ALSO St u dy Tips
Au gu st M in i M ag 2017 Issu e
Dealin g w it h St r ess AND M ORE!
Bac k t o Sc h ool
T h e Au g u s t M ini M ag Welcome to another mini mag! This August mini mag is full of school advice to help you get through the year. In this issue you will read about study tips, advice on getting through a stressful time in school and Jennifer has written a piece on homeschooling as well. Have a great school year!
T he Mini Mag Team Elise L eanne Jennifer Ashley
-The R5 Family Magazine Staff
Copyright @ R5 Family Mag. All rights reserved. All content published with these pages are owned by R5 Family Mag unless otherwise stated, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the editor. All messages sent to R5 Family mag are subject for editing and publishing. R5 Family Mag is non-profit and seeks no monetary gain. R5 Family Mag is run entirely by fans and is not endorsed or sponsored by R5 or related names and entities in any way.
T abl e of Cont e nt s 4. How t o deal w it h st r ess an d an xiet y 6. St u dy Tips 8. How t o spice u p h om esch oolin g 9. Th at 's It !
Ho w t o d ea l wit h s t r es s a n d a n xiet y d u r in g t h e s c h o o l yea r By Lean n e Though we are all different, we all experience stress or anxiety in one way or another during the duration of the school year. Here are some ways that R5 can help you get through your school year with the least amount of stress and anxiety possible? 1. Create a playlist -This is a very customizable tool because we all have different sounds and voices that calm us down, listen to different R5 songs to get a feel to what might calm you down. -Once you have those songs, download them from Google Play or iTunes and create a playlist on your phone consisting of those songs! Don?t forget your earbuds! -If you can?t afford to purchase the songs, you can create a playlist on YouTube instead 2. Carry around a picture of the band on your notebook or keep one in your locker -Sometimes just seeing a smiling or familiar face or a picture of somebody that makes you happy can help calm you down and make you smile! -pick your favorite picture of R5 and print it out. Tape it on your notebook or use a magnet to hang it in your locker. 3. Use your clothing to express your love for R5! -this is similar to carrying around a picture of the band except it?s on your shirt! -this may spark a conversation about R5, which can lead to new friends -if you wear uniforms at your school, sport the signature R5 guitar pick necklace
4. Take time for yourself -set aside alone time to watch concert videos or Rydel?s YouTube channel or listen to R5?s music -this will give you time to think and keep your mental health in check by eliminating stress and avoiding stressful situations
5. Make memories or think back on old ones -smiling can get you through anxiety and stressful situations so think back on your R5 memories that make you smile -if you don?t have R5 memories, create some! Purchase tickets to an upcoming show or go on a roadtrip with an R5 playlist
St u d y t ip s
By Ash ley Fir st page ph ot os by Ash ley
With school sadly approaching, it?s time to start preparing for the long year ahead of you! Whether you are in middle school, high school, or college, I hope these tips will help you make good grades this year! 1. Stay organized. This is the best tip I can tell you. In some classes, you may be given tons of papers to keep track of, and you don?t want to lose any of it! I suggest either using a binder, or a folder and notebook, to stay organized as much as you can. If you are in high school and taking AP classes, it is pretty much guaranteed you will receive lots of papers so as long as you stay organized, you will be able to find your papers and keep your grades where they should be.
2. Study in short sessions. It has been proven that it is much better to take breaks every 30-60 minutes than to study for 3 hours straight. It will keep your energy up and you won?t get tired as easily with the short breaks. One way to accomplish this is to use a Pomodoro timer. You can find one in the app store or on your computer for free.
3. Notecards are your best friend. I like to use notecards in two different ways: with actual cards and using quizlet. I used quizlet so much during my junior year because it is so useful. You can find flashcards for the subject you are studying, or you can make your own! I personally liked to use quizlet to learn my vocabulary words that I was assigned every other week. I used almost every function it has to learn the words and it was so helpful! Of course, you also can?t go wrong with traditional flashcards. Make it fun by using colored pencils or markers!
4. If you are trying to memorize something, don?t just memorize it once and call it done. Make sure you quiz yourself at least five times successfully (over the course of a few hours) to be sure that you have successfully memorized it.
5. Do not cram for tests. Instead, start studying a few days in advance and study for a little each day rather than all at once. It can be easy to get overwhelmed if you save all of your studying for the night before. It also helps to read your notes or review right before you go to bed a few times and then go straight to sleep. Studies have shown that this helps you remember the material the next day.
Hav e a g r e at and t r y t o not h om e w or k and t be j u s t
s c h ool ye ar s t r e s s abou t e s t s . You w il l f ine !
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