Test Bank for Human Anatomy, 9th

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Test Bank for Human Anatomy, 9th Edition Martini, Tallitsch, Nath


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Learning Outcomes

The questions in this Test Bank are correlated to the student Learning Outcomes from the textbook. The textbook Learning Outcomes are listed below for quick reference, and are numbered in the following format: (chapter number).(learning outcome number).

Chapter 1 Foundations: An Introduction to Anatomy 1.1

Define the limits of microscopic anatomy and compare and contrast cytology and histology.


Compare and contrast the various ways to approach gross anatomy.


Define the various subspecialties of anatomy.


Explain the major levels of organization in a living organism.


Identify the organ systems of the human body and compare and contrast their functions.


Understand and correctly apply descriptive anatomical and directional terminology.

Chapter 2 Foundations: The Cell 2.1

Identify and explain the functions of the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nonmembranous and membranous organelles.


Explain how cells can be interconnected to maintain structural stability in body tissues.


Summarize the life cycle of a cell and how cells divide by the process of mitosis.

Chapter 3 Foundations: Tissues and Early Embryology 3.1

List the functions of epithelial tissues, the criteria used to classify epithelial tissue, the functions of each type of epithelial tissue, and at least one location for each type of epithelial tissue.


List the three categories of connective tissue, their functions, and the cell types that would be found within each category.


Compare and contrast the characteristics of mucous, serous, cutaneous, and synovial membranes.


Summarize how connective tissues establish the framework of the body.


Compare and contrast the three forms of muscle tissue in terms of structure, function, and location.



Differentiate between neurons and neuroglia and discuss the functions of each.


Describe how nutrition and aging affect tissues.


List and explain the key embryological steps in the formation of epithelial and connective tissues.

Chapter 4 The Integumentary System 4.1

Explain the organization and functions of the integumentary system.


Describe the histological organization of the layers of the epidermis and compare and contrast the functions of each layer and any specialized cells found within these layers.


Describe the histological organization of the dermis and compare and contrast the functions of each layer and any specialized cells found within these layers.


Analyze the structure of the subcutaneous layer (hypodermis) and its importance.


Compare and contrast the anatomy and functions of the skin’s accessory structures: hair, glands, and nails.


Explain how the skin responds to injuries and repairs itself.


Summarize the effects of aging on the skin.

Chapter 5 The Skeletal System: Osseous Tissue and Bone Structure 5.1

Compare and contrast the structure and function of the various cell types found within developing and mature bone, how these cells contribute to the formation of compact bone and cancellous bone, and how these cells contribute to the structure and function of the periosteum and endosteum.


Compare and contrast the processes involved in the formation of bone and the growth of bone, and explain the factors involved in the regulation of these processes.


Describe the different types of fractures and outline how fractures heal.


Classify bones according to their shapes and give one or more examples for each type.


Explain how the normal functioning, growth, remodeling, and repair of the skeletal system is integrated with other systems of the body.

Chapter 6 The Skeletal System: Axial Division 6.1

List the names of the bones that constitute the skull and the associated skull bones.


Compare and contrast the sutures of the skull.


List and describe the bones of the cranium.


Identify and describe the bones of the face.


Identify and list the functions of the bones of the orbital and nasal complexes.


Compare and contrast structural differences among the skulls of infants, children, and adults.


Compare and contrast the vertebral groups and describe the structural and functional differences among them.


Explain the significance of the articulations of the thoracic vertebrae, ribs, and sternum.



Chapter 7 The Skeletal System: Appendicular Division 7.1

Identify the bones that form the pectoral girdle and upper limb and their prominent surface features.


Identify the bones that form the pelvic girdle and lower limb and their prominent surface features.


Explain how studying the skeleton can reveal important information about an individual.

Chapter 8 The Skeletal System: Joints 8.1

Compare and contrast the two ways to classify joints.


Explain the types of movements that can occur at a typical synovial joint and how synovial joints are classified according to the type and range of motion permitted at that joint.


Describe the structure and function of the joint between the temporal bone and the mandible.


Describe the structure and function of the joints between adjacent vertebrae of the vertebral column.


Describe the structure and function of the joints that make up the shoulder complex.


Describe how the structures of the elbow and radio-ulnar joints position the hand.


Explain the structure and function of the joints of the wrist and hand.


Describe the structure and function of the hip joint.


Analyze the structure and function of the knee joint and compare and contrast it to that of the elbow joint.


Describe the structure and function of the joints of the ankle and foot.


Explain how aging may affect the joints of the body.

Chapter 9 The Muscular System: Skeletal Muscle Tissue and Muscle Organization 9.1

List five functions of skeletal muscle.


Compare and contrast the gross and microscopic anatomy of a skeletal muscle.


List and explain the steps involved in the contraction and relaxation of a skeletal muscle fiber.


Define a motor unit and explain how a motor unit is controlled by a single motor neuron.


Compare and contrast fast, slow, and intermediate skeletal muscle fibers.


Describe the arrangement of muscle fibers in parallel, convergent, pennate, and circular skeletal muscles.


Explain how a term may indicate the action of a muscle, the specific region of the body where a muscle might be found, or the structural characteristics of that muscle.


Explain how levers and pulleys are used to describe how a skeletal muscle produces movement.


Describe the effects of aging on skeletal muscles.



Chapter 10 The Muscular System: Axial Musculature 10.1

Describe the location and function of the four groups of axial muscles.


Identify the six subgroups of the muscles of the head and neck and explain how they differ in their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations.


List the three layers of the muscles of the vertebral column and explain how the muscles differ in their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations.


Identify the muscles of the oblique and rectus groups and explain how they differ in their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations.


Name the muscles of the perineal region and pelvic diaphragm and explain how they differ in their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations.

Chapter 11 The Muscular System: Appendicular Musculature 11.1

Describe how the action produced by a muscle at a joint depends on the joint structure and the muscle location relative to the axis of movement at the joint.


Identify and locate the muscles of the pectoral girdle and upper limb, including their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations.


Identify and locate the compartments of the arm and forearm and the muscles within each of these compartments.


Identify and locate the muscles of the pelvic girdle and lower limb, including their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations.


Identify and locate the compartments of the thigh and leg and the muscles within each of these compartments.

Chapter 12 Surface Anatomy and Cross-Sectional Anatomy 12.1

Locate prominent skeletal landmarks and muscle contours for each major region of the body.


Visualize and understand the three-dimensional relationships of anatomical structures within the head, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis.

Chapter 13 The Nervous System: Nervous Tissue 13.1

Discuss the anatomical organization and general function of the nervous system.


List the two cell types that are found within the nervous system and discuss their functions.


Discuss the functions of each type of neuroglia.


Describe the structure of a typical neuron and discuss the basis for the structural and functional classification of neurons.


Describe the process of peripheral nerve regeneration after injury to an axon.


Analyze the factors that determine the speed of nerve impulse conduction.


Describe the microanatomy of a synapse and summarize the events that occur during synaptic transmission.




Explain the possible methods of interaction between individual neurons or groups of neurons in neuronal pools.


Explain the basic anatomical organization of the nervous system.

Chapter 14 The Nervous System: The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves 14.1

Discuss the structure and functions of the spinal cord.


Locate the spinal meninges, and compare and contrast their structure and function.


Discuss the structure and location of the gray matter and white matter, and compare and contrast the roles of both in processing and relaying sensory and motor information.


Identify the regional groups of spinal nerves.


Define the term nerve plexus and compare and contrast the four main spinal nerve plexuses.


Describe the structures and steps involved in a neural reflex.

Chapter 15 The Nervous System: Sensory and Motor Tracts of the Spinal Cord 15.1

Explain how the anatomical name of a spinal tract tells you where the tract begins and ends within the CNS.


List and then compare and contrast the sensory tracts of the spinal cord.


List and then compare and contrast the motor tracts of the spinal cord.


Identify the centers in the brain that interact to determine somatic motor output.

Chapter 16 The Nervous System: The Brain and Cranial Nerves 16.1

Identify the major regions of the brain and explain their functions.


Compare and contrast the structures that protect and support the brain.


Identify the anatomical structures of the medulla oblongata and describe their functions.


List the pontine structures and functions.


Identify the features of the mesencephalon (midbrain) and describe their functions.


Identify the anatomical structures that form the thalamus and hypothalamus and list their functions.


Identify the components of the cerebellum and list their functions.


Compare and contrast motor, sensory, association, and limbic areas of the cerebrum.


Compare and contrast the 12 pairs of cranial nerves.

Chapter 17 The Nervous System: Autonomic Nervous System 17.1

Compare and contrast the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.


Summarize the anatomy and physiology of the sympathetic nervous system.


Summarize the anatomy and physiology of the parasympathetic nervous system.


Summarize the concept of dual innervation within the autonomic nervous system.



Chapter 18 The Nervous System: General and Special Senses 18.1

Define the terms receptor, sensory coding, tonic receptor, and phasic receptor.


Compare and contrast the four types of general sensory receptors.


Describe the anatomy of the olfactory receptors and the olfactory pathway connecting these receptors to the cerebral cortex.


Describe the anatomy of the taste receptors and the pathway connecting these receptors to the cerebral cortex.


Describe the anatomy of the external ear, middle ear, and internal ear.


Describe the anatomy of the eye.

Chapter 19 The Endocrine System 19.1

Define hormone and target tissue; name the major classes of hormones based on structure, and describe an endocrine positive feedback response.


Describe the anatomy of the anterior lobe and posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and discuss the hormones they release.


Describe the anatomy of the thyroid gland and discuss the actions of the hormones released from this gland.


Describe the anatomy of the parathyroid gland and discuss the actions of the hormone released from this gland.


Compare and contrast the anatomy of the thymus in a prepubescent individual with that in an adult individual.


List the cell types of the adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla and describe the hormones produced by each cell type.


Discuss the functions of the hormones produced by the kidneys and the heart.


List the four cell types of the endocrine pancreas and the hormones produced by each cell type.


Compare and contrast the hormones produced by the testes and ovaries.


List the functions of the hormone produced by pinealocytes.


List two major functional changes that occur in the endocrine system as a person ages.

Chapter 20 The Cardiovascular System: Blood 20.1

Compare and contrast the components of blood and plasma.


Compare and contrast the formed elements of blood.


List the cells involved in erythropoiesis and leukopoiesis.

Chapter 21 The Cardiovascular System: The Heart 21.1

Compare and contrast the pulmonary and systemic circuits.


Outline the anatomy of the pericardium.


Describe the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the heart wall.


Outline how the heart is orientated within the thoracic cavity and explain the superficial anatomy of the heart.




Compare and contrast the anatomy of the four chambers of the heart.


Compare and contrast the anatomy of the right and left coronary arteries.


Explain what pacemaker cells are and the role they play in coordinating the cardiac cycle.


Outline the events of the cardiac cycle.


Outline how the heart rate is modified by the autonomic nervous system.

Chapter 22 The Cardiovascular System: Vessels and Circulation 22.1

Compare and contrast the histology of an elastic artery, muscular artery, arteriole, capillary, venule, and vein.


Compare the percentage of blood that is normally contained within the heart, arteries, and capillaries to the percentage that is normally contained within the veins.


Outline three important functional patterns that describe the distribution of blood vessels within the body.


Outline the path blood would take as it passes from the right atrium of the heart to the lungs and back to the right atrium.


Identify the major arteries of the systemic circuit and the areas and organs supplied by each vessel.


Identify the major veins of the systemic circuit and the areas and organs drained by each vessel.


Describe the major cardiovascular changes that occur at birth and explain their functional significance.


Outline the age-related changes that occur in the cardiovascular system.

Chapter 23 The Lymphatic System 23.1

List the major functions of the lymphatic system.


Compare and contrast a lymphatic capillary and a vascular capillary.


Compare and contrast the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct.


Compare and contrast the different classes of lymphocytes.


Define the term “lymphatic nodule” and give two examples of where lymphatic nodules are found within the body.


Compare and contrast the anatomical structure of a lymph node to that of the thymus and spleen.


Describe the effects of aging on the lymphatic system and immune surveillance.

Chapter 24 The Respiratory System 24.1

List the main functions of the respiratory system.


Compare and contrast the anatomy and physiology of the upper respiratory system.




Describe the anatomy of the larynx.


Describe the anatomy of the trachea.


Compare and contrast the anatomy of the main bronchi.


Compare and contrast the anatomy of the right and left lungs.


Describe the anatomy of the pleural cavities and pleural membranes.


List the most important muscles of breathing and cite their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations.


List the changes that occur in the respiratory system at birth.


Discuss the respiratory control centers, how they interact, and the function of the chemoreceptors and stretch receptors in the control of respiration.


List major effects of aging on the respiratory system.

Chapter 25 The Digestive System 25.1

Describe the histological organization of the four layers of the digestive tract.


Outline the gross and microscopic anatomy of the tongue, teeth, and salivary glands.


Describe the structure and function of the pharynx.


Outline the gross and microscopic anatomy of the esophagus.


Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of the stomach.


Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of the small intestine.


Describe the gross and microscopic anatomy of the large intestine and compare and contrast it to that of the small intestine.


Describe the anatomy of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.


Describe the changes in the digestive tract that occur with aging.

Chapter 26 The Urinary System 26.1

Outline the gross and histological anatomy of the kidney.


Outline the gross and histological anatomy of the ureter, bladder, and urethra.


Give examples of the effects of aging on the urinary system.

Chapter 27 The Reproductive System 27.1

Compare and contrast the general organization of the male and female reproductive systems.


Identify and describe the location, gross anatomy, and histology of the major structures of the male reproductive system.


Identify and describe the location, gross anatomy, and histology of the major structures of the female reproductive system.


Compare and contrast the age-related changes in the male and female reproductive systems.



Chapter 28 The Reproductive System: Embryology and Human Development 28.1

List the various periods of development.


Describe the process of fertilization.


Compare and contrast the three trimesters of gestation.


Outline the stages of labor and the events occurring immediately before and after delivery.


Summarize the changes occurring during the transition from fetus to neonate.


Summarize the anatomical patterns seen in the embryo that persist in the newborn and carry forward into the anatomy of the adult.



Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 1 Foundations: An Introduction to Anatomy 1.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) It is important to study the discipline of anatomy because it ________. A) is important to understand the link between human structure and function B) develop a three-dimensional understanding of anatomical relationships C) will assist individuals to make informed decisions about their personal health D) provides a basis for understanding more advanced courses in anatomy, physiology, and related disciplines E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Which of the following statements about anatomical information is correct? A) Anatomic information is all historical. B) It describes external and internal structures of the body and considers probable function. C) It addresses large body structures visible to the naked eye only. D) Physiology and anatomy are unrelated. E) The study of cells or cytology is useless to anatomy. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The branch of science that studies groups of specialized cells and how they work together is called ________. A) physiology B) histology C) anatomy D) cytology E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The analysis of the smallest units of life is called ________. A) embryology B) cytology C) physiology D) histology E) morphology Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) The discipline that might examine structural interactions within a sheet of muscle tissue, or groups of specialized cells and cell products that work together to perform specific functions, is called ________. A) morphology B) radiology C) embryology D) histology E) cytology Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The anatomical specialty that refers to the study of general form (or morphology) and superficial anatomical markings is called ________. A) surface anatomy B) comparative anatomy C) regional anatomy D) developmental anatomy E) systemic anatomy Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Which type of anatomy refers to the study of all of the superficial and internal features in a specific area of the body? A) surface anatomy B) regional anatomy C) systemic anatomy D) gross anatomy E) microscopic anatomy Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The study of the heart, blood, and blood vessels is which of the following approaches? A) systemic anatomy B) regional anatomy C) developmental anatomy D) surface anatomy E) gross anatomy Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The study of the early processes during the first two months of development from conception is called ________. A) cytology B) physiology C) histology D) embryology E) osteology Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The study of structures through specialized imaging techniques, such as ultrasounds, x-rays, or other specialized procedures performed on an intact body, is called ________. A) cytology B) embryology C) physiology D) histology E) radiography Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Gross anatomical specialties include ________. A) radiographic and surgical anatomy B) cytology and embryology C) histology D) radiographic anatomy, surgical anatomy, cytology and embryology E) cytology, histology and embryology Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The study of anatomical features that may undergo recognizable pathological changes during illness is called ________ anatomy. A) clinical B) developmental C) comparative D) systemic E) regional Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) ________ anatomy is a new subspecialty of gross anatomy as new advances, such as computed tomography and spiral CT scans, have emerged. A) Surgical B) Developmental C) Cross-sectional D) Regional E) Comparative Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Disease is the failure to maintain ________ conditions. A) metabolic B) homeostatic C) allostatic D) physiological E) pathological Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Which of the following is the highest level of organization? A) chemical B) organelles C) cellular D) tissues E) organs Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The study of disease is ________. A) radiology B) pathology C) histology D) neurology E) cardiology Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Choose the correct arrangement of items 1-5, ranking them from the highest to the lowest level of complexity. (1) organism (2) tissue (3) chemical or molecular (4) cellular (5) organ system A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 B) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 C) 1, 5, 2, 4, 3 D) 5, 3, 2, 4, 1 E) 2, 4, 1, 5, 3 Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) The basic functions performed by all living humans include(s) ________. A) excretion B) metabolism C) growth and differentiation D) movement E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The vital ability of an organism to take certain actions when changes occur in its immediate environment is called ________. A) movement B) growth C) responsiveness D) metabolism E) excretion Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Which of the following refers to all the chemical operations under way in the body? A) anabolism B) respiration C) absorption D) metabolism E) excretion Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

21) Excretion involves ________. A) changes to adjust to an organism's environment B) creation of a new generation of individuals C) transport of substances within an organism D) elimination of unnecessary or potentially harmful materials metabolic waste from the body E) locomotion of the body Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Growth and differentiation often include ________. A) specialization of individual cells B) increase in cell size C) increase in cell numbers D) changes in form and function E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Support, protection of soft tissues, mineral storage, and blood cell formation are all functions of the ________. A) skeletal system B) cardiovascular system C) immune system D) reproductive system E) excretory system Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Directing immediate responses to stimuli, usually by coordinating the activities of other organ systems is the function of the ________. A) integumentary system B) endocrine system C) urinary system D) nervous system E) reproductive system Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) The major functions of the ________ system are temperature control and protection of the body from the external environmental hazards. A) digestive B) cardiovascular C) urinary D) respiratory E) integumentary Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The primary site of blood cell production is within the ________. A) cardiovascular system B) skeletal system C) integumentary system D) lymphatic system E) endocrine system Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Components of the urinary system include ________. A) ureters and kidneys B) liver and pancreas C) thymus and spleen D) bronchi and alveoli E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Organs systems are a component of the integumentary system which includes ________. A) anatomical units with related functions B) formed by two or more organs C) often large enough to be studied without magnification D) interdependent on each other E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Which of the following is the primary function of the thymus in the lymphatic system? A) controls the development and maintenance of one class of lymphocytes B) engulfs pathogens C) monitors circulating blood D) carries lymph and lymphocytes from peripheral tissues to the veins of the cardiovascular system E) monitors the composition of lymph Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Which of the following is NOT a primary function of the kidneys in the urinary system? A) form and concentrate urine B) regulate blood pH and ion concentrations C) perform endocrine functions D) All are primary functions of the kidneys. E) None of the answers are primary functions of the kidneys. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) The process of creating subsequent generations, either unicellular or multicellular, is referred to as ________. A) growth B) reproduction C) metabolism D) differentiation E) responsiveness Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The process of cellular specialization to perform particular functions is called ________. A) reproduction B) differentiation C) growth D) irritability E) anabolism Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) The property of living things to transport food, blood, or other materials inside the body is called ________. A) digestion B) respiration C) catabolism D) growth E) movement Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) The ________ system contains glandular structures that direct long-term changes in the activities of other organ systems. A) nervous B) cardiovascular C) integumentary D) endocrine E) lymphatic Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The ________ system allows for locomotion, provides support, and produces heat. A) integumentary B) skeletal C) muscular D) cardiovascular E) digestive Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The ________ system allows for gas exchange between the air and circulating blood. A) respiratory B) urinary C) digestive D) lymphatic E) cardiovascular Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Gas exchange is also facilitated by the ________ system, which is responsible for the internal transport of cells and dissolved materials, including nutrients, wastes, and gases. A) urinary B) digestive C) cardiovascular D) respiratory E) lymphatic Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) In the prone position, ________. A) the body faces posteriorly B) the body is lying in anatomical position face up C) the body is lying in anatomical position face down D) the head is turned to the left, and the eyes are closed E) the body is situated facing posteriorly and the eyes are open. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) In anatomical position, a person stands with the legs together and the feet flat on the floor. Additionally, the ________. A) hands are raised above the head B) hands are facing posteriorly C) hands are hanging naturally at the person's sides D) hands are at the sides, and the palms face anteriorly E) hands are facing laterally Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) A frontal (coronal) section is in a plane that ________. A) divides the body along the midline B) divides the body into left and right sections C) divides the body into anterior and posterior sections D) divides the body into superior and inferior sections E) divides the body into frontal sections Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Which of the following directional reference pairs consists of anatomical equivalents when referring to the human body? A) distal, medial B) proximal, lateral C) cranial, caudal D) cephalic, posterior E) anterior, ventral Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Which of the following is the most inferior of the nine abdominopelvic regions? A) hypochondriac region B) hypogastric region C) umbilical region D) left lumbar region E) epigastric region Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Which of the following includes only structures enclosed within the mediastinum? A) lungs, esophagus, heart B) heart, trachea, lungs C) esophagus, trachea, thymus D) pharynx, thymus, major vessels E) brain, spinal cord Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) The serous membrane that covers the outer surface of a lung is called the ________. A) visceral peritoneum B) parietal pericardium C) visceral pleura D) parietal mesentery E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) The ________ lines the body wall within the abdominopelvic peritoneal cavity. A) visceral pleura B) parietal pericardium C) mesentery proper D) superficial fascia E) parietal peritoneum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Mesenteries ________. A) provide support and stability to the stomach and small intestine B) allow movement of abdominal structures C) support and stabilize organs such as the kidneys D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominopelvic cavity by ________. A) the inferior border of the rib cage B) a sheet of connective tissue C) the diaphragm D) the liver E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) The space that contains organs of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, urine, and reproductive systems is called the ________. A) mediastinum B) pleural cavity C) mesentery proper D) pelvic cavity E) None of these choices are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) The pericardial cavity contains which of the following? A) heart B) liver C) intestines D) brain E) both the heart and the liver Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) A person lying down in the anatomical position is said to be ________ when lying face up. A) homeostatic B) prone C) superficial D) supine E) ventral Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Which of the following organs occupies the pleural cavity? A) trachea B) heart C) lungs D) esophagus E) thyroid gland Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Which of the following is considered a radiological procedure? A) CT (computerized tomography) B) MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) C) ultrasound D) angiography E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) The two layers of a serous membrane are ________. A) pericardial and parietal B) double sheets of peritoneum C) visceral and parietal D) pleural and parietal E) internal and external Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) A transverse section at the level immediately below the nipple would pass through which body cavity(ies)? A) pleural cavities B) pericardial cavity C) abdominal cavity D) pelvic cavity E) both the pleural cavities and the pericardial cavity Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 55) A ________ section through the umbilicus divides the human body into equal left and right portions. A) cross-sectional B) parasagittal C) transverse D) coronal E) midsagittal Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Which radiological procedure uses high-frequency sound to produce an echogram? A) CT scan B) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) C) x-ray D) ultrasound E) digital subtraction angiography (DSA) Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) The axilla is ________ and ________ to the nasus. A) superior; lateral B) inferior; lateral C) anterior; lateral D) ventral; medial E) posterior; medial Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 58) The anatomical name for the front of the elbow is ________. A) olecranon B) antecubitis C) carpus D) antebrachium E) manus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) The hips are ________, or inferior, to the shoulders. A) caudal B) ventral C) superficial D) dorsal E) cranial Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) A ________ section is produced if the body is separated into superior and inferior portions. A) coronal B) medial C) frontal D) parasagittal E) transverse Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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61) Pain originating from the spleen would most likely be felt in the ________ abdominopelvic quadrant. A) right upper B) right lower C) left upper D) left lower E) left inguinal Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) The ________ abdominopelvic region is sandwiched between the right and left hypochondriac regions. A) umbilical B) epigastric C) hypogastric D) lumbar E) hypochondriac Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) If a person has peritonitis, which of the following organs will be affected within the peritoneum. A) urinary bladder B) heart C) lungs D) stomach E) thymus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) The urinary bladder is located in the ________ cavity. A) abdominal B) thoracic C) pelvic D) mediastinal E) pleural Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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65) Organs such as the liver, stomach, and pancreas are located within the ________ cavity, superior to the level of the pelvis. A) dorsal B) pelvic C) abdominal D) cranial E) inguinal Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1.2 True/False Questions 1) Developmental anatomy refers to the study of changes in form over time. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 1.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Cellular structures and the functions of major organelles focus attention at the cellular level. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Epidemiology is the study of disease occurrence, distribution, and cause. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Multiple tissues that interact to perform a united group of functions show organization at the organismal level. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Cranial refers to "toward the head." Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) A CT scan generates a higher quality image than a spiral CT scan. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7) The femur is deep to the surrounding skeletal muscles. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Gluteus refers to the portion of the body upon which one sits. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Facies is the anatomical term, which refers to the chin. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The anatomical term calcaneus refers to the calf. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1.3 Essay Questions 1) How does the regional approach differ from the systemic approach in the study of anatomy? Answer: Systemic anatomy considers all of the components of each organ system simultaneously, regardless of body location. Regional anatomy considers all of the superficial and internal structures in a specific area of the body, regardless of the organ system. Learning Outcome: 1.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) How does comparative anatomy contribute to the study of human gross anatomy? Answer: Observed similarities of anatomical structure among different species of animals demonstrate evolutionary relationships and the similarity of developmental processes. Comparison of the same systems among different animals also shows how these systems are adapted to serve different anatomical and physiological functions. Learning Outcome: 1.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) What is the basic anatomical pattern that humans and other vertebrate animals share? Answer: All of these organisms have a braincase of cartilage or bone that surrounds the brain. All vertebrates have a dorsal hollow nerve cord and ventral body cavities. At some stage of development (often only embryonic), vertebrates also have a notochord, a muscular tail and pharyngeal (gill) arches. Learning Outcome: 1.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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4) How does improper functioning at the chemical level affect cellular, tissue, organ, and organism function? Answer: Each complex level is totally dependent upon all the levels that are less complex, therefore damage at the level of the smallest structure affects larger and more complex structures throughout the system. For example, the inability of a protein to function in a cell causes improper functioning of the cell. The faulty cell then leads to a tissue that is not fully capable of its functions. The organ is affected by the development of defective tissue. Finally, the entire organism is affected because the organ is not functioning properly. Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 5) In general, why must larger organisms have specialized structures to permit some life functions to occur? Answer: The organismal level of organization reflects the interactions among organ systems, all of which are vital. In other words, every system must be working properly and in harmony with every other system, or survival will be impossible. In large organisms, for example, specialized structures are required for movement of materials through exposed surfaces and transport of materials between body regions because (1) many cells are too far from an exposed surface and (2) there is not enough total surface area to allow all of the body's cells to exchange nutrients, oxygen, and wastes directly with the environment. Other life functions, such as reproduction, are also complicated by organisms' larger size. Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 6) What is the function of an organ system in the body? Answer: Organ systems are groups of organs that function together to produce coordinated effects, such as the example of the cardiovascular system, which consists of the heart, blood, and the network of blood vessels (circulatory system). Learning Outcome: 1.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) What is the role of serous membranes in the body? Answer: Serous membranes provide a slippery cover for the inside of the body cavities (ex. pleural cavity) and the outside of most organs located in these cavities (ex. the lung). This slippery lining prevents friction between moving organs and the body wall. Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Why is radiographic anatomy an increasingly important science? Answer: The specialized radiographic procedures, which are performed on an intact body, include non-invasive techniques that use radioisotopes, radiation, and magnetic fields to provide detailed information about and images of internal systems and structures. Such information can be gathered in a non-invasive manner and a diagnosis can often be reached almost immediately after many procedures. Learning Outcome: 1.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 19 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

9) How does the definition of posterior, as it is used in human terminology, differ from the usage with four-legged animals (quadrupeds)? Answer: Posterior means "behind," which is equivalent to dorsal ("the back") in humans. Because of the difference in standing position, the two terms are not equivalent in quadrupeds, dorsal still meaning the back of the animal, but posterior meaning the tail (or caudal) end. Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 10) Why is it important for all health care professionals to understand anatomical/medical terminology? Answer: Effective communication begins with speaking, writing, and reading the same language. In effect, anatomy uses a special language that must be learned at the start. Just as an individual who does not speak Spanish is lost in Spain, an individual who does not understand the language of anatomy is lost in the hospital. Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating

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1.4 Labeling Questions Figure 1.1

Using the figure above, answer the following questions.

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1) Label A is which level of organization? A) Molecular B) Organ system C) Tissue D) Organism E) Organ Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Label D is which level of organization? A) Organ system B) Chemical C) Tissue D) Organ E) Molecular Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Label E is which level of organization? A) Chemical B) Organism C) Cellular D) Tissue E) Organ system Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Label F is which level of organization? A) Organ B) Tissue C) Cellular D) Organism E) Chemical Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 1.2

Using the figure above, answer the following questions. 5) What is the anatomical term for Label C? A) Cranium B) Bucca C) Frons D) Facies E) Mentis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

6) What is the anatomical term for Label I? A) Antebrachium B) Axilla C) Brachium D) Manus E) Antecubitis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) What is the anatomical term for Label L? A) Pes B) Carpus C) Nasus D) Hallux E) Pollex Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) What is the anatomical term for Label N? A) Palma B) Popliteus C) Patella D) Pes E) Planta Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) What is the anatomical term for Label O? A) Sura B) Carpus C) Crus D) Tarsus E) Calcaneus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) What is the anatomical term for Label R? A) Auris B) Popliteus C) Pollex D) Tarsus E) Hallux Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) What is the anatomical term for Label S? A) Pes B) Planta C) Palma D) Patella E) Pubis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) What is the anatomical term for Label V? A) Pubis B) Inguen C) Femur D) Lumbus E) Gluteus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) What is the anatomical term for Label Z? A) Abdomen B) Dorsum C) Inguen D) Umbilicus E) Lumbus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) What is the anatomical term for Label FF? A) Oris B) Oculus C) Auris D) Nasus E) Bucca Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 1.3

Using the figure above, answer the following questions. 15) What is the anatomical term for Label A? A) Dorsum B) Acromial C) Cervicis D) Cephalon E) Olecranon Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

16) What is the anatomical term for Label C? A) Antebrachium B) Carpus C) Antecubitis D) Palma E) Olecranon Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) What is the anatomical term for Label F? A) Popliteus B) Sura C) Crus D) Patella E) Calcaneus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) What is the anatomical term for Label H? A) Tarsus B) Pes C) Calcaneus D) Crus E) Sura Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) What is the anatomical term for Label I? A) Crus B) Tarsus C) Planta D) Pes E) Hallux Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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20) What is the anatomical term for Label L? A) Cephalon B) Cranium C) Facies D) Mentis E) Cervicis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 1.4

Using the figure above, answer the following questions. 21) What is the directional term for Label A? A) Proximal B) Cephalic C) Ventral D) Caudal E) Superficial Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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22) What is the directional term for Label B? A) Dorsal B) Lateral C) Distal D) Anterior E) Medial Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) What is the directional term for Label C? A) Posterior B) Proximal C) Ventral D) Deep E) Caudal Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) What is the directional term for Label D? A) Caudal B) Dorsal C) Superficial D) Anterior E) Superior Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) What is the directional term for Label E? A) Inferior B) Distal C) Superficial D) Proximal E) Anterior Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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26) What is the directional term for Label F? A) Ventral B) Medial C) Proximal D) Lateral E) Dorsal Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) What is the directional term for Label H? A) Proximal B) Inferior C) Caudal D) Dorsal E) Distal Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) What is the directional term for Label J? A) Anterior B) Medial C) Dorsal D) Ventral E) Lateral Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 1.5

Using the figure above, answer the following questions. 29) What is the anatomical term for Label A? A) Pericardial cavity B) Peritoneal cavity C) Pleural cavity D) Pelvic cavity E) Abdominal cavity Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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30) What is the anatomical term for Label B? A) Pelvic cavity B) Pericardial cavity C) Peritoneal cavity D) Pleural cavity E) Visceral pleura Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) What is the anatomical term for Label C? A) Pleural cavity B) Peritoneal cavity C) Thoracic cavity D) Pericardial cavity E) Abdominopelvic cavity Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) What is the anatomical term for Label D? A) Peritoneum B) Coelom C) Abdominal cavity D) Mediastinum E) Diaphragm Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) What is the anatomical term for Label E? A) Serous pericardium B) Visceral pleura C) Thoracic cavity D) Peritoneal cavity E) Parietal pericardium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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34) What is the anatomical term for Label F? A) Abdominal cavity B) Pleural cavity C) Thoracic cavity D) Pelvic cavity E) Mediastinum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) What is the anatomical term for Label G? A) Pleural cavity B) Peritoneal cavity C) Pericardial cavity D) Abdominal cavity E) Pelvic cavity Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) What is the anatomical term for Label H? A) Thoracic cavity B) Visceral pericardium C) Diaphragm D) Peritoneal cavity E) Abdominopelvic cavity Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) What is the anatomical term for Label J? A) Parietal pleura B) Visceral pericardium C) Visceral pleura D) Parietal pericardium E) Pericardial cavity Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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38) What is the anatomical term for Label K? A) Pericardial cavity B) Parietal pericardium C) Peritoneal cavity D) Thoracic cavity E) Visceral pleura Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) What is the anatomical term for Label L? A) Mediastinum B) Visceral pleura C) Parietal peritoneum D) Parietal pericardium E) Visceral peritoneum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 2 Foundations: The Cell 2.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Cells float in a watery medium called ________. A) cytoplasm B) extracellular fluid C) cytosol D) cellular fluid E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Which of the following describes phospholipids in the plasma membrane? A) The phospholipid tails are hydrophobic. B) The phospholipid tails are hydrophilic. C) The phospholipid heads are hydrophobic. D) The phospholipid tails are at the surface. E) The phospholipid heads are on the inside. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The viscous, superficial coating on the outer surface of the plasma membrane is called the ________. A) glycocalyx B) pseudopodia C) inclusions D) tubulin E) cytosol Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) How do peripheral proteins contribute to the structure of the plasma membrane? A) They form a structural element by being embedded in the plasma membrane. B) Some form channels to permit passage of water molecules, ions, and small water-soluble compounds into and out of the cell. C) Some may function as catalysts. D) They are attached to either the inner or outer surface of the membrane. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) Substances that enter the cell usually do so through the ________. A) cholesterol B) glycocalyx C) glycolipids D) integral proteins E) peripheral proteins Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The general functions of the plasma membrane include ________. A) physical isolation of the cell contents from the surrounding extracellular fluid B) regulation of exchange of materials with the environment C) sensitivity to changes in the extracellular fluid D) structural support of the cell E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Which statement describes how the plasma membrane is used in communication and sensitivity? A) It serves as a storage site for large amounts of proteins for future use by the cell. B) It effectively isolates the cytoplasm from the surrounding fluid environment. C) It serves as an impermeable membrane. D) It acts as a site for the attachment of glycoproteins and glycolipids, which act as receptors for molecules present in the extracellular fluid. E) It provides for specialized connections between neighboring cells, giving tissues a stable structure. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Because the plasma membrane restricts some substances and permits others through, it is referred to as being ________. A) structurally rigid B) impermeable C) selectively permeable D) freely permeable E) both structurally rigid and selectively permeable Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Which of the following is a passive process for material movement across a plasma membrane? A) receptor-mediated endocytosis B) phagocytosis C) exocytosis D) active transport E) facilitated diffusion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) An active process for transporting extracellular fluid, such as water and small molecules, across a plasm membrane is ________. A) phagocytosis B) pinocytosis C) osmosis D) diffusion E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Iron ions and cholesterol are brought into the cell by the process of ________. A) pinocytosis B) phagocytosis C) receptor-mediated pinocytosis D) active transport E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Carbon dioxide moves through the plasma membrane through the process of ________. A) diffusion B) osmosis C) facilitated diffusion D) active transport E) both diffusion and osmosis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Processes involved in the movement of substances across a membrane at the expense of ATP, via exchange pumps, are classified as ________. A) osmosis B) diffusion C) filtration D) facilitated diffusion E) active transport Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) What is the term for the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane from a low solute concentration to a high solute concentration? A) facilitated diffusion B) osmosis C) filtration D) active transport E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The extracellular fluid contains high concentration of ________. A) potassium ions B) dissolved and suspended proteins C) amino acids D) sodium ions E) lipids Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Which of the following statements accurately describes cytosol? A) The term encompasses all material inside the cell. B) It is the fluid content inside the cell. C) It contains much less protein than the extracellular fluid. D) It contains large amounts of carbohydrates. E) It is composed of the intracellular structures known as organelles. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) ________ are common inclusions in the cytosol of fat cells. A) Glycogen granules B) Suspended proteins C) Lipid droplets D) Dissolved proteins E) Metabolic enzymes Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Which of the following is another name for cytosol? A) intracellular fluid B) gelatin C) interstitial fluid D) extracellular fluid E) integral proteins Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The protein-synthesizing organelles are the ________. A) nucleus B) Golgi apparatus C) mitochondria D) lysosomes E) ribosomes Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Which of the following is a non-membranous organelle? A) Golgi apparatus B) mitochondria C) nucleus D) centriole E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Which of the following is a function of microtubules? A) being part of the spindle apparatus B) control of metabolism C) storage of secretory products and lysosomal enzymes D) intracellular removal of damaged organelles or of pathogens E) assist in DNA replication Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Which of the following is a cylindrical structure composed of short microtubules? A) DNA B) chromatin C) envelope D) nucleolus E) centriole Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Why are microtubules considered among the non-membranous organelles? A) They do not have their own enclosed membrane. B) They are associated with the plasma membrane. C) They are aggregated into bundles. D) They are composed primarily of the protein actin. E) They are comprised chiefly of the protein tubulin. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Thick filaments ________. A) form intermediate filaments to stabilize organelle position B) are stable structures that do not change once formed C) are called neurofilaments in neurons D) interact with actin to produce contractions E) form the spindle apparatus during cell division Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) If a cell lacked centrioles, it would be unable to ________. A) direct the movement of chromosomes during cell division B) move through the surrounding fluid C) replicate its own DNA D) manufacture proteins E) move fluids or solutes across the plasma membrane Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) In the nucleus, what is the special protein to which DNA strands are bound? A) tubulin B) histone C) cytokeratin D) actin E) myosin Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Which cellular operation occurs in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum? A) regulation of protein synthesis B) synthesis of RNA C) DNA replication leading to cell division D) synthesis of carbohydrates and lipids E) synthesis of ribosomes via nucleoli Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) The nucleus of a cell ________. A) is completely enclosed with no way in or out B) contains only the DNA C) is surrounded by a double layered membrane D) it contains large proteins that form the chromosomes and are the genetic material for the cell E) has all of these attributes Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Which of the following is a vesicle that contains enzymes? A) ribosome B) lysosome C) nucleosome D) chromosome E) hyaluronan Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Manufactured proteins from the rough endoplasmic reticulum are delivered to the Golgi apparatus by ________. A) cisternae B) bulk transport C) transport vesicles D) ribosomal RNA E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Renewal or modification of the plasma membrane is the major function of which organelle? A) lysosomes B) Golgi apparatus C) peroxisomes D) mitochondria E) cytoskeleton Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Which organelle determines the structural and functional characteristics of the cell by controlling protein synthesis, determining what proteins are synthesized, and in what amounts? A) endoplasmic reticulum B) Golgi apparatus C) ribosomes D) mitochondria E) nucleus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Which of the following synthesizes the components of ribosomes? A) nuclear envelope B) nuclear pore C) nucleoplasm D) nucleosome E) nucleolus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) The cell theory states that ________. A) cells are produced by the division of newly synthesized cells B) cells are the largest structural units of life C) cells are structural "building blocks" D) cells perform limited, nonessential functions E) All of the statements are correct Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) ________ increase surface area to facilitate absorption of extracellular materials. A) Cilia B) Microvilli C) Flagella D) Centrioles E) Mitochondria Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Peripheral proteins are attached to the surface of the plasma membrane, while ________ are embedded within the membrane. A) histone proteins B) lysosomal proteins C) transport vesicles D) integral proteins E) peroxisomal proteins Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) The membrane of a cell is composed of a(n) ________ bilayer. A) endoplasmic B) cytoskeleton C) phospholipid D) steroid E) glycolipid Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) In osmosis, the substance(s) moved across a selectively permeable membrane is/are ________. A) water B) extracellular fluid and its associated solutes C) gases, small inorganic ions and molecules D) glucose and amino acids E) fluid and cellular wastes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) "Little organs" inside a cell that have specialized functions are called ________. A) glycocalyx B) organelles C) microvillus D) intracellular fluids E) microfilaments Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Dissolved ions and water-soluble compounds cannot cross the ________ portion of a plasma membrane. A) integral protein B) carbohydrate C) peripheral protein D) glycocalyx E) lipid Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Channels in the plasma membrane that can open or close to regulate the passage of water, small ions, and water-soluble molecules are called ________ channels. A) hydrophobic B) solute C) diffusion D) gated E) osmotic Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) ________ help stabilize the plasma membrane structure and maintain its fluidity. A) Sterols B) Carbohydrates C) Phospholipids D) Glycolipids E) Peripheral proteins Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Small, finger-shaped projections of the plasma membrane are termed ________. A) flagella B) centrioles C) thick filaments D) microvilli E) cilia Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) ________ is/are the substance(s) involved in facilitated diffusion. A) Only water B) Glucose and amino acids C) Lipid-soluble materials D) Small organic ions and molecules E) Extracellular fluid Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) A passive process that involves movement of substances from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is called ________. A) osmosis B) pinocytosis C) exocytosis D) diffusion E) phagocytosis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) A transport process that produces cytoplasmic vesicles filled with extracellular fluid is called ________. A) exocytosis B) active transport C) osmosis D) receptor-mediated endocytosis E) pinocytosis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Factors affecting the rate of phagocytosis include the presence and abundance of ________. A) extracellular pathogens or debris B) receptors on the plasma membrane C) calcium ions and ATP D) target molecules E) carrier proteins, solutes, and ATP Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Compared with extracellular fluid, a sample of cytosol has ________. A) high quantities of carbohydrate B) a high concentration of sodium ions C) a relatively high concentration of dissolved or suspended proteins D) low reserves of amino acids and lipids E) a relatively low concentration of potassium ions Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) The cytosol contains a high concentration of ________ ions, while the extracellular fluid usually contains a high concentration of ________ ions. A) calcium; magnesium B) potassium; sodium C) magnesium; calcium D) sodium; potassium E) hydrogen; chloride Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) ________ are slender strands, usually composed of the protein actin. A) Microtubules B) Thick filaments C) Microfilaments D) Myosin filaments E) Neurofilaments Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Microtubules, thick filaments, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments are all part of the cell's ________. A) endoplasmic reticulum B) plasma membrane C) cytoskeleton D) Golgi apparatus E) centrosome Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) ________ provide strength, stabilize organelles, and transport materials within the cytoplasm; they are defined by their size rather than composition, which varies from cell to cell. A) Cilia B) Thick filaments C) Microfilaments D) Tubulin filaments E) Intermediate filaments Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) A ________ moves a cell through the surrounding fluid, rather than moving the fluid past a stationary cell. A) flagellum B) centriole C) neurofilament D) cilium E) thick filament Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) ________ are organelles that contain an unusual double-layered membrane, and functions in producing most of the ATP in the body. A) Ribosomes B) Microvilli C) Lysosomes D) Mitochondria E) Endoplasmic reticulum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Chemical communication between the nucleus and the cytosol occurs through (the) ________. A) perinuclear space B) nuclear pores C) histones D) nuclear matrix E) nucleosomes Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) At intervals, the DNA wind around special proteins, forming a complex called ________; this complex may also coil around other special proteins. A) chromosome B) histone C) nuclear matrix D) chromatin E) nucleosome Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) A major function of the Golgi apparatus is ________. A) the synthesis and packaging of secretions B) the renewal or modification of the nuclear envelope C) packaging of lipids for use in lysosomes D) detoxification and neutralization of cellular toxins E) degradation of bacteria and organic debris Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) The ________ is the organelle that synthesizes the components of ribosomes. A) nucleolus B) centrosome C) Golgi apparatus D) nucleosome E) endoplasmic reticulum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) The continual movement and exchange of vesicles to and from the plasma membrane is called ________. A) osmosis B) active transport C) membrane flow D) facilitated diffusion E) exocytosis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) ________ are organelles filled with digestive enzymes, which function in the intracellular removal of pathogens and damaged organelles. A) Peroxisomes B) Rough endoplasmic reticulum C) Centrosomes D) Lysosomes E) Mitochondria Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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61) Peroxisomes function in the ________. A) production of ATP required by the cell B) absorption and breakdown (catabolism) of fatty acids C) movement of materials over the cell surface D) control of metabolism E) synthesis of secretory products Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) Which type of cell junction attach an epithelial cell to extracellular structures. A) Hemidesmosomes B) Spot desmosomes C) Gap junction D) Tight junction E) All of these choices are correct Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) At structures called ________, two cells are held together by membrane proteins that function as a narrow passageway, allowing ions, small metabolites, and regulatory molecules to pass from cell to cell. A) anchoring junctions B) CAMs C) focal adhesions D) zonula adherens E) cell junctions Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) A/an ________ is a form of an anchoring junction that encircles a cell. A) cytokeratin B) macula adherens C) CAM D) adhesion belt E) connexons Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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65) Large areas of opposing plasma membrane may be interconnected by transmembrane proteins called ________, which bind to each other and to other extracellular materials. A) cytokeratins B) hemidesmosomes C) connexons D) cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) E) nexuses Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Hemidesmosomes are found ________. A) in connective tissue that is undergoing deep wound repair B) in epithelial tissues subjected to a significant amount of abrasion and shearing forces C) among epithelial cells where they help coordinate functions such as the beating of cilia D) in abundance in cardiac muscle and smooth muscle E) in epithelial tissues where they are essential to the coordination of muscle cell contractions Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) In correct order from beginning to end, cells undergoing mitosis pass through ________. A) anaphase, prophase, interphase, and telophase B) metaphase, prophase, telophase, and anaphase C) interphase, telophase, metaphase, and prophase D) prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase E) telophase, anaphase, metaphase, and prophase Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) Cytokinesis ________. A) usually begins after metaphase B) separates the daughter cells after mitosis C) is the last phase of mitosis D) initiates the process of mitosis E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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69) Which of the following events occur during metaphase? A) Centromeres move along the chromosomal microtubules to a narrow central zone. B) Microtubules form the spindle apparatus. C) Daughter chromosomes move toward the opposite ends of the cell. D) Centrioles move apart. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) Which of the following processes occurs during interphase? A) Chromatid pairs separate. B) Chromatin condenses into chromosomes. C) DNA replicates. D) A cleavage furrow forms. E) The mitotic spindle forms. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 71) Which of the following is true of cell division? A) Its importance diminishes after an individual grows to maturity. B) It requires accurate duplication (replication) of the genetic material. C) Each dividing somatic cell produces four daughter cells at the end of cell division. D) Mitosis is the distinct process for producing gametes. E) Protein synthesis in preparation for division occurs during the S phase of interphase. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 72) Which sequence correctly traces the steps of DNA replication during the S phase? (1) Weak bonds between nitrogenous bases of the DNA are broken. (2) DNA strands unwind. (3) DNA polymerase binds to exposed nitrogenous bases. (4) Ligases link together short complementary chains of nucleotides. (5) Nitrogenous bases of the DNA strand attach to complementary nucleotides. A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 B) 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 C) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 D) 1, 3, 5, 2, 4 E) 4, 2, 3, 1, 5 Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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73) The process that involves the phases prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase is called ________. A) DNA replication B) cytokinesis C) mitosis D) reproduction E) interphase Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 74) During ________, the centromere of each chromatid pair separates and the daughter chromosomes are pulled toward opposite ends of the cell, along the chromosomal microtubules. A) anaphase B) telophase C) interphase D) prophase E) metaphase Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 75) Somatic cells spend the majority of their functional lives in ________. A) prophase B) metastasis C) interphase D) DNA replication E) anaphase Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 76) In cells preparing for division, the phase of the life cycle that is most variable in length is the ________ of interphase. A) S phase B) G1 phase C) G0 phase D) G2 phase E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2.2 True/False Questions 1) A passive process that allows passage of small inorganic ions and molecules, gases, and lipidsoluble materials in all cell types is called diffusion. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) A passive process that involves the movement of water (solvent) molecules toward solute concentrations across a membrane is called facilitated diffusion. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) A passive process wherein carrier molecules transport materials down concentration gradients across a membrane is called osmosis. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Endocytosis is an energy-requiring process where vesicles are packaged with extracellular material for importation into the cell. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Active transport is an energy-requiring process whereby ions and possibly other materials are moved across a membrane by carrier proteins, which work despite an opposing concentration gradient. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Vesicles that contain oxidases and catalase are called peroxisomes. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The endoplasmic reticulum is the organelle responsible for the synthesis of secretory products and provides for intracellular storage and transport. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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8) As the Golgi apparatus loses membrane through generation of vesicles at the cis face, it gains membrane by the fusion of transport vesicles at the trans face. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) The mitochondrion is enclosed by a double membrane with numerous folds, or cristae, in the inner membrane; the fluid matrix of these organelles contains important metabolic enzymes. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2.3 Essay Questions 1) Why is it potentially harmful to give a patient intravenous fluid that is pure water? Answer: Body fluids (extracellular – ECF and intracellular fluids – ICF) are not comprised of pure water, they are a mixture of water and solutes. The addition of water without solutes causes an imbalance in the body between the amount of water compared to solute, which dilutes the body fluids. More specifically, the plasma membrane plays a major role in sensitivity in that it is the first part of the cell to be affected by changes in ECF. It contains a variety of receptors that allow the cell to recognize and respond to specific molecules in its environment and to communicate with other cells. Any alteration in the plasma membrane, such as exposing it to only pure water, may affect all cellular activities. Its functional role in physical isolation of the cell from the surrounding ECF is important because the composition of the cytoplasm is very different from that of the ECF, and that difference must be maintained for survival. The ultimate outcome will result in the lysing (bursting) of red blood cells. As a result, the kidneys may become overwhelmed while attempting to rid the bloodstream of the products of this destruction. Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 2) Solutions A and B are separated by a selectively permeable barrier. Over time, the level of fluid on side A increases. Which solution initially had the higher concentration of solute? Answer: Side A had the higher solute concentration, as osmosis is drawing water to it and out of solution B. Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 3) Explain why an animal cell without centrioles cannot divide. Answer: Centrioles are a structure used during mitosis of cell division. During metaphase and anaphase, the centrioles direct the organization of the microtubules of the cytoskeleton, hence the movement of daughter chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell so that cytokinesis will result in two daughter cells, each containing its own set of chromosomes. Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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4) Predict the consequences of non-functional cilia in the respiratory airways. Answer: Cilia lining the respiratory tract beat in a synchronized manner to move sticky mucus and trapped dust particles toward the throat and away from delicate respiratory surfaces. This cleansing action is lost if the cilia are damaged or immobilized by heavy smoking or some metabolic problem, and the irritants will no longer be removed. As a result, chronic respiratory infections develop. Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 5) What is the role of the Golgi apparatus in cellular metabolism? Answer: The Golgi apparatus synthesizes and packages secretions, such as enzymes that store, modify, and package the proteins and glycoproteins arriving from the RER via transport vesicles. Among the vesicles that are packaged by the Golgi and remain in the cytoplasm are lysosomes, which are filled with enzymes that digest damaged membranous organelles. Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) How does the plasma membrane change either over time or in response to modifications in the extracellular fluid? Answer: Membrane turnover (renewal or modification of the plasma membrane) is performed by the Golgi apparatus, which continually adds new membrane to the cell surface and can alter the membrane properties as required. In an actively secreting cell, the entire surface area of the plasma membrane may be replaced in as little as an hour. Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Distinguish between primary and secondary lysosomes; how do they function? Answer: Primary lysosomes contain inactive enzymes; activation of these enzymes occurs when the lysosome fuses with the membrane of damaged organelles. This forms a secondary lysosome, which contains activated enzymes that act to break down the engulfed contents. These contents then either reenter the cytosol (if nutrients) or are eliminated by exocytosis (if toxins or wastes). Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 8) How do peroxisomes differ from lysosomes? Answer: Peroxisomes are smaller than lysosomes, and they carry different groups of enzymes. Peroxisomal enzymes are formed by free ribosomes within the cytoplasm and then inserted into the membranes of preexisting peroxisomes, whereas the Golgi apparatus packages digestive enzymes, formed by the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), into lysosomes. Peroxisomes absorb and break down fatty acids and other organic compounds; lysosomes perform essential intracellular cleanup, recycling, and defense, all by activating and/or releasing their digestive enzymes under appropriate circumstances. Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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9) How does the structure of a tight junction differ from that of an anchoring junction? Answer: At a tight junction, the lipid portions of the opposing plasma membrane are tightly bound together by interlocking membrane proteins, providing the strongest of intercellular connections. At an anchoring junction, the two plasma membrane remain distinct but are powerfully attached by CAMs (cell adhesion molecules) and a layer of proteoglycans (intercellular cement), with a dense area of layered proteins inside each plasma membrane, reinforcing the junction and binding it to the cell's cytoskeleton. Learning Outcome: 2.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 10) What is cytokinesis? What is its role in the cell cycle? Answer: Cytokinesis is the process by which daughter chromosomes approach the ends of the spindle apparatus. The cytoplasm then constricts along the plane of the metaphase plate, forming a cleavage furrow that deepens until the two daughter cells are separated; thus, completing their physical separation at the end of mitosis. The completion of cytokinesis marks the end of cell division and the beginning of the next interphase period (a new cell cycle). Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Explain why adult animals and plants replace many of their cells throughout their lifetimes. Answer: Cells can be damaged by physical wear and tear (abrasion), toxic chemicals, pathogens, temperature changes, or other environmental hazards. Since cells have variable life expectancies, they are also lost due to aging and must therefore be replaced. Learning Outcome: 2.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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2.4 Labeling Questions Figure 2.1

Using the figure above, answer the following questions. 1) What is the anatomical term for Label A? A) Centrosome B) Mitochondria C) Cytoskeleton D) Microvilli E) Secretory vesicles Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

2) What is the anatomical term for Label C? A) Nucleoplasm B) Cytosol C) Centriole D) Free ribosomes E) Cytoskeleton Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) What is the anatomical term for Label D? A) Nucleosome B) Fixed ribosome C) Peroxisome D) Centrosome E) Lysosome Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) What is the anatomical term for Label F? A) Centriole B) Chromatin C) Secretory vesicle D) Mitochondria E) Nucleolus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) What is the anatomical term for Label G? A) Nucleoplasm B) Centrosome C) Cytoskeleton D) Chromatin E) Centriole Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) What is the anatomical term for Label I? A) Nuclear pore B) Nuclear envelope C) Nucleolus D) Plasma membrane E) Chromatin Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) What is the anatomical term for Label K? A) Cytoskeleton B) Nucleoplasm C) Cytoplasm D) Centrosome E) Cytosol Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) What is the anatomical term for Label L? A) Microvilli B) Plasma membrane C) Cytoplasm D) Cytosol E) Nuclear envelope Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) What is the anatomical term for Label M? A) Cytoplasm B) Rough ER C) Fixed ribosomes D) Peroxisomes E) Free ribosomes Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) What is the anatomical term for Label O? A) Rough endoplasmic reticulum B) Golgi apparatus C) Nucleus D) Mitochondrion E) Cristae Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) What is the anatomical term for Label Q? A) Rough endoplasmic reticulum B) Nuclear envelope C) Nucleoplasm D) Nuclear matrix E) Nuclear pores Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) What is the anatomical term for Label S? A) Lysosome B) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum C) Mitochondrion D) Peroxisome E) Cisternae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) What is the anatomical term for Label T? A) Cytoskeleton B) Rough ER C) Golgi apparatus D) Cristae E) Smooth ER Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 2.2

Using the figure above, identify the labeled parts. 14) What is the anatomical term for Label A? A) Phospholipids B) Glycolipids C) Hydrophobic tail D) Integral protein E) Glycoprotein Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) What is the anatomical term for Label B? A) Hydrophobic heads B) Cholesterol C) Peripheral proteins D) Phospholipid bilayer E) Integral proteins Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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16) What is the anatomical term for Label C? A) Peripheral protein B) Hydrophilic tail C) Integral protein D) Cholesterol E) Integral glycoproteins Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) What is the anatomical term for Label E? A) Integral phospholipid B) Peripheral cholesterol C) Integral glycolipids of glycocalyx D) Peripheral gated channels E) Integral glycoproteins Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) What is the anatomical term for Label H? A) Hydrophilic tail B) Glycocalyx C) Hydrophobic head D) Phospholipid bilayer E) Cholesterol Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) What is the anatomical term for Label I? A) Cytoskeleton B) Cytoplasm C) Peripheral proteins D) Integral glycoproteins E) Integral glycolipids Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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20) What is the anatomical term for Label K? A) Peripheral glycocalyx B) Gated channel C) Peripheral proteins D) Hydrophilic tails E) Peripheral cholesterol Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) What is the anatomical term for Label M? A) Integral glycocalyx B) Peripheral glycoprotein C) Gated channel D) Cholesterol E) Phospholipid bilayer Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 3 Foundations: Tissues and Early Embryology 3.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is NOT a primary tissue type? A) Epithelial B) Connective C) Muscle D) Neural E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Which of the following is the study of tissues and groups of specialized cells and cell products that work together to perform specific functions? A) cytology B) anatomy C) histology D) physiology E) embryology Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) In epithelial tissues ________. A) cells that are damaged or lost at the surface cannot be replaced B) cells obtain nutrients via blood vessels found in the tissues C) extracellular fluid or fibers separate the individual cells D) there is little or no intercellular space between the cells E) the organelles and other cytoplasmic components are evenly distributed between the exposed and attached surfaces of the epithelial cells Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Which feature(s) provides great strength and stability to epithelia? A) intercellular cement B) cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) C) cell junctions D) physical interlocking E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) Which epithelial feature, dominated by glycoproteins, proteoglycans, and a network of fine microfilaments, functions in providing a barrier that restricts the movement of proteins and other large molecules from the underlying connective tissue? A) basolateral surface B) apical surface C) reticular lamina D) intercellular connections E) basal lamina Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Which type of epithelium is found in portions of the respiratory tract and includes a mixture of cell types whose nuclei are situated at varying distances from the surface? A) simple squamous B) simple cuboidal C) stratified columnar D) stratified cuboidal E) pseudostratified columnar Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Which of the following exclusively describes stratified epithelia? A) They consist of a single cell layer. B) They always have a free surface exposed to some inner chamber or passageway. C) They are avascular. D) They cover surfaces subjected to mechanical and chemical stress. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The presence of large numbers of microvilli on the exposed surfaces of epithelial cells indicates that ________. A) it is an area where absorption and secretion occur B) these cells provide energy for transport activities C) these cells are probably located along portions of the respiratory tract from the lungs toward the throat D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Stereocilia are described by which of the following? A) present in the epithelium of the female reproductive tract B) very short microvilli C) present on receptor cells of the inner ear D) manufactured by the Golgi apparatus E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Which type of epithelium is present where easy exchange of materials out of the blood is most important, such as that in the lining of the heart and all blood vessels? A) stratified squamous B) stratified columnar C) simple cuboidal D) endothelium E) simple columnar Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Epithelial cells usually have ________. A) a basal lamina B) unevenly distributed organelles C) apical and basolateral plasma membranes with different associated proteins and functions D) an exposed apical surface E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) What type of epithelium makes up the endothelium of blood vessels? A) simple squamous B) stratified cuboidal C) transitional D) simple columnar E) pseudostratified columnar Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Eccrine or merocrine sweat glands are classified as which of the following? A) simple alveolar B) simple tubular C) simple coiled tubular D) simple branched alveolar E) simple branched tubular Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Which of the following terms means two or more layers? A) pseudostratified B) columnar C) stratified D) cuboidal E) simple Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) What type of epithelium comprises the inner lining of the ventral body cavity? A) simple squamous epithelium B) stratified epithelium C) columnar epithelium D) mesothelium E) endothelium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Which type of epithelium lines the renal pelvis, ureters, and urinary bladder? A) cuboidal B) columnar C) transitional D) squamous E) glandular Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) The epithelium lining the small intestine of the digestive tract is ________. A) stratified squamous B) simple columnar C) stratified columnar D) simple squamous E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Hormones are examples of ________ secretion. A) exocrine B) endocrine C) holocrine D) merocrine E) apocrine Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) What is the simplest multicellular exocrine gland called? A) tubular glands B) secretory sheet C) acinar glands D) alveolar glands E) simple coiled tubular Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Unicellular exocrine glands are ________. A) mixed exocrine glands B) connected to a surface by ducts C) also called goblet cells D) arranged in a secretory sheet E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Exocrine glands, which secrete a watery solution that usually contains enzymes are called ________. A) mucous glands B) endocrine glands C) serous glands D) mixed exocrine glands E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) An epithelium always has an exposed surface, which is referred to as the ________ surface. A) basal B) lateral C) apical D) intercellular E) basolateral Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Epithelia ________. A) provide sensation B) control permeability C) protect surfaces D) produce specialized secretions E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) The ________ is a complex structure produced by the epithelium and cells of the underlying connective tissue. A) apical surface B) basement membrane C) ciliated epithelium D) microvillus E) stereocilium Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) ________ epithelia are quite rare; they are found lining the ducts of sweat glands and in larger ducts of some other exocrine glands, such as mammary glands. A) Simple cuboidal B) Simple squamous C) Stratified columnar D) Stratified cuboidal E) Stratified squamous Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) ________ epithelium is the most delicate type in the body. A) Simple squamous B) Simple cuboidal C) Simple columnar D) Pseudostratified columnar E) Transitional Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) A transitional epithelium ________. A) provides specialized protection along the pharynx, urethra, and anus B) is a simple epithelium whose exposed epithelial cells typically possess cilia C) is usually found where mechanical stresses are severe D) provides limited protection and occurs in regions where absorption and secretion occur E) has a special characteristic that allows for considerable distention of the epithelium without damaging the component cells Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Functions of connective tissue include ________. A) establishing a structural framework for the body B) transporting fluid and dissolved materials from one body region to another C) protecting delicate organs D) supporting, surrounding, and interconnecting other tissue types E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Which of the following cells can be found in connective tissue? A) mesenchymal cells B) fibroblasts C) eosinophils D) mast cells E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Loose connective tissue proper contains ________. A) fixed and wandering cells B) a tight framework C) parallel, packed fibers D) a solid ground substance E) only elastic fibers Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Most energy storage in the body is accomplished by which of the following cells? A) adipocytes B) melanocytes C) macrophages D) fibroblasts E) lymphocytes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Small, mobile connective tissue cells that release chemicals (after injury or infection), which stimulate the inflammatory response, are known as ________. A) lymphocytes B) adipocytes C) microphages D) free macrophages E) mast cells Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) The type of cartilage that is specialized to resist compression is ________. A) osteocartilage B) fibrous cartilage C) elastic cartilage D) hyaline cartilage E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Almost all bone surfaces are covered by ________. A) stratified squamous epithelial tissue B) hyaline cartilage C) loose connective tissue D) lacunae E) periosteum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Which of the following comprises a list of the most closely related connective tissue types? A) adipose tissue, tendon, blood, lymph, bone B) elastic cartilage, fibrocartilage, skin C) tendon, blood, lymph, reticular tissue D) areolar tissue, tendon, bone, cartilage E) reticular tissue, areolar, adipose tissue Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Extracellular fibers and ________ comprise the matrix that surrounds the cells of a connective tissue. A) melanocytes B) ground substance C) fibroblasts D) mesenchymal cells E) neutrophils and eosinophils Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) The connective tissue type that has a distinctive population of cells suspended in a fluid matrix is called ________. A) cartilage B) reticular tissue C) blood D) lymph E) osseous tissue Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Liposuction is a surgical procedure for reducing subcutaneous ________ tissue. A) adipose B) areolar connective C) reticular D) fibrous cartilage E) dense regular connective Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) The relatively few ________ residing in connective tissues engulf damaged or dead cells or invading pathogens, and release chemicals that attract many more cells to activate the immune system. A) mast cells B) mesenchymal cells C) fibrocytes D) fixed macrophages E) monocytes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) When a local injury or infection damages or destroys connective tissues, the ________ respond by dividing to produce daughter cells that differentiate into fibroblasts, or other connective tissue cells. A) resting macrophages B) fibrocytes C) mucoid connective tissue D) mesenchymal cells E) mast cells Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) A(n) ________ consists of 3 fibrous protein subunits wound together like the strands of a rope; it is flexible, yet very strong when pulled by either end. A) collagen fiber B) parenchyma C) elastic fiber D) reticular fiber E) fibroblast Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) ________ is highly vascularized, very active biochemically, and its individual cells contain numerous mitochondria, which gives the tissue a deep, rich color. A) Elastic tissue B) Reticular tissue C) White adipose tissue D) Areolar connective tissue E) Brown adipose tissue Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) ________ tissue provides a supporting framework of the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. A) Dense irregular B) Areolar C) Adipose D) Elastic E) Reticular Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Tendons, aponeuroses, and ligaments are all composed of ________ connective tissue, which contains tightly packed collagen fibers aligned parallel to applied forces. A) dense regular B) osseous C) cartilaginous D) reticular E) areolar Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) Elastic connective tissues ________. A) are comprised of collagenous sheets or ribbons that resemble flat, broad tendons B) often contain significant numbers of elastic fibers as well as collagen fibers; and usually connect cartilage-to-cartilage, bone to cartilage, or one bone to another bone C) often underlie transitional epithelia; and are also found in the walls of blood vessels and surrounding the respiratory passageways D) are actually cords of dense regular connective tissue that attach skeletal muscles to bones and cartilage E) form an interwoven meshwork and do not show any consistent pattern; it provides strength and support to areas subjected to stresses from many directions Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) The fibers in ________ connective tissue form an interwoven meshwork that does not show any consistent pattern, but maintains tensile strength in all directions. A) reticular B) dense irregular C) periosteal D) areolar E) elastic Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) In cartilage, ________ growth occurs when stem cells of the inner layer of the perichondrium divide repeatedly; the innermost cells differentiate into chondroblasts that produce new cartilage matrix. A) superficial B) appositional C) subserous D) interstitial E) synovial Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Membranes are formed by the combination of which tissues? A) epithelial and connective B) epithelial and muscle C) connective and muscle D) muscle and neural E) connective and neural Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

49) Mucous membranes ________. A) line the ventral body cavities that are enclosed B) keep connective tissue surfaces moist at all times C) are lined by stratified epithelia that perform absorptive or secretory functions D) line passageways that communicate with the exterior and form a barrier that resists the entry of pathogens E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Which of the following describes the major function of serous membranes? A) Each consists of a mesothelium supported by dense connective tissue. B) They line body cavities that communicate with the exterior. C) They are loosely attached to the body wall and to the organs they cover. D) Their parietal and visceral portions never touch. E) Tiny amounts of transudate formed on the surfaces of the membrane reduce friction. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Which of the following consists of extensive areas of areolar tissue bounded by an incomplete superficial layer of squamous or cuboidal cells? A) superficial fascia B) cutaneous membrane C) sarcolemma D) mucous membrane E) synovial membrane Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Which membrane is thick, relatively waterproof, and usually dry? A) hypodermis B) cutaneous membrane C) deep fascia D) subserous fascia E) synovial membrane Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) A serous membrane consists of ________ (a simple squamous epithelium), which is supported by areolar connective tissue rich in blood and lymphatic vessels. A) lamina propria B) basal lamina C) deep fascia D) mesothelium E) sarcoplasm Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) The areolar tissue component of a mucous membrane is called the ________. A) lamina lucida B) transudate C) lamina propria D) mesothelium E) lamina densa Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) The ________, a type of serous membrane, covers the lungs and lines the thoracic cavity. A) peritoneum B) pleura C) parenchyma D) pericardium E) periosteum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Synovial membranes ________. A) consist of extensive areas of areolar tissue bounded by a basal lamina B) consist of a cellular layer complete with tight junctions between adjacent cells C) cover the entire surface of the body and consist of a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and an underlying layer of areolar connective tissue that is reinforced by a layer of dense connective tissue D) are comprised of areolar tissue component called lamina propria and often lined by simple epithelia that perform absorptive or secretory functions E) contain "epithelial cells" derived from macrophages and fibroblasts of the adjacent connective tissue Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) Connective tissues form the internal framework of the body that does which of the following? A) provides strength and stability B) maintains the relative positions of internal organs C) provides a route for the distribution of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Loose connective tissue layers that lie between deep fascia and serous membranes, and line body cavities is called ________. A) superficial fascia B) intermuscular fascia C) subcutaneous layer D) subserous fascia E) hypodermis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) The superficial fascia, also called the ________, is the layer of loose connective tissue that separates the skin from underlying tissues and organs. A) cutaneous fascia B) dermis C) intermuscular fascia D) subcutaneous layer E) reticular lamina Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) The layer of dense regular connective tissue that is bound to capsules, tendons, and ligaments is called ________. A) deep fascia B) subserous fascia C) lamina propria D) reticular lamina E) subcutaneous layer Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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61) Muscle tissue located in layers around the digestive tract is called ________. A) smooth muscle B) crenulated muscle C) skeletal muscle D) cardiac muscle E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) Which of the following is characteristic of cardiac muscle tissue? A) consists of a branching network of interconnected muscle cells B) individual cells have many, irregularly shaped nuclei C) can replace cells and regenerate after an injury D) contracts only with nervous stimulation E) also called striated voluntary muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) Skeletal muscle tissue contains large fibers that are ________. A) multinucleated B) involuntary C) nonstriated D) controlled by pacesetter cells E) connected by intercalated discs Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Features of smooth muscle tissue include ________. A) its exclusive location in the heart B) multiple nuclei (usually) for each cell C) the presence of striations D) intercalated discs and multinucleated E) having a single nucleus (usually) for each cell and regenerative capabilities Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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65) Muscle tissue is unique in its ability to ________. A) repair itself after damage B) produce powerful contractions C) transmit electrical impulses D) regulate the composition of interstitial fluid E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) In the neck and limbs, the deep fascia ________. A) covers the external surface of the body B) is a layer of loose connective tissue, which prevents the distortion of the delicate lining of organs during movement of muscles or muscular organs C) divides the muscles into compartments or groups that are different functionally and developmentally D) is lined by simple epithelium that performs absorptive or secretory functions E) consists of areolar connective tissue, minimizing friction between opposing surfaces Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) Although skeletal muscle fibers cannot divide, new muscle fibers can be produced through the division of ________, which are stem cells that persist in adult skeletal muscle. A) pacemaker cells B) myosatellite cells C) osteocytes D) periosteal stem cells E) mast cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) Cardiac muscle fibers form extensive connections with one another at specialized regions called ________. A) sarcolemmae B) intermuscular fascia C) soma D) intercalated discs E) striations Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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69) Which of the following is a cell process that receives incoming electrical impulses? A) soma B) neuroglia C) dendrites D) nerve fibers E) axon Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) Neural tissue is characterized by ________. A) extremely long cells B) cells with branching processes C) neuroglia with varied functions D) the ability to transmit electrical impulses E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 71) Neuroglia ________. A) provide a supporting framework for neural tissue B) regulate the composition of interstitial fluid C) provide nutrients to neurons D) provide a supporting framework for neural tissue and provide nutrients to neurons E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 72) Cancer of smooth muscles is called ________. A) fibrosarcomas B) myelomas C) leiomyosarcomas D) rhabdomyosarcomas E) adenocarcinomas Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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73) In aging women, the reduction in bone strength known as ________ is often caused by a combination of inactivity, low dietary calcium intake, and diminished circulating estrogen levels. A) arthritis B) lipolysis C) ossification D) abrasion E) osteoporosis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 74) During embryological development, the actual embryo is formed by the ________. A) inner cell mass B) trophoblast C) blastocyst D) mesoderm E) zygote Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 75) In the formation of a(n) ________, the connecting cells disappear, and the cells secrete into blood vessels or into the surrounding tissue fluids. A) loose connective tissue B) endocrine gland C) respiratory epithelium D) exocrine gland E) cutaneous membrane Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3.2 True/False Questions 1) Multiple layers of cells, found where mechanical stresses are severe, are called simple cuboidal epithelium. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Cuboidal cells resemble little hexagonal boxes, which appear square in typical sectional views. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) Transitional cells are relatively tall, slender cells with nuclei in a narrow band close to the basement membrane. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) In eccrine secretion, secretory products are released from gland cells through exocytosis onto the surface of the cell. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Apocrine secretion occurs when gland cells shed the apical portion of their cytoplasm, which has become packed with secretory vesicles. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Endocrine secretions are discharged, often through a duct, onto the surface of the skin or on the epithelial lining of an internal passageway that communicates with the exterior. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Holocrine secretion occurs when a gland cell becomes packed with secretory products and then bursts apart; the secretion is released and the cell dies. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Exocrine secretory products (hormones) are released, via exocytosis from the gland cells, into the fluid surrounding the cells. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) The supporting structural material of the epiglottis is elastic cartilage. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Pads between the spinal vertebrae consist of the structural material called hyaline cartilage. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) The tough but somewhat flexible material that covers the articular surfaces within synovial joints is hyaline cartilage. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Cords of dense regular connective tissue that attach skeletal muscles to bones and cartilage are called tendons. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Relatively long, cylindrical, and multinucleate cells are characteristic of skeletal muscle cells. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 3.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3.3 Essay Questions 1) What are the main structural differences between cartilage and bone? Answer: In cartilage, blood vessels are absent and chondrocytes occupy lacunae; whereas, in bone, vascularity is extensive and osteocytes reside in lacunae. Cartilage has a matrix that is equivalent to a firm gel, consisting of chondroitin sulfates with proteins that form hydrated proteoglycans, and collagen, elastic, and reticular fibers whose proportions vary according to the type of cartilage. This combination gives cartilage the quality of limited strength in that it bends easily but is difficult to break. In contrast, bone matrix is comprised of insoluble crystals of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate, and collagen fibers predominate. Together, these constituents attribute the quality of strength and limited flexibility to bone, making it very resistant to shattering. Other structural and characteristic differences are as follows: cartilage is externally covered by a 2-layered perichondrium; bone is covered by a 2-layered periosteum; cartilage has low oxygen demand and receives nutrients by diffusion through the matrix; whereas, bone has high oxygen demand and receives nutrients by diffusion through the cytoplasm and fluid in canaliculi. Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) In what regions of the body could you expect to find dense irregular connective tissue, and why would the tissue be located in these regions? Answer: Dense irregular connective tissue is found in the dermis, where it gives the skin strength and allows it to resist stresses from many directions. Except at joints, dense irregular connective tissue also forms a sheath around cartilage (the perichondrium) and bone (the periosteum), thus mainly providing external protection. It also forms a thick, fibrous capsule that surrounds many internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, and spleen. And it encloses the cavities of joints. Its function in these cases is to also provide strength and support to such areas subjected to stresses from many directions. Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) How does a ligament differ from a tendon? Answer: Tendons are cords of dense regular connective tissue that attach skeletal muscles to bones and cartilage. The collagen fibers run along the longitudinal axis of the tendon and transfer the pull of the contracting muscle to the bone or cartilage. Although ligaments resemble tendons, they function solely to connect cartilage-to-cartilage, bone to cartilage, and one bone to another. Ligaments may contain significant numbers of elastic as well as collagen fibers, and therefore can tolerate a modest amount of stretching. Elastic ligaments have a higher proportion of elastic fibers and are found in such locations as along the spinal column, to stabilize the positions of the vertebrae. Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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4) Why is skeletal muscle called striated voluntary muscle? Answer: Skeletal muscle fibers are called striated because they have a banded, or striated, appearance due to the presence of actin and myosin filaments, which are arranged in parallel within organized functional groups. Skeletal muscle is considered a voluntary muscle because the fibers normally will not contract unless stimulated by nerves, and the nervous system provides voluntary control over their activities. Learning Outcome: 3.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 5) Why is the ability of cardiac muscle to repair itself more limited than that of smooth muscle? Answer: Cardiac muscle fibers are incapable of dividing, and cardiac muscle tissue lacks myosatellite cells, which divide to produce new muscle fibers. Thus, cardiac muscle tissue damaged by injury or disease cannot regenerate. However, smooth muscles cells can divide, and smooth muscle tissue can therefore regenerate after an injury. Learning Outcome: 3.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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3.4 Labeling Questions Figure 3.1

Using the figure above, answer the following questions. 1) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label A. A) Plasma membrane B) Matrix C) Lamina lucida D) Peritoneum E) Cytoplasm Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label B. A) Mitochondrion B) Nucleus C) Lysosome D) Golgi apparatus E) Ribosome Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) What type of epithelium comprises the lining of the peritoneal cavity, which is featured in the top group of diagrams (Fig. 3.1a)? A) Simple cuboidal B) Simple columnar C) Simple squamous D) Transitional E) Stratified cuboidal Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label D. A) Columnar superficial cells B) Squamous superficial cells C) Basal cells D) Cuboidal superficial cells E) Hypodermal cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label E. A) Stem cells B) Fibrocytes C) Unicellular gland cells D) Melanocytes E) Mast cells Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label F. A) Lamina propria B) Apical lamina C) Adipose layer D) Basement membrane E) Mucous layer Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) What type of epithelium comprises the surface of the tongue, which is featured in the bottom group of diagrams (Fig. 3.1 b)? A) Stratified columnar B) Pseudostratified columnar C) Stratified cuboidal D) Stratified squamous E) Transitional Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 3.2

Using the figure above, identify the gland features and types. 8) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label A. A) Gland cells B) Stem cells C) Fibrocytes D) Mast cells E) Monocytes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label B. A) Transudate B) Mucin C) Duct D) Capsule E) Fascia Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the gland indicated by Label C. A) Simple alveolar B) Simple tubuloalveolar C) Simple acinar D) Simple coiled tubular E) Simple tubular Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the gland indicated by Label D. A) Simple branched tubular B) Simple branched alveolar C) Simple acinar D) Simple coiled alveolar E) Simple coiled tubular Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the gland indicated by Label E. A) Compound tubular B) Simple branched tubular C) Compound acinar D) Simple acinar E) Simple branched acinar Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the gland indicated by Label F. A) Simple tubular B) Simple alveolar C) Compound tubular D) Compound acinar E) Simple coiled acinar Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) Identify the gland indicated by Label G. A) Simple coiled acinar B) Simple branched tubular C) Simple tubular D) Simple branched alveolar E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the gland indicated by Label H. A) Compound tubular B) Compound coiled acinar C) Compound tubuloalveolar D) Compound branched tubular E) Compound alveolar Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the gland indicated by Label I. A) Compound branched acinar B) Compound branched tubular C) Compound alveolar D) Compound tubuloalveolar E) Compound coiled tubular Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the gland indicated by Label J. A) Compound tubuloalveolar B) Compound branched alveolar C) Compound coiled tubular D) Compound acinar E) Compound coiled alveolar Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 3.3

Using the figure above, answer the following questions. 18) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label E. A) Fibrocytes B) Chondrocytes C) Melanocytes D) Osteocytes E) Monocytes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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19) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label C. A) Reticular fibers B) Ground substance C) Elastic fibers D) Striated muscle E) Collagen fibers Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label B. A) Mast cell B) Mesenchymal cell C) Ribosome D) Fixed cell E) Phagocytic cell Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label A. A) Collagen fibers B) Microfilaments C) Reticular fibers D) Elastic fibers E) Neurofilaments Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label G. A) Lymphocytes B) Plasmocytes C) Adipocytes D) Monocytes E) Phagocytes Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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23) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label H. A) Elastic fibers B) Microtubules C) Intermediate fibers D) Microfilaments E) Reticular fibers Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 3.4

24) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label B. A) Compact bone B) Lamellae C) Perichondrium D) Canaliculi E) Spongy bone Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label C. A) Lamellae B) Lacunae C) Osteocytes D) Canaliculi E) Reticulum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label F. A) Trabeculae B) Periosteum C) Basal lamina D) Perichondrium E) Peritoneum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label G. A) Trabeculae B) Spongy bone C) Cutaneous membrane D) Compact bone E) Perichondrium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label H. A) Satellite cell B) Volkmann's canal C) Fasciculus D) Osteon E) CAM Answer: D Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label I. A) Central canal B) Lacunae C) Canaliculi D) Soma E) Dendritic processes Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label J. A) Soma B) Chondrocytes C) Plasmocytes D) Blastocysts E) Osteocytes Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label K. A) Cytoplasm B) Trabeculae C) Matrix D) Sarcoplasm E) Spicules Answer: C Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label L. A) Central canal B) Lacuna C) Lymphatic duct D) Canaliculus E) Serous duct Answer: A Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label N. A) Basal layer B) Subcutaneous layer C) Lamina lucida D) Apical layer E) Fibrous layer Answer: E Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label O. A) Deep fascia B) Cellular layer C) Synovial layer D) Lamina densa E) Basal layer Answer: B Learning Outcome: 3.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 4 The Integumentary System 4.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following layers of the cutaneous membrane stores lipid reserves? A) subcutaneous layer B) stratum basale C) stratum corneum D) papillary layer of dermis E) stratum granulosum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The integument is separated from the deep fascia around the other organs by (the) ________. A) epidermis B) dermis C) subcutaneous layer D) cutaneous membrane E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Which of the following is a function of the epidermis? A) excretes B) stores lipids C) synthesizes vitamin D3 D) regulates body temperature E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Which of the following cell types trigger an immune response in the stratum spinosum? A) Langerhans (dendritic) cells B) keratinocytes C) melaocytes D) mast cells E) Merkel cells Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) The epidermis in a section of thin skin includes the following four layers. In what order do these occur, from the basal lamina to the superficial surface? (1) stratum granulosum (2) stratum corneum (3) stratum basale (4) stratum spinosum A) 1, 2, 3, 4 B) 3, 4, 1, 2 C) 4, 3, 2, 1 D) 3, 2, 4, 1 E) 1, 3, 4, 2 Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Merkel cells are found in which epidermal layer? A) stratum corneum B) stratum spinosum C) stratum lucidum D) stratum basale E) stratum granulosum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The epidermis is primarily composed of which type of epithelium? A) stratified squamous B) stratified cuboidal C) simple squamous D) simple columnar E) transitional Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) It takes ________ for a cell to move from the stratum basale to the stratum corneum. A) 10-24 hours B) 15-30 days C) 3-7 days D) 2-3 weeks E) 2-3 months Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Skin color is due to ________. A) dermal blood supply B) ultraviolet exposure C) melanin D) carotene E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The most abundant cells in the epidermis are ________. A) melanocytes B) keratinocytes C) Merkel cells D) Langerhans cells E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Specialized epithelial cells in the stratum basale, which release chemicals that stimulate sensory nerve endings, are called ________. A) melanocytes B) Merkel cells C) Langerhans cells D) keratinocytes E) stem cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The most superficial layer of the epidermis in which all the cells still possess a nucleus is the ________. A) stratum corneum B) stratum basale C) stratum spinosum D) stratum granulosum E) stratum lucidum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Which epidermal layer is not distinguishable in thin skin, and cells do not stain well in standard histological preparations? A) stratum spinosum B) stratum basale C) stratum corneum D) stratum granulosum E) stratum lucidum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Skin surfaces that lack hair contain specialized epithelial cells called ________, which are sensitive to touch. A) melanocytes B) keratinocytes C) Merkel cells D) Eccrine glands E) Langerhans cells Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Thick skin can be found on the sole and the ________. A) scalp B) back of thorax C) abdomen D) palm E) knee surface Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Cyanosis is a result of ________. A) increased carotene B) sustained reduction of oxygen content in blood C) decreased melanin D) increased vitamin D E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Carotene normally accumulates inside ________. A) melanocytes B) Merkel cells C) Langerhans cells D) apocrine glands E) keratinocytes Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Each keratinocyte in the ________ contains tonofibrils. A) stratum corneum B) stratum basale C) stratum granulosum D) stratum spinosum E) papillary layer of dermis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) In the dermis, repeated ultraviolet exposure can result in damage to ________, causing abnormal connective tissue structure and premature wrinkling. A) Langerhans cells B) Merkel cells C) sebaceous glands D) fibrocytes E) melanocytes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) The epidermal layer that is found only in thick skin is called ________. A) stratum corneum B) stratum basale C) stratum granulosum D) stratum spinosum E) stratum lucidum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Which of the following structures produce black, yellow-brown, or brown pigment? A) tactile corpuscles B) Ruffini corpuscles C) lamellated corpuscles D) melanocytes E) Merkel cells Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) The superficial layer of the dermis consists of ________. A) stratified squamous epithelial tissue B) loose connective tissue C) denser regular connective tissue D) dense irregular connective tissue E) simple cuboidal epithelial tissue Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Wrinkles in the skin can be caused by ________. A) increasing age B) changes in levels of hormones C) the effects of ultraviolet radiation D) distortion of the dermis during pregnancy or weight gain E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Nerve fibers in the skin are found in which of the following layers? A) epidermis B) reticular layer of dermis C) papillary layer of dermis D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) The blood supply to the skin is called (the) ________. A) brachial plexus B) cutaneous plexus C) celiac plexus D) venous anastomosis E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Basal cell carcinoma originates in this layer of the skin. A) stratum basale of epidermis B) papillary layer of dermis C) reticular layer of dermis D) subcutaneous layer E) stratum corneum of epidermis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) ________ reflect the orientation of collagen fibers in the dermis of the skin. A) Tension lines B) Tactile discs C) Wrinkles D) Stretch marks E) All of these choices are correct Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) The subcutaneous layer is important in ________. A) connecting the dermis to the epidermis B) stabilizing the position of the skin in relation to underlying tissues C) preventing unacceptable water losses through the skin D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) The subcutaneous layer consists of loose connective tissue with abundant ________. A) keratinocytes B) adipocytes C) Merkel cells D) melanocytes E) sebaceous glands Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Which of the following is not present in the subcutaneous layer which allows this area to be advantageous for injections? A) vital organs B) capillaries C) adipose D) nerve fibers E) lymphatic vessels Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Eccrine sweat glands ________. A) are most common in the axilla B) are the same as apocrine glands C) function in thermoregulation D) are usually attached to hair follicles E) produce a potentially odorous secretion Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) A single layer of dead, keratinized cells at the outer surface of the hair overlap and form the ________. A) cortex B) cuticle C) medulla D) soft keratin E) external root sheath Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Functions of the hair on the body include ________. A) protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation B) cushioning blows C) providing insulating benefits D) providing nervous sensation E) All of the answers are correct Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Which of the following parts of a hair is/are usually seen on the surface? A) cortex, medulla, follicle B) bulb, root, shaft C) follicle, bulb, cuticle, cortex D) hard keratin, bulb, root E) shaft only Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Fine hairs covering the general surface of the body are ________. A) vellus hairs B) terminal hairs C) intermediate hairs D) heavily pigmented hairs E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The cells found in sweat glands that function to squeeze sweat out of the gland are called ________. A) neuroepithelial cells B) stratified columnar cells C) transitional cells D) myoepithelial cells E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Which of the following terms refers to fine, unpigmented hairs, which first appear after roughly three months of embryonic development? A) lanugo B) vernix C) terminal D) vellus E) intermediate Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) At the end of a hair's growth cycle, which of the following occurs? A) The follicle becomes inactive. B) Club hairs form. C) Connections between the hair matrix and other structures break down. D) Old hair gets pushed toward the surface. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Variations in hair color reflect differences in hair structure and ________. A) variations in the pigments produced by melanocytes at the papilla B) age of the individual C) air bubbles in the medulla of the hair shaft D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) The two groups of sweat glands in the skin are ________. A) sebaceous and eccrine B) apocrine and endocrine C) holocrine and endocrine D) eccrine and apocrine E) adrenal and holocrine Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Functions of eccrine sweat glands include which combination of the following? (1) lubricating the skin (2) thermoregulation (3) inhibiting the growth of microorganisms (4) excretion of water, electrolytes, and some drugs A) 1, 2 B) 1, 2, 3 C) 1, 3 D) 2, 3, 4 E) 4, 5 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Sebaceous glands are often associated with ________. A) nails B) eccrine sweat glands C) hair follicles D) apocrine sweat glands E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) The most widely distributed type of sweat gland on the body is (the) ________. A) apocrine sweat gland B) eccrine sweat gland C) ceruminous gland D) myoepithelial gland E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Cerumen is commonly known as ________. A) salts B) proteins C) earwax D) water E) saliva Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) In children, ________ leads to a condition called cradle cap. A) acne B) dandruff C) seborrheic dermatitis D) cerumen E) folliculitis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Arrector pili consists of ________. A) skeletal muscle B) loose connective tissue C) smooth muscle D) adipocytes E) cardiac muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Most hairs have an inner ________ and an outer cortex. A) glassy membrane B) cuticle C) hair bulb D) connective tissue sheath E) medulla Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Sebum is produced by ________ glands. A) sebaceous B) eccrine C) apocrine D) ceruminous E) merocrine Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) Mammary glands are anatomically related to ________. A) sebaceous glands B) merocrine sweat glands C) ceruminous glands D) eccrine sweat glands E) apocrine sweat glands Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) The hair matrix is a layer of ________. A) loose connective tissue B) apocrine glands C) epithelium D) sebum E) dense connective tissue Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Folliculitis is a local inflammation of ________. A) sebaceous glands B) sudoriferous glands C) arrector pili D) apocrine glands E) merocrine glands Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Eyebrows and eyelashes are examples of ________ hairs. A) vellus B) terminal C) intermediate D) club E) lanugo Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) Ceruminous glands are ________ glands. A) oil B) sebaceous C) follicular D) sudoriferous E) milk-producing Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Sensible perspiration is a function of ________ glands. A) eccrine B) sebaceous C) apocrine D) milk-producing E) follicular Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) The cuticle is another name for the ________ of the nail. A) eponychium B) lunula C) bed D) hyponychium E) fold Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) A scab forms during the ________ phase of skin regeneration. A) inflammation B) migration C) prolferation D) scarring E) None of these choices are correct Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) Why is the skin capable of repair, even after serious damage? A) Individual skin cells have a high metabolic rate. B) Stem cells persist in both the epithelial and connective tissue components. C) Construction of scar tissue is easier than making normal skin. D) All layers of the skin have an excellent blood supply. E) There are abundant fibroblasts in the epidermis. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Which of the following characterizes step 4 of the regeneration of skin after an injury? A) bleeding at the site B) inflammatory response C) granulation tissue formation D) scar tissue formation E) activity leads to collagen fiber appearance Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) Calluses form when skin is subjected to mechanical stress, and cells in the ________ divide more rapidly. A) stratum corneum B) stratum spinosum C) stratum lucidum D) stratum granulosum E) stratum basale Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) The decrease in which of the following cells occurs with aging, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the immune system? A) Langerhans cells B) Merkel cells C) melanocytes D) keratinocytes E) tactile corpuscles Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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61) Which of the following effects of aging causes the elderly to be at greater risk of overheating in warm environments? A) thinning of the epidermis of the skin B) a decrease in the number of Langerhans cells C) a decrease in melanocyte activity D) a decrease in glandular activity E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) In older individuals, wrinkling of the skin occurs because of ________. A) thinning of the dermis B) a decrease of elastic fiber network size C) weakening of the integument D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) Age-induced weakening of muscles and reduction in bone strength are compounded by the skin's diminished production of ________, which is required for effective calcium uptake. A) sebum B) vitamin B12 C) vitamin D3 D) vitamin A E) vitamin B1 Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Which of these are not an effect of aging? A) epidermis thins B) melanocyte activity increases C) glandular activity decreases D) blood supply decreases E) dermis thins Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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4.2 True/False Questions 1) Merkel cells are located in the stratum spinosum. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The stratum basale is the layer of cells superficial to the stratum spinosum. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Chromosomal damage in basal cells or melanocytes can lead to skin cancer. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Sebaceous follicles communicate directly with the epidermis. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Ceruminous glands are milk-producing glands found in the breasts. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Earwax is produced by modified sebaceous glands. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The nail body covers the nail bed, but nail production occurs at the nail root. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) During repair, the combination of blood clot, fibroblasts, and an extensive capillary network, is called granulation tissue. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 4.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) In aging humans, the blood supply to the dermis is increased at the same time that sweat glands become less active. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 4.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4.3 Essay Questions 1) How does melanin protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet light? Answer: Melanin protects the skin from damage by absorbing the ultraviolet radiation before it damages chromosomes in the nuclei of cells in the epidermis and dermis. In other words, it functions as a limited shield against UV damagefor the nuclei Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) What is the clinical importance of tension lines / cleavage lines of the skin? Answer: Tension lines are important because a cut that runs parallel to them will usually remain closed; whereas, a cut at right angles to tension lines will sever elastic fibers in the skin and thus be pulled open as they recoil. Therefore, a parallel cut will heal faster and with less scarring than a cut at right angles to tension lines. Learning Outcome: 4.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) What is "baby fat" and what is its importance? Answer: "Baby fat" is extensive subcutaneous fat in infants and small children. This subcutaneous fat helps to reduce heat loss and serves as a substantial energy reserve and shock absorber for babies, who experience many bumps as they learn to walk and accomplish other physical activities. Learning Outcome: 4.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 4) What are the main differences between sebum and eccrine sweat? Answer: Sebum is a waxy, oily lipid secretion discharged by the sebaceous glands. It provides lubrication on the surface of the skin and inhibits the growth of bacteria. Eccrine sweat is a watery fluid, which consists of 99% water, some electrolytes (chiefly sodium chloride), metabolites, and waste products, secreted by this type of sweat glands. Eccrine sweat glands function in thermoregulation, excretion, and protection of the skin from environmental hazards. Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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5) Predict why acne worsens at puberty? Answer: Sebaceous glands and follicles are very sensitive to changes in concentrations of sex hormones. When the concentration of these hormones increases at puberty, the sebaceous glands are stimulated to secrete greater amounts of sebum. This can block sebaceous ducts as the secretions accumulate, causing inflammation and providing a fertile environment for bacterial infection. Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 6) How do eccrine glands function in excretion? Answer: The secretion from eccrine sweat glands provides a significant excretory route for water and electrolytes. It can also provide excretory routes for a number of prescription and nonprescription drugs. Learning Outcome: 4.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Why does hair turn gray or white in older individuals? Answer: As people age, hair follicles stop functioning or they produce finer, thinner hairs. Consequentially, decreased melanocyte activity results in hairs that become gray or white, due to either the loss of melanin or the presence of air bubbles in the medulla of the hair shafts. Learning Outcome: 4.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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4.4 Labeling Questions Figure 4.1

Using the figure above, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 1) What is the structure indicated by Label A? A) Epidermis B) Dermis C) Hypodermis D) Superficial fascia E) Subcutaneous layer Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2) What is the structure indicated by Label B? A) Hypodermis B) Epidermis C) Subcutaneous layer D) Superficial fascia E) Dermis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) What is the structure indicated by Label C? A) Stratum spinosum B) Stratum granulosum C) Papillary layer of dermis D) Stratum corneum E) Reticular layer of dermis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) What is the structure indicated by Label D? A) Stratum basale B) Reticular layer of dermis C) Stratum spinosum D) Papillary layer of dermis E) Stratum granulosum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) What is the structure indicated by Label E? A) Reticular layer of dermis B) Stratum corneum C) Stratum basale D) Subcutaneous layer E) Papillary layer of dermis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) What is the structure indicated by Label F? A) Hair follicle B) Arrector pili muscle C) Cutaneous plexus D) Sebaceous gland E) Hair shaft Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) What is the structure indicated by Label G? A) Pore of sweat gland duct B) Sebaceous gland C) Cutaneous plexus D) Papillary layer of dermis E) Reticular layer of dermis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) What is the structure indicated by Label H? A) Subpapillary plexus B) Cutaneous plexus C) Tactile corpuscle D) Sebaceous gland E) Lamellar corpuscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) What is the structure indicated by Label I? A) Sebaceous gland B) Lamellar corpuscle C) Subpapillary plexus D) Tactile corpuscle E) Cutaneous plexus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) What is the structure indicated by Label J? A) Sebaceous gland B) Lamellar corpuscle C) Cutaneous plexus D) Arrector pili muscle E) Subpapillary plexus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) What is the structure indicated by Label K? A) Sweat gland duct B) Tactile corpuscle C) Lamellar corpuscle D) Hair follicle E) Cutaneous plexus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) What is the structure indicated by Label L? A) Hair shaft B) Nerve fibers C) Tactile corpuscle D) Hair follicle E) Lamellar corpuscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) What is the structure indicated by Label M? A) Sebaceous gland B) Lamellar corpuscle C) Cutaneous plexus D) Subcapillary plexus E) Tactile corpuscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) What is the structure indicated by Label N? A) Nerve fiber B) Hair follicle C) Subpapillary plexus D) Lamellar corpuscle E) Cutaneous plexus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) What is the structure indicated by Label O? A) Sweat gland B) Subcutaneous plexus C) Lamellar corpuscle D) Sebaceous gland E) Tactile corpuscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) What is the structure indicated by Label R? A) Subpapillary plexus B) Lamellar corpuscle C) Cutaneous plexus D) Tactile corpuscle E) Sebaceous gland Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) What is the structure indicated by Label S? A) Fat B) Sebaceous gland C) Subcutaneous plexus D) Cutaneous plexus E) Nerve fibers Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 4.2

Using the above-referenced micrograph of the epidermis of thick skin, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 18) What is the structure indicated by Label A? A) Stratum spinosum B) Stratum basale C) Basal lamina D) Stratum corneum E) Stratum granulosum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

19) What is the structure indicated by Label B? A) Stratum basale B) Stratum lucidum C) Stratum granulosum D) Dermis E) Stratum spinosum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) What is the structure indicated by Label C? A) Stratum spinosum B) Basal lamina C) Stratum basale D) Dermis E) Stratum granulosum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) What is the structure indicated by Label D? A) Stratum spinosum B) Stratum corneum C) Basal lamina D) Stratum lucidum E) Stratum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) What is the structure indicated by Label E? A) Stratum granulosum B) Lamina lucida C) Stratum basale D) Stratum spinosum E) Dermis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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23) What is the structure indicated by Label F? A) Stratum basale B) Basal lamina C) Stratum spinosum D) Dermis E) Stratum lucidum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) What is the structure indicated by Label G? A) Stratum corneum B) Stratum basale C) Lamina densa D) Stratum spinosum E) Dermis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 4.3

Using the figure above, identify the specified labeled part indicated in each of the following questions. 25) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Dermis B) Superficial fascia C) Hypodermis D) Epidermis E) Subcutaneous layer Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

26) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Epidermal ridge B) Stratum corneum C) Pores of sweat glands D) Dermal papilla E) Stratum lucidum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Lamina lucida B) Reticular layer C) Dermal papilla D) Lamina densa E) Stratum basale Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Epidermis B) Deep fascia C) Subcutaneous layer D) Dermis E) Superficial fascia Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 4.4

Using the above-referenced drawing of the stratum basale of a dark-skinned person, indicate the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 29) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Melanosome B) Lamellar corpuscle C) Desmosome D) Langerhans cell E) Centrosome Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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30) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Dendritic cell B) Melanocyte C) Keratinocyte D) Merkel cell E) Adipocyte Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Keratin B) Nucleus C) Carotene D) Melanin E) Brown adipose cell Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Lymphocyte B) Merkel cell C) Keratinocyte D) Adipocyte E) Melanocyte Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Epidermis B) Basal lamina C) Superficial fascia D) Dermis E) Subcutaneous layer Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 4.5

Using the above-referenced drawing of a single hair follicle in longitudinal section, indicate the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 34) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Hair bulb B) Hair shaft C) Hair papilla D) Connective tissue sheath E) Hair root Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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35) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Hair papilla B) Hair bulb C) Connective tissue sheath D) Hair shaft E) Hair root Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Apocrine gland B) Serous gland C) Merocrine gland D) Sebaceous gland E) Eccrine gland Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Medulla B) Sweat gland duct C) Arrector pili muscle D) Hair root E) Connective tissue sheath Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Connective tissue sheath B) Dermal papilla C) Subcutaneous adipose tissue D) Arrector pili muscle E) Epidermal ridge Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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39) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Hair bulb B) Hair papilla C) Arrector pili muscle D) Cutaneous plexus E) Hair shaft Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Hair root B) Connective tissue sheath C) Hair papilla D) Hair shaft E) Hair bulb Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 4.6

Using the above-referenced micrographs and diagram, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 41) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Basal cell B) Merkel cell C) Myoepithelial cell D) Lactiferous cell E) Dendritic cell Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

42) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Epithelial tissue B) Adipose tissue C) Nervous tissue D) Connective tissue E) Muscle tissue Answer: D Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Merocrine gland cells B) Apocrine gland cells C) Eccrine gland cells D) Myoepithelial cells E) Basal cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Duct of apocrine sweat gland B) Arrector pili muscle C) Connective tissue sheath D) Duct of eccrine sweat gland E) Basal lamina Answer: A Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Artery of cutaneous plexus B) Sweat pore C) Hair shaft D) Capillary loop of subpapillary plexus E) Nerve fiber Answer: B Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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46) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Dendritic cells B) Apocrine gland cells C) Eccrine gland cells D) Lactiferous cells E) Myoepithelial cells Answer: C Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Holocrine gland B) Lactiferous gland C) Apocrine sweat gland D) Sebaceous gland E) Eccrine sweat gland Answer: E Learning Outcome: 4.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 5 The Skeletal System: Osseous Tissue and Skeletal Structure 5.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which is a major function of the skeletal system? A) support of the body B) storage of glucose C) production of ATP D) maintenance of interstitial fluid composition E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The skeletal system participates in ________. A) maintaining bodily fluids calcium levels B) absorbing the shock of unexpected rapid body movements C) facilitating transmission of nerve impulses D) cushioning abdominal organs such as the kidneys E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) In addition to osseous tissue, a typical bone contains ________. A) other connective tissues B) smooth muscle tissues (in blood vessel walls) C) neural tissues D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Which of the following is produced within red bone marrow? A) blood cells B) adipose tissue C) calcium D) protein E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) Osseous tissue is classified as which of the following? A) neural tissue B) muscle tissue C) connective tissue D) epithelial tissue E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The matrix of bone include ________. A) calcium phosphate B) calcium hydroxide C) calcium carbonate D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Mature bone cells that maintain and monitor the protein and mineral content of the surrounding matrix are called ________. A) osteocytes B) osteoprogenitor cells C) osteoblasts D) osteoclasts E) osteoplasts Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Which type of cell divides to produce daughter cells that can differentiate readily after a bone is cracked or broken? A) osteocyte B) osteoprogenitor cell C) red marrow cell D) osteoclast E) osteoblast Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The function of an osteoclast in osseous tissue is ________. A) to produce new bone matrix B) to dissolve old bone matrix and release amino acids and the stored calcium and phosphate C) to secrete the organic components of the matrix D) to produce new osteoblasts E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) A bone cell that secretes the organic components of bone matrix is ________. A) stimulated by activity of the thyroid gland B) an osteoclast C) an osteoblast D) an osteocyte E) located in a lacuna Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Which of the following is a special characteristic of spongy bone? A) lacunae B) medullary cavity C) trabeculae D) central canal E) canaliculi Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) In osseous tissue, which of the following is always removing matrix and releasing minerals? A) nerves B) capillaries C) osteons D) osteocytes E) osteoclasts Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) The diaphysis is connected to the epiphysis by a narrow zone called the ________. A) medulla B) lacuna C) metaphysis D) periosteum E) endosteum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Layers of bone that occur at the external and internal surfaces of the bone are referred to as ________. A) concentric lamellae B) interstitial lamellae C) circumferential lamellae D) radial lamellae E) longitudinal lamellae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The two types of osseous tissue are ________. A) Haversian and lamellar bones B) spongy and compact bones C) trabecular and osteoclastic bones D) spicular and trabecular bones E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The functional unit of mature compact bones is called the cylindrical ________. A) trabeculae B) osteons C) lamellae D) canaliculi E) perforating canals Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Perforating canals ________. A) are arranged parallel to the surface of the bone B) are always associated with osteons in spongy bone C) transmit blood vessels to osteons deep inside the bone D) occur in growing juvenile bone, but are obliterated in adult bone E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Which of the following describes a central canal? A) contains an artery B) contains a vein C) runs parallel to bone surface D) also called Haversian canal E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The endosteum is best described as ________. A) a tissue that is active during the growth or repair of bone B) the inside lining of the central canals and perforating canals C) a layer that covers the trabeculae of spongy bone D) an incomplete layer E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) The periosteum ________. A) covers the outside of bones B) covers articular cartilage C) consists of an inner fibrous layer of dense fibrous connective tissue D) lines the medullary cavity E) is vital in blood cell formation Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Calcium phosphate interacts with ________ to form hydroxyapatite. A) collagen B) blood vessels C) calcium hydroxide D) oxygen E) potassium carbonate Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) The yellow marrow that fills the medullary cavities of many bones is dominated by ________. A) adipocytes B) immature red blood cells C) stem cells D) mature red blood cells E) osteocytes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Because they are strong and relatively inflexible, ________ enable bone to withstand the stress of compression. A) collagen fibers B) calcium phosphate crystals C) reticular fibers D) osteocytes E) osteoclasts Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Because they resist stretch, the ________ fibers provide the tensile strength of bone. A) calcium phosphate B) hydroxyapatite C) sodium phosphate D) collagen E) calcium hydroxide Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) The surface of all bones are covered by a layer of ________. A) spongy bone B) spicules C) trabecular bone D) cancellous bone E) compact bone Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) ________ are struts or plates within spongy bone which assist in withstanding stresses in a specific direction. A) Lamellae B) Lacunae C) Perforating canals D) Central canals E) Trabeculae Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) The physical process of bone formation is called ________. A) disintegration B) osteogenesis C) embryogenesis D) fertilization E) articulation Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Roofing bones of the skull form via ________ ossification. A) synovial B) intramembranous C) intrachondral D) symphyseal E) endochondral Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Which of the following statements is/are true of the growth of the skeleton? A) It begins to ossify at eight weeks of gestational age. B) All bone formation ceases immediately after the end of adolescence. C) Calcification of bones does not occur until an infant begins to learn to walk. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Endochondral ossification begins with ________. A) hyaline cartilage B) elastic cartilage C) fibrocartilage D) articular cartilage E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Regarding long bone formation, bone development proceeds from the ________ in the shaft. A) trabecula B) spicule C) Haversian system D) primary ossification center E) secondary ossification center Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The deposit of calcium salts within a tissue is called ________. A) calcification B) ossification C) osteogenesis D) hardening E) osteolysis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Which of the following occurs during endochondral ossification? A) Osteocytes differentiate within a mesenchymal or fibrous connective tissue. B) Osteoclasts secrete the organic component of the matrix. C) Osteoblasts lay down bone on a membranous template. D) The bone grows in length and in diameter. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) During endochondral bone formation, ________. A) the matrix of the cartilage model becomes calcified B) cells of the perichondrium differentiate into osteoblasts C) capillaries and osteoblasts migrate into the heart of the cartilage D) osteoclasts erode the center of the new bone to form a marrow cavity E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) A long bone increases in length until ________. A) appositional growth starts B) the body runs out of calcium C) epiphyseal closure occurs D) expansion of the secondary ossification centers ends E) death; bones grow as long as we are alive Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) What is the fate of the chondrocytes that are present where bone is forming? A) They move to a different region where bone has not yet formed. B) They die and disintegrate, leaving cavities within the cartilage. C) They remain within the bone matrix. D) They line the central canals of the growing bone. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Bones have a vascular supply that is ________. A) very extensive, including many arteries and veins branching throughout the bone B) very poor; bones are not living, so blood is not needed C) supplied simply by one artery D) poor, therefore healing is very limited E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Which of the following describes how bones are innervated? A) Bones are not innervated. B) Only the periosteum is innervated. C) The periosteum and endosteum are innervated by motor nerves. D) Only the endosteum, marrow cavity, and epiphyses are innervated. E) The periosteum, endosteum, medullary cavity, and epiphyses are innervated by sensory nerves. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) What is the mechanism of marrow cavity enlargement in a long bone? A) There is no mechanism; once formed, the marrow cavity does not change in size. B) As bone matrix is added to the external surface, osteoclasts remove matrix in the center of the bone to enlarge the cavity. C) Blood vessels entering the marrow cavity enlarge it by eroding away the inner surface of the bone. D) The bone marrow cavity only increases in length, as the epiphyseal plates move apart. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) If a long bone that was found at an archeological dig contained functional epiphyseal plates, what inference is most accurate? A) The person was a male. B) The person was not mature. C) The person had many injuries. D) The person was elderly. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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41) Increased levels of calcium in the blood of a pregnant woman would stimulate the secretion of ________, which would increase calcium loss in the urine. A) calcitonin B) calcitriol C) parathyroid hormone D) thyroid hormone E) growth hormone Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) How do hormones regulate the pattern of bone growth? A) They don't; hormones are not involved in bone growth processes. B) They change the rates of osteoblast and osteoclast activity. C) They control the rate of movement of the epiphyseal line. D) They ensure that intramembranous ossification occurs throughout life. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Which of the following acts on the intestine, requiring calcitriol production by the kidneys? A) growth hormone B) parathyroid hormone C) calcitonin D) calcitriol E) thyroid hormone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Which of the following is the active form of calcitriol? A) calcium B) vitamin A C) vitamin C D) vitamin D E) sodium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) As a long bone develops, the point where osteoblasts first replace calcified cartilage with spongy bone becomes the ________, from which further development proceeds. A) primary ossification center B) metaphysis C) periosteum D) secondary ossification center E) epiphyseal line Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) An abnormal gene on chromosome 15 that affects the protein fibrillin results in this disorder. A) Marfan syndrome B) rickets C) gigantism D) acromegaly E) osteomalacia Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) The vessels supplying blood to the inner (diaphyseal) surface of each epiphyseal cartilage, where bone is replacing cartilage, are called ________ vessels. A) periosteal B) epiphyseal C) metaphyseal D) endochondral E) endosteal Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Blood vessels that supply the ends of long bones are called ________ vessels. A) endochondral B) metaphyseal C) periosteal D) epiphyseal E) endosteal Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) An individual with otherwise normal features, but having very short limbs, may have a condition known as ________, in which epiphyseal cartilages grow unusually slowly. A) gigantism B) achondroplasia C) Marfan's syndrome D) osteomalacia E) rickets Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Children whose bones bend laterally producing a bowlegged appearance is a result of ________. A) gigantism B) acromeagaly C) Marfan's syndrome D) osteomalacia E) rickets Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Each year, approximately ________ of the adult skeleton is demolished and then rebuilt or replaced. A) 1/2 (50%) B) 1/4 (25%) C) 1/3 (33.33%) D) 100% E) 1/5 (20%) Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Bone mass reduction occurs initially between the ages of ________. A) 10-20 B) 20-30 C) 50-60 D) 30-40 E) 40-50 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) Which of the following is important as a stimulus that maintains normal bone structure, especially in growing children, postmenopausal women, and elderly men? A) regular exercise B) hormone supplements C) cosmetic surgery D) mega doses of vitamins E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Which of the following are recommended to slow the progression of osteoporosis? A) supplemental estrogen B) dietary increase of calcium C) exercise D) calcitonin E) All of these choices are correct Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) A fracture of a bone that is the result of a twisting stress that spreads along the length of the bone is called a(n) ________. A) Pott fracture B) comminuted fracture C) greenstick fracture D) spiral fracture E) compression fracture Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Which of the following type of fracture produces new and abnormal bone arrangements? A) transverse fracture B) compression fracture C) spiral fracture D) comminuted fracture E) displaced fracture Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) Which of the following type of fracture occurs across the long axis of a bone shaft? A) transverse fracture B) compression fracture C) Pott's fracture D) comminuted fracture E) displaced fracture Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Treating an open fracture differs from other fractures most significantly due to ________. A) risk of infection B) nerve damage C) the severity of open fractures D) potential nerve damage E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) During track and field practice one of the runners trips over a hurdle and falls forward. Fortunately, he is able to break his fall with his hands. However, he stands up holding his wrist in pain. What type of fracture might he have sustained? A) compound fracture B) Colles fracture C) greenstick fracture D) displaced fracture E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 60) The simultaneous process of adding new bone and removing previously formed bone is called ________. A) internal callus formation B) endochondral ossification C) osteomalacia D) bone remodeling E) intramembranous ossification Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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61) After a fracture occurs, a(n) ________ forms as a network of spongy bone unites the inner edges. A) external callus B) blood clot C) spicule D) internal callus E) fracture hematoma Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) A(n) ________ fracture occurs at the ankle and affects both leg bones. A) greenstick B) Colles C) comminuted D) epiphyseal E) Pott's Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) An example of a pneumatized bone is the ________. A) parietal bone B) mandible C) femur D) vertebra E) ethmoid bone Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Which of the following is a classification of bone shape? A) sesamoid B) round C) square D) triangular E) indefinite Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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65) Which of the following is an example of an irregular bone? A) humerus B) carpal bone C) patella D) vertebra E) ulna Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Small, flat, oddly shaped bones that develop between the flat bones of the skull are called ________. A) sesamoid bones B) sutural bones C) flat bones D) endochondral bones E) pneumatized bones Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) The scapula is an example of what type of bone? A) long B) flat C) irregular D) short E) sutural Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) A shallow depression on the surface of a bone is called a ________. A) tuberosity B) trochanter C) fossa D) foramen E) tubercle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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69) Processes that form where tendons or ligaments attach to a bone include ________. A) condyles and trochleae B) fossae, sulci, and foramina C) rami D) trochanters, tuberosities, and tubercles E) canals and fissures Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) Which of the following is most likely to have a nerve pass through it? A) fossa B) process C) foramen D) condyle E) ramus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 71) Which diagnostic procedure detects abnormalities in synovial fluid? A) DEXA B) arthrocentesis C) MRI D) arthroscopy E) X-ray Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 72) Diploë is spongy bone found in ________ bones. A) short B) flat C) pneumatized D) sesamoid E) irregular Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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73) A prominent ridge on a bone is called a(n) ________. A) condyle B) facet C) meatus D) crest E) trochlea Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 74) A small, flat articular surface is a ________. A) trochlea B) spine C) line D) sulcus E) facet Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 75) An extension of a bone that is set at an angle to the rest of the bone is usually called a ________. A) sulcus B) fossa C) ramus D) condyle E) meatus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 76) A smooth, grooved articular process, shaped like a pulley, is a ________. A) trochlea B) spine C) line D) crest E) trochanter Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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77) A chamber within a bone, normally filled with air, is a ________. A) condyle B) ramus C) sulcus D) fissure E) sinus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 78) The expanded articular end of an epiphysis, separated from the shaft by a narrower neck, is a ________. A) neck B) head C) tubercle D) fossa E) fissure Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 79) An elongated cleft is a(n) ________. A) foramen B) fissure C) meatus D) canal E) antrum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 80) Which diagnostic procedure measures bone loss? A) DEXA B) arthrocentesis C) MRI D) arthroscopy E) X-ray Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5.2 True/False Questions 1) The perforating canals of osteons extend roughly perpendicular to the surface of a bone. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The central canal of an osteon usually runs parallel to the surface of a bone. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The lacuna contains osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The central canals connect the lacunae to one another. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The endosteum is usually many layers thick. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The diaphysis is the region at each end of a long bone. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Periosteum lines the medullary cavity. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Pre-puberty hypersecretion of growth hormone results in gigantism. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Endochondral ossification forms the mandible. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) A displaced fracture retains the normal alignment of the bone elements or fragments. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) A compression fracture occurs particularly in vertebrae subjected to extreme stress, such as when landing on the sacrum after a fall. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Osteoporosis is common in elderly males. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) A comminuted fracture shatters the area into a multitude of bony fragments. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Flat bones have a diaphysis, two metaphyses, two epiphyses, and a medullary cavity. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5.3 Essay Questions 1) What kind of tissue(s) would most likely be found in a tissue sample taken from the interior of the epiphysis of the femur? Answer: Spongy bone makes up the internal framework of the epiphyses of the femur. Also found here are extensive areas of red bone marrow (important sites of blood cell formation) filling in the spaces of the spongy bone. Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) What is the significance of the orientation of the trabeculae in spongy bone? Provide a specific example, discussing how trabecular structure lends to its function(s). Answer: Trabeculae grow in response to stresses on the bone, to act as buttresses in the bone; therefore, they align at right angles to the direction of the stress. For example, the trabeculae in the proximal epiphysis of the femur are oriented long the stress lines, but with extensive crossbracing. This trabecular alignment function in transferring forces from the hip across the metaphysis to the femoral shaft; at the distal epiphysis, the trabeculae direct the forces across the knee joint to the leg. In addition to reducing weight and handling stress from many directions, the open trabecular framework provides support and protection for the cells of the bone marrow. Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) How does an extensive exercise program affect the appearance of the skeleton? Why do these changes occur? Answer: Because bones are adaptable, their shapes and surface features reflect the forces applied to them. For example, bumps and ridges on the surface of a bone mark the sites where tendons attach to the bone. If muscles become more powerful, as what happens as a result of an extensive exercise program, the corresponding bumps and ridges enlarge to withstand the increased forces. Heavily stressed bones become thicker and stronger, whereas, bones not subjected to ordinary stresses will become thin and brittle. Regular exercise is therefore important as a stimulus that maintains normal bone structure, especially in growing children, postmenopausal women, and elderly men. Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 4) A boy returns to school to begin 7th grade after summer vacation only to find that he is at least four inches taller than several classmates that were the same height as him before the summer. Propose a reason for such a difference. Answer: The boy has most likely entered puberty and his classmates have not. He has experienced rapid growth as a result of increasing sex hormone levels in his body. These hormones stimulate osteoblasts to produce bone faster than the rate of epiphyseal cartilage expansion. Over time, the epiphyseal cartilages will narrow and eventually ossify, or "close." Learning Outcome: 5.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating

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5.4 Labeling Questions Figure 5.1

Using the above-referenced diagrams depicting the internal organization in representative bones, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Compact bone B) Osteon C) Spongy bone D) Periosteum E) Perforating canal Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

2) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Medullary cavity B) Epiphysis C) Periosteum D) Blood vessels E) Sharpey's fiber Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Compact bone B) Trabecular bone C) Endosteum D) Cancellous bone E) Spongy bone Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Epiphysis B) Periosteum C) Metaphysis D) Sharpey's fibers E) Marrow cavity Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Epiphysis B) Endosteum C) Metaphysis D) Periosteum E) Sharpey's fiber Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Epiphysis B) Periosteum C) Metaphysis D) Compact bone E) Endosteum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Circumferential lamellae B) Interstitial lamellae C) Osteons D) Perforating canals E) Sharpey's fibers Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Spongy bone B) Trabeculae C) Cancellous bone D) Osteons E) Sharpey's fibers Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Canaliculus B) Central canal C) Interstitial lamellae D) Circumferential lamellae E) Perforating canal Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Periosteum B) Lacunae C) Trabeculae of spongy bone D) Interstitial lamellae of compact bone E) Endosteum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure indicated by Label T. A) Circumferential lamellae B) Perforating canals C) Central canals D) Interstitial lamellae E) Canaliculi Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure indicated by Label W. A) Perforating canals B) Concentric lamellae C) Canaliculi D) Central canals E) Circumferential lamellae Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure indicated by Label X. A) Central canal B) Interstitial lamellae C) Perforating canal D) Canaliculi E) Circumferential lamellae Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) Identify the structure indicated by Label Z. A) Endosteum B) Periosteum C) Sharpey's fiber D) Central canal E) Osteon Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure indicated by Label AA. A) Perforating canals B) Central canals C) Lamellae D) Canaliculi E) Periosteum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 5.2

Using the above-referenced figures depicting steps in endochondral ossification, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 16) Identify the area indicated by Label A. A) Shrinking osteoblasts within calcifying matrix B) Enlarging osteoclasts within calcifying matrix C) Shrinking chondrocytes within calcifying matrix D) Enlarging chondrocytes within calcifying matrix E) Enlarging osteoblasts within calcifying matrix Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

17) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Fibrocartilage B) Dense connective tissue C) Elastic cartilage D) Loose connective tissue E) Hyaline cartilage Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Elastic cartilage B) Hyaline cartilage C) Periosteum D) Fibrocartilage E) Endosteum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Epiphysis B) Endosteum C) Periosteum D) Diaphysis E) Metaphysis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Endosteum B) Metaphysis C) Epiphysis D) Diaphysis E) Hyaline cartilage Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Periosteum B) Sharpey's fiber C) Medullary cavity D) Compact bone E) Fibrocartilage Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Secondary ossification center B) Superficial bone C) Articular cartilage D) Epiphyseal cartilage E) Primary ossification center Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Compact bone B) Medullary cavity C) Primary ossification center D) Secondary ossification center E) Spongy bone Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Diaphysis B) Medullary cavity C) Secondary ossification center D) Metaphysis E) Epiphysis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Bone collar B) Diaphysis C) Metaphysis D) Superficial bone E) Epiphysis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Primary ossification center B) Medullary cavity C) Superficial bone D) Bone collar E) Secondary ossification center Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Diaphysis B) Metaphysis C) Spongy bone D) Compact bone E) Superficial bone Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure indicated by Label U. A) Superficial bone B) Bone collar C) Perichondrium D) Epiphyseal cartilage E) Compact bone Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 5.3

Using the above-referenced diagrams depicting events that occur during appositional bone growth, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 29) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Circumferential lamellae B) Artery C) Central canal D) Perforating canal E) Ridge Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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30) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Endosteum B) Central canal C) Perforating canal D) Ridge E) Circumferential lamella Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Periosteum B) Central canal C) Perforating canal D) Endosteum E) Osteon Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Periosteum B) Ridge C) Central canal D) Circumferential lamella E) Perforating canal Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Interstitial lamellae B) Circumferential lamellae C) Concentric lamellae D) Periosteum E) Central canal Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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34) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Central canal B) Circumferential lamella C) Ridge D) Perforating canal E) Periosteum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the event indicated by Label H. A) Bone resorbed by osteoblasts B) Bone deposited by osteocytes C) Bone resorbed by osteocytes D) Bone deposited by osteoblasts E) Bone resorbed by osteoclasts Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the event indicated by Label I. A) Bone resorbed by osteoclasts B) Bone deposited by osteoblasts C) Bone resorbed by osteocytes D) Bone resorbed by osteoblasts E) Bone deposited by osteoclasts Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 5.4

Using the above-referenced diagrams of bones classified by shape, identify the specified labeled item in each of the following questions. 37) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) External table B) Diploë C) Ethmoid D) Internal table E) Carpal bone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the bone type specified by Label D. A) Sutural bones B) Irregular bones C) Carpal bones D) Flat bones E) Short bones Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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39) Identify the bone type specified by Label F. A) Short bones B) Sesamoid bones C) Pneumatized bones D) Irregular bones E) Wormian bones Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the bone type specified by Label I. A) Sutural bones B) Irregular bones C) Sesamoid bones D) Long bones E) Flat bones Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Identify the bone type specified by Label L. A) Long bones B) Pneumatized bones C) Short bones D) Sesamoid bones E) Irregular bones Answer: E Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the bone type specified by Label N. A) Flat bones B) Sutural bones C) Wormian bones D) Short bones E) Ethmoid bones Answer: D Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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43) Identify the bone type specified by Label Q. A) Sesamoid bones B) Carpal bones C) Pneumatized bones D) Irregular bones E) Long bones Answer: A Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the bone type specified by Label S. A) Parietal bones B) Irregular bones C) Long bones D) Wormian bones E) Carpal bones Answer: C Learning Outcome: 5.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 6 The Skeletal System: Axial Division 6.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Bones of the axial skeleton form the ________ axis of the body. A) transverse B) coronal C) longitudinal D) horizontal E) diagonal Answer: C Learning Outcome: Introduction Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The divisions of the skeletal system include (the) ________. A) dorsal and ventral B) axial and appendicular C) proximal and distal D) cranial, caudal, and anterior E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: Introduction Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The facial bones ________. A) enclose the cranial cavity B) consist of the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, nasal, lacrimal, and zygomatic bones C) protect and support the entrances to the digestive and respiratory tracts D) form a specialized joint that stabilizes the positions of the cranium and vertebral column while permitting a considerable range of head movements E) comprise the "braincase" that surrounds and protects the brain Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The parietal, temporal, frontal, and occipital bones are part of (the) ________. A) cranium B) skull C) facial bones D) axial skeleton E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) The axial skeleton functions in ________. A) housing special sense organs for taste, smell, hearing, balance, and sight B) providing an extensive surface for the attachment of muscles that adjust the positions of the head, neck, and trunk C) forming a framework that supports and protects organs in the ventral body cavities D) the production of blood cells by the red marrow found in portions of the vertebrae, sternum, and ribs E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Which of the following sutures marks the boundary between the temporal bone and the parietal bone of each side of the skull? A) sagittal B) squamous C) frontonasal D) coronal E) lambdoid Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The lambdoid suture is the boundary between which bones? A) parietal and occipital B) frontal and nasal C) frontal and sphenoid D) parietal and temporal E) parietal and frontal Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The superior aspect of each nasal bone articulates with the ________ bone. A) maxilla B) zygomatic C) frontal D) sphenoid E) ethmoid Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The depression that cradles and protects the pituitary gland is called the ________. A) crista galli B) greater wing C) lesser wing D) cribiform plate E) sella turcica Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The small depression on the temporal bone with which the mandible articulates is called (the) ________. A) temporal fossa B) temporal foramen C) mandibular fossa D) mandibular foramen E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Which of the following is true of the foramen magnum? A) It allows passage of the carotid arteries into the head. B) It is located between the parietal and occipital bones. C) It is located in the inferior surface of the occipital bone. D) It is the second largest foramen in the cranium. E) It primarily provides passage for the optic nerve. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Which of the following contains the external acoustic meatus? A) frontal B) temporal C) sphenoid D) ethmoid E) maxillary Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Which of the following features belongs to the occipital bone? A) mental foramen B) mandibular foramen C) coronoid process D) hypoglossal canal E) mylohyoid line Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) The point of attachment for muscles that extend and rotate the head is the ________. A) styloid process B) mastoid process C) posterior clinoid process D) articular tubercle E) external occipital protuberance Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Which of the following openings is found within the frontal bone? A) supra-orbital foramen B) foramen spinosum C) foramen lacerum D) optic canal E) foramen ovale Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Bones located within a space in the temporal bone that provide the sense of hearing are called ________. A) acoustic bones B) external acoustic meatus C) internal acoustic meatus D) auditory ossicles E) foramen lacerum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) The ethmoid contains ________. A) an interconnected network of air cells, which produce mucous secretions that flush the surfaces of the nasal cavities B) the cribriform plate, which is perforated by foramina C) a perpendicular plate, which forms the superior part of the nasal septum D) a prominent bony ridge to which is attached the falx cerebri, a membrane that stabilizes the position of the brain E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) The external surface of each ________ bone bears a pair of low ridges, which mark the attachment of the temporalis muscles. A) temporal B) parietal C) frontal D) occipital E) sphenoidal Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The frontal bone, the ethmoid, and the lesser wings of the sphenoid form the ________. A) posterior cranial fossa B) internal nares C) anterior cranial fossa D) middle cranial fossa E) crista galli Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) The ________ processes are vertical projections of the sphenoid bone that are important sites for attachment of muscles that move the lower jaw and soft palate. A) styloid B) anterior clinoid C) pterygoid D) posterior clinoid E) zygomatic Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) The convex anterior surface of the frontal bone is called the ________, or forehead, which functions as an attachment site for muscles of the scalp. A) squamous part B) frontal crest C) orbital part D) supra-orbital margin E) alveolar part Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) The superior and middle nasal concha of the ethmoid ________. A) are perforated by foramina that allow passage of the branches of the olfactory nerves B) provide additional time for warming, humidifying, and dust removal before incoming air reaches more delicate portions of the respiratory tract C) form part of the nasal septum, a partition that also includes the vomer and a piece of hyaline cartilage D) separate the right and left sides of the cribriform plate E) stabilize the position of the brain Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Which of the following bones contains the infra-orbital foramen? A) zygomatic B) maxilla C) frontal D) ethmoid E) sphenoid Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Which of the following features belongs to the mandibular bone? A) supraorbital margins B) supraciliary arches C) frontal suture D) lacrimal fossa E) mental foramen Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Bones of the skull that articulate with the zygomatic bone include (the) ________. A) temporal bone B) frontal bone C) maxillary bone D) sphenoid E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Which of the following lists includes only facial bones? A) frontals, nasals, parietals, and occipital B) maxillae, palatines, mandible, zygomatics, lacrimals C) sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillae, and mandible D) inferior conchae, vomer, ethmoid, nasal, lacrimals, and sphenoid E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Features of the maxillae include ________. A) sinuses B) alveolar processes C) orbital surfaces D) infra-orbital groove E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) The temporal processes are part of which bone? A) occipital B) temporal C) zygomatic D) sphenoid E) maxilla Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Which of the following is true of the vomer bone? A) It It forms the superior portion of the nasal septum. B) It is attached to the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. C) It articulates with the mandible and both the zygomatic bones. D) It supports the olfactory epithelium. E) It forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Which feature of the palatine bone articulates with the maxilla to form the posterior portion of the bony palate? A) perpendicular plate B) ethmoidal crest C) conchal crest D) nasal crest E) horizontal plate Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) The anterior two-thirds of the bony palate is formed by the ________ of the maxillae. A) alveolar process B) palatine process C) frontal process D) orbital surface E) perpendicular plate Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The ________ is/are the bone(s) that makes up the inferior portion of the nasal septum. A) lacrimal bones B) nasal bones C) vomer D) palatine bones E) inferior nasal conchae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) The ________ extends to the smooth articular surface of the head of the mandible. A) alveolar part B) mylohyoid line C) coronoid process D) condylar process E) mandibular fossa Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) The bony structure of the orbit is composed of which of the following? A) maxilla, zygomatic, lacrimal, and palatine only B) ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal, lacrimal, maxilla, zygomatic, and palatine C) zygomatic, nasal, frontal, and sphenoid only D) zygomatic, nasal, frontal, sphenoid, palatine, lacrimal, and temporal E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Which of the following bones forms most of the lateral wall of the orbit? A) frontal bone B) sphenoid bone C) ethmoid bone D) zygomatic bone E) maxilla Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Paranasal sinuses ________. A) produce mucus B) act as extensions of and open into the nasal cavities C) resonate during sound production D) lighten skull bones E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Which bone makes up most of the floor of the orbit? A) maxilla B) sphenoid C) frontal D) palatine E) ethmoid Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Which bone is not in direct contact with any other bone of the skeleton? A) ethmoid B) sphenoid C) palatine D) hyoid E) zygomatic Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Fontaneles on an infant's head ________. A) occur where the cranial bones have not yet fused B) allow the skull to be distorted without damage C) are areas of fibrous connective tissue D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Which of the following fontanelels is found at the junctions between the squamous suture and the coronal suture? A) sphenoidal B) anterior C) lambdoid D) mastoid E) posterior Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) An anterior exaggeration of the lumbar curve can lead to which of the following? A) lordosis B) scoliosis C) kyphosis D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Compression injury is most likely to occur in which of the following? A) coccygeal vertebrae B) cervical vertebra C) lumbar vertebra D) sacral vertebra E) thoracic vertebra Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Which region of the vertebral column forms interlocking vertebral bodies that permit a relatively greater degree of flexibility than do those of other regions? A) cervical B) thoracic C) lumbar D) sacral E) coccygeal Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Which of the following spinal curvatures is/are convex anteriorly? A) sacral only B) thoracic and sacral C) cervical only D) lumbar and thoracic E) cervical and lumbar Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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45) The primary curves of the vertebral column are the ________. A) cervical and thoracic B) thoracic and sacral C) dorsal and ventral D) thoracic and coccygeal E) cervical, lumbar, and sacral Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) The primary curvatures of the spine functions mainly in ________. A) accommodation of the thoracic and abdominopelvic viscera B) aligning the weight of the head over the legs C) shifting the weight of the trunk to the hips and lower extremities D) increasing the ability to extend the limbs E) taking weight off the hips Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) What vertebra contains the dens? A) axis B) atlas C) cervical D) sacrum E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) The vertebral arch ________. A) projects dorsally and often caudally from the midline B) is the part of the vertebra that transfers weight along the axis of the vertebral column C) arises at the junction between the pedicle and the lamina D) forms the lateral and posterior margins of the vertebral foramen E) are interconnected by ligaments and separated by pads of fibrous cartilage Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) The major function of the vertebral body is to ________. A) allow twisting motions B) provide support C) protect the spinal cord D) transfer weight along the axis of the vertebral column E) provide a passageway for nerves Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Which of the following structures can most easily be felt on the dorsum? A) transverse process B) spinous process C) vertebral body D) intervertebral disc E) pedicle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Which of the following can be found on cervical vertebrae only? A) facets B) transverse processes C) transverse foramina D) laminae E) spinous processes Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Which type of vertebra has a transverse costal facet? A) coccygeal B) sacral C) cervical D) lumbar E) thoracic Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) The posterior tubercle is a part of the ________. A) atlas B) vertebra prominens C) sacral promontory D) axis E) thoracic vertebra Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Ribs 1-10 articulate with the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae and facets on (the) ________. A) spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae B) transverse processes of the thoracic vertebrae C) spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae D) xiphoid process of the sternum E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 55) In the condition called spina bifida, the most common neural tube defect (NTD), a portion of the spinal cord develops abnormally such that the adjacent ________ do not form. A) spinous processes B) pedicles C) vertebral arches D) transverse processes E) vertebral bodies Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) The vertebral column ________. A) provides a passageway for cranial nerves that begin or end at the spinal cord B) consists of 26 vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx C) helps maintain the curved position of the body while sitting or standing D) provides a column of support, bearing the weight of the hips and lower limbs E) is divided into the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal regions Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) In the normal adult, there are ________ distinct curvatures to the vertebral column. A) five B) three C) four D) seven E) six Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) The ________ arise at the junction between the vertebral pedicles and laminae, and are divided into a superior type, which projects cranially, and an inferior type, which projects caudally. A) costal processes B) articular processes C) vertebral bodies D) transverse processes E) spinous processes Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) The transverse foramina function in ________. A) permitting rotation of the head B) providing additional surface area for muscle attachment C) maintaining the cervical curvature without muscular effort D) protecting the vertebral arteries and vertebral veins, which are important blood vessels supplying the brain E) permitting nodding of the head but prevent twisting Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) During development, the body of C1 fuses to the body of C2, creating the prominent ________ of the axis. A) bifid process B) pedicle C) vertebral prominens D) costal process E) dens Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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61) Ribs 11 and 12 and called ________ ribs. A) floating B) false C) true D) vertebrochondral E) Both floating and false are correct Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) The ________, which is the interface between the cervical curve and the thoracic curve, has a long, slender spinous process that ends in a broad tubercle that can be felt beneath the skin at the base of the neck. A) vertebra prominens B) axis C) T1 vertebra D) atlas E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) The spinous processes of the five fused sacral vertebrae form a series of elevations along the ________. A) median sacral crest B) lateral sacral tuberosity C) medial sacral hiatus D) medial sacral promontory E) lateral sacral cornua Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) The true ribs ________. A) consist of twelve pairs B) are the only ribs that are unpaired C) attach to the sternum by separate cartilaginous extensions D) attach only to the vertebral column E) attach directly to the body of the sternum by bone to bone contact Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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65) Choose the correct combination matching the type of rib to its associated number of ribs. A) true ribs; 6 B) false ribs; 4 C) true ribs; 4 D) floating ribs; 4 E) true ribs; 10 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 66) Which of the following organs is protected by the rib cage? A) lungs B) heart C) thymus D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) The most inferior portion of the sternum to which the diaphragm and rectus abdominis muscles attach is called the ________. A) manubrium B) body C) xiphoid process D) sternal angle E) sternal groove Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) Which of the following organ systems would most likely be affected by a broken rib? A) endocrine B) digestive C) respiratory D) excretory E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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69) Ribs 8-10 are called ________ ribs. A) floating B) vertebrosternal C) true D) vertebrochondral E) tubercle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) The broad, triangular ________ articulates with the clavicles of the appendicular skeleton and the costal cartilages of the first pair of ribs. A) xiphoid process B) manubrium C) sternal body D) jugular notch E) interarticular crest Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6.2 True/False Questions 1) The zygomatic process is part of the temporal bone. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The sphenoid bone contains the foramen rotundum and superior orbital fissure. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The temporal bone contains the foramen magnum and forms part of the wall of the jugular foramen. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The most massive portion of the temporal bone is the squamous part, which surrounds and protects the sense organs of hearing and balance. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) The sphenoid bone has two condylar processes. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The mandible is the upper jawbone. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The lacrimal bones form the cheekbones and some of the lateral wall of the orbit. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The inferior nasal conchae are paired scroll-like bones, each of which attach to the lateral walls of the nasal cavity on each side of the nasal septum. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Coccygeal fracture is possible during childbirth or when one falls on the buttocks. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Scoliosis is an exaggeration of the normal posterior curvature of the thoracic spine. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) A point of contact between the axial and appendicular skeletons is the manubrium. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 6.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6.3 Essay Questions 1) The skull of a newborn often appears to be deformed, but after a short period of time, the skull assumes normal shape. What happens during the birth process and why does this change occur? Answer: Prior to birth, the brain enlarges rapidly. Although the bones of the skull are also growing, they fail to keep pace with the growing brain. At birth, the cranial bones are connected by areas of fibrous connective tissue called fontanelles. These connections are quite flexible, and thus allow the skull to be distorted without damage. Such distortion is only temporary and normally occurs during the delivery and eases the passage of the infant through the birth canal. Learning Outcome: 6.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) A person with a serious case of osteoporosis has developed kyphosis. What anatomic structures are involved in this condition, and what are the functional implications? Answer: Kyphosis is the condition in which the normal thoracic curve is exaggerated posteriorly, producing a "round-back" appearance. This condition can be caused by three factors: (1) osteoporosis with compression fractures affecting the anterior portions of the bodies of T1-12 vertebrae; (2) chronic conditions in muscles that insert on the vertebrae; and (3) vertebral growth. Functional problems associated with this condition may involve the following: problems associated with the support of the head, neck, and upper limbs; a reduction in volume and a change in the shape of the thoracic cavity; compression of thoracic viscera; and perhaps contribute to circulatory and respiratory problems. Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) Being in a car accident may cause the steering wheel to hit the driver very forcefully in the chest. If the damage is severe enough, the ribs may break and puncture the thoracic cavity. What is such an injury called? What symptoms and the anatomical injuries would occur? Answer: If broken ribs have punctured the pleural cavity of the lungs, it would result in the condition called pneumothorax, which is the entry of air into the chest cavity. This may lead to a collapsed lung, which would make respiration more difficult. If the lung on the side of the injury has sustained damage to a blood vessel or if the heart were damaged, it would cause bleeding into the thoracic cavity, a condition known as hemothorax. A hemothorax can also impair lung function because fluid may accumulate and compress a lung. Externally, bubbles would be observed at the site of the opening of the injury, and breathing would become labored. In real life, such an injury would require an immediate trip to a hospital emergency room. Learning Outcome: 6.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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6.4 Labeling Questions Figure 6.1

Using the above-referenced figures of the anterior (left side) and posterior (right side) views of the axial skeleton, identify the specified labeled part indicated in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Cranium B) Ribs C) Clavicle D) Sternum E) Skull Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Manubrium B) Skull C) Cervical vertebrae D) Clavicle E) Sacrum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Thoracic vertebrae B) Scapula C) Clavicle D) Cranium E) Ribs Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 4) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Atlas B) Coccyx C) Sacrum D) Axis E) Lumbar vertebrae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Coccyx B) Xiphoid process C) Manubrium D) Spinous process E) Sacrum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Cranial fossae B) Thoracic vertebrae C) Cervical vertebrae D) Sacrum E) Lumbar vertebrae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Axis B) Thoracic vertebrae C) Sacrum D) Cervical vertebrae E) Lumbar vertebrae Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Cervical vertebrae B) Coccyx C) Thoracic vertebrae D) Lumbar vertebrae E) Sacrum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 6.2

Using the above-referenced figure of the anterior view of the bones of the adult skull, identify the specified labeled items in each of the following questions. 9) Identify the structure indicated by Label X. A) Coronal suture B) Frontonasal suture C) Squamous suture D) Lambdoid suture E) Sagittal suture Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Parietal bone B) Frontal bone C) Occipital bone D) Temporal bone E) Lacrimal bone Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Superior orbital fissure B) Optic canal C) Inferior orbital fissure D) Zygomaticofacial foramen E) Supra-orbital foramen Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Inferior nasal concha B) Ethmoid C) Zygomatic bone D) Sphenoid E) Temporal bone Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Occipital bone B) Temporal bone C) Lacrimal bone D) Parietal bone E) Frontal bone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Sphenoid B) Ethmoid C) Inferior nasal concha D) Lacrimal bone E) Nasal bone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Nasal bone B) Ethmoid C) Palatine bone D) Superior nasal concha E) Lacrimal bone Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Lacrimal bone B) Zygomatic bone C) Nasal bone D) Sphenoid E) Superior nasal concha Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Maxilla B) Nasal bone C) Temporal bone D) Lacrimal bone E) Zygomatic bone Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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18) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Nasal bone B) Frontal bone C) Vomer D) Zygomatic bone E) Lacrimal bone Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Inferior nasal concha B) Palatine bone C) Middle nasal concha D) Vomer E) Nasal bone Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure indicated by Label V. A) Superior orbital fissure B) Optic canal C) Supra-orbital foramen D) Foramen rotundum E) Foramen ovale Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure indicated by Label W. A) Optic canal B) Foramen spinosum C) Superior orbital fissure D) Foramen rotundum E) Inferior orbital fissure Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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22) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Zygomatic bone B) Sphenoid C) Mandible D) Palatine bone E) Maxilla Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Nasal bone B) Vomer C) Inferior nasal concha D) Lacrimal bone E) Middle nasal concha Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Palatine bone B) Vomer C) Lacrimal bone D) Ethmoid E) Sphenoid Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure indicated by Label N. A) Zygomatic bone B) Maxilla C) Temporal bone D) Mandible E) Occipital bone Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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26) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Mental foramen B) Zygomaticofacial foramen C) Inferior orbital fissure D) Infra-orbital foramen E) Hypoglossal canal Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure indicated by Label T. A) Alveolar process of maxilla B) Zygomatic process of temporal bone C) Orbital part of frontal bone D) Pterygoid process of sphenoid E) Temporal process of zygomatic bone Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure indicated by Label U. A) Supra-orbital foramen B) Inferior orbital fissure C) Optic canal D) Infra-orbital foramen E) Superior orbital fissure Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 6.3

Using the above-referenced figure of the midsagittal view of the right side of the skull, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 29) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Lambdoid suture B) Squamous suture C) Frontonasal suture D) Coronal suture E) Sagittal suture Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure indicated by Label N. A) Sagittal suture B) Squamous suture C) Frontonasal suture D) Lambdoid suture E) Coronal suture Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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31) Identify the structure indicated by Label P. A) Frontonasal suture B) Coronal suture C) Sagittal suture D) Lambdoid suture E) Squamous suture Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Parietal bone B) Sphenoid C) Temporal bone D) Frontal bone E) Zygomatic bone Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Temporal bone B) Frontal bone C) Sphenoid D) Parietal bone E) Ethmoid Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Sella turcica B) Falx cerebri C) Cribriform foramina D) Pterygoid process E) Crista galli Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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35) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Perpendicular plate of ethmoid B) Crista galli C) Perpendicular plate of palatine bone D) Cribriform plate of ethmoid E) Horizontal plate of palatine bone Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Occipital bone B) Parietal bone C) Frontal bone D) Sphenoid E) Temporal bone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Frontal bone B) Parietal bone C) Occipital bone D) Sphenoid E) Temporal bone Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure indicated by Label Q. A) Dorsum sellae B) Foramen rotundum C) Optic groove D) Anterior cranial fossa E) Hypophyseal fossa of sella turcica Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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39) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Carotid canal B) Hypoglossal canal C) Internal acoustic meatus D) Auditory tube E) External acoustic meatus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Occipital bone B) Temporal bone C) Sphenoid D) Frontal bone E) Parietal bone Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Identify the structure indicated by Label T. A) Optic canal B) Carotid canal C) Auditory tube D) Internal acoustic meatus E) Hypoglossal canal Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the structure indicated by Label U. A) Mastoid process B) Styloid process C) Pterygoid process D) Posterior clinoid process E) Zygomatic process of temporal bone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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43) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Lacrimal bone B) Palatine bone C) Nasal bone D) Vomer E) Inferior nasal concha Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Palatine bone B) Maxilla C) Perpendicular plate of ethmoid D) Vomer E) Nasal bone Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Vomer B) Palatine bone C) Cribriform plate of ethmoid D) Maxilla E) Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Maxilla B) Zygomatic bone C) Alveolar part of mandible D) Temporal bone E) Nasal bone Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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47) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Petrous part of temporal bone B) Mastoid process C) Mandible D) Alveolar process of maxilla E) Zygomatic bone Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Ethmoidal sinus B) Maxillary sinus C) Parietal sinus D) Frontal sinus E) Sphenoidal sinus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Maxillary sinus B) Frontal sinus C) Ethmoidal sinus D) Sphenoidal sinus E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 6.4

Using the above-referenced figures of the anatomy of a typical vertebra (superior, lateral and slightly inferior, and inferior views) and the arrangement of articulations between vertebrae, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 50) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Vertebral foramen B) Articular process C) Vertebral body D) Costal process E) Vertebral arch Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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51) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Vertebral body B) Lamina C) Vertebral foramina D) Pedicle E) Vertebral arch Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Transverse process B) Superior articular process C) Spinous process D) Inferior articular process E) Pedicle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Transverse process B) Superior articular process C) Vertebral arch D) Spinous process E) Inferior articular process Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Pedicle B) Spinous process C) Inferior articular facet D) Intervertebral disc E) Lamina Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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55) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Lamina B) Spinous process C) Vertebral body D) Pedicle E) Vertebral foramen Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Spinous process B) Costal process C) Inferior articular facet D) Transverse process E) Superior articular process Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) Identify the structure indicated by Label N. A) Lamina B) Vertebral body C) Transverse process D) Pedicle E) Vertebral foramen Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Vertebral arch B) Vertebral foramen C) Pedicle D) Intervertebral foramen E) Vertebral body Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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59) Identify the structure indicated by Label Q. A) Inferior articular processes B) Superior articular facets C) Transverse processes D) Inferior articular facets E) Spinous processes Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Superior articular process B) Transverse process C) Inferior articular process D) Spinous process E) Lamina Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 61) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Spinous process B) Pedicle C) Articular process D) Articular facet E) Lamina Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) Identify the structure indicated by Label T. A) Intervertebral disc B) Vertebral foramen C) Lamina D) Pedicle E) Intervertebral foramen Answer: E Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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63) Identify the structure indicated by Label U. A) Intervertebral foramen B) Lamina C) Intervertebral disc D) Vertebral arch E) Vertebral body Answer: C Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Identify the structure indicated by Label V. A) Transverse process B) Spinous process C) Intervertebral disc D) Superior articular process E) Inferior articular process Answer: B Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 65) Identify the structure indicated by Label X. A) Pedicle B) Spinous process C) Lamina D) Transverse process E) Superior articular process Answer: D Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Identify the structure indicated by Label Z. A) Inferior articular process B) Transverse process C) Superior articular process D) Inferior articular facet E) Spinous process Answer: A Learning Outcome: 6.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 7 The Skeletal System: Appendicular Division 7.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) The pectoral girdle, upper limb bones, pelvic girdle, and lower limb bones make up the ________. A) axial skeleton B) appendicular skeleton C) pelvis D) thoracic cage E) vertebral column Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The proximal radio-ulnar joint permits medial or lateral rotation of the ________. A) ulnar notch B) radial head C) radial tuberosity D) ulnar head E) humerus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Which of the following is a structure located on the ulna? A) olecranon B) supraspinous fossa C) spine D) trochlea E) glenoid cavity Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The point of the elbow is formed by the ________ of the ulna. A) supraglenoid tubercle B) infraglenoid tubercle C) radial tuberosity D) olecranon process E) infraspinous fossa Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) The capitulum is a part of the ________. A) scapula B) ulna C) humerus D) radius E) clavicle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The depression on the distal end of the anterior humerus is (the) ________. A) olecranon fossa B) coronoid fossa C) intercondylar fossa D) intertubercular groove E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The space between the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus is called the ________. A) surgical neck B) coronoid fossa C) intertubercular sulcus D) anatomic neck E) intercondylar fossa Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Which of the following is a large process that projects anteriorly from the lateral end of the scapular spine? A) acromion B) trochlea C) coracoid process D) coronoid process E) capitulum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The palms of the hand are supported by the ________. A) metacarpal bones B) metatarsal bones C) carpal bones D) distal phalanges E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Which of the following is a bone in the distal row that forms a proximal articulation with the scaphoid? A) hamate B) lunate C) pisiform D) trapezium E) capitate Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The only point of direct connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton is at (the) ________. A) sternal end of the clavicle B) acromial end of the clavicle C) acromion process of the scapula D) coracoid process of the scapula E) glenoid cavity Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The surgical neck of the humerus corresponds to (the) ________. A) metaphysis of the bone B) proximal epiphysis of the bone C) diaphysis of the bone D) distal epiphysis of the bone E) humeral epicondyle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) At the distal end of the radius, the ________ on the lateral surface stabilizes the joint. A) head B) trochlea C) styloid process D) ulnar notch E) capitulum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) On the humerus, the olecranon process of the ulna projects into the ________ when the arm is extended. A) coronoid fossa B) intertubercular sulcus C) radial fossa D) olecranon fossa E) trochlear notch Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The ________ of the humerus articulates with the radius. A) trochlea B) olecranon C) anatomical neck D) surgical neck E) capitulum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The ________ is the most fractured carpal bone. A) scaphoid B) capitate C) pisiform D) trapezium E) trapezoid Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) The ulnar nerve crosses the posterior surface of the ________ of the humerus. A) deltoid tuberosity B) medial epicondyle C) radial groove D) head E) lateral epicondyle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) The groove in the proximal epiphysis on the anterior surface of the ulna that articulates with the humerus is called the ________. A) coronoid process B) intertubercular sulcus C) radial groove D) trochlear notch E) olecranon fossa Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The carpal bone that articulates with metacarpal III is the ________. A) trapezoid B) scaphoid C) lunate D) hamate E) capitate Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) The connection between the humerus and the scapula is called the ________ joint. A) glenohumeral B) sternoclavicular C) radioulnar D) interosseous E) intertubercular Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) There are ________ phalanges in the appendicular skeleton. A) 10 B) 20 C) 28 D) 40 E) 56 Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Compared with the pectoral girdle, the pelvic girdle is ________. A) less strongly anchored to the axial skeleton B) more robust, adapted for weight bearing and locomotion C) composed of more separate bones D) more flexible and freely movable E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The bones of the pelvis ________. A) are bones of the axial skeleton only B) are bones of the appendicular skeleton only C) include both axial and appendicular elements D) include two prominent sesamoid bones E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Which structure is found immediately superior to the inferior iliac notch? A) ischial spine B) anterior superior iliac spine C) posterior superior iliac spine D) anterior inferior iliac spine E) posterior inferior iliac spine Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) The largest bone of the pelvic girdle is the ________. A) pubis B) ischium C) sacrum D) ilium E) acetabulum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The fibula ________. A) forms an important part of the knee joint B) articulates with the femur C) transfers weight to the ankle and foot D) provides stability to the ankle E) is the medial bone of the leg Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) The bony edge of the lesser pelvis is called the ________. A) pubic symphysis B) pelvic brim C) pelvic outlet D) iliopectineal line E) ischial tuberosity Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) The patella ________. A) is a sesamoid bone B) is normally on the lateral aspect of the knee joint C) has a smooth, concave anterior surface D) forms part of a ball and socket joint E) forms within the tendon of the vastus medialis muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) The distal tip of the fibula ________. A) articulates with the distal end of the femur B) contains a ridge called the linea aspera C) has an intercondylar foramen D) forms the lateral malleolus E) articulates with the calcaneus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) The lateral and medial condyles of the tibia are separated by the ________. A) tibial tuberosity B) soleal line C) linea aspera D) intercondylar eminence E) medial malleolus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) In the ankle, the largest tarsal bone is the ________. A) navicular bone B) talus C) calcaneus D) cuboid bone E) medial cuneiform bone Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The crural interosseous membrane extends between the ________. A) radius and ulna B) tibia and fibula C) femur and tibia D) patella and femur E) talus and calcaneus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) When seated, the body weight is borne by the ________. A) pubic ramus B) ischial tuberosities C) greater sciatic notch D) posterior superior iliac spine E) posterior inferior iliac spine Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Compared with that of females, the male coccyx ________. A) contains more fused vertebrae B) points anteriorly C) fuses at an earlier age D) is relatively larger and longer E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The medial condyle of the femur articulates with the ________. A) fibular lateral condyle B) tibial medial condyle C) intercondylar eminence D) fibular medial condyle E) tibial lateral condyle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The large process of the femur that projects laterally from the junction of the neck and shaft is the ________. A) lesser trochanter B) linea aspera C) greater trochanter D) gluteal tuberosity E) medial supracondylar ridge Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) The head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the ________. A) sacrum B) coccyx C) lumbar spine D) coxal bone E) tibia Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) In the hip bones, the pubic and ischial rami encircle the ________. A) symphysis pubis B) acetabulum C) greater sciatic notch D) lesser sciatic notch E) obturator foramen Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) The second largest bone in the foot is the ________. A) talus B) calcaneus C) medial cuneiform D) second metatarsal E) lateral cuneiform Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) The last two metatarsals articulate with the ________. A) navicular B) talus C) intermediate cuneiform D) cuboid E) calcaneus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) When one stands normally, the body weight is distributed evenly between the ________ and the distal ends of the metatarsals. A) cuboid B) navicular C) calcaneus D) talus E) hallux Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) The longest, heaviest bone in the body is the ________. A) tibia B) femur C) fibula D) ilium E) ischium Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Which of the following pieces of information about an individual can be discerned from the skeleton? A) age B) sex C) muscular development D) body size E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Differences between a young child's skeleton and that of a small adult include which of the following? A) The child's skeleton has full dentition. B) In the child's skeleton, a frontal suture is present until age 2-8. C) There is a large mastoid process in the child's skeleton. D) The external auditory meatus is larger in the child. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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45) Characteristics that specifically identify a skeletal element as belonging to a female include ________. A) a bone approximately 10 percent heavier than many others of the same size B) a bone with smaller prominences and a smoother surface C) larger cranial sinuses D) a long, narrow triangular sacrum with a prominent sacral curvature E) a heart-shaped pelvic inlet Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) The age of a skeleton can be determined from ________. A) the number of carpals and tarsals B) the number of ribs present C) the degree of ossification of cranial sutures D) the presence of irregular bones E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Closure of the fontanels is typically complete around the age of ________. A) six months B) one year C) two years D) 10 years E) puberty Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Which event occurs first as an individual grows and ages? A) The frontal suture closes. B) The ossification centers of the occipital bone fuse. C) The styloid process fuses to the temporal bone. D) The adult dentition appears. E) The hyoid bone finishes ossifying and fusing. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) Which region of the hip is affected by developmental dysplasia of the hip? A) ischial tuberosity B) ischial ramus C) obturator foramen D) greater sciatic notch E) acetabulum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Which of the following sports injuries, common in women, results from repetitive forces on the bone during running or jumping? A) miserable misalignment B) patellofemoral pain syndrome C) claw feet D) congenital talipes equinovarus E) stress fracture Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 51) Which of the following is true of the bony matrix of the skeleton as people age? A) Its composition remains constant throughout life. B) Its mineral content diminishes as a normal part of aging. C) It gains calcium carbonate while losing calcium phosphate. D) The proportion of collagen fibers in the matrix increases with age. E) Fusion of the trabeculae of spongy bone occurs. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 52) Fusion of the epiphyseal cartilages begins at about age ________. A) 6 months B) 3 years C) 10 years D) 18 years E) 35 years Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7.2 True/False Questions 1) A depression on the posterior side of the humerus is called the coronoid fossa. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The coronoid process forms the inferior lip of the trochlear notch. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The depression in the head of the femur where a stabilizing ligament attaches is called the fovea. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) A roughened projection on the posterolateral border of the coxall bone is called the ischial tuberosity. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The pubic angle tends to be greater than 100 degrees in males. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7.3 Essay Questions 1) What is the significance of the more massive pelvic bones compared to those of the pectoral girdle and the strong bone-to-bone attachments of the pelvic girdle of the lower extremity to the axial skeleton? Answer: The almost immobile joint between the auricular surfaces of the sacrum and the iliac region of the coxal bones occurs at the posterior and medial aspects of the ilium, forming the sacroiliac joint. The anterior and medial portions of the hip bones are connected by a pad of fibrous cartilage at the pubic symphysis. An extensive network of ligaments also binds the ilia to the posterior lumbar vertebrae. This ensures that the weight from the upper part of the body will be able to pass through the lower limb to the ground efficiently. The composition of the pelvic girdle also facilitates the lower limbs' function in locomotion. Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) Imagine you are a forensic osteologist teaching a course on differentiating the male skeleton from the female skeleton. Justify the reasoning that the pelvis is the best area to examine. Answer: The shape of the female pelvis is somewhat different from that of the male pelvis. Some of these differences are the result of variations in body size and muscle mass. Because women are typically less muscular than men, the pelvis of the adult female is usually smoother and lighter and has less prominent markings where muscles or ligaments attach. Other differences are adaptations for childbearing. These adaptations support the weight of the developing fetus and uterus, and ease the passage of the newborn through the pelvic outlet at the time of delivery. Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 3) How can the age of a skeleton be determined? Answer: There are general changes in the skeletal system that occur as one ages. Such changes begin at age 3 months and continue throughout life. For example, fusion of the epiphyseal cartilages begins at about age 3, while degenerative changes in the normal skeletal system, such as a reduction in mineral content in the bony matrix do not begin until age 30-45. In addition, with age there is a reduction in the size of the intervertebral discs, and a fusion of pectoral and pelvic girdles. Learning Outcome: 7.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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7.4 Labeling Questions Figure 7.1

Using the above-referenced figures of the costal (anterior) and lateral views of the scapula, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Coracoid process B) Glenoid cavity C) Subscapular fossa D) Body E) Acromion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Glenoid cavity B) Acromion C) Coracoid process D) Body E) Spine Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Vertebral border B) Inferior angle C) Medial border D) Lateral border E) Lateral angle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Spine B) Subscapular fossa C) Coracoid process D) Acromion E) Coronoid process Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Coracoid process B) Acromion C) Body D) Glenoid cavity E) Spine Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Spine B) Infraglenoid tubercle C) Coracoid process D) Acromion E) Infraspinous fossa Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Spine B) Acromion C) Glenoid cavity D) Coracoid process E) Infraglenoid tubercle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 7.2

Using the above-referenced posterior view of the scapula, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 8) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Acromion B) Spine C) Infraspinous fossa D) Supraspinous fossa E) Subscapular fossa Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Inferior angle B) Infraglenoid tubercle C) Spine D) Acromion E) Infraspinous fossa Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Supraspinous fossa B) Subscapular fossa C) Glenoid cavity D) Infraspinous fossa E) Acromion Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Coracoid process B) Infraglenoid tubercle C) Supraspinous fossa D) Body E) Spine Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Infraglenoid tubercle B) Spine C) Body D) Neck E) Inferior angle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Glenoid cavity B) Coracoid process C) Acromion D) Infraglenoid tubercle E) Subscapular fossa Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Coronoid process B) Acromion C) Infraglenoid tubercle D) Coracoid process E) Spine Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 7.3

Using the above-referenced figure of the anterior view of the humerus, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions.

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15) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Greater tubercle B) Capitulum C) Trochlea D) Olecranon E) Lesser tubercle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Trochlea B) Lesser tubercle C) Capitulum D) Deltoid tuberosity E) Greater tubercle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Trochlea B) Greater tubercle C) Capitulum D) Deltoid tuberosity E) Lesser tubercle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Capitulum B) Deltoid tuberosity C) Greater tubercle D) Lesser tubercle E) Trochlea Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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19) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Anatomical neck B) Head C) Greater tubercle D) Surgical neck E) Lesser tubercle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Intertubercular sulcus B) Greater tubercle C) Deltoid tuberosity D) Radial fossa E) Olecranon fossa Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure indicated by Label N. A) Surgical neck B) Anatomical neck C) Lesser tubercle D) Deltoid tuberosity E) Greater tubercle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 7.4

Using the above-referenced figure of the posterior view of the humerus, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 22) Identify the structure indicated by Label Q. A) Surgical neck B) Intertubercular sulcus C) Anatomical neck D) Head E) Deltoid tuberosity 25 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Anatomical neck B) Greater tubercle C) Olecranon D) Lesser tubercle E) Surgical neck Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Radial fossa B) Coronoid fossa C) Intertubercular sulcus D) Olecranon fossa E) Capitulum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure indicated by Label U. A) Trochlea B) Lesser tubercle C) Capitulum D) Greater tubercle E) Deltoid tuberosity Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure indicated by Label V. A) Medial epicondyle B) Deltoid tuberosity C) Lateral epicondyle D) Infraglenoid tubercle E) Trochlea Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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27) Identify the structure indicated by Label X. A) Anatomical neck B) Greater tubercle C) Lesser tubercle D) Deltoid tuberosity E) Surgical neck Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure indicated by Label Y. A) Lesser tubercle B) Greater tubercle C) Capitulum D) Trochlea E) Deltoid tuberosity Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Styloid process B) Radial head C) Olecranon D) Coronoid process E) Ulnar head Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 7.5

Using the above-referenced figures of the anterior view of the radius and ulna, identify the specified labeled items in each of the following questions. 30) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Ulnar styloid process B) Radial head C) Olecranon D) Coronoid process E) Radial styloid process 28 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Coronoid process B) Radial styloid process C) Ulnar styloid process D) Olecranon E) Trochlea Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Olecranon B) Ulnar head C) Coronoid process D) Styloid process E) Radial head Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure indicated by Label Q. A) Coronoid process B) Styloid process C) Coracoid process D) Mastoid process E) Trochlea Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Radial fossa B) Intertubercular groove C) Radial sulcus D) Trochlear notch E) Olecranon fossa Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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35) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Olecranon B) Coronoid process C) Trochlea D) Capitulum E) Deltoid tuberosity Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 7.6

Using the above-referenced figure of the anterior (palmar) view of the bones of the right wrist and hand, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 36) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Lunate B) Triquetrum C) Hamate D) Scaphoid E) Pisiform Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

37) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Trapezium B) Trapezoid C) Capitate D) Hamate E) Scaphoid Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Capitate B) Trapezoid C) Hamate D) Lunate E) Triquetrum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Scaphoid B) Trapezium C) Trapezoid D) Lunate E) Hamate Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Capitate B) Scaphoid C) Pisiform D) Hamate E) Triquetrum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Trapezium B) Triquetrum C) Capitate D) Pisiform E) Lunate Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Hamate B) Pisiform C) Lunate D) Scaphoid E) Capitate Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure indicated by Label N. A) Lunate B) Scaphoid C) Trapezium D) Hamate E) Capitate Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 7.7

Using the above-referenced anterior view of the pelvis, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 44) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Iliac fossa B) Anterior superior iliac spine C) Ischial spine D) Iliac crest E) Arcuate line Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Obturator foramen B) Iliac fossa C) Acetabulum D) Pubic ramus E) Posterior inferior iliac spine Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

46) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Obturator foramen B) Iliac fossa C) Pubic tubercle D) Iliac crest E) Acetabulum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Obturator foramen B) Iliac crest C) Pubic symphysis D) Ischial spine E) Acetabulum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Ischium B) Ilium C) Obturator foramen D) Acetabulum E) Pubis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Ilium B) Obturator foramen C) Acetabulum D) Pubis E) Ischium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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50) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Pubis B) Acetabulum C) Ilium D) Ischium E) Obturator foramen Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 7.8

Using the above-referenced posterior view of the pelvis, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 51) Identify the structure indicated by Label Q. A) Promontory B) Sacral crest C) Greater sciatic notch D) Lesser sciatic notch E) Sacral foramina Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

52) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Posterior superior iliac spine B) Anterior superior iliac spine C) Ischial spine D) Anterior inferior iliac spine E) Posterior inferior iliac spine Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Posterior superior iliac spine B) Posterior inferior iliac spine C) Anterior superior iliac spine D) Ischial spine E) Anterior inferior iliac spine Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Identify the structure indicated by Label V. A) Anterior superior iliac spine B) Posterior superior iliac spine C) Anterior inferior iliac spine D) Ischial spine E) Posterior inferior iliac spine Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Identify the structure indicated by Label W. A) Greater sciatic notch B) Obturator foramen C) Acetabulum D) Sacral foramina E) Lesser sciatic notch Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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56) Identify the structure indicated by Label X. A) Promontory B) Median sacral crest C) Sacral foramina D) Acetabulum E) Iliac crest Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) Identify the structure indicated by Label Y. A) Median sacral crest B) Pubic tubercle C) Iliac crest D) Anterior superior iliac crest E) Anterior inferior iliac crest Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 7.9

Using the above-referenced figures depicting the landmarks on the anterior surface of the right femur, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions.

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58) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Neck B) Head C) Greater tubercle D) Linea aspera E) Lesser trochanter Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Lesser trochanter B) Head C) Neck D) Greater trochanter E) Linea aspera Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Greater trochanter B) Lateral epicondyle C) Lesser trochanter D) Linea aspera E) Medial epicondyle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 61) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Lateral condyle B) Lesser trochanter C) Linea aspera D) Greater trochanter E) Medial condyle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

39 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

62) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Linea aspera B) Medial condyle C) Greater trochanter D) Lesser trochanter E) Lateral condyle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Intercondylar eminence B) Lesser trochanter C) Intertrochanteric line D) Greater trochanter E) Linea aspera Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Fovea for ligament of head B) Greater trochanter C) Olecranon fossa D) Radial fossa E) Lesser trochanter Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 7.10

Using the above-referenced figure depicting landmarks on the posterior surface of the right femur, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions.

41 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

65) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Medial condyle B) Lateral epicondyle C) Lateral condyle D) Lesser trochanter E) Linea aspera Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Greater trochanter B) Lateral epicondyle C) Lesser trochanter D) Linea aspera E) Medial epicondyle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) Identify the structure indicated by Label U. A) Lesser trochanter B) Greater trochanter C) Medial condyle D) Adductor tubercle E) Lateral condyle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) Identify the structure indicated by Label W. A) Medial condyle B) Fovea capitis C) Lesser trochanter D) Greater trochanter E) Lateral condyle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

42 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

69) Identify the structure indicated by Label Y. A) Greater trochanter B) Linea aspera C) Lesser trochanter D) Medial condyle E) Intertrochanteric crest Answer: B Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) Identify the structure indicated by Label BB. A) Intertubercular sulcus B) Lateral condyle C) Intertrochanteric crest D) Linea aspera E) Intercondylar eminence Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 71) Identify the structure indicated by Label CC. A) Medial condyle B) Lateral condyle C) Greater trochanter D) Intertrochanteric crest E) Lesser trochanter Answer: C Learning Outcome: 7.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

43 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 8 The Skeletal System: Articulations 8.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) A joint that permits free movement is called ________. A) a synarthrosis B) a synostosis C) a diarthrosis D) a synchondrosis E) an amphiarthrosis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Which of the following is the correct classification for the distal articulation between the tibia and fibula, and the interosseous membrane between the radius and ulna? A) gomphosis B) suture C) syndesmosis D) synchondrosis E) synostosis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) A fibrous synarthrosis joint that holds skull bones together is called (a) ________. A) suture B) gomphosis C) synchondrosis D) synostosis E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) A cartilaginous joint that permits slight movement is (a) ________. A) symphysis B) synovial joint C) synostosis D) synchondrosis E) gomphosis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) An accessory structure of a joint that may subdivide a synovial cavity, channel the flow of synovial fluid, or allow for variations in the shapes of the articular surfaces is a ________. A) ligament B) bursa C) meniscus D) fat pad E) tendon Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The structure that surrounds a synovial joint is called (a) ________. A) meniscus B) joint capsule C) synovial membrane D) bursa E) fat pad Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Which of the following associations is most accurate? A) synarthroses–slightly movable B) amphiarthroses–freely movable C) diarthroses–immovable D) diarthroses–synovial E) gomphoses–slightly movable Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Which of the following is a classification of a joint in which the bones are separated by a pad of fibrous cartilage? A) ball and socket B) gliding C) pivot D) symphysis E) hinge Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) A dislocation, in which the articulating surfaces of a joint are forced entirely out of position, is called (a) ________. A) luxation B) subluxation C) congenital abnormality D) symphysis E) fracture Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The type of joint formed by the joining of the diaphysis and each epiphysis is called a ________. A) gomphosis B) synchondrosis C) synostosis D) symphysis E) suture Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Which of the following is a function of synovial fluid? A) acts as a shock absorber B) prevents movement C) channels the flow of blood D) restricts joint movement E) strengthens and reinforces the joint Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Damage to a joint so that it is slightly dislocated is called a ________. A) luxation B) subluxation C) complete dislocation D) separation E) strain Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Small, synovial fluid-filled pockets in connective tissue are called ________. A) tendons B) intrinsic ligaments C) fat pads D) bursae E) extrinsic ligaments Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) A specialized form of fibrous synarthrosis that binds each tooth to the surrounding bony socket is a ________. A) syndesmosis B) symphysis C) synchondrosis D) gomphosis E) synostosis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The first carpometacarpal joint and the wrist are ________ joints. A) nonaxial B) monoaxial C) triaxial D) quadaxial E) biaxial Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Accessory structures found around the joint periphery, which provide packing material and fill spaces created when the joint cavity changes shape, are called ________. A) fat pads B) menisci C) bursae D) tendons E) ligaments Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Movement of joints may occur along how many possible axes of motion? A) three B) two C) one D) five E) four Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Which of the following associations describes the shoulder joint? A) uniaxial–hinge B) biaxial–condyloid C) triaxial–ball and socket D) monaxial–hinge E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) An example of angular motion away from the longitudinal axis of the body in the frontal plane is ________. A) flexion B) abduction C) extension D) rotation E) adduction Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Movement in the anterior-posterior plane that decreases the angle between the articulating elements is ________. A) abduction B) adduction C) extension D) rotation E) flexion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Pronation and supination occur at a/the ________. A) humeroulnar joint B) radio-ulnar joint C) temporomandibular joint D) glenohumeral joint E) tibiofibular joint Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Which of the following is an example of angular motion? A) depression B) protraction C) extension D) eversion E) opposition Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) What movement occurs when the vertebral column bends to the side? A) flexion B) lateral flexion C) abduction D) elevation E) adduction Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) The first carpometacarpal joint is an example of a/an ________. A) hinge joint B) ellipsoid joint C) pivot joint D) gliding joint E) saddle joint Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Moving a part of the body anteriorly in the horizontal plane is called ________. A) flexion B) opposition C) retraction D) protraction E) extension Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The atlanto-axial joint is an example of a(n) ________ joint. A) gliding B) pivot C) saddle D) ellipsoid E) hinge Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) A joint that allows only rotational movements is called a ________. A) circumductive joint B) pivot joint C) gliding joint D) pronation joint E) ball and socket Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Intercarpal joints are ________. A) ellipsoidal joints B) hinge joints C) plane joints D) ball and socket joints E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) The temporomandibular joint is ________. A) amphiarthrotic B) a symphysis C) a gliding joint D) actually made up of three separate joints E) primarily a hinge joint Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) The insertion of the ________ (an extracapsular structure of the temporomandibular joint) covers the posterior portion of the mylohyoid line. A) lateral ligament B) temporomandibular ligament C) geniohyoid ligament D) sphenomandibular ligament E) stylomandibular ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) The condition called ________ may occur under severe compression, when the nucleus pulposus breaks through the annulus fibrosus. A) rheumatoid arthritis B) rheumatism C) herniated disc D) a sprain E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Joints between the superior and inferior articulating facets of adjacent vertebrae are called ________. A) symphyses B) gomphoses C) synostoses D) syndesmoses E) zygapophysial joints Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) A painful condition associated with disc degeneration that affects the spinal nerves is called the ________. A) bulging disc B) herniated disc C) intervertebral disc disease D) sciata E) ankylosing spondylitis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) During a shoulder separation injury, which of the following structures is most likely to be damaged? A) acromioclavicular ligament B) coracohumeral ligament C) coracoacromial ligament D) sternoclavicular ligament E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Which structure(s), firmly attached to the superior border of the manubrium, prevents dislocation when the shoulder is depressed? A) glenoid labrum B) interclavicular ligament C) anterior sternoclavicular ligament D) costoclavicular ligament E) glenohumeral ligament Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The joint that permits the greatest range of motion in the entire body is the ________. A) hip B) shoulder C) knee D) elbow E) neck Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) The ________ extends between the greater and lesser tubercles and holds the long head of the biceps brachii muscle in the intertubercular groove of the humerus. A) coracoclavicular ligament B) acromioclavicular ligament C) glenohumeral ligament D) transverse humeral ligament E) coracoacromial ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) The movement made at the proximal radioulnar joint when turning the palm of the hand upward is called ________. A) extension B) supination C) flexion D) retraction E) pronation Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Which ligament is often injured as a result of the repetitive, high-velocity motions involved in throwing? A) radial collateral ligament B) annular ligament C) transverse humeral ligament D) ulnar collateral ligament E) coracoacromial ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) At the humeroradial joint, the ________ articulates with the head of the radius. A) capitulum B) greater tubercle C) glenoid labrum D) lesser tubercle E) trochlea Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Which structure(s) connects the distal radius to the anterior surfaces of the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum? A) dorsal radiocarpal ligament B) ulnar collateral ligament C) palmar radiocarpal ligament D) radial collateral ligament E) intercarpal ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) The metacarpophalangeal joints are ________ joints. A) saddle B) plane C) hinge D) gliding E) condylar Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Which of the following is an intracapsular ligament that stabilizes the hip joint, and tightens only when the thigh is flexed and undergoing external rotation? A) the iliofemoral ligament B) the pubofemoral ligament C) the ischiofemoral ligament D) the transverse acetabular ligament E) the ligament of the femoral head Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) The ________ crosses the acetabular notch in the hip joint. A) transverse acetabular ligament B) iliofemoral ligament C) acetabular labrum D) pubofemoral ligament E) ischiofemoral ligament Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) The knee joint differs from other large, complex synovial joints of the body in which of the following features? A) It is a hinge joint. B) It is reinforced by ligaments. C) It is rarely dislocated. D) It is composed of two joints within a complex synovial capsule. E) The knee joint does not differ from other joints. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Which of the knee structures function(s) to reinforce the medial and lateral surfaces of the joint, tighten only at full extension of the joint, and act to stabilize the joint? A) patellar ligament B) tibial and fibular collateral ligaments C) popliteal ligaments D) anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments E) iliofemoral ligament Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) The cruciate ligaments attach to the ________ of the tibia. A) condyles B) epicondyles C) anterior tuberosity D) intercondylar area E) linea aspera Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Which structure(s) is/are attached to the anterior surface of the tibia? A) tibial collateral ligament B) popliteal ligament C) anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments D) patellar ligament E) fibular collateral ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) ________ of the knee is preceded by unlocking of the knee. A) Extension B) Protraction C) Opposition D) Retraction E) Flexion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) The superficial ________ reinforce(s) the back of the knee joint. A) anterior cruciate ligament B) patellar ligaments C) popliteal ligaments D) medial collateral ligament E) posterior cruciate ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Structures that compose the ankle joint include ________. A) the distal articular surface of the tibia B) the medial malleolus C) the lateral malleolus of the fibula D) the trochlea and lateral articular facets of the talus E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Which of the following are condylar joints in the foot that permit flexion/extension and abduction/adduction? A) intertarsal joints B) tarsometatarsal joints C) metatarsophalangeal joints D) interphalangeal joints E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) The major weight-bearing articulation of the ankle is the ________ joint. A) tibiocalcaneal B) tibiotalar C) tibiofibular D) fibulocuboidal E) fibulotalar Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Which of the following fractures are among the most dangerous seen in elderly people? A) hip fractures B) knee fractures C) elbow fractures D) ankle fractures E) wrist fractures Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.11 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Arthritis always involves damage to (the) ________. A) bony tissue B) bursae C) ligaments D) articular cartilages E) tendon sheaths Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.11 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8.2 True/False Questions 1) Plantar flexion elevates the heel and plantar surface of the foot. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The sphenomandibular ligament attaches the styloid process to the mandibular ramus. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 8.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Ankylosing spondylitis is arthritis that affects the joints of the axial skeleton. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

4) One of the thickenings in the anterior aspect of the capsule surrounding the shoulder joint is the glenohumeral ligament. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) A ligament that originates at the base of the coracoid process and inserts on the head of the humerus is the acromioclavicular ligament. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The ligament that ties the clavicle to the coracoid process to limit the relative motion between the clavicle and scapula is the coracoclavicular ligament. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The head of the radius is held in place by the annular ligament and the quadrate ligament. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 8.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The radial collateral ligament extends from the styloid process of the radius to the medial surface of the scaphoid. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 8.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Turn soles inward is called dorsiflexion. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 8.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Potts fracture involves the medial and lateral malleolus. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 8.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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8.3 Essay Questions 1) What are the components of a synovial joint? Answer: The outer layers of a synovial joint include a fibrous joint capsule, reinforced by thickenings, often named as separate ligaments. Inside the capsule, the articular surfaces of the bones are covered by articular cartilages, and lined by synovial membrane. Synovial membrane secretes a synovial fluid that lubricates the joint. The joint may also be cushioned and subdivided by bursae, fat pads, and menisci. Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) How does a syndesmosis differ from a symphysis, even though both are classified as amphiarthroses? Answer: Amphiarthroses permit very little movement, but a syndesmosis is connected by ligaments in a region such as the connection between the distal tibia and fibula. A symphysis allows little movement also, but in this case the bones are separated by a pad or wedge of fibrocartilage, as in the pubic symphysis. Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) Why are the functional requirements of the lower limb joints different from those of the upper limb? Answer: The functional requirements of the joints in the lower limb are very different from those of the upper limb because articulations at the hip, knee, and ankle must transfer the body weight to the ground. Consequently, during movements such as running, jumping, or twisting, the applied forces are considerably greater than the weight of the body. Learning Outcome: 8.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 4) Why do human beings lose height as they reach old age? Answer: Since the intervertebral discs make a significant contribution to an individual's height, they account for roughly one-quarter of the length of the vertebral column above the sacrum. As an individual ages, the water content of the nucleus pulposus within each disc decreases as the gelatinous core is replaced by fibrous cartilage. The discs gradually become less effective as a cushion, and the chances for vertebral injury increase. Loss of water by the discs also causes shortening of the vertebral column, which accounts for the characteristic decrease in height with advanced age. Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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5) How does the construction of the shoulder capsule contribute to the extensive range of motion of the shoulder joint? Answer: The articular capsule of the shoulder joint extends from the scapular neck to the humerus. It is a relatively oversized capsule that is weakest at its inferior surface. When the upper limb is in the anatomical position, the capsule is tight superiorly and loose inferiorly and anteriorly. The construction of the capsule contributes to the extensive range of motion as the bones of the pectoral girdle provide some stability to the superior surface. This stability is due to the acromion and coracoid processes projecting laterally superior to the humeral head. However, most of the stability at this joint is provided by the ligaments and surrounding skeletal muscles, and their associated tendons. Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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8.4 Labeling Questions Figure 8.1

Using the above-referenced diagrammatic view of a simple articulation, identify the specified labeled items in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Meniscus B) Bursa C) Articular cartilage D) Medullary cavity E) Joint capsule Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Endosteum B) Synovial membrane C) Joint capsule D) Periosteum E) Articular cartilage Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Periosteum B) Articular cartilage C) Endosteum D) Medullary cavity E) Compact bone Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Periosteum B) Articular cartilage C) Endosteum D) Medullary cavity E) Synovial membrane Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Endosteum B) Articular cartilage C) Periosteum D) Compact bone E) Medullary cavity Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Periosteum B) Joint cavity C) Medullary cavity D) Compact bone E) Articular cartilage Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 8.2

Using the above-referenced anterior view and lateral and sectional views of the intervertebral articulations, identify the specified labeled items in each of the following questions. 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Transverse process B) Intervertebral foramen C) Spinous process D) Ligamentum flavum E) Superior articular process Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Posterior longitudinal ligament B) Supraspinous ligament C) Interspinous ligament D) Anterior longitudinal ligament E) Ligamentum flavum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Interspinous ligament B) Anterior longitudinal ligament C) Supraspinous ligament D) Annulus fibrosus E) Posterior longitudinal ligament Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Intervertebral disc B) Superior articular facet C) End plate D) Transverse process E) Inferior articular facet Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Vertebral foramen B) End plate C) Intervertebral foramen D) Ligamentum flavum E) Transverse foramen Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Posterior longitudinal ligament B) Ligamentum flavum C) Supraspinous ligament D) Anterior longitudinal ligament E) Infraspinous ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) End plate B) Intervertebral disc C) Ligamentum flavum D) Supraspinous ligament E) Interspinous ligament Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Ligamentum flavum B) End plate C) Supraspinous ligament D) Annulus fibrosus E) Interspinous ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Supraspinous ligament B) Nucleus pulposus C) Ligamentum flavum D) End plate E) Annulus fibrosus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Ligamentum flavum B) Annulus fibrosus C) Nucleus pulposus D) Spinal nerve E) End plate Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 8.3

Using the above-referenced anterior view of the right shoulder joint, identify the specified labeled items in each of the following questions. 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Transverse humeral ligament B) Tendon of supraspinatus muscle C) Acromioclavicular ligament D) Coraco-acromial ligament E) Coracoclavicular ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Acromion B) Humerus C) Coracoid process D) Clavicle E) Coronoid process Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Subdeltoid bursa B) Humerus C) Coracoid process D) Coronoid process E) Acromion Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Tendon of brachialis muscle B) Tendon of coracobrachialis muscle C) Tendon of infraspinatus muscle D) Tendon of supraspinatus muscle E) Tendon of teres minor muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Tendon of biceps brachii muscle B) Tendon of supraspinatus muscle C) Transverse humeral ligament D) Tendon of subscapularis muscle E) Tendon of infraspinatus muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Tendon of brachialis muscle B) Tendon of biceps brachii muscle C) Tendon of supraspinatus muscle D) Tendon of infraspinatus muscle E) Tendon of subscapularis muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Tendon of supraspinatus muscle B) Tendon of coracobrachialis muscle C) Tendon of biceps brachii muscle D) Tendon of brachialis muscle E) Tendon of infraspinatus muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Acromioclavicular ligaments B) Coracoclavicular ligaments C) Glenohumeral ligaments D) Coraco-acromial ligaments E) Ligamenta flava Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Coracoclavicular ligament B) Coracohumeral ligament C) Acromioclavicular ligament D) Ligamentum flavum E) Coraco-acromial ligament Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Humerus B) Coracoid process C) Greater tubercle D) Acromion E) Glenoid labrum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Coracoclavicular ligaments B) Acromioclavicular ligaments C) Glenohumeral ligaments D) Coraco-acromial ligaments E) Ligamentum flavum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Glenohumeral ligaments B) Coracoclavicular ligament C) Coraco-acromial ligament D) Ligamentum flavum E) Acromioclavicular ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 8.4

Using the above-referenced lateral view of the right shoulder joint (humerus removed), identify the specified labeled items in each of the following questions. 29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Subacromial bursa B) Coracoid process C) Coronoid process D) Glenoid labrum E) Acromion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Glenoid labrum B) Acromion C) Subacromial bursa D) Coracoid process E) Coronoid process Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Tendon of infraspinatus muscle B) Tendon of supraspinatus muscle C) Tendon of biceps brachii muscle D) Tendon of teres minor muscle E) Tendon of subscapularis muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Supraspinatus muscle B) Infraspinatus muscle C) Subscapularis muscle D) Teres major muscle E) Teres minor muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Coronoid process B) Acromion C) Coracoid process D) Subdeltoid bursa E) Glenoid cavity Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Tendons of supraspinatus muscle B) Tendons of infraspinatus muscle C) Tendons of biceps brachii muscle D) Tendons of subscapularis muscle E) Glenohumeral ligaments Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Teres minor muscle B) Supraspinatus muscle C) Subscapularis muscle D) Infraspinatus muscle E) Teres major muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Acromion B) Humerus C) Coracoid process D) Glenoid labrum E) Coronoid process Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Coracoclavicular ligaments B) Glenohumeral ligaments C) Acromioclavicular ligaments D) Coraco-acromial ligaments E) Ligamentum flavum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Tendon of subscapularis muscle B) Tendon of infraspinatus muscle C) Tendon of supraspinatus muscle D) Tendon of biceps brachii muscle E) Tendon of teres minor muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 8.5

Using the above-referenced posterior views of the extended right knee (joint capsule removed in right side cadaveric image), identify the specified labeled items in each of the following questions. 39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Soleus muscle B) Plantaris muscle C) Popliteus muscle D) Semitendinosus muscle E) Gastrocnemius muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Fibular collateral ligament B) Anterior cruciate ligament C) Posterior cruciate ligament D) Tibial collateral ligament E) Patellar ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Popliteal ligaments B) Patellar ligaments C) Anterior cruciate ligaments D) Posterior cruciate ligaments E) Fibular collateral ligaments Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Popliteus muscle B) Gastrocnemius muscle C) Soleus muscle D) Plantaris muscle E) Semimembranosus muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Tendon of the biceps femoris muscle B) Tendon of the popliteus muscle C) Tendon of the semimembranosus muscle D) Tendon of the semitendinosus muscle E) Tendon of the plantaris muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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44) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Tibial collateral ligament B) Anterior cruciate ligament C) Fibular collateral ligament D) Posterior cruciate ligament E) Popliteal ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Posterior cruciate ligament B) Fibular collateral ligament C) Anterior cruciate ligament D) Tibial collateral ligament E) Patellar ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Medial condyle B) Greater trochanter C) Lateral condyle D) Lesser trochanter E) Linea aspera Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Anterior cruciate ligament B) Tibial collateral ligament C) Posterior cruciate ligament D) Popliteal ligament E) Fibular collateral ligament Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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48) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Lateral meniscus B) Lateral condyle C) Medial condyle D) Medial meniscus E) Posterior cruciate ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Anterior cruciate ligament B) Fibular collateral ligament C) Patellar ligament D) Popliteal ligament E) Posterior cruciate ligament Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label U. A) Lateral condyle B) Head of fibula C) Linea aspera D) Medial condyle E) Head of tibia Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Medial meniscus B) Fibular collateral ligament C) Lateral meniscus D) Tibial collateral ligament E) Anterior cruciate ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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52) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label X. A) Medial condyle B) Head of fibula C) Biceps femoris muscle D) Lateral condyle E) Semimembranosus muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Y. A) Tibial collateral ligament B) Anterior cruciate ligament C) Posterior cruciate ligament D) Patellar ligament E) Fibular collateral ligament Answer: E Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 8.6

Using the above-referenced anterior view of the right knee at full flexion (joint capsule, patella, and associated ligaments removed), identify the specified labeled items in each of the following questions. 54) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Tibial collateral ligament B) Anterior cruciate ligament C) Fibular collateral ligament D) Posterior cruciate ligament E) Medial meniscus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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55) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Lateral condyle B) Head of fibula C) Head of tibia D) Lateral meniscus E) Medial condyle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Posterior cruciate ligament B) Lateral meniscus C) Fibular collateral ligament D) Anterior cruciate ligament E) Medial meniscus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Tendon of biceps femoris muscle B) Tendon of semitendinosus muscle C) Tendon of plantaris muscle D) Tendon of semimembranosus muscle E) Tendon of popliteus muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Fibular collateral ligament B) Anterior cruciate ligament C) Tibial collateral ligament D) Patellar ligament E) Posterior cruciate ligament Answer: B Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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59) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Lateral meniscus B) Anterior cruciate ligament C) Medial meniscus D) Posterior cruciate ligament E) Tibial collateral ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Tibial collateral ligament B) Anterior cruciate ligament C) Posterior cruciate ligament D) Medial meniscus E) Fibular collateral ligament Answer: A Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 61) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Anterior cruciate ligament B) Fibular collateral ligament C) Patellar ligament D) Posterior cruciate ligament E) Tibial collateral ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 8.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 9 The Muscular System: Skeletal Muscle Tissue and Muscle Organization 9.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is the type of muscle that pushes blood through the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system? A) skeletal muscle B) cardiac muscle C) smooth muscle D) appendicular muscle E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Smooth muscles are primarily used to ________. A) generate heat B) pump blood through the circulation C) push fluid and solids along the digestive tract D) provide voluntary movements to the body E) pull on bones of the skeleton Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) How many skeletal muscles are there in the muscular system? A) 50 B) 206 C) thousands D) 700+ E) 116 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Which of the following features is NOT characteristic of muscle tissues? A) excitability B) cognitive ability C) contractility D) extensibility E) elasticity Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) What characteristic of muscle tissue allows it to respond to stimulation by the nervous system? A) excitability B) elasticity C) extensibility D) contractility E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Which of the following is a function of skeletal muscle? A) produce skeletal movement B) maintain posture C) support soft tissues D) maintain body temperature E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Why are skeletal muscles called voluntary? A) These muscles maintain a constant rhythm of contraction. B) Their contractions can be consciously controlled. C) Only these muscles are stimulated to contract by the central nervous system. D) Contraction of specific muscles occurs to maintain body posture and body position. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The layers of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle from the inside to the outside in correct order are ________. A) endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium B) epimysium, endomysium, and perimysium C) epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium D) endomysium, epimysium, and perimysium E) perimysium, epimysium, and endomysium Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The epimysium, which separates the muscle from surrounding tissues and organs, is connected to the ________. A) superficial fascia B) subserous fascia C) deep fascia D) aponeuroses E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The connective tissue surrounding a fascicle is called ________. A) endomysium B) epimysium C) perimysium D) a tendon E) an aponeurosis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The attachment of a muscle to a bone is called ________. A) a bursa B) an aponeurosis C) a ligament D) a capsule E) either a tendon or an aponeurosis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Which of these orders of functional muscle structures progresses from the smallest to largest in diameter? A) muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril B) fascicle, myofibril, muscle fiber, filament C) fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, muscle D) muscle, muscle fiber, myofibril, fascicle E) myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle, muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Actinin molecules form an open meshwork at the ________. A) Z line B) M line C) H band D) I band E) A band Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Skeletal muscle fibers arise from embryonic cells called ________. A) myotomes B) myoblasts C) myomeres D) myofilaments E) myofibrils Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Why does a skeletal muscle fiber have more than one nucleus? A) During development, groups of embryonic cells called myoblasts fuse together to form a single muscle fiber. B) During development, the nucleus of each myoblast replicates several times. C) During development, the sarcolemmae of newly formed muscle fibers disintegrate, making many muscle cells into one. D) During muscular activity, parts of each muscle fiber break down, and the remaining parts, including their nuclei, fuse into new combination fibers. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The complex known as the triad consists of ________. A) actin, myosin, and myofilaments B) one A band, one H zone, and one I band C) one transverse tubule and two terminal cisternae D) myofilaments, myofibrils, and sarcomeres E) one sarcomere, one sarcoplasmic reticulum, and one sarcoplasm Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) The sarcoplasmic reticulum is (the) ________. A) sarcolemma of skeletal muscle fibers B) cytoplasm of skeletal muscle fibers C) a membrane complex in skeletal muscles similar to smooth endoplasmic reticulum D) extension of the skeletal muscle sarcolemma into the cell E) a membrane complex in skeletal muscles similar to rough endoplasmic reticulum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) The portion of a sarcomere that contains the M line, H band and the zone of overlap is the ________. A) I band B) M line C) A band D) H band E) Z line Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The structures within the muscle fiber that shorten to cause skeletal muscle fiber contraction are (the) ________. A) myoneural junctions B) myofibrils C) myosatellite cells D) neuromuscular synapses E) myoblasts Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Delayed-onset muscle soreness is potentially caused by microscopic ruptures at the ________ of the sarcomeres. A) M line B) I band C) H band D) Z line E) A band Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) The area of a myofibril where there are no actin filaments is the ________. A) A band B) Z line C) I band D) M line E) H band Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) What symptoms accompany fibromyalgia? A) temporomandibular joint disorder B) irritable bowel syndrome C) anxiety D) tension headaches E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Tropomyosin and troponin are which of the following types of molecules? A) functional hormone B) secretory protein C) regulatory protein D) enzyme E) accessory protein Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) The ________ is a dense irregular connective tissue layer that surrounds the entire skeletal muscle. A) perimysium B) sarcolemma C) epimysium D) sarcoplasmic reticulum E) endomysium Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) A skeletal muscle is divided into a series of internal compartments, each of which contains a bundle of muscle fibers called a ________. A) myofibril B) sarcomere C) triad D) cross-bridge E) fascicle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The connective tissue that surrounds each skeletal muscle fiber and binds each muscle fiber to its neighbor is the ________. A) endosteum B) endomysium C) epimysium D) periosteum E) perimysium Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Between the endomysium and the muscle fibers lie a number of stem cells that aid in the repair of damaged muscle tissues. These are the ________ cells. A) myoblast B) myofibril C) isotropic D) myosatellite E) myosin Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Thick (myosin) and thin (actin) filaments together form ________. A) myofibrils B) the H band C) a triad D) Z discs E) the I band Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) The smallest functional units of the muscle fibers are the ________. A) fascicles B) sarcomeres C) myofilaments D) cisternae E) neuromuscular synapses Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores ________. A) oxygen B) glucose C) ATP D) calcium ions E) glycogen Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Which of the following ions is the trigger for a muscle contraction? A) sodium B) chloride C) calcium D) potassium E) acetylcholine Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The function of T tubules is to ________. A) bind muscle fibers together at the neuromuscular synapse B) separate the terminal from the motor end plate of the skeletal muscle fiber C) help distribute the electrical impulse, which triggers the release of calcium ions by the sarcoplasmic reticulum D) bind actin and myosin molecules together E) release acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Troponin assists in controlling the interaction between myosin heads and thin filaments by ________. A) forming a long chain that covers the active sites of thin filaments B) storing calcium ions in the troponin-tropomyosin complex C) binding to myosin heads, which allows tropomyosin to pivot, thereby exposing the active sites D) assisting in the formation of the myofilaments E) binding calcium ions to produce a change in the orientation of the troponin-tropomyosin complex Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Which of the following molecules or ions are absent following death and leads to rigor mortis? A) acetylcholine B) acetylcholinesterase C) ATP D) calcium E) None of these are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The sliding mechanism of myofilaments works when ________. A) the thick filaments detach from the muscle tendon B) the myosin heads of the thick filaments bind to active sites on the actin molecules of the thin filaments C) the myosin heads pivot away from the M line toward the Z lines D) the troponin-tropomyosin complex interacts with the actin molecules E) calcium ions bind to active sites on the actin molecules of the thin filaments Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) When contraction occurs, ________. A) the A band remains constant B) the H band gets smaller C) the I band begins to disappear D) the Z lines move closer together E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Regarding the effect of sarcomere length on tension production, a very highly stretched muscle (increased sarcomere length above normal 3.1 µm) will produce a contraction (% maximum tension) that is ________. A) optimal (100%) B) much greater than average (80-90%) C) fairly weak (20-40%) D) slightly stronger than resting position (~10%) E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 38) Each skeletal muscle fiber is controlled by a single ________. A) synaptic cleft B) motor end plate C) triad of transverse tubule and terminal cisternae D) motor neuron whose cell body is located inside the central nervous system E) neurotransmitter Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) The motor neuron releases acetylcholine, which then binds to receptors sites on a special region of the sarcolemma called ________. A) a T tubule B) the motor unit C) a fascicle D) a motor end plate E) the sarcoplasmic reticulum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) The neurotransmitter involved in the process of contraction in skeletal muscles is ________. A) ATP B) acetylcholine C) troponin D) globulin E) serotonin Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) The enzyme that is partly responsible for shutting down a muscle contraction is ________. A) actinin B) actinase C) acetylcholinesterase D) titin E) glycolytic enzyme Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Which of the following events occurs in a muscle that is relaxing? A) The muscle fiber shortens. B) AChE is present in the synaptic cleft. C) Released calcium ions are present. D) Myosin heads bind to active sites on the thin filaments. E) Hydrolysis of ATP occurs. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) What is the significance of the change in membrane potential of the T tubules within the sarcolemma? A) It has no role, because this phenomenon does not occur. B) It triggers the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release of calcium ions. C) This change is caused by the release of actin and myosin molecules. D) This change is caused by the displacement of actin and myosin molecules. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Which of the following events occurs first? A) Myosin cross-bridges attach to actin. B) Calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. C) Calcium binds to troponin. D) The myosin head pivots toward the M line. E) The myosin head binds ATP and detaches from actin. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) Skeletal muscle fiber contractions are caused by the interaction between the ________ and the ________ filaments of the sarcomeres. A) thin; nebulin B) titin; thin C) thick; nebulin D) thin; thick E) titin; thick Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) When acetylcholine binds to receptors on the motor end plate, ________ occurs immediately. A) vesicular enzymatic activity B) cross-bridge formation C) ATP-myosin binding D) an action potential E) myosin head pivoting Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) The steady increase in muscular tension produced by increasing the number of active motor units is called ________. A) muscle tone B) a muscle twitch C) muscle spindles D) peak tension E) recruitment Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) What type of muscular activity is present in a muscle at rest? A) There is no activity. B) There is some activity that causes the muscle to make continual tiny movements. C) Motor units activate partially in a unified wavelike motion. D) Motor units activate in a random pattern to cause slight constant tension, known as muscle tone. E) There are large amounts of short contractions. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) When one motor neuron fires a single action potential the result affects one ________. A) upper motor neuron B) synaptic cleft C) lower motor neuron D) motor unit E) sensory unit Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) The number of cells per motor unit in the leg muscles can reach up to ________. A) one hundred B) less than a dozen C) millions D) hundreds E) many thousands Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) When a single motor neuron controls a greater number of muscle fibers in a motor unit, ________. A) the greater the number of stimuli will be required to produce a contraction B) each contraction will last longer C) the muscle contraction will be slower D) the less precise the control will be E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) When a resting muscle contracts only enough to produce tension without movement, this is an example of ________. A) activation B) muscle tone C) hypertrophy D) atrophy E) twitch Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) When all of the motor units of a muscle contract at the maximal rate of stimulation, it leads to the production of ________. A) the longest contraction B) the fastest contraction C) multiple motor unit summation D) peak tension E) fast, long contractions Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) While wearing a cast due to a broken bone, muscles shrink due to the process of ________. A) recruitment B) cell division C) hypertrophy D) atrophy E) chronic inflammation, or swelling Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) In muscles that have been repeatedly stimulated to produce near-maximal tension, the net effect is ________. A) hypertrophy B) recruitment C) atrophy D) reduced tone E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) By varying the ________ at any one time, the nervous system provides precise control over the pull exerted by the muscle. A) reflexes triggered B) concentration of glycolytic enzymes C) number of motor units activated D) energy reserves utilized E) degree of muscle atrophy Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) The muscle fiber typethat contains densely packed myofibrils, large glycogen reserves, and relatively few mitochondria, is called ________. A) fast fibers B) slow fibers C) intermediate fibers D) cardiac fibers E) smooth fibers Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Slow muscle fibers ________. A) are supported by anaerobic metabolism B) take twice as long to contract after stimulation as do fast fibers C) can continue to contract long after fast fibers have fatigued D) have less oxygen than do fast fibers E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) Slow twitch fibers appear red due to the intracellular storage of ________. A) nebulin B) titin C) hemoglobin D) glycogen E) myoglobin Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Slow fibers primarily use which of the following substrates for energy? A) glycogen B) lipids and carbohydrates through the anaerobic pathway C) carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids through the aerobic pathway D) anaerobic metabolism E) protein Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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61) A very good sprinter is likely to have ________. A) more slow twitch fibers than average B) more intermediate fibers than average C) more fast twitch fibers than average D) average muscles; performance is based solely on training E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) Most of the skeletal muscle fibers in the body are called ________ fibers, in reference to their duration of contraction following stimulation. A) red B) intermediate C) slow D) fast E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) Slow muscle fibers contain large amounts of the oxygen-binding protein ________. A) myoglobin B) calmodulin C) titin D) nebulin E) troponin Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) An intermediate fiber contracts fast, but it has more ________ and greater resistance to fatigue than a fast fiber. A) calcium ions B) myoglobin C) ribosomes D) oxygen-binding pigments E) mitochondria Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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65) Two factors that are used to determine the classification of a skeletal muscle are (1) the arrangement of the muscle fibers. (2) the structural arrangement relative to the direction of the pull. (3) the overall size of the muscle. (4) the amount of connective tissue present within the muscle. (5) the number of tendons connected to the muscle. A) 1 and 2 B) 2 and 3 C) 3 and 4 D) 4 and 5 E) 1 and 3 Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Muscle fibers can have various arrangements. The most powerful arrangement, in which more tension is generated during contraction, is called ________. A) circular B) parallel C) pennate D) convergent E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) The muscles surrounding the entrances of the digestive and urinary tracts are classified as ________. A) convergent B) bipennate C) parallel D) multipennate E) circular Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) A bundle of muscle fibers within a skeletal muscle body is called a ________. A) fascicle B) perimysium C) muscle sheath D) myofiber E) myofilament Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

69) If a muscle has a tendon that branches within the muscle tissue, it is a ________. A) sphincter muscle B) parallel muscle C) circular muscle D) multipennate muscle E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) The biceps brachii is an example of a muscle with its fascicle oriented in a ________ fashion. A) convergent B) parallel C) bipennate D) circular E) multipennate Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 71) In a ________ muscle, the muscle fibers are based over a broad area, but all the fibers come together at a common attachment site. A) convergent B) spiral C) circular D) multipennate E) parallel Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 72) In the case of the triceps brachii, the shoulder is the ________; the olecranon is the ________. A) origin; insertion B) insertion; origin C) agonist; antagonist D) synergist; fixator E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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73) Regarding a typical muscle insertion, which of the following is true? A) The insertion moves more than does the origin. B) The insertion is proximal to the origin. C) If a muscle extends between a broad aponeurosis and a narrow tendon, the aponeurosis is the insertion. D) If there are several tendons at one end of a muscle and just one at the other, there are multiple insertions. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 74) A muscle whose contraction is mostly responsible for a movement is said to be the ________ for that movement. A) synergist B) agonist and fixator C) antagonist D) fixator E) agonist and prime mover Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 75) The triceps brachii and biceps brachii are good examples of ________. A) muscles that flex the elbow B) an agonist-antagonist pair C) synergists D) agonists E) antagonists Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 76) The adductor magnus muscle is so named, partially due to the ________. A) size of the muscle B) shape of the muscle C) parallel versus pennate arrangement of its fibers D) orientation of its muscle fibers E) location of the muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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77) What does the term longissimus in a muscle name primarily indicate about that muscle? A) the muscle location in the body B) the muscle length C) the manner in which the fibers of the muscle are oriented D) the insertion of the muscle fibers is oriented with respect to the long axis of the body E) the action of the muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 78) What does the name flexor carpi radialis most likely mean? A) It is a forearm muscle whose primary function is synergistic to that of the biceps brachii muscle. B) It is a lateral forearm muscle that flexes at the wrist. C) It is a convergent muscle found along the radial border of the forearm. D) The muscle originates at the wrist. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 79) How does a muscle named lateralis differ from one named latissimus? A) There is no difference; the two terms are synonymous. B) Lateralis refers to the side of the organism, whereas latissimus refers to the width of the structure. C) Latissimus means the structure is larger than one that is merely lateralis. D) Two muscles so named would always have completely different functions. E) A latissimus structure is always deep to a lateralis structure. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 80) A word in a muscle name that indicates it is a pear-shaped muscle might be ________. A) splenius B) piriformis C) pectinate D) teres E) pyramidal Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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81) Which of the following words means slender? A) longissimus B) brevis C) latissimus D) gracilis E) major Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 82) Typically, the insertion of a muscle is ________ to its origin. A) distal B) proximal C) medial D) lateral E) deep Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 83) A lever in which the load is between the fulcrum and the applied force is a ________. A) first-class lever B) third-class lever C) second-class lever D) simple lever E) complex lever Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 84) Which of the following is/are properties of a lever? A) It is a flexible structure. B) It is the effort produced by the muscle contraction. C) It moves on a fulcrum. D) It is the weight that opposes the applied force. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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85) Flexion of the forearm at the elbow involves the use of the principle of (a) ________ lever(s). A) first- and second-class B) third-class C) first-class D) first- and third-class E) second-class Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 86) Aging skeletal muscles develop increasing amounts of ________. A) glycogen reserves B) ATP C) fibrous connective tissue D) myoglobin E) myofibrils Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9.2 True/False Questions 1) The M line is located at the end of a sarcomere. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) At the zone of overlap, each thin filament sits in a triangle formed by three thick filaments, and each thick filament is surrounded by six thin filaments. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) When viewed under polarized light, the dark staining bands are the A bands. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The Z line is comprised of thick filaments attached to interconnecting proteins, delineating the ends of the sarcomere. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) Light staining areas of a muscle fiber viewed under polarized light are called I bands. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The expanded portion of the axonal branch that faces a region of the sarcolemma is called an axon terminal. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) A space that separates the expanded tip of the axon at the neuromuscular synapse from the motor end plate is the synaptic vesicle. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The sarcoplasmic reticulum conducts action potentials that spread across the sarcolemma into the cell. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) A muscle that opposes the action of a prime mover is a synergist. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) A muscle that assists a prime mover is an agonist. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 9.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The fulcrum lies between the applied force and the resistance in a first-class lever. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 9.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9.3 Essay Questions 1) How are oxygen and nutrients supplied to the tissues of a muscle? Answer: Each muscle has an extensive vascular supply that carries oxygen and nutrients. These blood vessels often enter the epimysium alongside the associated nerves and follow the same branching pattern through the perimysium. Once within the endomysium, they form an extensive capillary network around each muscle fiber. Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Describe the composition and the arrangement of constituents within a myofibril. Answer: Myofibrils consist of bundles of myofilaments, which are composed of several different types of proteins. Myosin and actin are the contractile proteins, which comprise the thick and thin filaments, respectively. Tropomyosin and troponin are regulatory proteins within the myofilaments, while titin and nebulin are accessory proteins. The thick (myosin) and thin (actin) filaments within a myofibril are arranged in repeating functional units called sarcomeres. All of the myofibrils are arranged parallel to the long axis of the cell, with the sarcomeres arranged side by side. As a result, the entire muscle fiber has a banded appearance corresponding to the bands of the individual sarcomeres. Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Why does a sarcomere itself appear to be banded, and what constituents comprise these bands? Answer: Since all the proteins within a myofibril are organized in repeating units called sarcomeres, such an arrangement gives the sarcomere a banded appearance. The differences in the size and density of the thick (myosin) filaments and the thin (actin) filaments account for the banded appearance of the sarcomere. The thick filaments lie in the center of the sarcomere, linked by proteins of the central M line. Thin filaments at either end of the sarcomere, which are attached to interconnecting proteins that make up the Z lines, extend toward the M line. The Z lines delineate the ends of the sarcomere. In summary, the A band of a sarcomere includes the central M line, the H band (which has thick filaments only), and the zone of overlap (which has both thick and thin filaments). Between the A band and the Z line is the I band (which has thin filaments only). From the Z lines at either end of the sarcomere, thin filaments extend into the zone of overlap toward the M line. Under polarized light, the A (anisotropic) bands appear as dark bands and the I (isotropic) bands appear as light bands. Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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4) How is muscle contraction regulated by tropomyosin and troponin? Answer: The thin filament consists of a twisted strand, called F-actin, which is composed of two rows of 300-400 globular molecules of G-actin. A slender strand of the protein nebulin holds the F-actin strand together. Each molecule of G-actin contains an active site that can bind to the myosin heads of a thick filament. A thin filament also contains the regulatory proteins tropomyosin and troponin. Tropomyosin molecules form a long chain that covers the active sites, preventing actin-myosin interaction. Troponin holds the tropomyosin strand in place. Before a contraction can begin, the troponin molecules must change position, moving the tropomyosin molecules and hence exposing the active sites. If the active sites are covered, cross-bridge formation cannot occur and the muscle cannot contract. The interaction between calcium ions and troponin molecules is important in holding the tropomyosin strands in place, thereby exposing the active sites on the G-actin molecules. Therefore, the troponin-calcium ion interaction permits the tropomyosin molecule to change position, allowing for the contraction to begin. Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Why does a person with muscles that have a higher percentage of slow fibers have greater endurance than a person with muscles that have a lower percentage of slow fibers? Answer: A person with more slow fibers in a particular muscle will be better able to perform repeated contractions under aerobic conditions than one with a smaller percentage of this type of fibers. This is the case because the person with muscles that have a higher percentage of slow fibers will not fatigue as easily as the person whose muscles have a lower percentage. The slow fibers fatigue more slowly because the additional myoglobin they contain bind oxygen molecules, conferring substantial oxygen reserves to such muscles, which can be mobilized during a contraction. Another advantage of the higher percentage of slow fibers is a more extensive network of capillaries, which allow for greater blood flow and hence more red blood cells that can deliver more oxygen to the active muscle fibers. Learning Outcome: 9.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) What types of changes cause muscles to decrease in size and strength during the aging process? Answer: Skeletal muscle fibers become smaller in diameter, primarily because there is a decrease in the number of myofibrils. The remaining myofibrils retain smaller amounts of ATP, glycogen reserves, and myoglobin, which results in a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, as well as a tendency to fatigue rapidly. Learning Outcome: 9.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9.4 Labeling Questions Figure 9.1

Using the diagrams of the structural organization of skeletal muscle, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label B. A) Perimysium B) Endosteum C) Periosteum D) Endomysium E) Epimysium Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label E. A) Periosteum B) Endosteum C) Sarcolemma D) Perimysium E) Endomysium Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label G. A) Muscle fascicle B) Triad C) Myofibril D) Sarcomere E) Myofilament Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label I. A) Epimysium B) Endomysium C) Perimysium D) Sarcolemma E) Endosteum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label J. A) Blood vessel B) Nerve C) Muscle fiber D) Nucleus E) Mitochondrion Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label N. A) Myofibril B) Muscle fascicle C) Muscle fiber D) Myofilament E) Sarcomere Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label Q. A) Neurolemma B) Perimysium C) Sarcolemma D) Endomysium E) Epimysium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label R. A) Axon B) Mitochondrion C) Capillary D) Nucleus E) Myosatellite cell Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label S. A) Nucleus B) Ribosome C) Sarcoplasmic reticulum D) Mitochondrion E) Nerve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label T. A) Sarcolemma B) Endomysium C) Sarcoplasm D) Myofibril E) Plasmalemma Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label U. A) Dendrite B) Axon C) Soma D) Nucleus E) Capillary Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label V. A) Sarcomere B) Muscle fiber C) Myofibril D) Muscle fascicle E) Myofilament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label W. A) Sarcoplasm B) Nuclear envelope C) Sarcomere D) Sarcolemma E) Endomysium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label X. A) Mitochondria B) Axons C) Golgi apparatus D) Myofibrils E) Sarcoplasmic reticulum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 9.2

Using the diagram of a sarcomere, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 15) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label A. A) Z disc B) I band C) M line D) H band E) A band Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label B. A) M line B) H band C) A band D) Titin E) Z line Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

17) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label C. A) Nebulin filaments B) Actin filaments C) Titin filaments D) Thin filaments E) Thick filaments Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label D. A) Thick filaments B) Thin filaments C) Titin filaments D) Nebulin filaments E) Myosin filaments Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label E. A) Z line B) I band C) M line D) Triad E) Titin Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label F. A) Nebulin B) Actinin C) Titin D) F actin E) Myosin Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label G. A) Zone of overlap B) Z discs C) M line D) A band E) I band Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label H. A) I band B) H band C) Actin filaments D) Titin E) Troponin filaments Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 9.3

Using the diagrams depicting different views of the neuromuscular synapse, identify the specified labeled part in each of the following questions. 23) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label A. A) Myosatellite cell B) Myoblast C) Schwann cell D) Motor end plate E) Motor neuron Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label C. A) Dendrite B) Myofibril C) Cell body D) Axon E) Myofilament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label F. A) Junctional fold B) Synaptic vesicle C) Myofilament D) Motor end plate E) Neurolemma Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label G. A) Myofibril B) Muscle fascicle C) Glial cell D) Mitochondrion E) Muscle fiber Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label I. A) Axon terminal B) Acetylcholinesterase C) Synaptic cleft D) Junctional fold E) Synaptic vesicle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label J. A) Endomysium B) Sarcolemma C) Perimysium D) Neurolemma E) Myofibril Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label K. A) Nucleus B) Capillary C) Nerve D) Sarcoplasmic reticulum E) Mitochondrion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label N. A) Synaptic vesicle B) Sarcoplasm C) Synaptic cleft D) Sarcolemma E) Junctional fold Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label Q. A) Acetylcholine molecules B) Calcium ions C) Glycogen D) ATP molecules E) Acetylcholinesterase molecules Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label R. A) Myelin B) AChE receptor site C) Synaptic knob D) ACh receptor site E) Junctional fold Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label S. A) Digestive enzymes B) AChE C) Calcium ions D) ACh E) Cholinesterase Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label T. A) Lysosomes B) Synaptic vesicles C) Peroxisomes D) Nuclei E) Lipid vesicles Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 9.4

Using the above-referenced figures depicting skeletal muscle fiber organization, identify the specific labeled part indicated in each of the following questions. 35) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label A. A) Bipennate muscle B) Convergent muscle C) Parallel muscle D) Supinator muscle E) Rectus abdominis muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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36) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label B. A) Parallel muscle with tendinous bands B) Deltoid muscle C) Rectus femoris muscle D) Bipennate muscle with extended tendon E) Convergent muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label C. A) Rectus muscle B) Orbicularis muscle C) Unipennate muscle D) Circular muscle E) Wrapping muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label D. A) Spiral muscle B) Parallel muscle C) Rectus muscle D) Convergent muscle E) Unipennate muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label E. A) Deltoid muscle B) Unipennate muscle C) Parallel muscle D) Convergent muscle E) Trapezoidus muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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40) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label F. A) Multipennate muscle B) Minimus muscle C) Deltoid muscle D) Bipennate muscle E) Parallel muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label G. A) Convergent muscle B) Parallel muscle C) Multipennate muscle D) Circular muscle E) Minimus muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the specific structure indicated by Label H. A) Rhomboid muscle B) Spiral muscle C) Convergent muscle D) Trapezoidus muscle E) Circular muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 9.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 10 The Muscular System: Axial Musculature 10.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) The muscular system is divided into axial and appendicular divisions. The other system that is similarly divided is the ________ system. A) integument B) nervous C) digestive D) skeletal E) circulatory Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Which of the following belongs to the second group of the axial muscles that include flexors and extensors of the axial skeleton? A) the muscles of the vertebral column B) the muscles of the perineum C) the muscles of the head and neck D) the oblique and rectus muscles E) the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Muscles of mastication most often insert into the ________. A) mandible B) bones of the face C) tongue D) muscles adjacent to them E) eyes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Axial muscles fall into logical groups based upon ________. A) muscle fiber pattern B) muscle shape and function C) muscle structure D) location and function E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) Which of the following muscles runs between the larynx and the hyoid bone? A) thyrohyoid B) digastric C) mylohyoid D) genioglossus E) geniohyoid Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Which of the following muscles has an origin on the temporal bone? A) palatoglossus muscle B) hyoglossus muscle C) styloglossus muscle D) genioglossus muscle E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Which of the following muscles is the most powerful muscle involved in the process of chewing or manipulating food in the mouth? A) masseter B) omohyoid C) temporalis D) pterygoid E) hyoglossus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Orbicularis oris, orbicularis oculi, and platysma are part of the group of muscles known as the muscles of ________. A) facial expression B) mastication C) the extra-ocular region D) the tongue E) the pharynx Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Which of the following muscles is inferior to the lips? A) masseter B) frontalis C) depressor anguli oris D) risorius E) zygomaticus major Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Which muscle(s) moves the bolus into the esophagus? A) pharyngeal constrictors B) styloglossus C) levator veli palatini D) salpingopharyngeus E) palatopharyngeus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Which of the following muscles originates at the mandible bone? A) thyrohyoid B) geniohyoid C) stylohyoid D) styloglossus E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Which of the following muscles originates at two heads? A) sternocleidomastoid B) sternohyoid C) thyrohyoid D) mylohyoid E) stylohyoid Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) The facial nerve supplies the muscles of ________. A) the tongue B) the eyes C) mastication D) the anterior neck E) facial expression Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) The trigeminal nerve controls which group of muscles? A) muscles of facial expression B) muscles of mastication C) muscles of the tongue D) muscles of the pharynx E) muscles of the eye Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Muscles of the head and neck that are innervated by the trochlear nerve are associated with ________. A) those that govern feeding B) those that govern verbal communication C) actions that form facial expressions D) actions that orient the eyes E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Which of the following is/are the major action(s) of the anterior neck musculature? A) depress the mandible B) stabilize the muscles of the tongue and pharynx C) tense the floor of the mouth D) control the position of the larynx E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) How do the extra-ocular eye muscles differ in action from the intrinsic eye muscles? A) The two muscle groups do not differ in movement types, only in when the movements occur. B) The extra-ocular muscles cause faster movements than do the intrinsic muscles. C) Extra-ocular eye muscles move the eyeball in relation to the rest of the body, whereas intrinsic muscles move structures within the eyeball. D) The extra-ocular eye muscles are smooth muscles inside the eyeball while the intrinsic eye muscles originate on the surface of the orbit and insert into the sclera of the eye just posterior to the cornea. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Which of the following features are common to the muscles of mastication? A) They share an oculomotor nerve innervation. B) They move the mandible at the temporomandibular joint. C) They are primarily grouped among the muscles of facial expression. D) They allow a person to smile. E) They control swallowing. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The ________ pulls the eyebrow skin inferiorly and medially, and wrinkles the brow. A) orbicularis oculi B) levator palpebrae superioris C) procerus D) levator anguli oris E) corrugator supercilii Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) The ________ muscle elevates the larynx and is innervated by cranial nerve VII. A) sternohyoid B) thyrohyoid C) stylohyoid D) omohyoid E) mylohyoid Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) The digastric and omohyoid muscles are similar in that they both ________. A) depress the mandible B) have origins on the inferior surface of the mandible at the chin C) depress the hyoid bone D) have two bellies E) originate from the superior border of the scapula near the suprascapular notch Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) The muscle that assists in mastication, and is also useful to musicians, as in playing a trumpet, is the ________ muscle. A) masseter B) orbicularis oris C) procerus D) temporalis E) buccinator Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The muscle that originates on the lateral nasal cartilages and the aponeuroses covering the inferior portions of the nasal bones, and draws the medial angle of eyebrows inferiorly is called the ________. A) mentalis B) procerus C) occipitofrontalis D) nasalis E) corrugator supercilii Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) A muscle that elevates the corner of the mouth and draws it laterally is the ________ muscle. A) levator anguli oris B) zygomaticus major C) risorius D) depressor anguli oris E) orbicularis oris Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) The ________ muscle originates on the horns of the hyoid bone and inserts in the median raphe, and is innervated by branches of the pharyngeal plexus. A) middle pharyngeal constrictor B) salpingopharyngeus C) inferior pharyngeal constrictor D) palatopharyngeus E) superior pharyngeal constrictor Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Botox is directly injected into the muscles of ________. A) the tongue B) facial expression C) the pharynx D) the extra-ocular region E) mastication Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) When the ________ muscle contracts, the eye rolls and looks up and laterally. A) inferior rectus B) superior oblique C) inferior oblique D) superior rectus E) lateral rectus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Which of the following extends the vertebral column and depresses the ribs? A) longus capitis B) iliocostalis lumborum C) longus cervicis D) quadratus lumborum E) longus colli Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) These posterior neck muscles extend, rotate, and laterally flex the cervical vertebrae. A) Iliocostalis group B) Splenius group C) Spinalis group D) Longissimus group E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Which of the following is the function of the superficial layer of the intrinsic back muscles? A) flexion of the vertebral column B) extension or lateral flexion of the neck C) interconnect and stabilize the vertebrae D) hyperextension of the vertebral column E) depress the ribs Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) The erector spinae muscle group that is located most medial to the vertebral column is the ________. A) longissimus group B) spinalis group C) iliocostalis group D) capitis group E) thoracis group Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Which of the following can flex the neck? A) iliocostalis lumborum B) iliocostalis cervicis C) longissimus thoracis D) longus colli E) multifidus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) The muscle that originates on the sacrum and transverse process of each vertebra and inserts on the spinous process of the third or fourth more superior vertebra is the ________ muscle. A) quadratus lumborum B) interspinalis C) semispinalis D) multifidus E) rotatores Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) The intermediate layer of the intrinsic back muscles is also called the ________ group. A) erector spinae B) spinal flexor C) intertransversarii D) rotatores E) interspinalis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The muscular partition that separates the abdominopelvic and thoracic cavities is the ________. A) masseter B) transversus abdominis C) diaphragm D) perineum E) rectus abdominis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The oblique muscle and/or rectus muscle do which of the following? A) rotate the vertebral column B) compress underlying structures C) occur in the neck D) important role in respiratory movements of the ribs E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Of the following muscles, which can compress the abdomen? A) internal oblique B) external oblique C) transversus abdominis D) rectus abdominis E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) The deepest lateral layer of the abdominal muscles is the ________. A) transversus abdominis B) rectus abdominis C) internal oblique D) external oblique E) psoas major Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) The diaphragm muscle is innervated by ________. A) cranial nerve X B) the phrenic nerves C) the intercostal nerves D) the subcostal nerves E) the thoracic nerves Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) The ________ muscle is divided longitudinally by a median collagenous partition called the linea alba. A) rectus abdominis B) internal oblique C) transversus abdominis D) diaphragm E) external oblique Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Flexion of the vertebral column and depression of the ribs are actions accomplished by the ________ muscles in the abdominal wall. A) inferior serratus posterior B) diaphragm C) rectus abdominis D) internal intercostals E) transversus abdominis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) The anterior, middle, and posterior scalene muscles are the oblique muscles of the neck, which ________. A) elevate the first two ribs and/or flex the neck B) depress the first two ribs and flex the neck C) elevate the first two ribs and enlarge the thoracic cavity D) depress the first two ribs and flex the vertebral column E) elevate the first two ribs and oppose the diaphragm Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) The external anal sphincter muscle and the pubococcygeus muscle are located within this perineal region. A) urogenital triangle B) anal triangle C) urogenital diaphragm D) diaphragm muscle E) both urogenital triangle and anal triangle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Which of the following is the most superficial and lateral muscle of the male or female urogenital triangle? A) ischiocavernosus B) bulbospongiosus C) pubococcygeus D) coccygeus E) external urethral sphincter Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) The ________ muscle ejects urine or semen in the male. A) deep transverse perineal B) superficial transverse perineal C) ischiocavernosus D) external urethral sphincter E) bulbospongiosus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10.2 True/False Questions 1) A muscle of the scalp, with two bellies separated by a collagenous sheet, is called occipitofrontalis. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) A muscle that constricts the opening of the mouth is orbicularis oculi. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) In infants, a muscle, which is responsible for producing the suction required for suckling at the breast, is the buccinator. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) A superficial muscle that covers the anterior surface of the neck is the trapezius. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The muscle that elevates, everts, and protrudes the lower lip is the mentalis. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The risorius is a muscle of mastication. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7) Palatoglossus is a muscle of the tongue. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Temporalis is a muscle of facial expression, which moves the auricle of the ear. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Tensor veli palatini is a pharyngeal muscle, which elevates the soft palate. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The digastric muscle depresses the mandible and/or elevates the larynx. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The internal intercostal muscles aid in respiration by depressing the ribs. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The superior serratus posterior muscle originates on the spinous processes of C7-T3 and the ligamentum nuchae, and functions in elevating the ribs and enlarging the thoracic cavity. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) The deep transverse perineal muscle flexes coccygeal joints, and it elevates and supports the pelvic floor. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 10.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) The pubococcygeus muscle, which originates on the inner margins of the pubis and inserts on the coccyx and median raphe, supports the pelvic organs and elevates and retracts the anus. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 10.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10.3 Essay Questions 1) What would be the consequences of a lacerated trigeminal nerve in terms of muscular control? Answer: The mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) controls the muscles of mastication. If laceration to CN V occurs, chewing and swallowing would be very adversely affected. Such actions involve moving the mandible at the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), in which the mandible is elevated, protracted, retracted, and moved side to side, as well as closing and opening the jaws. Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 2) Why can one clear the ears by swallowing? Answer: There is an entrance to the auditory tube in the upper pharyngeal region, and contraction of the palatal muscles can pull on this opening. Therefore, repeated swallowing can open the auditory tube and allow the passage of air into or out of it to equalize the pressure on the middle ear caused by increasing or decreasing altitude or underwater pressure. Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Why are there so few spinal flexors associated with the anterior surface of the vertebral column, whereas there are a large number of different extensor groups? Answer: In addition to using the flexor muscles, the trunk can be assisted in forward movement by gravity. Because the bulk of the body's mass (weight) is anterior to the vertebral column, flexing the spine toward the anterior becomes easier. Learning Outcome: 10.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) What muscular changes are involved in the breathing process? Answer: The muscles involved in respiration are the scalenes (deep breathing), the intercostals (external = rib elevation and inspiration; internal = depression and exhalation), the diaphragm for both inspiration (during contraction) and exhalation (during relaxation), and the muscles of the abdominopelvic wall, which compress the abdominopelvic cavity to raise pressures that assist in exhalation and relax to assist in inspiration. Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) What are the muscles of the urogenital triangle, and how do they control the functions of this area? Answer: The urogenital triangle is the anterior half of the perineum. The superficial muscles (bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, and superficial transverse perineal) in this region are those of the external genitalia, which overlie the deeper muscles (deep transverse perineal and external urethral sphincter) that strengthen the pelvic floor and encircle the urethra. These muscles form sphincters around the urinary openings in both males and females, and around the vaginal opening in females. Learning Outcome: 10.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

10.4 Labeling Questions Figure 10.1

Using the above-referenced diagrammatic anterior view of the major superficial axial and appendicular muscles, identify the specified labeled item(s) in each of the following questions.

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1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Tendinous inscriptions B) Epicranial aponeurosis C) Linea alba D) Iliotibial tract E) Superior extensor retinaculum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Deltoid muscle B) Latissimus dorsi muscle C) Sternocleidomastoid muscle D) Trapezius muscle E) Occipitofrontalis muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Triceps brachii muscle B) Trapezius muscle C) Clavicle D) Pectoralis major muscle E) Deltoid muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Serratus anterior muscle B) Deltoid muscle C) Pectoralis major muscle D) External oblique muscle E) Teres major muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Biceps brachii muscle B) Brachialis muscle C) Triceps brachii muscle D) Brachioradialis muscle E) Pronator teres muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Palmaris longus muscle B) Pronator teres muscle C) Brachialis muscle D) Biceps brachii muscle E) Brachioradialis muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle B) Brachioradialis muscle C) Palmaris longus muscle D) Flexor carpi radialis muscle E) Pronator teres muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle B) Palmaris longus muscle C) Brachioradialis muscle D) Pronator teres muscle E) Extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Flexor retinaculum B) Iliotibial tract C) Extensor retinaculum D) Linea alba E) Rectus sheath Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Tensor fasciae latae B) Sartorius muscle C) Adductor longus muscle D) Rectus femoris muscle E) Gracilis muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Vastus lateralis muscle B) Iliopsoas muscle C) Pectineus muscle D) Rectus femoris muscle E) Adductor longus muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Iliotibial tract B) Vastus lateralis muscle C) Tensor fasciae latae D) Fibularis longus muscle E) Pectineus muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Gracilis B) Tensor fasciae latae C) Iliotibial tract D) Sartorius E) Fibularis longus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Extensor digitorum longus B) Soleus muscle C) Gastrocnemius muscle D) Fibularis longus E) Tibialis anterior Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label X. A) Soleus muscle B) Extensor digitorum longus C) Tibialis anterior D) Lateral malleolus of fibula E) Fibularis longus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Y. A) Calcaneal tendon B) Linea alba C) Flexor retinaculum D) Superior extensor retinaculum E) Rectus sheath Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

19 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label FF. A) Vastus medialis B) Rectus femoris C) Pectineus D) Semimembranosus E) Sartorius Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label GG. A) Gracilis B) Rectus femoris C) Sartorius D) Adductor longus E) Iliopsoas Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label HH. A) Adductor magnus B) Semimembranosus C) Tensor fasciae latae D) Pectineus E) Gracilis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label KK. A) Gluteus medius B) Pectineus C) Adductor longus D) Sartorius E) Iliopsoas Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label QQ. A) Pronator teres B) Brachioradialis C) Palmaris longus D) Flexor carpi radialis E) Extensor carpi radialis longus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label RR. A) Tendinous inscriptions B) Rectus sheath C) Superior extensor retinaculum D) Linea alba E) Iliotibial tract Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label SS. A) Rectus abdominis B) External oblique C) Serratus anterior D) Transversus abdominis E) Internal oblique Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label TT. A) Latissimus dorsi B) External oblique C) Transversus abdominis D) Serratus anterior E) Internal oblique Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

21 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label VV. A) Pectoralis major B) Serratus anterior C) Rectus abdominis D) Latissimus dorsi E) External oblique Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label ZZ. A) Trapezius B) Omohyoid C) Sternocleidomastoid D) Digastric E) Platysma Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label AAA. A) Parietalis B) Occipitofrontalis C) Temporalis D) Frontalis E) Epicranial aponeurosis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label BBB. A) Temporoparietalis B) Procerus C) Masseter D) Occipitofrontalis E) Risorius Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label CCC. A) Temporalis B) Frontalis C) Epicranial aponeurosis D) Corrugator supercilii E) Occipitofrontalis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 10.2

Using the above-referenced diagrammatic posterior view of the major superficial axial and appendicular muscles, identify the specified labeled item(s) in each of the following questions. 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Occipitofrontalis B) Trapezius C) Latissimus dorsi D) Epicranial aponeurosis E) Temporoparietalis 24 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Deltoid B) Sternocleidomastoid C) Latissimus dorsi D) Infraspinatus E) Trapezius Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Teres minor B) Infraspinatus C) Teres major D) Rhomboid major E) Deltoid Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Infraspinatus B) Rhomboid major C) Trapezius D) Teres minor E) Teres major Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Rhomboid major B) Deltoid C) Teres minor D) Trapezius E) Infraspinatus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

25 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Serratus posterior B) Teres major C) Triceps brachii D) Rhomboid major E) Trapezius Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) External oblique B) Serratus posterior C) Latissimus dorsi D) Rectus sheath E) Quadratus lumborum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Anconeus B) Extensor carpi radialis longus C) Brachioradialis D) Extensor digitorum E) Extensor carpi ulnaris Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Anconeus B) Flexor carpi ulnaris C) Extensor carpi ulnaris D) Brachioradialis E) Extensor digitorum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Semimembranosus B) Gracilis C) Biceps femoris D) Semitendinosus E) Iliotibial tract Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Gracilis B) Adductor magnus C) Sartorius D) Semitendinosus E) Biceps femoris Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Tensor fasciae latae B) Biceps femoris C) Iliotibial tract D) Semimembranosus E) Semitendinosus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Plantaris B) Soleus C) Calcaneus D) Gastrocnemius E) Biceps femoris Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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43) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Gastrocnemius B) Tibialis posterior C) Soleus D) Fibularis longus E) Plantaris Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label U. A) Gracilis B) Adductor magnus C) Sartorius D) Iliotibial tract E) Semimembranosus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Adductor magnus B) Biceps femoris C) Semitendinosus D) Gracilis E) Semimembranosus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label X. A) External oblique B) Rectus sheath C) Gluteus maximus D) Pectineus E) Gluteus medius Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

28 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

47) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Y. A) Iliopsoas B) Gluteus medius C) Tensor fasciae latae D) External oblique E) Gluteus maximum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Z. A) Latissimus dorsi B) External oblique C) Serratus anterior D) Gluteus medius E) Tensor fasciae latae Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label AA. A) Flexor carpi ulnaris B) Extensor digitorum C) Anconeus D) Extensor carpi ulnaris E) Pronator teres Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label BB. A) Palmaris longus B) Extensor carpi radialis longus C) Brachialis D) Extensor carpi ulnaris E) Extensor digitorum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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51) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label CC. A) Flexor carpi ulnaris B) Extensor digitorum C) Flexor digitorum superficialis D) Extensor carpi ulnaris E) Flexor carpi radialis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label EE. A) Biceps brachii B) Brachialis C) Triceps brachii D) Anconeus E) Brachioradialis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label FF. A) Teres minor B) Rhomboid major C) Trapezius D) Teres major E) Infraspinatus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label HH. A) Occipital belly of occipitofrontalis B) Epicranial aponeurosis C) Sternocleidomastoid D) Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis E) Temporoparietalis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 10.3

Using the above-referenced diagrammatic view of extra-ocular muscles on the lateral surface of the right eye, identify the specified labeled item(s) in each of the following questions. 55) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Optic nerve B) Superior oblique C) Oculomotor nerve D) Superior rectus E) Trochlea Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Superior rectus B) Medial rectus C) Superior oblique D) Levator palpebrae superioris E) Frontal bone Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Lateral rectus B) Inferior oblique C) Superior oblique D) Levator palpebrae superioris E) Superior rectus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Lateral rectus B) Superior rectus C) Levator palpebrae superioris D) Optic nerve E) Superior oblique Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Oculomotor nerve B) Abducens nerve C) Trochlear nerve D) Lateral rectus E) Optic nerve Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Medial rectus B) Optic nerve C) Trochlea D) Lateral rectus E) Inferior oblique Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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61) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Inferior rectus B) Superior oblique C) Lateral rectus D) Superior rectus E) Medial rectus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Inferior oblique B) Superior rectus C) Inferior rectus D) Superior oblique E) Trochlea Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 10.4

Using the above-referenced anterior view of the trunk, showing superficial and deep members of the oblique and rectus groups, and the horizontal section through the abdominal region, identify the specified labeled item(s) in each of the following questions. 63) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Rectus sheath B) Serratus anterior C) External intercostals D) External oblique E) Internal intercostals Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Internal oblique B) External intercostals C) External oblique D) Rectus abdominis E) Internal intercostals Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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65) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Rectus abdominis B) Internal oblique C) Transversus abdominis D) External oblique E) Linea alba Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Serratus anterior B) Tendinous inscriptions C) Umbilicus D) External oblique aponeurosis E) Linea alba Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Rectus abdominis B) External oblique C) Transversus abdominis D) Internal intercostals E) Internal oblique Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) External intercostals B) Rectus abdominis C) Internal intercostals D) External oblique E) Internal oblique Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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69) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Transversus abdominis B) External intercostals C) Internal intercostals D) External oblique E) Internal oblique Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Internal oblique B) External intercostals C) Serratus anterior D) External oblique E) Internal intercostals Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 71) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) External oblique B) Rectus abdominis C) Internal oblique D) Transversus abdominis E) Internal intercostals Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 72) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Internal oblique B) External oblique C) Transversus abdominis D) Rectus abdominis E) Quadratus lumborum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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73) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) External oblique B) Rectus sheath C) Internal oblique D) Transversus abdominis E) Serratus anterior Answer: C Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 74) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Quadratus lumborum B) Erector spinae muscles C) Latissimus dorsi D) Psoas major E) Internal oblique Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 75) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Latissimus dorsi B) Rectus sheath C) Erector spinae muscles D) Quadratus lumborum E) Psoas major Answer: D Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 76) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Latissimus dorsi B) Internal oblique C) Psoas major D) Transversus abdominis E) Quadratus lumborum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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77) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Latissimus dorsi B) Rectus abdominis C) Linea alba D) Erector spinae muscles E) Rectus sheath Answer: E Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 78) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Internal intercostals B) Rectus abdominis C) External oblique D) Transversus abdominis E) Internal oblique Answer: B Learning Outcome: 10.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

38 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 11 The Muscular System: Appendicular Musculature 11.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following statements about the shoulder joint is true? A) Muscles whose action lines cross the anterior aspect of the shoulder joint are extensors. B) Muscles whose action lines cross the anterior aspect of the shoulder joint may produce lateral extension. C) Muscles whose action lines cross the inferior aspect of the shoulder joint may produce extension. D) Muscles whose action lines cross the posterior aspect of the shoulder joint may produce extension. E) Muscles whose action lines across the superior aspect of the shoulder joint are adductors. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The muscles that form the rotator cuff include the ________. A) supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid, and teres major B) biceps brachii and deltoid C) teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and subscapularis D) pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, and subscapularis E) subclavius, deltoid, and pectoralis minor Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The origin of the deltoid muscle is (the) ________. A) clavicle B) scapula C) humerus D) vertebral column E) both the scapula and the clavicle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The ________ muscle attaches to the radial tuberosity. A) supinator B) anconeus C) biceps brachii D) brachioradialis E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) Inflammation of the flexor tendon sheath within the wrist area can restrict movement and irritate the ________, resulting in carpal tunnel syndrome. A) musculocutaneous nerve B) median nerve C) ulnar nerve D) radial nerve E) axillary nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Which muscle flexes the wrist? A) supinator B) palmaris longus C) pronator teres D) brachialis E) anconeus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The triceps brachii muscle is opposed in extension of the elbow by the antagonistic muscle, ________. A) brachialis B) supinator C) anconeus D) pronator teres E) extensor digitorum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The forearm muscles that provide strength and gross control of the hand and fingers are innervated by the ________. A) radial, median, and musculocutaneous nerves B) median, musculocutaneous, and ulnar nerves C) ulnar, axillary, and median nerves D) median, radial, and ulnar nerves E) radial, axillary, and musculocutaneous nerves Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

2 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

9) All extensor muscles of the upper limb are innervated by the ________ nerve or a branch of that nerve. A) median B) ulnar C) musculocutaneous D) axillary E) radial Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The action of the rhomboid major muscle is to ________. A) abduct the scapula B) adduct and rotate the scapula downward C) depress and protract the shoulder D) elevate the scapula E) elevate and rotate the scapula upward Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The serratus anterior muscle is innervated by (the) ________. A) cervical nerves B) accessory nerve C) dorsal scapular nerve D) long thoracic nerve E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles are both innervated by (the) ________. A) long thoracic nerve B) axillary nerve C) suprascapular nerve D) thoracodorsal nerve E) musculocutaneous nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

3 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

13) The muscle that can extend, adduct, and medially rotate the shoulder is (the) ________. A) latissimus dorsi B) pectoralis major C) teres major D) subscapularis E) teres minor Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) The ________ muscle is the most active muscle of the pectoral girdle because it can move the scapula in nearly any direction, depending on the active region and the state of other muscles. A) deltoid B) levator scapulae C) rhomboid major D) trapezius E) latissimus dorsi Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Extensors of the elbow include (the) ________. A) brachioradialis and brachialis muscles B) coracobrachialis and brachioradialis muscles C) triceps brachii and anconeus muscles D) deltoid and supinator muscles E) palmaris longus and brachioradialis muscles Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Which intrinsic muscle(s) of the hand flexes the metacarpophalangeal joints, and also produces extension at the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints? A) palmaris brevis B) flexor pollicis brevis C) abductor pollicis brevis D) opponens digiti minimi E) lumbricals Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

4 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

17) The diamond-shaped ________ muscle originates on the middle of the neck and back, and inserts on the clavicles and scapular spines, covering the upper back and extending to the base of the skull. A) latissimus dorsi B) rhomboid major C) levator scapulae D) trapezius E) serratus posterior Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) The lesser tubercle of the humerus is the insertion point for the ________ muscle. A) infraspinatus B) subscapularis C) teres major D) deltoid E) supraspinatus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) A tendon of the ________ muscle inserts on the radial tuberosity. A) brachialis B) supinator C) biceps brachii D) pronator teres E) triceps brachii Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) The fan-shaped ________ muscle, which originates along the ventral and superior margins of several ribs, rotates the scapula so that the glenoid cavity moves superiorly. A) serratus anterior B) pectoralis major C) deltoid D) subscapularis E) supraspinatus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

5 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

21) The deltoid muscle is innervated by the ________ nerve. A) radial B) median C) ulnar D) musculocutaneous E) axillary Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) The muscle that assists the pectoralis major in adducting and medially rotating the shoulder, but extends rather than flexes the joint, is the ________. A) trapezius B) supraspinatus C) latissimus dorsi D) rhomboid major E) serratus anterior Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The ________ muscle originates at the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the coranoid process of the ulna. A) flexor carpi radialis B) extensor carpi ulnaris C) supinator D) palmaris longus E) pronator teres Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Which blood vessel is found in the anterior compartment of the upper limb? A) ulnar artery B) brachial artery C) anterior interosseous artery D) posterior ulnar recurrent artery E) radial artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Lateral compartment muscles of the upper limb include the ________ muscle. A) coracobrachialis B) brachioradialis C) triceps brachii D) supinator E) anconeus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The posterior interosseous nerve innervates muscles found in the ________. A) posterior compartment of the arm B) superficial anterior compartment of the forearm C) anterior compartment of the arm D) deep anterior compartment of the forearm E) posterior compartment of the forearm Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Which of the following muscles belongs to the group known as "hamstrings"? A) semitendinosus and rectus femoris B) semimembranosus, biceps femoris, and gracilis C) biceps femoris, gracilis, and sartorius D) semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris E) adductor magnus, semimembranosus, and rectus femoris Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Which muscle originates at the anterior superior iliac spine and inserts near the tibial tuberosity? A) tensor fasciae latae B) sartorius C) adductor magnus D) adductor longus E) rectus femoris Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Which powerful hip flexors originate alongside the iliac fossa and the inferior thoracic and lumbar vertebrae? A) medial rotators of the thigh B) iliopsoas group of the thigh C) adductors of the thigh D) abductors of the thigh E) flexors of the thigh Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) The adductor magnus, longus, and brevis muscles of the thigh all insert on the ________. A) pectineal line B) greater trochanter C) lesser trochanter D) linea aspera E) iliotibial band Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Knee extensors, known as the quadriceps femoris, include the ________. A) three vastus muscles and the rectus femoris muscle B) biceps femoris, gracilis, and sartorius muscles C) popliteus, iliopsoas, and gracilis muscles D) hamstrings and adductors E) gastrocnemius, tibialis, and fibularis muscles Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Muscles originating on the surface of the pelvis and inserting on the femur will produce characteristic movements determined by their position relative to the ________. A) obturator foramen B) linea aspera C) greater trochanter D) intertrochanteric line E) acetabulum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

8 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

33) The psoas major muscle inserts at the ________. A) iliac fossa B) lesser trochanter C) ischial spine D) linea aspera E) greater trochanter Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) The adductor brevis muscle originates at the ________. A) inferior ramus of the pubis B) ischial tuberosity C) linea aspera D) adductor tubercle of the femur E) superior ramus of the pubis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The ________ tendon is the strongest, thickest tendon in the body. A) tibialis anterior B) fibularis longus C) calcaneal D) fibularis brevis E) quadriceps Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The femoral nerve innervates the ________ muscle(s). A) gracilis B) pectineus C) adductor magnus D) gluteus maximus E) obturator Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

9 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

37) The ________ muscle is found in the lateral compartment of the leg. A) gastrocnemius B) tibialis anterior C) popliteus D) fibularis longus E) tibialis posterior Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11.2 True/False Questions 1) Intrinsic muscles of the foot originate primarily on the tarsal and metatarsal bones. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 11.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The subscapularis muscle inserts on the greater tubercle and laterally rotates the humerus. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) A sprain is stretching or tearing of a ligament that connect bone to bone. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The flexor digitorum superficialis muscle innervated by the median nerve. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The brachialis muscle is innervated by the median nerve. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The supinator muscle is found in the lateral compartment of the forearm. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 11.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The gracilis muscle is part of the adductor group of muscles that move the thigh. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

8) The knee extensors are innervated by the obturator nerve. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) The gastrocnemius muscle originates from the femoral condyles. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The tibial nerve innervates the muscles of the deep posterior compartment of the leg. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 11.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11.3 Essay Questions 1) Which muscles are responsible for finger abduction? Answer: Abduction of the fingers is accomplished by the four dorsal interossei muscles. The abductor digiti minimi muscle abducts the little finger, and the abductor pollicis brevis muscle abducts the thumb. Conversely, the adductor pollicis muscle adducts the thumb, and the four palmar interossei muscles adduct the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints. Learning Outcome: 11.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) Describe the Grade I, II, and III classifications of hamstring injuries. Graded injuries not mentioned in text. Answer: Hamstring injuries are classified as follows: Grade I injury is a minor strain; Grade II injury is a partial rupture of the muscle; and Grade III injury is a complete tear or rupture of the muscle. Symptoms of a hamstring injury include spasms, tightness, and tenderness of the injured muscle(s). With more severe injuries, swelling and a black and blue or bruised appearance will follow. Tears and strains most often occur where the muscle joins its tendon of insertion or at the origin of the hamstring at the base of the ischial tuberosity. Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

11 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

3) What emerging measures are done to relieve compartment syndrome, and what can occur if these measures are not done? Answer: Slicing into the affected muscular compartment along its longitudinal axis or implanting a drain are emergency measures used to relieve the high pressures that occur in the ischemic condition known as compartment syndrome. If such steps are not taken, the contents of the compartment will suffer severe damage. Nerves in the affected compartment will be destroyed after 2-4 hours of ischemia; although they can regenerate to some degree if the circulation is restored. After 6 hours or longer, the muscle tissue will also be destroyed, and no regeneration will occur. Scar tissue will replace the damaged muscles, and shortening of the connective tissue fibers may result in contracture, a permanent reduction in muscle length. Learning Outcome: 11.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

12 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

11.4 Labeling Questions Figure 11.1

Using the above-referenced figure of the posterior view of the superficial and deep muscles of the neck, shoulder, and back, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Latissimus dorsi B) Rhomboid minor C) Trapezius D) Levator scapulae E) Rhomboid major 13 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Deltoid B) Triceps brachii C) Supraspinatus D) Trapezius E) Biceps brachii Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Supraspinatus B) Infraspinatus C) Rhomboid major D) Latissimus dorsi E) Rhomboid minor Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Teres major B) Supraspinatus C) Latissimus dorsi D) Teres minor E) Infraspinatus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Rhomboid major B) Teres minor C) Infraspinatus D) Supraspinatus E) Teres major Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

14 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Triceps brachii B) Coracobrachialis C) Brachialis D) Brachioradialis E) Anconeus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Latissimus dorsi B) Erector spinae C) Rhomboid major D) Trapezius E) Rhomboid minor Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Trapezius B) Rhomboid major C) Supraspinatus D) Teres major E) Latissimus dorsi Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Rectus abdominis B) Transversus abdominis C) External oblique D) Internal oblique E) Serratus anterior Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Internal oblique B) Rectus abdominis C) Serratus anterior D) External oblique E) Transversus abdominis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Transversus abdominis B) Serratus anterior C) External oblique D) Rectus abdominis E) Internal oblique Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Supraspinatus B) Rhomboid major C) Infraspinatus D) Subscapularis E) Rhomboid minor Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

16 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 11.2

Using the above-referenced figure of the anterior view of the superficial and deep muscles of the trunk and proximal limb, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Sternocleidomastoid B) Anterior scalene C) Trapezius D) Platysma E) Serratus anterior Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Pectoralis minor B) Trapezius C) Serratus anterior D) Pectoralis major E) Platysma Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Platysma B) Pectoralis major C) Sternocleidomastoid D) Pectoralis minor E) Serratus anterior Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Rectus abdominis B) Serratus anterior C) External oblique D) Transversus abdominis E) Internal oblique Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Serratus anterior B) External oblique C) Platysma D) Rectus sheath E) Internal oblique Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Sartorius B) Biceps femoris C) Iliopsoas D) Adductor longus E) Rectus femoris Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Pectineus B) Adductor longus C) Rectus femoris D) Biceps femoris E) Iliopsoas Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) External oblique B) Transversus abdominis C) Rectus abdominis D) Serratus anterior E) Internal oblique Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label U. A) Serratus anterior B) Rectus abdominis C) External oblique D) Internal oblique E) Iliopsoas Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) External intercostal B) Internal intercostal C) Rectus abdominis D) External oblique E) Internal oblique Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label DD. A) Pectoralis major B) Platysma C) Pectoralis minor D) Serratus anterior E) Internal intercostal Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label HH. A) Trapezius B) Levator scapulae C) Scalene (anterior) D) Sternocleidomastoid E) Platysma Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 11.3

Using the above-referenced figure of the anterior view of the superficial muscles of the right upper limb, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Brachialis B) Biceps brachii, short head C) Brachioradialis D) Coracobrachialis E) Biceps brachii, long head Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Biceps brachii, short head B) Brachialis C) Biceps brachii, long head D) Brachioradialis E) Coracobrachialis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Brachioradialis B) Biceps brachii, long head C) Coracobrachialis D) Biceps brachii, short head E) Brachialis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Coracobrachialis B) Brachioradialis C) Biceps brachii, long head D) Triceps brachii, long head E) Triceps brachii, short head Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Triceps brachii, long head B) Coracobrachialis C) Triceps brachii, medial head D) Biceps brachii, long head E) Biceps brachii, short head Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Brachioradialis B) Biceps brachii, long head C) Biceps brachii, short head D) Brachialis E) Coracobrachialis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Brachioradialis B) Pronator teres C) Flexor carpi ulnaris D) Flexor carpi radialis E) Flexor digitorum superficialis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Flexor carpi radialis B) Flexor carpi ulnaris C) Brachioradialis D) Flexor digitorum superficialis E) Pronator teres Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Pronator teres B) Brachioradialis C) Flexor digitorum superficialis D) Flexor carpi radialis E) Flexor carpi ulnaris Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Flexor carpi ulnaris B) Pronator teres C) Flexor carpi radialis D) Palmaris longus E) Brachioradialis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Palmaris longus B) Flexor carpi radialis C) Pronator teres D) Brachioradialis E) Flexor carpi ulnaris Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Flexor digitorum superficialis B) Brachioradialis C) Flexor carpi ulnaris D) Pronator teres E) Flexor carpi radialis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 11.4

Using the above-referenced figure of the posterior view of a dissection of the superficial muscles of the right upper limb, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Triceps brachii, medial head B) Biceps brachii, long head C) Coracobrachialis D) Triceps brachii, long head E) Biceps brachii, short head Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Pronator teres B) Triceps brachii, lateral head C) Biceps brachii, long head D) Biceps brachii, short head E) Triceps brachii, short head Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Brachialis B) Biceps brachii, long head C) Coracobrachialis D) Brachioradialis E) Biceps brachii, short head Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Triceps brachii, long head B) Coracobrachialis C) Brachialis D) Anconeus E) Triceps brachii, medial head Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Extensor carpi radialis longus B) Extensor digitorum C) Brachioradialis D) Extensor carpi ulnaris E) Anconeus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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42) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Extensor digitorum B) Flexor carpi ulnaris C) Extensor carpi radialis D) Flexor carpi radialis E) Extensor carpi ulnaris Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Extensor carpi ulnaris B) Flexor carpi radialis C) Flexor digitorum superficialis D) Extensor carpi radialis brevis E) Flexor carpi ulnaris Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Abductor pollicis longus B) Extensor pollicis brevis C) Extensor digitorum D) Flexor digitorum superficialis E) Extensor retinaculum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Extensor pollicis brevis B) Flexor digitorum superficialis C) Extensor digitorum D) Abductor pollicis longus E) Extensor retinaculum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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46) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Flexor retinaculum B) Extensor digitorum C) Extensor retinaculum D) Flexor digitorum superficialis E) Abductor pollicis longus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Extensor carpi ulnaris B) Extensor carpi radialis C) Flexor digitorum superficialis D) Extensor digitorum E) Flexor digitorum profundum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Flexor carpi radialis B) Flexor digitorum superficialis C) Extensor carpi ulnaris D) Flexor carpi ulnaris E) Extensor carpi radialis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

28 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 11.5

Using the above-referenced diagram of the anterior view of the superficial muscles of the right thigh, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 49) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Gluteus medius B) Iliotibial tract C) Iliacus D) Sartorius E) Iliopsoas Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

50) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Inguinal ligament B) Pectineus C) Tensor fasciae latae D) Rectus femoris E) Iliopsoas Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Gluteus minimus B) Iliotibial tract C) Pectineus D) Gluteus medius E) Rectus femoris Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Iliacus B) Sartorius C) Inguinal ligament D) Gluteus medius E) Tensor fasciae latae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Iliotibial tract B) Gluteus medius C) Tensor fasciae latae D) Pectineus E) Iliacus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

30 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

54) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Tensor fasciae latae B) Iliacus C) Pectineus D) Gluteus medius E) Rectus femoris Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Gracilis B) Gluteus medius C) Adductor longus D) Sartorius E) Tensor fasciae latae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Semimembranosus B) Gracilis C) Gluteus medius D) Rectus femoris E) Adductor longus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Rectus femoris B) Sartorius C) Tensor fasciae latae D) Adductor longus E) Gracilis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

31 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

58) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Adductor longus B) Sartorius C) Gracilis D) Tensor fasciae latae E) Rectus femoris Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Vastus lateralis B) Pectineus C) Sartorius D) Gracilis E) Adductor longus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Sartorius B) Gracilis C) Adductor brevis D) Adductor longus E) Vastus medialis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

32 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 11.6

Using the above-referenced diagram of the posterior view of superficial muscles of the right thigh, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 61) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Gluteus medius B) Tensor fasciae latae C) Adductor magnus D) Gracilis E) Sartorius Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

62) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Gluteus maximus B) Adductor magnus C) Sartorius D) Gluteus medius E) Tensor fasciae latae Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Biceps femoris B) Gluteus minimus C) Adductor magnus D) Semitendinosus E) Gluteus medius Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Semimembranosus B) Biceps femoris C) Semitendinosus D) Gastrocnemius E) Gracilis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 65) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Biceps femoris B) Semitendinosus C) Semimembranosus D) Gracilis E) Sartorius Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

34 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

66) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Gracilis B) Semimembranosus C) Biceps femoris D) Sartorius E) Semitendinosus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Semimembranosus B) Biceps femoris C) Gracilis D) Semitendinosus E) Gastrocnemius Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Iliotibial tract B) Semimembranosus C) Semitendinosus D) Gracilis E) Biceps femoris Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 69) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Semitendinosus B) Rectus femoris C) Biceps femoris D) Iliopsoas E) Semimembranosus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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70) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Biceps femoris B) Gracilis C) Semitendinosus D) Semimembranosus E) Rectus femoris Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 71) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Gracilis B) Vastus medialis C) Vastus lateralis D) Biceps femoris E) Sartorius Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 72) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Plantaris B) Gastrocnemius C) Popliteus D) Soleus E) Biceps femoris Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 11.7

Using the above-referenced diagrams of the medial and lateral views of the superficial muscles of the right leg, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 73) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Soleus B) Plantaris C) Tibialis anterior D) Flexor digitorum E) Gastrocnemius Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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74) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Extensor hallucis longus B) Tibialis anterior C) Soleus D) Gastrocnemius E) Flexor digitorum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 75) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Tibialis anterior B) Gastrocnemius C) Extensor hallucis longus D) Soleus E) Flexor digitorum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 76) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Tibialis posterior B) Flexor digitorum C) Soleus D) Tibialis anterior E) Gastrocnemius Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 77) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Inferior extensor retinaculum B) Extensor hallucis longus C) Superior extensor retinaculum D) Gastrocnemius E) Tibialis anterior Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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78) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Quadriceps tendon B) Plantar ligament C) Popliteus D) Plantaris E) Calcaneal tendon Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 79) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Tendon of tibialis anterior B) Patellar ligament C) Flexor retinaculum D) Superior extensor retinaculum E) Tendon of extensor hallucis longus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 80) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Soleus B) Tibialis anterior C) Extensor digitorum D) Extensor hallucis longus E) Plantaris Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 81) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Inferior extensor retinaculum B) Flexor retinaculum C) Tibialis anterior D) Extensor hallucis longus E) Superior extensor retinaculum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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82) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Gastrocnemius B) Extensor digitorum longus C) Soleus D) Fibularis longus E) Extensor hallucis longus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 83) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label U. A) Plantaris B) Extensor hallucis longus C) Gastrocnemius D) Soleus E) Extensor digitorum longus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 84) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Extensor hallucis longus B) Fibularis longus C) Extensor digitorum longus D) Soleus E) Gastrocnemius Answer: B Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 85) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Tibialis anterior B) Tibialis posterior C) Fibularis longus D) Extensor digitorum longus E) Extensor hallucis longus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 11.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 12 Surface Anatomy and Cross-Sectional Anatomy 12.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Surface anatomy is used to study ________. A) the epidermis B) the texture of the surface of the body C) the relationship of deep anatomy to superficial anatomical landmarks on the human body D) the movement patterns of structures at or near the surface of the body E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) An understanding of surface anatomy can be used ________. A) to help demonstrate the structural and functional relationships between the skeletal and muscular systems B) to diagnose some muscular problems C) in crucial medical examinations of patients in a clinical setting D) to develop the skills necessary to perform invasive and noninvasive lab procedures E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Surface anatomy ________. A) is apparent in individuals with thick layers of subcutaneous fat B) is best studied using the regional approach C) is not useful during an invasive lab procedure D) requires an invasive approach E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The best models to use in studying surface anatomy include ________. A) plastic models from the laboratory B) babies and children C) elderly individuals D) extremely slender individuals who have little body fat E) individuals with well-developed muscles and little body fat Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) The inferior, posterior head is the ________ region. A) occipital B) parietal C) temporal D) nuchal E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The flap of skin and cartilage in the temporal region is called the ________. A) mastoid process B) auricle C) ear D) external acoustic canal E) temporalis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) To perform a spinal tap, a health professional inserts a needle in the intervertebral spaces between the ________ vertebrae. A) L3 and L4 B) L1 and L2 C) L2 and L3 D) L1, L2, and L3 E) L1 and L5 Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The midline region of the mandible is called the ________. A) mental protuberance B) external occipital protuberance C) body of the mandible D) symphysis E) thyroid cartilage Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The depression on the anterior midline of the inferior aspect of the neck, between the clavicular heads, is (the) ________. A) supraclavicular fossa B) jugular notch C) angle of the mandible D) site of the brachial plexus E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The region in the neck where you can feel your pulse is called the ________. A) suprahyoid triangle B) submandibular triangle C) superior carotid triangle D) inferior carotid triangle E) posterior cervical triangle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The area superior to the collar bone that indents slightly is the ________. A) supraclavicular fossa B) cubital fossa C) infraclavicular fossa D) supraspinatus fossa E) antecubital fossa Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) In the midline at the junction of the neck and the upper back, the ________ forms a bony projection. A) acromion process B) tip of the scapular spine C) border of the scapula D) distal head of the clavicle E) vertebra prominens (C7) Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) The superior edge of the sternum, which can be palpated, is the ________. A) linea alba B) manubrium C) costal cartilage D) xiphoid process E) body of the sternum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) From an anterior view, the largest muscle of the superior trunk is the ________. A) rectus abdominis B) external oblique C) pectoralis major D) serratus anterior E) deltoid Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The two vertical bony ridges on the upper back are the ________. A) clavicles B) vertebral borders of the scapulae C) rotator cuffs D) spines of the scapulae E) erector spinae muscles Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The oblique line separating the abdomen and the lower limb is the location of (the) ________. A) inguinal canal B) radial nerve C) jugular notch D) costal margin E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Clinically, the most common site to obtain a venous blood sample is (the) ________. A) head of the radius B) median cubital vein C) basilic vein D) cephalic vein E) pronator teres region Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) On the lateral surface of the wrist, at the base of the thumb, the readily palpated "bump" is the ________. A) head of the radius B) styloid process of the radius C) lunate bone D) head of metacarpal five E) scaphoid bone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The area below the shoulder, at which the upper extremity attaches to the axial skeleton, is (the) ________. A) cubital fossa B) clavicular fossa C) axilla D) jugular notch E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) In most people, the flexed wrist will expose ________ tendons. A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) 6 Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Flexing the arm slightly, while simultaneously clenching the fist, will cause the ________ on the surface of the biceps brachii muscle to bulge. A) cephalic vein B) median antebrachial vein C) median cubital vein D) radial artery E) brachial artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 22) The most medial structure of the ankle and foot is the ________. A) tendon of extensor hallucis longus muscle B) base of the first metatarsal C) tendon of the tibialis anterior muscle D) medial malleolus E) tendon of tibialis posterior muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The anatomical term for the heel is the ________. A) talus B) calcaneal tendon C) medial malleolus D) calcaneus E) lateral malleolus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) The dorsalis pedis artery is palpated (at the) ________. A) anteromedial surface of the foot B) posteromedial surface of the foot C) sole of the foot D) inferior to the lateral malleolus E) between the medial malleolus and the calcaneal tendon Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) The cavity at the back of the knee is the ________. A) cubital fossa B) subclavian fossa C) popliteal fossa D) olecranon fossa E) gastrocnemius Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) In addition to using visual observation in the regional approach to surface anatomy, one can identify specific structures by ________. A) palpation B) dissection C) invasive procedures D) UV irradiation E) spectroscopy Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) The site of palpation for the ________ is located inferior to the landmarks for the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the olecranon of the ulna. A) head of the ulna B) styloid process of the radius C) ulnar nerve D) anconeus muscle E) tendon of the insertion of the triceps brachii muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) The ________ divides the anterior and posterior cervical triangles. A) auricle B) omohyoid muscle C) hyoid bone D) jugular notch E) sternocleidomastoid muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) The bony projection that occurs bilaterally on the posterior aspect at mid-thorax is the ________ of the scapula. A) vertebral border B) inferior angle C) spine D) suprascapular notch E) glenoid cavity Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) The ________ muscle(s) forms the widest part of the back and appears on the lateral surface(s) of the lower thoracic and upper abdominal regions. A) trapezius B) erector spinae C) infraspinatus D) latissimus dorsi E) teres major Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) The ________ form the prominent bony features located bilaterally in the lower abdomen. A) costal margins B) anterior superior iliac spines C) tendinous inscriptions of the rectus abdominis muscles D) pubic symphyses E) inguinal ligaments Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The site for palpation of the posterior tibial artery is located inferomedial to the ________. A) calcaneal tendon B) tendon of tibialis posterior C) lateral malleolus of the tibia D) base of fifth metatarsal bone E) medial malleolus of the tibia Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) In the standard method of presentation for all clinical images, cross-sectional images are always viewed in the ________ view. A) superior B) anterior C) inferior D) posterior E) medial Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) When looking at a cross-sectional image, the top of the image is the ________ aspect of the patient. A) lateral B) posterior C) anterior D) inferior E) superior Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Which of the following is also located at the midline in a cross-sectional view of the head, at the level of the optic chiasm? A) hippocampus B) eyes C) parietal bone D) nasal bone E) zygomatic bone Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Which of the following is/are the largest and most easily recognized structure(s) on the lateral portion(s) of a cross-section at the level of the middle thoracic vertebra (T8)? A) heart B) lungs C) esophagus D) trachea E) latissimus dorsi muscles Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Which of the following is/are the most anterior structure(s) in a cross-section at the lumbar level (L5)? A) vertebrae B) rectus abdominis muscles C) descending colon D) psoas thoracis muscles E) sacroiliac joint Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) The most medial posterior structure(s) observed in a cross section at the level of vertebra T12 is/are the ________. A) transverse colon B) latissimus dorsi muscles C) spinalis thoracis muscle D) T12- L1 intervertebral discs E) longissimus thoracis muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) The left side of a cross-section is the ________ side of the specimen. A) left B) anterior C) right D) medial E) lateral Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) In a cross section of the head at the level of C2, the most anterior structure is the ________. A) ethmoid B) sternocleidomastoid muscle (sternal head) C) median lingual raphe D) orbicularis oris muscle E) medial rectus muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) The ________ is/are the largest structure(s) visible in a cross section at the level of vertebra T10. A) right lobe of the liver B) left lung, inferior lobe C) cardia of the stomach D) longissimus thoracis muscles E) latissimus dorsi muscles Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12.2 True/False Questions 1) The tongue can be seen in a cross-section at the upper cervical levels. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The heart can be seen in a cross-section at the level of vertebra T8. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The trachea can be seen in a cross-section at the level of vertebra T2. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The cecum can be seen in a cross-section at the level of vertebra T12. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The stomach can be seen in a cross-section at the level of vertebra L5. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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12.3 Essay Questions 1) How does the process of palpation reveal anatomical structures to the student of anatomy? Answer: Palpation is the use of the fingers to feel deep organs and structures through the skin of the body surface. Because the skin does not adhere closely to underlying organs in most locations, it is possible to feel the shape of the underlying structures by compressing and moving the skin over their surfaces. The effectiveness of palpation, though, is ideally facilitated in an individual who has well-developed muscles and very little body fat. Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) How can one determine whether or not the palmaris longus muscle is present in one's forearm? Answer: When the forearm is slightly flexed and the fist clenched, the tendon of the palmaris longus, if present, stands out as a ridge near the midline of the forearm along the distal third of the forearm. The tendon of the flexor carpi radialis also stands out under these conditions. If there is only one tendon present, it is that of the latter rather than the former, as the former is only present in approximately 85 percent of people. Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) What is the femoral triangle and what is its clinical significance? Answer: The femoral triangle is the lower inguinal area, which is delineated by the sartorius muscle on the lateral side and by the adductor longus muscle on the medial side. Within this area is the site for palpation (and locating the pulse) of the femoral artery. It is also the site for accessing the cardiovascular system with a needle and catheter. Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 4) How are the structures of the foot and leg affected by wearing high-heeled shoes or boots? What surface anatomical structures would you expect to change when a person puts on this type of footwear? Answer: In order to balance upon a high-heeled shoe, the foot must be plantar flexed. The muscles that contract to perform this action include the soleus and gastrocnemius; therefore, a student of surface anatomy would note that these muscles, which cover the posterior aspect of the calf, would bulge, and the tendon leading inferiorly from them, the calcaneal tendon, would be taut. When wearing footwear with a low heel height, the calf muscles show less tension. Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating

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5) Why is it important to know the standards for viewing cross-sectional images? Answer: The point of view, or reference, in any anatomical image is the most important part of the image. If one does not know from which direction one is observing a cross-sectional region, it is impossible to accurately identify specific structures. Also, this same approach is used in viewing radiographic images around the world. Without standardization, medical errors are imminent. Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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12.4 Labeling Questions Figure 12.1

Using the above-referenced view of the lateral neck, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Mandibular body B) Angle of mandible C) Maxilla D) Zygomatic process E) Mastoid process Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Hyoid bone B) Site for palpation of submandibular gland C) Acromion D) External jugular vein E) Clavicle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Thyroid cartilage B) Site for palpation of carotid pulse C) Nuchal region D) Supraclavicular fossa E) Site for palpation of submandibular lymph nodes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Sternocleidomastoid muscle B) Supraclavicular fossa C) Trapezius muscle D) Location of brachial pulse E) Omohyoid muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Nuchal region B) Sternocleidomastoid region C) Location of brachial plexus D) External jugular vein beneath platysma E) Anterior cervical triangle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Supraclavicular notch B) Thyroid cartilage C) Sternocleidomastoid muscle D) Jugular notch E) Hyoid bone Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Zygomatic process B) Nuchal region C) Zygomatic arch D) Mastoid process E) Posterior cervical triangle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Occipital region B) Submandibular triangle C) Nuchal region D) Suprahyoid triangle E) Sternocleidomastoid region Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Site for palpation of carotid pulse B) Location of brachial plexus C) Site for palpation of submandibular gland D) External jugular vein beneath platysma E) Thyroid cartilage Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Upper thoracic region B) Inferior carotid triangle C) Posterior cervical triangle D) Sternocleidomastoid region E) Nuchal region Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Omohyoid muscle B) Clavicle C) Location of brachial plexus D) Jugular notch E) Supraclavicular fossa Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 12.2

Using the above-referenced figure illustrating the back and shoulder regions of the thorax, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Latissimus dorsi muscle B) Triceps brachii muscle C) Deltoid muscle D) Biceps brachii muscle E) Sternocleidomastoid muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Coracoid process B) Scapular spine C) Clavicular head of sternocleidomastoid muscle D) Deltoid muscle E) Acromion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Vertebra prominens (C7) B) Acromion C) Inferior angle of scapula D) Trapezius muscle E) Vertebral border Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Deltoid muscle B) Furrow over spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae C) Acromion D) Spine of scapula E) Vertebra prominens (C7) Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Infraspinatus muscle B) Teres major muscle C) Trapezius muscle D) Deltoid muscle E) Latissimus dorsi muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Spine of scapula B) Acromion C) Vertebral border of scapula D) Furrow over spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae E) Vertebra prominens (C7) Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Triceps brachii muscle B) Biceps brachii muscle C) Deltoid muscle D) Brachialis muscle E) Brachioradialis muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Teres major muscle B) Infraspinatus muscle C) Trapezius muscle D) Triceps brachii muscle E) Deltoid muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Deltoid muscle B) Triceps brachii muscle C) Teres major muscle D) Infraspinatus muscle E) Trapezius muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Latissimus dorsi muscle B) Trapezius muscle C) Infraspinatus muscle D) Teres major muscle E) Erector spinae muscles Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Erector spinae muscles B) Infraspinatus muscle C) Teres major muscle D) Latissimus dorsi muscle E) Furrow over spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 12.3

Using the above-referenced anterior view of the left arm, forearm, and wrist, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Tendon of palmaris longus muscle B) Tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle C) Tendon of brachioradialis muscle D) Tendon of flexor carpi radialis muscle E) Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle B) Tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle C) Tendon of palmaris longus muscle D) Tendon of flexor carpi radialis muscle E) Site for palpation of radial pulse Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Tendon of palmaris brevis muscle B) Tendon of flexor carpi radialis muscle C) Site for palpation of radial pulse D) Tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle E) Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Pisiform bone B) Site for palpation of radial pulse C) Cephalic vein D) Head of ulna E) Cubital fossa Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Deltoid muscle B) Pectoralis major muscle C) Coracobrachialis muscle D) Latissimus dorsi muscle E) Trapezius muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Coracobrachialis muscle B) Biceps brachii muscle C) Medial epicondyle D) Triceps brachii muscle E) Cephalic vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Median cubital vein B) Cubital fossa C) Triceps brachii muscle D) Cephalic vein E) Coracobrachialis muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Coracobrachialis muscle B) Biceps brachii muscle C) Cephalic vein D) Triceps brachii muscle E) Basilic vein Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Medial epicondyle B) Basilic vein C) Coracobrachialis muscle D) Median cubital vein E) Triceps brachii muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Median cubital vein B) Triceps brachii muscle C) Basilic vein D) Medial epicondyle E) Corachobrachialis muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Head of ulna B) Tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle C) Medial epicondyle D) Olecranon E) Basilic vein Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Cubital fossa B) Median cubital vein C) Medial epicondyle D) Cephalic vein E) Median antebrachial vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Pronator teres muscle B) Flexor carpi radialis muscle C) Median antebrachial vein D) Cephalic vein E) Brachioradialis muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle B) Tendon of palmaris longus muscle C) Tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle D) Tendon of flexor carpi radialis muscle E) Tendon of palmaris brevis muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 12.4

Using the above-referenced diagram of the lateral surface of the right thigh and gluteal region, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Iliotibial tract B) Tensor fasciae latae muscle C) Gracilis muscle D) Sartorius muscle E) Gluteus maximus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Vastus lateralis muscle B) Adductor longus muscle C) Gluteus maximus muscle D) Gluteus medius muscle E) Tensor fasciae latae muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles B) Gluteus maximus muscle C) Tensor fasciae latae D) Vastus lateralis muscle E) Iliotibial tract Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Tendon of biceps femoris muscle B) Semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles C) Vastus lateralis muscle D) Popliteal fossa E) Gracilis muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Iliotibial tract B) Quadriceps femoris muscle C) Tensor fasciae latae muscle D) Tendon of biceps femoris muscle E) Semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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42) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Popliteal fossa B) Patellar ligament C) Head of fibula D) Tendon of biceps femoris muscle E) Tibial tuberosity Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Fibularis longus muscle B) Tibial tuberosity C) Head of fibula D) Soleus muscle E) Head of tibia Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Popliteal fossa B) Fibularis longus muscle C) Gastrocnemius muscle D) Head of tibia E) Soleus muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Head of fibula B) Tendon of biceps femoris muscle C) Fibularis longus muscle D) Gastrocnemius muscle E) Soleus muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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46) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Vastus lateralis muscle B) Quadriceps femoris muscle C) Vastus medialis muscle D) Biceps femoris muscle E) Semitendinosus muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Soleus muscle B) Tibial tuberosity C) Head of fibula D) Patellar ligament E) Popliteal fossa Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Head of tibia B) Vastus lateralis muscle C) Soleus muscle D) Fibularis longus muscle E) Iliotibial tract Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 12.5

Using the above-referenced diagram of a cross section at the level of vertebra T8, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 49) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Rib 4 B) Body of sternum C) Right ventricle D) Pectoralis major muscle E) Right atrioventricular valve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Left ventricle B) Right atrium C) Left lung, middle lobe D) Right atrioventricular valve E) Rib 4 Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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51) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Right atrioventricular valve B) Left ventricle C) Pectoralis major muscle D) Left lung, superior lobe E) Right lung, middle lobe Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Oblique fissure of lung B) Interventricular septum C) Spinous process of T8 D) Rib 4 E) Left lung Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Thoracic aorta B) Spinal cord C) Right atrioventricular valve D) Esophagus E) Inferior vena cava Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Thoracic aorta B) Spinous process of T8 C) Spinal cord D) Ribs 7 & 8 E) Esophagus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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55) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Latissimus dorsi muscle B) Pectoralis major muscle C) Spinous process of T8 D) Trapezius muscle E) Rib 4 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Trapezius muscle B) Latissimus dorsi muscle C) Pectoralis major muscle D) Ribs 7 & 8 E) Longissimus thoracis muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Ribs 7 & 8 B) Longissimus thoracis muscle C) Multifidus muscle D) Trapezius muscle E) Latissimus dorsi muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Thoracic aorta B) Spinal cord C) Inferior vena cava D) Esophagus E) Cardiac orifice of stomach Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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59) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Left ventricle B) Cardia of stomach C) Right atrium D) Spleen E) Left lung, inferior lobe Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Left lobe of liver B) Pectoralis minor muscle C) Left lung, superior lobe D) Left ventricle E) Cardia of stomach Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 61) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Sternothyroid muscle B) Body of sternum C) Subclavius muscle D) Trachea E) Right ventricle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label U. A) Sternocleidomastoid muscle B) Deltoid muscle C) Pectoralis major muscle D) Clavicle E) Sternothyroid muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 12.6

Using the above-referenced diagram of a cross-section at the level of vertebra T12, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 63) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Transversus abdominis muscle B) Intercostal muscles C) Rectus abdominis muscle D) Ileum E) External oblique muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Rectus abdominis muscle B) Transversus abdominis muscle C) Ileum D) External oblique muscle E) Internal oblique muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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65) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Intercostal muscles B) Rib 9 C) Jejunum D) Transversus abdominis muscle E) Psoas thoracis muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Cecum B) Transverse colon C) Ileum D) Jejunum E) Ascending colon Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Kidney B) Right lobe of liver C) Spleen D) Diaphragm E) Intercostal muscles Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Renal artery B) Renal pelvis of right kidney C) Psoas thoracis muscle D) Right lobe of liver E) Psoas major muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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69) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Sacrum B) Spinal cord C) Ileum D) Intervertebral disc E) Vertebral foramen Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Iliocostalis lumborum muscle B) Longissimus thoracis muscle C) Psoas major muscle D) Latissimus dorsi muscle E) Gluteus medius muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 71) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Spinal cord B) Abdominal aorta C) Ascending colon D) Thoracic aorta E) Intervertebral disc Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 72) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Cecum B) Ileum C) Jejunum D) Descending colon E) Transverse colon Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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73) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Ascending colon B) Inferior vena cava C) Descending colon D) Ileum E) Abdominal aorta Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 74) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Jejunum B) Quadratus lumborum muscle C) Left kidney D) Psoas major muscle E) Iliacus muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 75) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Iliacus muscle B) Psoas major muscle C) Iliocostalis muscle D) Psoas thoracis muscle E) Spinalis thoracis muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 76) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label X. A) Longissimus thoracis muscle B) Spinalis thoracis muscle C) Psoas major muscle D) Quadratus lumborum muscle E) Iliocostalis lumborum muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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77) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Y. A) Iliocostalis lumborum muscle B) Latissimus dorsi lumborum C) Longissimus thoracis muscle D) Iliacus muscle E) Psoas thoracis muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 78) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Z. A) Trapezius muscle B) Latissimus dorsi muscle C) Iliocostalis lumborum muscle D) Spinalis thoracis muscle E) Longissimus thoracis muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 12.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 13 The Nervous System: Neural Tissue 13.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Functions of the nervous system include which of the following? A) seat of higher functions, such as intelligence, memory, learning, and emotions B) receives sensory input; coordinates sensory input and motor output C) regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular activities D) integrating and processing data E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The central nervous system (CNS) includes the ________. A) brain only B) spinal cord only C) nerves only D) brain and spinal cord E) nerves and muscles Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The anatomical subdivisions of the nervous system are (the) ________. A) central and peripheral nervous systems B) dorsal and ventral nervous systems C) appendicular and axial nervous systems D) autonomic and somatic nervous systems E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Functions of the peripheral nervous system include ________. A) providing sensory information to the CNS only B) making higher order decisions to interpret sensory inputs C) carrying motor commands to the peripheral tissues and systems only D) carrying information up and down the spinal cord E) providing sensory information to the CNS and carrying motor commands to the peripheral tissues and systems Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) Receptors may be classified as ________. A) effectors and muscles B) somatic and visceral C) glands and muscles D) voluntary and involuntary E) subconscious and conscious Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Muscle cells, gland cells, and specialized cells that respond to neural stimuli are called ________. A) receptors B) reflexes C) effectors D) axons E) dendrites Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands are regulated by the ________. A) somatic nervous system B) parasympathetic division C) sympathetic division D) central nervous system E) autonomic nervous system Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The nervous system and the ________ system share important structural and functional characteristics, such as relying upon some form of chemical communication with targeted tissues and organs. A) skeletal B) lymphatic C) endocrine D) immune E) circulatory Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The ________ division of the PNS sends motor information to muscles and glands. A) efferent B) sensory C) parallel D) afferent E) serial Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The nervous system includes all of the ________ tissue in the body. A) muscle B) skeletal C) connective D) neural E) epithelial Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The cells responsible for information processing and transfer are the ________. A) astrocytes B) neuroglia C) Schwann cells D) neurons E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Neuroglia in the nervous system function to ________. A) carry nerve impulses B) act as phagocytes C) process information in the nervous system D) transfer nerve impulses from the brain to the spinal cord E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Glial cells are roughly ________ times more prevalent than neurons. A) 2 B) 10 C) 7 D) 15 E) 5 Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) The cell body usually has several branching ________, which are specialized to respond to specific stimuli in the extracellular environment. A) soma B) dendrites C) astrocytes D) axons E) satellite cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Which of the following selections lists only types of neuroglial cells? A) astrocytes and parenchymal cells B) apocrine and exocrine cells C) merocrine, platelet, and ependymal cells D) microglia, oligodendrocytes, and Schwann cells E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Oligodendrocytes ________. A) remove cell debris, wastes, and pathogens by phagocytosis B) regulate oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrient and neurotransmitter levels around neurons in ganglia C) maintain the blood-brain barrier and provide structural support D) provide structural framework and myelinate the central nervous system (CNS) axons E) line the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Satellite cells surround the cell bodies of peripheral neurons, which can be found in (the) ________. A) nuclei B) peripheral centers C) roots D) ganglia E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Microglia are (the) ________. A) most numerous neuroglial cell B) smallest neuroglial cell C) not a neuroglial cell D) neuroglial cells that wrap the axons with a myelin sheath E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Which of the following neuroglia produce cerebrospinal fluid? A) astrocytes B) ependymal cells C) microglia D) oligodendrocytes E) satellite cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) If the CNS were susceptible to a drug that should not affect it, this might indicate damage to which of the following cells? A) microglia B) Schwann cells C) satellite cells D) astrocytes E) ependymal cells Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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21) If the point of an extremely small probe were passed into a satellite cell, it would be located in which region of the nervous system? A) near a cell body in a ganglion of the PNS B) near the axon of a neuron in the CNS C) near the lining of the ventricles of the brain D) at a neuromuscular synapse E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 22) A biopsy of infected or injured tissue from the CNS will most likely show an elevated number of ________. A) ependymal cells B) oligodendrocytes C) satellite cells D) microglia E) interneurons Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 23) Myelin is (a) ________. A) cell body in the peripheral nervous system B) made of phospholipids C) special cell that forms scar tissue after injury D) special area of the brain E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Areas of a myelinated axon that are not covered by myelin are called ________. A) internodes B) nodes C) gray matter D) white matter E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Areas of the nervous system that are dominated by myelinated axons are referred to as ________. A) arachnoid mater B) gray matter C) dura mater D) white matter E) pia matter Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) To contact a Schwann cell, where would a microprobe have to be inserted in the nervous system? A) anywhere in the CNS B) near or at a neuron cell body C) alongside an unmyelinated axon in the CNS D) along any axon in the PNS, myelinated or not E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 27) Which of the following structures do not contribute to the coarse grainy appearance of the perikaryon of a neuron? A) mitochondria B) free and fixed ribosomes C) rough endoplasmic reticulum D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by ________. A) astrocytes B) oligodendrocytes C) ependymal cells D) Schwann cells E) satellite cells Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Axons connecting the ganglion cells with the peripheral effectors are called ________. A) postganglionic fibers B) ganglionic fibers C) preganglionic fibers D) efferent fibers E) afferent fibers Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) The portion of a neuron that carries information in the form of a nerve impulse (action potential) is called the ________. A) soma B) Nissl body C) axon D) dendrite E) myelin Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) The area in a multipolar neuron that connects the cell body to the initial segment of the axon is called the ________. A) neurofibril B) Nissl body C) axoplasm D) initial segment E) axon hillock Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The structural classification of a neuron is based upon ________. A) the size of the dendrites B) the number of axons C) the number of processes that project from the cell body D) the type of chemical neurotransmitter it secretes E) the overall size of the cell Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) The functional classifications of neurons include ________, which carry information toward the CNS. A) sensory neurons B) interneurons C) motor neurons D) axoplasmic neurons E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Involuntary cardiac muscle fibers of the heart are innervated by ________. A) sensoriganglionic fibers B) preganglionic fibers C) somatic motor fibers D) visceral motor fibers E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Movement of nutrients, waste products, and organelles between the cell body and the synaptic terminals is a process called ________. A) axonal transport B) axoplasmic transport C) osmosis D) diffusion E) neuroskeletal contraction Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Because a neuron loses its centrioles during differentiation, ________. A) it is rendered incapable of dividing B) it cannot grow as quickly as neurons that retain their centrioles C) it loses its normal ability to produce a myelin sheath D) it is probably located in the PNS E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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37) Which of the following are most closely involved with somatic sensory neurons? A) visceral sensory neurons B) bipolar neurons C) interoceptors D) proprioceptors E) exteroceptors Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 38) Bundles of neurofilaments, called ________, are cytoskeletal elements that extend into the dendrites and the axon. A) neurofibrils B) collaterals C) telodendria D) terminal arborizations E) Nissl bodies Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Interneurons ________. A) are responsible for the analysis of sensory inputs and the coordination of motor outputs B) are located entirely within the brain and spinal cord C) can be classified as excitatory or inhibitory on the basis of their effects on the postsynaptic membranes of other neurons D) are located between sensory and motor neurons E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) ________ monitor the position and movement of skeletal muscles and joints. A) Interoceptors B) Proprioceptors C) Exteroceptors D) Visceral sensory neurons E) Nissl bodies Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) During neural regeneration in the PNS as the neuron continues to recover, its axon grows into the injury site and the ________ wrap around it along its original path. A) oligodendrocytes B) satellite cells C) astrocytes D) macrophages E) Schwann cells Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) When a stimulus is applied to the axon, it produces a temporary change in the ________ of the axolemma in a localized area of the axon. A) temperature sensation B) glandular activity C) neural regeneration D) Wallerian degeneration E) permeability Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Injured neurons can fully recover their functional capabilities if ________. A) the oxygen and nutrient supplies are restored within a period of a few minutes B) the cause of the damage is removed within a period of weeks C) the cells can divide enough times to replace those that are lost D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) In the process known as Wallerian degeneration ________. A) the axon proximal to the injury deteriorates B) macrophages phagocytize the debris of damaged axons C) Schwann cells completely degenerate D) no trace is left of the path of the original axon that was damaged E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) Action potentials result from ________. A) the closing of ion channels B) a change in the membrane potential of axons C) the opening of calcium gates D) neurons transporting neurotransmitters E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) When an action potential develops in one location of an axon, ________. A) it will stimulate astrocytes to release chemicals B) it will regenerate the threshold stimulus at the originating location on the same axon C) Schwann cells in the area begin to divide and form a solid cellular cord D) it will propagate along the length of the axon toward the axon terminals E) it will propagate faster along the smaller unmyelinated fibers Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) The rate of conduction of a nerve impulse depends upon ________. A) properties of the soma of the neuron B) the presence or absence of a myelin sheath C) the number of cell dendrites D) the type of neurotransmitter present E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) ________ is the ability of a plasma membrane to respond to an adequate stimulus. A) Excitability B) Threshold stimulus C) Wallerian degeneration D) Membrane potential E) Propagation Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) If an axon ________, the impulse will be conducted ________. A) has a smaller diameter; more rapidlyy B) has more myelination; more slowly C) has a larger diameter; more rapidly D) is longer in length; more rapidly E) is shorter in length; less rapidly Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) In electrical synapses, nerve impulse transmission occurs between cells of the CNS and PNS without any delay due to ________. A) the presence of a neuromuscular synapse between the cells B) communicating junctions that permit the passage of ions between the cells C) the activity of Schwann cells D) the number of neurons in the chain E) the effects of an energy drink Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Over 50 different neurotransmitters have been identified, but the best known is ________. A) norepinephrine B) epinephrine C) glutamate D) acetylcholine E) GABA Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) In the case of somatic neuromuscular neurons, the arrival of a nerve impulse at the axon terminal immediately triggers ________. A) a change in the permeability of the postsynaptic plasma membrane B) the release of acetylcholine (ACh) at the presynaptic membrane C) the generation of an action potential in the axon D) long-lived effects at the synaptic membrane E) an action potential Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) Electrical synapses are unique, because they have ________. A) two interacting neurons B) neurotransmitter release C) only a postsynaptic membrane D) a communicating junction E) receptor proteins Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Which of the following are examples of neuroeffector synapses? A) neuromuscular synapse B) neuroglandular synapse C) neuroneural synapse D) neuroaxonic synapses E) both neuromuscular synapse and neuroglandular synapse Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) A communicating junction acts to facilitate ________. A) the passage of neurotransmitters between cells B) growth of Schwann cells C) a change in the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane D) the passage of ions between the cells E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) At a chemical synapse, the neurons communicate via ________. A) neurotransmitters B) communicating junctions C) terminal arborizations D) nodes E) internodes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) The effects of a neurotransmitter on the postsynaptic membrane include which of the following? A) Excitatory or inhibitory responses result. B) Neurotransmitter molecules are absorbed by the postsynaptic cell. C) The neurotransmitter floats around in the synaptic cleft. D) Upon stimulation, the membrane releases more neurotransmitter molecules. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Neurotransmitters are ________. A) produced on command B) stored in synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic membrane C) released from the postsynaptic membrane to the presynaptic membrane D) released only at electrical synapses E) produced by astrocytes Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) A neuron might be temporarily unable to transmit an impulse to another neuron or effector if ________. A) its supply of neurotransmitters is exhausted B) the neurons are of different types C) the levels of microglia are too low D) there are too many astrocytes present E) the neurotransmitter is inhibitory Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Which of the following is the correct sequence of events at a synapse? (1) neurotransmitter release/diffusion (2) generation of action potential in the postsynaptic cell membrane (3) arrival of nerve impulse at an axon terminal in the presynaptic cell (4) removal of neurotransmitter molecules from receptors (5) binding of neurotransmitter to receptors A) 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 B) 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 C) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2 D) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5 E) 1, 5, 4, 2, 3 Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

61) An inhibitory response ________. A) makes an action potential more likely B) makes an action potential less likely C) directly causes an action potential D) causes acetylcholine (ACh) release E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) The neuromuscular synapse is a chemical synapse that releases the neurotransmitter ________. A) norepinephrine B) dopamine C) acetylcholine D) epinephrine E) serotonin Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) All somatic neuromuscular synapses utilize ________. A) epinephrine B) serotonin C) norepinephrine D) acetylcholine E) dopamine Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) The type of synapse that allows the most direct communication between cells, and therefore the fastest communication, is the ________ synapse. A) chemical B) electrical C) neuromuscular D) vesicular E) neuroendocrine Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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65) To transmit a nerve impulse in chemical synapses, the neurotransmitter diffuses across the ________ and binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. A) synaptic cleft B) presynaptic membrane C) axolemma D) secretory vesicles E) sarcolemma Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Nonvesicular synapses, also termed ________, are found between neurons in both the CNS and the PNS. A) electrical synapses B) neuromuscular synapses C) chemical synapses D) neuroendocrine synapses E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) A neuronal pool is ________. A) a group of identical nerve cells B) a group of neurons linked by communicating junctions C) a group of interconnected neurons with specific functions D) the group of neurons available to regenerate a damaged nerve E) a group of neurons linked by electrical synapses Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) When sensory neurons bring information into the CNS that is subsequently distributed to neuronal pools throughout the spinal cord and brain, the type of processing is known as ________. A) parallel processing B) divergence C) convergence D) serial processing E) reverberation Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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69) The process of reverberation involves ________. A) a negative feedback loop through nerve circuits B) a single repeat of a stimulus prior to extinction C) extension of collateral axons back toward the source of an impulse and further stimulation of the presynaptic neurons D) several neuronal pools processing information at one time E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) Neuronal pools are defined on the basis of ________. A) the number of neurons present B) the diameter of the axons C) anatomy rather than on functional grounds D) the location of the neurons E) function rather than on anatomical grounds Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 71) A type of information processing wherein information is relayed in a stepwise sequence, from one neuron to another or from one neuronal pool to the next, is called ________. A) reverberation B) parallel processing C) divergence D) serial processing E) convergence Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 72) Which of the following is gray matter? A) neural cortex B) columns C) tracts D) bundles of axons in the PNS E) nerves Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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73) The surface of the brain is called the ________. A) higher center B) neural cortex C) neuronal nuclei D) white matter E) basal nuclei Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 74) Collections of neuron cell bodies in the interior of the CNS form larger groups called ________. A) spinal nerves B) nuclei C) cranial nerves D) columns E) reverberating neurons Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 75) Pathways that connect the CNS with effectors include ________. A) motor pathways B) descending pathways C) efferent pathways D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 76) In the PNS, the neuron cell bodies are found in clusters called ________. A) white matter B) nuclei C) ganglia D) columns E) tracts Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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77) Collections of axons in the CNS that have a common origin and destination are called ________. A) nerves B) centers C) tracts D) ganglia E) nuclei Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13.2 True/False Questions 1) Somatic sensory receptors receive information from the skin about touch, pain, and temperature. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Visceral sensory receptors receive information from internal structures, such as smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands, and respiratory and digestive organs. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) A somatic motor neuron also controls smooth and cardiac muscles. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 13.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The significant organizational differences between the neural tissue of the CNS and that of the PNS are primarily due to differences in the neuron cell populations. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 13.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord are lined by ependymal cells, which are cuboidal to columnar in form and have slender processes that branch extensively. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Oligodendrocytes are the largest and most numerous of the glial cells, having a variety of functions. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

7) Astrocytes function in maintaining the blood-brain barrier, which isolates the CNS from the general circulation. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) A small neuron in which there are no anatomical clues to distinguish dendrites from axons is called an anaxonic neuron. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) A neuron in which the dendrite and axonal processes are continuous, and the cell body lies off to one side is called a bipolar neuron. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) A neuron, which has several dendrites and a single axon that may have one or more branches is a multipolar neuron. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Exteroceptors provide sensations of deep pressure and pain, as well as the sense of taste. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 13.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Parallel processing occurs in a stepwise sequence, from one neuron to another or from one neuronal pool to the next. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 13.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) In convergence, several neurons synapse on the same postsynaptic neuron. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 13.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) A connection between the brain and other organs and systems in the body is called a pathway. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 13.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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15) Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that affects voluntary skeletal muscles. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 13.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13.3 Essay Questions 1) What is the significance of the blood-brain barrier in brain cell function? Answer: The blood-brain barrier acts to isolate the CNS neural tissue from the general circulation of blood because the hormones or other chemicals normally present in blood could have disruptive effects on neuron function. Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) How do the functions of Schwann cells differ from those of satellite cells? Answer: Both satellite cells and Schwann cells are neuroglial cells. Schwann cells produce a complete covering around every peripheral axon, whether or not it is myelinated. As a result, all axons within the PNS are shielded from contact with interstitial fluids by the Schwann cells, which also participate in the repair process after neuronal injury. Satellite cells surround the nerve cell bodies in peripheral ganglia, but not the axons. Satellite cells regulate the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and waste products between the neuron cell body and the extracellular fluid. They also help isolate the neuron from stimuli other than those provided at synapses. Additionally, they help regulate neurotransmitter levels around neurons in ganglia. Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) What is Wallerian degeneration? Answer: The process of Wallerian degeneration occurs when the axon distal to the site of injury of a nerve deteriorates and macrophages migrate in to phagocytize the debris. The Schwann cells in the area then divide and form a solid cellular cord that follows the path of the original axon. If the neuron recovers, its axon will regrow into the site of the injury and the Schwann cells will wrap around it. Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) What occurs at the axon terminals of a neuron during synaptic communication? Answer: At the axon terminal , the neuron communicates with another cell. The axon terminal occurs at the distal ends of the axon or collaterals of a neuron. Synaptic vesicles in the axon terminal store neurotransmitters, which are released through exocytosis at the presynaptic membrane in response to the arrival of an action potential at the axon terminal. The neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. Receptor binding results in a change in the permeability of the postsynaptic cell membrane. Depending on the identity and abundance of the receptor proteins on the postsynaptic membrane, the result may be excitatory or inhibitory. Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) What effect does a reverberating circuit have on the ability of the organism to function? Answer: Reverberating circuits utilize positive feedback that will allow a circuit to continue to be stimulated until either synaptic fatigue or an inhibitory stimulus breaks the cycle. Positive feedback occurs as a result of collateral axons, which extend back toward the source of the impulse that further excites the presynaptic neurons. Reverberating circuits using neuronal pools in the brain may be involved in the maintenance of consciousness, muscular coordination, and normal breathing patterns. Learning Outcome: 13.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 6) What would be the consequences of severing the spinal cord from the brain? Answer: Dependent on the degree of damage, severing of the spinal cord at any level will result in the partial or complete loss of the ability for the ascending and descending pathways to transmit signals up and down the spinal cord. Severing of the spinal cord from the brain causes instant death due to the body's inability to function without the control provided by the brain. Learning Outcome: 13.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating

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13.4 Labeling Questions Figure 13.1

Using the above-referenced histological diagram of neural tissue in the CNS, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Ependymal cell B) Internode C) Node of Ranvier D) Capillary E) Basal lamina Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Neurons B) Astrocytes C) Microglial cells D) Oligodendrocytes E) Ependymal cells Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Cerebrospinal fluid B) Basal lamina C) Microglia D) Myelin E) Node of Ranvier Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Dendrite B) Nucleus C) Basal lamina D) Axon E) Soma Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Schwann cell B) Astrocyte C) Satellite cell D) Microglial cell E) Oligodendrocyte Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Microglial cell B) Ependymal cell C) Satellite cell D) Oligodendrocyte E) Astrocyte Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Schwann cells B) Satellite cells C) Microglial cells D) Astrocytes E) Ependymal cells Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Oligodendrocyte B) Ependyma C) Schwann cell D) Microglial cell E) Astrocyte Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 13.2

Using the above-referenced diagram of a myelinated axon in the PNS, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Dendrite B) Axon hillock C) Nucleus D) Myelin sheath E) Basal lamina Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Internode B) Axon hillock C) Myelin D) Dendrite E) Initial segment Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Myelin sheath gap B) Axolemma C) Soma D) Internode E) Dendrite Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Nuclei B) Dendrites C) Nodes D) Axon hillock E) Internodes Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Dendrite B) Synaptic vesicle C) Axon hillock D) Myelin sheath E) Initial segment Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Soma B) Dendrite C) Axon D) Initial segment E) Internode Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Nucleus B) Ependyma C) Axolemma D) Axon E) Neurolemma Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Axolemma B) Myelin sheath C) Schwann cell nucleus D) Microglia E) Unmyelinated segment Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 13.3

Using the above-referenced diagram of an unmyelinated axon in the PNS, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Oligodendrocyte B) Astrocyte C) Microglial cell D) Ependymal cell E) Schwann cell Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Basal lamina B) Axolemma C) Nucleus D) Neurolemma E) Dendrite Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Axons B) Synaptic vesicles C) Ependymal cells D) Dendritic spines E) Nodes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Rough endoplasmic reticulum B) Initial segment C) Axon D) Nucleus E) Myelin Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 13.4

Using the above-referenced diagram of a synapse, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Dendrites B) Terminal arborizations C) Glial cell processes D) Terminal boutons E) Synaptic vesicles Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Axon B) Nissl bodies C) Dendrite D) Glial cell process E) Ependyma Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Mitochondrion B) Endoplasmic reticulum C) Nucleus D) Synapse E) Soma Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Postsynaptic neurons B) Telodendria C) Dendrites D) Axon terminals E) Glial cell processes Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Synaptic vesicles B) Glial cells C) Axon terminals D) Mitochondria E) Telodendria Answer: C Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Mitochondrion B) Synaptic vesicle C) Endoplasmic reticulum D) Nucleus E) Lysosome Answer: A Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Dendritic spines B) Ribosomes C) Axon terminals D) Synaptic vesicles E) Telodendria Answer: D Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Basal lamina B) Internode C) Axon hillock D) Node of Ranvier E) Synaptic cleft Answer: E Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Neurolemma B) Postsynaptic membrane C) Axolemma D) Schwann cell membrane E) Presynaptic membrane Answer: B Learning Outcome: 13.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 14 The Nervous System: The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves 14.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) The ventral root of a spinal nerve contains ________. A) axons of sensory neurons B) ventral rami C) axons of motor neurons D) cell bodies of motor neurons E) interneurons Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) In gross dissection, the filum terminale and the long ventral and dorsal roots are collectively referred to as the ________. A) collateral ganglia B) denticulate ligaments C) cauda equina D) spinal meninges E) motor neurons Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Every spinal cord segment is associated with a pair of ________, which contain the cell bodies of sensory neurons. A) ventral roots B) mixed nerves C) peripheral effectors D) dorsal root ganglia E) dorsal horns Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Inferior to the ________, the spinal cord tapers to the conus medullaris. A) cervical enlargement B) cauda equina C) lumbosacral enlargement D) filum terminale E) dorsal root ganglia Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) The blood vessels that supply the spinal cord are found in the ________. A) dura mater B) epidural space C) subarachnoid space D) arachnoid mater E) pia mater Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The middle layer of the meninges, which consists of simple squamous epithelium, is called (the) ________. A) arachnoid mater B) pia mater C) periosteum D) dura mater E) epideural space Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The epidural space contains areolar and adipose tissue, in addition to ________. A) cerebrospinal fluid B) lymph C) denticulate ligaments D) gray matter E) blood vessels Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Bundles of fiber known as ________ extend from the inner surface of the arachnoid mater to the outer surface of the pia mater. A) arachnoid granulations B) cauda equina C) arachnoid trabeculae D) subarachnoid spaces E) denticulate ligaments Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The pia mater is the ________. A) meninx that forms denticulate ligaments B) outermost covering over the brain, but not the spinal cord C) toughest and thickest of the meninges D) meninx that contains cerebrospinal fluid E) meninx that forms the major component of the coccygeal ligament Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The subarachnoid space is ________. A) between the arachnoid mater and the underlying dura mater B) filled with fat C) between the arachnoid mater and the periosteum D) filled with cerebrospinal fluid E) a potential space only Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Caudally, the spinal dura mater blends with components of the ________ to form the coccygeal ligament. A) dorsal root ganglia B) filum terminale C) ventral root D) spinal nerves E) cauda equina Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Distally, the connective tissue of the ________ is continuous with the connective tissue sheath around each spinal nerve. A) spinal dura mater B) filum terminale C) spinal pia mater D) spinal arachnoid mater E) arachnoid granulations Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Select the association that is most closely matched. A) anterior gray horns–visceral sensory nuclei B) anterior gray horns–visceral motor neurons C) posterior gray horns–somatic motor neurons D) posterior gray horns–visceral sensory nuclei E) lateral gray horns–somatic motor neurons Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Motor fibers travel in the ________ of the spinal cord. A) ascending tracts B) medial tracts C) descending tracts D) posterior tracts E) lateral tracts Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The H-shaped mass in the center of the spinal cord is dominated by ________. A) large numbers of myelinated and unmyelinated axons B) cell bodies of neurons and neuroglial cells C) motor axons only D) dura mater E) connective tissue and blood vessels Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The nuclei in the spinal cord that contain the cell bodies of the visceral motor neurons are located in (the) ________. A) posterior gray horns B) anterior gray horns C) lateral gray horns D) gray commissures E) ventral roots Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Axons, which cross from one side to the other in the spinal cord, pass through the ________. A) anterior white commissure B) gray commissure C) posterior white commissure D) anterior gray horns E) denticulate ligaments Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) All of the following are true of fiber tracts in the spinal cord except ________. A) all axons within a tract relay information in the same direction B) each tract carries sensory or motor information, but not both C) axons of a single tract are relatively uniform in diameter and conduction speed D) the tracts are randomly located with respect to the type of information carried E) axons of a single tract are relatively uniform with respect to myelination Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The anterior horns are the largest in the ________ regions. A) thoracic and lumbar B) cervical and lumbar C) cervical and thoracic D) lumbar and sacral E) cervical and sacral Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) The gray matter of the spinal cord is organized into anterior, posterior, and lateral ________. A) tracts B) columns C) commissures D) horns E) ganglia Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Which of the following is defined as the tough, fibrous sheath that forms the outermost layer of a peripheral nerve? A) epineurium B) endoneurium C) perineurium D) neurilemma E) fascicle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) The innermost layer of connective tissue fibers and isolated fibrocytes, which surrounds each axon is the ________. A) fascicle B) fasciculus C) epineurium D) endoneurium E) perineurium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The spinal nerves form through the fusion of dorsal and ventral nerve roots as they pass through a(n) ________. A) plexus B) intervertebral foramen C) gray commissure D) vertebral foramen E) transverse foramen Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) The "rami communicantes" exist for spinal nerves ________. A) C1 to T1 B) C1 to L2 C) T1 to L2 D) L1 to S1 E) T1 to S1 Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) The body surface region monitored by a specific pair of spinal nerves is called (a) ________. A) ramus communicantes B) ventral ramus C) dermatome D) perineurium E) tract Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The first branch of each spinal nerve, which communicates with an autonomic ganglion, is myelinated and is called a ________. A) white ramus communicans B) gray commissure C) fascicle D) postganglionic fiber E) gray ramus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) The gray and white rami from T1 to L2, which allow information exchange between the spinal nerves and the autonomic ganglia are collectively called the ________. A) commissures B) horns C) columns D) rami communicantes E) fascicles Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) The ulnar nerve is found in the ________ plexus. A) cervical B) thoracic C) lumbar D) brachial E) sacral Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) If you bump the "funny bone" which nerve function is interrupted? A) median B) radial C) ulnar D) axillary E) musculocutaneous Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 30) Which of the following is a nerve of the cervical plexus? A) median nerve B) lesser occipital nerve C) nerve to subclavius D) axillary nerve E) musculocutaneous nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) The median nerve ________. A) arises from both the medial and posterior cords of the brachial plexus B) arises from both the medial and lateral cords of the brachial plexus C) arises from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus D) innervates the pronators of the forearm E) is a major nerve of the cervical plexus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The largest nerve in the body that is formed from L4-S3 is the ________. A) tibial nerve B) pudendal nerve C) sciatic nerve D) fibular nerve E) superior gluteal nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) The rhomboids (major and minor) are innervated by which of the following? A) brachial plexus nerves B) sacral plexus nerves C) cervical plexus nerves D) hypoglossal nerve E) lumbar plexus nerves Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) From medial to lateral, brachial plexus structures are organized as which of the following? A) roots–divisions–cords–trunks–nerves B) roots–trunks–divisions–cords–nerves C) cords–nerves–roots–trunks–divisions D) nerves–cords–divisions–trunks–roots E) trunks–cords–roots–divisions–nerves Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The short head of the biceps femoris and the tibialis anterior muscles are innervated by the ________ nerve. A) iliohypogastric B) pudendal C) fibular D) inferior gluteal E) lateral femoral cutaneous Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The ________ of the spinal nerves is/are the portion(s) that participate(s) in the formation of nerve plexuses. A) dorsal root ganglia B) ventral rami C) posterior columns D) epineurium E) dorsal rami Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Brachial plexus nerves arise from one or more trunks or cords whose neurons indicate their positions relative to the ________. A) brachial artery B) clavicle C) subclavius muscle D) C4 vertebra E) axillary artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) The ________ arises from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. A) ulnar nerve B) median nerve C) radial nerve D) musculocutaneous nerve E) dorsal scapular nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) The ________ nerve of the lumbar plexus is formed by ventral rami of T12 and L1, and innervates the internal and external oblique muscles. A) genitofemoral B) lateral femoral cutaneous C) ilioinguinal D) subcostal E) iliohypogastric Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) The ________ nerve, which is formed by the ventral rami of S2-S4, innervates muscles of the perineum, including the urethral sphincter muscles. A) pudendal B) posterior femoral cutaneous C) sciatic D) inferior gluteal E) superior gluteal Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Spinal reflexes ________. A) include monosynaptic reflexes only B) involve only a single segment of the spinal cord C) always transmit information to the brain for processing D) include both monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes E) do not include stretch reflexes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Activation of a motor neuron during the processing of a reflex action ________. A) occurs instantaneously, with the start of the stimulation B) carries the nerve impulse to the peripheral effector organs C) typically enhances the original stimulus that triggered the reflex D) sends a response to peripheral structures by way of the dorsal root of a spinal nerve E) sends impulses through the dorsal root ganglion Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Which of the following is true regarding visceral reflexes? A) They are never classified as autonomic reflexes. B) They control skeletal muscle contractions. C) They include superficial reflexes. D) They include stretch reflexes. E) They control the actions of smooth muscles and glands. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) A normal patellar reflex indicates that spinal nerves and spinal segments ________ are undamaged. A) C1-C3 B) L2-L4 C) C5-C7 D) T1-L2 E) L5-S2 Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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45) Activation of a sensory neuron results in the conduction of action potentials into the spinal cord along a(n) ________. A) efferent fiber B) ventral ramus C) ventral horn D) afferent fiber E) peripheral effector Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Sites where information regarding reflexes is processed include the spinal cord and the ________. A) skeletal muscles B) dorsal root ganglia C) visceral muscles D) brain E) ventral roots Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Polysynaptic reflex arcs differ from monosynaptic reflex arcs in that the former have ________, which are not present in the latter. A) an interneuron or interneurons B) stimuli C) specific receptors D) cranial processing centers E) spinal cord processing centers Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Reflexes that control the actions of smooth muscles and glands are classified as ________ reflexes. A) somatic B) monosynaptic C) spinal D) visceral or autonomic E) acquired Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) The stretch reflex is an example of a ________ reflex because it maintains the body's upright position. A) motor B) postural C) sensory D) interneuron E) lumbar Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) In step 4 of a neural reflex, a(n) ________ stimulated to threshold conducts action potentials along its axons into the periphery. A) sensory neuron B) dorsal root ganglia C) motor neuron D) dorsal horn E) interneuron Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Motor patterns that are learned, like walking, are called ________ reflexes. A) somatic B) acquired C) autonomic D) visceral E) learned Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) The term for a reflex that is genetically determined is a(n) ________ reflex. A) acquired B) cranial C) spinal D) monosynaptic E) innate Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14.2 True/False Questions 1) The cervical enlargement supplies nerves to the pectoral girdle and upper limbs. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The spinal cord continues to enlarge and elongate until an individual is approximately four years old. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The arachnoid mater is the outermost covering of the spinal cord and brain. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The connective tissue layers of the spinal dura mater continue from the inferior tip of the conus medullaris as the filum terminale. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The gray matter of the spinal cord can be divided into columns, or funiculi. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 14.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Paralysis of all four limbs is called paraplegia. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 14.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The ventral ramus of each spinal nerve receives motor information from a specific segment of the skin and muscles of the neck and back. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Spinal nerves caudal to the first thoracic vertebra take their names from the vertebra immediately preceding them. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The brachial plexus is composed of cutaneous and muscular branches of the ventral rami of spinal nerves C1-C4. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Stretch reflexes provide automatic regulation of skeletal muscle length. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14.3 Essay Questions 1) What symptoms may result from crural palsies caused by carrying large wallets in a hip pocket? Answer: Crural palsies involve the nerves of the lumbosacral plexus. Individuals who carry large wallets in their hip pockets may develop symptoms of sciatic compression after they drive or sit in one position for extended periods. As nerve function declines, the individuals notice symptoms, such as lumbar or gluteal pain, numbness along the back of the leg, and weakness in the leg muscles. Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) Why are spinal taps done in the lumbar region when a CNS infection is suspected? Answer: In a spinal tap or lumbar puncture (LP), the withdrawal of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) must be done with care to avoid injuring the spinal cord. The adult spinal cord extends only as far as vertebra L1 or L2. Between vertebra L2 and the sacrum, the meningeal layers remain intact, but they enclose only the relatively sturdy components of the cauda equina and a significant quantity of CSF. With the vertebral column flexed, a needle can be inserted between the lower lumbar vertebrae and into the subarachnoid space with minimal risk to the cauda equina. In this procedure, 3 to 9 ml of fluid are taken from the subarachnoid space between vertebrae L3 and L4. Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) Why does a hammer striking the quadriceps muscle tendon result in a reflex action? Answer: The reflex action is known as the patellar reflex, which is controlled by muscle spindles in the quadriceps muscle group. The stimulus is a reflex hammer striking the muscle tendon, which stretches the spindle fibers. This results in a sudden increase in the activity of the sensory neurons, which synapse on spinal motor neurons. The response occurs upon the activation of motor units in the quadriceps group, which produces an immediate increase in muscle tone and a sudden contraction. Learning Outcome: 14.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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14.4 Labeling Questions Figure 14.1

Using the above- referenced diagrams of the superficial anatomy and orientation of the adult spinal cord (posterior view) and inferior views of cross-sections through representative segments of the spinal cord, showing the arrangement of gray and white matter, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions.

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1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Cervical spinal nerve B) Coccygeal nerve C) Thoracic spinal nerve D) Lumbar spinal nerve E) Inferior tip of the spinal cord Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Filum terminale B) Coccygeal nerve C) Cervical spinal nerve D) Posterior median sulcus E) Lumbar spinal nerve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Coccygeal nerve B) Lumbosacral enlargement C) Filum terminale D) Anterior median sulcus E) Cauda equina Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Cauda equina B) Filum terminale C) Lumbosacral enlargement D) Conus medullaris E) Coccygeal nerve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Anterior median sulcus B) Cervical enlargement C) Lumbosacral enlargement D) Posterior median sulcus E) Conus medullaris Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Central canal B) Filum terminale C) Cauda equina D) Conus medullaris E) Cervical spinal nerve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Ventral root B) Dorsal root ganglion C) Central canal D) White matter E) Anterior median fissure Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Filum terminale B) Anterior median fissure C) Cauda equina D) Conus medullaris E) Posterior median sulcus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 14.2

Using the above-referenced diagram of a posterior view of the spinal cord showing the meningeal layers, superficial landmarks, and distribution of gray and white matter, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) White matter B) Dorsal horns C) Dura mater D) Spinal nerve E) Ventral root Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Dorsal root B) Denticulate ligament C) Arachnoid mater D) Ventral root E) Dura mater Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Gray matter B) Dorsal root C) White matter D) Ventral root E) Spinal nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Dura mater B) Dorsal root C) Arachnoid mater D) Ventral root E) Pia mater Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Pia mater B) Arachnoid mater C) Ventral root D) Dura mater E) Dorsal root Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Dorsal root B) Ventral root C) Dura mater D) Gray matter E) White matter Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Arachnoid mater B) Dorsal root C) Spinal nerve D) Denticulate ligament E) Ventral root Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) White matter B) Gray matter C) Arachnoid mater D) Dorsal root ganglion E) Denticulate ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 14.3

Using the above-referenced diagram of a sectional view through the spinal cord and meninges showing the peripheral distribution of the spinal nerves, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Pia mater B) Gray matter C) Arachnoid mater D) White matter E) Dura mater Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Autonomic ganglion B) Rami communicantes C) Ventral root D) Dorsal root E) Dorsal ramus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Dorsal root B) Dorsal root ganglion C) Denticulate ligament D) Rami communicantes E) Ventral root Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Rami communicantes B) Dorsal root ganglion C) Ventral ramus D) Dorsal ramus E) Ventral root Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Dorsal ramus B) Dorsal root ganglion C) Rami communicantes D) Denticulate ligament E) Ventral ramus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Dorsal root ganglion B) Rami communicantes C) Ventral ramus D) Dorsal ramus E) Denticulate ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Denticulate ligament B) Dorsal root ganglion C) Dorsal ramus D) Autonomic (sympathetic) ganglion E) Ventral ramus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Pia mater B) Dura mater C) Dorsal root ganglion D) Dorsal ramus E) Arachnoid mater Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 14.4

Using the above-referenced diagram of a typical peripheral nerve and its connective tissue wrappings, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Endoneurium B) Fascicle C) Schwann cell D) Epineurium E) Perineurium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Schwann cell B) Epineurium C) Fascicle D) Perineurium E) Blood vessels Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Perineurium B) Schwann cell C) Epineurium D) Blood vessels E) Endoneurium Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Epineurium B) Endoneurium C) Fascicle D) Perineurium E) Blood vessels Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Epineurium B) Schwann cell C) Endoneurium D) Perineurium E) Fascicle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Schwann cell B) Epineurium C) Fascicle D) Myelinated axon E) Perineurium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Fascicle B) Endoneurium C) Blood vessels D) Schwann cell E) Epineurium Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 14.5

Using the above-referenced diagram of peripheral nerves and nerve plexuses, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Sacral plexus B) Sural nerve C) Cervical plexus D) Lumbar plexus E) Brachial plexus 28 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Brachial plexus B) Lumbar plexus C) Sciatic nerve D) Sacral plexus E) Cervical plexus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Sciatic nerve B) Lumbar plexus C) Brachial plexus D) Cervical plexus E) Sacral plexus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Cervical plexus B) Musculocutaneous nerve C) Lumbar plexus D) Brachial plexus E) Sacral plexus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Median nerve B) Axillary nerve C) Radial nerve D) Ulnar nerve E) Musculocutaneous nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Musculocutaneous nerve B) Radial nerve C) Ulnar nerve D) Median nerve E) Axillary nerve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Axillary nerve B) Ulnar nerve C) Median nerve D) Musculocutaneous nerve E) Radial nerve Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Musculocutaneous nerve B) Radial nerve C) Ulnar nerve D) Median nerve E) Axillary nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Radial nerve B) Musculocutaneous nerve C) Median nerve D) Axillary nerve E) Ulnar nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Y. A) Iliohypogastric nerve B) Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve C) Common fibular nerve D) Tibial nerve E) Sciatic nerve Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 14.6

Using the above-referenced diagram of the brachial plexus, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 42) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Inferior trunk B) Middle trunk C) Lateral cord D) Posterior cord E) Superior trunk Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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43) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Lateral cord B) Axillary nerve C) Medial cord D) Radial nerve E) Posterior cord Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Radial nerve B) Lateral cord C) Axillary nerve D) Posterior cord E) Medial cord Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Musculocutaneous nerve B) Median nerve C) Radial nerve D) Axillary nerve E) Ulnar nerve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Ulnar nerve B) Musculocutaneous nerve C) Median nerve D) Axillary nerve E) Radial nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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47) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Axillary nerve B) Radial nerve C) Ulnar nerve D) Median nerve E) Musculocutaneous nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Median nerve B) Axillary nerve C) Musculocutaneous nerve D) Ulnar nerve E) Radial nerve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 14.7

Using the above-referenced diagrams of the anterior and posterior views of the upper limb, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions.

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49) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Brachial plexus B) Cervical plexus C) Sacral plexus D) Lumbar plexus E) Axillary nerve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Axillary nerve B) Radial nerve C) Ulnar nerve D) Median nerve E) Musculocutaneous nerve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Median nerve B) Musculocutaneous nerve C) Axillary nerve D) Ulnar nerve E) Radial nerve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Radial nerve B) Median nerve C) Musculocutaneous nerve D) Axillary nerve E) Ulnar nerve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Ulnar nerve B) Axillary nerve C) Median nerve D) Radial nerve E) Musculocutaneous nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label DD. A) Ulnar nerve B) Median nerve C) Musculocutaneous nerve D) Axillary nerve E) Radial nerve Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label EE. A) Radial nerve B) Musculocutaneous nerve C) Ulnar nerve D) Axillary nerve E) Median nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label FF. A) Median nerve B) Ulnar nerve C) Musculocutaneous nerve D) Radial nerve E) Axillary nerve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 14.8

Using the above-referenced diagrams of the lumbar and sacral plexuses, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 57) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Genitofemoral nerve B) Ilio-inguinal nerve C) Sciatic nerve D) Iliohypogastric nerve E) Pudendal nerve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Ilio-inguinal nerve B) Sciatic nerve C) Pudendal nerve D) Genitofemoral nerve E) Iliohypogastric nerve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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59) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Iliohypogastric nerve B) Genitofemoral nerve C) Sciatic nerve D) Pudendal nerve E) Ilio-inguinal nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Ilio-inguinal nerve B) Sciatic nerve C) Iliohypogastric nerve D) Genitofemoral nerve E) Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 61) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Sciatic nerve B) Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve C) Genitofemoral nerve D) Ilio-inguinal nerve E) Iliohypogastric nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Pudendal nerve B) Ilio-inguinal nerve C) Iliohypogastric nerve D) Sciatic nerve E) Genitofemoral nerve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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63) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Ilio-inguinal nerve B) Pudendal nerve C) Sciatic nerve D) Genitofemoral nerve E) Iliohypogastric nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 14.9

Using the above-referenced diagrams of the anterior and posterior views of the lumbar and sacral plexuses, identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 64) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Sciatic nerve B) Tibial nerve C) Sural nerve D) Saphenous nerve E) Deep fibular nerve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

65) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Saphenous nerve B) Sciatic nerve C) Tibial nerve D) Sural nerve E) Deep fibular nerve Answer: E Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label HH. A) Deep fibular nerve B) Saphenous nerve C) Sural nerve D) Sciatic nerve E) Tibial nerve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 14.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 15 The Nervous System: Sensory and Motor Tracts of the Spinal Cord 15.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Select the correct association. A) afferent–motor B) ascending–sensory C) efferent–mixed sensations D) descending–sensory E) ipsilateral–motor only Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) A neuron that ascends the spinal cord or brainstem and whose cell body is located in the posterior horn is called a(n) ________. A) upper motor neuron B) lower motor neuron C) first-order neuron D) second-order neuron E) third-order neuron Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Neurons whose cell bodies are located in the ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus are called ________. A) pyramidal cells B) first-order neurons C) second-order neurons D) third-order neurons E) lower motor neurons Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) A first-order neuron ________. A) is the first neuron in any descending pathway B) is a neuron that extends down the spinal cord C) has its cell body located in the dorsal root ganglion D) projects the motor homunculus to the parietal lobe of the cerebellum E) carries information from the thalamus to the appropriate sensory area of the cerebral cortex Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) Sensations detected by the receptors of the anterior spinothalamic tracts include ________. A) proprioception B) pressure C) temperature D) fine touch E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The posterior columns (medial lemniscal pathway) is ________. A) gray matter in the spinal cord that processes information about proprioception and touch B) gray matter in the spinal cord that processes information about pain and temperature C) white matter in the brainstem that conducts information about pressure, vibration and touch D) white matter in the brainstem that conducts information about pain and temperature Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The anterior spinocerebellar tract conducts sensations about A) pain from the upper limbs B) pain from the lower limbs C) proprioception from the upper limbs D) proprioception from the lower limbs Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Which of the following tracts carries proprioceptive information concerning the position of muscles, tendons, and joints to the cerebellum? A) rubrospinal B) spinocerebellar C) posterior (dorsal) column D) spinothalamic E) vestibulospinal Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The spinothalamic tract is a(n) ________ tract. A) descending B) motor C) ascending D) efferent E) transverse Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Sensory information in the posterior columns ________. A) carries sensations of pain, temperature, and "crude" sensations of touch and pressure B) decussate at the midline of the length of the pyramids C) is carried by axons of first-order sensory neurons that synapse on second-order neurons in the dorsal horns of the spinal cord D) is integrated by the ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus E) is defined as a loosely organized network of neurons that extends throughout the brainstem Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 11) The sensory homunculus is a functional map that shows (the) ________. A) relative size of sensory regions in the body B) number of muscles under the skin C) number of sensory receptors representing the regions of the body D) absolute size of sensory units E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) What is the final destination for the spinothalamic tracts? A) cerebellum B) gray commissure of spinal cord C) posterior horn of spinal cord D) primary somatosensory cortex E) medulla oblongata Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) The ________ tract carries axons that do not cross over to the opposite side of the spinal cord. A) posterior spinocerebellar B) anterior spinocerebellar C) lateral spinothalamic D) anterior spinothalamic E) lateral corticospinal Answer: A Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) In the dorsal columns, axons from the dorsal roots of spinal nerves that enter the spinal cord inferior to T6 ascend within the ________. A) red nucleus B) fasciculus cuneatus C) medial lemniscus D) gracile fasciculus E) pyramids Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The ________, also termed the anterolateral system, carries sensations of pain, temperature, and crude sensations of touch and pressure. A) medial lemniscus B) spinothalamic tract C) dorsal column D) spinocerebellar tract E) pyramidal tract Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The posterior spinocerebellar tracts ascend to the cerebellar cortex by way of the ________. A) posterior gray horns B) inferior cerebellar peduncle C) gracile nucleus D) pyramids E) superior cerebellar peduncle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) The motor pathways of the autonomic nervous system ________. A) show a neuronal organization like that of the somatic nervous system B) contain both upper and lower motor neurons C) include only neurons located in the brain or spinal cord D) control visceral effectors, such as smooth muscles, cardiac muscle, and glands E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Which of these movements or muscle groups is not controlled by motor information transmitted by the corticobulbar tracts? A) cranial, facial, pharyngeal, and laryngeal muscles B) eye movements C) muscles of the upper leg D) some superficial muscles of the back and neck E) intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The corticospinal tracts that synapse on motor neurons in the anterior horns of the spinal cord are visible as they descend along the ventral surface of the medulla as a pair of thick bands, the ________. A) olives B) reticular formation C) pyramids D) medial lemniscus E) peduncles Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) The ________ tract carries information that controls muscle tone and balance. A) pyramidal B) reticulospinal C) tectospinal D) vestibulospinal E) rubrospinal Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Axons of the lower motor neurons of the anterior corticospinal tracts innervate ________. A) skeletal muscles that control skilled movements in the limbs B) skeletal muscles of the neck and upper limb C) muscles of the respiratory system D) muscles of urinary bladder E) muscles of the lower digestive tract Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Along the length of the pyramids, about 15 percent of the axons continue along the spinal cord as the ________ tract. A) corticobulbar B) lateral corticospinal C) tectospinal D) vestibulospinal E) anterior corticospinal Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The neuron that relays commands from the CNS nuclei to the effectors is the ________ neuron. A) second-order B) lower motor C) first-order D) upper motor E) third-order Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) The upper motor neurons of the rubrospinal tracts lie within the ________. A) vestibular nuclei B) tectum C) cerebellar nuclei D) red nuclei E) putamen Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) In motor pathways, axons of lower motor neurons exit the ________ and innervate ________. A) CNS; skeletal muscle B) PNS; skeletal muscle C) CNS; sensory receptor D) PNS; sensory receptor E) CNS; PNS Answer: A Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The portion of the brain that controls and coordinates the movements necessary to play a keyboard instrument such as an organ or piano is the ________. A) corpus callosum B) thalamus C) medulla oblongata D) diencephalon E) cerebellum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 27) An upper motor neuron supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye would be part of the ________ tract(s). A) lateral corticospinal B) anterior corticospinal C) cerebellar D) corticobulbar E) dorsal column Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 28) The spinal tracts that regulate voluntary motor control of skeletal muscles on the opposite side of the body are the ________. A) corticospinal tracts B) rubrospinal tracts C) reticulospinal tracts D) vestibulospinal tracts E) spinothalamic tracts Answer: A Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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29) The corticospinal tracts can be defined as ________. A) the control system for involuntary muscles B) a series of conscious, voluntary motor tracts C) subconscious motor pathways D) a series of ascending tracts E) an indirect motor system Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 30) Which descending tracts synapse on lower motor neurons in the motor nuclei of cranial nerves controlling eye movements, facial muscles, jaw muscles, and some muscles of the neck and pharynx? A) lateral corticospinal B) anterior corticospinal C) corticobulbar D) spinothalamic E) posterior column Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Nuclei of subconscious motor pathways include which of the following? A) the vestibular nuclei and the superior colliculi B) the inferior colliculi and the superior colliculi C) the red nuclei and the reticular formation D) the redl nuclei and the superior colliculi E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) When a person displays a "startle response," in which reflexive changes in the position of the head, neck, and upper limbs occur in response to bright lights, sudden movements or loud noises, which of the following regions is responsible? A) vestibular nuclei B) reticulospinal tracts C) cerebral nuclei D) rubrospinal tracts E) tectospinal tracts Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Where would you expect to find CNS damage in a person who displays an inability to maintain posture and balance? A) vestibulospinal tracts B) corticospinal tracts C) corticobulbar tracts D) rubrospinal tracts E) reticulospinal tracts Answer: A Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 34) Which nuclei or centers are NOT correctly paired with the tracts to which they provide output? A) tectum–tectospinal tracts B) red nuclei–rubrospinal tracts C) reticular formation–reticulospinal tracts D) vestibular nuclei–vestibulospinal tracts E) colliculi–rubrospinal tracts Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) In a somatic motor pathway, the neuron that has a cell body in a CNS processing center is the ________. A) lower motor neuron B) preganglionic neuron C) upper motor neuron D) postganglionic neuron E) first-order neuron Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 36) The complex unconscious motor patterns that control activities such as riding a bicycle are located in the________. A) mesencephalon B) cerebellum C) hypothalamus D) cerebral nuclei E) medulla oblongata Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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37) Which of the following transmits primary information to subconsciously control the muscle tone and movements of distal portions of the upper limbs? A) vestibulospinal tract B) tectospinal tract C) rubrospinal tract D) corticospinal tract E) reticulospinal tract Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) A motor homunculus ________. A) is the site that determines the intensity of a pain stimulus B) is the location of referred pain C) provides an indication of the degree of fine motor control available D) is proportioned exactly the same as the sensory homunculus E) is proportional to the actual size of the represented body region Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 39) Which of the following controls reflexes in response to visual and auditory stimuli? A) thalamus B) mesencephalon C) spinal cord D) inferior medulla oblongata E) both A & B Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Which area of the brain coordinates complex motor patterns? A) brainstem B) thalamus C) pons D) cerebral cortex E) cerebellum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Which area of the brain controls reflex motor patterns related to eating, drinking, and sexual activity? A) mesencephalon B) hypothalamus C) pons D) medulla oblongata E) basal nuclei Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Regarding somatic motor control, the pons and superior medulla oblongata ________. A) control balance reflexes and complex respiratory activity B) plan and initiate voluntary motor activities C) control simple cranial and spinal reflexes D) modify voluntary and reflexive motor patterns at the subconscious level E) control reflexes in response to visual and auditory stimuli Answer: A Learning Outcome: 15.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) All the levels of somatic motor control affect the activity of (the) ________. A) thalamus B) third-order neurons C) lower motor neurons D) medulla oblongata E) upper motor neurons Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15.2 True/False Questions 1) Axons from the dorsal roots of spinal nerves that enter the spinal cord at or superior to T6 ascend within the cuneate fasciculus. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The axons of the second-order neurons of the lateral spinothalamic tract cross to the opposite side of the spinal cord and carry sensations of pain and temperature. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) The anterior spinocerebellar tract carries information about crude sensations of touch and pressure. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The anterior spinothalamic tract carries information about proprioception. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The axons of most of the second-order neurons of the anterior spinocerebellar tract cross before entering the tract and then cross again within the cerebellum. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The corticobulbar tracts provide conscious motor control of skeletal muscles. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Axons of upper motor neurons in the reticular formation descend in the reticulospinal tracts, and cross to the opposite side of the mesencephalon in the brainstem. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The basal nuclei modify voluntary and reflexive motor patterns at the subconscious level. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 15.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) The hypothalamus initiates voluntary motor activity. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 15.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The inferior medulla oblongata controls basic respiratory reflexes. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 15.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The pons works with the medulla oblongata to control respiratory functions. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 15.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

15.3 Essay Questions 1) Predict the effects of a superficial injury to the spinocerebellar tracts. Answer: The spinocerebellar tracts are responsible for carrying proprioceptive information concerning the position of muscles, tendons, and joints to the cerebellum. As a result of lacking some proprioceptive information, motor movement, especially complex movements, could become uncoordinated because the cerebellum is responsible for fine coordination of body movements (complex motor patterns). Additionally, there would be no conscious recognition of this lack of proprioception because the information does not reach the cerebral cortex. Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 2) Ascending sensory information is relayed from one nucleus to another in a series of steps, which permits modulation of the response, but this processing takes time. Why is this delay in response not dangerous to the organism? Answer: Each additional synapse means another synaptic delay, but to compensate for this slowing of the response time, involuntary motor commands are issued by relay stations in the spinal cord and brain stem. While the conscious mind is still processing the information, neural reflexes provide an immediate response that can later be "fine-tuned." Learning Outcome: 15.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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15.4 Labeling Questions Figure 15.1

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions: 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Dorsal root B) Posterior column C) Ventral root D) Dorsal root ganglion E) Gray commissure Answer: A Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Lateral horn B) Posterior horn C) Lumbar enlargement D) Ventral root E) Dorsal root ganglion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Lateral column B) Dorsal root ganglion C) Anterior median sulcus D) Ventral root E) Lateral horn Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Anterior spinocerebellar tract B) Anterior spinothalamic tract C) Lateral spinothalamic tract D) Posterior spinocerebellar tract E) Posterior column Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Gracile fasciculus B) Lateral spinocerebellar tract C) Cuneate fasciculus D) Lateral spinothalamic tract E) Anterior spinothalamic tract Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Anterior corticospinal tract B) Lateral spinothalamic tract C) Anterior spinocerebellar tract D) Lateral corticospinal tract E) Rubrospinal tract Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Tectospinal tract B) Lateral corticospinal tract C) Posterior column D) Lateral spinothalamic tract E) Posterior spinocerebellar tract Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Cuneate fasciculus B) Posterior spinocerebellar tract C) Reticulospinal tract D) Gracile fasciculus E) Rubrospinal tract Answer: A Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Posterior spinocerebellar tract B) Gracile fasciculus C) Tectospinal tract D) Reticulospinal tract E) Cuneate fasciculus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 15.2

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Reticulospinal tract B) Anterior median sulcus C) Tectospinal tract D) Anterior spinothalamic tract E) Anterior corticospinal tract Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Rubrospinal tract B) Vestibulospinal tract C) Reticulospinal tract D) Anterior corticospinal tract E) Tectospinal tract Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Tectospinal tract B) Anterior spinothalamic tract C) Medial reticulospinal tract D) Vestibulospinal tract E) Rubrospinal tract Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Rubrospinal tract B) Anterior corticospinal tract C) Tectospinal tract D) Vestibulospinal tract E) Reticulospinal tract Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Lateral spinothalamic tract B) Vestibulospinal tract C) Reticulospinal tract D) Rubrospinal tract E) Tectospinal tract Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Lateral corticospinal tract B) Anterior spinocerebellar tract C) Lateral spinothalamic tract D) Rubrospinal tract E) Anterior corticospinal tract Answer: A Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 15.3

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Tectum B) Reticular formation C) Red nucleus D) Globus pallidus E) Vestibular nucleus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Medulla oblongata B) Tectum C) Pons D) Red nucleus E) Vestibular nucleus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Cerebellar nuclei B) Reticular formation C) Tectum D) Caudate nucleus E) Putamen Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Red nucleus B) Tectum C) Basal nuclei D) Vestibular nucleus E) Reticular formation Answer: D Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Colliculi B) Basal nuclei C) Reticular formation D) Red nucleus E) Cerebellar nuclei Answer: E Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Thalamus B) Putamen C) Inferior colliculus D) Pons E) Caudate nucleus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Thalamus B) Caudate nucleus C) Pons D) Globus pallidus E) Putamen Answer: A Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Caudate nucleus B) Globus pallidus C) Cerebellar nucleus D) Red nucleus E) Vestibular nucleus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Globus pallidus B) Putamen C) Red nucleus D) Thalamus E) Caudate nucleus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Vestibular nucleus B) Reticular formation C) Globus pallidus D) Tectum E) Cerebellar nucleus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 15.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 16 The Nervous System: The Brain and Cranial Nerves 16.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) In the fourth week of development, which primary brain vesicle is known as the "hindbrain?" A) rhombencephalon B) metencephalon C) prosencephalon D) myelencephalon E) mesencephalon Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Which secondary brain vesicle forms the cerebrum? A) metencephalon B) prosencephalon C) mesencephalon D) telencephalon E) myelencephalon Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The ventral portion of the ________ develops into the pons, and the dorsal portion becomes the cerebellum. A) telencephalon B) metencephalon C) prosencephalon D) myelencephalon E) mesencephalon Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The septum pellucidum separates the ________. A) fourth ventricle B) cerebellar hemispheres C) third ventricle D) lateral ventricles E) cerebral aqueducts Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) Which structure contains the hypothalamus? A) medulla oblongata B) epithalamus C) mesencephalon D) pons E) diencephalon Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Which structure automatically adjusts motor activities on the basis of sensory information and memories of learned patterns of movement? A) hypothalamus B) cerebellum C) cerebrum D) pons E) medulla Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Which structure connects the third ventricle with the fourth ventricle? A) septum pellucidum B) longitudinal fissure C) cerebral aqueduct D) hypothalamus E) epithalamus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Which fold of dura mater projects between the cerebral hemispheres in the longitudinal fissure and attaches to the crista galli, the internal occipital crest and tentorium cerebelli? A) tentorium cerebelli B) diaphragma sellae C) falx cerebri D) arachnoid granulation E) falx cerebelli Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The pia mater is anchored to the surface of the brain by the processes of which glial cells? A) oligodendrocytes B) astrocytes C) ependymal cells D) microglia E) Schwann cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The transverse sinus lies within the ________. A) diaphragma sellae B) falx cerebelli C) superior sagittal sinus D) falx cerebri E) tentorium cerebelli Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The ________ acts as a roof over the cranial blood vessels. A) cranial arachnoid mater B) dura mater C) pia mater D) superior sagittal sinus E) inferior sagittal sinus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the blood-brain barrier (BBB)? A) The endothelial cells of the BBB are extensively interconnected with tight junctions. B) Lipid-soluble compounds can freely diffuse across the endothelial cell membranes. C) Endothelial transport across the BBB is highly selective. D) The endothelial cells of the BBB contain small numbers of pinocytotic vesicles. E) All of these are characteristics of the BBB. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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13) Which of the following is NOT a function of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)? A) It supports the brain. B) It does not transport waste products. C) It prevents contact between delicate neural structures and the surrounding bones. D) Except at the choroid plexus, the CSF is in constant communication with the interstitial fluid of the CNS. E) It transports nutrients and chemical messages. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Which structure is responsible for the production of cerebrospinal fluid? A) choroid plexus B) arachnoid granulation C) tentorium cerebelli D) dural sinus E) sagittal sinus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Which structure(s) of the medulla oblongata passes somatic sensory information to the thalamus? A) olivary nuclei B) cuneate nucleus and gracile nucleus C) reticular formation D) respiratory rhythmicity centers E) cardiovascular centers Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The reticular formation ________. A) sets the rate of respiratory movements B) contains nuclei and centers that help maintain consciousness C) relays somatic information to the ventral posterior nuclei of the thalamus D) regulates heart rate and force of contraction, and distribution of blood flow E) relays information from the spinal cord, the red nuclei, other midbrain centers, and the cerebral cortex to the vermis of the cerebellum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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17) The activity of which structure(s) is regulated by inputs from apneustic and pneumotaxic centers of the pons? A) respiratory rhythmicity centers B) olivary nuclei C) reticular formation D) gracile nucleus E) cardiovascular centers Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) The cardiovascular centers of the medulla oblongata may be subdivided into ________. A) apneustic and pneumotaxic B) apneustic and cardiac C) cardiac and vasomotor D) cardiac and pneumotaxic E) apneustic and vasomotor Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Which of these are NOT found in the medulla oblongata? A) gracile nucleus B) cuneate nucleus C) pneumotaxic center D) olivary nuclei E) solitary nucleus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Sensory and motor nuclei for which cranial nerves exist in the pons? A) N III, N V, N VI, N VII B) N V, N VI, N VII, N VIII C) N III, N IV, N V, N VI D) N VI, N VII, N VIII, N IX E) N III, N VI, N VIII, N IX Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) The anterior cerebellar peduncles contain efferent tracts arising at which structure(s)? A) cerebellar nuclei B) olivary nuclei C) cerebral nuclei D) pontine nuclei E) medulla oblongata Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) The pons is connected to the cerebellum by how many cerebellar peduncles? A) one B) two C) three D) four E) five Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The pons extends superiorly from the medulla oblongata to the ________. A) telencephalon B) myelencephalon C) mesencephalon D) diencephalon E) metencephalon Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) This mesencephalic structure processes information from the cerebrum and cerebellum and issues involuntary motor commands that maintain muscle tone and limb position. A) superior colliculus B) red nucleus C) substantia nigra D) inferior colliculus E) reticular formation Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Which structure receives visual input from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus on the ipsilateral side? A) red nucleus B) substantia nigra C) superior colliculus D) reticular formation E) inferior colliculus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The mesencephalon contains nuclei associated with which cranial nerves? A) N IV, V B) N II, III C) N II, V D) N III, IV E) N IV, VI Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Which of the following is a function of the substantia nigra? A) It integrates information from the cerebrum and cerebellum and issues involuntary motor commands concerned with the maintenance of muscle tone and limb position. B) It integrates visual information with other sensory input. C) It regulates the motor output of the basal nuclei. D) It initiates reflex responses to auditory stimuli. E) It functions in the automatic processing of incoming sensations and outgoing motor commands. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 28) The reticular formation ________. A) adjusts heart beat with its cardiovascular centers B) regulates activity in the basal nuclei C) controls background muscle tone and limb position D) carries ascending information to the thalamus E) integrates auditory information with medial geniculate nuclei Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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29) The ________ integrate(s) auditory information with the medial geniculate nuclei of the thalamus. A) reticular formation B) inferior colliculi C) substantia nigra D) superior colliculi E) red nuclei Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) The ________ connect(s) the primary motor cortex with motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord, and carry(ies) ascending sensory information to the thalamus. A) olivary nuclei B) nucleus gracilis C) reticular formation D) cerebral peduncles E) substantia nigra Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Which of the following structures secretes antidiuretic hormone? A) supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus B) tuberal nuclei of the hypothalamus C) paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus D) mammillary bodies E) lateral nuclei of the thalamus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The control of feeding reflexes (chewing, swallowing) is a function of which structure(s)? A) paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus B) mammillary bodies C) lateral nuclei of the thalamus D) tuberal area of the hypothalamus E) preoptic area of the hypothalamus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Which structure(s) coordinates daily cycles of activity that are linked to the day-night cycle? A) suprachiasmatic nucleus B) tuberal nuclei C) supraoptic nucleus D) paraventricular nucleus E) preoptic area Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Oxytocin is secreted by which hypothalamic structure(s)? A) tuberal nuclei B) mammillary bodies C) suprachiasmatic nucleus D) paraventricular nucleus E) supraoptic nucleus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The preoptic area regulates body temperature via control of autonomic centers in which brain structure(s)? A) pons B) thalamus C) hypothalamus D) cerebellum E) septum pellucidum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The infundibulum connects the hypothalamus to which structure? A) pineal gland B) cerebellum C) pituitary gland D) tectum E) cingulate gyrus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) The pineal gland secretes ________. A) serotonin B) melanin C) dopamine D) acetylcholine E) melatonin Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Which thalamic structure(s) provide a conscious awareness of emotional states by connecting the basal nuclei and emotion centers in the hypothalamus with the prefrontal cortex of the cerebrum? A) anterior nuclei B) pulvinar nuclei C) medial nuclei D) lateral nuclei E) ventral nuclei Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Which thalamic structure(s) relays auditory information to the auditory cortex from receptors of the inner ear? A) ventral group B) pulvinar nuclei C) medial geniculate nuclei D) lateral group E) lateral geniculate nuclei Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) The ventral nuclei in the thalamus ________. A) relay information to and from the basal nuclei and cerebral cortex B) are relay stations in feedback loops that adjust activity in the cingulate gyrus and parietal lobe C) include the pulvinar area and the geniculate nuclei D) relay information from the hypothalamus and hippocampus to the cingulate gyrus E) relay auditory information to the auditory cortex from the specialized receptors of the inner ear Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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41) Centers in the ________ adjust and coordinate the activities of autonomic centers in other parts of the brainstem concerned with regulating heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and digestive functions. A) thalamus B) epithalamus C) hypothalamus D) tectum E) pineal gland Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) The inferior cerebellar peduncles ________. A) contain transverse fibers and carry communications between the cerebellum and pons B) control physiological responses to changes in body temperature C) link the cerebellum with the mesencephalon, the diencephalon, and the cerebrum D) function in the subconscious coordination and control of ongoing movements of body parts E) link the cerebellum with the medulla oblongata and spinal cord Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 43) Which cerebellar structure is important in the maintenance of balance and the control of eye movements? A) vermis B) flocculonodular lobe C) primary fissure D) anterior lobe E) posterior lobe Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) The cerebellum receives proprioceptive information from which structure? A) medulla oblongata B) hypothalamus C) spinal cord D) pons E) thalamus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) The ________ link the cerebellum with the mesencephalon, diencephalon, and cerebrum. A) inferior cerebellar peduncles B) arbor vitae C) middle cerebellar peduncles D) tectum E) superior cerebellar peduncles Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) The cerebellum coordinates rapid, automatic adjustments that maintain balance and equilibrium; such alterations in muscle tone and position are made by modifying the activity of the ________. A) vestibular nucleus B) red nucleus C) substantia nigra D) pontine nuclei E) solitary nucleus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 47) The primary somatosensory cortex is found in which cerebral structure? A) frontal lobe B) occipital lobe C) temporal lobe D) insula E) parietal lobe Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) The occipital lobe contains (the) ________. A) tactile areas B) visual cortex C) auditory cortex D) gustatory cortex E) primary motor cortex Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) In which area is the speech center (Broca's area) usually located? A) frontal lobe B) insula C) occipital lobe D) parietal lobe E) temporal lobe Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Which part of the basal nuclei controls and adjusts muscle tone, particularly in the appendicular muscles? A) claustrum B) putamen C) amygdaloid body D) globus pallidus E) caudate nucleus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) When a person is walking, which structure(s) control(s) the cycles of arm and leg movements that occur between the time the decision is made to "start walking" and the time the "stop" order is given? A) globus pallidus B) amygdaloid body C) claustrum and putamen D) caudate nucleus and putamen E) claustrum and globus pallidus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) The precentral gyrus forms the ________. A) primary somatosensory cortex B) olfactory cortex C) anterior margin of central sulcus D) premotor cortex E) gustatory cortex Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) The major pathway of communication between the right and left hemispheres is the ________. A) projection fibers B) longitudinal fasciculi C) arcuate fibers D) internal capsule E) corpus callosum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Which of the five cerebral lobes isthe one not visible on the surface of the brain? A) frontal B) temporal C) insula D) occipital E) parietal Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) The primary gustatory cortex processes information about ________ and is located in the ________. A) sound; cerebellum B) taste; insula C) taste; frontal lobe D) smell; parietal lobe E) smell; temporal lobe Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) The lateral rectus muscle is innervated by which cranial nerve? A) N VI B) N III C) N V D) N II E) N IV Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) Which of the following cranial nerves have mixed sensory and motor functions? A) N I, N III B) N VI, N VII C) N VIII, N XI D) N VII, N IX E) N II, N V Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 58) The jugular foramen is the site for ingress and egress of which cranial nerves? A) N X, XI, XII B) N VIII, IX, X C) N VI, VII, VIII D) N IX, X, XI E) N VII, VIII, IX Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 59) The mandibular branch is the largest branch of the ________ nerve. A) trigeminal B) vagus C) trochlear D) glossopharyngeal E) hypoglossal Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Balance and equilibrium are functions of the ________ nerve. A) N IX B) N III C) N VIII D) N X E) N V Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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61) The ________ provides taste sensations from the posterior third of the tongue and has special receptors monitoring the blood pressure and dissolved-gas concentrations within major blood vessels. A) N VII B) N IX C) N XI D) N X E) N V Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 62) The external branch of ________ controls the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles of the neck and back. A) N VI B) N XII C) N VII D) N XI E) N IV Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) Which cranial nerves have special sensory functions? A) N III, IV, VI B) N V, VI, VII C) N I, II, VIII D) N III, VII, IX E) N IV, V, VI Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Which is the only cranial nerve that innervates visceral organs in the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities? A) N X B) N V, VII C) N VII D) N XII E) N X, XII Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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65) Cranial nerves that distribute autonomic fibers to peripheral ganglia include ________. A) N I, III, VI, IX B) N IV, V, VIII, X C) N III, VII, IX, X D) N VIII, XI, XII E) N VI, VIII, X, XI Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 66) In which ways do the olfactory nerves (N I) differ from the other cranial nerves? A) They do not differ from the other cranial nerves in any significant way. B) Their cell bodies are located in the geniculate ganglion. C) They are the only cranial nerves that are attached directly to the cerebrum. D) They contain somatic motor as well as autonomic components. E) Their axons are the only ones that pass through the hypoglossal canal. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 67) Swelling of the jugular vein as it leaves the skull could compress which of the following cranial nerves? A) N I, IV, V B) N IX, X, XI C) N V, VII D) N VIII, IX, XII E) N II, IV, VI Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 16.2 True/False Questions 1) Nuclei in the mesencephalon process visual and auditory information, coordinate and direct reflexive somatic motor responses to these stimuli. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The cranial dura mater consists of three fibrous layers. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) Capillaries in the pineal gland are very permeable. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The medulla oblongata physically connects the brain with the spinal cord. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 16.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The middle cerebellar peduncles are connected to the transverse fibers of the pons across its posterior surface. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 16.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Each side of the mesencephalon contains a pair of nuclei, the red nucleus and the substantia nigra. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 16.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The thalamus on each side bulges laterally away from the fourth ventricle and anteriorly toward the cerebrum. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The cerebellar cortex contains huge highly branched Purkinje cells. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 16.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) The two cerebral hemispheres have some functional differences, although anatomically they appear to be identical. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The premotor cortex is located immediately anterior to the primary motor cortex. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) Wernicke's area is the motor speech area of the frontal lobe. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The facial nerve consists only of sensory fibers. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16.3 Essay Questions 1) Compare and contrast epidural and subdural hemorrhages. Answer: Epidural hemorrhage is a condition in which bleeding into the epidural space of the brain occurs as a result of damage to the meningeal vessels. The most common cases of epidural bleeding involve an arterial break. In this case, the arterial blood pressure rapidly forces considerable quantities of blood into the epidural space, distorting the underlying soft tissues of the brain. The affected individual may lose consciousness from minutes to hours after a severe head injury, and death follows if left untreated. Epidural hemorrhage may also involve a damaged vein. In such cases, massive symptoms are not apparent immediately, and the individual may become unconscious from several hours to several days or even weeks after the original incident. Epidural hemorrhages are rare, occurring in less than one percent of head injuries. The term subdural hemorrhage is somewhat misleading because blood actually enters the inner layer of the dura mater, flowing beneath the epithelium that contacts the arachnoid membrane. Subdural hemorrhages are roughly twice as common as epidural hemorrhages. The most common source of blood is a small vein or one of the dural sinuses. Because the blood pressure is somewhat lower than in a typical epidural hemorrhage, the extent and effects of the condition may be quite variable. The hemorrhage produces a mass of clotted and partially clotted blood, called a hematoma. Acute subdural hematomas become symptomatic in minutes to hours after injury. Chronic subdural hematomas may produce symptoms weeks, months, or even years after a head injury. Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) How does physical activity affect neuroplasticity? Answer: It has been theorized that physical activity can increase the (neuro) plasticity in the brain. The theory is exhibited in the observation of the adult hippocampus, which clearly demonstrates the addition of new neurons in an activity-dependent way. The stimuli that induce plasticity include both physical and cognitive activities. Research indicates that physical activity throughout life may be needed to provide the brain and its systems of plastic adaptation with the appropriate regulatory input and feedback. Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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3) What is cerebellar dysfunction? Answer: Cerebellar dysfunction is the condition in which an individual is unable to anticipate and stop a movement precisely. In this condition, the individual's cerebellar function is compromised as a result of cerebral palsy (brain injury before, during, or soon after birth), hereditary conditions, stroke, multiple sclerosis (causing cerebellar plaques), infections (meningitis), tumors, trauma, vitamin deficiencies, drugs, or toxins. Without the cerebellar ability to adjust movements while they are occurring, the individual becomes unable to anticipate the course of a movement over time. Most commonly, a reaching movement ends with the hand overshooting the target. Learning Outcome: 16.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 4) Describe the condition known as infant hydrocephalus and its cause(s) and effect(s). Answer: Infant hydrocephalus is a condition in which an infant's skull exhibits abnormally high intracranial pressure, resulting in an enlarged cranium. Because the arachnoid granulations do not appear until roughly three years of age, infants are especially sensitive to alterations in intracranial pressure. Abnormally high intracranial pressure causes the ventricles to expand. Since the cranial sutures in an infant have yet to fuse, the skull can enlarge to accommodate the extra fluid volume. This enlargement produces the condition called hydrocephalus (or "water on the brain") in which the skull has expanded enormously, causing distortion of the brain. Infant hydrocephalus often results from interference with normal CSF circulation, such as blockage of the aqueduct of the midbrain or constriction of the connection between the subarachnoid spaces of the cranial and spinal meninges. Untreated infants often suffer some degree of mental developmental delay. Successful treatment usually involves the installation of a shunt, a tube that either bypasses the blockage site or drains the excess CSF. In either case, the goal is reduction of the elevated intracranial pressure. Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 5) What is Bell's palsy? Answer: Bell's palsy results from an inflammation of the facial nerve that is probably related to viral infection. Involvement of the facial nerve (N VII) can be deduced from symptoms of paralysis of facial muscles on the affected side and loss of taste sensations from the anterior twothirds of the tongue. The individual does not show prominent sensory deficits, and the condition is usually painless. In most cases, Bell's palsy "cures itself" after a few weeks or months, but this process can be accelerated by early treatment with corticosteroids and antiviral drugs. Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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16.4 Labeling Questions Figure 16.1

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Central canal B) Cerebral aqueduct C) Fourth ventricle D) Anterior horns of lateral ventricles E) Third ventricle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Fourth ventricle B) Cerebral aqueduct C) Anterior horns of lateral ventricles D) Central canal E) Third ventricle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

3) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Third ventricle B) Central canal C) Cerebral aqueduct D) Anterior horns of lateral ventricles E) Inferior horns of lateral ventricles Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Cerebral aqueduct B) Third ventricle C) Central canal D) Inferior horns of lateral ventricles E) Fourth ventricle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.2

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 5) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Lateral ventricles B) Third ventricle C) Fourth ventricle D) Cerebral aqueduct E) Interventricular foramen Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure indicated by Label P. A) Fourth ventricle B) Interventricular foramen C) Cerebral aqueduct D) Third ventricle E) Lateral ventricles Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

7) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Lateral ventricle B) Fourth ventricle C) Interventricular foramen D) Cerebral aqueduct E) Third ventricle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure indicated by Label X. A) Central canal B) Fourth ventricle C) Lateral ventricles D) Interventricular foramen E) Cerebral aqueduct Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.3

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 9) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Arachnoid mater B) Meningeal cranial dura C) Transverse sinus D) Periosteal cranial dura E) Pia mater Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Periosteal cranial dura ) B) Dural sinus C) Subarachnoid space D) Pia mater E) Meningeal cranial dura Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Meningeal cranial dura B) Subarachnoid space C) Pia mater D) Transverse sinus E) Periosteal cranial dura Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Periosteal cranial dura B) Arachnoid mater C) Pia mater D) Meningeal cranial dura E) Transverse sinus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.4

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 13) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Septum pellucidum B) Corpora quadrigemina C) Cingulate gyrus D) Corpus callosum E) Mesencephalon Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Mesencephalon B) Corpus callosum C) Corpora quadrigemina D) Medulla oblongata E) Mamillary body Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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15) Identify the structure indicated by Labels Q. A) Pineal gland B) Septum pellucidum C) Corpus callosum D) Mamillary body E) Corpora quadrigemina Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure indicated by Label X. A) Thalamus B) Cingulate gyrus C) Mesencephalon D) Corpora quadrigemina E) Corpus callosum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.5

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 17) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Lateral sulcus B) Transverse sinus C) Longitudinal fissure D) Dural sinus E) Central sulcus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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18) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Cerebellum B) Right cerebral hemisphere C) Pons D) Left cerebral hemisphere E) Medulla oblongata Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Central sulcus B) Lateral sulcus C) Longitudinal fissure D) Dural sinus E) Parieto-occipital sulcus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Parieto-occipital sulcus B) Transverse sinus C) Lateral sulcus D) Central sulcus E) Longitudinal fissure Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.6

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 21) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Frontal lobe B) Occipital lobe C) Pons D) Temporal lobe E) Parietal lobe Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Temporal lobe B) Pons C) Parietal lobe D) Medulla oblongata E) Frontal lobe Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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23) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Pons B) Temporal lobe C) Medulla oblongata D) Frontal lobe E) Cerebrum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Parietal lobe B) Frontal lobe C) Pons D) Temporal lobe E) Medulla oblongata Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.7

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 25) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Central sulcus B) Longitudinal fissure C) Lateral sulcus D) Dural sinus E) Parieto-occipital sulcus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure indicated by Label Q. A) Right cerebral hemisphere B) Cerebellum C) Longitudinal fissure D) Left cerebral hemisphere E) Precentral gyrus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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27) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Cerebellar hemispheres B) Medulla oblongata C) Pons D) Tectum E) Cerebrum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure indicated by Label T. A) Cerebellum B) Medulla oblongata C) Cerebrum D) Tectum E) Pons Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.8

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 29) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Olfactory cortex B) Gustatory cortex C) Primary somatosensory cortex D) Visual cortex E) Primary motor cortex Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Primary somatosensory cortex B) Visual cortex C) Gustatory cortex D) Primary motor cortex E) Olfactory cortex Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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31) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Visual cortex B) Primary motor cortex C) Olfactory cortex D) Gustatory cortex E) Primary somatosensory cortex Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Primary motor cortex B) Olfactory cortex C) Gustatory cortex D) Primary somatosensory cortex E) Visual cortex Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.9

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 33) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Accessory nerve B) Hypoglossal nerve C) Facial nerve D) Glossopharyngeal nerve E) Vagus nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Vestibulocochlear nerve B) Facial nerve C) Trigeminal nerve D) Abducens nerve E) Oculomotor nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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35) Identify the structure indicated by Label T. A) Optic chiasm B) Abducens nerve C) Oculomotor nerve D) Facial nerve E) Olfactory bulb Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure indicated by Label U. A) Oculomotor nerve B) Trochlear nerve C) Optic chiasm D) Olfactory tract E) Trigeminal nerve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.10

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 37) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Infundibulum B) Basilar artery C) Vertebral artery D) Falx cerebri E) Diaphragma sellae Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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38) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Diaphragma sellae B) Basilar artery C) Infundibulum D) Vertebral artery E) Falx cerebri Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Basilar artery B) Infundibulum C) Falx cerebri D) Diaphragma sellae E) Vertebral artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Basilar artery B) Vertebral artery C) Infundibulum D) Falx cerebri E) Diaphragma sellae Answer: D Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.11

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 41) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Ciliary ganglion B) Otic ganglion C) Pterygopalatine ganglion D) Dorsal root ganglion E) Semilunar ganglion Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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42) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Semilunar ganglion B) Dorsal root ganglion C) Pterygopalatine ganglion D) Otic ganglion E) Ciliary ganglion Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Pterygopalatine ganglion B) Otic ganglion C) Dorsal root ganglion D) Ciliary ganglion E) Semilunar ganglion Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Semilunar ganglion B) Ciliary ganglion C) Otic ganglion D) Dorsal root ganglion E) Pterygopalatine ganglion Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 16.12

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 45) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Anterior vagal trunk B) Celiac plexus C) Otic ganglion D) Hypogastric plexus E) Cardiac plexus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

46) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Hypogastric plexus B) Anterior vagal trunk C) Celiac plexus D) Cardiac plexus E) Pterygopalatine plexus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Celiac plexus B) Cardiac plexus C) Anterior vagal trunk D) Hypogastric plexus E) Otic ganglion Answer: A Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Pterygopalatine ganglion B) Cardiac plexus C) Hypogastric plexus D) Anterior vagal trunk E) Celiac plexus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 16.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 17 The Nervous System: Autonomic Nervous System 17.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is a major difference between the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the somatic nervous system (SNS)? A) Afferent information in the ANS is processed in the CNS, but not in the SNS. B) The arrangement of the neurons connecting the CNS to the effector organs is different between the ANS and the SNS. C) Afferent neurons exist only in the ANS. D) Efferent impulses are sent to effector organs in the SNS, but not in the ANS. E) Efferent neurons exist only in the SNS. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) The enteric nervous system has neurons located in (the) ________. A) lymphatic vessels B) skeletal muscle C) walls of the digestive tract D) reticular layer of the dermis E) heart wall Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The sympathetic division of the ANS has ________. A) long postganglionic axons B) norepinephrine as a transmitter substance C) short preganglionic axons D) preganglionic neuron cell bodies in the T1-L2 regions of the spinal cord E) All of the choices are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Long, unmyelinated axons leaving the ANS ganglia are called ________ fibers. A) ganglionic B) preganglionic C) excitatory D) postganglionic E) inhibitory Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) In the sympathetic division of the nervous system, where are the cell bodies of preganglionic neurons located? A) posterior columns of the spinal cord between C7 and T3 B) dorsal columns of the spinal cord between T8 and L5 C) ventral horns of the spinal cord between C3 and C7 D) anterior columns of the spinal cord between C3 and L2 E) lateral horns of the spinal cord between T1 and L2 Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The specialized neurons in the interior of the adrenal gland ________. A) are somatic nervous system structures B) function as modified sympathetic ganglia C) are located in an area known as the adrenal cortex D) have very long axons E) function as modified parasympathetic ganglia Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 7) Postganglionic axons from the celiac ganglion innervate the________. A) stomach B) spleen C) liver D) gallbladder E) All of the choices are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Postganglionic axons of the autonomic nervous system are ________. A) myelinated B) unmyelinated C) sometimes myelinated and sometimes unmyelinated Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Which of the following statements regarding the sympathetic chain ganglia is true? A) Fibers entering a sympathetic chain ganglion must always synapse within the sympathetic chain ganglion at the level of entry. B) Fibers entering a sympathetic chain ganglion cannot pass through the sympathetic chain without synapsing within the sympathetic chain ganglion at the level of entry. C) Each ganglion in the sympathetic chain innervates one or more particular body segments. D) Fibers entering a sympathetic chain ganglion must always ascend within the sympathetic chain. E) Each ganglion in the sympathetic chain innervates only one particular body segment. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 10) Postganglionic sympathetic fibers that innervate structures within the body wall ________. A) proceed directly to their peripheral targets within cranial nerves and parasympathetic nerves B) do not return to the spinal nerve for subsequent distribution C) enter the gray rami D) return to the spinal nerves to provide motor innervation to structures in the ventral body cavities E) enter the white rami Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 11) Each sympathetic chain typically has how many cervical sympathetic ganglia? A) seven B) four C) only one D) three E) five Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Postganglionic fibers exiting the sympathetic chain ganglia innervate effector organs in the ________. A) body wall B) head and neck C) limbs D) inside the thoracic cavity E) All of these are innervated by the postganglionic fibers. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) The neurons in the cervical, inferior lumbar, and sacral sympathetic chain ganglia are innervated by preganglionic fibers extending ________. A) along the length of the chain B) directly to the cervical nerves C) directly to the lumbar nerves D) directly to the sacral nerves E) directly to the coccygeal nerves Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Sympathetic centers in the hypothalamus control sympathetic activation. When sympathetic activation occurs, we experience ________. A) increased alertness, through stimulation of the reticular activating system B) increased activity in the cardiovascular and respiratory centers of the pons and medulla oblongata C) a general elevation in muscle tone through stimulation of the extrapyramidal system D) a feeling of energy and euphoria, often associated with a disregard for danger and temporary insensitivity to painful stimuli E) We can experience all of these. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The celiac ganglion ________. A) is located near the base of the superior mesenteric artery B) arises from the greater splanchnic nerve C) projects postganglionic fibers that innervate the small intestine and the kidney and urinary bladder D) arises from the lesser splanchnic nerve E) arises from the lumbar splanchnic nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Postganglionic fibers that innervate the small intestine and the initial segments of the large intestine arise from the_______. A) otic ganglion B) superior mesenteric ganglion C) ciliary ganglion D) celiac ganglion E) inferior mesenteric ganglion Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Most sympathetic postganglionic fibers release which neurotransmitter at neuroeffector junctions? A) dopamine B) acetylcholine C) serotonin D) norepinephrine E) cholecystokinin Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) The neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine function as hormones, and are secreted by which structure? A) hypothalamus B) thyroid gland C) adrenal medulla D) parathyroid gland E) adrenal cortex Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Which ganglia innervate visceral effector organs in the abdominopelvic cavity? A) ciliary ganglia B) pterygopalatine ganglia C) sympathetic chain ganglia D) otic ganglia E) collateral ganglia Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Sympathetic activation is controlled by sympathetic centers in which of the following structures? A) pituitary gland B) tectum C) thalamus D) epithalamus E) hypothalamus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Which of the following is NOT a major effect produced by sympathetic postganglionic fibers in spinal nerves? A) dilation of respiratory passageways B) reduction of the rate of urine formation at the kidneys C) stimulation of energy production and use of skeletal muscle tissue D) stimulation of arrector pili E) constriction of cutaneous blood vessels Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 22) Which autonomic plexus innervates the digestive, urinary, and reproductive organs within the pelvic cavity? A) esophageal plexus B) pulmonary plexus C) cervical plexus D) hypogastric plexus E) cardiac plexus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Constriction of small arteries and reduction in the flow of blood to visceral organs are functions of ________. A) postganglionic fibers of the collateral ganglia B) preganglionic fibers innervating the suprarenal medullae C) sympathetic postganglionic fibers in the spinal nerves D) postganglionic fibers innervating the suprarenal medullae E) postganglionic parasympathetic fibers Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 24) In which of the following structures do preganglionic fibers synapse on modified neurons that perform an endocrine function? A) adrenal cortex B) collateral ganglia C) adrenal medulla D) sympathetic chain ganglia E) otic ganglia Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Sympathetic innervation of the heart occurs via (the) ________. A) superior mesenteric ganglion B) cardiac plexus C) lesser splanchnic nerve D) lumbar splanchnic nerve E) greater splanchnic nerves Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The adrenal medulla receives sympathetic fibers from which of the following? A) sacral splanchnic nerves B) lumbar splanchnic nerves C) lesser splanchnic nerve D) greater splanchnic nerve E) cranial nerve VII Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) From which spinal cord segments do the preganglionic fibers arise and form the lumbar splanchnic nerves? A) L4-S2 B) L5-S3 C) T8-L1 D) L1-S4 E) T12 -L2 Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 28) During sympathetic stimulation, mobilization of energy reserves occurs through the accelerated breakdown of glycogen in ________. A) neurons and muscle cells B) cardiac cells and neurons C) muscle and liver cells D) adrenal medullary cells and muscle cells E) liver cells and adrenal medullary cells Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Which neurotransmitter is released by sympathetic preganglionic axons at their synapses with ganglionic neurons? A) epinephrine B) acetylcholine C) norepinephrine D) serotonin E) dopamine Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) The bloodstream does not contain the enzymes that break down which of the following sympathetic neurotransmitters? A) dopamine and serotonin B) serotonin and norepinephrine C) acetylcholine and epinephrine D) epinephrine and norepinephrine E) acetylcholine and serotonin Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 31) Which of the following sympathetic plasma membrane receptors are sensitive to epinephrine and norepinephrine? A) alpha and gamma B) delta and beta C) alpha and beta D) delta and gamma E) beta and gamma Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The two divisions of the autonomic nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic ________. A) use preganglionic and postganglionic neurons to innervate skeletal muscle B) contain autonomic ganglia to house ganglionic neurons C) are voluntary D) are composed of PNS structures only E) function only during sleep Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) ________ lie lateral to each side of the vertebral column. A) Prevertebral ganglia B) Sympathetic chain ganglia C) Parasympathetic ganglia D) Collateral ganglia E) Otic ganglia Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Every spinal nerve along the entire length of the spinal cord has a gray ramus that carries ________. A) parasympathetic preganglionic fibers B) sympathetic preganglionic fibers C) mesenteric fibers D) parasympathetic postganglionic fibers E) sympathetic postganglionic fibers Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Splanchnic nerves from both sides of the body converge on the ________. A) collateral ganglia B) sympathetic chain ganglia C) paravertebral ganglia D) lateral ganglia E) pterygopalatine ganglia Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Preganglionic fibers from the seven inferior thoracic segments end at the celiac ganglion and the ________. A) inferior mesenteric ganglion B) otic ganglion C) superior mesenteric ganglion D) pterygopalatine ganglion E) ciliary ganglion Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Preganglionic neurons in the sympathetic (thoracolumbar) division of the ANS are located in the ________ of spinal segments T1-L2. A) dorsal columns B) lateral horns C) dorsal root ganglia D) ventral roots E) anterior horns Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) In the adrenal medullae, cells that are not innervated by sympathetic postganglionic fibers are affected by circulating levels of ________ if they possess receptors for these molecules. A) dopamine B) acetylcholine and serotonin C) serotonin D) dopamine and epinephrine E) epinephrine and norepinephrine Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) When sympathetic activation occurs, there is increased activity in the cardiovascular and respiratory centers of the ________. A) insula B) epithalamus and thalamus C) caudate nucleus and putamen D) pons and medulla oblongata E) tectum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Major effects produced by postganglionic fibers of the collateral ganglia include stimulation of the release of glucose from glycogen reserves in the ________. A) kidneys B) heart C) liver D) skeletal muscle E) bone marrow Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Each varicosity of axon terminal branches is packed with ________ and neurotransmitter vesicles. A) mitochondria B) ribosomes C) lysosomes D) peroxisomes E) RER Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) In the sympathetic division of the ANS, the relationship between the preganglionic fibers and the ganglionic neurons displays ________. A) slight convergence B) extensive convergence C) slight divergence D) extensive divergence E) linearity Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 43) In the inferior segments of the spinal cord, in which spinal segments do the parasympathetic autonomic nuclei lie? A) L4-L5 B) T7-T12 C) S2-S4 D) T8-L5 E) L3-S2 Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) The parotid salivary glands are target organs of which parasympathetic ganglionic neurons? A) intramural ganglia B) otic ganglion C) pterygopalatine ganglia D) submandibular ganglia E) ciliary ganglion Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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45) In the sacral parasympathetic outflow, the preganglionic fibers that form distinct pelvic nerves innervate intramural ganglia that target which organs? A) nasal glands B) visceral organs of the thoracic cavity and most of the abdominal cavity C) salivary glands D) visceral organs in the inferior portion of the abdominopelvic cavity E) lacrimal glands Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 46) Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers of the vagus nerve (N X) innervate which of the following? A) submandibular glands B) eyes C) lacrimal glands D) parotid glands E) lungs Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Which of the following is a general function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS? A) dilation of the respiratory passageways B) inhibition of sexual arousal C) increased smooth muscle activity along the digestive tract D) dilation of the pupils E) increased heart rate Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 48) Which cholinergic receptors are found on the surfaces of all ganglionic neurons of both the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the ANS? A) beta B) muscarinic C) alpha D) delta E) nicotinic Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) The ________ nerve alone provides roughly 75 percent of all parasympathetic outflow. A) facial B) vagus C) trigeminal D) glossopharyngeal E) oculomotor Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) The lacrimal glands are innervated by parasympathetic postganglionic fibers from the ________. A) autonomic plexuses B) submandibular ganglion C) ciliary ganglion D) otic ganglion E) pterygopalatine ganglion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) All the preganglionic and postganglionic fibers in the parasympathetic division release ________ at their synapses and neuroeffector junctions. A) serotonin B) norepinephrine C) dopamine D) acetylcholine E) epinephrine Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Dual innervation is most prominent in the ________. A) kidneys and bladder B) brain and spinal cord C) digestive tract, heart, and lungs D) uterus and ovaries E) spleen and thymus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) Autonomic fibers entering the thoracic cavity intersect at which plexus(es)? A) esophageal plexus B) cardiac and pulmonary plexuses C) celiac and pulmonary plexuses D) hypogastric plexus E) inferior mesenteric and hypogastric plexuses Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) The celiac plexus is also known as the ________. A) hypogastric plexus B) pulmonary plexus C) esophageal plexus D) solar plexus E) cardiac plexus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Visceral reflexes provide automatic motor responses that can be modified, facilitated, or inhibited by higher centers, particularly the centers of the ________. A) hypothalamus B) tectum C) septum pellucidum D) epithalamus E) postcentral gyrus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Which parasympathetic reflex(es) is/are mediated by the vagus nerve (N X)? A) emission and ejaculation B) swallowing reflex C) gastric and intestinal reflexes D) baroreceptor reflex E) vasomotor reflexes Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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57) The ________ plexus(es) contains descending branches of the vagus nerve and splanchnic nerves leaving the sympathetic chain on either side. A) inferior mesenteric B) hypogastric C) esophageal D) cardiac E) celiac Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) The pupillary reflex is mediated by ________. A) N X B) N VI C) N III D) N IV E) N VII Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17.2 True/False Questions 1) Collateral ganglia lie lateral to each side of the vertebral column. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 17.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Preganglionic fibers that originate within the collateral ganglia extend throughout the abdominopelvic cavity, innervating visceral tissues and organs. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Postganglionic fibers from the inferior mesenteric ganglion provide parasympathetic innervation to the terminal portions of the large intestine, the kidney and bladder, and the sex organs. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) During adrenal stimulation, tissue concentrations of epinephrine may remain elevated for as long as 30 seconds, and the effects may persist for several minutes. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) Terminal and intramural ganglia are associated with the parasympathetic branch of the ANS. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The vagus nerve provides preganglionic parasympathetic innervation to intramural ganglia within structures in the thoracic cavity and in the abdominopelvic cavity as distant as the last segments of the large intestine. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) All sympathetic neurons are cholinergic. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Visceral reflexes may be either long reflexes or short reflexes. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17.3 Essay Questions 1) A young woman has noticed that her hands and feet, when exposed to cold temperatures, become pale, then develop blue tones, and eventually become red in color. What is most likely the prognosis of her condition? Describe the disorder and its consequences. Answer: The young woman appears to be affected by Raynaud's syndrome, or primary Raynaud's phenomenon. In this condition, for unknown reasons, the sympathetic system temporarily orders excessive peripheral vasoconstriction of small arteries, usually in response to cold temperatures. The hands, feet, ears, and nose become deprived of their normal blood circulation; and the skin in these areas changes color, becoming initially pale and then developing blue tones. A red color ends the cycle as normal blood flow returns. The symptoms may spread to adjacent areas as the disorder progresses. Most cases do not cause tissue damage, although in rare cases, prolonged decreased blood flow may distort the skin and nails, even progressing to skin ulcers or the more extensive tissue death of dry gangrene. Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) A patient has suffered a spinal cord injury, affecting spinal nerves L1 and L2. What sympathetic symptoms are affected? Answer: Since spinal nerves L1 and L2 possess sympathetic efferent fibers that innervate the detrusor muscle of the urinary bladder wall and the involuntary urethral sphincter, an injury to these nerves would block (fully or partially) the typical increased sympathetic nervous system activity, which inhibits contraction of the urinary bladder and stimulates contraction of the involuntary urethral sphincter. Therefore, the patient would fail to prevent the passage of urine out of the bladder. Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) Compare and contrast the features of the CNS motor neurons, fibers, and degree of divergence from CNS to ganglion cells, and functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS. Answer: Regarding the location of CNS visceral motor neurons, those in the sympathetic division are located in the lateral horns of spinal segments T1-L2, whereas those in the parasympathetic division are located in the brainstem and spinal segments S2-S4. In the sympathetic division, preganglionic fibers are relatively short and myelinated, whereas those in the parasympathetic division are relatively long and myelinated. Both types of preganglionic fibers release acetylcholine. Sympathetic postganglionic fibers are relatively long and unmyelinated, and usually release norepinephrine, whereas parasympathetic postganglionic fibers are relatively short, unmyelinated, and always release acetylcholine. Divergence from the CNS to sympathetic ganglion cells is approximately 1:32; whereas that in the parasympathetic division is approximately 1:6. Functionally, the sympathetic division stimulates metabolism, increases alertness, and prepares the individual for emergency "fight or flight" response. In the parasympathetic division, effects include promoting relaxation, nutrient uptake, and energy storage for the "rest and repose" response. Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 17 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

17.4 Labeling Questions Figure 17.1

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Spinal cord B) Medulla oblongata C) Pons D) Tectum E) Septum pellucidum Answer: C 18 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Inferior mesenteric ganglion B) Lesser splanchnic nerve C) Superior mesenteric ganglion D) Lumbar splanchnic nerves E) Cervical sympathetic ganglia Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Gray rami to spinal nerves B) White rami to spinal nerves C) Celiac ganglion D) Lesser splanchnic nerve E) Cardiac plexus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Sacral splanchnic nerves B) Greater splanchnic nerves C) Preganglionic fibers of spinal nerves D) Lumbar splanchnic nerves E) Postganglionic fibers of spinal nerves Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Lesser splanchnic nerves B) Sympathetic chain ganglia C) Celiac ganglion D) Superior mesenteric ganglion E) Sacral splanchnic nerves Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Spinal cord B) Medulla oblongata C) Hypothalamus D) Pons E) Mesencephalon Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Celiac ganglion B) Pterygopalatine ganglion C) Lumbar plexus D) Coccygeal ganglia (ganglion impar) E) Otic ganglion Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Lumbar splanchnic nerves B) Inferior mesenteric ganglion C) Sacral splanchnic nerves D) Greater splanchnic nerves E) Celiac ganglion Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Lumbar splanchnic nerves B) Lesser splanchnic nerve C) Greater splanchnic nerve D) Otic ganglion E) Celiac ganglion Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Superior mesenteric ganglion B) Celiac ganglion C) Pterygopalatine ganglion D) Inferior mesenteric ganglion E) Otic ganglion Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Sacral splanchnic nerve B) Lesser splanchnic nerve C) Greater splanchnic nerve D) Pterygopalatine ganglion E) Lumbar splanchnic nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Inferior mesenteric ganglion B) Ciliary ganglion C) Celiac ganglion D) Otic ganglion E) Superior mesenteric ganglion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Lumbar splanchnic nerve B) Lesser splanchnic nerve C) Greater splanchnic nerve D) Celiac ganglion E) Sacral splanchnic nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Inferior mesenteric ganglion B) Celiac ganglion C) Pterygopalatine ganglion D) Superior mesenteric ganglion E) Ciliary ganglion Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Cardiac and pulmonary plexuses B) Lumbar and cardiac plexuses C) Esophageal plexus D) Pulmonary and sacral plexuses E) Lumbar and sacral plexuses Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 17.2

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Medulla B) Cerebellum C) Midbrain D) Pons E) Occipital lobe Answer: D 23 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Spinal cord segments S2-S4 B) Spinal cord segments C7-T4 C) Spinal cord segments T7-L2 D) Spinal cord segments L1-L5 E) Spinal cord segments T2-T8 Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Infundibulum B) Ovary C) Urinary bladder D) Isthmus E) Uterus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Prostate B) Urethra C) Scrotum D) Ovary E) Penis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Kidney B) Urinary bladder C) Spleen D) Liver E) Gall bladder Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Stomach B) Spleen C) Thymus D) Kidney E) Liver Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Duodenum B) Rectum C) Ileum D) Stomach E) Large intestine Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Jejunum B) Pancreas C) Spleen D) Gall bladder E) Stomach Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Spleen B) Thymus C) Liver D) Stomach E) Kidney Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Kidney and urinary bladder B) Spleen and thymus C) Liver and gallbladder D) Thyroid and parathyroid gland E) Suprarenal gland and kidney Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structures indicated by Label T. A) Adenoids B) Parathyroid glands C) Lacrimal glands D) Adrenal glands E) Salivary glands Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Lacrimal gland B) Pineal gland C) Olfactory glands D) Parotid salivary gland E) Suprarenal gland Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Otic ganglion B) Submandibular ganglion C) Intramural ganglion D) Ciliary ganglion E) Pterygopalatine ganglion Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label X. A) Celiac ganglion B) Pterygopalatine ganglion C) Ciliary ganglion D) Submandibular ganglion E) Otic ganglion Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Y. A) Submandibular ganglion B) Ciliary ganglion C) Otic ganglion D) Sympathetic chain ganglia E) Collateral ganglion Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Z. A) Otic ganglion B) Collateral ganglion C) Pterygopalatine ganglion D) Ciliary ganglion E) Submandibular ganglion Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label AA. A) N IV B) N IX C) N XII D) N III E) N V Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label BB. A) N XI B) N V C) N III D) N X E) N VII Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label CC. A) N V B) N IX C) N IV D) N XII E) N X Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label DD. A) N X B) N IV C) N XII D) N III E) N VI Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 17.3

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Splanchnic nerve B) Hypoglossal nerve C) Vagus nerve D) Glossopharyngeal nerve E) Thoracic spinal nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Pelvic nerves B) Thoracic spinal nerves C) Pulmonary plexus D) Splanchnic nerves E) Cardiac plexus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Cardiac plexus B) Hypogastric plexus C) Celiac plexus D) Brachial plexus E) Pulmonary plexus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Vagus nerves B) Axillary nerves C) Hypogastric plexus D) Splanchnic nerves E) Celiac plexus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Cardiac plexus B) Sacral plexus C) Brachial plexus D) Axillary plexus E) Pulmonary plexus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Inferior mesenteric plexus and ganglion B) Thoracic sympathetic chain ganglia C) Esophageal plexus D) Pelvic sympathetic chain E) Celiac plexus and ganglion Answer: B Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Hypogastric plexus B) Brachial plexus C) Cardiac plexus D) Esophageal plexus E) Axillary plexus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Superior mesenteric plexus and ganglion B) Ciliary ganglion C) Celiac plexus and ganglion D) Inferior mesenteric plexus and ganglion E) Otic ganglion Answer: C Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Otic ganglion B) Inferior mesenteric ganglion C) Celiac ganglion D) Ciliary ganglion E) Superior mesenteric ganglion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Hypogastric plexus and ganglion B) Esophageal plexus and ganglion C) Superior mesenteric plexus and ganglion D) Celiac plexus and ganglion E) Inferior mesenteric plexus and ganglion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Hypogastric plexus B) Superior mesenteric plexus C) Pulmonary plexus D) Esophageal plexus E) Celiac plexus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 17.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 18 The Nervous System: General and Special Senses 18.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is true regarding central adaptation? A) At the conscious level, it further restricts the amount of detail arriving at the cerebral cortex. B) It usually involves the inhibition of nuclei along a sensory pathway. C) At the subconscious level, it further enhances the amount of detail arriving at the cerebral cortex. D) It involves the excitation of nuclei along a motor pathway. E) It occurs outside the CNS along the sensory pathways. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) The simplest receptors are the dendrites of sensory neurons, called ________. A) Merkel cells B) lamellated corpuscles C) Ruffini corpuscles D) free nerve endings E) tactile discs Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Conscious awareness of a sensation is called ________. A) perception B) reception C) stimulation D) adaptation E) transduction Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 4) Which term best describes receptors that detect stimuli from the external environment? A) Interoceptors B) Exteroceptors C) Proprioceptors D) Nociceptors E) Thermoreceptors Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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5) Sensations of slow pain ________. A) begin sooner and persist for a very short amount of time B) are also known as pricking pain C) are produced by deep cuts or similar injuries D) cease only after tissue damage has ended E) cause a generalized activation of the reticular formation and thalamus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 6) Which of the following correctly describes thermoreceptors? A) There are structural differences between cold and warm thermoreceptors. B) They are tonic receptors. C) Thermoreceptors are found in the epidermis of the skin, in smooth muscles, in the liver, and in the epithalamus. D) Sensations detected by thermoreceptors are conducted along the spinothalamic tracts. E) Thermoreceptors are very active when the temperature is changing, but they slowly adapt to a stable temperature. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 7) Which receptor type is located in the dermis, is sensitive to pressure and vibrations, but is tonically active and shows little if any adaptation? A) tactile corpuscles B) lamellar corpuscles C) bulbous corpuscles D) baroreceptors E) root hair plexus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 8) ________ respond to stretching and distortion of the dermis. A) Lamellar corpuscle B) Bulbous corpuscles C) Tactile discs D) Root hair plexuses E) Merkel cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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9) Information on the volume of the urinary bladder is provided by ________. A) thermoreceptors B) proprioceptors C) nociceptors D) baroreceptors E) chemoreceptors Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The chemoreceptors of carotid bodies trigger reflexive adjustments in respiratory and cardiovascular activity via which cranial nerve? A) N IX. B) N VII C) N XI D) N V E) N X Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) A person having a heart attack may feel pain along the medial side of the left arm. This pain is known as ________. A) referred pain B) fast pain C) selected pain D) covert pain E) masked pain Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Which is not a cell type found in the olfactory epithelium? A) olfactory sensory neuron B) supporting cell C) basal epithelial cell D) olfactory gland cell E) All are found in the olfactory epithelium. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) ________ sensations are the only sensations that reach the cerebral cortex without first synapsing in the thalamus. A) Gustatory B) Visual C) Auditory D) Tactile E) Olfactory Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Olfactory receptor cells are ________ neurons. A) multipolar B) unipolar C) bipolar D) nonpolar E) apolar Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 15) Gustatory information from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is carried to the gustatory cortex of the cerebrum via which cranial nerve? A) glossopharyngeal nerve B) vagus nerve C) facial nerve D) hypoglossal nerve E) trigeminal nerve Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 16) Which taste sensation is produced by receptors sensitive to the presence of the amino acid glutamate? A) umami B) bitter C) sweet D) salty E) sour Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Which structure is a thin, semitransparent connective tissue sheet that separates the external ear from the middle ear? A) cochlea B) tympanic membrane C) auricle D) vestibule E) cerumen Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) What is the function of the auditory tube? A) It provides directional sensitivity to the ear. B) It serves to equalize the pressure in the middle ear cavity with external, atmospheric pressure. C) It converts arriving sound waves into mechanical movements. D) It protects the external acoustic meatus. E) It attaches to the interior surface of the tympanic membrane at three points. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 19) The tensor tympani muscle ________. A) originates from the posterior wall of the tympanic cavity B) pulls the stapes upon contraction C) pulls the malleus laterally upon contraction, stiffening the tympanic membrane D) is innervated by motor fibers of the trigeminal nerve E) inserts on the stapes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 20) Which of the following is characteristic of the membranous labyrinth? A) Its outer walls are fused with the surrounding temporal bone. B) It is subdivided into the vestibule, the semicircular canals, and the cochlea. C) Its fluid has a relatively low potassium ion concentration. D) Its receptors provide sensations of gravity and linear acceleration. E) It contains a fluid called endolymph. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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21) Perilymph ________. A) has properties that closely resemble those of cerebrospinal fluid B) is contained entirely within the cochlea C) flows within the membranous labyrinth D) is a gelatinous structure in which the kinocilia and stereocilia of the hair cells are embedded E) is necessary for the functioning of the receptor cells of the inner ear Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Which of the following is described as a thin, membranous partition that separates the perilymph of the cochlear chambers from the air in the middle ear? A) tympanic membrane B) utricle C) round window D) saccule E) oval window Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Which of the following is/are bony labyrinth feature(s) that provide(s) sensations of gravity and linear acceleration? A) stapes B) malleus C) semicircular canals D) incus E) utricle and saccule Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 24) Hair cells ________. A) can function only when exposed to perilymph B) consist of stereocilia, which inhibit the sensory neuron when they are displaced toward the kinocilium C) are the sensory receptors of the inner ear D) each have a free surface that supports 5-10 long stereocilia E) are highly specialized baroreceptors Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) When an individual is shaking the head "no," the hair cells are stimulated in which of the following structures? A) posterior semicircular duct B) anterior semicircular duct C) utricle D) lateral semicircular duct E) saccule Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Which of the following is described as a gelatinous matrix that contains densely packed calcium carbonate crystals? A) otolithic membrane B) ampulla C) macula D) cupula E) saccule Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) The stapedius muscle, innervated by the ________ nerve, originates from the posterior wall of the tympanic cavity and inserts on the stapes. A) facial B) trigeminal C) trochlear D) vagus E) glossopharyngeal Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) The sensory receptors of the inner ear are called ________. A) tactile discs B) hair cells C) lamellar corpuscles D) root hair plexuses E) Merkel cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Descending instructions along the ________ tracts of the spinal cord adjust peripheral muscle tone to complement the reflexive movements of the head or neck. A) tectospinal B) corticospinal C) vestibulospinal D) rubrospinal E) corticobulbar Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 30) Which of the following statements is correct regarding the two vestibular nuclei? A) Sensory fibers from each vestibular ganglion form the vestibular branch of N VII. B) They provide a subconscious sense of position and movement. C) They integrate the sensory information concerning balance and equilibrium arriving from each side of the head. D) They send commands to sensory nuclei in the brainstem and spinal cord. E) They relay information from the vestibular apparatus to the epithalamus. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 31) Which structure contains the cell bodies of the sensory neurons that monitor the receptors in the cochlear duct? A) otic ganglion B) ciliary ganglion C) pterygopalatine ganglion D) vestibular ganglion E) spiral ganglion Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The organ of Corti rests on which structure that separates the cochlear duct from the scala tympani? A) vestibular membrane B) tectorial membrane C) tympanic membrane D) basilar membrane E) macula Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Which of the following is the correct order of the steps in the production of an auditory sensation? 1 – The pressure waves distort the basilar membrane on their way to the round window. 2 – Vibration of the basilar membrane causes vibration of hair cells against the tectorial membrane. 3 – Movement of the stapes at the oval window establishes pressure waves in the perilymph of the vestibular duct. 4 – Sound waves arrive at the tympanic membrane. 5 – Information concerning the frequency and intensity of stimulation is relayed to the CNS. 6 – Movement of the tympanic membrane causes displacement of the auditory ossicles. A) 6-4-3-1-5-2 B) 4-6-3-1-2-5 C) 1-4-6-3-2-5 D) 3-4-6-1-5-2 E) 4-3-6-2-1-5 Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 34) Regarding pathways for auditory sensations, ascending acoustic information travels to which structure? A) ventral posterolateral nucleus B) pulvinar C) medial geniculate nucleus D) anterior nuclear group E) lateral geniculate nucleus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Which structure is not considered to be part of the membranous labyrinth? A) Vestibule B) Semicircular duct C) Saccule D) Cochlear duct E) Utricle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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36) Displacement of eyelash hair triggers which of the following? A) sneezing B) blinking reflex C) tarsal gland secretion D) corneal reflex E) pupillary reflex Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) The epithelium covering the inner surface of the eyelids and the outer surface of the eye is called the ________. A) medial canthus B) choroid C) tarsal plate D) sclera E) conjunctiva Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) The ________ is avascular, and there are no blood vessels between this structure and the overlying conjunctiva. A) retina B) sclera C) iris D) cornea E) choroid Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) In the eye, axons from ganglion cells converge on the ________. A) optic disc B) fovea C) choroid D) macula E) vitreous body Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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40) Which glands are located along the inner margin of the eyelid and secrete a lipid-rich product that helps keep the eyelids from sticking together? A) lacrimal caruncle B) merocrine glands C) glands of Zeis D) tarsal glands E) lacrimal glands Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Which of the following is the correct description of the tarsal plate? A) It is a collective of skeletal muscles, which are responsible for closing the eyelids and raising the upper eyelid. B) It is a collective of goblet cells within an epithelium that assists the various accessory glands in providing a superficial lubricant that prevents friction and drying of the opposing conjunctival surfaces. C) It is a collection of layers of broad sheets of connective tissue, which support and strengthen the eyelids. D) It is a mucous membrane covered by a specialized stratified squamous epithelium. E) It is a thin layer of simple squamous epithelium that covers the visible surface of the eyelid. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 42) What is the location of the lacrimal gland? A) It extends along the nasolacrimal canal formed by the lacrimal bone and the maxilla. B) It sits within a depression in the frontal bone, within the orbit and superior and lateral to the eyeball. C) It is located in the area of the medial canthus. D) It is nestled within the ethmoid bone, medial to the superior orbital fissure. E) It runs along grooves in the surface of the lacrimal bone. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Which structure fills the lacrimal groove of the lacrimal bone? A) nasolacrimal duct B) inferior lacrimal punctum C) lateral canaliculus D) lacrimal gland E) lacrimal sac Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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44) The vitreous chamber is also known as the ________. A) posterior cavity B) posterior chamber C) anterior cavity D) corneal limbus E) anterior chamber Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Which of the following is a structure of the fibrous layer? A) iris B) intrinsic eye muscles C) sclera D) ciliary body E) choroid Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Which of the following is a function of the vascular layer of the eye? A) contains visual receptors and associated neurons B) provides a route for blood vessels and lymphatics supplying tissues of the eye C) serves as an attachment site for the extra-ocular muscles D) provides mechanical support and some degree of physical protection E) contains structures that assist in the focusing process Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Which muscles, when contracted, decrease the diameter of the pupil? A) ciliary muscles B) medial rectus muscles C) dilator pupillae muscles D) lateral rectus muscles E) Sphincter pupillae muscles Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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48) The ciliary zonule of the lens is a ring of fibers that attaches the lens to which structure(s)? A) ora serrata B) fovea C) corneal limbus D) ciliary processes E) macula Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 49) Oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the outer portion of the retina by an extensive capillary network contained within the ________. A) sclera B) macula C) ora serrata D) choroid E) ciliary body Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) The conjunctiva that lines the internal surface of the eyelids is termed the ________ conjunctiva. A) palpebral B) retinal C) ocular D) epithelial E) visceral Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Which of the following structures contain the photoreceptors that respond to light? A) neural layer B) ciliary body C) vascular layer D) macula lutea E) fibrous layer Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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52) Which cell population is the only group of cells in the retina that generate action potentials to the brain? A) amacrine cells B) rods and cones C) ganglion cells D) bipolar cells E) horizontal cells Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) What is the function of the aqueous humor? A) It helps maintain the shape of the eye. B) It provides an important route for nutrient and waste transport. C) It supports and holds the lens posterior to the iris and centered on the pupil. D) It generates action potentials to the brain. E) It functions in focusing the visual image on the retinal photoreceptors. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 54) Which hypothalamic nucleus receives visual inputs and establishes a daily pattern of visceral activity that is tied to the day-night cycle? A) supraoptic nucleus B) medial geniculate nucleus C) preoptic nucleus D) suprachiasmatic nucleus E) lateral geniculate nucleus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 18.2 True/False Questions 1) The photoreceptors of the eye and various receptors that monitor body position are examples of phasic receptors. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 18.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Bulbous corpuscles are pressure and vibration receptors that adapt rapidly. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 18.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) It is known that there are at least 50 different "primary smells." Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 18.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Olfactory receptor cells can undergo mitosis to replace aged cells. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 18.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The taste receptors respond most readily to unpleasant rather than to pleasant stimuli. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 18.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The waxy secretions of the ceruminous glands slow the growth of microorganisms in the external acoustic meatus and reduces the chances of infection. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The lateral surface of the malleus attaches to the superior surface of the tympanic membrane at a single point. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) When a sound vibrates the eardrum, the movements are conducted to the perilymph of the inner ear by the movements of the stapes. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) The lacrimal gland secretions are viscous and slightly acidic. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Eye color is determined by the size of pigment cells in the epithelium covering the posterior surface of the body of the iris. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) The superior colliculus of the midbrain issues motor commands controlling subconscious eye, head, or neck movements in response to visual stimuli. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18.3 Essay Questions 1) What is referred pain? Answer: Pain sensations from visceral organs are carried by sensory nerves that reach the spinal cord with the dorsal roots of spinal nerves. Referred pain occurs when these visceral pain sensations are perceived as originating in more superficial regions of the body that are innervated by the same specific spinal nerves. For example, cardiac pain is often perceived as originating in the upper chest and left arm. Learning Outcome: 18.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) How do tasting abilities change with age? Why do they change? Answer: At the beginning of life, an individual has more than 10,000 taste buds, and the number begins to decline dramatically by age 50. Concurrent with this sensory loss, an aging individual also experiences a decline in the population of olfactory receptors. As a result, many elderly people find that their food tastes bland and unappetizing, whereas children often find the same foods too spicy. Learning Outcome: 18.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) What is acute otitis media? How does acute otitis media of bacterial origin differ from a case that is of viral origin? Answer: Acute otitis media is an infection of the middle ear, frequently of bacterial origin, which commonly occurs in infants and children and is occasionally seen in adults. During an upper respiratory infection, the middle ear, which is usually a sterile, air-filled cavity, becomes infected by bacterial pathogens that arrive via the auditory tube. In such cases, symptoms may worsen and the mucus becomes cloudy with the bacteria and active or dead neutrophils. If severe otitis media results, antibiotics must be promptly prescribed to treat the infection. If left untreated, pus accumulates in the middle car cavity, and the tympanic membrane becomes painfully distorted and may rupture. Infection of the adjacent mastoid bone may occur as well, spreading to the mastoid air cells, which may lead to a condition called chronic mastoiditis. This condition, accompanied by drainage through a perforated eardrum and scarring around the auditory ossicles, is a common cause of hearing loss in areas of the world without access to medical treatment. If caused by a virus, otitis media may resolve in a few days without the use of antibiotics. This "watchful waiting" is most appropriate where medical care is readily available. Instead of antibiotics, analgesics are administered to reduce the pain, and the use of decongestants helps drain the stagnant clear mucus produced in response to mucosal swelling. Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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4) Compare and contrast conductive deafness versus nerve deafness. Answer: Conductive deafness results from conditions in the middle ear that block the normal transfer of vibration from the tympanic membrane to the oval window. Common factors that could cause blockage of the external acoustic meatus include accumulated wax or trapped water. Factors that could cause more serious cases of conductive deafness may involve scarring or perforation of the tympanic membrane, fluid in the middle ear chamber, and immobilization of one or more of the auditory ossicles. In nerve deafness, the problem lies within the cochlea or somewhere along the auditory pathway. In this case, the sound vibrations are reaching the oval window, but either the receptors cannot respond or their response cannot reach its central destinations. Factors that could cause this type of deafness include certain drugs that may enter the endolymph and kill the auditory receptors, and infections that may damage the hair cells or affect the cochlear nerve. More specifically, exposure to high doses of aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as neomycin or gentamicin, can damage the hair cells in the cochlea. This potential side effect must be balanced against the severity of infection before these drugs are prescribed. Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 5) What is glaucoma and what is its cause(s)? Answer: Glaucoma is the condition in which the aqueous humor no longer has free access to the canal of Schlemm. Although drainage is impaired, production of aqueous humor continues, and the intra-ocular pressure begins to rise. The fibrous scleral coat cannot expand significantly, so the increasing pressures begin to push against the surrounding intra-ocular soft tissues. When intra-ocular pressures have risen to roughly twice the normal levels, distortion of the nerve fibers begins to affect visual perception. If this condition is not corrected, blindness eventually results. Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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18.4 Labeling Questions Figure 18.1

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) External acoustic meatus B) Cerumen C) Auricle D) Insula E) Labrum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Tympanic membrane B) Auditory tube C) Perilymph D) External acoustic meatus E) Endolymph Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Hyaline cartilage B) Elastic cartilage C) Fibrous connective tissue D) Collagen E) Compact bone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Auricle B) Vestibular membrane C) Cerumen D) Pinna E) Tympanic membrane Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Bony labyrinth B) Tympanic cavity C) Tympanic membrane D) Vestibule E) Semicircular canal Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Oval window B) Tympanic membrane C) Cerumen D) Round window E) Pinna Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Pinna B) Tympanic membrane C) Round window D) Cerumen E) Oval window Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Semicircular canal B) Tympanic cavity C) Tympanic membrane D) Vestibule E) Auditory tube Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) External acoustic meatus B) Semicircular canal C) Auditory tube D) Vestibule E) Cochlea Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Cochlea B) Auricle C) Vestibule D) Cerumen E) Pharyngotympanic tube Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Mastoid part of parietal bone B) Zygomatic part of frontal bone C) Petrous part of temporal bone D) Squamous part of parietal bone E) Bony labyrinth Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) N II B) N VIII C) N V D) N VII E) N III Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) N V B) N IV C) N VII D) N III E) N VIII Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) External acoustic meatus B) Auditory tube C) Tympanic cavity D) Vestibule E) Cochlea Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Pharyngotympanic tube B) Cochlea C) Tympanic membrane D) Semicircular canals E) Auditory ossicles Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Ceruminous glands B) Elastic cartilages C) Semicircular canals D) Cochlea E) Auditory ossicles Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 18.2

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Perilymph B) Membranous labyrinth C) Endolymph D) Cochlear duct E) Bony labyrinth Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Endolymph B) Vestibular duct C) Bony labyrinth D) Cochlear duct E) Perilymph Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Membranous labyrinth B) Endolymph C) Bony labyrinth D) Cochlear duct E) Perilymph Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Vestibular duct B) Bony labyrinth C) Perilymph D) Membranous labyrinth E) Cochlear duct Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Semicircular duct B) Cochlear duct C) Saccule D) Ampulla E) Utricle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Ampulla B) Utricle C) Cochlear duct D) Saccule E) Semicircular duct Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Vestibular duct B) Auditory tube C) Cochlear duct D) Semicircular duct E) Tympanic duct Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Semicircular duct B) Tympanic duct C) Cochlear duct D) Auditory tube E) Vestibular duct Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Cochlear duct B) Semicircular duct C) Vestibular duct D) Auditory tube E) Tympanic duct Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Maculae B) Saccule C) Cristae D) Spiral organ E) Utricle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Endolymphatic sac B) Cochlea C) Cerumen D) Vestibule E) Semicircular canals Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Ampullae B) Saccule C) Endolymphatic sac D) Maculae E) Cristae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Endolymphatic sac B) Ampullae C) Cristae D) Bony labyrinth E) Maculae Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Cristae (within ampullae) B) Bony labyrinth C) Maculae D) Endolymphatic sac E) Ampullae Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Posterior semicircular duct B) Anterior semicircular duct C) Semicircular canal D) Lateral semicircular duct E) Tympanic duct Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Anterior semicircular duct B) Tympanic duct C) Posterior semicircular duct D) Cochlear duct E) Lateral semicircular duct Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Vestibular duct B) Posterior semicircular duct C) Cochlear duct D) Semicircular canal E) Tympanic duct Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 18.3

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Vascular layer (choroid) B) Fornix C) Fibrous layer (sclera) D) Cornea E) Neural layer (retina) Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Fibrous layer (sclera) B) Cornea C) Neural layer (retina) D) Conjunctiva E) Vascular layer (choroid) Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Conjunctiva B) Vascular layer (choroid) C) Retina D) Ora serrata E) Cornea Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Ora serrata B) Posterior cavity (vitreous chamber filled with the vitreous body) C) Ciliary body D) Anterior chamber (filled with aqueous humor) E) Posterior chamber (filled with aqueous humor) Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Lateral canthus B) Ciliary body C) Sclera D) Ora serrata E) Choroid Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Fornix B) Ora serrata C) Lacrimal caruncle D) Lateral canthus E) Lacrimal punctum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Cornea B) Palpebral conjunctiva C) Fornix D) Ocular conjunctiva E) Iris Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Ora serrata B) Cornea C) Ciliary body D) Bulbar conjunctiva E) Palpebral conjunctiva Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Lens B) Ciliary body C) Suspensory ligaments D) Vitreous body E) Iris Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Posterior chamber (filled with aqueous humor) B) Cornea C) Anterior chamber (filled with aqueous humor) D) Ora serrata E) Posterior cavity (vitreous chamber filled with the vitreous body) Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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44) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Cornea B) Sclera C) Iris D) Choroid E) Conjunctiva Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Pupil B) Choroid C) Lens D) Conjunctiva E) Cornea Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Ciliary body B) Iris C) Lens D) Cornea E) Pupil Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Choroid B) Fovea C) Conjunctiva D) Iris E) Sclera Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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48) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Posterior cavity B) Anterior chamber (filled with aqueous humor) C) Vestibule D) Posterior chamber (filled with aqueous humor) E) Ethmoidal labyrinth Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Lacrimal punctum B) Lateral canthus C) Conjunctiva D) Ciliary body E) Corneoscleral junction Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Conjunctiva B) Iris C) Ciliary zonule D) Corneal limbus E) Ciliary body Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Choroid B) Iris C) Fovea D) Sclera E) Cornea Answer: D Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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52) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Choroid B) Sclera C) Retina D) Iris E) Cornea Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Iris B) Choroid C) Cornea D) Sclera E) Retina Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label U. A) Orbital fat B) Sclera C) Optic disc D) Cornea E) Fovea centralis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Fovea B) Choroid C) Optic disc D) Sclera E) Conjunctiva Answer: C Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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56) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) N V B) N II C) N IV D) N I E) N III Answer: B Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label X. A) Central retinal artery and vein B) Optic disc C) Retina D) Optic nerve E) Choroid Answer: A Learning Outcome: 18.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 19 The Endocrine System 19.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which group(s) of hormones is/are derived from cholesterol? A) peptide hormones B) catecholamines C) thyroid hormones D) steroid hormones E) eicosanoids Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Which endocrine organ is responsible for the production of ADH, oxytocin, and regulatory hormones? A) hypothalamus B) pineal gland C) suprarenal glands D) pituitary gland E) thyroid gland Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The thyroid gland is responsible for the secretion of which hormone(s)? A) parathyroid hormone B) thymosins C) calcitonin D) melatonin E) androgens Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Regarding the hormone groups based on their chemical structure, the ________ are derivatives of tyrosine and are released by the adrenal medulla. A) eicosanoids B) catecholamines C) steroid hormones D) thyroid hormones E) peptide hormones Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) ________ are small molecules with a five-carbon ring at one end and are released by most body cells. A) Thyroid hormones B) Peptide hormones C) Eicosanoids D) Amino acid derivatives E) Catecholamines Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The release of oxytocin during labor and delivery, which causes smooth muscle contractions in the uterus and causes further oxytocin release, is an example of hormone regulation through ________. A) homeostasis B) metabolism C) negative feedback D) divergence E) positive feedback Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 7) Which of the following is/are a steroid hormone(s) that prepares the female body for possible pregnancy? A) somatotropin B) gonadotropins C) prolactin D) androgens E) progestins Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 8) The secretion of ________ by the anterior pituitary gland is not under the control of a regulatory hormone from the hypothalamus. A) growth hormone B) prolactin C) thyroid-stimulating hormone D) follicle-stimulating hormone E) melanocyte-stimulating hormone Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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9) In women, which of the following is the function(s) of oxytocin that is released by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland? A) promotes the development of oocytes within the ovaries of mature women B) stimulates the contractions of smooth muscle cells in the uterus and myoepithelial cells surrounding the secretory cells of the mammary glands C) stimulates protein synthesis and cell growth in skeletal muscle fibers, cartilage cells, and many other target cells D) stimulates the production of milk E) stimulates the secretion of estrogens by follicular cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 10) Which structure(s) delivers the blood that contains regulatory hormones to the anterior pituitary gland? A) secondary capillary plexus B) inferior hypophyseal artery C) portal vessels D) superior hypophyseal artery E) hypophyseal veins Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Diabetes insipidus is a syndrome in which an underproduction of ________ exists. A) insulin B) parathyroid hormone C) mineralocorticoids D) thymosin E) antidiuretic hormone Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 12) ________ is released by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland in response to a rise in the concentration of electrolytes in the blood, or in response to a fall in blood volume or blood pressure. A) Thymosin B) ADH C) Somatomedin D) Oxytocin E) ACTH Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the hormone called ________ stimulates cell growth and replication by accelerating the rate of protein synthesis. A) melanocyte-stimulating hormone B) follicle-stimulating hormone C) prolactin D) growth hormone E) gonadotropin Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Autonomic centers in the ________ exert neural control over hormone secretion by the adrenal medullae. A) hypothalamus B) thyroid gland C) thalamus D) pituitary gland E) pineal gland Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Which of the following is/are the effects of hormones produced by the T thyrocytes of the thyroid gland? A) increases calcium ion concentrations in body fluids B) decreases calcium ion concentrations in a body fluids C) maturation and functional competence of immune system D) increase energy utilization, oxygen consumption, growth, and development E) decrease energy utilization, oxygen consumption, growth, and development Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 16) The only endocrine gland that stores its hormone product extracellularly is the ________. A) pancreas B) parathyroid C) thyroid D) pituitary E) ovary Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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17) Which of the following accounts for roughly 90 percent of all thyroid secretions? A) thymosins B) parathyroid hormone C) calcitonin D) triiodothyronine E) thyroxine Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) The T thyrocytes of the thyroid gland are also termed ________. A) oxyphil cells B) principal cells C) follicular cells D) transitional cells E) parafollicular cells Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Functioning as protein secretors, the T thyrocytes, therefore, have abundant ________. A) lysosomes B) smooth endoplasmic reticulum C) capillaries D) mitochondria E) lymphocytes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 20) The T thyrocytes actively transport ________ ions into the cell from the interstitial fluid. A) potassium B) iodide C) sodium D) thymopoeitin E) calcium Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) What are the main functions of calcitonin, the hormone that is produced by C thyrocytes? A) It stimulates osteoblasts and osteoclasts. B) It increases the rate of cellular metabolism and oxygen consumption in almost every cell in the body. C) It inhibits osteoclasts and stimulates skeletal growth. D) It decreases the rate of cellular metabolism and oxygen consumption in almost every cell in the body. E) It promotes the development and maturation of lymphocytes. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 22) Parathyroid hormone stimulates the production of ________ hormone in this organ ________. A) calcitriol; kidneys B) thymosins; thymus gland C) thyroxine; thyroid gland D) calcitonin; thyroid gland E) triiodothyronine; thyroid gland Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) C-thyrocytes help regulate the concentration of ________ ions in body fluids. A) magnesium B) sodium C) iodide D) potassium E) calcium Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) After puberty, the thymus ________. A) secretes thyroxine B) enlarges slowly C) produces calcitonin D) gradually diminishes in size E) actively secretes thyroglobulin Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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25) The zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland produces which hormone(s)? A) norepinephrine B) cortisol C) androgens D) glucocorticoids E) mineralocorticoids Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The ________ of the adrenal gland occupies about 80 percent of the cortex. A) zona fasciculata B) chromaffin cells C) zona reticularis D) capsule E) zona glomerulosa Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) The zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex normally secretes small amounts of ________. A) cortisol B) epinephrine C) corticosterone D) aldosterone E) androgens Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Which glandular structure(s) secretes norepinephrine? A) zona reticularis of adrenal gland B) denohypophysis of thyroid gland C) zona fasciculata of adrenal gland D) medulla of adrenal gland E) paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) ________ is a steroid hormone secreted by the kidney in response to the presence of parathyroid hormone. A) Calcitonin B) Antidiuretic hormone C) Calcitriol D) Erythropoietin E) Leptin Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) When the oxygen content of the blood becomes too low, the ________ releases ________ to stimulate red blood cell production. A) pituitary gland; follicle-stimulating hormone B) kidney; erythropoietin C) thyroid gland; thyroxine D) stomach; gastrin E) pancreas; insulin Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Choose the cell type-hormone pair that is correctly matched. A) delta cells–somatostatin B) delta cells–insulin C) alpha cells–pancreatic polypeptide D) interstitial cells–growth hormone-inhibiting hormone E) beta cells–glucagon Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 32) The ________ is a mixed gland with both exocrine and endocrine activities, and lies within the abdominopelvic cavity in the J-shaped loop between the stomach and small intestine. A) adrenal gland B) pancreas C) kidney D) thymus E) adipose tissue Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Which cell population secretes a hormone, called inhibin, which depresses the secretion of FSH by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland? A) active follicles B) thyroid follicular cells C) nurse cells D) corpus luteum E) interstitial cells Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 34) In the male, the ________ of the testes produce androgens. A) interstitial cells B) follicular cells C) sustentacular cells D) islet cells E) nurse cells Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) In the female, ________ accelerate(s) the movement of the oocyte along the uterine tube and prepare(s) the uterus for the arrival of the developing embryo. A) relaxin B) estradiol C) inhibin D) progesterone E) androgens Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The corpus luteum secretes which hormone whose primary targets include the pubic symphysis, uterus, and mammary glands? A) inhibin B) relaxin C) estrogens D) progestin E) androgens Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Which hormone is a derivative of tryptophan and is synthesized by pinealocytes? A) oxytocin B) somatostatin C) inhibin D) melatonin E) progestin Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) The ________ contains neurons, glial cells, and special secretory cells that synthesize the hormone melatonin. A) hypothalamus B) pineal gland C) mammillary body D) pituitary gland E) thymus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Which hormone is derived from molecules of the neurotransmitter serotonin and functions to slow the maturation of sperm, oocytes, and reproductive organs? A) inhibin B) relaxin C) androgens D) melatonin E) melanocyte stimulating hormone Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) In menopausal women, there is/are ________. A) no change in the concentration of reproductive hormones B) an increase in most tissues' responsiveness to circulating hormones C) a decline in the concentration of reproductive hormones D) no change in most tissues' responsiveness to circulating hormones E) a dramatic increase in the concentration of reproductive hormones Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.11 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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19.2 True/False Questions 1) Hormones influence cellular operations by changing the types, activities, or quantities of key cytoplasmic enzymes. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland contains the axons and axon terminals of roughly 50,000 hypothalamic neurons whose cell bodies are either in the supra-optic or paraventricular nuclei. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) In the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the pars tuberalis, which wraps around the adjacent portion of the infundibulum, represents the major portion of the pituitary gland. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Adrenocorticotropic hormone specifically targets cells producing hormones called glucocorticoids, which stimulates glucocorticoid secretion. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Prolactin, which is secreted by cells called lactotropes, promotes the development of the mammary glands and the production of milk. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Melanocyte-stimulating hormone, the only hormone released by the pars intermedia, is secreted by corticotropes only during fetal development, in young children, in pregnant women, and in some disease states. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The C thyrocytes of the thyroid produce the hormone calcitonin. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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8) The two thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, have complementary effects in which they decrease the rate of cellular metabolism and oxygen consumption in almost every cell in the body. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 9) Calcitonin assists in the regulation of calcium ion concentrations in body fluids, especially during childhood when calcitonin stimulates bone growth and mineral deposition in the skeleton, and under physiological stresses such as starvation or pregnancy. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 10) The types of cells found in the parathyroid gland are the parathyroid cells (productive glandular cells) and the oxyphil cells. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The thymus produces thymosin, which is the name originally given to a thymic extract that promoted the development and maturation of lymphocytes and thus increased the effectiveness of the immune system. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The adrenal gland is firmly attached to the superior border of each kidney by a dense, fibrous capsule; and can be divided structurally and functionally into a superficial cortex and an inner medulla. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) All the cortical cells of the adrenal gland have abundant rough ER for the manufacture of steroids. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 19.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 14) Parathyroid hormone stimulates calcitriol synthesis in the kidney and is therefore a tropic hormone. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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15) Chromaffin cells, which are large, rounded cells of the medulla of the adrenal gland, resemble the neurons in sympathetic ganglia and are innervated by preganglionic sympathetic fibers. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The synthesis of calcitriol, a steroid hormone secreted by the kidney, is dependent on the availability of a related steroid called cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), which may be synthesized in the skin or absorbed from the diet. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 17) In the pancreas, alpha cells produce the hormone insulin, which lowers blood glucose by increasing the rate of glucose uptake and utilization by most body cells. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 19.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) F cells produce the hormone pancreatic polypeptide (PP), which inhibits gallbladder contractions and regulates the production of some pancreatic enzymes. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 19.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19.3 Essay Questions 1) What is the hypophyseal portal system? Answer: The hypophyseal portal system is the network of vessels interconnecting the hypothalamus and anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Near the attachment of the infundibulum, hypothalamic neurons release regulatory hormones into the surrounding interstitial fluids. These secretions diffuse into the primary capillary plexus and are delivered to the anterior lobe through vessels that form a secondary capillary plexus that surrounds the endocrine cells in that area. The vessels that interconnect these two capillary beds are called portal vessels. Together these constituents comprise the hypophyseal portal system. Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) How do the parathyroid glands function in opposition to the thyroid glands? Answer: The thyroid gland's C thyrocyte cells secrete calcitonin, a hormone that targets the bones, kidneys, and intestines to decrease the calcium ion concentrations in the body fluids. The parathyroid gland's principal cells secrete parathyroid hormone, which targets the same organs as calcitonin does, but increases calcium ion concentrations. In homeostasis, the two hormones regulate calcium levels in the body. Learning Outcome: 19.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 13 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

3) How does the role of the thymus change as an infant grows? Answer: The thymus is much larger in infants and children than in adults. It produces hormones for the development and maintenance of normal immunological defenses, such as "thymosin" (actually a mixture of several hormones), which promotes the development and maturation of lymphocytes. Decrease in the size and secretory abilities of this gland as people age may render their immune systems less capable of preventing disease. Learning Outcome: 19.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 4) What are the effects of the secretions of the adrenal medulla on the body? Answer: The adrenal medulla has two cell populations of endocrine cells: one secreting epinephrine (adrenaline), and the other norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The medulla secretes roughly three times as much epinephrine as norepinephrine. Their secretion triggers cellular energy utilization and the mobilization of energy reserves. This combination increases muscular strength and endurance. The metabolic changes that follow catecholamine release are at their peak 30 seconds after adrenal stimulation, and they linger for several minutes thereafter. As a result, the effects produced by stimulation of the adrenal medulla outlast the other signs of sympathetic activation. Learning Outcome: 19.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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19.4 Labeling Questions Figure 19.1

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Thalamus B) Pituitary gland C) Epithalamus D) Pineal gland E) Hypothalamus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Thyroid gland B) Pineal gland C) Parathyroid gland D) Pituitary gland E) Thymus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Thyroid gland B) Adrenal gland C) Thymus D) Pituitary gland E) Hypothalamus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Parathyroid gland B) Adrenal gland C) Thymus D) Pancreatic islets E) Thalamus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Thalamus B) Adrenal gland C) Parathyroid gland D) Kidney E) Gonad Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Testis B) Prostate C) Urethra D) Penis E) Ureter Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Cervix B) Uterus C) Vagina D) Uterine tube E) Ovary Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Kidneys B) Thymus C) Pancreatic islets D) Parathyroid glands E) Adipose tissue Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Thymus B) Digestive tract C) Kidney D) Pancreas E) Spleen Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Adrenal gland B) Pancreas C) Parathyroid glands D) Adipose Tissue E) Thymus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Spleen B) Digestive tract C) Pancreas D) Parathyroid glands E) Kidney Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Kidney B) Thymus C) Heart D) Esophagus E) Trachea Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Pancreas B) Parathyroid glands C) Thyroid gland D) Kidneys E) Pineal gland Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Thyroid gland B) Hypothalamus C) Pituitary gland D) Pineal gland E) Thalamus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 19.2

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Suprachiasmatic nuclei B) Paraventricular nuclei C) Lateral nuclei D) Supra-optic nuclei E) Pulvinar Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Supra-optic nuclei B) Anterior nuclei C) Optic chiasm D) Paraventricular nuclei E) Suprachiasmatic nuclei Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Median eminence B) Hypothalamus C) Epithalamus D) Mamillary body E) Optic chiasm Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Secondary capillary plexus B) Superior hypophyseal arteries C) Primary capillary plexus D) Portal vessels E) Cervical plexus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Mamillary body B) Posterior lobe of pituitary gland C) Optic chiasm D) Anterior lobe of pituitary gland E) Infundibulum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Primary capillary plexus B) Portal vessels C) Inferior hypophyseal arteries D) Hypophyseal veins E) Superior hypophyseal arteries Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Mucous cells B) Endocrine cells C) Chief cells D) Endothelial cells E) Beta cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Posterior lobe of pituitary gland B) Optic chiasm C) Mamillary body D) Infundibulum E) Anterior lobe of pituitary gland Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Primary capillary plexus B) Superior hypophyseal artery C) Portal vein D) Hypophyseal vein E) Inferior hypophyseal artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Superior hypophyseal arteries B) Hypophyseal veins C) Cervical plexus D) Portal vessels E) Secondary capillary plexus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Portal vessel B) Hypophyseal vein C) Superior hypophyseal artery D) Primary capillary plexus E) Inferior hypophyseal artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Pineal body B) Mamillary body C) Optic chiasm D) Infundibulum E) Median eminence Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Mamillary body B) Infundibulum C) Median eminence D) Hypothalamus E) Optic chiasm Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 19.3

Using the figure above, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Superior thyroid vein B) Thyroid cartilage of larynx C) Internal jugular vein D) Common carotid artery E) Thyrocervical trunk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Common carotid artery B) Thyrocervical trunk C) Superior thyroid artery D) Superior thyroid vein E) Internal jugular vein Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Thyroid gland B) Hypothalamus C) Parathyroid gland D) Pituitary gland E) Thymus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Inferior thyroid artery B) Superior thyroid vein C) Brachiocephalic vein D) Thyrocervical trunk E) Middle thyroid vein Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Internal jugular vein B) Brachiocephalic trunk C) Common carotid artery D) Inferior thyroid artery E) Thyrocervical trunk Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Superior thyroid artery B) Thyrocervical trunk C) Inferior thyroid artery D) Common carotid artery E) Brachiocephalic trunk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Esophagus B) Hyoid bone C) Trachea D) Larynx E) Pharynx Answer: C Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Inferior thyroid veins B) Thyrocervical trunk C) Brachiocephalic veins D) Superior thyroid veins E) Middle thyroid veins Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Middle thyroid vein B) Brachiocephalic vein C) Thyrocervical trunk D) Inferior thyroid artery E) Common carotid artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Arytenoid cartilage B) Thyroid cartilage C) Corniculate cartilage D) Cricoid cartilage E) Trachealis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Thyrocervical trunk B) Common carotid artery C) Brachiocephalic vein D) Pulmonary trunk E) Internal jugular vein Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Superior thyroid vein B) Superior thyroid artery C) Internal jugular vein D) Common carotid artery E) Thyrocervical trunk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Hyoid bone B) Sternum C) Thyroid cartilage D) Clavicle E) Cricoid cartilage Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 20 The Cardiovascular System: Blood 20.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) What type of tissue is blood? A) muscle tissue B) nervous tissue C) connective tissue D) epithelial tissue E) Blood does not fit into any of the typical categories. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Blood assists in defending the body against toxins and pathogens by ________. A) warming the tissues immediately surrounding injury sites B) transporting white blood cells to injury or infection sites C) increasing the swelling of injured tissues D) decreasing the pH of injured or infected tissues E) preventing the replication of pathogens in tissues Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Plasma proteins that attack foreign proteins and pathogens are ________. A) clotting proteins B) fibrinogens C) immunoglobulins D) albumins E) metalloproteins Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Which of the following is the normal pH range of blood? A) 2-3.55 B) 4.35-5.45 C) 7.35-7.45 D) 8.25-8.50 E) 9.35-9.65 Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) The concentration of ________ in interstitial fluid is much higher than that of plasma. A) oxygen B) nitrogen C) CO2 D) ammonia E) hydrogen Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The ________ synthesize(s) and release(s) more than 90% of the plasma proteins. A) liver B) brain C) spleen D) kidneys E) pancreas Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) About 60 percent of plasma proteins are composed of ________. A) fibrinogen B) lipoproteins C) electrolytes D) albumins E) globulins Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Plasma contributes approximately ________ of whole blood volume. A) 2% B) 15% C) 25% D) 55% E) 75% Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Albumins in blood are important because they ________. A) contribute to osmotic pressure B) transport fatty acids C) transport thyroid hormones D) transport steroid hormones E) All answer choices are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The plasma of the blood contains about 7% ________. A) plasma proteins B) erythrocytes C) leukocytes D) platelets E) organic wastes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The composition of the plasma of blood and the interstitial fluid differs chiefly in the concentration of ________. A) dissolved gases and proteins B) sodium ions C) glucose and other sugars D) water E) salts Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Which of the following are plasma proteins that are an essential component of the clotting system? A) albumins B) fibrinogens C) globulins D) electrolytes E) regulatory proteins Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Which formed elements of blood lose most of their organelles during differentiation and maturation? A) megakaryocytes B) basophils C) monocytes D) lymphocytes E) erythrocytes Answer: E Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Heme molecules are important for holding which of the following in such a way that it can interact with an oxygen molecule? A) a sodium ion B) a nitrogen ion C) an iron ion D) a magnesium ion E) a potassium ion Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Which of the following prevents an erythrocyte from using the oxygen it carries? A) the lack of a nucleus B) a biconcave shape C) the presence of hemoglobin D) the lack of mitochondria E) the existence of rouleaux Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 16) The blood type of an individual is determined at the cellular level by ________. A) the sex of the individual B) the metabolic rate of the individual C) the presence or absence of specific surface antigens in the plasma membrane of the erythrocyte D) the age and physical condition of the parents E) the amount of iron in the mother's diet Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Rh antigen is also called ________. A) anti-A B) the A antigen C) the B antigen D) the D antigen E) anti-D Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Formed elements produced by megakaryocytes in bone marrow are ________. A) platelets B) neutrophils C) erythrocytes D) lymphocytes E) monocytes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) As a megakaryocyte develops and grows, what happens to its nucleus? A) it remains the same size B) it grows larger C) it grows smaller D) it is engulfed by phagocytes E) it is attacked by antibodies Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) In terms of organelles, an obvious difference between a mature erythrocyte and a leukocyte, viewed through a light microscope, is that the erythrocyte lacks ________. A) a plasma membrane B) a cytoskeleton C) a nucleus D) cytoplasm E) 3-dimensional structure Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) A person who is Rh-positive has the Rh antigen on the plasma membrane of his or her ________. A) platelets B) erythrocytes C) neutrophils D) eosinophils E) lymphocytes Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) A leukocyte can migrate across a capillary wall by squeezing between adjacent endothelial cells, in a process known as ________. A) chemotaxis B) agglutination C) hemolysis D) sensitization E) diapedesis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Natural Killer cells are a type of ________. A) lymphocyte B) erythrocyte C) neutrophil D) basophil E) monocyte Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) ________ are phagocytic cells that contain a nucleus with many lobes. A) Erythrocytes B) Eosinophils C) Platelets D) Basophils E) Neutrophils Answer: E Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) ________, also known as B cells, differentiate into plasma cells, which secrete antibodies that attack foreign cells or proteins in distant portions of the body. A) Monocytes B) Lymphocytes C) Platelets D) Neutrophils E) Eosinophils Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) ________ clump together to form a temporary patch in the walls of damaged blood vessels. A) Lymphocytes B) Neutrophils C) Monocytes D) Basophils E) Platelets Answer: E Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Hemoglobin molecules consist of ________ globular protein subunits. A) two B) four C) eight D) sixteen E) thirty-two Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Which blood type could be administered to anyone without the risk of a cross-reaction? A) A B) B C) O D) Rh+ E) AB Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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29) Which are characteristic of type O blood? a: Has anti-A antibodies b: Has anti-B antibodies c: Has surface antigen O on its erythrocytes d: Has surface antigen A on its erythrocytes e: Has neither surface antigen A nor B on its erythrocytes A) a, b, c B) a, b, e C) b, c, e D) b, c, d E) c, d, e Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 30) A leukocyte with distinct bright orange-red cytoplasmic granules is called a(n) ________. A) eosinophil B) monocyte C) basophil D) lymphocyte E) neutrophil Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Which is the least common type of white blood cell? A) neutrophil B) eosinophil C) basophil D) monocyte E) lymphocyte Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The white blood cells that contain granules with histamine are called ________. A) eosinophils B) basophils C) neutrophils D) monocytes E) lymphocytes Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Which of the formed elements are responsible for specific immunity? A) neutrophils B) monocytes C) erythrocytes D) lymphocytes E) basophils Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) The process of moving toward an area due to chemical signals is called ________. A) diffusion B) chemotaxis C) diapedesis D) phagocytosis E) osmosis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) All lymphocytes are leukocytes. B) All leukocytes are lymphocytes. C) Basophils are agranulocytes. D) Monocytes are granulocytes. E) Platelets are agranulocytes. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Megakaryocytes produce ________. A) monocytes B) lymphocytes C) erythrocytes D) platelets E) basophils Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) A condition related to the insufficient production of clotting factors is known as ________. A) iron-deficient anemia B) polycythemia C) embolism D) hemolytic disease of the newborn E) hemophilia Answer: E Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 38) For erythropoiesis to proceed normally, the progenitor cells must receive adequate supplies of which of the following? (1) amino acids (2) calcium (3) iron (4) vitamin B12 (5) vitamin K (6) vitamin A A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 B) 2, 4, 6 C) 1, 3, 5 D) 1, 3, 4 E) 2, 3, 5, 6 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 39) In the adult, red blood cells are produced in areas of the ________. A) liver B) red bone marrow C) spleen D) pancreas E) brainstem Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Myeloid stem cells produce all of the following formed elements EXCEPT ________. A) erythrocytes B) platelets C) basophils D) lymphocytes E) monocytes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

41) The hormone erythropoietin is produced and secreted by the ________ during hypoxic conditions. A) kidneys and liver B) spleen and liver C) bone marrow and spleen D) thymus and liver E) brain and spleen Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) The leukocyte that releases histamine to enhance inflammation is the ________. A) eosinophil B) basophil C) lymphocyte D) neutrophil E) monocyte Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) In a type O individual, which of the following is TRUE? A) The plasma lacks anti-A antibodies. B) The erythrocytes lack surface antigens A and B. C) The plasma lacks anti-B antibodies. D) The leukocytes possess both surface antigens A and B. E) The erythrocytes possess both surface antigens A and B. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) A round leukocyte whose nucleus resembles a string of beads, and whose cytoplasm contains large, pale inclusions, is a(n) ________. A) eosinophil B) lymphocyte C) basophil D) monocyte E) neutrophil Answer: E Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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20.2 True/False Questions 1) The matrix of the blood, which has a density only slightly greater than water is called plasma. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Blood cells and cell fragments suspended in the liquid matrix are collectively called the formed elements. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 20.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Membrane-enclosed enzyme packets are called platelets. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Erythrocytes are the most abundant formed elements in the blood. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Fibrinogens are the smallest of the plasma proteins. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Lymphocytes are the most numerous leukocytes. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Basophils assist mast cells of tissues in producing inflammation. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Platelets clump together to assist with hemostasis. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Individuals with type B blood have plasma that contains anti-B antibodies. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

10) Immunoglobulins are often referred to as antibodies. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Circulating platelets last about 10 to 12 days before they are broken down and their contents recycled. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Basophils are granulocytes formed from myeloid stem cells. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 20.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20.3 Essay Questions 1) Discuss the concept of "plasma expanders," often used for patients who are preparing for whole blood transfusions. Answer: Plasma expanders are solutions that can be used to increase blood volume temporarily, over a period of hours, while preparing for a transfusion of whole blood. They contain large carbohydrate molecules, rather than dissolved proteins, to maintain proper osmolarity. Although these carbohydrates are not metabolized, they are gradually removed from circulation by phagocytes, and the blood volume steadily declines. Plasma expanders are easily stored, and their sterile preparation ensures that there are no problems with viral or bacterial contamination. Although they provide a temporary solution to hypovolemia (low blood volume), plasma expanders fail to increase the amount of oxygen delivered to peripheral tissues. Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) What factors contribute to the short (approximately 120-day) life span of an erythrocyte? Answer: As they differentiate and mature, erythrocytes lose most of their organelles, thereby forfeiting any mechanism for repair. Also, erythrocytes are exposed to severe stresses caused by making a complete circulatory circuit approximately every 30 seconds, participating in rouleaux, squeezing through small capillaries, and in general suffering much wear and tear from traveling 700 miles in 120 days. After this time they are phagocytized. Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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3) A college student who is constantly dieting decides to go to the dining hall, as she has no energy, is experiencing muscular weakness, and sometimes becomes dizzy upon exertion. What is the likely diagnosis, and what is the cause of this condition? Answer: The student probably is anemic, partially caused by a diet that is low in protein and probably missing some essential amino acids. Anemia is caused by a reduction in the oxygencarrying capacity of the red blood cells, thus reducing the amount of oxygen that can reach the tissues. This resulting oxygen deficiency causes muscular weakness and fatigue, as well as a variety of other symptoms. Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 4) If a person with type A blood receives a type B blood transfusion, what event(s) may occur? Answer: The plasma of type A blood contains anti-B antibodies, which will attack type B surface antigens. When an antibody meets its specific surface antigen, a cross-reaction occurs, resulting in agglutination (clumping) initially; and hemolysis may follow. Clumps and fragments of blood cells under attack form drifting masses that may plug small vessels, damaging or destroying tissues deprived of circulation. Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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20.4 Labeling Questions Figure 20.1

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Leukocyte B) Platelet C) Nerve D) RBC E) Megakaryocyte Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Lymphatics B) Rouleaux C) Leukocytes D) Megakaryocyte E) Platelets Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Nucleus of endothelial cells B) RBC C) Lymphocyte D) Neutrophil E) Platelet Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Nerve B) Rouleaux C) Blood vessel D) Leukocyte E) Lymphatic vessel Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 20.2

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Osteon B) Epiphysis C) Compact bone D) Nutrient foramen E) Red bone marrow 17 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: E Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Nutrient artery B) Canaliculus C) Lacuna D) Lamella E) Venous sinus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Canaliculi B) Venous sinuses C) Central canals D) Red bone marrow E) Nutrient arteries Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) RBC B) Lymphocyte C) Adipocyte D) Platelet E) Eosinophil Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Megakaryocytes B) Adipocytes C) Monocytes D) Developing erythrocytes and granulocytes E) Lymphocytes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Platelets B) RBCs C) Eosinophils D) Megakaryocytes E) Lymphatic nodules Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Eosinophil B) RBC C) Megakaryocyte D) Adipocyte E) Platelet Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 21 The Cardiovascular System: The Heart 21.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which heart structure receives blood from the systemic circuit? A) left ventricle B) pulmonary veins C) right ventricle D) left atrium E) right atrium Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Blood that is moved to and from all of the tissues of the body (with the EXCEPTION of the lungs) is transported in the ________. A) infundibular circuit B) pulmonary circuit C) systemic circuit D) hepatic portal circuit E) arterial circle of Willis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The ________ carries blood to and from the gas exchange surfaces of the lungs. A) arterial circle of Willis B) pulmonary circuit C) infundibular circuit D) systemic circuit E) hepatic portal circuit Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the cardiovascular system occurs in which vessels? A) veins B) arteries C) capillaries D) venules E) arterioles Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) Which element of the fibrous pericardium stabilizes the position of the heart and associated vessels within the mediastinum? A) reticular fibers B) collagen fibers C) skeletal muscle D) elastic fibers E) cartilage Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Which of these statements can be used to characterize blood flow in the human body?a. There is a unidirectional blood flow.b. Arteries always carry oxygenated blood.c. Veins always carry deoxygenated blood.d. Arteries always carry blood away from the heart.e. Veins always carry blood toward the heart. A) a, c, d, e B) a, b, c, d, e C) a, d, e D) b, c, d, e E) a, b, e Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The visceral pericardium is also called the ________. A) endocardium B) parietal pericardium C) epicardium D) myocardium E) fibrous pericardium Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The primary function of the pericardial fluid is to provide ________ between the pericardial membranes. A) friction B) impulse stimulation C) pressure D) perforation E) lubrication Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The pericardial cavity is actually ________. A) a potential space B) a large space C) filled with mucin D) contains 150+ mL of pericardial fluid E) increases friction between opposing membranes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The outermost layer of the serous pericardium is termed the ________. A) parietal pericardium B) fibrous pericardium C) visceral pericardium D) endocardium E) epicardium Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Which describes the endocardium? a. Has single layer of epitheliumb. Has layer of areolar connective tissuec. Epithelial cells are squamousd. Epithelial cells are cuboidale. Has layer of smooth muscle tissue A) a, b, c B) a, b, d C) a, d, e D) a, b, c, e E) a, c, e Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Cardiac muscle cells differ from skeletal muscle fibers in that the cardiac muscle cells are uniquely interconnected by (the) ________. A) sarcoplasmic reticulum B) Z discs C) gap junctions D) intercalated discs E) T tubules Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Which is the layer that lines the internal surface of the heart wall? A) parietal layer of the epicardium B) endocardium C) myocardium D) fibrous pericardium E) visceral layer of the epicardium Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Which of the following is a function of the cardiac skeleton of the heart? A) isolates atrial and ventricular muscle cells B) provides instructions for cardiac muscle cells to contract C) maintains the energy reserves in the form of glycogen and lipid inclusions D) provides full range mobility to the valves of the heart E) physically connects the atrial muscle cells to the ventricular muscle cells Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Cardiac muscle cells obtain energy almost exclusively through ________. A) anaerobic pathways B) aerobic respiration C) glycolysis D) the Krebs cycle E) protein reserves Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The cardiac skeleton of the heart functions to ________. A) provide elasticity that helps return the heart to its original shape after each contraction B) physically isolating the atrial muscle cells from the ventricular muscle cells C) help distribute the force of contraction of the heart D) reinforcing the heart valves E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Which structures are responsible for creating a direct electrical connection between cardiac muscle cells? A) gap junctions B) maculae adherens C) intercalated discs D) desmosomes E) fascia adherens Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) The intercalated disc of cardiac muscle cells possess a specialized form of communicating junction termed a(n) ________. A) desmosome B) macula adherens C) gap junction D) fascia adherens E) CAM Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Because cardiac muscles are mechanically, chemically, and electrically connected to one another, cardiac muscle tissue functions like a single enormous muscle cell. For this reason, it is called a functional ________. A) sulcus B) inclusion C) syncytium D) intercalation E) triad Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) The extensive connective tissue network, which encircles the bases of the pulmonary trunk and aorta and the valves of the heart, is called the ________ of the heart. A) cardiac skeleton B) endocardium C) intercalated network D) pericardium E) pulmonary epicardium Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Externally, the posterior and inferior portions of the left and right ventricles form the ________. A) sternocostal surface B) right border C) left border D) diaphragmatic surface E) superior border Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Which surface feature marks the border between the atria and the ventricles? A) coronary sulcus B) interatrial groove C) posterior interventricular sulcus D) anterior interventricular sulcus E) auricle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The broad, superior portion of the heart is the ________. A) apex B) base C) sternocostal surface D) pulmonary surface E) anterior surface Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) When not filled with blood the anterior portion of each atrium deflates and becomes a rather lumpy and wrinkled flap called the________. A) atrial sinus B) coronary sulcus C) atrial apex D) interatrial groove E) auricle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) The diaphragm is attached to the inferior, pointed tip of the heart, called the ________, which points laterally. A) base B) inferior border C) apex D) diaphragmatic surface E) left border Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The ________ of the heart includes the bases of the major vessels. A) right border B) inferior border C) left border D) superior border E) diaphragmatic surface Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Which structure makes up a large percentage of the anterior (sternocostal) surface of the heart? A) right atrium B) left atrium C) right ventricle D) left ventricle E) pulmonary trunk Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Which features are described as prominent muscular ridges that extend along the inner surface of the right auricle and across the adjacent anterior wall of the right atrium? A) chordae tendineae B) foramina ovale C) papillary muscles D) pectinate muscles E) trabeculae carneae Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Which vessel delivers venous blood from the tissues and organs of the abdominal and pelvic cavities, and from the lower limbs? A) coronary veins B) pulmonary trunk C) superior vena cava D) fossa ovalis E) inferior vena cava Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) The right ventricle ________. A) has thinner muscular walls than does the left ventricle B) receives blood from the left atrium through the right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve C) pumps blood out of the heart to the systemic circuit D) pumps blood out of the heart through the aortic valve E) is connected to the pulmonary veins Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) The superior end of the right ventricle, which tapers to a smooth-walled pouch and ends at the pulmonary valve is called (the) ________. A) auricle B) conus arteriosus C) aortic sinus D) ligamentum arteriosum E) fossa ovalis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The moderator band is located in the ________ and connects to the ________. A) left ventricle; anterior papillary muscle B) right atrium; pectinate muscles C) right ventricle; anterior papillary muscle D) left atrium; pectinate muscle E) interatrial sulcus; cardiac skeleton Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Which chamber of the heart can generate the greatest pressure? A) left atrium B) left ventricle C) right atrium D) right ventricle E) Both ventricles create greater pressures equally and simultaneously than do the atria. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Which of the following is a unique feature of the right ventricle? A) left atrioventricular (mitral) valve B) papillary muscles C) aortic valve D) pulmonary valve E) trabeculae carneae Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The left ventricle pumps blood into the systemic circuit through the ________. A) left atrioventricular (mitral) valve B) pulmonary veins C) pulmonary trunk D) ascending aorta E) venae cavae Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Which of the following is a feature that is unique to the left atrium? A) left atrioventriciular (mitral) valve B) fossa ovalis C) right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve D) foramen ovale E) conus arteriosus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) The ________ are a series of irregular muscular folds formed on the internal surface of the ventricles. A) trabeculae carneae B) papillary muscles C) chordae tendineae D) moderator bands E) pectinate muscles Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Oxygen-poor blood travels from the right atrium into the right ventricle through the ________ valve. A) bicuspid B) aortic C) left atrioventricular (mitral) D) right atrioventricular (tricuspid) E) pulmonary Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Blood exiting the left ventricle must pass through the ________ valve. A) left atrioventricular (mitral) B) pulmonary C) right atrioventricular (tricuspid) D) bicuspid E) aortic Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Blood leaves the right ventricle through the ________ valve to reach the capillaries supplying the lungs. A) aortic B) left atrioventricular (mitral) C) pulmonary D) right atrioventricular (tricuspid) E) bicuspid Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) If the cusps of an atrioventricular valve are damaged or functionally impaired so that they do not close completely during the normal point in the cardiac cycle, blood may flow backwards. This is called ________. A) ischemia B) regurgitation C) thrombosis D) automaticity E) nodal depolarization Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Which event occurs during the first phase of ventricular systole? A) Chordae tendineae are loose. B) Semilunar valves are open . C) The volume of the ventricles changes dramatically. D) Blood exits from the ventricles. E) Atrioventricular valves are closed. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) The left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood from the ________. A) coronary arteries B) venae cavae C) pulmonary veins D) descending aorta E) pulmonary arteries Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Which of the following associations is correct? A) mitral valve–atrioventricular B) pulmonary valve–atrioventricular C) aortic valve–chordae tendineae D) tricuspid valve–semilunar valve E) pulmonary valve–chordae tendineae Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) Which of the following vessels drains the anterior surface of the right ventricle and empties directly into the right atrium? A) middle cardiac vein B) great cardiac vein C) anterior cardiac veins D) small cardiac vein E) posterior veins of left ventricle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) There are many interconnections between the arterial branches of the coronary circulation, which function to maintain a constant blood supply to the muscle of the heart. These connections are called ________. A) syncytium B) intercalation C) anastomoses D) prolapse E) autorhythmicity Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Which branch(es) of the right coronary artery extends toward the apex along the anterior surface of the right ventricle of the heart? A) circumflex branch B) posterior interventricular branch C) atrial branches D) right marginal branch E) anterior interventricular branch Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Which of the following structures is a large, thin-walled vein that lies in the posterior portion of the coronary sulcus? A) posterior veins of left ventricle B) middle veins of left ventricle C) aortic sinus D) great cardiac vein E) coronary sinus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) Valves of the heart open and close due to ________. A) contraction of papillary muscles B) timing sequences C) electrical signals D) pressure changes E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Which coronary vein receives blood from the posterior surfaces of the right atrium and ventricle? A) small cardiac vein B) middle cardiac vein C) coronary sinus D) anterior cardiac vein E) posterior vein of left ventricle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) The right border of the heart is supplied by the ________. A) circumflex artery B) posterior interventricular artery C) anterior interventricular artery D) right marginal artery E) great cardiac vein Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Which of the following is TRUE of the coronary arteries? A) They drain into the right atrium inferior to the opening of the inferior vena cava. B) Together they supply a small portion of the cardiac muscle with oxygen. C) They originate at the base of the ascending aorta and are the first branches off this vessel. D) They transport blood directly into the ascending aorta. E) Blood pressure in these vessels is the lowest found anywhere in the systemic circuit. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) Which vessel gives rise to a circumflex branch and an anterior interventricular branch? A) left marginal branch B) coronary sinus C) left coronary artery D) posterior descending artery E) right coronary artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) The sinoatrial node, or cardiac pacemaker, is ________. A) electrically active nodal tissue located in the wall of the left ventricle B) embedded in the anterior two-thirds of the interventricular septum C) able to cause the atria and ventricles to contract simultaneously D) able to cause the cardiac muscle to begin to contract at the apex E) embedded in the posterior wall of the right atrium, near the entrance of the superior vena cava Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) The inherent ability of cardiac muscle tissue to contract in the absence of neural or hormonal stimulation is called ________. A) threshold B) systole C) diastole D) autorhythmicity E) a cardiac pacemaker Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) The rapidly depolarizing cells, called pacemaker cells, are found in the ________, which is embedded in the posterior wall of the right atrium. A) right bundle branch B) AV node C) left bundle branch D) intermodal pathways E) SA node Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) ________ is the term used to indicate a heart rate that is slower than normal. A) Cardiac tamponade B) Bradycardia C) Angina D) Tachycardia E) Coronary ischemia Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Which of the following is a major component of the cardiac conduction system located in the interventricular septum, and extends toward the apex of the heart? A) SA node B) bundle branches C) AV node D) Purkinje fibers E) internodal pathways Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) Structures in the heart that carry electrical signals from the SA node to the AV node are called ________. A) internodal pathways B) bundle branches C) Purkinje fibers D) chordae tendineae E) moderator bands Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Which of the following is TRUE regarding contractions of the heart? A) The ventricles contract first, followed by the atria. B) The contractions do not occur in any specific or precise sequence each time. C) Cardiac muscle tissue contracts under neural stimulation. D) The rate of cardiac contractions are established by the conducting fibers. E) Cardiac contractions are coordinated by specialized conducting cells that distribute the stimulus to cardiac muscle cells. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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61) Cardiac pacemaker cells of the SA node depolarize and theoretically generate a resting heart rate of approximately ________. A) 60-70 beats per minute B) 55-65 beats per minute C) 80-100 beats per minute D) 45-55 beats per minute E) 110-120 beats per minute Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) During the late stages of ventricular diastole, the ________. A) atria are contracting B) AV valves are closed C) ventricles are contracting D) pressure in the ventricles does not change E) ventricles are filling Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) A complete heartbeat is referred to as a(n) ________. A) cardiac cycle B) arrhythmia C) diastole D) internodal pathway E) systole Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) During one cardiac cycle, the ventricles spend most of their time in ________. A) systole B) contraction C) fibrillation D) diastole E) depolarization Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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65) During ventricular diastole ________. A) only the AV valves open B) only the AV valves close C) only the semilunar valves close D) the semilunar valves close and the AV valves open E) the semilunar valves open and the AV valves close Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Which event typically occurs at the start of a cardiac cycle? A) Ventricular blood pressure drops until reverse blood flow pushes the cusps of the semilunar valves together. B) Atrial contraction forces a small amount of blood into the relaxed ventricles. C) The semilunar valves open and blood is ejected. D) Ventricular contraction pushes the atrioventricular valves closed. E) The ventricles fully contract. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) Which of the following conditions would cause an increase in the heart rate? A) activation of the parasympathetic nervous system B) acetylcholine stimulation of nodal cells and contractile cells C) activation of the sympathetic nervous system D) decreased blood concentration of carbon dioxide and increased blood pressure E) decreased blood concentration of oxygen and increased blood pressure Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 68) ________ release produces a decrease in both the heart rate and force of contraction through the stimulation of muscarinic receptors on nodal cells and contractile cells. A) Dopamine B) Acetylcholine (ACh) C) Serotonin D) Norepinephrine (NE) E) Cholecystokinin Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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69) Which of the following associations is correct? A) baroreceptors–sensitivity to dissolved gas concentrations B) acetylcholine–muscarinic receptors on nodal cells and contractile cells C) parasympathetic nervous system–cardiac nerves D) norepinephrine–alpha receptors on nodal cells and contractile cells E) sympathetic nervous system–vagus nerves Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 21.2 True/False Questions 1) Arteries transport blood away from the heart. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 21.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The epicardium is another name for the visceral pericardium. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The fibrous pericardium lies deep to the serous pericardium. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The myocardium consists of multiple, interlocking layers of cardiac muscle tissue, with associated connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The cardiac skeleton reinforces the valves and helps prevent overexpansion of the heart. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Since the heart is rotated slightly to the left, the anterior surface, consists primarily of both atria. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7) When the left ventricle contracts, the distance between the base and apex decreases, and the diameter of the ventricular chamber decreases. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Each atrioventricular valve consists of the following: a ring of connective tissue that attaches to the fibrous skeleton of the heart; connective tissue cusps, which function to close the opening between the heart chambers; and chordae tendineae that attach the margins of the cusps to the papillary muscles of the heart wall. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) The major branches of the right coronary artery are the atrial branches, which supply the right atrium and a portion of the left atrium; the posterior interventricular branches, which supply the interventricular septum and adjacent portions of the ventricles; and the branches to the conducting system, which supply the SA node and the AV node. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Each cardiac contraction follows a precise sequence. At time=0, atrial activation begins when the AV node depolarizes. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) In the cardiac cycle, as atrial systole ends, ventricular diastole begins and continues until the start of the next cardiac cycle. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 21.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The heart rate may be influenced or modified by the autonomic nervous system. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 21.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Norepinephrine release produces an increase in both the heart rate and force of contraction through the stimulation of beta receptors on nodal cells and contractile cells. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 21.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21.3 Essay Questions 1) Describe the differences between carditis, endocarditis, and myocarditis? Answer: Carditis is a general term for inflammation of the heart. Clinical conditions resulting from cardiac infection are usually identified by the primary site of the infection. For example, infections that affect the endocardium produce symptoms of endocarditis, a condition that damages primarily the chordae tendineae and heart valves; the mortality rate may reach 21-35 percent. The destruction of heart valves by the infection may lead to valve leakage, heart failure, and death. Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, can be caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoans, or fungal pathogens that either attack the myocardium directly or produce toxins that damage the myocardium. The most severe complications of myocarditis result from the formation of blood clots. These clots subsequently break free, entering the bloodstream as drifting emboli that may cause strokes, heart attacks, or kidney failure. Over time, abnormal contractions may appear and the heart muscle weakens; these problems may eventually prove fatal. Learning Outcome: 21.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) If a woman is diagnosed as having a heart murmur, what anatomical condition does she have, and how does it affect heart function? Answer: Anatomically, a heart murmur occurs when the cusps of the left atrioventricular (mitral) valve do not close properly. The problem may be caused by abnormally long (or short) chordae tendineae or by defective papillary muscles. Because the valve does not work perfectly, some regurgitation may occur during left ventricular systole. The surges, swirls, and eddies that occur during regurgitation create a rushing, gurgling sound known as a heart murmur. In most cases, affected individuals are completely asymptomatic, and they live normal, healthy lives unaware of any circulatory malfunction. However, regurgitation may increase the risk of valve infection after some dental or medical procedures. Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) What is angina and what is one of the least invasive surgical procedures used to relieve such a condition? Answer: Angina is one of the first symptoms of coronary artery disease (CAD). In the most common form of angina, temporary insufficiency of oxygen delivery and ischemia develop when the workload of the heart increases. Although the individual may feel comfortable at rest, any unusual exertion or emotional stress can produce a sensation of pressure, chest constriction, and pain that may radiate from the sternal area to the arms, back, and neck. Angina can often be controlled by a combination of drug treatment and changes in lifestyle, such as limiting strenuous activity and stressful situations, consuming a diet low in fat, and quitting smoking. Surgical treatment involves balloon angioplasty in which a catheter tip contains an inflatable balloon. Once in position, the balloon is inflated, compressing the plaque against the vessel walls. This procedure works best on small (under 10 mm), soft plaques. Because restenosis (or repeated narrowing) may develop, metal stents (or sleeves) can often be placed into the artery to hold it open. Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 20 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

4) What is the major surgical procedure used to treat obstructed regions in the coronary circulation of the heart? Answer: The procedure is called coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. It involves taking a small section from either a small artery (often the internal thoracic artery) or a superficial vein (such as the great saphenous) and implanting it in a region around the heart to create a detour (bypass) around the obstructed portion(s) of a coronary artery. As many as four of the coronary arteries can be rerouted this way in a single operation. The procedures are named according to the number of vessels repaired, so one speaks of single, double, triple, or quadruple CABG operations. Current recommendations are that CABG surgery should be reserved for cases of severe angina that do not respond to other treatments. Learning Outcome: 21.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 5) A patient is admitted to the emergency room of a hospital complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath. Upon receiving the test results, it is determined that the individual is experiencing a myocardial infarction (MI). What anatomical changes occur during this condition, and what is/are the likely consequence(s)? Answer: In a myocardial infarction (MI), or heart attack, the coronary circulation becomes blocked and the cardiac muscle cells die from lack of oxygen. The affected tissue then degenerates, creating a nonfunctional area known as an infarct. Heart attacks most often result from severe coronary artery disease (CAD). The consequences depend on the site and nature of the circulatory blockage. If it occurs near the base of one of the coronary arteries, the damage will be widespread and the heart will probably stop beating. If the blockage involves one of the smaller arterial branches, the individual may survive the immediate crisis, but there are many potential, and unpleasant, complications. As scar tissue forms in the damaged area, the heartbeat may become irregular and less effective as a pump, and other vessels can become constricted creating additional cardiovascular problems such as angina. Learning Outcome: 21.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 6) Describe cardiac arrhythmias and briefly discuss their different clinical classifications. Answer: Cardiac arrhythmias are abnormal cardiac rhythms, which range from inconsequential to lethal. If arrhythmias are occasional and brief in duration, they are rarely of any importance. However, if an arrhythmia persists, or occurs frequently, it merits medical attention. In clinical diagnosis, arrhythmias are classified as follows: (1) Alterations in heart rate, with normal nodal and conducting pathway function. These conditions, which usually indicate abnormal function at the SA node and atria, are often relatively harmless and may go undetected. Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT), premature atrial contraction (PAC), atrial flutter, and atrial fibrillation are clinical conditions of this classification. They are not considered very dangerous, unless they are prolonged or associated with some more serious indications of cardiac damage, such as CAD or valve problems. (2) Abnormal origination or distribution of the cardiac action potential within the ventricles. These conditions are dangerous and potentially lethal. Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), ventricular tachycardia (VT or V-tach), and ventricular fibrillation (VF) are conditions that result in abnormal ventricular activity, which directly affects cardiac output. Many of these ventricular arrhythmias are potentially lethal. Learning Outcome: 21.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 21 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

21.4 Labeling Questions Figure 21.1

Using the above figure, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Trachea B) Esophagus C) Pharynx D) Larynx E) Glottis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Pericardial cavity B) Visceral pericardium C) Peritoneal cavity D) Parietal pericardium E) Pleural cavity Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Pulmonary artery B) Pulmonary vein C) Bronchus of lung D) Superior vena cava E) Inferior vena cava Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Pulmonary artery B) Superior vena cava C) Pulmonary vein D) Inferior vena cava E) Bronchus of lung Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Pulmonary cavity B) Vagus nerve C) Aorta D) Phrenic nerve E) Pulmonary trunk Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Brachiocephalic trunk B) Aorta C) Inferior vena cava D) Pulmonary trunk E) Superior vena cava Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Atrium B) Pericardial cavity C) Ventricle D) Aortic arch E) Esophagus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Vertebrae B) Mediastinum C) Pleural cavity D) Parietal pericardium E) Rib Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Pleural cavity B) Visceral pericardium C) Mediastinum D) Parietal pericardium E) Epicardium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Parietal pericardium B) Pleural cavity C) Epicardium D) Mediastinum E) Endocardium Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Peritoneal cavity B) Visceral pericardium C) Pleural cavity D) Parietal pericardium E) Pericardial cavity Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Ventricle B) Auricle C) Atrium D) Esophagus E) Mediastinum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Chordae tendineae B) Trabeculae carneae C) Ventricle D) Atrium E) Pulmonary trunk Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Brachiocephalic trunk B) Left common carotid artery C) Pulmonary trunk D) Aorta E) Bronchus of lung Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Ascending aorta B) Pulmonary vein C) Aortic arch D) Pulmonary artery E) Pulmonary trunk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Superior vena cava B) Pulmonary artery C) Brachiocephalic trunk D) Pulmonary vein E) Aorta Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Bronchus of lung B) Pulmonary vein C) Pulmonary trunk D) Aorta E) Pulmonary artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 21.2

Using the above figure, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Left subclavian artery B) Ascending aorta C) Brachiocephalic trunk D) Pulmonary trunk E) Left common carotid artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Brachiocephalic trunk B) Pulmonary trunk C) Left common carotid artery D) Pulmonary artery E) Left subclavian artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Pulmonary artery B) Inferior vena cava C) Pulmonary vein D) Ascending aorta E) Superior vena cava Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Pulmonary trunk B) Brachiocephalic trunk C) Superior vena cava D) Pulmonary vein E) Inferior vena cava Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Coronary sulcus B) Interventricular sulcus C) Ventricle D) Ligamentum arteriosum E) Atrium Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Auricle B) Ventricle C) Coronary sulcus D) Atrium E) Interventricular sulcus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Auricle B) Interventricular sulcus C) Pectinate muscle D) Ventricle E) Coronary sulcus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Aorta B) Superior vena cava C) Pulmonary trunk D) Pulmonary vein E) Brachiocephalic trunk Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 21.3

Using the above figure, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Pulmonary vein B) Left subclavian artery C) Pulmonary artery D) Aortic arch E) Brachiocephalic trunk Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Left common carotid arteries B) Pulmonary arteries C) Left subclavian artery D) Pulmonary veins E) Venae cavae Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Coronary sinus B) Descending aorta C) Pulmonary artery D) Inferior vena cava E) Pulmonary vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Atrium B) Aortic arch C) Auricle D) Coronary sinus E) Ventricle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Descending aorta B) Inferior vena cava C) Brachiocephalic trunk D) Superior vena cava E) Pulmonary trunk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Brachiocephalic trunk B) Arch of aorta C) Pulmonary trunk D) Left subclavian artery E) Common carotid artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 21.4

Using the above figure, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Brachiocephalic trunk B) Descending aorta C) Pulmonary trunk D) Aortic arch E) Ascending aorta Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Brachiocephalic trunk B) Superior vena cava C) Ascending aorta D) Pulmonary artery E) Pulmonary trunk Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Pulmonary trunk B) Pulmonary artery C) Inferior vena cava D) Ascending aorta E) Superior vena cava Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Pulmonary veins B) Carotid arteries C) Pulmonary arteries D) Brachiocephalic trunk E) Subclavian arteries Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Pulmonary trunk B) Ascending aorta C) Superior vena cava D) Descending aorta E) Aortic arch Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Conus arteriosus B) Ductus venosus C) Fossa ovalis D) Coronary sinus E) Ligamentum arteriosum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Coronary sinus B) Conus arteriosus C) Ligamentum arteriosum D) Ductus venosus E) Fossa ovalis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Pectinate muscles B) Coronary sinus C) Papillary muscles D) Trabeculae carneae E) Chordae tendineae Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Ligamentum arteriosum B) Coronary sinus C) Ductus venosus D) Fossa ovalis E) Conus arteriosus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Aortic valve B) Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve C) Pulmonary valve D) Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve E) Bicuspid valve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Papillary muscles B) Chordae tendineae C) Moderator bands D) Trabeculae carneae E) Pectinate muscles Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Trabeculae carneae B) Pectinate muscles C) Chordae tendineae D) Papillary muscles E) Moderator bands Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Pulmonary vein B) Pulmonary trunk C) Inferior vena cava D) Pulmonary artery E) Superior vena cava Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Aortic arch B) Inferior vena cava C) Ascending aorta D) Brachiocephalic trunk E) Descending aorta Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Moderator band B) Chordae tendineae C) Papillary muscle D) Interventricular septum E) Trabeculae carneae Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Pectinate muscles B) Trabeculae carneae C) Papillary muscles D) Moderator bands E) Chordae tendineae Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Papillary muscle B) Interatrial septum C) Moderator band D) Interventricular septum E) Pectinate muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Auricle B) Interatrial septum C) Ventricle D) Interventricular septum E) Atrium Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label U. A) Bicuspid valve B) Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve C) Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve D) Aortic valve E) Pulmonary valve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Aortic valve B) Pulmonary valve C) Bicuspid valve D) Tricuspid valve E) Mitral valve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Interventricular septum B) Papillary muscle C) Moderator band D) Pectinate muscle E) Interatrial septum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Y. A) Brachiocephalic trunk B) Pulmonary arteries C) Pulmonary trunk D) Pulmonary veins E) Common carotid arteries Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label AA. A) Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve B) Aortic valve C) Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve D) Pulmonary valve E) Bicuspid valve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label DD. A) Ligamentum arteriosum B) Brachiocephalic trunk C) Left subclavian artery D) Ascending aorta E) Left common carotid artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 21.5

Using the above figure, identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 56) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) AV bundle B) Sinoatrial (SA) node C) Internodal pathways D) Atrioventricular (AV) node E) Right bundle branch Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Internodal pathways B) AV bundle C) Purkinje fibers D) Moderator bands E) Bundle branches Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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58) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Atrioventricular (AV) node B) Right bundle branch C) Moderator band D) AV bundle E) Sinoatrial (SA) node Answer: A Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Sinoatrial (SA) node B) Purkinje fiber C) Internodal pathway D) Moderator band E) AV bundle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Purkinje fiber B) Left bundle branch C) Internodal pathway D) Right bundle branch E) Moderator band Answer: D Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 61) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) AV bundle B) Atrioventricular node C) Moderator band D) Sinoatrial node E) Bundle branch Answer: C Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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62) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Moderator bands B) Purkinje fibers C) Bundle branches D) Internodal pathways E) AV bundle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 21.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 22 The Cardiovascular System: Vessels and Circulation 22.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Vasoconstriction and vasodilation occur due to sympathetic activation of which vessel layer? A) endothelium B) intima C) media D) epithelium E) adventitia Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) Which vessels have an average diameter of 30 µm, have thin adventitia, and an oftenincomplete media? A) venules B) elastic arteries C) arterioles D) muscular arteries E) capillaries Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The outermost layer of a blood vessel, which is very thick and composed chiefly of collagen fibers with scattered bands of elastic fibers, is the ________. A) media B) intima C) external elastic membrane D) adventitia E) internal elastic membrane Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Typically, as an artery gets farther from the heart, its diameter decreases, and there is a(n) ________. A) decrease in the amount of smooth muscle and an increase in the number of elastic fibers B) increase in the amount of smooth muscle and a decrease in the number of elastic fibers C) increase in both smooth muscle and elastic fibers D) decrease in both smooth muscle and elastic fibers E) no change in the amount of smooth muscle or elastic fibers Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) Which of the following applies to elastic arteries? A) These vessels distribute blood to the skeletal muscles and internal organs of the body. B) They have a poorly defined adventitia. C) The media of these arteries contains a high density of elastic fibers and relatively few smooth muscle cells. D) The media consists of scattered smooth muscle fibers that do not form a complete layer. E) They have an average diameter of 50 µm. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Muscular arteries ________. A) are larger than elastic arteries and smaller than arterioles B) have a media with a high density of elastic fibers C) are exemplified by the aorta D) have a thick media with a large amount of smooth muscle fiber within them E) collect blood from capillaries Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Which of the artery types contain both internal and external elastic laminae? A) elastic arteries B) arterioles C) muscular arteries D) fenestrated arteries E) elastic arteries and arterioles Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Which of the following is TRUE of an artery? A) The vessel walls are relatively thin. B) Blood flow is the slowest of all classes of vessels. C) The histological structure permits a two-way exchange of substances between the blood and body cells. D) The lumen is relatively smaller than that of a corresponding vein. E) The adventitia is frequently absent. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Metarterioles consist of which of the following? A) smooth muscle B) epithelial tissue C) cartilage D) skeletal muscle bands E) endothelial cells Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Most of the visible, named arteries are ________. A) sinusoids B) elastic arteries C) muscular arteries D) metarterioles E) arterioles Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Which of the following diffuses across the endothelial cells in a capillary? A) lipid-insoluble materials B) gases C) glucose D) large carbohydrates E) nucleic acids Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 12) In atherosclerosis, the deposition of fatty plaques begins in which layer of the arterial wall? A) adventitia B) epithelium of the media C) endothelium of the intima D) external elastic membrane E) internal elastic membrane Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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13) Which vessels collect blood from capillaries? A) large veins B) venules C) arterioles D) small veins E) metarterioles Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) When an artery constricts, the ________ is thrown into folds that give arterial sections a pleated appearance. A) external elastic membrane B) mesothelium C) adventitia D) endothelium E) media Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) A network of small arteries called the ________ provides a blood supply to the externa of very large blood vessels. A) vasa vasorum B) companion vessels C) distributing arteries D) fenestrated arteries E) thoroughfare channels Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The walls of veins are thinner than those of corresponding arteries, because ________. A) veins contain a lower proportion of smooth muscle fibers B) of only arteries can perform vasoconstriction C) veins contain a greater proportion of elastic fibers and collagen D) blood pressure is higher in veins E) the lumen of veins is much smaller than the lumen of arteries of similar diameter Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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17) The venous system normally contains ________ of the blood volume (roughly 3.5L of whole blood). A) 30-35% B) 75-80% C) 45-50% D) 65-70% E) 20-25% Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) The ________ is composed of arteries and veins that transport blood between the heart and the lungs. A) systemic circuit B) renal circuit C) hepatic portal circuit D) infundibular circuit E) pulmonary circuit Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Which statement regarding the pulmonary circuit is TRUE? A) Blood enters the left atrium from the capillary beds in peripheral tissues. B) The pulmonary trunk is the terminal end of the pulmonary circuit. C) Compared with the systemic circuit, the pulmonary circuit is relatively longer. D) Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood. E) Blood enters the pulmonary trunk from the left ventricle. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) In the pulmonary circuit, blood enters the pulmonary trunk directly from the ________. A) left atrium B) right atrium C) coronary sinus D) right ventricle E) left ventricle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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21) Pulmonary veins enter which chamber of the heart? A) right ventricle B) left atrium C) left ventricle D) right atrium E) pulmonary trunk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Which of the following is a branch of the aortic arch? A) pulmonary trunk B) cephalic vein C) brachiocephalic trunk D) common iliac artery E) right pulmonary artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Which vessel supplies the pericardium? A) axillary artery B) radial artery C) brachial artery D) vertebral artery E) internal thoracic artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Which is the first branch of the brachial artery? A) axillary artery B) vertebral artery C) subclavian artery D) deep brachial artery E) internal thoracic artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Which arteries fuse to form the basilar artery? A) internal carotid arteries B) external carotid arteries C) brachial arteries D) vertebral arteries E) axillary arteries Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 26) The thyroid gland is supplied by which vessel? A) common carotid artery B) thyrocervical trunk C) axillary artery D) pulmonary trunk E) vertebral artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Which of the following contains baroreceptors and chemoreceptors? A) carotid sinus B) pulmonary trunk C) deep palmar arch D) cerebral arterial circle E) ophthalmic artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) The cerebral arterial circle encircles which structure? A) cerebellum B) pons C) medulla oblongata D) infundibulum of the pituitary gland E) tectum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Which vessel(s) enters the cranium at the foramen magnum? A) internal carotid arteries B) vertebral arteries C) external carotid arteries D) anterior cerebral artery E) posterior cerebral arteries Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Which vessel supplies the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain? A) middle cerebral artery B) basilar artery C) ophthalmic artery D) vertebral artery E) anterior cerebral artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Which great vessel structure is divided by the diaphragm into a superior thoracic portion and an inferior abdominal portion? A) aortic arch B) ascending aorta C) descending aorta D) superior mesenteric artery E) celiac artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 32) Which vessel(s) supplies the superior surface of the muscular diaphragm? A) superior phrenic arteries B) bronchial arteries C) intercostal arteries D) superior mesenteric artery E) inferior abdominal aorta Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) At the coronoid fossa, the brachial artery divides into the ________. A) tibial and fibular arteries B) radial and ulnar arteries C) internal iliac arteries D) external carotid arteries E) internal carotid arteries Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) The ascending aorta begins at (the) ________. A) external carotid artery B) apex of the heart C) conus arteriosus D) aortic valve E) aortic arch Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The anterior chest wall is supplied by (the) ________. A) coronary circulation B) thyrocervical trunk C) radial artery D) vertebral artery E) internal thoracic artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The midbrain and lateral surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres receive blood from the ________. A) common carotid artery B) anterior cerebral artery C) external carotid artery D) basilar artery E) middle cerebral artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) The end of the aorta occurs when the vessel bifurcates into the ________. A) brachiocephalic artery B) subclavian arteries C) common iliac arteries D) common carotid arteries E) inferior mesenteric arteries Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Which of the following is a paired branch of the abdominal aorta? A) celiac artery B) renal artery C) superior mesenteric artery D) inferior mesenteric artery E) median sacral artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) An unpaired artery that branches from the abdominal aorta includes the ________. A) adrenal artery B) superior mesenteric artery C) phrenic artery D) gonadal artery E) lumbar artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Which of the following is the right branch of the celiac trunk? A) cystic artery B) splenic artery C) superior mesenteric artery D) common hepatic artery E) gastroduodenal artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) As it passes through the adductor magnus muscle, the femoral artery becomes the ________. A) popliteal artery B) inferior mesenteric artery C) tibial artery D) saphenous artery E) iliac artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) The right common carotid artery and right subclavian arteries are branches of the ________. A) thyrocervical trunk B) vertebral artery C) brachiocephalic trunk D) aortic arch E) pulmonary trunk Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) After leaving the thoracic cavity and passing over the outer border of the first rib, the subclavian artery becomes the ________. A) brachial artery B) radial artery C) clavicular artery D) axillary artery E) ulnar artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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44) After passing from the thoracic cavity over the border of the first rib, the subclavian artery changes its name. The name changes continue along the arm and to the hand. In correct order, these names are: (1) superficial palmar arch (2) deep palmar arch (3) brachial artery (4) radial artery (5) axillary artery (6) ulnar artery A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 B) 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 C) 1 or 4, 2, 3 or 5, 6 D) 5, 3, 4 or 6, 1 or 2 E) 4 or 6, 1 or 2, 5, 3 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 45) The parietal branches of the thoracic aorta include the ________. A) bronchial arteries B) esophageal arteries C) mediastinal arteries D) pericardial arteries E) intercostal arteries Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) The common iliac arteries divide to form a branch that enters the pelvic cavity and a branch called the ________ that proceeds to the lower limb. A) inferior branch B) femoral artery C) inguinal artery D) external iliac artery E) sacral artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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47) The first paired branches of the abdominal aorta are the ________. A) inferior phrenic arteries B) superior mesenteric arteries C) gonadal arteries D) renal arteries E) common iliac arteries Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 48) At the ankle, the anterior tibial artery becomes (the) ________. A) lateral plantar artery B) dorsalis pedis artery C) medial plantar artery D) dorsal plantar arch E) peroneal artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) The artery that bifurcates into the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery is the_______. A) brachiocephalic trunk B) right common iliac artery C) right brachial artery D) right coronary artery E) superior vena cava Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) The gallbladder, duodenum, pancreas, and spleen are supplied by which vessel? A) superior mesenteric artery B) adrenal artery C) inferior phrenic artery D) celiac trunk E) inferior mesenteric artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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51) Which vessels supply the urinary bladder? A) celiac trunk vessels B) adrenal arteries C) gonadal arteries D) sacral arteries E) internal iliac arteries Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) The medial aspect of the knee is supplied by which vessel? A) descending genicular artery B) dorsalis pedis artery C) celiac trunk D) fibular artery E) inferior phrenic artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) The vertebral arteries fuse along the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata and form the ________. A) ophthalmic artery B) external carotid artery C) anterior cerebral artery D) internal carotid artery E) basilar artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) The rectum and terminal portion of the colon are supplied by which vessel? A) celiac trunk B) inferior mesenteric artery C) internal iliac artery D) inferior phrenic artery E) superior mesenteric artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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55) Which vessel branches into medial and lateral circumflex arteries? A) gonadal artery B) lumbar artery C) celiac trunk D) deep femoral artery E) median sacral artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) The adrenal arteries originate on either side of the aorta near the base of which vessel? A) inferior mesenteric artery B) renal artery C) gonadal artery D) common iliac artery E) superior mesenteric artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) The hepatic portal vein carries blood ________. A) high in nutrients B) high in oxygen C) high in acid D) from the kidneys E) to the digestive tract Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) Which of these is the major tributary of the superior vena cava? A) superior mesenteric vein B) azygous vein C) left colic vein D) inferior mesenteric vein E) splenic vein Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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59) What is the significance of the presence of dual venous drainage, one superficial and the other deep, in the neck and limbs? A) These vessels have a completely different distribution and so must be located far from one another to avoid competitive drainage issues. B) There is no known significance for this phenomenon. C) This distribution is important for regulation of body temperature. D) This placement is important in the regulation of the distribution of hormones in the circulation. E) This distribution is critical for proper lymphatic drainage. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) The lateral side of the arm and radial side of the forearm contains a long superficial vein named the ________. A) basilic vein B) cubital vein C) radial vein D) median antebrachial vein E) cephalic vein Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 61) The ________ is formed by the union of the inferior mesenteric vein and veins from the spleen, the lateral border of the stomach, and the pancreas. A) gastric vein B) cystic vein C) superior mesenteric vein D) pancreatic duodenal vein E) splenic vein Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 62) Which of the following is involved in draining blood from the cavernous sinus to the internal jugular veins? A) straight sinus B) superior sagittal sinus C) petrosal sinus D) temporal veins E) external jugular veins Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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63) Which of the following organs drains its blood through the hepatic portal system? A) kidney B) stomach C) adrenal gland D) uterus E) urinary bladder Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) The brachiocephalic veins receive blood from the ________ and then the right and left brachiocephalic veins merge to form the ________. A) plantar veins; dorsalis pedis veins B) hepatic portal veins; splenic vein C) basilic veins; superior vena cava D) vertebral veins; superior vena cava E) internal iliac veins; common iliac veins Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 65) The longest vein in the body is the ________. A) small saphenous vein B) great saphenous vein C) femoral vein D) cephalic vein E) sartorius vein Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) The azygous and hemiazygous veins are the chief collecting veins of the ________. A) head and neck B) pelvis C) upper limbs D) lower limbs E) thorax Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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67) Which of the following drains into the external iliac veins? A) gluteal veins B) internal pudendal veins C) deep femoral veins D) obturator veins E) lateral sacral veins Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) As it proceeds toward the liver, the hepatic portal vein receives blood from which of the following? A) hepatic veins B) lumbar veins C) gastric veins D) the adrenal veins E) great saphenous veins Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 69) The interatrial opening, which results in the interatrial partition remaining functionally incomplete up to the time of birth, is known as which of the following? A) ductus arteriosus B) ligamentum arteriosum C) foramen ovale D) ductus venosus E) inferior vena cava Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 70) In fetal circulation, blood may bypass the pulmonary circuit by passing from the pulmonary trunk to the aorta through the short muscular vessel known as the ________. A) fossa ovale B) ligamentum arteriosum C) ductus venosus D) ductus arteriosus E) umbilical arteries Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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71) The umbilical vein drains into the ductus venosus, which is connected to an intricate network of veins within the developing ________. A) placenta B) heart C) spleen D) liver E) lungs Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 72) Age-related changes in blood vessels, some of which are related to arteriosclerosis, include ________. A) decreased elasticity of arteries and veins B) the walls of arteries become less tolerant of sudden increases in pressure C) events leading to an aneurysm D) calcium salts depositing onto weakened vascular walls E) any of these can occur with aging Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 73) Age-related changes in the heart include ________. A) increased maximum cardiac output B) reduction in the elasticity of the fibrous skeleton C) increased size of coronary vessels D) decreased pressures in the great vessels E) absence of scar tissue in cardiac muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22.2 True/False Questions 1) Because the walls of arteries are relatively thick and strong, they retain their circular shape in histological sections. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Very large blood vessels require their own blood supply, and this is provided by a network of small arteries called the vasa vasorum. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) If serious hemorrhaging occurs, the vasomotor center of the cerebellum stimulates sympathetic nerves innervating smooth muscle cells in the walls of medium-sized veins. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 22.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Arteries and veins often make anastomotic connections that reduce the impact of a temporary or even permanent occlusion (blockage) of a single vessel. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 22.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) As the pulmonary trunk curves over the superior border of the heart, it gives rise to the left and right pulmonary arteries. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 22.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Distally the axillary artery becomes the brachial artery, which supplies blood to the upper limb. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Branches of the subclavian arteries carry blood on the way to the brain, neck and shoulder muscles, and spinal cord. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) As it reaches the ankle, the posterior tibial artery divides to form the medial and lateral plantar arteries, which supply blood to the plantar surface of the foot. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) The branching pattern of peripheral veins is much more variable than that of arteries. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The sigmoid sinus penetrates the jugular foramen and leaves the skull as the external jugular vein on that side. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

11) At birth, dramatic changes occur in the cardiovascular system. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 22.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Age-related changes in the blood vessels may include decreased elasticity of arteries and veins. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 22.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22.3 Essay Questions 1) What mechanisms assist venous return to the heart? Answer: The blood pressure in venules and medium-sized veins is too low to oppose the force of gravity. As a result, blood can backflow, unless opposed by special mechanisms, such as oneway valves. In the limbs, veins of this size contain one-way valves that are formed from infoldings of the tunica intima. These valves act like the valves in the heart, preventing the backflow of blood. As long as the valves function normally, any movement that distorts or compresses a vein will push blood toward the heart. The valves act to compartmentalize the blood within the veins, dividing the weight of the blood between the compartments. Additionally, movement in the surrounding skeletal muscles in the region acts to squeeze the blood toward the heart, segment by segment. This mechanism is called a skeletal muscle pump. Learning Outcome: 22.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) What is the role of the azygos vein and its tributaries in returning blood to the vena cava? Answer: The azygos vein is the major tributary of the superior vena cava (SVC). The other two vessels that are tributaries of the superior vena cava are the left and right brachiocephalic veins, which merge at the level of the first and second ribs to form the SVC. The azygos vein ascends from the lumbar region over the right side of the vertebral column to invade the thoracic cavity through the diaphragm. The azygos vein joins the SVC at the level of vertebra T2. On the left side, the azygos vein receives blood from the smaller hemi-azygos vein. The hemi-azygos vein may also drain into the highest intercostal vein, a tributary of the left brachiocephalic vein, by way of a small accessory hemi-azygos vein. Together, the azygos and hemi-azygos veins are the chief collecting vessels of the thorax. They receive blood from the intercostal veins (which receive blood from the chest muscles), the esophageal veins (which drain blood from the esophagus), and smaller veins draining other mediastinal structures. Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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3) What mechanism(s) and structures maintain the blood supply to the brain under various conditions? Answer: The brain has a dual blood supply. The internal carotid arteries normally supply the arteries of the anterior half of the cerebrum, and the rest of the brain receives blood from the vertebral arteries. But this circulatory pattern can easily change, because the internal carotid arteries and the basilar artery are interconnected in a ring-shaped anastomosis, called the cerebral arterial circle. This anastomosis encircles the infundibulum of the pituitary gland. With this arrangement, the brain can receive blood from either or both arterial sources, the carotid or the vertebral arteries, and the chances of a serious interruption of circulation are reduced. Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 4) What is the pathway of blood into, through, and out of the hepatic portal system? Answer: The liver is the only digestive organ drained by the inferior vena cava (IVC). Blood leaving the capillary beds supplied by the celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric arteries flows into the veins of the hepatic portal system instead of traveling directly to the IVC. The hepatic portal system begins in the capillaries of the digestive organs and ends as the hepatic portal vein discharges blood into sinusoids in the liver. The tributaries of the hepatic portal vein include the following: 1) the inferior mesenteric vein collects blood from capillaries along the inferior portion of the large intestine; 2) the splenic vein is formed by the union of the inferior mesenteric vein and veins from the spleen, the lateral border of the stomach (left gastroepiploic vein), and the pancreas (pancreatic veins); and 3) the superior mesenteric vein collects blood from veins draining the stomach (right gastroepiploic vein), the small intestine (intestinal and pancreaticoduodenal veins), and two-thirds of the large intestine (ileocolic, right colic, and middle colic veins). The hepatic portal vein forms through the fusion of the superior mesenteric and splenic veins. Most of the nutrients and the greater volume of blood comes from the superior mesenteric artery. As it proceeds toward the liver, the hepatic portal vein also receives blood from the gastric veins, which drain the medial border of the stomach, and from the cystic veins from the gallbladder. In the portal triads at the periphery of liver lobules, the branches of the hepatic portal vein empty into liver sinusoids. As the blood flows through the sinusoids, nutrients are absorbed by hepatic cells before the blood reaches the central vein. Blood is eventually drained from the liver through hepatic veins into the inferior vena cava. Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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22.4 Labeling Questions Figure 22.1

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Aortic arch B) Ascending aorta C) Right subclavian artery D) Radial artery E) Brachiocephalic trunk 23 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Brachiocephalic trunk B) Brachial artery C) Aortic arch D) Right subclavian artery E) Ascending aorta Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Radial artery B) Brachiocephalic trunk C) Aortic arch D) Ascending aorta E) Right subclavian artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Right subclavian artery B) Celiac trunk C) Brachiocephalic trunk D) Aortic arch E) Brachial artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Celiac trunk B) Right subclavian artery C) Aortic arch D) Brachial artery E) Brachiocephalic trunk Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Ascending aorta B) Aortic arch C) Right subclavian artery D) Brachiocephalic trunk E) Radial artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Ulnar artery B) Radial artery C) Celiac trunk D) Brachiocephalic trunk E) Axillary artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Popliteal artery B) External iliac artery C) Superior mesenteric artery D) Axillary artery E) Inferior mesenteric artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Femoral artery B) Inferior mesenteric artery C) Internal iliac artery D) Superior mesenteric artery E) Common iliac artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Inferior mesenteric artery B) Superior mesenteric artery C) Common iliac artery D) Internal iliac artery E) Femoral artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Common iliac artery B) Femoral artery C) Superior mesenteric artery D) Inferior mesenteric artery E) Internal iliac artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Y. A) Left common carotid artery B) Superior mesenteric artery C) Pulmonary trunk D) Renal artery E) Inferior mesenteric artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label CC. A) Renal artery B) Inferior mesenteric artery C) Left common carotid artery D) Superior mesenteric artery E) Pulmonary trunk Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label DD. A) Inferior mesenteric artery B) Left common carotid artery C) Renal artery D) Axillary artery E) Superior mesenteric artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label FF. A) Subclavian artery B) Renal artery C) Left common carotid artery D) Superior mesenteric artery E) Inferior mesenteric artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 22.2

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Internal carotid artery B) Anterior cerebral artery C) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery D) Vertebral artery E) Basilar artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Vertebral artery B) Anterior cerebral artery C) Basilar artery D) Internal carotid artery E) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Anterior cerebral artery B) Posterior cerebral artery C) Anterior communicating artery D) Posterior communicating artery E) Internal carotid artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Middle cerebral artery B) Basilar artery C) Posterior cerebral artery D) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery E) Vertebral artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Basilar artery B) Vertebral artery C) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery D) Posterior cerebral artery E) Middle cerebral artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Middle cerebral artery B) Vertebral artery C) Basilar artery D) Posterior cerebral artery E) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery B) Middle cerebral artery C) Basilar artery D) Posterior inferior cerebellar artery E) Vertebral artery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Posterior cerebral artery B) Basilar artery C) Vertebral artery D) Middle cerebral artery E) Anterior inferior cerebellar artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Posterior communicating artery B) Anterior communicating artery C) Superior cerebellar artery D) Anterior cerebral artery E) Posterior cerebral artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Anterior cerebral artery B) Posterior communicating artery C) Posterior cerebral artery D) Anterior communicating artery E) Superior cerebellar artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 22.3

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Basilic vein B) Subclavian vein C) Brachial vein D) Axillary vein E) External jugular vein Answer: E 32 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Subclavian vein B) Axillary vein C) Basilic vein D) Brachial vein E) External jugular vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Axillary vein B) Cephalic vein C) Subclavian vein D) Basilic vein E) Brachial vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) External jugular vein B) Cephalic vein C) Brachial vein D) Subclavian vein E) Basilic vein Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Brachial vein B) External jugular vein C) Cephalic vein D) Basilic vein E) Subclavian vein Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Digital vein B) Radial vein C) Ulnar vein D) Median cubital vein E) Great saphenous vein Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Radial vein B) Great saphenous vein C) Median cubital vein D) Ulnar vein E) Digital vein Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Femoral vein B) Small saphenous vein C) Fibular vein D) Great saphenous vein E) Tibial vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Z. A) Inferior vena cava B) Common iliac vein C) Renal vein D) External iliac vein E) Lumbar vein Answer: D Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label AA. A) External iliac vein B) Renal vein C) Lumbar vein D) Inferior vena cava E) Common iliac vein Answer: E Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label DD. A) Common iliac vein B) Renal vein C) External iliac vein D) Lumbar vein E) Inferior vena cava Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label EE. A) Lumbar vein B) Common iliac vein C) Inferior vena cava D) Renal vein E) External iliac vein Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label GG. A) Superior vena cava B) Brachiocephalic vein C) Great saphenous vein D) Inferior vena cava E) Internal jugular vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label HH. A) Internal jugular vein B) Inferior vena cava C) Brachiocephalic vein D) Superior vena cava E) Great saphenous vein Answer: C Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label II. A) Brachiocephalic vein B) Internal jugular vein C) Superior vena cava D) Great saphenous vein E) Inferior vena cava Answer: B Learning Outcome: 22.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 23 The Lymphatic System 23.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) In the lymphatic system, most invading pathogens are first encountered by ________. A) primary lymphatic structures B) tertiary lymphatic structures C) the skin D) secondary lymphatic structures E) the liver Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Which of the following is a primary function of the lymphatic system in the body? A) to produce hormones B) to maintain actin and myosin concentrations for muscle contractions C) to produce, maintain, and distribute lymphocytes D) to distribute erythrocytes E) to produce myelin-producing cells Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Components of the lymphatic system include the: (1) pancreas (2) spleen (3) lymphatic vessels (4) thymus (5) lymph nodes (6) thoracic duct A) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 B) 1, 3, 5, 6 C) 1, 4, 6 D) 1, 2, 3, 4 E) 1, 4, 5, 6 Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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4) The lymphatic system functions to maintain normal blood volume and eliminate local variations in the ________. A) pH of blood B) production of urine C) composition of CSF D) number of peripheral synapses E) composition of interstitial fluid Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Interstitial fluid resembles blood, but with a lower concentration of ________. A) lipids B) proteins C) nucleic acids D) macrophages E) lymphocytes Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The composition of lymph is most similar to ________. A) whole blood B) blood plasma C) interstitial fluid D) intracellular fluid E) none of these Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Lipids absorbed in the digestive tract enter ________ in the intestinal wall. A) capillaries B) lymph nodes C) lacteals D) macrophages E) microglia Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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8) How do lymphatic vessels differ from those of either the arterial or the venous system? A) They do not run together with either the arteries or the veins. B) The internal valves of small to medium lymphatic vessels are spaced close enough to give the vessel the appearance of a string of beads. C) They have fewer valves than do the veins. D) They have thicker walls than veins, but less thick than those of the arteries. E) They have visibly delineated tunics. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Compared to blood capillaries, lymphatic capillaries ________. A) are much less permeable B) are smaller in diameter C) have smaller gaps between endothelial cells D) are more permeable E) have a round, regular outline Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Lymphatics carry lymph only from peripheral tissues to the ________. A) fourth ventricle B) venous system C) renal system D) digestive system E) arterial system Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The lymphatic network begins with the ________. A) lymph nodes B) aggregated lymphoid nodules C) lymphatic capillaries D) cisterna chyli E) lymphatic nodules Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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12) Deep lymphatic vessels are found ________. A) in the walls of organs B) near deep arteries and veins C) in the brain D) under mucous membranes E) in subcutaneous tissue Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) The origin of the thoracic duct in most individuals is the ________. A) cisterna chyli B) MALT C) cervical lymph node D) deep lymphatic trunk E) aggregated lymphoid nodule Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) The ________ collects lymph from both sides of the body inferior to the diaphragm. A) right lymphatic duct B) thoracic duct C) spleen D) thymus E) cisterna chyli Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Lymph is transported through a network of increasingly larger lymphatic vessels. What is the correct order of these, from smallest diameter to largest diameter? A) Capillaries - ducts - trunks - vessels B) Ducts - capillaries - vessels - trunks C) Vessels - capillaries - trunks - ducts D) Ducts - vessels - capillaries - trunks E) Capillaries - vessels - trunks — ducts Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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16) Lymphatic trunks collect lymph from ________. A) lacteals B) superficial lymphatics and veins C) deep lymphatics and arteries D) both superficial and deep lymphatics E) arteries Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) The right lymphatic duct ________. A) carries lymph to the right brachiocephalic vein B) carries lymph originating in tissues superior to the diaphragm on the right side of the body C) carries lymph from tissues inferior to the diaphragm D) varies very little from individual to individual E) empties into the axillary vein Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Which of the lymphatic trunks drain into the cisterna chyli? A) intestinal trunks B) lumbar trunks C) intestinal trunks and lumbar trunks D) subclavian trunks and jugular trunks E) bronchomediastinal trunks and intestinal trunks Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Which organ or tissue contains equal numbers of B and T cells? A) bone marrow B) thymus C) blood D) spleen E) liver Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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20) Which of the following is a function of the cytotoxic T cells? A) removal of abnormal blood cells B) humoral immunity C) iron storage D) initiation of the immune response E) cell-mediated immunity Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) What is the function of a lymphocyte's membrane receptors? A) recognize specific antigens B) produce antibodies C) initiate mitosis to generate memory lymphocytes D) monitor pH of interstitial fluids E) bind to other lymphocytes to attack pathogens Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Which cells become activated only if the antigen appears in the body at a later date? A) helper T cells B) regulatory cells C) macrophages D) memory B cells E) cytotoxic T cells Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Helper T cells and regulatory T cells ________. A) include approximately 10—15 percent of the circulating lymphocytes B) can differentiate into plasmocytes when appropriately stimulated C) are solely responsible for the phenomenon in the body known as "humoral immunity" D) control the activation and activity of B cells E) are responsible for the production and secretion of antibodies Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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24) Which cell population primarily functions in providing antibody-mediated immunity? A) B cells B) helper T cells C) macrophages D) granulocytes E) regulatory T cells Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) ________ confer cell-mediated immunity on the body tissues they defend. A) Helper T cells B) NK cells C) Regulatory T cells D) B cells E) Cytotoxic T cells Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) B cells can differentiate into plasma cells, which are responsible for the production and secretion of ________. A) lymphocytes B) antibodies C) erythrocytes D) platelets E) antigens Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Cells that attack foreign cells, normal cells infected with viruses, and cancer cells that appear in normal tissues are ________. A) NK cells B) memory B cells C) regulatory T cells D) cytotoxic T cells E) plasmocytes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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28) A typical B cell spends about ________ in a lymph node before moving to another location. A) 20 minutes B) 12 hours C) 30 hours D) 1 week E) 2 months Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Lymphocytopoiesis is the production of lymphocytes and it occurs in both the bone marrow and the ________. A) spleen B) liver C) thymus D) lymph nodes E) thyroid Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Immunological surveillance is the function of activated macrophages and which of the following? A) cytotoxic T cells B) regulatory T cells C) plasmocytes D) NK cells E) helper T cells Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Which of the following are described as large lymphoid nodules that are located in the walls of the pharynx? A) thymus glands B) lymph nodes C) thymic corpuscles D) tonsils E) aggregated lymphoid nodules Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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32) Lymphoid nodules in the walls of the small intestine are called ________. A) germinal centers B) thymic corpuscles C) nodes D) aggregated lymphoid nodules E) lingual tonsils Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) In mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT), lymphocytes are aggregated in the epithelia of the ________. A) urinary system B) respiratory system C) reproductive system D) endocrine system E) MALT is found in all of these systems. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Large lymphoid nodules in the tissue at the rear of the mouth are not visible due to their location at the base of the tongue, are called ________. A) palatine tonsils B) Peyer's patches C) pharyngeal tonsils D) lingual tonsils E) aggregated lymphoid nodules Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Blood vessels and nerves enter and exit a lymph node at the ________ of the node. A) apex B) base C) cortex D) medulla E) hilum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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36) If the medulla of a lymph node is damaged, what components of the lymphatic system will be affected? A) NK cells B) T cells C) B cells D) lacteals E) None; this region does not produce any types of lymphocytes. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 37) Which lymph nodes might become infected as a result of a bladder infection? A) axillary lymph nodes B) aggregated lymphoid nodules C) thoracic lymph nodes D) abdominal lymph nodes E) cervical lymph nodes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 38) Which lymph nodes would likely become inflamed with an ear infection? A) cervical lymph nodes B) axillary lymph nodes C) none of the lymph nodes, but the spleen D) intestinal lymph nodes E) thoracic lymph nodes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 39) Which is NOT TRUE regarding the thymus gland? A) It is a bilobed organ located in the mediastinum. B) It is fully encapsulated by connective tissue. C) Each thymic lobe is subdivided into lobules. D) It reaches its maximum size at puberty, then regresses. E) Its thymic corpuscles are the site of T-lymphocyte maturation. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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40) The capsule that covers the thymus divides it into ________. A) two thymic lobes B) many lobules C) several unstructured nodules D) several reservoirs for storage of hormones E) lacteals Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Which of the following is (are) TRUE of the cortex of thymic lobules? A) It lacks an internal structure of a cortex and a medulla. B) It is the site of the production of lymphocytes, but not of the T cells. C) It contains lymphoid stem cells. D) It contains special capillaries that allow for free exchange between the circulation and the interstitial fluid. E) They average approximately 20mm in width. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) The medulla of the thymus contains ________. A) thymic corpuscles B) B cells C) macrophages D) granulocytes E) lymphoid stem cells Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Which of the following splenic structures forms lymphoid nodules? A) red pulp B) trabeculae C) white pulp D) medulla E) cortex Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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44) Which of the following is NOT a function of the spleen? A) removal of abnormal blood cells from the blood B) collection of fluids from the surrounding tissues C) storage of iron D) initiation of immune responses from B and T cells E) production of lymphocytes Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) The cell population of the white pulp ________. A) occupies primarily the visceral surface of the organ B) includes lymphocytes C) releases red blood cells into the lymphatic vessels D) includes all of the normal components of the circulating blood E) includes microglia Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Which of the following is a lymphoid function of the spleen? A) production of B and T cells B) maturation of T cells C) phagocytosis of damaged or infected cells circulating with the blood D) addition of many new NK cells to the circulation E) filtration of lymph Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Which is NOT TRUE regarding the spleen? A) It has an outer cortex and inner medulla. B) It is divided into sections by capsular extensions called trabeculae. C) Its white pulp consists of lymphatic cells. D) It stores erythrocytes. E) Its blood is supplied by the splenic artery and drained by the splenic vein. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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48) The splenic artery, splenic vein, and lymphatics that drain the spleen enter and exit at which structure? A) medulla B) trabeculae C) cortex D) hilum E) nodule Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) Which of the following is not an aging-dependent problem of the lymphatic system? A) appendicitis B) T cells become less responsive C) increased susceptibility to infection D) cancer incidence increases E) reduced number of helper T cells Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Elongated masses of dense lymphoid tissue between the sinuses in the medulla of lymph nodes are known as ________. A) medullary cords B) corpuscles C) the deep cortex D) paracortical areas E) the outer cortex Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Thymic hormones, which are responsible for functional T cell differentiation, in the thymus are produced by ________. A) erythrocytes B) white pulp C) red pulp D) epithelial reticular cells E) plasmocytes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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52) The process in which the thymus degenerates with age is called ________. A) inhibition B) involution C) cortication D) mediation E) hypertrophy Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) In which abdominal quadrant is the spleen located? A) left upper quadrant B) right upper quadrant C) left lower quadrant D) right lower quadrant E) none of these choices are correct Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 54) Large quantities of ________ are contained in the red pulp of the spleen. A) lymphoid nodules B) platelets C) lymphocytes D) erythrocytes E) NK cells Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Trabecular arteries radiate toward the capsule of the ________, branching extensively and surrounded by white pulp. A) spleen B) thymus C) MALT nodules D) tonsils E) liver Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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56) The ________ of the spleen contain(s) indentations that follow the shapes of the stomach and kidneys. A) hilum B) visceral surface C) medulla D) trabeculae E) diaphragmatic surface Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) The increased incidence of ________ in the elderly reflects the fact that immune surveillance declines. A) heart attacks B) strokes C) cancer D) muscle injury E) gallstones Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) With advancing age, the lymphatic system ________. A) becomes less efficient at absorbing dietary lipids B) ceases to transport lymph C) produces an increasing number and variety of B-lymphocytes D) is less responsive to antigens E) All choices are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23.2 True/False Questions 1) Lymphatic vessels originate in peripheral tissues and deliver lymph to the venous system. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The walls of lymphatic capillaries are only one cell thick. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) One of the functions of the lymphatic system is to transport fat. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Larger lymphatics, like veins, contain internal valves. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 23.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Superficial lymphatics are more numerous than superficial veins, and have very few anastomoses. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Antigens are usually associated with pathogens, parts or products of pathogens, or other foreign compounds. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 23.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) With advancing age, the number of helper T cells is increased, making B cells more responsive. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 23.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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23.3 Essay Questions 1) Discuss appendicitis and why appendectomies are sometimes necessary. Answer: Appendicitis generally follows an erosion of the epithelial lining of the vermiform appendix. Several factors may be responsible for the initial ulceration–notably, bacterial or viral pathogens. Bacteria that normally inhabit the lumen of the large intestine then cross the epithelium and enter the underlying tissues. Inflammation occurs, and the opening between the vermiform appendix and the rest of the intestinal tract may become constricted. Mucous secretion and pus formation accelerate, and the organ becomes increasingly distended. Eventually, the swollen and inflamed appendix may rupture, or perforate. If it does, bacteria will be released into the warm, dark, moist confines of the peritoneal space, where they can cause a life-threatening peritonitis. The most effective treatment for appendicitis is the surgical removal of the organ, a procedure known as an appendectomy. Learning Outcome: 23.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) Paula's grandfather is diagnosed as having lung cancer. His physician orders biopsies of several lymph nodes from neighboring regions of the body, and Paula wonders why, since the cancer is in his lungs. What would you tell her? Answer: Lymphatics are found in most regions of the body, and lymphatic capillaries offer little resistance to the passage of cancer cells. As a result, metastasizing cancer cells often spread along that lymphatics. Under these circumstances, the lymph nodes serve as way stations for migrating cancer cells. Thus, an analysis of lymph nodes can provide information on the spread of the cancer cells, and such information has a direct influence on the selection of appropriate therapies. One example is the classification of breast cancer or lymphomas by the degree of lymph node involvement. Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 3) How does the blood-thymus barrier function to prevent premature stimulation of developing T cells? Answer: The capillaries of the thymus resemble those of the CNS in that they do not permit free exchange between the interstitial fluid and the circulation. This lack of contact prevents antigens in the circulating blood from stimulating the developing T cells prior to their release into the circulation. Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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4) When is a hematologic stem cell transplant utilized as a treatment option? What are the risks? Answer: A hematologic stem cell transplant, commonly known as a bone marrow transplant, is often a treatment option for acute, late-stage lymphoma. (Lymphomas are malignant tumors consisting of cancerous lymphocytes or lymphoid stem cells.) When suitable donor marrow stem cells are available, the patient receives whole-body irradiation, chemotherapy, or some combination of the two sufficient to kill tumor cells throughout the body. Unfortunately, this treatment also destroys normal bone marrow stem cells. Donor stem cells are then infused. Within two weeks, the donor cells colonize the bone marrow and begin producing new blood cells. Potential complications of stem cell transplantation include the risk of infection and bleeding while the donor marrow is becoming established. For a person with stage I or stage II lymphoma without bone marrow involvement, bone marrow can be removed and stored (frozen) for more than 10 years. If other treatment options fail or if the person comes out of remission at a later date, an autologous marrow transplant can be performed. Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 5) What role does the lymphatic system play in metastatic cancer? Answer: Cancer that starts in the lymph nodes it is called lymphoma. More often, cancer starts somewhere else (primary tumor) and then spreads to lymph nodes. When cancer cells break away from the primary tumor, they travel through the bloodstream to the lymphatic system. Most of the escaped cancer cells die or are killed by NK cells before they can start growing. However, one or two might settle in new areas and begin to grow, forming metastatic tumors. Cancers that often spread through the bloodstream include hepatomas (primary liver tumors) and sarcomas (connective tissue tumor). Cancers that tend to metastasize through the lymphatic system include carcinomas (cancers derived from epithelial cells, chiefly glandular or squamous), such as breast and ovarian cancer, and melanomas (malignant tumors derived from melanin-forming cells). Eventually, all lymph ends up in the venous system, so cancers that start in the lymphatic system eventually travel through the blood. Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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23.4 Labeling Questions Figure 23.1

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions.

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1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Spleen B) Cervical lymph nodes C) Cisterna chyli D) Tonsil E) Thymus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Cervical lymph nodes B) Cisterna chyli C) Thymus D) Lumbar lymph nodes E) Tonsil Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Spleen B) Right lymphatic duct C) Tonsil D) Cisterna chyli E) Thymus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Right lymphatic duct B) Cisterna chyli C) Thymus D) Tonsil E) Spleen Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Lumbar lymph nodes B) Cervical lymph nodes C) Right lymphatic duct D) Cisterna chyli E) Thoracic duct Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Cisterna chyli B) Thymus C) Spleen D) Lumbar lymph nodes E) Cervical lymph nodes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Thymus B) Cervical lymph nodes C) Cisterna chyli D) Lumbar lymph nodes E) Thoracic duct Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Inguinal lymph nodes B) Cisterna chyli C) Thoracic duct D) Lumbar lymph nodes E) Cervical lymph nodes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Right lymphatic duct B) Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) C) Cervical lymph nodes D) Thoracic (left lymphatic) duct E) Cisterna chyli Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Thymus B) Tonsil C) Cisterna chyli D) Spleen E) Lumbar lymph nodes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Cervical lymph nodes B) Cisterna chyli C) Thoracic (left lymphatic) duct D) Lumbar lymph nodes E) Right lymphatic duct Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Right lymphatic duct B) Lumbar lymph node C) Cisterna chyli D) Cervical lymph nodes E) Axillary lymph nodes Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 23.2

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Azygos veins B) Brachiocephalic veins C) Hemi-azygos vein D) Cisterna chyli E) Superior vena cava Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Superior vena cava B) Cisterna chyli C) Right internal jugular vein D) Azygos vein E) Hemi-azygos vein Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Right jugular vein B) Right subclavian trunk C) Cisterna chyli D) Right lymphatic duct E) Inferior vena cava Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Right lymphatic duct B) Right jugular vein C) Superior vena cava D) Inferior vena cava E) Right subclavian trunk Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Superior vena cava B) Right bronchomediastinal trunk C) Right jugular vein D) Inferior vena cava E) Right lymphatic duct Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Intestinal trunk B) Right jugular vein C) Superior vena cava D) Right lymphatic duct E) Inferior vena cava Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Azygos vein B) Inferior vena cava C) Right lymphatic duct D) Intestinal trunk E) Superior vena cava Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Cisterna chyli B) Intestinal trunk C) Right lumbar trunk D) Superior vena cava E) Inferior vena cava Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Right lumbar trunk B) Cisterna chyli C) Superior vena cava D) Inferior vena cava E) Intestinal trunk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Left subclavian trunk B) Left bronchomediastinal trunk C) Left jugular vein D) Thoracic lymph nodes E) Cisterna chyli Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Thoracic duct B) Highest intercostal vein C) Left bronchomediastinal trunk D) Left jugular vein E) Left subclavian trunk Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Y. A) Highest intercostal vein B) Left jugular vein C) Left subclavian trunk D) Thoracic duct E) Left bronchomediastinal trunk Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 23.3

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Hilum B) Afferent vessel C) Trabeculae D) Medullary cord E) Efferent vessel Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Afferent vessel B) Trabeculae C) Efferent vessel D) Medulla E) Cortex Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Cortex B) Efferent vessel C) Medulla D) Capsule E) Trabeculae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Medulla B) Trabeculae C) Cortex D) Capsule E) Afferent vessel Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Afferent vessel B) Medulla C) Capsule D) Paracortex (T cells) E) Trabeculae Answer: D Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Cortex B) Trabeculae C) Hilum D) Afferent vessel E) Medullary cord Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Medullary cord B) Afferent vessel C) Cortex D) Trabeculae E) Hilum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Capsule B) Hilum C) Trabeculae D) Medulla E) Cortex (B cells) Answer: E Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Cortex B) Medullary sinus C) Capsule D) Hilum E) Afferent vessel Answer: B Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Medullary cord B) Capsule C) Hilum D) Cortex E) Medulla Answer: C Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Lymph node artery and vein B) Afferent lymphatic vessel C) Medullary cord D) Trabeculae E) Efferent lymphatic vessel Answer: A Learning Outcome: 23.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 24 The Respiratory System 24.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following structures is included in the respiratory portion of the respiratory tract? A) posterior nasal apertures B) alveoli C) carina D) main bronchi E) lobar bronchi Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The respiratory epithelium consists of which tissue type? A) stratified squamous epithelium B) transitional epithelium C) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium D) simple ciliated columnar epithelium E) pseudostratified ciliated squamous epithelium Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Filtration, warming, and humidification of inhaled air occur throughout the conducting portion of the respiratory system, but the greatest changes occur within (the) ________. A) nasal cavity B) oral cavity C) pharynx D) carina E) larynx Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 4) The upper respiratory system consists of the nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and ________. A) trachea B) lungs C) nasopharynx D) bronchi E) larynx Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 1 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) The respiratory system functions in all, except ________. A) sound reception B) gas exchange C) olfaction D) gas conditioning E) defense Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 6) The anterior portion of the nasal septum is formed of ________. A) fibrocartilage B) hyaline cartilage C) elastic cartilage D) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium E) spongy bone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The external opening into the nasal cavity is through the ________. A) posterior nasal apertures B) pharyngeal cavity C) nostrils D) paranasal sinuses E) inferior nasal conchae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Which systems share the pharynx? A) respiratory and cardiovascular B) endocrine and digestive C) digestive and lymphatic D) respiratory and endocrine E) digestive and respiratory Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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9) A bony hard palate, formed by the ________ and ________ bones, forms the floor of the nasal cavity and separates the oral and nasal cavities. A) mandible; zygomatic B) zygomatic; nasal C) mandibuler; palatine D) maxillae; nasal E) maxillae; palatine Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 10) Where are the openings of the auditory tubes located? A) laryngopharynx B) posterior nasal aperture C) nasopharynx D) superior meatus E) oropharynx Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The laryngopharynx is lined by which type of epithelium? A) simple cuboidal B) nonkeratinized stratified squamous C) stratified squamous D) pseudostratified ciliated columnar E) nonkeratinized stratified columnar Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Which statement is untrue regarding the oropharynx? A) It houses the paired palatine tonsils. B) It is located posterior to the oral cavity. C) It houses the lingual tonsils. D) It houses the pharyngeal tonsils. E) It extends from the level of the hyoid bone to beginning of the esophagus. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Inhaled air leaves the pharynx by passing through which structure? A) carina B) palatoglossal arch C) uvula D) glottis E) laryngeal prominence Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) What structure prevents food and drink from entering the trachea; conducts air and produces sound? A) the esophagus B) the bronchi C) the pharynx D) the nasal cavity E) the larynx Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Which of the following laryngeal cartilages are elastic cartilages? A) cuneiform cartilages B) arytenoid cartilages C) cricoid cartilages D) thyroid cartilage E) corniculate cartilages Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Which structure(s) is/are known as false vocal cords? A) extrinsic ligaments B) vocal folds C) intrinsic ligaments D) vestibular folds E) vocal ligaments Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) The largest laryngeal cartilage is the ________ cartilage, commonly called the Adam's apple. A) thyroid B) arytenoid C) cricoid D) corniculate E) cuneiform Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Within the trachea, the ________ contains mucous glands that secrete mucus onto the epithelial surface through secretory ducts. A) serosa B) muscularis externa C) lamina propria D) submucosa E) adventitia Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Which of the following structures is C-shaped? A) cricoid cartilages B) thyroid cartilage C) tracheal cartilages D) corniculate cartilages E) arytenoid cartilages Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Which structure attaches each tracheal cartilage to its adjacent cartilage? A) annular ligament B) longitudinal ligament C) lateral ligament D) anterior esophageal ligament E) posterior esophageal ligament Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) At the level of ________ the trachea branches within the mediastinum, giving rise to the right and left main bronchi. A) T5 B) T7 C) C5 D) T3 E) C7 Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) The carina is an internal ridge that lies between the entrances to the ________. A) lower bronchi B) main bronchi C) bronchioles D) lobar bronchi E) segmental bronchi Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The walls of the main, lobar, and segmental bronchi contain progressively lesser amounts of ________. A) cartilage B) smooth muscle C) adipose tissue D) epithelium E) skeletal muscle Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 24) The left lung is longer than the right lung because the diaphragm rises higher on the right side to accommodate which structure? A) liver B) spleen C) heart D) large intestine E) stomach Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Which surfaces of both lungs bear grooves that mark the positions of the great vessels and the heart? A) lateral B) inferior C) costal D) anterior E) mediastinal Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The connective tissues of the interlobular septa are continuous with which structure(s)? A) visceral pericardium B) visceral pleura C) parietal pericardium D) parietal pleura E) hilum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 27) The right main bronchus is shorter, has a larger diameter, and descends toward the lung at a more ________ angle than the left. A) horizontal B) vertical C) coronal D) frontal E) anteverted Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Which structures divide to form segmental bronchi? A) carina B) segmental bronchi C) main bronchi D) lobar bronchi E) bronchioles Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Each bronchopulmonary segment consists of the lung tissue associated with how many segmental bronchi? A) five B) three C) one D) four E) two Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Bronchodilation is caused by sympathetic activation and the release of which neurotransmitter? A) acetylcholine B) epinephrine C) serotonin D) dopamine E) nitrous oxide Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 31) The walls of terminal bronchioles contain a significant amount of which tissue type? A) smooth muscle B) hyaline cartilage C) skeletal muscle D) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium E) elastic cartilage Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Which are the thinnest and most delicate branches of the bronchial tree? A) segmental bronchi B) lobar bronchi C) terminal bronchioles D) main bronchi E) respiratory bronchioles Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Each lung consists of approximately how many alveoli? A) 100,000 B) one billion C) 500,000 D) 150 million E) 100 billion Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Which cell type produces surfactant? A) type I alveolar cells B) alveolar macrophages C) type II alveolar cells D) simple squamous cells E) endothelial capillary cells Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 35) The typical cell making up the alveolar wall is the ________. A) type II alveolar cell B) type I alveolar cell C) alveolar macrophages D) capillary endothelial cell E) simple columnar cell Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 36) The capillaries surrounding each alveolus are surrounded by a network of ________. A) collagen B) hyaline cartilage C) reticular fibers D) elastic cartilage E) elastic fibers Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Which is a chronic, progressive condition characterized by shortness of breath and an inability to tolerate physical exertion, whose underlying problem is that the lung tissue has lost its elasticity? A) bronchitis B) respiratory distress syndrome C) lung cancer D) emphysema E) asthma Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 38) Which hormone is involved with the regulation of blood volume and blood pressure? A) angiotensin II B) renin C) erythropoietin D) hydrolase E) vasopressin Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 39) At which developmental stage do the type II alveolar cells begin producing surfactant? A) the eighth fetal month B) the end of the fourth fetal month C) the end of the sixth fetal month D) early fifth fetal month E) early third fetal month Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Which inflammatory condition is characterized by frequent coughing with excessive mucus production and coughing up mucus? A) adult respiratory distress syndrome B) bronchitis C) emphysema D) asthma E) neonatal respiratory distress syndrome Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) Which condition can result from a hypersensitivity reaction (allergy), cold temperature, or exercise? A) adult respiratory distress syndrome B) emphysema C) positive end-expiratory pressure D) asthma E) bronchitis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) The apicoposterior is a bronchopulmonary segment of which of the following? A) inferior lobe of left lung B) inferior lobe of right lung C) middle lobe of right lung D) superior lobe of left lung E) superior lobe of right lung Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) The left main bronchus divides into how many lobar bronchi? A) one B) four C) five D) three E) two Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) In a tracheostomy procedure, an incision is made through which structure? A) carina B) cricoid cartilage C) anterior tracheal wall D) right main bronchus E) posterior tracheal wall Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) The respiratory membrane consists of all elements, except ________. A) capillary endothelium B) fused basement membranes C) type I cell D) type II cell E) All of these elements are part of the respiratory membrane. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Why does diffusion across the respiratory membrane proceed very rapidly? A) because the gases are lipid-soluble B) because the distance across the respiratory membrane is short C) because the basement membrane of the alveolar epithelium is fused with the adjacent capillaries D) because the the surface area of the blood-air barrier is large E) All answer choices are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 47) Positive end-expiratory pressure is an effective treatment procedure for which condition? A) lung cancer B) emphysema C) adult respiratory distress syndrome D) bronchitis E) asthma Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Surfactant abnormalities can develop in adults as the result of severe respiratory infections or pulmonary injuries, which may result in alveolar collapse, producing a condition known as ________. A) adult respiratory distress syndrome B) emphysema C) positive end-expiratory pressure D) lung cancer E) neonatal respiratory distress syndrome Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) Blood from the pulmonary veins enter which of the following structures? A) coronary sinus B) right ventricle C) left ventricle D) right atrium E) left atrium Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) The apical bronchopulmonary segment is from which lobe of the lungs? A) right middle lobe B) right superior lobe C) right inferior lobe D) left superior lobe E) left inferior lobe Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) Which structure or region separates the pleural cavities? A) diaphragm B) larynx C) mediastinum D) epiglottis E) intercostal muscles Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) In ________, the thoracic volume changes because the rib cage changes shape. A) diaphragmatic breathing B) hyperpnea C) forced breathing D) costal breathing E) deep breathing Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) Which of the following is/are a primary respiratory muscle(s) for inhalation? A) rectus abdominis B) external oblique muscle C) internal intercostal muscles D) transversus thoracis muscle E) external intercostal muscles Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Contraction of these muscles depresses the ribs during forced exhalation. A) external intercostals B) scalenes C) transversus thoracis D) internal intercostals E) serratus posterior inferior Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 55) In a fetus, the ductus arteriosus is the fetal connection between the pulmonary trunk and which structure(s)? A) aorta B) superior vena cava C) coronary sinus D) inferior vena cava E) thoracic arteries Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Regarding respiratory changes at birth, changes in blood flow that occur lead to the closure of the ________, the embryonic interatrial connection. A) ductus venosus B) foramen ovale C) ligamentum arteriosum D) foramen magnum E) internal acoustic meatus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) Higher centers that influence respiration are found in the cerebrum and in the ________. A) epithalamus B) cerebellum C) pons D) medulla E) hypothalamus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) The respiratory centers are three pairs of loosely organized nuclei in the reticular formation of the pons and (the) ________. A) cerebellum B) basal ganglia C) pineal body D) medulla oblongata E) thalamus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) Which of the following regarding aging and the respiratory system is TRUE? A) The lungs' ability to deflate actually increases. B) Respiratory volume remains unchanged after age 30. C) Roughly one square foot of respiratory membrane is lost each year after age 30. D) Emphysema is only present in individuals who smoke. E) Elastic tissue in the respiratory system is not affected by age. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.11 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) With increasing age, the reduction in the lungs' ability to inflate and deflate is due to the deterioration of ________ throughout the body. A) lymphatic tissue B) elastic tissue C) smooth muscle D) hyaline cartilage E) skeletal muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.11 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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24.2 True/False Questions 1) Filtering, warming, and humidification of the inhaled air begins at the entrance to the upper respiratory system and continues throughout the rest of the conducting system. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 24.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The maxillae, nasal and frontal bones, ethmoid, and sphenoid form the medial and inferior walls of the nasal cavity. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The cricoid cartilage is a complete ring whose posterior portion is greatly expanded, providing support in the absence of the thyroid cartilage. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 24.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The lining of the trachea consists of respiratory epithelium overlying a layer of loose connective tissue called the lamina propria, which separates the respiratory epithelium from underlying cartilages. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 24.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The right main bronchus has a larger diameter than the left, and it descends toward the lung at a steeper angle. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 24.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Prematurely born infants sometimes experience respiratory distress due to inadequate production of surfactant. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Each pleural cavity actually represents a potential space rather than an open chamber, for the parietal and visceral layers are usually in close contact. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 24.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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8) The most important muscles involved in eupnea are the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 24.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) At birth, the newborn infant takes a first breath through powerful contractions of the diaphragmatic and serratus anterior muscles. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 24.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The dorsal respiratory group of the respiratory rhythmicity center functions during every respiratory cycle, whether quiet or forced breathing. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 24.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Some degree of emphysema is normally found in individuals aged 50-70. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 24.11 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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24.3 Essay Questions 1) Discuss the symptoms and etiology of cystic fibrosis. Answer: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal inherited disease in the Caucasian population, occurring at a frequency of one instance for every 3000 births. The underlying problem involves an abnormality in a membrane transport protein responsible for the active transport of chloride ions. This membrane protein is abundant in exocrine cells that produce watery secretions. In people with CF, these cells cannot transport salts and water effectively, and the secretions produced are thick and gooey. Mucous glands of the respiratory tract and secretory cells of the pancreas, salivary glands, digestive tract, and reproductive tract are affected. The most serious symptoms appear because the respiratory defense system cannot transport such dense mucus. The mucus escalator stops working, and mucus plugs block the smaller respiratory passageways. This blockage reduces the diameter of the airways, and the inactivation of the normal respiratory defenses leads to frequent bacterial infections. The gene responsible for CF has been identified, and the structure of the membrane protein determined. Now that the structure of the gene is understood, research continues with the goal of correcting the defect by the insertion of normal genes. Learning Outcome: 24.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) Why do children tend to have high-pitched voices; and why do males typically have lower voices than do females? Answer: Air passing through the glottis vibrates the vocal folds and produces sound waves. The entire larynx is involved in sound production because its walls vibrate, creating a composite sound. Amplification and echoing of the sound occur within the pharynx, the oral cavity, and the paranasal sinuses. The final production of distinct sounds depends on voluntary movements of the tongue, lips, and cheeks. The pitch of the sound produced by the larynx depends upon the length, diameter, and amount of tension in the vocal folds. The diameter and length of the vocal folds are directly related to the size of the larynx. The tension is controlled by the contraction of voluntary muscles that changes the relative positions of the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages. When the distance increases, the vocal folds tense and the pitch rises; when the distance decreases, the vocal folds relax and the pitch falls. Children have slender, short vocal folds; therefore, their voices tend to be high-pitched. At puberty, the larynx of a male enlarges considerably more than that of a female. The true vocal cords of an adult male are thicker and longer, and hence, they produce lower tones than those of an adult female. Learning Outcome: 24.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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3) What happens when a person who is choking is treated using the Heimlich maneuver? Answer: Foreign objects, usually food, that become lodged in the larynx or trachea are usually expelled by coughing. If the individual can speak or make a sound, the airway is still open, and no emergency measures should be taken. On the other hand, if the individual can neither breathe nor speak, then an immediate threat to life exists. In the Heimlich maneuver (now called abdominal thrust), compression is applied to the abdomen immediately inferior to the diaphragm. Compression raises the diaphragm forcefully, which may generate enough pressure to expel the blockage rapidly. Once the item blocking the airway is removed, the person usually recovers quickly. Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 4) A seventy-five-year-old smoker goes to his doctor complaining of shortness of breath and a chronic cough. He is relieved to discover that he does not have cancer; but he has been diagnosed with emphysema. What anatomical changes occur in the lungs of a person with this condition? Answer: Emphysema is a chronic, progressive condition characterized by shortness of breath and an inability to tolerate physical exertion. This condition is often caused by exposure to either smoke or other environmental irritants over a long period of time. The underlying problem is the destruction of the respiratory exchange surfaces; more specifically, respiratory bronchioles and alveoli are functionally eliminated. The alveoli gradually expand and associated capillaries deteriorate, leaving large nonfunctional cavities in the lungs where gas exchange is severely decreased or eliminated. Unfortunately, the loss of alveoli and bronchioles in emphysema is irreversible. Further progression can be limited by the cessation of smoking. The only effective treatment for most severe cases is the administration of supplemental oxygen. Lung transplants and the surgical removal of non-functional lung tissue have helped some patients. Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 5) Trace the pathway of inhaled air as it enters the vestibule of the nasal cavity to its final destination of entering the bloodstream in the lungs. Answer: Inhaled air enters the vestibule of the nose, swirls around the turbinate bones, enters the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx; passes through the glottis in the larynx, and enters the trachea. Air then travels into the main bronchi, then the lobar bronchi, and then the segmental bronchi. The segmental bronchi deliver air to the bronchopulmonary segments of the lungs. Each segmental bronchus branches several times within the bronchopulmonary segment, ultimately giving rise to 6500 smaller terminal bronchioles. Each terminal bronchiole delivers air to a single pulmonary lobule within which the terminal bronchiole branches to form several respiratory bronchioles. Respiratory bronchioles are connected to individual alveoli and to multiple alveoli along regions called alveolar ducts. These passageways end at alveolar sacs, which are common chambers connected to several individual alveoli. An extensive network of capillaries is associated with each alveolus. Gas exchange occurs across the respiratory membrane, which are areas where the basal laminae of the alveolar epithelium and adjacent capillaries have fused. Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating

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6) Compare and contrast eupnea and hyperpnea. Answer: In eupnea, or quiet breathing, inspiration involves muscular contractions, but expiration is a passive process. During quiet breathing, expansion of the lungs stretches their elastic fibers. In addition, elevation of the rib cage stretches opposing skeletal muscles and elastic fibers in the connective tissues of the body wall. When the inspiratory muscles relax, these elastic structures contract which returns the diaphragm or rib cage or both to their original positions. Eupnea may involve diaphragmatic breathing (deep breathing) or costal breathing (shallow breathing). Hyperpnea, or forced breathing, involves active inspiratory and expiratory movements. Forced breathing calls upon the accessory muscles to assist with inspiration, and expiration involves contraction of the transversus thoracis and internal intercostal muscles. When a person is breathing at absolute maximum levels, such as during vigorous exercise, the abdominal muscles are used in exhalation. Their contraction compresses the abdominal contents, pushing them up against the diaphragm and further reducing the volume of the thoracic cavity. Learning Outcome: 24.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 7) Compare the stimuli of the three reflexes that are involved in the regulation of respiration. Answer: Normal breathing occurs automatically, without conscious control. There are three different reflexes involved in the regulation of respiration: 1) the mechanoreceptor reflexes respond to changes in the volume of the lungs or to changes in arterial blood pressure; 2) the chemoreceptor reflexes respond to changes in the PCO2, pH, and PO2 of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid; and 3) the protective reflexes respond to physical injury or irritation of the respiratory tract. Learning Outcome: 24.10 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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24.4 Labeling Questions Figure 24.1

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Nasopharynx B) Nasal cavity C) Oropharynx D) Glottis E) Laryngopharynx Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Posterior nasal apertures B) Laryngopharynx C) Nasopharynx D) Oropharynx E) Nasal cavity Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Laryngopharynx B) Oropharynx C) Nasal cavity D) Nasopharynx E) Glottis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Palatine tonsil B) Epiglottis C) Pharyngeal tonsil D) Ary-epiglottic fold E) Oropharynx Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Oropharynx B) Ary-epiglottic fold C) Palatine tonsil D) Opening of auditory tube E) Pharyngeal tonsil Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Pharyngeal tonsil B) Palatine tonsil C) Epiglottis D) Oropharynx E) Ary-epiglottic fold Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Oropharynx B) Ary-epiglottic fold C) Pharyngeal tonsil D) Epiglottis E) Palatine tonsil Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Pharyngeal tonsil B) Palatine tonsil C) Epiglottis D) Ary-epiglottic fold E) Oropharynx Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Epiglottis B) Pharyngeal tonsil C) Oropharynx D) Ary-epiglottic fold E) Palatine tonsil Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Laryngopharynx B) Epiglottis C) Ary-epiglottic fold D) Oropharynx E) Pharyngeal tonsil Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Thyroid cartilage B) Glottis C) Cricoid cartilage D) Nasal vestibule E) Hyoid bone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Cricoid cartilage B) Hyoid bone C) Vocal fold D) Glottis E) Thyroid cartilage Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Trachea B) Glottis C) Thyroid cartilage D) Hyoid bone E) Cricoid cartilage Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Hyoid bone B) Trachea C) Glottis D) Cricoid cartilage E) Thyroid cartilage Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Cricoid cartilage B) Hyoid bone C) Trachea D) Glottis E) Thyroid cartilage Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Glottis B) Thyroid cartilage C) Cricoid cartilage D) Hyoid bone E) Trachea Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Lingual tonsil B) Epiglottis C) Pharyngeal tonsil D) Glottis E) Palatine tonsil Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Nostrils B) Inferior nasal concha C) Oral cavity D) Middle nasal concha E) Superior nasal concha Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Y. A) Middle nasal concha B) Oral cavity C) Superior nasal concha D) Nostrils E) Inferior nasal concha Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Z. A) Nostrils B) Oral cavity C) Nasal vestibule D) Superior nasal concha E) Inferior nasal concha Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label AA. A) Oral cavity B) Superior nasal concha C) Nostrils D) Middle nasal concha E) Inferior nasal concha Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label BB. A) Inferior nasal concha B) Frontal sinus C) Middle nasal concha D) Epiglottis E) Superior nasal concha Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label CC. A) Superior nasal concha B) Epiglottis C) Inferior nasal concha D) Frontal sinus E) Middle nasal concha Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label EE. A) Middle nasal concha B) Epiglottis C) Superior nasal concha D) Frontal sinus E) Inferior nasal concha Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 24.2

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Anterior bronchopulmonary segment B) Medial bronchopulmonary segment C) Posterior bronchopulmonary segment D) Apical bronchopulmonary segment E) Lateral basal bronchopulmonary segment Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Apical bronchopulmonary segment B) Anterior bronchopulmonary segment C) Medial bronchopulmonary segment D) Lateral basal bronchopulmonary segment E) Posterior bronchopulmonary segment Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Anterior bronchopulmonary segment B) Posterior bronchopulmonary segment C) Lateral basal bronchopulmonary segment D) Apical bronchopulmonary segment E) Medial bronchopulmonary segment Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment B) Lateral basal bronchopulmonary segment C) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment D) Lateral bronchopulmonary segment E) Medial bronchopulmonary segment Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Lateral basal bronchopulmonary segment B) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment C) Medial bronchopulmonary segment D) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment E) Superior bronchopulmonary segment Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment B) Medial bronchopulmonary segment C) Lateral basal bronchopulmonary segment D) Superior bronchopulmonary segment E) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment B) Medial bronchopulmonary segment C) Superior bronchopulmonary segment D) Lateral basal bronchopulmonary segment E) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Medial bronchopulmonary segment B) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment C) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment D) Superior bronchopulmonary segment E) Lateral basal bronchopulmonary segment Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Superior bronchopulmonary segment B) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment C) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment D) Inferior lingular bronchopulmonary segment E) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Superior bronchopulmonary segment B) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment C) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment D) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment E) Inferior lingular bronchopulmonary segment Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Apicoposterior bronchopulmonary segment B) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment C) Superior bronchopulmonary segment D) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment E) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment B) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment C) Apicoposterior bronchopulmonary segment D) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment E) Superior bronchopulmonary segment Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Superior bronchopulmonary segment B) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment C) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment D) Apicoposterior bronchopulmonary segment E) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment B) Lateral basal bronchopulmonary segment C) Superior bronchopulmonary segment D) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment E) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Anterior basal bronchopulmonary segment B) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment C) Apicoposterior bronchopulmonary segment D) Posterior basal bronchopulmonary segment E) Superior bronchopulmonary segment Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label U. A) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment B) Anterior bronchopulmonary segment C) Inferior lingular bronchopulmonary segment D) Superior lingular bronchopulmonary segment E) Apicoposterior bronchopulmonary segment Answer: C Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Inferior lingular bronchopulmonary segment B) Apicoposterior bronchopulmonary segment C) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment D) Superior lingular bronchopulmonary segment E) Anterior bronchopulmonary segment Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label W. A) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment B) Anterior bronchopulmonary segment C) Superior lingular bronchopulmonary segment D) Apicoposterior bronchopulmonary segment E) Inferior lingular bronchopulmonary segment Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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43) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label X. A) Anterior bronchopulmonary segment B) Superior lingular bronchopulmonary segment C) Medial basal bronchopulmonary segment D) Inferior lingular bronchopulmonary segment E) Apicoposterior bronchopulmonary segment Answer: E Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 24.3

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 44) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Alveolus B) Respiratory bronchiole C) Elastic fibers D) Alveolar duct E) Alveolar sac Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Visceral pleura B) Pleural cavity C) Parietal pleura D) Smooth muscle E) Elastic fibers Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Capillaries B) Smooth muscle C) Alveolar duct D) Alveolar sac E) Elastic fibers Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Elastic fibers B) Alveolar duct C) Capillaries D) Smooth muscle E) Alveolar sac Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Alveolar sac B) Elastic fibers C) Alveolus D) Alveolar duct E) Capillaries Answer: D Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Alveoli B) Capillaries C) Alveolar ducts D) Elastic fibers E) Alveolar sacs Answer: A Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Smooth muscle B) Alveolar sac C) Alveolar duct D) Alveolus E) Elastic fibers Answer: B Learning Outcome: 24.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 25 The Digestive System 25.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following terms describes the movement of organic molecules, electrolytes, vitamins, and water across the digestive epithelium and into the interstitial fluid of the digestive tract? A) ingestion B) secretion C) compaction D) absorption E) excretion Answer: D Learning Outcome: Introduction Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The correct order of the digestive tube layers, from lumen outward, is: (1) mucosa (2) muscular layer (3) serosa (4) submucosa A) 3, 1, 2, 4 B) 4, 1, 2, 3 C) 4, 2, 3, 1 D) 1, 4, 2, 3 E) 1, 4, 3, 2 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Regarding the histological organization of the digestive tract, the ________ is a layer of dense, irregularly arranged connective tissue that surrounds the muscularis mucosae. A) muscular layer B) submucosa C) adventitia D) serosa E) mucosa Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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4) The ventral mesentery layer disappears along most of the digestive tract, persisting only on the ventral surface of the stomach as the ________, which is located between the stomach and liver. A) falciform ligament B) mesentery colon C) greater omentum D) mesocolon E) lesser omentum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) For the majority of the GI tract, which layer(s) of the wall contains smooth muscle? A) muscular layer and serosa B) mucosa and adventitia/serosa C) adventitia/serosa D) mucosa and muscular layer E) submucosa and muscular layer Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Contraction of smooth muscle in the ________ alters the shape of the intestinal lumen and moves the epithelial pleats and folds. A) myenteric neural plexus B) mucosa C) submucosa D) muscularis mucosa E) mesocolon Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The areolar connective tissue found deep in the epithelial lining of the digestive tract is called ________. A) basement membrane B) mucosa C) plica D) lamina propria E) adventitia Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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8) In areas where the digestive tract is not covered in serosa (pharynx, esophagus, and rectum) it is covered by a dense network of collagen fibers known as which of the following? A) peritoneum B) submucous neural plexus C) adventitia D) mucosa E) myenteric neural plexus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Peristalsis ________. A) is a condition wherein the lining of the digestive tract is irritated by the passage of rough fibrous material B) consists of waves of muscular contractions that move along the length of the digestive tract C) only occurs in the esophagus D) is a muscular movement pattern that occurs in regions of the digestive tract where the smooth muscle fibers are not arranged in layers E) is the same as segmentation Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Which function is controlled by the short myenteric reflexes? A) segmentation B) nutrient absorption C) hepatic portal system circulation D) coordinating local peristalsis E) CNS reflexes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 11) Which of the following is an intraperitoneal organ? A) abdominal aorta B) stomach C) ureter D) pancreas E) duodenum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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12) Which of the following is the pouch formed by the enlarged dorsal mesentery of the stomach? A) mesentery proper B) greater omentum C) lesser omentum D) transverse mesocolon E) sigmoid mesocolon Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) The ________ prevents extreme movements of the tongue; however if it is too restrictive, the individual cannot eat or speak normally. A) frenulum of upper lip B) genioglossus C) hyoglossus D) lingual frenulum E) uvula Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Projections on the dorsum of the tongue, some of which house taste buds, are the ________. A) taste buds B) papillae C) lingulae D) frenulum E) septa Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The largest salivary gland is which of the following? A) submandibular B) sublingual C) parotid D) pharyngeal E) palatine Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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16) About 70 percent of the saliva originates in the ________ salivary glands. A) parotid B) submandibular C) sublingual D) pharyngeal E) palatine Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) The hardest biologically manufactured substance in the body is ________. A) bone B) cementum C) dentine D) pulp E) enamel Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Canines are also called ________. A) molars B) wisdom teeth C) cuspids D) incisors E) bicuspids Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) How many deciduous teeth are usually present? A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) 32 E) 40 Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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20) Taste buds are innervated by which cranial nerves? A) N III, IV, V B) N V, VI, VII C) N VII, VIII, IX D) N VII, IX, X E) N VII, X, XII Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 21) Which phase of deglutition is under voluntary control? A) pharyngeal phase B) esophageal phase C) buccal phase D) laryngeal phase E) gastric phase Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) During the late phase of the swallowing process, the approach of the bolus triggers the opening of the weak ________, and the bolus then continues into the stomach. A) lower esophageal sphincter B) pyloric sphincter C) pharyngeal constrictor D) glottis E) ileocecal valve Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 23) The mucosa of the esophagus contains an abrasion-resistant ________. A) inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle layers B) simple, branched tubular glands C) nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium D) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium E) connective tissue Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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24) The inferior third of the esophageal muscularis mucosae consists of which tissue? A) stratified nonkeratinized squamous epithelium B) skeletal muscle and adipose connective tissue C) an equal mixture of skeletal and smooth muscle cells D) only smooth muscle E) only skeletal muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Which fold of mesentery extends from the liver to the stomach and the first segment of the duodenum? A) coronary ligament B) falciform ligament C) mesentery proper D) lesser omentum E) hepatic ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Which portion of the stomach opens into the duodenum? A) cardia B) body C) fundus D) cardiac orifice E) pyloric canal Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) The stomach mucosa contains numerous shallow depressions called ________. A) gastric cardia B) gastric pits C) gastric glands D) intestinal glands E) pyloric glands Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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28) Which feature provides protection for the interior surface of the stomach against the acids and enzymes in the gastric lumen? A) the shallow depressions called gastric pits B) the carpet of mucus secreted by the columnar epithelium, which covers the luminal portions of the stomach C) the rapid rate of mechanical mixing of the stomach contents, which exposes the lining to chyme for only a short time D) the esophageal sphincter E) chief cells of the deepest portions of a gastric gland Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Parietal cells, chief cells, and G cells are major components of which structure? A) gastric pits B) serosa C) gastric folds D) villi E) gastric glands Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid and ________. A) pepsin B) pepsinogen C) intrinsic factor D) gastrin E) mucus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Which feature is seen on the medial surface of the stomach? A) greater curvature B) greater omentum C) lesser curvature D) body E) pylorus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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32) The region of the stomach that is superior to the gastroesophageal junction is the ________. A) cardia B) pylorus C) fundus D) greater curvature E) body Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Which of the following is the deepest muscular layer of the stomach? A) oblique layer of smooth muscle B) longitudinal layer of smooth muscle C) muscularis mucosae D) circular layer of smooth muscle E) adventitia Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) The ________ artery supplies blood directly to the fundus of the stomach. A) right gastric B) splenic C) gastroepiploic D) common hepatic E) left gastric Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 35) The arrival of food in the stomach stimulates chemoreceptors in which layer? A) submucosa B) adventitia C) serosa D) muscular layer E) mucosa Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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36) Which of these arteries does not supply blood to the GI tract? A) superior mesenteric artery B) celiac trunk C) hepatic artery D) inferior mesenteric artery E) All of these arteries supply blood to the GI tract. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 37) The ________ is the region of the stomach, which extends to the entrance to the duodenum and whose muscular sphincter regulates the passage of materials into the duodenum. A) pylorus B) body C) cardia D) antrum E) ileum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) The chief cells near the base of a gastric gland secrete ________, which is converted by the acids in the gastric lumen to an active proteolytic enzyme. A) cholecystokinin B) rennin C) secretin D) intrinsic factor E) pepsinogen Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) The lining of the small intestine bears a series of transverse folds called ________, which are a permanent feature of the intestinal lining. A) teniae coli B) circular folds C) intestinal villi D) rugae E) haustra Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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40) Sympathetic innervation of the digestive system ________. A) promotes gastric activity B) inhibits gastric activity C) stimulates digestive gland secretions D) stimulates peristalsis E) relaxes sphincters along digestive tract Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) The longest portion of the small intestine is the ________. A) duodenum B) jejunum C) ileum D) colon E) cecum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Which of the following increases the surface area for digestion and absorption in the mucosa of the small intestine? A) teniae coli B) rugae C) omenta D) microvilli E) lacteals Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) The majority of nutrient absorption occurs in which subdivision of the small intestine? A) ileum B) duodenum C) cardia D) jejunum E) pylorus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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44) Which subdivision of the small intestine is connected to the pylorus? A) jejunum B) cecum C) body D) duodenum E) ileum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Intestinal glands contain ________ cells which are responsible for the production of several intestinal hormones. A) enteroendocrine B) chief C) oxyntic D) mucous E) parietal Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 46) Lacteals are found in which layer of each villus of the small intestine? A) submucosa B) lamina propria C) myenteric plexus D) adventitia E) serosa Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) The ________ arteries supplies the majority of the blood to the large intestine? A) inferior and superior mesenteric arteries B) left gastric artery C) celiac artery D) lumbar artery and iliac arteries E) hepatic and renal arteries Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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48) Which of the following is/are described as the series of pouches that are formed by the colon wall? A) omental appendices B) haustra C) circular folds D) teniae coli E) rugae Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 49) The teniae coli run along the outer surfaces of the colon just deep to the ________. A) lamina propria B) serosa C) muscular layer D) submucosa E) mucosa Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Which statement regarding the histology of the large intestine is TRUE? A) The wall of the large intestine is thicker than that of the small intestine. B) There are fewer goblet cells in the large intestine compared to the small intestine. C) There is no longitudinal muscle layer present. D) Lymphoid nodules are not present. E) The large intestine lacks villi. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 51) The right colic flexure is also known as which of the following? A) hepatic flexure B) transverse colon C) sigmoid flexure D) anal canal E) splenic flexure Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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52) At the right colic flexure, the ________ curves anteriorly and crosses the abdomen from right to left. A) descending colon B) cecum C) transverse colon D) sigmoid colon E) ascending colon Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) The muscular layer of the large intestine differs from that of other intestinal regions because the longitudinal layer has been reduced to the thin muscular bands of the ________. A) omental appendices B) haustra C) rugae D) teniae coli E) circular folds Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Bile ejection from the gallbladder occurs under stimulation of the hormone ________, which is released into the bloodstream at the duodenum when chyme arrives containing large amounts of lipids and partially digested proteins. A) gastrin B) secretin C) intrinsic factor D) cholecystokinin E) pepsin Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 55) The liver is suspended from the inferior surface of the diaphragm by the ________. A) round ligament B) falciform ligament C) mesentery proper D) ligamentum teres E) coronary ligament Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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56) Problems caused by reduced bile secretion may include ________. A) constipation B) appendicitis C) a reduced ability to digest lipids D) decreased intestinal motility E) decreased protein digestion in the jejunum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 57) Which hormone stimulates the production and secretion of digestive pancreatic enzymes? A) insulin B) erythropoietin C) glucagon D) vasopressin E) cholecystokinin Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) The pancreatic ducts secrete buffers such as ________. A) sodium bicarbonate B) potassium chloride C) magnesium bicarbonate D) sodium chloride E) calcium carbonate Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 59) The hormone ________ triggers the production of the watery pancreatic juice containing buffers. A) insulin B) erythropoietin C) glucagon D) secretin E) cholecystokinin Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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60) Which of the following are functions of the gallbladder? A) secretion of cholecystokinin B) secretion of gastrin C) storage and modification of bile D) breakdown of erythrocytes E) storage of lymph Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 61) Structures that unite to form the common bile duct include: (1) duodenal ampulla (2) porta hepatis (3) cystic duct (4) common hepatic duct (5) duodenal papilla A) 1, 2 B) 1, 2, 3 C) 3, 4 D) 1, 3, 5 E) 2, 4 Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 62) Stellate macrophages are phagocytes found in which structure(s)? A) gallbladder B) parotid salivary gland C) sublingual salivary gland D) liver E) pancreas Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) The basic functional unit of the liver is (the) ________. A) hepatocyte B) lobule C) stellate macrophages D) falciform ligament E) urinipherous tubule Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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64) Which mesenteric fold attaches the liver to the anterior body wall? A) coronary ligament B) falciform ligament C) mesentery proper D) transverse mesocolon E) hepatic ligament Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 65) Which hepatic vessel supplies nutrients and other chemicals absorbed from the small intestine to the liver? A) hepatic vein B) hepatic artery proper C) hepatic portal vein D) sinusoid E) central vein Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 66) Which of the following is the ventral mesentery on the liver, marking the division between the left and right lobe? A) mesentery proper B) round ligament C) lesser omentum D) falciform ligament E) coronary ligament Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 67) The accessory pancreatic duct empties into which structure? A) stomach B) duodenum C) cecum D) jejunum E) ileum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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68) Which vessel drains the pancreas? A) pancreatic vein B) hepatic portal vein C) central vein D) hepatic vein E) splenic vein Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 69) What tissue type lines each pancreatic acinus? A) smooth muscle B) stratified squamous epithelium C) simple ciliated columnar epithelium D) simple cuboidal epithelium E) hyaline cartilage Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 70) Circulating levels of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids are regulated by which digestive organ? A) pancreas B) liver C) gallbladder D) parotid salivary gland E) large intestine Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 71) During the aging process, the ________ in the digestive epithelium divide less frequently so tissue repair is less efficient. A) keratinocytes B) Merkel cells C) stem cells D) melanocytes E) Langerhans cells Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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72) Aging may be detrimental to the function of the digestive tract because ________. A) the tone of the smooth musculature increases B) the rate of epithelial stem cell division increases C) the effects of cumulative damage become apparent D) aged cells and tissues are more efficient at tissue repair E) cancer rate decreases Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25.2 True/False Questions 1) In the digestive function of excretion, waste products are secreted into the digestive tract, primarily by the accessory glands (especially the liver). Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The inner lining, or submucosa, of the digestive tract consists of a layer of loose connective tissue covered by an epithelium moistened by glandular secretions. The submucosal epithelium may be stratified or simple, depending on the location and the stresses involved. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Smooth muscle in the digestive tract shows rhythmic cycles of activity because of the presence of pacesetter cells, which are found in both the muscularis mucosae and muscular layer that surround the lumen of the digestive tract. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The palatopharyngeal arches of the oral cavity extend from the soft palate to the side of the pharynx. Each arch consists of a mucous membrane and the underlying palatopharyngeus muscle and associated tissues. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) The submandibular ducts open into the floor of the oral cavity, lateral to the lingual frenulum. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Deep to the lamina propria of the mucosa of the pharynx lies a dense layer of elastic fibers, which are bound to the underlying skeletal muscles involved in swallowing. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Neither the upper nor the lower portion of the esophagus has a well-defined sphincter muscle comparable to those located elsewhere along the digestive tract. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The region of the stomach at which the esophagus contacts the lateral surface of the stomach is called the cardia, so named because of its proximity to the heart. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) The fundus is the region of the stomach inferior to the junction between the stomach and the esophagus, also known as the gastroesophageal junction. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Ninety percent of nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine, and most of the rest occurs in the proximal portion of the large intestine. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Goblet cells are more abundant in the mucosal epithelium of the large intestine than in the small intestine. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) In the large intestine, the cecum, which is retroperitoneal, collects and stores the arriving materials and begins the process of compaction. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Pancreatic juice is secreted by the exocrine pancreatic acini. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

14) The liver has a limited ability to regenerate after injury, but liver function can fully recover even if the normal vascular pattern is not reinstated. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) To date, more than 200 different functions have been attributed to the liver, such as the inactivation of toxins and the storage or iron reserves and fat-soluble vitamins. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.8 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Smooth muscle tone decreases with age. As a result, general motility decreases, and peristaltic contractions are weaker in the digestive system. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 25.9 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25.3 Essay Questions 1) A woman who had a cesarean section several weeks previously was recovering well until she began to gain weight rapidly and had great distention of the abdominal cavity. Other symptoms include abdominal tenderness and soreness. From what condition is she likely suffering, and what is/are the cause(s)? Answer: It is likely that the woman has a condition called ascites (peritonitis) or an inflammation of the peritoneal lining of the abdominal cavity. The condition may have resulted from an infection she acquired during the surgery. The irritation of the peritoneum is the cause of all of the additional fluid secretion, and if the intra-abdominal pressure becomes too high, there may be damage to some organs, such as the kidneys, which are sensitive to increased abdominal pressures. Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 2) An eight-year-old boy comes home from school feeling feverish and complaining of a sore and swollen throat and cheeks. What common childhood infection might he have contracted? If he must have this condition, why is it better for him to have it this year than ten or more years later and what other complications could exist? Answer: The little boy has likely contracted mumps, a viral infection that preferentially targets the salivary glands, most often the parotids; although, other organs may also become infected. The most common age for contracting mumps is between five and nine years of age. The first exposure stimulates antibody production and usually confers permanent immunity. Active immunity can be conferred by immunization. In post-adolescent males, the mumps virus may also infect the testes and cause sterility. Infection of the pancreas may produce temporary or permanent diabetes. Other organ systems, including the CNS, may be affected in severe cases. An effective mumps vaccine is available; hence, widespread distribution has almost eliminated this disease in the United States. Learning Outcome: 25.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 3) A person has pain in the upper left quadrant of the abdominal cavity, and the symptom is detected within a few hours after eating, rather than in the middle of the night. What is the likely diagnosis? Answer: This condition might be indicative of a gastric ulcer, or, if less severe, gastritis, or irritation and inflammation of the gastric lining. A gastric ulcer occurs when the mucosal lining of the stomach is eroded away by excess hydrochloric acid. This irritation becomes most prominent when the stomach is empty, which begins to occur within a few hours of a large meal. Eating, or drinking a solution such as milk, which coats the gastric mucosa, may alleviate the symptoms. Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating

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4) How do aggregated lymphoid nodules protect the small intestine from infection? Answer: Bacteria, especially E. coli, are normal inhabitants within the lumen of the large intestine. These bacteria are nourished by the surrounding mucosa. The epithelial barriers (cells, mucus, and digestive juices) and underlying cells of the lymphatic system protect the small intestine from bacteria migrating from the large intestine. Small, isolated, individual lymphoid nodules may be present in the lamina propria of the jejunum. In the ileum, the lymphoid nodules become more numerous, and they fuse together to form large masses of lymphatic tissue. These lymphoid centers, called aggregated lymphoid nodules, or Peyer's patches, may reach the size of cherries. They are most abundant in the terminal portion of the ileum, near the entrance to the large intestine, which normally contains large numbers of potentially harmful bacteria. Learning Outcome: 25.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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25.4 Labeling Questions Figure 25.1

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Mucosa B) Mesentery C) Submucosa D) Muscular layer E) Circular folds Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Circular folds B) Muscular layer C) Mesentery D) Mucosa E) Submucosa Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Muscular layer B) Circular folds C) Submucosa D) Mesentery E) Mucosa Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Serosa B) Adventitia C) Mucosa D) Submucosa E) Muscular layer Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Adventitia B) Mucosa C) Muscular layer D) Serosa E) Submucosa Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Serosa B) Myenteric plexus C) Mucosa D) Submucosa E) Muscular layer Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Muscular layer B) Circular fold C) Submucosa D) Rugae E) Omentum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Submucosa B) Muscular layer C) Serosa D) Adventitia E) Mucosa Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Mucosal gland B) Circular muscle layer C) Lymphatic vessel D) Muscularis mucosae E) Villi Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Lymphatic vessel B) Submucosal gland C) Muscularis mucosae D) Villi E) Circular muscle layer Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Muscularis mucosae B) Lymphatic vessel C) Villi D) Circular muscle layer E) Submucosal gland Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Circular muscle layer B) Muscularis mucosae C) Lymphatic vessel D) Submucosal gland E) Villi Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Submucosal gland B) Villi C) Circular muscle layer D) Lymphatic vessel E) Muscularis mucosae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label U. A) Mucosa B) Submucosa C) Villi D) Myenteric neural plexus E) Lymphatic vessel Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Longitudinal muscle layer B) Muscularis mucosa C) Circular muscle layer D) Mucosa E) Serosa Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 25.2

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Fundus B) Cardia C) Body D) Esophagus E) Pylorus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Cardia B) Lesser curvature C) Fundus D) Pylorus E) Body Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Serosa B) Mucosa C) Longitudinal muscle layer D) Circular muscle layer E) Oblique muscle layer Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Circular muscle layer B) Submucosa C) Oblique muscle layer D) Serosa E) Longitudinal muscle layer Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Greater curvature B) Pylorus C) Lesser curvature D) Cardia E) Fundus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Body B) Fundus C) Greater curvature D) Pyloric sphincter E) Cardia Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Ileum B) Duodenum C) Cardia D) Cecum E) Jejunum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Pyloric canal B) Cardia C) Fundus D) Jejunum E) Body Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Cardia B) Lesser curvature C) Body D) Fundus E) Pylorus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Pylorus B) Fundus C) Lesser curvature D) Cardia E) Greater curvature Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Rugae B) Circular folds C) Serosa D) Pyloric sphincter E) Villi Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Longitudinal muscle layer B) Oblique muscle layer C) Submucosa D) Circular muscle layer E) Serosa Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Fundus B) Cardia C) Pylorus D) Body E) Lesser curvature Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label Q. A) Body B) Duodenum C) Fundus D) Pylorus E) Cardia Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 25.3

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Hepatic portal vein B) Central vein C) Hepatic artery proper D) Aorta E) Common iliac artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Inferior vena cava B) Aorta C) Hepatic portal vein D) Superior vena cava E) Hepatic artery proper Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Transverse colon B) Sigmoid colon C) Ascending colon D) Cecum E) Descending colon Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Haustra B) Rugae C) Teniae coli D) Villi E) Omental appendices Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Descending colon B) Pyloric sphincter C) Cardiac sphincter D) Ileocecal valve E) Pyloric valve Answer: D Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Sigmoid colon B) Cecum C) Descending colon D) Rectum E) Transverse colon Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Jejunum B) Duodenum C) Descending colon D) Sigmoid colon E) Ileum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Rectum B) Ascending colon C) Sigmoid colon D) Transverse colon E) Descending colon Answer: C Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label T. A) Teniae coli B) Rugae C) Circular folds D) Omental appendices E) Haustra Answer: A Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label V. A) Omental appendices B) Teniae coli C) Rugae D) Circular folds E) Haustra Answer: E Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label AA. A) Mesentery proper B) Greater omentum C) Omental appendices D) Mesocolon E) Lesser omentum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 25.7 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 26 The Urinary System 26.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) A typical adult kidney weighs about 150 grams and measures about ________. A) 12 cm long, 6.5 cm wide, and 2.5 cm thick B) 10 cm long, 5.5 cm wide, and 3 cm thick C) 15 cm long, 10.5 cm wide, and 4.5 cm thick D) 8 cm long, 10.5 cm wide, and 2.5 cm thick E) 12 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, and 8 cm thick Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Ducts within each renal papilla empty urine into a cup-shaped drain, called a ________. A) major calyx B) minor calyx C) renal medulla D) renal pelvis E) renal calyx Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Which of the following are the blood vessels at the boundary of the renal cortex and renal medulla? A) interlobar artery and vein B) cortical radiate artery and vein C) glomerular artery and vein D) segmental artery and vein E) arcuate artery and vein Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Blood exits the nephron via ________. A) efferent arteriole B) renal artery C) afferent arteriole D) various venules E) lobar artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) Blood enters the nephron via ________. A) efferent arteriole B) renal artery C) afferent arteriole D) various venules E) lobar artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Each kidney receives blood from (the) ________. A) descending aorta B) renal arteries C) common iliac arteries D) internal iliac arteries E) celiac trunk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) From innermost to outermost, the protective layers on the kidney are the ________. A) fibrous capsule, perinephric fat, renal fascia, pararenal fat body B) renal corpuscle, perinephric fat, renal fascia, paranephric fat C) renal fascia, pararenal fat, renal corpuscle, perinephric fat D) renal fascia, perinephric fat, fibrous capsule, renal corpuscle E) fibrous capsule, renal corpuscle, renal fascia, perinephric fat Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The kidneys, adrenal glands, and ureters, which lie against the muscles of the posterior body wall, are all ________. A) intraperitoneal B) medial to the aorta C) retroperitoneal D) at the level between T10 and L1 E) at the level between C7 and T3 Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The kidneys are innervated by which of the following? A) ureteric nerves B) renal nerves C) pelvic nerves D) celiac plexus E) sacral nerves Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Which is/are the known function(s) of the sympathetic innervation of the kidneys? A) stimulation of digestive function B) regulates glomerular blood flow and filtration rates C) inhibition of water reabsorption D) inhibition of sodium ion reabsorption E) stimulation of oxytocin Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) Which of the following statements regarding the glomerulus is CORRECT? A) It is a portion of the proximal convoluted tubule. B) It is a capillary network contained within the renal corpuscle. C) It occurs in the nephron loop. D) It filters urine just prior to its exit from the kidney. E) It empties directly into the interlobar veins. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The capillaries of the glomerulus differ from other capillary networks in the body because they ________. A) carry only deoxygenated blood B) drain into an arteriole rather than a venule C) contain no endothelium D) absorb nutrients from the glomerular capsule E) drain into a venule rather than an arteriole Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) Describe the composition of the filtrate that escapes from the glomerular capillaries. A) composition similar to that of plasma B) composition similar to that of whole blood C) a fluid similar to plasma, but without the blood proteins D) water only E) equal to the composition of the urine arriving at the renal pelvis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Which is the first part of the renal tubule? A) nephron loop B) proximal convoluted tubule C) glomerular capsule D) glomerulus E) distal convoluted tubule Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) What is the function of the distal convoluted tubule of the nephron? A) active secretion of ions, acids, and other materials B) selective reabsorption of potassium ions from the filtrate C) active alkaline secretion D) reabsorption of urine E) filtration of blood Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Which of the following drains into a minor calyx in the renal pelvis? A) papillary duct B) collecting duct C) proximal convoluted tubule D) renal corpuscle E) distal convoluted tubule Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) About 85 percent of the nephrons are classified as which of the following? A) juxtamedullary B) medullary C) cortical D) renal E) papillary Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Which structure separates the parietal and visceral epithelia of the glomerular capsule? A) renal column B) vascular pole C) lobar space D) capsular space E) renal papilla Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The capillaries of the glomerulus are ________. A) sinusoidal B) fenestrated C) continuous D) metarterioles E) venules Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Which of the following are cells found between the endothelial cells of adjacent capillaries that play a role in regulating glomerular blood flow and filtration? A) filtration slits B) mesangial cells C) podocytes D) fenestrated cells E) pyramidal cells Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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21) Which of the following are described as the gaps between the secondary processes of the podocytes? A) urachus B) glomeruli C) filtration slits D) convoluted tubules E) renal papillae Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) The glomerular capsule and the glomerulus make up the ________. A) juxtaglomerular complex B) renal pyramid C) renal corpuscle D) nephron loop E) renal papilla Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The proximal convoluted tubule begins at the ________ of the renal corpuscle, opposite the vascular pole. A) distal convoluted tubule B) tubular pole C) ureters D) glomerulus E) nephron loop Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Which area of the nephron lacks microvilli and is under aldosterone control for the reabsorption of sodium? A) nephron loop B) proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) C) distal convoluted tubule (DCT) D) papillary duct E) glomerulus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) What is the primary function of the distal convoluted tubule? A) providing support to the nephron B) secretion C) filtration D) increased retention of sodium ions E) production of vasopressin Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) The secondary function of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) to reabsorb sodium is controlled by which hormone(s)? A) aldosterone B) antidiuretic hormone (ADH) C) renin D) cortisol E) aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) controls the permeability of the ________. A) proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) B) collecting system C) nephron loop D) glomerulus E) trigone Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) An obstruction in the glomerulus would increase the blood pressure in the ________. A) afferent arteriole B) renal artery C) efferent arteriole D) intralobular artery E) lobular vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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29) The juxtaglomerular complex adjusts glomerular filtration rates by secretion of which hormones? A) vasopressin and erythropoietin B) oxytocin and vasopressin C) renin and erythropoietin D) gastrin and insulin E) glucagon and renin Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Individual collecting tubules connect each nephron to which nearby structure? A) proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) B) ascending limb C) collecting duct D) descending limb E) distal convoluted tubule (DCT) Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) About how much blood flows through the kidneys each minute? A) 800 ml B) 1200 ml C) 1500 ml D) 2000 ml E) 3000 ml Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) Adipose tissue that surrounds the fibrous capsule is called the ________. A) renal cortex B) perinephric fat C) renal medulla D) pararenal fat body E) renal pyramid Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) The entry point for the renal artery and the exit for the renal vein and ureter is the ________. A) renal sinus B) minor calyx C) collecting duct D) hilum E) major calyx Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) The renal medulla consists of six to eighteen distinct conical or triangular structures, called ________. A) collecting ducts B) proximal convoluted tubules C) renal pyramids D) distal convoluted tubules E) minor calices Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The glomerular epithelium consists of large cells with secondary processes or "feet" that wrap around the glomerular capillaries. These cells are called ________. A) podocytes B) mesangial cells C) juxtaglomerular cells D) detrusor cells E) fenestrated capillary cells Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Which layer is not found in the wall of the ureter? A) adventitia B) muscular layer C) mucosa D) submucosa E) All of these are found in the wall of the ureter. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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37) The ureters ________. A) are retroperitoneal B) float freely within the abdominal cavity C) take exactly the same path to the bladder in men and women D) have specialized subdivisions called the urethrae E) function in reabsorption of sodium ions Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Which is the CORRECT order of the structures of the male urethra, from the bladder to the exterior? (1) collecting duct (2) spongy urethra (3) descending limb (4) membranous urethra (5) prostatic urethra A) 1, 3, 5 B) 2, 4 C) 4, 2, 1 D) 5, 4, 2 E) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 39) The three layers of the muscular layer of the urinary bladder are collectively known as which of the following? A) external urethral sphincter B) trigone C) ductus deferens D) internal urethral sphincter E) detrusor muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) The external urethral sphincter of the urinary bladder is under the voluntary control of the perineal branch of which nerve? A) iliohypogastric nerve B) pudendal nerve C) ilioinguinal nerve D) testicular or ovarian nerve E) urethral nerve Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

41) Which muscle is responsible for stopping the micturition reflex and allowing a person to stop voiding? A) internal urethral sphincter B) detrusor muscle C) external urethral sphincter D) pectineus muscle E) internal obturator muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 42) Which layer of the urethra is thick and elastic? A) adventitia B) lamina propria C) submucosa D) serosa E) muscularis externa Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) The urge to urinate first develops when the urinary bladder contains approximately how much urine? A) 50 ml B) 100 ml C) 200 ml D) 500 ml E) 750 ml Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) The triangular area bounded by the urethral openings and the entrance to the urethra constitutes the ________. A) external urethral sphincter B) detrusor muscle C) internal urethral sphincter D) renal sinus E) trigone Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) The inner mucosa of each ureter is lined by ________. A) simple ciliated columnar epithelium B) stratified columnar epithelium C) simple cuboidal epithelium D) transitional epithelium E) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) The spongy urethra ________. A) is found only in males B) is the longest portion of the urethra C) extends from the membranous urethra to the external urethral orifice D) is lined proximally by transitional which changes to pseudostratified columnar epithelium and distally by stratified squamous epithelium E) All choices are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Age-related changes in the urinary system include ________. A) an increase in the number of cortical nephrons B) an increase in the overall amount of glomerular filtration C) reduced sensitivity to ADH D) greater reabsorption of water E) increase in renal blood flow efficiency Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Which is not one of the changes in the urinary system due to aging? A) reduced blood flow to the kidneys B) decrease in number of functional nephrons C) decreased response to aldosterone and ADH D) decreased glomerular filtration rate E) gradual increase in kidney size due to fluid retention Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) The mechanism whereby benign enlargement of the prostate affects urinary function in older men may be due to which of the following? A) compression of the membranous urethra B) compression of the body of the bladder C) compression of the opening of the ureters into the bladder D) compression of the prostatic urethra E) deterioration of the detrusor muscle Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 50) The ability to control micturition is often lost after a stroke, Alzheimer's disease, or other CNS problems affecting the cerebral cortex or ________. A) hypothalamus B) hippocampus C) reticular activating system D) pineal body E) corpora quadrigemina Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26.2 True/False Questions 1) Collagen fibers extend outward from the inner fibrous capsule through the perinephric fat to a dense outer layer known as the renal fascia. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) From the nephrons, blood enters a network of venules and small veins that converge on the interlobular veins. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The urine arriving at the renal pelvis is of the same composition as that of the filtrate produced at the renal corpuscle. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The ascending limb contains active transport mechanisms that pump sodium and chloride ions out of the tubular fluid. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

5) Peritubular capillaries are associated with cortical nephrons, while vasa recta are associated with juxtamedullary nephrons. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The peritoneum covers the inferior surfaces of the urinary bladder; and several peritoneal folds assist in stabilizing its position. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The lateral umbilical ligaments, which pass along the sides of the bladder and also reach the umbilicus, are fibrous cords that contain the vestiges of the umbilical arteries that supplied blood to the placenta during embryonic and fetal development. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Regarding age-related changes in the urinary system, the total number of kidney nephrons drops by 75-85 percent between ages 25 and 85. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 26.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) With age, the distal portions of the nephron and the entire collecting system become less responsive to antidiuretic hormone (ADH). As a result, urination becomes more frequent, and daily fluid requirements increase. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 26.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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26.3 Essay Questions 1) If a patient has two damaged kidneys, what is the resulting condition? What are the treatment options? Answer: Typically, renal failure is the result when both kidneys are damaged. The condition of chronic renal failure can be managed if one restricts the intake of water and salt, and minimizes dietary protein. This combination reduces strain on the urinary system by minimizing the volume of urine produced and by preventing the generation of large quantities of nitrogenous wastes. If drugs and dietary controls cannot stabilize blood composition, more drastic measures, such as hemodialysis, are taken. In hemodialysis, a dialysis machine containing an artificial membrane is used to regulate the composition of blood. For temporary kidney dialysis, a silicone rubber tube called a shunt is inserted into a medium-sized artery and vein. While connected to the machine, the patient's blood circulates from the arterial shunt, through the machine, and back through the venous shunt. During this process, the blood flows past a selectively permeable artificial membrane, which contains pores large enough to permit the diffusion of small ions, but small enough to prevent the loss of plasma proteins. On the other side of the membrane flows a special dialysis fluid, facilitating potassium ions, phosphate ions, sulfate ions, urea, creatinine, and uric acid to diffuse across the membrane into the dialysis fluid. Conversely, bicarbonate ions and glucose diffuse into the bloodstream. In effect, diffusion across the dialysis membrane replaces normal glomerular filtration; thereby, changing the composition of the patient's blood. Additionally, the characteristics of the dialysis fluid can be modified for each patient to ensure that important metabolites remain in the bloodstream rather than diffusing across the membrane. An alternative to hemodialysis is peritoneal dialysis, which uses the peritoneal lining as a dialysis membrane. In this procedure, dialysis fluid is introduced into the peritoneum through a catheter in the abdominal wall, and the fluid is removed and replaced at intervals. One procedure involves cycling two liters of fluid in an hour: 15 minutes for infusion, 30 minutes for exchange, and 15 minutes for fluid reclamation. This procedure may be performed in a hospital or at home. In continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), patients self-administer two liters of dialysis fluid through the catheter and then continue normal activity until four to six hours later, when the fluid is replaced with fresh dialysis fluid. Ultimately, the most satisfactory solution for overall quality of life is kidney transplantation in which a new kidney obtained from a living donor or a cadaver is implanted into the patient. Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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2) What is/are the cause(s) of local blockages exist in the conducting system (collecting tubules, collecting ducts, or ureters)? What problems could develop from such blockages? Answer: Local blockages of the conducting system may result from the formation of small blood clots, epithelial cells, lipids, or other materials, collectively called casts. Casts are often excreted in the urine and are visible in microscopic analysis of urine samples. Calculi, or "kidney stones," form from calcium deposits, magnesium salts, or crystals of uric acid, resulting in a condition called nephrolithiasis. The urinary obstruction caused by kidney stones or other factors, such as external compression, is quite painful and is a serious problem because it reduces or eliminates filtration in the affected kidney. If peristalsis and fluid pressures cannot dislodge them, the stones must be surgically removed or destroyed. One nonsurgical alternative breaks kidney stones apart with a lithotripter, similar to the one used to destroy gallstones. Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 3) Why are women more susceptible to contracting urinary tract infections (UTIs)? Answer: Urinary tract infections result from bacteria or fungi colonizing the urinary tract. The intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli is most often involved, and women are particularly susceptible to UTIs because of the close proximity of the external urethral orifice to the anus. Sexual intercourse may also push bacteria into the urethra and, since the female urethra is relatively short, toward the urinary bladder. The condition may be asymptomatic, but it can be detected by the presence of bacteria and blood cells in the urine. If inflammation of the urethral wall occurs, the condition is called urethritis, while inflammation of the lining of the urinary bladder represents cystitis. Many infections affect both regions to some degree. UTIs usually respond to antibiotic therapies. Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 4) What is pyelitis? What is/are the cause(s) and consequences of this condition? Answer: Pyelitis is the inflammation of the walls of the renal pelvis. This condition typically results from untreated cases of UTIs wherein the bacteria proceeds along the ureters to the renal pelvis. If the bacteria invade the renal cortex and medulla as well, pyelonephritis results. Signs and symptoms of pyelonephritis include a high fever, intense pain on the affected side, vomiting, diarrhea, and the presence of blood cells and pus in the urine. Learning Outcome: 26.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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26.4 Labeling Questions Figure 26.1

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Aorta B) Hepatic portal vein C) Superior vena cava D) Renal vein E) Inferior vena cava Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Pancreas B) Spleen C) Right kidney D) Stomach E) Right adrenal gland Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Right kidney B) Liver C) Right adrenal gland D) Spleen E) Stomach Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Medulla B) Hilum C) Greater omentum D) Hepatoduodenal ligament E) Lesser omentum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Uterus B) Fallopian tube C) Adrenal gland D) Urinary bladder E) Spleen Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Inferior vena cava B) Left ureter C) Aorta D) Left renal vein E) Left urethra Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label R. A) Left urethra B) Aorta C) Left renal vein D) Inferior vena cava E) Left ureter Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label S. A) Left renal vein B) Inferior vena cava C) Left ureter D) Left renal artery E) Aorta Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 26.2

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 9) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Liver B) Left kidney C) Spleen D) Urinary bladder E) Left adrenal gland Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Left renal artery B) Inferior mesenteric artery C) Left adrenal artery D) Superior mesenteric artery E) Left renal vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Left adrenal artery B) Left renal artery C) Left renal vein D) Inferior mesenteric artery E) Superior mesenteric artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Inferior mesenteric artery B) Left renal vein C) Left renal artery D) Left adrenal artery E) Superior mesenteric artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Abdominal aorta B) Left renal vein C) Left ureter D) Left adrenal vein E) Inferior vena cava Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Left renal vein B) Left renal artery C) Left adrenal vein D) Abdominal aorta E) Left ureter Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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15) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Left adrenal vein B) Abdominal aorta C) Left renal artery D) Left ureter E) Left renal vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Urinary bladder B) Left adrenal gland C) Spleen D) Liver E) Left kidney Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 26.3

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 17) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Renal papilla B) Renal medulla C) Capsule D) Cortex E) Renal sinus Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Major calyx B) Renal pelvis C) Minor calyx D) Renal lobe E) Hilum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

19) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Renal lobe B) Minor calyx C) Hilum D) Renal pelvis E) Major calyx Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Renal papilla B) Major calyx C) Renal lobe D) Minor calyx E) Renal pelvis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Renal pelvis B) Renal lobe C) Renal columns D) Minor calyx E) Major calyx Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Renal lobe B) Major calyx C) Renal pelvis D) Renal papilla E) Minor calyx Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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23) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Minor calyx B) Renal pelvis C) Renal lobe D) Renal sinus E) Major calyx Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Medulla B) Renal pyramid C) Renal papilla D) Minor calyx E) Cortex Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Renal papilla B) Cortex C) Renal pyramid D) Medulla E) Minor calyx Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Minor calyx B) Major calyx C) Cortex D) Medulla E) Renal pyramid Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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27) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label P. A) Renal sinus B) Cortex C) Renal pyramid D) Medulla E) Minor calyx Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 26.4

Identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 28) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Cortex B) Major calyx C) Capsule D) Minor calyx E) Hilum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Capsule B) Minor calyx C) Hilum D) Cortex E) Major calyx Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Renal pelvis B) Cortex C) Minor calyx D) Hilum E) Sinus Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Renal vein B) Ureter C) Renal artery D) Urethra E) Proximal convoluted tubule Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 26.5

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 32) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Lobar veins B) Renal vein C) Efferent arteriole D) Cortical radiate veins E) Vasa recta Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Proximal convoluted tubule B) Vasa recta C) Lobar arteries D) Cortical radiate arteries E) Segmental arteries Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Segmental arteries B) Arcuate arteries C) Arcuate veins D) Interlobar arteries E) Cortical radiate arteries Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Arcuate artery B) Segmental artery C) Cortical radiate artery D) Arcuate vein E) Interlobar vein Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Renal artery B) Interlobar vein C) Arcuate artery D) Cortical radiate artery E) Arcuate vein Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Arcuate vein B) Interlobar vein C) Renal vein D) Arcuate artery E) Cortical radiate artery Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Interlobar veins B) Renal veins C) Arcuate arteries D) Cortical radiate arteries E) Arcuate veins Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Renal veins B) Arcuate veins C) Arcuate arteries D) Segmental arteries E) Cortical radiate arteries Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Cortical radiate arteries B) Arcuate arteries C) Renal veins D) Interlobar veins E) Arcuate veins Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 26.6

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 41) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Segmental artery B) Cortical radiate vein C) Interlobular vein D) Arcuate artery E) Arcuate vein Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Interlobar artery B) Arcuate vein C) Interlobular vein D) Segmental artery E) Cortical radiate artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

43) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Arcuate artery B) Interlobar vein C) Cortical radiate artery D) Arcuate vein E) Segmental artery Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Cortical radiate artery B) Segmental artery C) Interlobar vein D) Arcuate artery E) Arcuate vein Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Minor calyx B) Medullary pyramid C) Glomerulus D) Major calyx E) Cortex Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Afferent arterioles B) Cortical radiate arteries C) Arcuate arteries D) Segmental arteries E) Efferent arteriole Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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47) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Collecting duct B) Cortical nephron C) Minor calyx D) Juxtamedullary nephron E) Major calyx Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Cortical nephron B) Major calyx C) Juxtamedullary nephron D) Minor calyx E) Collecting duct Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label I. A) Sinus B) Cortex C) Major calyx D) Renal pyramid E) Capsule Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Arcuate artery B) Interlobar vein C) Cortical radiate artery D) Arcuate vein E) Segmental artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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51) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Renal artery B) Segmental artery C) Arcuate artery D) Cortical radiate artery E) Interlobar artery Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label L. A) Glomerulus B) Cortical radiate artery C) Minor calyx D) Interlobar vein E) Major calyx Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 26.7

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 53) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Glomerulus B) Collecting duct C) Distal convoluted tubule D) Efferent arteriole E) Proximal convoluted tubule Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

54) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Distal convoluted tubule B) Proximal convoluted tubule C) Renal corpuscle D) Thick ascending limb E) Thin descending limb Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Afferent arteriole B) Proximal convoluted tubule C) Vasa recta D) Distal convoluted tubule E) Efferent arteriole Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Medullary pyramid B) Glomerulus C) Nephron loop D) Collecting duct E) Hilum Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Efferent arteriole B) Afferent arteriole C) Thick ascending limb D) Glomerulus E) Thin descending limb Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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58) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Thick ascending limb B) Glomerulus C) Efferent arteriole D) Thin descending limb E) Afferent arteriole Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Ureter B) Collecting duct C) Distal convoluted tubule D) Glomerulus E) Proximal convoluted tubule Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Minor calyx B) Hilum C) Collecting duct D) Ureter E) Major calyx Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 26.8

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 61) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label B. A) Efferent arteriole B) Proximal convoluted tubule C) Afferent arteriole D) Distal convoluted tubule E) Macula densa Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label C. A) Afferent arteriole B) Distal convoluted tubule C) Efferent arteriole D) Macula densa E) Proximal convoluted tubule Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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63) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label D. A) Proximal convoluted tubule B) Efferent arteriole C) Distal convoluted tubule D) Afferent arteriole E) Macula densa Answer: E Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label E. A) Capsular space B) Hilum C) Medullary pyramid D) Juxtaglomerular cells E) Glomerulus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 65) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label F. A) Hilum B) Extraglomerular mesangial cells C) Glomerulus D) Capsular space E) Medullary pyramid Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label G. A) Medullary pyramid B) Thin descending limb C) Thick ascending limb D) Juxtaglomerular complex E) Hilum Answer: D Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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67) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label H. A) Cortical radiate artery B) Afferent arteriole C) Arcuate artery D) Segmental artery E) Efferent arteriole Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label J. A) Distal convoluted tubule B) Minor calyx C) Capsular space D) Proximal convoluted tubule E) Medullary pyramid Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 69) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label K. A) Thin descending limb B) Proximal convoluted tubule C) Thick ascending limb D) Distal convoluted tubule E) Collecting duct Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label M. A) Hilum B) Collecting duct C) Visceral layer (podocyte) D) Medullary pyramid E) Proximal convoluted tubule Answer: C Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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71) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label N. A) Renal sinus B) Capsular outer layer C) Distal convoluted tubule D) Ureter E) Medullary pyramid Answer: B Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 72) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label O. A) Glomerular capsule B) Renal sinus C) Proximal convoluted tubule D) Medullary pyramid E) Hilum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 26.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 27 The Reproductive System 27.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) Reproductive cells in either females or males are called ________. A) somatic cells B) zygotes C) gametes D) spermatids E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) The spermatic cords enter the abdominopelvic cavity through ________. A) straight tubules B) ductus deferens C) the tunica vaginalis D) inguinal canals E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Each testis is covered by a dense layer of fibrous connective tissue called the ________. A) tunica albuginea B) pampiniform plexus C) tunica vaginalis D) mediastinum E) corpus spongiosum Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The tunica albuginea is covered by a serous membrane called the ________. A) interstitial cells B) tunica vaginalis C) raphe of scrotum D) mediastinum E) gubernaculum testis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) Contraction of the cremaster muscle ________. A) moves the testis closer to the body cavity B) produces an erection C) propels sperm through the urethra D) moves sperm through the ductus deferens E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) The function of the dartos and cremaster muscles is to ________. A) attach the penis to the body wall B) produce erections C) regulate the temperature of the testes D) help the testes descend into the scrotum prior to birth E) move sperm along the ductus deferens Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) What happens to sperm when exposed to conditions inside the female reproductive tract? A) The gametes are replicated. B) The gametes are stored to optimize at a later time for fertilization. C) The gametes are nourished. D) The gametes are destroyed after a few hours, as they are no longer capable of fertilization. E) They undergo capacitation. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The ________ of a sperm contains the enzymes essential for fertilization. A) acrosome B) neck C) middle piece D) flagellum E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) The division of each primary spermatocyte produces ________. A) one or two polar cells B) a pair of haploids C) a pair of secondary spermatocytes D) nurse cells E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Each ampulla of the ductus deferens joins with an excretory duct of the seminal gland, marking the start of the ________. A) ureter B) ejaculatory duct C) urethra D) epididymis E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) A major function of the testis is to ________. A) provide nutrients that spermatozoa need for motility B) propel spermatozoa and fluids along the reproductive tract C) produce spermatozoa D) activate spermatozoa E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The contents of the spermatic cord include the ________. A) ductus deferens B) testicular artery C) pampiniform plexus of the testicular vein D) ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) The outer covering of the testis and inner lining of the scrotum is the ________. A) tunica albuginea B) perineal raphe C) tunica vaginalis D) scrotal mediastinum E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) The external marking of the boundary between the two chambers of the scrotum is the ________. A) spermatic cord B) raphe of the scrotum C) tunica albuginea D) acrosome E) dartos muscle Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The fold of skin that covers the glans penis is the ________. A) ejaculatory duct B) prepuce C) corpus cavernosum D) corpus spongiosum E) penile urethra Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) The interstitial endocrine cells in the testes ________. A) undergo mitosis to produce primary spermatocytes B) protect the developing sperm cells C) secrete testosterone D) convert fructose to glucose to nourish the sperm E) form the lining of the seminiferous tubules Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) The seminiferous tubules ________. A) average 200 inches in length B) are the sites of the production of androgens for the testis C) occur in the testicular septa D) are the site of production of spermatozoa E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) In correct order, from external to internal, the layers of the testis include: (1) dartos muscle (2) cremaster muscle (3) tunica vaginalis (4) scrotal cavity (5) tunica albuginea (6) septa A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 B) 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 C) 2, 4, 6, 3, 5, 1 D) 5, 3, 4, 2 E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) The cells of the testes that produce testosterone are the ________. A) nurse cells B) basal cells C) interstitial endocrine cells D) spermatogonial cells E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) The importance of the pampiniform plexus in the scrotum is to ________. A) allow the testis to raise and lower without pinching surrounding blood vessels B) support the testis C) help cool the blood to permit spermatogenesis at a temperature cooler than in the abdominal cavity D) innervate the testis E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

21) The stages that occur during spermatogenesis are a: Spermatid b: Primary spermatocyte c: Spermatogonium d: Sperm e: Secondary spermatocyteWhat is the correct order of occurrence of these stages? A) b, e, c, d, a B) c, e, d, a, b C) c, b, e, a, d D) a, c, b, e, d E) d, b, c, e, a Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Stem cells in the testes are the ________. A) primary spermatocytes B) spermatozoa C) spermatogonia D) spermatids E) haploids Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Gametes are called haploid because ________. A) there are half as many of them produced at each division in comparison with diploid cells B) they are produced by the process of mitosis C) they are either sperm or ova D) they contain only one member of each pair of chromosomes E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Spermatogenesis ends with the production of ________ spermatids. A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8 E) 16 Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Which of the following is a function of spermatogonia? A) support of spermiogenesis B) sperm production C) support of spermatogenesis D) secretion of inhibin E) secretion of androgen binding protein (ABP) Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Which is NOT part of the spermatic cord? A) testicular artery B) pampiniform plexus C) genitofemoral nerve D) ductus deferens E) dartos muscle Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Which of the following is a function of the ductus deferens? A) Monitor the composition of the fluid contained in it. B) Adjust the composition of the fluid contained in it. C) Recycle damaged spermatozoa. D) Store spermatozoa and facilitate their functional maturation. E) Transport sperm to the prostatic urethra. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) The enlarged distal end of the ductus deferens is called the ________. A) body B) ampulla C) seminal gland D) prostate E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Which of the following provides an antibiotic called seminalplasmin? A) prostate gland B) seminal glands C) bulbo-urethral glands D) seminiferous tubules E) epididymis Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Which of the following is a function of the seminal fluid? A) produce testosterone B) provide the nutrients needed for sperm motility C) buffer the urethra and vagina D) produce sperm E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) The muscular layer of the uterus is (the) ________. A) endometrium B) perimetrium C) myometrium D) mesovarium E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The female gonads are the ________. A) epididymis B) ovaries C) testis D) uterus E) straight tubules Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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33) The thickened, cord-like connection of the uterus to the anterior pelvic wall is the ________. A) round ligament B) broad ligament C) suspensory ligament D) uterosacral ligament E) cardinal ligament Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) The lateral surface of the ovary is connected to the pelvic wall by (the) ________. A) mesovarium B) mesentery C) cardinal ligament D) suspensory ligament E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) The epithelium of the ________ has both ciliated and non-ciliated simple columnar cells. A) vagina B) uterine tube C) ovary D) cervix E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Which is correct regarding chromosome numbers during oogenesis? A) Primary oocytes are haploid, secondary oocytes are diploid. B) Both primary oocytes and secondary oocytes are haploid. C) Both primary oocytes and secondary oocytes are diploid. D) Primary oocytes are diploid, secondary oocytes are haploid. E) Primary oocytes are haploid, secondary oocytes may be haploid or diploid depending on their meiotic stage. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) The grouping of cells surrounding the ovulated oocyte is called the ________. A) antrum B) corpus luteum C) zona pellucida D) corona radiata E) corpus albicans Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Ovulation occurs when an oocyte is released from a ruptured ________ follicle. A) secondary B) primary C) tertiary D) primordial E) polar Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) The principal hormone of the secretory phase is ________. A) estrogen B) progesterone C) FSH D) LH E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) The phase of the uterine cycle from ovulation until the corpus luteum breaks down is the ________. A) proliferative phase B) secretory phase C) follicular phase Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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41) The corpus luteum secretes ________. A) FSH B) estrogen C) progestins D) LH E) relaxin Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 42) Each primary oocyte within an egg nest in the ovary is surrounded by a simple squamous layer of follicular cells. The oocyte and its follicle cells are called a ________. A) corona radiata B) primordial ovarian follicle C) secondary follicle D) primary follicle E) corpus luteum Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) A ________ is formed by the combination of a primary oocyte and several surrounding layers of follicular cells and the presence of small amounts of follicular fluid. A) granulosa cell B) thecal cells C) secondary ovarian follicle D) polar cell E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) The secondary oocyte is released from the ovary at ________. A) the onset of menstruation B) ovulation C) the end of the secretory phase Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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45) For an ovum to be fertilized, it must encounter a spermatozoon in the ampulla of the uterine tube within ________ of the oocyte's passage. A) 3-5 hours B) 8-12 hours C) 12-24 hours D) 7 days E) 9 days Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) The large fluid-filled cavity within a mature ovarian follicle is called the ________. A) zona pellucida B) antrum C) corpus D) liquor folliculi E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) The ovaries are supported by (the) ________. A) roof of the pelvic cavity B) ovarian blood vessels and the ovarian hilum C) mesovarium D) uterus E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) The vagina is lined by ________. A) transitional epithelium B) simple cuboidal epithelium C) stratified squamous epithelium D) simple ciliated columnar epithelium E) None of the answers are correct Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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49) The main organs of the female reproductive system include all of the following EXCEPT the ________. A) vagina B) urinary bladder C) uterus D) ovary E) mammary glands Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) The average length of the uterine cycle is ________. A) 14 days B) 20 days C) 28 days D) 35 days E) 40 days Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) In the correct order, the steps involved in oogenesis are: (1) formation of a tertiary follicle (2) ovulation (3) formation and degeneration of the corpus luteum (4) formation of primary follicles (5) formation of secondary follicles A) 4, 5, 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 C) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 D) 2, 5, 4, 1, 3 E) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) During the ovarian cycle, ________. A) all secondary follicles form tertiary follicles B) usually only one mature ovarian follicle forms C) primary oocytes are suspended in metaphase until maturation occurs D) each of the primary oocytes develops into two secondary oocytes E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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53) In the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle, the ovary is ________. A) undergoing atresia B) developing a mature follicle C) forming the corpus luteum D) secreting progesterone E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Milk production in the mammary glands ________. A) is stimulated by a combination of hormones including prolactin, growth hormone, and human placental lactogen B) is initiated during the birth process C) occurs by the process of meiosis D) begins to occur at the start of each monthly cycle, but only continues if pregnancy occurs E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Circulating testosterone levels in men can begin to decline as early as age ________ years. A) 28 B) 30 C) 40 D) 50 E) 60 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) Premature menopause ________. A) does not always occur in females B) occurs any time menstruation ceases C) usually occurs before the age of 35 years D) occurs because of a shortage of primordial follicles E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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57) The changes that occur in a woman's body at menopause are due to ________. A) reduced frequency of sexual activity B) reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone C) increased production of androgens by the adrenal gland D) depletion of oocyte supply E) fluid retention that disrupts the osmotic balance of the body Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) The change in function of the male reproductive system that is comparable to menopause in women is ________. A) called manopause B) called the male climacteric C) not comparable between the aging male and female reproductive systems D) nothing; the male reproductive system does not change with age E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27.2 True/False Questions 1) The secondary spermatocytes are haploid cells. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) The ovarian ligament attaches the uterus to the anterior abdominal wall. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The outer area of the ovary where gametes are produced is the cortex. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) A mature ovum is ovulated once per month. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Progesterone and estrogen are produced by the corpus albicans. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

6) Production of new primary oocytes by mitosis continues throughout a woman's life. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Movement of the oocyte along the uterine tube is due to peristalsis and ciliary action. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27.3 Essay Questions 1) What is the function of the scrotum? Answer: The scrotum positions the testes outside of the abdominal cavity, which is essential to normal development of spermatozoa, which require a temperature of 1.1 degrees C (2 degrees F) lower than the normal temperature within the abdominal cavity. The spermatic cord, which contains the nerves and blood supply to the testes, provides continuity with the rest of the body. The musculature of the scrotum is able to raise and lower the testes in response to temperature and other physiological changes. Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) Briefly explain the process of spermatogenesis. Answer: Spermatogenesis is the process whereby sperm are produced. Spermatogenesis begins at the outermost layer of cells in the seminiferous tubules when stem cells called spermatogonia divide throughout adult life. One of the daughter cells remains as a stem cell; the other is pushed toward the lumen of the tubule. This cell differentiates into a primary spermatocyte that prepares to begin meiosis, the process of cell division that results in each cell having one-half the normal number of chromosomes, called haploid. Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 3) Briefly explain the process of spermiogenesis. Answer: Spermiogenesis is the process whereby each spermatid matures into a single sperm cell. During this process, spermatids are embedded within the cytoplasm of large nurse cells attached to the tubular capsule and extend toward the lumen between the spermatocytes undergoing meiosis. During these processes, the spermatids gradually assume the appearance of mature spermatozoa. At spermiation, they lose attachment to the nurse cell and enter the lumen of the seminiferous tubule. The entire process takes approximately nine weeks. Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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4) Describe the mechanism that permits the penis to become erect. Answer: A dense network of elastic fibers encircles the internal structure of the penis, surrounding three cylindrical columns of erectile tissue. This tissue is a three-dimensional maze of vascular channels incompletely separated by partitions of elastic connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers. At rest, the arterial branches are constricted and the muscular partitions are tense, reducing blood flow into the erectile tissue. Under parasympathetic stimulation the smooth muscle partitions relax, the vessels dilate, blood flow increases, the vascular channels become engorged with blood, and erection occurs. Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 5) What are the most important events that occur in the uterine cycle? Answer: The uterine cycle averages 28 days in length and has three phases: the menses, the proliferative phase, and the secretory phase. The cycle begins with the onset of menses on day 1, continuing usually until day 5. At this time the functional zone of the endometrium is shed, in a process called menstruation. This process was triggered when the estrogen and progesterone levels fell at the end of the previous cycle. After the menses, under the influence of the circulating hormones, the epithelial cells of the endometrium multiply and spread across the surface. This will restore the functional zone, and coincides with the maturation of the egg prior to ovulation. When ovulation occurs, the functional zone is several millimeters thick and ready to receive the fertilized ovum. The secretory phase allows the endometrial glands to enlarge under the effects of the progestins and estrogens secreted by the corpus luteum. It continues until approximately 12 days after ovulation. Glandular activity then declines as the corpus luteum deteriorates, and the functional zone is eventually shed at the start of a new cycle. Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 5-6: Evaluating/Creating 6) What processes are involved in the maturation of the ova? Answer: The stem cells, or oogonia, have completed their mitotic divisions prior to birth, at which time there are about 2,000,000 primordial oocytes. They remain in a suspended state until puberty, at which time there are approximately 4,000,000. Each of the primary oocytes is located in the outer cortex of the ovary in clusters called egg nests. They are surrounded by a layer of follicular cells and are known as primordial follicles. At puberty, FSH stimulation causes growth of the primordial follicles. The primordial follicles become primary follicles, in which the cells enlarge and undergo repeated divisions, making a layer of cells around the oocyte. These layers nourish the oocyte. Only a few primary follicles progress to secondary follicles, with thickened walls and an increased amount of follicular fluid. By days 8 to 10 in the cycle, a single secondary follicle is prepared to become a tertiary follicle, or mature ovarian follicle. It is this follicle that will ovulate on day 14. Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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27.4 Labeling Questions Figure 27.1

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 1) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Testicle B) Scrotum C) Membranous urethra D) Corpus cavernosum E) Corpus spongiosum Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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2) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Prostatic urethra B) Ductus deferens C) Spermatic cord D) Ureter E) Ejaculatory duct Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Seminal gland B) Ductus deferens C) Prostate gland D) Epididymis E) Bulbo-urethral gland Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Scrotum B) Testis C) Penis D) Epididymis E) Prostate gland Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Epididymis B) Penis C) Scrotum D) Testicle E) Testis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Pubic symphysis B) Raphe C) Seminal gland D) Bulbo-urethral gland E) Prostate gland Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure indicated by Label N. A) Ejaculatory duct B) Testis C) Prostatic urethra D) Ureter E) Seminal gland Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Bulbo-urethral gland B) Vestibular gland C) Ductus deferens D) Seminal gland E) Prostate gland Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Identify the structure indicated by Label Q. A) Bulbo-urethral gland B) Vestibular gland C) Ductus deferens D) Seminal gland E) Prostate gland Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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10) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Ureter B) Membranous urethra C) Urinary bladder D) Pubic symphysis E) Prostate gland Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 27.2

Identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 11) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Testicular artery B) Superficial inguinal ring C) Cremaster muscle D) Inguinal canal E) Pampiniform plexus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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12) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Ductus deferens B) Pampiniform plexus C) Spermatic cord D) Inguinal canal E) Deferential artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Inguinal canal B) Testicular artery C) Pampiniform plexus D) Spermatic cord E) Ductus deferens Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Epididymis B) Scrotum C) Scrotal cavity D) Cremaster muscle E) Testis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Testis B) Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis C) Dartos muscle D) Raphe of the scrotum E) Pampiniform plexus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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16) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Testis B) Scrotal septum C) Dartos muscle D) Raphe of the scrotum E) Pampiniform plexus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis B) Scrotal skin (cut) C) Dartos muscle D) Superficial scrotal fascia E) Cremaster muscle Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structure indicated by Label Q. A) Scrotal septum B) Cremaster muscle with cremasteric fascia C) Spermatic cord D) Testis E) Scrotal skin (cut) Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Scrotal septum B) Cremaster muscle with cremasteric fascia C) Spermatic cord D) Testis E) Penis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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20) Identify the structure indicated by Label U. A) Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis B) Inguinal canal C) Pampiniform plexus D) Inguinal ligament E) Superficial inguinal ring Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding Figure 27.3

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 21) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Kidney B) Seminal gland C) Prostate gland D) Urinary bladder E) Urethra Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

22) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Ureter B) Spermatic cord C) Ductus deferens D) Urinary bladder E) Urethra Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Ampulla of ductus deferens B) Seminal gland C) Bulbo-urethral gland D) Prostate gland E) Ureter Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Ureter B) Duct of seminal gland C) Ampulla of ductus deferens D) Prostate gland E) Ejaculatory duct Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Urinary bladder B) Prostate gland C) Seminal gland D) Bulbo-urethral gland E) Testis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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26) Identify the structures indicated by Label J. A) Ampullae of ductus deferens B) Seminal glands C) Bulbo-urethral glands D) Seminal vesicles E) Testes Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 27.4

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 27) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Urinary bladder B) Cervix C) Ovary D) Ovarian follicle E) Uterus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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28) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Uterine tube B) Vagina C) Urethra D) Ovary E) Ureter Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Vesico-uterine pouch B) Vagina C) Urethra D) Recto-uterine pouch E) Ureter Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Pubic symphysis B) Urinary bladder C) Cervix D) Uterus E) Vesico-uterine pouch Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Uterine tube B) Sigmoid colon C) Vagina D) Cervix E) Urethra Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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32) Which structures are also known as Skene's glands? A) Label B B) Label E C) Label H D) Label I E) Label L Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Labium B) Clitoris C) Urethral gland D) Greater vestibular gland E) Lesser vestibular gland Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Labium B) Clitoris C) Urethral gland D) Greater vestibular gland E) Lesser vestibular gland Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Clitoris B) Labium minus C) Labium majus D) Vagina E) Cervix Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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36) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Cervix B) Rectum C) Urethra D) Sigmoid colon E) Vagina Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) Identify the structure indicated by Label P. A) Cervix B) Uterus C) Urethra D) Recto-uterine pouch E) Vagina Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure indicated by Label V. A) Perimetrium B) Myometrium C) Endometrium Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure indicated by Label W. A) Urinary bladder B) Ovary C) Uterus D) Cervix E) Vagina Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 27.5

Identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 40) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Infundibulum B) Fimbriae C) Isthmus of uterine tube D) Ampulla of uterine tube E) Ovarian ligament Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) Identify the structures indicated by Label C. A) Infundibula B) Fimbriae C) Ovarian blood vessels D) Ampullae of uterine tube E) Ovarian ligaments Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

42) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Endometrium B) Perimetrium C) Myometrium Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Fundus of uterus B) External os C) Internal os D) Cervix E) Cervical canal Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Fundus of uterus B) External os C) Internal os D) Cervix E) Cervical canal Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Ovary B) Fundus of uterus C) Cervix D) External os E) Vestibule Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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46) Identify the structure indicated by Label P. A) Broad ligament B) Suspensory ligament of ovary C) Mesovarium D) Round ligament of uterus E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) Identify the structure indicated by Label Q. A) Broad ligament B) Suspensory ligament of ovary C) Mesovarium D) Ovarian ligament E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Broad ligament B) Suspensory ligament of ovary C) Mesovarium D) Ovarian ligament E) Round ligament of uterus Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Broad ligament B) Suspensory ligament of ovary C) Mesovarium D) Ovarian ligament E) Body of uterus Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Identify the structures indicated by Label T. A) Vaginal blood vessels B) Ovarian artery and vein C) Uterine artery and vein Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

51) Identify the structure indicated by Label U. A) Broad ligament B) Suspensory ligament of ovary C) Mesovarium D) Ovarian ligament E) Body of uterus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Identify the structure indicated by Label W. A) Ovarian ligament B) Uterine tube C) Ureter D) Infundibulum E) Vaginal artery Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) Identify the structure indicated by Label Y. A) Fundus of uterus B) Uterine cavity C) Urinary bladder D) Body of uterus E) Recto-uterine pouch Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

34 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 27.6

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 54) Identify the structure(s) indicated by Label A. A) Vestibule B) Hymen (torn) C) Mons pubis D) Labia minora E) Labia majora Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Vestibular bulb B) Urethral opening C) Prepuce of clitoris D) Glans of clitoris E) Vestibule Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

56) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Vestibular bulb B) Urethral opening C) Prepuce of clitoris D) Glans of clitoris E) Vestibule Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Vestibular bulb B) Urethral opening C) Prepuce of clitoris D) Glans of clitoris E) Vestibule Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 27.7

Identify the specified labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 58) Name the muscle indicated by Label A. A) Deltoid B) Pectoralis major C) Subscapularis D) Serratus anterior E) External oblique Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 59) Identify the breast structure composed of adipose tissue. A) Label A B) Label B C) Label D D) Label F E) Label H Answer: B Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

60) Identify the structures indicated by Label C. A) Lactiferous sinuses B) Fat pads C) Lactiferous ducts D) Lobules of mammary glands E) Suspensory ligaments Answer: E Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 61) Identify the structures indicated by Label D. A) Lactiferous sinuses B) Fat pads C) Lactiferous ducts D) Lobules of mammary glands E) Suspensory ligaments Answer: D Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Lactiferous sinus B) Fat pad C) Lactiferous duct D) Lobule of mammary gland E) Suspensory ligament Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 63) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Aereola B) Aureole C) Areola D) Ariole E) Arriola Answer: C Learning Outcome: 27.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Human Anatomy, 9e (Martini) Chapter 28 Embryology and Human Development 28.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1) The series of progressive changes of anatomical structures from conception to maturity is referred to as ________. A) growth B) gestation C) development D) differentiation E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Human sex cells are called ________. A) spores B) histones C) genes D) gonads E) gametes Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) The process by which cells specialize during development is ________. A) differentiation B) implantation C) meiosis D) embryology E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) The embryonic development stage occurs during the ________. A) first three weeks of development B) third through the eighth week of development C) eighth through the twenty-fourth week of development D) last eight weeks of development E) just before childbirth Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) If two sperm penetrate two different oocytes, the two resulting offspring would be ________. A) identical twins B) one male and one female C) fraternal twins D) two males E) There is not enough information to answer the question. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 6) Fertilization is the process whereby ________. A) two haploid gametes fuse B) two polar bodies fuse to produce a zygote C) two diploid gametes join and recombine genetically D) the cells of a newly produced embryo divide E) None of the answers are correct Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Because of the great loss of spermatozoa during the process of traveling from the vagina to the ampulla of the uterine tube where fertilization occurs, a male must have at least ________ spermatozoa per milliliter, or he will be functionally sterile. A) 10,000 B) 100,000 C) 2,000,000 D) 20,000,000 E) 500,000,000 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) There are two protective layers around the secondary oocyte, the zona pellucida and the ________. A) second polar body B) transverse membrane C) corona radiata D) acrosome E) first polar body Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Sperm cannot perform fertilization until they ________. A) undergo activation B) undergo capacitation C) lose their acrosome D) are in the vagina for three days E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) Fusion of the male and female pronuclei forming the zygote is known as ________. A) meiosis B) gamete formation C) penetration D) fertilization E) amphimixis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) After oocyte activation and completion of meiosis, the female nuclear material reorganizes as the ________. A) syncytiotrophoblast B) female pronucleus C) cytotrophoblast D) male pronucleus E) primary oocyte Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The time spent in prenatal development is called ________. A) gestation B) embryology C) spermatogenesis D) atresia E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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13) In what developmental stage does the human embryo implant in the wall of the uterus? A) as a zygote B) in the morula stage C) in the blastocyst stage D) in the gastrula stage E) during organogenesis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) The collective term for embryonic and fetal development is ________. A) preembryonic development B) prenatal development C) postnatal development D) gestation E) fertilization Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 15) The blastodisc of the early embryo consists of the ________. A) hypoblast and the epiblast B) hypoblast and the trophoblast C) epiblast and the trophoblast D) hypoblast and the cytotrophoblast E) cytotrophoblast and the epiblast Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Each germ layer develops into specific structures. The nervous system develops from the ________. A) ectoderm B) mesoderm C) endoderm Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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17) The amnionic cavity is filled with fluid, which functions to ________. A) cushion the developing embryo or fetus B) allow fluid to enter the placenta C) form the plasma portion of the blood D) give the embryo nourishment E) permit implantation to occur Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) From which germ layer are muscles derived? A) ectoderm B) mesoderm C) endoderm Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 19) From which germ layer is the dermis of the skin derived? A) ectoderm B) mesoderm C) endoderm Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) From which germ layer is the epidermis of the skin derived? A) ectoderm B) mesoderm C) endoderm Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) The ________ is the site of early blood cell formation. A) trophoblast B) blastocoele C) amnion D) allantois E) yolk sac Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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22) Collectively, the yolk sac, chorion, amnion, and allantois are called the ________. A) supra-embryonic membranes B) pre-fetal mass C) extra-embryonic membranes D) inter-embryonic membranes E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 23) The inner cavity of the blastocyst is called the ________. A) allantois B) blastocoele C) cytotrophoblast D) lacuna E) primary villus Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) At about day nine of development of the blastocyst, the cells of the inner cell mass are organized into an oval sheet that is two layers thick, called the ________. A) amnion B) yolk sac C) endoderm D) blastodisc E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 25) Neural crest cells give rise to ________. A) melanocytes of the skin B) adrenal medullae C) Schwann cells D) laryngeal cartilages E) All of the choices are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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26) The process termed ________ begins when the blastocyst attaches to the endometrium and continues as the blastocyst invades maternal tissues. A) cleavage B) implantation C) placentation D) differentiation E) embryogenesis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) What happens during gastrulation? A) The three primary germ layers are formed. B) The embryo implants in the wall of the uterus. C) The placenta becomes functional. D) The chorion disintegrates. E) The amnionic fluid appears. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) The connection between the embryo and the chorion is the ________. A) umbilical cord B) yolk stalk C) body stalk D) capsular decidua E) basal decidua Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 29) Once cleavage starts, the zygote starts dividing, forming cells called ________. A) morulas B) blastomeres C) blastocytes D) differentiated E) blastocysts Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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30) The ________ is a hollow ball of cells. A) blastocyst B) gastrula C) morula D) embryo E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) In the early blastocyst, the placenta will develop from the ________. A) blastocoele B) trophoblast C) inner cell mass D) morula E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32) The cavity separating the inner cell mass from the trophoblast is the ________. A) blastocoele B) amniotic cavity C) lacuna D) epiblast E) hypoblast Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 33) Burrowing of the embryo into the endometrium is called ________. A) impregnation B) permeation C) implantation D) fertilization E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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34) During implantation, the developing blastocyst receives nutrients from the nutrients released from the disruption and enzymatic digestion of ________. A) placenta B) chorion C) endometrial glands D) cytotrophoblast E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Formation of the germ layers results from the process of ________. A) meiosis B) somite formation C) blastolation D) gastrulation E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) The germ layer of the embryo that is in contact with the amniotic cavity is the ________. A) mesoderm B) endoderm C) ectoderm D) hypoblast E) epiblast Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 37) The extraembryonic membrane that persists as part of the urinary bladder is the ________. A) allantois B) chorion C) yolk sac D) amnion E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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38) The chorion forms from the ________. A) inner cell mass B) placenta C) trophoblast D) ectoderm E) endoderm Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) The first of the extraembryonic membranes to appear, which ultimately becomes involved in blood cell formation, is the ________. A) amnion B) allantois C) chorion D) yolk sac E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) The mesoderm associated with the allantois spreads to cover the entire inside of the trophoblast. This combination of mesoderm and trophoblast is the ________. A) chorion B) allantois C) mesoderm D) blastodisc E) yolk sac Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 41) During the first trimester of development, the basis for organ formation is established. This process is called ________. A) embryogenesis B) organogenesis C) implantation D) gastrulation E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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42) Which time period is the most dangerous in prenatal life? A) first trimester B) second trimester C) third trimester D) labor E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Problems with the formation of the chorion would affect ________. A) the embryo's ability to produce blood cells B) formation of the limbs C) the embryo's ability to derive nutrition from the mother D) lung formation E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 44) The relatively thin portion of the endometrium that covers the embryo and separates it from the uterine cavity is called the ________. A) parietal decidua B) placenta C) basal decidua D) villi E) capsular decidua Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) During the second trimester, the organ systems ________. A) will not change significantly in size, but will become functional B) of the placenta will grow much faster than the embryo itself C) will complete their functional development D) will not continue functional development, but will increase greatly in size E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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46) Developmental events that occur during the second trimester include ________. A) development of hair and sebaceous glands B) development of sweat glands C) keratin and nail production D) myelination of the spinal cord E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 47) A premature infant often is able to survive if born ________. A) in the first trimester B) in the third trimester C) in the second trimester D) during the embryonic stage E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) The fetus gains the greatest amount of weight during ________. A) the first three weeks of the second trimester B) the entire third trimester C) the entire second trimester D) Weight gain is evenly distributed throughout all of the stages of development. E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) Which of the following changes occur during the third trimester? A) Completion of pulmonary branching and alveolar formation. B) Formation of the plicae of the intestines. C) Completion of the formation of the nephrons. D) In male fetuses, the testes descend. E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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50) The muscular activity that forcibly expulses the fetus from the uterus is called ________. A) development B) labor C) parturition D) placental expulsion E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 51) The dilation stage of labor ________. A) occurs about an hour after the onset of true labor B) includes dilation of the cervix C) usually is short–a few minutes in length D) has contractions of the uterus spread only a few minutes apart E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Full term in pregnancy is usually lasts for________. A) 5 months B) 9 months C) 12 months D) 18 months E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) Surgical cutting of the perineum during delivery is called ________. A) vasectomy B) tubal ligation C) episiotomy D) vagectomy E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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54) Surgical incision of the abdominal wall to remove the fetus is called a(n) ________. A) episiotomy B) breech birth C) abortion D) cesarean section E) parturition Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 55) The ________ stage begins with the onset of true labor, as the cervix dilates and the fetus begins to move down the cervical canal. A) dilation B) expulsion C) placental Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 56) During the ________ stage of labor, the muscle tension builds in the walls of the partially empty uterus, and the organ gradually decreases in size. A) dilation B) expulsion C) placental Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 57) Dilation, expulsion, and placental are the three stages of ________. A) pregnancy B) fetal development C) trimesters D) labor E) delivery Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 58) In a ________ birth, the baby's buttocks or legs are delivered before the head. A) premature B) cesarean C) breech D) frontal E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

59) The first month of life after delivery is the ________ period. A) fetal B) neonatal C) postpartal D) embryonic E) afterbirth Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 60) A typical healthy neonatal heart rate is ________ beats per minute. A) 60-80 B) 80-100 C) 100-120 D) 120-140 E) 140-160 Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 61) The two systems with related functions that will change the most rapidly at birth, but that are still undergoing some differentiation shortly before birth, are the circulatory and ________ systems. A) cardiovascular B) integumentary C) reproductive D) digestive E) respiratory Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 62) The last systems to complete prenatal development are the ________. A) renal and circulatory B) nervous and digestive C) renal and respiratory D) muscular and nervous E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.5 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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63) The foramen ovale is actually an opening in the ________. A) interventricular septum B) interatrial septum C) ventricular wall D) ductus arteriosus E) fossa ovalis Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 64) Which of the following is the condition of the skull at birth? A) Only the chondrocranium exists. B) The floor and roof of the cranium are incomplete. C) The frontal bone has just begun forming. D) The mandible is incomplete. E) Only the roof of the skull remains incomplete. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 65) The heart begins pumping and circulating blood in the ________ week. A) first B) third C) fifth D) eighth E) tenth Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 66) Which of the following forms the nucleus pulposus? A) mesoderm B) somites C) neural arch D) notochord E) sclerotomes Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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67) Muscle are the result of maturing ________. A) myotomes B) sclerotomes C) notochord D) mesoderm E) apical ridges Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 68) White matter of the spinal cord develops from the ________. A) notochord B) neuroepithelial layer C) mantle layer D) marginal layer E) neurocoel Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 69) The first part of the nervous system to form is the ________. A) cerebrum B) neural tube C) spinal cord D) brain stem E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 70) Formation of the neural tube ________. A) begins at the anterior (head) end and proceeds toward the posterior (tail) B) begins at the posterior and proceeds toward the anterior C) begins in the middle and proceeds toward the head and the tail D) is random in that it can begin and proceed at any location along the neural plate E) is caused by compaction of the neural plate Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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71) In the axial skeleton, most muscle, cartilage, and connective tissues are derived from a series of mesenchymal blocks called ________. A) teratogens B) dermatomes C) notochords D) lateral plates E) somites Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 28.2 True/False Questions 1) In the process of development, a human being forms in the womb for about 9 months and grows to maturity in 15 to 20 years. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 28.1 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) During the initial stages of fertilization, sperm release hyaluronidase from their acrosome, which breaks down the bonds between adjacent follicle cells. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 28.2 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Anything that disrupts normal development by causing cell or chromosome damage or altering the chemical environment of the embryo is called a teratogen. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) When implantation begins, the trophoblastic cells of the blastocyst are responsible for providing food to the developing embryo. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 5) A neonatal condition resulting from maternal alcohol consumption; characterized by developmental defects is called sudden infant death syndrome. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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6) Neural tube formation occurs when the neural folds close and lose their connection with the superficial ectoderm. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) The neural groove becomes the notochord. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) The neural plate is the first stage of development in the nervous system. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 9) Pharyngeal pouch III becomes the upper portions of the parathyroid and thymus glands. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 10) The ductus arteriosus provides an external short circuit between the pulmonary and systemic circuits. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 11) The ductus arteriosus connects the pulmonary artery with the descending aorta. Answer: TRUE Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) The embryonic heart begins pumping and circulating blood during the sixth week of development. Answer: FALSE Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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28.3 Essay Questions 1) If a woman in the early stages of labor complains that she feels extreme pressure on her lower back, as if a bowling ball were pushing against her spine, and she is making little progress in dilation of the cervix, what might the problem be? Answer: The fetus is likely not to be in the normal, or vertex position, with the head engaged in the birth canal. In this case, the head is superiorly oriented, and pressing against the posterior aspect of the uterus. Unless the infant is able to be turned, this will be a breech presentation, or birth with the buttocks or legs first, rather than the head. Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 2) What might be done to the mother to widen the opening of the birth canal? Answer: If the vaginal canal is too tight for the infant to pass easily through it within a short period of time, an incision, called an episiotomy, can be made at the edge of the vaginal opening at an angle toward the ischium, and away from the anal opening. In theory, this incision will prevent a tear of the perineum, which might cause damage to the anal opening. Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing 3) What are the potential effects of chromosomal abnormalities on the blastocyst? Answer: Abnormalities in chromosome number, shape, or form occur quite often. These abnormalities can occur during gamete formation, fertilization, or cleavage. If the chromosomal abnormalities are severe enough, they result in the spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) of the blastocyst or embryo. Many of these miscarriages occur early in pregnancy (within 2 to 3 weeks after fertilization), so a woman often spontaneously aborts without realizing she was ever pregnant. Some estimates indicate that about 50% of all pregnancies terminate as a result of spontaneous abortion; about half of these are caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the developing organism. As a consequence, fewer organisms are stillborn or born with severe birth defects. Thus, although 2-3% of all infants are born with some type of birth defect, this percentage would be much higher if not for the high frequency of spontaneous abortions very early in pregnancy. Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 3-4: Applying/Analyzing

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28.4 Labeling Questions Figure 28.1

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions.

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1) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Trophoblast B) Blastocoele C) Blastocyst D) Primary villus E) Lacuna Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 2) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Trophoblast B) Blastocoele C) Blastocyst D) Primary villus E) Lacuna Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 3) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Trophoblast B) Blastocoele C) Blastocyst D) Primary villus E) Lacuna Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 4) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Lacuna B) Cytotrophoblast C) Amniotic cavity D) Inner cell mass E) Blastocoele Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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5) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Lacuna B) Cytotrophoblast C) Amniotic cavity D) Inner cell mass E) Blastocoele Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 6) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Yolk sac B) Blastocyst C) Developing primary villi D) Blastocoele E) Blastodisc Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 7) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Developing primary villi B) Lacunae C) Syncytiotrophoblast D) Cytotrophoblast E) Uterine glands Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 8) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Blastocyst B) Blastocoele C) Amniotic cavity D) Uterine cavity E) Lacuna Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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9) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Lacuna B) Cytotrophoblast C) Amniotic cavity D) Inner cell mass E) Blastocoele Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 28.2

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 10) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Chorion B) Capsular decidua C) Amnion D) Basal decidua E) Myometrium Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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11) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Chorion B) Capsular decidua C) Amnion D) Basal decidua E) Myometrium Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 12) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Chorion B) Capsular decidua C) Amnion D) Basal decidua E) Myometrium Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 13) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Chorion B) Capsular decidua C) Amnion D) Parietal decidua E) Myometrium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 14) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Parietal decidua B) Placenta C) Capsular decidua D) Myometrium E) Mucus plug Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

26 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

15) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Maternal blood vessels B) Chorion C) Placenta D) Trophoblast (cellular and syncytial layers) E) Umbilical arteries Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 16) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Maternal blood vessels B) Amnion C) Placenta D) Trophoblast (cellular and syncytial layers) E) Umbilical arteries Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 17) Identify the structures indicated by Label O. A) Trophoblast (cellular and syncytial layers) B) Chorionic villi C) Maternal blood vessels D) Amnion E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 18) Identify the structures indicated by Label P. A) Trophoblasts B) Chorionic villi C) Maternal blood vessels D) Umbilical arteries E) Lacunae Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

27 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

19) Identify the structure indicated by Label R. A) Chorion B) Basal decidua C) Amnion D) Parietal decidua E) Myometrium Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 20) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Chorion B) Placenta C) Amnion D) Parietal decidua E) Yolk sac Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 21) Identify the structure indicated by Label T. A) Chorion B) Placenta C) Amnion D) Parietal decidua E) Yolk sac Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 22) Identify the structure indicated by Label U. A) Mucus plug B) Umbilical cord (cut) C) Umbilical vein D) Placenta E) Body stalk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.3 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

28 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 28.3

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 23) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Liver B) Stomach C) Small intestine D) Heart E) Pancreas Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 24) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Small intestine B) Stomach C) Heart D) Liver E) Kidney Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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25) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Umbilical cord B) Placenta C) Umbilical artery D) Fetus E) Myometrium Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 26) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Stomach B) Myometrium C) Umbilical cord D) Placenta E) Pubic symphysis Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 27) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Stomach B) Small intestine C) Rectum D) Pancreas E) Transverse colon Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 28) Identify the structure indicated by Label K A) Fundus of uterus B) Small intestine C) Rectum D) Pancreas E) Transverse colon Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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29) Identify the structure indicated by Label W. A) Fundus of uterus B) Small intestine C) Rectum D) Pancreas E) Transverse colon Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 30) Identify the structure indicated by Label V. A) Common iliac vein B) Aorta C) Pancreas D) Small intestine E) Transverse colon Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 31) Identify the structure indicated by Label X. A) Large intestine B) Transverse colon C) Small intestine D) Urinary bladder E) Stomach Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.4 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

31 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 28.4

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 32) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Neural fold B) Somite C) Neural groove D) Notochord E) Neural plate Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 32 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

33) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Neural fold B) Somite C) Neural groove D) Notochord E) Neural plate Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 34) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Neural fold B) Somite C) Neural tube D) Notochord E) Neural plate Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 35) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Neural fold B) Somite C) Neural groove D) Notochord E) Neural plate Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Neural fold B) Somite C) Neural groove D) Notochord E) Neural plate Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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37) Identify the structure indicated by Label G. A) Neural tube B) Somite C) Neural fold D) Notochord E) Neural plate Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 38) Identify the structure indicated by Label I. A) Neural fold B) Somite C) Neural groove D) Notochord E) Neural crest Answer: E Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 39) Identify the structure indicated by Label K. A) Marginal layer B) Mantle layer C) Ependymal layer Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 40) Which layer is created by daughter cells? A) Label K B) Label L C) Label M Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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Figure 28.5

Identify the labeled structure(s) in each of the following questions. 41) Identify the structure indicated by Label A. A) Body stalk B) Yolk stalk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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42) Identify the structure indicated by Label B. A) Body stalk B) Yolk stalk Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 43) Identify the structure indicated by Label C. A) Notochord B) Neural tube C) Dorsal mesentery D) Ventral mesentery E) Aorta Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 44) Identify the structure indicated by Label D. A) Notochord B) Neural tube C) Dorsal mesentery D) Ventral mesentery E) Aorta Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 45) Identify the structure indicated by Label E. A) Notochord B) Neural tube C) Dorsal mesentery D) Coelmic cavity E) Aorta Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 46) Identify the structure indicated by Label F. A) Notochord B) Coelomic cavity C) Digestive tube D) Ventral mesentery E) Aorta Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 36 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

47) Identify the structure indicated by Label H. A) Notochord B) Neural tube C) Dorsal mesentery D) Ventral mesentery E) Digestive tube Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 48) Identify the structure indicated by Label J. A) Aorta B) Digestive tube C) Coelomic cavity D) Neural tube E) Pancreas Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 49) Identify the structure indicated by Label L. A) Pancreas B) Stomach C) Coelom D) Liver E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 50) Identify the structure indicated by Label M. A) Pancreas B) Stomach C) Coelom D) Liver E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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51) Identify the structure indicated by Label N. A) Pancreas B) Stomach C) Ventral body cavity D) Liver E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 52) Identify the structure indicated by Label O. A) Pancreas B) Stomach C) Notochord D) Liver E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 53) Identify the structure indicated by Label Q. A) Lesser omentum B) Greater omentum C) Notochord D) Liver E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding 54) Identify the structure indicated by Label S. A) Falciform ligament B) Greater omentum C) Notochord D) Liver E) None of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 28.6 Bloom's Taxonomy: 1-2: Remembering/Understanding

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