The Power of Knowledge / Moč Znanja Dec 2018

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Decem ber 2018

5. oblet n ica AEC 5t h an n iver sar y of AEC M edn ar odn a M en t or sk a Kon f er en ca In t er n at ion al M en t or in g Con f er en ce Nove U?n e To?ke New Lear n in g Poin t s



Uvodn ik

Pr e Wor d M ar jet k a Kast n er Glavna in odgovorna urednica Editor in Chief

Revij a M o? Znanj a The Power of K nowledge magazine Izdajatelj Publisher: Life Learning Academia Glavna in odgovorna urednica Editor and Chief: Marjetka Kastner Izvr?na urednica Executive editor: Marjetka Kastner Uredni?tvo/Office: Life Learning Academia, Dunajska 106c, 1000 Ljubljana, SLO,EU Lektoriranje in prevodi/Proof-reading and translation: Prelekta, Maja Mrak s.p. Tisk/Print: DemagoPrint Fotografije/Photohraphy: Arhivi podjetij in LLA/Archives of organisations and LLA Naslovnica/Cover page: LLA archive Aktualne informacije so objavljene na spletni strani/The latest info on the web: Tr?enje oglasnega prostora/AD space marketing: Life Learning Academia Vse avtorske pravice pridr?ane All rights resevet.

Praznujmo skupaj!

L et's celebrate together!

Letos obele?ujemo peto obletnico dogodka Academic Economic Congres (AEC). V mislih sem preletela, kako se je vse skupaj pri?elo, kako smo rastli, kje smo in kam gremo.

This year marks the fifth anniversary of our Academic Economic Congress (AEC). I?ve thought about how it all started, how we?ve grown, where we are now, and where we are headed.

Verjetno boste rekli, da so to popolnoma obi?ajna vpra?anja, ki si jih postavljajo managerji ob zaklju?ku leta ali kakega projekta. Sodelavci Life Learning Academie pa smo ponosni, da smo povezali 30 dr?av, predstavili nekaj sto dobrih potencialov iz razli?nih koncev sveta in preko procesov usmerjali ve? kot 100 podjetij.

You will probably say that these are just the ordinary questions that managers ask themselves at the end of every year, or project. But at Life Learning Academia, we are proud of the fact that we have connected 30 countries, presented a few hundred good potentials from various parts of the world, and guided over 100 companies with our processes.

Z razli?nimi povezovanji in sodelovanji nismo vzpostavili le novih poslovnih odnosov in novih sodelovanj, temve? smo dokazali, da sprejemamo tudi tujo kulturo, obi?aje, razli?nost ... ?e ve?, nau?ili smo se sodelovati in ne tekmovati. Vse to bele?imo kot prese?ek, saj je ?e vedno zaznati razdvojenost med razli?nimi dr?avami, profili, spoli, versko ali politi?no pripadnostjo, kot tudi med podjetji znotraj posameznih dr?av. Leto?nje praznovanje zato ni le praznovanje Life Learning Academie, temve? je praznovanje nas vseh, ki smo zmogli narediti ta korak oziroma prese?ek. Mi se skupaj z vami veselimo novih podvigov in sodelovanj, za dose?ene pa iskreno ?estitamo vsem, ki ste sodelovali.

With various connections and collaborations, we?ve not only established new business relationships and partnerships, we we?ve also proven that we embrace cultural diversity, and much more, we?ve learnt to cooperate instead of compete. Still noticing division between various countries, profiles, genders, religious and political affiliation, as well as companies within individual countries, we see this as beneficial. Hence, this year?s celebration is not only Life Learning Academia?s celebration, but a celebration of all of us who have made this great step forward. We look forward to many new achievements and collaborations with you, and sincerely congratulate everyone who has already succeeded.

Marjetka Kastner, Life Learning Academia, direktorica

Marjetka Kastner, Life Learning Academia, Director

Izdaja December 2018 Publishet in December 2018 Mnenja, ki jih navajajo avtorji, niso mnenja Life Learning Academije in urednikov The Life Learning Academia welcomes voices from many spheres- We publish pieces written by outside contributors with a wide range of opinions, which dont necessarily reflect our own. Join us as a community member!


Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge



Glede na to, da moramo v U?e?ih se organizacijah zagotoviti nenehna izpopolnjevanja, povezovanja in druge mo?nosti, ki nadgrajujejo delo HR, se je Strokovni svet preoblikoval v Strokovno razvojni svet. Razlika bo predvsem v tem, da ne bo zgolj Life Learning Academia pobudnik za dolo?ene aktivnosti, temve? to pomeni, da bomo skupaj razvijali strokovne vsebine, programe, pripravljali povezovalne na?rte, skrbeli za povezovanje s tujino itd.

In view of the fact that, at the Learning Organisations, we must ensure the continuous development, connecting with others, and other opportunities to upgrade the work of HR, the Expert Board has been renamed the Expert and Development Board.

Sre?anje Strokovno razvojnega sveta oktobra 2018 Meeting of the Expert and Development Board in October 2018

Letni dogodek AEC, na katerem se podelijo certifikati za U?e?e se organizacije, bo tako plod skupnih sodelovanj, saj bodo oblikovane razli?ne tematske okrogle mize, na katerih bodo sodelovali doma?i in tuji strokovnjaki s specifi?nih podro?ij. Tako bomo oblikovali sodelovanje v Sloveniji in ?ir?e. Dogodek bo organiziran 6. junija na Brdu pri Kranju.

The difference is mainly that Life Learning Academia will not be the only initiator of certain activities, but rather we will work together to develop professional content, programmes, connecting plans and make connections internationally.

The annual Academic Economic Congress (AEC), where certificates are awarded to Learning Organisations, will therefore be the result of collaborations, as various topical roundtables will be formed with both domestic and foreign experts from specific fields. This will help us create collaboration within Slovenia and within a wider area. The event will be held on 6 June in Brdo pri Kranju.




Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge

Dr. Akkan Suver, predsednik zdr u?enj a M ar mar a Group j e od Avstr ij e prej el ?astno zlato pr iznanj e.

The Austr ian State awar ded the ?Decor ation of Honour in Gold? To Dr. Akkan Suver, President of the M ar mar a Group Foundation Dr. Akkan Suver was awarded with the Decoration of Honour in Gold by the Austrian State during a ceremony held by President of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen at the Austrian Embassy in Ankara.

Dr. Akkan Suver je ob slovesnosti predsednika Avstrije Alexandra Van der Bellna na avstrijskem veleposlani?tvu v Ankari prejel ?astno zlato priznanje. Na slovesnosti je nekdanji kancler Avstrije dr. Erhard Busek (1991-1995), v svojem govoru povedal, da je fundacija Marmara Group ena od najbolj priznanih in splo?no znanih organizacij civilne dru?be v Avstriji. Dr. Erhard Busek je poudaril, da je pri?el iz Avstrije v Ankaro samo na to podelitev in ?estital dr. Akkanu Suverju za njegov izjemen uspeh. Dr. Ulrike Tilly, veleposlanica Avstrije v Ankari, ki je priznanje podelila, je poudarila, da si dr. Akkan Suver zaslu?i to zlato priznanje zaradi prizadevanj, ki so bila z njegovo pomo?jo izvedena na podro?ju miru in dialoga kot prispevek civilni dru?bi.

Former Chancellor of Austria, Dr. Erhard Busek (1991-1995) also took part at the Ceremony. In his speech, Dr. Erhard Busek said that the Marmara Group Foundation is one of the widely-acclaimed and widely-known civil society organizations in Austria. Dr.Erhard Busek emphasized that he came here from Austria just for this Medal and he congratulated Dr. Akkan Suver on his success. Dr. Ulrike Tilly, Ambassador of Austria to Ankara, presented the Medal to Dr. Akkan Suver and emphasized that Dr. Akkan Suver was honoured with this Medal because of his works that he put forth in the realms of peace and dialogue as a part of the civil society. In his thank-you speech, Dr. Akkan Suver highlighted the importance the Austrian State places on the thought and philosophy of civil society and maintained that he received the medal on behalf of the Turkish civil society.

Dr. Akkan Suver je v svojem zahvaljujo?em govoru poudaril pomen, sodelovanj z Avstrijo in povedal, da priznanje prejema v imenu celotne tur?ke civilne dru?be. Several foreign mission chefs from Ankara and parliamentarians Dr. Akkan Suver, predsednik zdru?enja Marmara also attended the Ceremony. Sve?anosti se je udele?ilo mnogo eminentnih gostov med Group- je od njimi Avstrije prejel ?astno zlato priznanje tudi ve? kuharskih strokovnjakov iz Ankare in poslancev iz tujine. We would like to share this heartfelt event with Your Excellency

Angelo Xuereb iz M alte spet na r de?i preprogi Po nominaciji v svoji dr?avi je Angelo Xuereb prejel nagrado za podjetnika leto na slavnostni slovesnosti v Monaku. ? estitamo!

Angelo Xuereb from M alta again on the red car pet After nomination in his own country Angelo Xuereb received an award for entrepreneur of the year on gala ceremony in Monaco. Congratulations!


Pr va M ednarodna mentor ska konferenca j e bila 6. M arca v L j ublj ani

I nter national M entor ing conference with Presentation of I nter national M entor ing Progr ammes

Vlanskem letu so se razli?ne organizacije, ki izvajajo mentorske programme predstavile Sloveniji, letos pa smo sodelovanja nadgradili na globalni ravni.

In collaboration with different organisations, Life Learning Academia actively supports and connects various mentoring programmes. For this purpose, the First Slovenian Mentor Conference was organised last year.

Tako vzdr?ujemo stike in krepimo sodelovanja, ter ?irimo prepoznovnost in predvsem koristnost in u?inke mentorskih programov.

Seventeen different programmes were held in Slovenia. In order to further strengthen professional cooperation worldwide, we have organised the International Mentoring Conference, on 6, March 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Konferenca je potekala v Hi?i Evropske unije -Informacijsko sredi??e Evropskega parlamenta in komisije v Sloveniji na Dunajski cesti 20 v Ljubljani med 10.00 in 16.00 uro.

Our main purpose is to strengthen professional cooperation in the field of mentoring programs in Med udele?enci so bili tudi predstavniki podjetij, ki so ob zaklju?ku Slovenia and abroad, therefore we will this time connect organisers na okrogli mizi predstavili svoje dobre poslovne prakse na podro?ju and providers of such education events and activities. mentoriranja. The diversity and mass participation at the last event have highlighted

Prihodnje leto bo Mednarodna Mentorska konferenca v Beogradu v organizaciji fakultete Megatrend

the importance of mentoring and the sharing of information, skills, practices and experience in various mentoring programmes. This year's international experience and presentation of international programmes will add value to existing practices and co-operation.


Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge


U?na to?ka ?t. 3 j e postavlj ena v Bohinj u. V sklopu podpore pridobivanja razli?nih znanj namenskih in naklju?nih obiskovalcev in tudi turistov poteka pod okriljem Life Learning Academia projekt U?ne to?ke, ki ga z leto?njim letom vodi gospa Milena Ko?nik. Ve? o projektu in U?nih to?kah si lahko preberete na: ali pi?ete na:

Bohinj ska U?na to?ka predstavlj a cer tifikat Bohinj sko. Certifikat Bohinjsko/from Bohinj zagotavlja izvirnost z geografskim poreklom. Zaupajte in preizkusite visokokakovostne rokodelske izdelke, kulinari?ne izdelke in pridelke ter jedi in pija?e v gostilnah. Vsi izdelki so certificirani po strogih standardih in kriterijih s spo?tovanjem tradicionalnih vrednot, lokalnih surovin, pridelkov in sestavin. Center za kakovost Turizma Bohinj bdi nad razvojem in podobo certificiranih izdelkov ter zagotavlja nenehno strokovno pomo? in podporo lokalnim podjetni?kim pobudam

L ear ning point no. 3 is located in Bohinj Life Learning Academia is a supporter of different ways - how to get knowledge. On the other hand results show us that the ability to understand and perceive certain subject matters in various ways and in a different environment delivers positive effects. This is what Learning Points are based on, as they trigger various ways of perceiving information in individuals. A project is leaded by Mrs. Milena Ko?nik. You can read more about the project and Learning Points at: or write to: The Bohinj Learning Point is a Bohinjsko certificate.

The Bohinj sko/From Bohinj Cer tificate Try high quality craft and culinary products and produce, as well as drinks and food at inns. All products are certified in accordance with strict standards and criteria, by respecting traditional values, local materials, produce and ingredients. The Bohinj Quality Centre monitors the development and image of certified products, and provides constant professional help and support to local entrepreneurial initiatives.

Ve? informacij/More info: 9

Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge

Skupina TAL UM :

Group TAL UM :

S proj ektom NAPREJ zdr avo in aktivno v pr ihodnost

Healthy and active into the future with the proj ect ?NAPREJ?

V okviru dolgoro?ne strategije ohranjanja dobre psihofizi?ne kondicije v Skupini Talum ve? kot 20 let izvajajo ?tevilne aktivnosti na podro?ju skrbi za zdravje. Temelj te dolgoro?ne strategije je formula: Lastna skrb + Talum = Zdravje. Glede na trende v dr?avi in v svetu, ter v prvi vrsti glede na interne analize skupine, aktivnosti na tem podro?ju ustrezno prilagajajo. V za?etku leta 2018 so se uspe?no prijavili na razpis za projekt Naprej ? zdravo in aktivno v prihodnost, katerega cilj je razvoj Programa celovite podpore podjetjem za obvladovanje in prepre?evanje psihosocialnih dejavnikov tveganj. Glavni razlogi za vklju?itev je zavedanje pomembnosti psihi?ne stabilnosti posameznika. V Talumu se zavedajo, da ni zdravja brez du?evnega zdravja in da je treba k ?loveku

oz. zaposlenemu pristopiti celostno ter upo?tevati vse vidike njegovega delovanja. Poleg Taluma v projektu sodeluje ?e ?est podjetij s sede?em v kohezijski regiji Vzhodna Slovenija. Skupaj je tako v projekt vklju?enih ve? kot 11.000 zaposlenih. Aktivnosti v okviru projekta Naprej so dodana vrednost dosedanjim prizadevanjem in delu na tem podro?ju, pojasnjujejo v Talumu. Dodatno delo na podro?ju du?evnega zdravja se jim zdi zelo pomembno, saj statistike ka?ejo, da so te?ave v du?evnem zdravju vse pogostej?i vzrok za bolni?ko odsotnost. Prav tako imajo s podobnim projektom ?e pozitivne izku?nje iz leta 2011, ko so bili vklju?eni v Program podpore delodajalcem in zaposlenim pri odpravljanju stresa povezanega z delom in pri zmanj?evanju njegovih ?kodljivih posledic. Takrat so se zaposleni v Talumu pozitivno odzvali in se tudi udele?evali aktivnosti v okviru programa. Glavni namen projekta NAPREJ je svetovati, izobra?evati in informirati o tem, kako prepre?iti oziroma prepoznati in re?evati te?ave v du?evnem zdravju. Podro?je du?evnega zdravja je bilo namre? dolgo postavljeno na rob, s takimi projekti pa razbijamo mite in tabuje, saj je to podro?je danes ?al ?e vedno stigmatizirano. Preko aktivnosti, ki so na voljo v projektu, lahko spodbudimo tiste, ki ?e imajo te?ave v du?evnem zdravju, naj ?im prej poi??ejo pomo? in o tem odkrito spregovorijo, razlagajo v Talumu. V Talumu si ?elijo, da so njihovi zaposleni zdravi, da lahko ?im bolj izkoristijo svoje potenciale, delajo zavzeto in se ob tem tudi dobro po?utijo ? in s tem projektom jim pri tem lahko pomagajo.


In the context of long-term strategy of maintaining good mental and physical condition of the Talum Group, a number of activities in the field of healthcare have been carried out more than 20 years. The cornerstone of this long-term strategy is the formula: own care + Talum = health. The activities in this field adapt to trends in the country and around the world, and in the first place to internal analysis of the group. At the beginning of 2018 the group successfully submitted an application for the project ?NAPREJ? (?MOVING FORWARD?) healthy and active into the future, the goal of which is the development of the Program of Comprehensive Support to Businesses for the Control and Prevention of Psychosocial Risk Factors. The main reason why the group became involved in the project is recognizing the importance of the individual's psychological stability. In Talum, they declare themselves conscious of the fact that there can be no health without mental health, and that integrated approach would prove successful in employee well-being. Moreover, all aspects of their work should be taken into account. In addition to Talum, six more companies, based in Eastern Slovenia cohesion region, are involved in the project. In total, more than 11,000 employees are involved in the project. Activities within the project ?NAPREJ? are the added value to the efforts made so far and to the work done in this area, as they explain in Talum. They consider additional work in the field of mental health very important as statistics show that mental health problems are becoming one of the leading causes of sick leave. Also, a similar project named Employer and Employee Support Scheme to Tackle Job-related Stress and Reduce its Adverse Effects from 2011 has generally left positive traces. At that time, the employees in Talum responded positively and also participated in the activities of the program. The main purpose of the project ?NAPREJ? is to provide advice, educate and inform on how to prevent and address mental health problems. The field of mental health has been hidden behind a curtain of stigma for so long a time. However, such projects break the myths and taboos surrounding mental health, which is, unfortunately, still stigmatized. Through the project activities, we can encourage people who already have mental health problems to seek help as soon as possible and speak openly about this, they explain in Talum. In Talum they want that their employees are healthy and highly conscientious employees. Also, they are committed to enabling to maximize their potential, and with this project, they can help them to do so.


Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge


AEC 2018 Academic Economic Congress This year?s title of the conference on the AEC congress is ?What to take from the past?. The title was suggested to Marjetka Kastner, director of Life Learning Academia by the father of lateral thinking, dr. Edward de Bono, when she?s met him in London last year. The guests of roundtables on the morning Conference spread really good thoughts with the participants of the event - in conjunction with the tittle of the conference. In all these 5 years Life Learning Academia and her partners learned a lot, met many people and organisations of such different and witty forward pathways of integration. Back in 2009 when we started our work, many complex tasks, projects and challenges forced us to be persistent and they made us strong. Our success is the result of our perseverance. We have learned and earned trust from the best. Our success is mutual and we are very proud of this. Together with the best, we plan to build Learning Environments and spread knowledge at all levels in the future. We are pleased that Learning Organisations are one of the best. You are all invited to stay with us in the future into our global classroom of knowledge


Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge

Tu r ist i?n o dr u ?t vo Boh in j Turisti?no dru?tvo Bohinj (TD Bohinj) v svoji sedanji obliki ?e od leta 1947 spremlja in uokvirja turisti?ne dejavnosti v Bohinju. Dru?tvo ima dandanes 553 ?lanov, s katerimi se trudi za urejenost in bolj?o prepoznavnost Bohinja ter njegove ponudbe doma in po svetu. Poleg agencijskih storitev pa TD Bohinj upravlja ?e pot k slapu Savica, kamp Danica* * * * , gostilno Danica, prireja tradicionalne prireditve ter je tudi mo?no dru?tveno dejavno.

Uspe?nost dr u?tva omogo?a var nost delovnih mest in zadovolj stvo zaposlenih! Dobro delo vseh, ki prispevajo k razvoju TD Bohinj, se pozna tudi na poslovnih rezultatih. Najve? k uspe?nemu poslovanju dru?tvu prina?a kamp Danica, ki se v zadnjih letih hitro razvija in je bil v juliju in avgustu ?e blizu maksimalne zasedenosti, zato TD Bohinj na?rtuje tudi ?iritev kampa. Rast poslovanja v zadnjih letih je izrazita, razvojni projekti pa bodo omogo?ili njeno nadaljnjo rast. Vse to dru?tvu

Prej ete nagr ade in pr iznanj a V preteklem letu se je zvrstilo nemalo dogodkov, dru?tvo je prejelo razna priznanja in zasedlo najvi?ja mesta, na katera je dru?tvo izjemno ponosno. V okviru projekta Moja de?ela, lepa in gostoljubna (MDGL 2018) Turisti?ne zveze Slovenije, je dru?tvo doseglo 1. mesto za kamp Danica v kategoriji kampov. Turisti?na zveza Slovenije je kot partnerica projekta European Region of Gastronomy ? Alpska Slovenija 2021, izvedla nate?aj za izbiro kulinari?nih spominkov, za katerega so podeljevali priznanja za Kulinari?ni in gastronomski spominek Alpske Slovenije. TD Bohinj je prejelo zlato priznanje za Bohinjsko mal'co v culi.

Boh in j Tou r ist Associat ion Bohinj Tourist Association (TD Bohinj) has followed and upgraded tourist activities in Bohinj since 1947. The association has 553 members and together we strive for the best possible recognition of Bohinj and its offer in Slovenia and abroad. Besides agency services, TD Bohinj also manages the trail to the Savica Waterfall, Danica Campsite* * * * , Danica Inn, organises traditional events and enables other activities for its members.

The association's success enables the secur ity of j obs and the satisfaction of employees! The work of all who contribute to the development of TD Bohinj, can also be seen in business results. Danica Campsite is the most successful part of the association's operation, and it has developed greatly in the past few years. In July and August the number of guests reached almost 100%, therefore, its expansion is planned. The growth of operation in the previous years is very extensive, developmental projects will enable its further growth. This enables the association to employ a greater number of locals, and it provides above average salaries, thus stimulating the association's activity.

Received awar ds and recognition The success of the association has also been noticed on a greater scale. There were many events in the past year, where the association received best awards and we can all be very proud of this. Within the scope of the Moja de?ela, lepa in gostoljubna (My Country, Beautiful and Hospitable) project of the Tourist Association of Slovenia, Danica Campsite got 1st place award in the category of campsites. Tourist Association of Slovenia as partner of the European Region of Gastronomy ? Alpine Slovenia 2021 project, organised a contest for the selection of culinary souvenirs, where the Culinary and Gastronomy Souvenir of the Alpine Slovenia awards were granted. TD Bohinj received the golden award for Bohinj Lunch Wrapped in a Bundle


AK ADEM SK O EK ONOM SK I K ONGRES 2019 Ustvarjanje intervencij in razpravljanje o delovnih mestih v prihodnosti Robotizacija in digitalizacija ? nevarnost ali prilo?nost? Ve? kot navdu?eni smo, da vas lahko povabimo na dogodek, ki je zagotovo med najmo?nej?imi tovrstnimi za stroko in vam ponuja mo?nost, da delite izku?nje, znanja in ve??ine, ki so pomembne v va?em profesionalnem razvoju, ne glede na to ali ste direktor, vodja HR, svetovalec, predavatelj ali u?itelj! Akademsko ekonomski kongres 2019 se bo konceptualno osredoto?il na naslov:

»Delovna mesta pr ihodnosti« »Robotizacij a in digitalizacij a ? gro?nj a ali pr ilo?nost?« Tema, ki jo bomo obravnavali na konferenci, zajema bistvo na?ih razmi?ljanj o delovnih mestih v prihodnosti. Med seboj bomo delili mnenja, izku?nje in nasvete, da skupaj prebijemo ovire, s katerimi se sre?ujemo na tem podro?ju, ne glede na to ali so zasnovane sistemsko ali ustvarjene interno. Obljubljamo vam, da bodo osrednji svetovni govorci za to konferenco vzpostavili dobro klimo in energijo, ki vas bo vzpodbudila k sodelovanju in interakciji! Dogodek se bo odvijal na posestvu Brdo pri Kranju, kjer smo Slovenci gostili mnoga imena svetovnega formata. Med njimi so nekdanji ameri?ki predsednik Clinton, ruski predsednik Putin, mnogo kraljev v diplomatskih misijah po vsem svetu, vklju?no s kraljico Elizabeto II iz Velike Britanije in pape?em Pavlom II. Torej, miza za udele?ence je pogrnjena in ponuja neverjetni meni u?enja in izmenjav strokovnega znanja, novih idej in u?inkovite interakcije. Pridru?ite se nam in s svojo prisotnostjo obogatite konferenco, ki je zabele?ena na koledarju dogodkov na svetovni ravni.

ACADEM I C ECONOM I C CONGRESS 2019 Creating Interventions and Discussing Jobs of the Future Robotisation and Digitalisation ? Threat or Opportunity? We are thrilled to invite you to what promises to be one of the most powerful events in your professional development whether you are a director, HR manager, consultant, lecturer or teacher! The Academic Economic Congress 2019 will focus on:

?Jobs of the Future? ?Robotisation and Digitalisation ? Threat or Oppor tunity??

The conference will reveal the essence of our perspective about the jobs of the future. We empower others to overcome the barriers in this field, whether they are systemically based or internally generated. We promise you that the keynote speaker s will set the stage for creativity and empowerment! They are world-renowned speakers whose work embodies the theme of the conference. The setting for our conference is equally fantastic and located on the government place in Slovenia. In the past, the Brdo pri Kranju Congress Centre hosted US President Clinton, Russian President Putin, kings in diplomatic missions around the world, including Queen Elizabeth II of Britain and Pope Paul II. So, the table is set for an incredible buffet of learning and sharing of expertise, new ideas, and effective interventions. Join us and help to make this global career development conference even better. You will not regret it! We look forward to seeing you at Brdo pri Kranju on 5 June 2019!


Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge

L I FE L EARNI NG ACADEM I A K OT SOORGANI ZATOR DOGODK A PAL A? A NOVI H RAZM I ?L JANJ Izpeljava prve conference na Malti je prispevek dr. Edwarda de Bono svoji dr?avi. Direktorica Life Learning Academije Marjetka Kastner je ponosna, da je bila s strani dr. Edwarda de Bono in Justine Cassar Gaspar povabljena kot organizacijski partner za tako pomemben dogodek, ki povezuje obe dr?avi. Niti Slovenija niti Malta nista veliki dr?avi ali voj?ko mo?ni. Imata pa obe vzpostavljena dobra sodelovanja in tudi odli?ne strokovnjake, ki premorejo znanja, ki se lahko postavijo ob bok katerikoli dr?avi na svetu. Glede na to, da je dogodek pustil izjemen pe?at pri vseh udele?encih, se nadejamo, da bomo tudi v prihodnje gradili na povezovanju in krepili dobra sodelovanja.

1st Palace of New Thinking Conference Celebrating Edward de Bono?s 85th year and Life Learning Academia was a partner 18TH MAY - 19TH MAY 2018 - VERDALA PALACE


EDWARD DE BONO, THE FATHER OF LATERAL THINKING, LAUNCHES HIS LIFE PROJECT ?THE PALACE OF NEW THINKING? ON HIS 85TH BIRTHDAY Malta hosted the first conference entitled ?The Palace of the New Thinking? on 19th May 2018. The following conferences will be held as meetings for everyone who wants to use the tools developed by Dr. Edward de Bono to solve current global issues. The first conference in Malta is Dr. Edward de Bono?s contribution to his home country. Life Learning Academia?s director Marjetka Kastner is honoured to have been invited by Dr. Edward de Bono and Justine Cassar Gaspar as an organisational partner to such an important event that connects both countries. Slovenia and Malta are not big countries and they don?t have strong armed forces, but they have established good collaborations and they have excellent experts whose expertise can compete with any country in the world. Seeing that the event has left an important mark on all participants, we hope to further enhance networking and good collaborations in the future.

1st Palace of New Thinking Conference Celebrating Edward de Bono?s 85th birthday; Life Learning Academia was a partner Dr. Edward de Bono celebrated his birthday on 19 May 2018. On this great occasion, he set up his 1st Palace of New Thinking Conference in Malta. The Palace will organise creative meetings on different global issues and problems every year. The title of the first conference ?New Forms of Governance? was chosen by Dr. Edward de Bono. Many countries have asked Dr. de Bono to host his first conference in their own country, but he wished for the first Palace of New Thinking conference to be held in Malta. This will be his contribution to his home country. Why put focus on a palace? We need a place of dignity and importance, which has a very clear function. This function is to help generate new ideas in difficult situations. The Palace of New Thinking will provide a source of new ideas using Dr. de Bono?s thinking. Edward de Bono?s name is synonymous within creativity and new ideas. The first conference in Malta is Dr. Edward de Bono?s contribution to his home country. Life Learning Academia?s director Marjetka Kastner is honoured to have been invited by Dr. Edward de Bono and Justine Cassar Gaspar as an organisational partner to such an important event that connects both countries. Slovenia and Malta are not big countries and they don?t have strong armed forces, but they have established good collaborations and they have excellent experts whose expertise can compete with any country in the world. Seeing that the event has left an important mark on all participants, we hope to further enhance networking and good collaborations in the future.


Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge

Am basador zn an ja Dim is M ich eladies je objavil svojo k n jigo Y2.200K Dim is M ich eladies Am bassador of Kn ow ledge lou n ch ed h is book Y2.200K Dimis Micheladies launched onother book and entitled it Dimis Michaelides je objavil svojo novo knjigo, ki jo je poimenoval Y2.200K. O njej pravi naslednje: »Knjiga je pripoved; izmi?ljena prihodnost z mo?nimi trenji med vojno in mirom, znanostjo in vra?everjem, nacionalizmom in internacionalizmom, demokracijo in diktatorstvom.« »S prihodnostjo se moramo soo?iti v globalnem kontekstu, pri ?emer mora biti vsak posameznik zavedni akter v procesu napredka. Za razliko od ljudi je znanost nepristranska. Ljudje se lahko odlo?ijo uporabiti znanost, tehnologijo in znanje na razli?ne na?ine. Vsi vemo, da lahko u?inke podnebnih sprememb zmanj?amo z globalnimi, skupnimi dejanji, vendar pa so dandanes vsi poskusi, da bi predsednika ZDA prepri?ali v to, jalovi,« pravi Michaelides.

Y2.200K, ?the book is a chronicle; an imagined future with major tensions between war and peace, science and superstition, nationalism and internationalism, democracy and dictatorship,? Michaelides says The future must be confronted globally and with each and every individual being a conscious actor in the process of progress. Science is value-free but people are not. They may choose to use science, technology and knowledge in different ways. We all know that the effects of climate change might be attenuated by global, collective action, but trying to convince the US President that this is so isn?t working these days,? comments Michaelides. To this end, Y2.200K attempts to answer the question: ?Will the survival instinct beat politicians?vanity and people?s propensity to self-destruct??

Na dogodk u Eu r asian Econ om ic Su m m it bo obr avn avan odn os m ed t eh n ologijo in polit ik o Eu r asian Econ om ic Su m m it t o discu ss t ech n ology vs polit ics Marmara Group Foundation bo s svojimi partnerji organizirala 21. Eurasian Economic Summit. Na dogodku, ki bo odvil 11. in 12. aprila, bodo sodelovali zdaj?nji in pretekli dr?avniki, poslovne?i, mnenjski voditelji, nevladne organizacije in verski predstavniki z vsega sveta in obravnavali bodo odnos med tehnologijo in politiko Th e Marmara Group Foundation will hold the 21st Eurasian Economic Summit with its partners on April 11-12 to discuss the relationship between technology and politics, bringing together current and former statesmen, business people, opinion leaders, NGOs and religious representatives from all over the world. Marjetka Kastner, director of Life Learning Academia and Justine Cassar Gaspar director of Life Learning Academia Malta attend the summit.


UNI VERZA M EGATREND BO POSK RBEL A, DA BO SRBI JA K REI RAL A U? E? E SE ORGANI ZACI JE ? L EARNI NG BRAND THE M EGATREND UNI VERSI TY WI L L ENSURE THE ESTABL I SHM ENT OF L EARNI NG ORGANI SATI ONS ? L EARNI NG BRAND I N SERBI A Strate?ki na?rti Life Learning Academie (LLA) vsekakor obsegajo ?irjenje sodelovanj in povezovanj na razli?nih ravneh in med razli?nimi partnerji. S povezovanji se ustvarjajo poslovni odnosi in sodelovanja, preko katerih LLA ?iri koncept U?e?ih se organizacij ? Learning Brand. V prihodnjem letu bodo tako v Srbiji pri?eli vzpostavljati prve U?e?e se organizacije, ki bodo zgled tudi ostalim in bodo utrjevale sodelovanja. Sporazum o sodelovanju je bil podpisan 5. junija na dogodku Academic Economic Congress 2018 v Ljubljani. Veselimo se vseh organizacij, ki bodo vstopile v proces, saj s tem krepimo sodelovanja med slovenskimi in srbskimi podjetji.

Life Learning Academia?s (LLA?s) strategic plans include spreading collaborations and networking at various levels and between different partners. Networking creates business relations and collaborations through which LLA spreads the concept of Learning Organisations ? Learning Brand. In Serbia, the first Learning Organisations will be established next year; they will be used as an example to others and to enhance collaborations. The cooperation agreement was signed on 5 June at the Academic Economic Congress 2018 in Ljubljana. We look forward to welcoming new organisations into the process, as this will enhance collaboration between Slovenian and Serbian companies.


Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge


?Globaln a sk u pn ost avt or jev k n jig? ?Global Com m u n it y of Au t h or s of book s? Predstavite svoje nove knjige/Present your new books Izsledki ka?ejo, da je pridobivanje in ?irjenje znanj preko knjig ?e vedno eden od najbolj priljubljenih na?inov med vsemi generacijami. S tem namenom bomo na Academic Economic Congresu 2019 organizirali sre?anje avtorjev knjig, saj je tovrstni na?in predstavitve knjig in avtorjev med najbolj u?inkovitimi in za?eljenimi. Vodja projekta ?Globalna skupnost avtorjev knjig? je Ambasadorka znanja Sonja Klop?i?. Ob tej prilo?nosti vabimo vse avtorje, k sodelovanju in nam informacije o knjigah, ki so jih napisali v zadnjih dveh letih, po?ljejo na: ali na: .

Ve? na:


The results show us, that sharing knowledge through books is still very actual and important for all generations. With this purpose we organized on Academic Economic Congress 2019 meeting of different authors. Interest for the purchase of books was larger than the books on the market. A Leader of the project ?Global Community of Authors of books? is Ambassador of knowledge Sonja Klop?i?. On this occasion, we turn on all authors to don?t overlooked this invitation and please remind us about your new books you write in past two year. Send info at: or on: .

More on:


Only put on your plate what you plan to eat!

LET?S M AKE EVERYONE M ORE AWARE OF SAVE THE FOOD ISSUES Please help us create a better future for all of us!

If we are responsible and prudent, there is enough food on our planet for all of us. Europe and America discard about 160 million tons of food annually.

More info at: ,


Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge

Valer ij Ar akelov prej el pr iznanj e STO Ambasador Znanj Valerij Arakelov prejel priznanje STO za promocijo Slovenije. Iskrene ?estitke!

Valr iy Ar akelov received awar d by Tour ism Mr Valeriy Arakelov was recognised and awarded by Tourism and Hospitality Chamber of Slovenia in Portoro?


We are proud and grateful that our Ambassador of Knowledge Mr Valeriy Arakelov was recognised and awarded by Tourism and Hospitality Chamber of Slovenia in Portoro?.


Mo? Znanja/The Power of Knowledge


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