Decem ber M in i M ag 2017 Issu e
ALSO DIY Ch r ist m as Or n am en t s Gif t Ideas AND M ORE!
H oliday C heer
WELCOME BACK Happy Holidays! Families are gathering around the Christmas tree and cousins are playing with a dreidel near the fireplace. With all of the hustle and bustle of the season, we have Christmas and Hannukah stories that will help you unwind. -Holiday Holidays from The R5 Family Magazine Staff
M in i M agazin e St af f Elise Lean n e Len n on Ash ley
Copyright @ R5 Family Mag. All rights reserved. All content published with these pages are owned by R5 Family Mag unless otherwise stated, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the editor. All messages sent to R5 Family mag are subject for editing and publishing. R5 Family Mag is non-profit and seeks no monetary gain. R5 Family Mag is run entirely by fans and is not endorsed or sponsored by R5 or related names and entities in any way.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 4. DIY Ch r ist m as Or n am en t s
6. Wh at does t h e R5 Fam ily w an t f or Ch r ist m as? 8. Gif t Ideas 9. Ross Post er 10. DIY Dr eidel 11. Th at 's It
DIY Chr ist mas Or nament s
By Elise
DIY Sliced Wood Ch r ist m as Or n am en t s Su pplies Needed: 3/4 inch thick sliced wood about 3-4 inches in diameter small screw in eye hooks (from hardware store) holiday colored ribbon or twine craft acrylic paint of various colors small craft paintbrush small holiday themed or monogram stencils if desired (I used the M ar t h a St ew ar t br an d)
Dir ect ion s: To make these chalkboard inspired ornaments above, first paint two coats of black paint or chalkboard paint on one side of the wood and let dry. Then use white paint and stencil a holiday related image or monogram letter.
To make the Santa ornaments pictured above, first paint the top 1/3 of the wood slice in red and the bottom 1/3 in white. It?s best to use two coats of paint and let dry in between coats. Add a small red craft pom using glue for Santa?s nose or a red dot of paint.
To create this snowman pictured above, first paint entire side of ornament white and let dry. Then use a pencil eraser tip to stamp on circles with black paint for eyes and mouth. Use orange paint for the nose and pink or flesh colored paint for cheeks.
DIY R5 Dr eidel
By Ash ley
Step 1: Print out a standard dreidel template. Step 2: Decorate the dreidel however you would like. To make it R5 inspired, make each face of the dreidel a different design and color. Step 3: Cut around the solid lines, making sure you only cut the lines around the edges of the design. Make sure to not cut the extra tabs off as you will need them later. Step 4: Fold the tabs in and secure them with glue. Step 5: Poke a straw or pencil through the hole and you are ready to use your dreidel!
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