5. Akademsko gospodarski kongres - AEC 2018 z mednarodno konferenco »Kaj je smiselno ohraniti iz preteklosti« The 5th Academic Economic Congress AEC 2018 with International Conference »What to take from the past«
Zbornik povzetkov prispevkov konference ter predstavitev prejemnikov priznanj in novih Ambasadorjev znanja Conference Proceedings Abstracts and Presentation of Recipients of Awards and New Ambassadors of Knowledge Ljubljana, Slovenija, 5.6.2018
Naslov / Title 5. Akademsko gospodarski kongres - AEC 2018 z mednarodno konferenco »Kaj vzeti od preteklosti« Zbornik povzetkov prispevkov konference ter predstavitev prejemnikov priznanj in novih Ambasadorjev znanja 5th Academic Economic Congress – AEC 2018 with International Conference »What to take from the past« Conference Proceedings Abstracts and Presentation of Awards Recipients and New Ambassadors of Knowledge Prispevki avtorjev v celoti so objavljeni na spletni strani AEC kongresa: www.aecongress.eu Urednica / Editor: Marjetka Kastner Programski in uredniški odbor / Programme and editorial committee: prof. dr. Marko Ferjan, dr. Branko Škafar, mag. Mirjana Ivanuša, Marjetka Kastner, mag. posl. ved, Petra Rihtaršič Organizacijski odbor / Oganizational committee: Marjetka Kastner, Petra Rihtaršič, Anamari Kastner Orehek Grafično oblikovanje / Design: Life Learning Academia Ltd., Kristjan Kaluža Tisk / Print: Demago d.o.o., Ljubljana Naklada / Printing: 160 izvodov Izdala in založila / Publishing house: Life Learning Academia Ltd., Savska cesta 1, Domžale, Slovenija, www. llacademia.com Ljubljana, avgust 2018 Za verodostojnost ter jezikovno in strokovno natančnost besedil odgovarjajo avtorji prispevkov in predstavitev sami. Mnenja avtorjev niso nujno tudi mnenja uredništva. CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 001.101(082) AKADEMSKO gospodarski kongres z mednarodno konferenco What to take from the past (5 ; 2018 ; Predoslje) Zbornik povzetkov prispevkov konference ter predstavitev prejemnikov priznanj in novih Ambasadorjev znanja = Conference proceedings abstracts and presentation of awards recipients and new Ambassadors of knowledge / 5. akademsko gospodarski kongres - AEC 2018 z mednarodno konferenco Kaj je smiselno ohraniti iz preteklosti = 5th Academic Economic Congress - AEC 2015 with International Conference What to take from the past, Slovenija, Ljubljanski grad, 5. junij 2018 ; [urednica Marjetka Kastner]. - Domžale : Life Learning Academia, 2018 ISBN 978-961-94229-0-8 1. Dodat. nasl. 290265600
O AKADEMSKO EKONOMSKEM KONGRESU (AEC) Academic Economic Congress (AEC) je v petih letih postal vodilni dogodek v regiji za mednarodno promocijo znanj različnih področij in prostor za strokovno izmenjavo znanj in izkušenj. Voditelji različnih organizacij preko odprtih diskusij izmenjujejo svoje poglede in stališča in predstavljajo aktualno problematiko s katero se sooča 21. stoletje. Mednarodna udeležba različnih častnih gostov iz Evrope in dlje uvršča dogodek v sam vrh. Organiziran je vsako leto (navadno prvi teden v juniju). Večerni del dogodka je namenjen podelitvi priznanj za posebne dosežke na področju znanj in podelitvi certifikatov Učečim se organizacijam. Pestrost različnih udeležencev s področja gospodarstva, akademske sfere, diplomacije, politike, znanosti in inovacij predstavlja edinstveno priložnost za navezovanje novih stikov in pridobivanje novih poslovnih priložnosti.
ABOUT ACADEMIC ECONOMIC CONGRESS (AEC) Providing a high-level platform for discussions and promotions of knowledge on different fields. Over the past years the Academic Economic Congress has grown into a successful platform for high-level dialogue among leaders from private and public sectors on key issues facing the world in the 21st century. AEC - an event that presents Learning Organisations, the innovations, efforts and special achievements in the field of knowledge to the broader public and is held once a year (usually in the first week of June). The event Academic Economic Congress is unique and the first of its kind. Organized jointly by the Life Learning Academia, the Academic Economic Congress is one of the leading international event in the region. Owing to the cooperation from Ambassadors and various organisations from all over the world it offers a special opportunity to establish new contacts and promote achievements in the field of knowledge on a global level. Welcoming prominent guests from Europe and beyond (we bring together regional and global actors from the spheres of business, academic, diplomacy, policy, science, and innovation), the Academic Economic Congress has established itself as an important annual gathering aimed at presenting Good Potentials, Mentors, Coordinators and Learning Organisations.
AEC 2018
Marjetka Kastner, direktorica
vesela sem, da nam je s konceptom Učečih se organizacij in projektom Ambasadorji znanj skupaj uspelo že petič pripraviti Akademsko-gospodarski kongres (AEC 2018). Veselim se, da bomo ta dosežek praznovali skupaj vsi, ki smo prispevali k boljšemu ustroju svoje organizacije. Letos gostimo 12 držav in veseli me, da smo uspeli obstoječe vezi nadgraditi in okrepiti. Letošnji naslov konference, ki poteka v okviru dogodka je »What to take from the past«, je kreiral oče lateralnega razmišljanja, dr. Edward de Bono, ko sva se lani srečala v Londonu. Res sem radovedna, kaj bodo vsi današnji gostje posamičnih okroglih miz lahko povedali na to temo (seveda vsak na svojem področju), sem pa prepričana, da kreativnih razmišljanj ne bo manjkalo. Tudi ko sama pogledam na preteklih 5 let, lahko rečem, da sem se v tem času marsikaj naučila, spoznala veliko ljudi, takšnih in drugačnih, ter ustroje organizacij in jih imela priložnost spremljati, kako se nadgrajujejo, ter vedoželjno hitela naprej po poti povezovanja. Želim, da ta pot povezovanja ne postane preteklost, temveč postane in ostane naša skupna pot – tista, s katero gradimo skupno prihodnost v dobro vseh nas in generacij, ki prihajajo. Z letošnjim praznovanjem bo tudi naš zbornik, ki ga dobite vsakič po dogodku, dobil novo podobo, saj se vam želimo čim bolj približati in ponuditi vsebine, ki jih boste z zadovoljstvom prebirali. Marjetka Kastner, direktorica
Allow me to welcome you on my behalf. I am very pleased to greet you at the fifth Academic Economic Congress. The title of this year’s conference “What to Take From the Past” was created by the father of lateral thinking, Dr Edward de Bono, when we met last year in London. I am really interested to find out what our guests of individual round tables have to say on this topic and I know that we can expect lots of creative thinking. Looking back to the last five years, I can say I have learnt a lot, met many people, seen various organisations and walked on the road of connections, always eager to learn something new. My wish is that such road of connections does not stop, but that it becomes a road we all walk on, the one we use to build our common future that benefits all of us and the generations to come. In our wish to be even better connected with you and offer you the contents that you will enjoy reading, we have decided on this year’s anniversary to give a new visual image to our magazine, which you receive every time after the Congress. Marjetka Kastner, director 4
AEC 2018
Spoštovani, živimo v času hitrih sprememb, na katere je nujno pravočasno in ustrezno odgovoriti, da bi se lahko nanje prilagodili. Tako se srečujemo tudi z izzivi dolgožive družbe. Glede na negativne demografske kazalnike v Evropi in hitre gospodarske ter družbene spremembe, ki vplivajo tudi na trg dela, postajata vedno bolj pomembna vseživljenjsko učenje in vlaganje v razvoj kadrov, zato si prizadevamo za oblikovanje novih sistemskih razvojnih izhodišč, ki bodo posameznikom in prihodnjim generacijam zagotavljala blaginjo in kakovostno življenje, socialnim sistemom vzdržnost ter gospodarstvu razvoj. Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad Republike Slovenije izvaja številne programe v podporo in spodbudo tako podjetjem oz. delodajalcem kot posameznikom pri uresničevanju dviga kompetenc posameznikov, upravljanja s starajočo se delovno silo, razvoja kadrov, prilagoditev na razmere na trgu dela in drugih ukrepov, ki uresničujejo dolgoročne cilje razvoja človeškega potenciala, posledično tudi razvoja podjetij in krepijo konkurenčnost slovenskega gospodarstva. Sklad je usmerjen v razvoj ljudi, prvenstveno v razvoj posameznika, ki lahko kot dijak ali študent, prejema različne štipendije, je mednarodno mobilen in šele vstopa na trg dela. Pri tistih, ki so na trg dela že vključeni, spodbuja dvig njihovih kompetenc in tudi izobrazbene ravni, neformalnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja. Starejšim zaposlenim omogoča krepitev kompetenc in jih motivira k podaljšanju delovne aktivnosti. S svojimi programi povezuje podjetja, izobraževalne institucije in študente prek skupnih projektov, kjer mladi pridobijo izkušnje, dodatna znanja in veščine, delodajalci pa tudi usposobljen, zavzet in konkurenčen kader. Vseživljenjsko učenje sicer pridobiva na pomenu, je pa izobraževanje odraslih v Sloveniji še vedno premalo uveljavljen način krepitve človeškega kapitala. Ne le vlaganje v mlade, pomembno je tudi vlaganje v razvoj in kompetence odraslih, tudi starejših. Verjamem, da bomo znali združiti svežino in zagon mladosti ter modrost izkušenih in graditi medgeneracijske mostove na poti k uspešnejši, razvojno trajnejše naravnani družbi. Irena Kuntarič Hribar, direktorica Javnega štipendijskega, razvojnega, invalidskega in preživninskega sklada Republike Slovenije
Dear readers, We live in a time of rapid changes, which require a timely and proper response in order to adapt to them. We are also facing the challenges of a long-lived society. According to the negative demographic indicators in Europe and the rapid economic and social changes that also affect the labour market, lifelong learning and investing in human resource development are becoming increasingly important, therefore we have been endeavouring to create new systemic development starting points that will ensure the welfare and quality of life to individuals, sustainability to social systems, and development to the economy. The Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia implements many programmes to support and encourage companies or employers and individuals in increasing the competencies of individuals, managing the ageing workforce, developing human resources, adjusting to the labour market situation, and other measures that realise the long-term goals of human potential development and, consequently, also the development of companies, and strengthen the competitiveness of the Slovenian economy. The Fund is focused on the development of people, primarily the development of individuals who, as students, are entitled to receive various scholarships, are internationally mobile and only starting to enter the labour market. For those who have already entered the labour market, the Fund promotes an increase in their competencies and education level, and informal education and training. To elderly employees, it enables strengthening their competencies and motivates them to extend their working activity. With its programmes, it connects companies, educational institutions and students via joint projects that enable young people to obtain experience, additional knowledge and skills, and employers to get qualified, committed and competitive staff. Lifelong learning has been gaining in importance, yet adult learning is still an insufficiently established way to strengthen human capital in Slovenia. Not only investing in young people, investing in the development and competencies of adults, including older ones, is also important. I believe we will be able to connect the freshness and impetus of youth with the wisdom of those experienced, and build intergenerational bridges on the way to a more successful, and sustainable development-oriented society. Irena Kuntarič Hribar, Director of Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia
AEC 2018
V današnjem času, ko prisegamo, da je tehnološki razvoj tisti, ki narekuje napredek in konkurenčno prednost, je več kot na mestu vprašanje ali je po tem takem vse, kar je bilo ustvarjeno v preteklosti in do sedaj, neuporabno in zastarelo? Iz tega razloga bi se želela na kratko osredotočiti na dva vidika. Prvi vidik so podjetja, ki so tehnološko zelo razvita in jim tehnologija omogoča, da so hitrejša in naprednejša, da ne rečem celo vodilna v svoji stroki. In drugi vidik, ki je po mojem mnenju najpomembnejši, pa so odnosi med ljudmi in odnosi ljudi, ki so v tej oz. taki organizaciji zaposleni. Na tem mestu se mi torej postavlja vprašanje, ali lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da tehnologija izboljšuje tudi odnose? Seveda lahko danes ohranjamo stike preko tehnologije in elektronskih naprav. Komunikacija je torej hitrejša in učinkovitejša in preko tehnologije lahko lažje in pogosteje negujemo odnose s prijatelji, kolegi, poslovnimi partnerji… vendar pa je ob tem žal prisotno toliko manj osebnih stikov, zaupnih pogovorov, poštenja in sočutja. Istočasno pa družba, kot tudi delovna okolja, opozarjajo na ohranjanje in pomen starih vrednot, kot so dane besede, spoštovanje in sočutje. Vse to smo že pred nekaj leti gotovo vsi občutili in se sedaj trudimo ponovno izboljšati, v korist nove, mlajše generacije, ki računa na nas. Ta generacija računa na to, da jih mi naučimo teh veščin in če lahko rečem celo »manir«. Tovrstna pričakovanja pa moramo z vso odgovornostjo izpolniti, kajti kmalu namreč bomo mi računali na njih v smislu, da bodo oni prevzeli vajeti v svoje roke. Kako bodo to naredili, pa bodo ravno vrednote tista sled, ki jo bomo pustili za seboj. Vzpostavljanje in ohranjanje tega ravnotežja pa nam narekujejo tudi učinkoviti procesi Učečih se organizacij. Usmerjajo nas, da lažje ugotovimo, zakaj, kaj in predvsem kako med seboj komuniciramo. Kako znamo sodelavce motivirati, spodbujati, da skupaj ohranjamo pristne in učinkovite odnose, harmonijo tima, kateremu pripadamo ali ga vodimo, ob enem pa tudi uspešno realiziramo skupne cilje. S tem, vsak od nas, z lastnim zgledom doprinaša in spodbuja razvoj pogumne in zavzete organizacije, torej učeče se organizacije, v kateri skupaj soustvarjamo. Na ta način uspeh, zagotovljeno, ne bo izostal. Eva Cvelbar Primožič
In today’s world, when we believe that technological development dictates progress and competitive advantage, we must ourselves whether everything thus far created is useless and out-of-date. For this reason, I would like to briefly focus on two aspects of this question. The first one includes high-tech companies which use technology to become faster and more advanced, perhaps, becoming leaders in their fields. The second aspect, which I believe is the most important, concerns the personal and interpersonal relationships in such organisations. At this point, I must ask if we can claim with certainty that technology improves relationships. We can, nowadays, of course, keep contact utilising technology and electronic devices. Communication is thus faster and more effective. Technology helps us nurture relationships with friends, colleagues, business partners, and the like with greater ease and frequency. Unfortunately, this reduces personal contact, confidential conversations, honesty and compassion. At the same time, society and working environments alike stress the importance and utility of old values such as trust, respect and compassion. We held these values in the past and must now better develop their transmission for the benefit of the new, younger generation counting on us. This generation counts on us to teach it such skills or, perhaps, we could say “manners”. We must meet such expectations responsibly, as soon, this younger generation will “take the reins”. When this happens, such values will be the trail we leave behind. The creation and maintenance of such balance is also dictated by the effective processes of Learning Organisations; they guide us and help us better establish why, what and, most of all, how we communicate with each other. We must motivate and encourage co-workers to individually collectively nurture genuine and effective relationships, create harmony in the teams we belong to or lead and, at the same time, successfully realise common goals. Doing so, we individually, by example, contribute to and encourage the development of bold and devoted organisations – Learning Organisations in which we co-create. In this way, success is guaranteed. Eva Cvelbar Primožič
AEC 2018
O Akademsko Ekonomskem Kongresu (AEC) About Academic Economic Congress (AEC) Life Learning Academia Javni sklad republike Slovenije za razvoj kadrov in štipendije Podpredsednica učečih se organizacij Zgodba Life Learning Academie Story of Life Learning Academia Academic Economic Congress 2018 hosted You in Ljubljana Castle Zbornik povzetkov prispevkov konference Conference Proceedings Abstracts Panel 1: Globalni aspekti organizacij na področjih etične in socialne odgovornosti Panel 1: Global aspects of organizations on the field of ethical and social responsibility Panel 2: Spoznajmo razlike v iskanju in razvijanju zaposlenih v preteklosti in v sedanjosti Panel 2: Find out differences among past and today searching and developing employees Panel 3: Spremembe v perspektivi globalne ekonomije Panel 3: Differences in global economy drive perspective Predstavitev Učečih se Organizacij Learning Organisation Presentation What is the concept of Learning Organisations? Učeče se Organizacije, ki so v letu 2018 prejele certifikat Learning Brand Učne Točke Learning Points Predstavitev novih Ambasadorjev Znanja Presentation of new Ambassadors of Knowledge Presentation and the purpose of the project Ambassadors of Knowledge Ambassadors of Knowledge appointed in 2018 Predstavitev prejemnikov priznanj Reference in Mentor Presentation of Reference and Mentor Award Recipients Sodelujoče fakultete Participating faculties Povabilo za fakultete k sodelovanju Cooperation invitation to faculties Sodelujoče fakultete
AEC 2018
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Ko smo leta 2009 začeli, so nas številne zahtevne naloge, projekti in izzivi prisilili k vztrajnosti in nam dali trdnost. Back in 2009 when we started our work, many complex tasks, projects and challenges forced us to be persistent and they made us strong.
Povezovanja smo gradili postopno, pa vendar vztrajno in pogumno na različnih ravneh, v različnih organizacijah, na različnih celinah. We have developed the connections gradually, yet persistently and fearlessly at various levels, in various organisations, and on various continents.
Zaradi vztrajnosti nam je uspelo. Pridobili smo zaupanje pri najboljših in se tudi sami učili od njih. Uspeh je bil skupen, na kar smo zelo ponosni. Our success is the result of our perseverance. We have learned and earned trust from the best. Our success is mutual and we are very proud of this.
V prihodnje načrtujemo, da bomo skupaj z najboljšimi gradili učeča se okolja in širili znanje na vseh ravneh. Veseli smo, da ste tudi Vi med najboljšimi. Together with the best, we plan to build Learning Environments and spread knowledge at all levels in the future. We are pleased that you are one of the best.
Academic Economic Congress 2018
Ljubljana, Slovenia Location: Ljubljana castle June 5th 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - WHAT TO TAKE PROM THE PAST Moderator of the event is Mrs. Branka Božič 10.30 - 11.00 Gathering and Reception 11.00 - 11.10 Opening ceremony and speaches Mrs. Marjetka Kastner, Director of Life Learning Academia Ms. Eva Cvelbar Primožič, Vice president of Learning Organisations 11.10 - 12.30 Panel - What to take from the past – Global aspects of organizations on the field of ethical and social responsibility Moderators of the panel are Dr. Jerca Legan Cvikl and Dr. Anita Hrast H.E. Usumah Al Kurdi, Former Member of Saudi Arabia Shoura Council (parliament) Mr. Bogoljub Karić, Director of Dana holding, Serbia Mrs. Alenka Rupert- Aruna, Director of P.E.C.A. International company Mr. Stjepan Mesić, President of Croatia (2000-2010) Mrs Barbara Zupančič, Manager of project, Diversity Charter Slovenia Mr. Adnan Džaferoski, Director of Civil Protection of the Republic of Macedonia Mr. Zijad Bečirović, Director of IFIMES Institute Mrs. Bernarda Škrabar, Director of DVA Detective Agency Mr. Božo Dimnik, Association of Slovenian-Croatian friendship Mr. Bakhatyar Aljaf, Director of IFIMES Institute Mr. Anis Bajrektarević, Prof. of International Law and Global Political Studies in Austria Mr. Dragi Raškovski, Seceratry General of The Goverment of Republic of Macedonia Mr. Josip Juratović, Member of the Bundestag, President of the Parlamenatiran Group for South-East Europe 12.30 - 13.30
Networking Lunch
Konferenco sofinancirata Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti ter Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada.«
AEC 2018
13.30 – 15.00 Roundtable - What to take from the past - “Find out differences among past and present in seeking and developing employees” Moderators of the panel are Ksenija Špiler Božič and Irena Kuntarič Hribar Mr. Janez Bratovž, Director of JB Restaurant Mrs. Milena Košnik, Director of Bohinj Tourism Association (Turistično društvo Bohinj) Mr. Rupert Gole, Mayor of municipality Šentrupert Ms. Nataša Artič, Director of Middle East Education center Moravske Toplice Mrs. Vlasta Stojak, Assistant director of HR Talum company Mrs. Simona Erman, Director of HR at Magneti Ljubljana company Mrs. Martina Krajnc, Director of HR at Snaga Maribor company Mr. Aleš Dremel, Director of CPU – Business Training Center Ljubljana Ms. Irena Vide, Director of TV Novo Mesto, Mr. Mića Jovanović, Director of the Megatrend University 15.00 - 16.30 Roundtable - What to take from the past - Differences in global economy drive perspective Moderators of the panel are Peter Grk and Vlado Dimovski Mr. Nejc Brezovar, State Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration Slovenia Mr. Alaudin Alihodžić, Executive director of Elektroprenos d.d., Banja Luka Ms. Saša Mrak, Executive Director of Manager association of Slovenia Mr. Albert Erman, CEO of Magneti company
Mr. Matej Skočir , Head of Internationalization Sector, MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY
Mr. Edvard Reven, General director of Metrel company Ms. Diana Dimnik, President of Supervisory Board of Medias International company Mr. Branko Drobnak, President of Business Angels Slovenia Club Mr. Valery Arakelov, Director of Rimske Terme
16.30 - 16.45 Presentation of Book writers 16.45 Conclusion of the Conference * Formal language of the International conference is English. ** Conference will be recorded. We kindly ask you to take your seat 10 minutes before the start.
18.00 - 18.10 Concert - The Slovenian Military Orchestra 18.10 - 18.15 Welcome speeches Konferenco sofinancirata Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti ter Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada.«
AEC 2018
18.15 - 18.45 Presentation of New Ambassadors of Knowledge 2018 Break - Musical performance 18.50 - 19.20 Learning Organisations presentations Break - Musical performance 19.30 - 20.00 Reference, Mentor, Coordinator Winners presentations Break - Musical performance 20.00 Networking reception
June 6th 2018
Postojna Tour 10.00 Check out and Meeting point for delegates in the hotel lobby 11. 00 Reception at the Mayors office - Presentation of the Postojna municipality 11:30 - 12.00 Visit the Postojna Cave 12:00 - 13.30 Lunch in Postojna hotel 13.30 - 15.00 Back to the hotel in Ljubljana 16.00 Conclusion of the event Academic Economic Congress *The tour will be in English language. **All those wishing to attend the Postojna tour have to confirm (together with confirmation of participation the event or after. The deadline is 25. May 2018). *Life Learning Academia has reserves the rights to change the program if necessary. **This is a provisional agenda. Please check for updates regularly on www.aecongress.eu ***Conference participants have free entry to the evening Gala Ceremony. ****Please note that the Academic Economic Congress will be broadcast live so please take your seat 10 mutes before we start.
Konferenco sofinancirata Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti ter Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada.«
AEC 2018
Each year during the annual Life Learning Academia Global Conference and gala evening to honors those who exemplify excellence in knowledge development. This year we hosted you in Ljubljana - the capital of Slovenia on the location above the city, at Ljubljana Castle. Ljubljana Castle is a castle complex standing on Castle Hill above downtown Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. It is a key landmark of the town. Originally a medieval fortress, it was probably constructed in the 11th century and rebuilt in the 12th century. The castle of Ljubljana is just one of the castles in the city but certainly the biggest one and also the most visited. The castle's Outlook Tower and ramparts offer some of the most beautiful views of the city. More info on: http://www.ljubljana.info/ljubljana-castle/
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Zbornik povzetkov prispevkov konference Conference Proceedings Abstracts
PANEL 1: ABOUT MODERATORS Dr. Jerca Legan Cvikl is a renowned communication expert and anthropologist, currently the president of IWCL, The International Woman’s Club Ljubljana and has been very active in numerous global projects creating a better tomorrow.
Mag. Anita Hrast is a renowned researcher of social responsibility and communication. She is currently the director of IRDO, the Institute for Social Responsibility Development.
GLOBALNI ASPEKTI ORGANIZACIJ NA PODROČJIH ETIČNE IN SOCIALNE ODGOVORNOSTI Povzetek: Prvi panel z naslovom »Global aspects of organizations on the field of ethical and social responsibility« sta moderirali Dr. Jerca Legan Cvikl in Dr. Anita Hrast. Udeleženci panela so diskutirali o vrednotah, kakšne so bile nekoč in kakšne so danes. Dotaknili so se vprašanja kaj je vredno obdržati iz preteklosti. Debata se je najbolj razvila okoli sožitja med generacijami, saj bodo v naslednjih štirih letih večina večjih podjetij imela med zaposlenimi pet generacij. Govorci na panelu so izpostavili razlike v delovanju različnih generacij in predlagali rešitve, ki jih uporabljajo v svojih podjetij oz. rešitve, ki bi dolgoročno pripomogle k sožitju različnih generacij v delovnem okolju. Poleg tega sta moderatorki diskusijo vodili do pogovora o uravnoteženosti med spoloma, kjer so govorci povedali svoja mnenja, ki so bila precej enotna.
GLOBAL ASPECTS OF ORGANIZATIONS ON THE FIELD OF ETHICAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Abstract: The first panel was titled »Global aspects of organizations on the field of ethical and social responsibility«. The panel was moderated by Dr Jerca Legan Cvikl, Director of Status, and Dr Anita Hrast, Director of IRDO. The participants discussed the values of the past and present time and shared their opinion regarding what is worth keeping from the past. The discussion was focused on intergenerational coexistence, as the majority of large enterprises will simultaneously have five different generations of employees within the next four years. The speakers pointed out the differences in the functioning of different generations, and proposed solutions applied by their companies or solutions that would make a long-term contribution to intergenerational coexistence in the working environment. Furthermore, the panel guests shared their opinion and views on gender balance. A very interesting and, most of all, fresh contribution was provided through the prism of energy functioning of individuals in companies. Participants: H.E. Usumah Al Kurdi, Former Member of Saudi Arabia Shoura Council (parliament) , Mr. Bogoljub Karić, Director of Dana holding, Serbia, Mrs. Alenka Rupert- Aruna, Director of P.E.C.A. International company, Mr. Stjepan Mesić, President of Croatia (2000-2010), Mrs Barbara Zupančič, Manager of project, Diversity Charter Slovenia, Mr. Adnan Džaferoski, Director of Civil Protection of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Zijad Bečirović, Director of IFIMES Institute, Mrs. Bernarda Škrabar, Director of DVA Detective Agency, Mr. Božo Dimnik, Association of Slovenian-Croatian friendship , Mr. Bakhatyar Aljaf, Director of IFIMES Institute, Mr. Anis Bajrektarević, Prof. of International Law and Global Political Studies in Austria , Mr. Dragi Raškovski, Seceratry General of The Goverment of Republic of Macedonia , Mr. Josip Juratović, Member of the Bundestag, President of the Parlamenatiran Group for South-East Europe
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PANEL 2: ABOUT MODERATORS Ksenija Špiler Božič is highly experienced in human resources, she is also a peer of Learning organizations with Life Learning Academia and has been following the principles of leadership based on quantum physics. Irena Kuntarič Hribar is a pedagogue and professor of history, currently the director of Public scholarship development disability and maintenance fund of the Republic of Slovenia.
SPOZNAJMO RAZLIKE V ISKANJU IN RAZVIJANJU ZAPOSLENIH V PRETEKLOSTI IN DANES Povzetek: Drugi panel z naslovom »Find out differences among past and today searching and developing employees« sta modelirali Ksenija Špiler Božič in Irena Kuntarič Hribar. Udeleženci panela so bili direktorji kadrovskih služb. Govorili so o različnosti generacij, dobrih in slabih lastnostih vsake generacije in kaj se lahko generacije druga od druge naučijo. Izpostavljen je bil tudi problem pomanjkanja zanimanja za mentoriranje mlajših generacij, mentorski programi so pomembni zaradi prenosa izkušenj na mlajše zaposlene. Dotaknili so se tudi teme zadrževanja kadrov, ki so starejši od 45 let, pri kateri so udeleženci povedali kako se s problemom spopadajo v svojih organizacijah in si izmenjali ideje.
FIND OUT DIFFERENCES AMONG PAST AND TODAY SEARCHING AND DEVELOPING EMPLOYEES Abstract: The second panel was titled “Differences in Finding and Developing Employees in Past and Present”. The panel was moderated by Ksenija Špiler Božič, Director of BB svetovanje, and Irena Kuntarič Hribar, Director of Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia. The participants discussed the differences between generations, the strengths and weaknesses of every generation, and what generations can learn from each other. They pointed out the problem of insufficient interest in mentoring young generations. Mentoring programmes are important in enabling experience to be passed on to younger employees. The participants also briefly discussed the topic of retaining employees aged 45+. They presented how their organisations have been dealing with this internally, and shared their ideas to enhance the effectiveness of forming and managing human resources of this age group. At the end of the discussion, the participants agreed that the organisational climate and performance of employees, particularly older ones, could be improved through joint collaboration and better employee awareness, thereby delivering better results and faster and better performance to organisations. Participants: Mr. Janez Bratovž, Director of JB Restaurant; Mrs. Milena Košnik, Director of Bohinj Tourism Association (Turistično društvo Bohinj); Mr. Rupert Gole, Mayor of municipality Šentrupert; Ms. Nataša Artič, Director of Middle East Education center Moravske Toplice; Mrs. Vlasta Stojak, Assistant director of HR Talum company; Mrs. Simona Erman, Director of HR at Magneti Ljubljana company; Mrs. Martina Krajnc, Director of HR at Snaga Maribor company; Mr. Aleš Dremel, Director of CPU – Business Training Center Ljubljana; Ms. Irena Vide, Director of TV Novo Mesto,; Mr. Mića Jovanović, Director of the Megatrend University
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PANEL 3: ABOUT MODERATORS Peter Grk from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RS is Currently Secretary-General of the Bled Strategic Forum after serving as chief foreign policy advisor to the prime minister of Slovenia. (Bachelor of Political Sciences). Vlado Dimovski, PhD is a full professor of management and organizational theory at the Faculty of Economics University of Ljubljana. At the time of the 6th Slovenian Government he was the minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs.
SPREMEMBE V PERSPEKTIVI GLOBALNE EKONOMIJE Tretji panel z naslovom »Spremembe v perspektivi globalne ekonomije« sta moderirala Peter Grk in Vlado Dimovski. Udeleženci so diskutirali o tem ali so tehnološko razvita podjetja res v konkurenčni prednosti in zakaj je temu tako. Podali so mnenja o temu koliko tehnologija pripomore k uspešnosti podjetij in zakaj je v današnjem času tako nujno potrebna, ne zgolj v poslovnem svetu, ampak tudi na vseh ostalih področjih življenja. Ali je brez nenehnega tehnološkega razvoja podjetje sploh lahko uspešno in kako se z nenehnimi spremembami na tem področju spopadajo v njihovih organizacijah. Panel smo zaključili z vprašanjem ali je dobiček res najpomembnejša stvar ter ali so vrednote do dela v današnjem času še pomembne.
DIFFERENCES IN GLOBAL ECONOMY DRIVE PERSPECTIVE The third panel was titled »Differences in global economy drive perspective«. The panel was moderated by Peter Grk, National Coordinator for the Western Balkans and Secretary General of Bled Strategic Forum, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Vlado Dimovski, PhD, Full Professor of Management and Organizational Theory at the Management and Organization Unit at the University of Ljubljana, and former State Secretary and Minister. Both moderators skilfully managed the discussion, asking topic-related questions, such as: Do technologically developed companies really have a competitive advantage and why? The guests shared their opinions about how and to what extent technology contributes to the success of companies and why it is so vital today, not only in the business sphere, but also in all other private areas of life. Can companies be successful without continuous technological progress at all and how do they face constant changes in this field? The panel was concluded with the question of whether profit really is the most important and if work-related values are nowadays still important. The different perspectives of panel guests provided the audience with a wide range of solutions to be applied in the internal structure of corporate activity. The topic is broad and requires further collaboration and guidance, driven by daily changes in the corporate environment and other environments alike. Participants: Mr. Nejc Brezovar, State Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration Slovenia; Mr. Alaudin Alihodžić, Executive director of Elektroprenos d.d., Banja Luka; Ms. Saša Mrak, Executive Director of Manager association of Slovenia; Mr. Albert Erman, CEO of Magneti company; Mr. Matej Skočir , Head of Internationalization Sector, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology; Mr. Edvard Reven, General director of Metrel company; Ms. Diana Dimnik, President of Supervisory Board of Medias International company; Mr. Branko Drobnak, President of Business Angels Slovenia Club Mr. Valery Arakelov, Director of Rimske Terme
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Predstavitev UÄ?eÄ?ih se Organizacij Learning Organisation Presentation
A company is only as good as the people it keeps. The Learning Organisation ingredients are all activities with which companies upgrade their work and results. This is also main goal of Life Learning Academia. Motivated and educated employees are the key weapon of a company, especially in the time of various crises and in the fight for survival between companies. An organization is a living mechanism, that changes and grows all the time. Knowledge has a priceless value for the organisation, because the employees create an added value. Even if the company/organisation has the latest technology, they will not succeed without qualified employees. Skilled and educated employees give a company advantage, better results, better working climate and bigger profit. Why is this so important? Because only satisfied employees can fully invest themselves in their work in companies and carry out their work faster and better, which delivers better results, lower fluctuation and absenteeism. This means that only highly qualified and satisfied employees create a higher added value. The development of employees in an organisation also delivers a competitive advantage to such an organisation. Knowledge is therefore what creates a competitive advantage and enables economic development, not only to an individual organisation, but to the entire economy of a country, between countries and around the world. An increasing number of organisations are becoming aware of the fact that learning and knowledge are the ingredients without which organisations will not be able to work successfully and exist in the future. They will not to be successful. People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. It doesn’t make any difference what ever the product is: cars, cosmetics products, services, etc.
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UČEČE SE ORGANIZACIJE, KI SO V LETU 2018 PREJELE CERTIFIKAT LEARNING BRAND Talum Kidričevo, d.d. Podjetje Talum je aluminiju predano že od leta 1954, ko je iz elektroliznih peči pritekel prvi aluminij. Vse do danes je družba nenehno vlagala v postopno povečevanje obsega proizvodnje, v širjenje asortimana izdelkov, v tehnično in tehnološko dovršenost proizvodnega procesa, v šolanje in vzgojo strokovnjakov in vseh zaposlenih, v doseganje vrhunske kakovosti proizvodov, v osvajanje novih izvoznih trgov in v okoljevarstveno neoporečnost proizvodnje. Družba Talum, d. d., se je leta 2011 preoblikovala v skupino povezanih družb. Skupina Talum je organizirana v obliki koncerna. Sestavljajo jo odvisne družbe, ki opravljajo dejavnosti proizvodnje in storitev. Znanje, ki se je nabralo v teh šestdesetih letih, nam ob uporabi najnovejše tehnologije daje možnost, da se suvereno postavimo ob bok največjim konkurentom v industriji aluminija. V podjetju razpolagamo z moderno tehnologijo v vseh delih proizvodnega procesa – v elektroliznih halah, livarnah in vseh drugih obratih, v katerih izdelujemo rondelice za doze in tube iz aluminija, toplotne izmenjevalnike iz aluminija za hladilno in solarno tehniko ter ulitke za avtomobilsko industrijo, splošno strojegradnjo, toplotno tehniko in elektroindustrijo., V Talumu so se ves čas zavedali moči znanja in znanje je zato postalo ena njihovih temeljnih vrednot. Pridobljena znanja in izkušnje zaposlenih so neprecenljiv kapital podjetja, ki so ga in ga bodo s pridom izkoriščali za spreminjanje njihove prihodnosti.
Talum Kidričevo, d.d. The company Talum has been dedicated to producing aluminium since 1954, when the first aluminium came from the furnace. Up to now, the company has continually invested in a gradual increase in production, into better variety of products, into technical and technological sophistication of the manufacturing process, the training and education of professionals and all employees and in achieving superior quality products, penetrating new export markets and environmental integrity production. In 2011, the company Talum d.d. (joint-stock company) transformed into a group of related companies. The company Talum is organized in the form of the Group. It consists of the related companies, which are engaged in manufacturing and services. The knowledge that has accumulated in these sixty years gives us the opportunity to be confidently placed alongside the greatest competitors in the aluminium industry. The company has modern technology in all parts of the production process - in the electrolysis halls, foundries and all other installations, where slugs of cans and tubes of aluminum are produced, aluminum heat exchangers for cooling and solar technology as well as castings for the automotive industry, general engineering, thermal technique and electrical industry. In Talum, they are constantly aware of the power of knowledge and expertise has therefore become one of our core values. The acquired knowledge and experience of the employees are an invaluable capital of the company that they have exploited and theywill advantageously exploit it to change their future.
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Adria Mobil, d.o.o. Družba Adria Mobil, d. o. o., iz Novega mesta je danes eden največjih proizvajalcev vozil za prosti čas v Evropi, ki letno proizvede in proda preko 13.000 počitniških prikolic, vanov in avtodomov ter ustvarja letni promet v višini preko 350 milijonov evrov. Družba Adria Mobil distribuira in proda 99-odstotkov svoje celotne proizvodnje na trgih Evrope, Azije in Avstralije. Adria Mobil je danes sinonim odlično organiziranega in vodenega podjetja, čigar proizvodnja posluje po načelu vrhunske proizvodne prakse ter v skladu z mednarodnimi standardi kakovosti. Podjetje je trajnostno naravnano in družbeno odgovorno. Adria Mobil svoje uspehe dosega na temelju vrednot timskega dela, znanja, inovativnosti ter zadovoljstva strank in zaposlenih. Družba in njeni zaposleni so zavezani k viziji podjetja, ki govori o dolgoročni rasti in razvoju podjetja s ciljem biti eden vodilnih globalnih proizvajalcev izdelkov in ponudnikov storitev za prosti čas.
Adria Mobil Company Profile Adria Mobil, d.o.o., Novo mesto is currently one of the largest manufacturers of leisure vehicles in Europe annually producing and selling over 13,000 caravans, vans and motorhomes and generating an annual turnover of over EUR 350 million. Adria Mobil distributes and sells 99 percent of its total production to the markets of Europe, Asia and Australia. Adria Mobil is renowned as a well-organized and well-run undertaking, whose production operates on the principle of world class manufacturing and in compliance with international quality standards. The company is geared towards sustainability and social responsibility. Adria Mobil achieves its success based on the values of teamwork, knowledge, innovation and the satisfaction of customers and employees. The company and its employees are committed to the vision of the company that has to do with the long-term growth and development of the company with the aim of being one of the leading global manufacturers and providers of leisure services.
Zavod IFIMES - mednarodni inštitut za bližnjevzhodne in balkanske študije IFIMES – Mednarodni inštitut za bližnjevzhodne in balkanske študije s sedežem v Ljubljani zbira gradiva, informacije in podatke o ključnih kriznih žariščih v svetu ter analizira zbrana dejstva in raziskuje medsebojne odnose med udeleženci z namenom doprinosa k širjenju znanja o potrebi globalne ureditve sveta in reševanju obstoječih konfliktov, kakor tudi preventivnem delovanju pri preprečevanju možnih konfliktov na globalni ravni.
IFIMES – the International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies FIMES, based in Ljubljana – Slovenia, gathers and selects various policy information and sources on key conflict areas in the world. The Institute analyses mutual relations with an aim to promote the importance of reconciliation, early prevention/preventive diplomacy and disarmament/confidence building measures in regional or global conflicts, resolution of existing conflicts and the role of preventive actions against new global disputes. The area of research and work of the IFIMES Institute encompasses the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA), and the Balkans – South Eastern Europe as well as certain regions of Asia, where relations among different entities are additionally puzzled by religious, ethnic, national and racial conflicts. The IFIMES Institute's work involves organizing seminars, symposiums, conferences and round tables, performing analyses, studies, fact-finding missions and projects, as well as presenting the results of its work and achievements through publications, targeting the leading international policy and opinion makers. Associates of the Institute are respected experts, politicians, diplomats, scientists, managers, journalists and researchers who introduce their work to younger colleagues from all over the world with a purpose of additional education, promotion of knowledge and scientific achievements, with an emphasis on establishing political and economic connections within the single region, among different regions as well as at the global level. 22
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Well aware that in the next decades the major part of the entire global economic growth will originate from Asia and bearing in mind its corresponding rise in political-diplomatic, scientific and socio- cultural dynamism, IFIMES has recently extended its activities by launching a new research department – for Strategic Studies on Asia (DeSSA), based in Vienna, Austria, Department for local and regional studies (DeLORS) and Department for economy and business studies (DeEBS).
Kolektor Group, d.o.o. Koncern Kolektor je multinacionalka s sedežem v Sloveniji in široko razvejano mrežo podjetij in podružnic v Evropi, Ameriki in Aziji, ki deluje na področju visoko specializirane industrijske proizvodnje. Kot eden od vodilnih igralcev v globalnih nišah komponent in sistemov za avtomobilsko industrijo, elektroenergetike ter inženiringa in tehnoloških sistemov se želimo v dobi digitalne industrijske revolucije uveljaviti tudi kot vodilni globalni ponudnik rešitev za pametne tovarne. Priložnost za hitro rast, tudi v sodelovanju s start-upi, pa vidimo predvsem na področju industrijskega interneta stvari. S 4.700 zaposlenimi smo lansko leto ustvarili 667 milijonov evrov prihodkov. Svojo kontinuirano rast zagotavljamo z intenzivnim vlaganjem v raziskave, razvoj in inovacije, katerim letno namenimo več kot 4 odstotke ustvarjenih prihodkov. Aktivno sodelujemo tudi z univerzami in inštituti.
Kolektor group Kolektor is a multinational corporation with headquarters in Slovenia, and a wide network of companies and subsidiaries in Europe, America and Asia, operating in a highly specialized industrial production. As one of the leading players of the digital industrial revolution in the global niche of components and systems for the automotive, power engineering and engineering and technology systems, we wish to become the leading global provider of solutions for the smart factory. We pursue opportunities for rapid growth, also in cooperation with startups, mostly in the field of industrial IoT - IIoT. With 4,700 employees we generated about 667 million euros of turnover in 2017. Our continued growth is ensured through intensive investment in research, development and innovation, which annually allocates more than 4 per cent of revenues generated. We collaborate actively with universities and institutes.
P.E.C.A. International, d. o. o Podjetje P.E.C.A. INTERNATIONAL d.o.o. je ustanovljeno leta 2008. Nastalo je na temeljih prejšnjega podjetja ŠARM d.o.o., ki je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1990. Obe podjetji sta ustanovila Alenka Rupert - Aruna in Matjaž Rupert, ki že več kot sedemindvajset let profesionalno proučujeta energijski ustroj človeka in prostora, istočasno pa sta tudi v lastnem osebnostnem razvoju. Sprva trgovska in proizvodna dejavnost podjetja Šarm d.o.o. je na podlagi obsežnega pridobljenega znanja prerasla v svetovalno, profesionalno terapevtsko delo. Podjetje P.E.C.A. International d.o.o. je proizvajalec energijskih izdelkov P.E.C.A., izvaja Program P.E.C.A. za razvoj vrednot in opravlja različne storitve s področja komplementarne energijske medicine. Osnova delovanja podjetja tako temelji na mednarodno priznani strokovni metodi P.E.C.A, ki vključuje strokovna znanja in poznavanje energijskega sistema človeka in prostora. V podjetju P.E.C.A. International d.o.o. so razvili lastno krovno blagovno znamko P.E.C.A. Njeno ime predstavlja Profesionalno Energijsko Celovito Asistenco za razvoj ali aktivacijo vrednot, ki jih potrebujemo ljudje po celem svetu. To so: Peace ali notranji mir, Energy kot vitalna energija, Creativity ali ustvarjalnost in Advancement kot napredek v materialnem in v duhovnem smislu.
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P.E.C.A. International, d. o. o Established in 2008, P.E.C.A. International was founded on the pillars of the previous enterprise ŠARM d.o.o., which was established in 1990. Its founders, Alenka Rupert - Aruna and Matjaž Rupert, have spent over two decades thoroughly researching the energy structure of humans and space, while in parallel dedicating the time to their own personal growth and self-development. During this time they obtained an extensive amount of knowledge which led to trade, the initial core business of Šarm d.o.o., eventually growing into consulting and therapeutic practice. Today P.E.C.A. International performes a range of services in the field of complementary energy medicine. The basic activity of the company leans on the expertise and understanding of the energy system of humans and space. They have developed their own umbrella brand P.E.C.A. Its name stands for the evolution or activation of values much needed by people all over the world: Peace, Energy, Creativity and Advancement in material and spiritual sense.
Plastika Skaza, d.o.o. Podjetje Skaza je hitro rastoče mednarodno podjetje, ki prisega na usklajeno rast podjetja in zaposlenih. Vlagajo v ljudi, tako poslovno kot tudi osebnostno. Spodbujajo inovativnost in drugačnost. V spodbudnem delovnem okolju imajo tako zaposleni vse pogoje, da postanejo strokovnjaki ali da svoje strokovno znanje poglobijo. V okviru podjetja delujejo projekti kot so Skaza Mentor in Skaza Academy, zaposleni pa imajo možnost izobraževanj tako doma kot tudi v tujini. Hkrati izjemno vlagajo v napredovanja in spodbujajo v vključevanje v projekte in prenos znanj med strokovnjaki v podjetju. So učeča se organizacija in verjamejo v vseživljenjsko učenje. Podpirajo in spodbujajo razvoj mladih potencialov. Verjamejo v cilje, pogum, odgovornost, izkušnje in spoštljiv odnos do narave. To so njihove vrednote. Z rastjo ne izgubljajo strasti do novosti. Spremljajo trende, spodbujajo uvajanje inovativnih dobrih praks. Digitalizacija, agilnost, industrija 4.0, management 3.0 so koncepti, ki jih živijo.
Plastika Skaza, d.o.o. The competitiveness of companies is largely dependent on the skills of employees. They are aware that competition in the market is stronger every day and trained employees can contribute to the buyer to become number one. In the company Plastika Skaza have started in 2013 with the introduction of Lean organization. Implementation changed the organizational structure of the company. They have 12 minicompanies, where the scope of work intertwined. They started to build a system of internal knowledge transfer. This approach seems to them the best, because they have in the company specific knowledge in the areas where they operate. At the same time, this method accessible to a larger number of employees and organization is easier and faster. They encourage knowledge transfer between mini - companies, as a way to build teamwork and trust among co - workers. They have compiled a catalog of knowledge from areas where employees can offer skills that increase their skills in the workplace
Srednja poklicna in strokovna šola Bežigrad Šola je bila ustanovljena leta 1962, z imenom Center strokovnih šol. Od začetka leta 2000 šola deluje pod novim imenom: Srednja poklicna in strokovna šola Bežigrad – Ljubljana. Programi: - NPI, Nižje poklicno izobraževanje - SPI, Srednje poklicni izobraževanje - PTI, Poklicno tehniško izobraževanje - SSI, Srednje strokovno izobraževanje 24
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Secondary Vocational and Technical School Bežigrad-Ljubljana
Established in 1962 as the Centre for Technical Schools, the school became Secondary Vocational and Technical School Bežigrad-Ljubljana at the beginning of 2000. Programmes: - NPI, Vocational Education - SPI, Secondary Vocational Education - PTI, Technical Vocational Education - SSI, Technical Secondary Education
Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota si prizadeva za doseganje odličnosti z razvijanjem znanja med dijaki, med učitelji in celotnim osebjem na šoli. Programi, ki jih na šoli izvajajo so: Ekonomska gimnazija, Ekonomski tehnik, Logistični tehnik in Trgovec. Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota že vrsto let skrbi, tudi za splošno razgledanost svojih dijakov, ki je v današnjem času zelo pomembna, predvsem za to, ker po končani izobrazbi lahko svoje znanje s pridom izkoristijo tudi na drugih področjih, za katera se niso izobraževali. Na šoli v ta namen poteka vrsta aktivnosti in projektov.
Murska Sobota School of Economics Murska Sobota School of Economics endeavours to achieve excellence by better developing student, teacher, and all other school personnel skills and knowledge, and offers programmes in: Gymnasium Level Economics, Economics for Technicians, Logistics for Technicians, and Trading. Murska Sobota School of Economics has, throughout its history, ensured that its students also acquire the general skills and knowledge vital for self-actualisation in contemporary society, especially as this enables students to optimally utilise said skills and knowledge pursuant to graduation in all aspects of their lives. For this purpose, the school organises a range of activities and projects.
Višja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor (VSGT) v 2018 praznuje že 20 let delovanja. Naše poslanstvo je kakovostno izobraževanje in usposabljanje kadrov v gostinsko-turistični dejavnosti, pri čemer zasledujemo filozofijo prijazne šole, ki spodbuja kreativen in inovativen odnos s turističnim gospodarstvom, mednarodno mobilnost zaposlenih in študentov ter dodatno razvijanje kompetenc, skladno s potrebami in razvojnimi tendencami gospodarstva. V začetku leta 2015 smo se preselili v nove sodobno opremljene prostore MIC – Akademije kulinarike in turizma, kjer izvajamo različne delavnice za splošno in strokovno javnost, mojstrske izpite, potrjevanja nacionalnih poklicnih kvalifikacij, dogodke in projekte ter tako postajamo središče vseživljenjskega učenja gostinsko-turistične in velneške dejavnosti, v šolski Restavraciji Sedem, ki deluje v okviru Akademije, pa študentom omogočamo praktično izobraževanje. Posebnost VSGT je tradicionalna prireditev Ambasador gostoljubja, kjer vsako leto izberemo študenta, ki je v času študija pokazal izjemno kreativnost in predanost stroki in s svojim strokovnim delom prispeval k promociji gostoljubja doma in v tujini. Svojo kreativnost in znanje pa študenti redno preizkušajo tudi na številnih nacionalnih in mednarodnih tekmovanjih najboljših šol iz stroke, kjer smo osvojili že 35 zlatih, 45 srebrnih, 23 bronastih medalj in 2 medalji odličnosti.
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College for Catering and Tourism Maribor In 2016 Vocational College for Catering and Tourism Maribor (VSGT) celebrates 18 years of operation. Its mission has always been the excellence in education and training of hospitality business personnel, while pursuing the philosophy of friendly school that encourages creative and innovative approach towards the tourist economy and the international mobility of students and staff. They have been developing further competences in accordance with the needs and tendencies of development of the economy. In early 2015 they moved to the city centre into new and modern premises of Bussines to Bussines Education Centre, MIC Academy of Culinary Arts and Tourism, which is considered as an outstanding achievement. Since then they have been conducting a great number of workshops for the public and experts, master craftsman exams, national vocational qualifications certification, events and projects, thus becoming the centre of lifelong learning, hospitality and wellness activities of the area. College has also been providing students with highly professional practical training in the school Restaurant 7. The specialty of College is a traditional event called “Ambassador of hospitality”, where at the end of every year a student with the greatest study achievements, creativity, and dedication to the profession is promoted. Vocational College for Catering and Tourism Maribor creates knowledge for the art of hospitality.
Eles, d.o.o. Poslanstvo družbe ELES, d.o.o. je zagotavljanje varnega, časovno neprekinjenega in kakovostnega prenosa električne energije v Republiki Slovenji, državah EU in v ostalem delu Evrope. Svoje poslanstvo zagotavljajo z nenehnim upravljanjem prenosnega omrežja, njegovim strokovnim vzdrževanjem in razvojem v okviru razpoložljivih tehničnih, kadrovskih in finančnih virov. Storitev prenosa električne energije izvajajo za potrebe tako slovenskega kot tudi mednarodnega trga z električno energijo. S strokovnim delom popolnoma obvladujejo prenosni del elektroenergetskega sistema v Republiki Sloveniji ter omogočajo uporabnikom kakovosten in zanesljiv prenos električne energije ter stalen dostop do prenosnega omrežja.
Eles, d.o.o. As the transmission system operator, ELES, d.o.o ensures the safe, reliable and uninterrupted transmission of electricity. ELES is the guardian of Slovenia’s electric power transmission system, which is closely connected with the transmission networks of the neighbouring countries and integrated into the European energy system. As experts in the field of energy, and through the application of knowledge and advanced technology, ELES provides both suppliers and consumers with the quality transmission of energy – a quality of life. The electric power system is run and controlled through the new modern National Control Centre. The former technologically less and less appropriate management system has been replaced with a new one. So-called SCADA/ EMS Management System now represents the core of the Control Centre, including the regional centres in Beričevo, Nova Gorica and Maribor. With better control over the network and the use of more precise data it proves easier to manage the electric power system in critical situations and at the same time to optimally manage it in the normal operating conditions. Ensuring that electricity is eternally on hand to all is an onerous task, which the company performs responsibly. Established and owned by the state and upholding the standards of a contemporarily organised enterprise, ELES, with over 530 employees and state-of-the-art technology, stands side-byside with Europe’s most advanced transmission system operators.
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Komunala Brežice d.o.o. Komunala Brežice je inovativno, družbeno odgovorno in okolju prijazno podjetje, ki ga odlikujejo tri posebnosti: čeprav so javno podjetje, delujejo kot gospodarska družba, ki dela na trgu; inovativni so tudi pri načinu obveščanja svojih uporabnikov, jih poslušajo in sledijo njihovim potrebam. Prav tako dajejo velik poudarek ozaveščanju ljudi o pomembnosti ločevanja komunalnih odpadkov, veliko delajo tudi na motivaciji zaposlenih, njihovem osebnem razvoju in izobraževanju ter na promociji zdravja na delovnem mestu. Ključ uspešnega izvajanja komunalnih storitev je v srčnih zaposlenih in njihovi zavzetosti, kar potrjuje tudi prejeti naziv Najboljši zaposlovalec v letu 2016 v kategoriji srednje velikih podjetij, nominacija za zmagovalca Zlate niti 2017 v kategoriji srednje velikih podjetij, nagrada Horus 2017 za strateško celovitost, posebno priznanje za Starejšim prijazno podjetje 2017 - z leti še vedno zavzeti in Priznanje za HRM projekt leta 2017. Podjetje upravlja s sedmimi javnimi vodovodnimi sistemi, tremi kanalizacijskimi sistemi, z občinskimi in zasebnimi večstanovanjskimi objekti ter poslovnimi prostori, 182 ekološkimi otoki za ločeno zbiranje odpadkov, pokopališčem, tržnico, zelenicami in javnimi površinami v Brežicah.
Komunala Brežice d.o.o. The public utility service provider Komunala Brežice d. o. o. is not only a successful utility company. Komunala Brežice is an innovative, socially responsible and environmentally friendly company and is distinguished by three special features: Even though it is a public corporation, it operates as a commercial company on the market; It uses innovative methods to notify its users: it listens to them and monitors their needs. It also places a lot of focus on making people aware of the importance of separating municipal waste, resulting in over 83 % separated waste collected in only five years. A great deal of effort is invested in motivating its employees, in their personal development and education, as well as in promoting health at work. JP Komunala Brežice knows that having determined employees is the key to successfully providing municipal utility services. Company received te title of Best Employer in 2016, of medium-sized enterprises. They provide services of general economic interest. Company manages seven public water supply systems, three sewerage systems, municipal and private apartment buildings and commercial premises, 182 local recycling centres »Eco Islands«), a cemetery, a marketplace, public areas and green spaces in the town of Brežice.
Magneti Ljubljana, d.d. Magneti Ljubljana d.d., so podjetje za proizvodnjo magnetnih materialov z več kot 65 leti tradicije. Jedro prodajnega programa predstavljajo trajni kovinski magneti na osnovi AlNiCo, SmCo in NdFeB zlitin oziroma prahov in granulatov. Sistem vodenja in zagotavljanja kakovosti v podjetju je skladen z vsemi zahtevami veljavnih izdaj mednarodnih standardov SIST EN ISO 9001, IATF 16949, SIST EN ISO 14001 in OHSAS 18001. Podjetje je tudi že sodelovalo na razpisu za Poslovno odličnost in prejelo diplomo. Za ciljno naravnano doseganje nenehnih izboljšav pri vseh procesih uporabljajo metodologijo “PDCA”(“Planiraj-Izvedi-Preveri-Ukrepaj”). Najvišje vodstvo sistematično podpira razvijanje znanja, inovativnosti in ustvarjalnosti zaposlenih in si prizadeva za razvoj kompetentnih kadrov na vseh nivojih organizacije. Še posebej to velja za člane vodstvene ekipe, pa tudi za razvojno-raziskovalno ekipo, razvijalce, tehnologe in vodje proizvodnega procesa. Poseben poudarek daje tudi razvoju veščin in osebnostnih lastnosti za sodelovanje v multidisciplinarnih timih. Sodelujejo z domačimi in tujimi institucijami znanja, inštituti, centri odličnosti, tehnološkimi centri, strokovnimi združenji in partnerji.
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Magneti Ljubljana, d.d. Magneti Ljubljana d.d. is a production company of magnetic materials with more than 60-years of tradition. Permanent metallic magnets based on AlNiCo, SmCo and NdFeB alloys, powders and granulates are the core of our production program. System for management and quality assurance in the company complies with all the requirements of the applicable issuance of international standards such as SIST EN ISO 9001, ISO / TS 16949, IRIS, SIST EN ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. The company has also participated in the tender for Business Excellence and received a diploma. They are using the methodology PDCA (plan–do–check–act or plan–do–check– adjust) in order to achieve continuous improvement in all processes. Top management systematically supports the development of knowledge, innovation and creativity of employees and strives to develop competent personnel at all levels of the organization. This is especially true for members of the management team, as well as research and development team, developers, technologists and heads of the production process. Particular emphasis is administered to the development of skills and personal qualities to participate in multidisciplinary teams. They also cooperate with domestic and foreign research institutions, institutes, centers of excellence, technological centers, professional associations and partners.
Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije (OZS) je krovna organizacija, ki skupaj z 62 območnimi obrtnopodjetniškimi zbornicami (OOZ), tvori obrtno-podjetniški zbornični sistem. OZS in vse OOZ so samostojne pravne osebe, vodijo pa jih obrtniki-funkcionarji prostovoljno. Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije s svojim delovanjem in komuniciranjem z javnostmi podpira in promovira tradicionalne vrednote svojega članstva: delavnost, marljivost, vztrajnost, poštenost, čast, etičnost, kakovost in odličnost, znanje in inovativnost. Zavzema se za ohranjanje tradicije in posebnosti obrti. Skrbi za enakovredno vlogo območnih obrtno-podjetniških zbornic in tako kot članom, tudi njim nudi vso strokovno pomoč in podporo. Ključno vlogo v OZS imajo strokovne sekcije, saj predstavljajo temelj povezovanja obrtnikov. Doma in v Evropski uniji se bori za boljše razmere za gospodarjenje v obrti, mikro, malih in srednjih podjetjih. Obrtniki so s svojo zbornico postali enakovreden partner v dialogu z državo in sindikati. Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije se zaveda, da je potrebno za razvoj in proces pri doseganju ciljevizkoristiti vsa znanja in informacije, ki jih imajo člani in zaposleni ter ta znanja preko mentorstva, predavanj, razgovorov in praktičnih usposabljanj prenašati na svoje člane, na sodelavce, tudi na študente in dijake. Zbornica preko podeljenih javnih pooblastil sodeluje v postopku pridobivanja ustreznih znanj na področju poklicnega izobraževanja, mojstrskih izpitov, nacionalnih poklicnih kvalifikacij, pa tudi pri pridobivanju neformalnih znanj preko organizacije izobraževanj, sejmov, poslovnih srečanj.
Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia The Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia (the Chamber) is an umbrella organisation comprising the craft and small business chamber system jointly with 62 regional chambers of craft and small business (regional chambers). The Chamber and the regional chambers are independent legal entities managed on a voluntary basis by craftsmen – officials (functionaries). The Chamber acts according to its mission - it supports and promotes the traditional values of its members: hard work, diligence, preservation of tradition, honesty, honour, ethics, quality and excellence, knowledge and innovation. The Chamber advocates preserving the tradition and features of small business. It provides for an equal role of the regional chambers and offers full expert support and assistance to its members.The key role in the Chamber is played by professional sections because they represent the foundation for linking craftsmen. The Chamber uses its efforts in Slovenia and Europe to improve the conditions for doing business in craft, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Craftsmen and their chamber have become an equal partner in the dialogue with the government and trade unions. Realizing the power of knowledge and information for the development and for achieving one´s goals, the Chamber organizes the transfer of knowledge and information from those members and employees that already possess them to other members, students and apprentices, by mentorship, 28
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lecture, discussion and practical training. It also provides for informal knowledge, important for craftsmen and small entrepreneurs as well, by organizing lectures, fairs and business meetings.The Chamber exercises certain powers conferred by public law in the field of the craft sector and is thus involved in the field of professional education, master-craftman exams, national qualification system etc.
Televizija Novo Mesto, d. o .o. Televizija Novo mesto d.o.o, izdajateljica medija Televizija Vaš kanal je televizija dobrih zgodb. Leta 2015 je, kot najstarejša lokalna in regionalna televizija v Slovenji, zapisala v svojo arhivsko zakladnico že četrt stoletja njenega delovanja in je danes osrednja regionalna televizija v Sloveniji. Njeno temeljno poslanstvo je, skozi regionalni televizijski program, ki mu je podeljen status posebnega pomena, delovati v javnem in kulturnem interesu. V svojim pestrih programskih vsebinah, danes vidnih po vsej Sloveniji, stremi predvsem k izvedbi informativnih programskih vsebin iz domačih logov in v središče dogajanja vedno postavlja utrip tukajšnjih krajev in ljudi. Je televizija za vse generacije. Kamere Vašega kanala so vedno tam, kjer se za gledalce kaj pomembnega dogaja. In gledalci so vse bolj, v različnih programskih vsebinah, del njene dobre zgodbe. Morda tudi vaše. Vredno je preklopiti na dobre zgodbe. Na Televizijo vaš kanal.
Television Novo Mesto Televizija Novo mesto d.o.o, the issuer of the Televizija Vaš kanal medium, is a channel of good stories. Being the oldest local and regional television station in Slovenia, it celebrated its quarter-century birthday in 2015. Today, it is the central regional television channel in Slovenia. Its fundamental mission is to provide content that is of public and cultural interest by broadcasting regional television programme of special importance. With its rich programme content, nowadays broadcast throughout Slovenia, it mainly focuses on broadcasting informative local programme content, always keeping pace with the pulse of its locality and people and placing them at the centre of its attention. It is television for all generations. The cameras of Vaš kanal are present wherever something important is going on. Through its varied programme content, its viewers are becoming central to its stories, perhaps, even yours. It is worth switching to good stories, to Televizija Vaš kanal.
Občina Šentrupert Občina Šentrupert kot samostojna občina deluje od 1. januarja 2007. Razteza se na površini 49 km2, okoli 2800 prebivalcev pa živi v 25 naseljih. Občina je v sodelovanju z občani izdelala vizijo razvoja, s katero želi zagotavljati kakovost življenja vseh generacij z ohranjanjem naravne dediščine, postati energetsko samooskrbna, mednarodno prepoznavna po ljudskem stavbarstvu in razvijati izvirni turizem. Strategija razvoja občine umešča konkretne projekte v ciljno usmerjeno povezano celoto. Občina Šentrupert je s 1. januarjem 2018 kot partner pričela sodelovati pri projektu, ki ga skupaj še z Občino Mirna Peč, Občino Škocjan in Zavodom Novo mesto izvaja Zavod za trajnostni razvoj Temeniške in Mirnske doline, ki je lastnik blagovne znamke DOBROTE DOLENJSKE. Občina izvaja samostojni projekt Dežela kozolcev, ki vsestransko vrednost dediščine kozolcev povezuje s sodobnimi oblikami turizma in gospodarstva.
Municipality of Šentrupert The Municipality of Šentrupert has been an independent municipality since 1 January, 2007. It is spread over a surface area of 49 km 2 , and has a population of approximately 2,800 living in 25 settlements. In cooperation with its citizens, the municipality has prepared a development vision to ensure quality of life for all generations AEC 2018
of its citizens by preserving its natural heritage; becoming energy self-sufficient; being internationally recognised for its folk architecture; developing tourism. The municipality’s development strategy places concrete projects into a target-oriented unity. As of 1 January, 2018, the Municipality of Šentrupert became a partner on a project implemented by the Institute for Sustainable Development of Temenica and Mirna Valleys, which owns the trademark “DOBROTE DOLENJSKE” (DOLENJSKA DELICACIES), in cooperation with the Municipality of Mirna Peč, the Municipality of Škocjan, and Novo Mesto Institute. The Municipality implements an independent project called “Dežela kozolcev” (Land of Hayracks), connecting the universal value of hayrack heritage with modern forms of tourism and economy.
Turistično društvo Bohinj Turistično društvo Bohinj pod tem imenom deluje že od leta 1946, kot naslednik podobnih organizacij v preteklosti. Njihovi člani so v veliki meri ljudje, ki se ukvarjajo s turizmom. Društvo danes šteje več kot 400 članov različnih starosti. Namen in cilji društva so spodbujanje razvoja turizma, krepitev turistične kulture in uresničevanje skupnih ciljev turističnega razvoja v občini Bohinj. Ohranjanje kulturnega etnološkega izročila, pospeševanje turistične promocije, čisto in urejeno okolje so glavni cilji. Društvo je dejavno na področju posredovanje pri oddajanju privatnih turističnih kapacitet; gospodarjenje in upravljanje z objekti in napravami pri slapu Savica, ki so v lasti društva; upravljanje s kapacitetami lastnega kampa in gostilne Danica; prodaja turističnih spominkov, organizacija prireditev v Bohinju, izletov in potovanj. Namene in cilje uresničuje 14 redno zaposlenih v društvu, ki se redno izobražuje in usposablja tako na področju stroke kot tudi osebne rasti. Temu delu je namenjanja posebna pozornost. Poleti se nam pridruži najmanj 30 oseb. Prevladujejo študenti in sezonsko zaposlene osebe. Društvo sodeluje s srednjimi šolami ter fakultetami. Zaposleni, dijaki in študenti med seboj z zanimanjem izmenjujejo nova znanja in dolgoletne izkušnje. Predvsem spoznajo, da so turizem ljudje. Dobro usposobljen ter zadovoljen posameznik je ključ do kakovostne storitve. Največje plačilo za delo v turizmu je zadovoljen gost.
Bohinj Tourist Association Bohinj Tourist Association under this name has been operating since 1946 as a successor to similar organizations in the past. Its members are people who live with tourism. Today has 411 members of different ages. The purpose and objectives of the Association are to promote the development of tourism, strengthening the tourism culture and their visio of tourism development in the municipality of Bohinj. Ethnological preservation of cultural heritage, more of tourism promotion, clean and tidy environment are the main goals. The Association offer activies and services of private tourist rooms and apartments, Savica Waterfall, camp and restaurant Danica, souvenirs shops, organization of events in Bohinj, excursions and trips. The purpose and goals realizes 12 employees in the society which are regularly trained in both; in the area of expertise as well as personal growth with special attention. In summer, join them at least 30 people. Dominated by students and seasonal employees. The Association collaborates with secondary schools and universities. Employees and students share with each other interest, new knowledge and years of experience. They find out that tourism grows by people. Well trained and happy person is the key to high-quality services.
Bolnišnica Sežana Njihovo poslanstvo je: Zdravljenje in rehabilitacija kroničnih pljučnih bolnikov, podaljšano bolnišnično zdravljenje z/in rehabilitacijo, specialistična ambulantna in dializna dejavnost ; opravljanje zdravstvenih storitev v skladu s strokovno doktrino, kakovost storitev, visoka stopnja zadovoljstva bolnikov ter njihovih svojcev in zaposlenih. Da bi zagotovili čimboljšo kakovost storitev so v letu 2017 ponovno odprli nevrološko ambulanto. Kakovost
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njihovih storitev potrjuje ISO standard. Prav tako so prejemniki nagrade Horus, kot družbeno odgovorno podjetje.
Hospital of Sežana Their mission is: The treatment and rehabilitation of chronic pulmonary patients, prolonged hospital treatment and rehabilitation, specialist outpatient and dialysis activity; the performance of health services in accordance with expert doctrine, quality of service, and high levels of patient, relative and employee satisfaction. In order to ensure best service quality, they reopened their neurologic clinic in 2017. The quality of their service is ISO standard confirmed; they have, moreover, have received the Horus Award for being a socially responsible company.
UČNE TOČKE Izsledki kažejo, da način in doseganje razumevanja in sprejemanja snovi na različne načine in v drugačnem okolju prinaša pozitivne učinke. To je tudi vzpodbuda za postavitev Učnih točk, saj le-te pri posamezniku sprožajo različna čutna zaznavanja za sprejete informacije. POMAGAJTE NAM IZBOLJŠATI MREŽO UČNIH TOČK! Poiščite v svojem okolju nove Učne Točke (Podjetja, javne institucije, zdravilišča, izobraževalne ustanove, poslovni centri, turistične kmetije, muzeji...).
LEARNING POINTS The results of studies have shown that the ability to understand and perceive certain subject matters in various ways and in a different environment delivers positive effects. This is what teaching points are based on, as they trigger various ways of perceiving information in individuals. LET US HELP TO CREATE THE LEARNING POINTS NETWORK! Get to find out the new Learning Points companies, public Institutions, educational institutions, business centers, turistic farms, museums etc. and The project Manager of the Learning Points is Mrs Milena Košnik.
Milena Košnik, direktorica Turističnega društva Bohinj, je vodja globalnega projekta Učne točke/Learning Points
She has been working in the field of tourism. Past few years she has been working in local community as a Senior Advisor in tourism, agriculture, and business areas.
Predstavitev novih Ambadasorjev Znanja Presentation of new Ambassadors of Knowledge
About the project The purpose of the global project Ambassadors of Knowledge is to present those individuals or groups that exceed the expectations of employers on the basis of different knowledge, ideas, modus operandi, or achieved special results. With the cooperation on the project it is easier for them to find a job or organization that they can support or present their qualities to potential investors. The project Ambassadors of Knowledge is already established in 30 different countries around the world. Individuals or groups are get awarded by the Ambassadors of Knowledge at the event, called the Academic Economic Congress (AEC). The event is being held each year the first week in June in Slovenia. The award for achievement is called Reference. Benefits of the project The project connects individuals/groups around the world and reduce unemployment and strengthens cooperation on a global level. The project also reduces the gap in cooperation between the economy in the academic dispute in building the knowledge of society on a global scale. The project also support the development and transfer of practical knowledge and skills, so that together we can shape a common strategy of activities needed for the better employability of young people and the promotion of knowledge throughout the world. Participants are individuals of different professions, nationalities, races, religions or political affiliations. Roles in the project. The Ambassadors of Knowledge, Reference winners, Mentors and Coordinators (National and International) are involved in the project.
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Joseph Calleja Maltese tenor
Joseph Calleja, is a Maltese tenor. He began singing at the age of 16, having been discovered by tenor Brian Cefai and continued his studies with Paul Asciak. In 1998, he won the Caruso Competition in Milan and was a prize winner in Plácido Domingo's Operalia International Opera Competition in 1999. On 2 November 2012, the University of Malta presented Calleja with a Doctor of Literature Honoris Causa in acknowledgment of his achievements as an internationally renowned tenor.On 8 October 2015, Calleja was elected to the Board of Directors of the European Academy of Music Theatre.
Saša Mrak
Executive Director of Manager association of Slovenia Saša Mrak has more than 15 years experience in human resources, management, marketing, public relations and media. She was the leader of the selection of the best employers of the Zlata Nit, editor of Dnevnik's Employment & Career, and later she was an editor of the online Dnevnik.
Usamah Al Kurdi
Former Member of Saudi Arabia Shoura Council (Parliament) Usamah Al-Kurdi is President of Alagat, a business-consulting firm based in Riyadh and a member of Saudi Arabia’s Consultative Council (Majlis Al-Shura). He serves as a Board Member of Saudi Arabian Airlines and an Executive Committee member of the national U.S. Arab Chamber of Commerce.
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Bogoljub Karić
Director of Dana holding, Serbia Together with his three brothers and sisters he founded the family factory »Braća Karić« in Peća in 1971. For more than three decades, he has developed a large company operating in various fields: telecommunications, construction, finance, education, media, trade ... The director is also the owner of private BK University and several other companies in Serbia and abroad and is the bearer of the Order St. Sava.
Urška Drofenik Fashion designer
Recognized and outstanding Slovenian fashion designer Urša Drofenik is becoming increasingly popular on the global level with her creations. In Slovenia and neighboring countries, she is one of the most sought-after designers demanded by many celebrities and people in leading positions. Her gift of combining fashion, individuality and prestige is unbearable.
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Zlatan Mulabegović
ABC Software development Board member Mr. Zlatan Mulabegovic is an expert in information technologies and businessman with over 22 years of significant professional experience gained in Croatia, Switzerland and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In additional to the obtained qualifications in computer engineering, he has certified his knowledge in a number of Microsoft, Adobe, and other IT expert programmes.
Sonja KlopiÄ?
Developer of creative leadership She is a university graduate engineer in electrical engineering and a master of management and organization. She is a golden member of the Managers Association and a member of the Management Board Section and a member of the Slovenian Supervisory Board (also a holder of a certificate for members of the NS and the UO). She was a member of the Economic College of the Rector of the University of Ljubljana, a member of the Management Board of ZRC SAZU, a member of NS Eti Elektroelement d.d. and NS RTCZ d.o.o.
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Josip Juratovič
Member of the Bundestag, President of the Parliamentiran Group for South-East Europe Juratović was from 1983 to its introduction in the 16. German Bundestag in the year 2005 with the AUDI AG in Neckarsulm employs, first as an assembly-line worker, later than product examiners and since the year 2000 than released work council. In 16. German Bundestag is Juratovic a secretary and belongs to the committee for the affairs of the European union and as a deputy member the committee for work and social.
Adnan Džaferoski
Director of Civil Protection of the Republic of Macedonia He is a Director of Protection and Rescue Directorate, Government of the Republic of Macedonia and Member of the Executive Board, Socialdemocratic Union of Macedonia.
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Tomaž Šuštar
CEO at C3M d.o.o. Tomaž Šuštar Ph.D. is a CEO of Centre for Computational Continuum Mechanics (C3M). C3M is a company (SME) specialised in the development of customised finite element solutions for Multi-scale, Multi-body, Multi-filed, Multi-phase and Multi-objective (M5) problems in sciences and engineering in the framework of sensitivity analyses, inverse modelling and optimisation. He was key researcher in several EU and national projects. He was the leading developer of several custom FE solutions for wide range of industries.
Dr. Dragi Raškovski
Secretary General of The Government of Republic of Macedonia Dr. Dragi Rashkovski has been an assistant professor in the scientific field of introductory and theoretical legal sciences (law and information technology) at the Justinianus Primus Faculty of Law since 2014 and in the period 2011-2014 he was an assistant in the scientific field of introductory and theoretical legal sciences. Dr. Raskovski is the author of numerous scientific papers and university textbooks that refer to law and information technology and online networking of personal data. He is a well-known Macedonian innovator with many patented solutions by the Macedonian State office of industrial property.
AEC 2018
Kaj je Life Learning Club? Life Learning Club (LLC) združuje člane iz različnih koncev sveta in je stična točka za izobraževanje, sodelovanje, informiranje in povezovanje. Internetna stran kluba LLC predstavlja platformo izobraževalnih vsebin in ugodnosti, ki jih lahko člani koristijo. Uporabniki lahko tako na enem mestu dobijo celovito informacijo o ponudbi izobraževanj, kar jim prihrani čas in olajša delo.
Kdo je lahko član Club-a LLC? Člani so lahko:
- Vsi posamezniki v organizacijah, ki so vključene v proces Učečih se organizacij Learning Brand (imajo brezplačno članarino, vendar se morajo prijaviti na: info@lifelearningclub.com - Vsi posamezniki, ki želijo biti v vrelišču dogajanja in pridobivanja novih znanj. Vsi, ki se želijo vključiti v Life Learning Club in niso sodelavci organizacije, ki je vključena v proces Učečih se organizacij – Learning Brand, se lahko vključijo kot fizične osebe s prijavnico. Višina članarine je razvidna iz cenika.
What is the Life Learning Club? The Life Learning Club allows members of various nationalities to come together and learn. With a lot of seminars, workshops, roundtables… this club is the place to learn, share informations, and connecting people. On the web page www.lifelearningclub.com , users can get the whole informations about the seminars on one place. That's way save your time and make your work easier. Life Learning Club is a accelerator for growth, motivation and an opportunity to take your knowledge to the next level. There are dedicated events and spaces for you to make the contacts that will drive your personal and professional career where you want.
Who are the members? The members are:
-All individuals within companies cooperating in the method and certification of Learning Brand. -Individuals, who wish be in constant update of information and new knowledge. If you want to be a member please open the form and send it on: info@lifelearningclub.com. Membership price list you can find here.
Predstavitev prejemnikov priznanj Reference in Mentor Presentation of Reference and Mentor Award Recipients
Aswin Kumar Shresta - Senior Mentor Letos je priznanja Mentor podeljeval častni konzul Nepala g. Aswin Kumar Shresta, ki je tudi Senior mentor pri projektu Ambassadors of Knowledge. This year Mentor awards were awarded by Honorary Consul General M Aswin Kumar Shresta, who is also Senior mentor at Ambassadors of Knowledge project.
1. Talum d.d.
Marko Drobnič
Robert Štrafela
Domen Zelenko
The reference is awarded for the solution for measuring the level of melt on a technological vehicle for the transport of liquid aluminum.
AEC 2018
2. Turistično Društvo Bohinj
Milena Košnik
Marta Strgar
Nina Malej
The reference is awarded for best initiatives and suggestions for novelties and improvements - all in the sense that the guest and visitor get the best experience of Bohinj.
3. Srednja ekonomska šola Murska Sobota
Branko Škafar
Betina Podgajski
Anja Horvat
The reference is awarded for achievements in the accounting knowledge competition, where she became the national champion and the international tourist market of the 14th Festival of More Skills for More Tourism, where she achieved the 1st place, and at the same time 2 golden prizes.
AEC 2018
4. Kolektor Group d.d.
Stojan Petrič
Zmago Jereb David Jezeršek Ana Petrič Dermota
Miha Grah
The reference is awarded for the measurement in the Kolektor laboratory and at the NTF, where he was able to conclude on the processes occurring in the material. With the knowledge of programming, statistical data processing was speeded up, which would be no longer time consuming and less precise.
5. Detektivsko Varnostna Agencija d.o.o.
Bernarda Škrabar
Andrej Sotlar
Špela Kocijan
The reference is awarded for a written product bearing the title »Obtaining information from a detective on work under the influence of illicit drugs«.
AEC 2018
6. Varuhinja Človekovih Pravic
Vlasta Nussdorfer
Mojca Valjavec
The reference is awarded to the team for team work entitled »Persons with long-term tolerated illegal stay in the Republic of Slovenia.
Manja Hubman Matej Cerovšek Urban Kropivšek Lina Atelj Lučka Brunec
7. Magneti Ljubljana d.d.
Albert Erman
Mihael Brunčko
Rok Grm
The reference is awarded for written master's thesis in the field of materials, namely monitoring changes in the properties of materials in relation to the change in their microstructure.
AEC 2018
8. Slovenska Vojska
Vilibald PolĹĄak
Albin Tepeh
Andrej Krivec
Major Andrej Krivec has been recognised as an Honor graduate of the Senior Staff Course of Slovenian Armed Forces.
9. Status d.o.o.
Jerca Legan Cvikl
Robert KaĹĄe
Imola Toth Kopf
The reference is awarded for the Master's thesis: The effect of international assignment on future career development.
AEC 2018
10. Plastika Skaza d.o.o.
Tanja Skaza
Polona AĹĄkerc
The reference is awarded for project work in the company.
11. Dr. Edward De Bono
Edward De Bono
Tadej PavliÄ?
The reference is awarded for a Master's Degree in Architecture according to De Bono's methods.
AEC 2018
12. P.E.C.A. International
Alenka Rupert – Aruna
Aljaž Jovanović
Helena Arh Vesna Kočan Marjetka Beškovnik Rafael Kovačič Polona Bohorič Mateja Kozjek Simona Bole Irena Kršinar Kajič Bernarda Brunčko Tomaž Maver Burnik Renata Luka Mejač Tanja Cvenkelj Doljak Mateja Petkovšek Darinka Delak Nasta Planovšek Boris Dolamič Andreja Prelc Helena Fras Nataša Skobe Miha Hari Urška Stepanek Andrej Ivančič Barbara Svetelj Šprah Tanja Jamnik Ivanka Štalec Miro Jovanovič Peter Štalec
The reference is awarded for theatre art project »Zgodba o svetlobi«.
AEC 2018
Damjan Šušteršič Željka Toplek Luzar Suzana Vilman Milica Vuksanović David Zorč Miha Lončar Matjaž Rupert Sara Čučnik Darja Erceg Dalja Mali Stanka Pelko Julija Kramar Lucija Rupert Viktor Angelov
SodelujoÄ?e fakultete Participating Faculties
POVABILO ZA FAKULTETE K SODELOVANJU S projektom Ambasadorji Znanj želimo povezati gospodarstvo, akademsko sfero in študente. V ta namen se trudimo vzpostaviti sodelovanje s čim več fakultetami v Sloveniji in tujini, saj je projekt namenjen predstavitvi najboljših študentov, ki prejmejo priznanje Referenca od Ambasadorejv Znanj. S tem priznanjem imajo študenti boljše možnosti pri izgradnji karierne in osebne poti. S projektom vnašamo poglobljeno motivacijo študentom za pridobivanje najprej neposredno uporabnih, posredno pa tudi podpornih, temeljnih znanj. Posebno priložnost predstavljajo tudi novi viri kontaktov in kakovostnih, od končnega uporabnika izhajajočih problemov. Vabimo vse fakultete k sodelovanju in smo odprti za vse pobude. Pišite nam na kontakt: tajnistvo@llacademia.com ali na tel. 00386 1 620 32 28 ali 00386 1 620 32 48.
COOPERATION INVITATION TO FACULTIES A unique global project named Ambassadors of Knowledge leaded bu Life Learning Academia, started to connect the economy and education (academia, companies, organizations and students). The purpose of the project is to identify the best potentials from around the world. Awards that youngsters get are awarded by the Ambassadors of Knowledge, called Reference. What is the role of your faculty if you decide to participate? We expect that the faculties, that are involved in the cooperation project Ambassadors of Knowledge, inform the students about the activities offered by organizations. All the instructions will be given by Life Learning Academia, to representatives who shall be engaged in informing students. They should only forward the information to the students. There is no financial input, but you, as the organization, get the following benefits:
Benefits in connections and promotions
The project connects individuals/groups throughout the globe, decreases unemployment and enhances collaboration on the global level.
Reduce the gaps
Furthermore, the project blurs the gap in collaboration between the economic and academic spheres, and builds the society of knowledge on the global level.
Support the development
With the cooperation we building the knowledge of society on a global scale. The project also support the development and transfer the practical knowledge and skills.
Better employability
Together we can shape a common strategy of activities needed for the better employability (specially for young people) and promote the knowledge throughout the world. Please call us on 00386 1 620 32 28, 00386 1 620 32 48, or send email at: info@ambassadorsofknowledge.com 50
AEC 2018
SODELUJOČE FAKULTETE 1. DOBA Fakulteta za uporabne poslovne in družbene študije Maribor DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and Social studies Maribor Prešernova ulica 1, Maribor, Slovenija 2. Fakulteta za organizacijske študije v Novem mestu Faculty of Organisation Studies Novo Mesto Novi trg 5, Novo mesto, Slovenija 3. Fakulteta za dizajn Faculty of design Prevale 20, Trzin, Slovenija 4. Evropska pravna fakulteta European Faculty of Law Delpinova ulica 18/b Nova Gorica, Slovenija 5. Izobraževalni center Memory Business Education Centre Memory Dutovlje 32, Dutovlje, Slovenija 6. Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Faculty of Organizational Sciences Kidričeva cesta 55/a, Kranj, Slovenija 7. Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije School of advanced social studies Gregorčičeva 19, Nova Gorica, Slovenija 8. Visoka šola za proizvodno inženirstvo College of Industrial Engineering Mariborska cesta 2, Celje, Slovenija 9. Fakulteta za državne in evropske študije Graduate School of Government and European Studies Predoslje 39, Kranj, Slovenija 10. Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehologijo Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Smetanova 17, Maribor, Slovenija 11. Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor Koroška cesta 160, Maribor, Slovenija 12. Fakulteta za logistiko Faculty of Logistics Mariborska cesta 7, 3000 Celje, Slovenija 13. Veterinarska fakulteta Veterinary Faculty Gerbičeva ulica 60, Ljubljana, Slovenija
AEC 2018