INSIDE: Visit two of our ERF sites, pp. 3-5 T.E.A.C.H. scholars start the fall semester, p. 6 ERF centers hold a summer Family Fun Day, p. 7 Pre-K Classroom refunded for third year, p. 8
Summer/Fall 2011
Seeing the city through the eyes of young children
his is a great book,” Providence Mayor Angel Taveras told the large crowd at a reception of the National Association for the Education of Young Children Professional Development Institute as he held up a copy of Places to Play. “I urge you to use it to discover our wonderful city.”
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After praising Places to Play at a reception for NAEYC attendees, Providence Mayor Angel Taveras (far right) posed with some of the providers and facilitators who were behind its creation. L-r: Nuris Ynoa, Amy Neveu, Bethany Carpenter, Andrée Howard and Delia CooperHall.
Places to Play: A Guide to the City by our Youngest Citizens was received enthusiastically by the early-care professionals attending the June convention – and by the some 2,000 people who have viewed the publication online. The book was a collaboration of R2LP, Making Learning Visible (a program out of Harvard University) and a peer network of
A guide
to the ci ty by our
“Water plac
e Park is acro ss the and tr street ain stat from th ion. Th e Mall e sun shines near th throug e Stateh h the w ouse hole cit y.”
Providencebased early-care educators to welcome the more than 2,500 NAEYC participants and to increase the visibility of our youngest children. Christia
n, Age 4
Continued on Page 6
R2LP AmeriCorps program is refunded
2LP was thrilled to learn in late May that its 35-member AmeriCorps program has been funded for another three years. Competition for AmeriCorps funds has never been stiffer, according to AmeriCorps Director John Gomperts, who says that this year his department received “more requests for funding than ever before.” R2LP was one of five Rhode Island organizations to receive a grant. R2LP, which has had a large and vibrant AmeriCorps program since 2005, welcomed its seventh team in mid-August. This team includes 16 mem-
Ready to Learn Providence 945 Westminster Street Providence, RI 02903 Tel: 401.490.9960 Fax: 401.490.9959 R2LP is a program of The Providence Plan
Our 2010/2011 team gathers for a group picture at its endof-year celebration in June. 1
Continued on Page 7