ALSO Celebr at in g New Year 's Eve Ross' Con t r over sial Ph ot o
Jan u ar y 2017 Issu e An d m u ch m or e!
NEW YEAR EDITION Photo from @rydelr5 on Instagram
WELCOME BACK It's 2017! Welcome back to another issue of the R5 Family Magazine. It's the new year, so that means new stories to read! In this new issue, you can read about Ross' controversial photo along with photos that display what R5 did on New Year's Eve. Instead of just sitting around hoping the year would just end, open this new magazine instead and let time pass you by. -R5 Family Magazine
Founder Tamara Editor-in-Chief Elise Executive Editor Lennon Copy Editor Ashley Associate Editor Leanne Columnists Jennif er & Lucy
Copyright @ R5 Family Mag. All rights reserved. All content published with these pages are owned by R5 Family Mag unless otherwise stated, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the editor. All messages sent to R5 Family mag are subject for editing and publishing. R5 Family Mag is non-profit and seeks no monetary gain. R5 Family Mag is run entirely by fans and is not endorsed or sponsored by R5 or related names and entities in any way.
Tableof Contents 4. Ross' Bir t h day Ph ot o Essay 6. Hor oscopes 9. Rylan d Post er 10. New Year Gear 14. Rydel's You Tu be Colu m n 16. Ross' Con t r over sial Ph ot o 18. Rydel & St or m ie Post er 19. R5 Fam ily Recipes: New Year s 22. R5 Rin gs in t h e New Year 23. Jan u ar y St af f Bir t h days 24. R5 Post er 25. Th at 's It ! 26. Back Cover
Zoe Su gg: Ar ies This month, you will begin to gain a clearer picture around your most important goals. Do what you can to avoid aggravation during this time.
Selen a Gom ez: Can cer This month will be very pivotal for you. If you have been at a stalemate over an important issue, this is the time you should attempt to reach a resolution.
Lu cy Hale: Gem in i If you?ve been waiting to hear news about something, you should be expecting that news to come. This month will bring many positive things for you.
Zen daya: Vir go Although you may not feel your best this month, you should try to make the most of your time. This could lead to a positive impact on your life.
Peyt on M eyer : Sagit t ar iu s You may notice that there is more peace and contentment throughout your life. You may also receive unwanted news.
An sel Elgor t : Pisces There may be arguments that occur this month that may give you a negative attitude. Be sure to remain positive and not ruin and great relationships.
Collin s Key: Tau r u s Expect to gain some progress and a project that may have been stalled recently. You also might need to prepare yourself for the possibility of secret information appearing in your life.
Ross Lyn ch : Capr icor n Unfortunately, your family life isn?t likely to become peaceful anytime soon. On the good side, there?s great promise for your financial life.
Row an Blan ch ar d: Libr a This month you can anticipate much more smiling and fun. You will also find it easier to collaborate with fellow students or colleagues.
Rydel Lyn ch : Leo If you start to feel overwhelmed this month, you should try not to stress out too much. You should also try to spend some extra time alone.
Kat y Per r y: Scor pio Even though it?ll be an especially fulfilling month for you, it appears you might have a difficult situation coming up. Try to remain happy through this time.
Ellen DeGen er es: Aqu ar iu s You should be looking forward to your life during these next few months. You should be feeling more confident about sharing your talents.
Rydel'sYouTubeColumn:January By Ash ley Rydel has been doing so great with her YouTube channel that is already 4 months old. She has almost 30,000 subscribers and has posted 21 videos. Here is a look into her most recent uploads! In her Gold Smoky Eye Makeup Tutorial, Rydel shows you have to get her New Year?s Eve makeup that she wore while she was in Las Vegas.
Next, she posted the Baby Food Challenge that she did with her cousin Gil. In this challenge, you are supposed to eat baby food and guess what flavor it is.
After that, she posted a vlog from her Tea Parties in South America. In it, you see her lose both of her suitcases and visit Peru, Argentina, and Sao Paulo.
At her Sao Paolo Tea Party, everyone there begged her to film the Mannequin Challenge with them. So she posted the challenge along with her vlog from the trip.
Her most recent video, titled ?8 Year Old?s Give Me a Makeover?, in which she had her ?two favorite twins? give her a hair and makeup makeover. And the twins are the younger sisters of R5?s former opening act: Brandon & Savannah! One did her hair and the other got to do her makeup.
We are all very excited to see what is to come from Rydel?s YouTube channel. Let us know what you think Rydel should post next!
Su bscr ibe t o Rydel's Ch an n el Her e!
All photos from @rydelr5, @officialr5 and @rockyr5 on Instagram
Photo from stormielynchr5 on Instagram