is typically evident in: a. Working groups b. Nonworking groups c. All therapeutic groups to one degree or another d. Working groups, however, only in the Working Stage ANSWER: a 8. The converse of “guardedness” in a therapeutic group setting is: a. Disclosure b. Spontaneity c. Revelation d. Authenticity ANSWER: d 9. When a group is at work, unity and cohesion are paramount concerns. Is it permissible for subgroups of the

larger group to meet outside the group to the exception of other members? a. Never; it is unethical b. It is highly frowned upon; it can breed jealousy and resentment c. Always; many friendships and even marriages sprout from these interactions d. Sometimes; depending on circumstance, setting, and the type of group ANSWER: d 10. The concept of homework is most closely associated with which therapeutic realm? a. Gestalt b. Cognitive Behavioral c. Humanistic d. Client-centered ANSWER: b 11. Effective self-disclosure often hinges upon all of the following concepts EXCEPT: a. Appropriateness versus Inappropriateness b. Pressure Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 08: Working Stage of a Group c. Judgment d. Purposefulness ANSWER: b 12. Which of the following is an appropriate form of self-disclosure? a. Rehearsing something just to state it as some point during the group. b. Being judgmental c. Being mechanical d. To help a member understand he or she is not alone and that the leader has experienced something

similar. ANSWER: d 13. Barry is a group leader who feels compelled to disclose certain aspects of himself to the group. He is

uncertain as to roots and motivation of his feelings. All are appropriate avenues for Barry EXCEPT: a. Finding a therapy group in which he himself can be a member b. Taking a spontaneous risk; group leaders do, after all, encourage risk-taking c. Disclosing the information as a possible way of modeling — on condition that the disclosure is

relevant d. Consulting with a supervisor or colleague ANSWER: b 14. Intergroup feedback is most effective when it: a. Contains qualifiers b. Doesn’t contain qualifiers c. Addresses difficulties one member is having with another d. Contains advice ANSWER: b 15. Corrective feedback is also known as: a. Negative feedback b. Challenging feedback c. Remedial feedback d. Rehabilitative feedback ANSWER: a 16. The epitome of therapeutic feedback from one member (or leader) to another is: (1) When it lets others

know how you feel as a result of their behaviors, actions or work, and (2) When the feedback is _______________: a. well thought-out b. a feeling/critique, etc. that is obviously shared by other members c. rehearsed so as to be comprehensive Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 08: Working Stage of a Group d. spontaneous ANSWER: d 17. Groups displaying nonworking group behaviors may be working but: a. in the same ways as a working group. b. in better ways than a working group. c. barely moving forward, as if standing still. d. in less overt or easily recognizable ways. ANSWER: d 18. All of the following, according to Yalom (2005b), are stated benefits of cohesive groups EXCEPT: a. They have higher rates of attendance b. Members feel freer to deal with anger c. They foster a higher degree of interpersonal learning d. They allow the group to finish its work and end sooner ANSWER: d 19. Which critical issue can be described as being fundamental to the success of a therapeutic group that

authenticity prevail and that members do not feel they have to disguise or hide their true selves to be accepted? a. disclosure versus anonymity. b. authenticity versus guardedness c. spontaneity versus control d. acceptance versus rejection ANSWER: b 20. It is believed that when utilizing humor in a group setting (whether for insight, feedback, etc.), the humor is

most effective when it is: a. Spontaneous b. Well thought-out c. Not culturally specific d. Directed at oneself ANSWER: a 21. The __________ operate to differing degrees in all stages of a group, but they are most often

manifested during the working stage. a. introductions b. termination c. therapeutic factors d. abstract understanding ANSWER: c 22. There is no steadfast rule as to when a leader should or should not __________. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 08: Working Stage of a Group a. plan to terminate b. self-disclose c. explain confidentiality d. explain informed consent ANSWER: b 23. In an incest survivor group, most members were relieved that the leaders did not __________

whether they had or had not been survivors themselves because they believed they would have been protective of the leaders and this would have limited members’ ability to lean on the leaders for support. a. conceal b. mask c. cover d. disclose ANSWER: d 24. Which critical issue can be described as members deciding to disclose themselves in a

significant and appropriate way, or they can choose to remain hidden out of fear? a. disclosure versus anonymity b. authenticity versus guardedness. c. spontaneity versus control d. acceptance versus rejection ANSWER: a 25. __________ occurs when group members or leaders share their observations and personal

reactions regarding the behavior of another. a. Confidentiality b. Informed Consent c. Feedback d. Termination ANSWER: c 26. Characteristics of a cohesive group include all of the following EXCEPT: a. support b. a lack of bonding c. mutuality within the group d. a sense of belonging ANSWER: b 27. Members may become more aware of their apprehensions as they experience the group

process. As the group moves through the stages: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 08: Working Stage of a Group a. the leader’s relationship with individual members will become more superficial, and the leader’s

interventions will likely be different. b. the leader’s relationship with individual members will become more superficial, and the leader’s interventions will not change. c. the leader’s relationship with individual members will become deeper, but the leader’s interventions will not change at all. d. the leader’s relationship with individual members will become deeper and the leader’s interventions will likely be different. ANSWER: d 28.

Which critical issue can be described as expecting group participants to make the choice to relinquish some of their controlled and rehearsed ways and allow themselves to respond more spontaneously to events of the moment? a. disclosure versus anonymity b. authenticity versus guardedness c. spontaneity versus control d. acceptance versus rejection. ANSWER: c 29. It is important to meet with your co-leader throughout the duration of the group. Which of

the following is not a topic to discuss that is particularly relevant to the working stage? a. Ongoing evaluation of the group b. Initial balance of responsibility c. Discussion of techniques d. Self-disclosure issues ANSWER: b 30. Which of the following is NOT a group behavior that tends to manifest during the working

stage? a. There is more dependence on the leader for direction and more eye contact directed toward the leader

as members talk. b. Members are provided with both support and challenge c. The leader employs a variety of therapeutic interventions designed for further self-exploration and that lead to experimentation with new behavior d. Members increasingly interact with one another in more direct ways ANSWER: a 31. A healing capacity develops within the group as members increasingly experience

__________ of who they are. a. mistrust Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 08: Working Stage of a Group b. dislike c. non-acceptance d. acceptance ANSWER: d 32. __________ is a form of feedback that is a basic part of a productive group, and also of any

healthy relationship. a. A challenging attack b. Confidentiality c. Constructive confrontation d. Nonconstructive confrontation ANSWER: c 33. The process of __________ encourages members to accept responsibility for the outcomes of

a group and for changing the style in which they relate to others. a. selective feedback b. interpersonal feedback c. confrontive feedback d. aggressive feedback ANSWER: b 34. During the working stage, which of the following would NOT be a journal prompt given by

the leaders? a. What have you observed that demonstrates that a high level of trust or cohesion between group

members has developed? b. What patterns of communication do you see happening in this stage of the group? c. What is your understanding of confidentiality and informed consent? d. How are members and the leaders handling conflicts that occur in the group? ANSWER: c 35. Which of the following is a characteristic of a working group? a. Most members feel a sense of inclusion, and excluded members are invited to become more active. b. Mistrust is evidenced by an undercurrent of unexpressed hostility. c. Goals are fuzzy, abstract, and general. d. Fragmentation exists; members feel distant from one another ANSWER: a 36. Which critical issue can be described as the members frequently dealing with the

acceptance–rejection polarity? a. disclosure versus anonymity Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 08: Working Stage of a Group b. authenticity versus guardedness c. spontaneity versus control d. acceptance versus rejection ANSWER: d 37. During the working stage, co-leaders can make it a practice to devote some time to

appraising the direction the group is taking and __________. a. its understanding of informed consent b. its level of productivity c. its understanding of confidentiality d. introducing each diverse member ANSWER: b 38. During the initial stage, interventions are aimed at providing encouragement. During the

working stage, the leader will: a. encourage the member to identify ways in which he or she has already inhibited him or herself

because of fear of judgment b. provide encouragement, but try not to push the member to connect with other members c. look for ways to involve the entire group in a member’s work d. limit the amount of depth the member is allowed to share so other members do not feel the burden of sharing ANSWER: c 39. __________ is a valuable concept and it can be a unifying force for group members. a. Cohesion b. Confrontation c. Subgrouping d. A breach of confidentiality ANSWER: a 40. Like __________, group leaders need to teach participants how to give and receive feedback. a. confidentiality b. self-disclosure c. informed consent d. feedback ANSWER: b

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Chapter 09: Final Stage of a Group Multiple Choice 1. The group leader’s theoretical orientation will influence the way __________ issues are approached. a. employment b. personal relationship c. family d. termination ANSWER: d 2. The most important thing about the group experience is what the members take with them by way of new

__________ to enhance the quality of their lives. a. coping b. learning c. methods of communicating d. problem-solving abilities ANSWER: b 3. A Closed Group is: a. One that has finished its work and stopped meeting. b. One that has ceased meeting because of inabilities in meeting goals. c. One that accepts only certain members such as court-mandated counselees, etc. d. One that contains the same members for all sessions. ANSWER: d 4. Group members may experience and express closure differently due to their _________, and leaders should

be aware of these differences in the termination process. a. cultural background b. new lease on life c. mandatory needs d. toolbox of ideas ANSWER: a 5. Members practice new behaviors in the group sessions as well as putting into practice more effective

__________ when dealing with emerging concerns. a. referrals b. contacts c. coping skills d. tasks ANSWER: c 6. Some experts believe that the process of termination begins as early as: a. The Initial Stage of a group Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 09: Final Stage of a Group b. The first day of a group c. The Transition Stage of a Group d. The beginning of the group’s Final Stage ANSWER: b 7. In which type of group do members need to prepare for individual goodbyes, as not all members leave at the

same time? a. Psycho-educational group b. Open group c. Closed group d. Court-mandated group ANSWER: b 8. Members benefit by practicing new interpersonal skills, by getting and discussing __________, and by

modifying certain behaviors so that they are more likely to bring about desired changes once they leave the group a. mortality b. abandonment c. hopefulness d. feedback ANSWER: d 9. During the final stages of a group, it is helpful to reinforce members so that they can cope with realistic

__________ and avoid getting discouraged and giving up. a. depression b. separation anxiety c. setbacks d. ountertransference ANSWER: c 10. An unresolved conflict appears during the final session of a closed group. Which statement is correct? a. This is not unexpected b. This is a sign that the group was prepared to terminate prematurely c. This is a sign of ineffectiveness on the part of the leader d. This is a sign that those involved in the conflict should be referred to other groups in order to “finish

their business” ANSWER: a 11. Yoshi, a counselee in an incest-survivors group, presents the group leader with a kimono during the final

session. All of the following, according to experts, should factor into the decision of the leader as to whether to accept the gift or not, EXCEPT for: a. Cultural factors Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 09: Final Stage of a Group b. The intention of the gift-giver c. The “gift” policy of the counselor d. Laws on gift-giving and receiving ANSWER: d 12. A specific point that should be explored during the termination process is how the counselee has translated

___________ into ______________. a. pain/confusion/frustration/anger/etc./growth b. abstract/concrete c. insight/action d. feedback/knowledge ANSWER: c 13. Svetlana is in the end stage of her group. The leader asks her to visualize how she will react in a situation

two years from now. This technique, “future projection,” is most commonly used in the context of: a. Gestalt Therapy b. Psychodrama c. Client-Centered Therapy d. Behavioral Therapy ANSWER: b 14. Homework can be used as an effective tool in: a. All stages up to, but not including, the Final Stage b. All stages from the Working Stage on c. All stages d. All stages except for the Initial Stage ANSWER: c 15. “How might your life have been different had you not become a member of this group?” This question is: a. Likely to increase insight b. Likely to cause anxiety c. Likely to open a “Pandora’s Box” of unresolved conflicts d. Not recommended (Yalom, 2009) ANSWER: a 16. Which option answers the following statement most completely and correctly: ASGW (2008)

“Best Practice Guidelines” encourage leaders to process the workings of the group with: a. Themselves (if co-leaders exist), group members and supervisors b. Themselves (if co-leaders exist), group members, supervisors, other colleagues and significant others if done with confidentiality c. Themselves (if co-leaders exist), group members and significant others if done with confidentiality d. Themselves (if co-leaders exist), group members, supervisors, or other colleagues. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 09: Final Stage of a Group ANSWER: d 17. Co-leaders of a group weigh whether or not to meet and critique their performance, styles, etc. Nancy, one

of the co-leaders, has just accepted a position in another state. This will be her last day. The co-leaders should: a. Meet; this is consistent with the ASGW “Best Practice Guidelines” b. Not meet; the group has ended, and it’s all “water under the bridge” c. Not meet, as conflicts might arise that can’t be resolved before the two part ways for good d. Meet, however, only in the presence of a supervisor ANSWER: a 18. A group member complains about the termination process. He threatens legal action. The safety net is

having explained the termination process: a. During screening b. During informed consent c. During the first meeting d. Verbally during orientation ANSWER: b 19. Post-group follow-up sessions are: a. Recommended by the American Psychological Association’s “Best Practice Guidelines” b. Not recommended by many experts as they are considered a “support crutch” c. Not recommended by many experts, as new issues can arise d. Able to reduce the need for risk-taking as a result of the passage of time ANSWER: d 20. A recommended tool used for successfully terminated group members is _____________ that they should

read at a certain point after termination (one year; two years, etc.) a. their initial intake form b. a letter to themselves c. a letter written (but not sent) to the group leader d. a “here-and-now” poem ANSWER: b 21. In a group for abused children, the leader gives the children an opportunity to participate in structuring the closing sessions. All of the following are information a leader should ask the

members to share EXCEPT: a. what they have learned about their individual strengths and talents. b. how they plan to continue making positive choices and building healthy relationships outside of group. c. what kind of group they believe their family and friends should attend. d. their individual plans about how to take care of themselves. ANSWER: c Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 09: Final Stage of a Group 22. The technique of __________ is designed to help group members express and clarify

concerns they have about their future. a. future projection b. initial intake c. giving feedback d. receiving feedback ANSWER: a 23. __________ needs to be tailored to each member’s contract, and members need to be careful

about overambitious plans. a. Confidentiality b. Informed consent c. Receiving feedback d. Homework ANSWER: d 24. When a follow-up group session with the entire group is not practical, group leaders can__________ to assess the members’ perceptions about the group and its impact on their

lives. a. send an email to some members b. send a brief questionnaire c. call several members d. eate a Facebook page and invite some of the members to join ANSWER: b 25. Members need to face the reality of __________ and learn how to say good-bye. a. confidentiality b. informed consent c. termination d. a working group ANSWER: c 26. __________ is a basic aspect of any group experience, and it can benefit both members and the leader. It is an ongoing process throughout the life of a group—or at least at important turning points in the group—that tracks the progress of individual members and the

group as a whole. a. Termination b. Confidentiality c. Informed consent d. Evaluation ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 09: Final Stage of a Group 27. As members approach the ending of a group or are leaving an ongoing group, it is equally essential that they

be encouraged to express their reactions. They may have fears or concerns about __________. a. cohesion b. separation c. connection d. bonding ANSWER: b 28. A main task for members during the final session is to put into words what has transpired

from __________. a. the first to the final session b. the third or fourth session to the final session c. the last couple sessions only d. the first and second sessions only ANSWER: a 29. __________ can tap individual changes in attitudes and values and can help members make a

personal assessment of the group. a. Termination b. Confidentiality c. Standardized instruments d. Future projection ANSWER: c 30. At the final phase leaders should reinforce some teaching points to help members consolidate what they have learned and to apply their learning to daily life. Which of the following is NOT a suggestion from the book? a. What will you do with what you have learned? b. Change may be slow and subtle c. One group alone may not permanently change your life d. A group experience is an end in itself ANSWER: d

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Chapter 10: Groups in School Settings Multiple Choice 1. School-based groups emphasize __________ strategies to support healthy student development and more

effective ways of dealing with the tasks of daily living. a. protocol and identification b. preservation and integration c. prevention and intervention d. prediction and intervention ANSWER: c 2. An examination of psychoeducational groups in kindergarten through 12th grade demonstrated benefits in all

the following areas EXCEPT:. a. A decrease in bullying b. An increase in academic performance in children from broken homes c. A decrease in trauma-related anxiety d. An increase in school attendance ANSWER: d 3. School-based groups are usually of what duration? a. At least a semester b. Brief c. Often an entire school year d. Sometimes multiyear ANSWER: b 4. __________________ is the most common theoretical approach in school settings. a. Cognitive Behavioral b. Psychodrama c. Humanistic d. Eclectic ANSWER: a 5. __________ should be clearly articulated to the parents or guardians of the children who participate. a. Leader meeting notes b. Supervision notes c. Therapist progress notes d. Program goals ANSWER: d 6. All matters of child abuse or neglect, either real or suspected, should be reported immediately to: a. Child Protective Services b. SCP Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 10: Groups in School Settings c. The Police d. Department of Child Services ANSWER: a 7. Mrs. O’Hara, a social worker, has recommended to Billy’s third-grade teacher that he be placed in a school

group to address certain issues. All the following should be taken into consideration for a proper student-togroup fit in terms of length and duration of the group, EXCEPT: a. Medication Billy may be taking b. The severity of Billy’s problems c. His attention span d. His grades ANSWER: d 8. Children in group settings often test barriers and limitations in order to gauge the level of ________________

which they can expect. a. permissiveness b. safety c. discipline d. reaction ANSWER: b 9. In a group setting with child counselees, the youngsters regularly present views about parents, teachers, the

school, etc. The leader, should: a. Maintain partiality b. Express his own views on the matter c. Remain neutral d. Weigh his responses carefully before agreeing or disagreeing with the children ANSWER: c 10. When working with children and adolescents, be aware of _________ that may subtly influence your

interactions. a. preconceived labels and diagnoses b. medications c. educational goals d. professional characteristics ANSWER: a 11. All the following are considered appropriate/important factors, ideas or considerations in terminating a

group of children, EXCEPT: a. A group diploma b. A graduation ceremony c. A reunion Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 10: Groups in School Settings d. Permission to end confidentiality ANSWER: d 12. Play-therapy is/can be utilized effectively for: a. Children and adolescents b. Children up to age 10 c. Children up to age 6 d. Children above age 10 who are low-functioning ANSWER: a 13. A well-known personality in the field of psychology who developed and instituted a form of widely used

play-therapy was: a. Skinner b. Freud c. Jung d. Bandura ANSWER: c 14. The group counseling services provided for children and adolescents in schools occupy a major place

because of their efficacy in __________. a. balancing their problems with the desire to have fun b. breaches and limitations in confidentiality c. delivering information and treatment d. transference issues ANSWER: c 15. Small groups have the potential to reach many students before they need __________ for more serious

mental health problems. a. approval b. remedial treatment c. basic treatment d. advanced treatment ANSWER: b 16. The __________ of school counselors differ from those of community mental health counselors, and the

groups often have a different focus. a. roles and functions b. federal laws regarding confidentiality c. legal ethics d. state ethics ANSWER: a Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 10: Groups in School Settings 17. __________ is increasing in popularity in groups for children and adolescents. a. Psychodynamic therapy b. Psychodrama c. Play therapy d. Adlerian therapy ANSWER: c 18. Connecting the interventions of play therapy with __________ helps to justify this approach in school

settings. a. academic success b. academic failure c. bias and prejudice d. general dissatisfaction ANSWER: a 19. Sources of __________ during adolescence are unique to that specific period to the exclusion of those faced

during college years. a. hope b. peace c. confidentiality d. stress ANSWER: d 20. __________ the adolescent to become an active group participant can be challenging. a. Motivating b. Forcing c. Coercing d. Bullying ANSWER: a 21. __________ groups and groups designed to teach adolescents appropriate ways to express and deal with their anger are excellent means of prevention, and these groups can be most

useful in the school environment. a. Self-esteem b. Conflict management c. Educational d. Interpersonal skills ANSWER: b 22. Familiarize yourself with the members’ __________, including their slang, style of speaking to one another, the types of music and entertainment media they enjoy, and their current Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 10: Groups in School Settings

modes of communication, including the many forms of social media now part of their lives. a. familial connections b. adult relationships c. subcultures d. employment history ANSWER: c 23. The adolescent period of life is characterized by: a. searching for an identity and clarifying a system of values that will influence the course of one’s life. b. searching for systems and clarifying identity of values that will influence the course of other’s lives. c. searching for a place to display the wonderful and healthy relationship with his or her parents. d. searching for experiences that will teach them how to cheat the system. ANSWER: a 24. __________ will ask you direct and personal questions. Sometimes this is a way of testing

whether you subscribe to the ideas you are attempting to communicate to them. a. Parents of colleagues b. Infants c. Adolescents d. Non-students ANSWER: d 25. In Western cultures, adolescents are encouraged to make decisions with the faith and support

of caring adults, but they need __________. a. money and credit cards b. guidelines and limits c. free range d. time and money ANSWER: b 26. Helping young people learn to be aware of and manage __________ can help prevent violent

actions. a. their neighbor’s suicidal tendencies b. their parents’ joy and peace c. anger and conflict d. their sexual abuse ANSWER: c 27. __________ may be required to keep meetings moving in a meaningful direction. a. Force b. Confidentiality c. Intense leadership skills Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 10: Groups in School Settings d. Creativity ANSWER: d 28. __________ groups teach adolescents appropriate ways to express and deal with their anger. a. Psychodynamic b. Conflict management c. Psychodrama d. Existential ANSWER: b 29. __________ become an important source of support, which makes groups a treatment of

choice for adolescents. a. Peers b. Parents c. Adult siblings d. Teachers ANSWER: a 30. __________ groups with structured topics or themes are most commonly offered in

university counseling centers. a. Legal b. Regulated c. Time-limited d. Long-term ANSWER: c

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Chapter 11: Groups in Community Settings Multiple Choice 1. __________ illustrate ways practitioners have applied the concepts discussed in this book to various client

populations in a community. a. Effective uses of power b. Political actions c. Leader education d. Group proposals ANSWER: d 2. Many women learn early that the predominant expectation in a patriarchal society is all of the following

except __________: a. aloneness b. child-rearing c. autonomy d. independence ANSWER: b 3. A crucial opportunity in women’s group-work is delving into what it means to be _____________ in a(n)

____________ society a. outcast/patriarchal b. independent/matriarchal c. equal/egalitarian d. female/patriarchal ANSWER: d 4. A chief concern of men is the fear that they will be _______________ for deviating from societal roles and

expectations. a. ostracized b. devalued c. sanctioned d. emasculated ANSWER: c 5. In a group context, one powerful intervention is the leader modeling appropriate __________ by sharing

some of his own life experiences. a. self-disclosure b. suppression of anger c. giving up well-entrenched gender roles d. proper parenting ANSWER: a 6. Traditional approaches in treating male perpetrators of domestic violence typically demonstrate: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 11: Groups in Community Settings a. a very low recidivism rate b. a 100 percent recidivism rate c. an extremely high recidivism rate d. an average recidivism rate of around 50 percent ANSWER: d 7. The Solution-Focused approach of Lee and colleagues advocates the design of and adherence to specific and

achievable goals. These goals must be established by the participant: a. In orientation b. By the third session c. By the beginning of the Working Stage d. During the first session in contract form ANSWER: b 8. Men may pay a steeper price than their female counterparts for engaging in ___________ behaviors, which

encourages men to remain deeply entrenched in masculine roles. a. gender typical b. gender specific c. gender-atypical d. gender usual ANSWER: c 9. An emerging counseling emphasis on __________ presents a more optimistic picture of changes taking place

in gender roles. a. positive masculinity b. negative masculinity c. positive femininity d. negative femininity ANSWER: a 10. When dealing with older adults/the elderly in therapeutic sessions, Christensen and colleagues focus on the

facilitation of members’ __________________. a. nostalgia b. reminiscence c. written memoirs d. past transferences ANSWER: b 11. A key task in conducting therapy with older adults/the elderly is challenging the ____________ of aging. a. statistics b. effects c. norms Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 11: Groups in Community Settings d. myths ANSWER: d 12. Prospective counselors who are planning/preparing to work with older adults/the elderly in therapeutic

settings might wish to expand their knowledge in the field of _________________. a. existential psychology b. geriatrics c. gerontology d. ortho-Geriatrics ANSWER: c 13. Identify attitudes and skills needed in working effectively with older adults in groups a. Exclusion based on regression is not appropriate b. The mixing of the two is likely to result in fragmentation c. The mixing of the two is likely to result in increased understanding and cohesion d. The two types of individuals in a group are not mutually exclusive ANSWER: b 14. Andres is conducting his first therapy group for the elderly. One client in particular, Jaime, complains about

everything: his children, grandchildren, politics and mostly how the world has changed for the worse. Andres should: a. Allow Jaime to complain, even if there is nothing you can do about it b. Redirect Jaime to things that can be changed c. Explain to Jaime sensitively that he is wasting time with the unchangeable d. Refer Jaime to individual therapy ANSWER: a 15. Martha-Anne is a counselee in a nursing home. She does not regularly come out of her shell. The counselor

prods her to speak. It appears that the fear of breach-of-confidentiality exists. The counselor can legitimately take into account as a possibility of the root of this anxiety: a. Paranoia b. Fear of retaliation by staff c. General anxiety disorder d. Delusions of persecution ANSWER: b 16. When approaching the administrators of an assisted-care living center for the elderly, J.D. felt resistance for

his idea for creating a group. He should counter with: a. A needs assessment b. A formal contract c. A sound proposal d. Research data Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 11: Groups in Community Settings ANSWER: c 17. Perry, a group counselor, also works at night as a stand-up comedian at The Comedy Funhouse. He has a

natural inclination to use humor. He should keep this humor situation-specific by: a. Making sure that all uses of humor are understood without regard to age b. Making sure that all uses of humor are understood without regard to age and culture c. Avoiding laughing with the person to whom the humor is directed d. Avoiding laughing at those who don’t/can’t complete a certain task ANSWER: d 18. Increased loneliness is often a key factor following the death of a loved one, and a group can offer the older

person much needed __________. a. diagnosis and treatment of pathology b. support and socialization c. memories d. writing ANSWER: b 19. Hedtke and Winslade (2004) believe that a therapeutic approach in grief and bereavement treatment is the

development of a new relationship with: a. A pet — particularly among the elderly b. God c. The person who died d. Themselves ANSWER: c 20. Many older adults, particularly those who have lost a spouse, have a strong need to be __________. a. touched b. told what to do c. questioned d. yelled at ANSWER: a 21. Mental health practitioners need to know more about working with __________ because this is one of the

fastest growing groups in the United States. a. younger adults b. older adults c. infants d. school aged children ANSWER: b 22. __________ provide accurate information on the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain and body, Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 11: Groups in Community Settings

withdrawal syndromes associated with specific drugs, cravings and relapse triggers, and the role of support groups in the recovery process. a. Psychodrama groups b. Cognitive behavioral groups c. Skills groups d. Psychoeducational groups ANSWER: d 23. It’s important to examine your attitudes about aging and challenge your __________ views about older

people. a. negative b. positive c. neutral d. happy ANSWER: a 24. __________ combine an educational component with role-playing activities so clients can practice

assertiveness skills, relapse prevention, and effective communication. a. Psychodrama groups b. Cognitive behavioral groups c. Skills groups d. Psychoeducational groups ANSWER: c 25. Substance use treatment groups are usually __________ and have revolving membership. a. closed b. open c. unending d. extremely short ANSWER: b 26. __________ is particularly appropriate with older people both because this population often experiences

loneliness and isolation and because interpersonal interaction is vital for physical and psychological well-being. a. Psychological administration b. Informed consent c. Confidentiality d. Group work ANSWER: d 27. Traditionally, older adults have been portrayed in a __________ manner by the American media. a. traditional b. normal Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 11: Groups in Community Settings c. stereotypical d. average ANSWER: c 28. All-male groups provide men with the support they need to become aware of the __________ they may have

lived by and provide them with the strength to question the mandate of the masculine role. a. unrestrictive rules and roles b. restrictive rules and roles c. common behaviors d. uncommon behaviors ANSWER: b 29. __________ involves recognizing our internal grief and expressing it externally. a. Mourning b. Confidentiality c. Conflict resolution d. Psychodrama ANSWER: a 30. __________ help clients become aware of the connection between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in

making choices that will support their drug-free lifestyle. a. Psychodrama groups b. Cognitive behavioral groups c. Skills groups d. Psychoeducational groups ANSWER: b

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Final Examination Multiple Choice 1. Which of the following is true of counseling groups? a. They are never highly structured. b. They are aimed at curing personality problems. c. They focus on interpersonal relations among the mem-bers. d. They require diagnosis for the members. ANSWER: c 2. Which of the following is NOT true of group counseling? a. It focuses on a particular type of problem. b. It can be carried out in institutional settings. c. Group members often determine the focus. d. It deals with treatment of psychotic disorders. ANSWER: d 3. Psychoeducational groups are designed to a. foster accomplishment of identified work goals. b. help members go through difficult life transitions. c. remediate in-depth psychological problems. d. provide members with targeted education on a variety of psychological issues or informational

deficits. ANSWER: d 4. Which of the following is NOT a difference between group counseling and group therapy? a. It deals primarily with conscious problems. b. It is not aimed at major personality changes. c. It is not concerned with treating psychotic disorders. d. It includes more than one person. ANSWER: d 5. Which group work specialist is most likely to teach members to cope with an immediate life crisis or

developmental life event, with the goal of preventing an array of educational and psychological disturbances? a. counseling b. psychotherapy c. psychoeducational d. task facilitation ANSWER: c 6. The group leadership skill of active listening includes all the following EXCEPT a. sensing underlying messages. b. the ability to formulate your next response while listen-ing. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination c. noting gestures and changes in expression. d. being sensitive to discrepancies between a member’s words and body language. ANSWER: b 7. The group leadership skill of summarizing is useful during all of the following EXCEPT: a. when the group process gets bogged down. b. in arriving at a decision on where to go next. c. at the end of a session. d. at the beginning of a session. ANSWER: d 8. The group leadership skill of clarification does NOT involve which of the following? a. focusing on key apparent issues b. sorting out confused and conflicting feelings c. asking open-ended questions in order to understand what a group member is saying d. a tool that can be valuable in the initial stages of an en-counter ANSWER: a 9. Which of the following is NOT a way a group leader can make use of the skill of facilitating? a. working to create a climate of safety and acceptance b. helping members express their fears and expectations c. involving as few members as possible in the group interaction d. providing encouragement and support as members explore highly personal material or as they try

new behavior ANSWER: c 10. Group leaders who use the skill of empathizing appropriately have a wide range of experiences that a. help them identify with others. b. enable them to know fully what another person is experiencing. c. enable them to completely identify with group members by temporarily abandoning their

separateness from them. d. enable them to overlook confusing nonverbal messages. ANSWER: a 11. The group leadership skill of interpreting involves all of the following EXCEPT: a. offering possible explanations for certain behaviors or symptoms. b. helping a member move beyond an impasse. c. discouraging members from making their own interpretations. d. presenting an interpretation in the form of a hypothesis or hunch. ANSWER: c 12. Which of the following is FALSE when the group leadership skill of questioning is used appropriately? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination a. “Why” questions help a member experience intense feelings. b. The member is directed to heighten feelings of the moment. c. Questions that remove people from themselves are avoided. d. Questioning is overused by many group leaders. ANSWER: a 13. The use of support as a leadership skill is inappropriate a. when a member is venturing into frightening territory. b. when a member is engaging in new behavior in a group. c. when a member asks for support. d. before a member has had the opportunity to fully experience a conflict or painful feelings. ANSWER: d 14. The group leadership skill of blocking should NOT be used when group members a. bombard others with questions b. begin to cry c. break confidences. d. invade privacy ANSWER: b 15. Which of the following is NOT considered an advantage of the co-leadership model? a. Leader burnout can be reduced. b. If one leader must be absent, the group can proceed with the other leader. c. Countertransference can be more easily recognized and dealt with. d. It decreases the need for leaders to be fully present and listen actively if they are working with

another leader. ANSWER: d 16. Which of the following is NOT a co-leader action that could be potentially harmful for both the group

members and the leaders? a. not meeting together regularly b. creating cliques c. not trusting or respecting each other d. having the ability to decide to work together ANSWER: d 17. __________ is a process of presenting basic information about a group to potential group participants to

assist them in deciding whether to enter the group and how to participate in it. a. Confidentiality b. Advanced directive c. Informed consent d. Psychological risk Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination ANSWER: c 18. Which of the following factor is NOT as important to consider when deciding who is qualified to lead a

particular group? a. the type of group b. whether or not the prospective leader has a Ph.D. degree c. the limitations of the prospective leader d. the prospective leader’s knowledge competencies ANSWER: b 19. Which of the following would NOT be a reason for encourag-ing prospective group leaders to have their

own individual therapy? a. to explore their motivations for becoming a group leader b. to meet state requirements for competency c. to understand the impact their character traits will have on others d. to address any unfinished business in their lives e. to explore ways they can fully utilize their strengths ANSWER: b 20. Which of the following does NOT describe how involvement in a therapeutic group as a member be helpful

to beginning group leaders? a. It is a more appropriate place to examine their own problems. b. They can empathize with what it is like to be a group member. c. It can serve as a valuable learning experience for under-standing group process. d. It can make the beginning leader professionally capable of leading any type of group. ANSWER: d 21. Which of the following would NOT be considered one of a group member’s rights? a. protection from verbal or physical as-saults b. complete confidentiality c. knowing the leader’s qualifications d. help from the group leader in developing personal goals ANSWER: b 22. Which of the following is NOT considered a psychological risk of participating in a therapeutic group? a. Members may grow and change in a healthy manner. b. Scapegoating may occur. c. Members may experience major disruptions in their lives. d. Members may end up feeling vulnerable and defenseless. ANSWER: a 23. Which of the following statements is NOT true as it pertains to the ethical issue of confidentiality? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination a. At various stages in the group’s development the leader should stress the importance of maintaining

confiden-tiality. b. Group members may test the leaders in subtle ways to see if the leaders will indeed keep confidentiality. c. When confidentiality is broken it is invariably the result of malicious gossip. d. Group leaders should inform members that there are limits to confidentiality ANSWER: c 24. Perhaps the best way to avoid a malpractice suit is a. promising the client that the group will help him to be successful in accomplishing all of his goals. b. guaranteeing confidentiality c. using group exercises that are not grounded in a rationale d. having a sincere interest in doing what is going to benefit the client e. to avoid mentioning potential risks of group work ANSWER: d 25. Which of the guidelines below were NOT presented in the text to help you to make sound decisions as a

group leader? a. Take time to reflect on your personal identity. b. Become familiar with the established codes of ethics. c. Challenge yourself by taking on projects that are outside your scope of competence. d. Give members the ground rules that will govern group activities. ANSWER: c 26. When using techniques in a group setting, it is important to remember that a. their purpose is always to stir up emotions b. they should be grounded in some theoretical framework. c. if they are ineffective, it is because of the members’ re-sis-tances. d. one should use solution-focused strategies whenever possible given their widespread appeal. ANSWER: b 27. Which of the following statements is true concerning the role of the leaders’ values in the group? a. It is important for leaders to volunteer information on their own values concerning any issue that

surfaces b. It is important for leaders to keep their values to them-selves to avoid swaying members. c. Expressed values are less likely to interfere with group process than values that are hidden d. It is unethical for group leaders to expose their values in the group setting ANSWER: c 28. Concerning a leader’s responsibility to secure informed consent of group members, the ASGW’s Best

Practice Guidelines states that all of the following informa-tion should be provided in writing EXCEPT for information Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination a. on the nature and purposes of the group. b. on confidentiality and the exceptions to confidentiality. c. on the role and responsibility of group members and leaders. d. regarding every technique that might be introduced ANSWER: d 29. To avoid inadvertent breeches of confidentiality, group leaders should a. provide members with ways to talk about their experiences without identifying

other group members. b. establish and strictly enforce a zero tolerance policy for those who violate confidentiality by dismissing them from the group. c. punish violaters of confidentiality with the silent treatment. d. require members who breech confidentiality to pay a steep fine. ANSWER: a 30. Regarding the ethical issue of the freedom to withdraw from a group, which statement is FALSE? a. Members ultimately have the right to withdraw from a group. b. Procedures for leaving a group should be explained to all members during the initial group session. c. It is the sole responsibility of the group leader to determine whether a group experience is productive

or counterproductive for each group member. d. Leaders should discuss the possible risks involved in leaving a group prematurely. ANSWER: c 31. Which of the following captures the essence of informed consent? a. having members sign a contract before joining a group b. telling members in some detail about the nature and pur-pose of the group c. having members decide upon all the activities of the group d. making sure that groups will always be composed of vol-untary membership ANSWER: b 32. Confidentiality in groups is a. a legal right of every member. b. something that members can be guaranteed. c. something that members cannot be guaranteed. d. an absolute that can never be broken for any reason. ANSWER: c 33. What can safely be said on the issue of psychological risks in groups? a. In a well-designed group, there really are no psychologi-cal risks. b. Since groups can be catalysts for change, they also in-volve risks. c. Members can be given guarantees that a group will not involve risks. d. There are risks only when members are not properly screened. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination ANSWER: b 34. Regarding the ethical use of techniques, which statement is FALSE? a. Any technique that is not working should be abandoned. b. It is important for leaders to use techniques they have some knowledge about, preferably those they

have received supervision in using. c. Reluctant members should be pressured into participating in all group exercises for the sake of the cohesion of the group. d. Techniques are used with consideration for the member’s background. ANSWER: c 35. Using a theoretical framework to guide your practice as a group leader is important for all ofthe following reasons EXCEPT: a. it tells you exactly what to do in every session b. it helps to define both your role and the members’ roles in a group. c. it provides a frame of reference for understanding and evaluating the world of the client d. it helps you to select appropriate techniques in meeting the goals of the members. ANSWER: a 36. In developing and conceptualizing your integrative approach to counseling, you are advised to consider all

of the following EXCEPT: a. personality b. interpersonal strengths c. life experiences d. other esteem ANSWER: d 37. Which of the terms below is often used to refer to a conceptual or theoretical creation beyond a mere

blending of techniques? a. technical integration b. theoretical integration c. conceptual synthesis d. technical synthesis ANSWER: b 38. In challenging members to think about the early decisions they made and in paying attention to members’

self-talk, the leaders are drawing from approaches in the ______________ domain. a. affective b. behavioral c. cognitive d. spiritual ANSWER: c Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination 39. If an experienced group therapist invites members to share a significant story, it is safe to say that she is a. using a technique b. making a mistake by inviting storytelling c. using their stories as a stalling device while she thinks of her next intervention d. not making productive use of group time ANSWER: a 40. In order to practice in a multiculturally competent manner, leaders who have adopted any of the major theoretical orientations should do all of the following EXCEPT: a. consider all dimensions of a member’s identity including age, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and

religious affiliation b. introduce exercises in an invitational and optional manner c. validate and understand members experiences with racism, discrimination, and oppression before challenging them to respond differently d. only consider a member’s age and gender ANSWER: d 41. Which of the therapeutic approaches below does NOT stress the role of thinking and doing and is NOT

action-oriented? a. cognitive therapy b. behavior therapy c. Gestalt therapy d. reality therapy ANSWER: c 42. The _________________ approach views people as being significantly influenced by unconscious

motivation and early childhood experiences. a. psychoanalytic b. person-centered c. existential d. Adlerian ANSWER: a 43. Which of the following techniques is NOT associated with the psychoanalytic approach? a. maintaining the analytic framework b. free association c. dream analysis d. paradoxical interventions ANSWER: d 44. Adlerians place emphasis on the family constellation as a key factor in influencing one’s a. style of life Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination b. quality world c. psychopathology d. psychosexual development ANSWER: a 45. A key goal of an Adlerian group is a. increasing insight into one’s irrational behaviors and unconscious dynamics. b. fostering social interest, or facilitating a sense of connectedness with others c. changing self-defeating thinking d. creating new conditions for learning ANSWER: b 46. Using ________________________, the client acts out or dramatizes past, present, or anticipated life

situations and roles to gain deeper understanding, to explore feelings and achieve emotional release, and to develop new ways of coping with problems. a. psychodrama b. expressive arts therapy c. narrative therapy d. the existential approach ANSWER: a 47. Rather than thinking about techniques, ________________ therapists think more in terms of experiments. a. narrative b. brief solution-focused c. Gestalt d. behavior ANSWER: c 48. The cognitive behavioral approaches have all of the following attributes in common EXCEPT: a. a collaborative relationship between the group member and the therapist b. a focus on changing cognitions to produce desired changes in affect and behavior c. a generally time-limited and educational treatment focusing on specific and structured target

problems d. a focus on the past ANSWER: d 49. The overall goal of choice theory/reality therapy is to help people find better ways to meet their needs for a. self-esteem and self-control b. survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun c. social interest d. psychosocial development ANSWER: b Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination 50. A group composed of elementary school children might be kept to __________ students. a. 1 to 2 b. 3 to 4 c. 6 to 8 d. 10 to 12 ANSWER: b 51. When attempting to organize and begin a group in an agency setting, it is important to a. be aware of the politics involved in the setting in which you work b. give up the idea if no one else on staff seems excited about it. c. expect the support and encouragement of your co-work-ers d. all of the above ANSWER: a 52. Which of the following statements is NOT true in terms of re-cruiting group members? a. How a group is announced influences the way it will be received. b. How a group is announced influences the kind of people who will join it. c. One of the best methods is the commercialized approach, as opposed to a professional approach. d. One source of referrals is your colleagues in the agency where you work ANSWER: c 53. __________ is possible, even in cases where members attend only a few times, but a high level of activity is

demanded of inpatient group therapists. a. A detailed established goal b. Social justice c. Storytelling d. Cohesion ANSWER: d 54. Which of the following is NOT appropriate for the preliminary screening session? a. allowing the applicant to interview the group leader b. focusing the session only on the personal history of the applicant c. encouraging the applicant to form a judgment about the group and the leader d. determining whether the applicant is motivated to change ANSWER: b 55. Which of the following is FALSE about holding a pre-group ses-sion for all candidates? a. The leader cannot outline any reasons for the group b. An outline of possible topics for exploration can be given c. Group members can meet one another and the leaders d. Questions about the group can be answered Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination ANSWER: a 56. Certain types of members can sap a group’s energy for pro-ductive work. These do NOT include a. hostile and aggressive people b. people without relationship concerns or problems c. people who monopolize d. people who act out ANSWER: b 57. Prospective group members need to be given all of the following information about the group that they are

thinking of joining EXCEPT: a. goals b. procedures c. expected outcomes d. guaranteed outcomes ANSWER: d 58. Which of the following is the best procedure to follow when informing a person that they have NOT been

accepted as a member in your group? a. Have all applicants meet and then read the names of those selected. b. Discuss the reasons for this decision with the particular person, taking care to be honest and sensitive, and pro-viding them with an appropriate referral. c. Inform them of your decision by means of a letter d. Have your secretary call them ANSWER: b 59. Which of the following statements is NOT true as it relates to the composition of a group (heterogeneous vs.

homoge-neous)? a. Personal growth groups tend to be homogeneous. b. A heterogeneous group is best when a microcosm of the outside social structure is desired. c. The composition of the group depends on the particular goals of that group. d. A homogeneous group is best for a specific target popu-lation with given needs ANSWER: a 60. When looking at the logistics or practical considerations of forming a group, which of the following is

LEAST important to consider? a. group size b. frequency and duration of meetings c. the duration of the group d. the analysis of transference among group members ANSWER: d

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Final Examination 61. Which of the following is NOT true concerning desirable size for a group? a. It depends on the age of the clients and the type of group. b. It depends on the leader’s experience and the type of problems to be explored. c. A group for elementary school children should consist of at least eight to ten members d. A group for adolescents should consist of six to eight members. ANSWER: c 62. Which of the following topics is NOT appropriate for discussion at the pre-group or initial session of a new

group? a. expectations of leaders and members b. collecting a detailed history on each group member c. advantages and limitations of groups d. misconceptions and facts about groups ANSWER: b 63. Which of the following statements is NOT true as it applies to confidentiality in groups? a. In order to create a climate of trust, the leader should emphasize that confidentiality within the group

must be absolute, without any limitations. b. It is a crucial issue in groups. c. The importance of confidentiality should be stressed many times during the course of a group. d. Limitations to confidentiality apply to groups composed of involuntary populations. ANSWER: a 64. Which of the following is NOT considered an advantage of a therapeutic group over other intervention

strategies? a. Group members can learn effective social skills. b. The group setting offers support for new behavior. c. Groups are suited for everyone. d. Participants can explore their style of relating to others. ANSWER: c 65. In regard to open groups and closed groups, it is accurate to say that a. closed groups enable members to interact with a greater variety of people. b. the rapid changing of members in open groups can result in a lack of cohesion. c. in closed groups, new members are typically allowed to join every few sessions, but they are

expected to remain for the duration of the group. d. most therapists find it much easier to foster cohesion in open groups than in closed groups. ANSWER: b 66. Which of the following is NOT considered a main task of group leaders during the formation of a group? a. Presenting a proposal to the proper administrators and getting the idea accepted. b. Developing a wide array of group techniques that will be used for each of the sessions. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination c. Conducting pre-group interviews for screening and orientation purposes. d. Providing potential members with relevant information necessary for them to make an informed

choice about participation. ANSWER: b 67. Which of the following is NOT true about co-leader issues at the pre-group and planning stages? a. It is unnecessary to be in agreement concerning ethical aspects of group work. b. Cooperation and basic agreement are essential in getting the group off to a good start. c. Both leaders should have equal responsibility in forming the group and getting it going. d. Walking into a group cold, without getting acquainted with your co-leader, is to invite problems. ANSWER: a 68. Which of the following is NOT supported by research on pre--group preparation? a. Prepared members tend to engage more readily in inter-personal discussions. b. Prepared members develop a greater degree of cohesive-ness. c. Successful group preparation is based primarily on a be-havioral component (modeling). d. Pre-group preparation facilitates a member’s progress in a therapy group. ANSWER: c 69. If the goal of a group is the simulation of everyday life, then it is a good idea to have a. a homogeneous group. b. a heterogeneous group. c. an endogenous group. d. an androgynous group. ANSWER: b 70. During a group’s initial phase, members can best build trust by a. waiting until someone takes the first risk and then open-ing up. b. revealing their lack of trust. c. relying on “trust exercises” initiated by the leader (e.g., falling backward and trusting others to catch

you). d. sharing non-intimate details about themselves. ANSWER: b 71. When group members experience persistent feelings or thoughts pertaining to their here-and-now experience

in the group, it is best that they a. keep these feelings or thoughts to themselves, as sharing them may interfere with the group’s progress. b. ignore these feelings or thoughts, realizing that they will distract them from more important issues. c. reveal these feelings or thoughts to the others in the group. d. reveal details of their past so that others will know them. ANSWER: c Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination 72. Which of the following statements is NOT true as it applies to resistance during the initial stage? a. Resistance is generally not common during the initial stage of a group, since members are quite

willing to get personally involved quickly. b. Cultural factors may influence clients’ readiness to participate in a group c. Some initial resistance is to be expected in the early stage, even if people are eager to join in. d. Because resistance often arises from fearful expectations, identifying and discussing these fears will benefit the whole group. ANSWER: a 73. Which of the following statements is NOT true as it relates to the topic of self-disclosure? a. The most useful kind of self-disclosure is that which has been carefully thought out first. b. Appropriate self-disclosure can open doors of self-knowledge. c. Appropriate self-disclosure can encourage other mem-bers to open up. d. Appropriate self-disclosure expresses present concerns. ANSWER: a 74. Certain attitudes and action of leaders enhance the level of trust in a group. Which of the following factors is

LEAST related to developing this trust? a. attending and listening b. direct and relentless confrontation of defenses c. genuineness and self-disclosure d. respect ANSWER: b 75. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding ways group members can be encouraged to get

more out of their experience? a. Evaluate your involvement in the group regularly. b. Wait until a group is in its later stages before you ask for time for yourself. c. Decide beforehand what issues you want to explore dur-ing the group sessions. d. Avoid making interpretations of an abstract and intellec-tual nature. ANSWER: b 76. Many group members hold __________ that make it difficult for them to participate fully in a group

experience. a. attitudes and expectations b. teaching and learning c. listening and clarity d. change and shame ANSWER: a 77. Which of the following is NOT typical of the feelings, reactions, and be-haviors of members who are in the

initial stage of their group’s progress? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination a. anxiety b. a high degree of cohesiveness c. a concern about being judged by others d. wondering if they will fit into the group ANSWER: b 78. All of the following statements about cohesion are true EXCEPT: a. it can be strengthened by accepting and working through conflict. b. it is related to the degree of attractiveness of the group. c. it can be increased by forcing all members to become active participants. d. it can be established and increased when the leadership role is shared by all group members ANSWER: c 79. Reluctance to speak out may function as a. establishment of norms which is necessary for development of group cohesion. b. development as a result of preconceived ideas about what takes place in a group. c. an implicit norm that may develop as a result of leader model-ing. d. a healthy boundary rather than being an expression of resistance. ANSWER: d 80. An example of a norm that is UNLIKELY to be fostered in groups is that members are a. encouraged to confront each other in an uncaring or tactless manner. b. encouraged to be personal and share meaningful aspects of themselves. c. encouraged to give feedback to one another. d. encouraged to focus on and express feelings. ANSWER: a 81. __________ is not the same thing as sympathy, which entails providing comfort to others a. Understanding b. Self-disclosure c. Conflict d. Empathy ANSWER: d 82. During the early stages of a group, the central process involves a. testing and confronting the leader. b. sharing of leadership functions by the members. c. orientation and exploration. d. a willingness to share threatening material. ANSWER: c 83. At the initial sessions of a group, it is common to see Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination a. trust. b. an increase in fear. c. deeply personal self-disclosure. d. a great deal of intense conflict among the members ANSWER: b 84. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding expres-sion of negative reactions during the early

stages of a group? a. The expression of these reactions should be encouraged. b. Trust can be lost or gained by the way the leader handles the initial expression of these reactions. c. Some members may express negative reactions over trivial matters. d. Trust will always be gained with the expression of negative reactions. ANSWER: d 85. According to research, three constructs capture the essence of the therapeutic relationship in group

treatment. They include all of the following EXCEPT: a. confrontation b. cohesion c. alliances d. group climate ANSWER: a 86. Which of the following leader attitudes and actions is UNLIKELY to lead to the development of trust? a. attending and listening b. caring confrontation c. abrasive confrontation d. attending to nonverbal behavior ANSWER: c 87. Leaders and members demonstrate a lack of attention when they a. ask open-ended questions. b. are thinking about what to say next. c. listen intently. d. strive to be present. ANSWER: b 88. Which of the following behaviors blocks empathy? a. telling other what they should feel b. trying to understand another person subjectively c. being non-defensive d. responding to statements in a thoughtful way rather than providing pat statements Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination ANSWER: a 89. The term that implies congruence between a person’s inner experience and what they project externally is a. concreteness. b. genuineness. c. empathy. d. attending. ANSWER: b 90. Which of the following statements about confrontation in the group setting is NOT true? a. Confrontation can be an act of caring. b. Trust can be greatly inhibited if confrontations are not handled appropriately. c. A caring confrontation involves attempting to protect a person’s feelings by sharing only a portion of

your re-action to them. d. Confrontation involves inviting members to examine in-congruities in their lives. e. Appropriate confrontations can increase the level of trust in a group. ANSWER: c 91. The major task to be accomplished during the initial stages of a group’s development is a. the development of trust b. the development of group cohesion c. the development of group norms d. the working through of transference feelings ANSWER: a 92. Which of the following statements is true as it relates to the development of trust within groups? a. Although trust is an important issue in the early stages of a group, it is not the major one. b. Once trust is established, it is taken care of for the dura-tion of the group. c. New levels of trust must be established as the group members become more intimate d. Trust tends not to ebb and flow in groups ANSWER: c 93. When helping group members to define their personal goals, it is important to remember that a. this should be done only during the initial stages of a group b. members should not change or modify their goals dur-ing the course of their group. c. many people state their goals in broad terms initially. d. goal setting should be postponed until the transition stage, when members have a clearer sense of

what the group can offer ANSWER: c 94. In the group context, contracts a. help people achieve hiding their true selves Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination b. help members assume a passive and irresponsible stance. c. can NOT be renegotiated d. help people achieve their personal goals ANSWER: d 95. When group leaders are opening a session, it is important for them to a. give each member an opportunity to state what he or she wants from the upcoming session b. begin the session sharing what they had experienced over the days they were gone in detail. c. only allow a couple of members to share d. focus on the first person who shares important personal information. ANSWER: a 96. Which of the following is NOT helpful in closing group ses-sions? a. stopping the group halfway through the session for members to assess their involvement b. having members evaluate their progress once they have completed half of the group sessions c. making sure everyone leaves the sessions feeling com-pletely comfortable d. encouraging members to give each other feedback ANSWER: c 97. In terms of the division of responsibility, which of the fol-low-ing co-leadership situations might cause

problems in the group context? a. co-leaders who have compatible philosophies of leader-ship b. co-leaders who have divergent views on the division of responsibility c. co-leaders who have different styles of leading d. co-leaders who decide to share the responsibility equally ANSWER: b 98. Which of the following statements is NOT true as it relates to the structuring of group sessions by the

leader? a. Unstructured groups are best for low-functioning adult inpatient groups b. It is particularly important during the initial stages of a group c. It can be both useful and inhibiting in a group’s devel-opment d. Too little structure results in members’ becoming unduly anxious. ANSWER: a 99. Research summaries have identified which of the following guidelines for group a. Leaders should strive for an impersonal and detached leadership style.

leadership practice?

b. Leaders should disclose the details of their personal lives to build trust with members regardless of

the type of group. c. Leaders should adopt a more controlling leadership style, especially in the beginning stages. d. Leaders should set and reinforce clear supportive norms as one way to establish cohesion within the group. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination ANSWER: d 100. Which of the following feelings and behaviors is NOT a charac-teristic of the transition stage of the group

process? a. challenges to the leader b. resistance c. non-defensiveness d. intermember conflict ANSWER: c 101. During the transition stage, anxiety is all of the following EXCEPT: a. high b. the result of external factors c. the result of internal factors d. low ANSWER: d 102. Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning de-fensiveness and resistance during the

transition stage? a. Resistance needs to be respected b. It is always counterproductive for group members to show resistance c. Not every instance of a member’s unwillingness to par-ticipate fully can be labeled resistance d. The leader should encourage an openness in which members express their hesitations and anxieties ANSWER: b 103. Which of the following fears are NOT common in the transition stage? a. fear of rejection b. fear of self-disclosure c. fear of being misunderstood d. fear of being supported ANSWER: d 104. Which of the following statements about conflict is FALSE? a. It is to be avoided at all costs. b. It often carries a negative connotation c. It is inevitable in all relationships and groups d. Unexplored conflict is expressed in defensive behavior. ANSWER: a 105. Which of the following are helpful guidelines for appropriate and responsible confrontations? a. One purpose of confrontation is to develop less gen-uine relationships with others b. Sensitivity is an important element of confrontation Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination c. Confrontations are more effective if the focus is not on specific behaviors d. It is extremely important to have confrontation throughout the group ANSWER: b 106. Which of the following statements illustrates an ineffective confrontation? a. “You are a phony! You are always smiling and that’s not real.” b. “I feel uncomfortable with you because I’m afraid of what you think of me.” c. “I find it very difficult to be open with you.” d. “I don’t like it that I often feel inadequate when I am with you.” ANSWER: a 107. When a leader is experiencing strong feelings about what he or she perceives to be resistance, a powerful

intervention is to a. pay primary attention to the problem in the group b. pay primary attention to particular group members c. deal with his or her own feelings d. allow the feelings to dissipate on their own ANSWER: c 108. Which of the following are typically NOT reasons for nonparticipating be-havior by a group member? a. protection against oppression from the leader or other members b. lack of trust in the group c. uncertainty about how the group process works d. feeling superior to other group members and not wanting to waste one’s time sharing ANSWER: d 109. When a member is consistently silent during group sessions, it is best to a. consistently call on that person b. invite the individual to explore what his or her silence means c. avoid attacking the person for his or her silence d. dismiss him/her from the group ANSWER: c 110. A member who monopolizes group time is all of the following EXCEPT: a. exhibiting a high degree of self-centeredness b. continually identifying with others c. sometimes welcomed in the early stages of a group’s progress d. silent ANSWER: d 111. The problem behavior of storytelling a. involves relating a detailed history of one’s past. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination b. involves talking about others’ lives in very little detail c. should never be allowed d. is one kind of appropriate self-disclosure. ANSWER: a 112. The problem behavior of advice giving involves a. offering a perception b. offering an opinion c. telling people what they should feel and do d. listening without responding ANSWER: c 113. When a group member takes on an attitude of superiority, the group leader is advised to a. ignore the member’s irritating behavior so as to not reinforce it. b. ask other members to comment on how they are affected by the member’s behavior. c. give the member an ultimatum to either stop the behavior or leave the group d. use humor to lessen the tension in the group ANSWER: b 114. Which of the following behaviors does NOT indicate underlying hostil-ity? a. becoming bored b. sarcasm c. being overly polite d. being attentive and listening ANSWER: d 115. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the problem behavior of dependency? a. Dependent persons are helped by being given the pity they so desperately need b. It can be manifested by “playing helpless.” c. It can be manifested by the “Yes, but” style of interac-tion d. Leaders sometimes foster dependency in their clients. ANSWER: a 116. Which of the following is NOT a type of problem behavior some-times manifested in the group context? a. being excessively quiet b. monopolizing c. sharing appropriately d. questioning others in an interrogating manner ANSWER: c 117. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding members’ socializing outside the group context? a. It can be a form of resistance Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination b. It should always be discouraged as counterproductive c. It can work against group cohesion d. It has the potential for being productive. ANSWER: b 118. Transference may be occurring when group members per-ceive the leader as all of the following EXCEPT a. an expert b. a superperson c. a friend d. someone that can help them ANSWER: d 119. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT: a. Transference consists of the feelings that both client and therapist project onto each other. b. Transference feelings should be brought out openly in the group. c. If all members see the leader as aloof and distant, their reactions may not be rooted in transference. d. Group leaders in training should explore their feelings toward certain members with their supervisor ANSWER: a 120. When a group is in the transition stage of its development, it is helpful for co-leaders to do all of the

following EXCEPT a. avoid taking sides with each other in attacking members b. both be willing to talk about chal-lenges from members. c. pay attention to their personal reactions to problematic member behaviors. d. challenge a member on another members behalf ANSWER: d 121. To address countertransference in their work, leaders should do all of the following EXCEPT: a. avoid acting out and learn how to use countertransference reactions to benefit the therapeutic work b. establish appropriate boundaries with clients so countertransference reactions

can be effectively managed c. participate in personal therapy and clinical supervision to better understand how your internal reactions may influence the therapy process d. share all of the personal details of one’s life with group members who trigger countertransference ANSWER: d 122. During the initial stage, interventions are aimed at providing __________. a. conflict b. management c. challenges d. encouragement ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination 123. Which of the following is not usually a characteristic of the working stage? a. group cohesion b. universality (ability to see commonalities of life issues) c. relatively few interpersonal conflicts and struggles d. less dependence on the leader for direction ANSWER: c 124. __________ is evidenced by an undercurrent of unexpressed hostility a. A willingness to take risks b. A clear and specific goal c. A sense of inclusion d. Mistrust ANSWER: d 125. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a working group? a. Interactions are honest and spontaneous b. All members are equally ready and willing to work on intensely personal concerns c. Cohesion is high d. Feedback is given freely. ANSWER: b 126. All of the following are characteristics of the working stage EXCEPT: a. Members are encouraged to become more like each other in order to develop group cohesion b. Group members use each other as a resource c. Group norms are developed cooperatively by members and leader d. There is an emphasis on combining the feeling and thinking functions ANSWER: a 127. In general, the more experience we gain with facilitating groups, the better we are at determining the

moments when __________ may be beneficial for members. a. hostility b. argumentation c. formation of cliques d. self-disclosure ANSWER: d 128. __________ occurs when group members or leaders share their observations and personal reactions

regarding the behavior of another. a. A there-and-then focus b. Minimum disclosure c. Feedback Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination d. Avoidance of conflicts and negative feelings ANSWER: c 129. __________ is tied up in withholding threatening feelings a. Energy b. Feedback c. Communication d. Active listening ANSWER: a 130. Group leaders can help members face intense feelings and at the same time encourage them to translate

__________ into positive action within the group setting. a. power and control b. insights c. conformity d. understanding ANSWER: b 131. Like self-disclosure, ___________ can be overused or misused a. keeping all negative feelings hidden b. rejecting the leader’s interventions c. storytelling d. humor ANSWER: d 132. ___________ can be fostered indirectly by helping clients feel that it is all right to say and do many of the

things they have been preventing themselves from saying or doing. a. being closed to change b. having specific goals c. a willingness to explore problems in the group d. an ability to express fears and negative feelings ANSWER: a 133. Which of the following statements about group process is true? a. Groups usually progress predictably through clearly de-fined stages. b. Once a group reaches a high level of productivity, it will remain at that level. c. Trust may need to be reestablished during the working stage. d. Once trust is established it is always there. ANSWER: c 134. The therapeutic factor that operate in groups when members believe that change is possible is known as a. acceptance Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination b. hope c. catharsis d. cohesion ANSWER: b 135. The therapeutic factor in groups that involves a willingness to specify desired modifications of one’s

behavior is a. power b. intimacy c. commitment to change d. hope ANSWER: c 136. The therapeutic factor in groups that involves actively doing what is necessary for change is a. acceptance b. power c. intimacy d. willingness to risk and trust ANSWER: d 137. The therapeutic factor in groups that is demonstrated by the listening and involvement of others is a. caring b. intimacy c. power d. hope ANSWER: a 138. The therapeutic factor in groups that involves affirming a person’s right to have his or her feelings and

values is a. caring b. acceptance c. empathy d. intimacy ANSWER: b 139. The therapeutic factor in groups that involves a deep under-standing of another’s problems is a. hope b. empathy c. feedback d. caring ANSWER: b Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination 140. The therapeutic factor in groups that leads to an increased sense of trust and a greater willingness to risk

even more is a. hope b. feedback c. intimacy d. freedom to experiment ANSWER: c 141. The therapeutic factor in groups that involves the sense that one has the internal resources necessary to

direct one’s life is a. freedom to experiment b. intimacy c. empathy d. power ANSWER: d 142. The therapeutic factor in groups by which members let each other know how they are affected by their

behavior in group is a. feedback b. empathy c. acceptance d. intimacy ANSWER: a 143. The therapeutic factor in groups that involves the release of pent-up feelings is a. intimacy b. empathy c. catharsis d. caring ANSWER: c 144. Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning the place of humor in groups? a. Group work is inherently serious and intense and leaves little place for humor b. Effective feedback at times can be given in humorous ways. c. Laughing at oneself can be extremely therapeutic. d. Humor can help members see their problems from a new perspective ANSWER: a 145. Which of the following therapeutic factors in groups is the means by which open communication occurs in

the group? a. humor b. self-disclosure Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination c. caring d. the cognitive component ANSWER: b 146. Which of the following therapeutic factors must be present to prevent stagnation from occurring in the

group? a. caring b. empathy c. acceptance d. confrontation ANSWER: d 147. Which of the following statements about member self-disclo-sure is inaccurate? a. Group members deepen their self-knowledge through the process of disclosing themselves to others b. True self-disclosure involves revealing ongoing persistent reactions, but not personal concerns c. It is essential for members to let others know who they are d. Members are more likely to be misunderstood if they do not make themselves known ANSWER: b 148. In giving group members guidelines about self-disclosure, it would be inappropriate to suggest that they a. relate their disclosures to the goals and purposes of the group b. share persistent reactions to others c. rely solely on the leader’s suggestions as to how much they should reveal d. expect reasonable risks to accompany self-disclosure ANSWER: c 149. Which of the following statements about leader self-disclo-sure is inaccurate? a. It is never theoretically appropriate for a leader to remain mysterious. b. Some leaders fear losing their “expert” image, so they don’t reveal themselves personally. c. Inexperienced group leaders tend to try too hard to prove they are just as human as the members. d. It is desirable for leaders to share what they are presently experiencing in the group. ANSWER: a 150. Which of the following would NOT be an appropriate guide-line for leader self-disclosure? a. Leaders should ask themselves why they are disclosing certain personal material b. The most productive kind of disclosure is related to what is going on in the group. c. Group leaders should make frequent use of group time to explore their own problems d. It may be therapeutic for group members to know the leader’s struggles, but not necessarily in detail ANSWER: c 151. Which of the following is NOT typically a co-leadership issue at the working stage? a. discussion of techniques Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination b. bringing closure to the group’s experience c. evaluation of the group d. theoretical orientations ANSWER: b 152. Meaningful work and learning occur at every stage of a group; however, deeper exploration and an

increased level of group cohesion are typical of the __________ of a group. a. pre-group b. initial stage c. transitional stage d. working stage ANSWER: d 153. Which of the following statements about self-disclosure is NOT accurate? a. Expressing every fleeting feeling or reaction to others is not to be confused with

self-disclosure. b. Self-disclosure always has a constructive effect on group process and outcome c. The cultural context needs to be considered in what you might expect in terms of self-disclosure from some members d. Self-disclosure can be considered an action-oriented behavior ANSWER: b 154. All of the following statements are true regarding feedback EXCEPT: a. Positive feedback is rated as more desirable than negative feedback. b. Specific here-and-now feedback that pertains to behavior in the group is especially

useful. c. Leaders should model effective delivery of feedback and encourage members to engage in thoughtful feedback exchange d. Negative feedback seems more credible and helpful in the early phases of a group. ANSWER: d 155. The major task of the final stage in a group’s development is a. development of trust b. development of group cohesion c. achieving intimacy d. consolidation of learning. ANSWER: d 156. During the closing of a group, a task for the leader is to help members who are leaving identify how they

can a. incorporate what was meaningful in the group into their daily life b. use what they learned against family and friends Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination c. forget what was helpful about the group d. go about every day without using what they learned in the group ANSWER: a 157. When members decide to terminate from open groups, the tasks to be accomplished include all of the

following EXCEPT: a. educating members to give adequate notice when they decide it is time to terminate. b. discussing informed consent with group members from the beginning of a group experience and explaining how to terminate productively c. giving only the departing member an opportunity to say good-bye, to share his or her others, and to give them feedback d. assisting the member who is leaving to review what has been learned in the group and, specifically, what to do with this learning

reactions to

ANSWER: c 158. __________ needs to be tailored to each member’s contract, and members need to be careful about

overambitious plans. a. Confrontation b. Self-disclosure c. Anxiety d. Homework ANSWER: d 159. Once people make decisions regarding how they want to change and develop a realistic action plan for

daily life, implementation of that plan requires a. meaningful relationships outside the group setting b. open discussion of feelings of loss and sadness. c. the ability to deal with his or her own feelings about the termination of the group d. ongoing attention and reflection ANSWER: d 160. Which of the following is considered appropriate for follow-up is a follow-up session with all members

could take place? a. Members can be given the opportunity to identify what else they can do before the final session b. Group leaders can go to each member’s house and complete an extensive interview c. Group leaders can send a brief questionnaire to assess members’ perceptions about the group and its impact on their lives. d. Members can meet, even if not all members, and discuss the group ANSWER: c 161. Which of the following is NOT considered an option for follow-up of a group? a. Sending a brief questionnaire to assess members’ perceptions about the group and its impact on their

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Final Examination b. Contact the members of the group via a secure online live video chat program. c. Have a follow-up session with the entire group present d. Meeting with a couple of members at a local café ANSWER: d 162. Which of the following is an example of global feedback that is of little use to group members? a. “You are a super person and very easy to like.” b. “I like your ability to be direct and honest in giving feedback.” c. “My fear for you is that you will judge yourself more harshly than others.” d. “Remember that people liked you much better when you stopped being sarcastic.” ANSWER: a 163. Which of the following are ways group members can be en-couraged to carry their learning further? a. The leader writes a specific contract for each member to implement after the group has ended. b. The leader discusses what he or she will be doing in the commu-nity c. The leader gives appropriate referrals d. The member makes something up to make the leader happy ANSWER: c 164. Which of the following is NOT considered to be advantages of having a follow-up session about three to

six months after termination of a group? a. It can be a valuable accountability measure b. Members are apt to be more motivated to take steps to make changes. c. The leader can evaluate the degree of effectiveness of the group d. It takes more time out of their lives ANSWER: d 165. Which stage is characterized by dealing with conflict, defen-siveness, and resistance? a. working b. transition c. final d. initial ANSWER: b 166. Which stage is most clearly associated with dealing with per-sonal issues and translating insight into action

both in the group and outside it? a. transition b. final c. initial d. working ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination 167. Which stage has the focus of applying what has been learned in the group and putting it to use in everyday

life? a. transition b. final c. pre-group d. initial ANSWER: b 168. Most writers agree that the foundation of the group is a. the leader’s skill in teaching members about group pro-cess b. the motivation of members to work hard c. the degree of enthusiasm of the group leader d. trust ANSWER: d 169. Getting group members to focus on themselves is the primary task of which stage of a group? a. initial b. transition c. working d. final ANSWER: a 170. Teaching participants some general guidelines of group functioning, developing group norms, and assisting

members to express their fears and expectations are all group leader-ship functions during the a. working stage b. transition stage c. initial stage d. final stage ANSWER: c 171. Which stage is generally characterized by increased anxiety and defensiveness? a. initial b. transition c. working d. pre-group ANSWER: b 172. Cohesion and universality are most closely associated with the a. working stage b. transition stage c. pre-group stage d. initial stage Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination ANSWER: a 173. Conflict and struggle for control are most likely to appear in the a. working stage b. transition stage c. initial stage d. final stage ANSWER: b 174. Resistance in a group can be seen as a. not normal b. something that should be avoided at all costs c. a bad attitude on the part of the member d. potential material for productive exploration ANSWER: d 175. The process that occurs when the leader’s own needs become so entangled in the therapeutic relationship

that these needs obstruct or even destroy the leader’s objectivity is known as a. role reversal b. transference c. countertransference d. acting out ANSWER: c Essay 176. What are some guidelines you consider most essential for group work with children? ANSWER: 177. What are some advantages of using play therapy in groups with children? ANSWER: 178. If you were developing a group for children, what steps might you take to involve the parents? What are

some advantages of involving parents in such a group? ANSWER: 179. What personal and professional qualities do you deem most important for those who lead a group with

children? ANSWER: 180. In working with children in a group format, what steps would you take to teach the children about

confidentiality? ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination 181. In considering the developmental needs of adolescents, what are some advantages of counseling groups for

adolescents? ANSWER: 182. In conducting an adolescent group, how might you deal with reluctance to verbally participate and

resistance on the part of members? ANSWER: 183. How might you introduce role-playing techniques into group sessions with adolescents? ANSWER: 184. What are some of the challenges you might expect to encounter when proposing a group in a school

setting? ANSWER: 185. Identify five topics that could be effectively addressed in a group format within a school setting. ANSWER: 186. If you were going to design a specific type of group with older adults, where would you begin? Mention

some of the steps you would take in drafting a group proposal. ANSWER: 187. What are some advantages of designing a group for a specific adult population (such as a women’s group)

rather than having a more general focus? ANSWER: 188. What are some advantages and disadvantages of a co-leadership model as applied to grief groups? ANSWER: 189. How could you combine a psychoeducational focus and an interpersonal, process-oriented focus into a

group for adults? ANSWER: 190. If you were leading a group for adult survivors of domestic violence, what issues might you need to

address? ANSWER: 191. When you consider the unique characteristics of older adults, what advantages, if any, do you see in group

work with this population? ANSWER: 192.

What are some guidelines and special considerations that are most important in doing groups with members with substance use disorders? ANSWER: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Final Examination 193. What are a few specific attitudes and skills you deem most essential of leaders who facilitate groups with

older adults? ANSWER: 194. Identify a few barriers that are due to the unique characteristics of an older adult population in doing group

work? Can you think of other obstacles that are found within the system that do not support group work for older adults? ANSWER: 195. In what ways can groups be beneficial to those experiencing grief? ANSWER:

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