R5 Family Magazine December 2016 Issue

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ALSO Holiday St or ies Sayin g Goodbye

December 2016 Issue

t o 2016 An d M u ch M or e!


By Lean n e

Rydel's YouTube Column By Ash ley On September 21, 2016, our very own Rydel Lynch created her own YouTube channel! Over the past few months, she has already come out with 14 videos. On her channel, she is showcasing how to make delicious treats and how to do a variety of beauty related things. She decided to make her channel because so many viewers had been requesting she did so and wanted to know how to get her makeup/ hair looks. She posts videos every Tuesday and has been keeping up with her schedule ever since! Her first video, ?Masquerade Makeup Tutorial? showed us how to get her makeup look for her Masquerade Themed Tea Party that was held in Los Angeles, CA. This video, full of laughs and useful tips, was outstanding for her first one! When I watched it for the first time, I was really happy that she was doing something without the guys and that the video showed Rydel for who she is. Next, she posted a vlog from her Southern Belle Tea Party in San Diego, CA in which her dad flew her to the tea party! She hadn?t ?gone flying with [her] dad in a while so this was extra special? for her. In this video, you get to see what a tea party is like and the journey of how Rydel got to the party. Since her first few videos, she has

shown us how to make her White Chocolate Oreo Milkshakes, Unicorn Bark, Peanut Butter Eyeballs, Pumpkin Rolls, and Snowman Treats. She has also given us a few more tutorials, including how to do Unicorn Makeup and how to get her curls, and done a few challenges, such as the Yoga Challenge with Sophy Laufer. One recipe that is good all year is her White Chocolate Oreo Milkshakes (which are delicious by the way!). So I?m going to include the full recipe on this page just so you can all try it! Though this isn?t an exact recipe, baking isn?t an exact science, so don?t worry about it being perfect, because it will turn out great! First you need to gather your ingredients: golden oreos, homemade vanilla ice cream, whole milk, measuring cups, straws, cups and a spoon. You will start with the ice cream and get 3 big scoops of ice cream and put it into a blender. Then get about 6 oreos and put them in a cup with a ½ cup of milk poured over the cookies. Let the cookies soak in the milk for about 20 seconds then put it into the blender and blend it. And then pour it into the cup and you are finished! It?s super easy and it tastes really good. With each week, brings a new video that the R5 Family instantly loves. We will be looking forward to what is to come from Rydel?s channel!

By Elise



Ross Lynch

Laura Marano


Sagit t arius

You t ravel a l ot , meet various peopl e, and receive/ give a l ot of inf ormat ion. This may cause a disrupt ion in your l if e t his mont h.

You may be a bit irrit abl e and l ack pat ience t his mont h, and t his may expose you t o a risk of accident s or conf l ict s. Try t o remain posit ive t hrough t his t ime.

Sabrina Carpent er

Cal um Wort hy



This wil l be a happy mont h f or you. Somet hing wil l f ul f il l your expect at ions and bring you event s t hat wil l make you happy.

For you, December is f ul l of passion. Be sure t o do what you l ove and remain happy and posit ive t hroughout t his t ime.

Ryl and Lynch

Cameron Dal l as



This mont h brings a t ime of great emot ions. Somet hing quit e signif icant wil l be coming t o your school / work l if e t hat wil l hel p you make progress.

This is a very act ive and busy mont h f or you. It may be t ime t o make a serious decision which coul d al t er your l if e.

Zac Ef ron Libra

Rocky Lynch Scorpio

This is an excel l ent mont h f or promot ing your t al ent s or image. You wil l al so excel in communicat ion t his mont h because it is a f avorabl e t ime f or writ ing and speaking t o ot hers.

This mont h may bring some nervous t ension which coul d l ead you t oward agit at ion and st ress. If possibl e, avoid t his as much as you can.


Mackenzie Ziegl er

Simond Bil es



You shoul d not be get t ing t oo worried about t he f ut ure. Focus on what is import ant t oday, rat her t han what needs t o go right in t he f ut ure.

This might not be t he happiest mont h f or you. Try t o remain cal m and not be impul sive on your decisions t hat coul d al t er your l if e.

Rydel Lynch

Ariana Grande



Achievement s t his mont h wil l depend on how you int eract wit h peopl e. Be sure not t o be harsh t oward anyone in an ef f ort t o achieve what you hope t o.

This mont h seems t o be very compl icat ed f or you. You may encount er some issues in communicat ion, changes of mind, et c, but you must remain posit ive.


By Lean n e

All photos from this issue are from R5's personal Instagram accounts along with the other celebrities mentioned i in this magazine as well. We are giving credit to their accounts.

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